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Ye and verily! welcome fellow adventurers to the DnD Chat Roulette! We've got taverns, wizards, dragons, and bards that wish to seduce them!

I've been getting into DnD lately and it's been absolutely a blast! and even if you haven't played it, you've at least heard of it and now the gist of it!

so let's do a DnD flavored chatroulette!

The rules are simple!
roll a 1d20 die (to roll, type <1d20> but replace <> with [] )

and then answer/ do the prompt!

so let's roll!

1. CRITICAL FAIL! tell me how hard you just failed right now in detail!

2. What Race is your character? why? (if you don't know them, i'll accept any fictional race)

3. What class is your character? do you have a specific type? (example: if you choose a monk, you can be an elemental monk, way of the open palm, drunken master, etc.)

4. roll 6 1d20 dice; you must allocate them into strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma!

5. Where does your story start?

6. how does your character get introduced to the party/story?

7. your party enters a town, yet it seems deserted! what do you do first?

8. suddenly the townsfolk stumble towards you, as though something has control of their mind! they will be upon you in moments! what do you do?

9. you find yourself inside the lords manor of the town; blocking the shambling mindless citizens from attacking you; however the lord and his guards are still there, and start shambling like the citizens towards you! but something seems a little different about the lord... what do you do?

10. the crisis is averted! the lord is thankful for you saving the town! but there are so many questions left unanswered! what is your next move?

11. After you talked with the Lord, you know some details about what happened, and a very vague idea of who dunnit! tell me the details

12. you now need to set off on an adventure to find the source of the thing that happened! where are we goin? are you prepared?

13. after several sessions and some real shenanigans, what are some of your favorite moments? what things would you have done differently?

14. you are now at the BBEG's (big bad evil guy) lair! What is the lair like?

15. in the lair, you find a giant dragon blocking your way! what do you do?

16. you have finally reached the BBEG's lair; and you see them in the shadows. They give a big monologue, and turn towards you, walking into the light, revealing their identity! who is the BBEG?

17. you are in the fight of your life! keeping in mind your class and race, what is your first move in engaging this enemy?

18. uh oh! you just took massive damage, and you gotta make a life saving throw! if you roll 3 successes, you live! if you throw 3 failures, you die! roll 6 1d20s and count them in succession (any roll above 10 is a success, any roll below 10 is a failure, nat 1s are 2 failures, and nat 20s are two successes)

19. You have thwarted the BBEG, and have them on the ground, powerless to you! before you vanquish them, tell me your epic one liner to send them off!

20. Critical Success! Tell me what happens with your epic roll!

now lets roll!



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and i'll start the roll!

1d20 = 12


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we are going to the realm of the fae, and we must drink the moon tea to astral project into the realm

we must prepare fake names so that no fae can mind control us; and we also need to bring a vaccuum cleaner to clean off all the glitter!


I wish I could get into D&D but I just never had the friendgroup growing up.

The idea of coming up with a character and sitting in a campaign sounds nice, but all the stat sheets maths and rules involved just seem so daunting.


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hey that's alright, this isn't a formal thing here

just roll, and do your best, and have fun!


d20 = 17


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>You are in the fight of your life! keeping in mind your class and race, what is your first move in engaging this enemy?
Uh... haven't really prepared a character.

Um... I'm Zonek! Zonek the Planetouched Hedgehog!

The result of an experiment caused by a wicked dwarf alchemist named Dr. Golemik or the "Eggdwarf". He experimented to see if animals can be planetouched like the genasi.

Genasi are humans with heritage (usually unknown) that included some planar being from one of the elemental planes, most often a genie

Zonek is a hybrid of a regular hedeghog ( https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Hedgehog ) with a djinn. ( https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Djinni ). This resulted in Zonek being born bipedal and with sentience like a djinn, but still a hedgehog, with his blue colouring from his djinn genetics.

Zonek has the same abilities as an Air Genasi ( https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Air_genasi ) but he is hedgehog instead of human, but his genie-side is what causes him to be anthropomorphic.
As for his class, I dunno. Maybe monk or rogue. He owns a pair of red Sandals of Speed ( https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Sandals_of_speed ) that he concentrates his wind powers into.


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this sounds very familiar somehow :P


Okay FINE I'll DO IT stop hectoring me!

1d20 = 9


>9. ou find yourself inside the lords manor of the town; blocking the shambling mindless citizens from attacking you; however the lord and his guards are still there, and start shambling like the citizens towards you! but something seems a little different about the lord... what do you do?

I cast Clear Mind on the Lord, in the hopes that if he is under some sort of mind altering spell he'll snap out of it and call his people off.


Yet, as far as I believe, lore accurate to Forgotten Realms.


