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the last couple days have put me through the ringer! nothing awful, just a lot of work! so I'm just gonna streamline the Chatroulette this time

click on this link, and then hit random question button, and answer that question!


do it however many times you like, no limits here

and you can roll dice here all you want! it literally does nothing, but if it makes you feel better, then roll away!


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>What's your worst habit?

i do not have a good diet. i get my food groups, but i am guilty for fast food and junk food frequently

i know if i cooked for myself, and made the effort, my diet would be better. but god damn i just don't want to ><


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>What's one of your favorite comfort foods?

Probably won ton soup. It's like chicken noodle soup, only better


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i do enjoy won ton soup, but i typically order the hot and sour soup when given the option


>"What is your theme song?"

My goodness! This is a great question! At the same time, though, how should the answer get approached?

Am I looking for a song that's best reflected my life so far? One that reflects my inner identity and fundamental beliefs? Or maybe one that just has stuck with me the most since childhood, having a kind of spiritual attactment to me?

I suppose that while I'm not really that interesting of a person and haven't had that interesting of a life, still, I'll highlight arguably my favorite song by arguably my favorite performer ever: "Heroes" by David Bowie!

Bowie transcended way, way past gender. Sexual orientation. Age. Ethnicity. Nationality. Class. Race. And more. He has and still does speak to those of us in this world who've come to understand of ourselves as alien misfits. And we should be proud of ourselves as those alien misfits.

This is also maybe the very best example throughout all of recorded music that I can think of based on what I guess you can call "Enlightenment moral idealism". The world seems like a cesspool. Yet it's not really that. Not at all. Because in a truly meaningful sense any individual person or small group of people can do something positive that makes a lasting difference. Anybody can be a hero. If even just for one day.


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bowie's a true icon, so i love the choice!


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The OP also greatly reminds me of this artwork:


That's great! <3


>"What is your theme song?"

I've always interpreted this beautiful melancholic song to be about dissociation, even if the lyrics are a bit ambiguous about that. Specifically the line "that there, that's not me". Which is what made this resonate with me so much given how long I've felt forced to live someone else's life. It's like  my dysphoria theme song ...


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>"What would you do on a free afternoon in the middle of the week?"

I currently aren't working and haven't for a while now, so I've a lot of "free" afternoons the past year so far... I guess!

I suppose my instincts are to go out to eat some ice cream and listen to music while relaxing at some diner type place... why not?



If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?



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>pet peeves?

oh! one of my pet peeves is a group conversation in which that group's particular habit/culture is to talk over the person who is speaking/cuts someone off in order to get their turn to talk!

i grew up with an older sibling and i got enough of that sort of conversation-type to last me a lifetime. so now what ends up happening when i'm in those groups is that i don't talk much! or when there's finally a quiet moment to speak the topic has already changed haha


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>Pirates or ninjas?


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>If you were a vegetable, what vegetable would you be?
a tomato, because then i can get people to question whether i'm a fruit or a vegetable

and then i get to be on pizza

i feel ya bugs... everybody asks "what's up, doc?" and never "how are you, doc?"

damn... i kinda vibe with this too!

and the idea of live someone else's life, that also hits a bit too ><

i can always come to you for unique music inspiration

ice cream and music sounds like a perfect afternoon <3

oooh interesting! why ulysses? fan of greek myth? irish ergodic literature? civil war generals?

god i fucking hate that! it's so derailing and just makes you feel agitated!

and worse if the person is one of those types that 1-up your story; those people are the worst!



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>What's your favorite piece of clothing you own?
I mean, none in particular? I'm very much an open hoodie / jeans / print t-shirt kind of guy, and most of my t-shirts just feature prints of franchises I like. Sure, I like some more than others, but one big time favorite? Not so sure.

