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 No.1182841[Last 50 Posts]

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We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays, we just sit around the fire and enjoy the holiday. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

Your can find the program source code on github:



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That's really fitting.

How are you?




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Doin fine! Just vibing and drinking some coffee

And we need more Bollywood influence in American cinema

I'd watch every season!


Bollywood + Anime = Bulemia?

How ya vibin


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I'm doin alright! Having coffee with a friend; still looking for a job, but otherwise vibing!


Sounds good to me.

I am having a hard time getting up at a decent hour lately, but I am playing a new spoopy game called Dead of Darkness that is WAY cooler than I expected, and am currently on my way home from watching the new Wolf Man with a friend.

.. Which was LESS cool, but oh well. Not a terrible movie, I am just not a fan of some of its style choices


I had terrible sleeping hours. Then I took a melatonin tablet an hour before going to bed at midnight, and it really helped. My sleeping time has been fixed since.


Myeah, last I checked they were just kinda pricy here. I am also admittedly a bit afraid of sleeping pills (and yes, I know that's not quite what Melatonin is. Never claimed that fear was rational)


I understand why you're reluctant to take sleeping pills of unknown compositions, which is why just melatonin is ideal, given melatonin is a natural hormone that makes us sleepy.


Again, I'm aware. I'll give ti a second look, I guess.


Speaking of bedtimes... G'night.


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Do you have a playthrough of the dead of darkness up? Cause I'd love to watch it!

Sorry bout the movie tho!

Surviving January on the whole tho?


Not yet. It's a LOT longer than I thought. I'm like 8 hours in. That's a good thing though, cause it's quite fun bar a frustration or two.
But it's basically 2D Resident Evil set in the 80ies with some Cthulhu/The Thing monstrosity thrown in.

I'd appreciate if you gave Laser Tag Massacre a watch though I really liked that one.

Well, ye. Just , as usual, nowhere near as productive as I wanna be cause I am a stupid dum dum that dum dums


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Dead of Darkness looks very cool and I should probably play it but I'm marginally broke for like a week so I shouldn't.


>Wait until have money
>Play gaem


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shit, that does sound like fun! i love me some resi and cthulu action!

laser tag massacre huh? i'll give it a watch when i got the time!

and i feel ya, i wanted to be a bit productive, but my mind is flat out refusing atm :P



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Hey there, got RPG today so I prepared everything for it.

Listening to some music now.

What about you?


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fun! hows your rpg goin btw? i'm curious!

i'm just watching jacksepticeye play some spooky games, so i'm havin fun ^_^


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Getting along very well really, I think we'll wrap up one of our adventures after 14 sessions. Then starts the hard work of writing the final reports and handing over the EXP.

Is it spooky or rather spoopy?


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dang! 14 sessions is a long time! you definitely kept at it! is eveyrone gonna be OP now?

pretty spooky! it deals with ancient egyptian tombs and while it's a bit corny, the presentation is pretty spooky!


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Well, we play almost every two weeks. No, not OP yet. But some are slowly getting there as they've been playing their characters for over a decade now.

Is some Lovecraftian horror waiting in the tombs?


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>a decade
DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN! that's a long ass time! ya'll are REALLY dedicated!

seems to be that way! got some space/time shenanigans and some pretty good scares!


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We are all dedicated pen and paper RPGers! Some of those characters are 'in world' 50 years old now.

That reminds me of some Lovecraft story where someone finds a lost town in a desert and climbs down into a crypt.


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dang! i can't wait till all your characters are in the senior home, and the campaign is getting to the shuffleboard tournament before you break a hip!

i think i know which one you are talking about, although the name escapes me;


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They'd have to invent senior homes and shuffleboard first!

I think it was 'The Nameless City'.


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that's what your next campaign should be! create DnD's senior center for the mythical elderly!

ah i think you are right! i haven't read that one, but i do know the synopsis for the most part


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I have to go and get groceries, have a good night!


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I just woke up.


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Hope you slept well!


Yeah I did.. until 7:40 where I had to go to the toilet.
Then I had the throw up.
So, I'm up now.


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Hope you feel better now at least.


Yeah, it was just phlegm.


That game wold not happen to be titled "Amenti", would it?


I yet live

One day I might not make such a post

But this is not that day


I hope I live long enough to see all the Sega films.



Isn't that mostly just right now? The SONIC fils don't take that much to watch!


I said I want to live long enough to see all the Sega films.

That includes, Sonic 4 from Paramount, Shinobi from Universal, Streets of Rage from Lionsgate and The House of the Dead from Vertical, directed by Paul W. S. Anderson!

And that's not including the potential sequels for all these upcoming films.



Ah, but what about the inevitable Sonic + Mario v Bowser SAVE the world movie? It's coming. But I don't know how soon.


If it doesn't have an IMDb, I'm not worried about it.



well yeah it's not been made yet

but the trajectory points Right There


Hypothetically speaking, is Illumination and Paramount does agree to a crossover between their takes on Sonic and Mario, given the fact Sonic is live-action/animated film with human actors while Mario is entirely animated, I'm curious how they'll jump the hurdle of how humans are portrait in such a crossover. Unless they Power Hour it.

I think if Sega/Paramount really wanted a Super Mario cameo, they're better off introducing their own take on him. Heck, if they leave him unnamed and of bare -likeness, then they wouldn't need permission from Nintendo.



Well see that's not actually an issue. There already exist a Super Mario Brothers movie which is 100% live action. What stops them from adding a Pretty Quick Hedgehog into the mix? It's inevitable,


What's stopping them is the fact Bob Hoskins, who would be the obvious choice for the cameo role... is no longer with us.



Literally not a problem. Solutions abound:
1. Animated movie, anyone can voice a part
2. Live action movie, anyone can do a dr Who thing and have a different person voice the same character


1. For that, Sonic might as well go to the Mushroom Kingdom, where everything is animated.
2. True... but introducing a new take on Mario is just as viable.

My fan-premise for a Sonic-Mario crossover is more of a short. Taking place either between the first two movies or when Sonic had the house to himself.

He parties and accidentally breaks a pipe, so he calls a plumber around, (who, if I had the choice of casting, Dan Fogler for the role) and is initially shocked that some blue alien ehdeghog called him over. he gets over it and tries to do his job all the while Sonic annoys him and the two argue, ending up with Tom and Jerry antics between them. But aonic acknowledges he's been somewhat of a jerk and the two reconcile... but the plumber is accidentally stranded to the Mushroom Planet.

If the plumber is never named, then the audience can decide for themself who the plumber is. and neither Sega nor Paramount would need to ask legal rights from Nintendo.



Or Mario + 1 random person of the supporting cast who are wide, can join them outside. It doesn't have to be in a Sonic place. It could be in the "real world" of Earth.

You gotta have it connected, but the audience has to connecte it. And I think it's inevitable. I mean Sonic is now available to play on Sega machines ffs, there's a countdown out there, we just can't see it.


The Sonic films take place on "real world" of Earth.



Doesn't the first Mario Bros movie take place on Earth also? ...with the caveat that it's been basically adjusted for being a Pipe Drug Trip. That makes the whole thing perfect for a crossover!



Yeah, but doesn't mean it's the same continuity.



Yeah but it means that if the studios wanted to have the same continuity, they can!



Oh, singing, eh?

...I just ran one guy into the ground with a game of "let's trade songs", wanna trade Discord handles?


They can... but isn't continuity usually kept to the producers/studio that made the films? Such as Universal Studios with their monsters or MCU, which was formerly Paramount before Disney.

The 1993 Super Mario Bros. film was produced by Hollywood Pictures, a subdivision of Walt Disney Studios and, while defunct, it's properties likely absorbed into Disney.

Granted, Spider-Man: No Way Home was the acception. While Tom Holland's Spider-Man is part of the MCU, Spider-man is still shared with Sony, which makes things... complicated. For example, Sony has started their own Spiderverse with Venom, Morbius, Madam Webb and Kraven... just this Spiderverse has no titular Spider-man.

That said, I doubt those movies I mentioned before >>1182908 will take place on the same earth as the Sonic films take place on.



The continuity, unless entirely contradictory, is what makes the $$$. The Super Mario Bros movie is an interesting piece of cinematic history BUT it can be unearthed for the Mario-Earth connection. There's also a ready-made Sonic-Earth connection. And also the Sega-Nintendo connection which makes the Sonic game appear on Nintendo hardware. Given the power disparity between the two, I expect the "Sonic appears on the Nintendo hardware" to be mirrored with "Sonic appears in the Nintendo setting" for the flimsiest of reasons known to man.




y u post dis



I believe the continuity established in the 1993 Super Mario Bros. film is legally owned by Disney though. If Bob Hoskins was still around maybe Paramount could afford a cameo from him which could potentially "hint" at a tie in between the 1993 Super Mario Bros. film with the Sonic films we have today, but for a straight-up genuine crossover I don't believe it's that easy. That it will involve legal teams from Nintendo, Disney, Paramount and Sega to hammer out how it all relates, which may cost time and money for contracts.

And for what, a nod towards a Super Mario film that most Super Mario loyalists detest? Bob Hoskins was drunk half the time filming it because he knew how bad it'll turn out! Just isn't worth it.

It would be easier for Sega/Paramount to make their own version of Mario. Which will require legal rights from Nintendo, but they maybe able to step-around those legal rights if their take on Mario is regarded as a parody and uncredited as Mario.

But given how popular the 2023 Super Mario Bros. film is, Sega/Paramount may regard a crossover with that film more profitable, but they'll have to get legal rights from both Nintendo and Illumination for it to all work.


sure! mine is navidoodlez

because it's pure serotonin ^_^


Or I was just doing other stuff.

Japanese yodeling was not on the bingo card for today, I admit.



Takeo Ischi is a true treasure <3



I mean I am hardly one to judge, I've been spending half my day watching Doctor Waffles videos on TikTok


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not familiar with that one! but as long as it makes you happy!


It's this guy (and sometimes his wife) who makes up frankly adorable little songs and act them out with little toys. I think he's an actual therapist, too.


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Aww that's so cute 🥰


I'll have to download some of his videos and send them your way. You'll love them.

I may also have sung a few of them myself earlier today cause they are so simple and easy to practice with


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That was pretty good.



Request sent!


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I drank way too much, I'm super tired.


Well stop being a louse!


