No.6883[Last 50 Posts]
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Roll up a hero if you want to join, you find the rules here:
>>5083 (OP)
You find yourself in the city of Trallop, a large town in the northern parts of the Middlerealm. Nestled at the southern coast of huge Nine-Eyes Lake it is usually the last friendly and civilized place those travelling north get to visit for many days or weeks.
You were looking for work in the hopes of earning a few coins when you were contacted by George Coalblazer whom many just call “Trallop George”. He is a well-known merchant who dominates the trade in the northern parts of the world. He had heard of your past endeavors and seeks bold and competent men and women. That sounds just like you, doesn't it? But will you be up for the task?
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>Vitis Vinifera was not looking for work, but sinply travelling to Lowangen. (perhaps still) acocmpanied by his friend Naz the dwarf.
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>>6885Is there anything you want to acquire or purchase while on the way there? Now's the chance.
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>>6887Yes, the cake is gone by now. No one would buy the wood pieces and papers. As they serve no purpose you might as well discard them.
You could purchase healing herbs or potions or the likes.
>>6888I'll keep the pieces of wood, or very least give them to Geldor since they're his heritage or something.
What are the usual average things one can purchase in stores for adventurers?
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>>6889Pretty much all sorts of gear for the outside, from camping to mountain climbing to spelunking.
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>>6891A lamp with oil for 12 hours costs 5 silver pieces.
>>6892I'd like that.
>Purchase.Saves use of glowing magic.
What kinda potions do you have?
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>>6893There are potions to increase one of your Abilities (by 5 points for 30 minutes), each costing 25 gold pieces.
There is a healing potion. It heals 3d6+6 HP. It costs 20 gold pieces.
There is an antidote, curing any poison. It costs 40 gold pieces.
And finally a magic elixir that regenerates your MP by 3d6+6. It costs 30 gold pieces.
There are also some lesser potent potions that are… also less epxensive.
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>>6895Surely you jest! There are no potions in the silver range. Then of course, everything can be converted to silver!
The cheapest potions possible are very weak ones that increasing Abilities - 1 point for 5 gold.
>>6896Well, I guess I can rely on my magic to help and be sure of my mana count.
If I had gold by the hundreds then I'd be more leniant to buy potions. But never know when I'll need it.
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>>6897Very well. Optionally, you could also buy some healing herbs but they spoil rather quickly (i.e. they are gone after an adventure).
>>6898I'm sure I'll do fine.
Have you seen a dwarf around here, about yay high? Probably drunk.
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>>6899No, but eventually everyone ends up at the store. Sooner or later.
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>>6900That sounds… ominous.
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>>6904>Leaves the store.Someones gonna end up with two-star rewview with such hospitality. That or she's just lonely.
Now wheres Naz?
>Goes looking for him. No.6906
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>>6906"Welcome to the store, traveller. Can I interest you in my wares?
Someone was looking for a dwarf by the way. An elf, rather jumpy." she describes Vitis. "Do you know him?"
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>>6906You currently have the following items:
- sword
- leather armor, helmet and shield (AC 5)
- hammer
- assortment of five chisels
- short sword
- ceramic goblet
- rope (9.8 meters)
And you have 40 gold pieces and 1 copper.
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>>6907 Ah yes, that would be Vitis. a little quirky, but he's alright.
Sure, let me take a look at what you've got. Do you accept trades? I've got a short sword that might be worth something.
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>>6910"A short sword? Well, it's not exactly new, is it? But very well, I will pay you two gold pieces for it."
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>>6911 deal! What do you have in the way or armor?
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>>6912She shows you several of the available pieces. All are well made but in the process not exactly cheap.
Cuirass: 5 Armor Class; Dexterity malus -1; costs 300 silver pieces
Chain mail: 4 Armor Class; Dexterity malus of -1; costs 200 silver pieces
Sallet: 3 Armor Class; Intuition malus -1; costs 100 silver pieces
Chain coif: 2 Armor Class; costs 80 silver pieces [together with chain mail +1 AC]
Reinforced leather helmet: 2 Armor Class; costs 45 silver pieces
Heavy shield: 3 Armor Class; Attack malus -2, Defense bonus +3; costs 100 silver pieces
Round shield: 2 Armor Class; Attack malus -1, Defense bonus +2; costs 70 silver pieces
Buckler: 1 Armor Class, Attack malus -1, Defense bonus +1; costs 40 silver pieces
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>>6883 I'm interested in the cuirass and sallet. How much is that in gold pieces?
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>>6914She rubs her hands and brings over the two armor pieces. That would be 30 gold for the cuirass and 10 gold for the sallet.
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>>6916"Well… I would take back your leather armor and helmet for 5.5 gold pieces."
>you could also roll for Charisma for a better price No.6919
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>>6918The town is called Trallop. Mistmoor is a dangerous swamp, about three days northwest of Trallop.
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>>6917 hmmm, you drive a hard bargain. any chance I could get a better deal?
1d20 = 14!
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>>6920Trallop is a town of 3,500. It is well protected and seat of the Duke of the region. There are numerous temples to be found and generally Trallop is famous for its cattle and war horses.
Trallop is situated at Nine-Eyes-Lake. The Nine-Eyes are big, worm like sea creatues with nine eyes that dwell in the lake. They are quite dangerous which is why no one was able to cross the lake by boat in centuries.
Rumour has it that thousands of years ago a big elven city was located at the lake but it sunk to the buttom when the hordes of the Nameless God attacked.
In the middle of the Lake is also a vulcano and you actually see smoke coming from it, showing it is active.
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>>6921>>6923"Well, I can give you a discount of 5 silver pieces, but not a silver more than that. It is top quality armor you are seeing here. So it would be 34 gold pieces plus your old armor for the two items"
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>>6925The Lake was huge, easily 70 x 60 kms. The volcano is on an island in the middle of the lake.
>>6926Hm, must be the volcanic rich earth.
Wonder what else to do around here?
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>>6927>maybe tomorrow we can do moreNight night.
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>>6924 hmmmmm….. hmmmmm…………………………………………………………………………………………………..
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>>6929"Excellent, I hope the armor will serve you well!"
You have a whopping 9 Armor Class now, Naz. As a downside, your Dexterity has decreased to 11 and your Intuition to 12 as long as you wear the armor.
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>>6930 Naz can brain good and hit da bad guys.
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>>6931Is there anything else you would like?
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>>6935"I think I found your dwarven friend. Like I said… everyone turns up here eventually. He was prudent and spent his coins."
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>>6937"On finely crafted armor, the best in town."
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>awkward silence in the shop
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>>6942So… um… what do you do when you're not running this store?
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>>6943"Well, I go to the tavern now and then. And I collect plates… that's my hobby. Fancy plates from all around Aventuria."
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>>6944Oh thats a nice hobby.
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>>6947Thank you. Running the store is almost a 24/7 business. There is always something to do.
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>>6949That's something only nobles can afford. If I'm not in the store I need to do the inventory, handle imports, taxes, negotiate deliveries. I have probably an hour a day for myself.
And going on a holiday, that's unthinkable. You'd have to be rich to do that.
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As you still stand in the tavern you notice a large piece of parchment that had been put up near the door. Apparently a trader going by the name of "George Coalblazer" was looking for competent people of the adventurous sort.
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>>6954The merchant notices you eye in the parchment. "I can't believe that he hasn't give up yet. Trallop George I mean, he lost quite a few men already."
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>>6932 I think I'm good, thanks.
>>6939 I don't know… do you need that fancy weaponry?
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>>6956"Hmm… I shouldn't really talk for him. There's been some trouble with the volcano erupting a few weeks back and there was quite a flood at the western coast of Nine-Eyes-Lake… You should talk to him directly."
>>6957I have good sword, decent armour and enough money to get me by.
>>6958People… in trouble?
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>>6959"More like the trading route being in trouble. Which is worse for me - and especially George. He is the biggest freight forwarder in the northern world."
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>>6960 Where can we find this guy?
>>6960I see… But doesn't sound all that much of a crisis. I mean sure supplies would come in much later but as long as they still get here in the end.
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>>6961"He runs quite a bit business in town, it's his headquarters. It is near the duke Waldemar's castle."
>>6962"Later is a problem because later means two weeks later. It's not easy for dwellings across the lake."
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>>6962 So I can poke him with my sword, obviously.
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>>6964"Fat as he is he won't even notice it."
>>6965"Yes, across the mountains far to the west, it's a huge detour."
>>6966Well, I dunno why he can't simply take it up with the town council. It seems more of governments problem.
If there was bandits or monsters involved that were causing crisis, then yeah, thats something for heroes.
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>>6967"Because the trade route runs north along the Lake and leaves the Middlerealm. The town council has no authority there whatsoever.
What Trallop George is looking for is an alternative route from the swamp, the Mistmoor. And that's what he needs heroes for because the swamp is deadly."
>>6968Hm… sounds like even if a suitable route is found, then it's keeping that route secured that is also a problem, from monsters and bandits that inhabit it.
If I had a map of the surrounding area, could perhaps plan an even more safer route.
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>>6969"Yeah, there are no maps of the swamp. I think that is also something he needs people for."
>>6970But there is perhaps better alternate routes for it all.
What about map of local and surrounding areas of Mistmoor to the trade route?
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>>6971"The only fast route - and that's what it is all about - is through the swamp. The swamp runs from the Lake sore all the way to the mountain range to the east which. The only alternative is going round the eastern side which what is being done right now anyway."
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>>6972 What exactly is the problem with the route?
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OK, let's go see this… George Trollop guy.
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Sorry for not continuing, Zelda on the Switch is distracting me!
>>6977Just let me know on Steam when we're continuing.
Also, I suggest we skip to meeting George.
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> looks for George
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>>7004You don't have to ask many people to find the business office and warehouse of the most important merchant and carter of the northern world, Trallop George.
After stating your business he welcomes you in his large office. Trallop George is a large, plump man with a full beard and as first order of the day offers you a drink.
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>>7006"I like your attitude. To business then. Several weeks ago the volcano in Nine-Eyes-Lake erupted. A very minor eruption, just puffed some smoke really. Still, there was an earthquake following it and a flood hit the road that runs around the east coast of the Lake from Trallop to the town of Donnerbach.
Not only that but the boardwalk through the swamp (connecting Trallop with the western city union) was damaged as well.
As the prince deems the reconstruction of the boardwalk more important it will take several more months until the road is cleared again.
So I need some sturdy men who accompany one of my tracks who will try to find an optional way through the swamp."
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>>7007He shows you the map. It seems the flood did not go as far inland as expected but it managed to take out most of the road including the connecting boardwalk to the city union.
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>>7008 Is this just a scouting expedition? If we were to help you, what would be expected of us exactly?
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>>7010>>7011"The water is already gone again… but the damage has remained.
We currently have to take the road around the western part of the lake but that takes a good additional week while finding a proper way through the swamp will only take one, two at best.
Also, it will be beneficient even after the original road has been reconstructed. The floods happen every few years, it's quite a bother.
You are to guard my track. It consists of four wagons including the crew. They can fend for themselves but some skilled fighters are always a good thing to have.
If you can help in finding an actual way through the swamp, I'll be all the more grateful."
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>>7012>>7010hmmm, what do you think?
>>7012I see, guard and escourt to help plan a good course through the swamp, it would helps lots of people.
>>7013A road through a swamp, I feel a bit dangerous. But it is important to the locals here and we can make sure the new road will be at it's securist.
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>>7014"There are actually few paths through the swamp… the tricky part is finding one where the heavy covered wagons we used can pass.
The swamp can be dangerous but mostly because of the wildlife. Still, animals usually stay away from people and fire."
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>>7015I know, I'm just worried for long-run problems such as bandits using it as choke point, or bigger monsters coming along.
But I understand the severity of the situation, such as the towns needs for supplies, medicines and so on, so perhaps matters to address after a good road is established.
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>>7016"Bandits stay out of the swamp. There are reports of such scum in the outer parts of the swamp but they usually don't dare going deeper inside. It's simply too dangerous as a hideaway.
As for your reward… I am willing to pay you 5 gold pieces upfront. Plus you would receive 5 % of the value of all the wares on the carts that reach Donnerbach. That's 5 % of a max. 7000 silver (i.e. 350 silver)."
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>>7017Thats a lot of money.
>Considers, given he knows heroes don't do extremely good deeds for cash, yet weights it out if this is more of a job than an act of heroism. No.7020
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>>7019Well, if you're up for it, so am I.
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>>7020>>7019"Excellent, thank you very much for your assistance. The track would start tomorrow in the morning. You don't have to worry about rations of water, that will be provided."
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Would you like to skip to the next day or do some more business in Trallop?