I did just get two new ones the other day and am wearing the one in the Pic right now and I love it, though

>Tomato just to sow discord
Now that's evil


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>What dumb accomplishment are you most proud of?

i got an order half off at Raisin' Canes cause i had to go to the bathroom once! a dumb flex that i can't help but love

nice! i think Barbie and Scream might go hand in hand in a lot of ways, although not quite Barbenheimmer levels

also you reminded me of the MK1 game that has DLC from horror movies, and i saw the Ghostface fatality, which was a fun little nod to the movies; but it left me asking "how do fully trained martial artists with magical powers get killed by 2 teenagers in a costume in a 1v1 fight?"

and tis the season of evil and misfortune, and i got the sauce to spice it up!



The same way a superhero whose ability is "shoots arrows" can beat up Superman in the Injustice games: video game bullshit.

Local stores actually have Halloween stuff out slightly before 1st Of October here for a change, yippeee


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ugghhh yeessss, one uppers are also so bad!


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>Would you rather be stuck on a broken ski lift or a broken elevator?

Ski lift, definitely.

I'm not claustrophobic but I think being trapped in an elevator long enough might just make me. At least getting stuck on a ski lift would get me a nice view.


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>What's your earliest memory?

Playing with a huge AC adapter on a camcorder my dad had rented in 1983 to record my second birthday party. I probably only remember this because there was a shock involved and it was caught on tape. What wasn't caught in tape was my mother scolding me afterwards for playing with something I wasn't supposed to.


>What's your favorite candy?

Oh, any candy I haven't tried yet. I don't really eat candy particularly often, but I do like trying new things.

If that's not in the spirit of the thing then uh... I used to really like these eucalyptus mints as an elementary school kid? My parents were very stingy with giving me pocket money, but you know how it is - if you keep your eyes open you can find a small denomination coin here and there, like a local equivalent of a $0.05 or $0.10 that someone lost. When that happened I would go to a stall at a local market hall and go buy one or two pieces since they were selling them per weight. I'm pretty sure nowadays thinking back on it that the single piece of candy was a rounding error on the scales and in terms of monetary gain the whole transaction was a waste of effort for the lady running the stall, but she would always sell it to me anyway. Good times.


>What is one of the great values that guides your life?

Oh that is certainly a question. I have multiple driving values, some of which run very much counter to what's considered The Right Way To Be. They're not "wrong", but I feel like I'd only be understood by people who share them in the first place. Gotta therefore compose my answer carefully...

Okay, how about this then. I value the ability to change one's mind pretty highly. It's not an overriding value (I don't really have those, there's always some balance). For example if I see someone changing their mind to something I consider stupid, I will absolutely not respect them for it (consider someone changing their view about the flat Earth from "nonsense" to "it is true!", this will 100% tank my view of them even though it's a pretty massive show of Changing One's Mind). But I will never ever ever ever call someone a "flip-flop" (and I will always approach that charge with suspicion) unless they change back and forth based on expediency rather than on a genuine belief and changes therein. Seeing someone with a rigid adherence to a specific viewpoint makes me suspicious of that viewpoint and of them, rather than want to rally around their camp.


>What is your theme song?

It changes. It changes a lot.

Let's go with this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KevmywHSf1I


>Would you rather be stuck on a broken ski lift or a broken elevator?

I mean... there's more than 1 kind of ski lift? In one kind you're "stuck" meaning the thing isn't moving while it's supposed to be dragging you up. So you can get yourself "unstuck" by just letting go and continuing on foot. Score one for the ski lift.

The other kind is you're suspended in the air. But then, that's how it works for elevators too, and here at least you get at place to sit while you wait for the situation to get resolved. Ski lifts all the way.


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I just got done watching The Descent, and i was already afraid of cave spelunking; so this tapped into all sorts of fears for me...

>If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?