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Hi Noelle, how are you?


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the one sports ball team i did NOT want to be in the superbowl is in, so i hate sports now

otherwise, i'm fine; hung out with a friend, played some games, all that good stuff



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Which one is that? But I know how that feels.

I did the same, played some old games with them. It was nice.

Waiting for work to start now.


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the Chiefs are the team i hate the most, so i guess i'm an eagles fan for the next two weeks -_-

fly eagles fly i guess :P

that sounds very chill and relaxing!

work not as much, but gotta make that bank!


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What's wrong about the Chiefs?

It was a fun day, yes. Always good to play some NES.

I always try not to work too much!

Had any luck with that search for a job yet?


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1. they've been the dynasty team since 2018 that has been going to the superbowl and winning the most
2. they are on the verge of a threepeat
3. if you have seen any of the games, they are obviously getting calls in their favor constantly, to the degree that many viewers and pundits are suspecting favoritism
4. they are in the same division as my team, so i already didn't like them even before they became good

they are basically the empire in the NFL, and nobody outside of chiefs fans (and i guess NFC East teams) want to win this

what NES games did you boot up?

no bites so far... i've sent out so many applications, and i've even started extending it to neighboring cities, yet still no bites!


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I can relate with that, it's never fun having the same team win over and over. Unless it's the one you like. ;P

We played Rush 'n Attack, Super Mario Bros. 3, and Legend of Zelda.

That must be frustrating.


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yeah, chiefs fans have been eating good for a while; while the rest of us have to suffer...

i'm just glad my team is starting to actually be good again; so i have that solace i guess :/

ooh good choices! Super Mario Bros 3 is one of my fave NES games of all time!

eh... i will live, and all it takes is one job to succeed.

i just don't know what it is about me that is not appealing to these people? i've got 2 degrees, i have plenty of work experience in various deparments; and most of the jobs that i'm applying for don't really require anything to be hired

i know it's probably not the case, but i'm starting to feel like i'm being purposefully ignored >:(


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Looks like they pretty much won nothing for 40 years before that though.

We made it to the last world, but we couldn't beat it this time around. We just lacked the necessary items - and skill.

It's really hard to say. Maybe there's too many applicants, maybe the jobs don't even really exist - which seems to be a big problem lately. =(


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that is true, and and there are teams that to this day haven't won or even been to the big game; so they should at least be consider it and share it with other teams who need it more

ah fudge! you'll get it next time! how bout the other 2 games? how did you fare there?

yeah, i've heard about that; so theres a real chance that i've applied to nothing a handful of times :/

it's just frustrating, cause the skillset i have would be great if i lived in LA or Denver; and i could find communities and network; but i can't go there until i got the money to move there -_-


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Sharing is caring shouldn be true for the NFL, huh?

I beat Rush 'n Attack, my friend went game over on stage 4 though. We've been playing it for 35 years and never beat it together. We made some progress in Zelda, too.

LA sounds very expensive, I don't know about Denver.


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exactly! you don't need all 5 of the superbowl victories! you can share one with the eagles and spread the brotherly love!

congrats! i'm not familiar with rush'n'attack, but i know NES games are no simple feat! and the classic zelda is a trip!

LA is very expensive, but given that i'm a film person, i can find PA positions or writing assistant positions and have the qualifications for that shirt alot easier than here. Denver isn't really a film city, but there is television needs and i can probably find somethin there more in my lane; plus it's only a few hours from where i am currently, so i can visit my dad and friends on occassion


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Well, maybe the Eagles will win this time around!

Rush 'n Attack is a sidescrolling action game, stabbing the enemy with a knife! Zelda is always fun.

So Denver sounds like the more realistic option.


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they fucking better!

and i'm always a fan of a good stabbing :P

you would think that, but by the time i have the money saved up, LA is the better option because of writers rooms and big studio connections; and given that my goal is to be a feature selling screenwriter, that is the better option. and being a PA or writers room assistant is much more conducive to that; Denver is only an option if i need to be close to home for whatever reason; but there wouldn't be anything near the upward mobility


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I see... well, I hope you can make that LA dream come true then, and that you will become a well known screenwriter!

But first, you need a job! Gotta keep looking.


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yup... i'll get right on that...


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I hope it will work out!

I have to be off now, work's calling.


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well i did just apply for a videographer position for the Pro Rodeo Association, so here's hopin!

have fun! punch a few people for me ^_^


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Hope everyone is having a nice evening.


Good luck!

Well I spent mine building the LEGO Disney camera I got for christmas, so I'd call it a p good evening


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Is the old timey one with the reel?


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Nice, did you have fun building it?


Oh absolutely. Building these things is a great way to spend an evening.


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What if I dun wanna


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I woke up at half past seven to poop.
Kinda tempted to go back to bed for an hour or more.


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Good morning.


Morning, I suppose.

Repeat of >>1183100



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You're up super late! How are you?


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i abide!

and how are you?


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Not too bad, thanks.

Luckily work seems kinda slow today.


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nice! an easy lacksadaisacle day at work sounds like a good time! relax and take it easy on the clock!


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Well, still have to get some information about contracts and stuff. But I don't feel like calling, I'll just write mails.

Anything new with you? Where are the jobs?


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everything can be an email if you are introverted enough!


after a month of radio silence, i had not one, not two, but THREE interviews lined up! all within like 2 days! i was stoked!

one is for a front Desk position at a cement and gravel company nearby

another one is for a Case Management position for the local city government

and the third one is for a Creative Producer position for a news station in the neighboring city!

i had a phone interview for the producer job yesterday, and they will let me know if they wish to continue with that; i'll have the gravel company interview on friday; and then the case management interview will be on february 11th!


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Nice, I really hope you can land one of those jobs!

Which would you prefer, the producer one?


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me too! but i'm just so relieved that i'm getting callbacks!

i definitely hope i get the producer one because 1. it's in my career path of choice and 2. it pays pretty well!

the case manager one also would pay well, so if the producer one doesn't happen, then that is not a bad fallback

and while the gravel company job is 3rd on the list, it's also the closest and i will have weekends off, which is a rare thing for me!

alas, it is 2am here, so i will hit the sack! goodnight!


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I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Sleep tight now!


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Hope it works out for ya!

I just found myself out of what little work I was practically-promised AGAIN. so yay, that's like the third time in a year.


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What work were you promised?


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i got a callback from the news people! they wanna do a follow up interview on wednesday!

oooooooooooooh i'm excited <3


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That's great news! I wonder what they wanna know. I haven't been to an interview in decades.


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i imagine they will grill me on my knowledge of film sets and editing software, among other things!

i should really refresh on a lot of that stuff, cause it's been a long time since i had to really deal with that sort of thing O.O

i've worked on film sets, but i am typically more of a pre and post production person

still! nothing ventured, nothing gained!


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Well, you shoul refresh your knowledge then over the weekend!


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that'll be the plan! fortunately there's plenty of resources online, so that shouldn't be an issue!

i do need to head to bed, so i'll catch you on the flipside clarity!

goodnight :)


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Still had to wake up to poop.
But honestly... don't feel as tired this morning.

I hope the bin men will collect our rubbish this time. They didn't last time and I had to put my rubbish in bags instead of the proper boxes.


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Sleep well now!

Roll the bins after them.


If they leave anything behind, I'll leave it out there.


Got any plans for the weekend?


Chinese food for the weekend and maybe do a bit more on my Sonic RPBG.


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I hope you can make some progress there.


Yeah, I might have a friend on devART who might be able to make the map illustrations for me.
I've yet to ask him, but I want to make at least the rough drafts of the boards first.


I was gonna be hosting an online film class for teenagers. Basically, discussing film, giving context for how it was done before, maybe go through WHY certain films and franchises were (and still are) a big deal, and having an open place where they can ask for context on, say, values dissonance over time (like stuff that would be considered highly offensive today actually being progressive for its time, etc).

Which, yes, I KNOW is niche. But I was doing this in partnership with a school that shares its various free-time-activity offers with TWELVE other schools, and it being an online class means that they would require very very few signups to be held.

However, they apparently screwed up the timing window on signups so bad that my class - and tons of others, if I understood them correctly - got next to no signups AT ALL.

They are going to try again next season, and I am trying not to blame anyone... but that doesn't change that in the last year, three to four attempts to start up part-time classes, something I do both to show that I wanna work and out of pure interest (since I wouldn't actually be getting the money for it due to how welfare here works) have been squashed like a week before they were supposed to start, for a different reason each time - ranging from people just not contacting me to let me know something changed, practically doubling signup fees behind my back, and now this.

To say the least, I am fucking tired and constantly getting pelted with "Oh, we LOVE your idea, we're just going to do absolutely nothing to help you get it to work once we've promised you the world, fuck you".


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That's really disappointing. It's just a waste of everyone's time when they are doing that.


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I am just tired of it man.

I ain't worth jack in any "normal" jobs' eyes, and everyone's all smiles and "good idea" 's when I pitch something I CAN do, and then they yank it away from me right before it's supposed to happen like they're pretending to throw a ball to a dog.

And then people wonder why I feel fucking worthless in the eyes of society all the damn time.

That doesn't ound too good.

Rant away, I already did.


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No, you're not. Anything wrong?

Must be really disheartening. Hopefully it will work out at some point.


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okay, i'm not a terrible person, but i still feel like i made a mistake

so today i had an interview with this local gravel and cement company for a front desk job; and i went in

everything went well, they liked me, i liked them; seemed like a chill job

then towards the end, i told them that i have a couple other interviews lined up (the producer position and case manager position) so they asked me if they should still interview people

and i told them "well it would be best if you did, in case i get picked up by one of the other positions"

and then we parted ways, and it all seemed well and good

then i told my dad what i did, and he said "you shouldn't have mentioned that at all!"

i told him that i didn't want to accept a job just to ghost them like a week later

and then he said "i'm sure they would understand and would do the same if the positions were reversed"

so now i feel like i fucked up by being too honest and not wanting to leave them hanging

i don't know, what do you think? did i mess up?

you are not worthless!

those people that skip out on you are missing out!


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That's really hard to say.

I think I would have been too honest as well - but looking at it logically it can of course lead to them simply hiring the next guy available on the spot. Simply cause there's a question mark on you.

I think you should have at least given them some kind of deadline. Like, you'll get my definite answer by [date X] - is that acceptable to you?


