No.1179443[Last 50 Posts]
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We used to write stories together!
You can find them here:
http://fndkp.jimdofree.comNowadays we just sit around the fire and talk as the snow claims us. Feel free to join.
We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: more are here:
Check out the deviantART community:
http://desktop-pony-team.deviantart.comYour can find the program source code on github: No.1179444
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No snow in sight yet!
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>>1179444I doubt we'll get any snow this year where I live.
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>>1179445We might for a few days.
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>>1179447I would like to enjoy a snow day for a change. Encourage my eldest brother to make a snowman with me.
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>>1179449Too late, you're too old for snowmen!
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>>1179450That's the whole point! Last time I made a snowman was somewhen in the mid-'90s! It be nice to have another go at it.
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>>1179451Well, maybe you'll get lucky.
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Good morning.
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>>1179464Hello, I'll be off to bed soon.
I decided to have a cup of milk before bed, just to see if my stomach can still handle it without my anxiety dictating an answer.
Right now, I feel fine.
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>>1179466I'm off to work myself in a bit, hope you'll have a good night/morning.
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>>1179475nah, just got back from visiting family for early thanksgiving, and after a 12 hour drive, partially through heavy rain, i'm wiped
how bout you?
>>1179477I hope you can relax properly now. Was the food good?
Busy times at work here.
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>>1179478actually i got drunk and became nauseous around dinner time, so i didn't eat anything and passed out
and i should pass out again
have a good day at work clarity!
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>>1179482Hey hey, how's it going?
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I got me some Valerian Root Extract tablets today, though after having a long nap, reconsidering if I need them.
Ever since I "think" I have an anxiety disorder, well this morning to mid-day I kept feeling on edge for no reason. As if my anxiety was pulling straws to make me worried. Things like "The smear on the tissue is still yellow, you might have a serious bowel problem!" or "Your state of mind will never be like how you were last week ever again!" or "You're going to be medicated for now on!" or "You still don't want to eat your snacks, why?"
I won't take the full dosage (two after every means), I'll just take one after eating whenever I feel on edge again.
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>>1179491Well, you do you.
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Back during MLP:FiM early seasons, I made an OC called the White Reindeer.
Just as Santa Claus is to Christmas, he is to Hearth's Warming.
On the night of Hearth's Warming Eve, he pulls a chariot carrying a large bag of toys and gifts for all the good little ponies across Equestria.
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>>1179501Oh yeah, I remember that one.
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Home again, time to relax.
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>>1179538I got a sausage!
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>>1179540I got some beer.
>>1179541Oktoberfest in November?
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>>1179542I have beer almost daily. There's a fest all year round.
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>>1179547I think I'd prefer it with mustard.
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>>1179566Hey there; sorry, I was at work already.
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>>1179576Wow, lucky! No snow here.
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>>1179581Not enough for a snowman yet.
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>>1179583Got any plans for the rest of the day?
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>>1179571it's all good!
what you up to?
>>1179586oh, well goodnight i guess :P
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>>1179587Stupid time zones!
>>1179588Thanks, have nice evening yourself.
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Good morning.
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>>1179600Hi Noelle, how are you? Bed time soon?
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>>1179601i'm doin well, just vibing at the moment
i got an hour till i start winding down for the evening.
how are you? what are you up to?
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>>1179602Sounds good, did you have a nic week so far?
I'm alright. I've taken the day off. So I'm just taking it easy right now with my coffee.
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>>1179603it has been a nice week, mainly cause i haven't worked up until tomorrow. so it's been great to just wind down and recover a bit. yesterday we went to my neighbors birthday at a mexican restaurant where they had a buffet, and it was relaly good, and we took home a lot of leftovers. so i had tacos the last 3 days, which i'm not complaining about
i also have sent three job applications out today, cause i need to prep for the end of the holidays where i'll be out of a job. always a bit fun and a lot of stressful in its own right
ooh nice! what will you do with your day off, other than sip coffee?
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>>1179604I've never had a taco before!
You must have had lots of different jobs before. Is the North Pole work your favorite?
A friend will come in the afternoon, we'll play some games. I might head to the mall before that.
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>>1179605come to colorado, and i will show you some amazing tacos!
i'd say it's my favorite of the menial jobs to pay bills with. however my favorite job i've had is a tie between when i got paid for my script, sifu, and that stint i did as an illustrator of puppet rigs.
ooh what games? what's at the mall?
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>>1179606I'm not that big a fan of food that is 'filled' or 'stuffed'. I like my food spread out on a plate so I can mix the separate things how I want.
Oh yes, your script! Have you worked on some new ones!
We'll play a very old F1 game on the SNES, and we'll start a new old Castlevania game. We might also play Alan Wake.
Lots of stores to browse. They have the Christmas stalls out already too and the big tree. Food's good as well, I might have dinner there.
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>>1179607street tacos would be perfect then, they are typically smaller, and you can mix and match however you want. and we can always get buffet style as well
i've worked on one for a while, but things in life sorta derailed my writing mode, so it's been a bit. i really should get back into it to clean up what i made
all very fun ideas! i've been meaning to get into the Alan Wake games
ooh fun <3 i would love to just wander the mall and get some food ^_^
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>>1179609Ah, that sounds better!
Maybe you'll have time and inspiration later this year.
Alan Wake's pretty good, it has some good atmosphere and a pretty unique story.
The mall is always a nice place to hang out at.
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>>1179610oh it's so good! you can always make me happy with a tripa taco or an adobada burrito <3
maybe, can't force it, but i'll see what i can do
it looks surreal and speaks to my inner David Lynch fan
it really is, but i'm rarely ever near one ><
anywho, i need to sleep!
goodnight! have fun with the mall, yor game and your friends!
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>>1179611I hope you'll sleep well!
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>>1179619Well, it was just a one time thing for the time being.
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>>1179624Can we have more, please?
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Good morning.
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>>1179637Hello there! Which crimes will you commit?
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>>1179638sending a burning ferris wheel down the highway probably
how about you? what crimes you got cookin?
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>>1179639I'm sure I've seen something like that in a movie once!
I'm not sure honestly... I got up so early that I'm already ready for bed again.
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>>1179640well truth is stranger than fiction! i only gripe cause the dedicated wheel guy got fired, so now i'm sorta semi-permanent wheel person ><
well when i get up too early, i usually just get into bed again and just vibe until i feel like gettin out >><
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>>1179641Oh no! Well, I guess you could take it as a badge of honor, cause you're a competent wheeler and dealer.
>>1179641It's light outside and I need to do groceries soon. No time to sleep.
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>>1179642i wheel and i deal!
and unlike you, i got time to sleep
including now!