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>>7023>>7024As you reach Trallop George's office the next day you find five heavy carts, packed with different wares waiting to depart. Every cart has a driver. In addition two craftsmen are joining the track in case of repairs plus George's trusted handsman Parel. He's a tall man in his late 30s, wearing a very large hat.
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>>7025 reporting for duty
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>>7026>>7027The men appreciate the offer and are quite interested in seeing how capable you are.
>roll for Strength -2 No.7032
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>>7030>>7031>both failed!The men are not too impressed by your show of strength. As you try to roll some barrels and lift some crates onto the carts they are worried that everythign ends up on the floor.
They thank for your attempt to help but end up doing the work themselves.
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>>7032 I just haven't had my morning ale, that's all…
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Trallop George shakes the hand of every participant of the track, wishing you all luck on the journey. The first two days should be easy, just a slow trip along the southern shores of the lake.
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Anything else we need before we head off?
Next toilet break will be hours from now, so go now before we leave.
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>>7060 We won't let you down.
> shakes Trallop's hand No.7064
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>>7061>>7062"Don't worry, there'll be enough toilet breaks. It's not a non-stop trip. You should be able to spend your first at night Castle Dragondot and the second at the village of Olat. That's the border town of the Empire. The swamp begins just north of it."
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>>7064Nice. So, let's head out.
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It's a warm day in middle of March as you start your journey, accompanying the five covered wagons full of wares for the northern town of Thunder Creak.
The birds are out, singing in the meadows you pass while to the north you see the vast, seemingly endless Nine-Eyes Lake.
You spend a night at the old shabby castle George mentioned and are glad to move on the next morning.
The second day too is uneventful until in the evening you reach a small village: Olat.
Olat barely has 150 inhabitants but is surrounded by a heavily fortified wall. There is a castle as well which is a good half mile away inside the Lake and can only be reached with a ferry. The gates close behind you and you can take a look around while Parel is handling the customs.
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>>7067You see two houses of that ilk. The tavern "Swamp Beaver" and a small in that seems to be part of the local temple of Travia.
Travia being the Goddess of the home, hearth and marriage.
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>>7068"Don't worry, we're safe in town. The real trouble will only start tomorrow."
>Goes with's go to the Tavern. Last temple. We rowdy lads are not ready for commitment issues.
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>>7072 hahaha, well said
>goes to the Swamp Beaver No.7074
>>7073Of course such a name as "swamp beaver" sounds like a diseased harlot.
Ah well, can't be all bad.
>Enters tavern with Naz. No.7075
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As you enter the "Swamp Beaver" you find it alrady well occupied. A good thirty people have gathered and you have to wait for a few minutes until you find some seats.
The scent of fat and heavy ale is in the air and a musician plays a dready tune. The people in the tavern seem to be locals: fishermen, peat diggers but also some soldiers.
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>>7074 I was thinking the same, or a foul-smelling one, but at least there are no strings attached!
>>7075> buys a round for the two of us and listens in on any interesting conversations No.7077
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>>7076The inn keeper collects 2 copper pieces and asks whether you want something to eat as well. Rabbit stew is on the menu tonight - or optionally fish soup.
>roll for Intuition to listen it, it is quiet loud No.7078
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>>7077 rabbit sounds good
1d20 = 10!
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>>7078>>7079You can hear the locals mostly talk about the following…
> the flood that hit the swamp> a group of orcs that was seen two days ago> the strange dwarf that arrived a bit earlier No.7082
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Parel enters with some of your track and arranges for the lodgings (including you). The innkeep seems to be quite happy to find occupants for his rooms.
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>>7080 harumph
>>7081 You can ask them if you want.
> chugs some ale No.7084
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>>7083As you listen you realize you're not the dwarf they talk about - neither is it Gilm Son of Galadon, one of the drivers of the wagons who also happens to be a dwarf.
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>>7085Your already point elven ears get even pointier as you listen to one of the peat diggers and his comrade. They claim to have seen a group of orcs, certainly ten swart furred fellows heading into the swamp two nights ago. Whatever they were up to, it can't be good. One of them seemed to be a shaman.
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>>7087>>7088Orcs have black fur in TDE.
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>>7087 are you just making things up?
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>>7090I'm not familiar with the word "swart". I guess it's orcish.
From what I understand there has been sighting of orcs around the swamps, where we are going to. Something about a shaman… We may have such encounters when we get to the swamps.
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>>7093 What's a shaman going to do… shake a stick at us?
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Parel and the rest of your track decided to head over to the Travia inn as it is less crowded. They let you know you can find them there in case you need them.
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>>7096Gilm Sohn of Galadon has decided to stay behind and invites Naz to several tankards of ale. Soon enough the two dwarfs are busy with their own stories of mountains and gold and you find yourself alone.
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>>7098It has already gotten dark outside and you can see some lights moving on the village walls, apparently the soldiers on their posts.
You see the covered wagons of your track standing in a row next to the "Swamp Beaver" and an additional big cart which you hadn't noticed before standing near a closed shop. A dwarf is busy tinkering with an odd looking contraption next to it.
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>>7100>>7100It's a large boxwagon covered painted green and pulled by a very big draft horse.
There is some writing on one side but it is too dark to read.
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>>7103Suddenly the dwarf gets up, having noticed you. He wipes his oily hands on his leather apron and smiled at you. "Oh… good evening. What can I do for you?"
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>>7105"Browsing? But I didn't have the chances to show you my wares yet… you'd be surprised! As for the swamp… well, yes, I was planning to. The local said the road is gone though."
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>>7107"A road through the swamp? That would be quite helpful for me as well. Do you think I could accompany you?"
>>7108I should probably talk to the party about it, but given power in numbers I don't see why not.
Oh, I'm Vitis Vinifera. Me and my friend Naz were hired to escourt and protect the caravan through the swamp to plan a new road through it.
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>>7109"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Vitis. My name is Jorhag Albraxus Purrtooth, Son of Rabbash. Inventor and alchemist. I am sure you've heard of me."
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>>7111He shakes your hand enthusiastically. "I can understand you're in awa. Would you like to see some of my inventions? I am busy working on beard-combing machine."
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>>7113He lights some lamps and now you can see he has his name and profession written in big red letters on the side of the box wagon.
You also see that one of his thumbs actually has fur!
He hops into his wagon and produced several odd contraptions, i.e. his beard-combing machine which need someone to constantly use a crank to operate. You have to put your head into it beard first and a large 'automated' comb goes to work.
He also shows you something that looks like an egg but can be opened. Inside is a time-measuring device.
Then he shows you a big wooden stick with a metal frame at one end. Between the frame leather sheets have been attached.
"I call it rain-roof!"
>>7114Y'know, if I put this thing on backwards, it could perhaps comb my hair. But why need a combing machine when you can just comb it with a comb?
A rain-roof?
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>>7115"It is perfect to comb tangly dwarven beards. They can be very thick and difficult to comb.
Yes! A rain-roof! You hold this way up…" he takes the stick and holds it in such a manner than that leather sheets are above his head.
"The rain will run right off and you stay dry… of course, the metal frame is heavy, weighing easily 3 kgs. But I assure you it will be very popular very soon!"
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>>7117"You have to keep a firm grip on it, lad! And the frame will break if it's any thinner. But I'm working on it."
He shows you another invention: a barrel with a lever-like tap.
"I call it 'Drafty'. It makes drafting beer a breeze!"
He grins, very satisfied with his own play on words.
>>7118Haha, you're a barrel of laughs! But yeah, this thing loks very conveniant.
In fact… what if… eeeh…
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>>7120This little thing.
>Points to the tap.It reminds me of those things some humans have to draw water from, you know those who can't get well water from a bucket, but those… pumpy thing humans have.
I was just thinking given all you do is twiddle that thing to get the beer out, what if it was that easy and conveniant to get clean water to drink?
>>7122I guess, but usually people have to go out to the pumps to collect water by the bucket, or humans have to go to the local well and draw the water up in buckets.
I'm just saying what if it was easy as having a draughty in their home that directly taps into a clean water supply.
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"So, can I interest you in a 'Drafty'? It's only 25 gold pieces. No beer supplied."
>>7124Hm… I don't really drink alcohol… But I can imagine it practical at home if I fill it up with water.
But I left home years a go, ever since it was lost to huldra.
((If you want, I can replace the huldra in Vitis backstory with undead elves more accurate to TDE lore.))
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Time to stop, I need to head to bed. Night night!
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>>7128You were drinking with the dwarf Gilm. Only now you notice that Vitis had left.
It was already dark outside.
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>>7129 hey, where'd that elf run off to!
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>>7130Gilm emptied his tankard and wiped the foam off his mouth.
"I think he headed outside quite a while ago."
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>>7131 guess I should go make sure he doesn't do anything too stupid. har har… been nice talking with you. (did I learn anything useful btw? don't remember why I was talking with him, aside from him being a dwarf)
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>>7133(you were talking with him because you had to leave early last time… so we just said you're busy talking with him in the tavern)
You learn that two tracks have gone missing in the swamp over the past two months as they attempted to cross the flooded area.
"Take care now!" Gilm says and orders another pint.
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>>7135"Oh well… maybe you'll want to purchase a rain-roof? It would be a great boon to science and tinkering! It's only 10 gold pieces!"
>>7136I dunno, seems kinda… I dunno, "heffty". And chances ar eI'll end up breaking it.
((I don't like using umbrellas much since they always seem to get damaged or hassle me when I go out with them.))
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>>7137"I beg your pardon? I'm a dwarf and what a dwarf builds never breaks! Very well, you'll see when you're all wet and soggy in the rain. You'd wish you had a rain-roof.
Anyway… it's really gotten late. I should head to bed - after talking to this Mr. Parel about joining your track.
Good night for now!"
>>7138Please dpn't take offense, it just looks like it be a hassle when the wind catches under it, or I'll need to pass through narrow places, or even in combat.
>Gets up and respectfully bows a little.But thank you for letting me see your wares and creative inventions.
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> looks for Vitis
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>>7139The dwarf seems to have forgotten about being upset and gives a deep bow as well before heading over to the temple of Travia were the rest of the track were staying.
>>7140You only had to walk outside the "Swamp Badger" and soon enough you saw the green-painted wagon with Vitis there.
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>>7142 Ah, there you are. So it looks like two groups went missing in the flooded swamplands within the past two months; hopefully we'll fare better. What's a drafty?
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Want to skip to the next morning or still want to explore some?
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>>7144 If any beer needs to be drained, I'll take care of it!
>>7145 I'm good
>>7145I wouldn't mind doing some local shopping during this places opening times.
>>7146His other invention is what he called the "rain-roof", it's like a sheet of leather and like a shield, you hold it above your head with a stick to keep the rain off.
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The next morning comes quickly enough. As the sun rises it fights back a foggy night, leaving only some thin wafts of mist.
You see Parel talking with the tinkerer Jorhag and they seem to agree that the dwarf can join the track.
You still have a good hour or two before the track is ready to depart. The rest of the crew busy examining the wagons and loading up some fresh supplies.
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>>7147 sounds like a brilliant idea! no adventurer should be without one
>>7149 I'm going to look into a 'rain roof' actually.
>goes to find a rain roof No.7152
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>>7150You meet the dwarf Jorhag Albraxus Purrtooth, Son of Rabbash… he eagerly presents you his rain-roof - a larte stick with a metal construction on top that holds several leather sheets. It's big and heavy but will certainly keep the rain away. Only for 10 gold pieces!
He also shows you his beard combing machine, rubbing his hands as he wants to give you a presentation!
>>7151There is only one general store in town, luckily it has already open, selling mainly items for the daily use.
A young lass stands behind the counter, surprised to see an elf.
"Good morning, Sir… what can I get you?"
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>>7152 I'd love to see a demonstration!
> checks coin purse No.7155
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>>7153"A cloak? Yes, we carry some simple clothes. It is nothing special really but should serve the purpose when you travel. It's 9 silver pieces."
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>>7154>you have 12 gold pieces 9 silver and 9 copperThe dwarf asks you to place your head in the contraption while he walks up to a crank. He begins turning it and the whirring and grinding of gears can be heard. A big wooden comb begins to move and comes dangerously close to your beard - and your face.
>roll for Courage -2 No.7159
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>>7157"They are all greyish. We don't dye them, it's too expensive."
She folds a cloak and hands it to you.
>>7158As the comb comes dangerously close to your nose you quickly pull your head back! Jorhag looks a bit disappointed.
"Oh… well… your beard is in a fine condition as is."
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>>7159 You did say 'comb' and not 'thing that violently rips your beard off', right!? so show me how this rain roof works.
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>>7160"Thank you. You're headed into the swamp, aren't you? I wish you luck."