Yeah, I've been saying that literally since I left school ten years ago.

In a harsh reality kind of way, your dad MIGHT be right.

But it doesn't make you bad. It means there's a system in place that doesn't work if this is how all sides are supposed to behave.

Shit's tough, and I am sure plenty of employers know full well that they aren't necessarily every applicants' first choice. Despite what media and stories on the internet will tell you, the "You should stay chained to me till you retire" kind of boss is thankfully a dying breed.

Myeah, I suppose. Doesn't mean I get to do shit to earn money either way.


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that's not a bad idea... it would sound professional, and there would at least be a certainty to it, even if it's just a simple yes or no by a certain date

ugh, i feel not well equipped for the cutthroat world of business (despite me actually being able to cut throats but that's a different thing)

i don't like harsh reality, i prefer escapism fantasy; i wanna be paid 1000 gil to collect magic gems!

meh... i'm such an empath that i hate the idea of straggling people along, but you're not the only person to say that, so i get the feeling i need to really steel myself to be able to dump a job as soon as i get it

but daaaaaaaaaaamn that makes me feel gross ><


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You can maybe still do that.

If you had the feeling that they would hire you for sure; tell them that things look positive, and ask them when you could start - but insist it's a date especially after your producer job meeting.


I mean, that makes two of us. Gimme magica rmor for hunting down 10 boar asses, please.

Hey, I am no better at it myself. It's easier said than done.


I think I'd prefer the role of giving out quests for boar asses.


Now what would YOU want with ten boar asses, hmmm?


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well maybe i'll give them a call next thursday after i see how the next interview goes; but i dunno, i'll perculate on that

i mean, magic armor for boar ass seems like a steal of a deal!

squeal like a piggy!


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Cure or smoke them and sell them as prime boar parts.

Alright, hopefully they haven't hired anyone else by then.


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make some of that good rump roast!

well if it's available by then, then great, but if not, then c'est la vie; i do plan on doing my taxes this week, so my refund will help out quite a bit, regardless of my employment situation


Maybe the armor is MADE of boar ass.

I mean god only knows what parts of the pig they put in sausage, right?


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I'm glad I don't have to do any taxes.

I'm off to bed, night night.


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Did you have a nice evening?


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well i did hang out with a buddy of mine, so that was nice; and while i am still bummed about goofing on that initial interview, i do feel a little better

now i'm just watching some youtube, and playing some  balatro

how bout you?


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I'm glad you're feeling better!

I'm watching Moony's video myself - next to having coffee.


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yeah, i can't go back into the past and change it, so i must have the serenity to accept the things i cannot change!

oh yeah! i saw that notification! i should go bring it up now!


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That's a good way to look at it.

It's a long one! What are you watching?


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man suffers because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun

the war thunder one! it's the newest one, and i have heard about how war thunder community leaks specs about planes that shouldn't be available, so it is interesting to see what moony says about it!


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It's not really a topic interesting me much to be frank, but I'm still watching it.


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that's fair, but i love moony's essay style, and i always learn so much from it

plus he's my friend, and i always wanna support mi amigos <3


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I agree with both, which is why I watch it till the end!

You haven't made any new videos in a while.


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learning about russian history is fascinating!

and i'm working on one, but animation takes a while, and cannot be rushed; so it will be ready when it's ready


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It's well made, as usual.

I'll look forward to your next video!


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for sure! i'm impressed and low key jealous of his style, but that's his lawyer prowess at work!

thanks! it's gonna be a while tho, i'm still animating, and haven't even gotten to colorization yet


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Well, that was fun to watch.

Got any plans for the weekend?


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the goal is simple

use my free time to watch and injest all cinematography and video production information i can possibly find

with my producer interview on wednesday, i want to go in with as much weaponry as possible!


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That's an excellent plan, you gotta stick with it and arrive well prepared.

I'm off for now, gotta do my weekend chores. Have a nice night!


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Learn your lenses.


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goodnight! and will do!

that's an excellent point, i'll make sure to go over lenses

i remember i got to use a RED camera in college, and i was always so paranoid about moving it cause of how insanely expensive that thing was ><


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The bodies can handle the abuse. The lenses, not so much. I am guessing it was an Epic or Scarlet.


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that's very true, still want to be careful regardless tho

i don't remember what it was, this was 5+ years ago, but it was quite the beast of a cinema camera, i loved it tho

im definitely more writing and post production minded, so definitely gotta stretch my film muscles a bit


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I may have overestimated your age, then. Thankfully, they are making cameras with smaller bodies, like the Komodos.

I am not sure you will use those muscles much from a producer role, unless I am misunderstanding the position you are applying for.


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how old did you think i am? and it's for a news station, so i'll have to see what kind of equipment they have

well the official title is "Producer, Creative Services"

and this is copied from the job description

• Conceptualize, write and edit on-air promotional spots for news, programming, web and special projects using multiple platforms
• Works closely with reporters and management staff on story development and promotional script ideas
• Organize promotion projects
• Interact with and respond to social media audiences
• Analyze rundowns to coordinate the best on-air, social and digital marketing materials
• Provide analysis for digital audience engagement and review
• Track monthly analytics on all current social/digital platforms. Provide ways to optimize platform growth
• Work closely with the team on story development and promotional script ideas
• Work closely with affiliates to support programming on air and online
• Perform other duties as needed by management

but they also asked questions about my experience on set, so i wanted to brush up on that end as well

so it seems mostly in my strengths, but i don't want any blind spots


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Now I probably should not say!

Okay, so you will mostly be doing scheduling, calls, copy, and social media tracking. If they asked for on set experience, it might be for production assistant tasks.


well if you are curious, i'm 33 :P

and that's what i gleaned as well, which makes sense for a producer roll. but i'm no stranger to PA rolls; and writing and editing are my strong suits, so i think i should be able to adapt okay


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I was not far off. I thought you had gone to college far earlier.

The story development part sounds like the most interesting.


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ah, well i'm glad i didn't lead you too far astray! and i did go to community college for an associates before i went to a university for a bachelor's

the story development part is the most interesting part to me too! i don't know what kind of story i would be developing, but i feel that's where my talents would really shine


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If you have another interview prior to that one, be sure to put those talents to use instead of turning up the honesty.


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heh, fortunately that is the next interview, so no need to hide or obfuscate anything

but if that changes, i'll know to better to hide the deets better

thanks for the vote of confidence ;)


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I have good money on you securing this job. No pressure at all.


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thank you...

i will do my best to make you win that money!


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Thank God I am not going to be homeless.


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well i would have offered you to stay at my place

i would offer you the bed

the loona plushie is off limits tho


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Well, shit. I could have used her affection.


Last night, I had dinner a bit later than expected, finishing up around 10 or 11, despite me refraining from eating before 9.
I went to bed a bit late, around 2.

But, despite waking up at half-past 9, I felt better about waking up today than I have been the last few days. I mean, still a bit groggy, but I felt like I got out of bed on my own terms than the need to poop.


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It is too early for that. Go back to sleep.


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It's almost 7 a.m., time to rise and shine!


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That means time for a second nap.


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Truth if I am still tired, but nothing some coffee can't fix.


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>checks the clock
>too early


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Lucky, you still have the night ahead of you!

Did you have a nice day?


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The old, reliable medicine.

You ought to be studying, anyway.


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oh yeah, i'm thinkin of makin some tea and watching some youtube!

i think i did! i ran 5k for the first time since last may, so my legs are dead; but i did use my time to research creative service producer stuff and see examples other people in that position. it's nothing i haven't done before, but there are definitely things i would have to get used to on the job

other than that, not a bad day!

how bout you?

i did a good 3 hours of studying earlier; from what i learned, and assuming its representative, a lot of what i would be doing is stuff i've done before on an individual scale; so now i feel a bit more confident i know what i'm doing

still, i gotta binge editing software and equipment specs videos, but it's goin good!


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Good job there, I hope tomorrow will be just as productive!

I was at a birthday party, and we played some games. All in all a pretty nice day.


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You can never go wrong with coffee.


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i'm gonna be meeting up with a friend of mine tomorrow, so it's probably not gonna be super productive; but i'll make sure to do some research stuff before all that

and my legs are dead, so i'll give them a rest tomorrow


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I feel very unproductive myself today, I'll just take things easy.


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Premiere or Resolve?

Its effects do not work on me, but I enjoy it.


We are very much alike then.


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hey that's alright! gotta take it easy and rest yourself; don't wanna burn out!

i learned premiere, as that was what my college used, and the intergration between premiere, after effects, illustrator, and animate are stuff that i have used most; i know people hate adobe right now (for very understandable reasons) but it is what i'm strong in

still, it probably wouldn't hurt to at least watch an introductory course in resolve, if only to gain familiarity >.>


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For your sake, I hope not.

Resolve is marvelous. It does not hurt to learn if only for the color grading, even if Premiere is more robust due to what you mentioned.


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We are when it comes to coffee.

Will you be watching a movie or play some games with your friend?


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Hopeless addicts it is.


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well i do love color grading, so if resolve does that well, then it be worth a spin!

playin games mostly! just vibing, getting coffee, that whole shindig!


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Sounds like a pleasent Sunday! I'm off for now myself, I hope you have a good time!


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They will have you working all the roles soon enough.


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have a good one! enjoy your sunday <3

hehe, since i haven't done a good number of this stuff in multiple years, some of it will definitely be trial by fired O_O


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Be sure to disclose that information in your interview. Oh, wait.


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you just love twisting that knife, eh?


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Old habits.


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some people would pay good money for that kind of treatment


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And all that time I did it for free. Regardless, I am trying to curtail the behavior.


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Reslove is considerably more reliable. Adobe really only runs on its last "but it's the standard thoooo" fumes at this point. Granted I still use it for my videos, but it's largely because I have the template project files right there.

Still, I'm very much club "Fuck Adobe".

Some people wish they had good money for that kind of treatment.

N-not that I would know anyone like that



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Hey, what's planned for Sunday?

All I use from Adobe is the Acrobat Reader.

Hi Scoots, how's life?


Might do a bit more on my Zone Map thing. Will take a shower later.


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Pizza time for me.


Quad 3s for pizza time!


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In general? It could be better and it could be worse, really. Not much has changed except the news has been getting really depressing in a hurry lately and that's getting to me a little.

How are you? Are you doing okay?