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>>1179643Lucky! Sleep tight!
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>>1179645I got up at 4 a.m.!
I hope your game will be fun, I had two sessions last weekend.
>>1179646>>1179646That is an even bigger sin! It's also sometimes when I go to bed!
Thanks. I was kind of out of nowhere. But there's an event with three different one shots that a friend made me aware of, so I figured "Screw it". Got delightfully weird with my character, too.
Oooh, how was it?
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>>1179647I don't mind being a sinner then! I head to bed at 10 p.m. at latest.
What kind of character are you playing?
One was a group I run, in the other I played my wizard. It was lots of fun. We ate and drank a lot too.
>>1179648>>1179648Warforged Druid, Wildfire Circle
I basically made up some nonsense about a small fiery boat spirit along residence inside a scrapped Warforged. So now I am organic robot man throwing fire all over the place and beating things with a mace.
I would have made an Autognome of that race wasn't from a more Sci Fi based book.
My other idea was a Tortle Runechild Sorcerer with all his runes on his shell, but I'll save that for another time.
>Ate and drank a lotIs it really a D&D table if you don't?
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>>1179649Sounds like you were having a good time there!
I'm actually not playing D&D but we play a German sytem called the Dark Eye. But it's also fantasy.
Crumbs on the floor, crumbs on the table.
>>1179650>>1179650Well, tabletop then. I'M GMIng a game of Ork! Myself, though only using the system, not the lore. A lot of t of cancelations this last month though which sucks, but shit happens.
I was. Spent entirely too long browsing available races to look for ideas. I kind of wanted to play one of the several bird people, but we're gonna be dungeon crawling in a crypt, so...
I tend to find it more fun to come up with a strange concept and work from there rather than try to make the most powerful build.
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>>1179652Bird people sound interesting... how about mole people for a dungeon?
>>1179653Unfortunately, there are no mole people in D&D 5e.
I did consider a hedgehog like species, but I liked my "fire robot" idea too much.
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>>1179654Well, fire robot it is then!
I just finished making tater stew.
>>1179654Can't you just... make up mole people? Isn't imagination a factor for D&D?
>>1179658I'm not as versed in Forgotten Realms lore as D&D players, but "for fun", I did try to consider how to make a lore-accurate Sonic the Hedgehog character for D&D than just "A portal opened and Sonic popped out".
I found out about Raesokeran Edentatus, but I think they're homebrew and non-canon.
But I believe that the Genasi are canon to Forgotten Realms. The Genasi are mortals of elemental genie descendants.
While Genasi are usually planetouched humans, I don't see why there can't be planetouched
So I imagine "Zonek" being a "planetouched hedgehogfolk", the fact he is an air genasi doesn't just contribute to his speed but also his blue colouring.
As for class, I imagine rogue or monk.
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Good morning.
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>>1179673Good morning, how are you today?
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>>1179674doin alright, just vibing at the moment
how bout you?
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>>1179675All good, just had breakfast. Playing a game on the Switch now.
Got any plans for the night?
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>>1179677ooh whatcha playin?
well i did play some DnD with some friends, so that was fun! and in about half an hour i'm gonna hit the sack
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>>1179678Mario & Luigi Brothership... it's pretty good. Maybe a bit too long for my taste.
Ah, DnD is always good! What kind of character were you playing as?
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>>1179679i forgot that came out! i've only ever played the first one, but wanted to give the other ones a shot. glad you like it!
and i'm playing a Tabaxi Drunken Master Monk and am having a great time being a silly tipsy kitty that wanders into danger
i even made a picture of her
>pic related No.1179681
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>>1179680While I played them all but one, I never got fully behind them. They were good games, but playing them once was enough.
There's quite the furry crowd in DnD!
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>>1179681that's more than me! it was a goofy good time... i should play them...
oh heck yeah! you give me a furry option for a character in anything, i gotta choose it. I've 100% been a Khajiit in Elder Scrolls as well
we also have a Kobold Pirate that my character thinks is a leprechaun
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>>1179682I always end up being a lizard of sorts in games, if there's one available.
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>>1179683ah so you are the lusty argonian maid eh?
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>>1179684I think I've played one of those before!
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>>1179685definitely not beating the furry allegations!
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>>1179686I'm not denying anything.
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>>1179687good, cause you'd absolutely lose hard in the court of furry!
anywho, i need to go to bed!
>>1179691Had some sleep but it's a bit late now.
Normally internet is solid 24/7. Just last night through to morning it was choppy.
I still dunno if it still is.
EDIT: Apparently, still is.
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>>1179694If the connection is bad, of course it's on a weekend - it was always like that for me too.
Have you tried unplugging the modem?
>>1179695Yeah, but we believe it could be the weather.
Sometimes it's off for a few short minutes, sometimes it's off for about 10-20 minutes.
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>>1179709Hello there, how's it going?
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>>1179711i'm so exhausted... i ran the ferris wheel today; and we had 1500 people at the park
it was never ending...
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>>1179714Wow, that sounds like it was a lot of work!
You better rest well! I'm going through my work mails right now, that's why I reply so slowly.
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>>1179715oh it was... but it's over for today, and i don't go back in until friday, so i'm gonna enjoy the break
hey, good on ya for taking care of those emails! they can be exhausting in their own right
what's goin on in clarity's day?
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>>1179716Oh, that's a long break; what will you be doing?
There's always more mails. I got a meeting in a couple of hours, and before that there's more work waiting for me. I need to send around some legal documents and handle some purchases.
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>>1179717well i teach tai chi on mondays and tuesdays, so theres that. wednesday i have off, and then thursday is thanksgiving, so my dad and i will head to a casino for a buffet and gambling to give thanks
nothing on that schedule of yours that can't be solved with more punching!
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>>1179719Don't gamble away your savings!
But thre is no one to punch!
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>>1179721don't worry, i only give myself $20 to gamble
and there is always somebody to punch! you just gotta believe!!!
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>>1179722It's good to set a limit.
I have to find them then! Anyway, I hope you have a nice night, I have to be off.
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I haven't had an awesome night of sleep like that in ages!
And woke up early for it around 8!
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>>1179728Nothing better than a good night's sleep.
>>1179757I took a melatonin tablet to help me along.
Normally they're prescribed for every night for a week, but I only took the one in hopes it'll re-kickstart my sleeping times. As long as I go to bed before 2am I am confident I'll sleep right.
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>>1179758Sounds good. I think I'll be in bed myself at latest in 3 hours.
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>>1179762Only fermented grapes for me.
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>>1179764Not my kind of thing to be honest.