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>>7161"It's not ripping any beards off! It just needs some small readjustments."
He demonstrates the rain-roof to you. He shows you how to carefully open and close the metal contraption at the one end of the stick. It's really heavy but well made and and when opened the big leather sheets would keep you safe from the rain.
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>>7163"I heard the story about the orcs too but the swamp is huge. They could be anywhere in there - and if we're lucky they have already gotten stuck in some pit and drowned.
I don't know anything about tracks getting lost. It's true two went inside and didn't come by here again but they could have just used the long road around the Lake to get back to Trallop."
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>>7166"The village has heavy walls around it and some of the Prince's men stand guard. The orcs won't come here."
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>>7168"Oh, you really have to be brave to go there with the road out… Like I said, I wish you all the best!"
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>>7170Thank you.
>Heads off. No.7172
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>>7169"Excellent, my friend, a wise choice!"
>he hands you the rain-roof and collects the ten gold pieces"If you ever need it repaired, just return it to me and I will do so for free. But I guarantee it will not have any malfunctions for 100 years."
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>>7172 I'll keep that in mind! thank you
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Alright, I think we should stop now. Next time we can start the trip into the swamp!
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To summarize what happened last: You're about to enter the Mistmoor swamp in order to find an optional route through it for transport wagons to pass. The original one was destroyed by a recent flood.
You're in the small village of Olat where you spent the night, only miles away from the swamp's edge.
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> drinks some random ale
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>>7180 you don't want to know
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>>7178Well, it's a cloak really.
>>7181Wherever the beer came from, you also got yourself a rain-roof, it weighs 3 kilos and will protect you from rain!
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Parel Notgelf, the leader of the track and right-hand man of Trallop George approaches you a few minutes later, informing you that the wagons are ready to depart any minute.
>>7183As long as it keeps the rain out and my hands free.
So, we got everything? Hm… maybe should get some emergency supplies as well, like bandages, healing potions and such.
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>>7185Parel rolls his eyes. "We got plenty of rations for a very long time. But if you want to get some bandages, be my guest. Just hurry up with it."
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>>7185 we certainly don't need any of that!
>>7187> is ready to go No.7189
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"So, how many bandages do you want?" The healer asks after Vitis was staring at her items for a good ten minutes.
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>>7189Five standard bandages please. Thats five gold right? And is needle and surgical thread included?
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>>7190She nods "Yes, it is. That's 5 gold pieces."
>>7191Thank you.
>Returns to the caravan.while I have the magic to heal, I think it's best to be prepared just in case I can't.
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At last the caravan begins to move, heading through the village gate and north towards the swamp.
The big Nine-Eyes Lake is to your right as the wagons roll one after another along on the simple dirt road.
Then you see the swamp before you. Old, crooked trees stick out, patches of fog drift along, a foul odour is in the air. And yet, the road still looks fine here.
Noon comes and goes and still you head north, the Lake only half a mile to mile to the right of you. Then at last the first wagon comes to a halt. In from the road has disappeared as if swallowed by the bog.
>Time for an Intuition roll!
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>>7194>>7195You see something that might be a possible road up ahead. The swamp is not too much spread out here yet, there are still many dry spots of solid ground.
>How do you position yourself? There are 5 wagons in total? Will you go in front, in the back…? No.7200
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The wagons start rolling after Parel Notgelf checks ahead and finds a suitabe path.
Very slowly the track creeps northwards. The afternoon comes soon enough and you seem to make a good pace when Parel who is with the first wagon lifts his hand, making all wagons come to a halt.
"I'm not sure which way to go, there's two possible ways. One heading east and one west."
>>7202Do we?
>Turns to ParelHey Parel, is there a map?
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>>7201>>7202No map of the swamp exists that goes beyond its edges and the two roads going through it. You already have left the road.
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>>7208 elf logic in action… left it is
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"Well, might as well go left…" Parel comments and tells his men to follow the first wagon which moves west, deeper into the swamp.
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With both of you and Parel failing your Intuition rolls it does not take long for one of the wagons to get off the very narrow ground and get stuck in the mud with a wheel. Angrily the driver jumps off and examines it.
"I need some help here, lads!"
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>>7218You need to roll for Strength and gather a total of 20 pointes doing so.
You can do 5 rolls!
Naz, you can help too.
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>>72191d20 = 7!
1d20 = 4!
1d20 = 2!
1d20 = 6!
1d20 = 17!
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>>7220>>7221Nicely done. Together you manage to push the cart out after ten minutes of hard work.
"Good work, boys." Parel says and hands both of you a flask with brandy.
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>>7222toasts to a job well done
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>>7223"Hey, don't pocket it. That's my flask. Feel free to drink from it though."
>>7225Oh uh, I don't really drink alcohol.
>Gives the flask back.((Haven't really decided if he is teetotal, or just a picky drinker.))
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>>7226He rolls his eyes and sighs. "Elves…" he mutters befor climbing onto the first wagon again.
As you continue your journey it only takes a few minutes until Parel lifts his hand.
"I think I hear something up ahead."
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>>7227 I don't hear anything…
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>>7233oh wait, I can hear someone up ahead. sounds like their digging something. wait here a moment
> sneaks ahead to take a look No.7237
>>7236With loud, wet sounds the dwarf marches further to the west, not doing too well in concealing his approach.
Still, no reaction comes. You see two man, humans, busy with their shovels. They are both in their early 40s, diggint out what sems to be peat. They are dirty all over, wearing thick worksman clothes.
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>>7237 I didn't expect to find any people working in the swamps. How are you folks doing?
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>>7238The two men look up in surprise, not having realized others were there.
"Oh… oh, a dwarf - and an elf? Here in the swamp? We're fine, thank you. Are you lost?"
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>>7241"So you just… walked into the swamp?" They gripped their shovels more firmly after looking at each other.
"Look, we don't want any trouble. So, let's just say we haven't seen you, alright?"
>no body bags can be seen No.7243
>>7242No-no, we're not here to harass you. In fact we're helping a caravan establish a trade route through the swamp…
If I may ask, what exactly are you two doing?
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>>7243"So… you're not robbers?" They sigh in relieve. "Well, we are peat diggers, what does it look like?" he points at a nearby cart that was already filled with a stack of peat.
"We live at the edge of the swamp. It's a hard life."
>>7244Oh, heh…
>RelaxesFor then I figured you were robbers burying your previous clients.
So you dig up "peat"?
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>>7245"He nods. Yes, turf. We spend several months of the year here, diggint it up. It is used as fuel to make fires. Burns well and hot. And it burns better than the moist wood around here."
The other one nods.
"It barely earns a living though. Ah well." he shakes his head. "We're no robbers, Sir."
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>>7247They look somewhat puzzled, leaning on their wooden shovels. "Help with what?"
>>7248Well, you two know at least some of the forest pretty well right? That means you probably know the most ideal way through the swamp that would make into a highly practical trade route.
For example we're just started and we've already began not too far from your home, thus in return you'll have more ease of access to trading near your home.
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>>7249"Well, there quite a few paths in the swamp though we stay at the outer edges. It can be very dangerous further inside. We saw some orcs entering several days ago. Fools, the swamp has likely swallowed them up already."
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>>7251"With the flooding from a few weeks back we're not sure we know any paths there anymore. Much of the dry area was flooded."
>roll for Intelligence No.7256
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>>7255"A trade route? Ah, because the roads are out. I was in Olat two weeks ago, heard they already sent men in to fix the road leading to the Svellt City League. Gonna take a while I reckon."
They both look at you.
"You don't look like traders though, where are your wares?"
>>7256We're not traders… wait… are we?
>Looks over to Naz who looked distracted with the peat.Well we're out here to plan a secured caravan route through the swamplands so that traders can get to Trallop and other towns here n a few short days than it would to go around the mountains and lake.
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>>7257"Caravan… hold on, you want to go through here with wagons? Those heavy carts Trallop George uses? You didn't say that! I thought you meant paths by foot. Now wagons, that's a different thing…"
They look at each other, scratching their heads, talking to each other.
"Not easy… those carts are heavy and big."
>>7258Yes, sorry, I didn't clarify.
We're planning a "caravan route", a "road" for caravans to come through the swamps so that it would be much more conveniant for traders and travellers to get to the towns much more quickly. Like half a week at least.
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>>7259After talking several more minutes they tell you that they know only one way where they think wagons can pass through here. They'd need to northwest for about 3 miles, then southwest for about 4. That is as far west as they go. There might be means to move on from there but they aren't certain.
>>7261Ah! Thank you. I will tell the caravan leader. Thank you very much.
((Don;t wanna head back to the caravan without Naz.))
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>>7260"Our hut is to the south of here. We can pull our small handcart there but that's no path for heavy covered wagons. Besides, that way you'd leave the bog again."
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>>7262(Alright, time to stop I guess.)
>>7263Yes, I will let our navigator know where you would like a trade point be.
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The heroes were asked by Trallop George to accompany and protect one of his tracks as it was planning to make its way through the dangerous Mistmoor.
The track consists of five wagons. In the village of Olat you were joined by an inventor-dwarf who has his own coach.
Last time we played you had entered the swamp and met two peat diggers who gave you a hint on how to continue the journey.
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>>7266 let's go that-a-way
>>7266Ah I remember, in return we promised the trade route tha was planned will be close to their home for conveniance for them.
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>>7268>flips a cointhat-a-way
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>>7267>>7268"That way." The digger points northwest. "For about three miles, then southwest."
>>7269>>7270We dunno what this or that way is.
We should ask the navigator or someone on the caravans who have some idea where we're going.
Besides we already have a planned route, remember what those peat folk told us to go?
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>>7271"I AM the peat digger… you've been talking to me all this time."
Parel Notgelf who leads the track shakes his head. "I don't know where to go, that's the problem. None of us do. Finding a way is why we're here."
He tosses the two peat diggers a few coins. "Anyway, I think we should try the way those two have told us."
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Alright, in which order will you join the track? Will you be in front, in the back, in the middle?
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>>7273 thanks!
>>7274 sounds good to me
>>7276= = = O =
I'll be on this one. That way if the from three caravans get attack I can squickly reach to defend them on time.
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Following the suggestion of the peat diggers who wish you luck on your trip the covered wagons begin their difficult journey anew.
The sun is slowly setting as carefully the wagons roll along the treacherous, muddy ground, always there being the risk of you suddenly coming upon a piece of ground too light and soggy to carry them.
You heart he distant cries of animals and the bubbling of holes of pit and mud, a thin fog always surrounding you.
>Epic: roll Intuition +6>Naz: roll Intuition +10 No.7283
>>7280d20 + 6 = 14(Reminds me of the time I went to visit my brother on train. It was a cold yet sunny morning and on the train there we entered a wall of fog and it was suddenly all SIlent Hill on the countryside.
We even went to the other side of the fog bank and left through a fog wall.)
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Suddenly! one of the horses up ahead whinnies loudly and rears - then bolts! The driver desperately tries to keep the carriage on its track.
You see a fat snake slithering away into the bog.
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>>7287>>7288The snake is quite agitated that you try to follow it and senses you, turning around.
It is as thick as your arms and several feet long.
Both of you, roll your attacks (plus damage), you get to go first.
Naz: You have Attack 11, Defense 9; Damage 1d6+4
Vitis: You have Attack 11, Defense 9, Damage 1d6+6
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>>7289 1d20 = 1!
1d6 + 4 = 7 No.7292
>>7290Critical miss, roll 2d6!
>>7291Critical hit! The snake tries to evade.
1d20 = 1 No.7294
>>7292The snake slithers away with a splended evasion!
It attacks Naz!
1d20 = 21d6 + 2 = 8 No.7297
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>>7296Oh no! The snake sinks its dangerous, big teeth into Naz's armor… which is so thick the dwarf does not even get a scratch.
The snake hisses angrily!
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>>7297 bahahahaha….
>grabs the snake behind its head No.7304
>>7300>>7303You hit! The snake shiverd, almost being cut in half.
Desperately it tries to bite Vitis!
1d20 = 81d6 + 2 = 7 No.7306
>>7303I don't appreciate it scarying off horses and biting friends.
d20 = 20d6 + 6 = 8 (or
2d6 = 6?)
>>7306The snake hisses happily as Vitis stumbles about, getting a good bite!
Roll for posion!
1d6 = 5 No.7308
>>7307Lucky, no poison! But 4 points of damage!
Naz, your turn to attack!
>>7307 whacks the snake again!
1d20 = 13 1d6 + 4 = 7!
Vitis, your turn!
>>7310Also missed!
The snake attacks Vitis!
1d20 = 51d6 + 2 = 5 No.7315
>>7314Oh no! You fail! 2 points of damage!
Naz, your turn!
