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Nice threads of days past
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Hello everypony! I do hope you're having a wonderful Sunday!

I have a very special announcement for you all today. We're adding a new Administrator to the team, who we hope will be able to assist our community moving forward.

Our dear friend Starshine has joined our team, under the Administrator tag !!Coco Pommel. Starshine has been a community member since the very beginning of the pony fandom, and has served as a guiding voice in the community for just as long!

Please give her a warm welcome <3. Thank you all for your attention!
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File: 1524217108280.png (53.32 KB, 400x260, 20:13, 1453851985668.png) ImgOps Google

In fact, I already do use it, to post on the other pony imageboard and lurk this one. It's mostly just posting here that's borked, and also a caching issue.


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As the community grows and changes, i think it is important that our team grows and changes with it.

Starshine is a pony i have long felt represented the very best of us c:

i'd use it too if it worked! i post from my phone pretty often, and posting can be the clunky


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I made a boo-boo.:shy2:
Actually, nevermind, I was told how to sort the problem out myself.
I accidentally made a thread in the wrong board, so I deleted it and made it here.


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Hi ponies! Sorry for another thread.

If you are tired of the theme, please press ctrl-f5 again, and you will be able to change the themes from options!
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Is there only one mew?
Is it a female mew?


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That's a tricky question because there are indeed some legendary pokemon that there are only one of. That said, it's probably likely there is or was more than one Mew. In the first movie Mewtwo was created from a Mew fossil, but a living Mew also appears in the movie. A second, different Mew appears in another movie. But Mew is an exceedingly rare and elusive pokemon. So rare that pokemon scientists debate it's existence. Only a few people have ever seen one. It wasn't added to the National Pokedex for years as a result.

All legendary pokemon are officially  "genderless." But there are things that suggest Mew is female. In Mewtwo's original origin story from Red/Blue, Mew is said to have given birth to Mewtwo. This was later retconned to Mewtwo being cloned, which I mentioned earlier. Still, Mew contains the genetic code of all Pokemon, suggesting it's the common ancestor of all pokemon. This is why it can learn every pokemon move. So it's sometimes called the "mother" of all pokemon.


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I learned something today!

Thanks, Manley.


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Hallo en vrolijk Pasen. As you may or may not have noticed, given our frequent usage by numerous Dutch posters, we have begun the process of switching domains and environments to one that is more fitting of our Dutch community.

Ponyville.us.nl, in the coming days, shall be remade into Ponyville.nl. EU Regulations require us to advise you that the internet should be used responsibly and for positive purposes only. Failure to adhere to these regulations may result in fines and penalties, including mandatory posting on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

The Bureau of Cultural Preservation has mandated that all posts should include Dutch words where possible. Likewise, the Council of Multi-Cultural Inclusion has mandated that all posts must contain at least some words in a language that is not Dutch, one of which must be in English.

Please note that as a soon-to-be registered .nl community, our website has complied with Dutch authorities and yielded sovereignty over to King Willem-Alexander. Note that this means no fun is allowed on days that are not Sunday, in accordance with the law.
We understand this is a substantial change for the community. As such, today shall be a one day grace period, in which the rules shall not be enforced. Please note though that upon the official domain name change, which shall occur Monday, April 2nd, the rules above shall be enforced as required by Dutch law and the regulations of the European Union.

We thank you for your time and patience, on behalf of the staff of Ponyville.nl. Do not forget to participate in Bicycle Tuesdays.

It is sure to be a Komkommertijd.
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File: 1522602068170.jpg (79.86 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, doctor kirby.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Thanks guys to fix that problem.

Next year if you are going to make a new april fools just remember this "with this type of colors will be easy for the users to read?" and make some test before releasing the theme officially.

Having fun is great but is important to think in the health and security of your users


THe Nederlands theme went off, I had to put it back manually.

Unless April Fools Day is over now, which I don't think it is.


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These arent the netherlands you're looking for


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Have you noticed anything at the top of the page? If you have adblock on, probably not! But if you turn it off, you will notice our brand new banners!

Our community artists have put together a whole gallery of beautiful banners for Ponyville. They can only be seen with adblock off though! Don't worry: our site doesn't run advertisements.

A special thanks to our wonderful chief developer !!Thorax, who has done an amazing, amazing job putting this together!!

