No.5107[Last 50 Posts]
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Roll up a hero if you want to join, you find the rules here:
Gareth, capital city of the Middle Realm and with 140,000 inhabitants the by far biggest city of the continent; your travels have lead you here eventually, a city where everything is possible, where great wealth and great poverty meet.
Not only does Emperor Hal I. reside here, ruler of the Realm, but the city also calls some of the largest and wealthiest temples of the Twelve Gods its home, from the Pentagon-Temple of Hesinde, Goddess of Wisdom and Magic, to the gigantic City of Light, the largest temple of Praios, the King of Gods and God of Kings, highest of the Twelve.
Theaters, arenas, academies of magic, market places where all goods imaginable from all across the continent are traded… there is little that Gareth does not offer.
As you make your way through the easternmost part of the city – an area still bearing a more rural flair – you come across a more unusual sight. You see young woman in her early twenties of stunning beauty, carrying a way too large basket full of exotic fruit on top of which she balances a 1.5 meter long staff. Squeezed under one arm she carries a large book and pinched between two fingers a sheet of paper that could be map. She wears a long red gown embroidered with arcane symbols, proving that she is a wizard. Already two oranges fall out of the basket and she tries to stop them with a foot before they roll away.
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>>5109As she tries to stop one of the oranges she accidently steps on it and with a loud yell she lands on the hard street floor. With a curse on her lips she struggles to get up, fruit scattered everywhere, her magic staff lying in the gutter. She really looks like she could use some help.
>>5112>approaches the womanAre these fruits for sale? If they are, I might be willing to help lighten your load a bit - that or help you carry some of it if you're heading the same way I am. Where are you headed?
>grabs some of the fruit that's rolled his way and hands it to the woman(I've got a scheduled EU4 game in 30 minutes, so I won't be around for long)
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>>5113She looks up at you in surprise, picking up an apple or two. "Oh… no, they're not for sale. They are a gift." As she was finally up again she picked up her staff and straightening her gown. "Thank you for the offer though, I could really need some help with this basket."
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>>5115She nods while picking up more of the fruit, putting them back into the basket, scrubbing some clean on her robe with a sigh. "Ah, yes, a gift… for my old teacher. I'm on the way to see him." She looks embarrassed. "Though I am not quite sure where he lives. This town is just so big."
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>>5117>roll for Strength -4… that thing is heavier than it looks"Well, he lives somewhere in this past of town. Just have to ask a few people I guess. His name is Oriak Stormwind, someone has to know him."
"Oh, my name is Morena Gyldenstar by the way. Nice to meet you."
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>Vitis Vitalis was wondering around Gareth doing his own thing.
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>>5122Gareth is a huge town, way bigger than any other on the continent. It didn't take Vitis long to get lost. Luckily, while wondering through the rural Meilersgrund district (once a village that just got 'swallowed up' by the town as it grew and grew) he saw a dwarf carrying a large bag with fruit - and indeed it was Nazom.
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>>5124Nazom was too busy carrying that bag which was almost the same size he was. Behind him walked a female wizard with a daydreaming look in her eyes. Stopping now and then to talk to various people. She noticed Vitis waving and just waved back.
>>5125Looks like Naz found himself a lady friend. I won't disturb him.
>Goes off, his thoughts on elven beauties and the seamstress they helped awhile a go.That reminds me, I need to buy better gear. I doubt my ripped shirt would sell for much.
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>>5126Gareth had so many stores of various kinds and so many market places that literally everything coulbe be bought, even the most exotic things. For the right price that is.
Vitis found a big 'Stoerrebrandt' office where many things are available. Stoerrebrandt being the reputedly richest man and greatest trader in all of Aventuria.
>>5127>Looks through the stores…I'm gonna need some good leather armour… something light and allows me fre movement.
And I'll need a bigger sword, but not too big.
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>>5128"Leather armor and a sword, eh? We only carry the best quality so that would be 170 silver pieces in total. Unless you want a two-handed blade."
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>>5130The salesman examined him and smirked. "They can if you are strong enough to wield it with one hand. You don't like like that though, so you'd need to wield it two-handed."
[You need a Strength of 14 to wield a Bastard Sword with one hand.]
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>>5133"A classic two-hander may only be wielded by Warriors. It's one of their traditional weapons so unless you have a letter certifying you to be a Warrior I cannot sell you one.
I have a rare Double-Khunchomer here, a large sword they use in the south. Not quite as powerful as a two-hander and very expensive as it is imported…"
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>>5136"Well, it is imported. I would have to ask 175 silver pieces for it. But it certainly is worth the money."
>>5137Oh! Well thats fine then!
Would my old short sword grant a discount in exchange?
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>>5137"Hm, that thing? It's not exactly new and worn from combat… but oh well, I can give you 15 silver for it."
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>>5139Nice. That be 160 for the old sword for the new sword then.
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>>5140"Sounds like we have a deal. Now, about that leather armor. That would be 80 silver. But I think you are 5 silver short then."
>>5141>Was pretty much wearing a tattered tunic with ripped sleeves and a dirty rangers cloak.Yeah, I guess I'll have to hold out until I get enough.
Say whats the stats on this baby?
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>>5142It's 1d6+6 damage, Defense -1, Initiative -1.
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>>5144"Don't swing your weapon in the sales room, there are other customers here. You can use it in the backroom."
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>>5146"Well, I am glad you enjoy it. Make good use of it."
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"Well, if there is nothing else we can do for you…"
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>>5150Just as Vitis was about to leave the store who would enter but Nazom, grumbling into his beard as he and the sorceress still haven't found what they werer looking for.
"Excuse me… would any of you know where Oriak Stormwind lives? He's a wizard, about 60 years old, works as a doctor in these parts…?"
>>5151Hi Nazom! Check out my new sword!
And "Stormwind"? That does sound familiar but afraid can't say where.
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>>5152 Vitis, who'd have thought I'd run into you here! That's a fine looking sword; must have set you back a fair amount. and yeah, I'm beginning to think there isn't a Stormwind in this whole blasted kingdom!
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>>5155"I think we just have to ask around a bit more. Sorry, I'm making you carry that basket this whole time but you're way stronger than me. I shouldn't have gotten such a big one."
>>5156I can carry it if it's getting heavy.
Though who are you looking for exactly?
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>>5159"I am looking for Oriak Stormwind, he was my teacher back the Academy of Magic. He's a doctor in these parts, about 60 years old. We've been in contact for a long time but this is the first time I actually had the chance to visit him."
>roll for Strength -6 to help Nazom No.5161
>>5160d10 - 6 = 2Well maybe,instead of finding a name no one knows, we should find doctors who may know him.
Or perhaps find this Academy of Magic if it's in Gareth?
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>>5161"The Academy isn't here. I mean Gareth has one but I studied in Thorwal. That's not even close. And… well, I guess we could look for doctors though there will be quite a few in such a big town."
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>>5163"He's retired though. That's why he moved here in the first place. But, well I guess we could visit the Academy of Magic Armor in town."
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>>5165"There doesn't. The only 'clinic' that exists are run by the Therbuniten order of the Peraine Temple… and those are few and far between. I guess we'll just have ask around a bit more."
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"Maybe I can help you before you continue standing in the salesroom and block the room for other paying costumers. For a silver I'll tell you where that man lives."
>>5168Oh, I didn't know we were still here.
(Thought we were walking around or something)
>>5170Oh, well yeah, uh…
>Looks to Naz.I only got 45 silvers left…
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>Pays the shopkeeper a silver piece. No.5175
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>>5174The shopkeeper collects the silver piece with a satisfied grin. "Thank you. Listen, there's only two doctors around here. One is Ruberian Terforten and he is certainly not who you're looking for. He's no wizard. The other man lives in a pretty little house with a tiny garden, friendly and competent… and he's a wizard. So even though I don't know his name I'm sure that's him."
The shopkeeper proceeds to explain how to get to him.
>>5175Thanks good sir.
Seems like a good way to start.
And maybe I can find some loose change along the way…
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Taking the shopkeeper's guidance to heart it only takes you 15 minutes to find the home of Oriak Stormwind. He lives in the Ungolf Street in a two-storey timber-frame-constructed house.
The eaves on the roof are adorned with colorful ornaments, the windows of the house are made of crown glass.
A small garden with shrubbery is at the front.
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>>5181"It looks like it." Morena knocks at the door and waits but nothing happens. She knocks again, then tries to peak through one of the windows but the crown glass is way too thick and blurry to look through.
She tries several more times, then makes a distraught face.
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>>5183"Hey, what are you doing over there?" You suddenly hear a voice behind you and see an eldery, bald man peeking out of a window from the house across the street.
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>>5184Hello! Mr. Oriak Stormwind?
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>>5185He shakes his head. "I am Amram Sappenstiel, his neighbour. What do you want from Master Stormwind?"
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>>5187Morena explains that she has known Oriak Stormwind for a long time, after he was her school at the Academy. Now she wanted to pay him a visit and even got him a present, the fruit basket which Nazom and Vitis carried for her.
Mr. Sappenstiel closed the window only to open his door a few moments later, asking them all to come inside.
"Oh, you're a friend of Master Stormwind then? Come in, come in. There is something I must tell you… oh goodness…"
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>>5189"Oh, please, you can all come in of course. Morena seemed not alarmed at all, being a full fletched wizard after all. And stepped inside the small but cozy looking home. Everything looked somewhat antiquated and there were crochet dust covers on most furniture.
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>>5191Mr. Sappenstiel hurried around his home, brought comfortable chairs, some glasses and a bottle with spirits which he placed on the table. "Please help yourself… ooh, friends of Master Stormwind… my my…"
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>>5193At last he sat down, rubbing his sweaty hands into the apron he was wearing before taking it off and tossing it aside. He was about 60 years old and poured something into all of the glasses, raised his then and poured the spirit down before pouring himself another. "Oh, that's good… I need that after all this excitement, oh oh…"
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He finished his second glass and poured a third while Morena took a swig herself.
"Oh yes… yesterday, oh, I hope everything's alright." he began to ramble, talking so fast he could barely be understood, all the while he got sweatier from excitement "… yesterday evening when I returned home from my daily walk… keeps the old bones healthy, you know… I was just about to unlock the door and thought by myself 'I should have pencakes next morning…' when suddenly there was a strange, dim light shining through the windows of old Oriak… beg your pardon, Master Stormwind."
