No.5982[Last 50 Posts]
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Roll up a hero if you want to join, you find the rules here:
On the west coast of the Middenrealm - at the Sea of the Seven Winds - lies Havena, an old town with a deep history. A town that once was in size only to Middenrealm capital of Gareth but centuries ago was devastated by a tidal wave. Most say it was divine punishment for a sacrilege caused by its inhabitants. Pestilence followed the flood, then the orcs came, and for the longest time the glory days of Havena were a thing of the past.
Today though Havena is once again of the largest cities of the Realm and a hub for trade with all different countries. And yet, when the inhabitants look out to the west they can still see ruins of sunken parts of the city. Only the most daring venture there and test their luck, to find treasures and old wisdom in the sunken, crumbled buildings. Many never return.
But what you see right now is a tankard of ale and maybe a hot meal. You are a tavern in the more rugged parts of town, where seamen tell their tales and song and laughter are to be had.
Any form of magic with the exception of healing magic is forbidden in Havena!
(Game will start tomorrow or in the days after, depening on how many join the fun.)
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>>5983 I'm just here for the ale.
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>>5983>>5984"What can I get you two?" the waiter asked, carrying several tankards with beer to another table.
"We have some fresh roasted fish too, the best in all of Havena." he added, not without pride.
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>>5986A few minutes later the innkeeper returns with a full mug of local brew and a some fish with thickly sliced roasted vegetables, placing both on the small, round table.
"That'll be 1 copper for the brew and 4 copper for the fish. Sorry, Sir, we got not 'chips'. Potatos are imported and way too expensive."
A group of sailors enter and they head straight for the counter where they get some beer. Soon they start to sing and laugh and everyone has a good time.
As you look around the inn you notice several fisher nets strung across the ceiling and a huge ship's anchor hangs on a wall.
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>>5988> hands over a copper, sips his ale, and listens to the songsnot bad…
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>>5991You notice an old man, probably 70 years old, looking like a pirate from a picture book. He has an eyepatch, oily, thin hair hangs into his face and he sips his beer quietly, scanning the room.
Now and then you notice his eye resting on you for just a moment.
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>>5994 There's a man over who looks a bit fishy.
> nods in the man's direction No.5996
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>>5995Well yeah, he's a fisherman.
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>>5996 Did you just assume his occupation? wow… just wow…
>>5997Since when was it a crime to assumes someones job?
>Drinks his water muttering.At least you never been mistaken for a girl before.
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>>5994>>5995>>5996>The people at the next table cringe at Vitis' joke and decide to move their chairs a bit further way.Just as you look at the old man he finished his beer with a big gulp and slowly but surely heads in your direction, wiping over his nose. At last, he stands at your table and pulls a chair over.
"Well met, lads… hope you don't bother if an old sailor has a seat? Listen fellows, I've been watching you and I like yer faces… honest, hard working. I got an offer for you, a good deal."
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>>5998 That is true!
har har har…>>5999 hrm… *gulps the rest of his ale* no harm in hearing him out. Go on then…
>>5999>To the people who decided to move away from Vitis.Well if you guys know better fish puns, let minnow.
>>5999>>6000He probably want us to help find some treasure deep in some dungeons… or buried on an island.
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>>6001>They cringe, finish their meals and quickly leave the tavern.>>6000>>6001"Treasure, eh? Perhaps… perhaps not. What I got 'ere…" he puts an expensive looking box (about the size of a shoe box) on the table "… is the legacy of ol' Captain Gondor. And it'll be yours, for just a measly silver piece."
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>>6008"'Tis no joke, young lad. I'd ask for a gold piece… but you look like you would need some luck in life, and you two aren't an old fart like me. An' like I said, I like your faces. Dunno if it's treasure inside or not - but if you give me that silver it's yours and you can make the best out of it."
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>>6010>>6011"Cautious, eh? Not the stupidest thing to be… but it ain't poisoned or rigged…!" he opens the little box with a key that was stuck in its lock and opens it without showing you what was inside, then closes it again and locks it. "See? Didn't blow up."
>>6011Hm,I think he could be trying to pass on a cursed object or something? Imean if there really is treasure to be had in all this then why just give it away? For all we know we may end up in the ocean half-drowned over it.
>>6012It's not some common trap that I am cautious about. Heck me and my friend been to places with cursed objects, maidens trapped from time and a house made of evil wood that absorbs a mans essence.
Theres more to all this isn't there?
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>>6013"Naturally… but it ain't cursed. Though some superstitoius seamen might say so - not the box mind you, but it's former owner, Captain Gondor. Balderdash it is… you young lads don't believe in such nonsense, don't you? Not unless you've seen with your own eyes, eh?"
He sighs.
"But I'll cut you a deal, alright? 9 copper pieces, just for you lads. What's inside ain't worth anything to me cause I'm old and can barely walk for a few minutes before my old bones ache.
If you're scared of curses, find a priest and he'll assure you it ain't."
>>6015 as far as curses go, couldn't be any worse than an elf who's cursed with a terrible sense of humor
har har… sure, 9 copper ain't bad.
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>>6015>>6016He smiles and rubs his hands, pushing the box towards you.
"Then we got a deal, lads. The box and what's inside is yours."
He holds out a hand, awaiting his payment.
>>6016Alright, but if we end up somewhere underneith the ocean with Efferd himself screaming his worst at us, I'm personally holding the blame against you.
>>6017I can give six copper, my friend perhaps sport the rest.
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>>6018>>6019He pats you both on the back, then slowly walks over to the bar and orders a large mug of beer which he drinks in one long sip.
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>>6021"Heck if I know… he died, a long time ago, that I know. Whether he remained on sea or died on land, I don't know."
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>>6022OK then. Not the best shanty I've heard but alright.
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>>6023>>6024>>6025The sailor finishes his bear and with a smile on his face he departs.
As you turn the small key in the lock the box opens! Inside is…
- a big iron key
- a letter
>>6027>>6028Dear finder of this box.
When you hold this jewel case in hands I have already died. You shall be my heir and savior.
My name is - or rather was - Gondor Lhimwigg. I hailed from Havena where I owned a small house. You can open it with the key in this box. I owned the ship "Trident" and I was its captain.
This shall all be yours if you help me to find peace in Efferd's (God of the Sea) realm.
A long time ago when I was young and foolish, my believe in the Gods was not yet adamant. I got ensnared by the wicked words of false priests and in their name I broke into the temple of Efferd in Havena to steal its valuables. But that fateful night Efferd himself was present. I knew my final hour was at hand.
But Efferd had other plans with me. He ordered me to rob artefacts from the temples of the Nameless God, enemy of the Twelve, and bring them to the Efferd temple in Havena. My soul was only allowed peace once this was accomplished.
That is why I beg you, find my treasure and bring it to the Efferd temple in Havena!
Of course, you do not know where to look. But Efferd allowed me to give you a hint: Only a good friend can keep a secret safe.
If you bring my treasure to the Efferd temple you will find there the deed to my house and an adequate sum for your troubles.
Good luck!
>>6030Hm, I bet he has some sort of safe at his home. Perhaps under a picture of a friend or something.
I'd say we look there fir- Wait if the old man has read this letter before us, why give us the box knowing where to look?
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>>6042The music was so loud that he could barely be heard. You have to shout louder.
>roll for Strength -5 No.6045
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>>6044The innkeeper hears your shout and walks on over with several mugs.
"Yes, yes, I'm coming. Another drink?"
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>>6046"Gondor… oh, well, I don't know where he lived. But, I can tell you how to get to the temple. Which one? There are two Efferd temples in town. One in upper town and the Old Temple down at the haven."
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>>6048He thoroughly explains you how to get to the Old Temple which is actually rather close by, just a 10 minutes walk.
He is not quite so sure about the one in upper town though, only that it must be somewhere around the Prince's palace.
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>>6052After ten minutes you indeed reach the temple of Efferd. Being about 1600 years old it is one of the oldest temples in all of Aventuria.
The entrance is adorned by two dolphin reliefs, the floor is made of marmoreal tiles. The prayer room is separated from the inner sanctum by heavy green-bluish curtains. The sanctum has a blue colored glass cupola. In the middle of the room is a big bowl placed on a marmoreal block, adorned with dolphins. In the bowl is Efferd’s sacred water.
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>>6055There were quite a few priests about and a good number of people were silently praying or making offerings to Efferd.
A middle aged priest approached Vitis at last, somewhat surprised to see an elf in the temple. "Efferd with you. Are you here to making offerings to the God of the Sea?" she asked, clad in a green-bluish robe.
>>6056Oh uh, yeah, sure.
>Generously gives him 10 silver.May Efferd keep me dry.
I also came looking for some information, about a man named Captain Gondor.
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>>6057She bows, accepting the offering. "That is very gracious of you, thank you."
"Gondor? Is that his full name? We have a register with names of all captains docking in Havena and the ships they sailed, reaching back several centuries. It is still updated today."
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>>6059"Ah, you mean Gondor Lhimwigg… I haven't heard of that name in quite a while. Follow me."
