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 No.1166837[Last 50 Posts]

File: 1713758641409.png (157.78 KB, 820x700, 41:35, ts20.png) ImgOps Google

We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays we just sit around and talk. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

Your can find the program source code on github:


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Good morning!


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Good morning, how are you?


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Just a bit sleepy and reading a book. Not much going on at the moment.


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Another one of your technical books?

I should start work but I don't feel like it yet.


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Hell yeah, dude.

Gotta make that money my man. You should get going.


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Computer related?

I think I'll be having some coffee first.


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Maybe, maybe not!

Enjoy your bitter satanic juice!
Shit, I might want some now...


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It's not a satanic juice, it's sent from heavens!


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You wouldn't know heaven until it hit you in the face.


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I see a blank flank!


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Oh hush now.
I ain't not posted no blank flank.


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I was pretty sure there was one next to the chicken!


I'll flank your blank!


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For Luna's sake those are still children


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Hi there, you playing Fallout yet?


Which is why they shouldn't have marks on their flank yet and I intend to blank them!

Too bad, already blanked it


I was looking forward to Fallout: London but because of Fo:4's upcoming update https://steamcommunity.com/app/377160/ the Folon team says this update will pretty much break Fo:Lon and thus they have to stall the release of the DLC-size mod once again.

SO currently not playing Fo:4.


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I won't forget this!

That's a shame. Until when will it be delayed?


I dunno. Fo:L is not an official Bethesda DLC, it's entirely a fan made mod. From what I understand, Bethesda at least acknowledge Fo:L, but that's about it. They didn't feel obligated to tell Team Folon in advance or collaboratethe updates around them. I mean, I understand why Bethesda would want to keep their distance from Team Folon so not to confuse the mod as an official or licenced DLC, but because of this lack of communication between the two means Fo:4 update will break most of Fo:L.

Team Folon are working on the new fixes, but unlike Bethesda where everyone is paid to work on Fallout content, Team Folon is entirely voluntary and worked upon when Folon developers are available. For all we know it might take a few months, might be next year or the year after.

I understand the complexity that Bethesda can't simply "buy" or endorse Fo:London from Team Folon and make it into an official DLC, nor would it be simply for them to say "Yeah, this is canon.", but I wish Bethesda at least made more effort to reach out to Team Folon.

Also... turns out the delay made the BBC news!


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Ah well, I'm busy playing Baldur's Gate anyway.


Sometimes, I wish there was a video game that is:
• As big as a Minecraft map.
• A VR game on par with Swords and Sorcery in physics and controls.
• An advance AI that serves as a GM, allowing me to have meaningful conversations and interactions with NPCs all the while following a quest my own way.

I've seen Skyrim VR mods that allow you to hold verbal conversations with characters. Granted, it uses ChatGPT and I don't know how to install it or if it cost money, I just think we're close to more fully-immerse gaming... but still no game where I can live out my fantasy as a forest barbarian or generic adventurer.


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Yay! High class ponies.
At the same time, I feel like I want them to fall off a cliff.


Well, it's St. George's Day now. Would have been the release date of Fallout London.


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Eheh, I didn't know that...
I don't keep tabs much on religion..

Anyways, I've tried out some TF2. Works pretty good on Manjaro. I had some issues before, but now it's seamless.


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Heya, I've been trying some TF2 lately. Works pretty good! But I've recently played cod ghosts to feel nostalgic. I'm also a bit hyped to try some new socks soon. They'll be here by wednesday.


File: 1713845972428.jpg (47.43 KB, 937x558, 937:558, ts22.JPG) ImgOps Exif Google

Hello there; good thing that TF2 is still around. I loved playing it like ten years ago.

You're the only one I have ever seen talking excitedly about new socks!


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I never tried ruffle turn-cuff ankle socks before, so I'm excited to try them soon. Heard they were quite comfortable.


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Really? The pics I see make them look like they would slip down when you walk... but maybe they don't.


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I mean, that could happen... but I suppose it'll be fine. Now if we're talking about doing sports, now that would be a concern.


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Well, sometimes you have to accept style before comfort. I hope you'll enjoy the socks!


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Aaaye! Not bad. A good coffee substitute.


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That looks more like a medicine!


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I'll stick with the medicinal tasting blueberry lemonade beverage instead of the satanic juice, thank you very much!


Well, I rather drink the satanic juice!


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By all means, please do.


Speaking of

Does writing my first RPG One-shot recently count as a story in here, or...?


File: 1713963767346.png (159.19 KB, 273x699, 91:233, pkmn_trainer_OC.png) ImgOps Google

A Pokémon question.

How often do you use "é" (e-acute) when writing the word Pokémon?

Also, do you use lower-case "p" when referring to pokémon as creatures and not as a franchise?


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I use it all the time, cause it's a standard key on the German keyboard. Also, never lower key.


But you don't refer to Animals with a captial A now, do you?


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Of course, in German all the time, as with all nouns. =P


Oh, I didn't know that.


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Just shows how differnt languages are.


I guess so. Especially when it comes to licenced words.


Those are written in capitals in many languages I guess.


Yeah.. but it always looks a bit odd to me when refering to pokémon, as a species, with capital P.

I get it why it's used when refering to it as a franchise. Such as the Pokémon games or Pokémon anime. And I get why pokémon names are often capitalized given trainers often just call them by their species. Such as Pikachu or Eevee. Just using a capital P to refer to pokémon as creatures seems a bit odd to me.


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Well, they aren't animals. They are special.


They kinda are animals... in a way. We dunno if the world of Pokémon is inhabited by beings other than human and pokémon. So far all that comes to mine are Pokérus, and they're described as tiny red bugs than a celluar organism.


Definitely are, there was a normal dog in a pic once.


That picture might be outdated though.


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In den zahlreichen Pokémon-Videospielversionen ist die sorgfältige Auswahl und Entwicklung der Kampffertigkeiten der Taschenmonster für den Sieg in den herausfordernden Meisterschaftskämpfen unerlässlich.
t. ChatGPT


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Taschenmonster = pocket monster = Pokémon.


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Hmm, I wonder why ChatGPT wrote it that way... Maybe because I told it to use long words.

Waren Sie schon einmal in Finnland?
Gibt es in Ihrer Küche Samenöle?


Early Pokémon has its share of real-world references and such. I am pretty sure from like, Gen 3 and forward, you are supposed to see it as entirely its own world with Pokémon being their animals.

Especially since you can find restaurants that cook Pokémon stuff in some games.


