No.3741[Last 50 Posts]
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[Humans/Humanoid Creatures#], [Sci-Fi#], [Adventure#], [PURPS 1st Edition:Basic Sci-Fi Package#], [Pencil and Paper#], [Story Driven#], [Party Focus#]
IntroductionWelcome to the Cybernetic Rebirth Campaign/Thread, this is where players can join together and play out through the story of Cybernetic Rebirth. If you have any questions or want to put in your very own character, you can message me on the thread itself. Don't worry we won't mind and we would be glad to add more players to the group.
RulesThe rules for the campaign can be found here details everything you need to know about the Basic Sci-Fi Package as well as to how to create your character. If you do make a character, you must share it with the email
so that I can make sure everything is in order.
Thread SettingThis campaign takes place thousands of years into the future where humanity is in the midst of exploring the universe. Aliens and demons plague the cosmos and many wars have been fought, wars that were caused by distrust and rumors of an ancient race treasure said to be hidden out somewhere. Whether or not if this treasure is real, much blood on every side has been shed for little gain.
You yourself are just a common civilian in the Human's alliance which is made up of humans and a diverse amount of alien species that work hard to keep the demons on their own planets. No matter what your background is, no matter if you wish to be caught up in it, you will soon find yourself at the center of events that will determine the fate of the galaxy.
This stand for the Pony Universal Role Playing System. If you wish to read over the 1st Edition ruleset as well as create your very own packages for your own use, you can find the resource here. No.3742
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>Andrew was just getting tired as hell for waiting for any messages
>He just dozes off
>>3744As Andrew Tried to make sense of what he was seeing, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of his head after being struck. Almost being knocked over, he could look up and see that it was a tiny creature made up of stitched up flesh that stood on four insect like legs. This creature had no eye but instead a mouth with two long bone like mandible protruding from it.
Combat EncounterDemon Sprite
HP 20
Hit Chance 40%
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>>3745>Andy' checked for his SMG"Come ON!"
Also, dice roll? No.3747
>>3746Andrew fired at the demon that was attacking him.
Gun 56%
1d100 = 63 No.3749
>>3747The bullets fly out into the black abyss, ever to be seen again.
The demon sprite lurches back on its hind legs and jumps at Andrew again
Unarmed 40%
1d10 = 4 No.3751
>>3748The demon has already attacked you, therefore aware of you.>he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of his head after being struck. Almost being knocked over, he could look up and see that it was a tiny creature made up of stitched up flesh that stood on four insect like legs.>>3749He was hit again, the little devils mandibles weren't sharp enough to do damage.
>>3750This time around the SMG's burst fire caught up with the demon and it's blood splattered about
Demon Sprite HP 4
After that it gathered what strength it had to attack again.
Unarmed 40
1d100 = 5 No.3752
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>>3751"The hell are you?!"
>>3752It hit him again but again didn't deal any damage.
>>3752The little creature didn't speak, it seemed that it was not intelligent enough to comprehend a language.
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>>3753"Sorry pal"
Guns 56%
1d100 = 57 No.3759
>>3758Right before he could press on even further, the creatures made their presence known. Two jump out from nothingness each one either blocking the path upwards and downwards, trapping Andrew. These creatures were humanoid looking in stance with hunched backs, pink skin, triangular head, and whip like appendages for arms and legs.
Combat EncounterStalker A
HP 30
Hit Chance 50%
Dmg 15
Stalker B
HP 30
Hit Chance 50%
Dmg 15
>Andrew aims at oneGuns 56%
1d100 = 82 No.3763
>>3762I'll give this one to you due to time constraints.The bullets fly and they hit the first Stalker
Stalker A HP 14
They then both attack Andrew
1d100 = 6650%
1d100 = 12 No.3765
>>3763One misses and the other managed to land a hit which actually hurt him
Andrew HP 16
>he fired more angrilyGuns 56%
1d00 = 0 No.3768
>>3766>>3767Missing a 100 but yeahHe hit the first Stalker again and it quickly died. Now the path was open for him to make an escape if he wishes to do so.
