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Episode of 5 Shoujo Ramune announced for 2025. That’s peak.
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I prefer redo healer
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This image was a joke when I saved it.
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Is this really how young people are eating ice cream these days? Something seems... off...
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>>1180412there's an infamous Moony moment based on that.
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Anyways, I haven't been aware of what's happening in the anime landscape.
Is this the new Nichijou?
If not, what is the newest Nichijou?
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>>1180423>NichijouI don't think that's had a new episode in years. Not to my knowledge at least. I haven't seen that Anime in almost a decade now.
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>>1180442*sigh* I think EMF and I are the only ones who knows what this is. Anyway, it's a slice of life, comedy and mostly
loli hentai No.1180446
>>1180335>>1180382>>1180412>>1180427>>1180444I wouldn't call this a 'criticism' per se, but it's always bugged me about modern animation styles that a viewer genuinely can't tell what the hell ethnicity, age, nationality, and/or gender identity any of these characters are. seriously.
They could all be thirty-year-old American musicians visiting Japan to see some distant relative. And two of them could be men. While one of them is a woman. And that'd just be that. Because animation these days is just like that. I suppose.
Since a bit of Google-fu seems to indicate that the theme of the series is romance between this middle-aged guy who's the protagonist and three girls who're between the ages of around nine to around twelve, I guess I'll just not say anything otherwise. Yeah. Not worth discussing. No.1180447
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>>1180446It's all fiction so I don't care about it personally. That said, I can perfectly understand if people find it weird or gross.
>>1180447I'm coming at this from the perspective of somebody in the American south where it's more than fiction because large swaths of people who enjoy media like this are trying to enact these behaviors in real-life, including as matters of law.
If it was just fantasy, then that's one thing, but real men watch these programs and then say that they should do these things in during their real day-to-day lives because this is what real social behavior ought to be like.
It's a big deal in Texas especially since Texas had no statutory age "floor"— meaning a judge could've have approved a child of any age to marry any adult of any age— until fucking 2017. Yes, really. And my fellow Texans have been fighting nail, tooth, and claw since then to get rid of the current "floor" of age 17 (in order to return back to the Texan tradition of dudes having sex with girls those around 14 or so).
Don't take my word for it! Google "Senate Bill 1705"! And state Sen. Van Taylor since he has been the dude spearheading the anti-child-marriage cause!
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>>1180448That's an entirely different thing from what I am talking about
>>1180449The point is this: the people who make and consume loli content are making the world worse off for actual, flesh-and-blood children (and everyone in general) because they're promoting real-life actions that shouldn't happen, making society as a whole think of all this as natural, normal, and standard when it shouldn't be.
I seriously wouldn't care about something that's just fiction in the slightest if the people behind it and supporting it weren't doing actual stuff in their regular lives as a consequence of that fiction.
There are a lot of animes involving space aliens. Many of them with all kinds of nasty things being done by them (and to them). Yet absolutely nobody anywhere, in direct contrast to loli context, is doing something like trying to blow up nearby buildings in order to defeat the invading aliens. I wish the fantasy-versus-reality line similarly existed with loli media: which is more or less designed basically like brand advertising since it so strongly encourages consumer of it to do certain things when the video ends (buying a soda, looking at new cars, checking out different video game systems, et cetera).
And I guess I won't say anything more beyond that fact.
>>1180427No doy.
Xell,in theory there could be new Nichijou episodes..
But like, does there exist an anime that gets to be slice of life involving school girls that get into crazy antics like Nichijou, that is pretty in right now?
Your anime, I have not heard from, but it does seem to feature a group of girls.
I know Asobi Asobase kind of got the whole premise going again, but that was already 7 years ago as well.
>>1180452Lolicon doesn't cause pedophilia. Nor have pedophiles in any sense invented lolicon in the first place.
It's that pedophilias use lolicon as a tool to support themselves and also to defend themselves. As well as to try to change the mainstream culture to make their attitudes and actions more acceptable. It's certainly possible, and I'd even say likely that some who create and share lolicon have nothing to do with pedophilia. That doesn't change the rotten natures of those who create it as well as those who use it for socio-political organization.
If you buy electronic goods from African countries with actual slave labor, then it's probably true that you don't at all like slavery. Or support anything like it in any way. It's very likely that you've no idea what's going on.
Or, to put an even finer point on it, a guy who goes to a workshop that makes sharp knives probably wants to buy it in order to cut loaves of bread. Or steaks. Or onions. Or carrots. Or whatever. I wouldn't blame that specific customer if the workshop is owned and run by serial killers. He's just some random dude living his life. At the same time, obviously what the workshop does is horrific.
