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What would you say are your favorite unsolved mysteries and strange phenomenon?


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Why is Diamond Tiara so pretty when she's so much of a bitch?


As childish as it may sound, I sometimes wonder if vampires are real.
And I'm not talking about the stereotypical "draculas" or those human weirdos who drink tomato juice or consensual blood drinking.

It's just, while I acknowledge most myths (both urban and traditional) can be rationalized or explained. The fact ghosts, vampires and werewolves have persisted not just throughout history but different cultures around the world as well that I wonder if the reason why these myth thrive is because there is some truth keeping them going.

Granted most people don't believe in werewolves. Understandable. But ghosts are perhaps the most insistant belief with constant and consistant evidence to support it every year. Vampires however, some regard could be one of those underground or secret society things, or such an extremely rare case that the sceptics simply don't believe or those who question simply don't know for sure.



Beacause she's your classic mean rich Valley Girl trope that's been seen in countless media

See Pacifica Northwest in gravity falls for another example


I mean there are a variety of explanations some have tried coming up with. Diseases, vampires being a stand in racial stereotype/propaganda for a certain religion, porphyria etc


The only explanation I have against it is, if vampires were real and they survive via a secret society, surely one of the weakest links would've spilled to the media by now.


I mean, given how much I read about them what with the X-Files podcast, you'd think I had a proper answer to his. I really don't. My interests can change pretty drastically from day to day, from hyperfixating on one cryptid I think is cool to pondering some other event.

There are a lot of interesting, odd cases out there, though. Stuff like certain Folie a Deux crimes ("madness of many", essentially a shared psychosis) are fascinating, for example.

There's a particularly grisly one called the Burari Deaths, where a family of 11 all committed ritualistic suicide by hanging, seemingly by orders from the son of the former family patriarch who wrote journals saying he was possessed by his father's soul and was following his instructions.

The idea of one person's madness "infecting" a large group is bizarre, creepy and interesting. I think it's why cults fascinate so many people, especially the wilder ones.

There is the whole thing with human beings where we are VERY willing to ignore the strange and unusual - or laugh it off in favor of a more comfortable reality.

If you saw a newspaper article right now that said "Man taken into custody, claims to be member of Vampire society" or some dude walked up to you on the street and started claiming this stuff, you'd probably chuckle and write him off as a lunatic.

We do that with things that are indeed very, very real all the time. The more outlandish the claim, the more likely many of us are to doubt it.

It IS fascinating that these creatures persist in all cultures, but I think it boils more down to general human culture - Death is, at its core, pretty incomprehensible to us, so the idea of someone coming back of not treated correctly / somehow disturbed is common.

Fear of giving in to our animalistic instincts, or facing something animalistic we cannot reason with is universal, hence various "were-beasts" and shapeshifters. And creatures that feed on our blood DO exist - so imagining an even bigger and intelligent one isn't so far off.

Consider how basically every single culture also has a "Succubus" equivalent - someone who uses beauty, sex and allure to lure in and kill victims. Given how much of a base instinct sex is to most people, creating fear around it - especially when sex IS often used as bait or as a weapon by some real people - just feels natural.


True. I wouldn't be surprised if succubus and vampires are in the same catagory... though as a believer of ghosts, I have heard of some account of ghosts having sexual relations with the living.

And as strange as this may sound... with the logic I believe around ghosts, it make sense.

I'm a believer of ghosts, as well as a believer of a "science" behind ghosts. such as ghosts need to draw energy from an available source in order to interact with the material plane. Not just energy such as flowing water, weather or quartz (or so I've heard), but from human emotion as well. The more a victim is scared, the more energy the ghost has to haunt them with.

So a ghost feeding off lust instead of fear could be possible.



This kind of explanation is why despite me loving a good conspiracy theory I just can't get behind the "moon landing was fake" stuff

So, you telling me America did not land on the moon it was all filmed in a basement in Hollywood somewhere.. Then why did the Soviets/USSR who were all but at war with the USA at the time and deemed them their greatest enemy not come out and say this? They had countless satellites and cameras monitoring the moon at all times then as they were trying to land on it to.

So if America faked it.. Why did the soviets congratulate them on beating them to the moon rather than jump on the greatest opportunity ever and embarrasses them by revealing it was fake?

