No.741[Last 50 Posts]
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Everybody is welcome and loved in this thread, but you simply must be anonymous and post only as Rarity.
Those are rules. Those are all of the rules! It's the Secret Rarity Thread!
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Comfy cozy fashion pony!
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>>748That's so adorable
I don't suppose you could share your folder? It would make contrarity posting all that much easier.
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>>749Of course, Darling. Just give me a moment.
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I bet you can't guess who I am!
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>>751That's gotta be raranon. I simply can't imagine who else it could be.
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>>751Gothity, Darling? You
want us to guess, don't you?
>>754Thank you!
That's perfectly understandable. I'm glad you could give me this much. Saving images has never been my forte. I'm much better at using them :p
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>>752True, I suppose, but technically, we all are here.
>>753Too obvious?
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>>755I'll give you the others if you want them, but this is the richer folder by far.
>>757I never said you can't be obvious~
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Rarity may be my favorite, but no can do!
…don't have any pony pictures anymore anyway.
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I must say it's been some time since I wore this face but it still fits me like a glove. Simply smashing, darling.
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>>758But still, I suppose that means you've guessed who I am already.
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>>760>>761Of course! You two make it easy ♥
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>>763>>764Rarity doesn't drink whiskey or beer like a ruffian! She only drinks the finest wines like the lady she is.
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fight me IRL darling
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>>765She isn't especially goth either, but that doesn't mean Gothity isn't the cutest thing around.
>>766Bring it.
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>>767Don't you think that's a bit saucy, darling?
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>>769It is, but not so much that it wouldn't be deniable.
But it is the only one that had the face I needed.
>>768What is your happy drink?
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>>771I can't say because this is an anonymous thread. What's yours?
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>>772No? I promise I won't tell.
I don't have a sad drink. I only drink when I'm having a good time with good friends.
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>>776I'm glad you can enjoy it!
>>777That is not what I was expecting. A very nice choice though. It wouldn't be the first thing I would think of but it is the kind of thing I might have on a very nice evening. No.779
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>>778I'm glad you're glad.
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>>781I'm always glad. I would just find a different reason if you didn't.
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>>780I prefer to keep it. Keeps me in line.
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>>783Are you going to start breaking the rules without it?
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>>785Close enough.
I take it you aren't?
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>>784Probably. I certainly don't break rules with it on.
>>787I am fine enough.
Do you like cream, anon?
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>>788I'm curious which ones you'd break. I can't imagine you misbehaving.
>>789I do! What is your favorite?
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>>790Well I'm misbehaving in this thread aren't I? Probably just give people more snark than usual.
>>790I don't have a fav, yet.
What's your favorite?
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>>791That's backwards. You should be snarky when you're posting as the snarky girl, not as the fabulous horse.
>>792"Yet"? That's a very interesting thing to say.
I have a weakness for anything with peanut butter.
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>>793She is adorable like that, I can post her if you prefer.
I try to bite my tongue.
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>>795Do they have it around where you are?
>>796If you went anon with me then you could speak your mind.
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She needs fashion tips what should she wear
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>>797Bush is dead. God did 9/11.
Like this?
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>>799It is a start.
>>801Night Maid Rarity is a cutie.
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>>800But she's already not wearing anything
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>>802Oh? That's a bother. Most people I've spoken to who don't have it around seem to like it.
What sorts of ice cream do you like otherwise?
>>804Great! Keep doing that.
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>>806This one is the cutest Raranon!
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>>803Okay, what should I say next?
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>>808And this anon has the best taste!
I'm figuring out my anons.
>>809Silly cutienon.
>>810Say something rash!
>>811It's just ice cream, anon.
There are not bad tastes, only different ones.
>I'm figuring out my anons.I am sure you know who I am anyways.
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>>812Yeah, but I don't like the guessing game. I like having a lot of anons who I have names for.
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>>811Nothing comes to mind. About what?
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>>815We could get saucy and say other posters.
>>816I swear you only have the cute ones.
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>>820I was just thinking of gossip and backbiting, but crushes work too.
>>821Heh, that would border on mean.
As for crushes
none No.823
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>>822That's boring. You should get one just to make a scandal.
>>823Who? Moony? A lover's quest for power?
Besides being flirty is all something I would do with my name on. Not that I'm fooling anyone.
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>>824Then do it with your name on! This thread is all of the anon going on.
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Well it took a while, but I found one rarity pic in my folders
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>>828Have fun!