She leads Vitis to a large room were dozens upon dozens of book are kept. The air is moldy and there is no light at all. The priestess epxlains to you that Efferd is no friend of fire and as such the most conservative temples do not allow flames - whether it be candle or lantern - at all in their halls.
She takes a small blue stone out of her pocket. It is perfectly round, the size of a child's fist and glows in a relative bright bluish light.
>>6062I can abrely remember his first name let alone his whole name. Then again I know my name elf name doesn't exactly roll off the tongue to humans.
It makes sense, Given water extinguishes fire.
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>>6063"Quite. Some temples do not even allowed cooked food in their halls. Cold fish soup is quite… something." she shudders and shakes her head before having a seat at a nearby table, gathering several books.
"This will take a bit."
>>6064Can you not heat food with sunlight or lens. Surely Praios and Efferd are friends?
And glass is like solid water with a bit of imagination.
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>>6065"You cannot make water boil with sunlight and a lens. Besides, the cold fish soup it pleases Efferd… or something." she rolls her eyes and sticks her nose in the book, turning page after page before putting it away and taking another, blowing away the dust.
"This one is a good 30 years old… should be the right time."
>>6066You should look up the kind of fish dishes they have in the far East. They eat their fish raw over there, so I've heard.
But yes. I would like to know where he lives.
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>>6069"I prefer lobster anyway… it's crunchy."
She points at a page.
"There he is, Gondor Lhimwigg, captain of the Trident. He lived in the Wet Land district, central northern part of town. I'll note down the address for you."
>>6070Always wanted to try lobster… preferably cooked. But would hate to waste the whole thing if it turns out I won't like it.
Thank you.
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>>6071"You're welcome. I have to return to my duties now though. I'll see you out."
>Was escourted out.She was nice. I hope she'll find a more food she'll enjoy.
>Goes back to Nazom. No.6076
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>>6075(you haven't decided who took the box and its contents)
You almost lose the way but find your way back to the tavern afer all. Nazom was still there.
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(I'm off to bed. Maybe we can continue tomorrow. Night night!)
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>>6077 Well that was fast!
> finishes off another pintthought I'd have time for at least 3 more…
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>>6080Figures, I get stuff done while you're drinking away.
We need to go to the Wet Land district at the central northern part of town.
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>>6095Naz grumbles and finishes his pint before getting up, ready to find that house of Captain Gondor.
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>>6101You take quite a detour over the dike in the western part of town but eventually you get there.
The Wet Land district wealthy and poor people live close to each other. And while there are certain worse places to be now and then daring thieves and robbers from the closeby Orc-Village district move in to make an easy coin.
At last though you stand in front of Captain Gondor Lhimwigg's old home.
A small, two-storey building that certainly ahs seen better days. All shutters are shut tightly and so is the door.
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>>6103There is an old, cracked plant pot closeby. You look under it but there is nothing to be found.
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>>6105Nazom rolls his eyes and produces the key that came with the box and letter and sticks it into the key hole. It fits perfectly and with a creak the door opens.
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>>6107As you enter a swall of old, moldy air greets you. There is dusty everywhere and every board creaks under your steps. A staircase leads further up.
The room itself is empty except for a stuffe fish on the wall.
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>>6109While the stuffed fish looks just like this one, unfortunately it does not appear to be of the singing variety!
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>>6112Nazom agrees, you could never know where an important clue or some valuable trinket might be hidden.
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>>6114You enter what appears to be the kitchen. There is dust and cobwebs everywhere.
There's an old fireplace with a pile of old wood in it. Old boards with rusty cooking utensils that appear to be fall down at any moment as well as a kitchen cabinet with old pans and pots.
Nazom finds another door as well, opens it and reveals the broom closet with the eponymous broom and an empty barrel.
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>>6116There is one more room left downstairs, apparently the study of the captain.
There you see…
> a bookshelf with various thin books> a writing desk > a small commode> three paintings on the wallIn the meantime, Nazom heads upstairs and you can feel dust trickling down from the ceiling.
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>>6118The three paintings all show the same ship, the "Nahema". All paintings also have a small brazen plate with writing on it.
"For your birthday; from your friend Falkris Cuifinn."
"For your birthday; from your friend Oisin Quent."
"For your birthday; from your friend Idra Thorwist."
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>>6120You look behind all three portraits but there's just the bare wall behind them.
Would you like to check for hidden compartments?
>roll for Intuition No.6123
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>>6122You give the wall a thorough look but there seems nothing hidden to be there.
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"There's nothing up here!" You can hear Nazom's call from upstairs. "Just old rags and the bedroom."
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>>6126"Nothing at all! Are you sure you searched everything?"
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>>6134You check the writing desk, finding old parchments, a little bottle with dried up ink.
And that only leaves the bookshelf.
>roll for Intelligence No.6137
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>>6136You find several old books covering topics like geography and sailing large ships.
But, maybe more interesting, you also find the diary of Gondor Lhimwigg!
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>>6144You learn the following…
Lhimwigg was close to taking his own life after he had lost his wife and son in a naval accident.
He writes frequently about collecting unholy relics.
He finds a dog that follows him around everywhere. It died three years ago.
He frequently (once a week) meets his friends Falkris, Oisin and Idra in the tavern "Old Bog".
The last page simply reads… "Four together show the path to the only friend."
>>6145Hmm… "Only a good friend can keep a secret safe. Four together show the path to the only friend."
I have a feeling the "four" are Falkris, Oisin, Idra and the dog. Maybe this safe is located at the Old Bog? But only three of his friends were there, doesn't say about him taking his dog with him.
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>>6146(going to stop there for now)
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>>6158'Nahema' was the name of the ship on the portraits you found.
>>6119You cannot be quite sure whether it was an actual ship at all though. If it was, you'd need to find it.
>>6160All three paintings show the same ship in a stormy sea, in the middle of an ocean.
While the pictures are not exactly identical it was at least made an apparent effort to make it appear that way. The name of the ship is shown prominently.
>>6161Hm, someone must have taken this picture standing somewhere to get the name of the ship.
I guess I'll start looking at the docks.
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>>6162"Good plan…" grumbles Nazom who looked at the paintings, not liking the idea of water much. "We could also ask at that temple again."
>>6163The temple only had records of sailours. I don't recall the priest saying anything about boats.
I don't like water as much as you do, but you did insist on taking up the quest. If you want to go ask around the temple while I'll check the docks thats fine. Eitherway neither of us wants to be waterlogged.
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>>6164"You didn't ask about boats either", he grumbled. "Alright, I'll go to that Efferd temple."
>>6167d20 - 2 = 4 (Or was it
d10 - 2 = 2 ?
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>>6168(No, d20-2 was right.)
You use your charms and easily find out that - just as with the Efferd temples - there's two docks. There is the Southern Haven and the smaller Nalleshof disctrict's haven.
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>>6170You head to the Southern Haven where all the large ships from the sea arrive. Havena is actually several miles inward from the sea and the large ships have to go up the delta of the "Great River" - one of the longest rivers in Aventuria.
The smaller haven is mostly used to harbor ships that are travelling on the Great River itself, not the sea.
The Southern Haven is big, there are large storehouses and magazines directly at the pier.
>roll for Charisma -2 once more No.6177
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>>6176You ask one of the guards who promptly shows you the way to the large building you seek.
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>>6178You have to wait for quite a bit till they give you an appointment with one of the clerks, a middle aged, bony woman with big glasses.
"How can I help you?"
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>>6180"The dock master is having important meetings. What boat are you looking for?"
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>>6182"Nahema? Like that sorceress who lived in Havena?"
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All I know it's the name of the ship belonging to Captain Gondor Lhimwigg.
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>>6184She points out of the window in the direction of the devasted, half sunken part of the city that was wrecked by the great flood centuries ago. The most prominent building in the foggy sea was a lopsided tower that stuck a few meters out of the water.
"That's Nahema's Tower where she lived. It's dangerous - or so they say. Perished in the great flood with most of the townsfolk. Others say she's still out there, alive and well."
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>>6186"Now hold on. I don't know every ship there is. Didn't say there might not have been one…"
She goes to a board full of leather folders and searches silently through them.
"How old is that ship?"
>>6187Uh, I'm not sure., information on the late Captain Lhimwigg has been found just recently but I do not know the date of Lhimwiggs death… I should of asked at the Efferd Temple while I had the chance.
Hopefully his ship is not lost out at sea somewhere.
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>>6188She nods, barely listening as you cannot name her a date, busy skipping through several more folders…
"Ah, there it is. I thought the name sounded somewhat familiar at least when it came to ships… the Nahema, flagship of the Prince. It sank ten years ago, not far from the harbor if this documents are still correct."
>>6189Sank… in the water.
>Sighs.Well, thank you. I guess I can go check that building you mentioned.
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>>6190"The building? You mean the tower? But… there's no entrance to it."
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>>6194You can see that the tower has some very "thin windows" like arrow slits in what must have been the top floor. Way too small to get through.
