No.19106[Last 50 Posts]
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We'll be starting a new adventure soon.
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How I imagine what Vinifera been up to since last adventure...
Ever since defeating and Feylamia with the Silver Lantern, he has returned to what's left of Aumund. Despite being a ghost town falling into ruin he still wanted to make something of it.
He chose an old tower (maybe an old watchtower or a clocktower) into a place where the Silver Lantern can be kept safe. Sheltered from the weather but open to the light of the night sky, the silver lantern can gather plenty of moonlight throughout the year and Vinifera can bring it down whenever he needs it to fight dark creatures. But in it's tower it shines like a beacon to warn threats the town is protected.
Other than guardian of the lantern, Vinifera is trying to get his family business up and running again to be like how it was in his youth. With his parents talking about the quality of grapes and vines and helping them out on the vineyard with the other workers and living happy easy life.
Whenever orcs from Thunata has offered to help him, he gladly welcomes them. And as promised, Nazum has a home in Aumond as well (that is if he chose to stay in Aumond or not). But most of the time he takes on most of the work himself and struggling to ressurect his family heritage, prefusing to let go of the past.
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>>19107>clocktowerElves don't have clocks (which are generally extremely rare). So a watch tower.
Vinifera could hear the sound of a horse in the distance, slowly approaching. A tall figure set upon it, a human wearing the insignia of the Beilunk Riders, the continent's best and trusties (and most expensive) messenger service.
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>>19108VInifera was working in the fields. He was concerned that the vineyards were not growing as efficiently as they were during his fathers time. He wiped the sweat of the brow and curses the effort he was putting into something so fruitless.
He hears the sound of horse riding and turns over to see the rider approaching him.
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>>19109The messenger alit from the horse and approached with long steps, lifting a hand as a greeting. "Are you Vinifera Grapevine? I was told I would find him here."
>>19110"Yeah, I'm Grapevine."
He stops what he was doing and see's what the Rider wants.
>>19112"Uh thanks."
Vinifera never had something so personally delivered to him before. He checks the seal to see if it was recognisable to him.
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>>19115Critical miss... what a way to start off an adventure.
You have not even the slightest idea what that seal might be.
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>>19116Vinifera was dumbfounded, still, better sucha miss now than crucially later.
He picks the wax seal open and reads the contents of the scroll.
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>>19117It's a letter from a school of magic.
>>19118"Stoerrebrandt-College in Riva?
"Her "Spectabilis"?"
"Hm... and demon sightings."
He looks up to the watchtower which currently had the Silver Moon Lantern. If that worked agains the Feylamia then it might work against whatever it was that troubled Riva... then again may risk being stolen or lost on the journey. However he still had the silver dagger which was made by the same enchanted elven silver as the lantern itself.
"I should concentrate on helping the farm but these people... may need our help."
He turns to the rider.
"If you need to return with an answer, would you like to stay for awhile while I consult my partner on this? You and your horse can rest and..."
He didn't have much to offer to drink given it would be awhile before any of these grapes are ready to be made into wine.
"...well we have water, maybe my friend will have more suitable drinks."
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>>19119"No reply is needed. And a bit of bread and a cup of water will be enough. I have to be on my way, there are many more messenges that need urgent delivery."
>>19120"Thank you very much."
He showed the rider to the winery kitchen where he could help himself to bread and water. The rider could see the place was cleaned up rather recently but the whole place looked like it had better days. Then again from the other decaying and overgrown buildings in what's left of this ghost town it was a wonder why an elf would want to try and start up an old winery here of all places.
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>Naz is sitting with the fellows from Thunata by a fire, drinking ale, and sharing a story.
So then I said, then I said... "I've found that thing you lost. It's illuminating!"
>Naz slaps one of his drinking buddies on the back, who seems possibly surprised.
Illuminating! Can you believe it!?
>Naz downs his drink and then looks over to Vin.
Oh hey! Come to join us?
>>19124"Hi Naz!" He goes over to him, glad to see Nazim has settled well in what's lefft of this little outpost of a town.
He sat by his friend. Instead of showing him the letter straight away he wanted to see what he was up to.
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>>19125 I was just getting to the part where you tried to put the crystal in sideways!
>Naz laughs heartily and leans over to refill his flagonCare to join us for some ale? I picked up a couple of casks, courtesy of the caravan last weekend.
>>19126"I think I remember that adventure."
>He sits down next to him."Of course. Speaking of adventure, hjow would you feel about visiting the port city of Riva?"
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>>19127 A port city? sounds dreadful. What's in Riva?
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You can roll for Intelligence to see if you know anything about that town.
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((Oh! I didn't know we we're continuing.))
>>19128"The college of..."
He was unsure how to pronounce the name so he read it on the letter slowly.
"Sto-erre-brandt, if I am pronouncing it right. There are some bad stuff going on there and the dean, or "spectabilis", would like to meet us about it in the port city of Gulf."
He hands him the note to read.
>>19118 No.19131
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>>19129>reads the note between sips of alemmm hmmm. yes... heroic deeds. uh-huh...
I hope the Magister realizes that 'special abilities' don't come cheap!
>takes a swigAll right. Count me in.
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>>19131Regardless of the cost, should we do it because it's the right thing to do?
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>>19134 You can count on my steel.
>>19135"Alright. Let's prepare and head out."
((Clarity says he's meeting with some friends so he can't GM at the moment so we'll probably have to wait. I guess though given we're at the comforts of home we could probably revise our inventory for equipment from our previous adventures as well as whatever current supplies we have. Though Iduno if Clarity would want to limit us to what we can and can't bring. Like, we don't have bags of holdings so we can't literally take everything out the fridge or armory if we have one since the ending of our last adventure.))
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>>19136You can bring of course all the items you already have.
And you can of course use your money to purchase other things.
>>19137OK, here's my stuff:
Inventory:Playing cards (game “Boltan”, i.e. poker)
Kolja Swintkoop’s note
>>19118Lantern (12hr oil)
Ripped cloth
Bandages (4; give 1d6-1 Health back)
Ointment (1; made of Tarnela herbs)
Waterskin (full)
Long dagger with fox symbol
EquipmentDouble-Khunchomer sword (d6+6, -1 Def, -1 Init) [Stored in guard house]
Leather armour (3 Arm)
Ventures cloak (grey, for rainy weather)
Grapevine brooch
Silver bracelet
As for the Silver fox amulet, Underground map
>>18524, Silver lantern and the strangely bent, half-melted amulets, they'll be kept in Aumond. Vinifera has remade the tallest tower in Aumond into a makeshift "micro-dungeon" with the elven silver used to protect the tower from dark creatures that would try to take the lantern.
However, VInifera will wear the silver bracelet and keep the silver dagger on him, in case they run into feylamias or other dark creatures that maybe critically weak against such silver.
Will I be able to take any provisions from the kitchen?
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Nazom purchases the following:
- a halberd
- ink
- a crucible
- clay
- a whetstone.
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>>19141Sure, no problem at all with that.
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Here's all of Nazom's stuff...
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>>19146 ((I travel light.
does that say that I can see in the dark?))
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So, are you ready to head to the harbor town of Riva? It's only a trip of a couple of days away from where you dwell.
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I have made my preparations.
>slings his belongings onto his back>>19149 ((at first I thought it said I can see while drunk))
>>19151Vinifera prepared his travelling pack.
"So, shall we head off?"
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>>19153 aye, lead the way
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You travel for a good week until you reach the harbor town of Riva, situated at the Gulf of the same name.
Located at the mouth of the river Kvill it is a haven of proud citizenship in the wilderness, where decency and stability are highly valued.
A good 2,600 people dwell there, protected by the high walls and battlements and the well guarded gates.
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>>19156 any idea where to meet the magister? maybe we will find him in a local tavern
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>looks around for a tavern
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>>19159 feeling jolly? what say you?
>laughs obnoxiously No.19164
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>>19163>holds the door open and gestures the elf insideafter you!
>continues laughing No.19166
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>>19163The hotel was situated at the big market square of the town. Numerous important looking buildings where there: the big market hall, the city court, an armor shop, the traders guild and the temple of Phex, god of traders and thieves.
As you enter the hotel you find it that 'cozy' would be the perfect description for it. An exceptionally clean place with comfortable wooden tables and chairs. Expensive looking wooden panels adorned the walls. A few people were there enjoying their lunch.
>>19166Vinifera goes to the reception desks and asks.
"Hey um, we're two from Aumond. Is anyone expecting us by chance?"
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>>19167"Greetings, gentlemen, welcome to the Hotel Riva... Wherever you may come from, everyone is welcome here. I'm afraid, what were your names again?"
>>19169"My name is Ardor Zitenau, I own this humble establishment." He skips a through pages of the book on his desk.
"I'm afraid I cannot find your names... have you booked a room?"
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>>19170 We haven't booked a room. We were invited here on "business" by [insert guy's name here]
>>19170"We were told all our expenses will be sorted? We got a letter asking for us to be here."
He showed the receptionist the letter.
>>19118 No.19173
>>19171>>19172He grooms his goatee while reading the message, looking a bit aghast.
"Oh, gentlemen, this is a hotel. You are obviously looking for the esteemed College. It's outside of town, barely a mile to the north."
>>19173"Ah, thank you very much. We'll head over there then."
He calls to Naz.
"Naz, we're heading to the college!"
He reads the letter again.
"Or... should we go to the port city of Gulf? I dunno. I don't wanna be going back and forth places."
>>19175"Alright. Let's head out."
He thanks the receptionist and leaves.
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>>19174>>19175>>19176You leave the town again and after a good fifteen minutes you find what certainly is the Stoerrebrandt College, a local school of magic.
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>>19180>walks up to the dwarfgreetings; scouting a dig site?
>>19181Alas, no mages or scholars seemed around... maybe they were busy in the building, going about their studies?
>>19182The dwarf lifted his hammer slowly, glee in his eyes... just then he heard the voice of Nazom, looked up... then down to the ground again and grumbled in disappointment.
The dwarf was bold, had a fiery red beard and was certainly a hundred years old.
"Oi, why did you have to disturb me? Now that blasted mole has buggered off and will eat more of me roses!"
>>19183He overheard the conversation.
"Moles in the holes?"
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>>19183 have you tried digging them out?
>>19184"Aye, there's no end to theses pests!"
>>19185"Digging them out? Friend, do you know what that'd do to me roses and tulips? I'd do more damage than those blasted garden rats would do!"
He eyes the two, surprised to see such an odd duo.
"What are ye lads up to anyway, this is a school of magic."
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>>19186 We're here to see Solja Swintkoop
>>19186"I dunno much about gardening... but I find it peculiar for moles to want to eat roses. They eat worms and underground grubs and their digging offer ventalation and turned earth for soil. At least that's what I know about moles. As for why we're ehre we were asked to come here."
He shows him the letter, not wanting to repeat the details.
>>19118 No.19189
>>19188"Ventilation! Bah! Tell that to me poor roses, they are hanging their heads ever since those moles showed up! What's an elf know about ventilation... now us dwarfs, we know all about tunnels..."
>>19187>>19188He looks up as he sees the letter.
"Master Swintkoop, eh? Must be important I guess... just go knock at the door, they'll let you in if you show them the letter."
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>>19189 good luck with the moles then. give 'em a good whack.
>>19189"I know about vineyards. Moles can damage the roots of plants such as roses when borrowing for grubs. I suppose if you want to get rid of moles put some foul-smelling something in their holes, they have accute sense of smell."
Vinifera realised he was going off topic. Trying to get the vineyard the florish back in Aumond had been difficult for him but he knew basic gardening stuff because of it.
The dwarf responded to him about where to find Master Swintkoop.
"Thank you. Good luck with your roses."
>>19190>>19191He wished them good luck and already had the hammer in hand again, ready to strike down any mole that would come across him.
As the two knocked on the door of the academy it was soon opened by a lanky wizard of maybe 20 years of age.
"Welcome to the Stoerrebrandt College... How may we help you?"
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>>19192 Good afternoon; we're here to see Solja Swintkoop
>>19193"Yeah, we we're called."
Flashes the letter like an important pass.
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>>19193>>19194"Ah, yes, indeed!" He said in slight surprise. "Please, let me lead the way."
Through the portal of the main building he leads you into the large entrance hall, a two-story hall with a gallery, in which the paintings of the school Deans and revered graduates hung. Findings from school expeditions could also be admired there in showcases.
The young wizard led you into the western part of the school, through a large, two-story lecture hall and from there to reception rooms of the Spectability, the Dean of the school.
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Interesting thread, guys...
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>>19198Hey hey, thanks for the visit.
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>>19199It is my pleasure!
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Ready to continue?
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>>19195>>19202>>19203As you are lead into the reception room you are greeted by two mages. One of the is male, about 50 years of age, having a well groomed goatee.
He introduces himself as Kolja Swintkoop, specialist in bookkeeping. He is the one who wrote you the letter.
The is a sorceress in her 70s, having thin grey hair, a broad jaw and strangely piercing, milky eyes.
She introduces herself as Rhenaya Cerrillio, the Dean of the Academy.
>>19204Vinifera was a bit put off by her eyes but tries not to make a fuss about it.
"Hello, I'm VInifera Grapevine from Aumond, and this is my friend Nazom. You wanted to see us?"
>>19205>>19206You can roll for Intelligence to know if it's normal.
"Thank you for coming on such a short notice, the Spectabilis (a title of honor for a Dean) says. We have learned about the heroics in regarding the elven vampire... and frankly, we - or rather the town - is in need of people who have such special 'adventurous' abilities."
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>>19207 1d20 = 9What do you need of us exactly?
>>19209As you examine her more closely you realize that the reason she has such strange eyes is that she's almost blind.
"Heroes... or mercenaries... whichever term you prefer to use. Daring men who offer their services for a price of gold! Evil is afoot."
One of the servants of the school bring some refreshments of wine, beer and sandwiches.
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>>19210>beerYou spoil us
>goldNow you're speaking dwarven! No evil is too dangerous, and no fee is too exorbitant. What sort of evil are we talking about?
>graciously accepts the beer and toasts the hosts No.19212
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>>19211She nods and gives a weak smile, having a sip of wine herself.
"Where to start? Several people have gone missing, sheepherders and peat diggers who live in the countryside. The city guard should have more details.
A trading caravan from the town of Lowangen was attacked by orcs. There have been casualties among the guards. Supposedly demons were among the attackers!
And the peat diggers living at the edge of the marshes have reported sightings of strange... mixed creatures, as they called it. Chimeras! Horned wolves, if their descriptions are correct."
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>>19212 demons, you say?
and so, you want us to investigate and find a solution?
what's the pay?
>>19213"The people of the trading caravan said the orcs (a good dozen it were) were in cahoots with demons. We questioned them and they mentioned 'glowing red eyes' in the fog and unearthly howling sounds."
She took another swig of wine.
"So... we cannot confirm demons - and hopefully it was just the imagination playing tricks on them."
"What we want you to do is find out whether all these occurrences have something to do with each other. Find out what is going on, and stop it - if you can. We are a school, so we have to take care of our students, and cannot undertaker any missions ourselves. And the city guard is more interested on safeguarding the city itself. Though, as I said, they did some investigation from all I heard.
As for payment... the city council is willing to pay each of you 100 gold pieces. We will personally add another 100 gold pieces for each of you."
Vinifera was somewhat distracted but he returned to his senses.
>>19212>>19214"Hm... this sounds a bit familiar..." He wonders if there is any connection with the caravans and the orcs from their older adventure through a swamp.
>>19214>drinks his beer while listening>resists the urge to spit his drink at hearing 200 gold pieces eachI think you might have found the right pair of adventurers for the job
>>19215 don't you agree, Vin?
>>19214 Has anyone here at the school had any sort of similar experience recently?
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>>19216"I am glad we have come to an agreement. We will pay you 50 gold pieces up front.
Oh yes, regarding the chimeras... we asked a local trapper to look for traces. His name is Boronian Steinhauer, he lives at the outskirts of town. He found some tracks but thinks they looked very much like those of goats.
As for your question: No! Luckily there have been no sightings of any sorts here, nor have any of our students gone missing."
>>19216"Of course, though we would of accepted the task for free if it was that dire..." Remembering he has a wineyard he was trying to get back on it's feet. "...Not that the money wouldn't be appreciated."
>>19214>In continuing with Naz's quesiton."Has any of the students or staff gone missing that maybe related?"
>>19218She shakes her head firmly.
"No, all our students are accounted for - as are the teachers. And for the time being we also perform no field trips."
>>19217"We could start with asking him about what he knows... then perhaps ask the guards for a missing persons list so we could narrow down some witnesses."
>>19219"That's good."
Vinifera made a mental note of this, given if this is magic related then it be suspicious that the Academy is not involved in this some shape of form. If someone is creating chimeras he pressumes they must be some sort of powerful mage, so the academy would be a hot spot for them.
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>>19217 we will definitely pay him a visit
That's fortunate. What about the dwarf groundskeeper? No reports of evil moles?
>>19220 sounds like a good plan
>eats a sandwich No.19223
>>19221She laughs. "Ah, so you met him. No, no evil moles - thought he will surely disagree. But luckily we only have regular old moles on our grounds."
>>19222((That's modern knowledge. He sees his flowers are withering so he blames the moles.))
>>19223Vinifera would like to see the groundskeeper dwarf before they leave, to take a rose as a sample.
"A'ight, so I guess we can go find Boronian to start the investigation."
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>>19224>>19223after our payment up front, of course
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>>19225>>19224As you leave the Academy - with all the well wishes from the Dean - you receive your 50 gold pieces.
>>19226"Thank you."
As they leave they pass by the rose garden again.
"Hold up Naz, I wanna go see if the dwarf gardener can give me one of his roses"
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>>19226 we won't disappoint
>>19227 ah yes, of course
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>>19230 any luck with the moles?
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>>19231"You bet I did! I got one of them buggers! But there's always more of the brood."
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>>19232>is impressedhow did you manage to get it?
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>>19233"Dwarfish perseverance!" He proclaimed proudly.
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>>19235 with it, you're sure to get 'em all
>>19238 rose-snatching elves, too
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>>19239"Watch out for them, laddy. Want to know more about what's going on underground than a dwarf. I know the roots of me roses."
>>19238"P-please, just the one rose you can part with..."
He figures buttering him up might be the way.
"...though I can see why you would be hesitant to part with any of them. Not even a weedy one in the bunch. As a gardener I can see your skill and tender care in these beautiful roses."
>>19243He continues to try and stroke the dwarfs ego.
"To think, with how most dwarves regard elves as the pansy-loving, tree-hugging, nature-baring beings we are, you can brag that even other elves admire your roses that they have requested from your garden."
>Charisma d20 = 15 No.19246
>>19245He signed and looked around for what to do.
>Perception d20 = 15He would of accepted a rose that the gardender personally uprooted for disposal.
>>19246Alas... a bad day for rolls.
>>19247So did the gardening dwarf.
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So, what's next?
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>>19250 good luck with the rest of the moles. we'll leave you and your roses in peace.
>>19249 to the town guard?
>>19250He bid the gardener fairwell.
>>19251Yes, town guard and then... oh what was his name? Boronian Steinhauer.
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>>19252 hes on the outskirts, so maybe we can find him on the way
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>>19254 sounds good
>the two start walking back toward town No.19256
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After a short 15 minute walk you reach the town once more.
Here's a map to make navigation easier.
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>>19257They inform you that the barracks (and the captain) are located in Castle Drake at the port entrance. (#1 on the map)
>>19258(No, so the heroes have still some town exploration to do.)
>>19259After the guards pointing where on the map and some directions, they roughly knew where to go.
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>>19263The guards informed him that the guard captain, Patras Uffaran, would see them in fifteen minutes.
As Nazom stepped up the steps of the tower to find the shrine he was greeted by a strong, cold draft. Through narrow arrow slits he could see the wide ocean.
The shrine itself showed a painting of the Goddess, some donations of coins, candles and even what seemed to be blood could be found on the small altar.
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>>19264>drops a coin in the donation jar (or equivalent)>>19265>whispers loudly to Vinnow this is my kind of goddess, Vin. well endowed, in the arts of war.
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((Gotta stop for today, bed time for me.))
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>>19267 ((ok, good night!))
>>19265 ((see you next time!))
>>19266"And here I figured you liked her for being well endowed."
He shrugs.
"I'm just not one for war. Especially if I'm simply told to fight someone elses battled. All that bloodshed and conquest. It's only glorious to the winning side."
He get's up and approach the statue to admire it.
"Still, if I were to take up a fight, it be a fight for peace and a world free from evil."
>>19268((See you soon.))
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Eventually, the captain of the guard was available and you were beckoned into his office.
Guard captain Patras Ulfaran was a man in his early 60s and certainly found behind his desk rather than out on the streets nowadays...
>>19271He pointed at a couple of simple wooden chairs for you to take a seat.
"Certainly... But may I first ask who you are? You are not from around here, obviously."
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>>19273"The academy? I see. Well, ask away then, what in particular do you wish to know?"
>>19274It was a simple office, wooden desk, chairs and boards full with books and even more scrolls. A pair of wall hangings were the only adornments. The single, narrow window allowed for little light to enter.
>>19275"What we know so far is that various people have went missing. And that a caravan has been attacked by orcs, some claim the orcs were companied by demons.
Those who went missing were petediggers who witness strange creatures.
We figured if we knew some of those who went missing then perhaps we can ask people who knew them, such as witnesses who saw them last."
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>>19276>>19277"We only questioned a few people in the area. It is our duty to protect the people in the town, not venture off into the swamplands where these sightings have supposedly been made."
He takes out a scroll and begins to read a few notes.
"We asked a few of the sheepherders who visit town. They mentioned that some went missing... animals returned home on their own or were found astray by other herders. Some animals were found dead and partially eaten - dogs or wolfs most likely."
He read further...
"Regarding the orcs and demons... we talked to the men of the caravan that was attacked: They were attacked by a good dozen orcs. Some of them had bows. They claim 'demons' were among the attackers but we can make little of that story. Two of the guards (a man and woman, both around 30) are missing since the attack; likely dead. The other caravan members fled to Riva, leaving their carts and goods behind. Later on the carts were found though, but part of the good were missing - mostly alcohol and dwarvish knifs."
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>>19278 Where can we find the sheepherders?
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>>19282 Are there any taverns you'd recommend?
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>>19283He thinks for a moment. "Most likely in the 'Fox's Coat' in the western part of town. Lots of crooked folk there, but cheap enough for the sheepherders to spend their money in.
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>>19284 sounds promising. thank you for your time
>heads out with Vin to find the Fox's Coat No.19286
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>>19285It is quite a long walk there, going all the way around the port facilities and over the single, large stone bridge crossing the river.
You reach the part of town called 'Undere Wyk' (translating to 'lower aisle'). Here, mainly those craftsmen live whose trade is associated with dirt, noise and stench (tanners as well as tar, pitch or salt boilers).
As you look around for the tavern in question, you notice a placard requesting help and offering a reward.
>>19286 hmmm
>reads the placard>>19287 there's time to enjoy the local flavor
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>>19291You manage to read it: A Holberc (apparently some live in Riva too) named Heffel Gulak asks for help... some of their dogs have been stolen and he offers a reward.
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>>19289 Hey Vin, someone's missing dogs
>points to the signbut first...
>goes in and takes a look around inside No.19295
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>>19293As you enter the tavern you see an assembly of riff-raff of all trades, day laborers and simple workmen who try to relax after a hard day of toil.
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>>19294 A Holberc named Heffel Gulak asks for help had some of his dogs stolen. There's a reward.
>>19295>listens to the conversations while wandering up to the bar and orders a drink No.19297
>>19296"Missing dogs? We gotta help."
>>19295Observes the rough-types.
>>19298Goes over to the stockman.
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>>19299"Hello there... what can I do for you?"
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>>19301"Whatever for? You don't like the city guard and heck if they will find any of 'em... I bet it's the orcs who took them."
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>>19300 have you lost any animals yourself?
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>>19303"No, not me. And the animals are the smallest problem. I've heard from at least three herders that have gone missing and part of the stock with them."
>>19302Due to the guys farmer accent and the hussle and bussel noise of the tavern, he didn't quite understood what he said.
"You... don't like the local guards?"
>>19304"And claims of creatures that have been sighted?"
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>>19304 Do you know where they went missing from?
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>>19305"They care about the town I guess... but us stockmen don't live here."
>>19305>>19306"Some of us looked around, of course. Once we found traces of heavy boots and what appeared to be drag-marks. But that's it. Well, the herding dogs were gone too... all of them. Not dead or anything, just gone."
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Everyone ready to continue? Do you need a short summary?
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The heroes were in the harbor town of Riva.
They were contacted by the Academy of Magic there because things have happened... people have gone missing, supposedly chimeras and demons have been seen. Orcs too.
You talked to the people of the Academy, talked to the captain of the city guard and found a wanted posted by some Holbers (half-orc, half-elf folk) needing help because their dogs have gone missing.
When we finished you were in an inn, asking about those missing dogs and the missing people.
>>19315Well, time to think of a new one. For example, you could inquire with the Holberks regarding the missing dogs.
Or you could ask the tracker who searched the area for the academy.
>>19316He ponders for a moment, still feeling a bit lagged at his train of thought.
"Maybe we should talk to the Holberks."
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>looks around the tavern
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>>19317>>19318The sheepherder you were talking with gave you a puzzled look.
"Is there anything else I can help you with?"
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>>19319 tell us about your sheep
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>>19320"Everything's alright with them so far. But like I said, some of the herders have gone missing, some of the dogs have gone missing and some sheep too. It's pretty unsafe outside at the moment."
>>19319>>19321Vinifera looked a bit confused, as if he was out of sorts a bit, trying to recall his train of thoughts.
He turns to Naz.
"We should ask the tracker. The tracker has searched academy grounds... right?"
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>>19322"Just today, Sir. I have no choice but do what I get paid for by the farmers."
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>>19323 maybe most definitely!
>>19324 what do the farmers have to say about things?
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>>19326"Well, they aren't happy about their sheeps having gone missing mostly. It often takes days to gather up what's left of them as they are all over."
>>19328"Oh no, it has happened over many weeks. Every once in a while some of the herders have gone missing. Sometimes a dog too. And sheep.
No one has witnessed it. I heard that some of the peat diggers have gone missing too.
We searched but only found some tracks from heavy boots."
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>>19330"No, no remains at all. They are just gone. Maybe some of the them have wandered into the nearby swamps and drowned there."
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>>19332He ponders for a bit.
"Well... actually, yes. I think I saw something at night. About the size of wolves, two or three of them. My dog started acting strangely too. I thought it was wolfs. Gave a real creepy growl though... very strange."
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>>19334"A pack, maybe... but so many times in such a short time. And no one was able to kill any of them? It's not like we're unarmed. I doubt it. It never happened before. Wolfs don't live in this part, only further away in the woods."
>>19336"No, not really. I know where he lives though. His name is Boronian Steinhauer."
>>19337"Like I said, no wolves in these parts."
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>>19338 Where can we find him?
>>19338"Normally no, but it could be a desperate pack of wolves from elsewhere that had to leave their usual territories and desperate enough to attack populated places. Or they could be beasts that are controlled by something or someone."
>>19338>>19339"Yes, where can we find the tracker?"
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>>19341>>19340Vin, let's see if the Tracker can give us some more leads.
>thanks the sheep herder No.19343
>>19342"Good idea."
>>19341"Thank you for your help."
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>>19342>>19343A good twenty minutes later they found the shed at eastern part of town near the city wall.
A bald man with greying hair, well into his 50, was sitting in front of the shed, carving into a piece of wood with a sharp knife.
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>>19344 Greetings; we're looking for t---
>>19345 No.19347
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>>19345>>19346"I am Boronian Steinhauer. Hunter is my profession and I am a good tracker if I do say so myself. I work for anyone who pays, the Academy included."
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>>19347 Are you still in the service of the Academy?
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>>19349 Did you find anything interesting?
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>>19350"Well, the Academy sent me out to see if there are any tracks because people have gone missing near the marshlands. They particularly asked if there were any unusual tracks...
I did find tracks indeed - and they were unusual. They appeared to be made by goats."
>>19352>>19353"Into the marshes. And it's quite unusual as goats don't dwell here. Wild goats I mean. And from what I know no one owns any goats here either.
I didn't feel anything off, though of course I've heard about the stories. Strange creatures, orcs and whatnot.
I've been out hunting for 40 years. I don't spook easily."
>>19354Vinifera wondered if it was cloven devil-hooves or the likes.
"Any particular direction through the marshes?"
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>>19354 We're investigating the disappearances as well on behalf of the Academy. Would you be willing to help us track down the goats? There's surely a hefty paycheck in it for you.
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>>19355"I could follow them for a good mile before I lost them. They were leading south into the deeper marshes."
>>19356"He rubbed his chin. Well, some coin would always come in handy. What are you offering?"
>>19358 I agree
>>19357 how's 40 gold sound?
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>>19360>>19361"40 gold?! We can leave right away, I'll find you your tracks."
>>19361"As in, you're giving him 40 durats along with my 20 or we both giving him 20 durats?"
>>19362"Alright. While we won't ask you to go into danger this includes making sure we're there and back again safely."
>>19363 20 each
>>19362 excellent
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>>19366He pockets the coins after biting into a coin to test it.
"Do you have your things with you? We might have to camp out in the marshes."
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>>19372>>19373Naz has the sharper ears today... he could hear a commotion in an alleyway up ahead. A young female voice gave a surprised - or scared - shriek.
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>>19374>>19373quick! something up ahead!
>runs toward the commotion No.19377
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>>19375>>19376Boronian was following you. As you reached the shady alley you saw four obviously drunk men of bad character surrounding a young elven girl. She seemed rather taken aback and confused.
>>19377Vinifera steps forward.
"I think she has had quite enough for tonight. You should leave her alone."
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>>19378>>19379The four man seemed surprised at firs as the trio arrived. They swore and shook their fists, swearing that they only wanted to show the young lass the good places of town.
>roll for Charisma No.19383
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>>19381>>19382They gave toothy grins as they judged the elf... but as they saw the grim Nazom standing there their expressions changed. They slowly backed off - still swearing - and left.
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>>19383 are you alright, ma'am?
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>>19384>>19385"Oh... hello. Who are you?" She looked confused at the other men leaving. "How strange..."
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>>19389>>19390"Oh, I hope I haven't startled you. I saw a filthy rat... there's so much filth and bad air in this place. How can humans live here? I already miss the forest and meadows..."
She shook her head and sighed.
"Oh, yes! I have come here searching for our kinsman Navahon. He deals with the humans of this town every two months and has not returned from his last trip."
>>19391"I'm more of a country rural elf myself. We thought your screams was because of those drunkards?
What exactly is Navahon's business around here?"
>>19392She seemed to have not even realized the men were trying to do something to her. She seemed to have no experience with humans or towns or anything related to it.
"To trade. He trades carvings and herbs for various things."
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>>19394>>19395"I... I don't know. He never mentioned that. He just says he comes here to trade.
We are the Dew-Wanderers... we live in a forest, a day's walk to the east of this town. Are you a dwarf?"
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"I have seen an elf selling herbs a couple of times on the market square. Not recently though."
>>19396>>19397Vinifera wants to help her, but with hardly much information to go by and the fact Boronian was waiting patiently for them to travel through the swamps tonight, he didn't see much he could do for her.
"I think what would be best is to return home to the forest. After me and Naz return from the swamp we can help look for your friend."
He turns to Naz.
"Unless we divide and investigate. One of us goes east to the forest, the other south to the swamp."
>>19400"So we should divide for the time being?"
((I know splitting up the party in a TTRP is harrowing for dungeon masters. But if both players cannot be present to continue the RP then we could take turns when available.))
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>>19401((Yeah, we could do that. Anyway, I'm afraid it's bed time for me. I hope we can continue soon.))
>>19402Good night.
>>19403"A'ight. One of us helps Lauriel, the other is with Boronian. Who should it be?"
>>19402 (good night!)
>>19404 I'll leave it up to you.
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So, what will Vinifera do then?
>>19409He goes up to Lauriel.
"May I come with you? I have some questions for the Dew-Wanderers."
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>>19410"What kind of questions? I am sure I can tell you all you wish to know."
>>19412"She shakes her head. No, there has been nothing out of the ordinary in the forest nor its surroundings." she says with certainty, after all she lives there.
"As for Navahon, he talks little of this time in the city, nor do we ask much. It's a strange place..." she says, half to herself, looking around.
"How can humans live in these dead buildings of rock and dead wood? Even the ground is made of cold stone."
>>19413"Eh humans are like that and we elves aren't that different. We have our own needs and comforts just like they do even if those requirements are different. But take them away and starve them long enough and the worse of us will claw to the surface."
He ponders at what he thought of for awhile.
"So, your friend Navahon, anywhere in particular in town he does business you know of?"
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>>19414"I am not sure we have much in common. We live in different worlds... and perhaps you have already dwelled in theirs for too long, friend."
She ponders for a moment.
"But be it as it may, Navahon only mentioned that he would trade in the big town of men, in a rocky tomb where much trading is done."
>>19418"Perhaps so..."
A rocky tomb where trading is done... certainly Navahon meant the market hall at the main square.
>>19419Vinifera looks around the street.
"I guess I can show you around this town a little so you can get to know people around here more. All the while we can try and find your friend. I'm guessing the market hall would be close to something that looks like a tomb."
>>19420She agrees though she feels uncomfortable. There were so many people, so many distorted sounds, so much stone and such stench unknown to her.
Eventually you reach the market hall. It was almost 20 meters high and had an elaborately painted wooden ceiling inside. Inside there were numerous market stands.
Outside were galleries with various dealers (astrologers, tooth-pullers, portrait painters, apothecary ...).
>>19421As they walked through the market together, Vinifera asks a few more questions.
"So Navahon, what exactly did he traded in?"
>>19425He takes her to the apothecary.
>>19427((What's the apoth look like?))
"Hello, I was wondering if you were familiar with any other elves. Do you know Navahon?"
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>>19428"Elves? Well, I know the one running that tavern in town... But a Navahon? What does he look like?"
>>19430"He is slim, having blond hair with two plaits over his ears. Blue eyes. About as tall as I am. He sells wooden carvings and herbs."
The pharmacists eyes light up.
"Ah, him... yes, yes, I remember him now! Blond elf selling herbs. Haven't seen him in months."
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>>19432"I think he left again right away. Certainly didn't sleep inside town."
Lauriel shook her heads.
"It's been a few months since he was last here." She sighs. "That means he likely never even made it into the town. We should ask the people at the gates."
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>>19434She nods and lets Vinifera take charge as she was not certain where the gates where.
>>19435He leads the way to the gates until he come across the guards.
"Hello Hello, I was wondering if I can inquire something."
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>>19436A pair of guards was stationed at each of the gats. There was little traffic going on.
"Yes, what is it?"
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>>19438They talked to each other for a few moments. "No, we haven't seen any elves besides of a female one today, and I think that's her right there."
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>>19440"There are no records being taken, there's no need to. We just control anyone coming in who's not a citizen."
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>>19442They inform Vinifera and Lauriel that there is nothing like a usual hangout for elves in town. It is very rare that any of them drop by and if so they will likely sleep at any random inn like anyone else.
>>19443"I see."
He turns to Lauriel.
"Per chance Boronian ever told you where he usually sleeps in town?"
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>>19444(You mean Navahon. Boronian is the human tracker.)
"Navahon never mentioned that. I think he usually slept outside of town really as he did not want to stay inside that much."
>>19450"OK, lead the way."
((I can't access my stat sheet at the moment, but what would happen if I use mind-friending spell on another elf?))
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>>19451((The same as with anyone else really.))
Lauriel and Vinifera left Riva behind them and ventured down the road taking them east. It was an often used road, broad and well maintained.
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>>19457>>19458Unfortunately your spell has failed to do anything by 1 measly point.
((I'm back upstairs.))
>>19459"Damn..." he thought to himself. "Hopefully she didn't know what I was trying to do."
For all he knew, she could be the one behind all these dissapearances of late and is actually some powerful sorceress. It was suspicious for even a rather secluded elf to not know basic human stuff. All he can do is keep his guard up around her without alerting her to anything, that is if she isn't already suspicious of him.
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>>19460They slowly kept on walking along the road. It was a slow walk because Lauriel kept her eyes peeled on the area to the left and right of the road to find any signs of her friend.
She did not seem to have noticed him trying to cast a spell on her.
>>19461So it seems... But he figured if he tried again then his next failure might alert her. He will still be nice to her but will keep sharp and suspicious around her.
"Let's look around the area. Signs of tracks, struggle or anything he might have dropped."
((Does it still cost 8MP if failed?))
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>>19466It appeared to be a small elfish brooch. Lauriel walked on over to give it a look and realized it was her friend's! She wore a similar one.
He looks around the area where he found it, trying to see if it looks like a struggle or not.
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>>19471"Look, there's an old fireplace over there!" Lauriel called from a bit further up ahead.
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Roll for Intuition and Perception.
If you make a fire first (or use a FLIM FLAM spell) the rolls are both -3.
>>19478Vinifera figured lighting the fire would be a bad idea. After all whatever took Navahon away might have found him by his fire light.
d20 = 1Perc.
d20 = 9 No.19480
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>>19479As you looked around you found out the following:
- There were signs of a struggle. Scrub marks of someone being dragged were leading south east.
- There are print marks of four pairs of boots.
- You found three elvish arrows. Two stuck in a tree, one stuck in the ground.
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>>19481They were fired from the camp towards the south east.
>>19482"If I had to guess", he said to Lauriel, "Navahon was here. He encountered three intruders. He appeared to shoot first given the range of the arrow."
He examines the footprints, to see how big they were.
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>>19483The prints were about human sized. And not the kind of footwear an elf would wear.
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>>19485"Navahon never had any human shoes. He wears our people's footwear."
He looked around one more time, looking for more elven-like foot prints. Even looking along the trejectory of the arrows.
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>>19489You carefully examine the surroundings once more. You find no further tracks from Navahon the elf.
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>>19493She listened carefully. "Oh no... that does not bode well but what you have just said makes sense. I fear you read the marks right...."
"Let's follow the drag marks then."
>roll for Intuition -2 No.19496
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>>19495Alas, it seemed your talking to Lauriel distracted you from your task. You lose the track after just a few paces.
>>19496"Ah! Gods dammit!"
He retakes his steps and tries to find the drag marks.
"Well it's roughly south east of here, right?"
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>>19499Your focus was much better now, you notice that the trail goes across the street and continues to the other side.
>roll for Perception -1 No.19502
>>19501Nice roll... you can easily follow the trail and eventually it leads to the edge of the treacherous marshlands.
>roll for Intuition OR
>roll for Perception No.19505
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>>19503>>19504Ah shoot... well, the trail leads deeper into the marshes. It would be dangerous to go on from here without Nazom.
>>19505"Damn." (Too late for perception roll)
"It's too risky to go in..."
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>>19506"Yes, it looks like treacherous round. Poor Navahon. What shall we do now?"
>>19507"If Naz was here we could brave this together... I mean, I guess I could go alone..."
He tries to evaluate the risk of going into a trecherous place.
"And I know you shouldn't come with. Way too dangerous."
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>>19508She nods... "I understand. You seem to be an experienced traveler, while I only know the woods of my home well."
It's definitely too dangerous to continue on alone, who knows what you would find. Or who would find you.
>>19511He turned red a little at the thought she feels more safe with him than with her people.
"Okay. Let's head back then."
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Evil is afoot near the harbor town of Riva.
- Caravans have been ambushed and robbed (by orcs and supposedly by demons).
- People have gone missing who live outside of town.
- Supposed sightings of chimeras.
The local academy of magic has asked you to assist and find out what is going on.
During your investigations you were helped by the local tracker Boronian who also helped the academy earlier.
He has found tracks of goats that lead into the swamp.
You also met an elf girl named Lauriel who was looking for her friend Navahon. He seems to have been kidnapped near the town and was dragged into the swamp as well.
When we stopped, Lauriel and Vinifera were heading back to town to meet up with Nazom and Boronian.
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>>19524"I think I saw your friend and that elf maiden... We should meet up with them."
Boronian shoulders his bow and approaches them.
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"Well met! Did you find anything?"
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>>19530 You're right. we'll have to pack plenty of ale for the journey.
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>>19532"Well... that too I suppose."
>>19531"Not much really, just the same rumors we have already heard before."
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>>19534"I can stay at my camp if you think it's the best course."
>>19535"We dunno what we will be up against, or if it's preying on elves in particular."
((I can't remember the kill history.))
"I should make sure you're safe with your people."
>To Naz."I'm gonna take her back."
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((I think it's best to fast forward to the next day.))
>>19540He nods and he and Lauriel head back to her camp.
"So where abouts are you staying then?"
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On the next day, Vinifera and Nazom met up with Boronian. If required, he'd come along with them into the swamp.
The elf maiden Lauriel was staying in the tavern where she had found some lodging for the time being.
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I've packed provisions for the trip.