The other Stalker attacks to take revenge.
1d100 = 13 No.3769
>>3768It lands another hit on him and Andrew is unsure of how much more he can take at this point.
Andrew HP 10
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>Andrew walks No.3775
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>>3774"…What the fuck?.."
>He kept walking No.3776
>>3775As he looked up out from behind stepped out a large humanoid bull creature where its head was that of a flaming skull. It Screeches at Andrew as it brandishes fiery Axe
Combat EncounterBull Demon
HP 1,000
Chance to hit 90%
DMG 20
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>He firedGuns 56%
1d00 = 0 No.3780
>>3777His attack lands.
Bull Demon HP 84
The demon swings its massive axe across the battlefield
1d100 = 49 No.3781
>>3780The Axe sends Andrew flying across the stage and he is left barely alive.
Andrew HP 2
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>>3780>>3781>Andrew tried healing himselfFist Aid 44%
1d100 = 99 No.3784
>>3782He couldn't really put hismelf back together again and the demon looked down at his broken body. It then raised his axe high up into the air and just before it slammed into Andrew, everything went black.
To be Continued
And then there you go. Now we wait for Monday to roll around. No.3786
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So here is the current line up characters so far.
Aeolia Blues, The traveling musician.(Played by Boat)
Andrew, the galactic military soldier.(Played by List)
Axom, A half dwarf spellcaster.(Playing as himself)
Mordecai, the wandering battle wizard.(Played by Critical Hit.)
If you wish to join, message me here and we'll get you set up with a brand new character sheet.
Kay guys something's came up and I can't be on at the moment. I'll try to be on at 4.
>>3800I didn't pull inspiration from border lands but rather warhammer 40k.
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>>3806>>3807I'm here on my desktop and ready to go and I'll need to start us off.
Start: PrologueYou awaken restlessly, as if from a night of cold sweat and nightmares. Before you can get up you find youself inside a glass pod that you would recognize as a stasis container. Normally these would be used for patients about to undergo surgery but you find that you have no wounds or any malign effects about you. Slowly the pod releases, letting off a hiss of steam and you exit to find yourself in a room with other pods similar to yours and others getting out as well.
Where you are now is a complete mystery and you have no memory of how you got here but you feel as if that you must leave this place. You can also notice that none of the lights are working nor any forms of tech bar that a single terminal on the wall and your stasis pods ofcourse.
>>3811>>3812Another fellow, clad in a grey long coat and wearing a hat got on up as well. It seemed that all three of them had shared this strange fate.
"Urgh… wait who the devil are you two?"
>>3815"Map is unavailable in my hud."
"Gotta fix it."
"Now the question is, who are you?"
>>3814"No I'm a… a private contractor in the field of combat. I practice the arcane."
>>3815"It must be some sort of old hospital or medical research facility but…"
He scratches his head trying to remember but his memory fails him.
"I don't really know. Prehaps if we try to leave, we'll have some clue as to where we are at."
>>3817"I'm from the United Nations Space Command."
"I think I can activate the night vision on here but it might be busted."
Fact, in Halo 3 ODST, the ODST helmets have a night vision mode and a flashlight too, but it's broken at the moment. No.3819
>>3818"I am Mordecai Everret, that wandering battle wizard."
He looks on over at the terminal.
"Perhaps if one of us were to access that computer there, it can give us an idea on what to do next."
>>3816"You can call me Aeolia. You got a name, grunt?"
>>3817>>3819"Well, Moordecai, lead the way I guess. I can't work these new terminals."
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>>3819"Sir, don't know about that, hell..oh wait, i'm a engineer! I can perhaps take a look at it."
>He then looks on over >>3820"Private First Class, Windbreaker."
>>3820"It should just be a mouse key strokes is all."
>>3821The two head on over there to find it already accessed to files, almost all of them to be corrupted though except for a map and a status bar
Map of Aread
1: Entrance Area (Lock Down)
2:Stasis Bay A (Current Locale)
2:Stasis Bay B
3:Surgery Room
4:Generator Room
(Facility on Lockdown due to power outage. Nonessential operations are shut off except stasis bays and security.)