Moony is too obvious though. Do a challenge.
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>>827My pony pics are on my comp, and my comp is not functioning properly, so I only have a couple pony pics in general
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>>830I'm there too. Still rebuilding my collection after a total failure.
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>>831>>831C'est la vie. At least there is quite the abundance of rarity pics online
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>>832There is! Luckily I had just gotten back from vacation and I put all my Rarities on a dropbox.
It's linked up above.
>>833You again!
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>>834>>834You are just on the ball today! All the rarara!
How was your day, dahling?
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>>839>>321586My day has been very nice! And yours, anon?
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>>841Aw, that's cute too!
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>>842wish I could edit posts here
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>>843I know how that goes.
How was your day?
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>>840>>840I would say it is rather well! Busy but productive! Now I am watching a friend play dark Souls 3
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>>847>>847Does the naughty bird see something he likes?
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>>845It was fine.
>>846Sounds fun! Are you going to get a turn to play?
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>>848I'm not a naughty bird, you silly.
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>>849>>849I already had my turn earlier playing overwatch, besides i like hanging out online when he plays
>>850Ah true true! You are a naughty poster…
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>>852What have you been up to?
>>853Hispa seems to like you hanging out, at least.
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>>855I was trying and failing to get a mod for a game to work, so instead I'm about to load up Civilization for a while. How about you?
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>>854>>854You tell me, Monsieur Hispanon…
>>855I wonder why?
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>>856Just because!
>>857What sort of mod? The kind we can't talk about on this site?
>>858I haven't a clue.
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>>859nothing that exciting unfortunately; a random world mod for a different game which I can't mention in this thread. What are you up to?
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>>860We all know, Darling~
I'm just having popcorn and talking with all of you fine anons!
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>>861know what?
How do you like your popcorn?
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>>858Well, I don't know.
Why Monsieur?
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>>862Which game it is!
Oh, this is just microwave popcorn I bought from some kid with a school trip or something.
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I suppose I will have to study the meaning of "because" again.
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>>865If you can stop studying Rarity for long enough~
>>866Oh you could be a few people but only one really has the same nature as you, and that one has one game he would not mention to keep from being too obvious. A game that it would be quite tempting to have random maps in, but which they would be rather difficult to execute well.
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>>868You're great, Darling.
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this is a nice thread
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>>872>>873it certainly is a nice thread. it really works best with Rarity, too
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>>867You're so silly, anon.
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>>873>>874I'm happy people are liking it! I used to do a lot like this way-back-when, but I'm afraid I'm the only poster from those threads who is still around so I wasn't sure if it would work.
>>875And you're a cutie!
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>>870game's starting; have a good one!
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>>859>>859Me neither!
What's your stance on sexy rarity?
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>>877>>878Thank you for making it a wonderful thread!
>>879And have a great game, Anon.
>>880You can lie to me but don't lie to yourself, Cutie.
>>881I'm certainly not telling you to cool it!
Simply I had never been called like that before.
>>882Why do you think I am cute anyway?
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>>883Because you look cute from here.
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>>882>>882Fabulous dahling ^^
>>883Oh? Well maybe I should call you master, if you preferred
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>>884>from here.See?
That's not enough to call me cutie.
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>>885Or simply, Hispa.
Don't you like my name?
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>>887Oh you are just the sweetest little thing, I could eat you up <3
Of course I love your name, but I was trying to be more sensual, do you understand?
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Hmm. It would be very difficult for me to post in this thread according to it's rules.
But I thought I'd drop by anyway to remind y'all that y'all are awesome and should stay awesome.
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>>887>>888I think anon likes teasing you, Hispa.
>>889"Y'all"? Wrong pony, darling~
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Poor Hispa!
>>888>Oh you are just the sweetest little thing, I could eat you up <3>I could eat you up <3>eat you up <3> <3Should I be worried about this?
>Of course I love your nameExcellent!
>but I was trying to be more sensual, do you understand?Of course I understand.
I am not a child, anon.
But I'm not used to "be more sensual".
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>>890He/she is only adding quality to the thread.
>>891Hi there!
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>>891>>893You two are adorable.
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>>890Playful teasing is part of a fun flirtatious thread ;)
>>892Depends on what you think I mean ;)
And fhats okay, I want you to be comfortable. So we could take things slowly if you are !ore comfortable that ways, Hispa sweety <3
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>>894This thread is adorable.