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>>1180456Pedophiles are absolutely and rightfully shunned from the lolicon community. In fact we do a better a better job at getting rid of them than most other people ever have. We don't except them. Don't try to gaslight me if that is what you're doing. Which I am hope you aren't and suspect you aren't
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Lolicon,the uncomfortable discussion.
To me,it alldepends on what people mean when they say lolicon. Nothing wrong with enjoying an anime involving kids. Nothing wrong with enjoying an artstyle that uses chibi portrayals.
But please don't peruse explicit lewd content with lolicon characters, especially if they are canonically children.
And dont crank your hog to lolicon stuff.
If we're talking that style of lolicon, one may need to revisit their life choices.
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This is an inanimate object.
There is nothing whatsoever about it that can be said to be inherently good, evil, or anything else.
If a person chooses to purchase this for evil purposes to get done in the future, then that will indeed be horrifying. However, it will only have happened because or she is evil. The object is just a mere thing. With no morality.
And if somebody else, regardless of who bought the object, uses it in the future for evil deeds, that's also on him or her. The thing itself doesn't make choices. It doesn't have agency. It doesn't have some kind of inherent status. Its use in a horrifying act occurs because of the will of a bad person.
When a group creates loli content in order to support actual pedophilia, then they're bad people. If fans spread it afterwards to also do that, then they're also bad people. If social activists use it in arguments made about culture and the law, then they're bad people all the same. Don't be like any of those fuckers. Ever.
And (with it being important that this is an "and" rather than a "but") I don't think that having looked at loli content or whatever else necessarily and automatically makes you one of those fuckers. Any more than buying this knife means you're going to cut off victim's body parts with it. You truly have a conscience. If you choose to become evil, it's not the object that made that choice for you. And that's all.
(I really will try to finish what I'm going over with this post and just stop.)
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>>1180459>>1180460If this is trully the direction this thread is gonna take, then it's really for the best to keep that to oneself.
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>>1180460Duck fallacy. Looks does not equal to is.
>>1180461>it's really for the best to keep that to oneselfI can freely concede that if I don't like widespread social acceptance (at worst) and toleration (at best) of pedophilia then I shouldn't live in Texas especially or in general any of the American Southern States. Since a lot of places in America are orders of magnitude different. And, of course, not everybody on /pony/ even lives in the U.S. to begin with.
I suppose the only thing I can really say here is: if you're somebody living a regular life in like, say, London in England or Vancouver in Canada on /pony/ you need to understand that millions upon millions of people in a certain other country still literally urinate in buckets, now in December 2024, and have the social/cultural/political attitudes that you'd expect. Unfortunately.
>>1180462>>1180467> Oct. 17, 1983, Trevicia Williams was married. She was 14 years old.
Before that day, she had been a ninth-grader at Aldine Senior High School in Houston. She was at the top of her class and had had plans to be a prosecuting attorney.
Williams, now 47, recalled being picked up from school by her mother one afternoon and being told she was getting married. She was then brought before a justice of the peace and married off to an ex-convict and current registered sex offender — 12 years her senior. She said she never received an answer from her mother on why she was forced into the marriage.
“My mom was very authoritative and not one you would question,” Williams said. “If I had two words to describe how I felt that day, it would be uneasy and nervous."This is not the country (or place within a country) that either you or I should be living in.
Lolicon wouldn't be the issue that it has become if the people who create it and share it didn't try to make the fiction influence reality, and if all of that didn't start bleeding into even things like actual Goddamn laws enforced by actual Goddamn courts that harm children, then I doubt anybody would care much if at all. Least of all me. Fiction should stay fiction. That's it. That's just it. If "lolicons" weren't actually trying to make the world a worse place, including literally damaging where I personally live at this very moment, then why would I possess any reason to even begin to care about them? I wouldn't. I really wouldn't.
Let fiction be fiction. Let reality be reality. Don't make them the same.
God, like, somebody who enjoys 'Attack on Titan' or any other anime from 'Naruto' to 'Dragonball' to 'My Hero Academia' or whatever else has no interest in changing government policy? Right? We can agree on that? And it would be stupid for that to happen? So, why can't it be the same for "lolicons"? Why do they actually apply fantasy ideas and concepts in real-life when it comes to the law and such? Isn't that just silly from the beginning? I shouldn't have anything against anybody who just likes a random work of fiction, right?
>>1180470None of these things has anything to do with what I am talking about. You’re just expressing your political frustrations which is fine but it has nothing to do with this whatsoever
Literally nothing
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Lolicon isn't pedophilia. It's not even close to pedophilia.
