No.3943[Last 50 Posts]
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The world of Aventuria beckons and there is always work for heroes to go on (more or less) epic adventures! Aventuria is a medieval-stylish fantasy world where lots of exciting fun is to be had!
Quickly roll up a hero and the fun may begin.
Your heroes have five possible stats:
Roll a d6 and add 7 for each of the stats (giving each stat a value of between 8 and 13)!
You can roll up your stats here or just use a d6 at home! But don’t return with every stat being a 13, you cheater!
The Dark Eye is a German system so everything is naturally upside down, meaning a stat of 20 is totally awesome and a 1 is total shite! When rolling checks it’s the opposite! A 1 is amazing (critical success) and a 20 blows (critical failure)! So it’s the exact opposite of DnD. Easy, right?
You start with 30 hit points, don’t lose them all! When you reach 0 you fall unconscious and will died within a few minutes unless someone helps you. If you reach -5 you’re totally dead.
Maybe later if enough people play!
Quickly roll a d6 and takes that times 60. That’s the amount of silver pieces you get (i. e. 60 – 120) for starters! You can buy stuff with it! The currency is: 1 Gold Piece = 10 Silver Pieces = 100 Copper Pieces.
Make up a nice name. And your character should have a sex too! Everyone’s either a Human or a Dwarf! No classes yet, everyone’s just a plain “adventurer”.
If you got a Courage of e.g. 13 and I demand a stat check (without modifications) for it you roll a d20. If you roll not higher than your 13 you succeed! If you are above you fail, you coward!
Every new hero starts with an Attack (AT) of 10 and a Defense (DEF) of 8! Fighting happens with a d20. You must not roll higher than your AT or DEF stat or you’ll miss! In ever combat round you may attack once and defend once.
Now quickly, buy some items!
The guys with the highest Courage go first!
If you hit and your opponent cannot defend you roll your damage, e.g. with a sword you roll a d6 and add 4. Let’s say you rolled 4, thus make 4+4 = 8 damage. From that damage the opponent deducts his Armor Class, e.g. 3 if he wears Leather Armor. He receives 8-3 = 5 damage which he deducts from his 30 Hit Points.
Chose any one you want!
Two-handed Sword: 1d6+6 damage, Attack malus of -3, Defense malus of -4; costs 160 silver pieces
Bastard Sword (2-handed): 1d6+5 damage; Attack malus of -2, Defense malus of -3; costs 100 silver pieces
Sword: 1d6+4 Damage; costs 80 silver pieces
Saber: 1d6+3 Damage; costs 60 silver pieces
Short Sword: 1d6+2 Damage; costs 40 silver pieces
Dagger: 1d6+1 Damage; Defense malus of -4; costs 20 silver pieces
Chose any one you want!
Chain mail: 4 Armor Class; Dexterity malus of -1; costs 200 silver pieces
Leather armor: 3 Armor Class; costs 80 silver pieces
Padded vest: 2 Armor Class; costs 40 silver pieces
Normal clothes: 1 Armor class; costs 20 silver pieces
Leather helmet: 1 Armor Class; costs 30 silver pieces
Shield: 1 Armor Class; costs 25 silver pieces (not usable with 2-handed weapons)
You can buy other stuff too, like rope, torches… just ask for it and I'll tell you the price.
I hope some of you will find it intriguing enough to try it out! =P
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But how many THALERS does it cost?
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>>3944You need to be more specific!
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>>3945You used silver and gold instead of Thalers and Ducats!
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>>3946Didn't want to get overwhelming with TDE-specific terms. But you're right of course.
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Let's see if this works…
Courage: 1d6 + 7 = 11
Intelligence: 1d6 + 7 = 12
Charisma: 1d6 + 7 = 10
Dexterity: 1d6 + 7 = 12
Strength: 1d6 + 7 = 9
Money: 1d6 = 1X60
Attack: 10
Defense: 8
name, race, class, weapons, armor: tbd
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Name: Nåzom Ishëmvîr
Sex: Male
Race: Dwarf
Class: Adventurer
Courage: 11 Intelligence: 12
Charisma: 10 Dexterity: 12
Strength: 9
Attack: 10 Defense: 8
Money: 60
Weapon: fists
Armor: none
>Defense malus of -4
What does this mean exactly?
I want to buy some rope. and a chisel and hammer. and a ceramic goblet.
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>>3949Hi there!
The 'Defense malus of -4' means that your Defense stat gets reduced by 4. So using a Dagger would mean you only got Defense 4.
The timid looking sales clerk nods as you tell him the list of items you wish to purchase. He smiles and scribbles down several figures on a piece of parchment before he finally places a piece of rope (10 meters long), a chisel, hammer and ceramic goblet on the desk.
"That would be 16 silver pieces, my good dwearf!"
>Do you accept or want to try for a cheaper price? Roll a Charisma check +2 (meaning you roll a d20 and add +2 -> if you are not higher than your Charisma 10 you succeed). No.3951
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By the way:
Fists: 1d6 Damage; free
NOTE: If you Attack with your Fists and the opponent defends successfully with a weapon you'll get half that weapons damage. If you successfully defend a weapon with your bare fists you'll still get half the weapon damage.
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>>3952Alright, you can play elves.
Elves start with 25 hit points (HP) and 25 magic points (MP).
Use: It transforms the caster’s MP into HP for the injured person.
How to: Place your hand on the forehead of an injured person and speak the magic word.
Costs: 1 MP per 1 HP
Use: A small light sphere appears above your head (following around as you walk), illuminating the area as a good lantern would.
How to: Say the magic words and snip your fingers.
Costs: 1 MP per 5 minutes
Use: Magically opens locks.
How to: Touch a lock three times with your hand while saying the magic word.
Costs: 8 MP
Use: Creates invisible (skin-tight) armor of 4 Armor Class around you, only useful against physical attacks.
How to: Touch your breast and say the magic word.
Costs: 2 MP per battle round
Use: Makes your body invisible (not your clothes, armor etc.!). Can also be used on others!
How to: Say the magic word and wink.
Costs: 2 MP per 5 minutes (You can only make yourself invisible for [Character’s Level x 5 minutes] max.; 15 minutes have to pass before using the spell again)
Use: Invisible lightning bolt against (living) targets
How to: Point at the target and say the magic word.
Range: 7 meters
Costs: 1 MP per 1 Damage
Use: Makes the target think you’re his best friend. Roll [Character’s Level + 1] d6 and add your Charisma. The spell only succeeds if your result is higher than the opponent’s Monster Class (the equivalent to how dangerous he/she is) plus 3d6.
How to: Look the target in the eye and say the magic word.
Range: 5 meters
Costs: 8 MP per target
Example: An elf (level 3) wants to enchant a weak goblin (Monster Class 5). The elf rolls 4d6 (3 cause he is level 3 plus 1) and adds his Charisma. The goblin rolls 3d6 + 5 (his Monster Class). The spell works if the elf’s result is higher than the goblin’s.
If you have a Dexterity of 13 you may increase your Attack OR Defense by 1 point.
If you have a Strength of 13 you do 1 additional point of damage.
- Elves: Can use magic
- Dwarves: Start with 35 HP instead of 30
- Humans: The game is set in the lands of humans so you are constantly on your home turf. Bonus enough.
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>>3950 "Well
1d20 + 2 = 13 says I can get this cheaper at the store down the road unless you're willing to drop the price a bit."
>>3951 noooooo!>>3953 HP: 35
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To attack with a Range Weapon you roll with your Dexterity stat. The roll gets modified (by me) based on how big the target is and how well you can see it (light, cover etc.).
Throwing Knife: 1d6+1 Damage, Range: 10 meters; Costs 20 silver pieces
Throwing Spear: 1d6+2 Damage, Range: 20 meters; Costs 15 silver pieces
Throwing Axe: 1d6+3 Damage, Range: 20 meters; costs 45 silver pieces
Bow: 1d6+3 Damage, Range: 40 meters; costs 5 silver pieces
Long Bow: 1d6+4 damage, Range: 60 meters; costs 50 silver pieces
Cross Bow: 1d6+5 damage, Range 60 meters; costs 125 silver pieces
Each arrow costs 2 silver pieces.
Each crossbow bolt costs 4 silver pieces.
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>>3954He shakes his head and can only chuckled at your poor skill as a tradesman. "There is no other store 'down the road', I'm the only one in this hamlet."
But then he gives you a glance, examining you more thoroughly.
"Say, I might be able to cut that fee in half, eh? There's a little something I could use a bright looking dwarf for, a little job. Nothing too difficult I dare say."
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>>3956 I'm all ears. and beard. I might need a short sword, too, if ya got one.
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>>3957"A short sword, too? Do you know how difficult they are to come by? The guilds rise hefty fees on all exported weapons.
But… very well, add that Short Sword to the lot. That'd be 36 silver pieces in total. I'll make it for 18. It's for an old friend after all…"
He grumbles that last part.
"Listen, all you have to do is help out a fellow trader. His name is Marbit Telpers, stays at the local inn on the main road. He is looking for brave folk to accompany him on the way to the capital city Gareth. Tell him I sent you. I owe him a favor and that should settle it.
Do we have a deal?"
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>>3958Welcome, Silvaner the Brave. Don't forget you get +1 Attack or Defense due to your high Dexterity.
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>I wish you could edit posts
The starting money is (1d6+6)*10 Silver pieces, thus 70 - 120!
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"Well now that's quite a bargain! That's a deal. Here you go."
> hands over 18 pieces of silver
"I'll take one of those padded vests for 40 silver pieces, too."
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Name: Silvaner
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Class: Adventurer / Ranger
A ranger who set off out in the world to expand for his own reasons.
Courage 8
Intelligence 10
Charisma 12
Dexterity 13
Strength 8
>>3963But that gives me less to start off with than before. Now I can't afford better sword and decent clothing.
Equipment: Sword. (Can't afford clothes).
Money: 10 gold
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>updated (unless you're keeping track of all this)
Name: Nåzom Ishëmvîr
Male Dwarf Adventurer Extraordinaire
Courage: 11 Intelligence: 12
Charisma: 10 Dexterity: 12
Strength: 9
Attack: 10 Defense: 8
Money: 12 silver
Weapon: Short Sword (1d6+2)
Armor: Padded Vest (2AC)
items: rope, chisel and hammer, ceramic goblet
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Clarity insist I downgrade to a short sword and buy normal clothes.
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>>3964"You're lucky our village lies on one of the main trading routes. Otherwise I wouldn't have all that fancy stuff lying around here. One Vest coming up."
He counts the silver pieces slowly before giving a satisfied nod.
>>3966>I am keeping track, yes.>>3967"A short sword, huh? I got one right here. And some decent clothes. Can't have you run around in those rags of yours.
On the other hand… up for a job to earn some extra coins?"
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>>3969"Do we look like we have an abbey around here?"
He rolls his eyes.
"Listen, I'm telling you the same I did to that dwarf over there. Look for a friend of mine, a tradesman. Name's Marbit Telpers, lodges at the "Old Emperor" with his son. He's looking for skilled men. You look like you can hold that sword of yours at least."
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>Nazom and Silvaner: If you want to find out more about the area, village etc. you're currently in, roll for Intellitence with a -3 modifier. The better the roll (if it succeeds) the more you know.
OK, I got a back story.
My father was a ranger who defends the roads of our forest home. We mostly lived in peace until last late autumn when the "Lost Ones" returned. Lost elves who have become Huldra whom while retain their eeriel beauty, have pale skin with tree like bark around their ears and necks. The Huldra were elves who have become undead monsters with s large gaping, rotting hole where their spines could be. They steal away elves to make them into Huldras.
After the ordeal I left the forest, vowing yto return someday once I know how to deal with Huldras.
>>3971>Looks around to find out where he needed to go and all that.d20 - 3 = 1 No.3974
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>>3973If nothing else, you know at least that you're in the Middle Realm, greatest of the human realms.
>>3972You know your surroundings extremely well. You are currently in the village of Silk Meadows, a small hamlet of 300 souls. Silk Meadows is located on the Imperial Road no. 1, 5 miles south of the Middle Realm's capital city of Gareth where about 120,000 people live.
To the west lies the Demon Fallows, a dangerous and supposedly deadly land of swamps and forests. A long time ago a great battle was fought there and supposedly it was all laid to waste by the terrible demons that were summoned.
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>>3974 can't wait to get out of this dump and back to the Mountainhome…
>>3970 "which way to the Old Emperor? just point me in the right direction!"
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>>3975The Imperial Road follows the Fallows just to the East. The Road is protected by small shrines of the sun god Praios, highest of gods, preventing any evil from the Fallows to reach the road.
>>3976"It's the big L-shaped building, just down the street. You can't miss it."
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Here's a big mpa (all in German).
Deämonenbrache = Demon Fallows
Silkwiesen = Silk Meadows
The little village you're at is pretty much at the center bottom of the map.
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>>3978>>3979Soon enough you find the lively "Old Emperor", indeed the biggest building in the small village. If it weren't for the obvious sign hanging above the entrance it would still be obvious from the many horses and carriages that can be found outside. Stablehands are busy taking care of the animals while from inside the wide open door song and laughter can be heard.
The Old Emperor is crowded and it is difficult to even find a place to sit.
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>>3982The innkeeper, a chubby man with pink cheeks - probably in his mid 40s - notices you after a few moments and approaches.
"Greetings, greetings" he says with a cheery voice. "What can I do you for? Ale? Food?"
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>>3983 "got any dwarven ale? I haven't had a good drink in ages… oh yeah, and I'm looking for a trader - Marbit Telpers. he around?"
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>>3982>Does so. Scuttles up to the bar.>>3983Hello friend. I'm asked to help Marbit Telpers with some errands.
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>>3984>>3985Half-distracted by the question about the trader he pours a tankard of dark dwarven ale and places it in front of Nazom.
"Telpers? With a T like in Temple?" he opens a small book, reading through it, then nods at last. "Ah, yes, that's the one you mean. He's in his room. Should I get him for you?"
He smiles at the dwarf.
"That's 2 Copper pieces for the ale (0.2 silver)."
>>3986>"Telpers? With a T like in Temple?"I guess.
>he opens a small book, reading through it, then nods at last. "Ah, yes, that's the one you mean. He's in his room. Should I get him for you?"If it's not too much trouble.
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>>3987"And you two are…?"