>>7316The snake would laugh if it could!
Vitis, your turn!
>>7317Why is it so hard to cut a snakes head off?
d20 = 18d6 + 6 = 8(Though there is some accounts a snakes head still lives for awhile after decapitation. Dunn oif it's true though.)
>>7318You miss!
The snake has had enough of Naz's hand and tries to bite it!
1d20 = 121d6 + 2 = 6 No.7320
>>7319It hits but again the armor is way too thick!
Naz, your turn!
>>7321Or at least he tries to but the sword fails to find the snake's body!
>>7322You see the bog, some rotting sticks, a shrubbery and the men trying to catch the other wagon.
>>7326You evade.
How are you trying to do that?
>>7329The snake does not enjoy being thrown sticks at that don't even hit it!
You evade it's bite though.
It follows you slowly!
>>7335Oh no! If only you wouldn't wear this much armor! You miss by one point.
The snake is not happy about this and turns around to attack Naz!
1d20 = 61d6 + 2 = 5 No.7344
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>>7343>>7341The snake has had enough of biting on steel and elves throwing sticks and slithers away into the bog, ending the battle.
You OK Naz?
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After this heroic battle you see that the front wagon with the bolting horse is stuck in the swamp. The men have managed to lead the horse out but the wagon's wheels barely turn.
What will you do?
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>>7345 Well that was fun! Of course I'm fine. Did it get you?
>>7346>helps dislodge the wheel No.7348
>>7346>Sigh.Let's see if we can lift it. Maybe we can use some large, sturdy sticks for support to make sure it can roll out of this mud.
>>7347>Was badly damaged, but not posioned.Nothing I can't walk off.
(Checking my inventory, I thought I brough healing equipment…)
>>7350Not bad but even tough the men help it is not enough!
>>7351You find plenty of them!
If you two help together and use the bits of wood you both only have to
>roll Strength -2successfully to get the wagon out!
>>7353Look at them muscles! The wagon rolls a little!
>>7354But not enough!
Try again both of you!
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>>7355>Straining trying to lift up the wagon.d20 - 2 = 12>>7353C'mon Naz… wheres that dwarfish strength?
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>>7357>>7358Even though Vitis is still lacking some strength, Nazom's vigor is so splendid the wagon wheel turns and at last you manage to free the coach!
The men cheer in unision!
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It was getting late and after all the excitement and scares the men decided to camp out of the night. Bonefires are lit and Parel Notgelf asks you to stand guard.
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>>7363 aye, you can count on my steel
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>>7364>>7365The dwarf Jorhag Purrtooth is rolling a keg with ale over and joins you.
"Well, that was exciting, wasn't it? I was watching all that fighting closely from my wagon."
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>>7366 Can you believe it actually tried to bite me!? Ha ha ha ha…
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>>7367>>7368Oh, those snakes are fast and slithery! It cannot be easy hitting such a small target.
"Care for a drink?"
You notice he has put his 'Drafty' on the keg.
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>>7369 absolutely! thank you, sir
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>>7370He uses the Drafty to tap some beer… it pours into the tankard with a nice white foam!
"See how easy it is? It's a breeze! Beer always stays fresh and foamy with a Drafty!"
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>>7371 >>7372 incredible! no home should be without one
>>7373Thats what I've been saying!
Imagine if water can be transfered directly into ones home with a drafty! No need to have to go to the river or local well to collect water ever again!
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>>7373"I have been saying that for years! It is good to hear someone as bold and heroic as you speaking sense, Mr. Nazom!"
He produces another Drafty.
"Only 15 gold pieces!"
>>7374"Oh, you need a line of steel pipes for that. I can deliver those as well."
>>7375Well,w edon't actually have a home to live in…
But I do like the idea of it.
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>>7376>>7377>>7378"Oh… you drive a hard bargain! Tell you what, I'll leave you to the keg here and you can try the Draft yourself. I'll be heading to bed now. Good night you two!"
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>>7379 Thank you, and good night. We shall put it to good use
>>7380 well, it would be rude not to!
> pours and downs the delicious ale No.7383
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After having more than a little ale Nazom sleeps through most of the night. But lucky for both of you, your shifts are uneventful.
As the morning comes the men get ready to continue their journey.
Vitis, roll 1d6 to recover health and 1d6 to recover magic.
Nazom, no need to roll, you've got full health.
d6 = 6Mana
d6 = 4 No.7385
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> wakes up refreshed, pretending he'd not fallen asleep
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You continue following the advice of the two peat diggers and head more southwest now, a path leading you rather away from where you need to go.
But Parel is not worried, having anticipated that you might would have to make large detours.
It is still early in the morning and you have barely gotten 2 miles behind you when you hear the sound of running water.
You have reached a small river, about 15 meters wide.
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>>7391Water we stopping for?
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>>7391 har har har, after you, Vitis!
>>7394OK… though will admit, sounds deceptively easy.
>>7393Oh no-no-no, after you.
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>>7396Perhaps be best if one of us goes in to make sure it's safe to cross.
Since Naz thought of it first, he should have the honours.
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>>7398 fine!
> enters the water (brb) No.7400
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>>7399All it takes are two simple rolls!
>roll for Strength>roll for Dexterity No.7402
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>>7401Oh no! Nazom slips and lands in the water, getting himself and all his equipment soggy wet.
But after a few moments he manages to climb out at the other side of the river.
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>>7402 see? no problem
> starts drying things off No.7407
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>>7406One after another the wagons rolls through the shallow river bed, wheels creaking, water rushing. All make it to the other side safely until only you remain on the opposite side.
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I got to stop for now, I hope we can continue soon.
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>>7413(⛵ is more busy nowadays so we'll have to wait.)
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You're tasked finding a way through the treachers swamp of Mistmoor with a track of five covered wagons.
Last time you forced a snake to retreat after a heated battle and crossed a shallow river with Nazom landing in the water.
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Parel Notgelf, the leader of the track, decides to take a break so Nazom can dry his clothes. The rest of the crew uses the time for a quick snack and a drink.
The guidance you received from the peat diggers earlier hints that you should look for a path leading west. But this is the final help you can gather from it.
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>>7423 gnats, it's like you're right at home!
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Parel calls for the track to continue its journey.
>>7425Will you return in the back or change position?
>>7425I dunno, they take after you… small, annoying… stubborn. :P
>>7426I'll stay up front and point to the path I found.
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The wagons rattle along, carefully making their way west through the dangerous bogs. All the time some of the crew walk ahead, testing the stability with long sticks and more than once the wagons have to backtrack and find a more safer route closeby. Always followed by the annoying buzzing of the gnats that take a particular liking for the softer skin of humans and elves. Nazom seems to be pretty much left alone by them.
Hours go by and night is coming soon enough and Parel Notgelf tells the crew to halt and set up camp.
What will you do?
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>>7430As soon as the others have gotten a fire going the gnats are kept at bay by the smoke. Other die in the flickering flame as they come to close.
>>7431Choose one:
>roll for Intuition to help cooking >roll for Strength to chop some more fire wood No.7435
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>>7433You certainly do your best but your strength fails you soon enough. You manage to chop
1d6 - 1 = 4 portions of wood.
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>>7435 good enough for government work
>>7436Enough wood for a small fire for 4 hours. Or one big fire for cooking for 1 hour.
>>7434Oh no! That did not go as planned… you add way too much savory to the bean stew and the flavor is now dominated by the herb.
1d6 = 3 portions of food have an odd taste.
>>7438The rest of the people wonder that as well and decide the beans will be your food for this evening.
>>7439Your muscles ache after the long day.
1d6 - 5 = 0 portions of wood are being chopped.
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>>7441You take a light along cause it was already getting dark and walking around searching for dry wood in the muddy, wet swamp can take a while. Especially if the ground is treacherous.
>roll for Dexterity +1 No.7444
>>7443You avoid sinking and gather
1d6 - 1 = 0 portions of fire wood.
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>>7440> keeps on choppin'! 1d20 = 12>>7444 hahahaha….
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>>7443>>7444Now that's bad luck. While you managed to gather some it was still too wet to properly burn. It would have just created a lot of smoke and the rest of the company decide not to use it.
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>>7445The dwarf Jorhag Purrtooth brings has "Drafty"'ed some beer and gives you a tankard. The foamy taste gives you new strength and you chope
1d6 = 5 portions of fire wood.
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>>7448 ah! see, that did the trick! thanks Jorhag!
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>>7450"You're quite welcome. I hope we don't stay that much longer in the swamp though. I'll be running out of beer otherwise."
Parelt Notgelf inquires which of you will take the first turn of the nightly watch and who will take the second.
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>>7452 Vitis here can go first since, you know, he hasn't really
done anything…
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>>7453"Very well. Are you alright with this Mr. Vitis?"
>>7454No, I'm not alright my partner has so much snark.
I'll take first watch. At least then I can enjoy my own company.
1d3 = 1 hours sleep overwhelms and you doze off. Luckily for you, nothing happens and after
1d6 = 2 hours you awake again and wake Nazom.
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2d6 = 5 1d20 - 4 = 13
>>7462The fire is keeping the gnats away!
>>7461Ah, another unlucky hero who cannot keep his eyes open during his shift. After
1d6 = 3 hours you awake - luckily for you, there were no wild animals about. So no harm came from it.
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Nazom: you're at full health
Vitis: You regeneration 1d6 health and 1d6 magic
>>74651d6 = 1 HP
1d6 = 5 MP
>>7466You have 23 health and 24 magic now.
Nazom is at his full 45 health.
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The journey continues soon enough after a light breakfast.
But in which direction?
Both of you, please roll for Intuition +1!
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>>7471>>7472While Nazom is looking around all the wrong directions and has no luck finding a proper path, Vitis does!
The path leads west for a few minutes but then goes northwest. You hear the quick water of a stream in the distance but can never see it. A thick morning fog is in the air.
After a good three hours of marching along you come upon a strange sight. You see odd looking bushes up ahead - even odder than the the other things have you seen in the swamp so far.
>>7474It's shrubbery with very distinctive looking, closed blossoms and long thorns.
What is more, you think you see shreds of clothing hanging in the bushes.
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>>7475 go on Vitis, take a look at the shrubbery!
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>>7478You make it all the way up to the shrubbery. You can now see that the blossoms seem to be of a dark yellowish sort. The shredded clothing that hangs in the shrubbery - it got caught in the thorns - belongs to a man's pants.
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>>7482>>7484You both realize that this particular kind of bush is called Morning-Thorn. When the bush is young its blossoms shimmer in a yellowish-golden and as it grows older they turn crimson. The blossoms are only open at night. It has a certain danger to it.
>roll Intelligence +3 to remember something special As for the tracks… there are none to be seen.
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>>7487You try real hard to think of ancient elven lore but all that appears in your thoughts are torn pants.
>>7486Nazom remains an old fairy tale. And it even has fairies in it! Long ago, the king of fairies Amralidin lived in a castle made of golden blossoms. But greedy humans came - they saw the golden blossoms and took them all with them, leaving the shrubbery bare and the king's castle in ruin.
King Amralidin cursed the shrubby and it grew large thorns. Whoever would dare to touch the bush from that day on and would sing himself on a thorn would be turned into a Swamp Ranza - an ugly, monkey-like animal living in the swamps.
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>>7488>>7487>elven forest wisdomfunny joke!
>>7489 or maybe they turned into a Swamp Ranza, you know, like the old story?
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"What do you see up there? Is it safe to go on?" You hear Parel Notgelf calling to you.
What you on about Naz?
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>>7492>>7488 yeah, it's…
>Long ago, the king of fairies Amralidin lived in a castle made of golden blossoms. But greedy humans came - they saw the golden blossoms and took them all with them, leaving the shrubbery bare and the king's castle in ruin.>King Amralidin cursed the shrubby and it grew large thorns. Whoever would dare to touch the bush from that day on and would sing himself on a thorn would be turned into a Swamp Ranza - an ugly, monkey-like animal living in the swamps.
come on, everyone knows that!
>>7496I was never told that story growing up.
But if what you said is true, then better make sure the caravan avoids it.
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So, what will you do?
>>7498Tell the caravans it's alright to pass, just no one to touch it.
I mean, I guess it's alright for inorganic material to touch it so if the caravan wheels or whatever touches it thats fine, just no one to actually touch it themselves.
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The caravan heeds your warning and moves on, passing the shrubbery without anyone touching it - not even any of the animals.
Another two hours pass. The fog disappears as the wagons roll on, ever heading to the northwest.
Then, shortly after you had your lunch break at noon you come to a rather dry area in what might have been a small forest long ago. But it has been thinned out significantly and many of the trees were dead or only had a few trees left.
