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We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays we just sit around and talk. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

Your can find the program source code on github:
409 posts and 333 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


There's a bunch of old farts here, I'm sure they don't know any memes. I mean, I'm close to 50, I shouldn't know any!

Like a carousel with reindeer or something?

I wonder how the decisions in the second part would be followed up in part three. Kris has been hiding under Noelle's bed for years now.


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you must have chipped a few memes of heiroglyphics in a cave wall somewhere, you got this!

there are a couple, one i have run, the other i haven't run. while it's mostly randomized, i typically get the rollercoaster or the zipline when i work there

probably should go check if they are still alive down there O.O


My favorite old meme is "Who cares what Frankie says?". It was even in a FiM comic once.

On, a zipline. I hope you hook those people up properly.

I think it's funny that a human is hiding under a monster's bed.


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relax, don't do it :P

don't worry, it literally won't run if it isn't hooked up properly, so it's idiot proof in that sense :P. i do like messing with the riders before they go up tho! that's always fun to get them freaked out ^_^

love those little bits of irony there ^_^ be careful of those pesky humans!


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and with that, i bid you a good night

merry christmas!

don't let the humans bite :3


Sleep well now!


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Face down ass up that's the way I like t---



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Just stretching!


It's good to stretch. I should do that more often when I draw, at least.


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Yeah, that's a good idea.


An even better idea if I drew more regularly.


What do you like to draw?


Well, bit of everything. I also have plenty of things I should work on right now.

I was mostly just grumbling about my usual lack of energy and motivation lately.


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I know how it goes. Maybe some coffee would give you an energy boost!


Not a coffee guy, but appareciate the suggestion.


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What are you in the mood for? I think I'll grab a bite and have a beer.


Iunno. I slept in quite a lot today, so energy is low.

An art video of mine is releasing in about 90 minutes, so all I really have on the docket is sharing that around


You made an art video?


I made a new channel entirely for art videos, partly to force myself to draw a bit more original work.

Started in October and have made a total of... er... eight videos since then, counting the one releasing today.

...five of which were released ond ay one.

Cause I kinda suck like that


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You should share it and get three views from Ponyville!


Well the channel's here if you wanna see, at least.



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Thumbs ups incoming.



Appreciated even more if you get time to watch 'em, but hey


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I'm well versed in Holo-Man now.


Ah yes, the most influential comic book hero of the modern  day


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Well, he's not much weirder than many others.


He isn't. Just unfortunate and not thought out.

It was just good fun to do my own take on the same idea. And it seem sfrom the comments a few folks would lik to see more like it


I like your videos, you have a good voice and appearance.


Thanks. I would hope I do, been doing this for years at this point.


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I'm not surprised, you seem very professional.


Nice of you to say  considering my voice and accent are the two major things I end up very self conscious about.

Also, new vid's out


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Nice Pokémon drawings.


I'm pretty happy with Minda in particular.


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Good morning.


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Hey hey, what's new?


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Making ramen, how bout you?


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Working from home, having coffee, going over my mails.

I think I never had ramen.


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oh it's a great cheap food item for late nights

you should give it a shot! it will help with your emails


Ramen helps with my mails? Now that's an interesting way of thinking.


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ramen is a magical substance that can do everything and anything you want!


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That's powerful magic indeed! I just went ahead and had another coffee, hehe.


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that's fair!

i'd have a coffee, but i need to sleep



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Sleep tight!


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Time to arise!


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Just saying hello by phone.
Still on holiday in a little village in Norwich called Mattishall. I don't like posting by phone, (thumbs being big for letters, small screen  etc).

Will be back on Monday so I won't respond until I'm back on my computer at home.


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Hi there, I hope you're enjoying your time! Nice view of the church yard! ;P

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