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File: 1709846972840.png (138.53 KB, 283x351, 283:351, Tomb_Raider_II.png) ImgOps Google

I love the Tomb Raider series and Tomb Raider 2 is my favorite. However has anyone just stopped to think that plot just makes no sense?

I mean the Tomb Raider series has never made any sense but let me try and sum up the plot of Tomb Raider 2

So like a thousand years ago the Chinese were at war with a bunch of Tibetan monks

And in order to win the Chinese pull out their secret weapon which is a magical dagger which can.. Turn people into dragons? And so they use this to turn their leader into a giant dragon which kills all the tibetan monks and wins the war for them

Fast forward to modern day (well the 90s) and it turns out that the Itallian Mafia (???) have found out about this dagger and want to find a way to track it down so they can.. Turn their mafia leader into a dragon?

How exactly is turning into a dragon going to help out the Itallian mafia?

But don't worry beacause Lara Croft has heard about this and wants to track down the dagger beacause it would look good hanging above her fireplace or something
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It's always bothered me that the movie's German scientists just opened up the Ark immediately when they found the object given that the whole centerpiece of the mythology related to the treasure is "everybody who looks inside dies".

Imagine if France had a legend of a cursed champagne bottle that supposedly contained the world's nastiest acid, say, and an English scientist broke into the museum holding it before popping the cork and drinking every drop.

Or, to pick something more topical, a bunch of American tourists taking selfies literally right inside of the remains of the Chernobyl reactor.



To be fair that's kind of the point. The Nazis being recorruing enemies in the Indinia Jones series always has them painted at idiots

Like Indy accidently giving Hitler the location of the Holy Grail and Hitler thinks he wants him to sign it


Oh, yes, I can see that.


Find yourself chasin' snakes around with not a friend in sight to share a pint with?

Then come on in you legend! have a craic on this St. Paddy's Day with the /pony/ faithful!

we got enough Guiness and corn beef and cabbage for everyone!

And if you find a leprechaun, then we'll count your tab!
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I think she's kinda ill at the moment but it's nothing serious. My mother brought her cake yesterday.

Yeah I don't get it. Too many people these days are deficient in basic empathy.

According to a copypasta I just remembered, for you to be born you needed a sum of 4,094 ancestors over the last 400 years.

Clearly I am honouring my ancestors by sitting in my bedroom being depressed about Gender.


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aww, i hope she gets well soon :((

and i think that's mostly just an illusion. the extremes of humanity are much more clickbaity worthy, so we get flooded with examples of humanity at it's worst alot. when in reality the vast majority of people are just normal folk goin about their lives, expressing some kindness, some selfishness, but ultimately more pro good than bad. but that doesn't get the viewership , so you aren't as exposed to it

i'd wager most people would be like you and me, see different cultures and all sorts of people as being ultimately good, and i wish good for you as i hope you wish good for me too ^_^


Hey, here's another Irish themed song from an Irish band that I love to pieces!

 No.1162475[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays we just sit around and talk. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Yeah, I bet the moaning is pretty good.



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We just got hit with 26 inches of snow! It's freaking everywhere!

I walked outside in it, and it was coming up and over my knees!

If you've been griping about "Aww I didn't get any snow!" Or "I love winter and cold and snow" WELL COME AND TAKE IT!


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I don't see the issue. It looks so romantic.


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i'd be impresssed seeing that guy!

it's very pretty, but being stuck at home, and then digging your car out of the snow kinda kills any wonder i have from it :PP


>I'd be impressed
So would I!


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Who do you think would win a fight?

Mothman or The Flatwoods Monster?

I mean the mothmans probably got that speed, flight and moth powers but like

Flatwoods has levitation and may or may not be wearing some kind of alien robo space suit
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mothman, all d every d


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my money is on the mothman, cause he invokes terror and has government agents covering his existence, so he's got the ground to mess somebody up!


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>Find what seems and sounds like a fun Pokemon romhack
>Check the games guide quickly
>These are the first couple gyms

OH BOY I sure do love CBT
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I think the idea is that it has something for every occasion.

Ordinarily it'd rely on using Toxic on every Pokémon and just waiting for everything to die of that, but Poison types can't get poisoned and are weak to Rock.

...there's actually nothing stopping you from poisoning it back, is there? That could work.


Well, Poison is weak against Ground, but not Rock. Rock can hurt both Fire types and Flying types, so it's good for a bug to have it anyway.

> ...there's actually nothing stopping you from poisoning it back, is there? That could work.
I know that Shuckle does have pretty bad HP, so while it has superb defense, it shouldn't take too long to dispatch.

Then again, I don't do competitive.
I' pretty sure your reference is still super on point.

I mosty wanted an excuse to post the Shuckle Contrary comic.


It's got Rest though...


Have you gone out on a date lately in person? Have you hung out with other LGBT+ people offline? Are you in any relationships right now? What hopes have you for dating in the future?

Let's talk!
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Yes, exactly. The trope is pretty mockable for a reason.

On the plus side, there are certain text-heavy games with a lot of customization (such as 'Lilith's Throne' and 'Trials In Tainted Space') in which you can play as cis-femme or trans-femme adventurers roaming around exotic places who freely express a dominant and even, dare I say, conquering personality type.


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I haven't heard of the former and haven't played the latter, but I did play CoC briefly.

Weird game. Not sure why it was so popular, honestly. Too easy to get a mutation you didn't like. Maybe it was made for radical fetish anarchists who just got off to transformation in general and didn't want any control, who knows.

But the like, freedom in the way you could interact with the game was good. You weren't locked into the usual 'lose and get raped' formula, you could be dominant and play in multiple different ways depending on your mood or preferences.