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>>1179768I bet Fluttershy accepts vegetables.
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>>1179770She'll accept fruits and veg 'cus she wouldn't want to offend the others feelings.
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>>1179771I wanted to say she prefers vegetables!
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I wonder if Bella is going to visit the Thread again at some point.
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>>1179826Sorry to disappoint. I've been prioritizing some goals I've made.
*pats your head*But it's always a pleasure to see you, Clarity. My routine has kind of been the same along with some minor tweaks. Though I had a whole lot of fun playing with an adjustable DC power supply I got awhile back. Kinda scared to make a hydrogen torch however. The voltage is pretty low, so the amps won't be of concern. I think I still have that picture.
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>>1179873Hi hi, it's good hearing from you! I hope all those projects are going well.
What are you going to need a torch for?
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>>1179874Heh, I mean.. I don't really need a torch, but I had a craving to do some electrolysis. Kind of a fun project to do y'know. It's more dangerous than I thought,so I did some small scale electrolysis and delayed the Oxyhydrogen torch plan for a later date.
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>>1179874Was pretty darn excited to get the power supply!
That shit looked frickin' beautiful.
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>>1179875>>1179876I think what's most beautiful is that fancy mouse you have there.
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>>1179877>>1179875it's got a little bunny on it!
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>>1179878It does! At first glance I thought it's a Pikachu.
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>>1179879does have kind of a Pikachu vibe upon second glance!
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>>1179880It's the head shape and ears!
How are you?
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>>1179881i'm doin okay, but i feel rather low energy. i guess all my work and stuff is catching up to me i suppose. glad i don't have to work tomorrow
how bout you? how you doin?
>>1179882You should take a good night's rest!
I'm pretty busy at work today, got a meeting coming up in an hour. As usual lately.
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>>1179883>>1179883oh i definitely will sleep in tomorrow, and enjoy every minute of it!
remember, if you punch 45 degrees into their ribcage, they cannot build meaningful muscle there, and it's a vulnerable spot that can cause pain and even a broken rib if properly hit
so really show those at work who's boss!
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>>1179884That's very helpful information, thank you!
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>>1179885you're welcome!
punch smarter, not harder!
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>>1179886>>1179884In most fights you aren't going to be able to 'just hit their ribs' unless you're taking a cheap shot. (Which if you're planning on having a fight to begin with, I encourage if you want the best chances of winning.) Not to mention most fights go to the ground.
Just do what I do if you're going to take a cheap shot, and wait for them to part their legs somewhat before taking your foot and firmly planting it between their thighs as hard as you can. Right into their testicles/cunt and into the pubic bone. That'll take anyone down. Even if they're a eunuch or whatever, there's so many bundled nerves in that region. (Not to mention soft tissues in the lower stomach that will seriously be damaged.) Make them piss blood!
I get the sentiment of smarter vs harder, but always punch harder., fighting intelligence is just reflex speed, muscle memory, and snap decision making. It isn't a turn-based RPG.
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I wonder if Scoots will post again at some point.
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>>1179893It would be nice to see them again ^_^
>>1179894We got a snow storm right now, wanna trade?
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>>1179899Sure! Just took this picture
Come on over and pick it up when you're ready!
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>>1179900Oh, leave some snow for me!
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Good morning.
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>>1179918Hi there, did you have a nice day off?
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>>1179919i did sleep in till like 10:30, which was so refreshing! and then i got a lot of other work done, so i'd say it was a successful endeavor
other than that, it was definitely an indoor day, cause we got like 6 inches of snow, so staying warm was definitely a priority
how about you? are you having a good morning thus far?
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>>1179920When will you be back at the wheel controls?
It was good so far, I'll be heading to work in 40 minutes or so.
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>>1179922i'll be back to work on friday, so probably then... i reaaaaaaally hope i get an email back from another job opportunity soon ><
fun fun! work is always soooooooooo fun :P
what will you be up to this weekend?
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>>1179923That'd be helpful. Did you apply with a lot of jobs?
Well, lately it wasn't much fun... it really just was 'work'.
I'll be have a pen and paper game planned for Saturday.
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>>1179924only 4 applications so far, cause there isn't much around here unfortunately that isn't 1. something i'm underqualified and don't have the right certification for 2. something that is way too far 3. isn't a complete scam; or 4. isn't tied to the horrible cult like bible college that is in my town
nice! what's your campaign like? did everyone survive? what's your character?
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>>1179925Wow, that doesn't sound too good. I hope you'll find something eventually. Or one of those scripts gets picked up!
I'm the DM, right now the players are in a castle defense; and yes, so far everyone has survived.
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>>1179926i hope so too, cause i only got 3 weeks of the north pole job left, and i kinda need money to live :X
cool! so when do you throw Tiamat at them?
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>>1179927I'm sure there's something waiting for you in the region somewhere!
No Tiamat, just some undead and demons along with a bunch of mercenaries.
Work calls, have a good one!
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Good morning.
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>>1180006Hi there, how are you this morning? Got a new job yet?
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>>1180007well it's evening for me, and my dad and I had a good Thanksgiving! we went to a casino and ate at their buffet, and i won $20, so i'm doin good!
nope! it's a holiday so nobody workin today!
i'll let ya know when that changes!
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>>1180008Oh, did you have turkey and stuffing? And grats on winning the big bucks, time to retire!
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>>1180009oh you bet! turkey! stuffing! Potatoes! Casserole! all the stuff and some nice wine as well ^_^
thank you!
Welcome to my crib!
>pic related No.1180011
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>>1180010Nice, nice... I like potatoes a lot!
Can you imagine having to clean that house?
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>>1180011oh yeah, the mashed potatoes were delicious and had plenty of gravy!
dude, i can barely keep my room clean, i couldn't even imagine having to deal with that
i'd assume if i had the kind of money for that place, i'd have the money to pay people to clean that place :P
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>>1180012Oh, I might have some mashed taters today myself.
I clean my apartment every week, I cannot stand it if there's too much dust.
But yeah, for that palace you need a whole troop of cleaners.
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>>1180013good choice! what are you gonna have it with? chicken strips? turkey?
well, you are certainly more of a cleaning type than i am :< i could probably use a room clean...
sometimes, cleaners will get lost in there! some say that there is a hidden civilization of lost cleaners that live within the walls
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>>1180014Minced meat patties.
It's my Saturday chore, right before doing groceries.
Is that a new script?
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>>1180015never had minced meat patties before! they any good?
i think it would take me a lot more than a saturday to tackle this mess :PP
well if an agent is interested, it could be!
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>>1180016Very much so, they are a very popular dish. Nothing like burger patties.
I have to be off to work now - sleep well!