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>>6195>Was starting to get annoyed and begins to rant.Oh I see where this is going. Either I'm ending up at sea looking for a sunken ship, or the only entrance to that tower is under the docks.
Eitherway I refuse to get wet. Efferd knows I prefer the company of the ocean than to actually get wet.
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>>6196"Very prudent. The tower is supposed to be haunted so you'd be mad to go there. Some have tried and barely anyone ever makes it back. Is there anythinge else you require?"
>>6197I'd rather explore a dangerous haunted tower than get dunked.
Besides not my first haunted tower I've explored… mayne this time around the tower will be intact.
Do you know where I can find… oh I should of noted their names… uh… Falkris Cuifinn… Oisin Quent and… uh Idra Thorwist… Ithink that was there names.
They were assosiates of the captain.
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>>6198"Sorry, Sir, never heard of them."
>>6199Well, OK.
Uh, are you sure you know of no one who has come back from the tower alive? My only limited options is to find the rogue guild and I'd rather not…
Or very least know where I can find a wizard who specialise in matter-phasing spells.
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>>6200"Listen, it's just rumors. If you want to know more about that tower you have to ask in one of those taverns and inns at the harbor. That's where those treasure hunters who dare going into the sunken city hang out now and then."
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>>6200"And magic is illegal in town!"
>>6203Oh yeah, forgot that… darn.
Well if I want to stay high and dry, I guess I gotta find this tavern you mentioned and find someone who can get me into the tower.
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>>6202"Well, yes. That's what we call the western part of old Havena that was hit and destroyed by the great flood. Most of the old buildings are under water now. Of course not all, some are still on small islands, mostly in shambles."
>>6205I wouldn't be suprise if the only way into that tower is through the Sunken City. So there must be another way in.
Question… let's say I drank a potion that gave me magical effects, say the ability to pass through walls… would that also be against local laws?
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>>6206"Alchemy is illegal as well. I'm no expert but I would say it is. Besides selling you one certainly would be.
Anyway, Sir, if you have no more ship related questions, I have other work to attend to."
>>6207Alright, thank you.
>Leaves.Sigh, if I donate and pray to Efferd anymore to remain dry, he'll probably cast me off to some faraway desert.
I guess I could try and find his friends before I forget their names…
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>>6208Aaand… a good moment to stop.
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Critical Hit are you around?
(I bolded yiour name so it be easier for you to notice it.)
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I think it's time the adventure continued at last.
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>>6230You were at the harbor, getting some general information about 'Nahema'. She was a famous and dangerous sorceress who lived in a tower. The tower is in the Sunken City, only the top floor sticking out of the water with no apparant way in.
Also, there's a ship named after her which sunk several years ago, not far from the harbor.
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>>6232Right, captain Gondor Lhimwigg.
You searched his home where you found his diary and three paintings he received as gifts from his friends. All three pantings showed the ship "Nahema".
The names of the friends are:
- Falkris Cuifinn (m)
- Oisin Quent (m)
- Idra Thorwist (f)
And why do you bother? Because he wrote a letter which you have!
>>6233The Letter:
Dear finder of this box.
When you hold this jewel case in hands I have already died. You shall be my heir and savior.
My name is - or rather was - Gondor Lhimwigg. I hailed from Havena where I owned a small house. You can open it with the key in this box. I owned the ship "Trident" and I was its captain.
This shall all be yours if you help me to find peace in Efferd's (God of the Sea) realm.
A long time ago when I was young and foolish, my believe in the Gods was not yet adamant. I got ensnared by the wicked words of false priests and in their name I broke into the temple of Efferd in Havena to steal its valuables. But that fateful night Efferd himself was present. I knew my final hour was at hand.
But Efferd had other plans with me. He ordered me to rob artefacts from the temples of the Nameless God, enemy of the Twelve, and bring them to the Efferd temple in Havena. My soul was only allowed peace once this was accomplished.
That is why I beg you, find my treasure and bring it to the Efferd temple in Havena!
Of course, you do not know where to look. But Efferd allowed me to give you a hint: Only a good friend can keep a secret safe.
If you bring my treasure to the Efferd temple you will find there the deed to my house and an adequate sum for your troubles.
Good luck!
>>6234I remember looking around his home for a literal safe, which I pressume was hidden behind a picture of his friends or something. I guess it could be on the ship Nahema.
Why am I going to this tower again?
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>>6236I don't know. It bears Nahema's name. Maybe there's something there. Or maybe it's a red herring.
>>6237I'm sure I had logical reasons for most things… though I recall Vitis feeling fate had him rather forced to go to the tower.
I recall he gave offerings asking Efferd to not get him too wet.
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>>6239As long as I am kept at optimal water levels on the inside I'm dandy.
>>6240Where have you been Naz?
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>>6241 the tavern of course! where have you been? (where are you?)
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>>6241>>6242You're both at the Havena port right now.
It's getting lat, the sun will set soon.
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>>6243 See, this is why I don't buy random boxes from old sailors… Well, what's your plan?
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>>6246Me? If I recall it was you who wanted to buy the box!
>>6016 I was against it to begin with!
>>6018Now I'm the only one trying to do this dead guy a favour while you're hanging around taverns getting kegged!
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>>6247 That's ancient history. Someone had to keep watch over the tavern - keep a look out for any suspicious activity. Plus, I'm sure you've been doing a fine job at whatever it was you were doing. for an elf.
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>>6250>>6251And you both failed the roll… no smart ideas come to your minds at this time. Maybe you should just sleep over things.
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>>6251 speaking of which…
>>6252 I'm going to head back for another pint or twelve!
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>>6253>>6254>takes a 1 silver piece for the room charge and fast-forwards to the next dayIt's morning! A cold breeze is blowing but it looks like it's going to be a nice day.
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>>6255> gets up off the floor and scratches his beardah, so refreshed.
> goes to find something to eat then catches up with Vitis No.6258
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>>6257You notice your funds are more than low. You only have four copper pieces left of which you spend one for breakfast.
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>>6258> grumbles>>6259 any bright ideas?
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>>6259Browse as you may, there's only one breakfast, it's a thick corn soup. One copper.
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>>6261>>6262you thought wrong
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>>6266>>6267The goodnight's sleep, the fresh air and the thick soup have sharpened your wits!
You remember captain Gondor's trio of friends… he used to meet them at the "Old Bog" tavern. And they actually should still be alive. Why not meet them? Maybe they know something.
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>>6267>>6268to a tavern you say? oh boy. my area of expertise. Let's go.
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>>6269>>6270As you don't know where that tavern is you need to ask around.
Roll for Charisma -2!
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>>6273>>6274Such a charismatic duo you two are!
You are at your best behaviour as you ask around and soon enough find yourself in the luxurious looking tavern "Old Bog". Luckily it only bears this name as the area it is located in is near the swampy river delta.
It is crowded with people even in the early hours of the day. Dandies and coxcombs of all ages and kinds are having a good time here, they seems the common costumers.
>>6275I've seen what they look like at the captains place.
>Looks around.If I spot them we can ask if we can chat with them.
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>>6276>roll for Intuition -1>>6277The barkeep fills a mug of with fresh and delicious dark brew. He takes one of the coins and listens as you recite the name from your memory.
"Hmm…. yes, I know them. They don't really come here anymore. I think one of their friends passed away. But I know where they live, if that is of any help to you."
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>>6279You look around but you do not see any familiar face in the tavern.
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>>6278 That'd be great; thanks what do I owe you for the information?
> takes a swiggood stuff right here.
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>>6281"Well… don't worry, the information is free. Glad you like the brew, I make it myself" The innkeeper says with a smile, beating his chest with pride.
"… but - why are you looking for them in the first place?"
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>>6286"Hum… that's quite a story. But… well, not harm can come from telling you where they live."
The innkeep explains you in detail where the trio lives. Their homes aren't even that far from here.
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>>6287 appreciate it
> downs his drinks and leaves an extra copper on the counter>>6282 see? got the information we needed. let's go then.
> leads the way to [person #1's] house No.6289
>>6288You leave together with Vitis and the last copper in your pockets. At least you had a good beer for the way.
After a few minutes of walking you reach a small but cosy looking cottage that even has a tiny garden in front of it. An old man of about 60 years stands in front with a pair of nails in his mouth and a hammer in hand, inspecting one a loose shutter.
>>6289 well, I got us here…
>>6284 I'm not sure why we're here though so I'll let you do the talking
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>>6291He took a hammer lying on the window sill and began repairing the shutter which took him a few minutes. Once he was done he swiped over his brow when finally noticing the odd duo of an elf and a dwarf just standing there, staring at him.
"Um… yes?"
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>>6293"Well, a few minutes ago. I'm done repairing my shutters."
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>>6295"Gondor Lhimwigg? Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while. But I'm afraid he passed away quite a few years ago. But yes, I used to be his friend. Falkris Cuifinn is my name. Used to be at sea with him for a while."
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>>6297He takes a look at the letter… "Um… I have no idea, pal. I never learened to read."