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The pizza is gone!

The news? As in, what's on the news? I would agree with you there.

I'm alright, not much has changed in life honestly. Still the same work, same hobbies, same old.


More or less.
I do use Premiere, but I sure don't pay for it.

But what are YOUR Sunday plans?



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I re-sorted my RPG miniatures earlier. I guess I'll do some gaming later on, maybe RPG work for a change. I've been lazy there lately.

It's in mah belly.


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Yeah, that's what I mean. The state of the world really worries me right now. It's shifting further and further away from my own values, to the point where I'm increasingly fearing for my own safety, and there's nothing I can do about it except get outvoted by bigots and dumbasses in elections.

I'm glad things are okay for you.


>RPG Work
Do elaborate

Oooh, miniatures. neat.

Me, I'm just gonna be editing. Possibly recording some more spooky games nobody is gonna watch. Been considering going throjugh my backlog of games I kind-of forgot to play or have just wanted to play for a while yet never got around to.


You hogged all the pizza!

Then again, I have whole pizzas myself often.


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I agree. None of it influences me, but the development pisses me off.

It's mostly planning of an RPG campaign. I've worked so much ahead that I don't have the lift a finger for at least another year, but I still think I should do something.

It was a big one too. A frozen one, but the best one I've had so far.



On Saturdays, my brother often asks me to get him a pizza from the Turkish place. Honestly, I prefer store-brought home cooked pizzas myself given there's no other pizza place.


There's always some encounter balancing to do. D&D campaign or something else?


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I tried a new brand which is said to be the best froze one - and it really was.

The Dark Eye, a German system. Yeah, I've done balancing work a lot lately, but nothing "new".


People shouldn't underestimate store brought frozen pizza. Sure it takes half an hour to cook, but I like cooking it for about twenty minutes so that it's a bit under-cooked but still nice.


Huh, can't say I know of it.

You do remind me I need to at some point read the Danish system "Drager og Dæmoner" which apparently had a new edition put out for the first time in like, decades, fairly recently.


Oh whoops, SWEDISH system.


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Eh... it's usually pretty bad compared to propely made pizza. I've been to many restaurants and had pizza there, and even the worst was better than this bet frzen one. Of course, the frozen one is much cheaper.

It never got a foothold outside of Europe, even though they tried at least twice. I don't know that Swedish system.


I think the best pizza I ever had was on my trip to Amsterdam with a college group.


Well, similarly, I don't think it ever really made it outside of Scandinavia.

It's main draw as I remember it (I tried it like, once, when I was 14) is that there are a LOT of playable races. As a rule of thumb (with a few exceptions, or rather, examples the rulebook advises against), if it's remotely humanoid and intelligent, it's basically up for grabs.

So you could very easily play a classic slew of Humans, Dwarves, Orcs and Elves, or if you wanted to, stuff like a Selkie, a shape shifting eagle-man, a fairy, a satyr, etc.


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That must have been a long time ago.

Ah, TDE isn't that forthcoming. You can only play humans, dwarves, elves, and lizardmen.


Yeah, it has. It was the one and only time I've been abroad.


I do just love being able to play as weird-ass races, what can I say.


Yeah, it's definitely fun playing different races.


When it comes to Pokémon, are you the sort who use a lower-case p to refer to pokémon as a collectible species.
IE: "I saw a rare pokémon over there!"
Or do you use a capital P as usually intended?

It's just if pokémon are recognised as a race in the world of Pokémon, wouldn't it be strange for the natives to refer to them with a capital P?

That be like if we address Animals with a capital A all the time.


I like mixing things up to create weird characters.

Like, deliberately pick a class a character may not have the highest stat in, or go for unusual race/class combinations. Or at the very least, pick a base premise and try to make that fit within the rules.

Makes for more interesting characters, I feel. More so than powergaming, at least


I use Capitulisation to flavour my Text.:pinkie11:


Okay, but wouldn't it get confusing between referring to pokémon as a species and Pokémon as a franchise?


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What did we say about arising this early?


File: 1738560912454.jpg (55.13 KB, 640x480, 4:3, comic21.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

That it's the right thing to do!


File: 1738561069029.jpg (207.83 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, fasfasfd.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Oh, very well. Carry on, then.


File: 1738561194713.png (704.14 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, allrar4.png) ImgOps Google

Did you have a nice weekend?


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Unremarkable, but today was nice and fun. The longer sleep periods help with some anger I have been experiencing as well. How about yours?


File: 1738561788602.png (338.87 KB, 573x407, 573:407, dash215.png) ImgOps Google

More sleep is always welcome.

I was at a birthday party, so that was fun. Sunday I just spent at home all day, just gaming.


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Did we miss the opportunity to interact with an inebriated Clarity?


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Oh no, I didn't drink that much.


File: 1738563340861.jpg (170.11 KB, 694x1280, 347:640, cdcff1cdd54e3ccc90daff3ad6….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Terrific. Next time you are absolutely wasted, you must be here.


File: 1738563443764.jpg (806.85 KB, 2400x1080, 20:9, xv1o0zwfia8e1.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

we can always change that!


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All it would lead to is me falling asleep.


File: 1738563680525.jpg (102.27 KB, 993x587, 993:587, _evening_with_loona____hel….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

we could always give you a monster to wake you back up again!


File: 1738563779958.jpg (135.45 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, dash391.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

What's that? Some kind of energy drink?


File: 1738563989489.png (412.43 KB, 500x617, 500:617, rainbow dash energy drink.png) ImgOps Google

you would be correct!


File: 1738564170994.png (473.43 KB, 1388x744, 347:186, d0d46c294d5334670e6a12d11d….png) ImgOps Google

Impossible. He must be a good boy and depart for work soon.


File: 1738564233054.png (148.7 KB, 473x296, 473:296, dash127.png) ImgOps Google

I'm not sure that'd wake me up again.

I'm already working!


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it would help clarity relax! and everyone does their best work from a relaxed state of mind :P


File: 1738564559860.png (5.14 MB, 1915x3000, 383:600, dc06706ac35d789980819d684f….png) ImgOps Google

She has a point. Your productivity would increase.


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But that's what coffee is there for!


File: 1738564758770.jpg (145.46 KB, 850x678, 425:339, 85d4001267b7606277c0780a7f….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

ever have an irish coffee?

best of both worlds!


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Yeah, but honestly I don't like it. I prefer the whiskey separately. I had some yesterday.


File: 1738565145862.jpg (69.23 KB, 850x478, 425:239, 9f4474f9706e21a771e9343450….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

fair enough! what kind of whiskey did you have?


File: 1738565191059.jpg (96.33 KB, 700x1065, 140:213, e29c5632a508ebe9389716506b….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

He will be drunk soon enough. We must be patient.


File: 1738565316144.gif (704.22 KB, 640x360, 16:9, dash259.gif) ImgOps Google

Jameson... it's really nothing to write home about. I keep the special ones for guests.



File: 1738565436636.jpg (92.75 KB, 850x1133, 850:1133, GW4gg9BWwAAQe6z.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

he's already starting to be a little more loose in his typing, so it's only a matter of time

jameson is alright, but have you ever had Tullamore Dew? my dad introduced it to me, and i dig it myself

also can't go wrong with wild turkey


File: 1738565636708.png (64.55 KB, 322x193, 322:193, bonlyra21.png) ImgOps Google

Yeah, I have that at home too. Another 'standard brand' - not bad, but not special.

I prefer Glen Grant myself, and even more so the really peat-smoky ones like Bowmore, and the new Aerstone.


File: 1738565887806.png (313.22 KB, 632x658, 316:329, sucker.png) ImgOps Google

yup! you are now officially drunk!

also you got more refined taste than i, but that's mostly cause i'm perpetually broke


File: 1738566101628.jpg (272 KB, 2260x1808, 5:4, e63f0b13af970a04e5b0352e0b….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

You will be inviting us to some wine tasting in Napa at some point.


File: 1738566203663.gif (2.2 MB, 800x450, 16:9, allp4.gif) ImgOps Google

I think I need more coffee to fix that.

Well, yeah, those are at least twice the price. But really worth it.

I can invite you to wine tasting in Austria.


File: 1738566378454.jpg (214.02 KB, 1707x2133, 569:711, ea98fbc8f7cc3580ae132a6ecb….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Treat me to coffee instead and you got a deal.


File: 1738566752604.png (32.93 KB, 659x800, 659:800, eepy.png) ImgOps Google

i'll trust your word on that!

but alas, i must head to bed



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File: 1738566968579.png (1.68 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bg129.png) ImgOps Google

Night night!

I should work now anyway.


Why is everyone yapping about drinking whiskey at 9 AM wut


I dunno, I'm teetotal.


File: 1738581398748.jpg (199.66 KB, 620x412, 155:103, other107.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

One person's 9 a.m. is another's midnight.


That is indeed how time zones work


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Good morning.


File: 1738646897049.jpg (4.22 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, 91901708 - 123131359_p0.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Poor Clarity.


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must be the hangover :P


File: 1738648780647.jpg (268.33 KB, 600x850, 12:17, 92480493_p0 - ダンダダン.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

He is fucking out of control. All of our warnings were nugatory.


File: 1738649983665.jpg (421.01 KB, 1500x2000, 3:4, death6.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

ooh that's a new word for elmo! learned somethin new today!

and yeah, poor clarity! he used to be a decent and civilized person, but now is lost in the sauce T_T


File: 1738650216096.png (1.33 MB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 112064809_p1 - Momo Ayase.png) ImgOps Google

I am sure you know all sorts of mots justes.

Are we supposed to take him to rehab?


File: 1738653305940.jpg (278.47 KB, 2000x2500, 4:5, 411277.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

i will say yes without looking up anything cause i'm cool like that

we could always send him to antarctica

research in -100 degree weather will freeze the alcholism out of him


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They have shapeshifting aliens over there. Probably not a good idea.


I hope there are no shenanigans going on and no one is talking behind my back while I’m at work.


File: 1738653973551.png (2.95 MB, 1440x1920, 3:4, 124240364_p1.png) ImgOps Google

Oh shit, oh fuck.


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oh damn! i remember this movie! i remember really enjoying it; although i found it hilarious that they brought in Samuel Jackson to literally be in the first 11 seconds of the movie just to get shot :P

and the part with james gandolfini's character talking about he got used to killing people really messed me up!

nah, we just need to give him a flamethrower! he'll be fiiiiiiiiiiiine... maybe...


hey look! a Distraction!