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>gulps down about half the tankard
"ahhh…. now that's some good ale!"
>places a silver piece on the bar
"Oh yeah, Telpers, right. yeah. sure"
>goes back to enjoying his ale
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>>3989The innkeep returns 8 Copper pieces.
>You may roll for Intellitence -2."Didn't catch your name, Sir. I need to announce you Mr. Telpers all prim and proper after all."
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"Oh, I'm Nåzom and this is Sil…verna, and we're at his service! The store clerk down the street sent us to accompany Telpers."
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>>3991>>3993"Of course, of course… very prudent of him. Dangerous days on the road, what with those robbers about…." He realizes he just said that out loud and coughs.
"I'll get him for you, just wait a moment."
>With your successful roll you realize that the ale is very overprized. Surely 1 copper would be appropriate.A minute or two later the innkeeper returns with a man in tow. He's about 40 years old with brown hair that starts to get a grey shimmer here and there. He wears expensive clothes and cap with a wagging feather stuck in it.
"Greetings and well met. I am Marbit Telpers, entrepreneur and long-distance merchant. You've been looking for me?"
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>>3994 "Your friend down the street owes you a favor, and I owe him a favor, so I'm here to repay his favor. and I've got nothing better to do."
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>>3995"Depends… if you know how to handle a sword or bow. I might have something for you. Might not be a dangerous task at all but you never know these days."
>>3996"Ah, old Hamfast sent you? I see, I see. Well, you dwarves are always good with axes and such, right?"
He thinks for a moment, looking around the busy room where just about now a pair of minstrels begins to play on fiddles.
"Listen, how about you demonstrate your skill to me? Let's go outside to my waggon where we have some peace. Show me some of your fancy sword skills."
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>>3998"Well, you can talk the talk but can you also walk the walk?" he laughs as he leads you outside where the stablehands have finally found a moment to relax as well. The biggest rush of guests has ceased.
Telpers leads you into the stables, finds a somewhat open and quiet patch there and nods.
"Well, show me your best moves then!"
>try an Attack, you can +modify it to make it look more impressive (or risk looking like a fool if you fail) No.4000
>>3997 "I'd prefer an axe, but this short sword is what I've got at the moment."
>chugs the rest of his ale"All right then. Let's go!"
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>>4000"Let's get to it, Mr. Nazom! Show me how a dwarf wields a sword!"
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>>4002>>4003He claps his hands and chuckles merrily.
"Excellent! Well done, well done. Indeed I have employment for two fine lads like yourselves. Listen, it's quite simple. My son Liscer and I we are headed to Gareth. Just a short trip but there have been rumours that a band of highwaymen is hiding out in the Demon Fallows. Most of the merchants around have employed the best swords for hire already and I certainly don't want to take the risk either."
He examines you close before continuing.
"It's just a short trip, 5 miles. Can be done in a good hour and half. Small riks. And I'm willing to pay both of you 20 silver pieces."
>>4004Sounds like we'd be doing a great justice as well.
>>4002What say friend, shall we teach these bad-doers a swift lesson?
>>4004 "That sounds more than reasonable. My blade is at your command."
>>4005 "Aye, no one would dare attack while the two of us are around."
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>>4005>>4006"Excellent!" He shakes your hands.
"Then we have an agreement."
He gives a surprised look then smiles as he sees a young lad entering, about 14 years old with remarkable dark brown eyes and long brownish hair.
"Ah, Liscer, my son. These two fellows are going to accompany us."
The boy gives a rather shy nods and mumbles a greeting.
>You may both roll for Intelligence +1 No.4011
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>>4007 "Don't worry, we'll keep you safe."
>>4010>this guy must be expecting trouble, or not be very savvy, or both No.4012
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>>4011"'Course you will. We're ready to leave in an hour if that is alright with you. The faster we're in Gareth the better. Oh, and…"
He hands both of you 5 silver pieces.
"… here's a little something up front."
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>>4013>>4014Marbit, his son Liscer and their driver Jola (a grumbling 30 year old woman with a weather-beaten face and a hat with a large brim on her head) prepared the covered wagon transporting all the merchant's goods.
The sun was already setting as they started their journey towards the large capital city.
And the heroes noticed soon enough that they were pretty much alone on the usually busy Imperial Road.
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Got to stop there, it's bed time for me. Night night, hope you had fun.
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>>4016 I did, thanks! Have a good night!
>>4017 "I used to live in the Abyssalshelter, but that was obviously before the Kekim Mozib melted it. I was one of the few who made it out. I spent some time in the Mountainhome before I started traveling. What about yourself?"
>>4018I grew up in a small forest outpost with my parents. A small elven settlement by the only road in the forest.
That was before… I lost my parents to the Huldra.
>>4019(Or maybe he just had a father. That or his mother is still alive)
>>4020Huldra were elves who ended up lost in the forest and… something happened to them. No one knows for sure what happens to those elves. But they return as monsters, possible of the vampire sort.
Huldras looking like regular elves, except their ears are smaller and their backsides… their backsides are hollowed out… spine, most insides and also take on advace lignum.
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>>4031I calleth thine gun of shots!
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>>4032>>4033Darkness comes soon enough and the driver Jola decides to place a lit lantern in front of the wagon. Marbit Telpers and his son Liscer are riding horses next to the wagon.
Jola hands Silvaner a flask. "It might get chilly at night, this'll warm you."
The wagon is driving at a rather slow speed, being filled with many wares and the two draft horses in front have quite a task at hand. Is it easy for Nazom to keep the pace.
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> waddles along behind the wagon
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>Silvaner: Roll an Intelligence check
>Nazor: Roll an Intelligence +5 check
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1d20 + 5 = 17
"Well, it is brandy - and a good…" Jola starts when suddenly;
>>4039Silvaner sees something moving in one of the bushes to the right, about 10 meters ahead.
>>4038Nazor in the meantime walks along merrily.
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>>4041Jola looks at him in surprise as they keep on going. "What are you talking about? Where?!"
Suddenly! The twanging sound of bows can be heard closeby. You have barely time to react!
>Silvaner: Roll an Dexterity +2 check>Nazom: Roll a Dexterity -2 check No.4043
I'm thinking changing my elven name to "Vitis Vinifera" current name sounds abit too Warcrafty and not sitting well for me.
>>4042>He reacted as fast as he could.d20 - 2 = 1 No.4044
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1d20 - 2 = 17
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>>4043Two arrows hit the covered wagon, followed by angry curses.
One is aimed at Vitis but he ducks it with incredible ease.
A fourth is aimed at Nazom in the back and while the dwarf makes barely a move to evade it he is lucky, it swishes past him, just inches away.
A scream can be heard as Liscer Telpers got hit by a fifth arrow. He loses balance and falls off his horse.
At the same moment three hooded men (or women), wearing dark leather and brandishing short swords and clubs leap out of the nearby bushes, gnashing their teeth and running towards the wagon.
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>>4046>>4047Jola tries to speed up the wagon but it is no use, it is too slow and two of the highwaymen have taken the reigns of the two draft horses, forcing the wagon to stop.
Voices and shouting can be heard from the bushes where the arrows came from.
The third highwayman, a coarse woman holding a crude club with some rusty nails stuck in it, attack Vitis.
>She attacks first, having higher Courage than Vitis. But, as Vitis is on a coach box and has the high ground all your attacks have a -3 modifier (thus being easier for you) and you do +1 additional damage.>Nazom, you have to run up to her from behind the wagon first, so you can only attack but not defend anymore this turnd20 = 6 No.4050
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>>4049But first… defence roll.
d20 = 19 No.4052
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>>40491d6 + 1 = 2 Damage!
She gives a roaring laugh.
>she tries to defend against the elf's attackd20 = 18>>4051>as she can only attack once, your strike hits! roll the damage No.4054
>>4052I attack her again.
d20 - 3 = 14But also defend from her attacks?
d20 = 16 No.4057
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>>4053>>4056She howls in pain as she got hit twice. In the mean time one of the robbers has charged Jola on the coachbox. She takes her long whip and cracks it angrily in the air, making the attacker duck.
>Angrily she tries to parry the elf's second attack.1d20 = 5>Before attacking him once more1d20 = 19 for potential
1d6 + 2 = 3 damage
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>>40591d20 = 14 for
1d6 + 2 = 7!
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>>4060She gasps in relieve as your might blow misses her.
>She attacks Nazom this time 1d20 = 9 for potential 1d6 + 2 = 4 damage No.4062
>>4060Time to roll defense.
You can roll attack (plus damage too) right away.
>>4062 I'm not sure how much that is but
1d20 = 14also
1d20 = 16 for
1d6 + 2 = 4!
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>>4064>You get hit and lose 2 HP and your own attack misses!>>4063>You hit her hard!Squealing she drops her weapons, turns and runs, bloody cuts covering her body. The second highwayman had his hands full with Jola, the third, seeing his comrade flee, approaches, a heavy dagger in hand.
Screams and shouts from Marbit Telpers and his son can be heard, apparently more highwayman (those who shot the bows earlier) have leaped out of hiding.
>you can both roll your attacks and damage to 'welcome' the new bandit No.4066
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"come to join the party!?"
1d20 = 7 for 1d6 + 2 = 7!
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In the meantime, Vitis is screening the area. Three highywaymen have lept ouf of the bushes and are struggling with Marbit and Liscer. Two more must be closeby.
>>4066He attacks again
1d20 = 17 for potential
1d6 + 2 = 3 damage.
>>4070And misses.
>>4066Roll attack and damage!
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>>4071 1d20 = 14 for
1d6 + 2 = 4!
>>4072And it missed!
Jola hits her attacker with the whip, doing just little damage.
>>4073One of the attackers near Marbit Telpers screams in pain as an invisible force hits him in the head.
He rolls for courage
1d20 = 12 No.4076
>>4074>I call to Marbit and LiscerGET INTO THE CARRIAGE!
I then proceed to attack whip lady.
d20 - 3 = 11d6 - 3 = -2 No.4077
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>>4074The bandit snarls, trying to stab his heavy dagger into Nazom's ribs!
1d20 = 4 for potential
1d6 + 2 = 7 damage!
>>4076Not whip lady, the attacker.
whip lady is Jola. I figured that out just now.
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>>4077 "ghrag!"
>>4078 1d20 = 171d20 = 10 and
1d6 + 2 = 3!
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>>4080Ouch! You lose 5 HP! He tries to defend against your own attack!
1d20 = 17>>4081The robber strugglin with Jola can defend no more. You hit!
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You hear Marbit Telpers scream, two more highwaymen have lept out and are dragging his son off into the bushes!
He faces the remaining two, having drawn his own thing rapier, desperately trying to get to his son, not heeding Vitis's words!
>>4080"Gonna get me some dwarf-skin boots!" The bandit laughs and tries to thrust at the Nazom once more!
1d20 = 20 for potential
1d6 + 2 = 6 damage!
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>>4084 "Come back here! I'm not done with you yet!"
>pursues the coward No.4089
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Three bandits have fled!
One of them is being chased by Nazom!
The driver Jola is fighting a bandit!
Liscer Telpers is being dragged away by two bandits.
Marbit Telpers faces two more bandits on his own.
Vitis stands on the coach box.
>>4088The bandit runs in the dark.
1d20 = 9 Dexterity check!
>>4091And he keeps on runnin!
>>4088Nazom, one Dexterity check from you to avoid stumbling in the dark!
>>4089I jumped down and
>>4090, I call to Nazom
I then help Marbit get his son back.
>>4090One of Liscer's attackers gives a yell as he is stung by the magic!
He rolls Courage
1d20 - 3 = 16!
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>>4094You fall flat on your face! The bandit escapes!
>>4095He squeals and tries to run for it but tries to drag Liscer Telpers with him. The other bandit is more than willing to oblige.
Strength check by the bandits!
1d20 - 5 = -3 1d20 = 5Marbit Telpers struggling keeping the remaining bandits at bay.
>>4099 "fiend!"
1d20 - 5 = 14 for
1d6 + 2 = 5 No.4102
>>4101He notices your feeble thrust that almost hits one of the horses instead!
"Pathetic!" He laughs and tries to stab you!
1d20 + 4 = 20 for potential
1d6 + 2 = 6 damage!
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Nazom and Jola are fighting a bandit.
Vitis and Marbit Telpers are fighting two bandits.
Three bandits have fled.
Two bandits have dragged off Liscer Telpers.
>>4104And you fail!
One bandit tries to attack you!
1d20 = 12 for potential
1d6 + 2 = 4 damage!
>>4101Roll your next attack!
>>4106 "grrrah!"
1d20 = 9 for
1d6 + 2 = 5 No.4112
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>>4111He snarls in pain as he got hit!
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>>4112The bandit, showing many whip-marks and now a deep cut as well, tries to run for it!
>>4114And your punch misses!
He attacks in return!
1d20 = 20 1d6 + 2 = 5 No.4121
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Seeing his comrade next to him just fall to the ground. The final bandit decides it might be a good moment to run away!
>>4115>Calls out.WE NEED ONE OF THEM ALIVE!
>>4114>>4118>>4119>Puts his foot on his chest, his sword aimed to his neck.Give it up, we have won.
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>>4122 "if you insist!"
>>4124>smashes his head with the sword's pommel to knock him unconscious No.4127
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Four bandits have fled.
Two bandits have dragged off Liscer Telpers.
Two bandits have fallen on there noses before you! One seems badly injured, the other has no scratch.
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"My son! They have taken my son!" Marbit Telpers shouts. "We… we have to get after them!"
>>4130Running into the forest at this late hour would be foolish. We don't know where they will be keeping them.
But our new friends will. If they're co-operative to answer our questions.
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>>4131"You won't make us talk, you filthy elf! Why don't you care about your own busines!" The robber that wasn't knocked out yells angrily, wiggling against his restrains.
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>>4130 "I'll handle this…"
>stabs the conscious bandit in the leg and asks the bandit"Where are they taking his son?"
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"Father… help!!!!" a faint scream can be heard from distance.
>>4134Stop that, there is no need for more violence.
>>4133I'm more interested in the business you have with our client.
This isn't your run of the mill robbery isn't it, you got beef with this guy don't you?
(Can we pause please, I need to go out and get things.)
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>>4136"Hnnng… n… never! Not a word!"
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>>4138I guess it's time for a break.
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>>4141 I need to go too, but I won't be back for a while. You can go on without me.