He seems in thought for a moment. "But that reminds me of something, now that you're here… Gondor gave me something. Said one day someone might come looking for him - after his death."
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>>6299"Wait here for a moment." He says before disappearing in his home. A few minutes pass before he returns again, carrying a large piece of wood that - after closer inspection - looks like a plank from ship.
"Here… this is what he gave me back then. You can have it if you like. There's some scratches and writing on it."
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>>6301You see some markings on one side of the plank, just two or three lines that make little sense.
On the other side though letters have been scratched into the wood.
They read: "Not just the old tower bears her name."
>>6302I'm guessing… it's mart of a map, or a puzzle?… I'm also guessing his other two friends also have pieces of wood.
Can you let me know where to find them?
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>>6302 well that's interesting…
>>6300 Thank you sir.
>>6303 I already know where to find them; shall we?
>>6304Oh OK.
>>6302Falkris, did Gondor said anything about such scuffles in the Efferd Temples or having to steal treasure to save his soul? Surely he would share such things with friends.
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>>6304"You're welcome… and - well, if you already know where they live. Just to warn you though, Idra Thorwist died a few years back. Poor gal never got over Gondor's death. But her son's alive and still lives at her place. Good luck to you two."
>>6305"Efferd? No… but I know he went to odd places later in his day - but I wasn't on board with him anymore back then. He seemed gloomy at times but I can assure you that Gondor certainly is no smuggler or thief or anything of that sort!"
>>6306 Thanks
>>6307 Let's head to Idra's place then.
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I'll call it a day for now, it's getting late. But we made some progress there.
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thanks for starting it back up!
Yeah, nice to be playing again.
>>6311Nice to have you back.
And I know Vitis is a bit rough on Naz, thats because he's partially hydrophobic.
Well, not hydrophobic, simply really doesn't want to get wet.
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>>6313 That's fine; no worries. I figured it was just because he's an elf anyway.
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Alright, you got a plank from one of the friends of captain Gondor. What will you do next?
>>6316Well, I imagine where he grew up is landlocked. He perhaps been to the seaside a few times, just not one to get wet.
If I did decide him to be hydrophobic, he'll need more reason than just being unfamiliar with large bodies of water.
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>>6317>>6318Let's go find the son and hope he's sympathetic to our cause.
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> leads the way
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>>6319>>6320With the information from the innkeep of the "Old Bog" you set out to the eastern part of the big city of Havena.
You even get to marvel at the Princess-Emer-Bridge as you are required to cross it. The biggest bridge of the town and the entire Midden Realm; so big entire ships can pass underneath it.
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hey look down there…
> waits for Vitis to look down at the water then gives Vitis a bit of a shove (not enough to make him actually fall off)
> walks away, laughing and laughing and laughing…
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>>6323The bridge spans the Great River and as you gaze over it you see a large vessel rowing upwards the stream, passing under the bridge.
As you reach the other side you only need to go a little further, then you have reached the home of the late Idra Thorwist. It is a large multi-storey dwelling for the poorer people. Usually run down this one isn't, apparently having only been built recently.
>>6324WAAGAGH! Son of a-
>Regains his composure.I wonder if dwarves sink?
>>6325>Was now on non-speaking terms with Naz as he goes to knock on the door. No.6327
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>>6326The building was loud, you could hear the sobbing of an infant from the next door. Somewhere in one of the flats crude songs were song and with a loud bang something falls over.
After a few knocks the door opens, a young man, probably about 19 years old, peeks out from the open crack. "Yeah?"
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>>6329"You're a good ten years late, she's dead." He was about to close the door again.
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>>6330W-wait… did she had any next of kin? Or anyone who knew Captain Gondor Lhimwigg?
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>>6331"Depends… what did you want from Idra?" He eyes the odd duo of an elf and a dwarf suspiscously.
Somewhere in the house a couple was quarreling, a woman cursing at the top of her lungs before a loud slap quieted her up. The child next door screamed louder.
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>>6333"It's best sticking to ones own business in a place like this. When many of the poor and miserable live cramped up in one building this is just the daily life."
>>6334This city is crazy… half the city is sunken, and- I'm sorry, I'm just a bit taken a back.
U-um, Are you the son of Idra? Or a close relative?
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>>6335"The city is like any other. It's one of the biggest of the realm and in such a place you can't just have sunshine around every corner.
I'm Geldor, her son. So, what did you want?"
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>>6337"Gondor Lhimwigg? Never heard of him. My mother left me with a lot of junk and nicknacks. I've sold most of it long ago. What are you looking for in particular?"
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>>6340"A piece of… I had some spare wooden boards at home. Used them all up to fixe a hole in the floor though last year."
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>>6342"Hm… yes, one just like that - among others. Let me check…" He closes the door before your nose only to return a few moments later. Yeah, I got a board with some odd scratches like those. It's part of my floor now."
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>>6344"Well, I could get the board out again. But… what's in it for me?"
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>>6346"Earn enough money to not live in a place like this anymore one day. But usually when you are born poor you stay poor."
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"In fairy tale books perhaps. Most heroes I've heard of are of nobility. Like our own Prince Cuano ui Bennain… or Raidri Conchobair, the greatest hero who lives. He's from Winhall, just a few days East of here. And he's a count. A poor one but a count nevertheless.
Anyway, do you want that board now or not?"
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>>6349 Well, there might be some treasure in it if we can piece together the puzzle with your floorboard. Come along with us for a share? You've got nothing to lose. and you can have the board back once we're done.
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>>6350"Treasure? Now… are you serious? Well, that's a different story."
He thinks for a moment, scratching his head. The infant next door has finally stopped screaming.
"Well, alright. You can have that board if you take me along."
>>6349Him? A hero? Heck one time me and my buddy Naz here, we once saved a merchants son from a pack of bandits. And not long a go we fought some sort of interdimensional demon that drains the moisture out from victims, leaving them as husks. That was absolutely terrifying.
But me and Naz helped quite a few people, and we get to see more of this world that we've come to realise. Both it's beauty and it's misery.
>Looks around solemnly.>>6350Thats a good idea. And if Lhimwigg really is friend to Irna that left her in such a state, a share of that treasure should be yours. We're told that Idra cared for Lhimwigg. If this is true I doubt Lhimwigg would of wanted his friend and decendants to live in squallor.
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>>6352>>6351Geldor requires your help to get that floorboard out again.
>roll for Strength -4 No.6356
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>>6354"Like I said, my name is Geldor. Geldor Thorwist."
>>6354>>6355He lets you come inside and together you use your strength to rip that wooden board out of the floor.
Indeed there are some markings on one side - just like on the board you already got.
On the other side is writing: "Their gifts were different. But one thing was the same."
>>6356Normally we, well I wouldn't just let anyone come with us… it will be dangerous, and perhaps very wet. I cannot promise you safety, but will do my best to look out for you.
I believe a taste of adventure will help you realise you don't have to stay here.
That and of course the treasure.
>>6356>Takes out the other piece of wood and tries to allign up the markings. No.6358
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>>6357"Dangerous? Hopefully not. I can only fight with a club. I don't care about water though, I spent my whole life by the sea."
As you try to align the markings you realize that they indeed seem to line up just nicely. But you are not certain yet what they could mean.
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>>6357>>6358We need one more board to complete the inscription. Get whatever you think you'll need and then let's get going.
>>6358Don't worry, if we find trouble, just stay behind us.
Alright, you mother was friends to two other aquaintances of Lhimwigg. Other guy was really nice. Who else do we need to see next?
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>>6359Geldor gets his club, a rope and a rather old and worn looking knife.
>>6360>roll for Intelligence -5 No.6364
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>>6363Ah, a natural 1. His name is Oisin Quent.
>>6362And indeed, Naz knows the way.
>>6362>>6364A'ight. Let's go,
And Naz, push me again and we'll see if dwarves sink like rocks.
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>>6365>>6366You make your way to the southwest of town. It's just a little trip of five minutes and you are getting close to the river harbor.
Oisin Quent as it turns out is a baker. And the small shop next to the bakery is still open.
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>>6368>Enters the store.Hello?
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Hello gentleman. What can I get you today?" An man of about sixty years asked as they entered. The shop was filled with the scent of freshly baked pie.
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>>6370Hello, we're looking for Mr. Oisin Quent. A friend of the long late Captain Gondor Lhimwigg…
heh, I remembered the names. No.6372
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It's gotten quite late so I think we have to call it a day there. Thanks for joining again!
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Hope we can play again tomorrow.
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>>6374"It's a very fine pie, Sir, you have a keen eye. It's 3 copper pieces."
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>>6376"You won't be disappointed, I promise you that." He laughs heartily and winks.
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He takes the money and returns seven copper pieces to the elf before handing him the pie. "And here is your pie, Sir. Enjoy!"
>>6379Mmmmmmm~ Will eat it when we can.
But I'm not just hear to have pie, would like to know if you know someone.
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>>6380"It's best while it it still warm." He wipes his hands in his apron, eying you with some suspicion at your last remark. "Know someone?"