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1d20 = 11

good! now roll to see how effective it is!

that is the best kind of lore accurate!


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we must set out and fight the evil that placed the curse upon the town!

but not after getting hammered at the inn and getting laid!


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1d20 = 10


1d20 = 7


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Loot everything.


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1d20 = 8


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1d20 = 14


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>14. you are now at the BBEG's (big bad evil guy) lair! What is the lair like?
Overrun with fungi, rot, and decay, the BBEG's brain has been taken hostage by a semi-sentient and fast-spreading fungus.

1d20 = 8


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>8. suddenly the townsfolk stumble towards you, as though something has control of their mind! they will be upon you in moments! what do you do?
I guess the fungus spread to the townspeople. I get out a torch and a first aid kit and wave the lit torch at them to make them keep their distance


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>8. suddenly the townsfolk stumble towards you, as though something has control of their mind! they will be upon you in moments! what do you do?
Leave. Escape. Try to do as little lasting damage as possible in doing so.


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1d20 = 15

>The crisis is averted! The Lord is thankful for you saving the town! But there are so many questions left unanswered! What is your next move?
I'm assuming that enough leftover villains have survived that last battle that can be interrogated in order to find out the nature of the threat that we face. We can and should also look for physical evidence. Thus, we'll get a handle on preparing for our adversaries' next move.


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1d20 = 4


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>4. roll 6 1d20 dice; you must allocate them into strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma!

1d20 = 10
1d20 = 10
1d20 = 13
1d20 = 1
1d20 = 20
1d20 = 13


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Allocate those in the order I rolled them.

What character class is that best for?


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1d20 = 13


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1d20 = 12


Then I'm a warlock


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>you now need to set off on an adventure to find the source of the thing that happened! where are we goin? are you prepared?

Aren't you the DM? You tell me!

1d20 = 15


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>13. after several sessions and some real shenanigans, what are some of your favorite moments? what things would you have done differently?
For my favorite one, I don't remember the details, but in a Shadowrun game, we caused a massive parking complex to collapse and this event somehow instigated an apocalyptic gang war.
For what I would've done differently, that's a more recent one. We were up against some angry skeletons and I, a ranger, misunderstood one the other players' intentions, and assuming I was going to be joined by the whole party in my effort, decided to Leroy Jenkins the baddies, and ended up almost dying. If I hadn't misunderstood, I would've just done a ranged shot while sneaking. I wanted to knock them into a pit, hoping they'd take fall damage and die like their skele-lord after my sister stole his crown and knocked him off the ladder he was climbing, but I just sorta bounced off them.


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ooh so The Last of Us in the forgotton realms!

fungus doesn't wanna burn!

where do you go now?

you must never underestimate your enemy! so good on ya for thinkin ahead!

that would be a very... interesting warlock...

with 20 wisdom, i'd say a druid would work

plus you'd be able to grow your own weed!


this game is an act of Diesm, in that i made the prompt, and i'm letting you figure this shit out :PP

ooooh i remember shadowrun... i loved that game! fantasy in a modern setting was so novel to me <3

woops! well alls fair in love and gang wars!


I never played D&D, could such a character hold up in a campaign?

I mean, I know imagination and creativity is encouraged for character creation, but I imagine most GMs prefer characters to follow some basis.


Better not be too high a difficulty...

1d20 = 3



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>In the lair, you find a giant dragon blocking your way! What do you do?
How attractive is this dragon that we're talking about, here?


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>ooh so The Last of Us in the forgotton realms!
actually, I had been playing a bunch of Halo, and got to the Library level when I wrote that, I was at least partially thinking of the flood.
>fungus doesn't wanna burn!
Burn! Burn Burn!
>that would be a very... interesting warlock...
Somehow I thought warlocks use wisdom for their spellcasting ability. But yeah, I guess druid would make more sense.
>ooooh i remember shadowrun... i loved that game! fantasy in a modern setting was so novel to me <3
Same. Plus I'm a sucker for a well written cyberpunk setting and story. I've been meaning to try Cyberpunk.

1d20 = 1


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>1. CRITICAL FAIL! tell me how hard you just failed right now in detail!
I tried to sneak down a large staircase while carrying a crate of sacred glass ornaments to steal them from the evil sorcerer who stole them from the temple, but I tripped, fell forward onto my head a few times, and then onto what remained of the ornament shards, and I'm pretty sure God probably hates me now


d20 = 7


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Is it stealing or immoral if the stuff is abandoned?


