No.337[Last 50 Posts]
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"Alicorn who wields the Elements of Harmony.
Is rightwise queen, born of Equestria." -Prophecy foretold by Starswirl the Bearded.
(Of course nopony has ever seen an alicorn, let alone believe in them.)
In this RP we we play ponies during medieval time. Equestria is currently ruled by the founding ponies who struggle to run the newly found country.
As for how we can play it, I was considering we could use the Fighting Fantasy game system to play. could have four stats:
Skill is for attacks, abilities and magic.
Stamina is how much health you have and occasional test of strength and endurance.
Luck is for how fortunate or charming you would be in certain situations.
Skill: (6-12)
Stamina: (12-24)
Luck: (6-12)
Instead of rolling for stats like in the gamebooks, I figure a point system would be a bit more fairer.
12 points to spend on each 3 stat. For Stamina a point is doubled.
The Fighting Fantasy article I posted also covers such as things as combat, use of potions and other things.
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My character:
Name: Squire
Race: Earth Pony
Role: Equestrian Knight
Info: His father sent him out on a quest to defeat the dragon Bazil. While the founding ponies have knighted him, he has yet to defeat Bazil, nor has given up his search for him.
He has a crush for his pegasi superior Privateer Pansy, despite her being his superior and a pegasi, it is taboo (in those times) for ponies of different kinds to have such romance.
Skill: 10
Stamina: 22
Luck: 9
While he does wield a sword, haven't decided if weapons grant "modifyers", as stated in the FF article.
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>>341(Gotta go bed now, just checking on this.)
For starters you set your stats wrong.
You have 12 points to spend, each stat has the maximum of six points to fill.
For example, heres how I set my stats:
However it's important to know two things:
You add an additional six points to all stats.
Stamina is doubled.
Thus my stats are:
Skill: 4+6=10
Stamina: 5+6×2=22
Luck: 3+6=9
(Though may switch a point from stamina to skill, which would make it:
Skill: 5+6=11
Stamina: 4+6×2=20
Luck: 3+6=9
This is so when you're in combat, you and your opponent roll a 2d6, those who roll higher than their Skill can deduct 2 stamina from the opponent. An optional luck roll can make the attack either more or less effective by a single stamina point.
I'll make a mock battle for you when I get up, it's real late for me over here. Be back in about 12 hours or so.
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>>344When it comes to combat, enemies just have skills and stamina. Let's randomly generate one:
You've encountered a snake!
Skill: 5
Stamina: 2
When in combat, you roll a 2d12 and add the result to your skill to your skill, then you do it again for your enemy's skill. Whoever rolls the highest have wounded the opponent who will loose 2 stamina points.
If you want, you can also make a luck roll. With a successful hit you can deal a total of 4 stamina points worth of damage, or if you are instead harmed, loose 1 point of damage.
However failing the luck roll to attack may cause just 1 stamina point of damage, or you'll loose 3 stamina points.
You can loose stamina points but can't exceed the maximum stamina points you begin with. Rest, food or certain treatment may heal up to 4 stamina points or mroe, depending on the situation.
This is how it's done in the Fighting Fantasy books.
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I'm kind of interested in joining up. I hope it'll take off.
Name: Old Clefthoof
Race: Unicorn
Role: Cleric
Info: An elderly cleric in service of the Sun. Old Clefhoof has been on many pilgrimages across the lands of Equestria in search of the Crown of Radiance, an artefact said to bestow great power upon its rightful bearer. Though his adventures have led him to partake in many battles between the warring pony races, old age has robbed him of much of his former power, and he continues to bear a prejudice against the other pony races even in this new peaceful era.
Skill: 6+7 = 13
Stamina: 12+4 = 16
Luck: 6+3 = 9
>>352Your stamina would actually be:
If he's a sun worshipper, note that this RP takes place before Celestia and Luna.
In fact no one has seen an alicorn let alone believe in them, other than Starswirl who foretold the prophacy of an Alicorn Queen.
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>>353Ahh, gotcha! I'll change around the stats a little bit, in that case.
And yes, I'm well aware. I just figured, ponies would see the Sun as a source of light, and hence, a source of good. Right?