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>>19544How many? Provisions cost 1 silver per person per day.
>>19543Vinifera checked over his equipment to make sure he had everything."I have some provisions left over... if they're still good."
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>>19545 11, primarily of ale of course
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>>19550 it's necessary life blood
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I have heard that dwarfs can drink a lot indeed, and still walk streight.
>>19551Vinifera gives him a look of uncertinty.
>>19552"I hope so. I'm not carrying him."
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>>19552 I can
only walk straight after I've had my fill
>>19553 I'm bringing plenty for you, too
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So, what will you do now? Just head into the swamp hoping for the best? Start out where the elf was kidnapped?
Or got a different plan in mind?
>>19554"Thanks". Couldn't help but appreciate the gesture.
>>19555"I think we should start where the kidnapping take place and follow the tracks from there."
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>>19556 that sounds like a good plan to me
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The marshes beckon, stretching out before you for uncountable miles.
In what order will you walk, if any?
>>19559"I want to start at Navahon's campsite, find where the drag marks were going then fin a lead that we can follow."
He ponders.
"If only we had an animal that can track by scent."
>>19562Vinifera looked around where he saw the drag marks last time and now that it was day could see where they were going.
d20 + 4 = 21 No.19565
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Boronian used his sharp senses... 1d20 + 4 = 7
>>19563>>19564>>19565It was a good thing they had Boronian with them. He was a skilled tracker and found some tracks that led straight into the swamp.
"Here they are... not easy to see, not easy to follow either."
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>>19569 of course. you can count on my steel.
>hands over halberd No.19573
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>>19571>>19570"Thank you, keep your eyes open."
The heroes dared the marshes. The squish and squash of their feet was all they heard, their boots wet over and over. Boronian often stopped and stooped low to search for tracks.
>roll for Perception +3 twice! No.19577
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>>19574>>19575>>19576Nazom proved to have the best eyes... he noticed that there was something lying just a few feet up ahead on the ground up ahead.
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>>19578You need to move closer. From further away you can only tell it's small and made of metal.
>>19579Vinifera noticed that Naz has found something and goes over to check what he has found.
"What you found there Naz?"
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>>19579>>19580He only noticed it in the distance too. Gotta move closer.
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>>19584Oh no! Vinifera missed a hidden snag under water and slight twists his foot.
Roll for 1d3 damage.
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>>19586At least you are now at the item that Nazom saw. It's a brooch... elvish, too.
>>19587"Gods dammit."
He nursed his foot and turn his attention to the brooch.
"Oh hey, an elven brooch, a bit like mine."
He inspects it.
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>>19590"The young elf must have dropped it. By chance, of on purpose. Let's hope for the latter, it would mean he still has his wits about him. But we are indeed on the right track."
>>19593"I best hold onto Navahon's brooch until I can give it back to him."
d20 + 1 = 4This time careful not to trip or hurt himself on the wet swampy ground like last time.
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>>19594The small group proceeds based on the direction Vinifera suggests, deeper into the marshes.
After a short break of food and ale <-1 ration> you press on.
Unfortunately, the local insect population is eager to have lunch too... which means your skin.
>roll for Strength -3 No.19597
>>19596You only lose 1 health from dozens of stings... but at least you can resist scratching.
Rolling for Nazom:
d20 - 3 = 9 No.19598
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That was some good ale.
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>>19600Let's see what we see...
1d20 + 3 = 14 No.19602
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>>19600>>19601Unfortunately you have lost sight of any other tracks than your own. Slowly the sun was setting over the marshlands.
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>>19602maybe we should find somewhere dry to setup camp and keep looking in the morning
>>19603Boronian nodded. "Yes, that does sound prudent. It's very dangerous to keep on moving in the dark... we might wander straight into danger otherwise."
Of course, finding a dry spot is not exactly easy either.
>roll for Perception>roll for Intuition No.19608
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>>19606>>19607With keen eyes you find a perfect spot to set up camp. There's even a small stream with fresh water close by.
You also manage to set up a proper camp and Boronian lights a fire.
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>>19607 good eye there. I wasn't think we'd ever find a dry spot
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>>19608 what are you burning there?
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>>19609>>19610"The fire will at the same time bring the mosquitos to us but many will burn the fire, too. It's a two-edged sword."
It's good you brought rations, you all consume one.
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>>19612 fine ale after a long day's journey
>passes some satchels around>>19614 good thinking
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>>19617"Very well... I wonder if we shouldn't set up some guards though. We're rather deep in the swamp. Can be dangerous."
>>19622"Honestly, I dunno. I know were after Navahon and there's something out there but that's all I recall."
((I forgotten the reasons that lead up to this point.))
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>>19626can't hear you, already asleep!
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>>19627>>19623"I guess that only leaves the two of us to protect the camp. Well... wake me when it's my turn."
>>19624((That's the recap for the start of the adventure, I just can't recall what we surmised so far. I know we interviewed a few individuals and "something" was out there, possibly demon, posibly orc, that's all I recall. I think I had some ideas and theories but I forgotten them.))
>>19628Vinifera nods and stays up.
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>snores loudly
>>19629That's pretty much all you found out so far. And everything was happening around the marshes where you're now.
I recall your theory that the gardener dwarf of the magical academy was shady because he said the moles were eating his flowers.
>>19629>>19630Nazom's snoring makes staying awake in the middle of the night easier - which is good.
>>19631((Oooh yeah I had reasons to think that but I forgotten them. But I think it had something to do with my suspicion that the very academy that called us had the problem right under their nose or something.))
>>19631As he listens to the snoring, he murmers quietly to himself.
"Hopefully any would be predators will regard the snoring as berastly and stay away."
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>>19632((Yes, you thought the academy was involved in some way.))
>roll for Strength -2>roll for Perception +2 No.19634
>>19633((Yeah. Either they know and needed us as patsies, or that there were students in the academy who were doing bad stuff in their school without them knowing about it.))
d20 - 2 = 9👀
d20 + 2 = 13 No.19635
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>>19634Vinifera stayed awake, no matter how dark the night.
But... was there something moving in the dark?
>roll Perception +2 No.19636
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>snores some more
>>19635Something caught his attention as he stared onto a patch of darkness. Perhaps paranoia?
d20 + 2 = 11 No.19638
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>>19637Not paranoia - Morfus! Dangerous slug like creatures that dwell in the swamps. Two were slowly but surely crawling closer. Almost 3 meters long they were long and hungry.
>>19638"The heck?"
He gets up and tries to take a better look at them, but doesn't approach. He also judges how fast they were going. They were slugs after all.
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>continues sleeping
d20 + 4 = 19Vinifera doesn't seem the point to wake the others up and that he could easily just take out his sword and cut them up. They don't look very agile.
>>19643He loudly yells a swear, probably waking up the others.
He still plans to chop these slow slugs up.
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>>19643Boronia gave a yell as he awoke. Luckily the stings did not damage as he wore some leather armor.
Nazom too awoke, a sting landing in his beard.
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>>19645 hey, it's not morning yet! wait, what are those!? baronian, any idea?
>grabs his weapon No.19647
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>>19646"Morfus! Watch out for their stings... they are poisonous!"
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The Morfus approached, you have the initiative and may attack first.
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>>19647 noted!
>>19648 swings at a blob
>>19647"I wish I knew that first."
He prepares his sword and fight the slugs.
"They are slow right? We can easily chop 'em up?"
>>19649Which weapon will you use?
1d6+5 Sword
1d6+7 Halberd
1d6+4 Throwing Axe (4); 20 m
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>>19651 halberd, the ole chop chop
>>19650"They are very sturdy, they can take many blows... but you seem strong enough to take them."
Vin attacks:
1d20 = 51d6 + 6 = 9Morfu 1 tries to evade:
1d20 = 8 No.19654
>>19653Vinifera's blade connects! A heavy blow!
>>19653Nazom attacks:
1d20 = 121d6 + 7 = 8Morfu 2 tries to block:
1d20 = 9 No.19655
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>>19654Success, the other Morfu too is heavily hit.
The two big slugs shake their bodies and fire off some stings.
1d20 = 201d6 = 5 Vin
1d20 = 71d6 = 2 Vin
1d20 = 151d6 = 6 Vin
1d20 = 191d6 = 3 Naz
1d20 = 61d6 = 1 Naz
1d20 = 151d6 = 1 Naz
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>>19655Each is hit by once but your armor blocks the stings easily.
Your moves.
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>>19656 hah! too easy.
>tries to slice a slug in half No.19658
>>19656I try to stab and cut the snails up.
"Sorry I didn't wake you guys sooner. I thought I could handle a bunch of snails alone."
>>19657Nazom tries something special there...
1d20 + 4 = 161d6 + 11 = 17The slug tries to evade:
1d20 = 16>>19658Vinifera attacks:
1d20 = 171d6 + 6 = 10The Morfu tries to block:
1d20 = 6 No.19660
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>>19659Nazom misses the heavy blow by an inch... Vinifera's stab digs deep.
The Morfu don't have tough hides, but a lot of stamina. They try to attack once more.
1d20 = 161d6 = 2 Vin
1d20 = 161d6 = 6 Vin
1d20 = 101d6 = 6 Vin
1d20 = 51d6 = 5 Naz
1d20 = 141d6 = 2 Naz
1d20 = 21d6 = 6 Naz
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>>19660Nazom gets bombarded with splinters! But his thick armor is no match for the stings. Luckily they weren't aimed at Vinifera.
Your turns!
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>>19661 ouch! damn slugs...
>stabs the slug instead No.19664
>>19662>>19663Nazom tries does some stabbing with the halberd!
1d20 = 191d6 + 7 = 8The slug tries to evade:
1d20 = 20>>19658Vinifera attacks as well with a cut:
1d20 = 191d6 + 6 = 12The second Morfu tries to block:
1d20 = 3 No.19665
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>>19664Both swing and stab wide! Must be the darkness. Beside them Boronian too was attack and lands a hit with his short sword.
The Morfus go on the offense!
1d20 = 161d6 = 2 Vin
1d20 = 21d6 = 1 Vin
1d20 = 141d6 = 2 Vin
1d20 = 21d6 = 6 Naz
1d20 = 11d6 = 4 Naz
1d20 = 81d6 = 2 Naz
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>>19665They have aimed well this time! And - oh no! Nazom feels one of the stings going right through his armor, piercing into his skin! 4 damage.
Your turns!
>>19670Nazom goes for a heavy blow again!
1d20 + 3 = 181d6 + 10 = 12The slug tries to evade:
1d20 = 8>>19658Vinifera attacks:
1d20 = 31d6 + 6 = 7The Morfu tries to block:
1d20 = 4 No.19675
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>>19674Nazom hits the ground, sending mud everywhere!
>>19674Oh no! Vinifera would have landed a fine blow there but the slug heaved its heavy body gently sideway, making the sword glance off its slimy hide.
As Boronian lands another blow one of the Morfus has had enough and turns away.
The other takes a breather.
Your turns!
>>19676It's 3 meters long and weighs 100 kilos!
That requires Strength +10!
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>>19678Let's say it was an attempt...
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>>19679 they're so heavy, and yet so fast!
>grabs some salt and throws it at the slug No.19681
>>19675Vinifera was confused at how a slug dodge it's attack.
He sides swipes it.
>>19680There's no salt in your inventory! Also, they are pretty slow.
The Morfu aims its attack solely at Nazom!
1d20 = 171d6 = 41d20 = 121d6 = 61d20 = 201d6 = 11d20 = 21d6 = 31d20 = 11d6 = 31d20 = 51d6 = 1>>19681Vinifera attacks:
1d20 = 101d6 + 6 = 12The Morfu is busy attacking and can't evade the attack.
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>>19682Another sting goes right through Nazom's armor! 3 damage!
>roll Strength+1 again>>19682A heavy hit! The other Morfu too has had enough and slowly sinks back into the swamp.
>>19684Excellent, no damage!
You have been victorious!
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yeah, we showed them!
>picks the barbs and stingers out of his armor
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>>19686You find
1d6 + 1 = 2 intact stings, each worth 2 silver pieces!
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>>19687 these could be useful...
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I think it's a good time to stop there for today.
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>>19689 (good place to pick up)
>>19690 hah! look how our foes run. or slide.
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>>19692>>19691"At least they are gone. Are you guys hurt?"
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>>19692 did you manage to get one?
>>19693 it's fine. nothing some good ale won't fix
>>19695"Anyone want to switch shifts or no longer feel like sleeping?"
He looks up to the sky to see what time it was.
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>>19694>>19695Naz, you're at 46/54 life.
Vin, you're at 31/35 life. Full magic.
Boronian gave a nod as he looked at you, you both seemed in good condition indeed.
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>>19698It was some time after midnight, the night would still last several hours at this point.
But Boronian had no issue with taking the next shift for a couple of hours.
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>>19696 I'm awake for now
>>19700>>19701Boronian sat down and made sure the fire was staying lit after the others had fallen asleep. After a couple of hours he slowly roused Nazom from his deep slumber.
"It's your turn, day will break in two hours or so."
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>>19703>>19704Even though some bugs still enjoyed a drink of blood, there were less around than during the day.
>>19705You notice that only a little wood is left at this point. You had to either find some or spend the final hour of the shift in darkness.
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>>19709You look around in the dark, few stars were out - or hidden behind clouds. At least your dwarfish eyesight helped you a bit, used to darker places.
You find some wood but it is all wet - as was to be expected in a swamp. But to make matters worse, you suddenly feel one of your feet was stuck in the marshy ground, and you couldn't move it out...
>roll Strength +6 No.19714
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>>19713You manage at last... but your boot remains behind, lost in the swamp.
>>19716>>19715Vinifera didn't really get to sleep despite the effort. Now he was looking at a dwarfs rump as said dwarf was hands deep in the muck.
"Naz, what are you doing?"
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>>19722Hooray! There's the boot!
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>>19725 I got it!
>>19726 you little devil! get out of there!
>flips the boot over and starts shaking it No.19729
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>>19727The snake wasn't very happy about this, landing on the floor along with the muck that had gathered in the boot from it's time in the swamp.
>>19728Well, it was stuck in the swamp (under'water').
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>>19729"You'd think it be thankful. Why would any creature let alone serpent enjoy writhing around in that muck."
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>>19731>>19730The snake slithered away back into the swamp and soon disappeared.
Day was coming at last...
>>19732Vinifera looked up to the sky, seeing the inky black night giving way to the early blue skies of dawn. He never liked trying to go to sleep at this time.
"At this rate none of us will be getting enough sleep."
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>>19733>>19734You got enough sleep, a good six hours in total.
You can regenerate 1d6-1 life each (please roll).
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>>19736>>19737Refreshed and after using up one of your rations for breakfast you continue your journey through the swamp, Boronian walking in front, searching for dry spots with his long stick.
But of course, you also needed to find traces of the missing elf.
>roll for Perception +4 No.19741
>>19739>>19740Excellent, you find old but still visible foot prints and even a torn piece of cloth on a bush.
You follow the traces up a small knoll...
>roll Strength -2 No.19744
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>>19742>>19743While Nazom marches ahead, Vinifera has some issue getting up the small hill, breathing heavily as he's finally up (-1 Strength for a few hours).
As you stand on top of the knoll, you look down at a big lake in the marshes. Fog covers its surface though you can catch glimpses of an island in the middle... the traces lead to the edge of the lake.
>>19744"I'm a bit out of shape..."
Looks down at the lake.
"You think there is something on that island?"
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>>19748>>19747Oh, a natural 1! Through the fog you can see a dark, tall shape... there is a tower on that island!
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>>19750 I don't see anything from here... but let's check it out
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"But how do we get across? I'm not sure I want to swim in that water..."
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>>19753You did just that, searching the shoreline... the lake was big, you soon realize it would take all day. But after just a bit of searching you find a landing stage. There was a dinghy too - but unfortunately, it was half sunk.
>>19754"To the righf side and we'll go around."
>>19755"See? Told you we'd find a boat.. Or what's left of one."
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>>19760 here!
>looks to see where they lead No.19763
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>>19762>>19761Alas, the traces led just to the landing stage. It was clear that it had been used often in the past by whoever was dwelling on the island.
As the fog lifted you saw another landing spot on the island for a few moments with two boats towed to it.
>roll for Intelligence +1 No.19766
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>>19764>>19765You go through your inventory list and figure that - if you cut up Vinifera's water skin and use Nazom's hammer and nails you could fix the dinghy... at least for one ride.
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>>19766>>19767maybe it's time to put your rain roof to the test
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>>19770You really lack the tools to use any other items. Like a small handsaw or a planer.
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>>19769>>19770better find something quick or I'll be turning this rain roof into a rain floor
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>>19776>>19777Well, well... let's note you down as semi-crafty.
The dinghy is repaired and appears safe and seaworthy, at least for a single trip.
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>>19779>>19780Off you go, Boronian has some remote knowledge of how to steer the dinghy and you pull the two oars that were lying in it.
>roll for Strength -2 No.19784
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>>19782>>19783You did a good job and were almost at the other side...
>>19776>>19777...when your poor Intelligence-rolls catch up to you. You were crafty but made quite a plunder in planning it all.
The dinghy sank!
Roll Strength once more to swim ashore!
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>>19784 1d20 = 5this isn't my fault
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>>19785>>19786You make it ashore along with Boronian. You're wet, but safe!
And here I suggest we stop this time.
>>19787"Dammit, give us a moment to dry up/"
((Yeah, nows good time to stop.))
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>>19788>>19789After taking some time to dry yourself properly you find yourself on the island. Behind you is fog that makes it hard to make out the sore where you came from.
Up ahead is treacherous swamp... and a looing dark tower not too far away.
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>>19794"We have to be careful... I don't like the look of this island."
>>19795"I agree."
Tries to find hard footing over the swamp and walks as carefully as he can.
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>>19796>roll for Intuition>>19797Oh no, a critical failure... if there were any traces, you sure have trampled all over them!
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>>19798there don't appear to be any tracks here!
>stomps around kicking debris everywhere No.19801
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>>19800As you move slowly forward you notice it just in time! Another Morfu snail is resting in the muck, barely noticeable.
It apparently has not noticed you yet. You can try to walk around it if you like...
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1d20 - 4 = 1
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>>19804>>19805>>19806The Morfu turns its slug-eyes as Vinifera kicks some mud in its direction... but then decides to go back to resting.
>>19809"His buddies were not so dumb last night when they almost had us."
>>19810Let's go around left side of it
>>19811that way is surely a trap!
>points to the rightyeah, let's go left
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>>19811>>19812The ground is much more solid there, you pass reeds and crooked old trees.
>roll for Perception No.19816
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>>19814>>19815Your eyes are glued on the ground... which is prudent. Unfortunately you miss a cloud of mosquitos who are having a hay day as they come down on you.
>you lose 1d2 = 2 Charisma from all the stings for the time being No.19818
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>>19817"Those damn mosquitos... I'm really tired of them."
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>>19822>>19823I see we're having the good rolls today...
You stumble forward, Nazom almost losing a shoe in the muck again... you sink deep, almost to your knees and make quite a ruckus...
Suddenly you hear a dangerous growling before you... before you stands a creature like a wolf but it has horns like a big ram. On second glance it looks more like a hyena than a wolf.
It bares its fangs and snarls.
>>19824"Guys we've got trouble."
Vinifera turns to draw his sword. He didn't want to chance it this time and was ready to attack when he can.
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>>19825The creature was apparently looking for trouble, bloodthirst seemed to burn in its eyes as it slowly approached...
>>19826You find a stick!
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>>19827>picks up the stickhere boy
>whistles at it and shakes the stickyou want the stick? want the stick? go get the stick!
>throws the stick No.19830
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>>19828You prepare to strike...
>>19829When Nazom throws the stick!
>roll for Dexterity! No.19832
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>>19831Nazom throws the stick! The creature hesitates for a moment... then suddenly turns and chases after it with a chilling howl.
You can try to get away!
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>>19833>>19834You make a run for it... the creature does not seem to follow you - for now.
And soon enough you reach 3 meter high wall with a large metal gate. Behind it looms the tower...
(Time to stop for today.)
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hmmm, what do you two think?
>investigates the gate hinges, mechanisms if any, locks, latches, etc.
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>>19840You notice on first glance that there is no lock.
The hingest must be on the inside and out of your view.
No mechanism is visible.
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>>19844Now that's dwarfish strength, you give the door a mighty rattle... but it doesn't even move.
>>19845You try to push the gate open, but it doesn't even move an inch.
>>19846"Maybe it's a pull?"
Tries pulling on it than pushing it.
>>19847There's nothing to hold on to in order to pull it.
>>19848Well, the wall is 3 meters (10 feet) high and so is the gate.
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>>19848He looks up to see if the rails are sharp on top.
>>19849If it's a gate, wouldn't their be bars to hold onto?
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>>19850No, they aren't sharp at all.
And it's this kind of gate, just pure metal with some rivets.
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>>19851In which direction will you follow the wall?
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>>19853 just looking both ways first
>>19852"Hm perhaps we could climb over it."
>>19851>>19853"Unless you want to check around it? You check one direction, I'll check another and we meet up at back?"
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>>19854The wall runs a good 15 meters in each side.
>>19855Of course, if you give it a try.
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>>19856 that seems like a better idea
>>19858>>19859"Yes. Alright".
Vinifera taps the lock of the gate three times with his finger.
"Foramen" No.19861
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>>19860There was no lock visible... but you figure there has to be some kind of mechanism behind the door.
You perform your spell... but nothing happens. You come to the conclusion that this door simply cannot be opened at all!
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>mumbles under his breathfigures...
>>19860 I'll check this way
>goes to the right No.19864
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>>19862>roll for perception>>19863You come to the corner of the wall, will you go around it?
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>>19864((Corner of the wall? Somthething like this?"))
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>>19867No, more like this. The green blob being you.
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>>19868The wall continues on for a good 30 meters... to the left is the wall, to the right the treacherous swamp.
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>>19871You just go around the corner and... there's a smaller wooden door!
Also, the high, thick tower rises up at the end of the wall.
>>19872>roll for Perception -2 No.19877
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>>19876You continue on walking along the sturdy looking brick wall. It's old, must have been built many decades ago. You reach the next corner.
>roll Perception -2 No.19879
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>>19878Nazom was blind and deaf to his surrounding as he walked around the corner. There loomed the tower, rising up before him at the end of the wall.
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This might explain it better.
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>>19880You see no lock. You give it a push and - there being a handle - a pull.
But it won't budge, it appears to be locked somehow.
>roll for Perception>roll for Perception -3>>19881You reach the tower, over 25 meters it rises into the sky. It's made of dark stone, not a single window is in it! But thin smoke can be see drifting away from its very top.
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>>19884Excellent rolls, even a critical success there on the second one!
Through a crack you can see a latch that keeps the door locked from inside.
What's more, you can hear voices from inside... Orcs! Two of them, they seem to laugh and have a jolly time. You also hear growling like from an animal.
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>>19884 Vin! find anything?
>>19886"Hm... I could use magic... or I can outsmart them."
Vinifera looked towards the opposite direction of the door, to see what is out there in front of the door.
>>19888"Hello Naz. Yes. This wooden door is locked and beyond it is two orcs... and maybe something else. But I have a cunning plan."
1. Loudly knock on the door.
2. Hide behind the corner of the wall.
3. Once the orcs come to investigate, throw a rock or something towards the swamp causing a distraction.
While the Orcs are distracted, we slip by into the wooden door and lock it behind us, keeping them out.
"And that's the plan. Hey wears Boronian? I don't want to accidentally lock him outside with the orcs."
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>>19889There was nothing but swamp, stretching out before him...
Boronian approached, he had wondered off for a bit himself.
"Everything is clear, no wilde creatures close by" he said as he returned.
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>>19889 they might be dumb enough to fall for it. dumb orcs.
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>>19890>>19891"We knock loudly and then hide around this corner. And if they're not far away from the door, we can throw a rock or something to draw them away from the door far enough for us to slip by.
Once inside we lock the door behind them."
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>>19892"Let's hope they are stupid enough and fall for it. If not, we're in for a fight."
>>19893"I hope so."
"Naz, you pick up a large stone and hide behind the corner with Boroniam... unless you want to do the knocking."
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>>19894 right
>looks around for a large stone No.19900
>>19899Vinifera nods as NAzom hides.
With the pommel of his sword, Vin starts knocking loudly at the wooden door, practically bashing at it. At a good three seconds of loud bashing and banging he quickly dashes to the corner to hide.
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>>19900There is suddenly loud growling, even barking coming from behind the door.
Then it is opened and an angry orcish voice can be heard, shouting in their own language!
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>>19909Well done. The orcs rush out, all three of them, bearing sharp scimitars and leather armor. Shouting angrily.
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>>19911>>19912All three of you sneak into the open door and close it behind you. You stand in a big shed that seemed to have been built right behind the wall.
(And here I'll stop for today).
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I can't believe that worked
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This is the shed you're in. There's another door to the north (plus two small windows), and an open passage to the right leading into a smaller room.
>>19915Vinifera makes sure the door they just entered through was locked behind them, so that they couldn't get back in. Still, he kept an ear out for them for when they no doubt return and bang on the door.
But for now he inspects the cages.
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>>19916There's a total of four dogs in the cages, shaggy mutts all of them. One barks loudly.
>>19917There's animal food in them. Not just fit for dogs.
>>19918Vinifera tries to calm the dogs.
"Oh hey there, easy friend!"
Though it's understandable given the dogs didn't recognise these strangers.
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>>19919The dog barks loudly and seems scared and confused.
>>19920He begins to gobble the food down eagerly and is much calmer now.
>>19921"Let me try something..."
Copying Naz, he took took some food and reached his arm into the cage to offer the dog the food,m knowing full well risking his arm in the progress.
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>>19922You had to be careful, the dog was so eager on getting the food that it was possible he'd accidently bite you.
With food being handed out, the other dogs started to bark as well.
>>19923VInifera was willing to feed the dogs. Even willing to pet the scared one if it would approach.
"Naz, I don't think these dogs are inheritly evil animals. Just kept in poor conditions. I think we should help them if we can."
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>>19924>>19925The dogs were eating with gusto.
Suddenly there was a rattling at the door. Then some cursing, then more rattling, then a hard kick that made the door shake.
>>19926"Naz, you do you, I'll be right back."
He goes over to the door.
"What's the password?"
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>>19927For a moment there was silence... then he heard an angry orcish voice.
>>19928"Alright. Was worth a shot."
Vinifera goes back to the cages.
"Naz, open the cages, lead all the dogs out here with the food. I have a plan."
Vinifera quickly looks over the caged dogs to see the biggest, toughest doggy they had.
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>>19931There was one that was bigger than the others.
Harder rattling could be heard at the door. One of the dogs barked loudly as a reply.
>>19930 I might be able to use some of these tools
>looks at the saw and hammer>>19931 what's the plan?
>gets some more food ready and starts opening cages No.19934
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>>19933You notice the padlocks on the cages. But you recall there were keys hanging in the smaller room... you try them out and they fit the cages.
Two orcs seem to be busy throwing themselves against the door... it would give way soon.
>>19932>>19933"I'll open this cage and befriend this dog. It will take a lot of magic out of me. But if you can open the other cages we can get a pack of dogs on our side."
Vinifera goes to the big dogs cage.
"OK, I know you probably don't like me, but I'm going to help you and see where it goes from there."
Vinifera whispers
"Foramen" and taps the padlock three times.
While he knows there are probably keys around
>>19934 would probably take too long finding the right key. So will have to do this now.
>>19938With the cages open, VInifera coaxes out the biggest, toughest looking dog they had.
"C'mon lad. I need a favour from you."
>>19939"We need the help from the Alpha."
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>>19942Nothing comes your mind... do your spell!
One of the orcs has wedged his sword blade into the door - it will give any moment.
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>>19942 maybe they already don't like the orcs
>>19944"They're gonna if we can lead them."
>>19943"Alright buddy. You're gonna be the alpha but I need to be the leader, so here goes."
He rasied his hand to the dog and says
"Bannbaladin" and proceeds to rest his hand on the dogs head.
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>>19945>>19946The dog looks up at you and seems to like you a lot.
>>19947"I dunno if my spell means you can understand me eprfectly, but you need to lead these dogs against your captors. Are you with me?"
He prepares his sword.
"Then we're taking you all back to your homes afterwards."
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>>19950You can tell that none of these dogs are made for fighting... maybe the dog you used your spell on would stay, but you're sure as soon as that door to the swamp is open, those dogs will bolt and try to find their ways home.
>>19951"O-Okay, you're not fighting dogs."
Vinifera opens the door to the tower
"Can you at least get all the dogs in here where they will be safe? Me and Naz will defend you. We promise."
Not quite what Vinifera had in mind given they're not a pack of hunting dogs as he thought, but he'll be damned if he endanged god doggies on his watch.
"It might be just us to fight them Naz."
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>>19953The dog gave a bark. One of the dogs went into hiding as the door rattled louder than ever. The other two decided to bark some more.
>>19954Yes, you found some two-by-fours in the work room.
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>>19959>>19960You manage to reinforce the door, this will hold for quite a well.
After more angry shouting - mixed with lots of barking - the rattling stopped.
>>19961"Alright. That'll hold a while. Let's check for a back exit and get these dogs out."
Vinifera quickly runs over to the tower where the dogs were hiding. Looking around the room while assuring the dogs they'll be fine.
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>>19962You find the hiding dog sitting under the working table. Boronian is there too, trying to coax it out.
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>>19964It opens... the first thing you see is a big hedge in front of you... and you hear the raw laughing and singing of more orcs to the left.
>>19965"We may have to defend these dogs. It was foolish of me to get them to fight"
Notice Naz at the other door.
"Boronian, can you lead the dogs back to town?"
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>>19967I might, if we find a way out of here.
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>>19971"Yes, but where should I take them? Our only escape route was boarded up."
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Time to stop for today I'm afraid, almost bed time for me.
>>19973((Yes. Let's continue from
>>19974 another time.))
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>>19971>>19972We'll have to deal with the orcs first.
>>19973>>19974((good night))
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Time to continue.
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maybe we can use the dogs to distract them
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"I'll be right behind you."
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>>19980 if we can get the dogs to run in first, that might confuse the orcs.
>>19984"Alright, let's do this."
He looks over to the alpha and indicates to him what they were gonna do. The dogs will hound the orcs and distract them while they fight the orcs.
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>>19987I said OR! Pick one and roll once more.
>>19988Uh.. the successful one... no? OK.
d20 - 3 = 10 No.19990
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>>19989The dog seems to be listening. At least he will do his best - as far as he can.
>>19990"Alright, let's do this."
Vinifera prepares his sword to fight and readys himself against the orcs. When the orcs break through the dogs will surround, bark and bite at them while he and Naz will directly fight.
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>>19991>>19992So, where will be heading now? You know, the orcs seem to have stopped trying to get inside. The rattling and shouting had stopped a while ago.
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>>19994"Got it." Boronian readies his bow.
>>19993"Oh... I thought... they were trying to get in and we had to prepare for battle.
Well I guess if we're not doing that, we should try and get these dogs back home."
>>19994"Yeah let's look around first before we head out."
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>>19996 can't the dog help us with the orcs on the inside?
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>>19997Boronian slowly opens the door to the yard... peeking inside. He points that three orcs who are laughing and drinking. Apparently they haven't noticed anything off so far.
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>>20000Boronian sneaks outside, luckily the fog surrounding the island was in here too, though not very thick.
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>follows Boronian
>>20001>>20002Vinifera sneaks around the other way. Given the dogs were following him he figured he'd be less conspicuous so instead he lead the pack a fair bit a way and waited for Boronian and Naz to start the fight.
He could still see the fire from the orcs and can still hear his friends. All he had to do was wait in the fog.
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>>20005Show me where you're sneaking to.
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>>20006The orcs did not seem to be bother and kept on drinking.
>>20007Vinifera looked around the court yard and figured "This place doesn't look all that big and this mist isn't that thick enough to conceal me and a pack of dogs."
He looks over to Naz and indicates he will stay in the kennel area and wait for them to start fighting before he engages.
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>>20014Very good!
You sneak quite a bit closer.
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>>20016Two are sitting with the back to you, a third one is opposite to them and could see if you he weren't busy drinking.
Their weapons are lying next to them.
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>>20020>roll for Courage!What is Vinifera doing?
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>>20023The orcs seemed surprised, but not all that shaken by a single dwarf, even if he had an advantage.
Roll for Charisma +3!
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>>20025>>20023Unfortunately, Naz sounded way better in his head than he actually did.
Two of the orcs reached for their weapons while the third one (who had the halberd pointed at him) was sitting still.
>>20026"I guess this is my cue."
VInifera whistled a little to indicate the dggs to follow him. "C'mon!" He said in an excited tone to encourage them.
He then proceed to back up Naz with a small pack of domestic dogs.
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>>20027From this range you cannot miss!
1d6 + 4 = 8 damage
1d6 + 4 = 7 damage
The third orc rolled aside, hurting himself on the halberd. [1d6+7-3] damage
Boronia fired a shot and hit!
1d6 + 5 = 11 damage
>>20028Two of the dogs start growling, then one ran out, another followed... then all the dogs came running towards the orcs.
One pounced at an orc, knocking him over while the other dogs for the time being decided to only bark loudly and circle them.
>>20029This was the plan.
The dogs distract while Naz, Vin and Bor fight.
>>20031You catch up with the others, you can attack next round.
Boronian reloads.
1d20 = 4 for
1d6 + 7 = 9 potential damage.
One orc his at the dog
1d20 = 4.
The other attacks Naz!
1d20 = 3 for
1d6 + 5 = 9 potential damage.
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>>20036Nazom is hit for no damage, his armor is too thick!
>>20034Got it.
Nazom, what are you doing next turn?
>>20038Two have gotten quite some hits but are still in decent shape. They too are armored and have lots of health.
The third one is doing great.
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>>20040Vinifera arrives and attacks
1d20 = 191d6 + 6 = 12. Orc 3 ties to evade
1d20 - 2 = 14.
Boronian fires at orc 1:
1d20 = 11d6 + 6 = 11Naz throws his axes at orcs 1 and 2:
1d20 = 31d6 + 4 = 71d20 = 11d6 + 4 = 6 No.20043
>>20042Critical hit by Boronian... orc 1 falls over with an arrow in his neck and no longer moves.
Critical hit by Naz at orc 2! He is badly injured.
Vin misses!
Orc 2 attacks Naz who cannot evade.
1d20 = 51d6 + 5 = 10Orc 3 attacks Vinifera:
1d20 - 2 = 21d6 + 5 = 8 No.20044
>>20043Naz is hit! 1 Point of damage.
Vinifera tries to evade:
1d20 = 20 No.20045
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>>20044Critical failure! Vinifera stumbles and drops his weapon! Oh no.
>>20045"Aw shit!"
While the plan was for the dogs to distract his opponent, he hoped that in doing so he would fight the orcs that the dogs were distracting before the orcs would harm the dogs. Now he was the one in harms way.
Given the floor is rather muddy (was it?) he attempts to sling mud in the orcs face so that he could have time to grab his sword.
>>20048Boronian reloads.
Naz attacks orc 3 with the halberd
1d20 = 91d6 + 7 = 10.
>>20047Vinifera flings mud at orc 3!
1d20 = 20 Dexterity
One of the dogs attacks orc 3:
1d20 = 21d6 + 3 = 8 No.20050
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>>20049Orc 3 tries to evade.
1d20 - 2 = 16>>20049Critical failure again! The mud lands on one of the dogs who barks angrily at Vinifera!
The dog bites the orc!
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Orc 2 attacks Nazom 1d20 = 171d6 + 5 = 11.
Nazom evades: 1d20 = 15
Orc 3 attacks Vinifera: 1d20 = 141d6 + 5 = 9
Vinifera evades: 1d20 - 2 = 7
The orcs miss their attacks!
>>20051Got it!
What's Naz doing?
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>>20054Vinifera attacks orc 3:
1d20 = 111d6 + 6 = 8The orc tries to evade:
1d20 = 19>>20054Nazom rushes at orc 2:
1d20 + 4 = 51d6 + 11 = 16The orc tries to evade:
1d20 = 6Boronian fires!
1d20 = 81d6 + 6 = 11One of the dogs attacks orc 3:
1d20 = 111d6 + 3 = 6 No.20057
Vinifera, Boronian and the dog score hits! Naz's mighty rush attack mows down the orc, killing him.
>>20056The final orc swings heavily at Nazom!
1d20 + 4 = 171d6 + 10 = 13Nazom evades:
1d20 = 5 No.20058
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>>20057He misses!
Your turns!
Turns his attention to the last orc to fight.
>>20059>>20060Vinifera attacks orc 3:
1d20 = 191d6 + 6 = 7The orc tries to evade:
1d20 = 6Nazom sweeps at orc 3’s feet:
1d20 + 3 = 81d6 + 7 = 13Boronian reloads!
The dogs bark madly, one decides to flee back tot he shed.
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>>20061The orc gets swept off his legs and falls dead to the ground amidst the other two!
You have won!
>>20060 they could have just
not reached for their weapons...
>>20062>checks to see if any of the orcs are alive No.20066
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>>20064You examine them but you notice that they are dead.
Boronian tries to get his two arrows back from the orcs bodies.
1d6 = 31d6 = 6>>20065The dogs are wildly barking for a while but eventually they fall silent.
One of the dogs was badly hurt.
Vinifera finds:
>some herb-beds, but no one is growing there at the moment because of the season>the entrance to the dark tower, a heavy wooden gate with a big keyhole No.20067
>>20066Vinifera noticed the limping dog and goes to check on it.
"You fought bravely friend. Let me check on you."
>>20067The dog groans in pain, his wound is rather deep.
>>20068Roll 4x 1d6... if you roll 1-5 they are undamaged and can be re-used.
Boronian noticed one of his arrow shafts has broken. The pockets the other arrow.
>>20069"Naz, if you can find any healing potions or the like, let me know.!"
He returns his attention to the dog.
"Easy, let me help you."
He has been carrying an ointment made from Tarnela herbs all this time. He took one of the bandages he had and soaked it in the ointment. He then proceeds to wrap the dogs wound in the bandage.
>>20074Thank you.
This lucky puppy not only is well bandaged with special ointment, but Vin uncorks the potion bottle and allows the dog to lap at the potion.
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>>20073The ointment seems to enhance the bandage's healing proportions as the dog is wrapped up properly. He seems to feel much better.
1d6 + 1 = 5>>20072Nazom searches the orc bodies. He finds the scimitars they were using, they cannot hold up with your own weapons.
One orc has a big double-bitted key on him.
Another has a flask with a strong smelling liquid in it. It could have healing proportions despite the scent.
There's also
1d20 = 7 silver and
1d20 = 3 copper coins.
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>>20076>takes the key and the flaskI have a feeling this key might be useful
>>20076Turns out the dog didn't need the potion after all.
"You want this potion back Naz? He seem to be fine without?"
Vinifera them proceed to give the dog a big hug.
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>>20078 I found one that smells better. You can keep that one.
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>>20078The dog licks the elf's face.
The other dogs are looking around the yard. One returns the shed.
>>20080"Do you have a name? Who do you belong to?"
He checks if the dog is wearing a collar.
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>>20081He has a leather collar but there was no name on it. Certainly it belonged to one of the holberks.
>>20082You find tow recently digged over spots behind the hedges. One bigger, one smaller.
>roll for Perception +2 No.20085
>>20083"We'll get you home dog."
Vinifera gets up and notice one of the dogs have return to the shed, he goes over to check on it.
>>20085Two of the dogs are there now, they are resting near the cages.
>>20084Unfortunately you find nothing else.
>>20086Vinifera figures they're probably just tired and let them rest. However he intends to return all the dogs through the swamp when he can.
He goes over to Naz and Boronian and see how they're doing.
"Found anything?"
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"How strange, this tower has no windows at all... there's just some finger-thick opening here and there."
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there is nothing to see on the other side of the hedge.
Shall we see what this key unlocks?
>investigates the tower door
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>>20089Some stairs lead up to the brass-studded door. There's a keyhole and a big knocker in ring-shape.
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Gotta stop there, sorry. Friend's arrived!
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>>20091The key fits indeed! You turn the key...
2d6 = 8... when you suddenly feel a powerful jolt of pain rushing through your body!
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>>20096>>20094The dogs jump in surprise at the yell, some begin barking.
The door remains locked even though the key clearly fits.
>>20096"What happened? You alright?"
>>20097"Let me try."
Turns it the other way.
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>>20094 I don't know. it hurt a lot. be careful
>>20098You try but the key couldn't be turned in a different direction.
Nothing happens.
Vinifera examines the lock and the door.
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>>20104You examine the keyhole thoroughly, take the key out... look at it more closely. Look through the keyhole... then you notice that there's a wall right behind the door.
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>knocks on the door
>>20105"Hm... maybe this is a trick door?"
>>20106"If we're the only ones with this key and there's just a wall behind this door, who will answer?"
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>>20106>>20107No one answers... the dogs have calmed down and were looking around, some were lying down.