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>>5197He took only a break to drink another glass, his nose turning slightly reddish.
"Stormwind… where did I stop? Oh yes, dim greenish light. You know, Oriak and me, that's Master Stormwind, we play cards once a week, us and a few friends - so I know Oriak quite good. And I was just opening the door when I saw that light and thought by myself 'what's he up to this time?' … he's a wizard after all, strange things going on all the time… his hat floating to its peg, pot stirring itself in the kitchen and everything…"
He sighs.
"And I haven't seen him since. Didn't open when I knocked… so, I'm kind of worried, beg your pardon."
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>>5199"A key?… A spare key, of course! He always keeps a spare key under one of his flower pots! Oh… I wouldn't dare coming with you though. Who knows what might happen, flying hats 'n everything, beg your pardon."
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>>5201"Oh goodness… poor Oriak… beg your pardon, Master Stormwind! … a pile of ash, by the goods…" he shivered poured down another drink and then another.
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>>5203"Oh, I'll be coming along! He's my former teacher after all." she protests. "And I'm very capable of handling myself."
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>They all head over. No.5206
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>>5205Morena looks under the various flower pots that are lined up behind the shrubbery in the garden. In some of the pots grow a variety of flowers while others are empty. Soon enough she has found the key and unlocks the door with it… carefully she pushes it open while you can see Mr. Sappenstiel looking on from across the street with a small glass in hand.
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>here's a map of his home
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As you enter the entrance room (1) you don't see much of excitement.
There's a long bench and a portrait of a town which you have never seen.
There is also a stairway leading up to the second floor and a door to the left.
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"Hello? Master Stormwind? It's me, Morena!"
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>>5212"Well, he works as a doctor here. He was always good with medicines and anatomy. And… I guess he plays cards with his friends once a week." She says, poiting back at Mr. Sappenstiel who was still looking, probably waiting for a hat to come floating out of the house at any moment.
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>>5214From outside you could see that there were small windows in every room, very high up.
"As he's seen the light I guess it must have been one of the front rooms… like, where we are right now, the room to the left or upstairs."
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>>5216Morena walks ahead, again calling out for her old teacher with out getting a reply.
You enter room (2) which seemed like a doctor's office.
There was a sort of light bed in the middle for patients to lie on and a wooden chair for the doctor.
You also see…
- several boards showing how organs would correspond to certain gems and to the stars
- three large cabinets (closed)
- a small cabinet (closed)
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>>5220- cabinet 1: various kinds of writing materials
- cabinet 2: bandages large and small and in various qualities
- cabinet 3: simple medicines, powders and ointments for illnesses like the coughs, itchings, nausea and other 'minor' things
>>5221Well, this isn't getting anywhere much.
Morena, do you think you know how to open this cabinet?
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>>5222She nods "I can open it with a spell… but I don't really want to open it and search through my teacher's belongings before we have even found out where he is or if anything even happened in the first place. He wouldn't approve of that."
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>>5224"We can still open the cabinet if we don't find any other clues. Let's look around more first."
>I'm off to bed now though No.5228
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>>5227 hrmph
>puts down the basket and goes to check one of the other rooms (room 7? the map is a weird perspective) No.5229
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>>5228The left half of the map is downstairs, the right half is upstairs.
To the right of (1) is the stairway leading up, the stairway exits at (5).
If you want to get to (7) you'd need to go upstairs to (5) and then ->(8)->(7) or ->(6)->(7).
Do you want to head upstairs or check further below?
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>>5229 I'll check upstairs then
> heads upstairs, checking for anything interesting along the way No.5232
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>>5230You notice something as you walk upstairs… with every single step you take the deals are creaking audibly. The house seems relatively new still and well built… still, every step can be heard by your friends upstairs. And no matter which deal you step on, it creaks.
As you look around you find that the room has been separated in two by a large curtain.
In the room you can look into (without pulling the curtain away) you see…
- a wooden chair (fallen over)
- a small table with a pitcher on it (filled with fresh water)
- a small cabinet (closed)
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>>5233You pull the curtain aside to find a small, comfortable looking bad as well as another closed cabinet.
There are doors here leading to (6) and (8), both are closed.
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>>5236'creak… creak… creak'
You open the first cabinet and find several fresh sheets for the bed and pillows.
In the other cabine there's nothing at all, just several pegs to hang clothes on.
You glance under the bed to find… it's surprisingly clean. But there's nothing else of interest.
>>5237You're in room (2) and can from there go to room (3) or back to room (1). You haven't found any study yet so you cannot just go to it. Maybe there isn't even one.
>>5238Bah! THis isn't even getting anywhere. And the sound of those floorboards are getting to me.
Maybe I should check under those floorboards?
>Tries to find a way upstairs. No.5241
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>>5239You head upstairs together with Morena to find Nazom making lots of noise.
>>5240You find that it is locked … or blocked in some way. You cannot move it!
Do you want to try force it?
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>>5242The door to (8) can be opened with ease and as you look into the room you notice that you have found the bath.
There is a big wooden tab to take a bath in, several buckets of water, a table with some bowl, a small mirror made of polished brass and a 'toilet chair' with a removable chamber pot.
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>>5247Try you as may, you do not find a board that is creaking more than any other.
You only notice that the deals upstairs are all creaking while none of those downstairs did.
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"What is it with those boards? All this creaking is giving me a headache."
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>>5251"Well, I know a spell to look through walls. But that wouldn't tell us why everything is creaking."
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>>5253"Well, you cannot look into walls, you look right through them as if they weren't there, Mr. Vitis. And if I would look through the floor here I'd see right into the room below… of course unless there'd be a hidden compartment exactly at the spot where I'm looking."
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>>5256"I'm not exactly a carpenter, you know? I mean they look well made to my amateur eye… but maybe they are just warped or something."
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>>5257Well, OK. I guess we'll just look around some more.
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(1) Entrance
(2) Doctor's office
(3) ?
(4) ?
(5) Guest room
(6) ?
(7) ?
(8) Bathroom
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>>5258"Do you want to look more downstairs or up here? Mr. Nazom is examining the bathroom very closely."
>>5260I guess I'll look downstairs while Nazom covers the upstairs.
Hey Nazom, from what we've been told, the neighbour saw a flash of green light from an upstairs window.
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>>5262Nope, no one is in there. There's another closed door there, open this time.
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>>5261"I'll look around up here a bit more. Call me when you need something, alright Mr. Vitis?"
Goes down to room 3
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>>5265OPEN DOOR! Sorry for the double meaning there.
As you step through it you enter room (7)… it seem's to be Mr. Stormwind's sleeping chamber.
There is…
- a large, unmade bed
- two chests (both closed)
And there is yet another - closed - door, to room (6).
- a wardrobe (closed)
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>>5266As you are downstairs you hear the loud creaking of the deals upstairs. Even louder now that there are two people walking around.
As you open the door to (3) you find the kitchen and a makeshift laboratory.
There is a large fireplace made of stone with plenty of charred wood. There are also…
- a tiny wooden chair in front of the fire place
- a heavy and sturdy table
- a barrel of water and one filled with sand
- two open cabinets full of jars, boxes and small bags
- a third cabinet (closed)
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>>5269As you open the chests you find that they are filled with some fresh sheets for the bed (yet again) and one contains the clothes or a wizard and a doctor's apron.
"These clothes are the traditional gown of wizards…" Morena begins to explain "Every wizard is supposed to have a set of them. Each robe makes it easier to cast certain types of spells…"
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>>5273 What kind of spells do these types help with?
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>>5272>You have no idea why there is a barrel of sand>>5269You find that it is no wardrobe at all but a closet full of foodstuff: meat, dried fruit, pickled vegetables, flour - it's all there. There are also several kitchen tools, large ladles, pans and pots.
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>>5274She examines them, then pulls one out that looks especially expensive and made of a heavy fabrice…
"This is the ceremony robe… it's not for spells but for ceremonial uses. When you attend an important meeting."
She pulls out a very short black robe.
"This is the summoning gown… if you wish to summon demons - or banish them. You need to be nude underneath when you wear it."
She winks. And pulls out a deep red gown with lots of symbols.
"That is the transformation robe. You wear it when attempting to use magic that changes things."
She pulls out a pair of shoes that seem to be made out of bull's leather.
"These are part of the dress code too, makes battle spells a bit more effective…"
>>5276 to see what was in that closed 'wardrobe'!
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- Nazom and Morena are in room (7), the sleeping chamber
- Vitis is in the kitchen/laboratory, room (3)
No sign of Oriak Stormwind yet.
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>>5280 Nude 60-year-old wizards; that's something I don't want to imagine… Can you tell which one he might have used last?
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>>5286She chuckles. "Yeah, me neither…. anyway…" She folds the robes neatly before placing them back into the chest, even going so far to see if there are any keys or pieces of paper in the pockets.
"None of them seems to have been used recently… but… there is one missing in fact. The Light Robe as we call it. It is used for various sorts of magic. Control magic, but also spells to … see … if you know what I mean. Like that spell I can use to look through walls with."
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>>5289>Nice rolls!You examine the two barrels, but find nothing otu of the ordinary. There is nothing hidden in either.
You realize though, that the sand is used in a laboratory to put out fires. Because water will not do the job every time. Sometimes you need to quench the flames with sand.
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>>5290 Does it give off a flash of color when you use a spell like that? and how would you feel about me breaking down that door over there?
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>>5292The sand is not fine and soft enough for you to just put your head into it. You have to empty the barrel to see if something is hidden.
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>>5293>While the door from (5) to (6) was shut firmly you haven't tried the door from (7) to (6) yet. Morena does though and finds it locked. "Hm… I can use a spell to open it. It would be better than to knock the door down."
She looks concerned.
"As for the flash of color - no it doesn't. Most spells cannot be seen at all, sorry."
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>>5296 Do you have to get naked to cast that spell too?
har har… Well, let's see what's on the other side then.
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>>5298"Oh, the rustic charm of a dwarf…" She rolls her eyes before stepping in front of the door, touches its lock three times and explains loudly "FORAMEN!".
With a soft click the door unlocks.
"Piece of cake."
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>>5299You indeed find something… a small wooden box!
*creak creak creak* You hear the steps upstairs.
>>5301Jeeze what are those guys- Oh!
>Pulls out a box.A clue!