Also, I'll make Old Clefhoof's stats like this.
Skill: 6+8 = 14
Stamina: 6+2x2 = 16
Luck: 6+2 = 8
>>355Ah! Was gonna berate you over exceeded on >>354 but you sorted it.
I know it's a bit confusing, in Fighting Fantasy books stats are usually set by rolling. So you could end up overpowered or awful stats by your own luck alone.
I figure a 12 point spending system, with stamina doubling it's point value would be more fair.
I've explained on
>>346 how the stats are used in combat and RP situations.
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May switch a point around and make this my official stats:
Name: Squire
Race: Earth Pony
Role: Equestrian Knight
Info: His father sent him out on a quest to defeat the dragon Bazil. While the founding ponies have knighted him, he has yet to defeat Bazil, nor has given up his search for him.
Harbors a secret crush for his pegasi superior Privateer Pansy, but dares not say to dishonour her, given she is his superior and a pegasus (inter-type relationships is taboo in those times) thus he feels guilty about it.
Skill: 5+6=11
Stamina: 4+6×2=20
Luck: 3+6=9
I haven't decided if weapons grant skill or damage point bonuses. He does have his father sword.
2d12 + 11 = 28Enemy Check
2d12 + 5 = 17 No.362
>>361That means you did two points of damage to the snake.
Since all it had was two points, you win!
If it wa sany beefier with stamina then you would roll again until health is wittled down.
>>362Okay so let's do this…
After Feather defeated the snake, a reptillian god popped out from the corridor.
Heidia, Patron of Serpents.
Skill 7
Stamina 8
Heidia attacked Feather with a stream of dark acid.
Roll 2d12+7=31
Feather's Check 2d12+11=13
So what happens when I get hurt?
>>363Well you didn't seem to roll at all, but those who roll lowest will loose two points of stamina.
A luck roll could make that 1 loss of stamina… or 3. Depends how fair the roll.
You repeat the process over and over until you or Heidia lose all stamina points.
Instead of actual death and leaving the RP forever, players who loose all stamina points could be simply knocked out until chance of recovery or something.
>>364I did put in Feather's check, the rolls are labeled there. Anyways would the best roll format look like this?
Roll 2d12
Check 2d12
Luck 2d12
Top is attack and bottom two are the defense.
Actually it be 2d6, given it's two six-sided dice.
And in the FF books theres no mention of a defence stat.
You roll 2d6 and add what you rolled to your skill.
You do the same for the enemy.
Highest have successfully attacked.
I just noticed I said 2d12 on
>>346 that was a mistake. Though I suppose a 1d12 would work just as well.
Fighting Fantasy books were made for those who had just two 6-sided dice and little knowledge on TTRPGs, which is why three prime stats over a list of them.
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Ooh, I tried to join a pre-modern Equestria rp once but it never panned out. I certainly wouldn't mind joining, if a wild kelpie is allowed.
I'm thinking she'd start off as an encounter, then either be defeated or convinced to join the group.
>>380Thats fine. This thread is for discussion and RP testing. I'll start the actual adventure when we've established things.
Ever played/read Fighting Fantasy books before?
>>383Have not.
>>384Your stats would be:
Skill: 4+6= 10
Stamina: 2+6×2= 16
Luck: 6+6= 12
I'm hoping Critical will Co-GM with me, since he's better at maths than I am.
>>388I know the Fighting Fantasy way is a bit confusing, but it was made for children-teen books and suppose to be a really simplified version of TTRPs.
>>389stamina doubles as both your physical strength and your health. Your maximum stamina is 16 but can be lowered when harmed. Average attacks are 2 points but depending on luck rolls can loose 1 or four stamina points.
You're extremely lucky so chances are you can deal three points of damage and will loose one point of health in defending against losing attack rolls.
Think of it like this. In some games "strength" and "Health" are two seperate things. That means you can do heavy lifting even you're bleeding out from just 1HP.
Fighting Fantasy simply combines strength stat with your health gauge and combat mostly replies on skill than strength. If you're low on stamina, means you can't over-exhurt yourself when muscle is needed.
>>395Well 12 would be the maximum for Skill and Luck, in which when in combat you make an Attack Roll and add it to your skill, same for your opponent. Those with the highest roll win.