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>>3825"Good idea, let's head there."
>>3825>>3827"Alright but let's make haste though."
They head on out and follow the signage in the halls to their destination.
Random Encounter Roll1d20 = 5 DC of 10
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>>3828>Andrew noticed a red Tic"..Oh boy"
>>3828>>3830On their way, some of the ventilation busts out to emerge three orb bots. Their dome heads can spin around in 360 degree andgle, their white armor plating provides decent defense for their caliber, and they had small 9mm turrets built into their hulls as they jump about on their spider legs.
"It's the damnable security we read about!"
Combat EncounterOrb Bot A
HP 30
AC 5
Chance to hit 50%
Dmg 10
Orb Bot B
HP 30
AC 5
Chance to hit 50%
Dmg 10
Orb Bot C
HP 30
AC 5
Chance to hit 50%
Dmg 10
Not sure if this will work or is the song I want, can't load it myself. No.3832
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>Andrew fired from his suppressed SMG Guns 56%
1d100 = 79 No.3833
>>3832The bullets just ricochet off of the steel plated walls and floors.
Mordercai wips out a proton pistol and fires it off.
Energy 46%
1d100 = 83 No.3835
>>3833>He kept firing"Shit! I might be out of ammo soon!"
Guns 56%
1d100 = 4 No.3837
>>3834With both of them missing, the orb bots attack with a flurry of bullets, each targeting a separate party member.
1d100 = 36Andrew
1d100 = 38Mordecai
1d100 = 61>>3835We don't track Ammo, we are using the basic set after allHis attack finally hits one and does massive damage. Each of the bullets rang out, leaving the orb bot severed in almost half. It dwadled there for a second until falling down and shutting off.
>>3837Aeolia and Andrew were hit and were now at reduced health.
Aeolia HP 12
Andrew HP 23
Mordecai focuses his magic on the second orb bot and casted Mislead.
Spell 48%
1d100 = 19 No.3839
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>>3837>Andy firedGuns 56%
1d100 = 20 No.3841
>>3840You got your roll right and for that I'll cut you a break.She slammed one of the bots and dealt some damage
Orb Bot B HP 19
The robots attack again
1d100 + 10 = 17Mordecai
1d100 = 32After that Mordecai tosses Aeolia his combat Pistol.
"Here take this one. Might have a better chance with it."
He then attacks with his proton pistol.
>>3839His attack hits the orb bot again
Orb Bot HP 8
>>3841Andrew and Mordecai were hit.
Andrew HP 22
Mordecai HP 14
Forgot my attack roll.Energy 46%
1d100 = 83 No.3844
>>3841"Thanks! I'll see what I can do!"
> Aeolia slings her guitar and fires with the Pistol.Guns 30%
1d100 = 9 No.3845
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>>3843>One more firGuns 56%
1d100 = 32 No.3846
>>3845List hits the second orb bot and it falls to the ground after taking so much damage.
>>3845Aeolia does massive damages and breaks through the enemy's armor. That will make some good bar talk.
Orb Bot C HP 6
The surviving bot attacks Aeolia.
1d100 = 20 No.3848
>>3847Yeah I was able to see it, I feel it's gonna be pretty cool but I'm not sure what story they can put to it other than a wasteland vacation.>>3846She was hit again and dealt some damage.
Aeolia HP 3
>>3847"Yeah but let's keep our focus, we aren't finished here yet!"
He attacks again
Energy 46%
1d100 = 73 No.3851
>>3849>>3850The last orb bot was put down, finally. Seems that security was high around here, even with the facility without power and long ago abandoned.
+100 EXP
"There… it's over. Perhaps we should rest to heal our wounds?"
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>>3851Just lost sanity Jacob, gonna try to stay calm here"God where is the nearest med pack when you need it?.."