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>>1180018upon research, i guess it's just the same as ground beef, so yes, i've had burgers before and they are delicious :3
later! i will let you know if i survive the wheel!
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Good evening.
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>>1180033How's your evening?
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>>1180034It's fine.
Having another of those "slightly off" days, which I try to ignore.
Like my soul is slightly dislodged from my body.
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>>1180035Well, I hope you'll be feeling better soon. Got any plans for the weekend?
>>1180037Not really, just Chinese for Saturday.
I just want to be my chirpy self again, but for now I have to concentrate on the days than worry about what I'm going to be like in the future.
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>>1180054I hope things will look up for you again this weekend.
>>1180059Me too.
In attempt to get my old food preferences back, I had some of my fave cereal, but the milk has gone off so I couldn't finish it. Grapes are fine though.
The sky is looking a bit gray, but if the weather holds up, I'll have a meditation session in the garden.
I dunno if it is even meditation.There's no mantras, monk-humming or any specific thought-patterns, I just clear my head by listening to the sounds around me and feel the sun and wind on my skin.
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>>1180076Why not get new preferences? Sometimes you just don't like old things that much anymore, and replace them with new likings.
>>1180085Youtube man who talks about tech stuff and how it works, mostly consumer electronics but also stuff like heat pumps, sprinklers, photography etc. Here's a good (and kinda old!) example of his content where he discusses LED traffic lights:'s pretty cool. But he has this Thing though where he loves LEDs but hates modern LED Christmas lights, and honestly for good reason - they're cheap strings of eye-piercing laser ass. Basically every year for the last 7 years he's been trying to fix them by using one hack or another to make LED Christmas lights that don't suck, since nobody seems to be making those. But this year, bam, the impossible happened - he found somebody who actually DOES make good ones and instead of that has a video where he does a rave review of them: No.1180090
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>>1180086Well, I don't use LED Christmas lights at all.
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>>1180081It's one thing to
choose to try new things.
And it's one thing to
choose to quit other things, even go as far as cold turkey with some of your habits.
To me, it felt like my body was making the decisions for me, not my mind. That it was not of my will. That it wanted me to go cold turkey with chocolate and eat less.
And that made me worried the last few weeks.
Thankfully, my appetite is returning. The adversion to sweets is still there but it's weakening. I had Jaffa Cakes today.
It's understandable that we go through changes throughout our lives, I just felt I lost control over changes I didn't consent for. I'm finally starting to feel like myself again.
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>>1180105Good morning.
Despite early to bed, early to rise, I still feel tired when I wake up.
I guess I don't need to meditate any more given I'm having more control over my negative thoughts, but I still like doing it, especially given it helps get rid of that tired feeling.
Despite knowing everything is wet, I went to the beach to try and find somewhere comfortable for meditation, hoping my usual spot was dry. I should've taken a towel. I found a sheltered bench where the shelter curved the sound of the sea around me... but I couldn't properly slip into that state of mindfulness.
I gave up, feeling more tired walking home than I did coming out.
But the garden decking was (somewhat) dry, save for the ridges, so as I stepped out with a towel... it began to spit down. So I just gave up.
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>>1180116I can imagine it's difficult meditating anywhere outside at this time of year.
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>>1180132Yeah. My overall feelings or... "mental state" is, I feel like I finally made it out of the pit I put myself in... but I still feel like there is one small obstacle, one more "small blockage" I need to overcome.
Problem is... I don't know what it is. I told you what happened to me two Tuesdays a go, I needed help realising what caused my anxieties in the first place because my mind couldn't acknowledge it by themselves. So what if this "doubt" is caused by something unresolved? If that's the case, I simply don't know what it is.
But all-in-all, I do feel better. I am no longer troubled by anxiety and instead of worrying if I'll be like this for the rest of my life or not, just concentrate on the day given to me.
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>*honk honk*
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>>1180164Hey there, how's it going?
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>>1180169Hi Noelle, how are you? Ready to operate the wheel again?
Conan the Barbarian on the Wheel of Pain.
Because I dunno what wheel you're on about with Noelle.
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>>1180177>>1180181>>1180182>>1180183actually i run a Ferris Wheel IRL, and has nothing to do with the ancient meme
but the conan the barbarian clip is accurate to how i run it
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>>1180187But you're good at it!
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>>1180195>>1180189anyone who's run the wheel would say "The Wheel of Pain" is an accurate name!
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>>1180202Yes actually! It's called the Christmas Tree and it's a giant Christmas tree that spins around with ornaments
And it is abundant with woe!
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Back from work, feeling hungry.
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My body says it's around 10 or 11, but actual time is 8.
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>>1180275wow ...forgot about that episode. It looks like the ponies may have used the Care Bear Stare to dissolve the darkness.
sending love to the different parts of your body is a common practice used by fans of thich nhat hanh
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Good morning.
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>>1180310What, just do what?
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>>1180312Oh, I didn't even notice!
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Good evening.
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A'ight, I just got up.
It's too wet to go out for meditation. As much as I like doing it, I don't want to rely on it for all my mental problems.
I got myself a small bowl of cereal.
My "objective" is to get through the next three hours without being sick. Not even "wretching".
To do that, I have my bedroom window open so I can hear some of the outside so I can sort of "impromptu-meditate" if I can, but I just need to keep my thoughts distracted from my stomach.
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>>1180375I did it!
Felt ages since I had a "normal" morning like this.
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>>1180381Good to hear you're feeling better.
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How is everyone's evening?
>>1180395It gud.
Hung out with and lunch with friend and his son, did some Christmas shopping and now about to go record podcast with same friend before I go visit someone else for the weekend.
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>>1180400Did you get something nice for Christmas?
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Last day of work this week, finally.
>>1180403>>1180403Some Books for my parents, card game, a Gamebook and a somewhat hard to find horror movie for my friends, lipstick for my sister, board game for her husband, video game for his younger son, Lego for my niece.
Just need to buy something for sister's husband's older son and I am good.
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>>1180471I got all my stuff together already, too. Which isn't difficult cause I don't have to get many things.
What kind of horror movie was it?
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Had a bit of a snag this morning.
Woke up to some strange dreams which I can't really recall. But the morning was lovely for coastal meditation, but I put too much thought on my stomach and that made me wretch a bit. Couldn't properly meditate over it because I kept getting distracted by my stomach. It wasn't until I gave up and walked when my stomach started to calm down.
I'd say I am pretty much "recovered", just less than... I dunno, 5% to go and that is getting through mornings without thinking about it too much.
>>1180475Yeah, but these dreams gave me confusing thoughts that didn't help my stomach's intuition.