>>6381Do you know
the muffin man? the late Captain Gondor Lhimwigg?
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>>6382"Huh… Gondor? Well, yes, I was an acquaintance you could say. He always purchased his sea provisions from me."
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>>6384He chuckles. "Hm, he did indeed. I never knew what it was all about but I think he considered it important. Had some writing on it too that made little sense to me."
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>>6386He nods. "I certainly do, somewhere up in the attic. I will go get it for you if you can wait for a moment."
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>>6388The wooden board has more scratches on it and indeed the board fits with one of the other two. But it seems there is a fourth board missing!
The writing on the other side reads: "The wooden beauty guards that which is hidden. Her eyes show the way."
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>>6390"Could be…" said Geldor while having a slice of the pie. "But what ship?"
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>>6392"The Triden went down somewhere at sea… it would be impossible finding it. The Nahema though went down while still in harbor."
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>>6394"The tower?!" Geldor shook his head firmly. "No way I am heading there. I did not sign up to get myself killed in that accursed place!"
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>>6395We go into danger like that most of the time… well Naz does, I'm usually more cautious.
But yeah, it might be too dangerous for you to come with us.
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"Well, I am not keen on going to that tower. Not unless I have to. We should probably check the ship Nahema out first. It should have a wooden figure, right?"
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>>6403 How long can you hold your breath?
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>>6404"Um… I don't know. Thirty seconds perhaps?"
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>>6405 Is that long enough to investigate a sunken ship?
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>>6406"Well, that would depend on the depth. I guess we should inquire about that."
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>>6407>>6408to the harbor then?
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As you were standing there, pondering about how you could possible get down to the Nahema you noticed a placard on one of the walls, looking rather recent.
It read: "WANTED! Experienced seamen, divers and daredevils for an under-water expedition in the Sunken City! If interested, contact Leonardo of Havena, mechanic and inventor."
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Geldor picked up the placard. "Hm, looks genuine. He's quite famous in town, though pretty wacked out. Or so they say."
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>>6413 couldn't be any worse than Vitis! Let's pay him a visit. Can you take us to him?
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>>6414"I think he lives somewhere near the big Princess-Emer-Bridge? He designed that one… let's check out the area there. Can't be too hard to find."
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>>6415>>6412Vitis' favorite bridge!
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>>6416>>6417You make your way back over the bridge as the sun was already standing low. No ships were in sight this time but the view from the bridge was still breathtaking.
You checked several of the smaller buidings in the vincinity and asked a few people on your way and soon enough you found Leonardo's home. Hidden behind a tall wooden fency it was supposed to be. The fence had a single large gate and above it was a plaque showing a pair of compasses, an angle bracket and a ruler."
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>>6422Alas, you don't know what the plaque could mean. Maybe it's a puzzle… maybe it isn't.
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>>6425You see an agitator hanging next to the gate.
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>>6426 (no idea what that means)
> agitates the gate No.6430
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>>6428Never heard of it either. For some reason my dictionary says that's what it's called:
>>6427You give the rope a good pull a loud bell can be heard a bit in the distance. For a good while nothing else happens.
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>>6430>>6429 got any better ideas?
>>6431Well, why would someone have pictures on his gate plaque? why not just a simple name of address?
I think it could mean something.
Hey Geldor, is this kinda thing normal or traditional around this part of the city?
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>>6432"I don't know what it could mean… Maybe it's a sign for his trade? Like a sewer has a pair of scissors as a sign?"
>>6433I guess so, but I thought he qwas a mechanic or an inventor. Why these items?
If anything my guess it has something to do with measurement, like a foot length, which is about thirty and a half centermeters.
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>>6434"Well, you can always ask him. If we manage to get inside. Pull that rope again a few more times, Mr. Nazom!"
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>>6432 overthinking things as always…
>>6435 you got it!
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>>6436There's a loud ring-a-dinging coming from the bell. Then - after an especially firm tug on the rope - it sounds it makes a sad sounding ring, followed by a thud as the bell has been torn off.
An angry dwarven curse follows.
>>6435A pair of compass, a foot anklet and a ruler. What do these things have in common? Other than the measurement of a foot.
>Looks around the front yard to see anything suspicious, like contraptions or anything peculiar.>>6436If we are dealing with a thinker, then thinking is what we'll need.
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>>6438 a foot anklet? huh? and what's a compass have to do with measuring a foot?
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Suddenly the door opens, a stout, rather upset looking dwarf stands in the door, holding the torn off bell.
"Couldn't you wait for a moment? Had to ring that bell a dozen tiems, did you?!"
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>>6442"Harrumph! What do you want then?"
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>>6443 We were also testing your bell. It wasn't very well secured.
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>>6444He looks at the odd trio. A fellow dwarf, an elf and a rather poor looking human sod.
"You don't look like divers or seamen… you're either daredevils…
>>6445… or a bunch of very old pranksters!"
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>>6446 Are you saying you can't get us down to the Sunken City?
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>>6447"Huh? It's the symbol of the mechanics guild. It shows that Master Leonardo is a mechanic - and the best one in the world, mind you!"
>>6448"Hm… perhaps. All the other folk who applied so far were a bunch of wimps who didn't dare to test the Master's latest creation! I'm Rambok, Master Leonardo's assistant."
>>6449But why these symbols? Why the foot anklet?
U-um yeah but we do need to go down to the Sunken City if possible.
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>>6450"A foot anklet? It's an angle bracket! You use it to measure a proper 90° angle!"
>>6451"Quite right! The Diving Bell! Made out of glass, makes you dive down into the depths and you can still breathe in it!"
>>6452Oh, I thought that was "Ankle Bracelet"…
So, it's a diving bell… I think I seen how those work… but usually your legs and waste get wet.
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>>6452>>6450Dive underwater, you say? I'm sure Vitis here would love to test it out for you!
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>>6453"What do you mean you know how it works? It's the first of its kind!… Has Protasius sent you? Are you here to spy for him?"
>>6454"It's never been tested before… people think it will just shatter. So… are you willing to test it?"
>>6455No, I mean if you get like, a cup and put it in the bath upsidedown then there is a pocket of air trapped inside.
I worked that out when I was a child playing in the bath.
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>>6456"Hm, yeah, right. I think the Master figured it out in the bath too. He does a lot of thinking in the bath. Well… if you are willing to test it I will let you inside so you can talk to Master Leonardo yourselves."
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>>6458"I'm Rambok, his assistant! Goodness…" He harrumphes several more times before letting all three of you inside.
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>>6459 This can only end well.
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Rambok the dwarf leads you across a large yard with two big wooden buildings. One seems to be a workshop, the other the home of Leonardo.
Rambok leads you inside and asks you to wait for a moment until he can go and fetch the famous mechanic. At last he leads you into a small meeting room where two glasses and a carafe of wine await you along with a small bowl of various fruit.
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> pours some wine and chugs it!
Hey Vitis, want some?
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Soon after you sat down Rambok returns with a man with a long, greyish beard and a bald patch. He's about 50 years old, smiling warmly as he sees the three of you.
"Um… uh… hello, I'm Leonardo of Havena. Rambok told me you are interested in testing my latest invention?"
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>>6468 If it will help us get down to the [insert ship here] at the bottom of the harbor, and possibly to the Sunken City, then yes.
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>>6469"Ship… harbor? What ship? Did a ship sink, Rambok?" He looks over to this assistant who shakes his head. "No ships have sunk."
Leonard sighs in relieve. "Oh, good…. cause the Diving Bell has not been tested yet. Not ready for yet for big missions."
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>>6470 What is it ready for, then?
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>>6471"Oh? Oh! Sunken ships, yes, many of those can be found in the Sunken City. Big shipwreck back then along with the houses flooded and everything."
>>6472"Oh… hehe. It's ready, alright. But not tested. Got to be careful with such things. Embarrassment. Big embarrassment if it shatters or sinks during a big rescue. So we have to test it. A maiden voyaget into the depths!"
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>>6475"Hightly likely! Um… I mean, highly unlikely that it shatters! It's being blown by the best blowers in town… I mean, glassblowers."
>>6474"Dry? Perfectly dry unless it shatters!"
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"We're all going to drown…"
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>>6476Oh well thats OK then.
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>>6476 How do you move it around underwater?
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>>6478"Of course, my ingenuity will ascertain that you will remain dry. Unless you jump into the water of course."
>>6479"Move it? Um… you cannot move it. It's just for going down as deep as you need to go. You can even sit inside it, it's got benches made of glass too. Not comfortable and you need to sit a little bent over but better than nothing."
>>6480Yeah. And if it does break, well that be the least of my worries.
But that just leave one problem, at least for our end that is… We don't know there [ships name] is. All we have are these pieces of clues.
>Shows him the wooden pieces. No.6482
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>>6480 So it's just for going down and looking at things? hmmm… not sure that's what we need.
>>6484 I didn't forget, I just didn't do it :o
1d20 = 13!
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>>6485Oops, you draw a blank. You can't think of the name right now. It started with an N.
