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[Casual] [Open] [Mystery]A glowing neon sign lights the street with a blue glow: "Ruby's Night Club"
Inside, the doors are unlocked, and the DJ puts on the first track of the night.
Ruby unlocks the door and takes her position behind the bar. Waiting for the night to wander in.
This /rp/ is very open. Chill, dance, chat, whatever.
Heck, use this club as a side location in your own rp for your characters to unwind. Have fun doin' whatever, but if you get too rowdy (like starting fights 'n bothering other patrons, etc), Ruby will boot you out of the club (but only until the next night).
There is a mystery to be solved regarding the history of Ruby and the building, but there's no need to seek that out if it doesn't interest you. But it's there if it does.
A map of the club will be provided below. Changes will be made to the map as necessary. (Dice and card decks can be found on the large table upstairs)
And here's a playlist of music for authenticity:
Enjoy! No.1234
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Club Map
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>>1233A small little stallion wearing a black jacket over a black and white flannel and white undershirt enters and raises his hoof into the air.
"Yeah let the fun begin!"
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>>1236>Ruby nods with a smile.First customer, free drink! You want it?
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>>1237"I'm always up for a free drink. You own this place? I saw it on my nightly stroll so I figured to come here and have some fun."
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>>1238Indeed I do!
>she nods againI knew the sign would work. What'll ya have?
>>1239"Well then I'll have to stop by here every so often now."
He then smiles, excited about his free drink.
"Scotch please. If not that then I'll take some wine as well."
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>>1240Feel free to drop by whenever. Scotch comin' right up!
>>1241Critical sits on down at the bar and awaits his drink.
"So what is your name exactly?"
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>>1242>Pours a scotchWell, as you might have guessed, my name's Ruby.
>Sets the cup in front of himHow about yours?
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>>1243"Critical Hit, the luckiest wanderer out there,
And the luckiest DM.. I just drift about looking for the next big adventure."
He picks up the scotch and sips it.
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>>1244>She gives you a sly look.So should I call you 'Crit'? Or 'Tickle'?
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>>1246Careful. You don't know me. I may just take advantage of that, hun.
>>1247"I'll manage, I may even like it you know. For you though, maybe I'll call you something if the thought ever crosses my mind."
He finishes off his drink.
"So where are you from?"
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>>1248Well, I'm from a mare and a stallion who loved eachother very much.
>Eyes the empty glassThat was fast. Sadly, the free drink policy only counts for one drink.
>She takes the glass and floats it onto a rack under the counter No.1250
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>>1249He laughs.
"Yeah my parents got bored during a snow storm. That's how it went for me."
He watches the glass be put away and shrugs.
"Ah well, what is there to do around here?"
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>>1250>Ruby snickers at that.Well, we've obviously got dancing. Upstairs we've got billiards and stuff for gambling. But usually this is a place for socializing. If we get some more patrons, you may have more company besides Vinny and I.
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"Well this place sounds pretty nice. I hope it gets more traffic soon. For now though maybe I'll see about the gambling hall. Wanna come with?"
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>>1252Sorry, hun. I gotta mind the bar. Though, Vinny might be up for a game.
>She turns and yellsYo! Vinny! This dude wants to play a game with ya! He says he'll win!
>Vinyl yells back from behind the booth.Hah! Tell him he might not want to risk his bits! Plus, I gotta piss!
>She sets the track on autoplay and heads for the bathroom.>Ruby turns to CritTough luck, hun. Though we do have more drinks if you're up for it.
I'm headin' to bed after the next post. Continue tomorrow, yeah? Feel free to bring in others and chat with them in the meantime. No.1254
>>1253He shouts to Vinny
"Well piss faster will ya."
Critical smiles and shakes his head.
"Oh well, I'll spend the night at the bar then."
He does so, only drinking another drink until he headed off on his own way for the night.
Later, I might try to get my friends to hop on over. No.1263
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>List waited all day for it can open
>He was stuck behind some fucking guard
"What do you mean there's a List?"
>He said with a tired anger tone
<"Sorry bub, you're not on the List."
<The guard said while looking through the papers
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>>1267There he sees his friend sitting at the bar, enjoying a glass of scotch.
"List! On over here mate."