>>895>Depends on what you think I mean ;)A stew?
>And fhats okay, I want you to be comfortable. So we could take things slowly if you are !ore comfortable that ways, Hispa sweety <3Thanks!
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>>898We could make a stew! We just need a few ingredients. You, me, and some bubbling warm water ;)
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>>899>>899But what about the carrots, potatos, celery…?
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>>900Maybe you can add the carrot and I will bring the fish
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>>901What a strange recipe, anon.
What about the drinks?
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>>902I was thinking of having a delicious drink of Hispa ;)
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>>903Wow, anon.
I didn't know you liked lurking blogs in spanish!. No.906
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>>905What can I say
The Spanish language excites me
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>>829What good is love if not to gain power? A challenge for challenge sake though…
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>>906What a concidence!, I have many Ñs under my tongue, anon.
… Hmmm.
Wow, it's late. I suppose it's time to sleep.
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>>909Oh really?
I did not notice it.
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I'm back, darlings!
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>>908And you are going to leave me hanging without allowing me to find all those Ns?
Well C'est la vie
Goodnight Hispanon sweetie, thanks for playing with me ;)
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>>908>>912Going so soon? Darn! Just when I got back.
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This is the only Rarity photo I have… but I will join in and share the love!
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What's the matter? Don't like having attention drawn to you?
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I think I was being flirted…
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>>920You're very much a flirter yourself, darling.
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>>921Oh, excuse me anon.
I have to get off the computer for a while…
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>>922I saw how you were seducing a fellow Raranon with your Spanish speaking capabilities.
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>>924I'm back.
I apologize, anon. I didn't want to belittle you.
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Hello, Raranons!
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>>929Obvious rarara is obvious!
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>>930I don't see what you mean.
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>>932How is your evening going?
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>>933Just fine. And yourself?
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>>934Same here. I have a pretty relaxed few days ahead of me.
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>>935What are you going to do?
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>>936I'm not sure yet. I only have one class tomorrow, and finished all my midterms.
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>>937That's good to hear! How do you feel about how you did?
It looks like mine will be pretty exhausting for the rest of the semester.
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>>938They mostly went pretty well, although I kind of blew off studying for my IT short answer exam today and had to wing it. My grade in the class is probably going to take a hit, but it'll be in the B+/A- range, so I'm not too worried.
Sounds rough. What classes are you taking?
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>>939I'd give myself away. Not that it isn't obvious. Do you want to know?
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>>940I do, and it is pretty obvious. At least to me. But you don't have to if you don't want to.
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>>941I'm indifferent. If you ask I'll answer.
>>942Actually, it won't mean anything.
What are you taking?
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>>944Intro to IT, Programming for IT, First Year Composition, Statistics, and Understanding the Enterprise.
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>>945I'm glad you're taking to it so well. I was concerned.
How are you liking the programming itself?
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>>946The class itself is pretty bad, most of the homework assignments are very vaguely written and probably not very good for a first-time coder. I'm doing pretty well, though, since I already know the language and concepts being used and taught.
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>>947It's sink or swim. They'll learn.
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>>948True, I suppose. Though I find it kind of cruel. Even if it is more like the "real world."
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>>949My program expels you for a C-.
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>>950That's pretty strict. Not necessarily unfair, though. How is the quality of instruction?
The class and material isn't difficult, it's just not presented very well in this case. This particular professor is about to retire after a very long career, so a highly advanced case of senioritis might be to blame.
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Oh good, it looks like this is still going.
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Anon posting is anonymous.
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>>984I am doing fine. How are you?
>>985Is that a problem?
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>>985What's wrong, anonfriend?
>>986I am well!
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>>986No, that was just a random post.
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>>988>>989How are you two?
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>>990I am doing fine; thanks for asking, but I am the Rarity from above.
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>>991And I asked what you were doing, not how!
>>992What's keeping it from being an 8?
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>>993I completely misread that. oh wait… No you didn't! What are you doing?
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>>994I don't know. What am I doing?
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>>995posting on ponyville.
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>>996What's wrong with yourself?
>>997Exactly! And so are you.
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>>998Then you knew the answer all along!
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>>999And you're the one who asked.
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>>1000You implied that you asked.
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>>998I'm still trying to find it out.
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>>1008Well, what have you been up to?
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>>1009I've wasted my afternoon watching YT videos.
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>>1010Were you supposed to be doing something else?
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>>1014You must have some idea of something you'd like to be doing with yourself!