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>>4143Might take a break over the weekend anyway. I hope you had some fun.
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Does anyone else wish to join the merry adventure?
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>>4148Sure thing, maybe ⛵ will be back by then too.
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>>4152Welcome, Kabach. Hopefully we can continue our little campaign soon.
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>Epic and ⛵
Let me know what you plan to do next. You got two captive bandits with you, night is approaching quickly and it has gotten quite dark.
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>>4138 "What's wrong with having a little bit of fun? … fine! Do it your way."
>>4157> waits to see what Vitis has in mind No.4159
>>4158It's not fun if it gets us nowhere.
>Sits down with the bandit.Shall we cut the crap and get to the point. What beef do you have with Marbit Telper?
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>>4159He wiggles and looks over to his hurt comrade. "We don't have any beef with him in particular… but we lie in wait for anyone foolish enough to try to take this road in the middle of the night. You guys were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Should have waited for the next morning when the roads are bustling."
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Marbit Telpers groans, giving a deep sigh. "I would have… but I need to be in Gareth tonight. I have an important contract to keep, it needs my signature tonight or I can close my business."
>Looks over to Marbit.So what was so important to risk a night delivery when a day delivery would of been a safer option?
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>>4163 "then you should go ahead and fulfill the contract while we find your son."
>>4161>>4163I see…
>Considers no point asking whatever it is so important and returns his attention to the bandit.So, where is your bandit hideout? Where are you keeping the hostage?
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>>4164Telpers looks up, a faint hint of hope in his eyes as he looks from the dwarf to the elf. "I… would be in your debt. If Jola and I leave now we can still make it in time… I'll make it worth your while if you bring back my son alive. I'll pay you 200 silver pieces, each of you! I'm staying at the 'Two Masks' hotel in Gareth's Old Quarter."
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>>4165The two badits look at each other. "And what is in it for us, elf?"
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>>4166 "aye, then we'll see you and your son reunited there."
>>4167> stabs the bandit that asked the question"not having to deal with me"
>>4166Alright, but we'll need this guy here. You can take the other guy-
>Points to the beaten up, wounded bandit-with you to give to the authorities.
>>4167Well surely you want revenge for your crew abandoning you? Surely there wer esome able ones who chose to run away than to help you.
And now that they have a rich businessmans son, well without you around, less cut of the ransom money.
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>>4168>>4169"I'm forever in your debt, me and my son, both!" He talks to Jola who gets the wagon ready after pulling out the arrows that were stuck in it.
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>>4171Sorry, you did 3 damage, do a Chrisma -3 check.
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>>4174>You really got no luck rolling!>>4174>>4169The highwayman gives an angry snarl as he gets stabbed by the dwarf. The other, barely concsious looks at the elf, muttering.
"I make you a better proposal. You let us both go and we describe how you'll find our hideout. It's in the swamps of the Demon Fallows, you'll never make it there yourselves!"
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>>4175 oh, come on…
>>4176>>4175 We could just have him lead us there and end him rightly if he tries anything fishy.
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>>4178"You don't even have any pommels to throw!" The bandit mocks.
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>>4179 You just
like being stabbed, don't you…
>>4176>Pushes the dwarf away and returns to the bandits attentions.Listen, we're not doing the "Good sentry, bad sentry" thing, we're trying to get results with little bloodshed, even if my friend disagrees with my methods.
You're certainly in no condition to lead us back, But your friend is…
>Looks at Naz angrilyIf he is still in good condition to take us.
>Sighs and returns his attention to the majorly wounded bandit.After all, no real possition to make deals. Convince your friend to take us directly to where the camp is and you'll at least get treatment for your wounds before the authorities take you in.
Think about it, would you rather be negotiating to my dwarf friend?
>>4178Even if they were willing to lead us, it would be benefitial for all iof us if they were still capable of wlaking.
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>>4181>>4180He gives a thin, malicious grin. "Oh, I think you're the ones who are in a bad position. Why, the poor young lad will surely not have a good time with my mates back in the Fallows… if he even survives the trip. So you better release me quickly so you can follow him as fast as possible."
He shakes his head. "If I get handed over to the guards a wound will be my least worry. So, no, release us and we'll help."
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By the way, there are some weapons lying around that the bandits dropped.
2 heavy daggers and 1 spiked club.
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>>4181 Good point; I'll stab them in the arm next time.
>>4182>>4181 Well it seems your way isn't working…
>>4183> grabs a heavy dagger No.4185
>>4182>He grins back.Really? They would kill a hostage stolen from this fancy business wagon? They would kill the son of a rich merchant?
Nah, a bandit worth his greed would keep him alive long enough for ransom.
So I'm going to ask you again and with civilized manners. Would you
please escourt us back to your campent?
Or would you rather negoitate with my dwarf friend?
>>4184Hold it, I still have one last method if it needs to be. It doesn't have to end in blood.
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>>4185He huffs, "Of course they wouldn't kill him. But he might die in the swamp, it's dangerous! Besides, if you waste more time you'll never get him and my folks will be rich from the ransom! That old guy on his wagon will pay a hefty fee!"
>You can still try that Charisma +3 check! No.4192
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The sun has set and Marbit Telpers set out for the capital city of which you can see many lights in a few miles distance. The sounds of the covered wagon disappears and an olw is hooting loudly closeby, as if beckoning you.
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>>4190The bandit shakes his head, "You better keep that tunnel digger in check. And it's getting dark, it'll be suicide to head into the Fallows now, with or without us."
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>>4190 it's still not working…
>>4192>>4189 I'm going to shut up that owl. You have until I get back to make this otherwise-soon-to-be-dead bandit talk.
>wanders a bit looking for the source of the hooting No.4195
>>4193>Leans back.Then I really have no choice don't I? After all you're nothing more than a bandit, a glorified theif that prowls the forest and pillage with the others like a common pack animal. You're nothing more than a beast.
So I won't feel guilty for the spell I shall place on you. After all it may save your life… or destroy your mind.
>Raises his magic hand… No.4197
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>>4194You see an owl sitting in one of the nearby trees, her eyes glowing in the dim light.
d6 + 12 = 16>>4198>Almost lost concentration.D-don't do that!
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>>4198Some feathers fall as she takes off in a hurry, flapping her wings and disappearing in the direction of the Fallows.
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>>4199>lucky you, just passed my counter rollThe bandit suddenly smiles at you… "Oh, my friend… I… I really didn't recognize you. Sorry for the inconvenience we caused you there."
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>>4199>grumbles>>4200>grabs feathers and heads back>>4201>>4202 …you've gotta be kidding me.
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>>4202He nods quickly "Oh, yes, should have listened to you. So, you want to see where the lads hang out? I can lead you but you better have some light cause it's dangerous!"
>>4204Yeah, after those jackasses ditched you, let's deal some payback.
>>4203Elven magic, I can-
>Starts feeling a bit woozy and almost stumbled. He could see those specs of light people see when they feel near faint. Naz could also see them around Vitas as well. No.4209
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>>4208"Yes, payback, sure… so, you got a light? What about that grumbling dwarf over there?"
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"I got a tinder box with me, if it helps." The bandit adds.
>>4209>Gets his breath back.Uh…
>To the dwarf.Do you- do you have a light?
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>>4208 Does …
that usually happen to you?
>>4209>grumbles some more No.4214
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You just need to find something to light now!
>>4213I know a few spells but I'm not that great with magic. I'd say my manna is somewhere below the quarter-point.
It won't kill me or anything, just feels exhausting and a horrible feeling to be out of manna.
>Takes his breath.But yeah, do you have anything we can burn? We can perhaps make a torch with a stick we can find in the woods. Just need a flammable rag or something.
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>>4217 That's not going to last very long, but I guess it's the best we've got for now.
>>4219As long as we're quick and careful, then we're all good.
>Goes to the bandit.Light this sucker up!
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>>4219>>4220You are successful in making a sort of torch. You light it with the tinder box's content and you got some light. Not much but it's better than nothing.
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"Alright, friend. Follow me then!" the bandit says as he gets up and takes the torch. "I'll be in the lead."
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>>4223"I'm Alrik… strange, I forgot your name too… must be that poke that dwarf gave me. His poke's really weak, you know?"
>>4225Ah I wouldn't "poke" at him eh Alrik? Hehehe.
OK lead on.
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The bandit who introduced himself as Alrik, a local as you can guess from his accent, is leading the way, holding the torch that only gives a sparce light. He seems to know the area well as he heads west in the direction of the dangerous woodlands and swamp that everyone only knows as Demon Fallows. Few dare to enter, fewer ever make it out. But Alrik seems to know his way around, still he keeps his head bowed low as he screens the surreounding and is careful with every step he takes. You leave the street behind you, move down a slope and through the bushes and brambles that soon get thicker and thicker.
The trees look odd, some at least. Being strangly twisted, the branches lag weird formed arms with long fingers while between them stand trees tall and fresh and green.
Ten minutes pass…
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… and still Alrik leads you on. He seems to hurry now as the makeshift torch will soon go out and he seems to have no interest in staying in the swamp over night.
Bugs buzz around the torch's light and you can smell sulphur and hear the sound of bubbling. Loud croaks welcome you as you reach one of the bogs of the Fellows.
Alrik comes to a halt… "Follow my footsteps!" he says after picking up a long branch to test the ground before him.
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Without many issues you are able to follow Alrik as he slowly marches on, surely for another ten minutes, when suddenly the torch goes out! You stand in the dark, only the nightly stars and the moon giving some light.
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>>4236You make another torch!
Dwarfs and elves can see fairly well in the dark! Alrik of course doesn't, he's a human.
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More time passes as Alrik, having grabbed the new torch, leads you through the bog. You think he has changed direction once or twice, heading more to the south now than the east.
It is a good thing you have him to lead there as he can tell from certain landmarks where he has to go and the light keeps the wild animals at bay. Still, you see them peaking out of pushes and from behind trees, grisly shadows in the dark with eyes glowing.
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"We're almost there now… friend." He says at last. Just up ahead there, behind those thick bushes, is our hideout.
He steps to the side, making room for you and hands the torch to the elf.
>>4241Alright, but let's take a peek at them. Don't want them aware we are here.
You know, since these guys betrayed you and you hate them, right?
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>>4242He nods and gives a smile, "You're right."
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>>4244 (sorry I had to leave for a minute)
>>4243 right, so let's teach 'em a lesson
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"I'll stay behind here, don't want them to see me." Alrik says, squatting down at the edge of the bog.
Before you is a thick patch of thick, thorny bushes but you can propbably crawl through there if you are skilled enough.
>Roll Dexterity if you want to give it a try
>>4243>>4245Hold on! Let's take a look at what we're getting into.
Alric, do you know a place near the camp where we can get a good view of the place, and what can you tell us about it? Any juicy secrets these traitorus rats spilled to you?
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>>4247"They are most likely asleep at the moment, they surely didn't expect anyone following them in the middle of the night. And after the bruises they got in the fight they certainly haven't put up any guards. It's just a bunch of tents in the shallow ground behind those bushes."
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>>4248 good enough for me!
>>4246 1d20 = 19!
>>4246No, maybe too dangerous for you. Head back to town, ask for a job in the tavern and give up the life of banditry.
Or better yet, persue a career.
>Kneels down and sees if he can get into the bushes.d20 = 18Anything in life you particularly wanted to be Alrik?
>>4250Ouch! More pain, you take
1d6 - 1 = 0 damage!
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>Nazom and Vitis
You make it through the bushes even though you get caughty in the thorns, stinging the dwarf through the clothes but not his elven companion…
>>4253>It merely scratches him, but growing up in the forest, he had worse from nicer plants.Me and Naz will take it from here. You… Well, just go and live a good and honest life. Do that thing you've always been telling me about, you know you have what it takes, just keep away from these guys and the criminal life, OK?
Me and Naz gotta save the day, you head back to town.
>Goes through the bushes.>>4257A'ight, let's be sneaky quiet.
d20 = 5 No.4259
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>>4258Oh no! Way too late you realzine that BANNBALADIN only lasts for 15 minutes and you have been on the prowl through the Fallows for way over half an hour already!
You only hear Alrik's evil laugh coming from the other side of the bushes.
The both of you though, you see no camp or tents as you make it through the bushes and get out at the other side. You only see more swamp… or a pond of sorts with swamp water. In the middle stands a beautiful flower, its pedals wide open, shimmering in a dim purple color. A wonderful, tempting scent is in the air and suddenly… is that music? It beckons you, humming a tune that reminds you of home, of family. Wouldn't that be much nicer now that being in a swamp? Gentle the flower sways from left to right, the scent and song getting stronger.
>Roll for Courage +2! No.4261
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>>4259 wait… wha?
1d20 + 2 = 13 No.4262
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>>4260Suddenly, Vitis snaps out of it! The music sounds like a cacophony of strange sounds, the scent stinks of rot and death.
>>4261Nazom though, gladly and slowly walks into the swampy pond towards the flower that plays the drums of his clan and beckons with his mother's shroom and garlic stew.
>Nazom: Roll Strength +2 to march on!>Vitis, what are you doing now? No.4264
>>4262 …from the Mountainhome?
1d20 + 2 = 20!
>>4262I think I know what that is…
d20 + 7 = 22NO STOP!
>Tries to stop him.d20 = 12 No.4266
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>>4264Oh yes, from the Mountainhome… you want to get closer, but you can't! Your feet seem to have gotten stuck and you sink in, unable to move closer though you want to!
The flower opens its petals wide, shimmering in all colors like a big kaleidoscope! You cannot look away!
>Unless you succeed with Courage +4!>>4265But no, you have no clue what this flower is!
Feebly you try to get closer but fail!
>Roll Strength +1 to try again! No.4267
>>4266(I'm not trying to get closer, I'm trying to save Naz.)
STOP NAZ! That flower is bad! Snap out of it!
d20 + 1 = 4 No.4270
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>>4269Oh no! You are mesmerized… you do not see the numerous roots that lift up from below the surface, like tentacles of a plant… is that a human bone it drops that quickly sinks back into the bog?
>Roll Strength +4 to move further in! (or better fail!)>Vitis, Roll Strength -2 to hold him back! No.4272
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>>4269>(woops, you passed the check!)As you hear Vitis' voice you suddenly see clear! You see the tentacles creeping towards you… no longer you hear the the music, you are surrounded by the stench of death!
