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File: 1736106747444.png (13.18 KB, 830x600, 83:60, google-2005.png) ImgOps Google

Anyone else sometimes miss the old internet from like the mid 2000s?

Felt more real. More genuine than today. It was of course much smaller, after all for example in 2005 only under 40 percent of people living in all of the EU had internet access. Nowadays that's over 90 percent!

The internet back then felt more niche. More of a fun place with countess forums, people putting out passion projects and games for fun.

Now however it just feels sterile. Somehow even smaller despite being so much bigger. It feels corporate. Cold. Flooded with ai slop and bots too which is of course going to get worse.

Maybe it's just me.


File: 1736112299520.png (131.17 KB, 820x593, 820:593, Woah. That tv has words on….png) ImgOps Google

Yeah, as more and more traffic goes to communities owned by a smaller group of people, there's less incentive to show people what they want, and more incentive to sell people on spectacle and slop.


File: 1736173154050.jpg (97.09 KB, 1000x1012, 250:253, ai-cartoon-portraits-01.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

While the older internet wasn't entirely better, per se, so many things were a lot better managed. A ton of things.

A fundamental 'L' in my opinion is how the spoofing of songs, videos, voice clips, photos, and more using AI has brain-destroying effects, if we're honest.

Like almost all advertisements these days present what's literally 'alternate reality propaganda'... including stuff like a truck driving on the road digitally melting in the sun... or like a guy's pants having something so large poking into the fabric that it's literally like he's got a squirrel trapped in there... or things like this:




Nah. You're not imagining it. The internet is no longer what it was. It used to be an escape - a place where people could be themselves. Now, it's just an extension and sometimes replacement of - the reality that we were escaping from. A lot of people are addicted to it. Many use it to express the worst versions of themselves. I think the internet is about settled now, though - especially now that AI is a thing. The question is where will AI not be able to advance much anytime soon? - that would be in the realms of livestreaming and any kind of real-time, spontaneous social interaction. So, the next big things are probably going to be vtubing (livestreaming), augmented reality, and virtual reality. The written word, images, video - any kind of static medium, such as pre-recorded content - are probably going to be obsolete soon.



File: 1736405468463.jpg (148.31 KB, 850x1199, 850:1199, random_12.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I remember back when Google was good...




rip google. not sure there's much left that the old internet can teach us now, anyways. i used reddit for a couple of years but it didn't take long for them to run out of unique content, too (and with the exodus and all). i guess ai will teach us from now on

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