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I really don't know. =)

No, I've never been to Finland; and yes, we use seed oils. Especially pumpkin seed oil is very popular. I'm not fond of the taste though.


Another thing I never liked about pokémon... though I mostly blame the anime than the franchise, is the decision to make pokémon sound their own names. Maybe it was to help young audience get to know the pokémon more well? I dunno. I just figured they'd be better off with more natural noises.


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I think it was thes right choice, it makes them sound adorable and more expressive.

With real animal sounds they'd just sound stupid or boring, like in the games.


Yeah but what if Pikachu made cute mousey squeaky noises?"


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Nah, it wouldn't be able to talk that way.


Pikachu already can't talk.
Just says "pikachu".


Put a detective hat on it and see what happens


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He can express everything with just "Pi", "ka", and "chu", and the way he says those things and puts them together, from an excited "pi-pi-pi!" to a sadly whimpered "chu".


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Seed oils are probably unhealthy, especially when used for frying.


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Here there was a lot of talk a few years back that coconut oil is "pure poison".


Pure poison is probably exaggerated

but if you really get worried about seed oil then you really better stick to olive oil.

This recent trend with people promoting animal fats and coconut oil isn't actually CDC approved and more of a story health influencers are pushing lately.


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Proper usage should be:
Always use é.
If you are talking about Pokémon in real life, you must use capital. If you are talking about Pokémon species in-universe, you use lowercase. For people in the Pokémon world, it is spelled as "pokémon".


It does sound right to use lower-case p when referring to pokémon as a species.

And yes, it's suppose to have that é. It's pronounce poke-eh-mon not poke-eee-mon.


Pocket monsters


Monsters in my Pocket.



I haven't been using that euphemism yet.


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File: 1714007732215.jpg (2.8 MB, 3060x3206, 1530:1603, 20240424_161135.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Oh yeah, um. Turns out these socks work like a charm. They never slip either.


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Ah, looking good!


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I'm just curious to see how durable they are. They're much more comfortable than my previous socks.


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Hopefully they are a durable. My socks are often worn quickly at the heels.


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Holy shit the Diamond Tiara thread is fucking real.

Unfortunately I still don't know what I'm good at so I'm not allowed to post.


File: 1714018664807.jpg (1.85 MB, 1000x1374, 500:687, 49857a9a6f5a7ed878dfb53.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

>so I'm not allowed to post
Be careful with cults. You might potentially get your free will taken from you lol

But yeah, it's cool we got a high class pony thread.


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Hi Scoots, how are you? You're good at being yourself!


File: 1714020745197.jpg (230.64 KB, 1000x1535, 200:307, 0073f803c94ab7d8b551a50ebc….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I'm okay. How are you?

Eeehhh I don't think being good at being myself is anything to be proud of. But I guess I'll take that as a compliment.


File: 1714020908305.gif (304.21 KB, 326x394, 163:197, ts17.gif) ImgOps Google

I'm fine, thanks. Having breakfast right now.

You probably just need more confidence in your own abilities.


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File: 1714045414857.png (124.64 KB, 385x383, 385:383, dash71.png) ImgOps Google

Oh, hello there!


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Being up around 4 in the morning would be a daunting endeavor.


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That's when I get up for work!


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Such the early bird you are!
I have a lot more flexibility in my own time as an independent contractor.


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True, you can get up whenever you want that way.


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File: 1714102513064.png (620.8 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 27803.png) ImgOps Google

I'm trying to watch gameplay of cod, bro.


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Cod? Like in Call of Duty?


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That's right! Got bored with TF2.


Switching things up is always a good idea.


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Yeah, especially when it comes to drinking the satanic juice ;)


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You mean the divine juice!


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More like the divine bitter juice to jolt up your morning.
Well, I certainly like my beverages bitter at times.

Hey uh.. it's getting pretty hot, innit? I'm doing good myself with the A/C, but I have concern for my fellow Europeans.


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That's why you use sweetener.

It actually cooled down a lot... we went from 26° C to 10 °C in two days. But in a couple of days we'll go back up to 20° C.


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Ah right, I should fly you over here so you can attempt to dissolve pounds of sugar in my cup of coffee.

Seems you're still good to go. Glad to hear it.


File: 1714105450602.jpg (22.4 KB, 603x409, 603:409, ts21.JPG) ImgOps Exif Google

I prefer artificial sweetener!

Yes, I hope it'll stay that way... but it certainly won't.


File: 1714105798123.jpg (94.8 KB, 531x1000, 531:1000, 182736.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Well, if you insist on artificial sweeteners... try to avoid aspartame and saccharin. The latter can get bitter or metallic in aftertaste, the former being not ideal due to potential ill-health effects.


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It'll be alright!


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Aw shite, gravy in vag.
It's gotta hurt.


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Didn't though! How are you today?


File: 1714153112017.jpg (1.85 MB, 1000x1374, 500:687, 49857a9a6f5a7ed878dfb53.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Doing alright myself.
Got the biggest errand to fulfill today out of this week, but it's pure fun after that.


File: 1714153259272.jpg (47.43 KB, 937x558, 937:558, ts22.JPG) ImgOps Exif Google

What kind of errand is it?


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I wish I could tell you, but I don't want to give the details.


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I had a feeling aspartme is bad news.
What sucks is most fizzy drinks have it these days.


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It's very common in diet soda within America. But there's lots of healthy options too. I even go to the extent of considering microplastics. Aspartame is okay in moderation for the average consumer, but I wouldn't be comfortable putting that in my body. It all boils down to common sense and not having too much of a particular substance.


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Oh and a friend got me dark chocolate with 78% cocoa. Ain't she sweet.


Dark chocolate with 78% cocoa is typically not very sweet.  It has a high cocoa content which means it contains less sugar.  This type of chocolate is often appreciated for its rich, intense, and slightly bitter flavor, rather than sweetness.


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As a Coca-Cola drinker, I notice the Coca-Cola Company have been pushing Coke Zero over Diet and regular Coke. While I know regular Coca-Cola is bad for me, I'd rather have it over the dietary alternates because I know aspartame is in it.

Of course, I cut down on Coca-Cola ever since I started drinking Volvic Touch of Fruit. It's a healthier alternative and I prefer drinking it over tap-water where who knows what the government been putting in our drinking water these days.

Though I prefer regular VToF over sugar-free.


File: 1714173373129.png (53.24 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 230324.png) ImgOps Google

Oh brother.
Am I supposed to avoid bitter flavor all the time or what. Go away. Besides, I do enjoy some bitterness at times under certain circumstances.