I guess Navi would be the answer for that! seems pretty logical to me

i understand that logically, but it's still a fun thing to think how they could pull that off in a convincing way!

what level of shenanigans can we get going until it makes sense?

oooh i am stoked for the halloween stores! i'll be goin to the Spirit Halloween on monday to see if i can pick some stuff up!

i just hate how much they make suffering a competition, when that's the last thing it should be!

i'd be inclined to agree!

plus you could get airlifted, or have somebody repel up to you, whereas an elevator is basically a metal prison!

oooh your first memory was a shocking twist!

ooh i love your adventurous attitude! i'm kinda in the same boat

but i also fallback on reeses pieces

that's a great one!

it's so often people double down on their preconceptions, even when proven wrong; when if they changed their mind and decided to better themselves, they would be wiser and more tolerable!

that's a good one! makes me feel like we are creating your character!

i tend to agree ^_^


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I mean, I can think of downsides to getting stuck on a ski lift too depending on how long you're stuck there like harsh winter conditions after sunset, elevator's got that going for it at least. On the other hand, if I'm not stuck alone, I would definitely prefer to on the ski lift if everyone was stuck there that they'd have to ... uh ...

Anyway, yeah it's my oldest memory, but the fact it was caught on tape makes me question if I [i[actually[/i] remember it, or I'm just imagining it from a first person perspective because I've seen the tape multiple times in my life since it happened considering it was part of my parent's home movie collection. But then again ... why that specific moment though, when the tape had stuff my dad recorded from the whole day? I haven't watched that tape since I was a kid, but I definitely remember it had parts shot at multiple times that day (cause it was my birthday), which I couldn't recall when I last remember watching the tape, but that would've been over 30 years ago


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>What's something you learned in the last week?
I learned what a contusion is (medical term for a bruise)


>"What is one of the great values that guides your life?"

I'm not sure if I could call it a "value", but one of the biggest things that's been proven in my life as a kind of psychological and philosophical view is that people are inconsistent and illogical: so any sort of friendship-based or family-based connection that you have with somebody is going to have to transcend their viewpoints and their actions whether you like them or not.

The exact same guy who proudly declares that "America would be better off if all of the black people were sent back to Africa" will give you a huge, genuine smile and hug you when you show them a picture of the black man and/or black woman that you're dating, telling you that "I'm happy that you're happy".

People are roulette wheels that will do harmful and abusive things to you and each other on a random basis, so if you want to coexist with them, well, you sort of just have to deal with that inherent part of their innate biology.

Does this make it difficult to try to make the world a better place and treat people positively regardless of what they say and do? Yes. Yes, it does. But you have to be strong anyways. And just do whatever you can anyways before you check out in life. Nobody ever said that death wouldn't stalk you at every turn.

So, like, as a matter of moral values: if the guy next to you at dinner wants to tell you that the Holocaust didn't happen and Jews are terrible like rats or whatever, just look away from him, smile, and then be sure to give him a big hug when you can, because connections are connections and you just need to swallow whatever you've got to swallow to keep the connections going. A woman who physically hits you likely actually does love and care about you. And so on. That's just humanity.


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>what makes me cry?
seeing people try their hardest to try for their dreams, in the face of adversity

makes me strive harder as well <3

true, i've been on a ski lift in 0 degree weather, and it can really cut through the layers pretty hard. but the bathroom is a lot more tolerable, if not more exposed :P

memories from when we were tiny tots are always hit or miss, so i don't doubt your doubt!

contusion sounds a lot more intense than a bruise!

"Hey boss, yesterday i suffered a contusion, and am unable to work today"

like a boss would think you nearly died when you say that!

humans are definitely illogical and irrational a lot of times for sure; and to be comfortable with that lets you live a lot more honestly in many ways


If we're talking "theme song" as in something that psychologically hits a certain way and describes my personal taste in music, then maybe a better example though would be some kind of melodic hard rock piece, such as "This Time It Feels Like Love" / "Feels Like Love" by Danger Danger:


Honorable mentions for "When It's Love" by Van Halen, "Hollyann" by Boston, "Back Where You Belong" by 38 Special, "Heaven" by Warrant, and "Shadows of the Night" by Pat Benatar... among many others...


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>What talent would you show off in a talent show?

guess i'd do a couple flashy lookin forms that i know. although i'd like to get a bit more fit first

all great choices!

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