>Roll Strength +4 to get out instead! No.4273
>>4270You got to stop this Naz, I want to save you, I want to do the right thing!
d20 - 2 = 3W-wait! I know!
>Let's go and raise his hand towards Nazum.FULMINICTUS!
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>>4274>you feel a sting in your brain as if a bee stung you!>>4275You feel Vitis' strong hands as he pulls you towards him and slowly out of the bog!
>Nazom, roll Strength -4 to make it out now! No.4279
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>>4276 hah'krgrah pfthah
>>4277 1d20 - 4 = -3 No.4281
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>>4278>>4279Well done, you make it!
That was a close call! The flower closes its petals again, standing silent…the roots disappear under the surface of the muddy water. Everything is quiet, as if nothing had ever happened.
>>4281>Sighs.Shoulda listened to you, we wouldn't have been in this mess if we just had both the bandits sent back. And we wouldn't be stuck muddy and woozy of magic with that guy waking up the camp by now.
I just didn't want anyone to die or get hurt.
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>>4280 I… uh… did you hear the music? so familiar. Where's Alrik?
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>>4282 It's alright. I actually thought you did pretty well (for an elf).
>>4284 1d20 = 4!
(I have to go for about 10-15 min)
>>4283My charm over him failed just before we got in this mess. And after I've been so nice to him. Figure he'd be aware we cut him a break.
I should of let you do it your way, even if I didn't like it.
>>4285For a dwarf I'm happy things haven't blown up yet. Think we can save the kid and finish this?
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>>4285(Me too!)
>You can hear fast footsteps in the distance, and see the flickering light of the torch moving.You can follow if you dare! But you need to make a Dexterity check to follow the tracks!
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I'm afraid it's getting late and I need to head to bed. I hope you had fun. Maybe we can continue tomorrow.
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>>4286 There's always next time, and yeah, we can track that bastard down - no problem.
>>4288 What I lack in agility, I make up for in persistence.
>>4289 (Sorry that took a lot longer than I anticipated, but yeah, thanks again. I'll be here tomorrow.)
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Hello again.
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>>4294How are you? Everything OK on your end?
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>>4295 here in an hour? alright. I'm doing ok; just editing videos. How about you? I will probably have to leave in about 2.5 hours.
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>>4297Time enough to get a little further. I'm alright, just watching some Youtube.
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>>4298 What are you watching? I was trying to get caught up on The Great War but I'm still about 10 videos behind.
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>>4299WW1? I've been watching some documentaries of it lately. I'm mostly watching old wrestling videos at the moment, heh.
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>>4301We can do something spooky without Halloween cause there's no Halloween in Aventuria. But you have to survive this adventure first!
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>>4300 how old? like 80s? 90s?
The Great War (YouTube channel) follows the developments 100 years ago each week. It's a really cool series, and it's a little over 2 years into the war.
>>4301 mmm, I haven't been much into Holloween in a while. but in spirit yes. I'm about to make some coffee, too.
>>4302 Losing is Fun!
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>>4303I'm 39. Watching 80s and early 90s wrestling.
>>4302What about the "Day of the Nameless One"? Yeah I did my homework.
>>4303It be fun. We could deal with a vampire, werewolf or lich king!
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>>4304 Oh cool; that seems like the golden age of wrestling. I didn't realize you were older than me, or maybe I just forgot. :P
>>4305Yes, that's what I was thinking of. I got a small adventure during that period.
>>4307That's the spirit!
>>4306Yes, it was my favorite time.
>>4308What about Tairachs holiday? Isn't he the death and at times undeath god?
>>4307We nearly died in the swamp.
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>>4309He's an Orc god, he has no holidays. A proper hero believes in Boron, the God of Death and Sleep. He has days dedicated to him but he's a good God so nothing scary happens.
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>>4313There are dozens and dozens of different holidays in all different countries but nothing you could compare to Christmas or Halloween.
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>>4314What a sad and lonely world Aventuria is… a world without a winter holiday to remind it's denizens that no matter how cold or harsh the world is, we will always have each other together through the ice, snow and wind.
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>>4315Winter is the season of fewest holidays. At best there's a holiday in which you pray to Firun, the God of Winter and the Hunt that it's not going to be too harsh. Or much rather to his daughter Ifirn who loves man and is the only one to lessen her father's wintery fury.
>>4316You'd think Firun would become the Santa Claus of Aventuria by now. It's what happened to Odin.
Heck Ifirn sounds like a great equivilent. The "Frost Mother Ifirn", delivers gifts to children and prepares a feast for the families of hunters and woodsmen.
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>>4319Nope, none at all. Of course there are holidays, there's dozens of holidays… for Saints, to commemorate important dates, for all sorts of things. But nothing for 'gift giving' or 'telling spooky stories'.
>>4320Thats kinda sad.
At least we could have adventures that better embodiment the spirit of Halloween and Christmas, like taking down a lich king or a vampire lord who is powerful every late October.
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To sum things up, you used a spell to get a bandit to lead you to their hideout. But the spell lost its potency and he led you to a trap before fleeing. You escaped the deadly trap.
In order to follow Alrik's footsteps that he left in the bog, you need to roll for Dexterity!
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>>4323>>4324You use your skills and indeed manage to step carefully into the footprings left behind by Alrik. The highway man seems to know his way around indeed as you make it slowly north again, away from the dreadful flower that almost spelled your doom.
After a good 15 minutes of carefully walking, listening to the sounds of toads and nocturnal birds as your only company, you see a dark shadow ahead, tall and foreboding, easily 25 meters in hight! A tower! Before it burns a dim light and you can hear hushed voices.
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>>4326You are on firm ground again, you have left the swamp behind you so it is no problem for you to crawl on all fours.
But in order to get closer unseen, you need to roll for Dexterity again!
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>>4328You creep closer and see four robbers, some bandage, talking to each other. One of them is Alrik. He laughs and explains how he led you to your doom at the hands of the demonic flower! They all laugh, all but one who even expresses pity for dying at the hands of the flower is supposed to be a horrible fate.
>>4330As you sneak behind to the other side you reach the back of the dark tower. It is tall indeed, certainly centuries old, made out of rough stone. And lo! At the back is a big crack in the wall, big enough for you to even climb through!
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>>4332There is a dim light shining from inside and the crack itself is in two meters height. Old rubbles lies there which you could climb up to reach the crack.
>Roll Dexterity +2Optionally, you could look look around more closely and learn more about the tower.
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>>4334Gathering those things takes you a few minutes. Also, you want to do so quietly, roll Dexterity -3!
In order to make a fancy costume that could probably scare this robber lot, you need to make a successful Intelligence roll! The better it is, the more likely it will fool them.
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>>4337 (maybe I misunderstood what you meant by
>Optionally, you could look look around more closely and learn more about the tower.)
>1d20 = 4 to climb through the crack! No.4340
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>>4338That was a close call! You had to stop once as for a moment you thought they had heard you! But you manage to pick up the foliage and muck and manage to make an astounding costume out of it! It looks amazing!
>>4339Ah, sorry. I meant instead of climbing right in you could give the tower a closer look!
All in all, the tower is round, 25 meters in height, having a diameter of about 9 meters. In the front is a large, wooden gate that is closed. At the back is the crack. The only windows you see are arrow holes. In what you guess is the first floor you see light.
>Success!You climb up to the crack. As you peek inside you see that the basement floor is 6 meters high, above you is the wooden platform of the first floor. A large stairway of stone leads up to it.
There is no one in sight, a small latern gives a little light, hanging on the wall. You see man crates and barrels of varous sizes.
There is also a trapdoor in the middle of the floor. And the large, barred regular entrance door to the tower.
>>4340TO SUM IT UP
>entrance gate (barred with a wooden beam)>trap door (closed, has a lock)>many barrels and crates>stairway leading up>small lantern on the wall No.4346
>>4342>>4344Your performance is as scary as is your costume! Scary in a good way! The eyes of highwaymen fall on you and they start to shiver in fear. They look at each other, then back at you, then…
Robber A(lrik)
1d20 + 12 = 25Robber B
1d20 + 12 = 25Robber C
1d20 + 12 = 21Robber D
1d20 + 12 = 29 No.4347
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>>4346… they all run as quickly as they can. They scream in fear, running away into the dark of the night. Soon they are out of sight and you hear no sound of them anymore.
>Realised they've all fled in terror.Oh well, I hope they heard that at least.
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>>4345You open a barrel or two, they contain drinking water and one beer.
The trapdoor lock is simple and can be opened with brute force or with skill by picking it.
As you look outside you can hear the screams of the bandits as they run away! You see a terrible looking monster stepping into the light!
>Roll for Courage! No.4352
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>>4350Aaah! The beer is refreshing … but it's just small beer, watery and made to last, not to taste!
>Failure! You feel your legs shake and your courage fails you! A muck monster has crept out of the swamp, twigs and branches and leafs are its hair and beard!
>>4351And it starts rattling at the barred door!
>>4352>Mutters under his breath.Gods dammit.
>Starts slamming at the door, trying to break it open.>Strength roll d20 = 1(Even if a successful roll is pointless to such a sturdy door, just funny how I imagine it for Naz.)
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>>4354You hear the monster talking as you hide in the barrel! Does that voice sound familiar?
>roll for Intelligence!>>4353You slam against the door and it aches under your strength! But it remains shut!
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON DOWN THERE?!" You suddenly hear a male voice and you hear fast footsteps upstairs!
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>>4356Indeed, it sounds like Vitis the elf! He is the muck monster in disguise!
>>4357You hide behind the door.
"COME ON LADS, SEARCH THE AREA!" You hear a harsh, male voice as three figures appear, two men who is taller than the others and has a stubbly beard and a face only a mother could love. He seems to be leader ofthe lot, wearing a sharp saber at this side.
>Nazom and Vitis, what are you doing? No.4362
>>4360OK scratch that last post…
The Woodle, feeling confident about it's scariness, looks through the window.
>>4361You do? Now for that you have to be…
"WHAT IN THE WORLD! GET THAT DWARF!" you hear an angry shout and the man and woman come rushing down the stairsways, swinging their clubs.
… fast! Roll Dexterity -2 to get out of the barrel and Strength to lift the heavy bar!
>>4360They are still inside the tower! :P
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>>4363 (oh I misunderstood that part, but oh well…)
1d20 - 2 = 4 1d20 = 8!
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>>4365>double success!You get out of the barrel with ease and use your dwarven strength to open the door! Now you could leave the tower safely!
The two bandits have just reached the bottom of the stairs so you are a good 9 meters away from them. In the meantime, their leader calls for reinforcements from upstairs!
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>>4367A good thought! But the arrow hole is so small (and has no glass) that they don't even notice you properly, even though they hear your strange sounds. They have no time to worry about it, chasing after the dwarf!
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>>4367 yells to Vitis "What the hell are you doing?"
>>4366 throws the (non-throwing) dagger at one of the bandits
>>4368>>4369>Peering through the arrow gaps.Dammit, I can see Naz in trouble, but I gotta help… wait… I have an idea.
Naz! I need the rope! It could probably fit through the window!
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>>4373He says, ignoring the open door…
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>>4373 "What!? Try the door!"
>>4372>rushes the bandits and attacks with his short sword No.4377
>>43761d20 = 15 and
1d6 + 2 = 4?!
>>4374>>4375Gods dammit…
>"The Woodle" makes his entrance through the door as scary as he can.d20 = 2 (Charisma roll)
>Though he doubt he would be as scary with the current commotionbn. No.4379
>>4377>oh no, you miss!>>4378Suddenly, a muck monster stands in the wide open door!
Male bandit
1d20 + 6 = 14Female bandit
1d20 + 6 = 14Their leader
1d20 + 4 = 24 No.4380
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>>4379For a short moment there is silence… then the bandits run as if an arch demon was behind them. Their leader pushes the others aside as he wants to be upstairs first!
As they gnash their teeth and pull their hair you can hear the slamming the trapdoor upstairs shut, you hear the creaking of furniture as they probably try to board it all up, hiding in the upstair part of the tower where the muck monster won't get them.
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>>4382Your only answer is the creaking of the wooden boards upstairs and the loud rattling of a crate being placed on the trap door to barricade it properly.
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>>4383>Lifts up his mask and whispers.You go ahead and do that, I will see what I can get out of these lot.
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>>4387"GO AWAY, EVIL SPIRIT!" You hear a raspy female voice!
>roll for Charisma +4 this time! And be careful, monsters don't talk. - While they are scared you might blow your cover! No.4389
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>>4385>>4387(I actually have to go now. will be gone about 6 hours, but you can continue without me if you like. just assume I'm doing stupid/rash things in support of Vitis. Have a good one!)
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>>4389(Nah, it's a good time to stop as I have to head to bed soon anyway. Thanks for joining again and see you soon!)
(I know ⛵ and Clarity are not onlone, but I got an idea and don't wanna forget it when I wake up.)
>>4392>Makes a minor monster growl, but decided not to provoke the Bandits… yet.Hey Naz, give me the rope you have, I have an idea.
>But decided in order to expand his options for this particular idea, decided to quickly look around the tower room for equipment or junk he could perhaps use for this scheme.(With my crafty schemes, I should consider playing Rogue class in future RPs, Though I imagine Rogues using more underhanded methods such as poisoning and theivery for personal gain than for heroic reaosns.
Just my successfully scary Woogle costume and what I have in mind boarders Looney Tunes like trickery.)
>Sorry Epic, I cannot draw you a map, I got no program for that. I draw my RPG maps by hand but have no means to properly scan it for you, they are simply too large. So you’ll have to make do with a description.
It is 6 meters high and has a diameter of 9 meters. The circular floor is made of hard stone. Some spots are covered with dry straw. The walls themselves are made of large, rough stones that have turned black over the years. They are cold and slightly damp to the touch. The walls show no signs of ornamenting.
The tower’s large entrance gate (3 meters high) is open; the wooden beam that kept it closed leans on the wall next to it. At the back wall opposite to the gate is a large crack in the wall in 2 meters height, large enough for a tall man to climb through.
The floor above you is made out of wood and strengthened by four large wooden support beams. A staircase at the inside wall, barely 2 meters wide and having no railing, leads up to it. A trap door (2 x 2 meters) is the entrance to the upper floor itself, it is currently closed.
There are four arrow holes on the ground floor, each about 1 meter high and 0.1 meters wide.