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I fancy good ol' sugar most of the time. I rarely drink soda anyways. I love the regular Red Bulls, but I find the sugar-free variant as a putrid beverage.


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Good morning.


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how are you?


File: 1714202727906.png (594.08 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ts7.png) ImgOps Google

All good, about to head out to do grocery shopping. And yourself?


Good mornin'.
>Checks the clock.
Good midday.


File: 1714219037412.jpg (89.5 KB, 777x598, 777:598, dash304.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Were you up all night again?


Yeah. I found a webcomic, and before I knew it, read it through.


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Which was one was that?


I forgot the name.


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File: 1714277832313.jpg (275.32 KB, 1080x1499, 1080:1499, 27466381736362y.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Okay, but stop trashing PCs.


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I just cannot contain my fury sometimes!


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Pft, what a nerd.
Glad I don't do that. Otherwise, I'd be trashing thousand dollar laptops.


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You should make this face when you toss them off the desk.


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I'd probably blackout from conscious awareness before that even happens.

Just enjoying last bits of my chocolate alongside some cod games.


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I'm having coffee myself, and watching some stuff on Youtube. Should be another quiet day.


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Quiet times it seems.


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guess monday night isn't a very busy time online. probably cause they gotta get up for their jobs and stuff :P


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That sounds like excuses!

How are you doing?


File: 1714456277047.jpg (46.67 KB, 500x500, 1:1, avatars-ZKKsNKzBgIVU5bFW-1….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

i admit straight up that i am just lazy, so i don't do excuses

i'm doin good! i decided to draw a picture today cause i just needed to refresh myself, and i was happy with how it came out


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Oh, being lazy, that I can understand.

What did you draw?


File: 1714456840680.png (628.32 KB, 841x765, 841:765, loona stretchy.png) ImgOps Google

i think people just need to be honest with their laziness. we understand on a fundamental level that sort of of apathy and low energy response

well i can't show you the whole thing here, as it it NSFW

but here's a chunk of it that still works as a reaction

>pic related


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That pictuer perfectly encapsules laziness and apathy!


So how does this thread work, anyway? I never looked into it because of the name - it always suggested it's a thing for writers, which I'm not. But that doesn't seem right?


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so lazy in fact that she can't keep her shirt on straight, nor does she have any pants

write us a haiku, and we'll determine your standing


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It was always just a bunch of people talking and having fun.

But, in the first two years of the thread, we did indeed write a couple of stories, the first two even got featured on Equestria Daily. But that was ten years ago.

Sounds like me when I'm lazy.



Question in the air
Flies around like errant leaf
How does this place work?


I see. So it's a chat serial with a grandfathered-in name? Though getting onto EqD, neat. I mostly stuck around HAY at the time so I don't actually know that much about what went on in other places.


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An ancient serieal thread which started out in 2011. There was not a day without it since then.

I really ventured out of the Story Thread myself.



I don't remember when HAY started exactly but that's mostly because the year numbers kind of blur together, but it was something like a month after the OG ponychan got wrecked by the combined efforts of 000webhost being awful and a 4chan raid. It was also aaaaaancient. It made the jump to pville but it's gone now.

Ah well, happens. For something fun, I offer the following link to a high effort piece of internet nonsense: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Je0ksgGSSf8


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I don't think there are that many pony related sites left now.



Not surprising since the show's been over for a while and what came after was way different. This iteration of the pony thing really was a special moment in time. Anyway, it was not my intention to drop by the thread and be depressing, heh. I just wanted to know how it worked so that maybe I could occasionally e-hangout in it.


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Yeah, it's been five years since the original shows ended, and even then the popularity was already waning.

Just chatting, that's what it's all about. Of course, you could continue the last story we started like ten years ago.



Well, like I said, I don't really think myself a writer. But chatting I can do. As well as dropping into places with non sequitur nonsense.

Like so!


File: 1714459279670.png (66.89 KB, 230x266, 115:133, ts18.png) ImgOps Google

That looks like some very hot, artifical ramen.



Of a pretty famous brand, and in the form of a jar of baby food, yes. Shopped together for a laugh!

.......................I hope, now that I think about it I have never actually verified the source of this image.


Never heard of it, maybe it's not being sold here.



Really? Huh, I thought it was available worldwide, though perhaps only in speciality shops with Asian/Korean stuff. I've recently done some testing of good quality ramen - instant ramens started off as Real Proper Food, believe it or not, so I wanted to see for myself what that can be like and have been going through some Korean and Japanese ones. The Korean palate though is one of those infamous for their spice tolerance, so I didn't yet dare try something they'd actually consider Extra Hot. "Gourmet Spicy" by Nongshim, while otherwise very good, is already at a "this is a bit much" level for me.


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I've never had ramen before honestly. I prefer Italian pasta when it come sto noodles.

I wonder how hot "extra hot" is compared to what I'm used to.



Well, if you ever feel like trying some, you could do worse than what Nongshim makes (I would recommend trying that before going for Buldak even if you're curious). You know it's the good stuff when it tells you to actually cook, rather than just going "ok so pour hot water in there and wait 3 minutes".

I don't think I ever heard of an Italian pasta soup, actually.


File: 1714461468157.png (213.3 KB, 590x620, 59:62, dash374.png) ImgOps Google

I'll keep that in mind.

For soup we have very thin, small noodles. The regular Italian style wouldn't be fitting for it.



Yeah we do that here too. There's special noodles which traditionally go into chicken soup, very short and thin, the style being called "threads": https://magiaprzypraw.pl/pol_pl_Makaron-tradycyjny-kujawski-nitka-400g-5358_2.jpg

I actually looked it up and it turns out there's indeed Italian Pasta Soups out there. They look pretty good, too: https://www.justalittlebitofbacon.com/pasta-e-fagioli-italian-pasta-bean-soup/

While looking around I saw that these soups generally use small pieces of pasta instead of tubes like here. As it happens I have a bunch of orzo, which would fit that bill - it's essentially like rice but pasta. I'll have to think if maybe I could turn that into soup some time this week.

Anyway, stuff to do, so gotta drop for now. I might drop in again some time in the future though


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Yeah, that's the ones.

Have a good one! I'll be playing some Baldur's Gate.


File: 1714478535763.jpg (47.43 KB, 937x558, 937:558, ts22.JPG) ImgOps Exif Google

Oh, there's actually still a HAY thread at the new Ponychan.co! So that serial thread survived, too.



Oh yeah? Us moving the thread from ponychan to pville was a Whole Thing a few years back. I had a look and I don't think it's a continuation of the old serial, actually. My quick look suggests they just independently figured "How Are You" is a good name for a general chat thread.