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It is a good one. Most people tend to recall the Sicilian speech. However, I was just using the piece because, you know, you are so cool.

I think at this point he will use it on us...


I’ll take you along to Antarctica to keep me warm.


You just want a meat shield in case of a Thing encounter.


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Would I do that?


A new Shawn Keller pony animation is out.


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Narrator: He would.


File: 1738703908159.png (1.46 MB, 2389x3472, 2389:3472, dfedc3f20c0564623c313d898c….png) ImgOps Google

We are colonizing Antarctica now?


Yes. A thousand percent.

Why, what's wrong with Antarctica's colon?


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I'm not saying that there are scary sea monsters around Antarctica that eat up things in the ocean... but... I kind of want to believe that there are some out there...


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Hi Noelle, all good?


File: 1738731304429.jpg (43.84 KB, 500x791, 500:791, GV7zo_KXIAAi95d.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

i'm doin fine, although my brain is fried!

a bit nervouscited about the interview tomorrow morning; at least nobody can claim i didn't try to prepare ><

how bout you?


File: 1738731615185.jpg (268.33 KB, 600x850, 12:17, 92480493_p0 - ダンダダン.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

You know what happens if you do not secure that position.


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You can do it!

I’m okay, just arrived at work.


File: 1738732427961.jpg (537.79 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, GYVwiVQW0AEvB-J.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

thanks for the vote of confidence T_T i spent 5 hours reviewing cameras, lenses, after effects, and premiere pro; so i'm fried

got your boxing gloves on?


You need some rest then.

No meetings in sight, so no gloves needed - for now.



File: 1738733038477.png (214.47 KB, 497x662, 497:662, i sleep.png) ImgOps Google

i'm taking it easy now, just watching some youtube and chilling

well you should be ready to throw hands just in case somebody calls for a stand up!


File: 1738737771087.jpg (412.65 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, 0c5835ce074dd5fea5c9aac38c….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Good luck tomorrow.


File: 1738738065419.png (41.4 KB, 640x784, 40:49, heart.png) ImgOps Google

thank you <3

i'm gonna abscond to go to bed

but thanks for the vote of confidence

we'll keep the roof over your head yet ^_^


File: 1738738204071.jpg (4.47 MB, 4961x7016, 4961:7016, 6c6191ee80db981858946501ca….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Pleasant dreams.


I blep at thee


File: 1738771048578.png (1 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, all36.png) ImgOps Google

Home at last.


File: 1738772261249.jpg (1.21 MB, 4096x4096, 1:1, 80c9c3e7a5d47c6fcb857896ee….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Time to imbibe and beat us?


File: 1738773188419.jpg (72.87 KB, 997x558, 997:558, bg175.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Now that's a weird suggestion.


Awe, c'mon, what's a little beating between friends?


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That's not appropriate.


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I fail to see why. It is a perfectly cromulent thing to do.


Whaaaat it's just a bit of wrasslin'


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No violence in this thread.


It's not violence if it isn't a fight!


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File: 1738777895512.jpg (73.95 KB, 720x815, 144:163, E2gfoehUYAIswJZ.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Okay. No kicking, punching, or grappling, though. Is the interview over?


File: 1738777984439.gif (1.83 MB, 375x261, 125:87, quick rub and squeezie squ….gif) ImgOps Google

You'll regret this.


File: 1738778384272.png (651.02 KB, 1270x661, 1270:661, you want me to do that oka….png) ImgOps Google

>no kicking, no punching
while no fun, that makes sense
>no grappling
what do you think wrestling is?

>Is the interview over?
it is! i think it went well, i felt like i was able to answer well

however, he straight up told me, "you won't know if you have the job for a couple months because we are interviewing a lot of people and also corporate stuff"

so i guess you'll be living in limbo for a bit

i see that guy rubbing him before being thrown down!


File: 1738778445117.png (283.08 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, dash38.png) ImgOps Google

Is that not allowed?


File: 1738778534554.jpg (199.2 KB, 1365x2048, 1365:2048, 402738.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

as long as there was some pre-established consent, then it's all good

wrestling has been a lot of people's awakening for a reason


File: 1738778651215.png (332.52 KB, 597x506, 597:506, allad3.png) ImgOps Google

I wonder why?


File: 1738778921041.png (520.17 KB, 1461x1474, 1461:1474, cat_smug2.png) ImgOps Google

Wrestling is when the other person offers no resistance and I overpower the.

I think that came out wrong.



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somethin about big buff men in skin tight spandex roleplaying and mashing their bodies together, i dunno ;)

i mean, i know a place where you can act that scene out if you want

and looks like you'll be waiting for a little bit more! don't shoot the messenger!


File: 1738779228144.gif (1.16 MB, 480x270, 16:9, bg166.gif) ImgOps Google

That must be it!


File: 1738779369374.jpg (219.29 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, EnnYXb9VkAASvW7.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

You mean Clarity's place?

If nothing else, it means I keep ny money for now.


File: 1738779842427.png (582.82 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, disc31.png) ImgOps Google

I'm not sure that's what Noelle meant!


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i mean, who can blame them? it's quite the scene!

well perhaps you can invest well in the meantime

now i have to hope that case management job will accept me >.>

i was thinking of a dungeon, but we could make clarity's place fun!


File: 1738780185817.gif (3.2 MB, 1280x759, 1280:759, celes67.gif) ImgOps Google

My place is already fun!


File: 1738780815252.jpg (88.6 KB, 858x1280, 429:640, 1735950014550840.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I hope it is not the Water Temple, then.

How can you say that when you will not even beat us?


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It's unfair when it's two against one. And one's a kung fu sensei.

All I have is my weight!


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My Youtube recommendations seem to signal that Undertale Red&Yellow is released.



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File: 1738811923660.jpg (379.28 KB, 950x951, 950:951, 123102104_p1 - ダンダダンのもも….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Here we go again.


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Night fades, morning comes.



File: 1738812866591.png (147.69 KB, 471x369, 157:123, bonlyra12.png) ImgOps Google

Hi Noelle, did you have your interview?


File: 1738812963387.jpg (453.49 KB, 2006x1961, 2006:1961, tumblr_3c552c8d451dd85ee1b….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

i did, and i think it went well

and i'll learn if i got the job... in 2 months...


File: 1738812982353.jpg (326.72 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, 2a2338e63116fc481f45ca4111….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Rather deal with the afternoon instead.

You are the dancing queen?


File: 1738813040237.gif (867.62 KB, 462x270, 77:45, cmc21.gif) ImgOps Google

Nice going! But two months is a long time... maybe it's time for the desk job till then!

Afternoon can't come soon enough.


File: 1738813087696.png (603.81 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 91011105 - 114632186_p0.png) ImgOps Google

I bet she told them she was having other interviews.


File: 1738813158561.jpg (181.21 KB, 1840x1376, 115:86, oopsies.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

young and sweet

only 33

oh yeaaaaah

it is indeed a long time, and i'm going against competition, so i may not even have it by then :<

i do have an interview lined up for a case management position for the city government next wednesday, so there's that i guess

hey! i didn't do that this time!

i answered the questions and put my best foot forward!


File: 1738813300550.gif (704.22 KB, 640x360, 16:9, dash259.gif) ImgOps Google

Is the other job you interviewed for last week still on the desek?


File: 1738813370964.jpg (233.7 KB, 1500x2200, 15:22, babysitter blue.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

i don't know; i doubt it, but i should call and check


File: 1738813454728.png (6.07 MB, 1898x3577, 26:49, 0d96535aa12c5613132661c669….png) ImgOps Google

>and put my best foot forward!

Exploiting their fetishes, I see. Clever girl.


File: 1738813513771.png (250.69 KB, 603x657, 67:73, death is upon us.png) ImgOps Google

you cannot work for a news station and NOT have some kinks!


File: 1738813667512.gif (1.17 MB, 400x225, 16:9, aj12.gif) ImgOps Google

Good idea, you never know.


File: 1738813763964.jpg (283.21 KB, 1552x1851, 1552:1851, c58341ce37c9e757c4760fd67c….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Already sounds like a great workplace.


File: 1738814144357.jpg (446.58 KB, 1537x2048, 1537:2048, hot.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

well it would probably be in my best interest to do that then; i'll give them a call tomorrow

it's good to trust your fellow coworkers

also had there been a dungeon master position, i'd also apply for that


File: 1738814227749.png (336.12 KB, 935x553, 935:553, allpt2.png) ImgOps Google

What do you know about dungeons?


File: 1738814395503.jpg (725.44 KB, 2100x3000, 7:10, 411364.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

they are great places to find treasure

but also gotta be careful not to get eaten by a dragon ;P


File: 1738814480852.jpg (91.12 KB, 427x342, 427:342, twi204.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Very good, you know all there is to know about dungeons.


File: 1738814500774.jpg (214.02 KB, 1707x2133, 569:711, ea98fbc8f7cc3580ae132a6ecb….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I wish to be eaten by the dragon.


File: 1738814561340.jpg (39.74 KB, 450x600, 3:4, 4ea1671f693eaf5fba144ec407….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

i've watched all the way through on delicious in dungeon, so i'm well versed!

plus we can make a seafood boil using a mimic <3

gurl saaaaaaaaaaame


File: 1738814856237.jpg (106.68 KB, 936x668, 234:167, f6b3365a7753df79f92608e284….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I still have not started that anime. I am a disgrace to the weebs.


File: 1738814998448.png (452.3 KB, 720x650, 72:65, lesbiab.png) ImgOps Google

ooooooooooh my god it's so goooooooooooooooood!

easily my anime of 2024, without question!


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I'm off to work, have a good one!


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have fun storming the castle!


File: 1738815558709.jpg (181.45 KB, 1980x2157, 660:719, 2.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

That seems to be the consensus among the people who have told me about it. I am merely—how should I explain this—lazy.



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Do not give me that. I already showered.


>balances doggie treat om snout


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What have I done to deserve this? I mean what specifically?


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We have no idea.


I'm going to the chippy.


We may have to put Noelle down, we've got a biter


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my only crime is that i loved too much...


I brought fish and chips. And battered chicken.


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Seems as if I can never have love without pain.


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I would very much like a vegetable spring roll, with chips.