You notice one sniffing the big hedge next to the tower, then starts to bark!
>>20108Vinifera goes to investigate what the dog was barking at.
"What you found there?"
Vinifera got his sword out and started pulling at the branches of the hedge and cutting the limbs away.
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>>20110The door is not impressed by the funny knock... no one answers.
>>20114Vinifera looked back at the dog.
"You sure there is something here?"
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>>20112 what are you doing there?
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>>20118>>20116You hear whispered orcish voices from behind the hedge!
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>>20118 wait a minute
>>walks around the other hedge>goes back to check out the dug over spots again and pokes around in the dirt No.20121
>>20119>>20120VInifera waved over to Naz.
He shakes his hand next to his ear and points to the hedge, followed by finger to the lips as he readies his weapon.
Vinifera then crouches down and tries to see if he could get a better look at the orc.
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>>20120>>20121Roll for Perception again!
Naz, just to be clear, the dug over spots were behind another hedge.
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>>20123>>20124You clearly hear their voices, they are whispering and moving.
But the hedge is too thick (and a good 3 meters high) - you cannot see through.
>>20127Your skill check was good enough to deduce they must be behind them, not in them.
>>20126As you dig through the bigger one you soon enough discover bones! Human bones! It's a shallow grave.
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>>20127 Hey! there's human bones over here.
>>20128Vinifera sneaks over to Naz and spoke quietly to him.
"There is also orcs behind those bushes. I don't think they know we're here yet. Must be a recent shift or something."
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>>20131Another grave... this time with canine bones.
>>20131"Well, we could try to get around the bush, get the surprise on them. Maybe find a way to jump over the hedges. Burning them might be too much of a distraction."
>>20132Vinifera examines the humanoid bones. Any elven bones?
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>>20135Roll for Perception +1.
>>20136You just saw bones... But they seem pretty 'old'; you doubt that Navahon, even if he were dead, would only be bones now.
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>>20138Critical failure... incredible how little you see!
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>>20139 where did the hedge go?
>>20141He points to the hedge line south between the tower and the kennel area.
"Over here dude."
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>>20142 oh, there it is!
>walks over and starts poking around No.20144
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>>20141>>20142Suddenly you hear barking and shouting!
There they were! Three orcs came running, shouting, swinging their scimitars! The dogs scatter in surprise.
>>20146Oh my, that would require Strength +7!
>>20145Roll for Intuition!
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>>20148You lift a dead orc but you can only throw him half a meter.
>>20149Alas, you cannot tell where they suddenly came from? Maybe they climbed over the hedge while you were busy behind the other ones with the grave?
One of the three orcs seems to have a keener blade than the others, is stronger and wilder.
>>20150"A'ight then."
He draws his own sword and readies to attack. This time not relying on the dogs for help.
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>>20150you want to end up like your friend here!?
>tosses the orc No.20153
>>20151Boronian fires at orc 1:
1d20 = 81d6 + 6 = 10>>20151Orc 1 attacks Vinifera:
1d20 = 171d6 + 5 = 8Vinifera evades:
1d20 = 12>>20152The tall orc (3) shouts angrily, pointing at the dwarf, reading a heavy blow.
Orc 2 jumps over the body and is in attack range.
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>>20155Naz attacks orc 2:
1d20 = 61d6 + 7 = 12The orc tries to block:
1d20 = 9>>20156Vinifera swings at orc 2:
1d20 = 71d6 + 6 = 9The orc tries to evade:
1d20 = 16 No.20158
>>20157Naz's attack is blocked by the orc who jeers.
Vinifera lands a mighty blow!
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The big orc (3) swings a heavy overhead blow at Nazom! 1d20 + 4 = 201d6 + 10 = 16
Naz tries to evade: 1d20 = 8
Orc 2 tries to rush Boronian who reloads.
Orc 1 attacks Vinifera to pay him back! 1d20 = 111d6 + 5 = 7
Vinifera tries to evade: 1d20 = 11
>>20160The big orc misses his blow by a long shot!
Vinifera narrowly evades the orc's attack.
Your turns!
>>20164Nazom narrowly misses with his axe!
>>201631d20 + 3 = 171d6 + 6 = 8The orc tries to evade:
1d20 + 3 = 6 No.20166
>>20165Vinifera misses his stab!
Orc 2 picks up the axe and throws it back at Nazom!
1d20 = 201d6 + 4 = 10Orc 1 attacks Vinifera with a heavy blow:
1d20 + 3 = 61d6 + 3 = 6Vinifera tries to evade:
1d20 = 5The big orc swings at Nazom:
1d20 = 201d6 + 6 = 8Nazom tries to evade:
1d20 = 11 No.20167
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>>20166The axe goes wide and is hurled over the hedge!
Vinifera blocks the orc's attack again!
The big orc curses angrily as he critically misses his blow and drops his weapon.
Your turns!
>>20168Vinifera aims at orc 1's head:
1d20 + 3 = 61d6 + 9 = 11The orc tries to evade:
1d20 = 2Nazom stabs at the big orc:
1d20 = 181d6 + 7 = 9The orc tries to duck:
1d20 = 17Boronian fires at orc 1:
1d20 = 181d6 + 6 = 12 No.20171
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>>20170Vinifera's skillful attack is parried by the orc!
Nazom and Boronian miss their attacks!
>>20171The big orc picks up his blade.
Orc 1 tries a heavy blow!
1d20 + 2 = 201d6 + 7 = 8Vinifera parries:
1d20 = 6Orc 2 rushes at Boronian and attacks:
1d20 = 41d6 + 5 = 8 Boronian tries to evade:
1d20 = 8 No.20173
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>>20172Critical failure by orc 1! He drops his weapon.
Boronian jumps back.
Your turns!
>>20176Boronian reloads.
>>201751d20 = 51d6 + 7 = 11The orc can only dodge because he has no weapon.
1d20 = 18>>20176The weapon gets literally stuck in the hedge, half of it poking out.
>>20178Vinifera then points his own blade at the orc.
"Had enough?"
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The big orc tries to land a blow for a change, aiming at Nazom!
1d20 = 91d6 + 6 = 11Orc 2 swings at Boronian!
1d20 = 61d6 + 5 = 6Boronian gambles and dose not dodge so he can attack next turn.
>>20179The orc bares his teeth and pulls a a long dirk out of his belt.
>>20180Nazom barely manages to parry the orc's attack!
Boronian gets hit!
Your turns.
>>20180"Suit yourself."
Vinifera tries to stab his own blade deep onto the orc before the orc had the chance to ready himself with the dirk.
>>20183Nazom kicks!
1d20 + 2 = 22>>20184Vinifera stabs!
1d20 = 91d6 + 6 = 9Boronian fires!
1d20 = 31d6 + 6 = 7 No.20186
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>>20185Oh no! Nazom messes this totally up and lands on his ass!
Vinifera and Boronian hit! The orc gives a gurgled noise as he falls over dead.
>>20188Both miss!
Your turns!
>>201901d20 = 131d6 + 4 = 10>>20187Vinifera turns around to face orc 2.
1d20 = 111d6 + 6 = 7The orc who only received a light hit so far tries to evade.
1d20 = 2Boronian reloads.
>>20192What rotten luck! Nazom misses again!
Vinifera's attack is parried by the orc.
((Maybe it's time for some elfish magic!))
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Orc 2 tries a skifull attack at Vinifera! 1d20 + 4 = 51d6 + 5 = 9
This one is hard to evade if it hits! 1d20 + 4 = 11
The big orc shouts angrily and swings at Nazom! 1d20 + 3 = 141d6 + 9 = 13
Nazom rolls around. 1d20 + 4 = 16
>>20195Incredible! Vinifera parries again!
And again the big orc fails his attack... he rolls his eyes in disbelieve.
Your turns!
>>20197Boronian fires at orc 1:
1d20 = 161d6 + 6 = 10>>20197Vinifera tries to tempt the gods!
1d20 + 4 = 101d6 + 6 = 12Is the orc bamboozled by it?
1d20 + 4 = 19>>20198Nazom throws!
1d20 = 201d6 + 4 = 7 No.20200
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>>20199Incredible hit by Vinifera while Boronian misses his shot!
Criticle failure by Nazom, there goes another axe goes into the hedge... But what was that?!
>roll for Perception! No.20203
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>>20201You notice that the axe literally disappeared in the hedge! There was no resistance at all, no rustling of leaves, no snapped twigs - as if the hedge was just a mirage. It went through and was gone.
>>20202All Vinifera saw was the orc's next blow!
1d20 = 21d6 + 5 = 7The big orc has had enough and pulls out a big alarm horn.
>>20206You were still downed, get up (thus cannot evade this turn) and attacked!
1d20 = 21d6 + 7 = 8Boronian reloads again.
>>20207Vinifera attacks!
1d20 = 51d6 + 6 = 7The orc tries to evade:
1d20 = 13 No.20209
>>20208Both orcs are hit!
Vinifera's opponent seems to be getting weaker!
He attacks!
1d20 = 11d6 + 5 = 11Vinifera tries to dodge:
1d20 = 10Nazom lands his first blow on the big orc who groans and cannot give a proper toot!
He swings at Nazom:
1d20 + 2 = 171d6 + 6 = 12 No.20210
>>20209Vinifera incredibly manages to dodge the orc's critical hit which would have made double damage!
Nazom is missed by a mile.
>>20210Vinifera has had enough, but he came up with an idea on the spot as he took a pause.
"Hey, ugly, quick question, are you good at english perchance?"
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>>20211"You die! Sacrifice to orc gods! I wear your ears! Good trophy!" The orc just shouts in reply!
>>202121d20 + 1 = 7The big orc skillfully hops over the trip attempt!
1d20 + 1 = 21 No.20214
>>20213"C'mon now, lets not be like that. you tried to kill me, I'm gonna kill you, how about we talk about...
He waves his hand over the orc.
>>20213The big orc stumbles around like a fool, trips, and lands ass-first in the fire! He howls and jumps!
1d6 + 1 = 4 fire damage!
Boronian shoots at the big orc!
1d20 = 131d6 + 6 = 11 No.20216
>>20214The big orc growls, throws the horn aside and charges at Nazom after Boronian hit him too!
1d20 + 5 = 141d6 + 11 = 15Nazom tries to evade:
1d20 = 16>>20214Magic roll:
6d6 + 10 = 36Orc's counter roll:
3d6 + 15 = 26 No.20217
>>20216The big orc narrowly misses his attack!
The orc is charmed by Vinifera. "Oh, good friend elf... what want? Eh?"
>>20217Vinifera grins. "Always works."
He offers his hand to the orc and helps him up.
"If you can't convince your friend to back down, may wanna make sure he stays down."
He points at the last orc.
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>>20218The orc (who was not down) takes the head. "Oh, friend, cannot talk to big orc... is veteran, is higher. Friend, you should run!"
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>>20220There goes the last axe!
1d20 = 121d6 + 4 = 7 No.20222
>>20221Finally, a hit!
The orc notices that the other orc is suddenly talking to the elf and is no longer fighting, what's going on there?
Boronian fires:
1d20 = 21d6 + 6 = 10 No.20223
>>20219"Right-right. Hmm... probably should of charmed the other guy. Could you hold that thought a moment?"
He takes his sword and tries to back stab the veteran orc while it was distracted with Boronian and Naz.
>>20223He smiles and gives a sly nod, then gives a boast to show the big orc he's still fighting.
The big orc is on his last legs. He attacks Nazom with an overhead blow!
1d20 + 6 = 91d6 + 12 = 16Nazom evades:
1d20 = 12 No.20225
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>>20224A terrible blow! Nazom is badly hurt by this!
Your turn.
>>20226What a cowardly move!
1d20 - 5 = 101d6 + 6 = 7>>20227A sweep!
1d20 + 2 = 121d6 + 7 = 12The orc tries to dodge:
1d20 + 2 = 15Boronian reloads.
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>>20228You both hit, the big orc collapses at last!
A victory it is!
>>20228Vinidera pulls his sword out of the backside of the Orc. It was cowardly, but they're alive.
"Finally." He wipes the blood off his sowrd and notice the last orc standing. "Oh hey." He waves to it, seeing if his spell was still in effect.
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>>20230"Oh, you won! Good, good. Hard fight. Friend is hurt, but not bad."
He slyly points at the dwarf.
"Elf friend, you jump on dwarf back, me from front. We kill him, take his gold! Eh?"
>>20231You are down to 35 health (max is 54). Still strong, but slowly the health is going down.
>>20232"Oh he has gold?" He turns to Naz. "Naz check his pcokets!"
See's Naz a bit of a mess.
"Oh... right."
He goes over to Naz and offers him the potion that Naz gave him awhile a go.
>>20233Vinifera goes over to help Naz.
"No-no! Dwarf friend, Dwarf good! You help elf, dwarf and human?"
>>20233The orc looks confused as you check the big orc... he has
1d6 = 5 gold pieces on him.
Vinifera helps Naz up."
"So... new orc friend. I betcha I'm not the only elf you've seen today, amirite?"
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>>20235>>202365 gold pieces! Vinifera has them in hand.
Nazom drinks the potion and regains
1d6 + 3 = 5 health! Phooey, tastes as bad as it smells.
>>20234>>20237"Dwarf stupid, dwarf smelly." he whispers. "Today? Only elf. But a couple of days ago we find elf. Take him!"
>>20238I get 5 gold pieces? Sweet!
"You get use to the smell. But this other elf. Where are you keeping him? And why capture him at all?"
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>>20238>smells his clothesI took a bath 3 weeks ago!
>>20241"So there is a wizard in that tower?"
Points at the south-east tower.
"How do we open the tower?"
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>>20240The dwarf squeezes his nose with two fingers to indicate the smell! Apparently he cannot smell his own scent.
>>20242"Two wizards! Live upstairs, take elf upstairs, hoomies too. Some come back down dead. We bury.
You take key, go to door, behind secret hedge gate. Other gate is trap."
>>20244You find two of your throwing axes!
One disappeared through the hedge.
The fourth went over the hedge and must now be outside of the compound.
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>>20246The orc shrugs. "Not know! Sometimes weird animal sounds from upstairs. Orcs only allowed in basement. Not know what's upstairs." He hops towards the hedge and jumps literally through. Then he reappears again.
"Can go through hedge here! See!"
>>20247Where the orc hops through you find your axe as you follow!
>>20251"The spell last roughly fifteen minutes. I'll ask him one more question and send him on his way through the swamps outside."
>>20250"Oh thank you."
He follows through.
"So um... is there anything else we should know about? Dangers, traps and what-not?"
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>>20252He counts... "Three more orcs inside, one orc outside hunting. Also, three hoomies in basement kitchen doing work. No traps in basement."
>>20253"Thanks. you've been a great help. say..."
He looks over the wall.
"Why don't you go out for a walk around the swamp? Someplace nice and far. Help clear your head."
>>20255"Of course."
Gives the orc a big friendly hug before letting him go.
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Gotta stop for today, thanks for playing!
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Vinifera and Nazom were contacted by the Academy of Riva, a school of magic, to investigate in some strange occurrences in the vicinity of the town.
Herds of sheep have disappeared, some along with their caretakers, a caravan has been robbed by orcs and there have been supposed demon and chimera sightings. – Most of these things happening in the marshes east of town.
They later learned that an elf has gone missing (named Navahon, having met Lauriel, a fellow member of his tribe) and heard rumors that the dogs of the local Holberk tribe (half orc and elf) have been stolen, but they didn’t follow the latter up.
With Boronian Steinhauer in tow – a local hunter they hired and who as investigated for the Academy – they set out to the marshes after learning about the elf’s disappearance. There they found his camping place and figured out he was most likely kidnapped by orcs.
Eventually they reached an island with a big tower, crossed the lake and found the compound where the orcs were hiding out. Inside they found the missing Holberk dogs, battled a couple of orcs and found the secret entrance to do the tower.
Vinifera had used a spell on one orc, learning that the elf was inside, as a couple of more orcs and some humans on kitchen duty.
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You were standing in front of the secret door. The orc Vinifera has enchantd also handed them a key.
>>20263((If I had any plans or schemes I would of completely forgotten them by now.
Like when you're half-way through a video game and you haven't played it in a long while and forget the controls, so you're goofing about a bit and likely get into trouble.))
Is Boat ready?
>>20264Before opening the secret door with the key, I look around to see if there's any windows.
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>>20265Still waiting for Sailboat to return.
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>>20264 ((have we tried the key?))
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>>20269You look up the tower, which is made of dark, almost black stone. The stones show ancient ornaments, almost disappeared by decades or longer of wind pelting the structure.
You see no windows, not a single one. But you see two or three holes with oven pipes sticking out, further up.
>>20270>>20271"Yeah, I don't think there is a way to look in.
Lets just open the door as quietly as we can and hope for the best."
He readies his weapon with his other hand.
"But best prepare for a fight in case there will be one on the other side of this door. Maybe we can charge 'em before they pick up their weapons."
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>>20275The door makes barely a sound as it swings open.
You are standing in a spacey room, to your right a large wardrobe with several coats and robes hanging in it. A hat stand with a single, pointy wizard's hat, is on the right.
It is pitch dark inside, but you can make out hallways to the left and right further ahead, and a door.
>>20276Looking at the wardrobe, a funny thought crossed his mind.
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"I can barely see anything in here."
>>20278Perhaps same can be said for any orcs around here. Let's becareful.
>>20279Vinifera goes over to the hat stand.
"Navahon is a magic sort isn't he? Maybe this is his hat?"
He puts the hat on his head.
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>>20279You, being a dwarf, have it easier in the darkness.
>roll for Perception +2>>20280You put it on, the hat looks like an ice cream cone. An elf wouldn't be caught dead with such a hat. This belongs to a human wizard.
>>20281>>20282Blushing, Vinifera took it off and pocketed it for now.
He then goes over to the wardrobe.
"What do Orcs normally wear? Perhaps we can wear something that may fool orcs under this poor lighting."
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>>20282You examine the various coats and mantles and robes. There's a good dozen there, also some boots.
You find nothing out of the ordinary there.
Boronian in the mean time stands guard with his bow up ahead.
>>20284He looks over the clothing.
"Is this what orcs usually wear? Or were these taken from their prisoners?"
>>20285They are all human sized, of average to low quality. They could be from prisoners.
Orcs on the other hand, wear anything they can get their claws on. They have no sense for fashion.
>>20287"A'ight, nevermind that idea."
>>20286He takes the lantern given to him.
"Let's press on, but also be careful of orcs. If they catch our light they may come after us."
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>>20289As you approach the door in front and turn left, you catch sight of a tiny bell with a cord to ring it.
The left corridor ends at a door which is closed.
>>20289Vinifera follows/
"Hm..." He tries the handle of the door on the far left.
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>>20290>examines the door>>20291 what do you think the bell is for?
>>20292((Uh... how I do this again?))
d10 - 4 = -3... or was it
d20 - 14 = -2?
>>20293"My guess that door only opens one way and it knocks and rings the bell when we open it. Let's leave that door 'til last."
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>>20298Wow... critical miss.
You try the handle and the door opens.
You see orcs, sitting at a table, playing a game of dice.
They have not yet noticed you, being too busy laughing and clamoring.
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Quietly closes the door again.
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>>20297You notice something... the cord does not really connect to the tiny bell. The cord disappears in a hole right next to it.
But there's a small cord connecting to the bell - that cord comes out of the wall, too.
>>20302He quietly tells Naz and Boronian...
"Let's leave that door as a "maybe" and try our luck the other side of this floor."
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>>20301 looks like the bell rings from the other side.
>>20303 yeah, let's try the other hallway
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You check the other corridor - it too ends at a door which is closed.
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"I'll guard our backs."
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>>20310Nazom notices nothing out of the ordinary.
>>20309Vinifera with his keen sense of haring... also doesn't notice anything.
You open the door and find yourself in a well lit storage room of sorts.
There is barrels, a work table, a basin with fresh water, and a shelf with pots, tools, oil, a broom, spades, a sickle and a wheat stone.
>>20311"Oh wow! Looks like a kitchen!"
As he browsed this kitchen he noticed it extends rather far up ahead to a curtain.
"What's that?"
He quietly goes over to the curtain and, given the curtain was made out of a fabric and not a solid material, carefully peeks through the side of the curtain without opening it.
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>>20312The lids of the barrels open easily. The barrels have various contents: wine, beer, brandy, and schnapps.
>roll Intelligence >>20313The curtain is made of a coarse fabric. As you peek through it you see a door to the left, and a corridor going right.
>>20314"Huh... alright."
You decided to leave that area for now and go back to the group. Vinifera noticed Naz found the alcohol.
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"Someone's coming!" Boronian suddenly says, peeking out through the back door.
>>20317In a bit of a panic, he quickly decided on a place to hide.
"Q-quick! Under the table!"
>>20316>>20318The beer is of a very solid quality!
You examine the barrels - they all have the same markings. These barrels are from the merchant caravan that was robbed.
>>20319You hide under the table.
You see Boronian placing an arrow on his bow's sinew.
>>20320In a hush yet hurried tone.
"Get under here! The both of you!"
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>>20320 good stuff!
>quickly dips his ceramic goblet into the beer and fills it, then hides behind the curtain No.20323
>>20322He noticed Naz has found a hiding spot.
>>20320He tried to indicate to Boronian to find a hiding spot!
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>>20321Boronian shook his head and peeked out... then he slowly crept back to Vinifera.
"Someone carrying a light has stopped at that middle door. He's not coming this way but seems to stay there."
>>20322You hear steps from behind you and a female voice humming a song.
>>20324You decided to stay in hiding and wait.
Whoever it was, whenever they be the mistress of the tower or an orc, if anyone finds out they're here then they would likely alert the whole tower to the intruders.
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>>20325You just notice that the door has a latch to lock it with (it's open)... when you hear the voice from behind you.
"W... who are you?"
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>>20327 Oh, I'm Nazom. What are you doing here?
>>20327>>20328((Oh I thought the girl was the one coming in and that she maybe bad guy))
Vinifera quietly gets up.
"A'ight. Let's be careful. If we're caught we'll have to kill them as quickly and as quietly as we can. I don't want to risk the tower alerted to our present."
He looks over to the other side of the kitchen. He couldn't see Naz given he was beyond the curtain but he could hear he was talking to someone.
"Naz?" He goes over to check on him.
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>>20329"I'm Lane... are you a captive, too?"
The girl seemed to be a peasant and in bad shape, showing several bruises. She might be somewhere close to 20.
>>20331 No, my companions and I are here to rescue an elf named Navahon. Where are you from? Do you know of any others being held here?
>>20330 There's a captive here!
>>20332"An elf... I saw the orcs bring an elf and the wizards taking him upstairs. Haven't seen him since.
I live in the forest near Riva with my parents... I'm a charcoal burner, like them. Until the orcs got me."
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>>20334Boronian moves on over as well.
"It's not safe here, you should leave before the orcs get you!"
>>20333 How do we get upstairs?
>>20335 We'll handle the orcs. Are there any others being held here?
>>20336>>20337"I... we work down here, in the kitchen. The others are there now, preparing the food. Me, Rike and Gunther."
She looks at Nazom.
"There's a wooden platform going up, through the door opposite of the entrance."
>>20338"If I recall
>>20253 that's three prisoners. Three orcs likely in the gambling room and one we yet heard of out hunting. That means you and the other two are not currently guarded right?"
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>>20339"One of the orcs takes the food up... I think there are four wizards, three man, a woman..."
>>20340"No, they don't guard us really. Just lock us in so we cannot get out at night."
>>20343"Hm... OK. I think I am coming up with a plan to get you all out of here..."
>>20344"...I was thinking that too. I'm also wondering what would happen if I cast my unlocking spell on doors that are already unlocked... though I don't recall a lock on the door of the orcs room."
>>20347"Hm.. on second thoughts, I best not risk it. Maybe I can wedge something in the door..."
>>20345"Can I see your spices?"
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>>20348"Um... yes, come along. I'll lead you to the kitchen."
>>20349As he follows her.
"Don't worry, I'm the sort who tries to come up with solutions to what we got. I'll get you and the others out of here."
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You are being led to the kitchen where you met the two other captives:
Gunthar, a big muscled man in the early 30s. A peat digger the orcs abducted.
The other is Rike, a 13 year old girl. She is - or was - a sheepherder.
The kitchen is well stocked and food is currently being prepared. There are a lot of spices, nothing fancy but lots of herbs.
>>20352He introduce himself to the other captors.
"Hello, I'm Vinifera. Me and my friends are here to rescue you and the elf wizard."
Vinifera inspects the spice rack.
"Hm... Wonder what's the most fieriest, spiciest spice there is? Or perhaps we can just use a lot of them to overwhelm their senses?"
>>20356You are unaffected by the beer... Nazom sure can keep his liqueur!
>>20355((The elf is not a wizard, just a regular elf.))
They were surprised to see strangers who were not more captives.
"There's lots of pepper. That's the sharpest we have here I think."
>>20357"Hm... I don't think we can force-feed them pepper... But it could perhaps be used as a blinding-weapon if need be."
Vinifera looks around the kitchen for whatever he can use.
"I'm not expecting you to fight, but you can use these knives or the tools in the barrel room for self defence if you need be."
He looks under the table.
"Maybe there's rat poisons or cleaning solution we can use to taint their food with."
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>>20358"If we get rid of the single orc in front of the door, I could sneak out with them. I mean, the orcs outside are dead already."
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((I think I need to stop for the time being I'm afraid.))
>>20359 sounds like a good idea
>>20360 ((alright; thanks for the game!))
>>20359"If we can deal with that single orc without it alerting the rest of the tower that would be great! It would only be a matter of time before one of the orcs peek their heads outside and notice the corpses. I want to avoid putting the tower on high alert if we can.
So far the plan is to put a poison or the very least a sleeping draught in the orcs food so we can deal with the rest of them without a fight."
>>20360>>20361((OK, good night. Let's continue this a few months time.))
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>>20362"Maybe the wizards upstairs have some kind of poison or sleeping potion stocked..."
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>>20365"That's where we sleep... we get locked in there at night."
>>20371((Oh I thought that was a secret entrance.))
"Hm... OK If wizards are upstairs. I guess I can try to find my way up to the second floor to find something to use to poison the other orcs. It be risky though."
He looks over to Naz and Boronian.
"Perhaps one of you is better of staying on the bottom floor to make sure it's secured?"
>>20373"Toilets? Hm... Any cleaning solutions in the toilets?"
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>>20373She explains what it looks like...
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>>20374(( Yes, but it's the only real entrance. The orc earlier told you that - what looks like the real entrance - is just a trap.))
"No, just a privy..."
>>20376"As far as I'm aware there is one orc patrolling and the others are playing cards in their bunker. If we can take down that one orc quickly and silently without alerting the others that be great."
From how the girl described the floor plans it didn't look like there was any way pass the door with the bell.
"OK, I think we should disable that tiny bell. Maybe with scissors to cut it down or stuff it with a rag or something."
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"Won't be easy taking him down that quickly... if he calls for help, the others will hear it right away."
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>>20379"I think... that means the wizards need something. But I'm not sure, we aren't really wanted there."
>>20379"I imagine the wizards upstairs use it to call for help, or maybe it rings when there is an emergency. Either way we should probably remove it."
>>20380"If we can just sneak up on him and back-stab him in the neck, that's all it takes. It's either that or I use my "Bannbaladin" spell on him."
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>>20382 You could dress up like a wizard and command the orcs into the sleeping quarters!
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>>20384 that's what cold hard steel is for
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"Maybe they get tricked by a coat and the weird hat. But wizards also always have a staff."
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>>20385"Here's the plan I thought up so far."
1. We find that lone orc on patrol the place. We make sure we're not seen. It must be unaware of our presence
2. While it's back is turn or walking away, I sneak up to it with my sword... actually I might take a knife from the kitchen.
3. Backstab it in the back of it's neck as quickly and cleanly as I can.
"And if I mess up badly, I'll put on the wizard hat and pretend I'm one of the wizards. I may have to cast Bannbaladin on it for extra effect."
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>>20386 Are there any brooms lying around?
>>20387 What about the orcs playing cards?
>>20388"With the orc on patrol silence and with the bell remove, I'll see if I can find any poisons that we can use for the slaves to poison the orcs food with."
Naz and Boronian still talking about wizards disguise.
"Unless you think I should... risk sparing that orcs life and convince it I am a wizard."
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>>20390"Maybe disguised as a wizard makes it easier to get to the orc."
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>>20389 There we go!
>>20390 I'm sure it'll look great on you
>>20391>>20392"Oh I see how it is. You just want to see the elf dress up likle a wizard. Typical."
He huffs.
"Alright. But if this plan fails it will risk the orc alerting the others."
>>20394Vinifera put on the hat he found.
"A'ight, how do I look?" he said, grumpily.
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>>20393 We'll be ready if it doesn't work.
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>>20395>>20397"You need to brush your hair over your pointy elf ears... And yes, there was some robes too, but they are in the wardrobe, opposite to where that orc stands guard!"
Just then, one of the slaves produces a dirty robe. "They left it here to be cleaned... maybe it fits you."
>>20399"Oh for pete sake..."
VInifera was getting disgruntled at how demeaning this disguise was, but accepted the robe and put it around his shoulders. He tucked his ears into his hair.
"There, I'm a wizard."
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>>20400 a whiz of a wiz, if ever a wiz there was
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>>20400>>20401Just then, orcish voices could be heard, coming closer... they were laughing and grunting, calling loudly for food.
>>20401"Quit taking the whiz out of me."
>>20402"Oh shit here they come!", he readies himself for his performance.
All but one orc seem to be heading straight to the dining room. One rather bulky orc wearing leather armor steps into the kitchen.
"Girl, is the food ready? We are starving here! Bring some brandy too, will you?" He makes a terrible face, scaring the teenage slave, and then bursts into laughter.
Just then, he catches sight of the wizard... "Oh! Hello, Sir..."
>>20404>roll for Courage>roll for Charisma No.20409
>>20407You tremble slightly, you're not sure if your disguise works. But you try to put on your best face, if only all those insects hadn't stung you so much, giving you swellings everywhere.
>>20408You stay all calm and quiet under the table, even with the orc close by.
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>>20410Critical failure!
"Oh, Sir, it's you! Me and the guys are having food, Sir! Good orcs are always guarding, not touching the hoomie girl like you said. Good guards can have some brandy, Sir, right?"
>>20410>>20411VInifera went along with it.
"Good-good. I trust none of the humans under our services are harmed and well kept."
He turns to to Frau.
"Girl, fetch the finest brandy. I am in a... "good" mood tonight."
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>>20412"Oh, yes... the finest brandy." She hurries out, ducking as she passes the orc who gives a big grin.
"Good Sir, generous Sir!"
>>20413He returns his attention to the orcs.
"We are most pleased with your services and we decided that, given the seclusion of our stronghold assures no disturbances and with the success of our plans, we... I decided to allow al you orcs to enjoy the rest of the evening to yourselves. All we ask is for you lot to keep to your dormitory."
He was so confident with how easy he fooled them he almost forgotten the dead orcs and dogs outside.
"Need not worry about the orcs outside, they must attend to the dogs but will also be with my fortune."
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>>20415"Oh yes, oh yes, good Master! We'll take a break, eh?"
He rubs his hands, grinning.
"Lazy blokes outside guard the dogs, eh?" He laughs, finding this very amusing.
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>>20418"Having some fun with the hoomie slaves, eh, Sir? Lazy bones in the kitchen, didn't clean your robe yet."
He jeers looking at the slaves.
"You lot will learn to obey yours Masters."
Then, with the girl returning with the brandy, the orc grabbed it and bowed as he went off to the dining room where the orcs cheered at the brandy arriving.
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>>20418 wizardly services, huh?
>>20420When the orc was gone, Vinifera let out a breath of relief. He looked around the corner of the kitchen to the hallway to make sure the orc was gone.
"If they're expecting supper, how long will it take you lot to prepare it?"
>>20422The slaves were almost done preparing food, having been busy with it when you arrived.
"Oh, easily an hour. Especially if they have brandy."
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>>20424 so how do we get upstairs?
>>20424"Is there anyway we can help hurry it along? The sooner they're out of the way, the sooner you can leave. You and the others should be safe in the kennels outside until we come to collect you."
>>20425"I imagine through the door with the bell. Once all the orcs are in the dorms then we'll have more free reign of the ground floor."
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>>20425"There's a moving platform across the entrance... ((where the little bell is)) ... I guess it uses pulleys to to go up, or a crane, or something like that."
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>>20431You feel the alcohol slowly getting to your head...
Your Courage and Strength increase by 1.
Your Intelligence, Dexterity and Charisma decrease by 1.
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>>20432 I feel GREAT!
>>20433 Are you ready to go up that lift?
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>>20434"Ready as can be."
>>20435There's no scissors, which are still pretty rare... you find a knife though.
>>20436Vinifera takes the knife. It could probably be used as a stabbing weapon and it's size makes it concealable but he plans to use it to get rid of the bell.
>>20437"And I've got my sword, but it might be too big to cut the string to a tiny bell."
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The group, with the three slaves, go to the hallway just outside the door with the tiny bell.
"Naz, can you please escort the humans to the kennels outside? Make sure there's nothing out there but dead orcs and that they are safe until we come to collect them? I will deal with this bell."
>>20445((Oh, I went a head a little, but yes. We we're now standing here
>>20439 and I ask Naz to escort the slaves to the kennels so that we may pick them up once we rescue Navahon.))
Vinifera clasps at the bells clapper to make sure it stays silent and with the kitchen knife begins cutting at the string it was attached to.
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>>20446You cut the bell rather easily. It doesn't make a sound.
>>20444All seems safe!
>>20447Vinifera waits for Naz to return, and talks to Boronian quietly as he waits.
"Hm... perhaps I should of asked you to take the slaves back to town without us. Not that I- we don't appreciate all the help you given us, just want to make sure everyone gets home safe."
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>>20448They nod, moving aside some of the hay bales to hid behind if necessary.
>>20449"I can get them to the city. Don't forget there's still orcs out on the island. But on the other hand, there's four wizards up there they said... and you're just two."
>>20454Naz returns while Vinifera and Boronian were talking.
"Yes. We're just waiting for you, and readying for whatever may happen next."
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>>20454>>20456((And with that I'm afraid I have to call it a day. Thanks for playing again! I hope we can continue soon.))
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>>20456 there's time for some wine before we go up if you want
>>20457 (sounds good; thank you as well)
>>20458He rubs his temple, almost having enough of Naz drinking distractions.
"Naz... I'm a winemaking elf, there's always time for wine."
((OK, I stop here.))
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Time to continue.
>>20463Vinifera goes with Naz over to the wine.
"A'ight. Let see what kind of wine this is."
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>>20464 If it's half as good as the beer, I'm sure it's great!
>downs his goblet No.20468
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>>20466>>20467>pours a goblet of red wine, sips it carefully, then downs itsee? not half bad! there, now I'm ready for 20 wizards! and a horde of orcs.
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>>20467Boronian tries some of the wine too... "That's not bad at all."
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So, what next?
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>>20478You notice that the door is locked, there's a key hole though.
>>20482He examines the door.
"Hm... I bet one of the guards have the key. We could try the front door key. If that doesn't work we could try to either pick the lock or I use magic."
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Boronian was keeping a lookout for any orcs just to be sure.
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>>20483 hmmm... let me try
>tries to pick the lock with his Morfu stingers No.20486
>>20485It is not a very complex lock, but of course those stingers are not the proper replacement for a picklock.
Roll Dexterity +5
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>>20487You indeed manage to open the door!
As you peer into the short hallways you see a handwheel on the right hand side. Further ahead is a square wooden platform.
Vinifera stood on the platform and messed with the wheel to see what will happen.
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>>20492It's not moving! Most likely because Nazom, who was standing on the platform, was too heavy!
>>20495>>20496Not enough space for Nazom with Vinifera and Boronian already turning the wheel.
Now the platform began to move slowly upwards.
Nazom noticed there was something like a door one floor above.
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>>20499hey, there's a door up here! how are we all going to get up here if you two are turning the wheel? maybe we should ask a couple of the slaves to lift us up.
>>20500"Aren't the slaves all outside in the kennels though?"
VInifera, not letting go of the wheel, looks around.
"Maybe there is some sort of locking mechanism. This lift looks more practical for heavy duty stuff, surely there's something to keep the lift in place.
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>>20501>>20502With the platform a bit up before you stop turning the wheel, Nazom can see beneath it and noticed that it's made in a very sophisticated way. Perhaps it's even dwarf-made.
The elevator would stay in place wherever it was, as long as it was not moved with the handwheel.
>>20506>>20507You can tell right away there's no chance to do that... the elevator shaft is simply too high.
>>20508(exactly, see the map)
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>>20510 oh! I do. raise me up and I'll see if I can lower a rope... wait a minute...
>looks to see if the ropes raising the platform can be climbed up to the door No.20516
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>>20514You make it safely up...
But now you need to do Dexterity to safely get from the rope over to the open space.
>>20515Critical failure... you get up three meters but then you loose your grip - and down you go.
3d6 - 3 = 4 damage!
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>>20516>swings! 1d20 = 13>>20517 stop fooling around!
He rubs his bum and tries again.
d20 = 16 No.20520
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>>20518Nazom hopped over, but he almost lost his footing and fell backwards down the elevator shaft... luckily it did not come to this, but he still sprained and ankle and loses 1 health.
>>20522And he's up.
1d20 = 6 to get to Nazom.
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>>20523"That's how you do it."
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>>20520 ow!
>limps>>20519>looks to Baronian and whispersI thought elves were supposed to be nimble and all that
>looks down and laughs No.20527
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>>20526 oh, good idea
>lowers his rope to Vinuse this one instead
>>20524>>20525>>20526"Oh come of it!"
>>20527>>20528Vinfiera takes the rope and wraps it round him.
>>20529Roll for Strength -4
Boronia tries
1d20 - 4 = 12 No.20533
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Vinifera makes it up!
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>>20532 nice of you to join us
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You are in a small hall, two ways leading away from it, left and right, before going around a corner.
There's a cord hanging next to the elevator, similar to the one leading to the small bell one floor below.
>>20536"Let's just becareful around here. We will be dealing with four sorcerers. With magic involved who knows what may happen."
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>>20537The narrow corridor goes on for a bit, at the end it goes around another corner - but there seems to be another corridor joining it, too.
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>>20540There's a wooden door, shut.
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>>20542>>20543Vinifera opens the door - it was not locked. As he looks into the room he finds it all empty. But he cannot see around the corner until he steps further inside.
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>>20542Nazom on the other hand, sees that the corridor ends at the statue of a bear.
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>>20546As you enter the room, you can see around its corner, your lamp shining on the statue of a bear.
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>>20549"Huh... bear."
I get closer to the bear statue and examine it. Maybe try moving it's arm to see if there was a mechanism.
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>>20551>>20552You can both tell that the bear statue is - in fact - a stuffed animal, not just a replica. It stands over 2 meters tall.
As you examine it closely, you suddenly hear a hollow voice, emitting from the statue...
The one where Nazom was said "FIRE".
The one where Vinifera was said "BLOOD".
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>>20554Suddenly! The entire room turned dark. The light from your lamp was entirely swallowed up... you could barely see an inch ahead of you.
>>20555"Sh-shit! DId it take my fire?"
I try to stumble back towards the door.
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>>20557But where was the door? You take a lucky guess at the direction... When you realize that you were not alone in the room. You see a pair of glowing red eyes forming in the darkness... and it turned cold in the room.
>>20556You see Boronian approaching, he had waited at the corner up ahead. Boronian says that Vinifera had entered the room ahead, but it was pitch dark inside.
>>20558Vinifera could see the eyes glinting scarlet in the darkness.
"Wh-who are you?"
He tries to grab at his sword.
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>>20559>>20561You get no answer, but you feel something whisking past you, barely missing you.
>>20560As you peer into the room, even your sight in the darkness almost fails you. But you are able to faintly make out a person, and another one blocking his way, a cloaked figure, sword in one hand, a whip in the other...
>>20562Vinifera noticed the door opening and a dwarfish figure in the light that he recognise.
"Naz! Something is here!"
>>20566((Oooh, so I'm magically blinded?))
"N-Naz? Is that you? There's something here with me!"
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>>20568 he's got a whip and a sword! duck!
>throws an axe at the cloaked figure No.20572
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>>20569>>20568You feel something making contact with your body... but you feel no pain, your armor must have deflected it.
>>20567You gaze into the darkness... and now you can tell what it was... a demon!
>>20570>>20574You actually hit, the demon giving an angry hiss.
>>205731d20 + 10 = 141d6 + 6 = 7Demon evades:
1d20 = 9 No.20578
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The cloaked demon turns around to face Nazom, slowly floating towards him, cracking his whip.
Nazom, roll for Courage!
>>20576>>20577"Damn! W-wait! I might have something."
In one hand he has his Double-Khunchomer sword which he used for combat, in his other he draws out the silver fox dagger. Keeping it since his last adventure, while it was starting to show a bit of rust, it was still a rather holy relic to the elves and this bit of holiness maybe of some harm to a demon made of darkness.
