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I'm offering unlicensed therapy to you

Now tell me 'bout them problems you gots. I ain't got all day.
58 posts and 42 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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soaking in it?? gosh... that'd be a lot!

i'm not sure! i don't think so... shall we exchange 'cords?


My discord is kittyKindness#3319 (case sensitive, the first k is lowercase, the second is uppercase)


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sent! mine is the "rasupdoo" one!


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Do you have me on discord? I loved the letter you sent us btw


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not yet, i don't think! peep my email field in this post c;

eeee, i'm glad! it's been a long time since i make letters! it was a lot of fun to get back into it!


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should i go to atlanta instead of LA?


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>I was speaking from the heart, honestly, in that last thread
"Speaking from the heart" doesn't give you license to come out of nowhere and spew nasty insults at someone, especially when you're completely off base as a factual matter.  You apparently confused Iara with the other Peruvian poster who was on efchan, and yet even after you were proven to be objectively wrong w.r.t. Iara's BMI, you still refuse to apologize for anything you said.  I can only hope that one day you will realize you acted wrongly and give Iara the apology that she deserves.



I want to tell her, if I ever get the chance to... We communicate through satellites so to speak... But the messages are quite clear between us.

Thanks for the advice friend! I hope you and your girlfriend are doing well. :)


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Wait, so the rest of the stuff they said would have been ok if the BMI had been different?



wow, that is vile...


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>Wait, so the rest of the stuff they said would have been ok if the BMI had been different?
lol no, of course not.  It's just that the BMI claim was definitively proven factually incorrect, strongly suggesting that Kady had confused Iara with someone else.  But regardless, the insults in the post were completely unacceptable in any case.


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Just seemed a weird thing to mention!

Like someone saying "You ugly, fat freak!" and then responding "Hey, I'm not fat!"

But anyways, while I don't think all that was appropriate to say to anyone regardless of how I feel about Iara, the site may not be the best place to air personal grievances.


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hate to be that person but the whole "it's not the place for it" argument doesn't really work when she in fact said it to her first, publicly, on the site in front of everyone


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> the site may not be the best place to air personal grievances.
I wouldn't have spoken on the subject if Kady hadn't tried to justify what she had said by claiming that she was "speaking from the heart" (>>1412).


Was it THIS site, or was it the other one with nazis? I'm confused.

Just a suggestion, do what you feel you must.



in retrospect it might have been somewhere else, I hadn't thought of that


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It's not like the two sites are totally distinct from each other.  They have a common lineage and have a significant overlap of userbase.  And Kady brought it up on this thread by trying to justify what she had said on the other site.


Well the difference is that saying something like that on this site would be very rule-breaking and they should have been disciplined for that. But the other site allows things like that and Nazis so it's a big difference.


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The cops are getting closer to finding my last therapist.  Can you help me?


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Just because you're allowed to say something doesn't mean that you should.  People should refrain from saying such hurtful things even if they won't be punished for saying them.


I agree.


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How about I put it like this;
Saying I'm speaking from the heart isn't meant to justify the comment. It's just saying that I stand by the comment.

Do I take it back? Nope. Nor do I justify it. I just flat out don't like her.

But would you want me to go on a tangent about why? And Textwall my grivences and get dirty with my words? I thought this ain't the place for that. So the polite way of saying "go fuck yourself, Iara, I said what I said" is to just say "it came from the heart"

Stop saying I'm trying to justify anything. I'm not.
>And Kady brought it up on this thread by trying to justify what she had said on the other site.
Iara posted in MY thread and I responded POLITLY. How is that me bringing it up?

How can I help?

Welcome ❤️

Go to LA. It's better


I'm trying to be polite to Iara who posted in my thread. So I just said "it came from the heart"

Trying to avoid conflict. I said the screencap on ponychan.



If that came from your heart, then that doesn't speak well of the contents of your heart.


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Oh, I'm sorry, did I give the impression I'm a good person?

Let me start over

Hi! My name's Kadence. I'm the kind one. I say nice things to people and cheer them up and ask about their days.

Am I a good person, though? No. I said I'm a kind person. Not exactly the same thing.



Well invalidating someone's gender and calling them an overweight fetishist is hardly what I would call "kindness" regardless of whatever personal history you have.


Merry Christmas, Kady


People fuck up and say dumb things all the time. Beating someone down for their transgressions puts you down on that same level. No, lower because you perpetuate the negativity.
You’re no saint. None of us are, so get out of this thread with your high roading, kid.


Being kind without actually meaning it is kind of deceitful, don't you think? What's the point of putting on an facade of kindness if it's not reflective if your genuine feelings?


