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/rock/ - Rock Farm

Break out that sledge!
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File: 1576430268089.png (134.39 KB, 387x276, 129:92, 4.PNG) ImgOps Google

I rather feel like the guy who literally jumps to calling you racist is the aggressor this time around.

And, yeah, I know it don't belong here. But, I can't post there without evading, and I doubt you'd appreciate that, would you?
And surely you can understand, if you've deigned to say something to me, I'd want to say something back, as well. Is that unreasonable?

If you really feel inclined to say something to me, I'd prefer to have the opportunity to respond.


File: 1576430414072.png (391.86 KB, 657x640, 657:640, Tired shy.png) ImgOps Google

Let's talk in private.


Moved to >>>/rock/1280.

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