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>>6487It's the Nahema… the prince's ship that sank in the harbor. The old tower in the Sunken City bears the same name.
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>>6486 N~~~!… necktie… nectar… nickel… noodle… it was
definitely an 'n' word…
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>>6490 *coughs*Nikrrshrzhrrr*coughs*
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>>6481"Break, yes! I mean, no, it won't break!"
Leonardo examines the pieces, scratching his head. "What's that? Firewood? Yes, it's gotten pretty cold. Um…. Rambok?"
The dwarf shakes his head and gives a harumph!
"It's a riddle of sorts, Master. A piece is missing it seems."
>>6482"Um… yes, look at things. But that's not what I built it for. You can also leave the Diving Bell. The water reaches to its bottom edge… no floor. I mean, there's no floor in the Bell. You can leave it through there and swim around. And return to it when you run out of air."
>>6491I don't blame you. Seems almost everyone we account must have at leats three syllibles in there name.
>>6492Not firewood, please don't burn it. It's some sort of puzzle and we believe the last piece is somewhere on the Nahema.
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>>6492 That sounds perfect, but what happens if it breaks?
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>>6493"Nahema… oh yes, a ship. Sunk in the harbor. Interesting. I mean not interesting, everything of intersted on board was salvaged years ago."
>>6494"Um… um.. um… Well, it won't break. Divers. You have to be good divers - or swimemrs. If something fails which it will. I mean, won't!"
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Rambok shakes his head, sighing. "As long as part of the upper area of the Bell remains you're save, even if the lower part would shatter. The Diving Bell is supplied with fresh air through a hose and a pumping unit on the Barracuda. That's our transport ship for the Bell. Unless you sink like a rock, then it's good night."
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>>6496>Sunk in the harbor.>>6470>"Ship… harbor? What ship? Did a ship sink, Rambok?" He looks over to this assistant who shakes his head. "No ships have sunk."….
>>6498 Well that's good to know.
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>>6497"Salvaged, yes. Not by me though, by my mentor Ashimeter. Right after it was sunk. Lots of valuables were on board."
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>>6502"Um… um… yes, Ashimeter. Um… L-24, 3rd row."
Rambok sighs. "He Master means he died a few years ago. He was already 80 years old."
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>>6505Leonardo takes an apple, examining it slowly with an absent-minded gaze.
"The good were brought to the Prince's Palace, the ship belonged to him after all."
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>>6504 whelp, time to go rob some graves…
>>6506>>6507>>6508No need, remember what this piece of wood says?
"The wooden beauty guards that which is hidden. Her eyes show the way."
Did the ship had any wooden statues on it?
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>>6509"Tradition! I mean, traditionally all large vessels got a guardian beauty… I mean, a guardian statue… females mostly, beauties. Figureheads. I haven't seen the ship but I'm certain it did. Don't recall one being salvaged."
>>6510I had a feeling it's the figurehead. Though would be disspointed if the ship had wooden statues inc argo or something.
The riddle says she is looking at something, so perhaps you device would be enough to just go down there and see what she's looking at.
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>>6511>>6512"Tomorrow! Um… I mean the Diving Bell should be ready tomorrow."
>>6512Yeah, I'm willing to test this diving bell if it will help us put Gondor Lhimwigg soul at ease in the end.
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Rambok the dwarf informs you to meet him and Leonardo at the glassblower facility near the seaside early the next morning before he kicks you out unceremoniously.
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>>6519Oh shoot, you feel the alcohol having quite an effect on your already.
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>>6520 I'm fiiiiiiiine.
>>6521 but I could really use a nap.
>>6522>SighsLet head back.
And if you dare push me over the bridge again, I swear we'll find out how fast you sink.
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>>6523 ha. ha. HAHAHAHAHA! ok, ok… hahaha… Lead the way!
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>>6523>>6524You return to your lodgings. It was getting dark anyway.
As it turns out though, Nazom only had a single copper piece of money left. Just enough for supper. But not for a room for the night!
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>>6526The warden thanks you for your patronage and after a supper of beef stew with lots of cabbage you return to your rooms for a good night's sleep.
The next morning comes soon enough and you have to hurry to get to the meeting place.
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Do you remember where we left off?
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>>6537You were about to go diving using the inventor Leonardo's diving bell. You are looking for a treasure (or a hint to a treasure) resting at the bottom of the harbor near a sunken ship, the 'Nahema'.
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It's a new day now and you are supposed to meet Leonardo at the glassblower facility where he waits for you.
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>>6538 I remembered that part; it's the specifics that I forgot.
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You slept and had breakfast. Are you ready to go?
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"Good morning, I hope you all slept well." said Geldor. "Ready to take a beath in the harbor?"
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You make your way to the glassblower facility near the harbor. There you can already see Leonardo and his assistant, the dwarf Rambok. You also get a first eye look a the Diving Bell, a big globe with the bottom half cut off, hanging on a large rope on a crane.
Several strong looking men and women are busy trying to get the Bell onto a small transport ship which Leonardo called the 'Barracuda'.
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>>6548As you examine the bell you can see that you can indeed sit inside the Diving Bell, though - as Leonard mentioned - somewhat bent over. But your feet should remain just above the water line; unless you have very long feet.
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So, what sort of forces can this thing withstand?
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>>6550"Um… uh… good morning. Good to see you!" Leonardo called over while the Bell was slowly lowered onto the Barracuda under the watchful eye of Rambok.
"Isn't she a beauty?"
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>>6551 Don't worry! If you don't fit inside, I'm sure they can tow you along underneath somehow.
>>6552 looks dangerous. I like it.
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>>6553"Very dangerous! Um… I mean… not dangerous at all! The Diving Bell is the… um… pinnacle of inventorship and glassblowing… blowery."
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>>6555"Weight's an issue. I mean, NO issue. The Diving Bell's stability has been properly and thoroughly calculated. It can carry four heavy men with ease."
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You board the Barracuda along with Leonardo and Rambok and so do a few of them workers. They take oars and begin to row the small ship slowly and carefully into the port basin. Leonardo has a pretty good idea where the ship has sunk so he eventually stops the Barracuda and prepars the Bell.
"Time to get in!"
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>>6557 That's at least… 17 elves.
>>6558 right. should we help them load it?
>>6565>>6566The Diving Bell is hanging above a large hole in the Barracuda - it's through this hole that the Bell will be lowered into the sea. So it is not that easy to get inside but you manage it quite well.
Geldor tries his luck as well.
1d20 - 3 = -2 No.6568
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>>6567And he climbs inside with ease with a natural 1, finding the most comfortable place to sit.
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"Uh… good luck you three… don't get cold feet!"
Leonardo tells the crew to start lowering the glass sphere.
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Slowly and carefully the Diving Bell is lowered into the sea. You can see the water masses rising around the glass sphere and soon enough you are swallowed by water. The water is just an inch or two below your feet (or a few more in Vitis' case as he had folded his legs) but does not seem to rise. You see the large hose stuck at the top of the sphere where fresh air is pumped into the Bell.
You see tiny fish swimming around you, it is getting dark and the sun light gets dimmer and dimmer.
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>>6572 Well, this is not at all what I expected.
>>6574It's kinda what I expected. Still beautiful though.
As my grandmother says "The ocean is pretty to look at, but not to go in."
If only she could see this now.
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>>6573>>6574Down it goes for easily 20 meters, then 30… then you see a huge dark shadow appearing before you - a sunken ship. Another meter, then another… then you see the sea floor benath you. With a gentle thud the Diving Bell has hits the floor! Sand is whirled up.
>roll for Dexterity not to fall off your seats! No.6580
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You all manage to hold on to your seats as the sphere is slowly pulled up again by a meter. Giving you enough space to climb into the water and go for a swim.
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>>6580 Well, Rambok? What now?
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>>6581"I'm Geldor… Rambok didn't take the trip. Just the three of us. Ready for your annual bath, Mr. Naz?"
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>>6583"I'm sure you thought ahead and brought your lamp right?…. Right?"
>>6585Yeah I got my lamp.
Dunno if it's light will cut through this darkness though but I'll try.
>Lights his lamp. No.6587
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>>6586"I doubt you can take it along for a swim… but if we leave it in the Bell we can find it again."
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>>6588 That's a good one!
Well alright then…
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>>6588"Well…. alright, I can give it a try."
Geldor begins to take off his clothes and places them on the glass-bench. When he only wears his loincloth he takes a dagger slips into the water.
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Geldor disappeared from view… swallowed up by the darkness surrounding the Diving Bell.
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>>6590> strips down to his undergarments and hops into the water with just a (do I have a?) knifewoah! woah! that's
cold! … feels great! You'll love it, Vitis!
> takes a few deep breaths then goes under to have a look around No.6596
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>>6594In which direction will you go? Towards the ship? Or somewhere else?
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>>6599You make your way towards the ship, doing your best to see. You see a large hole in the ship's hull.
What will you do?
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>>6603For a moment you think you see something stirring there… but you swim on, correct?