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>>20579>>20577Oh no, your feel your body trembling to the bones. Your strength and courage fail you, your halberd hanging feebly as the demon strikes.
1d20 = 121d6 + 6 = 9 No.20582
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>>20581The demon hits! But luckily your armor is so strong its blade brushes off of it!
>>20580You see the dagger starting to shine palely in the darkness.
>>20582While the light was dim, it was better than no light at all. He decided to stab at it with the dagger.
>>20583"Use anything holy against it!"
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>>20586You swing wildly and miss!
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>>205881d20 = 18Demon tries to evade:
1d20 = 8 No.20590
>>20589The demon's ghastly sight must still have a grip at your heart! You miss!
The demon does a might blow!
1d20 + 4 = 211d6 + 10 = 11Nazom parries:
1d20 + 3 = 20 No.20592
>>20587>>20589It was a one single demon, but the demon had two targets to deal with so it's attention was divided. Both of us had some holy weapons so we had somewhat of a chance.
Given the demon yet to attack Vinifera again, Vin tried to stab at it with the silver fox dagger.
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>>20594Vinifera hits the demon... the silvery dagger crumbles into dust... but so does the demon. Suddenly it is gone, only a smoking pile of ash remaining that quickly dissipates... and the darkness disappears as well.
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>>20592 what the hell was that!
>>20595As the darkness lifts, he was glas to see the demon gone, but heartbroken to see the silver fox dagger was nothing but a pile of silver dust.
>>20596"I don't know. Some sort of darkness demon I believe the bear statue summoned it."
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>>20597>grabs his axes>>20598 bear statue?
>looks around the roomthere's a stuffed bear around the corner that spoke to me. that's why I came to find you.
>>20599VInifera looked at the yellow stone.
"I have a feeling it's a puzzle of sorts."
He picks up the yellow stone and goes over to the bear statue in the room. He tries to find a place to put the yellow stone. Such as it's mouth, paws or maybe an indent ideal for the stone.
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>>20600Look as you may, you see no opening where you could put that stone in the statue...
>>20601"I guess we should hold onto this stone for now."
He goes over to the pile that was once the silver fox dagger. Hoping something was salvageable from it.
>>20602A stuffed animal, long dead - for decades given the quality of the fur.
>>20603Alas, it is a worthless heap of dust now.
>>20604"Damn... At least I still got the silver amulet. And the Silver Moon Lantern is still safe back in Aumond."
He gets up.
>>20605He follows Naz to the other bear.
"Careful, this one may have a challenge of sort."
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>>20606 I swear this thing spoke to me...
>pokes the bearlet's search the rest of the tower?
>walks around the outside and peeks around the other corner No.20611
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You see more or less the same on the other side... two corridors.
Roll for Perception +8!
>>20610"Huh... My one said "BLOOD"... I wonder..."
Vinifera took the yellow stone and approach the statue with it.
"When I approached the last state, I had my lantern on... until the state extinguish the flame. Maybe that wraith thing we fought absorbs fire and this yellow stone is some sort of fire stone?"
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>>20612You find a secret door!
>>20615Vinifera notice Naz was gone and he didn't want to mess with whatever this statues challenge was alone.
"Naz? Where you gone?"
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>>20615You push at the wall which is a well conceived entrance and it swings open, giving way to a very narrow little passage.
As you shine into it, you see a table with some simple tools, a construction with three loaded crossbows pointing at the bottom wall, and a stepladder leading upwards.
There's also spare crossbows, ropes and pulleys.
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>>20616"Over here, he found a secret door!" Boronian called.
>>20618Vinifera catches up to Naz and Boronian.
"We shoudn't wander to far. Especially if these statues are dangerous."
He catches up with the others.
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>>20620They are tools to repair something with, small hammers, nails, saw, rasps, oil, thing metal strings...
The crossbows seem to be aimed at a room next to this secretly hidden one. Thin metal strings are connected to their triggers. The strings coming through small holes also from that other room.
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this should disable the trap!
>>20621>cuts the strings No.20624
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>>20622They were rasps to work on metal. metal strings would nowadays be called wires (though not electrical).
You also find a box with black paste among the tools.
>>20623You go to work and shortly thereafter the trap is disarmed.
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>>20624>>20622I'm going to see what this trap was protecting
>goes back to the hall and peeks through the door No.20628
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>>20626>>20627You open the door to a room, in the light of the lantern you indeed see another bear statue.
Roll for Perception +4.
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>>20629>>20630You see nothing out of the ordinary.
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>>20632As you make it over to the bear your foot catches on a piece of metal string, cleverly concealed by having been darkened with a black paste as to not give off a metal shine by a lamp... and then another...
Luckily you had earlier disabled the trap.
As you finally stand in front of the bear - which looks very similar to the previous two - a hallow voice can be heard.
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>>20634>>20633See? I told you! fire blood cleanses... fire cleanses blood? I bet there's another bear around the corner.
>heads that way to poke the bear No.20637
>>20636"I dunno. I think it may want something to trigger it's encounter.
Let's return to the bear that says Fire. I want tot ry something but I don't want to do it alone."
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>>20637 we can take on an army of bears
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>>20636>>20637Luckily, there was no other demon coming... at least not yet! And also nothing else seems to stir in the room, which was utterly empty except for the statue.
You are both allowed to do a Perception roll +7!
>>20638"Better we don;t have to."
>>20639"Hang on a moment..."
d20 + 7 = 22 No.20642
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>>20640A natural 1!
Just as you want to turn around and leave, you notice a red glimmer reflecting from the bear's chest.
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>>20643You noticed there is something sewn into the chest area... a fist-sized, red stone!
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>>20644 hey look, another one of those rocks
>pries out the stone>>20645 nah, this one's the "cleanses stone" obviously
>>20646Vinifera shook his head in uncertainty.
"Think about it, the state where the wraith was said "BLOOD" despite the wraith absorbing all light and fire into a yellow stone.
Now you got a blood red stone from a statue that says "CLEANSE".
I believe these statues give us stones through various challenges and we must exchange them between them."
>>20649 Wouldn't fire be this red stone?
(did I pry it out?)
>>20650"Fire can be yellow. If I am wrong then maybe it belongs to another statue."
Vinifera approaches the "CLEANSE" bear statue and offers it the yellow stone.
"Maybe yellow as in cleaning of the Earth? But I imagine it wants something to do with water."
>>20652(( it was "CLEANSES" ))
You stand in front of the grim looking bear... but nothing happens.
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>>20652 I think maybe we should check around that last corner, and then see what's up the ladder. These stones might not do anything at all.
>>20654The bear did nothing.
"That's fine."
>>20655"Why would they be useless if not well protected? Likely the wizards want something protected with some elaborate puzzle. I believe the FIRE bear wants the yellow stone, the BLOOD bear wants the red stone and we'll probably find a stone that has something to do with water or clearing that this CLEANSES bear will want."
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>>20656 sounds like some convoluted elven nonsense. go try it if you want. I don't think it will do anything. I'll go check around the corner.
>goes to check around the corner, and poke any and all bears that happen to be there No.20658
>>20657Vinifera gives a sigh. He can't convince Naz to come with him on this.
"Alright. What about you Boronian? I dunno if there will be anymore wraiths or bad guys."
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>>20657You turn around the corner to find a heavy wooden door, reinforced by metal.
On it, there was the wooden head of a dog, with two big empty eye sockets.
>>20658Boronian shook his head "Have you seen how tall this tower was? There's plenty of chances of more demons - though I rather not see another."
>>20659"Alright. I guess I'll sort this out myself. Call me if you need help just don't be too loud or they may hear us."
Vinifera heads back.
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>>20659>projects his voice back around the cornerI think I found your "FIRE" slot
>puts the stone into an eye socket No.20662
>>20661You first try one socket, then the other... and it fits!
But it slips out again! Better give it a good push! (roll for Strength -5)
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>>20663Another natural 1! You push it in with all your strength - and it fits perfectly, staying in place.
You hear a loud click.
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>>20665You stand in front of the bear... its dead eyes looking through you.
"FIRE" you hear the hollow voice say.
>>20666VInifera presents the yellow stone to the statue.
"Is this what you want?"
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>>20667Boronian goes to find Vinifera.
"Ah, there you are. We found a door where the stone would surely fit!"
>>20668The bear remains silent, nothing happens, as Boronian looks over Vinifera's shoulder.
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>>20680You come to heavy wooden door, reinforced by metal.
On it, there was the wooden head of a dog, with one big empty eye socket. In the other stuck a fist-sized stone.
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>>20681It didn't even look like a crossbow...
>>20682"Figures he works it out first."
He takes the yellow stone and shoves it in there.
"Where is Naz?"
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>>20683>puts his contraption into his inventory, with a few spare bolts>goes back to the dog head door>>20684 How'd it go with the bear?
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>>20689It was -5... but still, out the stone slides and lands on the floor.
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>>20689 want me to do it...? I can't bear to watch this.
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>>20695It fits in the head and gives a loud 'click'.
And slowly the door opens.
(( And here we stop for today! ))
>>20696"There we go!"
((Thanks. I need to stop for now and get food.))
>>20695 You did it! just bearly.
>>20696 ((thanks for running it!))
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The door has opened. As you peek around the corner you see the corridor continuing, with two ways branching from it.
The walls are not decorated in any way, just mostly flat walls, made of dark stone.
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>>20701(( I hope I got the right one. ))
You notice that there is a door on your left as you look down the small corridor.
You can also roll for Dexterity if you want to sneak.
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>>20703You peek around the corner, seeing a hall with pillars.
>>20705"Huh... Naz, I'm gonna look around here. Call me if you mnneed help. And don't touch any bears in case they summon wraiths."
Vinifera investigates the hall with the two pillars.
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>>20704The door gives an eerie creak as you open it...
You look into what seems to be a small art gallery, various paintings hanging on the wall.
An expensive and comfortably soft red carpet is covering the floor.
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>>20706There is indeed four pillars.
Also, another stuff bear, just like in the previous rooms. Also, yet another wooden door; heavy and reinforced by metal.
>>20709I'll need a Strength +6 for the carpet.
As for the painting, try as you may, you cannot seem to move them.
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>>20711You hear a hollow voice emitting from the bear... "WASHES".
He tries to recall what the other bears have said so far.
"Fire, Cleanses, Blood, Washes... I suppose this statue also has a jewel? Then again I don't recall a jewel from the Fire bear."
Vinifera takes a closer look at the bear.
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>>20717You try to lift the carpet with all your might and you are able to lift it up at the corner... it seems to kind of glued to the floor.
There are a few other still life paintings, just like the previous ones.
There is a single painting not fitting the others...
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>>20726The four pillars seem to be made of a single piece of rock... other than that, the hall was as cold as all the others so far, not being homely at all.
You feel a certain coldness whenever you get closer to the door.
>>20727All the painting were made with extraordinary skill. A true Master must have painted them.
As you examine the painting of the painter, it seems for just a moment as if it had moved... but it might have been your imagination.
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>>20730You hear another eerie voice, making you jump!
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Boronian decided to hide behind a pillar, bow at the ready.
>>20732Vinifera was surprised by this.
After he regained his composure he thought for a little.
"Um... Fire, Cleanses, Blood, Washes?".
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>>20736You hear a loud "CLICK"... the door slowly opens... the coldness in the room fades.
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>>20738"Oh... cool."
He quietly peaks his head through the door.
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>>20740>>20741Someone here is quite the art collector.
I'm going to check something real quick...
>goes back to the ladder>climbs the ladder No.20744
>>20742Boromir came out from behind a pillar.
"All good here. I'm glad you got the password right!"
>>20743"Be careful."
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>>20748You make it up safely into a big crawlspace. You notice you are above the elevator, the pulleys and ropes in front of you.
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>>20751Through holes you can look down the elevator shaft. The platform has not moved.
Clearly the elevator can be repaired if needed from here.
>>20752Boronian shakes his head. "I don't know where exactly he went. He mentioned paintings though."
>>20753"Alright. Let's look for him."
He leaves the room and goes down the corridor he saw Naz went down last.
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>>20757I found some nice artwork. a weird painting that gave me a headache. and a service area for the lift. nothing too exciting. What did you find?
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>>20759 right......................
well, lead the way then
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>>20761>>20760There was nothing cold there now... the stairs were leading up.
>roll for Perception +3 No.20766
>>20765Vinfiera readies his weapon, expecting some sort of grand chamber with wizards just above these stairs.
"Let's go up the stairs quietly and cautiously."
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As you make it upstairs, you are in another corridor... there a passage to the right, a door up ahead, and another to the right.
>roll for Perception +1
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>>20773You hear nothing...
>>20774Nazom pricks up his ears... he thinks he hears muffled barking and sounds that remind of a struggle from up ahead.
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Around the corner, was a big room... a single chair was in the corner.
On it, sat the most bizarre creature you have seen yet. There sat a bear, over 2 meters tall... and he had human feet.
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>>20773 Did you hear that? sounds like a dog
>examines the door to the north>places his ear up to it No.20779
He examines the larger hallway with the chair.
>>20776He noticed the bear with the human feet.
((Has the bear noticed them yet?))
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>>20780The bear was scratching his head and shifted lazily on his chair.
Just then, another bizarre creature, carrying a large axe, approached from the upper left hallway, barking a greeting to which the bear lifted his paw.
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For clarification.
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>>20789>>20790Nice sneaking... no one seems to have noticed you as you make it to the western doors.
As you listen at the doors, you notice that the barking comes from the upper one.
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>>20792You slowly open the door... revealing the toilet!
>>20793There was a key hole. It was dark inside, but you could see some shadows moving.
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>>20796>whispersthink you can open that door slowly enough to not draw attention to us?
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>>20796>>20798Needs a good Dexterity test.
"I'm pretty nimble", said Boronian.
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>>20802Boronian is extremely quiet as he opens the door. Now the muffled barks turn louder, you hear something that almost sound like a barked laugh.
SUDDENLY! A makeshift ball made out of a couple of socks stuffed together comes flying out of the room.
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>>20805The door was already a crack opened by Boronian... and a sock ball flew out through the crack.
Are you sure you want to peek?
>>20806Vinifera examines the sock-ball.
"Is this... some kind of toy?"
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>>20807>>20808You do just that, hearing barking... and suddenly it stops.
Vinifera stood there, sock-ball in hand... suddenly he could hear growling, and it didn't sound friendly.
As he looked up, he saw four of the men-with-dog-heads looking at him, two still had a knotted rope in their mouths with which they were playing tug-o-war... a third had a bone in his mouth while getting up... the fourth stared at his ball in the elf's hand.
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>>20810The creature stoops down, picking it up with his teeth... The two with the rope growl still angrily, dropping their toy, the one with the bone reaches for his hatchet.
They are sniffing your scent.
1d20 - 1 = 9>>20811It falls apart as you try to load it, making a ruckus as the parts land on the floor...
>>20812Vinifera can sense aggression with those two and he did the first thing that came to mind...
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>>20813>>20814You need a very good Charisma roll now!
You can tell the creatures do not recognize you, and know you should not be up here...
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>>20816>>20817Both failed!
The human-canine-hybrids grab their weapons which were leaning against the wall, one of them barking loudly while the others just growl.
>>20818"OK, you wanna be a bad dog, you'll be treated as a bad dog."
Vinifera draws his weapon given it looks like a fight is on hand.
((If there is gonna be a fight can we do it another time?))
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>>20821 Charisma:
1d20 = 18 No.20823
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>>20822And with that... the next time we play we'll have a battle on our hands.
(( I'm afraid I have to stop for today, thanks for joining again! ))
>>20823 (thanks!)
>>20823>>20824(have a good one!)
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I think we were about to have a fight, unless you have a genius idea.
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>>20830One of the dog-hybrids quickly stoops down and picks it up and stuffs the ration in his mouth... a moment later he gets the sock-balls thrown at his head by another.
The two others look unsure.
>>20831Vinifera still is unsure if the dogmen are cool with this.
"G-good dogs?"
>>20833Vinifera lowered his weapons.
"The poor creatures. This is why they had all those dogs outside. They are fusing dogs with people."
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>>20832>>20833Soon they all sit together wolfing down the rations, having totally forgotten that you were strangers - or they simply didn't care.
They did not care much for the 'plenty of alcohol' that Nazom packed with his rations though.
((4 rations left now))
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>>20836>>20837The room is filled with old, warped or broken furniture. Tables, shelves and cabinets were standing at the walls.
>roll for Perception +3 No.20842
>>20841"Oh no..."
VInifera tries to take the bow without upsetting the dogmen. He had his suspicion on who it belonged to.
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>>20847((Forgot about the +4, but it's a natural 1!))
"One of them has a key!" Boronian said, pointing at one of the dogs who stuff his face with bread.
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>>20853>>20854"I'll try..." Boronian takes one of his own rations and tried to somehow convince the chimera to trade it for the key it had hanging on its belt.
1d20 + 2 = 17 No.20856
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>>20853>>20854>>20855Moments later, Boronian had one less ration, but no key.
>>20856"Alright, my turn..."
Vinifera carefully approaches the key dogman.
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>>20857One of the dogmen has lied down to take a rest, another was chomping on a rope.
The already well fed chimera looked up at Vinifera.
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>>20861He gave an angry growl, not liking beint touched.
>>20862"Easy, good boy."
Allows his hand to be sniffed.
>>20863Chomp at hand:
1d20 = 31d6 + 3 = 7Vinifera pulls hand back:
1d20 = 16 No.20865
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>>20864That hurt! You lose 4 life. Another of the dogs jumped up, growling angrily...
(What's Nazom doing in the mean time?)
>>20865"OW! Dammit! Bad dog!"
He didn't want to cause a scene. If he attacked the dog the rest will likely attack.
"Dammit, alright. Fine."
He waved his hand and cast a spell.
"Banbaladin!" No.20870
6d6 + 10 = 38Resistance:
3d6 + 25 = 40 No.20873
>>20869(( No problem, Epic's AFK too. ))
You notice footsteps, not approaching but leaving the big room where the bear was.
((I'm back.))
>>20872"Dammit! Y'know what? I give up on this."
VInifera goes over to the door and let Naz and Boron do their own thing.
"My luck has been absolute shit. Not even going to bother to tempt it more by trying to use aggression for that key."
((I'm back too))
>>20874 maybe we don't need it
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>>20874>>20875"Yeah, these dogs are pretty bad guards it seems... so how important can the key be."
>>20875"We probably do. I am capable of opening lock doors but it's cost magic. And if that key opens more than one door then I'll be burning through magic every lock door that needs the key."
Vinifera leans back on the wall next to the door.
"The idea I had was to kick this sock ball over to the bear guard, let the dogmen run wild through the floor and thin each others numbers in the chaos. But I'll probably end up the sock if I try it."
>>20878"I'll go and check."
Vinifera leaves the room to investigate.
((Also, do I still have that elf bow I found?))
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>>20879(( yes, sure ))
You peek around the corner to see no one being there, neither the bear nor the dogman.
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>>20885>>20884You make it to the big room where the bear was. There's a door on the right hand side, and a corridor leaving around a corner and up.
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>>20887It's a regular door, no reinforcements on this one. It's got a key hole.
>>20888You see a long corridor that turns around another corner.
>roll for Perception +3 No.20894
>>20893You don't hear anything up ahead.
What will you do?
>>20895Vinifera knows very well it's probably something or else they would not have locked it. But rather not go through all the trouble with the key. So he shoves it to the back of his mind and follows Naz.
Maybe opportunity will present itself for a new idea to get the key.
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You see a staircase, leading further up... also a hint of a door, and another corridor. There's bear huffing and dog growling coming from there.
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>>20898>>20899Just as you decide to go upstairs, you hear steps coming down from above.
>>20900"I guess not. I found the locked door but didn't open it. I just hope we're not leaving behind something vital, or any other prisoners that need rescuing."
>>20901"Shit! Someone coming!"
He heads to the nearest door just right of the stairs.
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>>20902>>20903Is this correct?
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Nazom can see from his spot that two wizards; one a short, chubby female around 30 years with brown locks, the other a man in his mid 40s, tall and dapper looking. Behind them is a dog-man carrying a long hatchet.
Vinifera sees from his spot at the door that the bear and dog-man they saw earlier were in what appeared to be a bathroom. They were pouring hot water into a tub, the bear clearly being the smarter of the two and giving orders - even speaking normal words.
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Pic correction!
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>>20912>>20913Vinifera has luck! The door is open and he quickly slips into what appears to be a meeting or dining room.
Just then, the two wizards and dog come around the corner in his direction.
The chubby female wizard began telling off the bear for leaving his post in the hall, the bear giving apologizing replies.
>>20914Vinifera waited until he was sure they were not coming.
He decided to explore the room he was in and checked the credenza for any loot.
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>>20915>>20917The dogman with the hatched slowly moved in the direction of Nazom (and Boronian), peeking around the corner as he was smelling someone...
>>20916Roll for Perception +3!
>>20920Surprise attack!
1d20 - 3 = 121d6 + 7 = 11Can doggo evade?
1d20 + 3 = 8 No.20922
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>>20921What rotten luck! Though the blow was well placed, the dog ducked under it in the last moment!
>>20920You were just hearing the wizards mention something about the elf - when you suddenly hear loud barking!
>>20923Nazom attacks:
1d20 = 181d6 + 7 = 13Dog blocks with hatchet:
1d20 = 9Boronian fires:
1d20 = 51d6 + 6 = 11 No.20926
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>>20924Nazom swings wide, but Boronian hits!
Doggo attacks:
1d20 = 41d6 + 5 = 11Nazom blocks:
1d20 = 1The two wizards come charging around the corner, wondering what was going on, the bear and other dog stood, confused for a moment.
>>20925As you dart out, the bear and dog-man in the bathroom see you!
"Foe! Foe!" The bear grumbled.
>>20926((Hold on. Let me specify. I'm currently in the conference room with the door closed. This is because I didn't know if those wizards that were coming downstairs will spot me or not.
I was about to explore the room some more when I thought I heard a noise from outside the room. Thinking it maybe dogmen who are entering I quickly darted under the conference table to hide.))
>>209301d20 = 71d6 + 4 = 6The wizard tries to duck but is surprised:
1d20 + 3 = 22Boronian reloads.
The dog attacks Nazom:
1d20 = 161d6 + 4 = 6Nazom tries to evade:
1d20 = 14>>20928>roll for Perception No.20933
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>>20931You hit the tall wizard, he is stunned!
The dog misses his attack.
The chubby female wizard begins cast a spell! "Intruders!"
>>20932You hear combat going on, apparently Nazom is in a fight!
Also, you hear a door being unlocked (not yours).
>>20934Nazom attacks:
1d20 = 111d6 + 7 = 10Dog tries to parry:
1d20 = 16Boronian fires at the tall wizard:
1d20 = 91d6 + 6 = 12 No.20937
>>20935"Shit! I hope our cover isn;t blown."
Vinifera wanted time to explore the conference room,check the credenza and look at the pictures on the wall but no time for that.
Vinifera carefully peaks open the door a little to see if the bearman and dogman were still in the bathroom.
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>>20936The wizard screams out in pain and tries to flee upstairs!
The dog gurgles as he falls onto the floor in a heap, hacked down by Nazom's mighty halberd!
The chubby wizard casts a spell, directing it at Nazom:
3d6 = 6 damage!
>>20937You see that the bear was fiddling with a key in the door right next to the conference room and opened it, telling the dog to guard the sorceress.
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>>20938 pathetic
>flings an axe at the chubby wizard No.20941
>>20939Back attack:
1d20 - 4 = 92d6 + 12 = 18The bear cannot evade this.
>>209401d20 = 131d6 + 4 = 7The wizard snarls angrily and tries to evade:
1d20 + 4 = 10Another dog-man comes charging around the corner, carrying a sledgehammer.
Boronian reloads. "Running low on arrows!" he shouts.
>>20942VInifera prepared for a proper fight with the bear, his sowrd ready to attack.
"Keys if you please."
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>>20943The bear's paws came crashing down like sledgehammers, giving Vinifera a double attack!
1d20 + 4 = 111d6 + 5 = 71d20 + 4 = 111d6 + 5 = 10Vinifera tries to dodge:
1d20 = 6 No.20945
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>>20944Vinifera evaded a blow but the other hit him hard! 7 damage!
>>20946Out of axes! Also, the tall wizard has fled back upstairs, you cannot see him anymore.
In front of you is a dog-man, getting ready to fight; and the chubby wizard, casting a spell.
>>20948Nazom swings at the wizard:
1d20 = 161d6 + 7 = 13She does not try to evade, busy casting her magic.
Boronian fires an arrow at her:
1d20 = 11d6 + 6 = 10The dog attacks Nazom:
1d20 = 21d6 + 6 = 11 No.20952
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>>20950>>20951Nazom misses! And gets a heavy blow in turn! 2 damage thanks to his thick armor.
Nazom scores a critical hit! Double damage!
The chubby wizard squeals and almost topples over, stopping her magic and running upstairs!
"I'm the MVP." Says Boronian.
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>>20949The bear swings at Vinifera a he runs by him:
1d20 = 161d6 + 6 = 9Vinfera cannot evade this, if he lives, he closes the door...
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>smacks the dog with the back end of the halberd>>20952 nice shooting
>>20955Nazom attacks.
1d20 = 201d6 + 7 = 13The dog tries to parry:
1d20 = 8Boronian reloads "Only five arrows left!"
>>20954Vinifera was pretty much running on the dregs of luck itself.
He closed the door behind him while an angry bearman tries to break the door down.
He takes the opportunity to use his only healing potion.
"W-wish I had more".
And take whatever few moments he has to plan how to deal with the bearman.
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>>20957Nazom has dropped his halberd!
The dog attacks wildly!
1d20 + 3 = 121d6 + 9 = 12Nazom tries do duck.
1d20 = 9>>20958Just as Vinifera pours down the potion, the door splinters, the bear roaring angrily as he stands in the frame!
Vinifera recovers
2d6 = 5 Health!
>>20961Nazom tries something special:
1d20 + 2 = 71d6 + 7 = 12The dog tries to evade:
1d20 = 12Boronian fires:
1d20 = 111d6 + 6 = 12Vinifera attacks the bear:
1d20 = 161d6 + 6 = 11The bear does not bother to evade.
>>20963Excellent attacks by Nazom and Boronian!
The dog falls, dead before he hit the floor.
The bear tries another double attack:
1d20 + 4 = 231d6 + 5 = 101d20 + 4 = 201d6 + 5 = 11Vinifera evades:
1d20 = 13 No.20967
>>20964((Did I evade?))
>>20966"Thank gods you're here! Help!"
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>>20966>>20968Nazom is in a hurry, not yet able to attack as he first had to get to the room. The bear noticed that two more people were arriving and decided it's best to retreat.
He tries to run Nazom over:
1d20 = 20Nazom:
>try to test Strength or evade with Dexterity No.20975
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>>20974The bear bites Nazom in the face!
1d20 = 31d6 + 7 = 11Boronian cannot aim properly with Nazom and the bear falling all over.
Vinifera has the same issue.
Nazom: If you want to try the rope:
>Dexterity +4 No.20981
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>>20979Both hits land!
The bear has had enough and crawls over Nazom and tackles Boronian out of the way, fleeing!
Vinifera pursuits.
"Give us the keys and we'll leave you alone."
>>20985All still here and in shape.
Boronian tries to collect some arrows.
1d6 - 2 = 1 No.20988
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>>20987"Dammit, most of the arrows are broken."
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>>20986Indeed, there was a key ring with two keys, one stuck in the key hole.
>>20989"You're right. We cannot let the bear get away and inform the others."
He chases after the bear.
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>>20989>>20991I'm afraid, I need to stop here for today.
You need to do some planning in how you will proceed from here.
>>20989"Naz wait!" Vinifera tries to stop him from running up the stairs.
>>20992OK, we continue this next time.
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>>20996 If we let them get away, we'll have 4 wizards to deal with along with who knows what!
>continues running upstairs No.20999
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>>20996You thought he had some keys.
>>20997You run upstairs, reaching the top of the stairway... you hit an invisible wall!
>roll for Dexterity +2 No.21002
>>21000((You'd have to check, you didn't have the time during the fight and then running after Nazom.))
>>21001You prevent falling down the stairs! You stand at the top flight of stairs.
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>>21000 there's a wall here!
>taps the barriergot anything that can blast away invisible walls?
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>>21003You feel a sold barrier there, but you cannot see it.
>>21005Yes, you said you were following him.
>>21006Ah OK
>>21003"For now, let's finish exploring this floor. We still got a bearman to find."
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>>21008You examine them thoroughly but you do not seem to notice a hole or anything the like in the barrier.
Also the walls and stairs seem just to be made of regular stone. There's nothing hidden there.
>>21008"I'm heading back down. If that bear alerts the orcs or the dogmen I don't want them on alert."
Vinifera goes back down the stairs and looks around.
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>>21013>>21012You'd need to tell me where you want to look around exactly.
At the bottom of the stairs still lie the bodies of two of the dog-men. There's also a good amount of blood.
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>>21015>>21016You follow the trail of blood the bear left behind... it leads around the corner to the big hall, then further south and down the staircase.
>>21017"Damn! It's gone to alert the orcs! Hopefully it will be confused on the orcs absence and we can catch up."
Cashes after it.
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>>21018>>21019You follow the trail of blood down the stairs, through the pillared hall... and then it ends.
>>21020"Aw heck..."
Vinifera explors the painting room... which he hasn't been to see yet.
>>21021Boronian looks around the room as well, but nothing seems amiss, or misplaced. There is no trace of the bear.
>roll for Intuition +2>>21022You look into what seems to be a small art gallery, various paintings hanging on the wall.
An expensive and comfortably soft red carpet is covering the floor.
>>20712>>20713>>20714>>20715There are a few other still life paintings, just like the previous ones.
There is a single painting not fitting the others...
>>20720ll the painting were made with extraordinary skill. A true Master must have painted them.
As you examine the painting of the painter, it seems for just a moment as if it had moved... but it might have been your imagination.
>>21023"Where did he go?"
Vinifera looked at the pantings.
>>20720 caught his interest.
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>>21025It shows a painter, painting one of the pictures on display.
Maybe it's a self portrait?
The room it shows, has no similarity with any of the rooms in the tower you have been to so far.
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>>21027>>21029You crawl around on the floor, but there is nothing... it's like the bear has suddenly just suddenly stopped bleeding.
Vinifera examines the frame, maybe something could be on the back of the picture?
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>>21031You notice that you do not seem to be able to move the painting at all.
>>21032Something you have noticed for a while is how high the ceiling is. It's over 3 meters (10 feet) high. The shadows flee as you lift your lantern... but there is nothing on the ceiling either. But it has gotten a bit colder.
>>21033"Hm... maybe it's looking at something?"
Vinifera looks towards the direction the eyes are looking.
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>>21034>roll for Intuition>>21035"I'll check a bit further down the corridor, maybe it has somehow covered the wound..."
>>21038"OK, I'll come up soon."
Continues with the pictures.
>>21037It seems like the eyes are looking at the door through which you came.
>>21038"I won't be long." answers Boronian.
>roll for Perception or Intuition, whichever you prefer. No.21041
He goes over to examine
>>20712 which seems to be the picture the artist was working on.
((I will need to pop out soon.))
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>>21041While you have not seen many paintings in your life, this one is indeed a master piece. Maybe it was the artist's favorite?
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>>21042You stop, right where the door is of the pillared hall. For a moment you think you have seen something on the floor...
Also, it's gotten colder.
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>>21047You notice... an additional shadow on the floor.
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>>21051"Nazom, look out above you!" You hear Boronian call out!
>>21052You try to, you touch the canvas... and you almost feel like, you are touching a lemon.
>>21053"Is this... magic?"
Rest hand on the portrait until something happens.
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>>21054You see a floating blue hand slowly emerging from the ceiling above you... It is as big as you!
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>>21055You feel the lemons, the oranges, even the basket...
And you are sure you can even smell the fruits!
>>21058"It is! It is some sort of portal!"
At first checks if it's not a one-way portal, can he remove his hands?
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>>21057>>21059You hit! The axe falls to the ground, you are not sure that did anything to it!
>roll for Perception>>21060Your hand was lying flat on the canvas, you did not 'reach through' it or anything... but this seems certainly magical.
Suddenly you hear Boronian yelling your name!
>>21061((So I spend the last few minutes fondeling a picture?))
"Oh shit! Naz!"
He stopped what he was doing and went to get top the stairs in the hall.
>>21062You see blood in the hand... and not just a little bit. But it's not from your axe!
>>21063((Yes, exactly... and where you touch the oranges on the picture, it felt like you were touching one...))
>>21064((I thought maybe the bearman escaped into a picture world or something.))
Vinifera left the gallery and went to look for Naz.
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>>21064 that thing got the bear!
>grabs his axe off the floor No.21069
>>21067"Oh shit! A Wallmaster!"
Draws his sword to fight.
>>21070That was a prudent thing to do, the fingers just miss you as you run past and upstairs...
>>21069"I don't like the look of this..." says Boronian, having drawn his bow.
>>21071"Could it be what took the bearman?"
He backs off from the wall, seeing it's range.
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((Alright, I have a bit more time. We can continue if you hurry.))
>>21071"Could it be what took the bearman?"
He backs off from the wall, seeing it's range.
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>>21079"Nazom said something of the sort."
Slowly, the blue hand floats up and disappears in the ceiling.
Vinifera proceeds upstairs.
>>21082Can hear me coming.
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"I've never seen something of the like... maybe it was a demon of sorts?"
>>21089"My key?"
((Do I still have it?))
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>>21089>>21090I guess you mean this door, right?
And yes, you got 2 keys actually.
>>21091"Ah yeah, let's try it."
Vinifera tries his key on the door.
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>>21092>>21093You see no other keys lying around here...
As you try the door, it indeed opens, revealing a hallway behind it, and another door just opposite of the one you entered.
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>>21099There was yet another door, and a fireplace with a fire burning, emitting light and warmth.
>>21100You try the other key, but it won't fit.
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>>21102As you peer into the fire place you notice gratings inside to the left and right.
The door is locked.
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"A'ight. I guess I'll go round and see if the bearman left his keys in the lock of that door I jumped him at."
Vinifera walked round to the door where he defeated the Bearman.
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>>21104You get the key out that was stuck there - and to your disappointment you notice it's a duplicate of the one you just opened the door with.
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>>21108You examine the wooden credenza, it's been skillfully crafted with dark marquetry. But it has no apparent ways of being opened. There's a knob for a drawer, but it seems fake.
>>21109"Hm... why place a fake piece of furniture here?"
He examines it for secret switches.
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((I'm afraid I need to stop there for today. I hope we can continue again soon!))
>>21112 (thanks for running it!)
>>21111 (see you later; have a good one)
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>>21118You managed with on!
You examine the credenza which is about table-high. You come to the conclusion that there is nothing special about it. It's a decorative credenza to place plates with food and drink on before they are served.
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>>21119You see yet another door as you peek around the corner.
>>21120"Huh... OK".
Vinifera goes over to inspect the showcases and the paintings on the other wall of the room.
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>>21121>opens the door!(what's je 8 Stunden?)
>>21122There are three paintings there...
- "starry night"
- "sunrise" (over a random town)
- "green cornfield"
Inside the showcase you see a bunch of dishes, bowls, cups, glasses, cutlery, candlesticks.
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>>21123(8 hours each)
You find that the door is shut by a latch. You open the door, finding the room being small, with only bed, table, chair, and a bucket.
On the bed lies an elf, fast asleep.
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>>21126You look behind the paintings, there does not seem to be anything behind them but the regular old wall.
>>21127He is blond braided hair, has pointy ears...
>>21128"I guess I'm done here."
Vinifera leaves. He then remembers the bathroom was just across the corridor.
"Surely they'll have some first aids or healing supplies in there."
He goes to check.
>>21131Stepping over a dead dog-man you examine the room. Apparently someone had tried to prepare a bath before the three of you were discovered.
You look around, seeing all the items needed to clean yourself with. Soap, hot water, cloths, brushes and combs, but no healing items.
>>21132(That's correct.)
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Boronian was on the lookout at the staircase upstairs, when you suddenly hear his voice. "Guys, I hear a lot of barking from up there, something's going on."
>>21133Vinifera looked around.
"Not even a cabinet?"
He looked at the prepared bath.
"I'm not going to."
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>>21135Not even a cabinet... But plenty of firewood for the ovens there.
>>21136"Well, they have been alerted for ages, two of the wizards ran back upstairs after all... I think they took their time to prepare and will come down shortly. Maybe all four of them this time, with a bunch of more of these dog-men."
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>>21137The elf stirs and opens his eyes... "Yes... hello? Who is there?" he mumbles, looking dazed.
>>21138"Damit! That's exactly what I was trying to prevent. And I'm barely in one piece! I'm not ready for anymore fighting."
((My google doc character sheet says I have one healing potion left, though I can't remember if I simply forgot to remove it after a previous use.))
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>>21139 Hey! We're busting you out of here. I'm Nazom. Are you alright?
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>>21142((I'll remove it then. But the bandages won't do much. I guess I'll just have to try and be clever.))
Vinifera hears the commotion and tries to move away from the stairs before they can come down. Seeing a door, he tries to haul up in this room. Hopefully it will be a nurses office or something.
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>>21143 You're in some tower forsaken by the gods, and there are 4 wizards and a bunch of dogs, bears, and a giant ever claw thing coming after us, and we have to get moving right now if you want to ever make it out of here alive. Can you walk?
>>21144You notice that Nazom has disappeared, not seeing him in the corridors. You try the door but find it firmly locked.
>>21145"Yes... I think I can walk." He gets slowly up, legs wobbly. "Wizards... I remember wizards... and orcs."
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>>21146 Well we took care of most of the orcs. My friends Vin and Baronian are also here looking for you.
>yells down the hallI found Navahon!
>helps Navahon to his feet and helps him get moving No.21149
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>>21147No luck, the door is closed.
>>21148Navahon slowly follows you, balancing himself with a hand on the wall.
>>21148He hears Naz calling.
"Where are you?"
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>>21150>>21151Navahon greets Vinifera in Elvish as he sees him.
>>21151Following the sound of Naz voice, he hears he is just down the corridor.
He ponders for a moment...
"You're right, I'm in no state for a big fight and we got to make sure the prisoners are safe."
>>21152"<Hello Navahon. Been long since I heard my own language. I'm somewhat rusty,>"
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>>21155"I'm right here, we really should move."
>>21154Vinifera also helps him, if he is unsteady.
"I'm from Aumond. Though the elves there are all gone. Been me and Naz ever since."
>>21159 Sounds good to me.
>>21154 Do you think you can fight if need be?
>offers his sword to the elf No.21161
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>>21157"Aumond... I have heard of it." he mumbles.
>>21160He was clearly not in the position to fight.
>>21158As you reach the hall, you see a single man standing there, blocking the way.
"My my, so you are the ones who have intruded our home and killed some of our experiments? I'm surprised you were able to get past the orcs."
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>>21161 Let us leave and we may yet let you live.
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>>21163He had a longsword in his hand and was dressed in leather armor and a long thick coat.
"I'm afraid I cannot do that." He lifts his sword, pointing at Navahon. "You may leave... but the elf stays here."
>>21164He raises an eyebrow. "I cannot say that I do."
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>>21165 What do you want with the elf?
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>>21166"That does not concern you. But rest assured that we mean him no harm."
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>>21165"My family grew grapes and made wine."
>>21167Notice the burly guy standing in there way.
"We have no time for this."
He raises his hand to cast a spell.
"Bannbaladin" No.21170
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>>21168Let's see if it works...
6d6 + 10 = 35: must be higher than 35.
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>>21170>>21169Failed by 1 point.
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>>21172>>21173((Yes, it looks like a fight. So we should do this next time! Thanks for the taking the time, even though it was short today.))
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Time to continue.
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>>21178>>21179Vinifera just tried to cast a spell on the man blocking your only way out of the tower.
Boronian and the elf Navahon are also with you, the latter being quite weak.
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>>21179Could be better...
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>>21181 Who are you? What do you want with Navahon?
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>>21182No, it failed by 1 point.
>>21183"First things first..." he said, then looked at Vinifera with a shimmer of anger in his eyes.
He pressed an index finger against his lips as if to silence the elf.
10d6 = 36: must be higher than
4d6 + 20 = 36 No.21185
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>>21184"Not bad..." he muttered, noticing his spell too has failed.
(also by 1 point, lol)
>>21184>>21185"Trying to silence me? I'll silence you permanently if you do not move out of our way."
>>21186"I'll be fine, but I'll need to use all my mana for this..."
He raised his arms up and cast Balsam on himself.
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>>21187"Oh, I doubt it... Your time is running out."
The barking behind you got louder, and fiercer. It became obvious that he was just trying to waste your time till the other wizards arrive.
>>21189Nazom throws the axe:
1d20 = 81d6 + 4 = 8The wizard tries to evade:
1d20 = 17 No.21191
>>21190The wizard groans in pain and snarls...