Gotta have a sense of pain to get pleasure out of it.

No harm in a lil biting, if one is daring for it.


Also that part where you bit a few faces.

That had a part in it too.


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They were love bites!

(i'd love some fish and chips tho)


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Bad girls get no fish and chips.


I dunno if they have that, but I'll try.

Am I not the one treating?


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Good morning.


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*nibbles fish n chips*

at least somebody is nice to me :P



File: 1738905915512.png (128.02 KB, 640x360, 16:9, dash19.png) ImgOps Google

How are you this evening?


File: 1738906771858.png (216.29 KB, 330x611, 330:611, investigate.png) ImgOps Google

doin fine!

worked on some stuff, did some errands

decided to rewatch A Goofy Movie again, and had a lovely time with that!

how bout you?


File: 1738907052011.jpg (54.86 KB, 492x586, 246:293, adfsaffsd.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

When have I not been nice?


File: 1738907105866.png (1.06 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bg60a.png) ImgOps Google

I'm alright, I've taken today off.

Oh, I don't think I've even seen that one.


File: 1738907241922.jpg (1.11 MB, 3000x1875, 8:5, 120851.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

since fish'n'chips happened!

let your fists rest for another day!

oh it's so gooooooooood <3 one of the best animated disney films IMO!

highly recommend!


File: 1738907535544.gif (240.63 KB, 525x427, 75:61, dash431.gif) ImgOps Google

There's lots of meetings on Monday, the fists need to be ready.

Is that the one where he has a son? It's really hard for me to imagine Goofy without Mickey. In the comics here they are always together.


File: 1738907594957.jpg (262.42 KB, 1446x2048, 723:1024, 1ca996c097f16d252bc9b29a31….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Yeah, well, whose fault is that?


File: 1738909552566.jpg (114.2 KB, 850x638, 425:319, 9a443d0beedea6177f2f443f14….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

my recommendation is to find a phonebook or sandbag to punch to toughen your fists up! a bucket of corn works too!

yeah! it focuses on Max and Goofy going on a vacation to go fishing!

and technically mickey is in the movie for about 3 seconds :P

well technically that would be epic for bringing fish n' chips :P


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Oh yeah, you mentioned that before! All those kung fu tricks.

Only three seconds... What about them being snoops and solving a crime?! Goofy rather goes fishing, the chump.


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i'm always happy to help you be a more effective weapon!

well mickey and donald were hitchiking to california, so they weren't exactly sleuthing either

besides, goofy is just being the best dad (although communication skills need to be improved)


File: 1738910484081.jpg (3.88 MB, 2295x3432, 765:1144, 89969507 - 123352675_p0.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

It was a trick to check your self-control, surely.


File: 1738910641853.gif (5.83 MB, 534x292, 267:146, derpy24.gif) ImgOps Google

In the comics Donald and Mickey were never a thing. Lived in the same town, but never met.

Was his wife ever mentioned?


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free food is a poor test of self control; cause what is the draw back? some extra calories? i think i'll live!

well i dunno what canon this universe is in, but they do exist there!

nope, Goofy is a single dad; and damnit he does his best T_T


File: 1738911806295.png (519.23 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, guard21.png) ImgOps Google

Good on him! Is he still clumsy?


File: 1738911959866.jpg (54.79 KB, 515x514, 515:514, tumblr_6f5f682a4fcd3f5a431….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

%100 still clumsy

causing all sorts of structural and property damage all over the place

classic goofy stuff <3


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Sounds good. Maybe I'll be watching the movie. I actually think I saw some of the animated series.


File: 1738912497230.png (603.81 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 91011105 - 114632186_p0.png) ImgOps Google

Not sure. Plenty of people seem to have trouble with poor self-control and diets.


File: 1738912678084.jpg (131.62 KB, 850x1204, 425:602, 7b9cc8715a2ff33f0de684354d….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Goof Troop is an excellent show!

and i hope you enjoy A Goofy Movie as much as i did <3

don't see what's hard to control

you guide the food to the mouth, you chew, and you swallow!

easy peasy!


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Goof Troop had the hot neighbour mom!


File: 1738915142599.jpg (228.4 KB, 1594x2346, 797:1173, 4803ddec601e7d6078985de6f4….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

They did it at our chippy at some point
And their chips were also among the best

You better be kissing them love bites after!


File: 1738919854284.jpg (78.04 KB, 333x250, 333:250, Tumblr_mbmspeVySs1r9zy3co3….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

It did indeed

Bonus points for also being the funniest character in the show.


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I don't remember the show well enough for that, but it's easily possible.


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There's two chippies in our town. One not so good, the other fairly recent and I'm on good terms with. They sell fish, chips, chicken and even icecream, deserts and snacks.


Her schtick is kind of that her temper switches on a dime.

She will, often mid-sentence, go from every bit as sweet as you think she is to absolutely GROWLING at Pete when he's being an asshole, or her kids when they won't behave.

I mean yeah, it's classic bumbling husband (slightly) more sensible wife, but the sudden swtich is quite amusing


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Not as early as usual. Lazy.


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I'm alright, having coffee. How are things on your end?

It's weekend after all.


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Does that also mean Irish coffee?


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Oh no, I don't like whiskey in my coffee. But I might have some whisky later.


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just got back from a belated chinese new year get together with my sifu and kung fu brothers! had a good time overall, enjoyed some kung pao squid, and was a delight ^_^

gong xi fa choy!


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Nice, sounds like you had a great time!

Did you eat lots of squid?


File: 1738992485609.png (201.83 KB, 950x919, 950:919, tumblr_o4x6y5UFfO1qmjsivo1….png) ImgOps Google

it was great to see everyone again; it's been a while!

and i did share some with those who were interested, but i did finish the plate, so i'm plenty stuffed!

do you have a favorite chinese food plate?


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When you have work, will you even have time to do any kung fu teaching?

I like the Beijing duck. Never had squid, seafood isn't that much a thing here cause we're land locked.


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Why is the chicken orange in Chinatown?


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depends if they let me keep the schedule i have with my classes!

beijing duck is good! i love duck!

cause if it was green, that'd be weird!


File: 1738994445639.png (52.91 KB, 681x506, 681:506, celes4.png) ImgOps Google

Yeah, duck is very tasty. Got any plans for the rest of the day?


File: 1738994712438.png (94.25 KB, 550x564, 275:282, 87490449_p20 - ちゃおずまとめ.png) ImgOps Google

Never got over green eggs and ham, huh?


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i did all my necessary stuff, so the world is my burrito at this moment; i'm watching some youtube and vibing

how bout you? what's this saturday got in store for clarity?

i did not want green eggs and ham!

i did not want them, sam i am!


File: 1738996899538.jpg (229.88 KB, 4080x3072, 85:64, afdsf.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

What about normal eggs and ramen?


File: 1738997166247.jpg (128.61 KB, 1188x903, 396:301, a bowl of your tears.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

that would be acceptable

but if you had some garlic or pepper sauce, then we'd be talkin!


File: 1738997460528.jpg (233.26 KB, 976x1220, 4:5, fa8daaa2f4ec48182a91c34931….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I have Sriracha.


File: 1738997617390.jpg (39.86 KB, 362x405, 362:405, thanks po.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

sriracha will do nicely ^_^


File: 1738997956196.gif (1.04 MB, 480x270, 16:9, hh49.gif) ImgOps Google

Sorry for the slow reply, I have RPG later today. And gotta start my weekend chores.

I hope you have a nice night!


File: 1738998051210.jpg (272 KB, 2260x1808, 5:4, e63f0b13af970a04e5b0352e0b….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

May it deliciously destroy our stomachs, then.


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have a good day! may the dice be ever in your favor!

i can tip my noodles to that!

would be a normal weekend then ^_^


File: 1738998735583.png (2.46 MB, 2162x2842, 1081:1421, b9329b3fb76fed0fbf3669fe30….png) ImgOps Google

Our future selves will thank us for our wise decisions.


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today's pain is the hard work of yesterday


>Do not want Green Eggs and Ham
Awe, why lot? It's a pretty good show!


I'm off to barmy Barmouth.
See you lot later.


Season 1 was so good. And season 2 was so... bad.


I'm back!


What's barmby Barmouth?


File: 1739046219861.png (184.69 KB, 425x425, 1:1, ohhh.png) ImgOps Google

Sometimes I almost forget how amazing Encanto was.


I was watching clips of it yesterday.



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File: 1739078523062.jpg (345.82 KB, 1454x2048, 727:1024, fea3f2f8fd34c33d59bad14b37….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Too early.


File: 1739078726796.gif (681.51 KB, 576x324, 16:9, celes11.gif) ImgOps Google

It's indeed pretty early, especially on a Sunday. When I look out of, most windows are still dark.


File: 1739079632788.jpg (221.9 KB, 638x825, 58:75, fac6a7a20139b406fc64331e44….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Why do you do this to yourself?


File: 1739079741580.jpg (46.77 KB, 983x550, 983:550, bonlyra48.JPG) ImgOps Exif Google

Cause I'm no longer tired, so I get up.


File: 1739086268147.png (823.15 KB, 1100x1552, 275:388, 941bf37a462e353b3e2d777070….png) ImgOps Google

Share your secrets for avoiding fatigue.


File: 1739086458763.png (204.02 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, bg108.png) ImgOps Google

Going to bed early!


File: 1739086745510.jpg (1.01 MB, 1100x813, 1100:813, 01138d4d1f6da94031e9330f06….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I was hoping for something simpler, like cocaine.


File: 1739088431841.jpg (6.89 KB, 197x253, 197:253, blues8.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Sorry, I have no knowledge about that whatsoever.


File: 1739090146431.png (4.41 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, 4e2491d91c6937af80293bb06e….png) ImgOps Google

Good boy. Truly for the best. Furthermore, it would not complement your raging alcoholism.


File: 1739090250763.png (490.93 KB, 845x627, 845:627, aj9.png) ImgOps Google

Hey, I'm not drinking that much!


File: 1739120800531.jpeg (9.21 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images (65).jpeg) ImgOps Google


I love you.

We love you, clarity.

Hey, friend, are you alright? Okey? Safe? You good, mate?


File: 1739125890429.gif (867.62 KB, 462x270, 77:45, cmc21.gif) ImgOps Google

Oh, thank you.