Aaaand I got to the point where it's explicitly said it was intended as a continuation. I wasn't aware it existed, so I thought it was just dead. Ah well, my mistake. Neat.


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I posted in the new "Hay" thread and didn't even realized it.



Hah, yeah, I've seen. Well, it's nice that it's plodding along in some form, somewhere out there. Random fun fact, the truly OG name of the thread was actually "How is everypony feeling today?" (I actually recovered the second ever HAY thread some/many years back and I still have it in my old pony folder). It's a good thing it quickly settled on the one with the neat acronym instead.

Anyway, I never did make that orzo soup, but it's pasta. There's still time. Lots of it. I just spent my cooking energy on pickling tomatoes instead.


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Looks like death caught him in the end.

Reminds me of the story of the soldier who caught death.


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Almost the new month. I'm looking forward towards May.


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Good morning.

You made pickeld tomatoes? How did they turn out?


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Good morning little brats.


File: 1714536497193.gif (146.6 KB, 480x270, 16:9, ts19.gif) ImgOps Google

How are you this evening?


File: 1714536639982.jpg (111.67 KB, 600x847, 600:847, I_see_everything.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Just fine. Enjoyed some games earlier on. I developed an interest in gpu rigs, so I was looking at rx 6600m gpus all over different sites.


File: 1714536904350.jpg (89.5 KB, 777x598, 777:598, dash304.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I'm having my early morning coffee.

Is that the kind of thing you mine crypto currency with?


File: 1714537176059.jpg (94.8 KB, 531x1000, 531:1000, 182736.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

It's used for all kinds of shit.
A skilled pen tester would appreciate having a powerful rig.
But yeah, one would mine cryptocurrency. Or at the very least, it would serve as a makeshift heater in the winter while mining. I'm interested in other applications that use many gpus.


File: 1714537656081.png (77.06 KB, 284x359, 284:359, ts6.png) ImgOps Google

And what would you use such a rig for if you had one?


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It would potentially brute force encryption a whole lot easier.


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You gotta save up for next Christmas, maybe you'll find a rig in your stockings!


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>You gotta save up for next Christmas
No, I gotta invest more, dork.
I think only the real fun can be had if I live off the interest and never touch the principal.


File: 1714538769343.png (46.46 KB, 185x197, 185:197, dash125.png) ImgOps Google

When will you have invested enough?


File: 1714538954026.jpg (322.74 KB, 1053x1920, 351:640, 1d9adabbbb3bd073c58a9023e4….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I don't know. I could be done next year or maybe in 20 years. Who knows.


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I hope your investements will always perform well!


File: 1714539550990.jpg (92.74 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, 747859feaeedf1aacb0a213037….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Not much hope is needed with a good index fund here. It's the individual stocks you'd hope good outcomes occur. Or if you're one of those doomer types, you can always buy gold and silver if you think anarchy is around the corner.


File: 1714540023310.png (157.78 KB, 820x700, 41:35, ts20.png) ImgOps Google

I think in that case you better have some canned goods instead of gold, heh.


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You're probably thinking of a full-scale nuclear war. In that case, I'd most likely commit sudoku. I figured there'd be some semblance of government in this world that values gold or silver. And I rely on a structured society to get my estrogen. But an annihilated world with few survivors is the worst outcome for me.


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That will hopefully never happen.


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Vibrantly colorful! Flavour-wise, no idea. They need at least 48h before they're good to try. I got inspired by the pickled tomatoes I bought at a Ukrainian shop recently and they were quite good, so I have some hopes here. Theirs were much bigger, but I figured filling up the jar exactly would be easier with cherry tomatoes (or whatever this variety is called in English). They're looking Pretty Good.


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Look interesting. I'm not much of a tomato or pickles fan, so I think I'd pass. I like small pickled gurkins though.



I don't really eat many pickled things either (though a gherkin does go well with some things), and I never actually had pickled tomatoes before I got these Ukrainian ones very recently and was surprised by how good they were: https://ukrainskismak.pl/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/xpomidory_z_chasnykom.jpg.pagespeed.ic.P0gZWqGRMy.webp . Surprisingly firm, a bit sweet, a bit spicy (it's not just garlic in the brine but also chilli), and nicely flavourful. I'm hoping to get that with mine, but no clue how that'll turn out, if only because I never made them so I didn't have a reference to adjust the brine.

So anyway, Baldurs Gate 3, huh. As good as the reviews say, then?


File: 1714552669301.png (711.79 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, twi204.png) ImgOps Google

Surprisingly so. I finished it yesterday after 150 hours of game time. It only had the smallest issues, so worth every Cent.



Very nice. I currently don't feel like I have the mental capacity to start a sprawling game like this, but I'm keeping that one on my radar.

Do you think I should play BG1 and BG2 first if I do go for BG3? I never played 2 because I wanted to play BG1 first, and I never could get through BG1 fully because I found the combat too tedious.


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Honestly, I played BG1 on release and it was a glitchy mess. I didn't enjoy it at all. Which is why I gave BG2 a pass altogether.

So I can only speak for BG3, which was great.



I just had a look and it seems there's a remaster for BG1, so maybe that's worth a look. And BG2 was apparently always Way Better than BG1 - but I never played it since I wanted to do them in order. I should probably not let the same logic keep me from BG3, I'm mostly just wondering if it means I'd be missing something important. Backstory bits, maybe? Sounds like not really a concern though.


File: 1714554872432.gif (2.12 MB, 587x398, 587:398, ts24.gif) ImgOps Google

If there was any backstory to miss it must have gone completely over my head.

Also, I know nothing about DnD and it was all clear enough.



File: 1714565012636.jpg (89.5 KB, 777x598, 777:598, dash304.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Oh my, I didn't even notice.


File: 1714565367371.png (1.32 MB, 850x850, 1:1, 1302829341d133d6729432ad3e….png) ImgOps Google

And it only took until today lmao


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I rarely check 'em nowadays.


Happy first of may!


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Happy Labour Day!



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Good morning.


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Good evening!


How's it going?


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I'm about to count Gabis.  Or count sheep.  😴


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I hope you'll sleep well then!


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Home at last.


File: 1714675321184.png (197.61 KB, 507x454, 507:454, you can't be serious.png) ImgOps Google

This week is not the best week to make studying progress.

Wednesday - activity
Today activity
tomorrow activity


File: 1714676730807.gif (146.6 KB, 480x270, 16:9, ts19.gif) ImgOps Google

What activities prevent you from studying?