"ARMIS!" he yells...
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>>21189>>21192Your turns to attack, he has just cast a spell.
Boronian aims with his bow.
>>21194Oh, now that's a special attack:
1d20 + 7 = 14He tries to evade if necessary.
1d20 = 18 No.21197
>>21193Now healed to 25HP and with an angry door guard to fight, Vinifera was as ready as he could for a fight.
He drew his sword.
"Alright, if it's silence you want, I will oblige by silencing you."
He attacks, aiming for the face.
>>21198Parry successful.
With a smile he does a faint attack at Vinifera.
1d20 + 5 = 131d6 + 5 = 8Vinifera parries:
1d20 + 5 = 8 No.21201
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Your turn, Nazom and Vinifera.
>>21200"How you hanging in there Naz?"
He prepares to lunge at Pergor as his fight with the doorman continues.
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>>21202 I've been worse! need more ale I think.
>>21201 let me give you a hand!
>chops the wizard's sword hand with his halberd No.21205
>>212031d20 + 2 = 131d6 + 7 = 13 here comes the halberd!
Sword parry by Pergor:
1d20 + 2 = 13 No.21207
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Boronian takes an extra loading round for more damage.
>>212081d20 = 51d6 + 7 = 8Another parry attempt:
1d20 = 14Boronian fires:
1d20 = 71d6 + 8 = 13 No.21210
>>21209That hit! But barely a scratch!
Massive hit by Boronian though, Pergor does not look amused at all.
He attacks Nazom with a heavy blow:
1d20 + 3 = 71d6 + 9 = 14Nazom parry:
1d20 = 16 No.21211
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>>21210"That's more like it, wretched dwarf!"
Nazom takes 5 damage.
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>>21211 you're almost starting to annoy me!
>attempts to disarm the wizard No.21213
>>21211"Shit! Nazom!"
Vinifera quickly stood in the way of Naz and Pergor.
"Deal with me first doorman!"
>>21208"Naz, are you fighting the wizards behind us? Let's watch our backs!"
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>>21212That's not easy!
1d20 + 4 = 16Pergor tries to evade:
1d20 = 8 and even if he fails, can keep his weapon with a successful strength roll
1d20 + 4 = 22Boronian reloads. The barking is getting ever louder, the dogs have reached the top of the stairs.
>>21214((The ones coming from the floor above you. But they are not here yet.))
>>21214((Oh... I thought you were fighting wizards behind us and doorman was in front of us, as in we're flanked in pincer position. But Clarity said there was no one behind us.
So I guess both doorman and wizard in front of us?))
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>>21215Failure to disarm!
Pergor does another heavy blow!
1d20 + 5 = 201d6 + 11 = 12Can Nazom parry?
1d20 = 3 No.21219
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>>21213 I'm on it!
>rushes to fight the dogs>>21216 (I think the wizard is the doorman?)
>>21215((Ooooooh OK. Well if Naz and the group is free to fight Pergor then that's great.))
>>21217>>21219"A'ight, let's take him down then!"
((Yes. Pergor is in our way, blocking access from the door.))
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>>21218>>21219>>21220Okay, before you rush off...
You're 3 against 1 there, Pergor (a wizard) stands alone to block your way.
There's no one else there yet, but a bunch of guys and dogs on the way from upstairs.
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>>21221 (oh ok)
>chops the wizard again No.21223
>>21221((So me, Boronian and Nazom vs one guy?))
He looks to his friends by his side.
"Let's f**k 'im up!"
>>212221d20 = 151d6 + 7 = 11 by Nazom!
Pergor tries to evade:
1d20 = 7>>21223Vinifera attacks:
1d20 = 111d6 + 6 = 8Boronian loads for extra damage.
>>21224Oh no, Nazom fails and Pergor parries Vinifera's attack!
Pergor does a heavy swipe at Vinifera:
1d20 + 4 = 151d6 + 10 = 15Vinifera evads:
1d20 = 8 No.21228
>>212271d20 + 7 = 17 more luck this time?
Pergor ties to evade:
1d20 = 4Boronian fires:
1d20 = 131d6 + 10 = 12 No.21230
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>>21228Nazom misses again! Nice hit by Boronian though!
"He has tougher armor than it looks like..."
>>21229Vinifera swings his heavy sword:
1d20 = 11d6 + 6 = 8Can Pergor parry:
1d20 = 15 No.21232
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>>21231Critical hit! Double damage cause Pergor cannot parry successfully!
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"Curse you...." Pergor's words echo as he disappears in a cloud of smoke...
>>21232"Bout' bloody time!"
While he was stunned, quickly attacks his throat in hopes to silence him.
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>>21234>>21235You hear the barking and the shouts of a woman in the corridor behind you.
"They are nearby, the dogs can smell them. Hurry!"
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>>21235>>21236Let's get out of here!
>helps carry Navahon down the stairs No.21238
>>21236"Quick! Follow me! I have an idea!"
Heads to theroom where the dogmen are kept.
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>>21239Roll for Intelligence!
>>21237>>21239"Let's get out of here" Boronian agrees.
Vinifera's plan.
1. Go into the Dogmans room. Take the sockball before the dogmen have chance to properly respond.
2. Take the sockball to the center of the corridor where the open room is and where likely the lazy wizard will go. Kick the to the center of the hallway.
3. While the dogmen go after the ball, quickly get down the stairs while the lady has to deal with a bunch of dogmen.
>>21241d20 = 18 No.21243
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>>21242Well, that's the plan!
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In the meantime, Nazom & Co. reach the hall with the pillars...
Where to?
>>21243Yeah. Get in, take the sockball and get outta there before the dogmen have time to respond to me barging in there.
I won't close the door behind me, I want them to follow.
Then I'll kick the sockball to the center of the middle hall while I run down the stairs.
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>>21245As you open the door, you find the dog-men fast asleep, one his the sock ball lying on his chest.
>>21246Off you go, when you suddenly feel something above you...
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>>21247 look out!
>runs faster No.21249
>>21248Down swoops the hand
1d20 = 15!
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>>21249And fails!
Suddenly... Navahon gets slower, and just stops, looking down the corridor where the paintings were.
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>>21250 What is it? The exit's this way!
>>21247Vin decided to be a bit sneaky about this, but knowing other wizards were coming down the stairs from above he had to hurry.
He will sneak in, take the sockball and get outta there sharpish. This was bound to wake the dogmen and that was intentional. But given they're currently asleep means it be easier for him to gte in and out unharmed if they were awake.
>>21251Navahon appears to not even hear you, slowly walking down the small to the paintings...
>>21252Vinifera sneaks: Dexterity
1d20 = 11 No.21256
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>>21254They don't really notice the ball missing... being still drowsy from waking up.
One looks out of the door.
>>21255Strength test, Nazom VS. Navahon:
1d20 = 7 VS.
1d20 = 19 No.21258
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>>21257You drag Navahon along, back in the right direction... but there!
>>21254((Don't you mean me?))
VInifera stands just outside the door, holding the sockball. He whistles, getting the dogmans attention
"Here' boy!"
Vinifera then runs to the center of the corridor, hoping the dogmen will wake up and follow.
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>>21259((Yes, of course.))
The dog-men already were awake, they yawned. Two went back to sleep again. Two others just sat there, looking around for something to eat.
One saw the ball and gave a bark, following Vinifera.
>>21262Oh no! Who does it get?
Nazom: 1, 2
Boronian: 3, 4
Navahon: 5, 6
1d6 = 3 No.21265
>>21261Vinifera was hoping for pack mentality here but he decided this will do.
"C'mon boy"
He drew the dogman to the middle of the corridor. He them drops and kick the ball to the center hall as far as he can.
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>>21264And he fails!
The fingers close around Boronian, and slowly the hand drags him right into the wall, both disappearing amidst Boronian's screams for help.
Boronian is gone, as is the hand.
>>21265Just at that woman, a fat female wizard and two other wizards, a young and a middle-aged one arrive with five more dog-men!
"There's one of them, get him!" The woman shouts furiously!
The dog-man runs after the sock balls, the other hybrids looking up, quite pleased at the ball.
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>>21267You reach the elevator!
But how will you get down? There's no one downstairs to turn the crank!
>>21268"Ta-da! A new sport! I'll call it... sock-er!"
As the ball lands at the wizards feet and the dogmen distracted by it, he quickly escapes down the stairs.
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>>21269 (isn't it stuck in a halfway position or something?)
>>21270"Obey, stupid dogs!" you hear the female wizard shouting.
The two males one were saying something too, but you were already heading downstairs, following Nazom and the others.
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>>21271(Yes, you are right! You must climb down the ropes.)
>>21272Laughs as his distraction was successful.
((Wasn't there a lift? I can't recall.)
>>21275You try to at least!
1d20 = 14 with Dexterity.
1d6 + 1 = 7 falling damage.
But you're down on top of the elevator.
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>>21274As you run, you see something coming out the wall!
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>>21279>>21280You can hear the clamor of an axe going to work on wood in front!
The hand tries to grab you:
1d20 = 8Can Vinifera evade?
1d20 = 7 No.21283
>>21282Vinifera dodges out the way, not wanting that.
He hears the sound of an axe on wood and surmise it's the sound of a dwarf axe and goes to find Naz.
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>>21286 playing games at a time like this!? Baronian got snatched by the hand! we'll have to come back for him
>keeps chopping No.21288
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>>21286>>21287You've made it through! Just a short hope down now.
>>21287"Wh-what?" He looks up to where he just was.
>>21288Vinifera was still looking up, yet to comprehend Boronian was taken.
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>>21291Oh no, there goes Nazom, and he tried to be careful, too. He had too much ale after all!
1d3 = 2 damage.
>>21292"Pulled him trough? So he's captured."
Goes down through the hole.
"What if we can't save him in time? What if they kill him or make him a hybrid?"
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>>21293 my bum!
>>21294 Yes, but I'm in no shape to keep fighting. Are you? Plus we've got Navahon to deal with plus the others outside. And Navahon's not all there. We'll have to hurry back for Baronian.
>>21297Naz was right. His mana reserves were gone and could be of no help without keys or unlocking spell.
"You're right. Let's get the survivors out of here and to safety."
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>>21297>>21298You reach the entry level... No sign of any of the orcs. The door up ahead was still open.
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>>21300 alright; you find the servants, and I'll help Navahon
>pulls Navahon along and out the door, toppling over the hat stand along the way No.21302
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((I'm afraid I need to call it a day. I think we can wrap things up next time.))
>>21302 (sounds good)
>>21302>>21300(take care!)
>>21302((Yes. We go outside, find the hostages waiting for us, get them safely through the swamps back to civilization.
Then we must stock up and prepare to fight wizards and rescue Boronian.))
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It's time to continue!
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>>21306Yes, you are outside again!
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>>21309Navahon was still feeling dizzy, he almost toppled down the short stairway if it were not for Nazom.
>>21310Vinifera supports him.
"Don't worry, we're nearly out of here. We just have to pick up the others."
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You make it into the main part of the outside area wher the dead orc were lying...
>roll for Perception +2
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>>21313>>21314Everyone's deaf!
>>21318"Oh shit! You guys alright?"
>>21319I think one of the orcs are in the kennels and they're trying to trap him in there.
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>>21319The orcs are trying to get in from outside and the servants are trying to block up the door. It's the orcs Vinifera tricked to go outside when you first came here.
>>21320"By the Gods, you are here!"
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>>21321 grab a weapon and throw open the door!
>>21321"Yeah. We came to leave but it appears our exit is not optional."
Vinifera judges the integrity of the barricade they made and how long it will keep the orcs out.
>>21322"Hold on, let's not be too hasty."
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>>21323 We've probably got some angry wizards coming behind us. I'd rather take my chances with the orcs outside.
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>>21322It's properly barred up and now there's cage and hay ball standing in front too, so you cannot just open it.
You see axes partially tearing the door down from the other sides, wood splinters.
>>21323The barrier will keep for a little while longer, but not too long.
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>>21327>>21328Your ears are cleaened!
You here shouting for help coming from behind you, from outside the shed.
>>21329"Huh? Someone else here?"
He goes over to the source of the shouting.
"Where are you?"
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>>21330"Vinifera, is that you?! I'm in a cage... there's hedges all around it!"
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>>21331You examine the door which is made completely out of metal... you notice it appears to be "welded" shut, there's no way to open it.
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>>21333>>21330looks like there's only one way out!
>>21332 Baronian!
>starts chopping through the hedges No.21335
>>21332"Boron! There you are! I'll get you out man!"
He goes back to the kennel and quickly gets one of the axes.
"I found Boronian!" he calls to Naz.
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>>21334>>21335You begin hacking away at the hedges, they were thick, resiliant, unnaturally so...
>roll for Strength No.21339
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>>21337Oh no, a critical miss! The throwing axe you used breaks!
>>21338Not enough strength!
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>>21339 me beautiful throwing axe!
>>21340>uses his hatchet No.21343
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>>21341Here comes the Nazom!
1d20 = 2>>21342Noticing Nazom uses his spare hatched, you continue hacking away yourself!
1d20 = 1 No.21344
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>>21343Yeah, that's how you do it. ;P
You hack your way through the hedges, finding a cage standing there... inside is Boronian... and the bear!
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>>21345Yes, both are inside the cage... the bear seems to have passed out from his wounds.
>>21346The cage seems rather old, the metal showing rust. There's a door and it has a padlock.
>>21347I try to break the padlock with the axe.
Given I'm out of magic, I can't unlock or heal.
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>>21350>>21349The padlock breaks, the door is open!
"Excellent! I'm glad to see you are both well."
>>21351"I'm glad we found you. I was worried you were kept elsewhere and we'd have to come back tommorow to rescue you."
He goes over to the bear.
"I guess they intended to merge you with this guy."
He checks on the bear.
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>>21353"Actually... I think the hand brought it here as well. Maybe all it does is throw unwanted guests out."
The bear was out cold, but it wout surely survive, even when unattended.
>>21355VInifera pats the bear.
"I'm sorry friend. I'm all outta potions and magic to heal you with."
>>21356"O-oh right! The orcs outside!"
He gets up.
"Let's check the dead orcs for keys. Maybe we can leave through the front gate."
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>>21356>>21357>>21358You see that all the servants have left the shed, closed the door and were trying to bar this one now as well.
"Maybe we can climb over the wall to get out?"
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>>21361 the gate's sealed; a key won't help
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>>21360You have 9.8 meters of rope.
>>21361You examine the dead orcs and indeed they have a key... but it's just a spare of one of those you have already found.
>>21362"There must be some lock or mechanism to open it, or else it would just be a peculiarly placed fence!"
>>21363Vin goes back to the gate and looks for a means to open it.
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>>21366 Baronian, do you think you can climb over and secure this rope to the other side?
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>>21367>roll for Perception>>21368"I'm on it!"
1d20 - 3 = 101d20 - 3 = 9 No.21371
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>>21369Boronian climbs over the wall... and jumps from the top.
"There's a swamp on the other side..."
A few moments later you hear the outside door of the shed splintering and giving way, the orcs were in the shed. The servants were shrieking in fear as they leaned against the other door.
"I've secured the rope at an old tree!" you hear Boronian finally shout.
>>21370You saw no secret means to open it... You also didn't see what kept it shut... you didn't even realize why it was not just opening when being pushed.
>>21371"D-damn! No time to figure this out!"
He noticed Naz and Boronian has got a rope over the wall and he called out to the three humans by the door.
"Quick! I'll help you up!"
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>>21371>>21372What are you staring at? It's like you've never seen a gate before.
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>>21372One after another they were climbing up the wall and jumped down at the other side to meet Boronian.
The door was shattering, the orc hewing away with all their strength. It would not hold out much longer!
>>21374"What kind of gate doesn't open? Anyway no time for that."
>>21375Vin was the last, makiing sure everyone got over the wall and out before he could climb up himself.
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Nazom... roll for Strength -3 and Dexterity -3!
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>>21378And you're over the wall and down in the swamp with the others!
>>21376Vinifera, your turn!
d20 - 3 = 2Dex.
d20 - 3 = -1 No.21381
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>>21380And you too are over the wall, landing gracefully on the other side, just as the orcs crashed through the gate!
Shouting and screaming one threw a throwing axe after you, but it misses and lands next to you. It was one of Nazom's.
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>>21382The orcs were shouting and hollering even angrier as the rope was pulled aways just as they tried to climb up themselves.
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>>21383 hah!
>>21384 lead the way!
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>>21384>>21385You have to spend a night in the swamp, but on the afternoon of the next day you make it safely back to the town of Riva.
>>21385Vinifera leads the group away from the original entrance where the orcs will like backtrack to. But tries to get them out of the area and somewhere safe.
>>21386With Boronian still as our guide, we finally got home, with both Navahon, Lane and the two other hostages.
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>>21388>>21387"We'll be heading to the city guard to inform them about what happened... And then return to our families. We all live close to town. Thanks again for your help, we would have never made it without you."
((Dinner time!))
>>21389"You lot stay safe now, alright?"
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>>21390((Alright, we're almost done. Let's continue soon so we can finish the story! Thanks for playing! ))
>>21389 Be careful!
>>21390>>21391((sounds good; thank you))
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You're back in the town of Riva!
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>>21395>>21396Sure, you have a good night's rest in one of the local inns, falling into your beds after all the time in the swamp and tower.
You decide to have a bath as well.
You regenerate
1d6 + 3 = 5 health and
1d6 + 3 = 6 magic.
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>>21395 I think I might need to visit a local doctor.
>excuses himself to find a doctor to patch his wounds. No.21401
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I deduct both of you 3 silver pieces for the rooms and bath and food.
>>21399You look for a healer and indeed find tow different ones. One is a bit of a quack but rather cheap (costing 1 gold piece), the other is competent (costin 3 gold pieces). Which do you prefer?
>>21400You are very exhausted, and no healer can get your magic back. Only sleep or a magic potion could do that, the latter being very expensive.
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>>21401 I'll haggle with the competent one. that's way too expensive!
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>>21402He looks at the dwarf and shakes his head. "Sir, it is no good haggling for your own health. At the very least I can give you 1 silver discount."
>roll for Charisma if you wish to make it even chaper No.21408
>>21404Thus Vinifera and Nazom go round town.
Vinifera decides to go to the where Navahon and Lauriel were staying. Surely elves like him know the right potions and motions for mana restoration.
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>>21406"Very well, 2 gold and 7 silver."
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>>21408Navahon was not staying anywhere, being with you, and having previously slept outside of town... but you find Lauriel eventually.
"Oh, you are back! And you have found Navahon!"
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>>21409 That's a fair offer!
>pays the healer No.21412
>>21411He goes to work, cleaning your wounds with alcohol, removing any dirt and splinters, getting clean bandages and even using ointment to make you feel better.
You regenerate
4d6 = 18 health.
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>>21412 worth every penny. Thanks, doc!
(what are my stats now? how much money do I have left?)
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>>21413The other humans went to the city guard after saying farewell, then would head back to their homes.
Lauriel listens intently to the story, shaking her head, hugging Lauriel and singing an elven song to soothe his mind.
>>21415Vinifera noticed how close Navahon and Luariel were... not that it matters to him much.
"I wanted to talk about whatever you learned from your time imprisoned in the tower. What we know is these wizards creating hybrids by fusing humans and beast together. What I want to know is why? From what I understand it isn't everyday magic sort of thing without a purpose of use."
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>>21419"I don't remember much after the orcs caught me and dragged me to the tower... I was usually locked up, or brought to a gallary of sorts... I don't even remember seeing any chimeras. Only wizards, and orcs."
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>>21423"Yes... it was a nice place, very comfortable. They kept me there for hours. I just closed my eyes, or meditated... But it's all foggy now."
He ponders for a moment. "I recall hearing barking of dogs and the grumbles of a bear."
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>takes a detour to a local tavern
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>>21417You find Vinifera after talking to some of the town folk. He was talking to the other two elves.
>>21426>>21427(oh, never mind then)
>>21423 patched up good as new.
>checks on Navahon No.21429
>>21424"Hmm... I think me and Naz should go back there and end whatever scheme they are preparing for. Or else more humans, maybe even elves will go missing and turned into hybrids. It won't stop until someone put a stop to it.
But my mana is so weak, ever sine I exhausted it I fear I may burnout or something."
>>21429"You must meditate, that will help you regenerate your magic faster. But even then, if it is depleted, it takes its time."
>>21429Navahon greets Nazom.
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>>21430 Has your strength returned? You barely made it out of that tower! Is there anything you know that can help us against the wizards?
>>21430"I guess..."
Before he lost his family, they never really taught him how to recover mana given he rarely used his natural spells before his journey.
"Ooh! Before I forget. I believe these are your things."
He hands Navahon his flower brooch.
"Hm... perchance is this bow also yours?" Show's him the bow. "It's the only other elven weapon we found in the tower."
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>>21432"I feel a bit better, thank you. But it was quite an unnerving experience... I'm not used to that kind of thing." He tries to remember but it's all foggy.
"I don't even know why they kept me there, they wouldn't say. There was three of them... no, four!"
>>21433"Oh joy, my bow and brooch! Thank you, friend Vinifera."
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>>21435 Where will you go now that you're back and safe?
>wonders where Baronian went No.21438
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>>21436"It's a family heirloom. I wonder if they will not just pack up and flee... Do you think thy would stick around when you have escaped and could tell aobut their plan and hiding place?"
>>21437"I will return to the forest with Lauriel as soon as I feel better. I do not like the taste of the air in this town... There is too much stone and smoke here, and not enough 'life'."
You last saw Boronian heading to the Magic Academy that sent for you in the first place.
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>>21438 That sounds like an excellent plan.
>>21436 I will go find Baronian and then see about recruiting some additional help.
>bids the elves farewell and goes to find Baronian No.21442
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>>21439You leave the town behind you, following the northern road that leads to the maic Academy. There you see a dwarf, hard at work in the garden surrounding the school house.
>>21440>>21441"It is a shame you do not know the spell to turn yourself into an animal then. I can turn into a dove for a while... but it drains my magic too quickly to do it long."
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>>21441 good idea; I'll see what I can find.
>>21442 Greetings; have you seen Baronian? Any news since we left?
>>21443"Teach you? That is a spell that comes to you... I guess your soul animal never spoke to you?"
>>21444The dwarf looked up, spitting out. "Oh, I do have news! There's a whole investation of moles eating my precious flowers! Blast these moles and shrews and other ground devils! ... But yes, I saw a bald guy with a bow, if that's him. He entered the Academy an hour ago."
>>21445"Soul animal? What is that?"
((Oooh! Am I gonna learn a new spell?))
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>>21445 You just have to dig faster than the moles do! Thanks for the tip.
>goes inside to look for Baronian and others No.21448
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>>21446"Everyone has a soul animal... You, me, even the dwarf. It represents how you truly are inside. It mirrors your being, your character. If you discover it, you can turn into it."
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>>21447"Digging?! I owuld just ruin me plants even more!"
After the wizard guarding the front gate allows you to enter you are brought before the head of the Acamdey where Boronian was already sitting, explaining what had happened at the strange tower.
"Ah, Nazom, good to see you."
>>21450>greets the head of the academyBaronian! I trust you're doing well?
any insights from the Academy about the wizards?
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>>21449She sings a song for a while, looking out of the window at the sun. "How peculiar that it never came to you. Truly, you have been among humans and dwarfs for too long, and abandoned the paths of the forest. ... When was the last time you spent time in the forset, listened to what the earth and trees have to say? Do you still hear the music of your clan in your dreams and in waking times?"
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>>21451"Boronian has told us much already, it seems that evil was indeed at works in the swamps; even more so that we had anticipatd. Demons indeed, and chimeras... Bleak news. But you seem to have thwarted them for now."
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>>21453 Vinifera and I have discussed going back to wipe out the wizards once and for all. But even with Baronian's help, we couldn't beat two of the wizards. There are two more - and who knows how powerful they are! If we're to rid this land of the wizards, we're going to need to enlist additional help. and we'll need funds to pay them, of course.
>>21454She nods... "Speaking of funds, you have earned these 150 Ducats." She hands Nazom a bag havy with coins.
"Help will not be easy to get, not against such opposition. We are a schol and cannot just leave our pupils unattended. We will need to speak to the city council."
She thinks. "There is a dwarf in town, a stout fellow and a mercenary. He might help."
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>>21455 Thank you.
>resists the urge to start playing with the coins>counts out hands Baronian 50 ducatsto Baronian: "for your part! Care to join us once again?"
to the headmistress: "I shall go find this mercenary. To what extent is the Academy willing to fund the new expedition?"
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>>21457Boronian takes the coins, surprised at the bonus. "I appreciate it. And yes, I would be willing to go back... at least to lead you to the tower. I'm not sure I want to face that grabby hand again though!"
The academy leader ponders and examines her fund register. "I am sure we can divert some of our funds as... additional expenses. But everything has its limits. We really need assistance from the council."
>>21452Vinifera had a solemn pause after Lauriels song.
"My clan laid our roots in a small town of Aumond, west of Salamander Stones mountain range, a town nestled by a forest. It was a mixed community of elves and humans but even we found Forest Elves visiting our way. Many pass through our town to or from the forest.
Sure my family were not like Forest Elves, but we were known as the finest winemakers in all of Aventura. With taverns from Andergast to Fasar stocking our wines."
Vinifera was proud at the heritage his family was given, the smile faded from his face.
"They're all dead now. A feylamia quietly showed up one day and began picking off the residents one by one. I remember waking up that morning and just knowing my parents, my brothers were gone. How silent the house was. I walked out into the vineyards and saw it standing there."
Vinifera gave a sigh.
"That was ages a go. A few months back me and Naz pursuit that very same feylamia who took a new identity and killed it. So yeah, family avenged and now I'm trying to get the business back up but still. Not something I can easily forget about."
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>>21459She fell silent for a moment... "I see, I am sorry for your loss; it could have not been easy for you. Aumond you say... our elders once told of a town to the south which was famed for its vine and that even befell it. But they would not speak more of it." After a long pause she looks at Navahon who nods. "After your adventures have concluded, you should follow us to our tribe and meet our elders, surely they have much to teach you for aiding us. Including how to find your sole animal."
>>21458 I'd be more worried about the bear! I look forward to traveling with you again. Make preparations!
Vinifera suggested if anyone in the Academy can use a sort of sight magic to check on the tower from afar. Is such a thing possible?
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>>21461She hakes her head. "Sadly, that far outdoes what any magic could do. At the absolute most a magic can reach the horizon, but that greatly diminishes its effect. And even so, such spell cannot penetrate walls."
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>>21462"We will not leave the forest we call home, Vinifera. But you might be welcome to settle in our woods if you ever feel the burden of loneliness heavy upon your soul."
>>21464"I'm not always alone. My best friend is a dwarf."
Looks over to Lauriel and blushes a little.
"But I will like to visit your home after all this."
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>>21465Both smile. "How odd for an elf to journey with a 'boroborinoi'", they say. ... Boroborinoi being the elvish word for a dwarf, meaning 'small beard-mumbler'.
>>21466Of course, Vinifera didn't get the reference.
"I never figured he was Italian!"
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>>21467"I know he lives near the market square... I've seen him in one of the tavers there now and then."
>>21468"I... ta... lian?"
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(( I'm afraid I need to stop for today. Thanks for joining again! ))
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>>21469>is very excited at thisa tavern, of course! how silly of me. then to the tavern I must go! see you soon, Baronian.
>gives a subtle bow to the headmistress and leaves for the market square>>21471>>21472((sounds good! take care))
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>>21474Sounds like a plan.
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>>21474* ?
* profit!
>goes to the market square / tavern No.21477
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>>21476You find it easy enough finding the dwarf you are looking for after talking to a few people. His house is in a corner of the square. After you knock a dwarf, about 100 years old, opens.
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>>21477 Hail! You must be, er... I mean... I was told that a formidable dwarven mercenary lived here! May I speak with him?
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>>21480"We know dwarfs mostly from tales, they do not live near to our forest."
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>>21481"I worked in the mines in the southern mountains for a long time. I was a funnel sweeper, nothing's more dangerous and lonely than keeping the many miles of air ducts clean. After that I worked for the mines close by for a couple of years, but there was little to do. Got around after that. Done some work for the city council too."
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>>21484"They cut down all the trees and carry them off underground to light the world on fire!" Navahon recites an ancient fable about dwarfs.
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>>21483 What sort of work?
>>21485VInifera looks around.
"The world doesn't look like it's on fire. And there are still trees in the world."
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>>21487"Used to be more though, I bet. Dwarfs work slow." He laughs. "Maybe they get distracted by ale too much."
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>>21488 Indeed, you must be the dwarf I'm looking for then. My name's Nazom; pleased to meet you.
>goes to shake the dwarf's handSo you know, we're expecting to fight four wizards, plus their beasts and minions. How much will it cost to secure your services for the task?
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>>21490"We're just too different in everything we enjoy and how we do things. You're an exception to the rule."
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>>21491He shakes your hand, demands a very small fee of 2 silver pieces per day, and then quickly goes off to grab his axe. Moments later he comes out with an already packed knapsack which has two lanterns and many feet of rope hanging on its side and a rolled up sleeping bag on top.
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>>21493"Yes, but that doesn't mean we get along, especially when our lifestyles are completely different. We prefer being on our own in the forest. Which is difficult enough with humans getting closer an dcloser to our borders."
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>>21494 I'm impressed!
>hands over 4 silverto get you started. We'll probably be leaving tomorrow, but there are some additional things I'll need to handle before we go. along with making the final preparations with the others I mentioned.
> (needs to do the stuff I mentioned to Clarity)...Oh, and did I mention they have some very fine beer stored in the tower we'll be visiting?
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>>21496"Our elders have many times. And we had to resettle because of the humans many times."
>>21498"Well, I dunno if I can be of any help with that. I mean if you want me and Naz to intervene then sure, that can be our next adventure.
But we got to do something about them wizards in the tower. Yeah we saved you and the others from their clutches but who's to say they won't go at it again?"
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>>21499"Again, we thank you for your help, and you are very welcome to visit our forest."
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>>21500 eh.... I.... where did... I've been robbed!
>looks around to see who coulda dunnit No.21504
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>>21502You acquired a means of carrying your riches.
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>>21503"Yes, it is about time we headed back home. It was good to meet you, friend."
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>>21504 (oh, I misunderstood. sorry)
>goes to find Vin No.21507
>>21505"It was."
He shakes his hand.
He turns to Lauriel
"Hope to see you again soon.
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>>21506"So your friend is an elf? Strange company you're keeping..."
Youn find Vinifera just where you had left him, just as the elfs were leaving.
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>>21507They leave, waving good bye. Soon their singing voices would sound fainter and they were gone from sight.
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>>21508>>21507My good friend Vinifera, this is Thorgrim, Defender of the Southern Mines! I'm enlisted his services to help us against the wizards.
>hands 50 ducats to Vinthis is your share from the headmistress. I used my share to buy this
>pats the muleto help us recover the valuables from the tower!
>>21508((Quality photoshopping right there))
>>21509"Good bye,"
>>21510"Hello Mr. Thorgrim. Thank you for helping us."
Looks over to the mule.
"Aw he's beautiful."
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>>21511 His name's Mule-mo!
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>>21510>>21511Boronian had joined in the mean time as well, handing Vinifera 100 ducats from the academy.
((Nazom, you only received your own money - Vinifera should have picked his up himself. But Boronian got it for him.))
Thorgrim looked the elf up and down, judiging him. "Ah well, we'll make a fine a team, I'm sure."
>>21514((So I get durats?))
"Other than people power, we need to be more prepared. I need to buy supplies. Potions and such."
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>>21514 (oh, ok. I'll need an inventory then since I lost track in that case.)
>>21513>>21514I assume we're ready to leave tomorrow morning? any last minute preparations? I need to go to a couple of shops, and of course, hit the tavern!
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>>21516((So I have 253 durats?))
"I'll go with you to the shops. But if we all go to the tower and find them gone it would be a waste of all our time. How can we be sure they are still there?"
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So, shopping time I guess?
You can also sell some of your junk.
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>>21521 (I'm not sure?)
>>21521 The academy can't tell from afar. We'll have to go back to see. And even if they
are gone... Well, we've got Mule-mo to help them with their spring cleaning.
>starts heading to the shopsThorgrim, do you need anything?
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>>21524"Food and lots of ale." said Thorgrim.
"More arrows." said Boronian.
"Hay and carrots." said Mule-Mo.
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>>21523>drinks the beer>sees if he can have the box appraised>sells the morfu stingers, the candles, and the candlesticks>>21525The ale goes without saying!
>Grab some food for yourself.
and arrows as you need!
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>>21522A bit different from what I have written down but I don't my finances being a bit under than expected.
>>21524"I guess you're right. Loot what isn't nailed down."
He goes another direction.
"I'm going to go to general supplies and then the apothecary."
>>21526Thorgrim and Boronian re-stocked their supplies. Boronian also got himself a leather armor.
You seel the candles, candlesticks and stingers for 1 ducats and 4 thalers.
A jeweler is willing to give you 7 ducats for the box and its contents.
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>>21528"Well met, what can I get you?"
>>21528 not even
nails can stop us!
>>21529(what is the unknown metal and what are the gems?)
>looks for a hammer appropriate to use with the chisels>looks to buy 2 more throwing axes No.21533
>>21531He rubs his hands, wanting 15 gold pieces for an "excellent health potion".
Anything magic related you would need to get from the Academy though, only they stocked these kinds of things.
>>21533Vinifera looks at the prize tags on the potion bottles. He noticed the Excellent Health Potion being 15 gold.
"I imagine this can fully restore me even if I am torn to pieces or near death?"
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>>21532That's 45 silver pieces per throwing axe.
You find a regular sledgegammer for the biggest chisel, the right size to take down a wall with. It's 5 silver pieces.
The metal was of a reddish color and strange to look upon.
"That's Asthenil!" shouted Thorgrim. "Very rare, even a little magic they say."
The gems were semi-precious stones.
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>>21534"It was properly appraised, they will certainly heal a fellow like you."
(One heals 30 Health, he has 3 for sale.)
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>>21535>buys all the thingsReally? Where have you seen Asthenil before? Maybe they can do something with it at the Academy...
>examines the Asthenil>keeps the Asthenil and sells the rest No.21538
>>21536Vinifera noticed three bottles.
"Can I buy all of them or is there a limit per customer?"
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>>21537"At my old home in the souther mountains. That's where it's found and only there. It can't be found anymore nowadays, it has dried up. You should hold on to it."
You sell the box and gems for 5 gold pieces.
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>>21538"They are yours, my friend, as long as you have enough ducats."
>>21540"Great! I'll grab my stuff!"
He pays 45 durats.
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>>21539 a wise dwarf... I think I'm pretty well set. everything else I need can be found in one very magical place... to the tavern!
>shouts to Vin and BaronianI'll be waiting for you!
>makes his way back to the tavern No.21543
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>>21542As you head towards the tavern you notice there was a turmoil going on. A hundred people ore more were standing there, talking loudly, gesturing... foreboding was in there air. Something bad had happened.
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>>21543>rushes over and asks some of the people nearbyWhat's going on?
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>>21544It seemed at first that most people had no clue what had happened exactly either, you heard different rumours... then, after a while one thing had become clear: Orcs had attacked the dwarven mine that was several miles outside of town. A lone dwarf had made it back to the city only to collapse soon after. It was unsure whether there were other survivors.
>>21545Vinifera hears the commotion from outside.
"Thank you for your business."
Vinfiera goes to investigate and asks Naz.
"What's going on?"
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"I know where the mine is, I used to work there for years... That's bad news indeed. What are orcs even doing this far north?"
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>>21549 We'll have to make do then.
>>21550 The wizards of the tower we're going to fight have several orcs working for them. These might be one and the same.
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>>21551>>21549"No point in going there right now, we'll never reach it before nighfall."
It was already late in the afternoon.
>>21551"It might not be. I don't want to ignore the wizards in the tower. But these dwarves need our immediate help."
He turns to Thorngrim.
"What's the quickest means to the mines?"
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>>21552 *mumbles*>>21553 It's likely the rest are already dead or captured. He's probably right that it's best to wait.
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>>21556 (oh I thought he was dead, too)
Yes, let's see if he's come to and maybe we can get some information.
>>21555"Well alright. I do want to help the dwarf miners but I don't want to give the wizards time to recouperate and take more hostages.
>>21556"Alright, let's see what the dwarf knows."
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It's almost time for me to stop for today.
But more importantly, you get 450 exp for the adventures in the tower, just enough to level up!
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Nazom and Vinifera, you can each rise one of your Abilities.
Also, you can either rise your Attack or Defense by 1.
Last, Nazom, rolld 1d6 for extra health.
Vinifera, roll 1d6+2 which you can divide between health and magic.
>>21564>>21565Phooey, bad rolls.
Which Ability will you rise, Vinifera?
>>21564>>21566It's not much but I can work with it.
Health 35+2=37
Mana 36+1=37
>>21567I'll raise Attack. That way like my H/M ratio my A/D will be balanced.
>>21568No, Abilities are Strength, Courage etc.
Got the Attack up noted.
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>>21570Got it.
Alright, thanks again for playing. Let's continue another time!
>>21576Ooooh. On my sheet it's labeled as "12-1" which I know it's just 11 but it's easy to understand.
OK, I've updated my sheet now. No.21579
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Alright, let's continue. What's the next step?
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>>21583>>21584"Yes, we should definitely rest of the night."
>>21585That night, as Vinifera lies in bed. He was a bit restless. He sits up.
He remembers what Lauriel said about how elves can meditate to get their mana restored. He figured now would be a good time to try it.
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>>21586That's well thought, roll for Strength -3.
>>21588You notice that you can focus really well on your meditation as you sink into a kind of trance for a good hour. Certainly you will regenerate much better this night.
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>>21590 (seems to be working now)
>>21584>>21585That sounds like a good idea...
come, Mule-mo!
>heads to the tavern to "regenerate" No.21592
>>21590VInifera tried to let himself go in this dreamlike trance while at the same time concentrate to assure it's ongoing.
>>21591((I think only elves can regenerate mana this way... or any magical beings I guess.
Unless you mean health then I guess food and rest.))
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Mule-mo followsand finds a place at the tavern stable.
It's a comfortable bed and you 'regenerate" some health.
>>21592Everyone can regenerate health and magic, but you regenerate more magic when meditating.
>>21594Vinifera felt his natural magiuc flow through him. But at less than a third, he curse himself that he was not a "proper elf" at these things. His family were winemakers, they never taught him the natural gifts of being an elf... they couldn't, it's too late for them.
>>21597It look like Vin didn't get much sleep last night.
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>>21597Boronian and Thorgrim 'the Strong' were ready.
>>21598 You look beat! should have joined us at the tavern for a nightcap.
>>21598>>21599Let's see if we can find that injured dwarf.
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>>21600Regardless of how well he slept, he was still ready.
He looked over to the two dwarves riding a donkey and couldn't help but stifle a grin.
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>>21601>>21602((You can't ride that mule cause it's got backpacks on it left and right! =P It's saddled to carry items.))
You soon enough find the injured dwarf as there are not that many professional healers in town.
One of the priests of Peraine, the Goddess of agriculture and healing was present.
>>21603Vinifera goes to greet the miner dwarf.
"Hello again, You feeling better?"
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>>21602 (nice image though!)
>>21603>puts his rations, Asthenil, and clay in the packs>>21602>>21603You all can offload some of your things too if you want!
>>21603>examines the dwarf>asks the priest:"How's the dwarf doing?"
>>21604>>21605The miner dwarf was obviously very weak, a large bandage on his head, the Peraine priest applying ointment to him.
"He is very weak, but he'll make. Dwarfs are sturdy folk."
The dwarf opened and eye, looking at the odd company there.
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>>21607"Orcs... out of nowhere... There was no warning. Everything went wrong... what a day..."
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>>21608 Did anyone else make it out? How many others were there in the mine?
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>>21612"Prince Balbarosh..."
Thorim nodded, "Balbarosh lead a good two dozen dwarfs from the south after learning of an old, ancient dwarf mine being discovered. We made good progress for a while, found some ore too. But then it kind of dried up - that's when I left. But that was years ago, many others stayed though. Balbarosh was certain there'd be riches."
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>>21613 So this is where he came? so far from the mountains! I wonder what he was after...
>>21614 Did you see what happened to any of them? Were they killed or captured?
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>>21615"There was screaming and fighting... and lots of blood... I tried to flee and made it, but was shot at from behind... I also hit my head... or maybe it was a blow, I don't know."
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>>21612>>21613If there's a chance they're alive, we've got to try to save the prince!
Thorgrim, you can lead the way?
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>>21617"Certainly, I'll find the mine easily. I know my way around it too, unless much was changed in recent years."
Vinifera tried remember something, but given it would take too long looking for a specific post in old RP threads he simply asked Naz.
>>21617"These mining dwarves, are they the same colony of dwarves you visited awhile back?"
