No.7647[Last 50 Posts]
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This is the ToE roleplay thread where players who have created their own pony character can come on in and adventure with others in the world of MLP. If you want to join the thread then please check out the OOC thread and submit a character sheet and await for approval.
All of the rules stated in the ToE core rule book is applied here with the exception of a few house rules. First off when a character gains a new level, they will upgrade a single trait of their choice, upgrade their Cutie Mark Skill, and upgrade/learn 3 new skills. Skills can not be upgraded more than once per level. Also a character will only ever have two quirks to their character and will not gain new quirks when raising their level.
Final Word
The last thing to note is that if you have any questions or suggestions then you may contact me in the OOC thread or in the discord chat if you want to make a voice call. I hope you sign up and join us for these adventures
Signed, Critical Hit
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You find yourselves out in the middle of a town whose name that you recall is Ponyville. It's a mostly quiet with the occasional pivotal moment in history but now it is mostly known for being the home of the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle.
You wonder what it is like for a moment what it is like to be in such a position of power while the sounds of the market place fill your ears and the smells of fresh foods graze across your nostrils. Now though the attention of what you had been previously doing has once again caught your attention and you check out what you had bought from the market in terms of groceries.
Why not roleplay a bit and imagine what your characters had bought today for lunch.
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Summer Rye was looking around the market, bustling with activity. He had purchased a big apple pie and a whole bushel of apples mixed with some carrots that he carried in his bucket. Even though he had already eaten half the pie his stomach was still rumbling and he pondered whether to give in and eat the rest right away.
>>7669To him the pie does seem delicious and would probably taste good as a mid afternoon snack. Could he resist eating the rest of his pie.
I'll be doing a Mind Test (Difficulty 3) against a downgraded roll of your mind stat due to your always hungry quirk.Mind Test DC3
1d4 = 4 No.7672
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>>7671Summer Rye has the ability to contain himself from eating the pie with no recourse but that doesn't mean he can't choose to eat it now.
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>>7672He sighed, looking at his pie. But then wrapped it into the foild it came with and put it into his saddle bag. With a smile he munched a helping of apples and carrots instead. :P
>>7677Summer Rye offered Epic his bucket full of vegetables as he saw him approach. All this time he munched away on the apples which were much different to wheat and rye. Now… how to make any money around this place?
Summer Rye glanced at his surrounding - maybe there was a bulletin board with job offerings somewhere.
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>>7678>Epic accepted just a single carrot to munch on.What are we doing out here Rye?
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>>7686Summer Rye takes a while to answer as he munches several apples and carrots at once.
"Mmh… mh… What I mean is…" munch munch munch… "That maybe if ponies are in trouble we could help them. And make some bits."
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>>7687Hm, I dunno, I don't think it's right to profit off the troubles of others.
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>>7688"Well, doing it for free would be a noble cause. But that's not helping the family farm."
>>7689Well, we could ask Applejack what she may suggest.
(Though dunno who'll be playing NPCs.)Though she might be busy with royal friendship business. Something about a table or something.
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>>7690>>7692Before the two are about to leave, Rye reaches into his bags for one last snack but instead he pulls out what seemed to be a small white rabbit that had been eating all of his produce when they were talking, the pie is still safe though.
The rabbit, which Epic recognizes as Angel Bunny, frees itself from Rye's grasp and hops to the ground. Fluttershy soon comes around the corner of one of the buildings and Angel hops onto Fluttershy
"Oh Angel, you shouldn't be stealing other pony's food like that" she scolds. "I'm sorry about that, Angel does like to get into trouble a lot."
She then looks over to Epic and smiles.
"Epic I am glad I found you though, you see Twilight and the others are being sent somewhere by the map and all of us need to go on this adventure. I know you would like to come along but we need somepony to look after all of our pets while we are away. You and your friend can stay at my cottage for the time being until we return, is that okay?"
It would seem that the Mane 6 are going to be away for a while and they need someponies to look after their animal companions while they are gone.
>>7693Summer Rye was kneeling before his now sadly empty bucket. He shook his head in dismay and already his stomach was grumbling in disappointment.
Then he looked up and sighed. "Welll, what's gone is gone. What was that about pets?"
>>7694On at 2am eh? Well we won't go too far withoutShe becomes more shy when talking to Rye. Rye can tell that she is probably more familiar with Epic to overcome her social anxieties but considering that Epic suffers the same social ineptitude so maybe they feel comfortable to each other due to sharing the same common ground?