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Jeez, and that game came out two months before I was even born.

I sorta wish I was born earlier. Like, haha, 'born in the wrong generation', but also I missed a really good decade of gaming in its entirety and now we're stuck with marketable AAAAA games with no creativity for the rest of eternity.


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Hi Scoots. You can always play those old games too, though!


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File: 1714759137083.png (140.36 KB, 507x454, 507:454, swingy.png) ImgOps Google

Tell me
what does 'cheugy' mean?


File: 1714759609496.png (293.17 KB, 993x559, 993:559, dash132.png) ImgOps Google

I've never heard of that.


File: 1714760142792.png (45.1 KB, 379x380, 379:380, tophat lurker 2.png) ImgOps Google

I wanna be hip with the kids.


Who uses the term 'cheugy'?


File: 1714761420835.png (45.1 KB, 379x380, 379:380, tophat lurker 2.png) ImgOps Google

well, aside from in these few posts, not me


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Well, I don't think I will use it. It sounds weird.


File: 1714767727891.png (69.33 KB, 251x223, 251:223, pinkie want also.png) ImgOps Google

That's very...
of you.


File: 1714767864607.jpg (69.06 KB, 1000x976, 125:122, 2662598_.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Never heard that one before.


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File: 1714792129076.png (189.9 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ts4.png) ImgOps Google

Good morning you cheugs.


File: 1714794290711.png (152.49 KB, 772x650, 386:325, GIHKBYFXQAA4.png) ImgOps Google

I mostly only fancy Oxford English Dictionary words, lad.

Though you gave me a good laugh heheh..


File: 1714794463953.gif (272.86 KB, 396x607, 396:607, ts12.gif) ImgOps Google

How are you this morning?


File: 1714794696025.jpg (199.23 KB, 2000x1196, 500:299, 85716.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Doing pretty good all things considered. I'm looking forward to some more reading and eventually a game night.


File: 1714794840136.png (315.73 KB, 904x709, 904:709, dash142.png) ImgOps Google

That's good. What would you like to play?


File: 1714795149159.gif (1.09 MB, 314x209, 314:209, Boop for Moshy.gif) ImgOps Google

I'll let some digital dice decide..
1=cod ghosts
2=cod advanced warfare
3=cod infinite warfare
1d3 = 1


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So it is decided! There was lots of CoD there!


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Man, I love these memes.


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I've risen.


File: 1714881002433.gif (146.6 KB, 480x270, 16:9, ts19.gif) ImgOps Google

Well done; how are you today?


File: 1714881567762.jpg (111.67 KB, 600x847, 600:847, I_see_everything.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I'm doing alright.
Just lots of reading.
A friend bought some pizza earlier today, but I'm going to settle for some 85% lean sirloin here very soon.


File: 1714881818351.png (347.5 KB, 576x681, 192:227, ts14.png) ImgOps Google

I'm starting the day off with coffee, as usual.

How are you going to prepare the sirloin?


File: 1714882084852.png (186.52 KB, 855x474, 285:158, 26680.png) ImgOps Google

Just cooking it with a ceramic pan and adjusting the temperature often. Nothing special to it.


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And what'll you have on the side?


File: 1714882491650.jpg (220.76 KB, 803x1500, 803:1500, 372526746362.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Bread lol
And I suppose an energetic beverage with a Celsius powder stick.


File: 1714882604409.png (77.06 KB, 284x359, 284:359, ts6.png) ImgOps Google

Just bread? Now that won't do!


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Fine, I'll add a banana. How's that huh.


File: 1714882948340.jpg (72.4 KB, 431x326, 431:326, dash82.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Now it's gotten even worse! I hope you'll make gravy at least.


File: 1714883207454.jpg (1.85 MB, 1000x1374, 500:687, 49857a9a6f5a7ed878dfb53.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Well, I could add a multivitamin to compliment my dinner ;)

You do realize I don't eat too much.


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But the sides are the best thing of the dish!


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That was a good sirloin by the way.


The main body of the pickled tomato experiment has concluded.

1. The pickling mix I used was ok, but it can and should be tweaked. The apple cider vinegar in it is good, but for a more natural tomato flavour I should use white vinegar instead. I should also lean more on sugar and salt, and less on the vinegar in the brine.
2. The cherry tomatoes are TINY. Making holes in them with a toothpick might not be entirely unnecessary (then again I should try and see what happens if I don't do it at all), but running them through completely certainly was. Poke a hole and that's it, no need to go any further.
3. All in all though, I'm already happy with the result and looking forward to the next iteration. The firmness wasn't quite what I was hoping for (not terrible, just not great) but the flavour is already quite good, and both of those things can be refined the next time. And they do visually look quite nice.


File: 1714929483171.png (140.42 KB, 900x542, 450:271, dash188.png) ImgOps Google

I don't doubt it one bit! I just had thick bean soup for dinner.

Now you're the pickles master!


File: 1714935529478.jpg (1.85 MB, 1000x1374, 500:687, 49857a9a6f5a7ed878dfb53.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Now that's quite the dinner. Yeah, the meat was to my liking. Not very flavorful, but I'm more health-oriented these days and that's what really matters to me.


File: 1714936315877.png (66.89 KB, 230x266, 115:133, ts18.png) ImgOps Google

I take it you didn't give it much spicing?


File: 1714937108901.jpg (322.74 KB, 1053x1920, 351:640, 1d9adabbbb3bd073c58a9023e4….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I tried my best to not put any ;)


File: 1714938408864.jpg (94.8 KB, 531x1000, 531:1000, 182736.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I need to stick around one of Moony's other boards for the time being. Take care.


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See you later!


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Home from work, time to be lazy.



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Good morning everyone.


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File: 1715055090845.gif (2.12 MB, 587x398, 587:398, ts24.gif) ImgOps Google

Hello there, how's it going?


File: 1715056134843.jpg (119.6 KB, 850x1134, 425:567, 2a1d16eedd9aa925fe456b9a2b….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

doin pretty good actually!

i went to a convention over the weekend, and i met sonic, shadow, and amy rose

i also went to a final fantasy burlesque show and threw dollar bills at freya, sepiroth, and tifa

today i've been mostly recovering from that



File: 1715056371558.png (128.02 KB, 640x360, 16:9, dash19.png) ImgOps Google

Sounds like something Epic Mount would have enjoyed!

Sounds like you had a fun time!

I got a cold, so I'm staying in bed mostly.