As I sid, I feel 95% recovered. As in I feel like myself again... it's just the mornings that are a bit of an obstacle. If I keep my mind distracted to at least midday then I am fine for the rest of the day.
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>>1180476I'm sure by next week it'll be all good again.
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>>1180477Thank you. Whenever I am or not, the mindset I must keep to is to concentrate on the days given to me than worry about the future.
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>>1180478That sounds like the right thing to do.
>>1180472Demonic Toys.
We're both B-horror fans, and he has a special fondness for "small monsters" films a la Gremlins. Demonic Toys is from the same company that made the cult Puppet Master series, and I found it on a decently priced Blu-ray. Seemed like a pretty perfect gift
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>>1180480Ah, I see. Haven't heard of it before. Hope they enjoy it!
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Another day, another weekend.
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>>1180533How are you today? Did you have to operate the wheel?
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>>1180534i'm alive, somehow! so that's good
not today, but i did it yesterday
and i will do it tomorrow
i will live and die by that wheel...
other than that, hung out with a friend, and then sent out a few job applications
how bout you?
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>>1180535Did you hear back from any jobs?
Did you do something fun with your friend?
I just had breakfast, about to start my weekend chores.
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>>1180536i got a few rejections so far, which is bleh but expected
we hung out and chatteda bit, then we played some games and watched youtube; it was a good time!
what chores are in line for you?
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>>1180537You'll get something eventually!
Sounds like you had a good time there; sounds pretty much what I do mostly.
Cleaning the apartment, buying the weekly groceries.
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>>1180538i hope so, and i hope it's close by so i don't have to risk my neck during winter months; but we'll see. if i lived in LA or at least in Denver, then i would be a lot better off imo; but i am where i am and must make do
oh yeah! good friends and good games will always make for a good evening! now i got ramen!
oh fun! will you make a magnificent gourmet meal?
also what's your weekend gonna look like?
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>>1180539I'll keep my fingers crossed.
What will you have with the ramen?
Nah, I often eat out or I just open a can, I have plenty of those. It's just groceries for all food beside dinner.
I'll meet a friend later today, tomorrow I'll play pen and paper RPG again.
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>>1180540thanks <3 i will take that positive energy with me ^_^
i get the Shin Ramyun Black with Beef Bone Broth. it's a little more expensive, but absolutely worth the flavor! and i put some cheese in it ^_^ good stuff!
ah, sounds like me in a lot of ways >< you're more of a grazer eh?
nice! did your campaign blow up the moon yet?
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>>1180541I can't even imagine what that tastes like, cause I've never had ramen before.
I guess? Mostly I'm just too lazy to stand in the kitchen for an hour. But I will in the coming weeks I guess.
Oh no, nothing has been blown up just yet. But it's fun.
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>>1180542ooooooooooh you should buy some ramen today! it will change your life!!! and it only takes like 4 minutes to make, so you won't be in there for an hour!
cool! you're gonna have to let me know what is goin on, but for now, i must abscond to bed!
goodnight clarity <3
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>>1180543Sleep well now, I hope you have nice dreams!
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Strange. I'm trying to get into my ex's' sheets and it all seems to be working out
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>>1180545I'd love to see Ashley getting fucked in that bunny costume.
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>>1180549Pretty sure Fluttershy's much too shy to wanna get fucked, dude.
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>>1180551You know what they say about shy girls.
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>>1180552They have a pet bunny on the ready to rip you a new one if you try anything?
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>>1180554I still like that comic.
>>1180562I believe I could do better, but at the same time, even back then, was lazy. Had my head in the clouds over making an Epic Mount webcomic series.
What I should've done was made it black-white non coloured.
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Good morning.
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>>1180574Hi there, how are you today?
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>>1180576i'm so tired...
i was on the ferris wheel again, and we had 1500 people, so i was constantly running that thing all day...
i'm very sore...
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>>1180578How big is that wheel anyway?
Sounds like you had an extremely busy day. I'm surprised so many people want to ride it in winter when it's cold.
You need a rest and a massage.
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>>1180579it's a standard size wheel, but when dealing with that many people, it might as well be the size of the moon ><
actually it wasn't that bad in temp today, hovered around 10c most of the day, and only dropped to -4c when the sun went down. but people wanna ride rides no matter what
i would love a massage, yes!
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>>1180580Well, I don't really know what a regular size is. We only have one here in town I think and it's 210 feet high.
In case you ever visit you'll get one.
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>>1180581>>1180581well here's a picture of it, so make of it what you will!
i will book my trip right now! see you in the morning!
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>>1180582Ah, that's helpful, thanks. Cannot be easy operating it all on your own.
*cracks knuckles*
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>>1180583it's not hard, but it definitely gets to be a lot ><
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>>1180584Well, not much longer now till the park closes for this year. Gotta keep sending out those applications!
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>>1180585oh trust me, i am aware of that... one of thems gotta stick at some point
anywho, i need to head to bed
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>>1180481We shall. Luls will be had.
>>1180580>CelsiusAh, finally, an American sees some sense!
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Hello again.
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>>1180619I hope you sleep well, nerd.
I had some weird dreams, but I guess it's kinda nice to spice it up.
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>>1180624Now now... I wouldn't be so inclined to tell you~ Uwu
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>>1180625Oh, well, that's true of course.
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>>1180626Damn right it is, lad.
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>>1180699Hi there, how are you feeling today?
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>>1180700doin alright! today was a lot nicer cause i was on relief. still busy, but not nearly as much of a grind!
other than that, just vibing, watching youtube, and trying to stay warm :P
how bout you?
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>>1180702Nice, some more 'relaxing' days are important to have.
What's new on Youtube?
I've just had my coffee and lit a scented candle.
>>1180703yup yup! and depending on how much snow we get here, i might have tomorrow off from teaching, but i really don't want to miss those, so i hope it doesn't snow that much :P
well i've been loving this latest NSP song!
>vid relatedooh nice! what scent is your candle?
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>>1180705Are you teaching kung fu again?
Oh, I had totally forgotten about NSP.
It's a pistachio scented candle. Candles are Christmas season thing for me.
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>>1180706i've never stopped, just drastically reduced since covid times; i would love to expand my student base and classes, but i can't really afford any place right now; plus i'm saving money to leave this place
well now's a good time to jump into that again!
pistachio scented? i can't say i know what a pistachio scented candle is like! i know what they taste like, but i never associated it with scent before
i enjoy scented candles this time of year! like peppermint or spiced apples!
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>>1180707Teach kung fu in the local church!
I've always loved pistachio flavor, it's my favorite ice cream. And the scent is pretty nice too.