"Y-yes the pets. Angel Bunny, Winona, Tank, Gummy, Owlicious, and Opalescense. We just need you to look after them for a few days is all. Oh! We also promised them to be pampered today but since we're leaving, we would like for you to groom the pets for us."
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>>7693>Epic was always a little jealous that when it comes to big important adventures, Epic always felt left out.>However he really likes Fluttershy though unsure of himself how much he likes her. So all he could do was blush and nod.S-sure Fluttershy. I can hold the forte and look after your animals while you're gone.
>>7695>Imagines a house full of noisy animals.I dunno if I can look after-
>Doesn't want to dissapoint Fluttershy.Don't worry, I can handle animals. I'm good with the wildlife in Everfree Forest….
>Remember the last time he punched a monster in Everfree.…I can take care of your animals.
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>>7695(It was 9 a.m. for me, posting from my phone at work.)
>>7695"Oh… critters, huh? Well, that sounds easy enough. And since you seem to know Epic here it'd be a pleasure. Right, Epic?
Though to be perfectly honest I never had a pet myself so I don't know much about grooming them. What do we have to do exactly, Ma'am?"
>>7697Yeah, real pleasure…
Uh, true, I never "groomed" a pet before…I guess thats like brushing animals or something?
I'm good with dogs though, I understand how pack animals think.
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>>7698"So one of them is a dog?"
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>>7699Yes, Applejack owns a dog. And Angel Bunny…
>Looks over at the rabbit with glare.…does need to understand who's dominance.
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>>7700"Well… we seem to have a big appetite in common. Right Angel?" he winks at the bunny.
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>>7647>>7696>>7697>>7698>>7699>>7700>>7701>>7702Fluttershy smiles and makes out a very faint yay sound.
"You'll do it? Thank you so much, I promise it won't be for long. As for the grooming just brush them gently and they should be happy."
Angel starts to look unhappy that it won't be Fluttershy taking care of him this afternoon.
"I know Angel but me and the other have to go. We'll be back soon enough."
They all head on up through Ponyville and went out to the outskirts and over to Fluttershy's cottage. Her cottage was of a modest, organic style that is fit for such a shy and cute pony herself. They went on inside and saw that the rest of the Mane 6 were waiting for them with their animals. Twilight stands up and greets the two earth ponies.
"Oh you must be the one's that Fluttershy brought over to look after out pets. Epic I'm glad you can do this for us on such short notice," she looks over at Rye, "And I don't think I know your name but I do know that Epic did make a new friend so you must be him."
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>>7703"Greetings, my name is Summer Rye. It's an honor to meet all of you…" he gives a gentle bow boefre the Princess of Friendship.
"And… yes, we'll look after the pets. We… at least I would need to know what's to be done exactly though. What can you tell us about your pets?"
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>>7704Each of the Mane 6 gestures at their pets one by one.
"This is my pet Owlowiscious." Twilight holds up a bright eyed owl brown owl. The owl bobs its head politely to say hello. "He's very well behaved and he like being tickled just behind his ears. His favorite treats are chocolate mice."
"Say howdy Winona!" grins Applejack. A brown and white dog wearing a red collar jumps around Applejack playfully. "Give her a bone to chew on and she'll be as happy as a worm in an Apple Barrel. She also like having her belly scratched.
"What did you say Gummy?" Pinkie pie holds a baby alligator up to her ear. "You like these ponies? Well if you like them then I like them too!" The gator which has not uttered a word stares blankly at you. "Gummy says that he'd like for you to feed him fishcakes and play his favorite game snap."
"Opalescence is extremely sensitive, and you must take full care of my darling." Rarity is preening a white fluffy cat wearing an opal studded collar. "She'll only have the most finest cat treats and wants her fur combed perfectly."
"Hey Tank, say hello to your new firends!" Smiles Rainbow Dash. A large green tortoise looks up at you slowly. He looks to be wearing some sort of helicopter device on his back. "Feed him plenty of lettuce and be sure to let him out for a spin once in a while."
"You've already met Angel already. I can tell he already likes you…" The white rabbit sneers at you and sticks out his tongue. "He's such a loving little creature. All he needs is some juicy carrots and his tail fluffed up."