In the middle of the room is another trap door (1.5 x 1.5 meters), leading down into the basement. It is made of wood and reinforced with iron. There is a small lock preventing you from opening it.
A small oil lantern burning with a relative dim light hangs on an iron ring at the bottom of the stairs.
Twenty large barrels stand huddled to the left of the entrance gate at the wall. Three of the barrels are open, containing small beer and drinking water. A fourth barrel is open and empty.
Last, there are a good twenty crates and chests of various sizes (up to 1 x 1 m) and another ten large cloth bags that seems to contain flour. They were placed in no apparent order against the inside walls.
>>4396OK heres my plan:
1. I'll take one of the bags of flour and put my Woodle costume around it filling it out nicely.
2. With the rope, I tie the flourbag+woodle costume and throw the rope over one of the support beams above us. I can then dangle the Woodle making it appear alive.
3. I dim the lights in the lantern making our little sherade less recognisable. I'll stand in the darkest part of the room so I can dangle the Woodle.
4. We put one or two of these chests on the stairs. Make it easier for them to trip once they come down.
5. For good measure, you Naz will stand behind the stairs. If you can, reach around and grab at their legs to make sure they trip up once they come down stairs.
6. If this plan is pulled off, they would come a tumbling. They would either be knocked out from the fall or disorientated long enough for us to knock 'em out. I'd prefer we don't kill them so we can use this empty barrel to hold them.
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>>4398 "That sounds like a terrible plan… Alright, let's do it!"
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>>4398>>4400The lightest flour bag you find still weighs 10 kgs (20+ lbs), they are large and heavy.
Also, your "costume" - while well made for how you made it - is nothing but foliage and muck stuck on your own clothes. So you have to put them out. Being fully improvised it is close to falling apart.
>Roll Dexterity to put it on the bag No.4404
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>>4403The support beams are 5 meters above you, even when standign on the stairway. Throwing that 10 kilo weight (plust the rope) will be quite a task. What is more, if you don't throw properly the costume might fall off in mid-air.
>roll for Strength +4>roll for Dexterity +2 No.4407
d20 - 1 = 2Dex
d20 + 2 = 8 No.4408
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>>4407You pull the bag with the costume up and fasten the rope to one of the crates so it won't fall down again.
The light is dimmed already as the oil lamp is old and there's little oil left. You can either leave it as it is or put it out altogether.
Naz has no means to trip anyone, he has no means to reach up the stairways unless he tries to do so at the last few steps.
You find the smallest chests and place them on the stairs. You cannot use bigger ones as they would just go tumbling and sliding down.
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> chugs some more beer
>>4408>>4409OK Naz, do you think you can crouch down near the steps? If they don't trip up from the chest we put in the way then you need to make sure they fall.
I tried putting as much junk as I can on the steps but it may not be enough.
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>>4410 sure, just give me a moment.
> downs another beer No.4412
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It's gotten quiet up there.
>>4411If they manage to get down the stairs, you can jump them as they will be after the Woodle.
OK, ready?
GRAAGH I WILL TAKE ALL THIS TREASURE HERE FOR MESELF!d20 = 19>Knows that these bandits are getting gutsy and will not be intimidated by "the Woodle" for much long,he was counting it. No.4416
>>4413You can hear voices and shouting upstairs, though too far off to properly listen to them.
After a few moments the trap door upstairs opens… two arrows come flying down!
1d20 + 5 = 221d20 + 5 = 15 No.4418
>>4416>>4417>The arrows missed the heroes (Did they?) but Vitis knew he had to convince them to come down. He tried to sound like a wounded monster.AWWOOWOOOWOO YOU FOUL MORTALS! AWWOWOOWOO(Charisma I guess
d10 = 2)
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The arrows hit their marks, hitting the stone wall, breaking of their tips.
Two bandits, the large man who is supposedly their leader and a woman, having a bad scar on her face and dirty blonde hair slowly move down. They both wield sabers and peek into the darkness, stopping half way on the stairs.
Spot check: 1d20 + 6 = 12
Spot check: 1d20 + 6 = 20
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>>4418>>4419"AH! THERE IT IS, FLOATING ON THE CEILING!" The man suddenly shouts!
Courage check:
1d20 + 7 = 10Courage check:
1d20 + 7 = 17 No.4423
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>>4422"HA… HA HA! … I GOT IT!" He shouts loudly… "I think I killed it!"
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>>4426"BY THE GODS! MY BLOWS DO NOTHING!" he shouts in fear, does another feeble swing at thin air and bolts back upstairs, hits his head on the trap door his friends where about to close again but makes it back safely.
Again you hear furniture being moved onto the trap door.
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>>4430For Gods sake-
d20 = 2>Starting to think this plan is a bust.These guys are too stupid to be fooled.
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You hear shouts of fear that slowly get fainter, the foot steps get fainter too. Apparently the bandits are heading up to the second floor, another trap door can be hear being slammed shut.
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>>4432 I'm going to see what's down below.
> tries to break the lock on the basement trapdoor 1d20 = 8 No.4437
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>>4434>no answer>>4435You hit the lock hard ant it rattles, showing a crack. You need to hit it again with a little more power!
>>4436Just more arrow holes, similar to the ones on the ground floor.
>>4437Decides to try something and shouts up to the tower as loud a she can.
MINE! IT'S ALL MINE!(Charisma I guess)
d20 = 14Pfft, that won't work.
>>4439Well, if we can't go up, might as well try and go down.
>Goes back inside.>>4440Anyway to get into that trapdoor? If he's not down there, there maybe something in there that will get us up.
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>>4440Very smart, that gives you a bonus… but you didn't need it!
>shoot, hoped you'd foget about the dagger! :PWith a loud crack the lock comes apart. You can safely open the trap door now.
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>>4441>>4442aye, let's have a look. grab that lamp, would you?
> opens the trapdoor No.4445
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>>4443Moldy old air blows into your face as a pitch dark hole opens up before you. There's a ladder, stable… but you see no bottom.
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>>4444>>4446You daringly climb down. You feel nothing around you, nothing below you but darkness. The lamp is too dim to make you see anything but darkness around you!
>roll for Dexterity -2 to climb down further - and safely! No.4450
>>4448d20 - 2 = 15, but still making sure he can easily back up if anything goes awry.
See anything?
Anyone down here? Oh, forgot the name who we were looking for…
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>>4450You say before a shriek escapes your lips! You miss a step, with only one hand free this is dangerous!
>roll Courage +2 not to drop the lamp!>roll Dexterity to hold on to the ladder and prevent a fall!>>4449Well done!
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>>4452 maybe we could tie the lamp to the rope and lower it to get some idea of what's down there first…
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>>4456You almost run out of rope as finally the lamp reaches the ground in about 8 meters depth.
>>4455"H… hello?"
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>>4458"My name is Liscer Telpers. I can't …. I'm locked up down here! Who is this? Can you help me?"
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>>4460 We're here to rescue you. Is there anyone else down there?
>>4458 I bet I can get him out. Can you tie that rope around me and hold it so I don't fall off the ladder going down?
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>>4463"No! They moved me down here and locked me up. No one was here since then but me."
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>>4468Thanks to the rope you got it easier… roll again, Dexterity -4 this time. ;P
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>>4471Oh no! That rope made you way too comfortable and you tangle yourself in it and are about to plummit to your doom!
Quickly roll Dexterity again to hold on!
>>4473Oh no! You try in vain to hold on and fall!
>>4475Quickly roll Dexterity +5 for a last chance to hold on to a rung or the rope while falling!
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>>4478With a loud thud you land on the hard floor!
Roll 5d6-5 damage!
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>>4480"By the gods… are you okay? Please move…"
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>>4483 I'm…. fine… never better…
>groans and sits up slowly>>4484>grumbles "tie the rope to the ladder he says…">takes a moment to collect himself before attending to Liscer No.4489
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>grabs the lamp and examines his surroundings
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>VITIS: Roll for Intelligence +4>>4486You are inside a large, damp, moldy basement. In front you is a big, sturdy wooden door with a lock, looking more complex than the one on the trap door. Through a small barred hole in it you can see Liscer.
There is also a hallway at the opposite side of the door, leading further down in a gentle slope.
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>>4492That might take a while. It is of sturdy metal, maybe even dwarven work? Roll 5 Strength checks +4 You need to gather 15 points through them.
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>>4491Suddenly you feel a shove from behind and with a shriek you fall, fall, fall!
Quickly roll for Dexterity +2!
>>4494You gathered 4 points. The lock is sturdy indeed!
Try 5 more!
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>>4497"HAHAHA!" You hear a loud laugh as you fall but can in mid air hold on to a run and safe yourself!
The trap door above you gets slammed shut!
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>>4497 1d20 + 5 = 24 1d20 + 5 = 6 1d20 + 5 = 22 1d20 + 5 = 14 1d20 + 5 = 9!!
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>>4499You gathere 8 points! The lock is half apart!
Then you suddenly hear Vitis' shriek and can see him fall only to hold on to a rung. The trap door gets shut amongst laughter!
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>>4496 How's it hanging up there?
>>4501I-I think that was Alrik!
Dammit, I will use this rope as a noose for him the next time I see him.
>Tries to climb the rest of the way down. No.4505
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>>4501>>4502"I … I guess you're prisoners now too…"
>>4503Alright, how we're gonna take down this rope?
>Picks up the lantern and starts pulling on the rope.Dammit Alrik, I'll get you back.
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>>4506>roll Strength +3 to tug it loose>>4507"Well, I guess it must lead somewhere."
>>4506 chuckles, "just climb up and untie it"
>>4505 yeah, don't worry. this elf will think up some damn-fool plan to get us out of here
> keeps chipping away1d20 + 5 = 7 1d20 + 5 = 8 1d20 + 5 = 12 1d20 + 5 = 25 1d20 + 5 = 21 No.4512
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>>4510No luck!
>>4511You finally crack open the lock. Liscer opens and steps outside, bowing deep before the dwarf. "Thank you, kind Sir. I'm glad to be out of this cell at least."
>roll 2d6 but not higher than 3 or the tip of the chisel has broken off from wear No.4513
>>4511Genius friend,
And how will I get down again if the rope is not secured on the top?
Chances are Alrik bolted the door. Dudes probably taking credit for "killing the Woodle" I bet. I maybe a morally good elf, but I am not above long-term revenge schemes.
>>4515>Oh nevermind cutting it then.Ah nice!
>reels up the rope and pockets it.>>4516Did climbing down
with the rope worked as well for you?
>>4517>Keeps the rope and lantern. No.4521
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>>4519 wasn't so much
with the rope as it was
next to the rope
>>4520 hazzah!
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>>4522>>4521"Good enough I guess. But unless that other path leads to somewhere useful I guess it doesn't matter if I'm in there or not. They'll try to ransom all three of us."
>>4523It must lead somewhere useful or else they wouldn't of imprisoned you to begin with.
Let's go.
>>4521"You don't look so good though. I have some herbal ointment with me… it might patch you up a little."
Liscer rubs your bruises with the ointment he carried in a small tin box.
>NAZOM: You regain 1d6+4 HP No.4526
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>>4523>>4519Then let's see what's down that tunnel. After you, Ropey McLamperson!
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>>4525 thank you! ah, that's much better
1d6 + 4 = 8 No.4529
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>>4526>>4527The corridor leads down a gentle slope, being a bout 50 meters long. Small water drops roll down the brick walls here and there, leaving puddles on the ground.
Then you reach its end! Old furniture is piled up here, old warped tables and chairs, broken barerls and crates and big, bulky wardrobe.
>make two Intelligence checks +2! No.4530
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1d20 + 2 = 3!
>>4529Wel if people as horrible as those bandits want to keep whatevers beyond here out.
d20 + 2 = 9Then maybe whatevers beyond here is in our favour?
d20 + 2 = 9Unless we can find somewhere else to go.
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>>4530>>4531You see that behind all that old furniture is another door! It almost looks like the furniture was placed here to barricade it.
Also, on the ground, half covered by more furnituer, is a pentagram, drawn with red chalk.
>>4532Then again…
>Kneels down to take a better look at the floor.…Maybe it's something to keep something way more eviler than them in.
>Tries to look through the furniture for gaps or whatever to see anything discernable. No.4535
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>>4533Look as you may, you see nothing out of the ordinary from where you are. To reach the door you'd have to move the furniture away.
But you can tell even now that the door is made of polished metal.
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>>4534You open the wardrobe, look into the barrels… but it is all empty.
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>>4533 want to see what's through that door?
>>4534Well, something about all this just seems bad news to me. If we had the more options I wouldn't go this way. I mean why did they bolted this door and these red chalk symbols could be containing something magical.
Still, "if we had more options", which we don't. I could look around the tunnels some more but I don't think theres anymore exits.
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Liscer shudders, rubbing his arms. "I don't like this place…"
>>4539I feel you. I'd rather not touch this…
>Tries to take a better look at the chalk markings to see if anything he can decern from them.d20 + 7 = 15But he knoews more on elven druidic magic than human wizard magic.
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>>4542>>4541Whatever could it mean? You don't know.
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>>4541 What if we just erase the chalk lines? seems like a good idea to me.
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>>4544"I think I've seen it before. Wizard use it for… some thing or another. I think they stand in it."
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>>4545 follows Vitis rather than be stuck in the darkness
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>>4545"DON'T SPEAK THEIR NAMES! … If you say their names, they will come…" Liscer shudders.
>It will take you a good 20 minutes to thoroughly examine the corridor and basement. >Roll Intelligence +2 if you find anything. No.4553
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>>4551"The Praios priest at the mass last week, that they hear the words of the desperate and might approach them with 'help'… for a price no one wishes to pay." Liscer recites the priest.
>>4551>>4550After ten minutes you are none the wiser. You find no hidden doors or passages of any sort.
>>4553I'm just saying I don't want to be bumbled into paying that price. I don't want to open up no spooky demon door and let any monster in or out if we have to.
>>4553>Looked everywhere.GODS DAMMIT.
We gotta go through the spooky demon door don't we?
>>4556The ladder back up? Nah, Alrik blocked that entrance. Unles syou're packing some of that dwarven boom powder, going back up is not really an option.
>Sighs.Alright, let's try and open this door, and while I'm not all that religious, pray the gods will grant us a break and not unleash some sort of hellspawn.
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>>4559>>4560You make quite the ruckus, Liscer helping too. Soon enough you have moved the furniture aside, making sure not to wipe away the chalk symbols.
