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Happy Valentine's Day!

Whether you're single or attached to somebody in some fashion (or a group of somebodies), we can all enjoy the related candies, musical releases, special artworks, and more!


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happy valentines day!

i don't have a significant other, but i've made hundreds of videos based around my oc couple, so i'll celebrate them instead!


Like I've said before, well, they're both beautiful! UwU


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Happy Valentine's day.

Hope you're having a nice time with your special someponies.


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thank you ^_^



I hope that you have a joyful day!


Still Aro, still just sittin' around with nothin' to do.


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tfw nogf?
tfw no chocolates at the store!

What the hay?!
Cash in on that stuff and get in my belly already!


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Remember that love can come in all kinds of forms! OwO


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to a certian degree.


A fair point.


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I'll post one more cute couple!


Glad to see Mordecai find someone new after things went south with Margaret and CJ.


They look quite content!

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