>Opens it. No.5304
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>>5302Inside the box is a small bottle with a pure liquid. It shows a sign of the Goddess Hesinde, Goddess of Magic and Wisdom.
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>>5306You hear Morena's loud scream of terror!
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>>5307You have found Oriak Stormwind… dead… his shrivelled up body was leaning against the other door, blocking it. He seems half-mummified as if he had been dead for weeks or even months. His was skin cracked and broken but there was no blood as if it was all sucked out. But from the inside! His eyeballs have sunken deep into his skull.
He was still wearing his wizard's robe, his staff lying on the floor.
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>>5310*creak creak creak* Vitis runs upstairs, finding a pale Morena sitting on Stormwind's bed while the dwarf looked into the other room.
>>5312What is it? Whats-
>Npoticed the corpse.Oh…
>Holds her for her sake as he looks over to the body.>>5311Seems he was trying to get into that room before… whatever he was escaping from caught him.
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>>5313"Oh no… Master Stormwind…" she gives a whimper and begins to sob, burying her head in her hands.
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>>5311 well… this is odd…
>>5312 Does he have any family that you know of?
>>5315"Um… I… no, I don't think so…" she mumbles.
>>5316"I guess I…" she starts sobbing again.
>roll for Courage to enter No.5320
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>>5319>>5318As you enter the room (description follows) and look over the corpse you find that it is entirely shrivelled up as if all liquid was removed from it. It is surprisingly heavy.
You notice that the dried out eyeballs are deep in the skull but so are the lips, the tongue, even the belly button.
You find no apparent marks of weapons or other things that would indicate an assault.
>>5318My guess, he had…
>Puts on unwanted guest…
>>5320It seems he was pursuit by an attacker, cornered to this room where the victim had all his body fluids removed.
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>>5321 that doesn't even make sense…
>shakes his head at the odd elf No.5323
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- a large round table with three comfortable arm chairs, several pieces of paper lie on the table
- two book boards with several books
- a well crafted bookrest with an open book on it
>>5322Doesn't it? Look how he's covered that door, seems he had trouble opening it and it was too late for… whatever it was that killed him.
And with all kinds of monsters out there, or maybe someone with a magical control over moisture?
(Is there such things as vampires in The Dark Eye?)
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>>5325He was actually leaning with his back against the door, giving it rather the impression that he was backing away from something - towards the door in order to escape is of course a possibility too.
(Yes, there are vampires.)
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>>5325 If this door was locked, and that door was closed with a body propped against it, then how did 'it' get out?
>>5326>>5327I didn't say he was trying to keep something in, that he himself was trying to get in to escape something out here.
>Kneels down to closer inspect the body.I'm not sure what. A vampire maybe? Though they only drink blood as far as I'm aware. Whatevers got him wanted the moisture in his body.
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>>5324It is a copy of the Encyclopaedia Magica, opened at a page about the "Magica Clarobservantia"… whatever that meant.
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>>5328 So then it's either still in here or it poofed out of existence. In any case it's not on the other side of this door.
>pulls the body aside and opens the door No.5333
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>>5330You open the door to find yourself back in room (5), the small guest room with the large curtain.
There was no one there.
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>>5334You thoroughly explain the poor old man's body, also his robe. There are no signs of penetration at all, no cuts, no nothing. Just brittle, cracked skin.
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>>5336You find that one is an issue of the "Salamander", a newspaper from wizards for wizards.
Some sheets are empty, some are prescriptions like a doctor writes them for his patients.
One is a letter… for Morena.
>>5339>Picks up the bookInteresting book… WOnder if it has anything on Huldra? Still…
Looks at the current page it was founded on.
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>>5338 I think he wrote this for you
> goes to Morena and hands her the letter No.5344
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>>5342It describes the difficult trade and practice of the "Magic of Sight"… Magic that can find and decipher magic spells used in the past.
>Takes the book with him (adds to inventory) and brings it to Morena.Um… Morena?
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>>5343Morena rubs her tears away on one of her sleeves and takes the letter with a nod… she reads through it silently, her expression showing surprise. Then she repeats it again, this time loud.
"My dear Morena,
I don't know if we can soon both laugh at the worries that urge me to write this letter. For days I have had the feeling of being watched. Watched by an invisible scout? It is probably just the exhaustion from work, after all, who would hate or fear me so much to put an assassin on my trail? I own nothing of great value, I have invested my small savings in this house, even though it was surprisingly cheap.
But, if the Gods have decided it is my time to leave this world: I have no one I care for beside you. This house and the books shall be yours. The explicit order is with the scribe Gertabis in Old Gareth. Please, take the money you will find there to the temples and have the priests of Boron pray for my certainly not pure soul; even if I always tried to lessen the worries of the pure.
Your old teacher
Oriak Stormwind"
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>>5345After she finished reading the letter she began to sob again, not heeding Vitis and the book he carried.
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>>5348"Who… would could have done this to him… no magic I ever heard of can do something like that."
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>>5350She takes the book and reads through it, then checks the cover, then goes on reading…
"I see… the Encyclopaedia. Unfortunately you cannot learn any magic out of this book, the spell 'matrix' (which you need in order to learn a spell) is not noted down in it. But still, he was looking up the lists of spells that can make magic appear befor your eyes - make it visible. It is rare and difficult to study…. ODEM ARCANUM, ANALYS and OCULUS ASTRALIS are the names of the spells.
He mentioned an 'invisible scout'… if someone were invisible through magic you would be able to see him using those spells."
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>>5351 Sorry for your loss. You seem to be more knowledgeable about this than either of us. Do you plan to find who did this to him? Should we find Gertabis first? Maybe he'd know something.
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>>5353"Well, you would be able to see that disguise too. You can see anything with those spells. If someone has you magically under control, you see it, if you are under a curse or jinx, you see it, if someone used attack magic to kill someone, you see it … you can even see magic that was used days, weeks, even years ago - if you are good enough."
>>5354No, we do not even apprach Gertabis…
I think… he could be the one who killed Stormwind.
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>>5354"Thank you, Mr. Nazom. I… I guess I will head to Gertabis to settle things, maybe he knows something.
I would be in your debt if you could help me, of course I want to find out what happened to my teacher - who or what did this to him. I don't know how I could repay you though."
>>5358No, don't go to Gertabis, stay with us for now.
>>5357Humour me on the idea he could be some sort of "water vampire" of sorts. After all as his guess he provided us with plenty of fluids to drink. He also knew how to enter Stormwinds home, where the key was. So it's possible he may have entered here and drained Stormwinds of his fluids.
Of course, why would he do so if he had plenty of drinking water in his own home? And we don't have any evidence to proove he's capable of such thing.
>>5359d20 = 12 No.5363
>>5362I've told you, Stormwind was not trying to keep something in, he was trying to escape from someone, someone who must have locked that door or he forgot to unlock it when the intruder entered his home and pursuit him.
The front door itself was locked, but we got in easily because Gertabis told us where the key-
>Realised if Gertabis was the criminal, they're in a trap.WE ALL GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW!
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>>5360"But… why…?"
>>5360>>5361Vitis can suddenly hear voices outside and soon there are footsteps downstairs.
Nazom doesn't notice anything.
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>>5363>>5364Dammit, he must have called the authorities onto us to cover his trail!
We got to get out.
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You hear barsh voices coming as footsteps are on the stairway.
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"No one is downstairs, Sir!" You can hear another voice.
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"W… what are you doing? We haven't done anything… why do you hide?"
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>>5373>>5375Still not convinced this was a good idea Morena headed into the bathroom and closed the door to room (5) before whispering "CLAUDIBUS!"
>>5371The neighbour must have alerted the authorities and told us we're the ones who have killed Stormwind…
>Looks to the letter from Stormwind to Morena.So… running and hiding, or fighting back like criminals would not solve anything.
I think I know what to do.
>Goes downstairs to the guards and speaks first before the guards could say anything.Gentlemen. I believe I understand the reasons why you are here. Before you take action, we- I believe I can resolve this matter to proove our innocence.
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"Back door is secured, Sir!"
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>>5378"An elf? Explain yourself - but lay down your weapons first!"
>>5380>okay, room (7) then, thanks No.5382
>>5381Of course.
>Puts down his sword and sits down, leg crossed on the floor. But keeps his back straight and his words clear and in charged of the situation as best he can.All I ask is an exchange of questions and answers in hope we can resolve this matter.
If I am to understand, the reason you are here is because you recieved reports of a breaking and entering in this place… am I correct?
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>>5382"Mr. Sappenstiel here…" He pointed at the cowering, bald man standing with another guard outside, shivering and sweating. "… reported that he heard a scream inside. He also told us that you were friends of the resident, Doctor Stormwind. Mr. Sappenstiel feared for the worst, blabbering about floating hats and green lights."
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>>5383"Something dreadful has happened, that poor woman! How she screamed! Oh, the poor lady and poor Oriak. Master Stormwind, beg your pardon. Green lights shimmering yesterday night, I swear."
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>>5384"You gave them the keys to the property of Mr. Stormwind?" Sappenstiel nodded. "Under the flower pots, always had a spare key, Oriak did. Beg your pardon, Master Stormwind."
>>5383>>5384That lady is actually was an apprentice of Master Stormwind and I assure you she is quite well.
Though… Mr. Sappenstiel, why are you concerned for Oriak Stormwind?
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>>5387"She should come down then for questioning. What happened up there? No stalling, elf!"
>>5387"But, we were friends… well, not close but we played cards once a week. Him and me and old man Bookbridge the pharmacist, Master Deutler the gold smith and Fatty Flour the butcher.
And who wouldn't worry for his neighbour when green lights are shimmering at night all of a sudden!"
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>>5388>Knew his game. Even if he couldn't proove he was the one who done it, he will make sure he is just as much as part of this as he is.Of course, After all, we wouldn't of entered the home without you telling us where the key was.
>Places the key to the home next to his sword.No forced entry, or anything. In fact, I would suspect you'd be more suspicious of strangers like us snooping around your "friends" home.
Me and my dwarf friend do not know Stormwind personally, we wer ehelping Stormwinds apprentice find this place to begin with for a friendly visit.
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>>5391"I said no stalling. We are going upstairs now and you will stay down here with my colleague."