And now you can see the door! It is made of polished metal indeed. An ungly, grotesque demon's face is echted into its center.
You see no lock, no knob, no handle.
>>4562>Points at the decore.You see this, this is exactly the crap I am on about. It's this kinda stuff which just screams "Belkelel love den".
>>4563Oh go ahead, I don't wanna be responsible for this…
>Prepares his sword for whatever. No.4567
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>>4564 Fine then…
>starts smudging the chalk lines>>4566 Don't worry; it'll be fun! Here, have a dagger.
>tosses his dagger to Liscer No.4568
>>4566Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself.
But fools rush in where celestials fear to tread.
>>4565Well, now what?
>>4567>Sighs. No.4569
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>>4567You smudge them good…. but nothing happens.
>>4568"I… don't know. There must be a way to get inside somehow!"
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>>4569 argh well… too much ale earlier.
> starts urinating on the smudged chalk lines No.4575
>>4573All the more reaosn I don't think we should, but we're running out of opt-
>>4574Really… really.
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>>4574"Hey, we're standing here!" Liscer mutters and takes a step to the side.
>nothing happens No.4578
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>>4577"There was a perfectly good bucket in my cell."
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>>4579>critical successYou have barely started to search the now accessible walls next to the door that you find a few loose bricks.
As you take them out you find metal plate behind them, on it are etched the words:
Two brothers we are,
Great burden we bear
By which we are bitterly pressed.
In truth we may say
We are full all the day
But empty we go to our rest.
>>4578>Thinking to himself…[small]"Maybe should of took the bucket…"[/small]
>>4581Some sort of riddle?
>>4583Some sort of riddle.
"Two brothers we are,
Great burden we bear
By which we are bitterly pressed.
In truth we may say
We are full all the day
But empty we go to our rest."
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>>4584"Hmm… I'm no good with riddles."
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>>4584 I guess they had to relieve themselves, too!
har har har No.4587
>>4585Well we got plenty of time to think it over.
"Two brothers we are,
Great burden we bear
By which we are bitterly pressed."
Maybe some sort of cycle of sort? Like day and night? Though what does it mean by being "bitterly pressed"?
"In truth we may say
We are full all the day
But empty we go to our rest."
Something that is full in the day, and empty at night perhaps?
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>>4587 bunch of gibberish…
> looks for anything useful in the moved furniture No.4593
>>4589>Continues to ponder the riddle.Something that there is two of? Something close together…
By day it is full, but empty it goes to rest… An… hourglass maybe?
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>>4593"Hmm… but an hourglass isn't full all the day and suddenly empty at night."
>>4594Unless it's a 12 hour hourglass, but thats just silly.
Hm, perhaps one of those twin canal doors in a dam or a lock? But not like water levels change on a dailyschedule.
>>4592 pft…
>>4593 I'm really bad at these things.
>pounds on the door No.4598
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>>4597You hear the door rattling a little but it won't budge. It is sturdy and you doubt you could break it down even with weapons.
>>4596>>4597I can't think with this banging.
Two things which are bitterly pressed… I don't think it's…. well it could be the sky if the sky at day and the sky at night are considered seperate.
By their respected hours they are "full", with stars, clouds, sun or moon and when their time is over they are no longer "full" at at rest.
But dunno where being "bitterly pressed" somes into it. "Pressed for time" maybe?
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>>4602>>4603About to give up? Don't worry, I'll solve it for you if you don't solve it. But no bonus exp!
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>>4605If the door could yawn, it would!
>>4605Thats a silly answer. A pair of trousers isn;t even two of something.
What else you wanna suggest? shoes? Pair of leather shoes? I doubt they had such articles of clothing back then.
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>>4605 Wait, who are you and how did you get down here? More importantly, can we get up the same way?
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>>4607(Mr. Google told you that answer!)
Shoes… shoes that does sound right. But now you still have to figure out what to do with that answer.
>Just realise he did not know who this character was given it has just been him and Naz throughout the adventure.Wait, who are you?
>>4610((I did google it, but for RP sake, will have Vitis stumped.))
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>>4607 Right… throw your shoes and pants at the door. That's bound to make it open up.
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>>4609>>4611Kabach has been hired by Marbit Telpers to assist in finding his son Liscer. He was pleased when finding the wizard close to Gareth and the wounded bandid told him how to reach the tower.
Kabach made it through the Demon Fallow in good time but the bandits - in the meantime warned by Alrik - were able to trap him down in the basement as well.
So now he is with you, but you still have no way out!
>>4615Well, I dunno. This riddle is just too much for me.
>Angry, starts kicking whats left of the chalk circle and squats down in whats left of it.Shouldn't have kicked that door, my feet are killing me.
>Takes his shoes off in the circle. No.4618
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>>4616A nice idea… but that too, does nothing.
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>>4620The plaque is of metal and firmly attached to the wall. You still give it a kick and stub your toe.
There is something you have to do with a shoe.
>>4621>Gets up and tries to put his shoes back on.>Accidentally steps on a sharp rock.ACH GODS DAMMIT!
>Tosses his shoes across the cave.(Should I do some sort of roll to wherever it may land?)
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>>4622The gap and plaque are shocked by those mud-covered boots and protest! But nothing else happens.
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>>4627>>4628And then you remember the ugly demon's face etched into the door, it was staring at you this whole time.
You get a boot and press it against the demon's face… and with a soft click the door swings open.
>>4629>buttocks indeed! No.4632
Buttocks! They're like, "two brothers", bitterly pressed, like, together, or when sitting down/
They are full all day, like "mooning"…
That makes sense right?
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>>4632 You've truly lost it.
>>4631 Well then…
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>>4632Liscer shakes his head. "Come on, Mr. Vitis. The door is open."
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I need to call it for now. I hope you had some fun and we can continue again tomorrow!
Have a nice evening!
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>>4636>>4635You might want to grab your shoes.
>>4637 works for me; have a good night!
>>4638Damn shoes.
>Gets his shoes.I would of figured it out eventually.
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Now that the door is open you see a long, dark corridor before you, lit only by your single small lamp. Old, warm and mouldy air blows into your faces, making the flame flicker.
The walls are unlike those in the basement you are in, made of small bricks, held by old mortar that has come off at many spots.
The floor of the relative narrow corridor is covered with thick dust. An aura of doom is in the air.
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"I think I'll stay here… I could warn you if anyone comes."
>>4645Yeah, good idea. If too many bad sorts come, just hide. We'll come back for you once we're sure it's safe.
Hm…Naz? Wanna stay and look out for him? Me and Kabach can go ahead. And if it's really is some eldrich horror, may need all the magic we have to stop it.
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> starts arranging pieces of broken furniture and debris into a very small campfire>>4649 This should do well enough.
> hands Vitis a splinter of wood and gestures to the lamp>>4650 (sounds good, see you then)
>>4653OK, You and Liscer stay by the fire.
>With the broken wood and whatever junk he can salvage makes a makeshift sort.Me and Kazum will go ahead.
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>>4655Alright, a small fire then.
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>>4656 (yay)
> prepares a small pile of lumber/debris/stuff nearby to keep feeding the fire as needed and has a seat>>4645 Well, have a seat then.
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>>4657Liscer has a seat and holds his palms up to the warming fire, not before glancing up to the roof to see where the smoke was going. Seeing it wouldn't cause a problem he smiled.
"Thank you, I'll warn you if any of those bandits try to get down to us here. I hope you'll find an exit back there."
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>>4668"I'm not sure you should try going on on your own. That demon face couldn't have been on that door for nothing."
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>>4675 I'm around for a bit, but I have a scheduled game in 2 hours.
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>>4677Anyway, Kabach and Vitis will stay behind with Liscer for a moment. Dare to explore the tunnel further?
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>>4678 (sure, why not!)
"on second thought, you two stay here and I'll go ahead!"
>grabs the torch and some extra flammable materials and proceeds down the tunnel No.4680
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>>4679The tunnel leads slowly but surely further down and soon enough it takes a bend and the small fire's light disappears behind you.
Four steps follows before it takes another turn, turning and twisting on like a snake. The walls are all built by bricks and the floor is thick with dust. Old cobwebs hang into your face now and then.
>roll for Intelligence -3 No.4682
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>>4681>even though it should be, you look around and have barely a clueYou have walked for about 80 to 100 meters when you feel something crack underneath your heavy feet.
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>>4683Another step, another crack. Will you examine or walk on?
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>>4685Or more like walking on brittle old bones! As you look down you see a cracked chest bone lying on the ground and several more seem to be up ahead.
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>>4686 I guess they must have gotten trapped by that door. Maybe they didn't have boots!
har har>examines a few bones for anything useful and then crunches on ahead No.4688
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>>4687>roll for Intelligence to figure out what sort of bones they areThere is a good pile of bones further up ahead, they seem to be strewn all over. There's always ragged and torn leather clothes stuck to some of them.
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>>4689>They definitely seem to be human bonesYou pick up that cloth.
>roll for Dexterity -3 to safely place the cloth on the burning torch No.4692
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>>4691>oh, a natural 1 … perfectly placed this cloth will never fall off!Was that a noise you just perceived up ahead?
>roll for Intelligence No.4694
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>>4693You hear slow footsteps up ahead, at the gentle rattling of metal.
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>>4695The bones are way too small to hide behind or under them, so you just lie down next to one of those piles… Soon enough you a skeleton slowly walking towards you, wearing an old rusty chainmail armor and carrying an old sword.
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>>4696 oh is that all!
har har har…>gets up and attacks the skeleton with his short sword No.4698
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>>4697You hear more footsteps as you strike the first blow. Two more skeletons come walking towards you but they are still a bit off. As they walk some of the bones lying on the ground come rolling towards them and find a place among the rest. It seems they are forming from the old bones scattered among the floor.
>you attack first, roll attack and potential damage No.4701
>>4700You do double damage!
The skeleton attacks:
1d20 = 3 for
1d6 + 3 = 5 No.4704
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>>4703>that's 3 HP lost!Your turn to attack! Or flee!
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>>4704 attack!!!
1d20 = 2 1d6 + 2 = 6 No.4707
>>4706You hit!
The skeleton rattles its bones as it tries to strike you!
1d20 = 16 for
1d6 + 3 = 6 No.4709
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>>4708 third time's a charm! attack!!!!
1d20 = 10 1d6 + 2 = 3 No.4711
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>>4710The skeleton parries your strike and goes for counter attack!
1d20 = 15 for
1d6 + 3 = 8One more skeleton will be in range in the next round. The third doesn't have enough space to approach further. The corridor is too small.
>>4714You hit but it barely did any damage!
Skeleton A:
1d20 = 20 for
1d6 + 3 = 7Skeleton B:
1d20 = 18 for
1d6 + 3 = 8 No.4722
>>4721You hit! And what a blow! The skeleton struggles but still it does not fall!
Skeleton B:
1d20 = 8 for
1d6 + 3 = 5 No.4729
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>>4728Oh no! Your blow is so awkward you injure yourself on your own weapon! Roll for damage!
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>>4729 how is that even possible!
1d6 + 2 = 6 No.4731
>>4730You swing down, miss and hit your own leg!
Skeleton A:
1d20 = 3 for
1d6 + 3 = 4Skeleton B:
1d20 = 13 for
1d6 + 3 = 7 No.4734
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>>4733>You're down to 16 HP!Your turn to attack! Or do you flee?
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>>4734 one more for good measure!
1d20 = 15 1d6 + 2 = 5 No.4736
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>you miss!
Skeleton A: 1d20 = 11 for 1d6 + 3 = 8
Skeleton B: 1d20 = 2 for 1d6 + 3 = 9
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>>4737 1d20 = 18>>4738 an elf with good timing. that's a new one!
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>>4743Two mighty blows hit you. You are close to collapsing!
>roll for Strength! No.4749
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>>4744 1d20 = 14>>4748 looks like he's got a bone to pick with you.
>>4750Stay back, I'll see what I can do.
>Attacks his attacker, aiming at it's skull, arms or anywhere not proteced, given all it was is bones made it all the more easier.d20 = 13d6 = 2>All the while looks around the room for anything he can use throw the fight in his favour. No.4753
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>>4751 attack!!
>>4752 hrmph… alright then…
> backs off behind Vitis and throws his dagger at a skeleton No.4756
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>>4755>but not a throwing dagger!You miss!
Skeleton A's blow misses as Nazom retreats.
Skeleton B attacks Vitis!
1d20 = 19 for
1d6 + 3 = 8 No.4761
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>Nazom: What are you doing?
Skeleton A moves into range to attack Vitis.
Skeleton B attacks 1d20 = 5 for 1d6 + 3 = 6
>>4761d20 = 20 Gah! I ad splinters more difficult than you!
d20 = 6d6 = 6 No.4766
>>4765You stumble!
>>4763But your attack was good enough to still hit!
Skeleton A tries to defend.
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>>4767You hit!
Skeleton A attacks Vitis:
1d20 = 3 for
1d6 + 3 = 7Skeleton B attacks Vitis:
1d20 = 2 for
1d6 + 3 = 8 No.4770
>>4769I defend and back the heck off.
d6 = 6And attack again.
d10 = 6d6 = 2 the weakest one.
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>>4774You know that a powerful magic keeps those skeletons moving. Your blows do way less damage than you think they would so they are likely even strengthened by a demon.
By no means in the world - unless you had an ogre's strength - would you be able to rip even the slightest bone off these skeletons. More likely they would cut you into pieces before you could be close to attempt to grab that skull.
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>>4761 sorry I need to go for the game I mentioned earlier, so…
>runs away, screaming and arms flailing, back out of the tunnel toward the campfire No.4779
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>>4778You are much faster than the skeletons as you follow the dwarf quickly back up the tunnel, you see the fire where Kabach and Liscer are sitting up ahead.
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>>4780As you reach the meeting place with the badly wounded Nazom is already waiting you notice that the Skeletons do not follow any further, nor do you see them in the upcoming minutes.
Apparently they have to guard the tunnel and cannot leave it.
>>4781>Sighs.Naz, hold still.
Vitis rubs his hands together and let them waver over his wounds as they glow green with a gentle light of Balsam.
NAz health slowly increased to 10, but the now, mana exhausted elf collapsed by the fire, completely spent of mana.
>>4783Actually, I healed Nazom.