Unless of course the USSR and the USA were both in it together which in that case... Oh my god


I love believing in ghosts and the paranormal but yet I have not once in my life seen or experienced anything that could be called paranormal and that sucks. I want to see a spoopy ghost

But seriously I have known people who I trust enough to know they would not lie about these things who claim to have experienced strange things that can't seemingly be explained  


I yet to see a ghost IRL either.
I want to believe, but I also want to be sceptical with what's presented to me than just take it at face value.

But I also want to exercise asking questions some would regard foolish. Like, what if fairies are real and just live in parts of nature humans rarely touch?


Given the fact that human beings have already invented "planes with literally no moving parts" many years ago, well, I can totally vibe with both extraterrestrials being real as well as them flying in such mechanisms to Earth!

After all, if you look at educational videos such as this one... it literally is a matter of engineering that used to be "science fiction"!

And, in addition, I can also totally get that aliens would want to look at us without really trying to communicate... isn't it unlike people to try to talk to ants, caterpillars, crickets, dragonflies, and the like? I suppose? We just watch?


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The new currency of commie bloccs where everyone has billions of them means that everyone has billions of buildings of houses.

Homelessness is eradicated in Soviet Union Everfree Russia


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I would get banned if I said it so I won’t


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Henlo migie


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I have spent years watching unexplained mysteries iceberg videos on youtube and I still can't say there's a mystery that comes to mind that I am invested enough in to posit it here.

Dyatlov pass is always a fun one.

Or perhaps incorruptible saints. Ya know, holy people whose corpse seem to remain intact long after their death.




I kind of wish that I knew it now...


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Dyatlov pass? You mean the avalanche that destroyed some hikers tents so they had to leave in freezing cold conditions in darkness in the middle of a snowstorm and so they soon quickly died of exposure and then animals later came and eat parts of their bodies leaving their corpses looking wierd? And the media lied about radiation in the area even though there was never any evidence of any in order to try and hype up and sell the story?

That Dyatlov pass?


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Right here.
Is my.



The Cooper incident is a legitimate mystery invested by actual police officers for decades, though, so it really shouldn't be included in a lot of these discussions about more whacky topics. I think.


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I think DB Cooper in a similar way to Dyatlov pass case is something you should apply occam's razor to

A man wearing a suit in the middle of the pitch black night in rain and extreme winds above a giant unexplored forest jumps out of a plane..

Chances are he either died upon landing or shortly after from exposure and his body has long since been lost to the elements and nature.

The real mystery for me is trying to figure out just who he was given there's like 10 people he could have been all of whom perfectly seem to match and lineup with who he could be..


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Yeah, I am really not enough into mysteries to say any that I think aren't really solvable with common sense. Or may not matter at all.

Like, technially, what I had for dinner tonight is an unsolvable mystery for many, and it's not that big a deal.

DB Cooper, however, is a pretty badass story.


Not really invested in the mystery or anything, but I think that's a strange thing to apply Occam's razor to in that way. The guy himself must have had a reason to think he'd survive, right?


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>The guy himself must have had a reason to think he'd survive, right?


If we don't actually have any idea who the guy was, then it's still a compelling mystery that U.S. police forces want to solve!

I also agree!


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you put ‘4 0’ onto microwave. it cooks 40 seconds.

you put ‘5 0’ into microwave… it cooks 50 seconds.

BUT you put ONE HUNDRED and ONE into microwave… it cooks 61 seconds!!

but you put ‘8 0’ in and it cooks longer???? longer than ‘1 0 0’???

unexplained. mysterious. GHOSTS


Next up on Unsolved Mysteries!



Some things just can't be explained


I also actually wonder what the guy is smelling in the "What the f*ck* is that smell!" meme:



Air freshener, I guess?


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i still can't see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch!


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i.. think it has something to do the spice melange!


That sounds made up. You made that up!


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I will not be silenced!
The truth come out - does you is liar?


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The dune worm would be a helluva cereal mascot!

Your parents made you up!

I is liar as much as does Bruno mars is gay!


I mean, they definitely made me, but the up part might be debatable.

It *is* the most discussed in the media in the few years ago, after all.


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This photo that I took right outside my door made me laugh, since the rabbit looks like they got arrested...

An unsolved mystery that will appeal to us for all time! Why was this bunny arrested? Why?


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tax evasion!

you are just your parents OC! you are basically the human version of Donut Steel!

the rumor is out of standardized as hoax!

tax evasion!


Yet what would rabbits even need to pay taxes on?



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i've never even touched a lyre before! let alone does is one!
melange coated shai-hulud flakes! turns your milk blue!


This mystery, though...

This one still hits me...

What? Is? Love?

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