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>>1016What kinds of things do you like? Youtube videos aside.
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>>1018Walking and videos? I'd get quite bored too. No hobbies or interests? Not even games?
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>>1021"Almost"? What do you play?
>>1022I rarely play a generic zombie game I downloaded.
That's all.
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>>1023Most games just don't hold your interest?
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>>1025What kinds? Games with friends?
Do you like to cook? Drive? Learn stuff?
>>1026>What kinds?Action/Adventure/Online
>Do you like to cook?I still have to learn how to cook approperly.
>Drive? Still learning.
>Learn stuff?^|
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>>1027Which one is your favorite?
So really you have a lot that you're still learning!
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>>1029Of the ones you've played, anon. I'm not going to judge you.
>>1030… I don't have a favorite.
I like Age of empires 3…
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>>1031That one is fun. Which empire do you like best?
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>>1032I used to play as the Spanish empire.
British empire is good too.
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>>1033Those two are always interesting! I think I played them and the French the most.
But I was terrible at it!
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>>1035I am not a competitive person, by far! I'd hardly call myself a gamer.
>>1036I am sure I am not one.
Anon, I'm leaving for a while.
See you later, ok?
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>>1037See you, Anon. Come back with stories of your deeds!
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>>1039I liked the saddle dresses.
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>>1045How are you?
I was gonna do a bunch of things today, but instead I did
nothing and slept all day.
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>>1046I am finishing up a paper for school! Trade me? I would rather be doing nothing and sleeping all day.
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>>1047Sure, I'll trade! Is it still valid if instead of doing your paper, I do the things I was gonna do, though?
How did your exam go, by the way?
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>>1048It depends! What were you going to do?
Didn't you ask already? Oh well! Got an A. I have another one in the afternoon.
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>>1049Work on sprite art, make a product mock-up for my entrepreneurship class, and go makeup shopping. Maybe read a little.
Good job! And, not that I can recall! May have been a different Raranon.
>>1050You never said what the sprites were for!
I think I just ignored the question last time.
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>>1051Originally they were just for learning and practice, but I'm actually quite liking how they're turning out, so they'll most likely end up in a game.
Either way, you didn't this time.
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>>1052I'd stay to chat with the last Rarifriend, but I have an early start.
Don't be a stranger!
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>>1055Beatnik Rarity is gorgeous, I wish we saw her dressed like that more often.
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>>1056Yeah, berets are cool.
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>>1057As are turtleneck sweaters and her manestyle.
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>>1058I like that she a new outfits all the time though. It'd kind of work against her if she was stagnant.
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>>1059That's true. I suppose I'm a bit biased in favor of this look.
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>>1060It's certainly her most iconic.
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Dis the only thread with any life, but I no am raranon
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>>1061Besides the usual, anyway.
>>1062Make another one! I'd do it myself, but I already have a thread on the front page.
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>>1063I have no things to thread about tho. I just wanna hang.
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>>1066Quite all right, I've also got something I'm working on.
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>>1062Well then I guess it's good you came since I'll be back later.
>>1067Yeah, what ya working on?
>>1068Whooo, I fill a spot.
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>>1070IT homework.
Are you editing your footage from the other day?
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>>1072Ah, never mind, sorry. I forgot that you did finish editing the other footage when we last spoke.
>>1073That must have either been my playthrough of the game Blameless or my latest video on Shaolin Soccer ripoffs then.
But yeah, doing avideo on Freddy VS Jason now.
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>>1076What's going to be challenging about it?
>>1077Well… there's going to be two versions of me reviewing it and bickering with eachother.
Not in the same shot (that would require a lot of After Effects work my computer simply cannot hack), but it means I will have to record two different sessions with me in two different outfits and edit our arguments together.
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>>1078Ah, sounds intense.
>>1079Sort of.
See,before my current channel I had a show called Horrible Horror that only focused on bad h orror movies, but I got tired of only focusing on the bad and wanted to talk about all the other weird stuff I love too, so I ended that and made the new channel.
The oldvideos were frankly not very good as far as I'm concerned, but even I with almost no subs still get "Wah wah we don't like change" messages now and then even two years later. So now, for this Halloween special, I am bringing that version of me back for one final outing, and sort of making this episode both a fun callback and an official farewell to the old show since I kind of ended it without any fanfare.
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>>1080Ah, I see. That's clever.
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I return.
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>>1082Everybody wins?
>>1083Welcome back.