>>3855>>3856"Alright now that we're in peak condition once more, let us make our way to the generator room."
They head on over there and enter a utility kind of area. There in the center of the room laid a massive machine that generated this facility's power. Some skeletons were also strewn about as well, they looked to be either doctors or scientists given their white robes.
On the generator was a small terminal and a lever next to it. Lining the walls looked to be some shelves with gear on it. As for the room it was clear of enemies, a safe place for the party to take a breather.
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>>3857>Andrew looked around"There could be a switch around here.."
>>3861"I'm unsure, it had to have been for a long time however. I do not even know how we came to be here, were these once our ally's or captors?"
>>3860The terminal popped on with a question
Prime Engine
If Y, pull lever after priming engine. No.3863
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>>3862"Eh fuck it."
<Yes>He then walks over and pulls the lever No.3865
>>3864All of their coats were tattered to the point where they were unusable. On the shelves however she did find one suit of armor
Leather Coat, Light, AC of 2
>>3863Once he done so, the lights flickered on with the hum of machines now operating as they should.
"Good now we can get out of here. When you guys are ready, we should make a break for the entrance area or if you prefer we can check out the other rooms as well."
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>>3865"I'm gonna head out!"
"There might be a Pelican out there!"
>he walks to the entrance No.3867
>>3865"Hey, just my style!"
> Aeolia puts on the Leather Coat."Up to you but I'd rather not run into any more bots."
>>3866>>3867"Then we'll make a break for the exit."
The party slips through the now lit halls and found themselves in the lobby area of the facility. It would have been an easy exit except there is a hulking humanoid robot standing in the way. It's barrel body was shielded up like the orb bots and its head resemble that of an upside down dinner plate in the way of shape, bearing a single red LED eye. On it's arms were two built in proton cannon for serious damage.
>Hostiles detected, usage of deadly force now engaged.Boss EncounterThe Warden
HP 100
AC 7
Chance to hit 50%
Dmg 13
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>List aimed and firedGuns 56%
1d100 = 86 No.3871
>>3869Andrew's gunfire missed but Mordecai tried to make up for it by casting mislead.
Spell 48%
1d100 = 18>>3870She was able to dart out of sight behind the main desk.
>>3871The spell made it's effect and The Warden attack Andrew
1d100 + 10 = 44 No.3875
>>3873>>3872It hit him and dealt Andrew some damage.
Andrew HP 23
>He fired Guns 56%
1d100 = 61 No.3878
>>3876That wasn't gonna work nor could all of the party members can hide from it. At least one would have to have a presence in the battle.
"Just focus your attacks on it. It may be stronger than the others but it is just by itself."
He attacks with his pistol.
Energy 46%
1d100 = 78>>3877Andrew missed, just landing the bullets into a nearby wall.
>>3878"Aw fuck"
>he reloaded >And then firedGuns 56%
1d100 = 24 No.3880
>>3878"Alright then!"
> Aeolia brandishes her guitar and brings it down on the scrap heap's head.Melee 20%
1d100 = 18 No.3881
>>3879>>3880They both hit and together they do quite the damage.
Warden HP 28
The Warden Attacks Andrew
1d100 = 5 No.3882
>>3881Andrew is hit once again bu Mordecai retaliates.
Energy 46%
1d100 = 82 No.3884
>>3883He fired and bypassed the Warden's armor, first knocking off its right arm, then left and finally he blasted off its head.
>>3884"Aw yeah!"
"Just like killing grunts!"
>>3886"Nice shooting!"
> Aeolia hands the pistol back to Mordecai."Thanks to you, too."
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>>3887"Thanks, training does work."
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>>3891"The hell?..Last time I saw someone was this was at Cairo station Delta back at Earth!"
Are there any other people/things around? anything else around?
>>3892"Earth? No way I got
that far from home…"
>>3893Uh well I want to establish a party base before we explore the colony.>>3893>>3894"It would seem that we had all been displaced then."
With the party being so far from home, they can consider themselves lucky for surviving what they had been through.
+100EXP For discovering the Baldrun's Rest Colony.