NAZOM: 10/35 HP
VITIS: 15/25 HP, 0/25 MP
KABACH: 20/20 HP, 30/30 MP
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Liscer uses the last of the ointment he has with him, putting it on Nazom's many cuts. He puts the empty tin box down. "Well, that's all of it."
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>>4787Nazom falls asleep well, Liscer and Kabach take turns staying awake. The hours pass and as you recall it was early night when you arrived at the tower. Neither the bandits make a show (they are likely asleep) nor do the skeletons.
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>>4790>>4791As you awake Kabach and Liscer tell you that you have slept for a good 6 hours there. Nothing had happened. Liscer had even peeked into the tunnel and saw no skeletons there.
Due to the rest you can both recover 1d6 HP. Vitis recovers an additiona 1d6 MP.
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>>4792 1d6 = 1>yawnWhat did I miss? I was having nightmares about elves.
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>>4793Liscer tosses some more of the broken furniture onto the fire, its smoke has already darkened the ceiling considerably.
"I guess it's about three in the morning. Meaning we'll likely have some more hours before those robbers come looking for us."
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>>4795>booh, a 1… well, that's 1 HP you receoverKabach comfirms that nothing at all had happened during your rest. Liscer had used the last ointment to heal you and Vitis used his last ounce of magic to heal you as well. You are back to 17 HP now.
>>4796 gives us some time to prepare at least
>>4797>hazzah!>>4798 just the fact there there was an elf made it a nightmare
har har… No.4803
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I guess you'll be needing a plan. Unless you dare to challenge those skeletons again.
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>>4805 I just walked across some bones and then the bastards attacked me. completely unprovoked. they're pretty tough don't you think? any elven magic that might work against them?
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>>4808 (sorry)
1d6 = 4>>4807 aye you might have a point there
>>4809 err….
1d20 = 19 ( was playing in a different d6 game last night :o )
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>>4814"Well, I guess I could try to sneak if I have to. But I have no experience doing it."
>>4815It would help if you can do it in your socks. It's quite simple, don't make a sound or cause a distraction while you move by.
You're the son of a great merchant, so just do what your father would do when it comes to the idea of loosing money.
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>>4816Gives the elf a glance, wondering if he even had the slightest idea about bookkeeping and contractual issues. "I don't think that any of the things my father would do in such a situation would help me sneak. But I guess taking my shoes off might help."
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>>4814 I'm more curious what's down past them at this point, but either way works. We're not getting out by ladder, so we might as well see what's down there.
So am I going to be the distraction?
>>4817Just imagine sneaking like trying to carry a whole suit of armour through a public library, you do it as carefully and as quiet as possible.
>>4818Maybe as a last resort. Let's all try and sneak by and if we balls it up, then we distract while I'll get Lischer through, then I'll come back to help you.
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>>4819>>4818If you want to try tip-toeing around all the bones lying on the ground you have to make a successful Dexterity roll!
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>>4819 that sounds good to me, let's give it a shot
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>>4825>>4826It does not take too long that you both hear the first cracking of bones under your feet, even though you tried to be careful. The light is simply not good enough it seems and there are bones almost everywhere.
And yet, nothing so far has happened.
Up ahead you see a larger pile of bones, an old, rusty and dented sword is stuck in its middle. It was about there that Nazom stepped on the bones earlier.
>Roll for Dexterity once more! No.4831
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>>4829>>4830You sneak past the bones with great skill as you proceed further down the tunnel. You see some of the ground splattered with your own blood as you make it past the first pile of bones and past two more further down.
You see that blood is stuck on those rusty old weapons - your blood!
Yet, the bones do not move and remain silent as you don't touch any of them.
At last you stand in front of a large, heavy and dusty old brown curtain.
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>>4835After you pulled the curtain aside and all the dust had settled you see before you the following:
A small room, just 4 x 6 meters in size. Opposite to the curtain in the room is another opening covered by a curtain that slowly moves in a gently breeze.
The floor of the room is covered with dust, similar to the tunnel.
There are also…
- The remains of a table with two heavy candleholders made of silver, soiled by black wax
- A dusty old armchair which has fallen over
- A large double bed with a canoopy and curtains around it, preventing you to see more
- a big, old wardrobe
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>>4836 1d6 = 2>>4837 I know what I'm doing…
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>>4839As you touch the first tug you see a shiver going through the bones, a rattling and cracking - coming from all three piles!
You realize that the slightest touch will activate the magic and makes the skeletons raise - and you let go off the weapon…
>Trying that again will irrevocably lead to combat! And don't forget that Liscer and Kabach might have to get through there as well. No.4843
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>>4841A soft breeze touches your face, the other curtain gently moves.
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>>4844Nothing moves, you hear no sound but your own and Nazom's. Just a few steps and you have reached the other curtain.
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>>4846Without touching anything, all you can see in the room is what you see you can see here:
>>4838- wardrobe made of wood, once of good quality, closed
- an arm chair covered in dust, fallen over
- remains of a table that has collapsed, two silvery candleholders lie among the pieces, soiled by black wax
- big bad with canopy and curtains
The walls of the room are made of stone and were painted in what was once white but is now a flaky grey.
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>>4847As you pull the next curtain aside you look into yet another room, longer than the one you are currently in. At first glance it seems to be an old laboratory of sorts.
To the left and right are long shelves that are full with old books, scrolls and bottles and jars of all sizes.
At the front wall is a skeleton on a wooden stand to hold it, its bones are held together by sinews. It does not move.
In front of the skeleton is a large table that has several scrolls and books.
Behind the skeleton hangs a display board on the wall, showing the human body without skin but gives detailed explanations about muscles, veins and organs.
To the left is a big bookcase full of books.
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On the table are also several odd devices that seem to be needed for alchemy (oddly shaped glass vessel, an old burner, bowls of metal and glass…). They are covered in dust and seem very old.
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>>4852Kabach and Liscer manage to get past the skeleton piles safely and join Vitis and Nazom.
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>>4858 after you
> he gestures the way forward to Vitis while rolling his eyes No.4861
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Liscer coughs as he looks around, staying away from that skeleton at the wall.
"Everything looks so old here… I wonder who could have lived down here."
>>4861My guess, a dark wizard. Heck they're probably in that bed, which is why I don't think we should disturb anything and move on.
Let's find an exit, theres a breeze somewhere so let's find the source of that.
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>>4862I summarize once more:
- shelves with books, scrolls, and various glass bottles
- skeleton on wall
- display board with anatomical descriptions and images
- table with books, scrolls and devices for alchemy
- bookcase full of books
What do you want to examine more closely?
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(Anyway, I need to head to bed. We are close to the end now so maybe we can finish tomorrow.)
Good night for now!
>>4864I'll look but no touch.
The skeleton and the display.
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>>4864 (the display board and the bookcase!)
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>>4870>>4871>wow, you both rolled natural 1s>Vitis and NazomYou examine the display board. The drawings on it have been made with great skill and show the human body with great detail. Muscles, sinews, veins, everything has been drawn by someone who really knows the subject at hand. How he came to know so much about the body is anyone's guess. The display is signed by the letters G.M.
>NazomThe wooden bookcase, about as tall as a man, is if filled with books on various subjects, mostly magic. You see books like the "Encyclopaedia Magica", "Roads Without a Name", "Almanach of Transformation" or "Alchemical Digressions".
There are two things you definitely realize.
a) There is an open spot, meaning one rather thin book has been taken out
b) The gentle draft of air is coming from here
>VitisThe skeleton is of the sort you can find in the study of many an anatomist. Everything is held in place by small wooden tubes behind it and it does not seem to be of danger to you.
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>>4870 Hey look at this
> gesturing to the bookcasethere must be some sort of secret passage here. See that missing book? Feel the draft coming through? Maybe one of the books on the table will fit the slot, or maybe there's some other way to open it.
> examines the table to see if there are any books that might fit No.4874
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>>4873Liscer goes through the books to help. He touches a scroll and it crumbles into pieces. Then, he startles and picks up one of the scrolls. "Hey, Mr. Nazom, look. There's a letter here."
>>4873>roll for Intelligence -3 to find the proper book! No.4875
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>>4874 oh? What's the letter, Liscer?
1d20 - 3 = 5 No.4876
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>>4875>You look through all the books on the table and the shelves but find none that would fit! Whichever book is missing must be somewhere else.Liscer begins to read…
"No matter what I try, it has no will of its own – and without it the creature is of no use to me. There is only one option left to me now, I must attempt to melt the monster with the mind of a man. A man willing or forced.
I found the perfect specimen for the Great Deed. Tomorrow I will attempt to transfer her mind into the creature. Then I will go down in history. No longer will it be solely on the Gods to create new life! Gonzalo Moritatio will be named among the greatest wizards to have ever lived!
I must not forget to brew a new potion to regain my power; the last few days have been taxing. If only my chest did not ache that much."
"It sounds like an entry in a diary."
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>>4876 so that must be the G.M. … Apparently he wasn't doing so well. you guys, wait here a minute…
> sneaks back into the other the other room to examine the bed, taking care to not awaken any person/thing that might be sleeping there No.4880
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>>4879You open the curtains ever so carefully and find yourself greeted by the grinning, mummified face of a dead man lying on the bed. His fingers and face are so thin that you can see the bones shimmering through the skin. He looks as if he has been dead for a very long time.
Guessing by the clothes of the long-bearded man he must have been a wizard. He is dressed in a brittle black dress with silver embroidery.
Clutched in his bony fingers is a large but rather thin book.
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>>4881As you try to take the book out of his hands his jaw suddenly opens with a clap and you have the feeling as if the bone fingers do not want to let go of the book!
>roll for Strength -5 No.4884
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>>4883You give the book and good tug and hold it in your hands. The dead wizard rests quietly on his death bed…
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>>4885"Oh, you got the book! Where was it?"
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>>4886 oh, nowhere… thought I saw it sitting on the floor there in the other room
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>>4887"I must have totally missed it then. Good thing you have such sharp eyes, Mr. Nazom."
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>>4888 yeah, good thing we've got sharp dwarf eyes in our group, eh Vitis?
> ribs Vitis with an elbowwell let's see what this does…
> places the book into the empty slot in the bookshelf No.4891
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>>4890 (I'm drinkin and it's 7am so feel free to gon on w/o me if i'm not here, because it might be a while)
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>>4889The book seems to fit the open spot perfectly and as you put it back into its place you hear a gentle “click” from inside the wall and the bookshelf swings outward towards you by just an inch or two. A surge of fresh air suddenly fills the room for just a moment.
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>>4892when trapped underground, make sure you've got a dwarf with you… well, shall we?
>opens the bookshelf and peers through No.4894
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>>4892 (ok I'm off for a while, I'll just follow Vitis once he shows up. good 'night')
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>>4893As you peer into the opening you see a short corridor that opens up into a wide hall. There is dim moonlight ahead and you can hear the sound of a quick stream of water.
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(I'm back; can't sleep)
>>4896 well that's interesting…
>>4897 (We haven't actually gone anywhere.)
So do you want to get out of here or do you want to take some souvenirs with you?
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>>4899As you skip through the easily 40 books that you see you find to your disappointment that you barely read any of them, only the selected few that are written in Kuslik Letters, the common speech. It will take hours if not days just to read a single of these highly complex books. Do you want to take one with you?
>>4900Excuse me for wanting to be prepared for anything. Heck none of us know exactly where we are or what this place is for. I'd rather be prepared than be… Well I suppose you got this far also.
>Smug face.>>4901Damn. And me without my library card.
Wait… this book, it's about… the Huldra.
>finds a book which shows how elves become undead and hollow.>Decides to "pocket" this book. No.4903
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>>4901>Kabach takes a very large book and cramps it into his backpack, the thing weighs easily 5 kilos.>>4902Unfortunately there are no books about elves to be found expect a general one about anatomy that also includes a section about elves.
The majority of books is about magical transformation.
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>>4902 Are you going to open your own library?
har har har… but seriously, can we get a move on?
>goes through the passage and into the hall No.4909
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>>4907The short section is easily read in a minute. It hints at a vey old curse, probably divine. A cross reference to a section about elvish vampires, the so called Feylamia, is also found.
>>4908Your steps echo through the short tunnel as you walk up ahead. Only now you can perceive the immense size of the hall you just entered…
>>4908Uh oh! Hang on!
>Decides to pocket the book.Coming.
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The walls of the immense hall you entered are made out of pure rock.
The center is a 10 meter high dome. In its center is a square hole through which you can see the sky outside. The moon is casting its light through the hole, helping you see.
The floor of the hall consists of black stone, flat and dusty.
To the left and right of the entrance, right before you now, stand two big (4 meter high) statues of rearing dragons with wide open wings, their crystal eyes staring at you. They look very lively.
Just a few meters away from you though is an underground stream, maybe six meters wide, and across it leads a bridge of stone.
You also see something big in the back of the hall but you would need to move closer by crossing the bridge… if you dare!
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As you cross the bridge you come closer to the center of the hall. Above you the moon shimmers, bathing the rocky walls and black floor in an odd light. You can see that long roots and vines have crept down the edges of the dome and along the inner dome walls, some hanging down two or three meters.
Before you though, you see two large objects.
To the left an altar - a crude three meters long stone block. On top of it lies a young woman, dressed in a long black gown with red embroidery showing magic symbols. She does not move but her face has a lively color, her hands are folded on her chest. She is barely 20 summers old with long brown hair.
Now that you are close you also notice a dim, barely visible silver shimmer around the altar, like a dome by itself.
To the right is huge cage (4 x 4 meters) made of thick metal bars. Inside is a creature that is hard to describe though it looks vaguely human. Dark, moving smoke covers it and you see no face.
>>4917>Notice the woman.Is that a statue?
>Notice the monster.Wha-what is that?
>Takes a closer look, opens his new found book and tries to identify it. No.4920
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>>4918The walls are cool to touch and it seems as if the entire hall was hewn into pure rock.
>roll for Intelligence +2 No.4921
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>>4919The book you brough covers the letter E to H in the encyclopaedia. You skip through them but find nothing that matches this strange creature.
The woman does not move but you would need to move closer to be certain.
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>>4922As you move closer you reach the silver shimmering dome that the altar - and in the process - the woman, rest under.
>roll Intelligence +3 to see from here No.4927
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>>4926You look at her close and for the longest time you are not certain but then see her chest moving ever so slightly… she is no statue and she seems vast asleep. Like the floor her clothes too are covered in dust.
