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Only a few days until December!
Are you felling festive yet?
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Very yes!
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Not really. I'm poor as shit and there are two time zones between me and the only family I have left and I won't be able to be with them in person for Christmas.
I've had a lot of depressing Christmases the past 15 years, and last Christmas was maybe the second most depressing of them ... and I think this one is going to be worse than that one
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I've been feeling festive since they turned on the town lights on the 14th.
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So in Denmark, in small towns, there tends to be a tradition that "Santa Claus" shows up to turn the town center christmas tree shortly before December actually begins.
That was today. And as usual, it becomes a lil' bit of a minor local fair. Unfortuantely, our town is... sleepier than usual. So I was asked if I wanted tos it around in the activity tent where kids can make christmas decorations and such and draw.
I said "sure", but I did warn them that I wasn't likely to sit there and draw cutesy little elf drawings.
So... christmas themed superhero action it was.
Sadly, most of the kids showing up were a little too young (as in, probably didn't have the patience to watch the work or come back later, nor the courage to actually approach and ask, etc), but hey. A few seemed interested.
And if even one kid who would otherwise have been bored saw this and thought it was cool for a second, I am considering it a win.
It was old as balls in that tent, though, but whatever.
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>1st of December
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Time to decorate the Christmas tree!
>>1180120 No.1180123
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It's chrimbus time!
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>>1180122Will Ponyville get a Christmas theme this year? Will there be snow? I hope so but won't get my hopes too high
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>>1180122>>1180123>>1180124>>1180125>"Will there be snow?"But... should there be snow... really?