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Now that the creator of Harry Potter has outed herself as a terrible person, can we all finally agree that Harry Potter was never good? That you were all just easily-impressionable kids and that with the hindsight of adults the whole franchise kinda sucks? Can we make this the official stance going forward? It would really hinder J.K. Rowling's ability to say bigoted stuff AND be listened to.


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Harry Potter is still a pretty fun story to read.

And Casual Vacancy is also one of the better books I read in the last few years.


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Can we at least keep the memes?


Memes are bad and you should feel bad.


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That's a meme.


I'm not really a fan of memes.


Naw, Harry Potter was a pretty good series.

Fame and success just ruin people, and make them hypocrites. Cause like, the Harry Potter series was originally full of anti-fascist, anti-bigotry themes.

But like I think Rowling's success went to her head and that got evident when she retroactively declared that Headmaster Dumbledore was gay, despite writing nothing in the Novels to indicate this at all, if anything she originally wrote Dumbledore as basically an asexual grandfather.


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Sure, okay, that's fine... But can we keep them?


I really don't think fame made her anti-trans. It's far more likely she always felt that way and only now has a platform to express those thoughts because of her fame.

While I find nothing wrong with one of the characters in Harry Potter being gay, it seems kind of lazy to retroactively just say they were without including it in the text itself in any capacity. It seems like trying to get "points" for inclusivity when you didn't actually help the issue of under-representation.


Sure, I guess. Just so long as you admit Harry Potter sucks. Tons of memes based on things that suck.


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Harry Potter is SO bad!
So so so bad. Definitely really bad.


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Why do you hate Harry Potter so?


While i can appreciate some of the long-term planning that went into the books, i think yea, overall it was pretty bad. The universe is set up in a way where you can just make shit up to get out of any situation and then be like "lol yea, that's been there the whole time". It also plays off escapism fantasy, which is always a cheap way to go imho. Like, oh yea, you could secretly be a wizard too, reader, and one day you'll be taken to Hogwarts! Gives me those kinda self-insert vibes, and of course, i can't help but hate anything on the timeline to isekai, so i have to kinda hate harry potter on principle for potentially contributing to that problem, as well. It certainly uses all the cheap tricks in the book. So yea, overall pretty shit. I find the retconning to make everyone gay pretty funny, myself.


It sucks?

What is "the timeline to isekai"?


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Maybe you suck

at reading


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I disagree with your assertion.


The movie sucks too!


which one?


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>the creator of Harry Potter has outed herself as a terrible person
lol wut?

>we all finally agree that Harry Potter was never good?
No, I still like the series.  And what does that have to do with Rowling as a private individual?  Whether or not a work is good is entirely orthogonal to the author's alleged personal failings.


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>Tons of memes based on things that suck.
Like the Plane Scene.  It was so bad  it wrapped around to be good and gave birth to a meme that forever cemented it in meme history!


J.K. Rowling has been saying  bunch of homophobic and trans-phobic things publicly.

She still created the series and her worldview is part of the narrative whether that was the intention or not.


No, that's just idiots being idiots because they released a scene early without context. The movie, and that scene still suck and people still making jokes about it almost a decade later need to find a new hobby.


Well, it was a hugely popular escapist-style fantasy in the west. Isekai is a large genera of anime that saw a boom in somewhat recent years. It involves a usually blank-slate main character being taken from this world into a fantasy world wjere he's super powerful for no reason and all the hot girls want to fuck him. It's escapist fantasy taken to it's logical conclusion, it's total garbage, and it's absurdly economically successful despitbe being completely creatively bankrupt.


>I really don't think fame made her anti-trans. It's far more likely she always felt that way and only now has a platform to express those thoughts because of her fame.

Naw I meant her inflexibility and unwillingness to see things from others perspectives on this issue. She's acting like a stereotypical Boomer about this issue in particular, kind of has her head stuck in the 70s. Fame made her stubborn about it. She's extra privileged now and is certainly acting like it.

>While I find nothing wrong with one of the characters in Harry Potter being gay, it seems kind of lazy to retroactively just say they were without including it in the text itself in any capacity. It seems like trying to get "points" for inclusivity when you didn't actually help the issue of under-representation.

No disagreement there.

She had a story about opposing bigotry and facism, but then ironically fails to see her hypocrisy in her reasoning why transgender people are some special exception to her opposition to bigotry in general. She comes off as completely lacking in self awareness of it.


>lol wut?

Turned out she was a TERF the entire time.


Are you just hopping on a hate/cancel bandwagon?

Everyone is trying to hate on the creator of Danny Phantom now too.



>She still created the series and her worldview is part of the narrative whether that was the intention or not.

Not if she's a hypocrite.



Probably has a sibling who likes it.


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The main one presented in your original post.

However if this is an invitation to comment on your other statements throughout the last few years I'd say I'd disagree with quite a few things you've said then as well.