>roll Intuition -1 to figure out in which direction to go from here
>>7502>>7503Parel Notgelf thinks that is a good idea.
Roll Strength -2!
>>7502You have a pretty certain feeling that you should head west again here.
>>7505I have a feeling we should head west again here.
And I will help collect dry wood.
d20 - 2 = 7 No.7508
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>>7506Excellent! By the time Vitis has found the road you have gathere eight portions of fire wood. That is enough to last the next night.
>>7507You gather six portions of wood. Now there is enough for a very bright fire!
As you collect wood you discover something… shrooms forming a fairy ring!
>>7508Oh I know what that is…
Everyone keep away from the fairy ring, if you go in it, who knows where you may end up.
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>>7509The fairy ring is under an old oaken tree.
>roll Intuition>roll Intelligence"I heard they bring good luck!" Parel says.
"I heard a dryad lives in the trees where the fairy rings are! They are really hot … and they are always nude!" another says excited.
"Those shrooms look delicious!" Says a third.
>>7510I think we should leave it alone. If fairies are involved it's usually bad news. It usually marks out areas that mortals should not intrude.
(But will roll if asked)
d20 = 11Intelligence
d20 = 2 No.7512
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>>7510 looks good for a soup
1d20 = 2 1d20 = 19 No.7513
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>>7511>>7512You notice that that the ground around the fairy ring is rather soft and not too secure. You'd need to roll for Dexterity if you wished to move any closer.
While Nazom is not an expert when it comes to shroom, Vitis seems to be. He can tell that these shrooms (they are yellow with red dots) are potentially lethal - they are Toad Stools! A kind of poisonous mushroom, useful for alchimists though and they could fetch a pretty penny.
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Time for a break. See you guys soon.
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When we stopped last time the heroes and the wagon track reached a fairy ring and decided not to investigate further.
The track continues further north while the sun is slowly setting. It is about two hours before dark when the track arrives at a lake. Its water is of a dark brownish color, alders and buckthorn grow aplenty at its sore. A thick fog has risesn and you cannot tell how wide the lake is.
What will you do?
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"That sounds pretty risky…" says Parel Notgelf as he tries to look across the lake. He can barely make out what is 30 meters ahead of him.
>>7524I think it#s best if none of us touch the water.
In fact, if we're stopping for the night, I think we should check ahead for a more secure clearing.
Don't want any of us to wake up with something slivery or slimy dragging us into the water.
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>>7525If you want to search for a safe spot to put up camp, roll for Intuition.
Nazom, roll Intuition +2 if you want to try as well.
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>>7525 well you're no fun
>>7526 I will
not! harumph
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>>7528It takse you
1d30 = 15 minutes to find a decent spot among the many trees but it looks somewhat save and secure.
Parel is quite pleased and the track takes up camp there.
>roll Strength if you want to chop some wood>roll Dexterity if you wan to help with cooking>or do you want to do something else? No.7534
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>>7533 firewood for days!
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"Got any idea how we can cross that lake?" Jorhag Purrtooth asks, bringing two more tankards of ale with him.
>>7535We have to cross that lake back there?
Can't we go around it? Or is there any bridges?
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>>7536"Well, I don't see any bridge across it. Wouldn't make sense to have one at the back of beyond in the first place. I mean there's not even a way."
He hands Nazom and Vitis the tankards.
"I wonder if we can go around it."
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>>7538"Um…. I guess… ten or so?"
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>>7539>>7540I could help with that!
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>>7540He checks the small beer tankard and the huge wagons standing next to them… then he looks at Vitis. "Sir, you're an elf so I know you do not know about mathematics or mechanics… but the ten tankards - if they float at all which I doubt - cannot even lift a tiny box."
>>7541Heh, I'm sure you can.
But I want to know if we really do have to cross that lake, or if there is any alternatives. I don't want to risk all caravans across a lake which, chances are, has some swamp-monster waiting in there to pick us off.
>>7542If the tankards were empty and held together, then at least they could serve as a raft, perhaps strong enough to carry me and Naz across.
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>>7543Ten of these can barely make your boots float.
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"But joking with tankards aside, a raft doesn't sound like a bad idea."
>>7544Oh, I… got confused with barrels…
How many barrels do you have?
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so yeah, we should find a way around
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>>7546"Well.. only two. And one's almost empty."
>>7541"And the other one can be emptied quickly!"
>>7548Hm, two barrels for boyancy and some wood to form a raft…
Wait, why would we need a raft? We should just avoid it entirely?
It's a lake, not an ocean, it's possible to go around it isn't it?
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>>7547"It'll still be an hour before sunset." says Parel Notgelf. "You could still check if there is a way around for our wagons."
>>7550>>7547One perhaps should defend the caravans, another should scout.
I can scout about for a safer route. If you want you can have a look about when I come back.
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>>7548 I can certainly help with that too!
>>7549 elves are a little slow, aren't they?
>>7551 that works
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>>7551"Well, that sounds acceptable to me. We'll cook supper in the meantime and prepare for the night." says Parel.
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>>7552Jorhag brings the second barrel.
>>7552I didn't hear your backup ideas.
I'll go see if I can find a way around the swamp that is safer for the caravans.
d20 = 10d20 = 15d20 = 16 No.7557
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>>7554 :D
>>7555 D:
1d20 = 161d20 = 41d20 = 20 No.7560
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>>7556You try to find a way around the eastern sore of the lake.
You carefully navigate around some small pools of muddy water and peer into the distance. Search as you may, you find no possible way for the wagons. It might be possible to go this way on foot but the the wagons are too broad and too heavy.
On the way back you suddenly slip!
>roll Dexterity +2>>7557The fourth tankard was one too many as you feel tipsy! And there is only one left now, then the barrel is empty.
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>>7561Oh no! You step onto soft ground as you try to regain your footing and twist your ankle a little!
You receive
1d3 = 1 damage!
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>>7560 don't… worry *hic* I can
handle it!
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>>7563"If you say so… here's the last one!" Jorhag fills the tankard one final time.
>roll Strength +3 No.7567
>>7566I'm back.
>>7563I couldn't find anything but a sprained ankle.
>Sits down. No.7568
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>>7567"I hope you're not too badly hurt. We can check the other direction tomorrow morning. If we do not find a way around we might have to try a raft after all."
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>>7567 Where did you find that? *hic*
>>7568Alright, though hopefully it won't resort to the radt.
Just a hunch something big and ugly lurking down there.
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>>7569>>7570The same place where you found your drunkedness! =P
You fall asleep instantly, tankard still in hand!
>>7570From all the asskickin' I do.
>>7572Pfft typical.
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>>7572 but!
>snores>>7573>snores appropriately No.7575
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Seeing one of the guards being asleep from too much beer already, Parel Notgelf decides that some of the track have to take over the guards-duty!
"Trallop George will hear about this!" he grumbles.
The next morning comes and luckily no monsters crept out of the brown water.
Vitis: you recover 1d6 Health and 1d6 Magic
Nazom: you wake up with a bad head ache and lose 1 Health
>>7575Honestly, I don't think he would be shocked at all.
d6 = 5HP
d6 = 2MP
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>>7575 all in a day's work!
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What is your next move?
>>7579Explore the west side. East side is passable of foot, though uneven and not suitable for caravans.
Hopefully West side is more passable and won't put the caravans too close to the lake.
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>>7580Alas, it's not been invented yet. Some water will have to do.
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>>7584(It's actually from a southern continent that has not been discovered yet. No elves there I'm afraid.)
You lose your way pretty quickly in the morning fog and though you manage to make it to the west of the lake at last you do not manage to find a possible way here either.
>>7587You are in the middle of a dangerous bog. No bridge is here and no boatmen are in sight.
But with Intuition -2…
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>>7590You hear voice across the lake in a good distance. Too far away to make out any words but you also hear the sound of wood being chopped.
>>7592It's across the lake. You'd have to find a way around or across first.
Of course, finding a way around for a single man is easier.
Roll Intuition -3.
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Nazom, what will you do while Vitis is away?
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>>7594 I'll guard the caravan
>>7595You find a way around the eastern side of the swamp and as the sun rises you realize the lake is about 3 km wide as you catch a glimpse of the other sore.
Walking around takes you
1d6 = 3 hours and you get hungry on the way. But the sound of men working comes closer and closer.
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>>7596With Vitis gone Parel Notgelf asks Nazom and Jorhag (who seems to be an expert tinkerer) whether they want to help building a raft. The people would dare the way across the lake.
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>>7598 why of course!
1d20 = 17 No.7603
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>>7601It takes you another 15 minutes but you manage to sneak closer and hide behidn a bush.
You see a group of about 20 men, half of them workers, half of them soldiers, who are busy repairing a part of the destroyed log causeway. They are chopping and sawing wood and use heavy hammers to sink large logs into the swamp. There are also several swamps and some animals to carry tools and other items.
They have not noticed you yet.
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>>7602Due to Jorhag's help and the many tools he has in his wagon it should be rather simple to make one big raft. There's even two empty beer barrels now too.
You have to gather 50 points to build a raft. Each roll takes 10 minutes.
Roll Strength -2 six times!
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>>7604 1d20 - 2 = 6 1d20 - 2 = 4 1d20 - 2 = 9 1d20 - 2 = 5 1d20 - 2 = 9 1d20 - 2 = 16!
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>>7605You gathered 23 points within an hour! Not bad at all.
Roll six more times!
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>>7607Oh, a natural one. Very good.
You see the banners of the town of Trallop where you started your journey. They are prince's men.
>>7609>Recognise flags from Trallops.These must be good guys.
>Leaves the bush.ahem, Hello there! Hello, I mean no harm.
>Keeps his sword sheath and waves arm to be friendly. Don't want to give them soldiers the wrong idea. No.7611
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>>7608After only two hours you have finished your raft! It's big enough for one wagon (of which there are five).
The men rejoice and cheer!
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>>7610Some of the guards turn around to face you. They carry swords, some of them bows. They are surprised at first and then become wary as they realize you are an elf - and many bad rumours are heard about elves in these parts. They steal animals from farms and seduce young maidens… or so it is said. And they can use magic too!
"Halt… who are you stranger?" one of the guards shouts over while the workers continue their hard and long task.
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>>7611 we should try without a wagon first
>>7612I am Vitis Vinifera. Woah hey, Easy friend.
I'm with George Coalblazer's caravans, "Trallop George"?
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>>7614"The old nitpicker? Then what you are you doing all by yourself in the swamp. You don't look like a trader or businessman."
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>>7618 1d20 = 17 1d20 = 12!
>>7619It takes a bit longer than expected or desired about after
1d20 + 20 = 22 minutes you have made it across the lake.
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>>7620 no issues?! then back across for the wagons!
>>7617I'm not. George hired me and my friend to assist in finding a more efficient trade route through the swamplands. Theres five other caravans waiting in a clearing on the other side.
Even if we could go over the lake, for all I know could be something real ugly and dangerous lurking in that water. I tried finding a way round east but no good. It's searching west I found you guys.
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>>7620Though the water is bubbling here and there you do not see any creaters living in the dark brownish mess of a lake at all. It appears safe.
As you have come across you see Vitis in the distance, talking. You also hear the sounds of men working.
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>>7622"Trallop George must be desperate to find a way to Thunderbrook then… it will surely take us another two months to finish the causeway. If not more. Well, you are welcome to rest here. But don't disturb our work."
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>>7622 yells over "hey! we made it across!"
>>7624Thank you I-
>>7622>Noticed a raft with Naz and a few coming across the lake.What are you guys doing!?
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>>7625>>7626"Seems like you were telling the truth, elf." The guards greet Nazom and the other three.
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>>7628 We've got 5 wagons over on the other side that we need to get across. The lake seems safe.
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>>7629"Steering the raft was the biggest problem" the other three say. "But the lake was calm and nothing dangerous seems to live in it."
>>7630>>7631Good to know, be real awkward if you lot got drawn down by some tentacle monster in one go. Did any of you thought of what to do if it turns out it wern't safe?
Who's defending the caravan?
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>>7632"Parel, that dwarf Jorhag and the rest of us are still over there."
Soon enough the raft moves across again and one after another the wagons are brought across the lake. Noon passes and finally after
1d6 + 2 = 4 hours all the wagons have reached the other side.
The guards and workers are taking a break and have prepared food, inviting everyone to join them.
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>>7632 your head must hurt from thinking too much!
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Hey Critical Hit, are you around?
Do you perchance still brose /rp/ waiting for the day for us to return to the wastelands?
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The heroes were accompanying a wagon track through a dangerous swamp. They last crossed a lake and reached an encampment of soldier and workers who were busy rebuilding the road through the swamp.
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You spend a safe night among the soldiers and can properly recover.