New Story Feat, Survivor, select one core stat that is less than 6 and raise it up by one point.
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>>3898>Andrew looks over"I do got my Pelican we can take." No.3900
>>3897"With you guys? Sure but I often enough run up a large tab."
>>3899He didn't have his ship with him, no contacts, no nothing but what he had on him.
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>>3900>He rubbed his head"Huh..I am thinking of things.."
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>Andrew takes off his Helmet
"God..I need to fix this."
>>3902>>3904Oh an also distribute your skill points amongst your skills. Mordecai gained as the following
+5 Spell Practice
+5 Energy Guns
+5 Open Lock
+5 Guns
+5 Stealth
+5 Identification.
>>3905It seems to be that these two thugs did not want to pay for the drinks they had charged and the elderly barkeep was in no way able to stand up to them.
>>3906do I have 21 points to distribute?
Persuade+5 Stealth+5 Perform+11>>3909"Tell you what, I'll play you a song if you pay the barkeep."
Persuade 56(+5?)%
1d100 = 66 No.3913
>>3912"What, you didn't think I
only used this guitar for smashing robots, did you?"
>>3911Yeah>>3911It didn't really work on them.
<"We don't have time for this."They rush out the doors and the barkeep sighs at his loss.
>"Thanks for trying kid. Things had always been tough around here but it's good to see folk still trying. The name is Gilles, I own this place."He was on old man who wore simple light clothing with a very much stained apron about him. His hair was snow white and was balding at the top of his head as he was slightly hunched over.
>>3913"I dunno, it's interesting."
>>3914>Andrew sat at the bar"Hey, got a question, do you know where we are sir?"
>>3914> Aeolia sighs and takes a seat at the end of the bar."No problem. Nice place you've got here."
>>3915"Of course he knows where we are…"
>>3914"So, Gilles, where are we?"
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>>3916"Thanks, if you need something, let me know."
>>3917"Well excuse me princess…"
>>3916"I could use a good night's rest. and a job. And this might seem like an odd question, but… what's the current date? My friends and I have been out of the loop for a while by the looks of things."
>>3918"Well, it's alright, grunts aren't exactly known for their brains~"
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>>3919"Don't start with me, M'am."
>>3920> Aeolia laughs off the comment.>>3921"I
really shouldn't have had that moonshine… So what can you tell us about the colony?"
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>>3925"I see."
>Andrew looks down at his helmet"I need to fix this.."
>>3926>Andrew didn't hear it No.3929
>>3926>>3927Mordecai chimed in as he was enjoying a drink.
"Okay, let's move on from that."
>"Right… well I have to close up the bar now so you three can go find yourselves a room and settle in. I'll see you three in the morning and we'll discuss this job I have for you."And with that it's time to go. I think our next session will be at the same time on this Thursday coming. No.3935
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> Aeolia had apparently awakened before the others. After freshening up a bit, she went down to the bar, greeted Gilles, grabbed some peanuts from the bar, and ordered a Bloody Mary. She took these to a corner table, where she set out her guitar case and started to play a slow melody in G minor.
Perform 73% 1d100 = 50
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>Andrew was just fixing up his Helmet
>He was missing his AI chip.
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Hey I'm sorry I've been missing for the past two weeks. My phone's data plan had went out and me and my bro decided to go to a new service plan which is called Cricket wireless. Basically I now have unlimited 4g internet and now I should have no connection issues. I'll also be able to put on more pictures and video links as well as access the more technical stuff to make the RP a better experience.
Anyways I have work tomorrow but I should be on the day after that, Wed I mean. No.3939
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aw Critical, i hope this project can come back!! This has been interesting to read and keep up with!
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that sounds great! Please let me know if i can help!
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>>3941Not much anyone can do right now. May go and make an advanced version of my system to better fit roll20 or go back to my roots which would be back in Ponychan. For now though I'll continue to wait and check this site everyday.
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>>3942Let me know if i can help, Critical! i would love to see this roleplay take off again.