>>5392I am not at all stalling good sir. Merely sitting here and asking questions. You will find the body located upstairs as well as my friends. They are of course hiding but only because they are scared of the misunderstanding.
But you have to admit, isn't t suspicious how we wouldn't of even entered here without that mans help?
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>>5391Sappenstiel looked confused. "Well, I saw you standing at the door and it was apparent you wanted to visit Oriak. Beg your pardon, Master Stormwind… I would have looked inside myself of course but after all that shimmering last night I didn't dare. You never know what awaits you in a wizard's home, floating hats and stirring pots. Who knows what comes next."
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>>5393They looked at each other for a moment to comprehend all that… body and people hiding… very suspiscious. Then they marched upstairs where they found Morena soon enough.
>>5396>Calls upstairs.Morena, please come down, don't be alarmed by the guards, I'm sure we can all sort this out.
And Naz, get out from under the bed.
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After several minutes the guards come downstairs with Morena (but not Nazom who both seemed to have missed) and look rather shake. They talk to the other two guards and explain that they found a body. One of them rushes off to find a priest.
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>>5400What, under the bed? We didn't check there! Extremely suspicious!
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>>5403"Damn dwarves! Hiding under the bed! Get out of there!"
>even now they almost missed him No.5406
>>5401>Vitis still sat where he was, with his sword and the housekeys laid infront of him. He was content to stay still and follow the guards orders, all he wanted was to resolve the matter.>>5402Please forgive my friends. While suspicious, anyone, man or animal, would do the same thing out of fear.
My reasons for being here is out of good intention and while I cannot proove who has done such a horrible crime, I will co-operate the best of my wisdom to proove me and my friends are innocent.
>Returns his attention to Gilt and continues making sure his conversation wit hthe neighbour is as loud and as clear as possible.So… Mr. Sappenstiel. How long have you known Stormwind for? If you played cards with him together, you two must be good friends.
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>>5395"Oh, goodness no, hats floating by themselves and green light flickering. No, I wouldn't dare, the Gods protect me!"
He shivered and produced a flask from his pocket, taking a deep swig.
"Bless the Gods, such an ordeal. I have known Oriak for… a year it must be. Since he moved in. Had this house built himself, very cheap he said."
>>5407So you're friends with him for over
a whole year? Played cards with him, friendly chats… and he never invited you around to his home?
Surely a wizard would make his abode more comfortable and welcoming for a guest. But you never ever been inside his home before?
In yet, you knew exactly where the keys were for us to find them? Seems you know the property well for someone who would never set foot in this place.
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>>5406>Gilt isn't the neighbour, that's the scribe who has Stormwind's last will… the neighbour is Amram Sappenstiel"Not a very close friend. We played cards cause I invited him once. But he's always busy. Kind man he was, always helping the poor and barely asked for a copper in return. Terfeton didn't like that at all."
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>>5408"What are you talking about? Of course I visited him before. But only once, pot stirring itself and his hat came a-floating. Never again! Looked like a nice home though. And cheap. Poor Oriak… Master Stormwind, beg your pardon."
>>5409>>5410You said you never been to his home before though.
>>5394 Only pressumed about floating hats and cauldrons.
>Looks around the room. I don't see any such automated spells in effect.And here's the million-gold question, how would you know where to find the key to a house you dare never enter?
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>>5411"No, I said I didn't dare enter it cause of the green lights. And after seeing the hat floating to its peb and the big ladle stirring the pot itself! … And I knew where the key was cause poor Oriak told me. 'I keep my spare key under the pot, Armam, he said. If something happens.'"
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>>5412"But even without them light I'm not sure I'd have had the courage… Gods bless me, wizards are strange folk. Good man Oriak is though, Master Stormwind, beg your pardon."
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>>5412>>5413Point is, you were by his house the night of his death. You alerted the authorities to let strngers into his home despite our claim that it wa syou who let us in to begin with. And you thoroughly stated that you had complete access to his home,
You clearly admitted that you are familiar with the building even if it is just from the outside and that you had ease of access to it.
I may not be able to proove who killed Stormwind, and my questions to you was not to proove you did it either. It was to proove you are just as involved in all of this than just a neighbour bystander.
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>>5414Things got busier again as a priest of Boron, God of Death and Sleep arrived. He went inside and examined the body of Oriak Stormwind before the guards carried him out, covered in a blanket. Quite a crowd of neighbours had gathered to watch the commotion but even though many guards were there no one seemed to be getting arrested. Some of them made the sign of Boron as they saw the apparent body, a half-circle, symbolizing a broken wheel.
The guards accompanied Nazom and Morena outside but barely asked any questions. Some went to other neighbours' homes to gather some more information or confirmations before the head of the guards made a final statement.
"Alright, listen up, Mr. Detective… and the rest of you as well.
You are all free to go. It is obvious none of you were involved in the death of Master Stormwind, you have alibis or are no magic casters. We concluded he died of a major magical accident of sorts, poor sod. We rule out any other sort of foul play.
Miss Gyldenstar has shown us the letter of the late Oriak Stormwind so we think we can leave the keys to the house with her.
Good evening."
The guard saluted and left with the rest of the troops and the priest. Sun was slowly setting.
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>>5414"I don't know why you have it in for me liek that. I… would have invited you for a drink but not after this…" old Sappenstiel huffs before shaking Morena's hand. "My condolences, Miss." Then he returns to his home.
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>>5419>As Sappenstiel passes Vitis on his way down.Hmph, funny, I don't recall accusing you of anything.
>>5420(Just a friendly talk to Morena.)
>Gently knocks on her door to the room where she was sitting. No.5422
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>>5421"Maybe not openly but I'm no fool, Sir, beg your pardon. Good night."
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>>5421>she was right next to you, the guard brought her down for questioning too"So… I guess I'll stay here for the night. It's getting dark. What about you, Mr. Vitis?"
>>5422I'm no fool either.
>Gives him a steely glare as he leaves, then goes to check on Morena.>>5423Hey, sorry about the fiasco… I've come to return this to you.
>Give her the Encyclopedia Magica.By Stormwinds request, it is yours.
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>>5424She takes the heavy book and carries it inside, leaving the door open so you could follow. "Thank you… and thanks again for helping. Magical accident… well, it is possible but his letter keeps me doubting."
>>5425I have my doubts too, which is all the more reason me and Naz should company you for the next few nights.
>Looks through the window to the neighbours side.Chances are the neighbour really has nothing to do with this, but I'd rather be a humble fool later than not deduce any possible threats.
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>>5429 (I read over it; I'll just wait and see what they want to do for now.)
> grumbles No.5432
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"I was planning to spend the night in the house… though… it is kind of creepy imagining Master Stormwind lying there…"
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>>5431 If you say so.
>>5432 Before we decide on anything, can you cast the same spell he did to make sure there isn't anything still here?
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>>5435"I know the spell… but I'm a real novice at it. But, I can. Where do you want me to cast it exactly? Inside the house? I could only search room for room but that would burn me otu completely. I wouldn't be able to use any spells after that for days."
>>5435>>5436Sure about this Naz?
If we need the law on our side, we can't use much magic to get the evidence we need.
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>>5436>>5437If you don't want to, that's fine, but then I don't think staying here is a good idea.
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>>5439 har har har…. I love this idea.
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"What do you have in mind, Mr. Vitis?"
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>>5440As I was saying…
>>5441If I apologize to the neighbour then perhaps he would let us stay at his place for the night.
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>>5442"I … guess… if he has even enough room for us all."
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>>5443Well, either that or we stay here for the night and see what happens.
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>>5440"What do you think of that, Mr. Nazom?"
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>>5445 As long as there's something to drink, either would be fine with me.
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"Very well… let's try then."
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>>5450Mr. Sappenstiel opened the door and looked surprised. "Oh, you again?"
>>5451Yes, I came to apologize for my actions to you earlier.
>Gives a respectful bow.My suspicions toward you were for the protection of my friends but it was not needed to go that far and I apologize.
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>>5452"Hm… well… it must have been a shock seeing poor Oriak all dead… beg your pardon, Master Stormwind…"
>>5454d20 = 2>>5453Yes, especially for our friend Morena. She does not feel safe sleeping in the house she was granted for by Mr. Stormwind, even with us two agreeing to stay with her for awhile.
Then I recall your generous hospitality before I done well botched it up. So we wish to ask if it is alright if all three of us can stay in your abode for a night or two until she feels more comfortable.
Besides, I imagine it will make all four of us feel a bit moe safer, after what had happened. Power in numbers and all.
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>>5455He looks at the house and leans his head from one side to the other a few times before finally agreeing, letting you back in. "But I only have one guest room… ah well, I'll let the Miss sleep in my room and sleep on the sofa myself."
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>>5456 Thank you kindly, sir.
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>>5457>>5458"Pray don't mention it." he says before preparing the rooms and offering some more hard liquor to drink.
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>>5461"A night or two you said, not a few days. I really don't feel comfortable taking up his space for too long. Still, thank you. I hope we can find out more tomorrow."
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>>5460> graciously accepts and downs a few shots before nursing a third drinkThat hits the spot! fine spirits, sir!
>to Vitis and MorenaI'm curious about the creaky floors upstairs at Oriak's. I might go see what I can fine out
>to SappensteilDo you happen to know who actually built the house?
>>5462>Looks a bit confused.A night or two is a few days?
>>5464If you want to investigate the house some more then sure.
>Gives him the house keys.>>5462Morena, there is something I want to ask of you, something that I had found before the discovery of the body.
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>>5464>Morena nods"Yes… I noticed that too, that creaking was really odd. Did you see anything wrong with the boards?"
>Mr. Sappenstiel smiled and was very pleased that his spirits were well received"Finally someone who appreciates the fine quality. Um, the house? Oh… very cheap it was, Oriak said… hmm… let me think"
>>5466>Bows again to Sappenstiel.again, I'm sorry for my previous actions.
>To Morena.Is it alright if I can have a moment to show you something?
>>5466 I didn't notice anything before, but I'd like to go check the floor upstairs.
>>5465 Thanks; I will in a moment. can't let a good drink go to waste!
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>>5465>Morena smiled and had a glass too, getting a hiccup. "Oh… I'm not used to this… yes, Mr. Vitis?">>5464>Mr. Sappenstiel thought for a moment, then clapped his hands."I remember now… Flores Utman, that's his name! He built the house. Very cheap."