Let us know what you think, my little ponies!
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File: 1521407025981.png (57.61 KB, 600x200, 3:1, Moony_Banners2c.png) ImgOps Google

$ curl http://ponyville.us/static/banners/Moony_Banners2.png -s | wc --bytes

Please banners less than half a meg.  Here, I shrunk this one down to a tenth of its filesize.                                                                                 


I resized down the two oversized banners, just for you.


File: 1521430196169.jpg (70.17 KB, 600x600, 1:1, CKm_D26WcAEmZhy.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Arigatou, senpai!

 No.1902[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

File: 1517978194822.jpg (276.7 KB, 1024x1448, 128:181, thorax_s_final_form_by_ilo….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Hey everypony!

So I finished with the ponymote thing. If you would like to give them a whirl, you should check out the new Ponymote tab in the site options. All you have to do is enable them and select the ones you like the most to add them to your posting options. Just click on the little face and it'll put a little code thingy into your post that looks like :pony:. That will be translated into the ponymote once the post is submitted. And that is really all there is too it!

Also some people probably won't care much for these, and that is okay too. I put in an option into the ponymote tab to hide ponymotes globally. It will be as though they aren't even there.

For this first set, I wanted to have the main cast characters represented pretty well so I made 6 for each of them with a variety of expressions. But, there is plenty of room for more characters and more motes per character. I had made a call for some user submitted ponymotes a while ago but I hadn't really figured out what I wanted from them yet. But I think I do now, so if you want try and make some and submit, here are a few guidelines:

1. Make the backgrounds transparent.
2. Make them approximately 50px high which will be shrunk to 27px by the site (width will auto adjust, so make them proportional).
3. The width can vary, but don't make it too much wider or thinner than the height.
4. Make sure the details are good enough that you can see what the expression is at such a small size.

Special thanks to Agiri for making some a while ago, but I have to ask that you remake them to fit the above guidelines to keep a consistent style and quality. Thanks for understanding.

As always, especially with mobile devices, make sure to clear your cache if you aren't seeing the new options.:rara6:
112 posts and 67 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


That sounds like a thing that would work. On the other hand, I could apply the effort to make that work towards something else like mobile improvement that are desperately needed. Priorities.



File: 1521139711016.png (127.97 KB, 634x356, 317:178, shy smile.png) ImgOps Google

boop time to sticky and arch!

 No.1589[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

File: 1503617463811.jpg (912.85 KB, 7120x3679, 7120:3679, oh boy.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Because what could possibly go wrong?
C'mon guys! Who's with me?

P.s: garbage quality for now, will post full quality as final result.
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File: 1504644331898.png (127.97 KB, 634x356, 317:178, shy smile.png) ImgOps Google

just bumping with all the users who still want in ^^

Thank you sauce!! we will frame this on the Ponyville staff room wall c:


File: 1504646503508.png (207.25 KB, 557x650, 557:650, BalletTwibyHaden2375149730….png) ImgOps Google

Perhaps it could be the website header??

To fit everypony in, perhaps add some Ville to the left and to the right and make it more panoramic to fit across the top.

I like to make suggestions that don't involve me doing any kind of work, haha.


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bump, so we do not forget!

if it is done soon, i will arch it c:

 No.1437[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

File: 1480997457319.jpg (20.45 KB, 182x280, 13:20, DJ- -ILikeYou.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

So, I'm not as familiar with the trans world as I would like to be. I'm not trans by any means, but I do like understanding people and their perspectives.

This thread is to talk about transgenderism, if/why you transitioned etc.

I'd really like to understand it. So I have some questions for the transgender folk here in Ponyville (feel free to post anonymously). Forgive me if they're poorly worded:

1 - How did you come to know that you're transgender?
2 - What are some challenges you faced before and after transition? (if you have)
3 - What do you look to get out of transitioning?
4 - How do you feel now that you have transitioned? (again, if you have)
5 - If you have transitioned, what sort of transition have you gotten? (just pronouns? Hormone therapy? Surgery? etc.)

I may ask some follow up questions as well. Let me know if you don't want to answer any more.

Please be respectful in this thread. Thanks! :)
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File: 1481244433239.png (119.77 KB, 700x844, 175:211, 139917502439.png) ImgOps Google

>However, one thing did get in the way (least internally, not something I really talked about).  I wasn't into girly, pink, fru fru like stuff like most MTF trans individuals I've known.  So I thought I might then not be really trans.  Buuuuuuuut, as many different types of guys and girls out there, there must be many different types of transwomen out there too.  So I slowly accepted I was a tomboy.  Funny, I should've just looked at the pony I post as most. lol

This is probably a lot more common than you might at first think. I certainly thought I couldn't have been trans for the longest time because of the fact that I never really had all that much interest in explicitly effeminate things. Maybe a curiosity at best, but hardly anything I would consider affinity.