I think I could get behind spiced apple. Though I might get vanilla next.
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>>1180708i don't want catch fire, but thanks for the idea. i am not really a fan of my towns several churches or bible college
i don't think i've ever had pistachio flavored ice cream~ what's it like?
ooh nothing beats a nice gentle french vanilla candle to make a home smell comfy and sweet <3
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>>1180709That's why I suggested it, you mentioned you think little of them. Finally they would come to good use when you teach there.
Hard to describe a flavor... it's very unique. I don't even think there are other nuts similar to it.
That's true!
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>>1180711ahh i see... i bring in kung fu, teaching them about qi and eastern philosophy. then i introduce buddhist and daoist principles important to the systems. and then i topple them with transgender liberation and boba tea! i like the way you think!
i like the pistachio nut, but it is much more of a salty/savory flavor, so i guess i'm finding it difficult to envision the sweet corollary to it!
i do remember one time i found a $50 giftcard to yankee candles in a donated purse, and i got myself a couple christmasy scented ones ^_^
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>>1180712Sounds like a good idea. You just need to hide all the torches and pitchforks first!
I guess they just add a ton of sugar to it when having it in chocolate or ice cream. I wonder if they have any cashew scented ones.
Wow, that's a cool find. Candles are really nice when it's dark outside. Perfect in winter.
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>>1180713pitchforks make for great weapons, as it is a trident spear with great weapon capture and breaking potential. and fire always is fun :P
well it's a very popular flavor, so it must have something good to it! i'd try a hazelnut ice cream if offered
oh yeah! i also probably found like $150 left in purses during that job, and those were the best days ;)
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>>1180714You seem to be skilled in all sorts of martial arts! And fire!
I like hazelnut ice cream, I have it often. But it's not always good, really depends on the composition I guess.
Nice, nice. And you didn't even report it and just kept it? Tut, tut!
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>>1180715well i have 4 martial arts under my belt, which is 3 more than most! and who doesn't love fire? it's so simple, pure and brutal <3
oh! i didn't know they had that! now i wanna try it!
what i would do is i would turn in every other bit of money i found, so that the bosses and managers would think that i am being a good little wage slave and giving the money to the company. it never went back to the original owners, cause we don't know who donated what, so it would just go to pizza parties and shit, which they would have anyways. so i kid you not when i say it was a victimless crime; and for the shit they gave me, i consider it hazard payment :PP
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>>1180716Four martial arts! I don't even have one.
I guess popular ice cream flavors really differ from country to country. Here it's a staple at every ice cream parlor.
I was more thinking of handing the wallet or purse to the police, not your bosses. Or a lost and found. But I don't doubt you deserve it as compensation for your hard work. Luck throwing you a bone.
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>>1180717well if we ever meet, i would love to give you a lesson ^_^
makes sense, different palattes and tastes all over the place! have you ever had moose tracks? that stuff is delicious!
that would be such a hassle. and plus anything that is donated to goodwill is forfeit of ownership. although i imagine there might be some exceptions, but it's still wild the stuff you would find
anywho, i gotta hit the sack!
goodnight clarity ^_^
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>>1180718Sounds cool, I need to work out way more anyway.
Moose tracks? I've never even heard of that to be honest.
Oh, if it's a donation, then I understand. I thought it's like lost wallets in the park.
Have a toasty night!
>>1180731Cans of beans for when I cook are pretty good!
Also, I am told beans are a magical fruit.
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Good morning.
>>1180742Ah, yes, I too have bean cans at home.
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Hope everyone is alright.
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>>1180787My favorite cans!
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>>1180796hey clarity!
want to watch clips from a show that was put on a kids channel because the execs thought it was a show for toddlers?
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>>1180798Hi Noelle! Is it Bunny Maloney?
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>>1180801kids friendly imagery!
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>>1180802It goes far even for a French cartoon.
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>>1180803Toriel was a bit wild before she met asgore apparently :P
did you watch the saberspark vid? or any of the other essays?
or did you grow up watching this, and being fully exposed to french bunny cartoon shenanigans?
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>>1180804I do see the resemblance!
No, I watched the Saberspark video, heh.
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>>1180805right? although apparently Charlotte is a cown, not a goat. but c'mon now :P
it's too bad that it's not all that good of a show in terms of story or character, cause that sort of sexual humor hits me in the sweet spot XD
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>>1180806Oh, is she? Well, I remember Pewdiepie calling Toriel cow mom.
I guess you can't have it all.
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>>1180807i wonder if he saw Bunny Maloney when he was younger?
there is a market for it! wholesome but saucy comedy! sex positive and a good time!
it doesn't have to be mean spirited or be a dramatic thing!
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>>1180808Hm, who knows!
I guess there's a market, if it's well made. I don't mind such a kind of show either.
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>>1180809well i probably would have ate that shit up as a kid
i wouldn't mind making that, but i'd have to think of a way to create it, and overall core of the show... hmmm...
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>>1180810I don't doubt I would have.
You could write the script!
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>>1180811what kind of show would it be? we know it's gonna have sauce in it, but what is our story?
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>>1180812Well, it's gotta be furry, right?
I'm for a medieval fantasy setting.
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>>1180813100% gotta be furry!
and im a sucker for medeival fantasy! and DnD and fantasy is evergreen and poppular!
who should our main character be?
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>>1180814Nice, nice. It seends we have an idea already there.
I think... a kobold!
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>>1180815ooh a kobold! that's unique! are we talking the short-stack type of kobold that are little agents of chaos and yearning for the mines?
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>>1180816Yes, that kind of kobold!
And I think there should be a gnoll!
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>>1180817ooh yes! are the kobold and the gnoll friends?
friends with benefits?
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>>1180818Maybe it's a series from the view of the misunderstood bad guys!
Friends with benefits sounds good!
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>>1180819ooh so are the kobold and gnoll the misunderstood badguys?
ooh small kobold and big gnoll would make for some very saucy situations! stuff you couldn't quite do with people of similar size, so the possibilities are limitless!
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>>1180820Yes, they are!
I think we're getting somewhere! Time to copyright it!
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>>1180821so in their attempts to do petty villainy, they find themselves in sticky situations? and in a comedy of errors, somehow escalate things into something even crazier and saucier!
sure thing! once we get the pilot, i'll get the us copyright on it easy peasy! just need to borrow $50
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>>1180822How about they try doing good stuff and it always ends up looking like villany to the 'good guys'? You had me at saucy.
Just 50 bucks? That's a bargain!