File: 1715056595629.jpg (3.99 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 1714966911409.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

i definitely imagine he would! if only he was at the same con, he would have had a blast!

here's Jason Griffith's autograph (Sonic and Shadow's VA)

sorry for the cold :( make sure to drink plenty of water and rest!


File: 1715056663540.jpg (3.31 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 1714967163087.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

and here's Amy's autograph


File: 1715056761981.jpg (32.61 KB, 466x367, 466:367, fast.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

So, it was a video game convention?

I'm drinking plenty of coffee for now!


File: 1715056900253.jpg (61.31 KB, 720x720, 1:1, E9rufHgVoAgCUcN.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

anime convention actually! which still fits, cause they did the Sonic X anime

well technically that will hydrate ya, but may take away from the resting part

but i'd be lying if i said i wouldn't do the same


File: 1715057116377.png (218.14 KB, 446x459, 446:459, ts11.png) ImgOps Google

Ah, anime! Did you see any favorites beside Sonice and Final Fantasy?

The coffee keeps me warm!


File: 1715057514470.jpg (285.51 KB, 1781x1825, 1781:1825, F9RbrVMaMAAOQUF.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

saw a lot of Hazbin Hotel cosplayers and a ton of Genshin cosplays, and i got my hand on some Hazbin Hotel and Helluvaboss merch, which makes me happy

also joined in on some panels and even went to a fun j-rock concert ^_^

warm coffee hits like no other!


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But Hazbin isn't anime! Sounds more like it was a cartoon convention!


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the majority of it was anime, like a solid 90% anime

but that other 10% is a doozy!


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Anime & Guests.

Got any plans for the evening?


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just winding down for the evening, eating some cereal and watching a let's play


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Sounds fun; what game are you watching?


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i'm watching insym play Phasmophobia

i've never played the game, but thanks to him, i'd probably be pretty good at it :P


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same, but for the early morning I guess.


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Hm, don't think I know that one. For a moment I thought it's Phantasmagoria.

You're also eating cereal and watching a let's play?


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either way, cereal is involved

goodmornin to you!

it's a ghost hunting game. you use ghost hunting equipment to find a ghost, and you have to find the type of the ghost that is haunting the area, all the while avoiding being hunted and killed by said ghost

it's a fun game to watch, and all the little details and mechanics allow you to find out the ghosts in multiple ways beyond the basic evidence mechanic



do you have VR?


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I'll be having cereal later on myself.

Sounds fun, what kind of ghost hunting equipment is there?


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well they have smudge sticks, photo cameras, video camera, uv lights, lighters, candles, salt, emf readers, thermometers, headcams, dots projectors, writing books, spirit communication radio, sound sensors, parabolic microphone, laser detectors

and on top of that you can find cursed items like tarot cards, monkey paws, ouija boards, summoning circles, mirrors, music boxes, and voodoo dolls


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Phasmophobia is a game you need to have friends to play online with.


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That is objectively cool as fuck.

I still can't get over Jason Griffith voicing Sonic and Shadow and not making either of them sound bad or too similar. Really talented guy.

I kinda wish they never replaced him, Roger Craig Smith never sounded like Sonic to me.


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i've watched soooo much solo play, that i kinda forget that it's a multiplayer game :PP

dude was really nice too! was a real bro ^_^

also he told me that when he was recording lines for Shadow The Hedgehog game, they didn't know what the rating for the game would be. So they had him record a lot of lines with many curse words, including but not limited to "shit" and "fuck"

so imagine a world where the Shadow the Hedgehog game had a bunch of F-bombs!

release that version Sega! you cowards!



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Where's that fucking fourth chaos emerald?


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right? that would have hit a lot harder!

anyways, i'm goin to bed



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Age ratings are lame. I get that they're there for a reason but Shadow the Hedgehog being even more unapologetically edgy would've made my life even better.

Anyhow, g'night.


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Good night! And hi Scoots!


Just Shadow walking up, putting on sunglasses, popping a bad guy in the face with a gun and then lighting up a cig as Cannibal Corpse starts playing



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That's a good one!


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Good morning.


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Insects molting does look kind of like a pokemon evolution.


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That's actually kinda true.


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Quiet times.



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Cute and super rude!


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now watch as it plays on repeat in your head for at least 3 days


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If only my memory wer that good.

How are things? Has Hollywood come knocking yet about those screenplays?


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i dont know about you, but my brain is like a radio station, there is always something playing

i'm good! i was busy today, and got a good amount of stuff done, and now i'm just vibing and watching stuff now


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Yeah, but for me it's always the strangest, old-timey songs that come to my mind.

Glad to hear it. I think I'm playing more Baldur's Gate today myself.


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oh really? any examples? are you doing the charleston?

nice! still havent played that one myself, simply because time is a limited resource and that requires more from me than i can part with :P


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Not that old. I guess mostly stuff from the 60s, and they are German songs.

Yeah, it's really a time consuming game, that's for sure.


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ahh, then i'm probably not familiar with any of them. i don't know any german outside of food, and whatever Rammstein yells in the chorus

for sure!

do you have a favorite character? i know a lot of people really love the vampire guy. but that demon lady is pretty hot from what i've seen


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Rammstein isn't my thing at all, hehe.

The vampire guy is the one I liked the absolutely least! I only ever take him along to pick some locks.

I like the wizard, and the yellow faced warrior lass best I guess.


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too bad, they are fun! i'm a metalhead, so i tend to vibe with them. they aren't my go to, but i enjoy them when they pop up on my playlist

really? not one for the smooth talking vampire, saying sweet sultry things into your ear? tis a shame, cause i know that makes a lot of people swoon

i'm not familiar with the wizard or yellow face warrior lass, so i got no  frame of reference


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The only metal I ever liked was King Diamond, way back in the 90s.

He's not sultry, he's disapproving of me all the time when I don't want a reward for helping someone. Everyone is like "thumbs up", and the vampire is like "disapproved! =( ".


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if you like king diamond, i'd say give powermetal a shot. Helloween, Dragonforce, Symphony X, Rhapsody of Fire, those have a similar vibe

seems like daddy vampire is a discerning fellow, it takes a lot to earn his love.


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You know a lot of metal bands! Maybe I'll listen in, if they have some good concept albums.

Daddy vampire is a bitch boi!


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if you need more, i got a lot of recommendations!

oh ho ho! Clarity does have fangs afterall!


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I liked the early King Diamond albums because of their horror story theme.

It's game canon!


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>horror story themed
Oooh! then I recommend Ghost and Powerwolf! They both draw heavily from horror and darker story themes.

clarity has fangs in game canon eh? does that mean you have additional damage multipliers to your bite?