I don't have a pic of all the pets at once so here's something else. No.7706
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>>7705Summer Rye sticks out his tongue at Angel in return while trying to remember all the different names and treats…
"That's a lot to take in. Um… what's snap?" He asks Pinkie Pie. "I'm not really familiar with it."
And to Fluttershy: "And where can we get all these different treats they want?"
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>>7705>Gives Winona a belly rub.Who's a good girl?
>>7706Hm… if we divide the pets between us, then it'll be more easier to take care of. I can look after three of the pets at Fluttershy's cottage while you can look after the other three at your place.
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>>7707"Good idea! You'll take Angel!… Um… I have no place though. Besides, I have no treats or grooming items."
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>>7708Don't you live on a farm? Surely you have plenty of space for animals.
And I can't take the animals to my place, I live in the heart of Everfree Forest.
>Turns to FluttershyT-that is, if you don't mind me staying at your place until you return… how long will you be gone?
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>>7709"I'm not taking the critters back home to Trottingham. That's like at the other end of Equestria.
So, can I stay at your place too, Fluttershy?"
>>7710Is theres enough room? Why can't we take the animals to the crystal palace or Applejacks farm? Surely big Mac or Applebloom volunteered to petsit Winona first.
Plus it's good for dogs to stay with their pack when it comes to pet sitting.
"Oh don't worry, Gummy will explain won't you Gummy?" Pinkie says as Gummy still remains silent.
Fluttershy shows the two all of her cupboards of food that has just about anything each kind of animal would need.
>>7707>>7708>>7709>>7710I really don't want to split the party. As for now just stay at the cottage.>>7709>>7710"Yes you two will just stay here and look after the pets. Everything they need will be here." Fluttershy explains.
"Yeah Fluttershy is great with animals so she has a bunch of stuff that you'll need." Rainbow Dash chimed in
Twilight spoke, "Here we should probably go now or else we'll miss our train. I promise we'll be back within a few days."
The Mane 6 makes their farewells with their animals and then leaves Rye and Epic alone with them. All of the pets look at Epic and Ry with some sort of impatient expectation.
Mind Test (Difficulty 2)
1d4 = 3Summer Rye
Mind Test (Difficulty 2)
1d6 = 1 No.7714
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>>7713Epic can tell that the animals are hungry and should be fed before they are pampered or else they may get restless.
Here's something to listen to, doesn't fit with the scene I was really just bored. Anyways I'll try to be on early tomorrow. No.7715
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Summer Rye says good bye to ponies, hoping he was able to remember all the things he had heard.
"My my my… chocolate mice and belly scratches…"
Then he sat down, opened his saddle bag and took out his second pie half, licking his lips.
"Well, first I'll have a little snack, then it's time to do some grooming. Right critters?" He looks at the pets.
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>>7716"Don't give hime carrots, he already ate mine!"
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>>7717Oh, well he can have at least 2 then.
>Puts the rest of the carrots back.If he doesn' want to eat them thats fine.
But where are we gonna get a bone? Fluttershy wouldn't have animal bones in her house, she'd find that ghastly.
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>>7718"Oh… you think the critters are hungry, too? Well, I'll look outside. Maybe I'll find a bone there. Don't eat my pie!"
>>7719I won't.
>Puts the pie out of reach for the animals.Other than the bone, Fluttershy is stocked for most of the animals.
>Checks inventory. No.7722
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"Maybe she has a basement? Maybe there's a bone there."
Rye leaves the and sighs, stretching his bones before he slowly walks around the building once, keeping his eyes peeled to (hopefully) find a bone.
>>7722>>7723The pie doesn't seem to please the animals, that really is more for ponies after all. Instead the party had to rummage through the large amount of various foods to find the right kind of snack for the pets each
Winona (Difficulty 2)
Rye Mind
1d6 = 5Epic Mind
1d4 = 4Tank (Difficulty)
Rye Mind
1d6 = 1Epic Mind
1d4 = 2Gummy (Difficulty 3)
Rye Mind
1d6 = 2Epic Mind
1d4 = 2Owlowiscious (Difficulty 3)
Rye Mind
1d6 = 5Epic Mind
1d4 = 1Angel (Difficulty 4)
Rye Mind
1d6 = 5Epic Mind
1d4 = 2Opalescence (Difficulty 5)
Rye Mind
1d6 = 6Epic Mind
1d4 = 4 No.7725
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>>7724TBH I'm pretty impressed you nearly got all of them so I'll just budge gummy's for you After a few minutes the pets were all sitting down with their favorite snacks, they seem to be happy and if Fluttershy was there she would be proud of Epic and Rye.