>>5470I found this in Stormwinds laboratory, it was hidden in a barrel of sand.
>Shows her the wooden box with a bottle in it.Do you know what it is?
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>>5468Morena nodded. "Of course, what is it?"
>>5469Morena agreed. "Yes, you can certainly look around, Mr. Nazom. Be careful though."
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>>5473"Hmmm… yes, I think it was in the South Quarter. Not the finest area, mind you, the poor live there. Better not go there at night. But he's an honerable man. You'd need to ask over there where his shop is."
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>>5471>>5474She picks up the bottle, sees it it translucent, like water. She sees the symbol of the Goddess Hesinde.
"I'm pretty sure I know what it is…" she pulled out the small corked and sniffed at the liquid.
"Smells of nothing at all… as expected. This is either just water - which would be very odd. Or it is a Magic Potion. It regenerates your MP. You can have it, as my thanks for helping me."
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>>5476"And it is worth quite a sum for wizards, I guess that's why he hid it. They are difficult to make. Require a dragon's tears… and dragon's don't cry."
>>5476Hm, mana restoring water… OK, thanks.
But don't thank us yet, I will feel better once we make sure whoever did that to Stormwind is put to justice.
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>>5477"I told you it's dangerous at night…" Mr. Sappenstiel shouted after the dwarf as he left… "It's almost night!"
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>>5479"I hope we will. Anyway, I think I'll lie down for the night. It's been a rather… bad day."
>>5480He'll be next door. He will scream if anything happens and I'll come running.
>>5481Understandable. Good night.
So Mr. Sappenstiel. You mentioned that there could be a few others who may have it out for Stormwind and you list a few who you play cards with?
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>>5483"Out for him? I can't think of anyone who could have it out for poor Oriak… Master Stormwind, beg your pardon. He was always kind, always helping the poor, giving medicine away freely. Terfeton didn't like that much, old miser. But yes, we play cards once a week … me, old man Bookbridge the pharmacist, Fatty Flour the butcher and Muntario Deutler, the gold smith. Nice chaps, good men, all of them."
>>5485Do you think you can get me to sit in with a game.. and um.. ahem, teach me how to play cards.
Even if I don't win, we can probably make use of idle chatter to see if any of them have motivation or any involvement with the crime.
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>>5486 1d20 + 3 = 14,
1d20 + 3 = 9,
1d20 + 3 = 10,
1d20 + 3 = 11,
1d20 + 3 = 18!
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>>5487He clapped his hands and smiled, "Oh, I'd be glad to, I love playing cards. It's my only hobby really…" he got up and lit two lamps and made a fire in the fireplace before getting a deck of cards and some bread with cheese and ham to eat.
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>>5491Mr. Sappenstiel tries to explain the game to you while eating and drinking more spirits.
It's a game called Inrah (like poker). They play with real money, only copper pieces though.
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>>5493 1d20 + 3 = 16,
1d20 + 3 = 11,
1d20 + 3 = 23,
1d20 + 3 = 15,
1d20 + 3 = 8 No.5497
>>5496>so many bad rolls!*creak creak creak*
Another 15 minutes pass, 2 more points gathered. That's just 4/30.
>roll five more times No.5500
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>>5499>worst rolls ever! 0/20You look in utter confusion at Mr. Sappenstiel, it is as if he was speaking a different language. He rolled his eyes as he saw your blank stare and started over to explain.
>roll five more times No.5501
>>5500Uh-OK um…
d20 + 2 = 18d20 + 2 = 10d20 + 2 = 8d20 + 2 = 14d20 + 2 = 16Is this right?
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>>5497 1d20 + 3 = 7,
1d20 + 3 = 15,
1d20 + 3 = 16,
1d20 + 3 = 6,
1d20 + 3 = 21!
(is this page beeping at me? I have no idea why my computer is beeping…)
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>>5501>1/20Mr. Sappenstiel sighed and went into further detail. He explained slowly and thoroughly every single card as you apparently never even held a card before in your life.
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>>5502(Nope, no beeping for me at all!)
>11/30 - slowly getting thereYou finished searching one of the four rooms and make good progress in another. It's gotten dark.
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>>5504>4/20"Yes… I can tell, beg your pardon. Oh my… no, this is the Ace, the highest card. Oh my goodness."
>roll five more times No.5507
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>>5505 1d20 + 3 = 4,
1d20 + 3 = 11,
1d20 + 3 = 16,
1d20 + 3 = 11,
1d20 + 3 = 5 No.5510
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>>5507>22/30 - so close!You have finished the second and third room. Only one more left!
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>>5509>7/20"Well, no… but at least you understand the cards now. Alright, four of the same kind, that's a poker, alright?"
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>>5512>15/20"You're getting better, I think you have grasped teh conecept now." He clapped his hands and had another swig of schnaps. "Now, for the tactics…"
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>>5515>16/20"Naturally, you can trade cards, remember? And you can bluff too…"
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>>5510 1d20 + 3 = 18,
1d20 + 3 = 9,
1d20 + 3 = 22,
1d20 + 3 = 22,
1d20 + 3 = 9 No.5520
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>>5518>21/20You have learned how to play Imman!
"Ah, you got it, well done, well done. And it only took us two hours. I hope your friend is getting back soon, it's already dark."
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>>5519Finally you are done! Just about the same time Vitis has grasped the concept of Imman you finish your search under the constant, annoying creaking of the deals.
You notice the following: The deals are well enough made, all made of the same wood. The wood is on first glance nothing unordinary though it has distinctive dark brown figuring.
You also cannot comprehend at all why EVERY SINGLE board upstairs was creaking. It made no sense. They were well made, not warped and new. There was no apparent reason for them to creak.
You also find no hidden compartments.
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>>5521"Well, I will be off to bed now myself… it's gotten late and all this explaining of cards was quite taxing. Good night, Mr. Vitis."
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>>5522 It must be enchanted
>snuffs out the light near the front door, locks the door, and heads back to join the others No.5526
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>>5524You reach Mr. Sappenstiel's home just before he locks the door. He lets you back in.
"Good night, Mr. Nazom. There's still a bottle with schnaps on the table and some leftovers from supper. Also, mind you, don't go out at night without a light. It's forbidden by law. Guards will you think you're a thief of worse if you're out at night without a light."
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>>5527>Got any more plans for the night or will you head to bed?>>5525How much longer will you stay up?
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>>5528 (I'll just tell the others what I found)
>>5525 Vitis, Morena, you wouldn't believe it but
every single floorboard upstairs in that house creaks. They're new and undamaged. I think maybe Oriak enchanted the floor so he'd know if someone was in the house with him.
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>>5533 sure, I'll take the next shift
> and drink some schnapps of course No.5536
>>5535OK. Wake me if you see Sappenstiel
or Morena up and around when they shouldn't.
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You keep on takin turns staying awake through the night but nothing at all happens.
The morning comes and Mr. Sappenstiel prepares a simple breakfast of thick grain soup with vegetables. Then he leaves the house to go about his daily business, saying he would be back for lunch.
"I will be off too, friends." Morena says. "I will head to that scribe to regarding my teacher's last will and make the organizations for his funeral. I'll be at the Boron temple too and pray for him, like he wanted. Also, I'll check out those boards when I'm back. I'll use my magic to see if they are enchanted like Mr. Nazom believes. See you in the afternoon, friends."
>>5539Hm… Naz, you go with Sappenstiel, I'll go with Morena.
Unless you want to go with her?
>Nudge-nudge. No.5541
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>>5539>>5538 so what now,
Mr. Detective?
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>>5540 har har You can't fool me. you got your eye on her. you elf bastard you… I'll go with Ol' Sapp.
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Nazom accompanies Mr. Sappenstiel who was surprised at first but didn't mind the company. He didn't like drinking alone and always had a hip flask with spirits with him.
Mr. Sappenstiel went to the bank to get a small amount of money. Then he went to the market to buy a fat piece of meat for lunch and some vegetables. He took his time and stopped at one of the local inns for a quick beer and a chat before being on his way again. A little before lunch you were both back at Mr. Sappenstiel's home where he started to prepare the food.
Vitis in the meantime accompanied a sullen Morena. Not because of Vitis but because she was not too fond of the Boron temples which were dark and quiet and depressing places - fitting for the God of Death.
You met the scribe Gertabis who indeed was in possession of the last will. He arranged everything and Morena was the legal owner of the house and the books of Oriak Stormwind. She took the money, went to the Boron temple where she sobbed as she prayed for her teacher and said her farewells to him.
Finally, she arranged everything necessary for his funeral and so the hours passed.
When lunch was ready at 1 p.m. you all met again at Sappenstiel's home.
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>>5546"I will examine the boards after lunch. What about you, Vitis?"
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>>5548"I'll feel better afer lunch."
>>5547>>5549Well, if you would like some time to yourself without me shadowing you, I can do that, there is someone I would like to "interrogate"… though I know it won't be cheap.
But if you see someone suspicious or believe someone is after you, come straight to me alright?
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>>5550"I'll return here after I'm done over at Master Stormwind's … well, I guess 'my' home. It sholdn't take me long.
And you, Nazom?"
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>>5551 That was a nice lunch. hrm… I could stay here or accompany you, whichever you prefer.
>>5551Alright. If you feel at all unsafe there, leave and come straight to us.
I'm gonna go back to the market and find that merchant who just so happened to knew where we needed to go in the first place when no one else knew.
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>>5556If you think that he was murdered, maybe you should try to find out if he had any enemies.
Was anyone mentioned so far who might not have liked him?
Also, you wanted to find Flores Utman who built the house.
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>Gave a yawn.
As much as I'd like to solve his mystery for Stormwind and Morena's sake, I'd rather be exploring and looting dungeons than detective work.
I'm hoping it turns out to be some sort of hydro-vampire that needs to be slain than just a some criminal that has to be arrested.
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>>5559Well, there'll be someone or something that needs slaying eventually.
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(Anyway, I think now is a good time to be taking a break for the day. Hope we can continue soon.)
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>>5563 (I'm enjoying it. thanks again; have a good night!)
>>5562 (see you tomorrow)
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>>5568It was already in the middle of the afternoon as you finally got there, a walk of a good hour even though it was only 3 km as the eagle flies.
The South Quarter was indeed not the most pleasent place to be, only the major roads with their nice buildings looked well built, the rest of the area was a dump.