I didn't know you struggle with alcohol.


File: 1739163250671.gif (81.89 KB, 380x214, 190:107, comic20.gif) ImgOps Google


I'm not struggling with alcohol.


File: 1739163690306.jpg (2.34 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20250208_185708.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I keep taking photos and making videos of local rabbits... hmmmmm...



File: 1739164190043.png (152.82 KB, 542x432, 271:216, dash60.png) ImgOps Google

Cute bunny.

Video's blocked. What's it about?


File: 1739164900787.png (82.69 KB, 290x358, 145:179, sweetie22.png) ImgOps Google

It's a video of japanese school girls sealing an evil spirit.  I believe it's from Cabin in the Woods.


what sweetie said!


File: 1739165235110.png (159.05 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, dash108.png) ImgOps Google

Ah, I see. Thanks!

I guess this about football?


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I read it in the news and had to think of you right away. I guess the day is ending well for you.


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i was so certain coming into this game that the chiefs were gonna win by some ticky tacky penalty by like 3 points!

but naw dog! they got STOMPED!

and looking back... the Broncos actually have a QB and made it to the playoffs, and the chiefs lose in embarrasing fashion in the superbowl!

this season, for it's warts here and there, was a fantastic ride!

i'm so fuckin happy T_T


File: 1739166709500.png (225.61 KB, 620x354, 310:177, celes29.png) ImgOps Google

Sounds great; I guess you really aren't a Chiefss fan, hehe. Which is your favorite team again?


File: 1739167259187.png (211.76 KB, 725x440, 145:88, applejack peyton manning d….png) ImgOps Google

i'm as much of a chiefs fan as i am a fan of ketchup; i.e. i can't fuckin stand either!

my team is the Broncos! (we're in the same division as the Chiefs, so i hated them before they were good :P)


File: 1739167526885.gif (567.71 KB, 498x280, 249:140, cmcs40.gif) ImgOps Google

Have the Broncos ever won anything?

I never cared about football, but when I played John Madden with a friend I always picked the weakest team, the Buccaneers.


File: 1739168154827.jpg (523.54 KB, 2806x3508, 1403:1754, GYut-EJXsAAOkyl.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

we have 3 superbowl wins under our belt. Superbowl 32, 33, and 50; and we are tied in 2nd place for most superbowl apperances. the last 7 years before this season were miserable, but we finally got our shit together again

heh, that's fair! but given that it's superbowl sunday, i am gonna talk about it! and the buccs have definitely improved since the ye olden times. they have 2 superbowl wins themselves. and they did make it to the playoffs this year as well


File: 1739168622622.gif (300.02 KB, 576x324, 16:9, bg67.gif) ImgOps Google

Wow, that's a long time ago. It's about time for another bowl.

I remember they were suddenly good and won a superbowl. Came out of nowhere for me.


File: 1739168993356.jpg (64.18 KB, 514x1000, 257:500, 404682.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

hey, if we get some good pieces on offense and improve our depth on defense, we could make some noise in the offseason!

well it was definitely thanks to Tom Brady. now i don't care for tom brady either, but since he's retired, my disdain for him has simmered down.


File: 1739170035573.jpg (55.13 KB, 640x480, 4:3, comic21.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Sorry the slow replies, work's gotten pretty busy here already.

I hope they will win more next year!

I've never heard of Tom Brady...


File: 1739171068046.png (134.79 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Viv-LoonaValentines2025Pos….png) ImgOps Google

hey that's alright, i know the feel! you keep punchin that work!

well if it's a broncos/buccs superbowl, you'll and i will have to have a showdown thread!

well he was the last QB in a dynasty with the pats, and then a small stint with the buccs until he retired

anywho i gotta go to bed!

goodnight ^_^


File: 1739171765233.jpg (114.98 KB, 800x800, 1:1, hh41.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I think I only know John Madden and Joe Montana.

Sleep tight!


I'm also in good spirits!


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File: 1739246488101.jpg (105.99 KB, 1465x885, 293:177, tax evasion.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google


File: 1739246682607.gif (3.58 MB, 400x225, 16:9, dash86.gif) ImgOps Google

Hi Noelle, all good? Ready to evade taxes?


File: 1739246693164.png (3.25 MB, 2032x1524, 4:3, d26a8d982d4c359776bdc9ec29….png) ImgOps Google

Every day with the arising.


File: 1739246915024.jpg (93.84 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bg68.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

You gotta know I'm here somehow.


File: 1739246923047.jpg (119.6 KB, 850x1134, 425:567, 2a1d16eedd9aa925fe456b9a2b….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

yup! in fact i just implemented my perfect plan!

what better way to avoid taxes than to just get them done and out of the way?

then when tax time comes around, and everyone is fretting about their taxes; i'll be relaxing with my feet up, not doin a damn thing!

it's a brilliant plan!

well it seems it got a-rise out of you!


File: 1739246998908.jpg (42.24 KB, 600x742, 300:371, 76576204c531f17d0b9f197e6b….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I always know. I have been watching you, secretly without you knowing.

He awakes so early. It hurts my soul or whatever it is.


File: 1739247042341.png (826 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, celes5.png) ImgOps Google

Tell the IRS to do the taxes for you instead!

That sounds pretty creepy.


File: 1739247143180.jpg (69.94 KB, 657x985, 657:985, GYaEiX2aMAofN1p.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

some people are early risers! if he wants to wake up at 9pm, then that's his perogi!

damn.. that's a good idea...

but i already did my taxes ><


File: 1739247300631.png (148.7 KB, 473x296, 473:296, dash127.png) ImgOps Google

I start work at 6 a.m., I have to be up early.

Well, maybe next year. But good on your for having gotten it out of the way.


File: 1739247358187.png (623.86 KB, 1600x1900, 16:19, c5a31180c4c1b5f50f4dcc7f09….png) ImgOps Google

What? No. It is romantic.

Pure torture.


File: 1739247658685.jpg (48.25 KB, 640x359, 640:359, cadshi22.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

If you say so!


File: 1739248138803.jpg (137.51 KB, 1280x949, 1280:949, ea4f48409bb36512a7508b0728….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

And you were not awake early or late enough to tell Noelle about the IRS doing her taxes for her. Sheesh.


File: 1739248328621.gif (3.87 MB, 672x378, 16:9, cmcs7.gif) ImgOps Google

But you were, and you said nothing either!

Anyway, I have to be off to work now. Take care!


File: 1739248466148.png (3.37 MB, 942x1200, 157:200, eb9b34e50d54e9909dc1556b28….png) ImgOps Google

She also cannot know I am spying on her. I would have revealed myself.

Good luck. We are all counting on you.


File: 1739249298061.jpg (131.75 KB, 850x1063, 850:1063, 4aa73a95791bf8a271d7811c70….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

thanks! i definitely did it to be responsible this year!

and definitely not to get a tax return asap to help sustain me while i am still job hunting >.>

on a normal day i stay up till 2am, then wake up around 10am

as god intended

that's okay

i labled you 2 as dependents!


File: 1739249792923.png (2.54 MB, 1168x1403, 1168:1403, 768792f0644c8d56406884ab75….png) ImgOps Google

>on a normal day i stay up till 2am, then wake up around 10am

This is what we all must aspire towards.

>i labled you 2 as dependents!

I receive the bigger share, though, right?


File: 1739254387159.jpg (126.84 KB, 850x1263, 850:1263, 1000000314.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

You are both gonna go to McDonald's! Isn't that fun?


File: 1739254595495.jpg (97.9 KB, 621x1226, 621:1226, b48b168474aa53820d464b8443….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google


I am taking his pickles.




File: 1739286850087.jpg (16.9 KB, 629x356, 629:356, dash97.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Home from work and very tired.


I'm tired but have to go places in about 20 minutes!



Oh my, where are you going?


Just the weekly TTRPG sesh. So it's not a bad thing. I am just a wee bit tiredish today is all.


File: 1739288632603.png (711.79 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, twi204.png) ImgOps Google

You're playing a very tired hero today, desperately looking for an inn to rest in.


Ooh! What am I playing as?


File: 1739294677087.png (614.01 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, star16.png) ImgOps Google

An elf drunk from all the wine he pressed.


Business at the winery is that bad?


File: 1739299144544.png (490.93 KB, 845x627, 845:627, aj9.png) ImgOps Google

Well, you have to taste the wine before you sell it.


True, just don't want to be caught drunk out in the field like a dwarf.


No, I was playing a hero who got headbutted down a floor of a tower by a giant dragonfly and then managed to sneak around and steal a golden pot.


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Nice, like a sneaky leprechaun.


File: 1739331936084.jpg (664.21 KB, 828x1000, 207:250, Kokoro (13).jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

What would Clarity's character be?


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The tired wizard who only slept for three hours and has to go to work in 30 minutes.


File: 1739332576235.png (1.23 MB, 1920x1241, 1920:1241, acb5f5c2a2e5995e3ab2583385….png) ImgOps Google

Relatable. Part of it, at least.


File: 1739332862996.gif (3.58 MB, 400x225, 16:9, dash86.gif) ImgOps Google

Work's gonna suck today.


File: 1739333247277.png (127.82 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 0be42833c3dc9ba60c1824ff87….png) ImgOps Google

More than usual?


File: 1739334289081.png (843.36 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, aj33.png) ImgOps Google

Well, I feel like falling asleep on the spot, so yeah.

Anyway, I gotta go. Have a good night!


File: 1739334734164.jpg (1.01 MB, 1100x813, 1100:813, 01138d4d1f6da94031e9330f06….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Y-You too.


I have arisen


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File: 1739380320202.png (420.44 KB, 2252x1500, 563:375, 52444072_-_92682019_p0.png) ImgOps Google

Coffee and muffin would be pleasing.


I had some coffee just now, no muffins unfortunately.


File: 1739423749533.gif (3.2 MB, 1280x759, 1280:759, celes67.gif) ImgOps Google

Good morning.


File: 1739424082171.png (1.08 MB, 2500x2500, 1:1, 1732601990001124.png) ImgOps Google

Is it?


File: 1739424306031.png (528.1 KB, 1280x867, 1280:867, bg150.png) ImgOps Google

Well for me it is at least I guess. How are you?


I am not sure. Tired, mostly. Thinking about some things. Too late for a muffin and coffee, sadly.