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>>21616 Thank you for your help. Rest up and recover your strength!
>>21618 Excellent. How large were the mines last time you were there? I'm guessing I'll need to buy some more lamp oil...
>>21619 a cadet branch of the royal house I visited. I've heard the name Balbarosh on numerous occasions but never have crossed paths with him. He is quite gifted as I've heard.
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>>21620"I have two lamps, and back then the main areas were well lit with many lamps and crackling fires. The living areas I mean. So we should find plenty of lamps and candles and oil at the mines."
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>>21621 He's dwarven royalty! It's a matter of duty and honor to save him at all costs! not to mention his royal connections, and of course the royal treasury...
>>21622 That will do, then.
>>21624 We're ready? ready!
>>21624"A'ight. We should head out then."
He turns to Boronian and Thorgrim
"You guys don't have to come if you don't want to. You've done more than your fair share of payment. We can't thank you enough."
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>>21625>>21626Thorgrim flexed his muscles. "Nazom hired me, so I will of course join you. I don't let filthy orcs run free in good dwarf mines!"
Boronian nodded. "I'll come along as well, maybe it has to do with those wizards in some way."
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>>21626 but... Thorgrim's a mercenary for hire. and I hired him! He's coming with us.
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>>21628>>21629Led by Thorgrim, you make your way south and then east, towards a low mountaing range in the foresty areas around Riva.
Soon you leave all fields and cottages behind you and eventually leave the main road, following a rarely trodden trail. It was hard to even see the trail at all, only marks left by some heavy wheels could be seen. Carts that the dwarfs use to carry ore and foodstuff now and then, as Thorgrim explains.
>>21630The group travelled quietly, until Vinifera had to ask...
>>21631"Hey Naz, we've been travelling for quite a while now haven't we?"
>>21631Nazom rolls for Perception +2
1d6 + 2 = 7.
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>>21633>>21631Nazom finds a few pounds of minerals which must have been dropped a long time ago... It's pyrite, also known as fool's gold. It still has some (though not a high) value.
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>>21635 There's not much to it, really! I struck out on my own and...
(if you don't mind, I'm going to fill this in later, probably between sessions once I have time to really think it over. because at the moment I don't have a coherent backstory written down anywhere.)>>21636 hmmm, must have fallen from one of the supply wagons.
>adds the pyrite to one of Mule-mo's packs No.21638
>>21637He noticed he got easily distracted from the Pyrite before answering the question, as if he didn't wanted to answer it.
"Well, I couldn't of got over most stuff if it weren't for your help. You know I'd be eager to return such favours."
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You continue your journey, the small mountain range coming ever closer. Now and then you pass road markers now, showing that you are indeed on a path... between high grass and muddy spots you now and then notice old, flat stones, remains of an ancient road which has whithered away and was reclaimed by nature long ago.
After almost three hours, Thorgrim tells you that you were almost there, having reached the foothills.
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>>21642"That's a good idea, we should be careful."
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>>21638 You're a good friend, Vin. And now that you mention it, I have been thinking of a way to make a name for myself back at the Mountainhomes.
>>21641>>21642>looks for any tracks as we proceed No.21646
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>>21645There appear to be no tracks at all... you don't even notice your own tracks in fact.
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>>21646 we aren't leaving any trace! excellent work, everybody.
>>21647 (to be filled in later)But I think, now that I've seen more of the world, the Mountainhomes
could use a bit of culture. I would like to establish a fine art gallery there, to bring some of the outside world back home for other dwarves to experience. And I know just the wizards who can contribute to help start a collection.
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>>21649Thorgrim beamed "Indeed, no tracks!" while Boronian just gave a disappointed sigh.
"You gotta focus, guys. I see foot prints, fresh... and not ours!"
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>>21650 what!? where... I don't see anything.
Where do they lead? Can you see what kind they are?
>>21651>>21652There will be time for exhibits and collections later
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>>21657Nazom hears th rumbling of his own stomach.
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>>21658 has been a while since I had any sustenance...
>drinks the beer from his goblet No.21661
>>21660Thorgrim slowly follows while Boronian stays with Nazom, looking for more tracks and other signs... eventually he holds up what looks to be a broken arrow.
Vinifera rolls for Dexterity
1d20 - 2 = 2 No.21663
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>>21661And he makes it higher up.
>>21662Mule-mo begins to nibble the grass.
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>>21664"Not older than a week I'd say."
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>>21665 Anything unique about it? Any idea whose arrow it might have been?
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>>21666Looks like Vinifera is climbing even higher... Thorgrim follows in a distance, using his strength to make it up.
>>21667"Hard to tell from just the shaft. Help me look around for the arrowhead."
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>>21668 good idea
>searches for an arrowhead No.21671
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>>216691d20 - 1 = 8>>21670You soon lose sight of Nazom and Boronian below, only Mule-mo's whinnying can be heard once...
Then, you see a short, narrow gorge below, and a large gate at its end... the wooden door lying in ruins.
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>>21669>>21671You find the arrowhead. Boronian examines it... "It's low quality iron... Not what you usually buy at stores. Self-made I wager. Everything points to orcs."
>>21671"Hey Boron, this must be it!", unaware of how far away he was.
Vinifera tries to get a good look of the gorge, see if there was any orcs or dwarves.
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>>21672 those damn wizards...
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>>21673Thorgrim caught up to him, looking down. "Yes, that's it... and that's not looking good, how did they take the gate down? It's strong and should withstand any flimsy orc attack..."
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>>21676 hrmmm... they're soon to be dead orcs either way.
>starts sharpening his halberd with the whetstone No.21679
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>>21677"Hum... I don't know anything about wizards. You never know what they are up to."
>>21678Boronian hushed Nazom to be more quiet, in case any orc scouts were close by.
((I gotta stop for today I'm afraid. Thanks again for playing.))
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>>21679 (thank you!)
>>21677 (I'll fill in the backstory gaps when I'm more awake and have some time)
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>>21683"Shall we move closer?"
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>>21685>ties Mule-mo to a tree with a moderate length of ropeready when you are
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>>21688Let's see how Dexterity goes...
1d20 = 6Boronian tries to sneak as well.
1d20 = 11>>21689Vinifera makes it down from the hill, taking a bit longer than Boronian and Nazom. Thorgrim follows the elf.
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>>21690Now's that's some proper sneaking!
>>21692The gate was only feet away from you know. the broken door hanging in its hinges...
>>21693((No, Thorgrim was with you the whole time, Boronian stayed with Nazom.))
>>21694((Ah OK, so we're all here now?))
"Other than the door being battered though, nothing else. I can't even see any dead dwarves scattered about."
>>21695As you get closer you see parts of the shattered gate lying in front of you on the ground. Darkness gapes behind the entrance to the mines.
>>21696A few minutes after Boronian, Vinifera and Thorgrim arrive at the scene.
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>>21700Nazom can see well in the darkness, but even he can barely see 10 meters ahead. All was quiet, nothing stirred.
Vinifera examined the ground thoroughly, finding large imprints of naked feet on the ground, along with many boot marks.
>>21701"I don't like this. The dwarf from before confirmed the orcs came to slaughter them all yet not even a drop of blood.
If we're dealing with a sorcerer powerful enough to blast open the doors, they might be powerful enough to raise the dead."
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>>21702Eventually, you see a bit further inside. Strange how it was, it was like Vinifera said, there was no sign of any kind of fight. No blood, no corpres, nothing.
>>21703Vinifera rolls for Intelligence...
1d20 - 1 = 11 No.21705
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>>21704Vinifera ponders the naked foot imprints, they are large... and eventually only comes to one conclusion. There was at least one ogre here, likely two. They are large man eaters with strength to spare... they could have taken down the door.
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>>21703 Maybe they were carried off. Any idea which way they went?
>>21704>lights a lantern and examines the entrance to the mine No.21708
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>>21706Thorgrim follows the example, lighting his two lanterns, handing one to Boronian.
"Do you have a light, Vinifera?"
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>>21707"All ogres are man eaters. I know they sometimes gang up with orcs. Do you think they ate their own friends? It's possible..."
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>>21710>>21711Neither Thorgrim nor Boronian have heard of any ogres dwelling nearby. "Maybe they came from the orc lands along with orc bandits?", Thorgrim suggests. "Orc shamans are known to have an ogre as bodyguard."
>>21712 just what we need, more magic-using weirdos!
>>21713 light 'em if you've got 'em!
>hands Vin a lantern if he needs one>proceeds into the mine No.21716
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After 50 meters of walking straight, you come to a small hall. The walls are as smooth as the floor.
Here you find the first signs that something did happen here, a dead dwarf was lying in his dried up blood in a corner.
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>>21717 no eaten, by the looks of it.
>>21716>checks the walls No.21719
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>>21717You notice that the dwarf wore no armor, his only weapon being a pickaxe. A massive blunt object or weapon must have hit him, shattering his chest.
>>21718The walls were as bland as could be, no markings, no painting, no decoration. It was just a small, empty hall.
"Always been this way" commented Thorgrim. It was just for receiving goods or to 'welcome' visitors who were not allowed further inside.
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>>21720"We should give him a proper burial later on..."
He notices Thorgrim and Nazom already moving further inside along the long, dark hallways.
>>21722"I'm not sure what kind of funerals dwarves have. Perhaps once we make the mines safe the dwarven embassies can tend to the dead?"
"Let's follow them."
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>>21721>>21722>>21723Another 50 meters, then you reach an intersection of sorts. One path went straight ahead, but there were two others branching off and connecting to it again.
All walls here showed drawings of various kinds.
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>>21725 what do we have here...
>examines the drawings No.21727
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>>21726There are numerous - partly heavily weathered - images of dwarfs engaged in various activities of life. A magnificent city of the dwarfs appears again and again in the portraits. The centeral walls show dwarves fighting various dragons.
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>>21727 ah, Darkenbrow! Thorgrim, take a look.
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>>21728Thorgrim stands beside Nazom and nods, looking at the distinct heavy fortifications of Darkenbrow's city gate, the high Darkenbrow mountain behind it.
"I haven't been home in many years. Maybe I'll return home and find myself a bride after we are done hre."
((Sorry about that, if I had remembered it was Tuesday I would of gone to the shops while you we're at Hogwarts. I was too late for a EuroMil ticket.))
>>21725>>21728>>21729Vinifra figure it's a dwarf thing.
"What's it say?"
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>>21729 There's a thought! How was your time in the mines there?
>>21730 It's Darkenbrow, the Mountainhome! very old drawings. and some of dwarfs fighting those elf-loving dragon bastards. no offense.
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>>21731"Busy, crawling through the endles air tunnels, cleaning them and getting rid of any pests settling down to live there is not an easy way to earn ones bread."
Boronian called, saying he found grooves in the center hallway, on the ceiling and the bottom, right at the walls.
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>>21735 uhh... maybe we shouldn't be standing here.
>makes a squishing motion with his hands>very carefully walks north past the center walls No.21739
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>>21738 call it a hunch
>searches for mechanism to trigger the potential trap No.21740
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>>21739Nazom rolls for Perception:
1d20 + 3 = 17Nazom rolls for Intelligence:
1d20 - 2 = 5 No.21741
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>>21740He did not find any kind of mechanism that would trigger the trap... leaving only one option, it's weight.
Most likely the dragons fighting meant that - if indeed a wyrm would enter the hall and crawl forward - it's own weight would trigger the trap, most likely a pitfall.
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>>21742"Any kind of dragon small enough to enter really."
>>21742 Can't be too careful!
>>21741 If there were some ogres passing through, I wonder if they weren't heavy enough to trigger the trap.
>>21743"I see... so this picture isn't historic, it's a warning? Of wyrms in the area?"
>>21744"Walk around it then?"
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>>21745 possibly both.
That would be safer. but...
>tests his theory by walking through the middle No.21747
>>21744>>21746"Ogres are heavy, but dragons are much heavier due to their length."
>>21745"Always keep an eye on the sky. You never know when the ancient enemy is near.", that's what great-grand-father Thorim used to say.
>>21746Nazom walks along the central path without anything happening.
>>21747"Are we not in the mines?"
>>21746Vinifera waits and watches, to make sure it's safe before he proceeds.
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>>21748"The mines are deep below us. We are on the level of the living quarters, the main halls, and the throne room."
>>21749"A'ight," He follows.
>>21750"What kind of mining facility has a throne room?"
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>>21751Thorgrim shakes his head. "This is not just a 'mine', Prince Balbarosh rules here. It is like a small dwarven village.
You reach a long hall (much longer than on the picture). The hall is a good 6 meters high and supported by pillars. Light shafts were spending light.
"This is the festival hall!", Thorgrim proclaimed.
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>>21752 very nice...
>examines the quality of the stonecutting and pillars No.21755
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>>21753"We live underground, just like father Angrosh (the dwarven god) wanted it. In the mountains we are safe from the dangers of the sky (i.e. dragons)."
>>21754The halls were expertly carved out of the rock, the pillars tall and thick. Complex, silvery patterns adorned the walls which shimmered in different colors based on the rock formation.
Then... further down the hall, there were two more dead dwarfs. Blood was splattered everywhere. They bore bent chainmail armor, their weapons were missing.
>>21755Vinifera never been in a dwarven colony mine before so he was somewhat amazed at the degree of carving put into such an underground place.
He was just expecting tunnels and caverns carved from rock and earth and that's it.
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>>21759The two dwarfs were dead, likely they died the previous day.
>>21760Vinifera curses under his breath.
"It's like a whole underground town here. Are they all dead?"
Vinifera looks around the town.
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>>21762 We haven't seen too many bodies yet, so there is still hope. But whatever did this completely overran the mine's defenses.
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>>21761>>21762Thorgrim began to ran as he entered behind Nazom, tearing his beard at what he saw... the Hall of the Ancestors had been defiled.
The heads of the large statues of the proud ancestors of Darkenbrow had been broken by crude blows of axe and hammer. The tools still lying on the floor.
Hundreds of candles were lying about, knocked over, tossed away, some still standing. Not long ago they had been lit to honor the forefathers.
>>21765((Is there any pictures of Darkenbrow?))
>>21765>>21766Vinifera followed Thorgrim, walking into the Hall of Ancestors with the candles everywhere.
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((I'm afraid I gotta stop, getting too late for me. Thanks for joining again.))
>>21769((I could only try to get some stuff from Lord of the Rings Online, hehe.
There's not many official pictures of the location.))
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Time to start.
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>>21767You see Nazom leaving the room again...
>>21766While Thorgrim seems distraught, shaking his fist at an unseed enemy that defiled the place.
>>21779Vinifera still looking at the magnificent halls carved with such magnificence. But returns his attention to Thorgrim.
"I'm sorry about what happened to your friends."
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>>21780"Curse the orcs, I'll have their heads!" he says, storming out.
>>21781You look down a long hallways, leading straight on to the west. As you follow the voices behind you disappear. You walk on a good 50 meters, and still there is no end.
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>>21782 hrmph...
>stops to examine the walls and floor No.21786
>>21785The walls and floor feel smooth and cold, chiseled and carved into the mountain ages ago.
d20 + 3 = 17 for Intelligence.
>>21784The main hall area, moving on to where dwarves would live.
"If we call out for survivors, we might risk attracting unwanted attention, but let's see if we can find any survivors."
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>>21788>>21789Vinifera looks around the big hall he was in without finding any traces of combat or orcs. This seemed to be the hall were big feasts or celebrations were held.
Where the dwarfs lived though, that he didn't know. So which direction would he take?
>>21788You find Vinifera looking around the hall, Thorgrim was sitting at one of the big pillars, grumbling angry, oiling his crossbow and loading it.
Boronian in the meantime was examining the northern passage.
"There's a door up ahead."
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>>21789>>21790Hey, this hallway to the west seems older than the rest of the dig. I think the miners might have stumbled across something already down here.
>follows Baronian to the north No.21793
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>>21791The passage to the north was more narrow, it ended at a door, Boronian pressed his ear against it.
"I don't hear anything..."
>>21792Thorgrim looked up... "Maybe they fled down to the mines... Or hid somewhere?" There was something like hope in his tone.
>>21792>>21793That other hallway goes on a ways. There's no telling how far it goes.
>>21793 Let's give it a try.
>opens the door No.21796
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>>21795>>21794Thorgrim pondered. "It leads to the throne room and the prince's living quarters. And the mines were down that way as well."
>>21795You open the door carefully...
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>>21796>>21797the dining hall?
>steps inside>looks around>examines the cupboard and tapestry No.21799
>>21798As Vinifera walked through the halls he noticed something....
"Place rather tall for short people..."
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>>21797>>21798As you looked into the room you saw a dining room of sorts indeed. There were bottles strewn across the floor, plates with food were on the table, glasses and tankards too.
And around the table rested, slept and snored almost a dozen orcs. Some on the chair with their heads resting on the table, others had sunken to the ground.
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>>21800Vinifera backs away quietly,
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>signals the others to keep quiet
>equips his hammer
>signals he's going to use his hammer to knock the orcs unconscious
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>>21802A dangerous plan if you follow it through.
You could reach one, maybe two, but then you'd already have to literally climb over others without waking them... and having a bunch of angry, though drunk, orcs against you.
Thorgrim was grinding his teeth, readying his axe.
Boronian did not seem eager to fight a dozen orcs if push came to shove.
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>>21802Vinifera see's Naz approaching one of the twelve orcs with his hammer and furiously shakes his head against the idea. He did not like the odds of three against twelve.
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>>21804 (the idea would be to climb over the unconscious orcs)
>>21804>>21805>signals to the others, with a nod (yes?) or shake of the head (no?) No.21807
>>21806Thorgrim gave a nod, Boronian shook his head...
>>21806A Dexterity test would show whether you succeed...
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>>21809>>21810Boronian took a deep breath and examined the situation.
"We could all try to sneak over there... It shouldn't be tough. Luckily no orcs lie in the path."
>>21811"We could sneak by but let;s make sure we have options."
Vinifera assessed the situation.
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>>21810>>21811I still think we can take out a handful of them before the others wake. If we're lucky, we can knock them all out before any of them know what hit them.
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>>21812A Dexterity test -4 should do it.
>>21813You'd need to succeed in three Dexterity tests, plus Strength tests to knock out the orcs, and not just wake them.
>>21814>>21815"Hm... They're already sleeping off their ale though."
He asked Thorgrim.
"What is beyond that door?"
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>>21814 We're going to have to take them out sooner or later. I'd rather not have them standing in the way between us and the exit if they do wake up anyway.
>>21815> No.21818
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>>21816Used to be the living quarters, bunks, a bath, a smithy too.
>>21817"There maybe another exit."
>>21818"Is there any other way to that are other than this way?"
>>21820 I can give you the sledgehammer. I can use my hammer. And we can hit at least two of them at once. probably 2-3 more each even if they
do wake up right away.
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>>21821 Are you willing to take that chance?
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>>21821"No, unless we take down the wall, which would take a couple of pickaxe work."
>>21822"Works for me!" Thorgrim took the sledgehammer.
>>21823"Thorgrim knows this place better than I do. While I understand you want to get back at these orcs for what they did to your people if we screw up we'd be seriously outmatched!"
>>21824"Hm... I just thought up a new idea... this is a mining colony so there maybe explosives around here right? Probably enough to clear out a room of orcs?"
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>>21825 If we don't screw up, and they wake up anyway, we'll be seriously outmatched!
>>21827Vinifera took a deep breath. He still thought this was reckless but Naz was confident on his idea.
"Alright. If you think we can pull it off, then we'll try it your way."
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>>21828>lights and hands Vin his spare lanternIf they do wake up, throw this at the table. a fire in the room should smoke out any who aren't knocked out already, and we can take them on one by one using the door as a choke point.
>>21825 Baronian, ready?
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>>21829"Let's do it, for Prince Balbarosh."
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>>21831 May the gods grant us strength.
>gets into position behind the closest orc>waits for Thorgrim to get into position>aims his hammer at the orc's forehead>prepares to attack and times it with Thorgrim's swing No.21834
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>>21832Vinifera successfully sneaked over to the door on the right?
>>21833Strength Nazom:
1d20 - 2 = 0Strength Thorgrim:
1d20 - 2 = 0 No.21835
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>>21834Oh my, two dwarfs with the same rolls! The two orcs were out cold.
>>21834((Oh I thought we we're knocking out drunken orcs, I need to stay at the choke point.))
>>21835Vinifera gave a stifled sigh of relieve. two down, eight more to go.
>>21836((Yeah, but Dexterity -4 was for sneaking past them to the other door.))
>>21837Nazom sneaks
1d20 = 10Thorgrim sneaks
1d20 = 13 No.21840
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>>21837Vinifera could only trust in his dwarf buddies. Not the first time Naz proved him wrong and likely not the last.
>>21839Vinifera exhaled given the tension of it all.
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>>21841The dwarfs again roll for Strength!
Thorgrim the Strong:
1d20 - 2 = 18Nazom:
1d20 - 2 = 0 No.21843
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>>21842Oh my god! Critical failure on Thorgrim's part! Nazom KO's another orc, but Thorgrim's blow misses as the orc he aimed at falls to the side in his sleep with a snore... Thorgrim's hammer hits the table, making it jump!
>>21844>>21845Vinifera sings a lullaby...
1d20 + 2 = 8Three of the orc stir in their sleep...
1d20 = 15 No.21847
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>>21846The orcs miraculously do not awake!
>>21849Nazom attacks:
1d20 - 2 = 11Thorgrim attacks:
1d20 - 2 = 4 No.21851
>>21850Both succeed!
Another Dexterity test is needed after this one.
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>>21850>>21851(how many remain?)
>sneaks into position behind the next orc No.21853
>>21852Five more!
Nazom sneaks
1d20 = 18Thorgrim sneaks
1d20 = 14 No.21854
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>>21853With loud rattling Nazom kicks away some of the glasses on the floor, while Thorgrim trips over a knocked out orc and bumps into another!
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>>21857They open their eyes, angry, searching for the stupid orc who woke them...
>>218581d20 + 4 = 5 No.21860
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>>21859Critical success! The orcs decide it was nothing and go back to sleep.
>>21861Nazom tries another attack
1d20 - 2 = 5, so does Thorgrim
1d20 - 2 = 10.
>>21863Two more orcs in range!
1d20 - 2 = 5Thorgrim:
1d20 - 2 = -1 No.21865
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>>21863>>21864Only a single orc remains now, he sits in the center back of the table, requiring a final Dexterity test to safely reach!
>>21862Something intuitive stirs deep inside you...
1d20 = 3 No.21866
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>>21865Vinifera has learned the ancient elvish song SOMNIGRAVIS through sheer intiution.
While wizards too cna use this spell, it is originally of elvish origin.
>>21867Thorgrim comes from the other side...
Sneaking, easier as there no one else left who's not knocked out:
1d20 - 3 = 61d20 - 3 = 7 No.21870
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>>21868>>21869All orcs have been knocked out!
>>21866"Who'd thought my mothers old lullaby would be so efficient?"
(What's the stats for it?)
>>21870"Nice work both of you!"
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>>21862>>21870Well done, everyone! swift thinking on the lullaby there.
>starts cutting off lengths of rope to tie up the orcs one by one No.21874
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>>21871(I'll tell you later, I need to come up with them first.)
>>21872You use up all your rope, plus most of Thorgrim's in order to tie everyone up properly.
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>>21873 very smart! want to see what's behind the door, now?
>>21874>starts removing their weapons, placing them on the table>searches them for anything else of interest and places everything he finds on the table No.21877
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>>21875>>21876(( I'm afraid I need to stop for today, well done on taking out all those orcs! ))
>>21876 good plan. If that fails, Thorgrim and I will make them talk.
>>21877 (sounds good; until next time!)
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Here is Vinifera's new spell/song.
Use: Puts a victim into a dreamless sleep. The victim has to be in a resting (i.e. sitting, lying, etc.) state to be afflicted. If the victim is already sleeping, its sleep will be even deeper. Victim may roll for Strength +[Character's Level/2] to counter at the beginning of duration and then every 60 minutes thereafter to awake.
How to: Sing a soothing song.
Range: 5 meters
Duration: max. [Character's level/2] hours; victim awakes when roughly shook or even attacked
Costs: 6 MP for the first, 5 MP for any additional target
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>>21882>>21883not so dangerous, now!
>>21885 Sure; keep the change.
>starts examining the room, cupboard, and tapestry(?) No.21887
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>>21885Just keep the extra silver.
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>>21886The tapestries showed mountains vast forests, they were rather old and worn though, even without the wine stains they now had after the orcs feasted in the room.
There was also a coupboard, but it had been emptied by the orcs already, the bowls lying about, the brandy and wine having been drunk. There's some dice and simple cardboard playing cards though.
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>>21890The dice are made of bone...
5d6 = 13Unfortunately you could not imagine which mountains the tapestroy showed, the images were rather crude and showed few details.
The cards were for a kind of dwarvish Canasta game.
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>>21892"My name is Thorgrim!" he huffs and walks on over to the tapestry, examining it.
"There's no runes, it's images! Mounains and forests."
((Got confused wit someone from Vinland Saga.))
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>>21893 Thorgrim, do you want these cards?
>>21896 You'll have to teach us how to play later!
>>21897>searches the ground for traces of dead/injured dwarveswant to check the door over there?
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>>21901 There are only two directions they could be though - down the long hallway I went down, or through that door
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>>21902The living quaters are up ahead, we should given them a look at least.
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>>21905You see a locker room.... there were a good twenty lockers, some open, with clothes lying about, some were closed. A long bench was in the middle.
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>>21907>>21908As you walk inside and call, you hear adeep, grunting sound from the south... you see that large wooden door had been smashed open. In the room which was a kind of storage stood an oger, massive, fat, smelling of ranced fat... he was 9 feet tall and gnawing on what seemed to be a dwarvish leg!
>>21909"Oh sorry, we're not here to rescue you, carry on."
Vinifera gestures the others to keep out of the ogres way and to huddle for a quick team meeting.
"I could try putting him to sleep."
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(( Picture of an oger choking an orc... they often fight together, but not always get along. ))
>>21910Ogre rolls for Inteligence ...
1d20 = 9Ogre rolls for Perception ...
1d20 = 4 No.21915
>>21914>>21910The ogre roars out in anger! He reaches for what seemed to be a huge club and heads into the locker room!
"MMmh... smell elf... smell dorf! Good, good taste!"
>>21915Vinifera calls out to the ogre.
"You're mistaken! We're clearly not elves or dwarves!"
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>>21916>>21917"Bad dorf, bad elf! Good taste!" He roared... no matter what Vinifera hoped, ogres were not that stupid - and they had a sharp nose...
The ogre reached for Vinifera's arm!
1d20 = 3Vinifera tries to evade!
1d20 = 18 No.21919
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>>21918Oh no! The ogre's hand was like a vice, grabbing Vinifera, pulling him towards him to get a nice, juicy bite!
>>21920Nazom attacks!
1d20 + 2 = 191d6 + 7 = 8Vinifera tries to attack! Not easy doing a decent attack in his state.
1d20 + 4 = 7[1d6+6-2]
>>21922Nazom misses!
>>21922Vinfira hits! Repeat damage roll
1d6 + 4 = 5 No.21925
>>21923Barely a scratch on the ogres thick skin!
The elf can feel his foul breath as the nasty, sharp chompers close around his arms... an ogre's bite is so strong he can even bite through metal armor!
1d6 + 7 = 13 damage!
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>>21925>>21924That sure hurt! Blood splatters everywhere!
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>>21925 VIN!
>brings his halberd down on the ogres' achilles tendonBaronian! shoot!
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>>21927Boronian's bow was singing!
1d20 = 21d6 + 6 = 7Thorgrim jumped into the room. "By father Angrosh!" he roared, trying a heavy blow with his axe!
1d20 + 2 = 172d6 + 4 = 11Nazom hacked away at the ogres foul foot!
1d20 = 71d6 + 9 = 15The ogre just stared dumbly at the group, not even trying to evade the blows.
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Boronian hits! Nazom hits! Thorgrim's blow goes wide, it's too crowded!
The ogre roars angrily, swinging his club at Nazom! "Bad dorf, make dead!"
1d20 = 33d6 = 9
Nazom tries to evade! 1d20 = 7
>>21929When Vinifera had a moment, he tried to concentrate a FULMINICTUS bolt directly at the hand that was grasping him.
Hopefully 7 worth of MP would be enough of a sting to free him.
>>21932The ogre groans for a moment, angry, not knowing what just hit him there!
>>219331d20 + 2 = 51d6 + 9 = 15Boronia reloads!
Thorgrim hops into a better position!
The ogre tries to block this time!
1d20 = 7 No.21936
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>>21934Oh no, the ogre blocks Nazom's mighty stab with his club!
He angrily lifts up Vinifera and throws him straight at Boronian!
1d20 = 152d6 = 12Boronian is dumbfounded, tries to duck!
1d20 + 4 = 6 No.21938
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>>21936Boronian manages to evade getting hit by the elf that was hurled at him!
Vinifera takes
1d6 + 1 = 5 damage without Armor Class counting!
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>>21939Nazom does a special trick!
1d20 + 2 = 61d6 + 7 = 8The ogre has it hard to evade!
1d20 + 2 = 9Boronian helps up Vinifera!
Thorgrim does a mighty swing!
1d20 + 3 = 62d6 + 5 = 16 No.21941
>>21938Vinifera gets up, grasping at his bite wound.
((Can he still fight?))
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>>21940Nazom and Thorgrim hit hard!
The ogre howls in pain, bood covering his body, he hurls his club in a mighty double attack!
1d20 = 93d6 = 12 at Nazom who evades
1d20 = 61d20 = 193d6 = 9 at Thorgrim who evades
1d20 = 9 No.21943
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>>21942Both dwarfs evade the raging ogre's attacks!
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>>21944Here comes Vinifera!
1d20 = 171d6 + 6 = 9>>21945Nazom flings his axe!
1d20 = 91d6 + 4 = 10Boronian is reloading again.
Thorgrim closes in to attack!
1d20 = 22d6 + 2 = 10The ogres does not try to parry.
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>>21946"Bad... stupid..." came the ogre's gurgling voice as he came crashing down, his rancidly smelling body crashing a crate under him.
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>>21944 How badly did it get you?
>>21948"It's pretty bad. How does it look?"
Shows the bite wound to the others.
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>>21951>>21952>>21949"Good thinking, lad, you never know with these monsters. They say you always have to kill an ogre twice."
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"The wound needs treatment, you might get an infection from this, gangrene at worst!"
>>21950 looks like it's a good thing you were wearing armor!
>>21953 words to continue living by
>looks around the room No.21958
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Half empty crates with dried meat, flour, salt and coal, and amidst tools of all sorts, spades, pickaxes, saws, rope, sledgehammers, pots and lamps, you see the half eaten remains of a dwarf! He was partially picked clean to the bone!
And lo, out of a barrel which contained wine, two dwarf legs were sticking out! The poor sap having been drowned in wine!
Thorgrim turned around, covering his face with his hat!
>>21957Luckily, you have bandages with you and patch yourself up. You recover
1d6 - 1 = 0 health and get no infection!
>>21958VInifera can tell he was upset.
"I-I'm sorry."
>>21961The dwarf had indeed been drowned, his face showing agony...
The other was half eaten by the ogres...
Boronian quickly leaves the room, throwing up at the sight.
Vinifera and Nazom roll for Perception +2!
1d20 + 2 = 171d20 + 2 = 16 No.21964
>>21963VInifera was in pain with his arm.
"Is there any medical supplies?"
>>21964- Cupboards with pots, various simple tools (hammers, nails, files...), brooms, oil lamp and lamp oil, shovel, pickaxe, sledgehammer, 2 x 50 m rope, whetstone, sickle, utility knife
- crates of salt, coal, dried meat, flour
- barrels with wine, liquor and brandy
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>>21965>takes some rope>refills his lamp oilWe'll have to deal with this later... There's just too much here to deal with all at once.
>ponders, and then takes a swig of liquor>checks the door to the north No.21972
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>>21969>>21970You peek into the norther room which had closed door which was not locked.
Your lamps shine into the darkness, making out ten loft beds and several chests, most standing open.
Snoring could be heard!
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>>21970>>21972another ogre??
one of you want to see what's making that noise?
>>21973"I'll check."
He sneaks in.
>>219741d20 = 2 to be sneaky!
Perception roll to see!
1d20 + 2 = 19 No.21976
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>>21975As quiet as a mouse! And as blind as a mole!
There was snoring coming from two beds, but he had no idea who occupied them.
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>signals to move closer to the beds No.21982
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>>21979>>21980>>21981Boronian looked on as Vinifera crept about in the darkness, quietly moving closer to the beds...
Perception roll!
1d20 - 1 = 13 No.21983
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>>21982Well, he found the two occupied beds! But had no idea who was in there!
>>21983Vinifera whispered.
"OK, now what?"
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((It's late and I gotta stop I'm afraid. We will have to go on another time. Thanks again for playing.))
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After killing an oger, Boronian had moved ahead to what seems to be sleepin barracks. Two of the beds were occupied, but it was too dark to see by whom.
>>21995The light did not reach far enough, you'd have to get into the room some more!
>>219961d20 = 11 Dexterity check!
>>21997Vinifera moved closer, he was standing ducked beside Boronian now.
Roll for Perception:
1d20 = 7 No.21999
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>>21998There was an orc sleeping in the top bunk!
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>>22002The orc groaned but even as he awoke was able to fend Vinifera and his pillow off... he reached behind him to grab a long knife, cursing!
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>>22000>whispersVin! do you need help?
Roll for strength.
d20 + 1 = 21>>22006Vinifera grunts as he knife-wrestles with the orc. "Y-Yes!"
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>>22007Oh no, critical fail!
The orce laughs as he gives Vinifera a straight fist to the face!
1d6 + 2 = 6 damage!
>>22008You see an orc that just woke up overpowering Vinifera!
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The other orc had awoken from the commotion and jumped down from his top bunk, scimitar in hand!
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>>220141d20 = 201d6 + 4 = 9The orc tried to deflect the axe!
1d20 = 1The lower-bunk orc was shaken by the attack but got into fighting position himself.
>>22016Oh no! The orc's deflection was as perfect as Nazom's throw as bad, the axe-shaft breaks!
The orc use their chance to attack!
1d20 + 4 = 81d6 + 8 = 10 against Nazom who tries to evade:
1d20 = 11Lower-bunk orc attacks Vinifera with a mighty blow!
1d20 + 6 = 111d6 + 10 = 11... Vinifera tries to dodge:
1d20 = 9Boronian readies his bow!
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>>22017Nazom is hit! But his heavy armor makes it barely a scratch!
Vinifera luckily dodged the heavy attack!
>>220191d20 = 131d6 + 6 = 9 ... the orc triese to get out of the way:
1d20 = 14>>22020That's a dangerous attack!
1d20 + 5 = 181d6 + 12 = 18... does the orc see it coming?
1d20 = 12 No.22022
>>22021Vinifera misses, and so close, too!
Nazom completely misses, his halbert caught at one of the bed posts!
The orcs try their luck!
1d20 + 4 = 91d6 + 8 = 11 VS. Nazom
1d20 = 91d20 + 2 = 71d6 + 4 = 5 feint trick against Vinifera!
1d20 + 2 = 6 No.22023
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>>22022Luckily, both Nazom and Vinifera are able to block the orcs' attacks!
>>22024Nazom swings the halberd!
1d20 = 71d6 + 7 = 12 The orc tries a trick!
1d20 + 2 = 4Vinifera attacked with his big sword!
1d20 = 181d6 + 6 = 8 The lower-bunk orc tried to parry!
1d20 = 7Boronian finally let loose an arrow!
1d20 = 131d6 + 6 = 8 No.22027
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>>22026The orc's trick move works! He brings Nazom into a bad position on his next defense!
A rotten day for Vinifera who misses again! But Boronian hits lower-bunk orc!
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>>22027The lower-bunk orc turns around and tries to flee!
The other orc laughs and attacks Nazom again!
1d20 + 2 = 221d6 + 6 = 12, Nazom tries to parry!
1d20 + 2 = 5 No.22029
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>>22027 (Where's Thorgrim!)
>>22027((I mean, it's not like I can just throw a tantrum and call it quits over bad luck over this because I'll probably be just as unlucky next time. Maybe when I get the chance I should stop by temple of luck if there is one after all this.))
"DAMMIT!" At least he takes solice that Boron got a hit out of him.
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>>22028The orc was so hoping for his attack that he catchis his weapon on the bed post and turns it so awkwardly that he rams the blade into his own foot!
1d6 + 4 = 10 damage to himself!
>>22029Thorgrim knew there was not enough space in the room for him, but now that the lower-bunk orc fled, he quietly hopped forward from behind the door and hewed him down with his heavy axe!
>>22031((The lower bunk orc was running away?))
"Stop him! Before he alerts the others!"
Vinifera tries to give chase!
>>22032Nazom tries his best!
1d20 = 201d6 + 7 = 11! The orc tries another trick!
1d20 + 4 = 17>>22033Just as Vinifera said this, he saw Thorgrim killing the orc!
>>22034"A'ight, good Thorgrim!"
He could now turn his attention to the other orc.
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>>22034Critical failure, this time by Nazom! Just as unlucky as the orc before, he htis himself! There's just not enough room for a proper fight!
1d6 + 7 = 12The orc tried his luck quickly!
1d20 + 2 = 41d6 + 6 = 8 Nazom was shaken, but tries to parry!
1d20 = 11 No.22038
>>22037Vinifera attacks the orc.
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>>22037 yeow!
>jabs the orc in the face No.22040
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>>22038Not the orcs!
1d20 = 51d6 + 6 = 10 The orc tries to parry!
1d20 = 6>>220391d20 + 2 = 221d6 + 9 = 12 Orc cannot parry.
Boronian was reloading.
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>>22040The orc nimbly ducks under the attack!
And lo! Nazom not only misses, but does so critically yet again! The halberd's blade catches another bed post and the halberd is twisted out of Nazom's hands, falling to the ground!
>>22041"Our luck is not favourable tonight."
Vinifera thanks at least he is missing than taking hits.He tries attacking the orc again.
>>22041The orc tries to kick Nazom's halberd away!
1d20 = 16 and swings at Vinifera!
1d20 + 3 = 191d6 + 4 = 9... the elf tries to duck!
1d20 = 5 No.22044
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>>22043Bad luck for the orc, all he attempted has failed!
>>22045That's one angry dwarf!
1d20 = 101d6 + 2 = 4Vinifera attacks as well!
1d20 = 181d6 + 6 = 12The orc things Vinifera is more dangerous and tries to parry his attack!
1d20 = 6Boronian fires!
1d20 = 31d6 + 6 = 8 No.22047
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>>22046The orc falls to the ground with Nazom on top, both struggling... another of Boronian's arrows hit while Vinifera swings wide!
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>>22048>>22049With Boronian and Vinifera jumping to his aid, Nazom is able to kill the the orc at last... he had already been badly wounded.
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>>22050 finally!
>checks his wounds>>22051 I thought elves were supposed to be good at sneaking!
>>22056>>22057Boronian looks around as well while Thorgrim guards the other room...
Unfortunately they find little of intrest, a few coinds for each of them
1d20 = 12 silver... some bottles with cheap alcohol, knifes and crude orc blades.
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>>22058 no sense letting it go to waste
>starts drinking the alcohol and offers some to Vin, Thorgrim, and Baronian No.22061
>>22058Vinifera pockets the silver (112 silbertalers)
>>22059"No thanks. Orcs have grog taste for alcohol."
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>>22059Thorgrim grabs a bottle, Boronian shakes his head. "No thanks!"
You notice that the chests near the beds had all been forcefully opened, there's clothes of dwarfs there, spare sheets, also simple personal belongings of little value... but nothing expensive. No rings, gems, jewelery or money.
>>22064It helps at least a little, you recover
1d3 = 3 life!
>>22063While Vinifera was not above drinking common alcoholics, not if it's made by or favoured by orcs.
>>22064Vinifera also does the same. Especially for his oger bite.
>>22068Every little helps as he feels a bit better now his wounds have fresh bandages.
He decided to take a quick break and let the dwarves have time to drink. Maybe Thorgrinn who knows this place better will come up with a route.
>>22069>>22070"The bathroom is down that way, and the toilets." Thorgrim explains as he notices Nazom heading to the other end of the room.
>>22070There's a door, it's closed, but not locked.
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>>22073Nazom opens the door, looking in the bathroom.... there were two big, empty tubs, but one was soiled with a sticky, partially dried substance! Blood!
There was also a basin, a brazier with coal and a chest that was open, with the contents lying around teh floor.
>>22074Vinifera curiously followed Nazom.
"What's in the chest?"
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>>22075>>22076Just a few towels where now in the chest ... the remaining contents of the chest was apparently not to the liking of orcs... bristle brushes, soap, simple toothbrushes and thin sticks to clean the ears with.
>>22078"Hm... no first aid. Oh well."
Goes over to Naz to look in the basin.
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>>22079>>22077The basin was filled with clear water.