>tfw you aren't even transitioning and people get offended like this simply because you look androgynous


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Well, based on sentiments that were aired after my request, I will now be moving this thread to /arch/.


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This thread is arched, but I'll respond anyway. I never saw it originally, and There's some stuff I've wanted to say to someone for a long time.

1-I think I always knew, I just learned to accept my body over the years, and the rest of the world recently became more accepting, so I've been able to take down the mental barriers I built up. The dam broke today, so I guess today answers your question, even though it really doesn't.

2-I haven't, and I won't be able to for some time, if ever. Money challenges, relationship challenges, job challenges, and my own perfectionism. I wouldn't be comfortable with anything other than a full change. 4 and 5 also do not apply.

3- If there ever is a solution? comfort. solidity. self assurance. validation in my desires. Wholeness.

I told someone else my story, so I guess this is more about being part of the thread, even though it's … locked.

This post does not exist


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My team in Extra Life has raised so much money so far! Once my credit card clears, my matching donations will put my team over the $1000 mark!

It's so exciting!

If anyone else wants to support me, you can support me here!
https://www.extra-life.org/participant/bmoMy team in Extra Life has raised so much money so far! Once my credit card clears, my matching donations will put my team over the $1000 mark!

It's so exciting!

If anyone else wants to support me, you can support me here!

Hi everypony! Here at Ponyville, we love to see acts of kindness being done for those in need. Please consider supporting BMO and his Extra Life team in their charitable endeavors! Good luck, BMO! ~!!Fluttershy
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Congratulations, BMO!! c:

Would you like to give us all a little speech, before this goes into the archive? We are all very proud of you!!


This year was a huge success! Together, we raised $3062 for the children as a small group and Extra Life raised $6,653,220!
It's an amazing feat!
For any of you that stopped by, thank you so much!


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What an incredible feat, BMO c:

i hope you'll share it with us again next year! It is a blessing to be able to help people in the way that you have.

Until next year, Ponyville! Off to /arch/ we go, for now c:

Thank you to everypony who donated! And a special, super big thanks to BMO, for his hard work and generosity!

 No.741[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

File: 1476742015361.gif (140.31 KB, 500x500, 1:1, rarity_wahaHA.gif) ImgOps Google

Everybody is welcome and loved in this thread, but you simply must be anonymous and post only as Rarity.

Those are rules. Those are all of the rules! It's the Secret Rarity Thread!
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Testing, Testing.


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1, 2, 3.


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JOIN US NOW AT http://www.bronystate.net/

Announcement Time! I am proud to announce that, in partnership with our good friends at Bronystate, we will be hosting a Watchtogether Event with our Favorite MLP Storyboard Artist, Kanthara! on October 26th, at 8:00 PM EST

A lot of us might remember Kanthara for her occasional posting here, and her /arch/ thread! She worked on the upcoming finale, and she will be answering questions, sharing interesting things, and watching the finale, and other episodes, with us!

Clear your schedules, and come and join us! It's sure to be a night to remember.

~ !!Celestia
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File: 1477539996664.png (194.5 KB, 507x454, 507:454, aedi on evah I.png) ImgOps Google

I'm gonna catch up to it in 1 of the following days

but what I saw was amazingly fun.


File: 1477540203754.png (23.84 KB, 945x945, 1:1, 3. Dulset Shrug by shado.png) ImgOps Google

I had a bunch of ads too, but they were only about 15 seconds a set.


if you're in chrome, try this

there are plenty of adblockers for any browser, unless you're using Internet Explorer or something


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Good evening, everypony!

We have an important announcement to make tonight! As many of you may know, we have our own Skype Group for Ponyville, but, as of yet, haven't had an official Discord server.

We'd like to announce today a partnership with Ponychat, a Discord group that many of you have already joined, which is headed by Madame Berry Punch and moderated by a fair and competent staff, including a few of our own moderators here at Ponyville.

You can check it out yourself at:

Keep in mind that Ponychat, while serving as our official Discord channel, does not follow our official rules on site. The #anon channel, for example, allows NSFW.