People who are depressed won’t feel good about themselves, I’ve been there myself. That doesn’t mean someone whose depressed is incapable of showing kindness too. I had a really sad moment at work reminiscing to a friend over my best friends plight & how uncertain his life is because of his health problems. Felt like shit for a while, but it didn’t stop me from caring.



enough to care about Iara in this circumstance?



I don't like sanctimonious hypocrites. Sorry.


You only high road for your own personal vendetta, and you air out the dirty laundry at her expense. Everyone can see that and you’re making worse for yourself.

Besides, for all we know this Lara person could be fictitious just to gaslight her... You know a thing or two about that I bet.


Keep digging brother.


That seems a bit different from actively saying "I pretend to be kind but I'm actually a bad person." Like, isn't that just admitting to being disingenuous and fake?


I hold out the belief that people have the innate desire to be good, even when they aren’t in a good place in their life.

I even hold out the belief that this guy is good.


People make mistakes and they get over it. We don’t hang onto them, because it’s unhealthy and it’s immature.


I'm not really invested in the history of these two. I have my own personal history with Iara that makes me not like her personally. But I still think the things said in >>1453 were crossing a line.

I'm not sure how well you know Kady, but her comments in >>1472 seem to indicate that they are only pretending to be nice to people while holding malicious and cruel views on them. Which is something people should be aware of, if at any moment the veil might be dropped and we get the same kind of verbal lashing.


I would say, that it's probably safer to call yourself an irrepentive jerk and be polite most of the time, than claiming to be the epitome of kindness and lashing out against others.

I dunno.
I wonder what makes people tick or act in certain ways.
I mean
In theory I don't want to be extra vile to people, but what would make me think that I can be nasty at some times? We're only human, I suppose.



She's the one who said this stuff just over a month ago, this isn't like something she said years ago or anything, plus she's said she stands by what she said, which includes the invalidation of Iara and the accusation of a sexual fetish.


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Instead of responding to everyone, how bout I just say this:

I'm kind. No, it's not fake. I can also be mean. No, that's not fake either.

I'm a multi-fauceted human that can show multiple emotions other then just kindness


There's no excuse for being that mean. And this is coming from someone who does not like the person you directed that cruelty towards.


Would you ever punch someone's lights out if you got like super mad?:trixie6:


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I disagree. I can be cruel and own my own crualty if I see it as worth it.

Uh, no. I can't lift more then ten pounds and have the build of a gogo girl.


Owning something doesn't always justify it. Otherwise people to admit to murder wouldnt go to jail.


I was talking with Kadence on Discord and I am just gonna post my last response here.
I already apologized about any seemingly misunderstanding, but my points still stands:
No matter how much you, Kadence, perceived any offense from my part, the reality is that I didn't mean to offend you the way you felt, at all. I didn't go out of my way to maliciously affect you or make you feel sad.
You, on the other hand, did attack me with the sole intention to hurt my feelings. It is far too different.
As for the whole "kindness" thing... News flash. Anyone can be kind sometimes and spiteful other times. I am exactly the same as well. That doesn't mean I get to call myself "kind"
EVERYBODY is genuinely kind sometimes.
It doesn't mean jackshit.

It seems to me that Kadence only cares about being seen as a nice person, rather than how I might be feeling or how you might have made me feel, Kadence. Specially now that the people on ponyville saw it and some called her out on it.

You guys seem to forget that what she said were lies.
That's the part that offended me the most. She mistook me for someone else entirely.

Dude what the fuck. I'm right here.


Well yeah, you're mean too. Of course you wouldn't care if someone said something mean. I care that it was said at all, not about who it was targeted at. It wouldn't have been a justifiable thing to say if it had reached it's intended target.


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>It seems to me that Kadence only cares about being seen as a nice person,
And herein lies the reason why our talks fell. Lack of wanting to get to know and understand one another.

I don't actualy care about appearing kind. I just am, most of the time. The people on ponyville can gladly know what I said to you and it doesn't affect me.

Yes, I can be a bitch and totally mean sometimes. Especially if I'm intentionally being mean to so.eone for [reasons].


I think Iara is a horribly cruel person who lacks any sort of empathy. It still doesn't justify the things you said. You should really reconsider your whole outlook of "it's ok to be mean when someone is bad", because not only does it make you no better than they are, that's only going to lead to more mean people existing. Having a "reason" to me mean is not a justification for that meanness. All mean people think they have a "reason" to be mean to people.(Banned for insulting and degrading another poster.)


Gonna go ahead and lock the thread, this conversation isn't helping anyone.  Try not to bring up off-site drama, that's not what this site is for.

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