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>>1084nah, it's late.
>>1085Been here a while now I guess?
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>>1086That means you have more artistic license.
>>1087Quite a while, yeah.
How are you?
>>1087Aaawe, you're no fun!
>>1088Meh, I suppose.
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>>1088I'm alright.
Must be busy then.
>>1089I suppose I could party a little. I always have music going.
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>>1091The dopest of beats.
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>>1089Up to anything else?
>>1090Not particularly, anymore. I may take a powernap, honestly. I have class in 2 hours…
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I came to post a meme.
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>>1094I'm trying, but it's not working very well.
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>>1096Well staring at a screen won't help much.
>>1095Hows that going for you?
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You ponies are all doing it wrong!
You're supposed to be Anonymous, gosh darnit!
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>>1099Only if the next 50 posts will be made by actual Raranons.
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I've ignored this thread for 3 days already. Why is it still here?
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Imma just sit here and bask in the fabulosity, k?
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>>1113>>1114Be our guest darling!
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>>1115>>1114Hello Anon. Hello not-so-Anon.
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>>1115COmplete with singing candlesticks?
>>1116I am too big of a personality to go anon!
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>>1116Hello Anon.
>>1117Only if you sing along!
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>>1118I don't now all the lyrics though. To the english OR the danish version.
…I can do a fair bit of the Simpons parody, though.
>>1119Have no fear darling!
This anon has it covered for us all!
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>>1120Very well done. Good anon.
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>>1121Always happy to help!
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>>1122I should probably rewatch that soon, really.
Watap with you?
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>>1123Reading up on medications and trying to plan out the coming week.
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>>1117>>1118How are the two of you?
>>1125Sounds fun.
What have you planned so far?
>>1126Well enough, yourself?
>>1126I'm pretty good! I got all of my editing done for today, watched Piranha, had my dad over for a quick visit, and now I am just watching stuff till I feel like sleeping
>>1127Well, see, I get guests on saturday for a Halloween movie marathon, so I gotta get all the movies ready and clean up the place and get a bit of shopping done… but I also need time to record the video segments of the next Youtube video I am making, and that could take a while… I'll figure it out.
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>>1127I am also well!
>>1128Editing? Somebody is being busy.
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What movies are on the schedule?
What treats are you going to make for them?
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>>1130What are they about?
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>>1131So far, I got Fright Night, The Brood, Torment, Fiend Without A Face and a full viewing of all episodes of Over the Garden Wall planned. I also found some classic specials(Great Pumpkin, for instance, and the Grinch Halloween one), plus some semi-spooky shorts like Disneys classic Skeleton Dance, and one danish indie shortfilm from about two years ago that I adore. And I will have more in my sleeve in case people aren't quite up for something from the 70'ies (The Brood) or the 50'ies (Fiend Without A Face).
Oh, I am not gonna be making treats, I'm afraid. Not only can I not cook or bake for shit, I am also unemployed and low on cash, so people are bringing their own treats and we'll all pool together to make it a pizza party. I just want there to be at least some drinks for them when they get here and some of my own sweets.
>>1132Well, I am one of them folks that make Top Tens and film reviews. Though I have also done asingle game review and plan to do more, along with the occasional comic book review. It's an admittedly typical gag review show, just centered on all the crazy genres and subjects I love. Sometimes I'll do something totally obscure, or something vaguely related to a current release (for instance, when the new Ghostbusters movie came, I did a video on bothFIlmation's Ghostbusters and Extreme Ghostbusters cartoon, and next month I'll do the Doctor Strange TV movie from the 70ies).
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>>1132Any plans for the coming days?
>>1133Sounds like it is going to be a good time.
Sorry to hear you are on hard times.
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>>1133That's a fair amount of content already. It must keep you busy!
>>1134Just a lot of busy-work. Coming here to ignore it. And yourself?
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>>1135More of less the same.
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>>1134It oughta be. The last times I did this it was pretty damn fun. I try my best to make the movies as varied as possible in tone, age, budget, etc. for maximum fun.
Thank you. Yeah,it's little fun.
>>1135Not as much as you might think, since I don't exactly gain anything from it yet, so I don't work as much as some Tubers do. But I HAVE upped productivity this year compared to last. This one I'm doing now will be my ninth main episode this year, plus three Top Ten videos, a few shorter reviews and a few Let's Plays.
Granted, when I AM working on avideo, it does take a lot of time.