>roll for Charisma +2 to ask the right people to show you the way>roll Intuiton +7 if you just want to trust your luck No.5570
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>>5569 1d20 + 2 = 10!
> grumbles at random strangers about Flores No.5571
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>>5570Even though you are no Prince Charming you find someone to help you. It turns out the woodworking business of Mr. Utman is almost at the edge of the Demon Fallows.
Quite a few men and women are busy there, sawing wood, staining it, packing it up ready for transport.
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>>5572One of the foremen nods and sends for the boss. Soon after Flores Utman, a man in his mid 40s with a scrubby short beard and strong arms arrives.
"You were looking for me, Sir? What can I do you for? I'm Flores Utman."
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>>5573 You supplied the wood for the Stormwind house, right? It's recently changed owners, and I was wondering what you could tell me about the construction.
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>>5574He leads Nazom to his office where he offers him a seat before going to his files, looking somewhat surprised?
"Stormwind… well… yes, I did construct that house. Provided the building material too. Good, solid work - and very cheap. Much cheapter than the other craftsmen of the guild. And you can be assured I worked according all the guild's regulations."
He gave a rather proud smile.
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>>5576He coughed. "Oh… well, I calculate very thoroughly and got a good supplier for the wood. That gives me the edge against the competition."
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>>5578He shakes his head "No… nothing special at all. The construction was easy and done in professional fashion. Um… but I don't have much more time now I'm afraid, my supplier is about to arrive."
He gets up.
"Goodbye, Sir."
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>>5582Oh no, someone sees you and shooes you off the premises after a few minutes.
You manage to catch a glimpse of a wood delivery arriving though. Mr. Utman accompanies a shifty looking young man into his office.
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>>5586You stay well hidden behind two rather large barrels. After 15 minutes you see the young man coming out of Utman's office, shaking his hand. During that time the wood was unloaded and stored away.
>roll for Intuition +5 to examine the wood from your hiding placeAfter that the young man climbs back onto the large carriage.
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>>5588>unfortunately it is too far away to see properlyThe carriage moves off the premises of Mr. Utman and takes a turn, passing you. There is plenty of stowing place there.
>you need to manage a Dexterity check to get on it quietly No.5592
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>>5590You hop onto the carriage without anyone noticing and hide under a large cover.
The carriage rattles along the cobblestone streets, taking a few turns here and there before at last coming to a halt. The drive barely took 15 minutes.
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>>5593You are near a forest, it must be close to 4 p.m. You see the young man walking to a shed, having parked the wagon close to a simple, one storey building - clearly near the edge of town.
He returns soon enough, holding a large axe in hand in heads towards the forest.
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>>5595The shed isn't closed… you peak inside and see several kinds of tools to cut and process wood. There is also quite an amount of wood already stored there.
The area between the shed and the house is filled with bits and pieces of wood, bark and shavings.
The house is closed.
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>>5597You only see one thing that is very familiar - you notice the same dark brown figuring on the wood as you've seen it on the boards in the Stormwind house.
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>>5601You hear the sound of a wood cutting axe rhythmically hitting a tree in the vincinity.
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>>5605As you peak through the window you see a very comfortable and well furnished home. You notice several items like a golden candlestick holder that seem out of place, also a collection of expensive looking dinner plates.
>you notice that you are at the edge of the Demon Fallows, the accursed place no one dares to go into - apparently the wood is coming from there>>5606Hi there. Nazom went to see Flores Utman, the guy who built the Stormwind home. He admitted to building it acc. to standards and that it was very cheap. A delivery of wood arrived and Nazom hopped onto the carriage and took a hidden ride in it to the edge of the Demon Fallow, where he now looks around the premises.
>>5609I guess I'll walk with Morena for a bit)
Hey Morena. Sorry this whole ordeal hasn't been easy. I was hoping we'd have this all solved by now.
I'm more for dungeons and heroics than crime solving and detective work.
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>>5611"Oh, don't worry about that. Dungeons, huh? I'd rather not see any dungeons, are usually in prisons. But I think you're quite heroic in helping me."
She walks over to her new home and opens it, walking upstairs where the boards creak instantly at every footstep.
>>5610>roll for Strength No.5614
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>>5613"Oh, you mean like an old hideout of sorts. Those are very rare from all I heard. I think you've read too many fantasy books."
She winks and heads into the room where her teacher died, sighing, shuddering a little as she glances at the spot where they found his body.
"Give me some room, I need to focus…"
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>>5615"You could have just stepped aside a meter or two…" he hears her voice as he leaves. "Oh well…. ODEM ARCANUM…."
>roll for Intuition>>5616You manage to open the window using your amazing dwarven strength! And it doesn't even creak.
You climb into the cozy home.
>roll for Intuition to take a look around No.5619
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>>5618"No, no, I just need some free space so I can look around properly. ODEM ARCANUM!"
>roll Intelligence -1 No.5621
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>>5620You feel a cold shower rushing down your spien all of a sudden. You have an odd feelign… as if a door was opened and closed again.
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>>5622Morena was sitting cross-legged on the floor, the staff on her lap. Her eyes were wide open and she was staring blankly in front of her.
Nothing was moving in the room, everything was quiet. *creak crea* Except your steps.
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>>5623You give the small home a quick search. Beside the few valuable objects you see nothing out of the ordinary.
You find several documents though. You find out that the man living here is Darius Nightshadow. He has agreed on a contract with Mr. Utman, providing him with cheap, durable wood against a nice provision. It was also agreed that Utman would 'ask no questions' as to where the wood was provided, but official it would be from the Reichsforst - the Imperial Forest.
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>>5625Whatever that feeling was is gone, everything seems normal again…
Morena looked at him suddenly and got up slowly, brushing her robe down. "Well… I suddenly saw some remains of magic in the room… a spell was cast two days ago but I cannot tell which. It's nothing that I've ever seen. Also, strangely enough the remains of the spell seem to come from - or lead to - the walls, the floor and the ceiling. I cannot see more clearly."
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>>5630"L… let's not get ahead of ourselves. A house cannot cast a spell… it's not alive, it has no will…" She scratches her head.
>>5632(Correct me if I'm wrong on ghosts or TDE monsters)
There could be something haunting this house, or perhaps it is some sort of Mimic?
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>>5634Will you even find the way back on your own? It's a huge town.
>roll for Intelligence to remember>optionally, roll for Charisma -2 and have someone give you pointers. No.5638
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>>5635(There are no 'mimics' in TDE.)
"A ghost? But why… well, I can actually summon ghosts."
She blinks a few times.
"We could summon my Master's spirit and ask him what happened!"
>>5637>>5638Magic can do that?
It will certainly be of great help, even if it doesn't hold up in court.
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>>5639"Well, it is very complicated. And it only works if the ghost is actually still bound to this world."
She bings to explain.
"When you die, the priests says you are brought before Boron who judges whether your lived a good life…. But! Some are not ready to depart, they have something they still wished to fulfill, for example. Their spirits will linger on in this plane of existance - and can be summoned with magic!"
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>>5640You head off into the wrong direction and soon find yourself at the large walls surrounding Old Gareth, the oldest part of town. You ask a guard there who tells you to head east along the main road and after a few more detours find your way back to Sappenstiel - just as it was time for supper.
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>>5643"We cannot know either unless we try. It will take me a few hours to gather everything I need. It'll be late, I'll meet you at Mr. Sappenstiel's."
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>>5644Mr. Sappenstiel was having a big pot with stew on the hot stove, cutting up some meat into small piece. "Oh, hello again, Mr. Nazom. Had any luck in your dealings?"
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>>5646"Did you even listen?" She sighs. "I can only summon his ghost if he didn't move on. And there is no way to ask it. And I'm fine, there's dozens of people on the street. Stay safe."
*creak creak creak* made the boards downstairs….
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>>5647 Hello; it was a long day! I think so. quite a bit to talk about once everyone gets back. Is there anything I can help you with?
> helps as needed> later, at dinner, tells everyone what he found at dinner (heading off for a while, so feel free to continue without me) No.5653
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>>5651Mr. Sappenstiel welcomes your help in making the food and gives you a good helping of liquor, having some himself - naturally.
(See you later!)
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>>5652You look through it thoroughly. The book shows many pictures of cut open people, their organs, their nerves, their muscles - all in great detail. It is as gruesome to behold as it is educating.
You find an intersting topic about how the heart works. There are two streams of blood in the body, the arteries and the veins - in one is divine blood, in the other demonic blood. Both kinds of blood meet at the heart where they fight each other, causing the heart to beat.
You found nothing about dehydration yet. Will you read on?
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>>5655The book is mostly about humans and only makes some comparisons to elves, dwarves, lizardmen, orcs or goblins.
You only learn that apparently elves are built quite unlike men or dwarves.
Also, the heart of a dwarf has an additional heart valve.
>>5656Huh, interesting. But nothing on dehydration.
I hope Morenas alright.
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>>5657You keep on reading and find sections about diseases and how to treat the wounded.
But there was nothing about dehydration in the book.
At last, the evening came and Nazom returned, telling you what had transpired.
Shortly thereafter Morena returns as well, her backpack filled with several items she had to purchase in other to make a seance.
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>>5659"We're having supper!" Mr. Sappenstiel said, placing the pot on the table and began ladling the stew onto the deep plates.
>>5660Ah thanks.
>Whispers to Morena.Better not tell him what we have plans, he might be a bit of the old fashion sort against necromancy.
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>>5661"I didn't plan to tell him at all. And it's not necromancy. We're not raising any dead bodies."
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>>5663"Necromancy is bringing the dead back to undead life. Raising a body or a skeleton. We're summoning a ghost - if we're lucky."
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(good night everyone, see you soon!)
>>5664But… μαντεία (manteía) means "Divination by means of" All forms of "mancy" are forms of divination.
Since when has words for divination be confused with magic that has little to do with divination?
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>>5667"Another helping of stew, Mr. Nazom?"
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>>5670"… and that is how we know the world is round."
>>5672"That is really bad news. The Demon Fallows are cursed - and highly dangerous. No one in his right mind would build a house out of wood coming from there. I fear that whatever happened to my old teacher has to do with that wood."
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>>5674"There can't just be, the fairy world are very much real but you simply don't understand the basic concept of the Seven Spheres and the Minor Globuli like the fairy worlds that are like bubbles in Limbo between the Spheres!"