I'm not trying to "cancel" anyone, but the things J.K. Rowling has been saying and promoting are NOT ok. It also helps that I never really liked Harry Potter.


Actually, my brother was in the target age for the series and he didn't like it either. I was already in high school when those movies came out.


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i've never agreed with you more damn


That's not a new thing.

And that tends to happen when you scam people, advocate for "praying the autism away" and tell people working in your field that they're the reason their friends commit suicide.


I never really liked the Harry Potter stories because the central premise of "the wizarding world". I know it only exists to facilitate the whole escapism fantasy, but the central idea is still that wizards are a superior race who live in a society separate from normal humans they go to great lengths to keep secret when both groups could benefit from each other by co-existing and setting aside their differences. I mean the whole idea of it being wrong to discriminate against wizards who had human parents or whatever distinctions they have is meaningless when your whole society hinges on humans being inferior and judgmental as a rule.


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Can you show/tell me an example of this "promoting" you speak of?
I've only heard ramblings, so I don't really know.
Well, I'm not too informed honestly.
I would say its not good to just take rumors online.
But if its been happening awhile then thats different.



Mhm. Yep, people can only ever have one sibling.


Bigotry isn't supposed to be rational ... that's kind of the point. Facism is about the privileged and the powerful using the fear of difference and outsiders to maintain their power and privilege.


I have two. We all dislike Harry Potter.

I'll see what I can find. I'm not too involved with this since i'm not trans and I'm not a fan of Harry Potter. But bigotry is wrong no matter who is the target.


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honestly this is all you should need


It's like when they had the one scene of two lesbians in one of the Star Wars movies, but the scene was made incredibly brief so they could edit it out in certain countries. You could literally blink and miss it.

If some movie said "We had a black character in this movie, but his scenes were kept just short enough so that we could edit them out in Alabama" I wouldn't feel represented or accepted. Or that they actually cared about the issues of racism. And I sure as hell wouldn't commend them for such a half-assed act. So I get why it feels disingenuous and pisses people off when real studios replace "black" with "gay" and "Alabama" with "Saudi Arabia" or "China" or whatever. It's fake as shit for you to not only do the bare minimum while still trying to maximize profits and placate bigots, but to then try and get some kind of credit for doing it. You guys are cowards.


He routinely shows some pretty bad behavior. These aren't rumors, it has been going on for a while.

Aside from not-great but somewhat-understandable things like snapping at  viewers if they critique his work in any way (basically saying "You haven't made a cartoon so you have literally no say in what anything good is ever and your input is worthless") , there was a whole business of him claiming that things like suicide and depression "didn't exist" when he was young and could just be prayed away now.

And this is not including him starting a crowdfunding for a supposed family-friendly streaming service of his own creation, never saying until much later down the line that it was supposed to push and convert to strictly Christian values so that things could go back to when "People just got through it" when there were problems and "suicide was unheard of"... And suspiciously, the whoel Kickstarter was a FAR too low amount to create such a service in the first place...

Dude did create a lot of cool stuff, but in recent years he has just kept digging himself deeper with his overall behavior. He tried to start an E-celeb career and just keeps getting Boomier than the Boomerest Boomer in some of the shit he spews.


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Turns out the creator if Earthworm Jim is a diphshit too... That was my favorite game!


>Can you show/tell me an example of this "promoting" you speak of?
>I've only heard ramblings, so I don't really know.

Well, for one, there was the contents of that whole 3600 word essay she posted in response to the cast of the movies denouncing her prior transphobic tweets.


So what's your problem with people liking things you don't anyway?  


We call that "rainbow capitalism"


So enjoy the game. Shitty world views isn't a disease you get by touching the cartridge that is about a funny worm man with a zippy zap cartoon gun.

The "shitcan literally everything if anyone involved in its creation said anything bad" thing doesn't get you anywhere. You're gonna end up with a very, very tiny pool of content to enjoy. You're not going to change anything, or make a dent in wahtever they have accomplished.

So just enjoy shit regardless, and be aware and vocal about disagreements with the creator. It's not that hard to not either be "I worship the ground this person walks on" or "literally everythign ever they as much as breathed on is now covered in satan jizz."

What you get out of it is what counts. If anything, enjoy it out of spite.


>The "shitcan literally everything if anyone involved in its creation said anything bad" thing doesn't get you anywhere. You're gonna end up with a very, very tiny pool of content to enjoy.

Yeah, seems like grasping for a justifiable reason to be mad at someone for liking thing you don't like isn't just pettyness


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That seems to be her "mocking" that ridiculous article though.
Describing women in such a way is blasphemous, and she's simply asking for equality.
I see.
Thank you for the explanation.
I've only been paying attention recently.
That seems like a little too much effort on her part to naysay.

Also lucky sevens.



