No.2444[View All]
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It's time to vote for the Ponyville Administrative Consistency and Transparency Act'll leave this up for a week. At the end of the week, we shall count the votes, and implement the proposals that have received majority approval.
If you are looking for more regulations, or changes, don't worry: as you can see, rules aren't set in stone. The rules will still be tuned, as time goes on, if the rules require tuning.
Thank you all for voting!
233 posts and 129 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. No.2678
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I made a Sweetie Belle thread on Canterlot.
Now I can't delete it.
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>>2679>>834728fuck, you deleted my posts and their replies :-(
>>2680Technically I deleted it, on request. OP basically has the right to delete a thread but LeAnon cycles through ip and cookies I guess, so things like delete and edit functions probably don't work for him.
There's arguments to be made that an op shouldn't be able to wipe a thread entirely from the board, but that's how it works for now, so that's how I handled it.
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>>2683the "king of own thread" thing is rather ambiguous, don't we sort of have that already? How would this as a rule be different?
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Why is Rule 11 "Don't post illegal content" even up for a vote? It's not like you'd let users post illegal shit even if a majority doesn't like the rule.

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>>2688To me it seems like a silly rule.
I think I'm breaking it right now by posting something that is illegal in the United States?

>>2688>>2689Oh, right. It says content.
Guess I agree then.
But what content is illegal?
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>>2690>But what content is illegal?Well, the big one is CP, but that's already covered by two other rules (the "no porn" rule and the "no sexualizing children" rule). So-called """obscene""" porn (under
Miller) is also theoretically illegal, but again already covered by the "no porn" rule.
Hmm, so maybe Rule 11 doesn't actually ban anything that isn't already banned by other rules. Maybe it's just a CYA for the site. Anyone posting illegal shit already knows they're liable to be b& and v& regardless of site rules.
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>>2691There are plenty of illegal things that aren't sex related, like planning terrorist activities and tons of other stuff.
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>>2689Actually, owning a Kinder Egg in the US is not illegal. Selling them as a food product is simply because of a FDA regulation that states no inedible substance shall be fully encased within an edible substance and sold as a food product.
This is probably the main reason that Fortune Cookies are not sealed but instead simply folded.
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>>2693Didn't we have our own version at one point? Were Wonder Balls banned, too?
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>>2694I'm not sure. The FDA ruling might be somewhat recent, like 80's or something. I'd actually have to look it up.
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>>2696Well Wonder Balls were from the 90s, I think, so the ruling would have to be more recent than that.
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>>2697Decided to look it up.
"The FDA’s rule was challenged by Nestle, a Swiss company, in 1997 when it introduced Nestle Magic Balls. The balls consisted of a toy inside a plastic shell inside a chocolate shell, the same as Kinder Eggs. This did not sit well with the FDA, which declared that selling Nestle Magic Balls violated the 1938 act. Nestle then tried to lobby the U.S. government with no success. Within two months of first being sold, the candy was pulled from the stores. A couple of years later, Nestle rolled out a tweaked version of the balls called Nestle Wonder Balls. Except this time, the chocolate shells were filled with candy, making it legal." No.2699
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>>2698Well there we go, question answered. Thanks.
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>>2699The Resistance seems to be alive and breaking the law at Lucky's.
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>>2700Those are actually Kinder Surprise style candy, which are different from Kinder Eggs. Kinder
Eggs are still banned in the US, however there is an offshoot called Kinder
Surprise where half the egg is chocolate and the other half is a plastic shell with a toy inside. Since the chocolate doesn't fully cover the toy they are perfectly legal in the US.
>>2701The label both says the "surprise" is "inside" and the product shots look like completely covered.
But probly its as you say in reality. Damned loopholes.
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Is the poll over now? Will the results be available?
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>>2444I voted.
Yes to banning obscenity while risque is ok,
No to ALL victim-punishing (goaded users)
No to ALL rules distinguishing "fetishistic" or "sexual fixation" from mainstream views on obscenity as same are ALL egregious violations of equality
NO emphatically! On ALL statutory mandatory sentencing
Yes on no sexualizing minors as it is clearly the true motivating vehemence behind this proposed rules reformation.
Yes on rules board and hoofbook.
I hope any who still have not voted, defining an "undecided" class, will consider following my voting guidelines.
Remember you may vote the issues you care about and abstain on those you do not.
a lost pony loves you all (so run!)
>>2706>No to ALL rules distinguishing "fetishistic" or "sexual fixation" from mainstream views on obscenity as same are ALL egregious violations of equalityOh for crying out loud, not this again. The adult content rules could have been stated more concisely (but also more vaguely) as "don't post adult content that would disturb/offend/annoy a typical person viewing it". The fetish rule is just a elaboration that fetishistic content disturbs/offends/annoys people more than vanilla. And yes, it's an artifact of our culture (e.g., if this was a Middle Eastern website, bare ankles might fall under the adult content rules), but that's just way that human beings work.
(And just to dispel some false assumptions that might be made from what I said above, let me say that I voted no for all but the two most lenient of the fetish rules.)
>>2708In which case the additional wording to treat fetishistic content differently is at best redundant so needless and prejudicial.
It's not this "again" i'm expressing my view on it and only telling me that my opinion is wrong makes it "this again" so, have fun with that.
>>2707In which case a separate codification only confuses the intent/enforceability of the rule
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>>2712Reported for being offended.
>>2714Under the new rules maybe you'll get grounded for baiting me and not just me for sperging out. Tho in one version, i'll get grounded worse for being too dense to learn my feelings aren't actually hurt when you bait me.
You meanie.
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>>2716Last day to lewd the place up before Da Man cracks down on us
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>>2717That day has passed.
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>>2718Nuh uhh.
Hey Moons what time does the poll close? In case there are any stragglers.
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>>2722One hour to vote. Make sure to bring your favorite graveyard to the polls.
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>>2724Its on purpose, joking about our fine American tradition of dead people voting.
>>2725But i'm not dea-