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>>5676"We know that. Even the elves come from such a world. I'm certainy you're aware the birthplace of the elves was not this world.
Anyway… I think we should start the channeling of my teacher's ghost at midngiht. Will you help me?"
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>>5672"Will you come too, Mr. Nazom?"
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>>5680 yes, of course. What are you planning to do with an entire house made out of cursed wood, though?
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>>5681"Well… we cannot be 100 % certain the wood is actually cursed but chances are there. We have to be very careful during the seance."
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>>5683>>5684So… I was the house could be a monster?
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>>5685"Unlikely, there is no spell that can make a house come to life. But something is up with that house and we might find out what if we can contact my teacher."
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>>5687"No, such spells only work on a corpse and plants don't qualify. So like I said, it is highly unlikely."
>do you want to do anything between evening and midnight? No.5689
>>5688Is the idea really farfetched?
Hm, I dunno. Maybe look around the house one more time? Make sure nothing is lurking what shouldn't be?
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>>5689"Well, we shouldn't rule anything out at least. I'll be taking a rest myself, I need to recover my magic as much as possible."
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Mr. Sappenstiel put the plates away only to bring some pudding from the ktichen. "I tried my hands on pudding but it didn't turn out so well. Maybe you'll like some anyway."
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>>5688 (sorry, kind of busy at the moment, so…)
> just follows along with the others No.5695
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>>5695Is it…
chocolate pudding?
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>>5696Sappenstiel looks in surprise, then realizes you probably have no idea how rare and expensive chocolate is. "Oh goodness, it's apple pudding. Chocolate? I could never afford that in my life. That's for wealthy traders and the nobility."
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>>5698"You're one lucky fellow, Mr. Vitis. I'll never have something like chocolate or… or vanilla. That stuff is worth its weight in gold. Ah well… try the apple pudding."
>Nom.Mmm, reminds me of (whatever equivilent to Harvest Festival in Adventuria).
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>>5700"Oh, thank you, thank you. I wanted to make one for Oriak too, always was a picky eater. Master Stormwind, beg your pardon… Can hardly believe he's not around anymore. We got our card game in two weeks, won't be easy breaking it to the others."
>>5701I can help with that.
Though I'm hoping we can solve this mystery by then.
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>>5702"Wel… if there is anythign to solve in the first place." He shrugs and has some pudding on his own, also giving some to Nazom.
"I'll be heading to bed after lunch. You be careful… whatever it is you'll be trying there." He nods towards Morena who was in thought.
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If you got no more plans of things you want to do I'll fast-forward the story to 30 before midnight.
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Night had come soon enough and Morena, Nazom and Vitis made their weay across the street to Stormwind's old home.
As they entered they instantly noticed that all the tiels were creaking - not just those upstairs but those downstairs too. The strange phenomenom started earlier when Morena examined the room her teacher died in.
This very room was where she was now headed, bringing all the items she needed for the seance.
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>>5707"That's us, Mr. Vitis. I don't know why the boards downstairs have suddenly started to creak as well."
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>>5711Even though you look around very thoroughly you find nothing out of the ordinary. But every step you take is followed by an eerie creak. It is pitch dark outside by now.
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Upstairs Morena had moved the round table into the middle of the room, cleared it of the papers that were lying on it and place three chairs around it, one for each of you. She had placed several thick candles on the table and drawn a an pentagram on it with red chalks along with several symbols. In the middle of the pentagram she placed a locket that belonged to her tacher.
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>>5714 Do you really think this will work?
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>>5715>>5716"Only one way to find out… and that is to try it."
She waited until it was only minutes away from midnight before she sat down and beckoned you to do so as well.
>roll for Courage to dare taking part in the seance No.5720
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>>5718>>5719Morena notices the fear in your eyes and nods. "It is alright… I can do it on my own if you're too afraid. Can't blame you."
>>5720A-afraid? Me, no.. Just… dunno if this is the "right thing" to do… ahem
(Can I courage roll again?)
d20 = 14 No.5726
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>>5724>Looks like someone found his courage!>>5725>Oh no, you're even moer intimidated than before.Vitis, you can try talking some courage into Nazom!
>>5726>>5725C'mon Naz.
>Sits down next to Morena.I'm not scared. Or rather would you be comfortable under the bed again?
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>>5729>Nice, a critical success!Nazom, you got a final chance! Roll Courage-5!
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>>5729 I'm the dwarfiest dwarf that ever dwarfed!
>>5730 1d20 - 5 = 8 No.5734
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Morena smiles at both of you. "Now, we hold each other's hands… it is important that you don't let go as long as I cast the spell. Don't talk and don't get up."
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Morena had the candles lit and as midnight came she began to focus and sank into a trance…
As she mumbled the words "Manes, obsecrati sitis", barely audible, over and over again you noticed that the wooden boards began to creak… gently at first, then as the seconds passed louder and louder.
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Morena continued to mumble the magic spell… there was a sudden gust of wind, the candle lights began to flicker… the creaking got louder and louder… then even the walls began to creak!
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Suddenly… there was a green dim light glowing from the walls! The creaking got so loud that you could barely hear a word anymore…. Morena was sweating, barely able to keep her focus…
Then you saw it! A shape began to crystallize out of thing air, as if something was trying to make its way into this world from 'outside'!
>roll for Courage!
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>>5744Nazom jumps up and gives a gives a dwarvish curse as the creature takes form … it is vaguely human but with four arms, the head reminding more of a bulls… slowly the creature floats towards you for its feet do not touch the ground.
>Nazom - your move - you can attack or do something else. No.5746
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>>5745 yells at Morena, "I'm guessing that isn't Oriak!"
> backs away quickly No.5747
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"N…. no! It isn't… what the…" Suddenly the creature rushes towards Morena, touches her with a hand before she can do anything in her seated position and with a yell of pain she crumbles to the floor!
>>5752Oh no, you miss!
1d6 = 5The creature turns around and tries to touch Vitis!
1d20 = 16 for potential
2d6 + 1 = 8 damage.
>>5759>you miss - so close!The creature tries to touch Vitis again!
1d20 = 11 for potential [2d+1] damage.
>>5760It hits!
2d6 + 1 = 7Vitis, try to defend!
Nazom, your turn!
>>5765It moves out of the way!
Vitis, your turn!
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>>5767>critical successYou have never seen a crature like this before… it might be a demon but you do not feel this immense aura of hatred that goes with them.
Whatever it is it has come from Limbo, the grey, endless void between the Spheres.
You have your doubts that silver would do any harm to it.
And you have to strange hinch that you should not try to attack it with magic! But this is more a feeling than anything else.
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>>5771 How abut I force my sword into its throat!
>>5772 1d20 = 16 1d6 + 4 = 9!
>>5775>You miss…The creature tries to touch Vitis once more
1d20 = 9 for
2d6 + 1 = 11 No.5779
>>5778Oh no! It touches you! You feel a terrible pain and lose 10 HP… also, you loss
1d6 = 1 MP!
>>5782>What a might blow! … but you miss…The creature attacks again!
1d20 = 14 for
2d6 + 1 = 9 No.5784
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>>5783>it misses…Still waiting for Nazom!
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You notice the creaking getting ever louder…. the windows suddenly shatter all around you, a cold gust blows through the house… brittle clay falls off the grooves that keep the walls together.
>>5787>ou miss…The creature attacks again!
1d20 = 14 for
2d6 + 1 = 13 No.5792
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>>57901d20 = 17 1d6 + 4 = 9!
1d20 = 19 1d6 + 4 = 5!
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>>5795>>5796You have the bad feeling that if this keeps up the whole building will collapse!
>>5802She's heavier than you thought!
1d20 = 10 for [2d+1]
>>5806Do you want to try to lift her up again? It's still Strength +3!
But be aware the creature can attack you with you having no chance to defend!
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"W… what happened…?"
>Fell the the floor, was hanging on by a thread and couldn't move Morena.Alright, I didn't wanna have to do this but…
>>5815>Realised she just woken up.Morena, you got to get out of here!
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>>5817>>5818Boards came crashing down around you… one of the walls seemed to slowly lean towards you…
"We have to get out of here!"
>>5823>you missMorena tries to stumble past the creature! The creature tries to touch her!
1d20 = 9 [2d+1]
1d6 = 5 No.5827
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Morena gets hit… she yells in pain but keeps on limping towards the door!
>Nazom and Vitis… the creature has its back turned to both of you now as it focuses on Mornea. Both your Attacks are -4!
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>>5831And all of a sudden… the creature is gone! Vitis' last attack hits the creature in the back and without a word or sound it just vanishes.
But one thing does not change, the building is crumbling around you! Morena is trying to get out of there - and so should you!
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>>5837Oh no! Vitis gets hit by a falling board and loses
1d3 = 1 HP! He falls unconcious and needs help quickly!
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>>5839>>5840"Yes, of course! We need to hurry!"
1d20 - 3 = 8 No.5843
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>>5841>>5842Just as you pull Vitis out of the house it collapses entirely… Mr. Sappenstiel and other neighbours have rushed out as they heard the commotion and sound, carrying lamps to see what was going on.
Moments later a huge heap of debris and a cloud of dust is all that remains of Oriak Stormwind's old home.
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>>5843 Morena, are you alright?
> smacks Vitis to try to wake him up No.5846
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Morena coughed from all the dust and smoke and placed her hands on Vitis chest. "BALSAM SALABUNDE!"
She smiles at Nazom as Vitis woke up. "I'm not sure that slap helped but it didn't make things worse, hehe."
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"Oh goodness… oh goodness… what happened?!"
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Mr. Sappenstiel brought you back into his home, making sure the windows were all firmly shut so that no dust would come inside.
There you could take a well deserved rest, especially Vitis and Morena who took quite a bit of damage there.
The guards arrived soon enough and after being assured that no one was still in the house they ruled that faulty construction was the cause of the house coming down.
"Creature from Limbo? Fiddlesticks!" Was as much as Morena was able to get out of them when she tried to explain what really happened.
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"I guess that wood from the Demon Fallows was tainted in some way. Whenever Master Stormwind - or anyone else - cast a spell the wood sort of sucked it up. Once it had sucked up enough magic it created a doorway to the Limbo and that creature was released… killing my teacher… and it would have killed me too if it wasn't for you."