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You really have metal ready for all occasions!

I take all the damage multipliers I can get!


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i literally have a drawer filled with cd's i've collected over the years. i'd also recommend Diablo Swing Orchestra and Blind Guardian

yeah, we need as many damage multipliers as we can get in this economy!


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I've listened to a lot of old news reels over the past months, and since the 80s it's always been "this economy".


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"this economy"
"pull yourself up by the bootstraps"
"think of the children"

all rallying cries of those who have to occupy the minds of the have-nots to enrage them and bicker amongst eachother


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Not to forget "in these times and days".


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well that was



>Blind Guardian mentioned

Muh home!!


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hell yeah! blind guardian is awesome! i got Imaginations from the Other Side and At the Edge of Time in my sock drawer right now


It might not be their best album, but Night at the Opera was one of the first albums I bought spontaneously with my own money. Good stuff.


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Wasn't that an album by Queen?


And by Blind Guardian in a deliberate shoutout.


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It's been a day with little progress.


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What progress did you want to make?


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I'll be active again on Monday and I wasn't able to get myself to fulfill the Typescript course.

School for my daughter is barely existing this year, so I make way for household shores all day long mostly.


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Why is school not existing?


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Burn outs, illnesses and teacher's strikes and such.
First year that I notice it.


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Oh, wow. So the school simply has no replacements?


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That's life I suppose


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But it's not how it should work when it's about a child's education.


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Next year will be a change of schools probably,
i hope that will help.


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Hopefully things will improve.


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I wonder if I should watch the Eurovision Song Contest.


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I don't bother


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I guess I won't either. It's getting more and more bothersome. And way too long.


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Apparently it got juicy with the Dutch candidate being dragged away in cuffs or something.


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Yeah, apparently he got DQ'ed or something.

When I was a kid I always enjoyed the points being announced best. I never liked the songs much, lol. But not even that is fun anymore.


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Austria gave us a bearded lady before it was the en vogue thing to do

Some songs were okay, but Eurovision has it's own quality.


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And it was our second win! The song was pretty decent, too.

Yeah, only few songs really are the kind of stuff you find in the charts later on.


There are definitely some nostalgia classics out there.

Though my parents told me there's a lot of weird rubbish acts in the last few years.
People are trying to be weird nowadays, rather then bringing some good songs.
And when you bring a classic good songs you get dropped.


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The songs have gotten much better quality wise cause it isn't live played music anymore. You're right, often some weirdo song wins, or gets very far. That trend started in the 90s.


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Austria ended up being second to last. Good thing I didn't watch it.


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Switzerland won
at least 1 German speaking Middle European country taking the W.

Also Israel ended up really high, huh?


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Not surprising, they got a lot of public vote backing.

Glad they got jury again too though, to prevent that only the public has a say. That helps to assure it's an actual decent song that wins.


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Is there some geographical Austrian sentiment that's like
> if we didn't get it, it's pretty cool Switzerland took it
Or are Austria/Switzerland generally a bit more isolated?


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This picture shows the general Austrian sentiment.

If we suck we peek over to see whether Germany sucks too. If they suck more, it's a good day.


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I hope you'll sleep well!


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we'll see in an hour

howsit goin?


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All good, started my workday from home. Going through some mails.

How are things with you?


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you work from home? good on ya for saving gas. what do you do, if you don't mind me asking?

as for me, i'm alright. got like 10 inches of snow though today, which was a pain in the ass. but i hung out with a friend. i'll be starting my north pole job again in a few days, so that's cool i suppose


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I can work ten days a month from home. But I don't even own a car anyway, so when I work I go by public transport. It only takes 25 minutes.

I work in procurement in the oil and gas industry.

Wow, snow in May! I could go with some cooler temperatures.


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10 days a month? dang! how do i get a job like that? that seems like a deal!

ah so you're in the oil and gas industry? then it makes it extra ironic that you don't have a car

oh it's expected here. i've seen snow as late as june and as early as september. in fact a couple years ago, it snowed on my birthday, june 9th


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Find an office job where they are saving office space. So if everyone were there, there wouldn't be enough space and desks anymore. So people just have to work from home.

Yeah, they are not making a penny from me!

Really sounds like you're at the north pole!


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i don't think my area has anything like that. so i'd have to skip all the way to the "remote" part

way to stick it to the man!

yeah... and i'm sick of it. i see people complain about it getting warmer, all the while i'm sitting in an ice block over here -_-


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It's really comfortable working at home. Especially on Monday.

I can understand that. But I'd prefer the ice block.


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it is, and honestly i would love to have that more myself. at the moment though that is not my reality. hopefully soon tho

people say that, but i've had daydreams of being in anything warm, even deserts and stuff, just anything to get away from being frozen and cold -_-


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Let's hope for the best then!

There's no AC's here at home. So if it's hot, you got it hot all day and night.


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>hot all day and night

i was already on board, you didn't have to sell it so hard!


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Well, if you can sleep at 90 °F, be my guest!


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sounds very nice, don't even need a comforter or anything. can just go free and not worry about your feet or your back being uncovered and frozen

just warm

all the time...

the dream...........


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I prefer the cold and staying snuggly wuggly inside!


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snuggly wuggly inside is fine, but it gets itchy after a while, and then cabin fever sets in when you've been stuck in the house because the roads haven't been plowed and leaving is a deadly game

i want the freedom of going where i want to when and where my heart desires, and not fearing being frozen over, or being trapped cause my car slid into a ditch


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I guess I live so central I can just get anywhere I want withing a short walk or hopping into the subway.


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that's another difference between you and i

i live in a small town, and everything i need/want to do, i have to drive to. and a lot of it is through a mountain pass with a canyon in it. so my life is made much more difficult by snow cause of that


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okay, now i need to go to bed



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Good night now!


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Good morning.


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Hello there, how do you do?


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doin alright, watched some anime and ate a burrito

how bout you?


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Oh, I had a burrito last Saturday! And my first ever churros.

I'm fine, having coffee right now. Guess I'll start work in an hour or so.


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nice! churros are the best! i freakin love them. do you remember what flavor churro you had?

a churro and coffee is a good combo. you can dunk them in and you get a cinnamon flavor to your coffee


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I got churros with some kind of caramel sauce. I'm not sures the churros had their own particular flavor honestly.

I don't like anything floating in my coffee!


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caramel is tasty, although that could be Dulce de Leche, but you would know better than i. and it depends where you get your churros. i've seen cinnamon, strawberry, dulce de leche, and one time a vanilla one

dulce de leche is my personal favorite

we all float down here...