Sometimes transgender men menstruate


I don't follow what you're responding to here. I wasn't talking about "Liking things you don't".

I was talking about how the notion that because a creator of a piece of media you like said one bad thing, now everything they created is automatically tainted and must be boycotted isn't particularly viable and accomplishes nothing but robbing yourself of content you otherwise enjoy.  

I may have misread your post but this did confuse me a bit.

S'just the ones I am aware of. He also generally comes across as lazy whenever one of his commissions make the rounds. Like a recent drawing of Ranma's girl form he charged 200 dollars for that is basically a trace of the first picture of her you'll find if you look her up on Google.



Yeah and in this essay she basically falls back on a particularly paranoid way of treating transgender people with a ton of paranoia suggesting things like they're actively "recruiting" young girls, convincing them they're men and trying to infiltrate women's spaces ... and justifies this view on the basis of protecting women from rape. Implying that trans women are essentially all rapists. She acting like a lot of Boomers these days and seems to be embracing conspiratorial thinking ... ironically failing to recognize the purpose conspiracy theories serve facist


No, "people who menstruate" is meant to encompass all people who were born with female reproductive organs, including ones who identify as male now. Likewise, you can't say "women" to indicate "people who menstruate" because a lot of people who consider themselves women don't.

By insisting that "people who menstruate" and "women" are the same things, she's being transphobic.



Sorry, I meant to type something like "it's almost as if someone is grasping at straws, trying to act like their "stop liking thing I don't like" somehow isn't just pettyness"


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I caught that too, figured a word went in the wrong other.


Ah, that makes a whole lot more sense. I was quite confused there.



Not to mention how that also eliminates post menopausal cis women, which I am sure Rowling is probably close to being, so ...


Like how everyone's twitter turns rainbow in June and then they never talk about it any other time of year?

Also, I'm not sure I have a "problem" with people liking things I don't like. I certainly don't understand it, because if I did, then I would like it too.

Yeah, death of the author and all that. But the problem is, every work of art has some of the author and their worldview in it? How much of Doug Tennappel's homophobia made it into Earthworm Jim? Probably almost zero. But how much of Orson Scott Card's worldview got into "Ender's Game"? A considerable amount more. If you keep in mind that fact, that all works of art have some of the author in them, is it really possible to completely separate art for creator?


I think it's clear she's not actually wishing to discuss the topic of menstruation as it relates to womanhood and is more just trying to be a dick to trans people because she doesn't like them.



It is.

Because it is your responsibility as a viewer to not just pick and choose the content you see, but be critical of / defiant of values in it you do not wish upon yourself. True, that's not always easy, especially for certain age groups.

Sides, you literally just said it yourself: It's entirely possible for these creators to have zero of their bad views in a piece of their work. So your own claim of "ALL works of art have some of the author in them" is now void by your own admission, espeically since on your example, "some" means "thinks a muscly worm in a cartoon spacesuit getting hit in the face with a cow is funny""

If anything, the fact that HP fans are so riled up now proves that Rowling inspired a lot of GOOD in people regardless of whatever views she got more adamant about later. So boom - she literally had the opposite effect of what you're trying to claim is always the case now.

There's never an all-encompassing extreme. And it's always at the very least partly up to you what you take away from anything.


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Yeah, but, I didn't like it as a kid so others shouldn't now.


Well now I see that she did that on purpose with select choice of words on her part.
Good example of how she thinks.
I was just trying to explain it away, but I guess now I shouldn't. At all.
I see that now. I was mistaken.
Ok so I just looked into what you told me
and holy shit.
Inferring it's someone's fault at their suicide?
To Tara Strong?
And everything else.
I've only seen the crappy commission and general loss of drive in later years until now.


>Also, I'm not sure I have a "problem" with people liking things I don't like. I certainly don't understand it, because if I did, then I would like it too.

So why have you been doing this sort of thing with so many media properties for years? It comes off as apparent you find something threatening about people liking things you don't.

>How much of Doug Tennappel's homophobia made it into Earthworm Jim? Probably almost zero. But how much of Orson Scott Card's worldview got into "Ender's Game"? A considerable amount more.

So, if you're argument why everyone who likes Harry Potter now should just admit that the franchise is bad now is because The authors worldview is supposedly inseparable from the work itself, aren't you basically arguing against yourself here?

I mean it just seems so convenient that there's no homophobia in one of your favorite video games but not in a Sci-Fi book you're probably only passingly familiar with.


Yeah, but the irony of implictly shooting herself in the foot by basically implying she will stop being a woman after menopause in especially delicious.


Yeah, it's kinda wild. Dude took a full nosedive.



Don't they understand how I interpret reference to myself in others actions? Don't they know I am going to get needlessly defensive for not having a taste for something very popular and interpret them as judging me poorly for it?

edited* cause somethings wrong with my brain today.


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