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1d20 = 4


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4. roll 6 1d20 dice; you must allocate them into strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma!
Shouldn't it be 4d6 dice, drop the lowest value? Either way,
1d20 = 14
1d20 = 11
1d20 = 6
1d20 = 6
1d20 = 4
1d20 = 20


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Yeah I guess 4d6 wouldn't work, since it doesn't show you the individual values. Oh well.
I'll create a barbarian then.
STR: 20 (+5)
DEX: 11 (+0)
CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 4  (-3)
WIS: 6  (-2)
CHA: 6  (-2)


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1d20 = 17

100%! just play that role as hard as you can!

turns out his brain has turned to literal cheese

roll to seduce dragon!

guess the flood makes a tad more sense in this context!

and me too on the cyberpunk front, i just haven't really had the time for it!

well good news! your head is now decorated in pretty colored shards of glass!

well what does your character think?

unga bunga mode!


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as a drunken master tabaxi monk, i run in, flurry of blows, disengage, and then run away


1d20 = 12



a pony appeared somewhere. i must go to equestria to find out why. i will bring some rare technologies (along with basic supplies) to gain a royal audience and meet with the mane ponies


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I'm rolling to get a dragon spouse!

1d20 = 13

Feeling the suspense... all like...



I'm thinking it could either be the cause of a plague, or a raid. Either way there must be something of valuable lying around that can be looted.


At least it's delicious.


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1d20 = 9

we're off to Canterlot!

The dragon isn't ready to marry, but is open to a coffee date, to test the waters!

well roll a perception check to see if there are loots!

i've never had head cheese before!


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i stunning strike them, and wrap them up in a table cloth!

1d20 = 1


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so it turns out they are immune to stunning strike, and when i try to hit the lord, instead of being frozen in place, he shambles and grabs onto my arm

he takes a nasty bite before i kick him off.






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1d20 = 13


File: 1740013768045.png (609.98 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, june.png) ImgOps Google

buh buh garble bla braaaaaaaain b;la lblblgphttt...

1d20 = 17


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1d20 = 17



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1d20 = 8



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I'll get her some of that pimento flavored coffee that I tried for myself today!

Rolling for our first date's success!

1d20 = 7


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1d20 = 14

let's roll!!!


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oh... it's not good... it smells SO much like axe body spray. like a pallette of the stuff fell over and broke and sprayed everywhere... AND it STILL smells like B.O on top of it all!
there's dirty socks everywhere... old pizza boxes... and are those mini figurines? of minions??? oh my god


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>Rolling fior perception d20 = 20


1d20 = 9


>Be a cleric
>Destroy undead
>Assume the Lord is a litch
>"Disable" them
>New party banner for FaFo


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d20 = 17


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>17. you are in the fight of your life! keeping in mind your class and race, what is your first move in engaging this enemy?
Since I'm playing a barbarian, I get mad, then even madder, then even even madder, and focus on strength-based attacks.


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1d20 = 11

it didn't go great, and it was kinda awkward; the movie wasn't exactly good, but it wasn't really bad enough to laugh at, and the dinner was a bit late and a bit cold

oh god, what a truly diabolical lair! how does anyone survive such trechery!

also please excuse me, i need to clean my room...

you see ALL the loot! and you even see the smallest crack that maybe a hidden door!

Clerics are OP when a Lich is invovled!

that's a level of madness never before seen! you have fully reached full mad!


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so it turns out that the BBEG has syphoned the nearby lands of their life essence to fuel a powerful arcane mechanism that makes awful pictures of people that doesn't exist and have 6 fingers on each ear

now if we are to save the kingdom, we need to  break it, and reduce the amount of toes on ears to less than 1!


1d20 = 19

Too bad there's a lot of rich lords somehow convincing people that pictures of nonexisting people with six fingers on each ear will somehow make them even richer. What a deep dive campaign this will be.


>19. You have thwarted the BBEG, and have them on the ground, powerless to you! before you vanquish them, tell me your epic one liner to send them off!
"ur Mom lol gotten"


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the lair will have horrific human-esque monsters that blend into eachother with vaguely human qualities, speaking a language that almost sounds like a language, but is incomprehensible

airline hostess jesus it's his birthday but nobody will give him any wishes, i spend whole life making cakes with peach cream


I give that five booms!







... So it's the movie "Society" by Brian Yuzna, then.

I mean is there truly anything powerful than a ur Mom?


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1d20 = 12


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>12. you now need to set off on an adventure to find the source of the thing that happened! where are we goin? are you prepared?
The thing that happened? So like the fungus thing? Sounds like a fun time. We're going to some ancient temples created by an ancient now extinct race, that have been appropriated by a fanatical cult that worships their dark god.

Am I prepared? Probably not.


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1d20 = 11

I'm posting this cursed kitty related artwork again so that Noelle and others might react to it.

Well, there are more adventurers out there to romance!

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