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Yes, it was Dulce the Leche! It looked like caramel and also kinda tasted like it. They only had Dulce, chocolate and some third I had forgotten.

That would be the worst creepy clown!


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aha! i knew it! dulce de leche is like caramel, but creamier and way better imo!

yeah, i'm not fond of clowns in storm drains myself, but that maybe just me tho


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What kind of burrito did you have?

Maybe if he had balloons I'd be more tempted.


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it was an Adobada burrito, one of my favorites <3

he definitely has a lot of balloons. most of which defy the laws of physics


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What's that? Mine was with chicken and rice.

Those are the best kind of balloons!


i had to google it cause i didn't quite remember

"Adobada is generally pork marinated in a "red" chili sauce with vinegar and oregano, but it can refer to different types of meat and to marinades closer to al pastor"

it has a nice spicy flavor that just suits me really well!

as for the balloons, so long as it's not accompanied by a diseased toothless zombie that seeks to kill me


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Ah, I don't think they had that on the menu here. There was chicken, pulled pork, and some kind of beef option. And I think just a veggie one with mushrooms.


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if you ever find yourself in colorado, i know a few really good mexican places to take you to. you'll have plenty of things you can try out!

buche, tripe, adobada, burritos, tacos, tortas, horchata. we'll hook you up!


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Only half of those were on the menu at the Mexian restaurant I was at, hehe.


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vive la mexico!

anywho, i need to head to bed!

goodnight clarity ^_^


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Sleep well, Noelle!


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I almost bought a Powerwolf CD today.


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Have you played with 4o?



Not really, is it any good?


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Time to get up again.


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It works pretty well for some things.  


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merry christmas!


Hm, I really wouldn't know what to use it for.

Joyeux noël!


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feliz navidad!

how are you?


All good, sitting at work, so no pics to post. Checking my e-mails.

How are you?


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ahh bummer, talking with no pictures is not nearly as fun! but maybe you'll get some german penis ritual emails to brighten your day

i'm doin alright! did some work today, and tomorrow, i'll be going to the North Pole for training, hence the Christmasy vibe i'm putting out right now


I'm afraid there's rarely any work e-mails that brighten my day. :P

Are you going to the literal North Pole? Or is that what's the training place is called?


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aww that's no fun, but i guess work emails aren't always that fun :P

it's an Amusement park that i ironically live north of. i worked there last year as a ride operator, and i get to do the same thing again this year :P


More like never fun!

Ah, I see. Is it the one with Santa's Workshop? What kind of rides will you operate?


Also, when will the third part of Deltarune finally be released? All the wait is getting bothersome!


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i dunno, you could drop memes and stuff to others through them if you're daring

yup! it's called "Santa's Workshop at the North Pole", but most folk just call it the North Pole

and we alternate rides. i'm part of the "back rides" group, so that's half toddler rides, but also half of much more large scale adult rides

i don't know, but i hope it's soon! i've been dying for more noelle content!


There's a bunch of old farts here, I'm sure they don't know any memes. I mean, I'm close to 50, I shouldn't know any!

Like a carousel with reindeer or something?

I wonder how the decisions in the second part would be followed up in part three. Kris has been hiding under Noelle's bed for years now.


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you must have chipped a few memes of heiroglyphics in a cave wall somewhere, you got this!

there are a couple, one i have run, the other i haven't run. while it's mostly randomized, i typically get the rollercoaster or the zipline when i work there

probably should go check if they are still alive down there O.O


My favorite old meme is "Who cares what Frankie says?". It was even in a FiM comic once.

On, a zipline. I hope you hook those people up properly.

I think it's funny that a human is hiding under a monster's bed.


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relax, don't do it :P

don't worry, it literally won't run if it isn't hooked up properly, so it's idiot proof in that sense :P. i do like messing with the riders before they go up tho! that's always fun to get them freaked out ^_^

love those little bits of irony there ^_^ be careful of those pesky humans!


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and with that, i bid you a good night

merry christmas!

don't let the humans bite :3


Sleep well now!


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Face down ass up that's the way I like t---



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Just stretching!


It's good to stretch. I should do that more often when I draw, at least.


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Yeah, that's a good idea.


An even better idea if I drew more regularly.


What do you like to draw?


Well, bit of everything. I also have plenty of things I should work on right now.

I was mostly just grumbling about my usual lack of energy and motivation lately.


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I know how it goes. Maybe some coffee would give you an energy boost!


Not a coffee guy, but appareciate the suggestion.


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What are you in the mood for? I think I'll grab a bite and have a beer.


Iunno. I slept in quite a lot today, so energy is low.

An art video of mine is releasing in about 90 minutes, so all I really have on the docket is sharing that around


You made an art video?


I made a new channel entirely for art videos, partly to force myself to draw a bit more original work.

Started in October and have made a total of... er... eight videos since then, counting the one releasing today.

...five of which were released ond ay one.

Cause I kinda suck like that


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You should share it and get three views from Ponyville!


Well the channel's here if you wanna see, at least.



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Thumbs ups incoming.



Appreciated even more if you get time to watch 'em, but hey


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I'm well versed in Holo-Man now.


Ah yes, the most influential comic book hero of the modern  day


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Well, he's not much weirder than many others.


He isn't. Just unfortunate and not thought out.

It was just good fun to do my own take on the same idea. And it seem sfrom the comments a few folks would lik to see more like it


I like your videos, you have a good voice and appearance.


Thanks. I would hope I do, been doing this for years at this point.


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I'm not surprised, you seem very professional.


Nice of you to say  considering my voice and accent are the two major things I end up very self conscious about.

Also, new vid's out


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Nice Pokémon drawings.


I'm pretty happy with Minda in particular.


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Good morning.


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Hey hey, what's new?


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Making ramen, how bout you?


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Working from home, having coffee, going over my mails.

I think I never had ramen.


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oh it's a great cheap food item for late nights

you should give it a shot! it will help with your emails


Ramen helps with my mails? Now that's an interesting way of thinking.


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ramen is a magical substance that can do everything and anything you want!


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That's powerful magic indeed! I just went ahead and had another coffee, hehe.


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that's fair!

i'd have a coffee, but i need to sleep



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Sleep tight!


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Time to arise!


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Just saying hello by phone.
Still on holiday in a little village in Norwich called Mattishall. I don't like posting by phone, (thumbs being big for letters, small screen  etc).

Will be back on Monday so I won't respond until I'm back on my computer at home.


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Hi there, I hope you're enjoying your time! Nice view of the church yard! ;P

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