Naz has full health.
Vitis roll 1d6 for health and 1d6 for magic recovery.
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>>7862 no faith in dwarven construction… harrumph
>>7863 refreshing!
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The soldiers bid you all a safe journey while they stay behind and continue to guard the two dozen workers who are slowly rebuilding the flood-damage road. It will take them several more months to finish their task.
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>>7868"We are rebuilding the main road actually!"
They consult each other for a moment, then give you some pointers where you might find some dry land to continue north.
>>7871Thank you very much.
>>7872We'll have this trade route of ours established soon. And with this fine bridge being built all the more secured.
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>>7870>>7872Very good! You both see where the two guards were pointing you. Slowly the caravan continues to roll northwards along the few dry patches of land that are not sogged with swamp water.
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After about two hours you see a half-sunken building looking out of the swampy water. There's a thin cloud of smoke puffing out of the old, rusty chimney.
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>>7877 aye!
>>7876 I shall go investigate!
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>>7878The wagons come to a halt. Parel Notgelf, the leader of the track bids Nazom to be careful.
>If you want to sneak closer carefully, roll Dexterity>If you want to just walk up to it, don't No.7886
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>>7883Even though your armor is heavy and hinders you while walking you manage to carefully approach the building without being seen.
From inside sounds of muttering of male, raspy old voice and the clinking of wood on metal can be heard.
The door of the hut is closed.
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>>7888There were plenty of cracks to look through and it was relatively light inside as the roof had many holes.
Nazom could see an old man, probably 70 years old, with long, greyish hair standing at a rusty old oven, cooking some kind of soup while muttering to himself.
The furniture he could see looked similarly old and worn.
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>>7891"Huh? What? What's that? Who is there? Visitors?"
The old many slowly walks towards the door and opens it, smiling as he sees that it is a dwarf and not probably an orc.
"Oh! Welcome, come in, come in. Soup's on."
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>>7892 Thank you sir, but I'm with a caravan and we were just mapping a safe route through the swamp. Is this area safe?
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>>7893"Oh? Don't want to stay? What a shame, I so rarely get visitors…."
He thinks for a few moments and looks out of the door, seeing the caraven, waving at them.
"The land here is dangerous and you got big carts… I think it is safe for a few more miles to the north but then you should head east again. A day from here or so there's a nice patch of grass where herbs can be found. I go there once in a while. Not as much as I used to of course…"
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>>7894>ApproachesThanks for your help, me and my friend will be moving on now.
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>>7895"Very well, good luck to you."
He shakes his head while returning inside, leaving the door open…
"My my, traveling through the swamp… kids these days…"
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>>7894>>7896thanks for the advice! take care
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>>7898 maybe you're a secret orc. would explain a lot…
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The track rolls on northwards bound and after a few miles turns east, heading in that direction till the night comes.
Who will stand guard?
>>7899We're in the middle of a swamp and we know orcs are around somewhere. I just don't want to chance it, especially given we haven't encountered anything bad yet. Besides we can't get too side-tracked.
>>7900I'll stand watch.
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>>7902Everyone has gone to bed except for you and a few other voluntaries who take a shift of the night watch as well, among them Parel Notgelf and the invetor dwarf Jorhag Albraxus Purrtooth.
He was kind enough to leave a barrel with ale for you, including his "Drafty" that kept it foamy and good.
>roll for Intuition both of you! No.7906
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>>7904Nazom is blind and deaf to his surroundings! Maybe it is the heavy helmet he wears all the time.
>>7905Vitis notices that the track has set up camp at the nice spot the old hermit mentioned. It is a fine spot to find herbs and other plants.
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>>7907That was a pretty bad roll and unfortunately Vitis ends up stepping one more herbs than he actually manages to forage.
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>>7906>tramples some herbsstupid grass…
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>>7911You manage to find 5 Tarnelas, reddish flowers that help a little against quite a few illnesses.
>roll Intelligence to know how to process them>>7912>Naz, roll Intuition -3 No.7916
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>>7915 tamales? doesn't look like any tamale I've ever seen…
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>>7914You hear the sounds of feet not too far in the distance and voices that you realize speak in orcish tongue!
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>>7915You return to camp and get some ointment fat from Purrtooth who is a pretty decent alchemist himself. He asks for a Tarnela in return but you manage to make ointment out of them. Enough for one dose. And will help with regeneration or can be used in case one of you gets sick.
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>>7915>quietly tells the people around himorcs coming! everyone get ready
>>7920They wake up, trembling some of them grab their weapons, others decided to hide in their wagons.
>>7921Suddenly Nazom realizes the orcs are stopping… they might have missed the wagons altogether but there was a definite, loud sound there just now! And orcs hate elves in particular.
Orcs roll Intuition:
>1d20>1d20>1d20 No.7924
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>>7923The orcs are sure it was not just an animal shouting there, it was an elf!
Screaming angrily they come running through the muddy water, sinking into it now and then - what is worse, they can see well in the dark!
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We'll do combat next time!
Thanks for joining today.
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>>9013Yeah, you were kind of loud.
Two orcs are charging towards you and Naz, three more are attacking the wagons with the drivers ready to defend them.
A large orc wearing several bronze ornaments and a large club carved out of a big animal bone stays in the back. Apparently a shaman.
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>>9014 what's in my inventory?
>>9015- hammer
- 5 different chisels
- ceramic goblet
- rope (9.8 meters)
- rain-roof (umbrella, very heavy)
You also have your sword, cuirass, sallet and shield.
>>9020The hammer finds its aim!
The orc tries to evaide:
1d20 = 12>>9018You attack!
1d20 = 9 1d6 + 4 = 8The orcs wear rusty curved blades.
1d20 = 20 1d6 + 5 = 11 No.9022
>>9021The orc groans as he gets hit by the hammer!
1d6 + 1 = 2Vitis lands a strong hit, the orc cannot evade. Both orcs attack themselves!
Orc 1:
1d20 = 20 1d6 + 5 = 9 Nazom:
1d20 = 12Orc 2:
1d20 = 17 1d6 + 5 = 7 Vitis:
1d20 = 8 No.9023
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Both orc fails their attacks!
What will you do?
>>9024The battle rages on around you, the wagon drivers defending with their whips and clubs while the orcs try to board one of the wagons and loot it.
1d20 = 2 1d6 + 4 = 5 Orc 1:
1d20 = 9 Vitis:
1d20 = 12 1d6 + 6 = 11 Orc 2:
1d20 = 9Counter attack:
Orc 1:
1d20 = 10 1d6 + 5 = 11 Nazom:
1d20 = 9Orc 2:
1d20 = 6 1d6 + 5 = 11 Vitis:
1d20 = 12 No.9028
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>>9027Vitis and his orc opponent trade terrible blows. The orc has a deep cut wound but Vitis was badly hit as well! Vitis is down to 22 HP!
Nazom slowly whittles away at his orc.
>>9027As you look over there you see the drives have the advantage in numbers. You won't be able to even get through to the orcs properly - plus you risk getting hit in the back if you try to turn your back to your opponent.
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>>9029>>9030>>9031The orcs and Nazom fails to do any damage to each other.
Vitis though is more successful, with a whimper one of the orcs is badly hit by the spell and fallen orc is overwhelmed by the drivers.
The orc shaman growls angrily, shaking his heavy club he approaches, apparently casting a spell to make the orcs stronger!
>>9035Vitis prevents the shaman from casting but gets a bad hit from the other orc.
Nazom hits with the rope, making the orc tumble about, allowing him to hit him.
>>9036Nazom = full health (44)
Vitis = 19 (out of 30) health; 8 (out of 30) magic
>>9039The orcs land heavy blows on Vitis who is on his last legs.
Nazom lands a bad blow against one of his attackers. The orc returns the favor but Nazom's armor is too thick to penetrate.
At the wagons victory is near for the defenders. One of the orcs flees, the last one keeps up the fight.
Orc 1:
1d20 = 6Orc 2:
1d20 = 6 No.9042
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>>9041The two orcs with the shaman keep up the fight! They want Vitis' ears as trophies!
1d20 = 6 1d6 + 4 = 8 Orc 1:
1d20 = 2Vitis: Bannbaladin
4d6 = 13 Shaman:
3d6 + 10 = 20Counter attack:
Orc 1:
1d20 + 5 = 12 1d6 + 10 = 15 Nazom:
1d20 = 5Orc 2:
1d20 = 18 1d6 + 5 = 7 Vitis:
1d20 = 15Shaman:
1d20 = 4 1d6 + 3 = 5 Vitis: cannot defend
>>9045The magic fails!
Orc 1:
1d20 = 17Orc 2:
1d20 = 12 No.9047
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>>9046After the long, exhausting fight, two more of the orcs flee!
Only the shaman and a badly wounded flunky remain!
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>>9048The heroes and orcs trade blows, unable to do damage.
At last, the other members of the track approach, hurt themselves but outnumbering the remaining two orcs five times. Seeing that there is nothing to win the last orcs finally retreat as well amongst the curses of the shaman.
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Result: 5 orcs fled, 1 dead
Vitis: 8/30 health, 0/30 magic
Nazom: full health
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>>9050 well that went better than I expected
>grabs his rope and hammer>searches the dead orcyou don't look so good, Vitis
>>9051The orc carries a rusty but usuable scimitar,
1d20 = 20 copper coins and a small flask with a smell potion inside.
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>>9055The other participants of the track bandages themselves as well and thank you for your assistance and keeping the shaman off their backs.
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>>9057After the exhausting and exciting journey everyone is more than happy to lie down and rest while some take turns in staying up and keeping watch. Luckily the orcs do not return and a new day starts.
Vitis recovers
1d6 = 1 health and
1d6 = 5 magic.
>>9058>Vitis takes a breather.Hopefully that was the worse of it and be easier here on in.
>Calls out to the caravanAnyone hurt? Any losses?
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>>9059The others shake their heads, some have minor bruises and cuts but none were severely injured. Luckily they had the advantage in numbers and the orcs were careless and too eager to loot.
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>>9061Parel Notgelf, the track's leader comes with a scroll - the loading papers. "Only a crate with hard liquor. No major loss. Hopefully they'll drink themselves to death."
>>9064Hold on, let me account for everyone.
Naz, are you ready to continue on?
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The heroes are protecting a convoy of wagons from the dangerous of the Mistmoor Swamp. They crossed a river, made it around a lake and managed to fend off an orc attack. Now they are almost at the end of their journey as the end of the Swamp is soon in sight.
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>Nazom takes inventory of his belongings.
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>>15788Yo Naz... NAAAAZ!!!
>>15788- Hammer
- 5 chisels of various sizes
- ceramic goblet
- rope (9.8 meters)
- rain-roof (umbrella)
- scimitar
- flask with a smelly potion
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After the orcs have been defeated and the losses have been accounted for (only losses in goods, not in lifes), the company decides to rest for the night. Especially Vinifera is in need of a good night's sleep, having taken quite a bit of damage while Nazom stands as strong as ever.
Vinifera heals 1d6 = 5 health and 1d6 = 1 magic.
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>>15791 You barely made it through that fight! Get some rest tonight, Vin
>>15793>>15795You slept like a log
>>15795All the other travelers were already up, examining the wagons in proper light now, fixing small damages the orcs left behind.
>>15796Naz, you got full health (44), Vin has (18 out of 30).
>>15796Yeah I slept suprisingly well also.
>Gets up.I think we're nearly out of this swamplands. Feels like we've been in this swamp for almost a year or so.
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Parel Notgelf looks at the duo after breakfast had been served and the last repairs were finished. "I think we are ready to go. Would you two look ahead for a proper path for us to follow?"
>>15802that's how we do things back home!
>>15803Do trees snore?
>>15805Yeah, we'll scout ahead.
>>15806No, but they sleep like logs.
>>15805Aye. you feeling up to it, Vin?
>>15807ok. let's go then
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>>15807Parel Notgelf has heard enough bad jokes for the day and grumpily takes a seat on the front wagon, waiting for the two to find a path.
Vin rolls for Intuition
1d20 + 2 = 20Naz rolls for Intuition
1d20 + 2 = 7 No.15812
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>>15809>>15810It seems like Vitis has a bad day and almost falls into a big muddy hole - he catches himself just in time though.
Nazom on the other hand uses his keen sense and finds a fitting path through the swampy surroundings, broad and stable enough for the wagons.
Soon they roll along, all five of them.
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A good two hours have passed. The smell of the swamp is getting stronger again, sulphurous odour creeps over the wagons, when suddenly...
Vin rolls for Intuition 1d20 = 6
Naz roll for Intuition 1d20 = 20
>>15818>>15819The wagons come to a halt and Parel Notgelf motions everyone to be quiet.