For example let's say you had maximum skill and were fighting a monster which also had maximum skills.
2d6 = 7+12
2d6 = 8+12
Despite being very skilled, the attack roll makes all the difference. One of the one with the lowest roll loses 2 points of stamina.
Having low skill simply means less points to add up to your attack roll, but even if your opponent is more skilled than you could means they have a lower attack roll that adds up less than yours.
For example:
2d6=12 +3 skill = 15
2d6=2 +12 skill = 14
While the monster had the higher skill by 9 points, the hero had the higher roll.
>>398Ok but that isn't at all what I'm asking about.
How do such and such stat values compare to an average villager, or to a trained warrior?
>>402Well lets consider the following. If we are looking at your stats compared to the average warrior, one who needs Strength and Stamina, You'd be about evenly matched in terms of skill but the warrior would definitely outlast you in terms of stamina.
Of course with your luck you may do high damage so you might beat him much faster than he can beat you. Then again outside of combat, performing tasks of strength or stamina saves, the average warrior would have you ousted.
This is what I imagine a warrior needing.
Skill 12
Stamina 22
Luck 7
This is done as if you were going up against another PC, an NPC may be modified with nerfed stats to make the encounter easier.
>>410>>389Well if you want a quick reference… I'd say your stats follow as
Skill: Above Average
Stamina: Weak
Luck: Grand
>>439I have lore set to how I imagine medieval Equestria was like, even baddies in mind to oppose the knights.
Celestia and Luna may show up sooner or later, I know where they are, just don't want them anytime soon.
Though be nice if we had RPers for the founding ponies.
I got mostly everything planned, just got no story planned yet.
>>442>>445I want to properly test the FF gameplay before starting the first KoE RPG.
How about an adventure where we're called to a settlement to investigate a monster attack? Maybe a settlement on the east side of Everfree Forest.
>>446I dunno, you're DM so that means you are in charge here. What happens is what you decide but I'll give you a tip.
Try posting an intro for players to work off of. Something like "You find yourself traveling north on the high road. The trade caravan walks with you until you see a fire up ahead."
There are no real wrong answers so no need to over think it.
>>450I'm just open for suggestions.
>>449OK, I'll start one off.
>Squire was fairly new to these lands, but he knew where he needed to go, to Mt. Canterlot, a place filled with promises for aspiring knights. No.452
>>451Okay, you got the right idea but your post is too focused on your character alone.
How about I DM this one real quick and I'll show you how to do it.
>>453Okay I hope everyone present is ready.You feel your body floating, as if you were just a small delicate petal in the gentle breeze. As you open your eyes, your vision is met with utter darkness. You stand about on top of a purple smoke path, below you is utter oblivion. Seeing this you realize that this is a dream but an important one. Your senses are normal and all of this feels real, with a chilling wind blowing across your cheek. Ahead of you, you can see a large land mass with mountains set atop it. From where you were standing ,it seemed like an island in a see of nothingness. The ethereal path you stand on leads towards the islands and the wind is blowing towards it, almost pushing you there.
With this, any player joining up is on equal footing here as it is not directed towards a single person. There is also some detail written here, roleplaying is for the imagination and your players should be able to picture what is happening. The world is also giving hints as to what the player should do, ever so subtly but it's there. just be careful, a player who doesn't know what to do won't be having too much fun if they get stuck too long. No.457
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>>456>Squire looks over to the islands, he did not know where he was or if he was alive, but there was one thing he was certain of, one thing he was determined of…There… thats where Bazil is!
>Without hesitation, he charged the path towards the island, for he vowed on the dragons defeat, he will be a knight! No.472
>>457You cross the ethereal bridge which was much more solid that what it appeared, as if made from stone and brick. Once you got on up to the land, your hooves was met with cold and dead earth. No form of plant life was here.
You then sense you are not alone…
>>473Before he could continue, he was soon attacked by two pony looking shades. There bodies were translucent and they wore a black hood to cover their invisible faces.
Skill 8
Stamina 10
Luck 4
Grim Shadow
Skill 10
Stamina 12
Luck 5
Unlucky Strike(This spell does no damage but if it hits, the target cannot test their luck in combat for two turns.)