The general chat for Ponychat is entirely SFW, however. And Ponychat was founded with the same ideals that we here at Ponyville have. We are partnering in order to further a friendly, less dramatic, and altogether more fun community for all kinds of ponies!

I hope then that you'll love and enjoy our new Discord channel and Discord friends over at Ponychat.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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[seceeds interally]


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I thought this channel was louder…


you can adjust individuals in case you were unaware


File: 1464161106300.png (780.03 KB, 2964x2518, 1482:1259, 1093010__safe_solo_twiligh….png) ImgOps Google

Okay Ponyville, I've got a fun and silly game we can play in this very thread I call "Ponyville Freestyle Exquisite Corpse". In this game we are all going to try to write stories blind-folded!! … sorta.  This kind of blind-written story is called an "exquisite corpse" and it can be comedy gold!

HERE ARE THE RULES THOU SHALL FOLLOW when we play this game:

In this game we will be attempting to create chains of ten linked posts each containing a part of a story, each written without knowing all of what came in post before it. Here's how we're going to do this:

1. I will start by posting a post titled "Part 1" and in that post there will be three paragraphs of five sentences each, with the last sentence posted in it's own separate set of spoiler tags.

2. Another poster (anyone, this is freestyle) may come and reply to that post and write and post the next three paragraphs of the story, 5 sentences per paragraph, all in spoiler tags, with the last sentence in its own separate set of spoiler tags, with the post labeled "Part 2". They will try to continue the story, However! They may only look at the last sentence of the post they are replying to! (Remember, this is blind folded!)

3. After "Part 2" is posted, another poster will do the same thing and post a "part 3", adding to the chain. This will continue until posters create a chain of ten linked posts, creating a complete Exquisite Corpse!

(feel free to contribute multiple times to the same chain, just do not reply to your own posts)

4. Once an exquisite corpse has been completed, someone should copy and paste the resulting story in one or two post (however many they need) for all to see and read for themselves, and at the end of the post everyone who contributed shall be given credits starting with "written by:" and followed with a list of writers
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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File: 1464908286710.png (120.16 KB, 320x303, 320:303, Fluttercube.png) ImgOps Google

i love it <3. bravissimo!

and, it's ours! we made this all by ourselves <3


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And it was all just a dream~

Haha, I loved it! Let's do another one!


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i think we should arch this. it was super neat!


File: 1459534122614.png (433.29 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Princess_Celestia_reunite_….png) ImgOps Google

Good afternoon, my dear little ponies! This is your friendly, neighborhood Princess speaking!

We've been talking lately with our friends at Equestria Daily and /mlp/, and we're proud to announce a three-way merger!

Now, as you know, we here at Ponyville are all about values. That's why every single disgruntled user who expresses their anger at this agreement will receive a complimentary FAKE COUPON!

And those who express unbridled excitement will receive praise!

Please note that the mark this momentous occasion, our staff will be allowing for all sorts of very silly posting. After all, we want to make the place comfortable for all of our new /mlp/ best friends!!

Thanks for everything, ponies!! Now, without further ado, let me introduce our new admin, Dr. Natzi Moonda!  
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File: 1459581780523.png (189.78 KB, 631x555, 631:555, Filly Fluttersmile.png) ImgOps Google

Last posts for the /arch/ train!! toot toot!!


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Hello arch!



File: 1459582131641.png (157.54 KB, 435x360, 29:24, you are a wonderful pony.png) ImgOps Google

Our first April Fool's day <3. humble beginnings!

 No.268[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

File: 1455502425112.png (222.94 KB, 710x710, 1:1, shelfie.png) ImgOps Google

Who wants to be collected? Get on this shelf.
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File: 1456275182707.jpg (93.02 KB, 500x706, 250:353, tumblr_ndejqiENkv1r7sijxo1….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Now now. I know a sassy sally when i see one. I'm an expert in the field.


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So this is the final shelf! Moony, do your thing!

 No.1[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

File: 1445990186581.jpg (44.96 KB, 300x169, 300:169, TwilightLevitatesStuff.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Here I am! Bear with me as this is a new type of forum for me. I'm Karine, and I'm a storyboard artist on season 6 of the series. Ask away!
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Definitely once the finale airs!



File: 1446001724172.png (90.45 KB, 269x270, 269:270, DJ-0-Approved.png) ImgOps Google

The AMA has finished and the thread is now locked! A summary can be found by moony below:


Until next time!

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