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>>1180823ooh so they are good natured, but are misunderstood by others who think they are villains! i love that, cause they are good people, but because of who they are and what they do, others make them out to be the bad guys; yet they stillt ry to do their best! it's a simple core, but one that people can relate to; and adding the sex positive stuff can also accent how often people who are sex positive can be villainized by those who don't understand or see it as wrong somehow! i love it!
well to get the first script copywritten at least. we should be fine after that given the IP, but having our names on it on official documentation would be very fruitful
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>>1180824That's it! Now I want to see the finished show!
Well, after your North Pole gig, you can start writing it! We'll be rich and famous.
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>>1180825good job! we did an excellent job! now we just need to name it!
and sure! i'll just write it out in couple weeks and it will be a smash hit!
>>1180826We make an excellent team!
We should ask your town's bible club to be the sponsor!
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>>1180827perfect! we'll ship it out!
all on the tab of a crazy cult evangelist mega church leader!
nothing can go wrong!
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>>1180828We just need to hide the sauce through some secret code phrases. Like, "remember Habakkuk 2:15"! That's when it gets really saucy!
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>>1180829>>1180829>>1180829ooh yes!
Luke 4:13 is when you really get close to God
Oh God
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>>1180832We just have to lean back and watch that cult money rolling in.
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>>1180835i'm gonna go to bed
and by the time we wake up
we'll be millionaires!
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>>1180840Sleep tight, Noelle.
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>>1180848>Princess Cadance being uselessSame as it ever was
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>>1180850Well, but still...
>>1180851I guess other things were more important.
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>>1180856A new and improved wife!
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Good morning.
>>1180897I got a bag of diced nuts to give to the birds outside my bedroom window.
Haven't seen them, but they must be enjoying them.
Some brave birds get right up to the glass as I sit at my computer, so it's nice having birds nearby.
>>1180900Oh, nice, a robin.
Was it a cock robin?
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>>1180902I haven't seen one of those in 30 years.
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>>1180945No time to rest!
Why whats going on
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>>1180945>>1180946There's always time for rest!
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Do people actually cheat on their math test?
I suppose it does help, but props to you still if you can use your cheats to solve questions yourself.
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>>1180952depends on the kind of cheats! writing down a formula you're supposed to memorize? fair game IMO. getting the answer key and just filling in the multiple choice through that? whack
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>>1180952I wish I had known how to cheeat on my math tests!
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>>1181044Hi Noelle, don't loathe yourself! Have more waffles!
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>>1181045i don't actually loathe myself, but i will gladly take waffles
i'm just tired and sore from the wheel ><
how are you tho!
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>>1181047Did you have a rough couple of days? More chores at the wheel?
I'm alright, thanks. Only got up a bit over an hour ago. Having coffee.
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>>1181048i've got 5 work days left at the the north pole, so probably 2-3 days left at the wheel! i will survive, if barely ><
coffee sounds nice, but too late in the evening for me right now
any work for you today?
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>>1181051You can do it! Any luck with a new job yet after the North Pole?
No, Sunday is off. I just have to clean the vacuum. Friends were over yesterday and there's crumbs everywhere.
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>>1181052not yet! still searching, and no bites. so just gotta keep on truckin :P
good! now you can punch the vacuum cleaner and the crumbs
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>>1181053The fallback plan has to be the saucy kobold and gnoll script!
I'm not sure the vaccum claner will appreciate it, it's already pretty old.
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>>1181054oh for sure, that is definitely in the planning phase, but once it's out there, it's gonna lift off stright into orbit!
punching stuff is usually a sure fire way to make things work, in my experience
alas, i need to hit the sack
goodnight ^_^
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>>1181055Well, I guess with your martial arts experience that would make sense!
Sleep tight!
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>>1181064Having a nice evening?
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>>1181065Yes. I see you are Christmas spirited.
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>>1181066Well, at least a little bit.
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>>1181067Better than none.
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>>1181068I guess I'll head to the mall tomorrow and check some stuff out.
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>>1181069Given I live in a small town, there are no malls or ongoing Christmas markets, so Christmas spirit is mostly in the home here.
We had a Christmas market in February along with the "turning on the lights" ceremony, but it wasn't much. Would love to attend one of those fancy Christmas markets in the bigger cities.
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>>1181070February sounds like way too late for a Christmas market.
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>>1181071Oops, I meant November.
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>>1181072Ah, that makse sense.
Well, many think the Christmas markets in the cities are way too big - and more for visitors. Smaller markets are nicer and have more handcrafted stuff for sale usually.
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>>1181073The Christmas market here is mostly just cheap snacks, clothes, trinkets and I think a butchers truck.
It would be nice if there was somewhere festive to hang out at December, but usually all the good stuff is a train-ride away. And trains tend to be busy around this time of year.
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>>1181074Ask your mother to go to the next big town with you to see a market.
Bed time for me, night night!
>>1181075I don't know what's the nearest Christmas market.
Good night.
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Good morning.
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>>1181082How's it going, Noelle? Did you have another busy day?
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>>1181083it was a busy day, but it was a very weird day!
i was supposed to be on relief, but then after a few people called off, i had to take one of the bottom rides, but then they moved me up to a top ride as a senior employee; but then the wind picked up, and we closed the top rides and i was put on relief again
but then the guy on the roller coaster hit his head and had to go to ER (he turned out fine) so i had to fill the roller coaster position. but then they opened up the top rides again, so i went to open up the top rides again
so i felt like a pinball today, bouncing between rides all day :P
also an old man jumped over a fence in a very dangerous area to get a water bottle and i had to yell at him
anywho, how are you?
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>>1181084What's bottom and top rides?
You were all over the place yesterday it seems.
Jumping a fence at an amsuement park is never a good idea...
I only got up 15 minutes ago, so no complaints yet!
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>>1181085so for context, this theme park is on the side of a mountain, so it's basically on a hill side. so at the bottom of the hill in our area is a lot of toddler rides and the roller coaster. on the top of the hill in our area is bigger rides like the dive-bombers, zipline, shuttle, etc. so it's basically easier low-stress rides vs. bigger more experience needed rides
and this old mand jumped it for a water bottle no less! like for context, if he slipped, he could have fallen like 20 feet onto concrete, or into a big spinning ride where he could have been turned into paste ><
do you have coffee on hand?
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>>1181087I always preferred the low-stress rides. The bumper cars was the most exciting thing I needed.
Yeah, falling into ride, or getting hit by one swing around... that's the first thing that comes to my mind in such cases. It happened often enough.
I have my coffee!
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>>1181088we don't have bumper cars yet, but there are plans for them!
exactly! there are horror stories about that! and i know the ride that would have done him in, and it would not have been pretty. it's called "Prancer's Scrambler" and he would have been very scrambled!
how do you like your coffee?