File: 1739425347164.gif (1.17 MB, 400x225, 16:9, aj12.gif) ImgOps Google

It's never too late for a muffin!


File: 1739425541150.jpg (135.97 KB, 502x646, 251:323, d03b4a34f1155537d2ee59b856….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

There are none readily available currently. Maybe I will have some on Friday.


That's a good idea. How about coffee then?


File: 1739426523365.jpg (869.88 KB, 2523x3170, 2523:3170, a12cb54f29be08a9ca847106fe….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

You win. I am having some now. If I am unable to sleep later, it will be entirely your fault.


File: 1739427316945.png (449.13 KB, 1280x738, 640:369, aj26.png) ImgOps Google

I'm sure you will sleep very well.


File: 1739427794789.png (1.67 MB, 2100x1500, 7:5, 8c80e9c0b0500bca1711a59815….png) ImgOps Google

I will certainly try my best when the time comes. How is work today?


File: 1739427861182.jpg (104.77 KB, 598x351, 46:27, cmc36.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Meh, got some meeting later today which only popped up now. All in all it looks okay though.


File: 1739428928019.png (603.95 KB, 1260x1366, 630:683, 0bf86574c39e57e555d9e05040….png) ImgOps Google

Do you lack the power to turn those into emails?


File: 1739429090440.gif (56.98 KB, 160x160, 1:1, dash105.gif) ImgOps Google

In this case, yes.


File: 1739429170647.jpg (91.95 KB, 600x742, 300:371, 0e6e512afb4e6d26cd6790ad55….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

You must exercise this privilege.


I fear it's beyond me. Anyway, have a good night; work's getting busy.


File: 1739430219026.jpg (330.35 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 327c50f9936ed3289c2611fb69….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Good luck. We are all counting on you.


File: 1739472973598.png (259.46 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, celes64.png) ImgOps Google

Work was garbage today.


File: 1739473169311.jpg (700.89 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 82123432_p0_master1200.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

They finally caught you drunk?


File: 1739473740373.png (450.69 KB, 644x674, 322:337, bg154.png) ImgOps Google

I worked from home. =P


File: 1739473862821.jpg (83.66 KB, 847x480, 847:480, Existence.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

What made it so negative, then?


File: 1739474092330.png (839.97 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, bg167.png) ImgOps Google

Just issues with a project tender that is a complete waste of time cause everyone already knows which company will win, especially as there's no one else who can really do it properly.


File: 1739474483228.jpg (1.21 MB, 4096x4096, 1:1, 80c9c3e7a5d47c6fcb857896ee….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

They still want you to play the game even if it is rigged.


File: 1739474625002.png (1004.68 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, cmc32.png) ImgOps Google

Yeah, to satisfy some KPIs.


File: 1739475852058.jpg (141.61 KB, 1000x1200, 5:6, 357b2c2b01bff848ebe722542e….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

You will conform to the status quo and be happy to propagate it.


File: 1739477093207.png (293.17 KB, 993x559, 993:559, dash132.png) ImgOps Google

If only the beneficiary wouldn't want me to talk the chief of procurement out of the tender. Even though his own superior said we should do it.


File: 1739478041441.png (414.41 KB, 565x800, 113:160, Fx7HQfIaAAIz_GH.png) ImgOps Google

It sounds like it could cause trouble.


File: 1739478589329.gif (704.22 KB, 640x360, 16:9, dash259.gif) ImgOps Google

I'll talk to my boss, I guess we'll have to set up a meeting with all those chumps.


File: 1739478868513.jpg (262.72 KB, 827x1024, 827:1024, F9wwuPjbIAAhe9E.jfif.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

If you receive a bonus, I expect my cut.


File: 1739479753788.png (736.17 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, dash90.png) ImgOps Google

No bonus before July. Good night.


File: 1739479984284.jpg (822.46 KB, 3500x5120, 175:256, 2ded7825c9274e5261a77f54ed….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Well, that is fucking not good.

Pleasant dreams.



File: 1739509156907.gif (1.76 MB, 321x400, 321:400, dash91.gif) ImgOps Google

Good morning.


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File: 1739509499212.gif (1.93 MB, 502x285, 502:285, bonlyra10.gif) ImgOps Google

Yeah, I'm working from home again. In those cases I show up later than usual.

How are you?


File: 1739509804298.png (984.9 KB, 832x1216, 13:19, 122578380_p2 - 【リクエスト】ボデ….png) ImgOps Google

What if they need you earlier? No commitment, Clarity!

Bored. Mostly killing time until tomorrow.


File: 1739509976197.png (139.39 KB, 480x268, 120:67, celes14.png) ImgOps Google

Tough luck for them.

What's on the agenda for tomorrow?


File: 1739510133879.png (3.41 MB, 2475x3500, 99:140, 2fe55d86ffa0376051745d8171….png) ImgOps Google

Such a rebel.

There are no plans other than watching the new Severance episode. I am mostly glad the weekend is here and I can stay in bed for 10 hours.


File: 1739510298675.png (622.76 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, allcel1.png) ImgOps Google

Weekends are the best, that's certainly true.


File: 1739511156015.jpg (4.47 MB, 4961x7016, 4961:7016, 6c6191ee80db981858946501ca….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

How about your plans for it?


File: 1739511280353.png (87.53 KB, 477x271, 477:271, cmca17.png) ImgOps Google

Birthday party tomorrow, being lazy on Sunday. That's how it looks like right now at least.


File: 1739512521869.png (4.33 MB, 2661x3950, 2661:3950, 15944372 - 123978230_p0.png) ImgOps Google

But you are being lazy right now as well.


File: 1739512610755.jpg (51.09 KB, 854x480, 427:240, doc11.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

No, I'm posting in forums, which is not being lazy!

Anyway, work's starting - have a good night!


File: 1739513363722.png (1.06 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, b2bd0cd60229f8ce977016c8aa….png) ImgOps Google

Good luck.


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File: 1739557999662.jpg (148.56 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, EluuPCkVcAAdHpP.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Marshmallows are for team players.


File: 1739558096912.png (110 KB, 272x310, 136:155, aj28.png) ImgOps Google

I've never heard marshmallows irl, they are not a thing here.


File: 1739558642889.jpg (72.66 KB, 534x683, 534:683, Eqfs7P0VQAQFhc4.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

You miss nothing special. The muffins and the coffee are superior.


File: 1739558728190.png (664.86 KB, 1081x700, 1081:700, celes54.png) ImgOps Google

I've had plenty of coffee today. Five cups.


File: 1739558871535.png (1.21 MB, 2664x3000, 111:125, shemadeusomethin.png) ImgOps Google

I have only had two, and I am a fucking mess. Perhaps it was unwise while my anxiety is overwhelming my common sense. It may be time for a third one with sugar.


File: 1739558919140.gif (365.64 KB, 330x186, 55:31, bg37.gif) ImgOps Google

I'm sorry that you have anxieties. Hopefully nothing bad. I always have mien with milk and sugar.


File: 1739559474932.jpg (130.85 KB, 1167x993, 389:331, F9CtExFb0AAJDWq.jfif.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

It is what it is. The weekend is here to provide a respite, hopefully.

Do you use French press?


French press; what is that?


It is that thing of when two midgets share a croissant and kiss aggressively as they finish it together.

Also, a device for brewing coffee that produces delicious results.


File: 1739560381408.jpg (73.02 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, allad14.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Ah, I only use a coffee machine for Nespresso capsules.


File: 1739560737009.jpg (277.1 KB, 1602x1534, 801:767, FKLhpwmXoAA8ElP.jfif.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Why not flavored ones instead of milk and sugar?


File: 1739560914864.gif (67.02 KB, 126x163, 126:163, cmcs31.gif) ImgOps Google

I have flavoured ones too, I use less sugar for those.


File: 1739561177890.jpg (278.7 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ECGmnL0U4AISqFw.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

A man of many tastes.


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I always have plenty of coffee variations at home.

Anyway, I'll be off to bed. Night night!


File: 1739561662945.jpg (857.47 KB, 4096x2737, 4096:2737, GYXNBdXWIAAE1Kr.jfif.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Farewell and pleasant nightmares.


File: 1739594279256.png (96.31 KB, 303x317, 303:317, aj37.png) ImgOps Google

Good morning.


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File: 1739594465783.gif (3.58 MB, 400x225, 16:9, dash86.gif) ImgOps Google

But Saturday is always busy, I need to do  my cleaning chores and go grocery shopping.


File: 1739594565537.png (561.08 KB, 1450x2048, 725:1024, 72696371 - 123019618_p0.png) ImgOps Google

This early?


File: 1739594724725.gif (782.44 KB, 600x337, 600:337, cmcb47.gif) ImgOps Google

In two hours, I always start at 8 a.m. with it.


File: 1739594792830.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 112064809_p0 - Momo Ayase.png) ImgOps Google

Wake up at 8 a.m. then!


File: 1739594970516.png (1.68 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bg129.png) ImgOps Google

But I want to be lazy first and do other stuff. And have breakfast.


File: 1739596092123.jpg (332.18 KB, 768x1152, 2:3, 99702931 - 123083803_p0.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

What are you making me for breakfast?


File: 1739596172852.gif (1.58 MB, 450x450, 1:1, aj14.gif) ImgOps Google

What would you like?


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File: 1739596881113.png (128.02 KB, 640x360, 16:9, dash19.png) ImgOps Google

I'm sorry, I got no eggs at home. I can make you coffee.


File: 1739598852657.jpg (1.2 MB, 2400x3506, 1200:1753, 22860747 - 117050926_p0.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

What flavors do you have?


File: 1739599488311.png (678.01 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, bg114.png) ImgOps Google

How about vanilla?


File: 1739601495164.jpg (467.88 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 99629452_p0_master1200.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

It will suffice for now, but I want Irish cream.


File: 1739602472109.gif (56.98 KB, 160x160, 1:1, dash105.gif) ImgOps Google

I got a bottle of that!


File: 1739602697383.jpg (3.04 MB, 2169x2553, 723:851, 15644364219764.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Perfect way to start the day.


File: 1739602990591.gif (632.5 KB, 500x280, 25:14, dash377.gif) ImgOps Google

It's way too early for that. I'll have some beer and/or whisky later today.


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Enjoy. Drink for both of us.


File: 1739621085321.png (431.18 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, bg142.png) ImgOps Google

New thread:

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