The vast majority of lolis do not act remotely like real children. The ages and statures of fictional characters, like the characters themselves, are made up, and have no inherent bearing on how they act. The vast majority of lolicons have no interest in real children simply because lolis and real children usually have very little in common. Heck, the vast majority of actual child sex offenders have no specific sexual interest in children, they do what they do for sadism purposes.
Do you people also think playing violent video games is wrong? Do you feel creeped out when people discuss Call of Duty because pressing down the right trigger to shoot a computer program is too similar to, or a slippery slope to, going out and shooting real people? Right now there are 87,000 people playing Call of Duty on Steam alone. Is every single one of those a murderer? Is it worth being scared of them because they engage in fictional activities that look, to the uneducated observer, like murder? Or did society largely abandon that standpoint back in the early 2010s because it was a false equivalence?
If it's not your thing, you're well within your rights to not engage with it, and even to state your aversion in a polite and respectful manner as befitting a civilized community. But there is nothing inherently wrong with it in isolation, and as a consequence, no matter how much you wish it did, it gives you no ground to start fearmongering about pedophiles.
If y'all want something to actually be mad about, there are legitimate chuds and transphobes one board over on /townhall/. You're just spinning your wheels here.
Yes I know I'm two days late that's why I've sah-gayed my post.
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>>1180609Precisely this. I typically argue with people about this but I’m so beyond sick of doing it. So thank you. I can tell you find it just as tiresome as I do.
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>>1180634There are levels within here, which muddy the discussion.
1. I don't think there's much wrong with watching and enjoying cute cartoons about little girls doing little girl things. Having interest in those doesn' make you a pedo.
2. Anime in particular can have a 'loli' artstyle.That doesn't mean the characters represent kids. I don't have any issues with anyone having a waifu in a myriad of anime artstyles.
3. You are flat out sexually invested in characters that are canonically underaged, or have a body that is canonically underaged.
I'm sorry, this is not about transphobia or kink shaming, that actually literally makes you a pedo.
Explicit sexual content with characters that are underage or are clearly intended to have underaged bodies is CP, no compromise on that.
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>>1180644> 3.Incorrect. A person cannot be called a pedophile for enjoying drawings of Anime characters. The DSM-5 disagrees with you because Anime characters are not real people. Lastly Anime characters do not have ages.
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>>1180647Not how that works. Looks does not mean is.
>>1180648And if you're masturbating to pictures of 9 year olds, you're not actually having sex with 9 year olds.
But you're still a pedo.
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Damn some people are being pretty un-based in this thread.
>>1180651You're talking about anime characters intended to represent underage characters in explicit sexual situations.
If it's just unrelated anime characters, it falls under for me acceptable groups, as I posted up above.
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>>1180654Don't worry Mikie, you're being very nice.
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I feel like a mod should step in somewhere here
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>>1180653They’re fictional characters made to represent fictional characters. And I just proved to you that even the DSM-5 disagrees with you
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>>1180658Perhaps that maybe the case but there’s no reason to post coal in the thread.
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>>1180658Who brought it up? Was it Psuedo? It looks like it was Psuedo
but regardless of who brought it up, if you really feel like it shouldn't have been raised, you shouldn't have engaged in the discussion. You're basically as wrong here as whoever brought it up originally. Just stop talking about it man.
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>>1180662>Well either way, everyone was just talking past each other.As is usually the case in these situations.
>>1180335Hope you enjoy it, buddy.
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>>1180639I do find it tiresome. Most of the time I don't bother, because it doesn't give me any sense of satisfaction and internet arguments are rarely productive. But this is a place I care about and there are people I care about here so y'know.
Anyway, I've never seen Shoujo Ramune, but one of the characters has the surname 'Semenovich' because she's half-Russian. And you may be thinking 'haha, semen, they knew what they were doing', but Semenovich is actually a very real and valid Russian surname. 'Semen' is a version of 'Simon' and '-ovich' is a common suffix meaning 'son of'. Despite this, you would be correct in thinking they're being clever - the Japanese language lacks the 'vi' sound and instead substitutes the 'bi' sound (ビ) as a matter of course, meaning 'Semenovich' comes out sounding more like 'Semenobiichi', which using the Japanese sense of the word 'bitch' roughly translates to 'cumslut'.
Now you know.
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>>1180781Aye, that’s just a normal day for me.
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>>1180781Technically the thread was always about loli hentai, it didn't 'devolve' into anything.
>>1180780I have a friend or two who've seen it, which is how I know a reasonable amount about it, but yeah.
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On that note, did anyone ever see the A Kiss for the Petals OVA?
Like yeah okay it's hentai but the hentai takes a backseat to cooler things like Emotional Connection and Cuteness and it ends up being a heartwarming experience as a result. Highly recommended.