Vin rolls for Dexterity
1d20 = 11Naz rolls for Dexterity
1d20 = 3 No.15821
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>>15820They sneak up ahead, a good 200 meters ahead of the wagons. Peeking through the dense fog and over broken old tree stumps they can see light up ahead - a fire. And several voices speaking in a crude tongue: orcs.
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>tries to carefully get a look at them, making sure to stay behind cover
>>15822>>15823They are still a bit off but they do their best to see (and count)...
Vin rolls for Intuition
1d20 = 11Naz rolls for Intuition
1d20 = 14 No.15825
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>>15824It's not so easy for Nazom to see with the heavy sallet he is wearing...
Vinifera on the other hand, has no such troubles and counts at least 10 orcs. It seems like you found their camp site.
Now, you have several options...
1.) Try to attack?
2.) Lead the wagons sneakily around the camp?
3.) Return and look for a better way?
4.) ... something altogether different?
>>15826These are your spells...
Use: It transforms the caster’s MP into HP for the injured person.
How to: Place your hand on the forehead of an injured person and speak the magic word.
Costs: 1 MP per 1 HP
Use: A small light sphere appears above your head (following around as you walk), illuminating the area as a good lantern would.
How to: Say the magic words and snip your fingers.
Costs: 1 MP per 5 minutes
Use: Magically opens locks.
How to: Touch a lock three times with your hand while saying the magic word. In order to counter a CLAUDIBUS you have to pay an additional 6 MP.
Costs: 8 MP
Use: Creates invisible (skin-tight) armor of 4 Armor Class around you, only useful against physical attacks.
How to: Touch your breast and say the magic word.
Costs: 2 MP per battle round
Use: Makes your body invisible (not your clothes, armor etc.!). Can also be used on others!
How to: Say the magic word and wink.
Costs: 2 MP per 5 minutes (You can only make yourself invisible for [Character’s Level x 5 minutes] max.; 15 minutes have to pass before using the spell again)
Use: Invisible lightning bolt against (living) targets.
How to: Point at the target and say the magic word.
Range: 7 meters
Costs: 1 MP per 1 Damage
Use: Makes the target think you’re his best friend. Roll [Character’s Level + 1] d6 and add your Charisma. The spell only succeeds if your result is higher than the opponent’s Monster Class (the equivalent to how dangerous he/she is) plus 3d6.
How to: Look the target in the eye and say the magic word.
Range: 5 meters
Duration: 15 minutes
Costs: 8 MP per target
Example: An elf (level 3) wants to enchant a weak goblin (Monster Class 5). The elf rolls 4d6 (3 cause he is level 3 plus 1) and adds his Charisma. The goblin rolls 3d6 + 5 (his Monster Class). The spell works if the elf’s result is higher than the goblin’s.
You have 23 magic points at the moment (out of 30).
>>15828>Does so, stalking back with Naz.>When they're safetly out of hearing.I can come up with a few efficient plans, but dunno if they will work.
So far an idea is making them turn against themselves but Orcs might not be
that stupid.
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>>15829>>15828Parel Notgelf and the other inquire about the orcs and how many there were. They don't seem too eager to challenge them once more - on the other hand they might get their stolen goods back.
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>>15832He nods "Well... that certainly is true. But even the weakest orcs are somewhat decent fighters - while we have only you two as professionals."
>>15833So far, only plan in mind is getting someway to fight amongst themselves, rip each other apart.
Other idea is just fighting them head on.
Or... the very least if there is any shred of possibility, negotiate with them.
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>>15833>>15834Do we know if they're the same orcs that attacked us before?
>>15842You guys stay back while me and Naz sort it out. If we need any help, we'll cal you but your safety is important.
>>15841Let's go Naz.
>Go back to the Orc camp. No.15844
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They reach the outskirts of the camp once more. There are even some crudely made, low huts for them to sleep in. A big fire was burning in the middle of the encampment. Now that they were closer they counted nine orcs in total, three of them wounded.
Between the huts they could see the crates thta were stolen from the tracks.
Vin rolls for Intelligence 1d20 + 4 = 7
Naz rolls for Intelligence 1d20 + 4 = 7
>>15844Both Vin and Naz are able to understand at least part of what the orcs were talking about.
The largest and best armed among them was clearly their leader. It seemed like the orcs had come to the swamp to search for an ancient cultic place of their kind. They were only staying for a day or two before moving further west.
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>>15843maybe we can find it first and make a deal with them
>>15846>Quietly whispersIf we find it first, then tell them where it is that won't guarantee they will let us off unharmed. If anything they'll probably beat us to a pulp.
I think I have an idea, but I need to investigate the leaders tent.
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>>15847The leaders hut was easy to see, sporting the a bulls head that was hung above it. The bull being a symbol of their god of war.
But getting into it would be difficult, requiring a very hard Dexterity check; unless you have a better plan to get in unseen.
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>>15850>whispersI could go make some noise in another direction and try to draw at least some of them away
>>15851OK, I think I have a plan, but I'll need a map.
I may need to go back to the caravan and ask for someone who knows the swamp well.
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>>15853Both remain well hidden while they whisper and plot. The orcs haven't noticed them yet at all.
One of the orcs is eager to taste some of the booze they had stolen from the wagons, the others agree though their leader doesn't seem to happy about them getting drunk so early.
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>>15852>>15854>whispersthere's our chance
>waits quietly No.15862
>>15860>>15861Vin rolls for Dexterity
1d20 - 5 = 10Naz rolls for Dexterity
1d20 - 5 = 4 No.15863
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>>15862The orcs empty one bottle after another. Being big and strong they have a strong alcohol tolerance but eventually they all had quite a bit and a quarter of the crate is empty when their leader tells them they've had enough. He produces a crudely drawn map and shows it to the other orcs, placing it on the crate so they could see it. Pointing at several spots their shaman told them to check out in the swamp.
During all this time the duo remained well hidden.
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>>15865Unless... We... actually throw a party, if thats possible?
Dwarves are renoun drinkers, how do you start a party that encourages lots of drinking?
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>>15866If they're drunk enough, we could just join the party. I don't think they're that drunk yet.
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The leader told them to prepare for departure and began shooing the others all over the place. He put the map on the booze crate, leaving it unattended for a moment.
>>15867I have an idea. We will need a distraction... a "drinking song" distraction. The kind that will cause them to be confused just long enough to question what they're seeing and long enough for me to cast BANNBALADIN on them.
>>15868We have to act now!
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>>15870Let's do it!
>barges into the camp, arms wide, singing>walks towards the crates with the bottles, takes one, opens it, and takes a swig (if Naz makes it that far) No.15873
>>15871>>15872The orcs hurled around... for a moment they looked confused, unsure what to think of this. Some recognized the elf and dwarf, they had only battled them the day before.
Naz rolls for Courage
1d20 = 6Vin rolls for Courage
1d20 = 4 No.15874
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>>15873The orc leader took a step towards them, addressing them in crude human tongue...
"You two very brave, coming into our camp! Drinking our booze! What you want?!"
>>15873>>15874>Vinifera looked at the orc leader and cast his spell in a casual, cheerful manner.C'mon, let's party. This here booze is straight from
BANNBALADIN, it's good stuff don't you agree?
4d6 + 12 = 30Orc leader monster class [15+3d6]
Spell succeeds when it is higher.
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>>15875The orc captain hammers a fist onto his chest! "Orc strong, orc brave!"
>>15876The spell does its job and the orc gives a nod at the elf. "Ah, friend, we already drank a lot! We need search swamp, shaman say!"
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>>15879Maybe we can help you look. What are you looking for?
>>15878>>15879Aah that can wait. The place you're looking for isn't go anywhere else.
What kind of Orc's are you guys if you can't finish a crate? C'mon drink up!
>Takes a bottle and starts making up a drinking song from the top of his head. No.15882
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>>15880He grunts. "Old ritual site, thousand years old. Long ago, orcs conquer big human town, lead slaves into swamps, create ritual site, dig into swamp, dig deep, built pillars, build altar... slaughter all slaves!"
The orcs cheer.
>>15881"Hm, hm... shaman isn't here. Won't know, eh, friend? You smart!"
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>>15888The orcs laughed and drank... the chieftain approached Vin to join them as well, handing him a large tankard.
>>15890Vin rolls for Dexterity
1d20 = 9Orc chieftain rolls for Intelligence
1d20 + 4 = 13 No.15894
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>>15893At last, the orcs are done drinking; some are too drunk to still stand and they fall to the ground, falling asleep, snoring loudly.
A few who can take the most alcohol are still standing or sitting, including the chieftain.
He bids Vin farewell as he soon has to continue his search for the ancient cult place.
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>takes stock of the camp
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>>15895The orc chief rubbed his head... "It's ancient place of great power... shaman can make great miracles to honor gods... We make decisions together, orc tribe always lead by two orcs, chieftain and shaman."
>>15896The orcs have used up all the wine and beer they had stolen earlier. Four were asleep, the rest sat assembled around the small fire.
>>15897>Pretends to slur his speech to sound drunk but still with words Orcs can understand.Really? I always thought Orc cheifs were the toughest and most dependable leaders of the tribe. "Doa s I say, not as I do sorts."
>Takes a swig from his empty bottle.Guess I was wrong.
But surely with a shaman who
should know where such an ancient and sacred place is, you've already found it right?
>>15898"Chieftain and shaman work hand in hand, serve the two mightiest gods!"
He gives a loud burp.
"Shamans of orcs have long memory - but knowledge of sacred place location was lost... need to search entire swamp. But if we find it, great blessing from gods!"
>>15899>Vinifera figured even in their drunken state, to get them to turn on each other would be more difficult than he considered. Who knew Orcs had a bro-code.Hm, well, if I was an ancient sacred place, maybe I'd be located at the most dangerous, most harrowing location in all the swamp. The more dangerous the more protected it is against thos who are unworthy.
Maybe you all should check there?
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>>15900The orc laughs. "Elf listens, entire swamp deadly! Orcs brave, orcs venture further west, deeper into swamp!"
>>15901Some of the orcs grumble, not having much liking for dwarfs (but no less than elfs) but they were drunk and not in the mood to fight.
>>15902What will you do if you find it?
I mean... surely no actual human or such sacrifices?
>Takes a swig of the empty bottle. No.15904
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>>15903"Sacrifice animal... human too if we find. You lucky we not at cultic site!"
>>15906(Yeah but the orc is still drunk and they're having casual conversation.
Unless orcs get over drunkness faster than any other race I should be worried about.)
>>15908>Vinifera decides that trying to get the orcs too drunk to defend themselves was not going to work nor turn on each other. So perhaps best leave the Orcs to themselvesd. After all their hangover and temporary camp means they will not be of any further trouble to the caravan so they were pretty much done here.Well, it's been nice drinking with you. I best drag my dwarf friend back with me.
>Bows politely.It was nice talking to you.
>Remebers he was suppose to pretend to be drunk and swaggers. No.15910
>>15909Vin rolls for Dexterity
1d20 - 3 = 14Naz rolls for Dexterity
1d20 - 3 = 10 No.15913
>>15912>As they were out of range and returning to the caravan.Phew, well, it appears that problem sort it self out... sorta.
Hopefully the orcs will be gone one way or another.
>Vinifera can't help but feel he struck some sort of friendship with the orc, but given the friendship was founded on mind-control and alcohol he imagined that such a friendship would be nothing more than a hangover by tommorow. No.15915
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>>15913 I can't believe that worked!
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>>15913>>15915>>15916The caravan group was already getting worried when they sighed in relieve upon seeing the two return. They inquired what had happened and after thinking things over they thought it best to just continue their journey and not risking tangling with the orcs.
Still, the orc-encounter took so long that they would need to spend another night in the swamp.
>>15919Parel Notgelf, the leader of the group gave a nod. "And we are heading east anyway while they plan to head west - so we will not get into their way at all."
After a final short rest you continue your path through the swamp as evening slowly draws nearer.
The fading light doesn't make looking for a path any easier.
Vin rolls for Intuition
1d20 + 5 = 10Naz rolls for Intuition
1d20 + 5 = 22 No.15921
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>>15920While Naz is unable to find any decent path where the large carriages could safely traverse, Vin has more luck.
>>15922The convoy took a southern turn for a while before heading east once more, the treacherous swamp getting easier to navigate with every mile.
As night set they found a clear space next to the bubbling swamp, foul odours were in the air but the ground was dry.
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>>15924The man drawing the map who was riding along on the second cart gave a nod.
"We're about 8 miles west of the soreline if my calculations are correct. Of course, we won't be able to head there in a straight line due to the floodings. But hopefully we can find the old coastal street tomorrow and then we're clear."