>>22080"Oh wait... wrong thing for me to look at."
Vinifera turns his attention to the blood-stained bath tub.
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>>22081Most of the blood had already dried up, but not all of it... you could only imagine what had been in there not long ago...
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>>22083>>22084((I'm afraid it's bed time for me. Not the worst place to stop. Thanks for playing!))
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>checks the door at the far end of the room
(also would you mind posting a map?)
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>>22089You hear that someone is behind that door, you hear shuffling and talking, but you cannot make out the words.
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>>22095The door gives a creak as it opens... luckily, whoever was there did not seem to have noticed.
>>22093>>22095Vin waits to see how this goes.
>>22096Vin peaks his head in.
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>>22097>>22098There is a bad smell in the room as you peek in. Vinifera has to move forward a little to see around the corner.
He notices two lanky, red furred goblins there, busy dragging a dead dwarf to a chute and tossing him down... the corpse disappears.
>>22100>>22101Let's see how sneaky you are...
1d20 + 2 = 11Vinifera:
1d20 + 2 = 4 No.22103
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>>22102You slowly move into the room, the goblins grab another body, wrapped in bloody-white fabric, and carry it to the chute, not having noticed you yet.
>>22103VInifera places the edge of his blade to the goblins neck.
"That's quite enough of that now. If you do not want to join these fellows down the chute I would recommend not to do anything you will regret."
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>>22106The goblins give a confused shriek, one of them stumbles backwards away, grabs and thin air and with howl falls backwards down the shute... the other stands dumbfounded.
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>>22108 What do you think, should we toss him down to join his friend? /s
>starts checking the rack, grate, buckets, anvil, and chute No.22112
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>>22110The anvil was rusty and has not been used in a very long time. The buckets had some water in them, so did the barrel.
There was nothing of interest to be found on the racks. The grate belonged to a small furnace.
The goblin looked at Vinifera... trying to think hard what to say... "Gib money or dead!" he finally beamed proudly at the only real sentence he had ever learned in his live of robbery.
>>22112Vinifera tried to hold back his stifled laughter. He had the goblin at bladepoint and the dude is trying to mug him.
"Either you're as dumb as your friend, or you got balls."
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>>22112>hands the goblin a bronze coinwhat now?
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>>22113>>22114"Good, can go!" the goblin said almost automatically as he received the money... As he pocketed the coin he finally realized that he was in qutie a dangerous situation...
"Me know not... orc say, goblin go..."
>>22115Vinifera was stifling his laughter. He didn't want to admit it but the goblin really had no clue of the situation it was in and that amused him to the point he considered letting him go.
>>22117"You're funny. I would let you go... but I don't think my friend Thorgrinn would appreciate what you're doing to the remains of his people."
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>>22118"This goblin is as stupid as he's ugly. It looks like the orcs dragged them along to do some fighting for them. Goblins are cowards, they are easily pressed into service."
>>22119 good point
>>22115 What is your name?
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>>22120"Me? Sulrik!"
>>22122(here you go)
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>>22126Sulrik did not understand most of the words, only 'danger'. "Sulrik danger!"
Turns to the others.
"Well now I feel bad for the guy."
>>22127 Sulrik, want coin?
>shows him another copper coinShow us live dwarves.
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>>22128>>22129"Coin good! Sulrik see dwarf and orc and hoo-man..."
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>>22130 Take us to them.
>has his doubts that this will work No.22132
>>22131VInifera gave a sigh.
"He's refering to you and Thorgriim as "live dwarves". You either need to be more specific or accept he's dumb."
>>22131Thorgrim and Boronian look a Nazom, the goblin was unarmed beside a long knife.
"We should keep an eye on him so he doesn't run off to alert others." Boronian said.
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>>22132 but he said he saw an orc, and there's no orc here
>>22133 Find more dwarves for us. More.
>takes the knife>gives him the coin No.22135
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>>22134The goblin was not very happy about losing his knife, thinking it was a bad trade for the coin... "Orcs and hoo-man take dwarf..."
>>22134>>22133"If you're sure."
>>22135He turns to Sulrik.
"Prisoners!", he points to the corpses of dwarves that the goblins were disposing of. "Scared, survivors, other dwarves. Can you take us to them?"
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>>22136>>22137Sulrik hops past the dead and captive orcs and past the dead oger... he seems rather scared at that point and very eager to please Nazom and Vinifera.
He also secretly tries to steal a dagger from an orc as he passes by them.
1d20 = 9He leads you to the big hall and shows the direction the dwarf was taken.
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((Gotta stop there for the night. Thanks again!))
>>22138Vinifera followed the goblin.
((Was he aware the goblin stole the dagger?))
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>>22142>>22143Eventually, the hallway leads around a corner south, but there is also a smaller hallway leading north, ending at a door.
Sulrik scratches his head. "No know where go."
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>>22147"Only see head down hall... then no see, dark."
>>22148You look into another hallway. There is a big groove in it, almost 3 feet broad, running from left to right.
On the wall opposite to the door are letters in dwarven tongue, but they are old and not easy to see anymore.
>>22149Given Naz went to inspect the door he asked Thorgrim for help.
"Thorgrim, can you read these runes?"
>>22150>>22151Thorgrim cheers and has a big swig of the ration...
Nazom rolls for Strength +1 to see if he gets drunk:
1d20 + 1 = 17>>22150"I'll be giving it a look..."
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>>22152Nazom feels the alcohol getting to his head... Courage and Strength +1, Charisma, Intelligence, Dexteriy -1!
Nazom rolls for Intelligence to read the runes:
1d20 + 2 = 18; so does Thorgrim:
1d20 + 2 = 19 No.22154
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>>22153The two dwarfs look at each other and shrug, none the wiser.
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>>22150>>22154this is some gibberish!
>>22153>starts examining and walking along the groove No.22157
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>>22155You try to read it, but you have no idea what it means at all.
Thorgrim points out, that it is old runes that nowadays are only used by dwarven priests.
>>22156In which direction, left or right?
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>>22158On the left, the grooves continues until it ends at a door, but it looks like it would continue on the other side of the door as well. There's also another door up north.
On the other side, you see the groove ends at a wall. Another room is up north but it's pitch dark.
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1d20 = 19 ??
Nazom counters: 1d20 + 8 = 12 cause he examines stuff in other rooms.
Thorgrim counters: 1d20 + 2 = 21 cause he talks to Vinifera.
Vinifera counters: 1d20 + 3 = 9 cause he talks to Thorgrim and tries to read the runes.
Boronian counters: 1d20 + 2 = 7 cause he adjusts his bow string.
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>>22160Vinifera and Boronian notice that the goblin is trying to sneak off south.
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>>22164You step into the room... it seems to be completely empty, except for two levers at the back wall.
Perception check:
1d20 + 3 = 9 No.22166
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>>22165You notice a very thin groove on the floor, 'circling' the entire room.
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>>22166 groovy
>investigates the groove No.22168
>>22162"If your life is worth more than coin, come back.", he said in a stern voice.
>>22165Vinifera goes south where the goblin went.
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>>22168Sulrik givse a squeak as he notices Boronian and Vinifera noticing him trying to get away... he begins to run south, Boronian quickly places an arrow on his bow string.
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>>22171Sulrik slips through a door to his left as he heads down south, closing it quickly behind him.
>>22167>>22169"Hey, where did the others go?" Asks Thorgrim.
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>>22172Left or right one?
>>22174 (left!)
>>22173 they must be checking the other hallway?
>>22176"I'm not sure we should split up with orcs about..." Thorgrim grumbles.
Nazom pulls the lever. It clicks into place and does not move!
>>22175"No, no, Sulrik go. Hu-man say no go, danger!"
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>>22177 you're probably right!
>pulls the right lever No.22179
Vinifera calms his temper.
"Sulrik. I feel you do not share the same morals as I do nor could I encourage or change you to do so without choice. I will not force you to go on if you do not want to given you still been kind to us. Against my better judgement, can I give you this silver coin in exchange you do not tell no one else of me and my friends here?"
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>>22178The other lever clicks into place...
Suddenly, the floor begins to tilt towards the levers! Faster... and faster! It is like the floor is a giant teeter-totter.
>>22179"..." A crack at the door opens... a flat hand reaching out.
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>>22180 it's always the levers!
>tries to run up the floor to the other end No.22183
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>>22181"... Sulrik promise, no say..."
>>22182Thorgrim does the same, as they pass the middle of the room, the floor begins to tilt in the other direction - faster! With the weight of two dwarfs, it seems only to tilt more quickly!
>>22183"Be well Sulrik."
He returns to the others.
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>>22184Thorgrim tries a daring sprint towards the exit!
1d20 + 2 = 6>>22185Sulrik slinks out of the room, ducking as if expecting a blow or being shot by Boronian... then he begins to run towards the mine's exit...
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>>22186Thorgrim makes it! He's back in the other room!
The floor balances out again very slowly, Nazom standing in the middle.
Boronian and Vinifera reach the room, Thorgrim tells them about the trap.
>>22186"A'ight Boronian. Leave him be. I trust him."
Vinifera looks around to get his bearings.
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>>22187>>22188>teeters the floor back and forth, enjoying himself while drinking some more ale>yells out to the others;Hey! I'm going to tilt the floor! See if there's anything under it.
>tilts the floor away from the door No.22190
>>22189As you're so daredevil to drink now, you'll have to roll for Dexterity.
1d20 = 19.
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>>22191>clambers up the other sideI tilted the wrong side!
>>22192 shine a light under it
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>>22191And the ale is spilt!
Boronian gasps as he sees the giant teeter-totter trap, the floor tilting.
Thorgrim throws one of the ropes towards Nazom. "Catch!"
>>221931d20 + 2 = 9 No.22196
>>22193>>22194"What's going on"?
((Seriously, what's happening?))
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>>22196 it's a giant trap room! see, it tilts when you step away from the center
>steps away from the exitlook under the floor when it lifts up!
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>>22197"Grab teh rope! Oh no, it slides away"
Thorgrim grumbles and throws it towards Nazom again.
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>>22199You look down and see no bottom... there is an endless chasm under the floor!
>>22200"Oh crap! Let's not go in there."
Vinifera looked for the hinges of the floor.
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>>22201>goes back to the center of the roomhey, step on the floor near the door while I walk back to the levers!
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>>22201You see none... there must be one massive bar of sorts underneath the floor, exactly in the center.
>>22202"Good idea!" shouted Thorgrim and stepped onto the floor.
"Come on guys, help me with this!"
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>>22205 brilliant! isn't it!?
>walks back to the levers>pulls the levers No.22207
>>22205"It's a trap of sorts... maybe the writing in the other room was a warning?" Boronian says.
>>22206The levers are rested in place... some elbow grease is neede here.
1d20 + 3 = 12 No.22208
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>>22207Yes, you hear loud clicking and the floor stops moving!
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>>22204>>22205I love this place!
>casually walks out and down the left end of the hallway No.22210
>>22207"I guess... but what's it protecting? The royal dwarf treasury?"
>>22208"Oh it's stopped."
>>22209Vin follows.
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>>22209"That was dangerous... maybe we should make a plan?" Boronian asks.
>>22209>>22210There's a door left, and one on the top.
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>>22210 I think this room is just for fun. gotta unwind after a day of mining!
>>22211 oh, good idea. what's the plan? hey, where did the goblin go?
>>22213(I meant it's north.)
>>22212"We let him go... he was afraid and said it's dangerous."
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>>22213 (that's in the other wing of the north area)
>>22214 you think that's a good idea?
>looks around the room for anything out of the ordinary No.22218
A 1 meter wide walkway with a low railing leads over a bottomless chasm.
Another walkway branchess off of it and leads to another door to the north.
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>>22219You listen... and hear faint plink. It's at least 60 feet deep.
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>>22222You noticed two thin grooves on the walkway.
>>22220"I can unlock it, but it will take up most of my magic. I wouldn't be able to utilize any other spells if I could."
Vinifera looks around the door.
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>>22224 hey! those grooves look kind of like the edge of the floor in the "play" room
watch your step!
>>22225 this one might be open?
>>22226>opens the door No.22230
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>>22228As you open the door, you see the following:
On the back wall there is a big dwarf head made of stone, a good three meters high, with a long beard and a wide open mouth. A 1 meter wide walkway with a low railing leads away from the mouth over a 30° incline across a bottomless chasm.
Then everything happens real quick...
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Just for clarification.
>>22231""Hm.. maybe the grooves are another rotary floor?"
He tries to rotate the floor with the grooves.
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>>22229>>22230Hey, there's a large dwarf head statue at the far end of this room!
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As Nazom opens the door, two things happen!
1.) The section of the walkway in front of Vinifera, where the grooves were (marked purple), collapses and falls down the chasm.
2.) A massive, stone drum, as broad as the walkway rolls out of the Dwarf Head's mouth, down the incline, and speeds up!
>>22234"Oh crap! I guess I'm stuck here."
Examines where the piece of floor went.
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>>22234>closes the door and looks back at the others.... RUN!
>runs awayback to the hallway on the right! (where we came from)
Tries the door again.
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>>22236The door is locked in place! It's not closing!
Nazom bumps into Thorgrim who can't see what's happening!
Boronian also just stands there, his light is not reaching far enough.
"What's happening?!"
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>>22239 RUN AWAY!
>flails arms wildlyRUN!!
>>22241"Oh I hope the others are doing well. Maybe I should jump this gap."
He considers it before doing so.
>>22240 run in direction as quickly as you can!
1d20 = 15Thorgrim:
1d20 = 5Boronian:
1d20 - 2 = -1>>22242Just as you consider it, a massive stone drum, almost 1 meter high, comes rolling by, ready to crush anyone under its weight....
>>22243He see's his friend get chased by the drum.
"QUICK! Jump over here!"
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>>22243Boronian rolls a natural one and easily makes it out!
Thorgrim runs as quickly as his feet carry him, makes it to the other room and jumps out of the way!
>>22243Nazom though... is slow...
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>>22244They already hurried past you...
>>22246The drum, weighing well over a ton, is not impressed, and squishes the coin flat...
Roll Dexterity +3!
>>22247"Who asked for the drum roll?"
As the drum rolled by, VInifera attempted to jump over the gap.
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>>22248A bloody natural 1!
You make it to Thorgrim just in time, and only an inch from your nose the drum rolls by, kept in the lane by the large groove on the floor, and finally crashes agains the back wall!
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>>22250 Thorgrim, this place is amazing!
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>>22253"I need a drink after this..."
Boronian nods "Me too."
>>22252VInifera followed after his friends.
>>22253Catching up to his friends.
"It looks like you missed the beat."
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>>22254 that's an excellent idea!
>hands around some ale rations>>22255 Vin?
>hands Vin some ale No.22258
>>22256"Is this wine?"
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>checks the drum and where it crashed into the wall
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>>22258It's ale!
>>22259Here it stopped.
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(( Bed time for me I'm afraid. I hope you had fun. ))
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>>22261 (nice traps; good night!)
>>22259>>22260((Was the drum a barrel of ale or a musical drum?))
>>22261>>22262((Good night.))
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>>22263Something like this, just bigger.
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The heroes were inside a dwarven mine which had been attacked by orcs. After exploring, killling and oger and making the acquaintance of a goblin, they deciced to head north into what the goblin described as a dangerous area. But it was also the area where a mysterious human and a dwarf survivor went.
After exploring a little, Nazom almost fell down a chasm in a room with a moving floor, and then almost got crushed by a massive roller.
>>22268It's not that wide, only a meter. So a simply Dexterity check
1d20 - 2 = 7 is enough.
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>>22272You examine the coin which had been run over by the roller weighing easily a ton. It's not quite a bit thinner and slightly bent.
>>22271Luckily everyone remained unharmed.
>>22273Vin catches up to the others.
"You guys alright?"
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>>22274 >excitedly grabs Vin by the shouldersVin! This place is amazing!
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>>22274>>22275"We're all fine... Also, I'd rather call it dangerous. Who knows what else awaits..."
>>22275"You alright then? Like a kid in a carnival?"
>>22276"Well we could investigate where I was, if you'd mind the gap."
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>>22277Either that way, or south where the goblin originally ran.
>>22278You examine the massive stone head. Certainly a dwarven lord, gazing down upon those who are not welcome in his realm.
"This is new... This whole area here is new. I don't know it!" said Thorgrim.
>>22279Instead of going back to where he was before, he goes with the group to investigate this Dwarf Head he was told.
>>22279"Do you know this particular dwarven lord?"
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>>22279 Do you think this place is what the miners were looking for?
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>>22280Thorgrim shook his head... "No, I don't recognize it. It's not Lord Balbarosh."
>>22281"... yes, it might be. It looks old, very old."
>>22282"Well, given the trap is already sprung, I guess no hurt in taking a look at it."
Vinifera examines the statue, looking for nooks, crannies and such.
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>>22283Vinifera slowly walks up the ramp that leads to the head and its wide open mouth, everything lying in darkness, only illuminated by your lanters... when suddenly!
1d20 + 4 = 9 No.22286
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>>22283>>22285What was that!?
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>>22287>>22288Boronian, the old hunter with the sharp eyes, shook his head. "Nothing came loose... That was a spider, a big one. And it didn't fall, it crawled."
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>>22289 just what we need!
>>22290 Vin, did you have any luck with that door?
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>>22293"We should find something to build a small bridge over the chasm. Like a long table."
>>22295Thorgrim nods. "And it's dark, and even an easy jump can go amiss..."
>>22296You hear no 'plink'... the coin disappears, and is gone.
>>22297Vinidera looks over at the door on the other side.
"Maybe if I could loosen the hinges... dunno if it be big enough for a bridge though. Maybe best we loom elsewhere? Like wherever the rolling thing went?"
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>>22297>>22298maybe we should go check the other way then. We can grab the table from the area by the orcs if necessary.
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Here is a bigger overview. You first came from the hallway to the right, then headed north, where you are now. You have not yet explored south.
>>22300>>22301((I forgot where we came from, but if we yet to explore South lets go that way.))
Have we yet to explore the south tunnel?
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>>22302>>22303Please let me know what you do,
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You see three doors, a big one up ahead, another left and one right. The one to your left (right on the map) is where the goblin had for a while hidden behind.
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>>22308He certainly isn't, cause he has already most likely left the dwarfen mine by now after you let him go.
You look into what seems to be a big dining room with two very long tables and two dozens chairs.
You have found the kitchen!
• a large stove with firewood
• work tables
• shelves with pots, pans, basic spices and many other items
• a cupboard with simple wooden crockery as well as forks, knives and spoons
There's another door leading south, too.
>>22310"Huh... doesn't seem much here."
He still looks around, weapon prepared just in case of any nasty encounters.
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>>22310 hmmm, what's for dinner.
>checks the stoves and work tables>looks through the south door No.22314
>>22312"Hm... Guess I'll check what Naz has."
He leaves and goes to the room across the hall.
>>22313"Hey Naz. The other room was a dining hall... I guess this is the kitchen?"
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Nazom opens the door, there's a bad stench in that room... There's a table with dried club, and a big chute leading down, it's where the stench comes from.
Alas, there's nothing for dinner. There's just flour, stale water and wheat in the barrels.
>>22316"Is it? This is a citadel, lots of mouths to feed."
>>22317Follows Naz to the final door.
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>>22317>>22318You find that the door leading south is locked!
>>22319"Damnit.. wait, I got two keys on me!"
Tries both keys.
>>22321Alas, all your keys were from the tower you visited only a few days ago! They don't fit.
>>22320You examine the lock... it's a rather simple kind. Nothing you can't pick with some ingenuity and a nimble hand.
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>>22324Unfortunately the door remains locked.
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>>22325 let's see if this works...
>hits the lock with his sledgehammer No.22327
>>22324>>22325"I could open it but I'll be out of mana. Surely there must be another way."
Vinifera looked into the lock to see if there was any light in there.
>>22327You look through the keyhole, it was dark on the other side.
>>22326Here comes Nazom!
1d20 + 2 = 5 No.22329
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The door rattles, the lock shatters... and with a gentle creak the door opens.
>>22329>>22330"Oh you got it open? OK."
He enters.
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>>22330>>22331You enter a room which has not much to offer. There's just a small table with some chairs, and a big, heavy curtain.
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>>22333>>22334As you open the curtain and peek into the darkness, you require your light to see more...
Right ahead of you is a bridge over another deep chasm. You make out rrow slits on the wall to your left. The bridge ends in another big, dwarven head made of stone. The gate, which is closed, is its mouth.
Boronian decides to stay a bit behind, guarding the hallway you came from.
>>22335"You dwarves certainly enjoy your caverns."
He can see tiny holes in the wall.
"Well they're too small for darts so I guess arrows."
>>22336"Good idea!"
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>>22336>>22337As you head back you suddenly notice that Thorgrim is not around.
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>>22338Baronian, did you see where Thorgrim went?
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>>22339>>22340Boronian, who was up ahead in the hallway, turns around. "He didn't come this way... What's wrong?"
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>>22341 Thorgrim vanished!
>>22341"Let's back track. We have no reasons to split up."
Vinifera was hoping Thorgrim won't be all "Haha! Betrayed you fools!" scenario.
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>>22345As you look into the small room, you see Thorgrim standing there, firmly grabbing his battle axe... he presses an index finger onto his lips as he sees Nazom entering.
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(( I'm afraid I'm getting too tired to go on. Thanks for joining again! Sorry the bad timing. ))
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>lifts his lantern to shine a light down the chute
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>>22347>>22348>>22349You notice some dirt trickling down the chute from above... you hear very soft scraping and moving sounds.
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>>22355You peer up into the darkness only to see a multitude of glimmering eyes staring back at you, deadly fings try to dig into your face...
1d20 - 4 = 11d6 + 5 = 9 damage!
>>22356The fangs dig into your head! You feel a firm tug, the creature trying to lift you up, drag you into the chute and to your doom!
Roll Strength!
Nazom, what are you doing?
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>>22357 Vin!
>grabs Vin and tries to pull him down and away from the chute No.22359
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>>22358Thorgrim also comes running, trying to hold on to Vinfera down!
1d20 - 2 = -1Thorgrim:
1d20 - 2 = 11 No.22362
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>>22361>>22360Oh no, your Strength fails you! Luckily Nazom and Thorgrim have all the strength necessary and they pull you away.
As they pull you back from the chute for a moment they see a large, hideous spider in the chute... it lets go and crawls back up the chute!
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>>22361 Are you ok!? What was that?
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Boronian comes running as he hears the shouting.
"I don't like this at all... first a spider in that dwarf statue, now another one here."
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>>22367"It's just for garbage really, kitchen waste got thrown down there. But it also brigns in fresh air from further up."
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>>22373>>22374Let's get out of this room
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Where will you be heading?
>>22377>>22378(You were in the small room in the kitchen.)
You head into the dining room with the long tables and chairs and set up camp there.
Will you put up guards?
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>>22379 (nah...)
>starts busting out rations and of course aleHere Vin, have some!
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Boronian and Thorgrim make themself comfortable as well. Thorgrim takes the time to shut the door and block it with some chairs so no one can get in easily.
>>22380There's no one and nothing else inside the room with you. It's safe.
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Will you be lying down to sleep?
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>>22384"Yes, the table's easily big and stury enough to get safely across."
>>22386"Like I said earlier, air comes in from above. So there's nothing up there at all except a spider now that got in from above I guess..."
>>22387"Hm... smoking it out might be the liable choice, then."
>>22388"That could work, yes."
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>>22389>>22390You talked me into it!
>chugs some more ale and gets comfortable to go to sleep No.22392
>>22390"Perhaps clog the chute with wood, tinder and such materials, light it up and see what happens."
>>22391"Good night Naz."
>>22392"Clogging is hard cause the chute leads down as well." Thorgrim says.
>>22391"Good night!"
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Nazom regenerates 1d6 + 1 = 2 Health.
Vinifera regemerate 1d6 + 1 = 7 Health amd 1d6 + 1 = 3 Magic.
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"It seems like it was all quiet. I feel refreshed."
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>>22399You're no longer drunk for the time being...
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>>22404 In the future, try not to stick your face into dark recesses!
Everyone ready?
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>>22408Thorgrim helps with the table, moving it back to the trap area.
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>tilts the table sideways and props it on the arrow slit side
>>22408Vinifera helps pick up the table.
"To me! To you!"
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You place the table easily across the chasm so you can move across. You stand in front of a locked door now though.
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>>22410>>22414Oh, you wanted to use it as a shield from the arrow slits? Alright! You carefully move across the bridge, using the table as cover.
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>>22416You do not notice any movement behind the arrow slits... though the air is very bad, it's bad stench, coming from below the chasm... Then you reach another door, it is locked.
>>22418>>22419"I thought we we're going to carry it across... but I gues it's wide enough to cover 5/6 arrow range holes."
(Presuming the table is as sized as the square aper is, the table if five squares long and the wall has six arrow-holes per square.)
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>>22419"The Throne Room is behind this door, it's a sturdy gate to take down...
Do any of you have some lock picks?"
>>22423 We can always carry it back across with us as we go back.
>>22422 I can try the chisels
>tries to pick the lock with his chisels No.22425
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>>22423"They could never hit us from that angle."
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>>22424Even the smalles chisel is not really made to function as a lockpick here...
1d20 + 9 = 19 No.22433
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>>22432try this!
>hands Thorgrim some ale, and gives it another few hits No.22434
>>224331d20 + 4 = 8 from Nazom to open the gate!
"Thanks, I really needed that."
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>>22434And indeed the door opens... but the chisel breaks.
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(( I have to call it a day, getting late. Thanks for joining again. ))
>>22435 my chisel!
>>22436 (ok, thanks for running it)
>>22436>>22437(take care!)
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Last time we played, the heroes were in a dwarf mine that had been overrun by orcs. Looking for survivors, they ventured deeper, killing an ogre, finding dead dwarves, capturing orcs, and fighting off a spider who tried to abduct their companion Thorgrim.
Following the information from a goblin they came upon, a mysterious human wizard was seen who apparently aided the orcs.
Now they have crossed the bridge leading over a gaping chasm to the throne room of the dwarf abode. But the entrance to the throne room was barred by a heavy door. They manage to open it, but Nazom has lost one of his chisels.
>>22439"Quick! What's the oldest word for "friend"? ... Oh wait, that's elves, this is dwarves."
Vinifera inspect the door for locks, mechanisms or puzzles.
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You see the throne room before you, noticing the throne itself, placed on an empore.
On the throne sits what can only be described as a cleanly picked skeleton of a dwarf, still adorned by his chainmail battle suit, the silver circlet of a dwarven prince adorning the bony head. A worn battle axe is leaning against the throne.
The hight ceiling of the room shows a massive crack and it is partly opened to a cavern above. Numerous large quartz crystals, up to ten feet in size, grow out of the ceiling. You notice colorless selenite, black tourmaline and rainbow colored titanium quartz. Indeed, it must have been a sight to behold when the place was lit by many laterns.
Thick cobwebs are now hanging across the ceiling, especially where the large opening is...
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Thorgrim buries his face in his big, strong hand, shaking his head.
"Oh no... this is Prince Balbarosh who rediscovered these old mines..."
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>>22439>but Nazom has lost one of his chisels.(the greatest tragedy of all...)
(could I get an updated character sheet please?)
>>22441>peers up into the opening No.22445
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>>22444Here you go.
You hold up your lantern but you can barely look a couple of feet into the opening from down below. It's pitch dark, though you see the light reflecting off thick cobwebs inside.
>>22443"Um... I'm sorry about your king."
He didn't know him personally, so wasn't sure how to be sincere about this.
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>>22446Thorgrim nods and slowly approaches the skeleton of the prince, bowing deeply before it.
>>22449>>22450Thorgrim looked at the fallen prince... "Indeed... vile creatures! Are they in league with the orcs?"
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>inspects the battle axe>>22451 If we make it out of here, we should return the Prince's circlet to King Garbalon.
>>22450 Stay on your guard.
>looks into the dark recesses of the room for anything of interest No.22453
>>22451"How can spiders be in league with orcs? ... Unless they were raised? Can spiders be tamed and taught?"
>>22452"Good point." Read's his sword. "Knowing spiders, they may not be far."
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>>22452You examine the axe... it is battle worn and notched at many places. Remains of a dried greenish substance can be found at the edges.
>>22453Boronian shook his head. "I have never seen nor heard of spiders that can be tamed, or have any sort of intelligence to speak of."
You see the door open to another room which might have been the prince's chambers at some point. It too is filled with webs, big and small - indeed you see some smaller spiders crawling around in them, some as "small" as your hands, others as big as a ball.
>>22454 damn spiders...
>>22455 shall I?
>motions with his lantern that he intends to set fire to the webs. No.22457
>>22456He noticed Naz with the lantern and could read his intention.
"Is that a good idea? This is a dwarven mine, there is still wood and explosives down here."
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>>22457 it might work to flush out the spiders, or burn them to a crisp. Either works for me.
>>22458 What say the two of you?
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>>22459"Lets investigate, but carefully..."
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>>22460 after you then
>makes a sweeping gesture with his hand toward the spider room No.22462
>>22461Thorgrim brandishes his own battle axe and steps closer, taking a heavy swing at one of the thicker webs, cutting it ... the small spider skuttle away quickly into the dark corners of the room...
"There is something glimmering there... it's gold!"
>>22459"Alight, but if you're gonna start a fire, make sure we're safe."
>>22460>>22461They enter the room with caution, weapons at the ready.
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>>22462 It's safe to say the orcs never made it this far, then.
>>22463>follows with his sword at the ready No.22465
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>>22463>>22464You move in, there is a small hallway that leads to where you saw the arrowslits to the bridge. There is no one there but it too is filled with webs and small spiders.
There is an entrance to another room as well, a foul smell emits from it, it is pitch dark, and the thick webs seem to swallow even the light of your lanterns...
In the room you are currently in, you see that all the furniture has been overturned, some of it is broken, showing clear marking of weapons that no spider could have made!
And indeed, there is the glimmer of gold coming from one of the webs... a big cocoon, dwarf sized, is hanging from the ceiling, a rotting hand with golden rings sticking out!
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>>22465>>22463I think fire is the only real solution here...
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>light his second lantern and sets in on the ground
>takes the lantern he's been using all this time (already lit) and hurls it into the adjacent room
>>22469"I'll.. cut them loose. Perhaps you should inspect the body."
He uses his axe to carefully open the web cocoon.
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>>22470>>22471The lantern shatters, the oil ignites, there is a sizzling sound as the webs catch fire for only a moment, then melt away from the heat... There is a terrifying, angry shriek coming from the room... large shadows move to and fro... the shriek is answered by another, coming from the throne room!
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>>22471>>22472Back to the throne room!
>grabs the lantern on the ground>rushes into the throne room and looks around to see what might have made the noise No.22474
>>22471Was about to cut one of the dwarf corpses loose until a fire was started!
>>22472"What did you do!?"
>>22472>>22473Could just see the big spider burning in the room
"On second thoughts... good call.", he runs back to the throne room with the others.
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>>22474 I told you fire was the solution to our problems!
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>>22473>>22474As you enter the throne room you are 'just in time' to see two massive spiders crawling out of the ceiling hole!
Boronian fires an arrow, but it deflects from the thick carapace!
Thorgrim roars, whirling his axe, ready to battle!
>>22475"Only if it's in control!"
He readies hos sword, in case the burning spiders were not dead and still wanted to fight.
>>22476"AAH SHIT!"
He turns is attention to the giant scary spider and tries to hack one of it's legs off.
>>22478Heavy blow attempt:
1d20 + 5 = 81d6 + 11 = 16Spider tries to evade:
1d20 = 5>>22479How big should the loop be?
>>22480The spider manages to evade the blow! What a shame too...
The spider tries to bite Vinifera!
1d20 = 71d6 + 5 = 10... Parry attempt:
1d20 = 17The second spider begins to attack Thorgrim and Boronian.
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>>22482The spider sinks its fangs into Vinifera! That burns!
>>22481You got it.
>>22483AAAAH! (How mmuch damage?)
*Grabs his sword and tried to shove the blade into it's neck*
>>22487(7 damage!)
Piercing attack:
1d20 + 4 = 171d6 + 7 = 12 Spider tries to evade:
1d20 = 17 No.22489
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>>22486 this can still work, dammit!
>ties the other end of the rope into a lasso as well, and throws that at the spider No.22490
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>>22488Missed! How unfortunate.
The spider turns its head towards Nazom and tries to jump onto him! With its legs it's about twice as tall as the dwarf!
1d20 + 4 = 91d6 + 5 = 7 >>22489Here comes the lasso!
1d20 + 2 = 20 No.22491
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>>22490Oh no, the lasso misses again! And Nazom is buried under the spider!
Luckily his armor is so tough that he takes no damage.
>>22492The legs are thick, it will take a mighty blow!
1d20 + 4 = 231d6 + 11 = 16The spider cannot evade, it is busy trying to bite Nazom!
>>22493A terrible attack! Vinifera almost loses his sword in the commotion!
Thorgrim tangles with the other spider in the mean time, Boronian's arrow doing little damage.
>>22494A dwarf is used to close quarter, he can use this to his advantage!
1d20 - 2 = 21d6 + 3 = 5!
The spider has a difficult time evading this.
1d20 + 4 = 13 No.22498
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>>22497Critical hit! The spider gives an angry snarl of pain!
He tries to bite Nazom!
1d20 + 3 = 171d6 + 8 = 11>>22496There are old lanterns hanging on the wall and an old torch lies on the ground.
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>>22500As you enter the room where that fire burns, you see a massive spider, a little charred, but furious, big, and powerful! Behind it is a clutch of emerald eggs... and its eyes fall on you... It is twice the size of the spiders in the other room.
>>225011d20 - 2 = 141d6 + 4 = 7 lets see how it goes! The spider tries to evade again.
1d20 + 4 = 12 No.22503
>>22502How unfortunate, barely missed!
The spider attacks.
1d20 + 3 = 201d6 + 11 = 14 No.22505
>>22502"Damnit it! One problem at a time please!"
He tries to take some fire while avoiding the mother spider.
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>>22505"... Mactan..... Mactan....!" You hear a sharp hissing voice in your mind...
The emerald spider lunges forward, trying to tackle you as you try to fire your torch!
1d20 = 41d6 + 7 = 9 Evasion attempt!
1d20 = 9 No.22508
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>>22506You duck out of the way just in time, the torch is alight!
>>22509The spider hisses in pain, green slimy blood drooling from the wound...
It bites only more ferociously!
1d20 + 5 = 171d6 + 10 = 14 No.22512
>>22508I call out "Excuse me miss, I have another pressing prob- wait, you can talk?"
He stays out of her range but turns back to listen
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>>22512"Mactans... will devour you...! Hail Mactans...!" The voice is like nails in your mind.
The massiv spider moves closer, poison dripping from its fangs as it moves closer, not afraid of the fire at all.
>>22514*He wields the burning torch like a weapon*
Your babies will burn and Macan will die, unless you call him off!"
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>>22515Critical hit again! There is a crack, a terrible gurgle... then the spider keels over and lies twitching on its back!
Thorgrim hacks at the other spider once more, it turns to flee, quickly climbing up the webs and disappearing back through the hole in the ceiling, were a multitude of more hisses and shrieks can be heard.
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>>22516"Come... become our dreams...!" The spider hisses, its emerald-like eyes shimmering in the flickering flame....
Intelligence counter!
1d20 + 4 = 24 No.22519
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>>22518Critical failure! Everything becomes dark around you... the torch falls and turns out...
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>>22517>pulls out the hatchet>>22517 you guys ok?
>rushes into the other room No.22522
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>>22520Oh no! The hatched is ruined by the spider's acidic blood! But the throwing axe and sword are still alright.
>>22520>>22521As you hurry on over you see the massive, voluptous spider rapidly inweaving Vinifera in its strings.
"... yessss... praise Mactans! More dreams..."
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"Hurry, we have to get out of here! There's a dozen more coming from the sound of it!"
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>>22523 but Vin's in there!
>flings the throwing axe at the spider No.22527
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>>22525The throwing axe is deflected by its thick carapace! It stops its weaving... and looks down at Nazom in an almost disapproving manner.
"... rock burrower... no dreams... no..."
>>22526You feel drowzy, your mind coming to... you have been bitten, you cannot move. The fould odour of the spider only an inch away.
Boronian and Thorgrim come rushing in, Thorgrim waving his lantern!
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>>22527 I'm your worst nightmare, beast!
>readies his halberd and lunges at the spider No.22530
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Thorgrim throws his lantern at the big spider, it cracks, there is suddenly fire!
>>22528You still clutch your sword, but you can barely lift your arm... the spider poison is strong.
Boronian hurries to grab Vinifera, trying to drag him out while the hissing and shrieking grows louder and louder from the throne room!
>>22529You see the spider thrashing in the fire, its fat body twitching...
"Mactans...! Mactans....!" you hear its shrieks... then you lunge your halberd forward! It sinks deeply into its head, one of its eyes turns black... a ripple goes through its body, it swells, for a moment you think it bursts! But then as if by magic, the fire turns out! The eye comes back to life!
"MACTANS!!!" you hear the spider's horrible roar in your head.
You better run...
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>>22531>>22532You pull Vinifera back into the throne room, the massive spider does not follow you! But already you can see the gleaming eyes of more spiders approaching towards the crack in the ceiling!
Thorgrim and Boronian help pull Vinifera back towards the bridge and slam the massive throne room door shut!
((And at that I have to stop for today!))
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Last time:
The heroes are inside an dwarven mine near the harbor town of Riva. They heard the mine had been attacked by orcs and started exploring, overwhelming orcs, killing an oger and tangling with traps.
The heroes moved deeper into the mine, finding the throne room of the dwarven prince who ruled the place. But they were attacked by numerous spiders and had to retreat, leaving Vinifera unconscious from spider poison.
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Boronian was examining Vinifera's wounds, bandagining him.
Vinifera recovers 1d6 - 1 = 0 life.
>>22540((Last time I checked I got 17HP. While I may not be given more at least I'm not loosing less.))
>>22541"Th-thank you."
>>22542The 17 HP are correct, plus 13 magic points.
"You're quite welcome", Boronian nods while Thorgrim the dwarf was busy blocking the entrance to the throne room with a prying iron he carried.
>>22543He sits up. His head a bit woozy and a bit forgetting of immediate objections and goals.
"W-well, what now?"
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>>22545You hear the hisses and busy legs of spiders behind the closed gate. It won't budge, Thorgrim is sure...
>>22545"M-more spiders?" He tries tog et up and looks around.
>>22546He got his bearings, feeling like he's been unconscious for four months!
>>22547"Let's... not go there."
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>>22547 Thorgrim, can we get any deeper into the mine?
>>22548 you're not dead! yet!
>>22549"Nah, but at this rate, getting there."
He was a bit woozy.
"Oof, can't remember much of the last four month- uh, I mean few minutes. What were we doing looking for? Lost dwarves"
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>>22549>>22548"Yes, I suppose so. Down this way were only the royal chambers, now overrun with spiders it seems. We could return to the section with the traps... They must have built it after I left the company."
>>22550 I think we found them
>>22551 What do you think the traps were for?
>>22551Boronian nods, "Yes, we better deal with that later... or, not at all."
>>22553Thorgrim rubs his beard, thinking. "The two traps we saw, that big stone cylinder and tilting floor, that is not easy to make. Especially the latter. I think those are old traps they found and just repaired. What they were for... well, keeping out intruders. Something must be down there that was worth of such contraptions."
>>22554"Agreed... But what do we do now?"
His head was a bit fuzzy from the spider-venom.
"I remember we came down to these mines because a dwarf was distraught and reported there was a problem down these mines. I think I remember we befriended a goblin... or a small orc? I can't remember what happened to them. I remember the spiders, obviously. I think... wait, were there a group of evil wizards from our last adventure in the swamp and one of them could be behind all this?"
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>>22555"It was a goblin. And he said that there was a human wizard with them, and him and the orc chief went down the path of the traps, too."
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>>22557"That is hard to say, depends on the traps. And if we find them in time."
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>>22559"No, down the other way, where the traps are."
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>>22560 are you sure they're down there?
>>22562"We only have the word of that goblin to rely on..."
>>22561Thorgrim nods in agreement. "There were spiders down that way too... well, one at least. Something must have brought them here."
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>>22564Thorgrim throws his hands in the air, "Of course it shouldn't be! Do you think us dwarfs let spiders run around in our mines and homes?"
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>>22566(It's not far off.)
>>22567"No, we kill them, if any ever find their way into our caves."
>>22568"No arguing there. I hate spiders."
>>22569"I think I remember... a spider-mother? I'm not sure."
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>>22569(There was only a curtain-door, I marked it in red.)
>>22570"That we call can agree on. Especially such big ones!"
>>22576(I guess you were afraid of the traps! =P )
>>22575Boronian nods "There certainly was one, hiding in the big spider head."
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>>22575 if you're feeling up to it? excellent! then after you
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>>22578>>22579After taking a break with some well deserved rest in the guard room you return to where the you have to cross over the table.