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>>475(Enemy NPCs in FF books don't have their own Luck stats, only the players do since luck judges the outcome of harm give or take.)
Fiends! Feel the shine of my blade!
Squire: 11
2d6 = 7Shade: 8
2d6 = 8Squire: 11
2d6 = 6Grim Shadow: 10
2d6 = 9 No.477
>>476>Squire attacked the Shade (it lost 2 stamina)>The Grim Shadow however dodged and clawed him (Squire lost 2 stamina)>StaminaSquire: 18/20
Shade: 8/10
G Shadow: 12/12
>Squire attacks them again.>Attack rollSquire:
2d6 = 9+11
2d6 = 3+8
2d6 = 4+11
Grim Shadow:
2d6 = 8+10
>>477The shade attacked Squire with a short and broken sword, the blade looked of jagged teeth.
2d6 + 8 = 14Squire Check
2d6 + 11 = 22The Grim Shadow started to churn some black magic and casted Unlucky Strike at Squire.
G Shadow
2d6 + 10 = 16Squire Luck Check
2d6 + 9 = 15>>479Alright, goodnight. No.486
>>484Well I think you should run this like I do on my threads, narrate the story and control NPC's and the like.
Remember, there's no real wrong answer when it comes to storytelling. The important part is to just have fun.
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>>486An idea for a first story is Squire goes to one of the settlements in medieval Equestria and may meet others along the way. I haven't decided if Squire came from the Earth Pony Tribe or elsewhere outside of Equestria.
He can set off to Canterlot in hopes to be a knight.
Kinda like the Legend of Sir Valiant.
I would like to make a medieval Equestria map, but other than the Everfree Forest being bigger and towns and cities yet set, I dunno what settlements to add to the map.
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>>488I think there could be at least one Diamond Dog stronghold of sorts. Sort of like an evil dwarven kingdom, they mostly keep to themselves underground but they lash out at intruders on the surface.
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>>496I think so? I don't know much about Druegar, but it seems close enough to what I'm thinking of according to a quick Google search.
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Dream Castle.
One of the first strong holds in Equestria where ponies could safely settle in the untamed lands of Equestria. Located just east of Everfree Forest, it is a small village and where the Founding Ponies currently reside until Canterlot, the ideal capital and stronghold of Equestria is complete.
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>>500Yea! That seems like a solid basis to go on.
>>505Hehe, and that looks like a clever callback as well. Maybe that could be the starting area of our campaign?
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>>508Yep. And why dream Castle is never mentioned in modern times is because it can be destroyed at some point.
Not by Smooze obviously, unless green Smooze is older than he looked and got real hungry one day.
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>>509What if the current-day Smooze is like an offspring of sorts of the old Smooze? Or the current-day Smooze is a "sealed" or "depowered" form of the old Smooze?
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>>511That sounds like a good way to go!
We would need a villain of sorts for this story as well, though. Right?
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>>514The villains can vary. So far my idea for antagonists are monsters (Everfree Forest covered more grounds back then before ponies harvested the wood around it) and Discord whom while not as chaotic as he was in his debute episode, still trolling his new pony neighbours.
Maybe Grogar and his city of Tambelon is a thing as well but far South in the badlands or something.
Equestria is virgin lands but still has problems.
>>540Pony racism and taboo are also things that the Founding Ponies are trying to illiminate. They hope uniting the champions of the three pony tribes into a knighthood will help that.
Also Squire can develop a crush on Privateer Pansy. Pansy is not just his superior (as a founding pony and quest giver) but also a pegasus and he's an earth pony.
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>>541Also it's because Fluttershy played her, right? Hehe.
But yea, I can see it working well as a story point.
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>>545Yeah, I can imagine Fluttershy as Private Pansy just as Squire is to Epic Mount.
>>598Yes but what about everything
other than fighting?
>>607For example if you want to haggle for a better price at something, that be a test of luck. If you're avoiding a trap that be a test of skill or if you're prying open a heavy door that be a test of stamina and so on.
I know some players like to use magic in battle and others prefer swords or brute strength, but in a sense it's all relative that can be covered by skill.