Hello mods please don't ban me I'm not sure where the line is for talking about sex thank you I love you xoxo.


Freedom. Exactly.


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What is the optimal number of Finlands in our solar system?
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Personally I'd go on a date with her regardless. She's not my sister.


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Yay, many Finlands!


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Spring has sprung.

Billions must feel the sun upon their skin and sniff the pretty flowers.
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File: 1710393914194.png (81.03 KB, 1258x720, 629:360, 3aslum7b7zic1.png) ImgOps Google

catchy song! it just oozes late 90s-early 2000s vibes!

we're supposed to get 24 of snow. i can mail you some if you want

oh i love tom lehrer! that song is a classic <3


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Oh, there's something that I'd like to mention in this chat!

'Haru', which can refer to the springtime period in Japanese, has been a first name for a lot of individuals and has an interesting history!

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haru_(given_name) <

The significance of this can be seen in, for example, how the Haru in Beastars is a gardening expert known for her skills as a botanist, which is exactly in the spirit of loving springtime!



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How regularly do you just give people things both online and in person? Do you go to charity-run buildings and hand in materials at times? Do you click through to contact nonprofits using various websites?

I'm curious if anybody has any learning experiences that would be greatly helpful to post publicly: both to educate me and also to educate the rest of us!

<For example, I've won a $3 gift card for 'Dunkin Donuts' that I'd like to send to somebody, but I've had issues creep up since a)there's not one by me and my family currently and b)the PDF states that it won't work outside of America. That's tangential to me wanting to start this thread, though.>
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ive been gifting friend things and what not. Or helped some random people at gas stations or at stores.

However im not giving churches any money, nor have i ever given money to people that sits down and begging for money.

I have bought stuff from charity auctions or stores ( like humble bundle or groupees.com ( before they got new owners )

Some streamers on twitch ive donated money to as well...

i am no way near a saint, and only supporting people that i A: i either trust
or B: people that i know


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i don't really have enough money to justify giving it to others, which i often feel bad about. if i have some food, i have given food to people before, so i at least do something

i do want to be in a place someday where i can be more generous, but until then, it's very hard to spare something


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I give away quite a bit. Not to my financial ruin, but it's certainly in the realm of thousands of dollars. Helping out friends like recently finishing helping get the money for desktop repair parts, anonymous donations to GoFundMes by local people. I drop a couple hundred bucks on Toys For Tots each year. I donated a similar amount to a fundraiser for getting Ukrainian soldiers body armor and helmets when the wider invasion kicked off.

Just do your due diligence on orgs and most charities make donating pretty simple.


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Sure it looks cool.. But why?

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Aaah I'm looking into this. The company developing Bricktown already has around $200M in funding from the city for a project that looks like the weird xbox thing at the base.

Looking at negotiation reports from last year, it seems like this project already uses up all of the available TIF financing in the district which negotiators from the developer's coalition suggest that this project will completely deplete their funding and will be totally untenable without assistance.

This is probably something you could spend hours pouring into, but suffice to say that looking at past controversies involving this very same project the skyscraper feels more like a smokescreen. A lazy guess on my part is that they want to set up another development somewhere else but they're concerned that all of the news about them is about how they have no money and need tons of government assistance. If you google anything now all the news is about how they're building the biggest skyscraper.

I looked for a few minutes and this was the most thorough source I found.



Lived and Knox and watched it start there once Nashville was oversaturated.

I'm out of the worst but I work hospitality so it follows me.
I'm not really sure where to go at this point.


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Where is Moony? It's been 2 weeks since he posted. I really hope something hasn't happened to him over on his Taiwan trip.
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I miss that island. It's quite beautiful. I shall return someday


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>tight hugs


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It's been taking getting some used to trying to visit an imageboard site daily again. I'm not one who usually is able to stick to schedules at all, so it's still a bit of a chore. Heck I keep forgetting my own tripcode at times.

How do y'all manage to do it still in 2024?
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1. my friends are here!

2. there's stuff you can do on image boards you can't do in other venues

3. it's either this or twitter/reddit, and i much prefer the vibes here <3


>Shit was so much more simple when people didn't have to guess what your emotion and tone was when an image could help without being seen as "spam" due to how imageboards can be laid out.

I'm not sure i follow up. Has something changed abotu imageboards or where people flock or what??


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on pc having four screens, one screen is tilted 90 degrees that´s ONLY for forums, image boards, and comics. ( . CBR format)

it´s a long history with imageboard posting. and this is my second / third home ( have to include work in this )


Do you follow anything put out by vTubers?

What about watching and participating in multi-hour streams?

Or are you not interested at all? I'm curious! Maybe you've no opinion on them?
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aww i love them! sharp teeth are always a plus <3

and this sounds pretty accessable overall! it would be fun to make one and then do art streams or plays some video games ^_^

thank you roxie <3

roxie is our resident vtuber expert!


I wonder how amazing currently avatars have become.

I do feel that most Vtubers I have seen, as good as they look as a cartoon character, their puppets still lack proper expressions.
their characters still sway around as if they're in a trance not really matching up with the emotions presented.


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From what I've seen streaming is a brutal career. The successful indies I've seen all seem very burned out. They don't keep going for these hyper toxic corporations out of ignorance or naivety that's for sure.


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would you rather it be freezing cold outside forever or burning hot forever?
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Ah. Yeah, in that case I can see why you're sick of the cold. English weather is miserable but I don't think it's gone below -9 Celsius (like 16 Fahrenheit) in my lifetime.

Also collapsing the environment for personal gain is based. Just as long as it's actual tangible personal gain and not like, making an incomprehensibly high number go up slightly more.


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Hell yeah!


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Because we never have it.

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