And given that millitary camp back there, well I imagine after a few short years you lot will have a paved road, bridges and other means to secure the way for caravans and travellers in the future.
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>>15926"Well, building a paved road is a bit too much. What they are doing is repair works on the old log causeway that was destroyed by the flood. It's the best you can hope for in this area."
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>>15927I was thinking more of a well-managed dirt road. Perhaps with weooden boundaries and lamps. Maybe the occasional guard. The log causeway could still be apart of that road.
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>>15930"What we are doing is finding a safe way through the swamp until the old roads can be repaired - which might take another year."
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>>15935Unfortunately, the refreshed sleep does not reflect itself in health gain.
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>awakens fully refreshed after sleeping like a baby>>15937 packed earth not to your liking!?
>Noticed ⛵ on /pony/.>Wondering why he hasn't replied to our RP.>It's been all day. Surely he will reply to it.>Realise I haven't even clicked on the thread, just the preview of it.Damn.
>>15938I do not find lying on an assortment of roots and stones reccomended by most osteopathist.
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Naz has no problems at all and leads the track pretty much due east, even Vin who gets stuck in muddy holes on several occasions cannot lead him astray.
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>>15941>>15939stop being such a stick-in-the-mud, Vin!
>>15942>>15940I'm not a stick in the mud!
>Pulls out a stick from one of the holes he trips in.This is a stick in the mud!
>Adds muddy stick to inventory. No.15944
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It is still an hour before noon as the weather takes a turn for the worst. The strong winds brings in better air, making the rotten swamp smell more bearable - but it also brings dark clouds and soon it begins to rain. Minutes later, the first thunderous roars can be heard in the distance as lightning jolts through the clouds.
[What will you do?]
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>>15945"We do have rope - but our wagons are strong and sturdy; and heavy at that. That wind won't blow them over, don't worry."
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>>15947They agree and move the wagons close to each other as the rain gets stronger, making sure none of them were close to any of the old trees.
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The waggons and crew sight tight in their spot. A good hour the storm rain and thunderstorm raged but then at last the rain got weaker until it had finally stopped.
The caravan could move on but now it would be more difficult, the heavy rain having made the ground only muddier.
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>>15959With the ground now more treacherous due to the rain it became more difficult to find a safe path to take. The wagons moved slowly now, people walking to each side with long sticks to check for deep swamp holes.
While Naz struggled Vin had an easier time adapting to the new situation and led the group further east towards the coast.
Then, Vin noticed that they would be able to continue onwards in two directions - east or south. Both looking equally safe.
Which will you take?
>>15962Well if East is the most direct route then perhaps we should go that way.
That or we flip a coin or throw a pointy stick. Fates may fortune us.
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>>15963>>15964East it is, then!
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>>15966It was a disaster! Within only a minute four of the five wagons got stuck in the mud!
>With the stick he picked up earlier, tried to use it as leverage. (If the stick is impractical, he will throw it away for an even bigger, sturdier stick to get the job done.)NAz, can you give the wagon a bit of a push while I try to pry it out?
>>15968There was no way that Vin and his stick alone could create enough leverage to get a heavy wagon loose. But all the other people of the caravan were busy as well, bringing their own tools to free the carts.
What will Naz do?
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>>15967>>>15968>>15969hmmmm. Well, does it get any more solid up ahead?
>>15972Vin could feel that the soft underneath was rather firm but still softer than usual.
>>15970Some plans were found and Vin and Naz tried to push one cart out.
Vin rolls for Strength
1d20 + 1 = 5Naz rolls for Strength
1d20 + 1 = 11 No.15975
Let's just do that agin if it happens again.
>>15975A group of drivers manage to free a second cart but they seem rather exhausted after doing it.
The next car is the heaviest of the lost, carrying many valuable pelts and shipment of unslaked lime.
Vin rolls for Strength
1d20 + 2 = 4Naz rolls for Strength
1d20 + 2 = 3 No.15977
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>>15976The two are really on a roll here, freeing the heavy wagon.
>>15980Vin rolls for Strength
1d20 = 6Naz rolls for Strength
1d20 = 5 No.15982
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>>15981Everyone is astonished at this amazing feat of strength. All the wagons are free and it didn't even take half an hour.
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>>15983 as if there was any doubt
>>15984None at all.
Let's get out of this swamp.
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It was three hours after noon when the path you were following took a sharp turn north. You could tell that you were near the sore of the large Nine-Eyes Lake again, a flock of ducks was soaring up in the sky nearby. There were more trees again now too and the ground was firmer and the plants more vivid.
Suddenly, you spot something up ahead in the distance, a good 200 meters away. It looks like a wagon, not unlike the ones your convoy is using.
>>15988The caravan stops.
>>15987You see no people but any banners - but then the wagon is not in clear view, blocked by many bushes and crooked trees.
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>>15990 hmmph. don't get lost
>>15990Vin walked on ahead and after only a few feet he could tell that the ground was getting softer again - significantly so.
Roll for Intuition
1d20 = 6 No.15993
>>15992Vin searched for a new path and soon enough for one where he would not risk getting stuck. As he slowly moved closer he could tell that there was not one wagon but...
1d20 = 13 No.15994
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>>15993Actually there were four. Even from afar he could now see that they seem to have gotten stuck like your carts did just hours earlier.
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>>15996Everything seemed to go Vinifera's way today - he was abley to move closer until he had reached the wagons.
Now he could see that they were old and ragged - they probably had been here for many years. He could see human bones in the mud nearby, the wood of the wagons was badly damaged; only the metal parts still seemed to be in perfect shape.
>Pulls away, use his sword to cut the weeds if have to.Luckily the mud is soft to cushion my fall.
>>16001Vin tried to get free and was glad he fell into the soft mud - until he noticed that the plant actually tried to pull him deeper down into mud!
Vin tried to reach for his sword
1d20 = 20 No.16005
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Naz could see from afar that something was going on as Vin suddenly fell and didn't get back up.
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>sees the struggle
he's in trouble! any of you lads care to help? (to the others in the caravan)
>rushes toward Vin
>>16006Test for strength
1d20 + 4 = 17>>16007Parel Notgelf, the leader of the track, and the dwarf inventor Jorhag came along with Naz. Jorhag brought something that looked like big shears!
"Hold on, we're coming!"
Naz rolls for Intuition to find a path, using Vin's tracks as aid:
1d20 - 3 = 9 No.16011
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>>16010Vin is unable to get free. The plant pulls him under further, his face in the mud, robbing his breath!
1d3 = 2 damage.
Naz and the others are almost there though!
>>16012Naz flexes his muscles and the trio start to pull!
1d20 - 6 = 6Parel:
1d20 - 6 = 8Jorhag:
1d20 - 6 = 9 No.16014
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>>16013Success! The trio manages to pull Vin free, the weed giving up, instead preferring to hold on the one of the large wagon wheels. The elf is save!
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>>16012 you sure have a thing for falling into pits, holes, and things of that sort
>>16014>After coughing up mud.T-thanks, I thought it got me then.
*cough-cough* So thats what happened to the original people of this caravan.
>>16015>After beng able to speak clearly.The caravan looked long abandoned. I was going to look inside it until that thing caught me.
If we can avoid the mud and get into the caravan, we can probably explore inside it.
>Looks for his sword. No.16019
>>16017 (good night!)
>>16018 a decent plan

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>>16018You sword is still on your side. You cut yourself when you tried to get it out.
Perdan and Jorhag were wondering who those old wagons belonged to; also, there might still be something useful to be found.
>>16022Sure, if you like. I keep my own copy of your stats and stuff but a general one would be nice.Bandages and water were promptly provided. Peral had some skill bandaging wounds and gave it a try.
Widsom check:
1d20 - 3 = 0 No.16024
>>16023Vin feels much better, regaining
1d6 + 1 = 5 health.
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I'll give it a try.
>ties one end of the rope to himself, hands the other end to Jorhag, and tries to approach one of the wagons slowly from the other side
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>>16026Nazom safely makes it to the four old, rotting wagons. He can see the grassy weeds that snatched Vin, there's quite a few of them underneath and close the wagons.
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>>16028"leave it to a dwarf!"
>>16027>searches the wagons No.16030
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>>16029As Naz carefully examined the wagons he finds old, filthy furs, broken, rotten bows, long spoiled food, rusty knifes and other metalware and a barrel with beer that has long gone sour... there was also a crate thoug with an padlock. Though in order to get to it he'd have to avoid the weeks - if he dares.
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Oh no! The weeds manage to hold on to Naz and he cannot move forward or backwards!
>>16036And after just a stroke or two he manages to cut himself loose and can get up onto the wagon.
The crate with the padlock is right in front of the dwarf. The crate is made of wood but strengthened with metal and while it's old it's still pretty sturdy.
>>16038Naz goes to work...
Test for strength
1d20 - 3 = -1 No.16041
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>>16039 no trouble at all!
>>16040 huzzah
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>>16040And he does so with great skill.
The crate opens, inside are an assembly of copper ingots. Naz counts thirty in total.
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>>16042 hey Vin! catch!
>tosses the ingots one by one to Vin and continues searching the wreckage No.16045
>>16043Vin searches the cart but all he can find is an empty glass bottle. It seems that the contents of the crate was the only valuables that have passed the test of time.
>>16044Vin tries to catch the ingots...
1d20 - 2 = 9 No.16050
>>16049Vin rolls for Intelligence
1d20 = 6Naz rolls for Intelligence
1d20 - 2 = 12 No.16052
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>>16050Both judge that the 30 ingots are worth about 90 gold pieces.
>>16052An awesome find, but it may not be ours. Could be Coalblazers.
>>16053Let's head back andcontinue on with the caravan. I have a feeling we'll be reaching our goal soon.
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>>16054>>16055The caravan moved on and as the shadows grew longer they could at long last see the Nine-Eyes Lake stretching out before them! And after only a few minutes they found the street that ran along its shores - and here it was actually still intact.
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After a final night on the street the caravan moved on, hurrying along the road towards the town of Thunderbrook on the norther edge of the Lake.
As the next night was approachign they could see the lights of the town up ahead.
They have done it! For the first time in many weeks a caravan arrived in the town with valuable supplies.
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It was barely a week in fact. ;)
Parel Notgelf invited everyone to the best hotel of the town and after a hearty meal and a good night's sleep it was time for your reward.
5 % of all the wares that reached the town would be yours. With the orcs having looted one of them, 80 % of the goods were still here; that meant both of you received 14 gold pieces as reward.
Regarding the ingots, it turned out that they had indeed belonged to a small local trader who had years ago went bankrupt when the caravn disappeared. The bank he owed the money to was quick to take the ingots but after the last debts were paid both of you received 20 gold pieces.
>>16065Still pretty good. So whats my current total?
(40d 146s 0h)
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Both of you also receive 250 experience points for successfully finishing the adventure.
That meant you both reached a new level.
Please tell me which of your Abilities you wish to increase by 1 and whether you wish to increase either your attack or defense by 1.
Also, Naz gets +1d6 health (roll yourself please); Vin gets 1d6+2 which he can freely distribute between health and mana.
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FINALLY: Because you did such an amazing job pulling and pushing out those four carts without failing at all, you get two free rolls to increase your Strength by 1.
Please roll a d20 twice; if you roll higher than your current Strength it will incrase by 1 (you got two chances).
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>>16070Right, 74d now.
Oh my, unfortunately you failed both chances... ah well, that's how it goes.
>>16071Ah I see. Chances at what?
>>16072Equally, with that spare point for Mana.
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>>16065>>>16067 health:
1d6 = 6what are my stats again?
>>16069 1d20 = 8 1d20 = 13!
>>16073The chances to increase Strength by 1 (see
Go it, health +2, mana +3.
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>>16074Well done, that's Strength+1 for you!
Now you have:
Courage: 11
Intelligence: 12
Intuition: 13
Charisma: 10
Dexterity: 11
Strength: 12
Attack: 11
Defense: 9
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>>16077It will be turned into a trading route for about one year. During that year all the caravans will take that route in order to get to Thunderbrook and back.
After that, the original road will have been repaired and being much shorter and less dangerous your swamp-road will be all but forgotten except for by a handful of trackers.
>>16079Oh, and I was imagining it as a quaint forest road for many to take.
>>16080Courage: 10
Intelligence: 11
Intuition: 13
Charisma: 12
Dexterity: 13
Strength: 9
Attack: 11
Defence: 11-1
>To Naz.So, what do we do now?
>>16081Got it!
>>16082Your stats are correct!
And once we're well rested, we head of to Lowangen, as planned... about a year and a half a go.
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>>16085>>16086Well, I guess that's settled then. It will take me a bit but the next adventure will start soon!
Thanks for joining!