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>>5853>>5854Sappenstiel and Morena both agreed. While using the wood itself was probably not a crime, keeping it a secret surely was. And while no one would be able to prove that the wood killed anyone, it should be prevented that it happened again.
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>>5857 (have a good night!)
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>>5859 (I think I'm probably too late)
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>>5863What'll Vitis do now?
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>>5864Recover I guess.
Or tease Morena if she likes dwarves or not.
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>>5865Without a home Mr. Sappenstiel lets you stay his place a few more days, having started to enjoy the company even though he has to sleep on the couch this whole time.
You have fully receovered after a good week.
Morena seems to be mostly into her studies but certainly not into dwarves.
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>>5866"I'm fine, Mr. Vitis, almost fully healed again. It's a shame the house is gone (in fact most of the rabble had been removed by now) but that's just how it is. At least we survived and solved the mystery.
It's just a shame that I can't even give you a proper reward for your help. Well, except for that magic potion you got."
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>>5869"Oh, of course. I have my home to the west in a small village, you've probably never heard of it. I only came to visit my old teacher if you remember."
>>5870Oh… uh… perhaps there is something you can do for me…
>Sits down beside her.Surely, under Stormwinds tutorage you're very wise to many things across the world, both living, dead and in between.
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>>5871"Do you need help with alchemy? Or transfiguration? Those are my strengths."
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>>5873She thinks for a long moment. "I'm afraid not much… not more than you just mentioned… but I think I have an idea who might be able to help you. The Academy of Transformation in Lowangen is your best bet. That city is rather close to the Salamanderstones, the ancient home of the elven tribes. Its Rector Elcarna of Hohenstein knows much ancient lore."
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>>5875"Hold on…" she begins scribbling on a sheet of paper, writing a letter of recommendation of sorts. "I know someone on that Academy. You can't just stumble into a magic school and ask questions. But with thise they might let you in… give this to Salix Horrigan. He's the head of the laboratories there."
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>>5877"I hope so. I'm sorry I can't be of more help."
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"So… do you still want to do something about those wood deliveries? I guess it'll only be a matter of time until another house will built with the that lumber from the Demon Fallows."
>>5880Thats a good point. Elves do have responsiblities over forest matters. Heck maybe cursed woodland could be replated to Huldra, elves rarely ever get lost in forests.
I'll see to it with Naz.
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>>5883(I dunno, maybe he'll drop by still. But he's not missing that much now.)
>failed, no problem"So, how shall we go about this matter?"
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>>5884I dunno, maybe go over to the lumberyard, find whosever in charge and do a safety inspection of sorts.
Perhaps theres some spell or potion that can be used to check the safety of materials?
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>>5885"Hmmm… but we are not allowed to inspect anything. The Guilds are responsible for such things."
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>>5887"Um… I have my doubts. But… well, we can go to the guild and ask."
And so Vitis and Morena went to the responsible guild in this part of town. It took them qutie a while to get a meeting arranged but then at last they were allowed to speak.
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"So… you two have something imortant to report? What is it?"
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>>5891"The Demon Fallow? Do you have any prove for this claim? While it is not forbidden to use wood from there it is not up to our standards to do so. And no one in his right mind would even buy this product. Who built that house?"
>Tries to remember.>>5684Yesm the house wa smade by…
>Tells them what Naz told him, though wa sa bit uncertain of the details. No.5899
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>>5898"Flores Utman built it? I know him… he always offers prices below the other guild craftsman. And you say it is because of him using wood from Fallows?"
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>>5899Yes. And I can personally vouch the pinnacle dangers of homes made from that wood.
>Shows the guild his bandages and removes the bandages showing his scars.The wood served as a sort of… "sponge" to residue magic, wizards who cast spells regularly in these homes are causing the timber to absorb more magic until… well, I couldn't identidy what "came through" the wood that night, but it feeds on magic.
This was the cause of Oriok Stormwinds death, it absorbed every ounce of magic from his body leaving him shriveled and lifeless. Me and my friends encountered and fought the interstella monster, almost costing me my life. It is why the house fell down.
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>>5900Morena confirms what Vitis explained and the head of the local carpenter guild nods. "I understand. We will look into this instantly. And if we find prove that he used this wood he will be arrested and his shop closed down. Thank you, Sir and Madam."
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>>5902"Well, I guess that is all we could do. The guild should take care of the rest."
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>>5904"Oh, goodness, no! We can't do that, Mr. Vitis. If the guild can't handle it we cannot just go around and make such claims. That would be considered slander. They'd pillory us!"
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>>5909"The law is very… strict. For slander they'd even put donkey masks over our heads to depict our crime for the public to see."
She shakes her head.
"So, we have to trust that the guild will put a stop to him. It is in their own interest."
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>>5911"It could be anything… a minor crime. Or something severe and this is just the first punishment. At any rate, it ruins you socially. No one would want to deal with you anymore after such public disgrace."
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This is a good moment to end the adventure at last.
You have successfully solved the riddle about Oriak Stormwind's death and informed the guild about the dealing of the craftsman Flores Utman.
You also found a friend in Morena Gyldenstar and Amram Sappenstiel. Morena eventually decided to stay in Gareth, building a new - though smaller - house where Oriak's was. The plot of land was after all still hers.
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You both receive 125 experience points of finishing the adventure.
You have both 300 exp now and thus reached the 3rd level.
You can increase an Ability of your choise by +1.
You can increase either your Attack or Defense by +1.
You receive 1d6 additional HP.
You can increase an Ability of your choise by +1.
You can increase either your Attack or Defense by +1.
You receive 1d6+2 points which you can divide freely between your HP and MP.
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As you have thoroughly read the "Book of Bodies" in the adventure you receive a chance to increase your Intelligence.
Your Intelligence is 10. Roll a d20. If you roll higher than 10 your Intelligence increases by 1. If you fail, tough luck.
>>5916I wish to increase my strength by +1 and my defence by one making my Khunchomer defence drawback null.
As for points…
d6 + 2 = 4 No.5920
>>5918>>5919Health: 30/30
Mana: 27/27
Now roll a d20 for a chance to increase Intelligence.
>>5917 No.5922
>>5919Health: 30/30
Mana: 30/30
>>5921d20 = 17 No.5924
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>>5922Nicely done. Your Intelligence is now 11!
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>>5926You could alway sell that book. Also, you should get some oil for your lamp, it's all out.
>>5927(Oh yeah, good idea. Now that I have a lead where to go for Vitis, I guess I don't need this book anymore.)
Hello again friend, how much can I get for this book on corpses?
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>>5928I'll give you 200 silver pieces for it.
>you can roll Charisma +2 for a better price No.5931
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>>5930"And not exactly legal, you know… the church of Praios isn't too fond of this book. I'm doing you a favor. 200 silver and no more."
>Gives it to the merchant.Praios people really don't like this book?
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>>5932"It's on their list of forbidden books. They confiscate it if they find it. After all… someone must have cut open quite a few bodies to gather the information contained in this book. And that is not allowed - and the Boron church might consider it desecrating the dead too."
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>>5934"The Black Guild of Magic would fully agree with you. But the White Guild and the Praios church do not agree and Praios is the God of Law so that's that."
>>5935So, such a book could help solve many murder cases, but the law itself will not have it? Thats… extremely backwards.
Still last few days prooven I'm not much of a detective and the book has not been that helpful for me, so you cna have it. I just hope it will be in better, more kinder hands when you sell it.
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>>5936"No doubt. So, you needed some oil for your lamp too? That's 1 silver piece. Need anythign else?"
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>>5938"That'll be 101 silver pieces in total. A heck, let's say 100 straight."
>>5939Oooh thank you.
How much oil do I get?
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>>5940Enough for about 12 hours.
>>5941Ah thank you.
>puts on his tunic and armour under his blue cloak.How do I look?
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>>5942"Very fitting, Sir."
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>>5916 Hi guys; what did I miss?
(Do you happen to have my stat sheet handy?
HP: +
1d6 = 4)
>>5946Your stats are:
Courage: 11
Intelligence: 12
Intuition: 13
Charisma: 10
Dexterity: 12
Strength: 10
Health: 41 (now 45)
Attack: 11
Defense: 8
>>5949 I'll go strength +1 and defense +1
>>5950 He looks like a dwarf.
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>>5951Got it!
Not all dwarfs are alike though! Like, what's his hair/beard color and what does his beard look like?
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>>5952 did you just assume his facial hair!? #triggered hrmpha short and stocky dwarf with a very fine and bushy brown beard which is braided in the middle and sides.
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>>5953Oh, beg your pardon! That sounds like a fancy beard!
I'll be starting a new adventure some time next week. Hope you'll be joining it.
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>>5954 I might not be around as much as I was before, but I look forward to taking part as much as I can.
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>>5956 Oh that's really cool! I'm sure that whatever you come up with would be better than any description I could write.
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Well, off to bed I go.
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>>5960 have a good night!
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>>5955>>5961Are you on at the usual time more or less (if you can make it on)?
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>>5963That's good to know, thanks. I wonder what Epic will draw there.
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For the next adventure, what'd you guys rather do?
- searching for treasure (in a city)
- exploring the icy north
- travelling and spelunking
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>>5965 Those all sound good to me for various reasons, so I'll leave it up to Epic.
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>>5964Haven't decided if I'll make them cartoony or to a degree standard designs.
>>5965Let' save "exploring the icy north" for December. We could look for the "Old Man of the North" or have to rescue Firun's daughter.
I don't really want to do another murder mystery. How about searching for treasure in a city with some dungeon crawling?
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>>5967The city has the smallest dungeon in it and it's very late in.
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>>5969Hope you like underwater dungeons.
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>>5970Um… on second thoughts, regular treasure hunting without water is fine.
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>>5971No treasure without it.
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>>5974Groan… Water Levels…
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So you rather go spelunking?
>>5976It's more Naz element.
Naz, which would you rather do, water dungeon or cave dungeon?
I'd like an undercity dungeon but thats not on the menu.
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>>5977 I like water levels.
>>5978Wate rlevels can be beautiful to look at but not to go in with all that swimming, water based puzzles and drowning etc.
But if you want our next adventure to be submerged then OK.
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>>5978>>5979Looks like we have come to a decision.
>>5980Not gonna enjoy getting wet all that much, but yeah.
Should very least be a sewer level. Sewer levels are alright.