Sure some FF had an additional "Magic" stat but it was more of how much spells you can cast if a situation called for it. Most FF went by the three stats.
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OK, I prepared the OP document for the game. I hope it's alright. there is not much tetsing we can do now, I'm going to start the first thread in around 12 hours. (No point starting it now and going to sleep.) I figure it can start off with all of us meeting up and the Founding Ponies can give us quest to do.
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So how shall we get started? Do we just start posting and meet up in Dream Castle for now?
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Am I the only one on /rp/?
>Me all day on my new thread.
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Just to clearly clarify, the official KoE RP thread started yesturday. Heres the link to it >>680
Dunno if you're all just busy with life or not.
I do have a campaign in mind, but can't have an multiplaying RP just by myself.
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I guess I will join the game too, sounds interesting.
Name: Summer Rye
Race: Earth Pony
Role: Novice Guardsman
Info: The stubby earth pony spent his days working on the meager grainfields of his parents. Being somewhat clumsy and a big eater his father shooed him off to ‘earn his bread’ elsewhere as soon as he reached adulthood. Hoping for plentiful ‘bread’, he travelled to Dream Castle and joined as a guard, his trusty (and well-filled) nosebag always with him.
[Due to lack of other stallion pics I'll post with Big Mac.]
Skill: 8
Stamina: 22
Luck: 11
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Ehehe, I completely forgot about this RPG for a while… I'll get involved starting now though!
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>>1013That'd be fine with me. So basically, I'd have these stats if I just subtracted 1 stat point from each stat, right?
Skill: 6+7 = 13
Stamina: 6+1x2 = 14
Luck: 6+1 = 7
>>1017Yes, I figured having enough points to max out two of the three major stats would be too much.
9 fills oen and a half of the major stats.
But will only do so if Critical is willing to keep track of the character sheets for me. It should be more easier and less mathsy than Fo:E.
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I kind of lost interest in using Dulset for this, but I might still use Victoria if it looks fun.
I may change the gameplay settings a bit. I think that able to mac out two of three stats is a bit OP.
But to make up for it will incorperate an inventory system and may have weapons provide attack bonuses or something.
I really should find my old FF books and play them myself than just wiki it. Will help me make this game more enjoyable.
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About the current roleplay situation, are you really sure we should just conveniently already meet Starswirl in the inn? No offense, but it kind of seems like really bad pacing.
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>>1218It was actually a bit of an accident.
I misread what Summer Rye said and I thought he meant he actually did see Starswirl the Bearded in the inn. I figured "Well might be ideal way to get to the quest in mind".
He told me in Steam what he meant was he mistaken Clefthoof for Starswirl and given I can't edit posts it was too late for me to change it.
Eitherway while I question the canon of the IDW MLP:FiM comics I can imagine Starswirl to be the "doddery old fool" sort so chances are he does go down to the small town and has a drink in the tavern once in awhile.
Though I imagine Starswirl to be more like Merlin from Disney's Sword in the Stone which is an inspiration for the lore I had in mind for the RP.
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I've deleted my KoE RP on the account it was just not ready yet. I wasn't prepared on the quest in mind and that I shouldn't have rushed it.
I'll keep this thread up though to further discuss it, but will not restart the RP until I'm sure it's ready. Like a decent start to the story.
>>2046If that is the case, I am going to start making a character. Itll probably be done quickly, but if the RP starts again before I have a computer again, Ill have to get into it later on, once my computer situation is resolved.
Btw, that means dont wait up if you are ready to start.
>>2172I'll start the RP after a week or two, I'm still sorting out new stats and gameplay mechanics with Critical.
I'm thinking the RP can start around a conflict, like maybe Dream Castle is attacked by Diamond Dogs or Grogars forces or something.
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I plan to start the RP either before the end of this week or the next, depends what things i have to sort out with my brother.
Inspired from the first few books of Redwall, I'm thinking the first campaign would be against Grogar of Tambelon who wants to enslave ponies and take over Equestria. The first stronghold he must topple is Dream Castle.
Critical hit is designign a sort of ponyversal RPG system we can use for all Pony RPGs which I think it's cool. Dunno when it'll be ready though.