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New thread for discussing the issues in the transparency report.
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>>6367what happened with the previous one?
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Well, i wonder if todays escapade will change anyone's answers.
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>>6371This only made me realize how vulnerable the boards can be. Only an anonimous could mess with an entire one.
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>>6369>alguien lo borro con un ataque de reaction: see
2 hours ago I decided to play Dragon Quest XI and when I returned there was a 404 not found.
but Ok
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Yeah, guys, even if you might not like any potential changes to the site meant to combat ban-evasions and raids like this, we can't let the ban-evaders take control of the staff and power trip all over them and us.
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What happened to /canterlot/? Can you restore from backup?
Well, I guess the question about needing to implement more extreme technological enforcement mechanisms for bans is now answered. (I guess you could also go the legal route and pursue CFAA charges, but the wheels of justice move very slowly, so that's probably not a viable option, at least for the short term.)
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>>6377My proposal to make ponyville real was a very important thread to have lost. Maybe we can save that one.
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i guess i wasn't around for whatever the heck happened
don't really see why we need to make any of the drastic changes to how the site works
i voted 1 on every single one of those
making this site harder to use will most definitely make me less likely to use it
im only using it not because all it takes is me typing out a post and applying an image. anything else ruins the site for me.
anyways, whatever.
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>>6379>i guess i wasn't around for whatever the heck happenedSomeone apparently raided /catnerlot/ with spam.
>making this site harder to useSome of the options wouldn't make the site any harder to use for users, even if none of {IP address, tripcode, password for file deletion} are recognized. It would just delay their posts until a mod approves.
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>>6380> It would just delay their posts until a mod approves.It might discourage new-comers.
Edit: And might push the mods.
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Yes, we should not forget that this community targets people who are/ have been on IB's, people that probably are not accustomed to get their post delayed by mod-approval.
Don't you like new friends?
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>>6379Basically LeAnon and Fleur effectively deleted canterlot and spammed the place with neo-nazi stuff and ban-evasion was a key part of that.
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Whatever, just bring back Sweetie Belle, she's far more tolerable than you.
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>>6388I propose an idea: Maybe there should be a per-board limit of many new threads can be created (and how many ancient threads can be bumped) in any 24-hour window. Mods would be able to approve threads so that they don't count towards the limit. And this limit would be for all users combined, not per user. /canterlot/ and /townhall/ never get more than a full page of threads in a single day unless they're being raided/spammed.
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>>6393These werent new threads but necro bumps.
Doing nothing is best. Letting the children have their fun is better than complicating everything we do. Making mods do approval work is a dead-end solution that only lets the tail wag the dog.
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>>6394>These werent new threads but necro bumps.OK, but how does that relate to my post? I specifically said:
>(and how many ancient threads can be bumped)>Making mods do approval workThe limits would be high enough that it would entail no additional work for the mods in 99%+ of the time. The ability to manually approve threads would only needed to be used in rare situations where users make an exceedingly large number of legitimate threads.
>>6396I dont want to be rude but, telling you that your proposed method would not have affected the current situation is how it relates to your post. (Edit: plus it wouldnt work anyway cuz they can just switch ip and keep creating threads)
There simply is no securing the site against raiders because there will always be a hole for them to exploit.
Eroding our own usability will accomplish the raiders' goals without them even having to use effort attacking us.
It's a lose/lose.
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>>6397>telling you that your proposed method would not have affected the current situation is how it relates to your post. (Edit: plus it wouldnt work anyway cuz they can just switch ip and keep creating threads)OK, you're misunderstanding my post. Please read
>>6393 again, very carefully:
>per-board limit of many new threads can be created (and how many ancient threads can be bumped) in any 24-hour window.>And this limit would be for all users combined, not per user.In my proposal, no more than
N threads could be created or necrobumped on a given board in any 24-hour period. It's not
N threads per IP address; it's
N threads total. So one IP makes 5 threads, then another IP can make at most
N-5 threads.
>>6394>These werent new threads but necro bumps.Are you sure about that? Why would the threads have been completely deleted if they were just necrobumped? If I had to guess, I would guess that there were BOTH necrobumps AND new threads spammed.
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>>6398No, i understood your algorythm. It would provide a new means of attacking the site by the attacker producing N new threads causing every legitimate new thread to wait for a mod to approve it.
Supporting my point: its futile to try and out-think the criminal mind.
If they want to attack us, then at least lets not do their work for them by adding barriers to our own use of our site.
I don't intend to say that you are wrong, only express my opinion. I hope i am not being rude.
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>>6399> It would provide a new means of attacking the site by the attacker producing N new threads causing every legitimate new thread to wait for a mod to approve it.It's true that an attacker would be able to prevent the creation of new legitimate threads until the mods delete their spam threads. But this is a weaker attack than being able to spam the whole board to the point where all legit threads are pushed off the end of Page 10.
(I didn't mention explicitly, but deleting a thread would also remove it from the limit. Conceptually, the database query would be something like "select count(*) from Threads where BoardID=$BoardID and LastBumpTime > ${CurrentTime - 7*24*60*60} and not IsModApproved and not IsDeleted".)
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>>6400Actually, that query doesn't perfectly capture my proposal, but I think it's close enough. But on second thought, the "ModApproval" field should be a time-stamp rather than a bool, and only threads approved in the last week or so should be excluded from count, to prevent a previously-approved thread from being later necrobumped.
>>6405If this is true then how many posts per day are deleted really is a "transparency" issue.
In which case i think we should have that information.
>>6404Not all. Im still here.
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>>6405at present, the site is whisper quiet on the spam front, and has been since that one burst of activity
we haven't even had a report in the past week!
that said, history can and will repeat itself if we are not careful, and the staff is still intent on implementing a solution that the userbase approves of
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>>6410I'm enjoying the lack of complaints from the few.
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Maybe it is time to unsticky this thread?
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>>6762The problem with that is that cute raridash image wouldn't be greeting you every time you come to canterlot.