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>>6604 hmmm must be Geldor…
> continues swimming toward the bow No.6606
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Geldor comes up from under water, coughing, climbing back onto the bench.
"Ooh… I didn't find anything so far. Running out of air."
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>>6609He coughs. "No, I think we're at the wrong end of the ship. This is the stern."
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>>6613"If I can hold my breath for that long. This ship isn't exactly small."
>>6615If only possible to bring the bell with you…
>Looks up at the hose.Hm… if only we had another one of these.
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>>6614You feel the darkness around you creeping closer. But you can hold your breath like no other and you feel no little tired as you keep the ship's hull to your left and so eventually make it to the bow.
>roll Intuiton >roll Intuition +3 No.6618
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>>66171d20 = 8?
1d20 + 3 = 23!
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>>6616"Hm, yeah, that would be helpful!" He thinks for a moment. "Coming to think of it … how do we get up again?"
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>>6618You peek around the bow and there she is! The figurehead! And right below her in the floor is a half-sunken chest!
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>>6620 I'll … get back to you.
> realizes he's been under for a long time and so heads back to tell the others No.6623
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>>6621"Well… I'm sure he'll just pull us up again eventually. I mean, as long as we have air, nothing can happen."
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>>6622You would… but you have only just swum for a meter as you see a large kraken right in front of you!
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>>6624 That wasn't there before!
> ducks around the figurehead and swims along the other side of the ship No.6628
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>>6626You could try to take the chest with you… unless you wish to attempt getting it later. But the kraken might still be there then.
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>>6631The chest comes loose and you tug it along with you as hurry along with the kraken right behind you.
You can feel one of its long arms rolling out to snatch you from behind.
>roll for Intuition No.6635
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>>6633>Spot on, lucky you.You evade the kraken's attack but can feel it closing up behind you. In front of you is a light, it must be the Diving Bell!
You make it inside just in time! Then the kraken's arms hit it with all its force, making the construction tremble and shake!
>everyone roll for Dexterity! No.6637
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>>6635> gasps for air1d20 = 12!
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>>6636With a scream Geldor falls off the bench and drops into the water!
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Of course.
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I think it's best we continued another time. I hope you had fun!
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To recap… Naz has found the chest you were looking for but is being chased by a kraken. Naz has made it back to the Diving Bell where Vitis and Geldor were waiting. When the kraken gave the Bell a good shake, Geldor has fallen into the water.
But what about Vitis?
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>>6650Vitis can keep his balance while Geldor is trying to get back onto one of the benches.
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But the kraken is not far behind, approaching again quickly.
What will you do?
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>>6652A kraka-lacken!? Damn nature, you scary!
>Helps Geldor back onto the bench. No.6656
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>>6653 Don't you have a spell for this sort of thing?
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>>6655"Thanks a lot, Vitis… you're a life-saver!"
>>6656I have a spell that casts invisible lightning but I do not know if it is a good idea around so much water or if it will even effect that thing.
>>6659Let's hope we can keep our lives…
>Quickly switches off his lamp plunging the bell into darkness. No.6662
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>>6661It hits! Vitis, roll for defense!
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>>6660"AAh! It's dark!" Geldor holds on to his dagger, not sure where to stab.
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>>6662 I'm no elf!
1d20 = 20!
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>>6664Critical miss! (sorry, yes, I meant you)
The kraken grabs Nazom and pulls him close to its dangerous, sharp beak!
You can try to roll for Dexterity or Strength +4 to get free! If you fail, the kraken gets a free hit with its beak.
>>6667You've made it! You wiggle free!
You can try to get back into the Bell again with Strength +3!
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>>6668The kraken flails it long tentacle-like arms in pain!
1d20 = 11d20 = 131d20 = 81d20 = 12 No.6671
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>>6670Two massive arms hit the Diving Bell! The glass gets a big crack!
Vitis, roll for Dexterity!
>>6669>>6670We can't possible fight something so big, we need to make it leave us alone!
>>6671Uh… Oh crap!
d20 = 13 No.6674
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>>6673"Not again!" Geldor shouts as he loses his balance and slips back into the water.
Vitis though, still sits on the bench.
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>>6679>>6680He spits out water as you pull him back up! "Oh… thank you! Now it's really time we got up and out of the water!"
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Got any plans or ideas?
>>6681Yes. It's too dangerous down here! But how are we gonna get the bell back up?
>>6682Uh… wheres Naz?
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>>6683It's dark, I can't see much. But he must be here, he pulled me up too.
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>>6683 I'm right behind you
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>>6687Nazom, with your sharp dwarven eyes you can see the kraken is still out there, searching… You're 30 meters under water.
To swim up you need to:
1.) roll for Courage
2.) roll for Strength +1
3.) have luck
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>>6688 well, it's over there *points* swimming that way and around. Can you see it?
>>6689 couragestrengthmcluckerson is my middle name
> prepares to dive out from under the bell1d20 = 21d20 + 1 = 18 No.6692
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>>6690You are daring and face the danger outside… but you quickly lose your strength. Probably all the swimming has weakened you! You barely swim a few meters up.
The kraken is searching!
1d20 + 1 = 14 No.6697
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>>6696Nazom barely swims up a meter or two, the surface is still far, far above him!
>>6695The kraken sees the light and amidst Geldor's screams comes rushing towards the Diving Bell!
>5mp worth of damage. No.6700
>>6699"There's nothing to hold on to!"
The kraken flails its many arms in pain!
1d20 = 191d20 = 71d20 = 141d20 = 8 No.6702
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>>6700Two hits! The crack becomes bigger! One more hit like that and you're sure it will shatter into a thousand pieces!
Vitis, roll for Dexterity!
>>6701Nazom gets his second wind and swims up quickly, he can see the sun above him already!
Just one more Strength roll and you're out!
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1d20 - 2 = 3
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>>6704>>6705"That was a close call!"
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>>6707"Umm… um… Mr. Nazom… you're supposed to use the Diving Bell!
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>>6708"I knew I shouldn't have put on my red shirt when joining you!"
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>>6709> sputtersThe bell's under attack by a kraken!
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>>6711Leonardo looks dumbsruck at that news, mumbling something about his precious invention but Rambok the dwarf orders the men to pull up the glass sphere as quickly as possible!
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Slowly but surely the Diving Bell gets hoisted up and while you are not certain where the kraken went, you get heaved back onto the Barracuda at last!
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>>6713 Do you have any weapons on-board?
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"Cracking… um, I mean, cracks all over my invention! What have you done down there?"
>>6716Rambok looks at the men and shakes his head. We have two clubs and I got a knife.
>>6717Just a few splashes of water.
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>>6716"Um… my mind. I mean, my mind is my bluntest weapon. Sharpest weapon!"
>>6719"Kraken… I thought you were looking for a ship."
>>6721We found the ship… The Kraken found us.
You alright Gel?
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Suddenly, you hear the screams of the men joined by the scream of Geldor and awkward mumbling of Leonardo as the kraken climbs onto the Barracuda… unfortunatly, this breed of kraken can live on land just as well as under water!
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>>6725>>6726You got the first strike! Roll your attacks (and damage to be sure).
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>>67271d20 = 17 &
d120 = 61 No.6732
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Geldor attacks with his shabby dagger!
1d20 + 3 = 131d6 + 1 = 7
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>>6736The kraken rolls its tentacle around Vitis, grabs him and pulls him towards its mouth and beak!
You need to roll Strength or Dexterity +4 to get free! Optionally you can try to attack!
Nazom, your turn!
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>>6740You hit! Your damage roll is 1d6+4 with your sword. ;)
>>6739You miss. Oh no! A free hit by the kraken:
1d6 + 6 = 8 Chomp!
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>>6743>>6744Success! You manage to hack off the arm! Vitis is free!
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As Leonarod hits the kraken with the lantern it breaks, oil splashes over the beast and is instantly set on fire! 1d6 + 4 = 5 damage!
>>6747You find a nice, long piece!
The kraken is angry and in pain, the fire goes out all too quickly and it attacks, using its remaining arm!
1d20 = 18 No.6750
Nazom and Vitis, your turn!
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>>6754You miss!
Geldor attacks:
1d20 + 3 = 71d6 + 1 = 3Followed by the angry kraken. It lets go of the Barracuda, flailing its arms wildly.
1d20 = 121d20 = 31d20 = 9 No.6758
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>>6756"Oh, I actually hit for once!
Nazom, roll for defense! The kraken tries to grab you!
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>>6757 this is no time for making ship repairs!
>>6758 1d20 = 1!
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>>6759Perfect evasion!
Nazom and Vitis, your turn!
>>6761Throwing a makeshift javelin is not easy at all! Roll Attack+8!
>>6762You miss!
Geldor attacks:
1d20 + 3 = 71d6 + 1 = 5 No.6765
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>>6763>>6764Your javelin misses by a good meter and sails over the Barracuda's edge and lands in the water
Just that that moment Geldor rams his dagger into the kraken's flesh once more! Howling in pain the beast has decided it had enough and with a splash and a gurgle it throws itself back into the sea and soon is out of side in the darkness below.