During the break you both recovered
1d6 = 1 life.
1d6 = 3 magic.
>>22580>>22581It's better than nothing, as the two dwarves, human and elf walk over the chasm walkway.
"How was this walkway was even constructed?"
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>>22582>>22583"The walkway was part of the trap" Thorgrim reminded them. "Part of it collapsed so you would not be able to evade the roller trap. But you jumped just in time."
You enter the next room from the south...
The floor is tiled with alternating black and white tiles.
>roll for Perception +3 No.22586
>>22585"Looks like a chess or checkers board."
d20 + 3 = 4 No.22588
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>>22586Oh, a natural 1! You see everything!
>>22587That was also a succeess!
Some of these tiles are actually pressure plates that activate spray traps when stepped on. Such spray traps usually spray either noxious fumes or acid.
>>22588"Hm... By the looks of it, some of these tiles trigger those acid spraying traps."
He looks around for either a small stone, or some debris or whatever to throw at the tiles.
>>22589"Is there room to eb around the tiles?"
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>>22589>>22590There is enough room for you to move safely around the pressure plates and you make it to the next room!
Again, the floor is tiled with black and white tiles.
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>>22596>>22597Oh goodness, what terrible rolls...
Everything seems to be in order! No traps anywhere in sight.
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>>22597 looks like we made it past the traps!
>>22598>boldly steps across the floor toward the next doorway No.22601
>>22599>>22600After only a few steps you notice to your horror that you have stepped on pressure plates!
But... nothing happens.
>roll for Perception +6 please No.22604
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>>22602>>22603Alright, you reach a heavy wooden door. It appears to be locked.
I continue to inspect the mechanism. Perhaps there was a container full of acid?
>>22605You have stepped on at least four pressure plates. There might be more. Which mechanism are you talking about?
>>22606It is a heavy door with a metal frame. There is a keyhole and a doorknob.
>>22607Wait, nevermind, I'll do that after this..
I approach the door and try the two keys I have on me.
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>>22608Alas, the two keys were from the wizard tower. They don't fit.
"Why do I still have these? I guess I should hold onto them in case we ever return there."
I go back to checking the loose trap-tiles. I try to lift up one of the tiles to see if I can find where the acid comes from.
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>>22611It's completely dark on the other side. Not surprising, so far your lamps have been the only light source.
>>22612You notice quickly that you cannot lift them with your bare hands, there's not enough space between the tiles to get your hands in. You notice the spraying nozzles though, in the corners between the tiles.
>>22613"Hm... perhaps I can use something thin to pry it with."
I still had the kitchen knife, I tried using that.
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let's try this my way
>>22613>slams his slegdehammer into the door hinges No.22616
>>22614>roll for Dexterity +2>>22615The loud banging noise echose through the rooms...
2d6 + 2 = 6 damage to the door. It holds.
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>>22619The kitchen knife's blade snaps, it's broken...
>>226182d6 + 2 = 8 damage... Thorgrim comes on over to help with the door.
"I have a lockpick."
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>>22620 I softened it up for you
>>22620"Ri-i-ight, trust me to test my luck on this."
Not wanting to end up accidentally causing the trap to work and spray him, he decides to quit his little scheme and goes over to the group.
>>22621"Thanks, friend!"
1d20 - 1 = 6 for Dexterity.
>>22622Boronian looks intently while scanning the roof, hoping there's no spiders lurking in a corner.
>>22623"My idea was getting some of the acid from the broken traps and use it on the door. But knowing my luck, I'd probably set the trap off on me."
>>22624"You got it?"
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>>22624 well that was easy!
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Another room, similar to the two previous ones... black and white tiles.
You notice a closed door on the left side, and what an open passage on the right.
>>22629I check to see if the traps work or not in this room.
(I'm guessing another perception roll?
d20 = 2)
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>>22631Yes, a +3 one... but that roll was good enough!
You notice more pressure plates!
>>22633I figured they were pressure plates, I just did not know if they were functioning or not.
Taking the broken knife I had, I toss it onto one of the pressure plates.
I abandon the broken knife.
"Let's try and eb around the edges, stick close to the walls."
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>>22639It opens, revealing another room.
((But I have to stop for today. Bed time! We should continue soon.))
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Ready to continue here.
>>22650You have noticed the pressure plates before entering, there quite a few of them and it even knowing where they are makes it difficult not to step on one.
Roll for Dexterity -5.
>>22652No, not chequered this time.
You manage to avoid any of the pressure plates. There's a door to your left and a doorway to the right leading to a hallway.
>>22653"Guys! Watch out! There's a pressure plate right here."
Before going to the doors, I look around the room.
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>>226541d20 - 5 = 11Thorgrim and Boronian try their best as well.
1d20 - 5 = 10 1d20 - 5 = 8 No.22658
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>>22655Roll for Intuition +3 to notice something.
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>>22659>>22660No luck for Vinifera, but Nazom's dwarven senses notice that there is one plate that is different than the others.
It's ever so slightly bigger and ever so slightly deeper than the others.
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>>22661 hey, this plate is different!
>checks the plate No.22663
He goes over to inspect it with him.
>>22662>>22663Thorgrim and Boronian in the mean time examine the door and hallway - without entering the latter.
>>22662You think that - with the right tool - this plat can be easily lifted up.
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>>22668>>22666>>22669You lift up the plate - and notice that it's a pressure plate, alright. But not one attached to any kind of trap.
You need to roll Intelligence +2 to figure out the concept.
Maybe Thorgrim can help out:
1d20 + 2 = 13 No.22675
>>22673I look over to the others.
"Hey guys, can you help us with this thing?"
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>>22674"I think that you actually have to put some pressure on this one on purpose."
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>>22676>>22677"Hard to explain, it's like... a reverse mechanism. I think it might block the traps, or something like that."
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>>22679 what could it block?
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>>22680"Who's to say. The traps in this room, the ones in another room. I mean, whoever built this would need to have a way to get through those rooms without setting off the traps? It only makes sense there's a way to deactivate them."
>>22681"No, I think this one should be activated, it's not a trap."
>>22682"Well, alright, but if I lose a limb, I'm holding you responsible."
Vinifera gingerly puts his foot on the mechanism.
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>>22683You hear a loud rattling coming from somwhere up north, the sound echos down the hallway.
>>22686>>22687"Done what?"
Whatever the mechanism was supposed to trigger, it sounded like its function was elsewhere.
Vinifera goes to investigate the noise.
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"I've found another plate like that one, over here!" Thorgrim calls out.
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>>22689 Should Vin step on that one?
>>22689"Say Thorgrim..." he asks as he heads over to it. "I know dwarves make traps to protect their treasures and such, but all these traps from here to the last few rooms seem elaborate. What are they for exactly?"
>>22690"Naz, you want to do the honours this time? I want to investigate what that noise was."
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>>22691"Let's give it a closer look first and take it off. Use your hatchet!"
>>22692You notice that - when you remove your foot - the same rattling sound from up ahead. Then it's quiet again.
"I think the pressure needs to be on it all the time", Boronian says.
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>>22694Nice idea, as you do that, you notice nothing at all happens. It's not a pressure plate at all - it just looks like one!
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>>22696 it's a trick!
>>22695 someone step on this one while I step on the other one
>>22695"I see. So either one of us will have to stay in order to investigate, or we need to put something heavy on it."
>>22697"Ooooh! That could be it! I'll stand on this one and you stand on that one!"
>>22697>>22698Vinifera stands on the one plate: It sinks a little down like before, and the loud rattling from up north can be heard once more.
Nazom stands on the other - and nothing happens at all, it doesn't move one bit.
>Intuition: 1d20 = 8 No.22700
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>>22699Nazom thinks the one he stands on is actually hollowed out underneath.
>>22699"Hm... I guess not."
I look around the room for anything particularly heavy.
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>>22702The room's empty!
>>22701As you lift it up you notice that underneath is a small lever!
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>>22705>>22704A loud "CLICK!" can be heard from the hallway next to the room.
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>>22707No click, but again the loud rattling from somewhere up north!
>>22708Roll for Dexterity +1.
>>22709"Hm... maybe I'll find something heavy to put on this pressure plate."
Looks over to the three dwarves. "Unless one of you want to hold this spot while I investigate?"
>>22710Nice! You'll see two more pressure plates and finger-wide, very long grooves in the walls. Certainly traps!
>>22711You notice Nazom carrying the haviest stuff. He even has a small yet heavy crucible on him that would fit well.
He takes the crucible and puts it on his pressure plate, while Naz uses the sledgehammer on the other plate.
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>>22714The pressure plates moves down - but nothing else happens. The traps seems blocked!
>>22715There's the rattling sound again. The pressure plate stays down with the crucible on it.
>>22717"I'm gonna check where the sound was from."
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>>22717>>22718As you walk down the hallway which is safe now, you notice it leads into yet another room.
Looking in, you see an unadorned altar made of smooth granite. There is a round pressure plate in the middle.
Behind it is a window barred with a grill at about 160 cm height.
Up north is a heavy, wooden door. A small portcullis is pulled up in front of the door. That was the rattling sound!
>>22720The altar shows no markings at all, it's completely smooth. Very unlike an altar of the Twelve Gods.
>>22721Use Perception +2!
>>22722"Well, obviously something should go in it. But what? An offering? A key-item?"
I try to look for any traps, nozzles, or whatever bad thing would likely happen if I mess with the statue and it's plate.
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>>22723>>22724NOTE: I made a mistake there, the portcullis in front of the door are still down! The rattling sound came from elsewhere!
>>22723You don't notice any traps at all in this room. There's no statue, just the altar. And the small window with the grills behind it.
>>22724Alas, you don't notice anything interesting there.
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>>22726 maybe there's another switch or pressure plate down the other hallway
>>22728"I see, I guess it needs some sort of heavy "offering".
I look around for something heavy.
>>22730Nothing to be seen in the room!
Thorgrim points at Nazom's heavy ceramic goblet full of beer - and the sledgehammer.
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>>22732 not my beer!
>hands Vin the sledgehammer No.22734
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>>22732"I'm not going between Nazom and his beer or his hammer..."
>>22733"Oh! Thank you." He puts the sledgehammer on the altar.
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>>22733>>22734The pressure plate moves down and there's a lick in the altar, and a slight rattle at the portcullis, but they stay in place for now.
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>>22736>>22737The portcullis are all the way down and very sturdy, so is the door behind it. The door does not seem to have any kind of visible opening mechanism. There's no door knob, no keyhole, nothing.
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Boronian uses his light to shine at the window behind the altar.
"There's another room there... and I think another altar!"
>>22740((The altar plate is connected to it at least, but that alone doesn't do the trick.))
>>22741Ah, right. The door in the previous room has a handle but no keyhole.
>>22742"I thought the altars plate opens the portacullis but I guess not?"
>>22743"Hm... be right back, I wanna try somthing."
He goes back to the previous room and moves the heavy bowl.
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Is that right?
>>22744You hear a rattling again somewhere. As you check the portcullis, it had no effect on them.
>>22746((So I'm back in the previous room, (I imagine you made this map before I back tracked), I removed the weight from the previous pressure plate and that does not relate to the portacullis?))
I put the weight back on the pressure plate.
"Well, I dunno."
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>>22750((Yes, you removed the crucible, it did nothing to the portcullis. But it did something elsewhere.))
>>22749The room is lined all over with thin wires! You can see a big lever at the norther wall.
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>>22754>points to the wiresjust hop in there and pull that lever. piece of cake!
>>22755"Oof, well, I could try."
After doing some stretches, he tries to jump up to the wire.
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>>22758Perfect, you make it over many of the trip wires. But there's still some more to go!
Another Dexterity roll!
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>>22760Your foot catches on to the very last wire! Just then a salvo of crossbow bolts fires out of holes in the back wall... but Vinifery is lucky and they miss him by an inch and hit the other wall.
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>>22762 I knew you could do it!
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((That's it for today, thanks for playing.
Gotta watch a football game now! =P ))
>>22763"Barely. We elves are rather flexible... but all in all I know my way around a winery than a death trap."
He goes over to the switch.
>>22764 (thanks; enjoy!)
>>22765 (good night!)
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>>22765After successfully making it past the wires you stand in front of a grille door. To the left of it is a lever.
Through the grille door you can see a room which looks exactly like the one with the altar you discovered earlier. Just that the altar is on the right hand wall.
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>>22772Rattling loudly, the door before you rises up and the way to the next room is free.
>roll for Perception -3 No.22776
>>22775I creep to go investigate that smell... while being cautious, thinking it might be a horrible discovery.
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>>22776>>22777There's yet another room there, and inside sits a big spider! It seems to have crawled out through an opening in the back wall - that's also where the air is coming from.
>>22778Not wanting to deal with that eight-legged nightmare right now, I back off slowly and return to Naz.
"Big mother-crittin' spider!"
>>22782I peek my head around again, sizing it up and figuring if I have the courage to kill it.
I also take a look around the room to see what advantages or ideas I can use against it.
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>>22783Just as you do that, you hear a click behind you, and slowly the grille door comes rattling down again!
>>22784"Aw f-"
Nazom heard the bad word....
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>>22785 and here I thought you'd take care of it!
>carefully makes his way across the wires to the lever No.22787
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>>22786That's a daring attempt!
That requires two Dexterity rolls!
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>>22786I guess I have to fight a giant spider.
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>>22787 1d20 = 7 1d20 = 4!
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>>22789Outstanding! You're in front of the door and the lever.
>>22788The spider seems otherwise occupied. You notice that the doorway it has crawled out of seems to lead to a cavern full of spider webs. The spider is busy fixing one of the webs and pops in and out of the doorway.
>>22790I ponder some strategy. Fire is usually effective against spiders, burning their webs and such. But I should probably look around first before I go arson on his arse.
Perhaps anything of value or importance, or anything I can use against the spider.
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>>22790>pulls the lever>>22791 I'd better stay over here so we don't both get stuck!
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>>22791All you see is the altar, with the pressure plate in its middle.
You see the window with the grills and through it you see Boronian and Thorgrim in the other room (with the other altar).
>>22792>>22794"Is there a locking mechanism for the lever? I might need hep with this spider."
>>22793"I'm thinking fire will be effective here."
>>22796Perception roll!
1d20 = 19Intelligence +2!
1d20 + 2 = 7 No.22798
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>>22797You see no locking mechanism... it seems to be timed. After a minute or so the lever goes back by itself in order to lock someone in there - with a spider. It's another trap.
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>>22795 doesn't look like there's any more to it! unless baronian and thorgrim can get in there, you're on your own against the spider. I know you can do it!
>>22798Is there anyway beyond the spider?
I think I see a doorway across the spider room, if I read the map right.
>>22799"DAMMIT! Alright then."
I investigate the spider's room without the spider noticing me.
>>22800You're living dangerous! The spider seems busy cleaning the webs.
Roll for Dexterity!
>>22799Roll for Intelligence!
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>>22802You could hang something on the lever, keeping it forced down. If you carry something with you that could be used for such a purpose. That way the door would stay open.
>>22803Nice! The spider is busy and you have rolled 8 below your max. skill. Let's see if the spider notices you!
1d20 + 11 = 22 -> it's got to roll below 15.
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>>22804 oh hey, I can weigh down the lever...
(do I still have the sledgehammer?)
>puts the sledgehammer on the end of the lever No.22806
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There's another door to the south! It's closed and there's a lock!
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>>22809How are you doing that? It's like a clump of ore... do you have a rope or a net?
>>22808Like on the map?
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Vinifera, roll for Perception -2!
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>>22813It's locked!
>>22814You notice that the doorway the spider is using is actually a secret door, and the door has swung inside. The door having torn the web, the spider is now fixing it.
>>22815That does the job! The lever was just starting to move up again, but the lantern weighs it down!
He observes the spider.
"...It's fixing the door? As in, it knows what doors are and is attempting to repair it?"
>>22814 now that's taken care of!
what's the plan?
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>>22817It's fixing the web inside the rocky cavern corridor it's currently in.
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Boronian has in the meantime taken the sledgehammer off the pressure plate on the altar. Then put it back on, then back off. Nothing seems to happen as he does that.
>>22819"Well, this door is locked, I have no choice but to confront the spider."
"But first, I'll try to make a torch!"
Not wanting to throw my lantern at it,I look around for anything I can use, like debris of wood or something on the floor. Maybe even candles.
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"I'm coming over to you guys!" You hear Thorgrim whispring through the window.
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What's Nazom doing?
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>>22825Which one, the one that is locked?
Getting there requires a Dexterity roll, lest the spider sees you!
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Suddenly, you hear the heavy stone door closing behind you!
As you examine the altar you see it is an exact copy of the other one. With a round pressure plate in the middle.
Through the window with the grills you see Boronian with the sledgehammer in the other altar room, waving at you.
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"Did that do something you guys?", you hear Thorgrim's loud voice.
>>22830 Hey Baronian, put the sledgehammer back on the altar!
>puts the Asthenil ore on the altar>>22831 I'm not sure what happened
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>>22833"I took the crucible off the pressure plate!" Thorgrim shouts.
Boronian puts the sledgehammer on the plate... suddenly he gasps and turns around.
"The door has opened in the room I'm in!" Boronian says with excitement.
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>>22835>>22836"There's chests in there! Must be treasure!", Boronian shouts as he looks into the room.
Thorgrim immediately turns around and heads back to Boronian... so does Nazom, making it through the wires...
1d20 = 5 No.22842
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>>22840You look around the room but find it perfectly empty (except for a few strings of spider silk). The door leading further south is locked.
>>22841"They are locked! But I'm trying to open one!", calls Thorgrim, having gotten out his lockpicks.
>>22842"Hm... key-key-key..."
The two keys he had did not belong in this dungeon.
"I would ask Nazom to knock on it but he's not here right now."
I try the door, trying to judge the sturdiness of it before deciding whenever or not to break my shoulder over.
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>>22843Pretty sturdy... of cours you could try your Strength - or just force it open with your weapon. Of course that could hurt you, or break your weapon in the process.
>>22844Perception test:
1d20 + 3 = 22Boronian does the same:
1d20 + 3 = 12 No.22846
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>>22845"There's a trap on this one!", Boronian says, pointing at it.
Thorgrim opens the first chest and beams. "Gold Ducats and jewelry!"
>>22847Thorgrim tries his best:
1d20 + 1 = 13 on Dexterity.
>>228481d20 + 1 = 20 Strength
1d2 = 2 damage to you!
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>>22850Ouch! And the door remains in place.
"Screw this! I'm an elf!"
I tapped the lock three times and cast "Foramen" to unlock it.
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>>22852Alas, no keys at all. After Thorgrim has opened all the chests, you have found:
*) a total of 200 gold Ducats (very old coinage)
*) old dwarven jewelry, worth about 280 Ducats
*) 10 bottles containing powerful spider poison
*) two silver circlets without any adornment... might be magical!
*) 5 bottles with a strange grey liquid, a small note on the bottles calls it "silkglow". You have no idea what it is.
I proceed into the next room.
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>>22857Thorgrin and Boronian both shake their heads... "No, never heard of it."
You put the circle on after taking your helmet off... nothing appears to happen.
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>>22856You immediately stop. You stand on a footbridge that is barely 1 meter (3.3 feet) wide. It has a very low railing leads across a seemingly bottomless chasm!
I carefully walk across.
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>>22863No tests necesesary this time. Boronian and Thorgrim follow you.
>>22862The horror! As you carelessly walk across the bridge without checking, you set off a trap!
Massive pendulums, three in total, begin swinging from left to right out of the walls, ready to slice the unfortunate victim in half or just knock them off the bridge and into the chasm!
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(( And here I gotta stop for the night. We'll see if Vinifera makes it across the bridge next time! ))
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Let's see what Vinifera's fate will be!
>>22875Only thing I can do.
I try not to let my success fool my confidence as I try again.
d20 = 10 No.22877
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>>22876A daring jump past the second pendulum!
There's only one left!
>>22877Having a bit of confidence in my strive...
"Here goes..."
d20 = 8 No.22879
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>>22878Well done, you've made it safely past this potentially lethal trap!
>>22879It took me ahwile to comprehend what I just done... and pity myself that Naz and the others were not here to see it.
I look for a lever or mechanism to stop the trap. I do not want to press my luck on the return trip back to the others.
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>>22881They had actually seen everything, standing at the other side of the ramp.
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>>22883"Yes, well done!"
>>22880"Like Nazom said, is ther a way to stop that trap?"
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>>22883 would expect nothing less
>>22884"If luck was money, I'd spent my last few hellers."
I begin to look around for a lever or mechanism that would stop the pendulums.
>>22889"YES!" I fist-bumped a little.
"Okay, now what?"
I looked into the next room.
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Thorgrim and Boronian carefully made it across the bridge.
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The next room has eight massive, tall statues of dwarves adorning the walls. There's also two levers to be seen, and a hand wheel.
A closed door blocks the way leading west.
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>>22893 more spiders!
>>22894 a lever!
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>>22895It hadn't been properly maintained in a while, requiring a Strength test to turn.
>>22896Two levers actually, one to the left, and one to the right of the door.
>>22897Thorgrim examines them as well. They are depict the eight progentiors of the dwarven clans!
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>>22904"It's not moving at all."
>>22906It looks just like a 'regular' statue of a dwarf, well built and very old.
>>22905>>22903Thorgrim the Strong flexes his muscles.
1d20 = 11 No.22909
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>>22907>>22908"No, you just lack the strength." Thorgrim laughs and turns the wheel. You hear faint creaking coming from the north.
>>22908Vinifera noticed Naz examining the atatue.
"Careful! The statues we came across so far were usually rigged with a pressure switch!"
>>22909"Alright... but will the wheel stay turned once you let go?"
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>>22912That'd be a tall order. Roll for Strenght +7!
>>22918Roll for Perception +2.
>>22917It's not possible to see as you can under no circumstance actually lift the statue, only push it along the floor with all your strength.
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>>22920Alas, you see nothing of interest.
>>22921"It did... something.. some where, we think. We hard a clunk."
>>22922"I guess it's just a statue. Hm... maybe those two levers?"
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>>22923 I'll try pulling the one on the left
>pulls the lever No.22926
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>>22924Suddenly the stone-mouths of the NW and SW statues open, searing fire inside them makes the air flicker...
Roll Dexterity +3 to evade!
>>22925The lever is blocked and does not move... and it was tough luck you move to the lever just now.
Roll Dexterity +3 to evade!
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>>22927Two streams of a burning, oil-like substance hits you from both mouths!
6d6 = 20 damage!
>>22928In the nick of time Vinifera jumps aside!
>>22931I quickly take off my cloak and attempt to douse you.
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>>22931Luckily only for a moment as most of your 'clothes' are metal armor!
But the fire damage is so bad that you Cuirass and Sallet take permanent damage, reducing your AC by 2!
>>22932You quickly douse the few remaining flames there are.
>>22933>>22934"Are you alright?"
(What's your HP?)
>>22935 I've been half-baked!
>chugs more aleI'll be fine...
(roughly half?)
Now that the trauma has passed, he goes to inspect the lever.
"...Maybe something is locking it? Or maybe it was not suppose to be pulled at the same time as the other one?"
He tries pulling it again, this time being more ready to jump out the way if anything happens.
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(( Don't forget that Vinifera carries three health potions. ))
>>22940You pull the lever... and with a loud 'click!' the door swings open.
>>22941((I haven't forgotten, that;s why I checked on Naz' health. In case he needed one.))
"Oh hey! That workws! I guess both levers were rigged so that one was the right wrong and the other the wrong one. They just couldn't work together... But why did the trap work but the door didn't?"
>>22943There was barely any ale left in your ceramic goblet!
Roll for Strength +1 to see if you are drunk.
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>>22946You feel quite a bit tipsy!
Courage +1
Strength +1
Intelligence -1
Charisma -1
Dexterity -1
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>>22944 I feel grrate! all warmed up and ready to go.
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after me!
>walks west down the hallway
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>>22952Luckily, you are a dwarf and thus can see well in the dark. Because your lantern is still hanging on a lever a few rooms back.
>>22956 ♫
the road to hell. hmm hmm hmm♫ Naz hums
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>>22958"Whatever is down there must be important..." Thorgrim says, examining the walls which were all smooth.
>>22959"Or... where they dump the bodies for those who pull the wrong lever."
I peer down to see how far it goes, or if I can see the bottom.
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>>22959>>22960or maybe this is another trap
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(( Thanks for playing again, I'm afraid I have to call it a day for now. We're slowly approaching the climax of the story. ))
>>22962"Could be."
>>22963((Thanks for hosting.))
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Time to get ready.
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>searches the ground for anything unusual
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You reach an open room, two doorways to the right, one to the left... At the far end you see several big spider webs, but none of the critters (yet).
There's a basin with fresh water, and a bucket next to it.
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You peer into what seems to be a alchemy laboratory of sorts. It is very simply equipped.
There is a long shelf with simple consumables of alchemy (pitch, charcoal, resins and bark of various trees, ointment fat, sulfur, some mercury, wax) and cleaning products.
There is also a wooden chest.
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Heading further up you see that the doorway to the left actually has a closed door.
As you peer through the webs you see a ruined room that is over and over covered with thick cobwebs. There seems to be a large hole in the back that leads to the spider caverns...
>>22979"Let's not go over there..."
I investigate the water font.
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There's a chest over here.
>checks it for traps
>>22982You examine the chest carfully, but find no lock nor any traps that secure it.
>>22983Boronian checks the water. "I think it looks safe. It has a clean taste."
>>22984((I just remembered my waterskin!))
I drank some of the water from the basin.
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>>22985There are some strange animal parts in the chest...
Roll for Intelligence +2!
>>22988There's some soft string, something that looks like a huge mummified spider leg, a glass with some liquid in it, a cracked magnifying glass...
But there is some things you really cannot identify.
>>22986You feel refreshed and regain
1d6 = 1 health!
>>22990"I feel a bit better."
I go over to see what he has found.
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>>22994You realize some of the parts are the dried venom glands of a cave spider. The soft string is spider silk. The liquid in the glass bottle is a poison named "Arax", made of spider venom. And there's another bottle filled with the digestive secretions of spiders.
>>22995"Hm... it seems someone was studying the spiders when they showed up. Either this laboratory belongs to whoever summoned the spiders, or someone who knew of the threat and tried to find means to combat them."
I go over to the work station.
"Maybe there is a venom antidote made?"
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>>22996 looks like whoever it was probably got eaten in the next room over
>goes to investigate the door No.22999
>>22997"Hm... my verdict, they didn't have time to research a cure for spider-venom or repellent for the spiders."
>>22998"Likely... poor sod."
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>>22998You examine the door and notice it is not locked. You can just open it.
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>>23001>>23002As you open it, you enter square room. There is a terrible scent in the, smelling of death and decay - though you cannot tell where exactly that scent is coming from.
In the room's center there is a stele that reaches almost to the ceiling. It shows dwarven writing, telling of the wealth of the mines, the anger of the dwarf good Angrosh, and an invasion of spiders.
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>>23003 well this is interesting...
>looks to see what angered the gods No.23005
>>23003"Hm... I recognise that figure... that's Angrosh, the god of dwarves. Could these spiders be his doing because he's mad over something?"
I examine the stele, wondering if there is a cause of trigger to Angrosh's wrath.
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>>23004>>23005Thorgrim also enters while Boronian is keeping an eye on that cavern with the spider webs... "There is something moving back there, we shouldn't stay here for too long." he whispers.
The writing on the stele is whithered, but you can make out that that the dwarves had become too greedy and had not given the god his fair share of sacrifical gold and jewels as is custom ... it had to do with a large green emerald they had found...
"That is what the dwarf prince was looking for... this Emerald of legend is an eye of sorts, a lens. It can see through the rock!" shouts Thorgrim.
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>>23006>>23007Thorgrim tears his beard... "the emerald... if you gaze through it you see right through rock and stone, you can see where the lodes of gold and silver and jewels of the mountains are..."
He turns to Vinifera. "I do not know how Angrosh would feel, I'm afraid. I am not a priest."
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>>23009 what are we waiting for, let's find it!
>checks the door to the south No.23011
>>23009"While I can understand the appeal to dwarves... is it really worth it with your god sicking spiders on you?"
>>23010"I agree. If we find the emerald and return it to it's place, then the spiders may leave."
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>>23011 return it!? this mine's toast. it's time to think of the big picture!
>Naz says, while making a sweeping gesture at the ceiling of the cave No.23013
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>>23011>>23012"He is right... this mine is lost. But this emerald is legendary alas - not just because of its potential, but because it had caused a similar catastrophy before... no, an even worse one."
As Nazom opens the southern doorn he beholds a large cavern, its roof out of view. Massive mushroosm, some 15 feet tall, grow there. Spider silk as thick as your fingers hang between them.
And on the far end you see an altar on which rests a huge, green sphere. The emerald!
But you also see three figures standing there, talking to each other. A tall wizard in long robes, a dwarf, and a hideous figure, like a man that has been merged with a spider.
>>23014>>23009>whispersthree "people" in the cavern to the south!
Thorgrim, get Baronian!
>>23013>"He is right... this mine is lost. But this emerald is legendary alas - not just because of its potential, but because it had caused a similar catastrophy before... no, an even worse one.""If such an artifact leads to such catastrophy, perhaps it's best to leave it with he gods than allow it to destroy mortals. ... Angrosh may not be my god, but if this emerald belongs to him, he should have it back."
>>23013>>23015I noticed the three others and hide behind the mushrooms.
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>>23015Boronian approached, walking slowly and carefully, always an eye on the ceiling - for indeed there were spiders scuttling about there in the darkness, high above them.
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>>23022>>23023>>23024Even though your sneaking skills leave something to be desired, you mentioned to move closer to the three people standing there, discussing the emerald... and a demon spider.
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>>23028Excellent! You move in even closer, using a massive shroom as cover.
But before you can even listen in to them you are shocked by the terrible sight of the man-spider!
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>>23031Up close you realize that the wizard is one of those you met earlier in the tower with the chimeras.
They discuss an exchange of sorts, a trade of knowledge it seems.
>>23032I remained behind the mushroom, not wanting to risk being seen at a glance.
I perked my ears, trying to pick up any words or context.
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>>23035Apparently the strange spider-man hybrid is the spokesperson (or even leader) of the spiders... and the wizard seems to have ventured in along with a dwarf. The wizard requests possession of the emerald - and is willing in turn to give information on how to summon a gigantic demon spider... a god of spiders.
>>23036You know these shrooms - and what this place is. It's an underground garden. The mushrooms are food!
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(( Terribly sorry, but it's getting too late for me. I'm afraid we have to postpone the final battle - and ending - for next time! ))
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>>23046>>23047Due to their size, none of the mushrooms could just be 'knocked over'. You'd need to somehow cut or saw them.
Thorgrim joined as well, while Boronian was still watching out for any spiders from above.
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>>23055Oh shoot, that didn't go so well and wasn't especially quiet.
Let's see how Thorgrim is doing with his axe.
1d20 + 1 = 2 No.23060
>>23056>>23057>>23059Let's see if anyone hears the heroes -> they do when
1d20 = 10 is below 12.
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>>23060Suddenly the strange mutant turns around as if having heard or felt something... his eyes gaze in direction of the large mushroom you were standing behind.
>>23060Hearing how loud they were, it wa sinevitable for them to be noticed by the bad guys. He had to act fast!
He quickly prepared his sword, steel his courage and went to attack the spider-guy fast! Wanting to cut quick and deep before it had a chance to react!
>>23063Roll for Strength!
Thorgrim does:
1d20 = 9>>23062Epic storms out with a surprise attack that the oppenent cannot parry!
1d20 = 3 No.23065
>>23064Thorgrim flexes!
Vinifera does
1d6 + 6 = 10 damage!
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>>23067Critical failure for
1d6 = 6 self damage!
>>23064>>23066Suddenly the mushroom comes crashing down towards the bad guys!
The wizard tries to jump out of the way:
1d20 + 4 = 5So does the dwarf:
1d20 + 4 = 9So does the spider mutant:
1d20 + 4 = 24So does Vinifera... >rolle Dexterity +4
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>>23068>>23069The wizard, dwarf, and Vinifera all manage to jump out of the way!
The spider-mutant though gets crushed by the massive mushroom and moves no more!
>>23070"Heh! A fitting end to all spiders."
Vinifera takes one of his extreme potions, he knows this isn't over yet.
"Now for you two. We'll be taking the emerald."
>>23071The dwarf shrieks and runs toward the Emerald! "Fool, with the Emerald I will be richer than any kind under the mountain!"
>>23072The wizard frowns but then chuckles. "Ah well, I guess the Emerald is ours without the trade then..."
Suddenly the entire cave seems to be sounding from the angry hisses and clattering of spider legs... the cobwebs begin to shiver, Boronian turns pale as he points upwards... from the ceiling a myriad of spiders seems to be emerging!
>>23073To the dwarf. "it doesn't belong to you, we're returning it to the dwarf god."
See's the spiders creeping down from above,
((Can I burn the cobwebs?))
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>>23074((You could maybe burn a few, but the majority of the spiders are in the process of letting themselves down with their own strings, so you cannot reach those.))
The wizard folds his hands and disappear in a rainbow-colored cascade... the dwarf stands in front of the Emerald and swings his axe at the spiders which come down towards him.
>>23075The axe fails to hit him, as he had just disappeared.
>>23076Witness the wiard dissapear!
But right now the concerning matter was the spiders. There was so many of them. Was it possible to clear the room of them?
he then remembered the monument and it's warnings of Angrosh' wrath...
He turned his attention to the traitor dwarf.
"Where did the emerald came from? What was it's original place?"
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>>23076 Drop the emerald and surrender!
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>>23077>>23078Boronian and Thorgrim point at the massive spiders, each easily as tall as them, many biggers... there mus be a at least a hundred!
"We have to get out of here, leave the Emerald, it is lost to us!"
The dwarf stands in front of the "Emerald" (a 3 feet big sphere of metal, silver, gold, and greenish glass) and tries to fend of the first spider that tries get to him.
"Umrazim!" he shouts at Vinifera, only to be knocked to the ground by a spider three times his size.
>>23079He calls to Boronian and Thorgrim.
"If we abandon the emerald then the wizard will just come back and claim it! Or someone worse will!"
He noticed things were getting particularly spidery for his liking.
He looks over to the emerald. It was a meter in diameter and spherical meaning it was large and heavy. Nazom and Thorgrimm could likely work together to lift it and take it ouf of the chamber while he and Boronian cover them the best they can.
He looks over to see how close the spiders were and how far it would take to take the emerald.
>>23080The dwarf tries to grab a rope but with a shriek he is lifted up by two more spiders hurrying down... as he disappears from sight you are yourself attacked by two of the spiders how have lowered above you!
1d20 = 131d6 + 5 = 91d20 = 161d6 + 5 = 7>>23081The first two are in attack range just as you look around.
1d20 = 61d6 + 5 = 101d20 = 171d6 + 5 = 11 No.23083
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>>23082Lucky they miss Nazom!
Not so lucky for Vinifera! You're down to 10 health.
Boronian runs for the entrance, Thorgrim hesitates for a moment but then knocks a spider aside with a mighty swing of his axe and follows him, shout at you again to flee.
>>23082"R-right, tactical retreat, get my friends to safety."
>>23083A spider bit him! He was distracted from his own thoughts on wheneve ror not to secure the emerald that it was too late! He uickly gets out of there, hurridly grabbing one of his Extreme Potions as he tries to gulp it down.
>>230841d20 = 141d6 + 7 = 8 at the spider which tries to evade:
1d20 = 15You stand in front of the emerald, it's a 3 feet big sphere which will not be easy to carry!
Strength +4
1d20 + 4 = 16 No.23088
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>>23086You hit the spider! But you cannot lift the Emerald! Certainly it was not meant to be just carried by one dwarf...
Three more spiders are now close to you, you are five against one. They hiss angrily at you. The entire cave seems to be alive with the critters, drawn to the Emerald.
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>>23087 here!
>gives the emerald a strong kick to roll it toward Thorgrim (if he's closest) No.23090
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>>23089Thorgrim has already run away, there's no one near! You have to decide if you want to run too... or duke it out against several dozen spiders!
His health fuly repelished, he gets up...
>>23091...runs over to Naz.
"We need to leave! Just leave it behind! It's not ours!"
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>>23091>>23092You try to give the Emerald a good kick, it wobbles a good meter over the rocky surface, unfazed by it for it is crafted of all magic and could not be damaged. Then the spiders are over it and you... if you would not have hurried under the shrooms which bend heavy under the spiders which are already on top of them... the hurry after you, throwing their webs, spitting silk to capture you... but just in time you make it out!
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>>23092 yet!
>>23093>closes the door behind him No.23095
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>>23094Oh no, Nazom is playing footie with the Emerald!
The door is aching and creaking under the weight and strength of the spiders. You hear the faint shouts of Thorgrim and Boronian who have run ahead...
>>23094The door closed behind them, the group took a breather.
"There were just too many spiders, we couldn't secure it. Besides... maybe Angrosh wrath wasn't because someone stle the emerald, but because it was made and the spiders are it's ward? Either way, no point going through the trouble for something that isn't ours."
((I have to ask, ar ethose AI images or you good at finding the right pictures?))
>>23095"Let's get out of here!"
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>>23097 (yes they are AI generated)
We're going to have to get it one way or another before that wizard comes back!
>rushes after the others No.23100
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>>23099((What a hilairous football match! Ooh! Try doing a picture of Nazom and Vinifera! I tried using Stable Diffusion to make a profile pic for Vinifera and well... turned out like this.))
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>>23098>>23099Hundreds of spiders follow you, even across the traps where several of them fall or die - but their fury does not stop and there is always another cravice where they crawl out of... until you finally reach the entrance hall... only then you feel the spiders had enough of the pursuit. And you can finally catch a breather.
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Everyone was here.
>>23100 (not bad! will do)
>>23101(can't we trap them behind one of the pressure trap doors?)
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((So I tried Stable Diffusion to generate a picture of Naz and Vinifera. The two standing in an orchard, Naz drinking a beer from a tankard, Vinifera drinking wine from a wineglass. Despite specifically saying ithey were to seperate characters and best friends... this was the picture I got...))
>>23103"Thank gooodnes..."
He stands up. "I think we got what we could from here... and we should leave."
>>23104"Could the spiders be a growing problem or would they stay in these caverns?"
>>23104((Yes, but there's spiders also coming from the chasm in front of the throne room, and the big dwarf head which had the roller trap.))
>>23105((Look at that floating glass.))
Boronian and Thorgrim think it would be best to leave for the time being and return to town.
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>>23105 (this one's a little... off)
>>>23105 I don't know. I'm more worried about the wizard coming back.
>>23106>agrees and thinks it would be best to form another expedition in the future.(are we grabbing our things on the way out?)
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>>23107(Yes, you had time to grab your stuff.)
Even Mule-Mo is happy to see you as you make your way back.
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>>23108 Mule-Mo! my trusty steed. how I've missed you.
>>23107((I look like that witcher fellow!))
>>23107"That is my main concern. If that wizard can just dissapear and appear anywhere, whose to say they won't just reappaear and pick up the emerald while the spiders are asleep? ... Maybe a concern for a later date?"
>>23108"Let's find our way out first and then get our stuff."
((Oh, we skipped to the outside?))
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>>23110>>23111You find no signs of a wizard or anyone else in the vicinity. You are all alone in the low mountains east of the town of Riva. Not even the small goblin you released can be seen anywhere.
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(( At that point quite frankly the adventure is over for the time being. You have done what you were asked to, find out what happened to the dwarfs after the orcs had attacked.
If you want to do some additional exploring, we'll have to continue next year!
You each get 350 XP! ))
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>>23110>>23113We'll have to find out about that pesky wizard some other time.
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((I tried using to generate an image with. While it's mad efor Sonic-related art it can be used to make original pictures... sort of.))
>>23113((How long did the adventure take for us?))
>>23114"Yeah, let's return to the tavern and rest."
>>23115You were only barely a day in there.
>>23114>>23115Maybe the Academy of Magic can tell you more.
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>>23115>>23116And most important of all, it's time to refill the ale rations!
>>23116 Thank you Baronian and Thorgrim for your assistance!
(what spoils did I grab? can these be sold or distributed later?)
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>>23117"That was quite the adventure! You can rely on us if you need our help again!"
Items not yet distributed are:
*) a total of 200 gold Ducats (very old coinage)
*) old dwarven jewelry, worth about 280 Ducats
*) 10 bottles containing powerful spider poison
*) two silver circlets without any adornment... might be magical!
*) 5 bottles with a strange grey liquid, a small note on the bottles calls it "silkglow". You have no idea what it is.
>>23118"Hm... I imagine apothecaries will be interested in the spider poison and silkglow...
I'd say 50 ducats each but dunno what we're gonna do with the dwarven treasure. I guess Naz and Thorgrimm should decide?"
>>23120 We should see if anyone can tell us what it is or how to use it. It might be useful in the future. maybe even against the spiders in the cave!
>>23121>>23122(thanks again!)