>>4927Oh dear! Is she a prisoner here?
>Goes back over the bridge to Naz.Hey Naz, Theres someone over there, as well as some… thing. I think there is a lady over there and I think she's alive.
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>>4930They seem lively indeed. But after a closer observation you are certain that they are not alive or gargoyles of sorts. They must have been crafted and carved with great skill though. The eyes seem to be made of clear crystals.
>>4929 Well there doesn't seem to be any way out other than the hole up there. what thing? and you don't
know if she's alive?
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>>4932Liscer was watching from the entrance to the hall this whole time and shows you where you picked up the book again. Also, he inquires about what was going on in the hall.
>>4876Ah, here we are.
>Reads more of the diary on anyway to rescue the girl.>>4938Can't seem to find anything… but maybe this biis.
>Looks through the Book of Bodies, hoping GM was the sort to write and doodle in his school book. No.4940
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>>4936"Research? Well, what are we searching for exactly, Mr. Vitis?" Liscer hands Vitis the letter he found.
>>4940It's Mr. Vinifera but Vitis is fine my friend.
Theres a girl trapped and asleep over there and if what this letter said is true, then we need to rescue her.
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>>4939As you skip through the book you notice 'doodles' indeed. It seems he had blackened several passages, added notes of his own wrote a large addendum specifically on the human body. He also made several references to a book called "Of life in its natural and unnatural forms - Chimeras and Hybrids".
>>4941"Well, just wake her up then!"
>>4942We are going to do that.
>Returns the encyclopedia.>Takes Book on Bodies instead.We just need to know whats in the cage beside her.
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>>4944"Sounds like a plan… and you think you found something in that book?" Liscer asks.
>>4945As you approach the cage you suddenly see two glowing eyes building in the smoke covering the creatures head. It gives a low, dangerous grumble.
The cage itself is made of solid metal and shows no signs of rust. There is a sturdy lock at the door.
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>>4947Suddenly the creature bursts into flames, letting out a terrifying, feral growl. It tries to touch one of the steel bars - but suddenly the cage radiates in a light bluish color and the creature lets out a growl of pain and lets go of the bars.
>roll for Courage! No.4951
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"By the Gods, what was that?!" Liscer shouts as he hears the terrifying howl. Even from here you can see the bright light of the flames.
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>>4953>>4952Seeing the creature in flames in the cage, Liscer stops at the bridge and decides to hide behind one of the statues.
>>4954You are not intimidated!
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>>4952 I know what I'm doing. and this cage seems to have it contained. Just don't get your hands too close.
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>>4956The creature twists and turns inside the cage but does not dare to touch the bars once more.
>>4956Creature must be of a magical nature for iron to burn it, that or made from holy silver?
>Turns his attention to the lady.Who knows how long she;s been down here, perhaps starved.
>Goes up to the silvery circle and clears his throat.Hello? Hello, are you still alive?
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>>4958You call out to her but she does not move as much as a muscle. On closer examination she does not seem to have been starving.
>>4958 You didn't see the cage's bars glowing just a moment ago? I think it's enchanted.
It's alright Liscer, you can come out now!
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>>4961>>4960As Epic tosses the stone through the silvery barrier it suddenly fades… so does the bluish glowing around the cage's bars!
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"Yawwwn…." she stirrs and sits up slowly.
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>>4961 see… this… this is why I don't usually hang around with elves…
>>4962Hm, OK…
Naz, try not to provoke the creature anymore. We don't want it to get the idea the bars can't hurt it anymore.
>>4963>Slowly approaches the lady.Hello?
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As the creature realizes the glowing is gone its fire burns in a new vigor! It reaches for the bars with its flame engulfed hands… and nothing happens, nothing but the bars suddenly turning dark red from the heat.
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>>4965>>4966"Uh… where am I? Who are you?" … she sits on the altar, looking confused. She looks around "What is this place?"
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>>4965 I think it already got the idea.
>>4968 There's no time to explain, but we need to get out of here before that thing roasts us.
>checks the far walls for an exit No.4971
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The cage bars turn into a brigher red, then slowly turn yellowish. You hear Liscer screaming in fear as he sees it.
>>4970"By Praios… what is this thing?" she whimpers seeing the creature before taking Vitis' hand.
>>4969>quickly roll Intelligence No.4974
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>>4970>>4971quick, get across the stream!
>looks to see whether it might be possible to destroy the bridge, perhaps by toppling one or both statues No.4975
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>>4974>clever!You hurry across the bridge and examine it before checking on the statues… this might actually work!
>roll for Strength +3 to topple the statue, it is heavy and you need to gather 20 points in total.Do five rolls at a time. Don't take too long!
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>>4975 1d20 + 3 = 14 1d20 + 3 = 11 1d20 + 3 = 15 1d20 + 3 = 6 1d20 + 3 = 6GRAAAARRRGHH!
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>>4976Only 2 points gathered! If only you were stronger! (or rolled better)
Liscer sees what you try and helps too.
>waiting for Vitis No.4979
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>>4971We believe it's angry and probably hungry, we have to hurry.
>Quickly takes her to the bridge.Naz, I have an-
>>4974Ah you got it,
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>>4979She hurries after you, screaming as the bars melt in the hands of the creature. It roars in triumph!
>VITIS AND NAZOM>—————>If you push the statue together you can gather points together and Strength is only +1. Do five rolls each. No.4981
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>>4979 well don't just stand there; give us a hand here!
1d20 + 1 = 12 1d20 + 1 = 21 1d20 + 1 = 14 1d20 + 1 = 18 1d20 + 1 = 8 No.4983
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>>4981>>4982You push and push but it barely moves! If only you had trained more with those dumb-bells!
>you gather 7 more points… that's 9 in total.The creature stands up to its full size as it obliterates the cage. It stands four feet tall, fully engulfed in flames and roaring makes its way towards you!
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>>4985"I can't, there's only enough room for two to push! And I'm a pencil pusher!"
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>>4984 1d20 + 1 = 3 1d20 + 1 = 14 1d20 + 1 = 14 1d20 + 1 = 15 1d20 + 1 = 3GRGGGGRRRRAAAAAAAAAAA!
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>>4988>>4987You push harder! Slowly the statue begins to tip as the creature hurries to get to you. It reaches the bridge and steps onto it!
>you gather 13 more points! As the flaming beast stands in the middle of the bridge the statue falls, its weight shatters it! With a howl the creature falls and disappers in the stream, the water bubbles, an immense cloud of smoke rises up… then everything is quiet.
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>Turns his attention to their new friend.Are you alright miss…?
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>>4989>slumps down on the ground, exhausted>>4990 throw a pebble into the magic barrier… THROW A PEBBLE INTO THE MAGIC BARRIER!?
That was your brilliant plan?
>>4989>looks to the ladyI'm Nazom. pleased to meet you.
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>>4992>>4993"Y… yes… now that we're safe. I'm Apolda… still, what is this? And what was that? What's going on here?"
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>>4994 well, you see…
>tries to explain the situation in 5 minutes or less No.4996
>>4993What was your idea to rescue her then? Throw a bigger rock into the barrier?
>>4994Well, Apolda, from what I can gatherm you were kidnapped by someone bad to have your mind swapped with that… gruesom we just passed. I don't know how long you've been asleep for.
Tell me about yourself, do you remember the date you wer ecaptured?
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>>4995>>4996She shakes her head while listening. "That is… incredible? So we are under a tower? The last thing I remember was being on the road to Gareth. There was this man who asked for the way… and… now I'm here."
She blinks.
"A date? Well… it was the 14th of Rondra in 20 Valpo."
>>4997>Was rather suprised by this. Either humans age longer than most elves give credit for or shes in for a shock.I'm afraid while you've been asleep, the Fire Nation has taken over the world.
(Just kidding)
>Decides to break it to her when she's more able to handle the news.Well Apoldo. I'm Vitis Vinifera. We're here to rescue you.
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>>4997 seems you've been asleep for quite a while then. Do you happen to know any magic? specifically magic that might help us get out of here?
>points to the hole in the ceiling No.5001
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>>4999>>5000"Asleep… for how long, um… no, I don't know any magic. I'm just a simple seamstress."
She looks up and see the hole up top.
"What we need is a good piece of rope", Liscer says.
>>5005d20 + 1 = 14Y'know, I did something like this just yesturday.
>Looks up to the whole in the ceiling.But never figured to try it again here, I don't really se any anchor points.
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>>5006You end up cutting off a piece of the rope by accident. But there's still enough left to try aagin.
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>>5008On your next attempt it works, barely though but good enough.
You haves to throw the hook up 10 meters which is quite a task. You need to roll for Dexterity +4 to make it!
>What's Nazom doing? No.5013
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>>5011>>5008You still owe me a new rope!
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>>5012It worked! The sword hooks itself into the vines and thick roots up there and you could try climbing up!
>>5013>>5014To climb up you need to roll:
>Dexterity -2>Strength -2 No.5018
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>>5016Vitis doesn't manage to even climb up one meter before he lands on the floor again.
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>>5018>>5016 that's a good one! ah-hahaha!
>>5019Hmph. Then by all means,
after you. Or should I be concerned of heavy weight falling on me after you?
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>>5020 Well if you don't shake the rope around for absolutely no reason I'll be able to make it up…
> climbs up the rope1d20 - 2 = 13 1d20 - 2 = 10 No.5024
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>>5023You struggle but in the end you manage to make it up the rope… you climb through the square hole and breathe in the cool air. Dawn is coming soon and in the distance, about 100 meters away, you see the dark tower.
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>>5025She shakes her head. "Oh no, I'm still very weak, besides I never was a good climber. You should go next. When you're both up you can simply pull Liscer and myself up."
>>5028Well OK.
Liscer, you're up.
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>>5032"Well… alright…"
1d20 - 2 = 31d20 - 2 = 18 No.5035
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1d20 + 2 = 5 No.5036
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Liscer almost falls at one point but he makes it up the rope safely at last. Together with Nazom he pull sup the rest of the group.
>>5036>Prepares to catch him but it was not needed.Phew.
OK Apolda, you next, then I will be last.
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>>5037They pull you up, one after another. You're all outside!
>>5038Nice, and my turns.
>Up and out.WE MADE IT!
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>>5037 Good, now let's get out of here before they realize we're gone.
> tries to remember the way back to the road No.5044
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>>5042>>5043You both remember the way back to the street!
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>>5045>>5046After a good hour you reach the road again and from there it is only a relative short trip to the Middlerealm's capital city of Gareth!
You turn quite a few heads as you arrive there, smelling and looking like you spent the night in a swamp (which you did). But soon enough you manage to return Liscer to his more than grateful father!
Well done, you have completed the adventure!
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>>5047Marbit Telpers is a man of his word and pays both of you 200 silver pieces, as promised.
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>>5049"I don't know… everyone I've known is dead! I… I guess I'll head to one of the temples to find peace."
>>5050I can come with you if you want? I'd feel bad to just let you wonder alone in world or time you're not used to. And I'm sure we'll find someone who knows of you.
What about you Naz? We do make quite a team. Want to come with?
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>>5051"There can be no one left… I was asleep on that accursed altar for almost a hundred years. They are all long gone." She sighs. "Still, I am grateful to both of you. But I will stay here in Gareth. This isn't my world anymore, I will need a long time to recover from this."
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>>5047 nothing we couldn't handle. Will you have need of assistance in the future?
>>5048>>>5049>>5051 not bad, elf. Sure, let's get Apolda settled somewhere, then maybe I'll buy you a round at the tavern.
> gestures and then takes back his mangled rope>>5050 Tell us, where did you live? and what were you planning to do in the capital before you were captured?
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>>5053Marbit Telpers shakes your hand. "If I ever need help again, I will find you!"
>>5053"In a small village not too far to the south. I wanted to go to Gareth to find work, that's all… a future. Instead I found a new time."
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>>5055"Well, I am not an elf. After a rest maybe I will return 'home'… or to whatever is left of it. Maybe I'll find some great grand nephews … or something."
>>5058Well, if that what she wants.
What would you like Apolda?
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For completing the adventure with flying colors you both receive 175 experience points!
You can raise one of your Abilities by 1 point!
You can raise either your Attack or Defense by 1 point!
You gain 1d6 permanent HP!
You can raise one of your Abilities by 1 point!
You can raise either your Attack or Defense by 1 point!
You gain 1d6+2 permanent HP and/or MP - you can divide your roll result in any way you want up between HP and MP.
You both get the new Ability "INTUITION" (mostly used for spot checks; it is like 'Widsom' in DnD).
Roll 1d6+7 three times. You can pick the highest result as you new stat.
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>>5059"I'll be heading to a temple of Boron… everyone can find there. But thank you, I'm sure we will see each other again."
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>>5060 (I don't remember what my abilities are; would you mind re-posting them?)
attack +1
HP: +
1d6 + 7 = 10 1d6 + 7 = 13 1d6 + 7 = 10>>5061 Take care of yourself, and be mindful when traveling. The road to the south is not safe.
>>5060I guess I'll raise my defence by one.
[6+2] which I will divide between my health and mana. Odd point will go to health.
d6 + 7 = 10d6 + 7 = 13d6 + 7 = 10d6 + 7 = 13d6 + 7 = 8d6 + 7 = 11d6 + 7 = 13 No.5065
>>5062Your Abilities are:
Courage: 11
Intelligence: 12
Charisma: 10
Dexterity: 12
Strength: 9
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>>5066 attack+1! strength+1!
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>>5069>Got it! You now have Attack 11, Defense 8; 41 HP and Strength 10!>Vitis now has HP and MP of 28; Attack 11, Defense 9 and Courage 9.Alright, I hope you'll had fun with this adventure. I'll be posting a new one soon in a new thread!
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>>5071 yeah, can't wait! Also wanted to say you're really good at this. Thanks for leading the adventure!
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>>5073You're welcome. This has been my third time doing this particular one (first time on an imageboard though and not IRL).
>>5072Courage: 9
Intelligence: 10
Intuition: 13
Charisma: 12
Dexterity: 13
Strength: 8
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>>5075And first time in English instead of German, heh.
>>5074 very cool
>>5074>>5075heading off; have a good one!
>>5075Woah, all this time I had Intuition absent on my character sheet.
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>>5078It's the new stat you rolled those six times for!
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I'll be starting a new adventure tomorrow or on Friday in a separate thread.