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"I … I think it has given up!"
>>6765Well… f**k…
>Helps Naz, Geldor and the others up.At least it's gone.
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>>6766 let's hope so
>>6767 thanks! nice throw.
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Well done, you have retrieved the chest and fought off the kraken!
I think it's time for a break!
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When we last stopped the heroes had successfully retrieved a chest from the bottom of the sea and also fought off a kraken in the process.
You are still on board the Barracuda together with the inventor Leonardo and his crew. They are examining the damaged Diving Bell.
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>>6776The ship itself is in good condition. It is a simply made but sturdy boat (more of a large raft really). The kraken didn't directly attack it.
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We survived? I'm amazed this contraption held together. Let's see what's inside this chest.
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>>6778As you examine the rusty, still dripping wet chest, you notice that a lock keeps it shut.
It is also covered in rust.
>>6780 Oh, right.
>>6779 a problem for the priests
>>6781The letter said we must deliver this here treasure to the Efferd temple. Doesn't matter if they can open it or not, as long as they have it.
Though with two Efferd Temples in town, I'm not sure which one is the one we need to deliver it to.
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Leonardo orders the crew of the Barracuda to steer the boat back to harbor and after barely half an hour (the boat is pretty slow) you stand back on sore with your chest.
Leondardo bids you farewell as does Rambok. Both will be busy repairing the Diving Bell for quite a while.
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>>6782 Will we know if we've taken it to the right place?
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>>6785 I said to the right place. Did you get some water in your ears?
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>>6788 Do you know the way to the temples?
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Vitis remembers the way well and soon enough you stand in front of the large temple of the God of the Sea.
The entrance is adorned by two dolphin reliefs, the floor is made of marmoreal tiles. The prayer room is separated from the inner sanctum by heavy green-bluish curtains. The sanctum has a blue colored glass cupola. In the middle of the room is a big bowl placed on a marmoreal block, adorned with dolphins. In the bowl is Efferd’s sacred water.
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>>6792"Greetings in the name of Efferd. Ah, it is you, traveller. Have you come for Efferd's blessing? I see you also brought a dwarf with you - an unusual sight in the temple."
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>>6793 This temple is an unusual sight. Greetings, priest.
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>>6794"What brings you to the temple?"
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>>6795>>6796Yeah, what he said!
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>>6796>>6797"Wait here…" she says and disappears through one of the side doors. After several long minutes she returns with a grim expression.
"I have consulted with Lanora Seadreamer, the head priestess of the temple. She knows the legend of Gondor Lhimwigg - and the curse that had befallen him and the task he had to perform to clear his sould. You claim you have brought what he was looking for so long?"
>>6798Yep. Here it is.
>Shows the chest.And this small box and letter is how we found out about it all.
>Shows the letter and the small box that contained the letter. No.6800
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>>6799She reads the letter and nods. "I see. Please open the box then."
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After Nazom has cracked the old lock open with ease the chest is opened, containing… a piece of wood. A plank probably. With writing on one side and odd markings on the other.
"Is this supposed to be a joke?!"
>>6805As he examines the pieces, he can see the writing…
"My trusty friend has left me. I have laid him to rest where his body can hope for renewal."
As Vitis examines the other sides of all fours planks he notices that the marks actually fit, forming long lines and intersections.
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>>6807 Well, that's… interesting. Any idea what it means?
>>6808I have a guess, but we need a map.
>To the priest.Do you have a local map?
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>>6807>>6808"Now look that that…" The priestess points at two scratches that - now that the planks are all together - form an X.
"X marks the spot the say."
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>>6809"Well, not here at least. Next door is the home of the Efferd Brotherhood where sailors can rest and find a new pay. There is a small card file there as well. What kind of map will you need?"
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>>6813"Very well… I will get you a map of that area…" She fishes a bowl with dolphin ornaments out of her long, blue-greenish robe. She coughs and wiggles it in front of you.
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>>6815*coughs* "Donation for Efferd…" *cough*
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>>6817She takes the coins with an expression that clearly reads "Better than nothing." before she puts the coins and bowl away.
"Believe me, if I wanted to purchase the map it would easily cost 1000 times as much as you have just given. But I am a priest and have other duties than fetching items for you. Wait here."
She leaves.
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>>6818>As she leaves.We're getting a whole load of treasure under Efferds name and she's charging us?
>Nudges Naz and GeldorFor a water priest, she is certainly
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>>6819"Well, all we got so far was a rusty chest and a lot of planks lying around the temple hall. For all she knows we might just be wasting their time."
>>6820Perhap ripping a mosaic map off the wall.
>>6821I dunno, if there was a legend of sorts of the treasures of Lhimwigg, why would con-artists charge the temple for payment over treasure they can keep for themselves?
And if they did had such people trying to con them, this is perhaps the first time any adventure been close to solving this mystery. She seemed legitimately curious when I alligned the wood up right, I think she believes we're the treal deal but the sort not to get hopes up.
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You have to wait for a good fifteen minutes before the priestess returns, carrying a hollow wooden cylinder. Inside is an old map which she pulls out and places next to the wooden boards. You have to look for quite a while but eventually you find that the lines on the planks indeed show the city's network of roads - at last part of it. You can even identify the spot that is marked.
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>>6824"The spot corresponds to a house with a lizard mark on it… it must have been the Temple of Tsa, the Goddess of Life."
>>6825Huh? Why there of all places?
Hm… must be where the "trusty friend" is laid to rest.
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>>6824>>6825Wait, is that underwater as well?
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>>6826"Well… he wrote where he can hope for renewal - that sounds like Tsa to me."
The prietess interrupts.
>>6827"No, the old temple of Tsa has been long abandoned. It is actually pretty close to here. The ruins are just south of here. Just follow the road out of town until you can go no further."
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"Alright, shall we go then?"
>>6830Yeah, this should be more easier. No Krakens to worry about and on solid land.
>>6831Yeah, you know this city bette rthan us, can you show us the way?
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>>6831>>6832"Well, off we go."
Geldor leads you south, the muddy, dark waters of the sunken city always to your right. Eventually you leave the houses of the city behind you and only here and there are smaller sheds and buildings.
Then at last - the paved road has turned into a small, dirty path by then - you reach a building that from your opinion could be the former temple.
Something of a hall has remained, wholly covered in climbing plants. Big blocks of stone lie around it, some still forming whta might have once been walls.
In front of the ruin is large patch of yellow and red flowers.
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>>6839>>6840You see a patch of flowers within the ruins… you see a wall that has suspicious cracks in it… you see a large block that might have a hole underneath…
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>>6843It's too dark to see.
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>>6843Hold on, I'll get my-
>Pats himself down.Oh…
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"I have a rope if that is of any help."
>roll Intuition +3 once again
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>>6848>>6847While Vitis was still fixed on the large block, Nazom noticed something: Several smaller stones were lying in a strange manner, almost as if arranged.
After examining them he noticed that they formed something that looked like a lizard or salamander - the symbol of Tsa.
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>>6849>>6850Hey, look at these stones. They're arranged like that lizard you were talking about.
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"Look at that… totally missed it. You have good eyes, Mr. Nazom. Now, who has a shovel?"
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>>6856 Why don't you just wave your wand and blast the dirt away?
>>6857Because I'm not some sort of fairy, thats racist presumption.
And here I thought better of you.
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>>6857>>6856"I wouldn't mind seeing either."
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"You know what… while you two bicker, I'll head back to town to buy a shovel."
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> grabs a stick and starts digging
fine! lazy good-for-nothing pointy-ear *grumbles*
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>>6866You use a stick and begin to feebly dig in the ground. If only you had some proper tools.
>roll for Strength +7 No.6869
>>6866Elven sharp hearing is a fact also.
But will go look for whatever tools you can use.
>Looks around. No.6870
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>heh, close enough
You have to work real to make any progress but after you loosen up the ground - which takes several long minutes - you begin to dig a small hole.
Eventually, you start using her hands instead to scoop the earth out and eventually you find a small chest.
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>>6870> pulls out the chestso this is mine then because I dug it up, right Elfy?
>opens the chest No.6873
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>>6871As you open the chest you discover several blasphemous objects. You see statues with folded hands and without faces - the symbol of the cursed Nameless God; and several crude, sharp weapons that might have been used in rituals.
>>6873I guess this is it… Ithink, his letter said he stole from the nameless god to deliver to Efferds temple.
We can finally set his soul to rest.
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"Sounds like a plan!"
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>>6873>>6874harumph… Ok, let's get this back to the priest then.
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You return to the temple with the treasure at hand. The priests are shocked to see the unholy relics and statues in the chest but take it with grim faces.
They thank you for your efforts and assure you that Gondor has found his peace now at last - his duties to Efferd fulfilled.
They also bring you a pouch with gold pieces, there is 40 for each of you inside (including Geldor). Your just reward.
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And for finishing the adventure you also receive 150 experience points + 25 as bonus for defeating the kraken!
Not enough to reach a new level, but not bad nevertheless.