No.1184226[View All]
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We used to write stories together!
You can find them here:
http://fndkp.jimdofree.comNowadays, we just sit around the fire and enjoy the holiday. Feel free to join.
We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: more are here:
Check out the deviantART community:
http://desktop-pony-team.deviantart.comYour can find the program source code on github: 570 posts and 471 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. No.1185363
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Coffee and muffins to get us through the rest of the day.
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>>1185364So far, so good. I am sure I will find plenty to complain about later.
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>>1185365How are you?
>>1185366Hopefully not!
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>>1185367I'm doing good. You?
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>>1185370Me too, though dunno if I should hold off or not.
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>>1185376I can believe it.
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Shame many of those Neco Arc covers are gone.
>>1185387i dunno, i spent a lot of time yesterday lookin stuff up, and there were a lot of them!
so if there are more that are lost, i never knew T_T
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>>1185389There were way more channels that had these. Thankfully, some still pop up and reupload some of the songs. No.1185393
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>>1185392The glitches make her all that more endearing. Sometimes it befits the song, oddly enough.
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>>1185394There was a version of Hip to Be Square that is now unfortunately gone.
>>1185395damn.. that would have been awesome to hear...
i really dig this version of Black Hole Sun tho!
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Probably one of my favorites.
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>>1185399Bu ren yuuuuuuuuu!
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Made me imagine spilling my coffee.
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>>1185407Don't do that!
How are you?
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>>1185409No, hot forleg gravy!
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>>1185408I was not planning to do it, but your .gif made me imagine the worst. On the bright side, it would wake me up.
Everything is fine so far. I hope I can hunt monsters or something later.
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>>1185412It might curb your need to punch people and engage in homicidal behavior on a massive scale.
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>>1185413That sounds like slander!
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>>1185414It is not! I resent that. Slander is spoken; in print, it is libel.
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>>1185416What, are we calling Noelle a liar?
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>>1185417It's Noelle who is doing all the punching and kicking.
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>>1185418But she only does that to the elderly... lately. For a good cause.
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>>1185419Oh no, someone has to stop her.
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>>1185420To paraphrase N'Sync, it's not gonna be me.
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>>1185421The poor elderly!
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>>1185422They had their chance to live fulfilling lives before their life force was prematurely ended by a tiger.
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>>1185425Bed time for me. Night night!
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>>1185426Night night, Cruelty.
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>>1185425>>1185426>>1185427excuse me, i'm a leopard, not a tiger
and i'm teaching the elderly to punch and kick. so if you should fear for anyone, it's the nurses and hospitality at the senior centers
also uppity young kids on their lawns
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>>1185429I was thinking of that character from Kung Fu Panda.
You are creating monsters, somehow.
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>>1185431ahh you are talking about Master Tigress! i'd spar with her any day <3
what causes more chaos? being a monster or creating monsters?
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>>1185432Let's go with acting like a monster.