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>>1136More of less?
>>1137I'm not saying you're making bank, just that you have something to do!
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>>1138I try to. It keeps me going for sure. Itd be nice if it'd grow a bit, tho.
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>>1137I'm sure it will go just fine!
>>1138My keyboard betrayed me.
*More or less.
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>>1139Growth comes after the labor! Besides, you're doing it as much for you as for the audience.
>>1140What sort of busywork will you not-be-doing?
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>>1141My family accounting, emails, some day to day chores, and studying.
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>>1142I thought I was me, but you seem to be me as well.
What are you studying?
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>>1141But of course. Everyone who makes things just wants them to be seen.
>>1140For certain. I should also figure ou the order, though.
Probably save The Brood for whle we're eating as it's one of the more serious ones on the list…
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>>1143I always tell you were are cut from the same cloth.
Chemical bonds and pharmaceuticals
Also looking at next semester and some other programs.
>>1144I don't think I have seen that one.
I'll have to put it on my watch lest for Halloween.
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>>1146If you can handle some bleak Cronenberg, for certain. It's good stuff.
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>>1148What would the standard list be?
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>>1149The Halloween series, Scary Godmother, Repo, Nightmare on Elm Street up to Dream Warriors, and a few other ones that are not really noteworthy.
>>1150I like to think most things are noteworthy, but alright.
Well if you want some suggestions, I got plenty. Just need some words on what you enjoy.
>>1151I'm open to most films.
Top five must watch horror films if you don't mind.
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>>1144That you're proud of them is what matters most.
>>1145Oh! You're offline so I thought it might be somebody new.
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>>1155You should always be proud of your creations!
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>>1157Then you must be doing something right, if even you approve!
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>>1099OP here. If you'll indulge my vanity for a moment, why do you feel that way??
>>1159It's only too late once you give up!
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>>1160You're absolutely correct.
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>>1161They're a lot of work, but it must feel good when they're done too.
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>>1163How about once you finish editing this one?
>>1164Yeah, I should. It's a fairly simple short, so it shouldn't take long. Exxcept I of course need some music at some point for one or two moments, but meh.
I do have two of the bigger videos planned for next month, but this shouldn't take long.
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>>1165They take even longer when you save them for later!
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>>1167And you would appreciate it too!
>>1169Certainly. Itd be the first time in three years I've actually made one too.
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>>1171And then you'll stop beating yourself up about not having them done yet!
>>1172That's the plan.
For now I sleepies tho.
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>>1180Cheers to the fact we're not dead!
>>1181You're very kitty tonight
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>>1182I see you there.
Next you'll be telling me you just crashed your car.
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>>1183>>1184Ba-da ba–da ba?
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>>1186You out musiced me.
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>>1187It's the same artist. Adorable chorus.
Enough singing though.
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>>1189It was fun!
>>1188Are you enjoying yourself?
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>>1191One of them. Not as fun as the other, I'm afraid.
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>>1197What is with you two?
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>>1198Anon does not like me.
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>>1199Why do you think that?
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>>1201I'm pretty sure that was at me, darling.
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Rarity will always love you.
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>>1203>>1204Give me a Rarihug
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Oh happy day
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>>1216I found a Rara thread
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>>1217And a popular one at that!
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>>1218I know~! You don't see them much larger… though it shouldn't be surprising for such a marvel of a mare
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>>1219The number one thread for raripones to meet and reminisce.
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Kissy Rarara!
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>>1221Whoops, forogt a rule… was insta deleted
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>>1222You weren't the first rulebreaker, and I doubt you'll be the last.
>>1223I want to kiss her!
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>>1226First on the right front hoof. Then on the cheek. Then the tip of her nose. And finally, on the lips.
It's not very ladylike to rush straight to first base, you know.
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>>1235Being a showpony is hard work.
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>>1236Sleepy sleepy Rarara.
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>>1237Why such a sleepy Rarara?
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>>1238Rarara did not get enough beauty sleep.
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>>1239Rarara needs a nappypoo?
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>>1241What keeps rarara awakies?
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>>1242Rarara needs her daily pony time.
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>>1243I have severely overponied myself.
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>>1244There is no such thing as overpony.
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>>1245Good! Because if there was too much rarity then we would have hit it a long time ago.
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>>1246There can never be enough pony.
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>>1247And never enough Rarity!
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is the overpony…
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>>1249She is certainly "winning" the board in this moment.
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Testing, Testing.
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