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Have you played any good video games recently? Or any old favorites?


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I played through Drova - Forsake Kin earlier this year. It's like one of the earlier 3D action/RPGs, like Gothic or Risen, just in pixel 3D. A very good game.

Currently I'm re-playing Castlevania - Lament of Innocence from the PS2. In my opinion the only good 3D Castlevania.


I played a bit of FF7R given I've been meaning to play it. Though after the first chapter, the burning part of the city is causing my audio to be laggy.


I know I played one PS2 Castle Vania game Back in the day but I can't for the life of me figure out of it was that one.

I seem to remember the one I played having fire/thunder/ice whips or something? And I think Succubus was a boss. Does that line up?


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Yes, that's the one!


I remember enjyoing it at the time. Keep considering getting it and doing a video on it as like a "Guy who doesn't know much Castlevania takes second look at teh only Castlevania he played as a kid" sort of thing.

Too bad it tends to be heccin expensive.


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I'm playig it on an emulator to be honest. My old PS2 isn't working properly anymore.


Myeah, I just like getting the hardware if it's feasible.


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>That image.


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Hi Scoots! I think she was doing the "ladybugs awake" part of her greeting with Twilight at that point.


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That tracks, but it's more that I have a vague memory of... either everyone in a thread or someone or other posting that image a lot at some point. Kind of like a Scootastare situation.

Also hi.


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Hope you're doing well! I've had that image for over ten years, never been much of a Cadance poster though.


I got Hatsune Miku Logic Paint S. I can play that for a couple hours at a time without getting bored.


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My daughter wanted to play Monster Hunter Rise, so I got Monster Hunter Rise.

My daughter encouraged me to join the game, so I joined the game.

Now I am in 76 hours on my main character.

It's a game where it's really checking day per day how far I can get. I always felt with Monster Hunter that I am a challenge away from hitting a wall. But I chip by bit per bit, I guess.


I'm sittin' here waiting for Broken Lore: LOW to drop on Steam in about... 15 minutes.

Though I will probably not play it till I get home from the dentist tomorrow, but still.


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I'm holding out for Broken Lore: HIGH, myself.  Maybe we can trade lores sometime.


Funneh funneh

You joke, but it is a bunch of games with common theme naming, so not too bad a guess.


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Cleaned out village and low rank

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