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>>1181089Maybe there'll be one next year then!
You don't want to get hit by one of those scrambles.
Reminds me when a guy at our company was killed when he got hit by a pumping unit. They said it took his head clean off.
I like it with one sugar and milk!
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>>1181090my guess is 2026 for the bumper cars, that side of production has slowed down a bit ><
the ride lives up to its name!!!
damn! at least it must have been a quick death, but jeeeeeeeeeze that sucks!
do you have any cookies or anything to go with it?
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>>1181091Ah, I see. Well, maybe you'll get to see it if you haven't found any other full time employment by then.
Yeah, they fenced in all the pumping units after that.
No, I just have the coffee by itself. I have easily four cups a days.
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>>1181092well i hope to not even be in the same state, but who the hell knows? this town just seems to swallow me in like a blackhole, and i can't seem to get out of its grasp...
seems like something the canadians would make a PSA over!
ooh me too, i could easily down a pot or two if left to my own devices
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>>1181093That's really not sounding good. I'm sorry you're having such a miserable time there.
Well, you don't want such accidents to happen again.
Hehe, it's what I do at work.
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>>1181094it's alright, just gotta keep saving money, and then eventually i can pick it up an leave. until then, just gotta keep soldiering on...
oh absolutely! that would be horrible! and i could only imagine how many traumatized kids would be around that!
hey if it gets work done, then keep it up! just make sure to pull back if it starts messing with you!
with that, i must head to bed
goodnight clarity!
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>>1181096Always! Barely... but always.
>>1181097You can do it! Saving isn't easy, but you gotta do it and find a better place for yourself.
Rest well now!
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>>1181099Oh no, you cannot prove any of that!
>>1181100I cannot, but I will be watching you!
No shenanigns shall escape my sight!
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>>1181101We'll see about that.
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>>1181103Oh no, no threats or shenaningans in this thread!
>>1181104Hmmm. FIne. I'll believe you for now.
So watcha up to?
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Are you shenaniging again Clarity?
I KNEW there was shenaniganery!
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>>1181107Mischief, shenanigans and, there I say, tomfoolery!
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>>1181108>>1181109You're painting a very wrong picture of this thread.
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>>1181110Well, there's no tomfuckery. Standards won't let us.
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>>1181111Dubs and quarups! That looks like tomfoolery!
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>>1181133Hi Noelle, how was the park life today?
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>>1181134no park today, only tai chi!
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>>1181135Oh, that's a nice change, isn't it?
How did it go?
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>>1181136went fine, had a good couple of classes, and it was a nice day ^_^ also treated myself to some In'n'Out since it was nearby after i was done with my last class of the day, so overall a good day ^_^
how are you?
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>>1181137When will the next Deltarune part finally be released?!
What's an In'n'Out?
I'm alright, just taking it easy for now and watching Youtube.
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>>1181138i hope soon! toby has been posting stuff that makes it seem like it's really close, but we don't have a definitive date yet, but i'm really hopin soon!
ooh it's a wonderful fast food restaurant here that specializes in california style burgers. it's my go to for burgers cause they taste great, and compared to their competitors, much more affordable! if you come to the states, i'd recommend giving it a shot!
nice! i must go to bed, so my youtube will be powered by my brain :P
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>>1181139You sleep well now!
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>>1181166Hey hey, how's it going?
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>>1181167doin fine! just unwinding after some kung fu!
how bout you? how you doin?
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>>1181169How was the kung fu on a score from 1 to 10?
I'm doing alright, only got up an hour ago - so I'm pouring myself some coffee now.
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>>1181170i give it a 10 myself! i was warmed up! loosened up! really gave it my all today! legs are very sore now!
coffee sounds good, time to make 4 pots!
what's on your docket for the day?
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>>1181171Sounds like a rough work out! I was just lazy all day myself yesterday... I walked for 30 minutes, but that's it.
I have one of those Nespresso machines, no pots here!
More gaming and being lazy is on the agenda!
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>>1181172hey, if you wanna be the dragon warrior, you gotta go hard! walking is good tho too! i encourage my seniors to walk when they can!
oh nice! well 4 nespressos then!
what games you gonna play?
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>>1181176I should do more walking again.
I guess I'll never be a dragon warrior! I'll be a couch potato warrior.
I'll see what Christmas brings. Usually it brings lots of cheap games, hehe.
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>>1181177best part is you can walk anywhere you want! one of my favorite martial arts is based around walking in a circle!
you can be the potato warrior!
oh yeah! christmas sales can be quite a steal! any games catch your eye?
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>>1181178I like walking to the mall, and I've explored this part of town thoroughly by just walking.
I have a bunch on my wishlist. Maybe I'll get that remake of Silent Hill 2.
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>>1181179there ya go! walk and window shop! good idea ^_^
and SH2 remake is sooooooooooo damn goood <3 that would be a wize decision in my opinion! i will say it definitely keeps me on edge all the time ><
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>>1181180Well, good to know it has your vote of confidence. I'm sure to get it then.
>>1181182A week until Christmas!
If I had known Christmas would be this soon, I would've made this the Christmas story thread.
Guess next one will be a New Years one.
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>>1181184Maybe the thread is still on page one by then.
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Another morning throwing-up. Only this time it made little sense.
I mean, I get that it's psychological, if I think too much about it, I get queezy, it's why the first few hours of mornings are a bit of a struggle but afterwards I'm fine.
The last two mornings I've been waking up a bit queezy, a few close calls but not being sick. I figured it was because I've been snacking not long before bed.
Last night I only had grapes a few hours before and was a bit hungry when I went to bed, but I ignored it.
Woke up around seven, went to toilet and tried to go back to bed but my thoughts were being weird with partial-dreams. I got up and get ready to begin the day. As I turned on my computer I coughed and started to heave feeling my body immediately needed to be sick. I didn't even give much thought about it prior.
Given I had nothing but phlem in my stomach, all I did was throw that up. It wasn't even that much.
I dunno. I can accept I am getting old and my stomach may not be as resilient as it was just two months a go, but I no longer feel depressed, anxious, self-loathing or anything, I feel completely recovered, normal and myself... but I don't know why the first few hours of mornings is a struggle for me.
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>>1181196It's been many years that I had to throw up, but there's nothing worse IMO than having to throw up even when there's nothing to throw up (anymore).
Anyway, I hope you'll be feeling better soon.
>>1181200Yeah, I'm fine now. It's just the mornings I have trouble with.
Is this thread sinking?
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>>1181207You gonna make Hearth's Warming one?
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>>1181208You can make it if you want.
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New story thread!
Can be found here