After a while the pets had finished their food and are now starting to look a bit restless. Perhaps they need something or were expecting something now.
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>>7724>>7725A'ight, time for some brushie-brushie.
>Gets comb out.Who wants to go first?
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>>7726Holy shit! I recognize that comb in the picture. That's the same comb you would have gotten with a MLP happy meal pony toy back when they had that.Grooming the pets was not only relaxing for them but as well as Epic and Rye. Every pet purs or except for gummy, he just sort remains stiffened like a statue. Angel gets a glint in his eye before Epic goes to bush up his tail and Angel hops away from Epic's reach.
The little rabbit lands on top of a large bookshelf, causing it to teeter and fall on top of Epic and Rye, could they avoid it?
Body Test (Difficulty 5)
1d8 = 7Rye
Body Test (Difficulty 5)
1d6 = 2 No.7728
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>>7727[spiuler]I based the comb after the one I got with my Fluttershy toy.[/spoiler]
And here I thought the bunny liked his tail groomed.
>>7727Epic deftly evades but only to get himself tangled up in curtains and cannot move at the moment. Rye was a bit more unfortunate and was now pinned by the shelf causing
1d8 = 3 stamina point damage.
The loud noise causes all of the pets to panic and they start running out of the cottage in a chaotic fashoin while Epic and Rye are powerless to stop them.
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>>7738Dammit, even Tank and Gummy ran off…
>Realises the serious of the nature and began panicking a little.Oh no Fluttershy's going to so angry!
>>7741Clarity will be slow at replying since he is on his phoneThing Epic think… what to do.. I don't want Fluttershy to be upset, but she will be upset with her rabbit is gone… hekck everyponies pets are gone, they will all be dissapointed at me-
>After worrying over consequences for about 15 seconds.Alright, OK, Maybe… Maybe if I find Winona first, she could track where the other pets went?
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>>7743>Rushes out with him.I'm gonna go find Winona.
>Runs towards the direction of Sweet Apple Acres. No.7747
>>7742>>7743They head on outside and find only the tracks of the animals, they are no where near the cottage premise.
A trail of bunny foot prints
Alligator Tracks
A purple bow
A Trail of soot
A cloud of smoke
And lastly the howls of a dog
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>>7746>>7747I can hear howling, this way!
>Follows the source of the sound, with his keen sense of hearing from growing up in Everfree Forest. No.7750
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>>7748They rush on through, going through a quick patch of forest until they found themselves in a flat area of dirt. Nothing was there except for a lone decrepit shack and… Winona! She's is tied to a wooden post and is crying for help. Right now she is far off and you can probably call to her to catch her attention or walk up to her.
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>>7750Are we in Everfree Forest?>>7751It's not their dog, I can handle some trouble.
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>>7752No right now you are in the Gem FlatsWinona still hasn't noticed the party.
>>7753After saying this, Winona starts barking at Epic and Rye for help.
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>>7755>>7756Once you get up there, Winona whimper but then yelp as the earth behind you rumbles up and three Diamond Dogs appear behind you.
"What are you doing here at our Gem Flats? Are you trying to steal our Gems?!" one of the bigger ones shouts.
>>7757Diamond Dogs!
>Turns around to face them, ready for a fight.I'm taking back this here dog. She's the only gem here worth while.
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>>7757"Uh… no, we're not here to steal anything. We just want our friend's dog back. That's all. We don't want any kind of trouble."
>>7760>>7762The dogs looks at the two with a cautious disdain at their presence but they don't look to be moving in to attack.
>>7761They hear Rye's words and jumble it around their heads. Be warned that they do not often trust ponies.
Summer Rye
Charm (Difficulty 5)
1d6 = 6 No.7764
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>>7763They believe Rye and do not feel threatened by the two but their greed does not escape them.
"We believe you ponies but finders keepers, we found the dog and it is ours. You can buy it from us for 1,000 bits." one demands.
The price is ridiculous for something that belongs to you. Perhaps you can offer them something else in your inventory or perhaps offer to work for them for a time. Trying to attack or steal away Winona may cause you to be overrun by the dogs.
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>>7763(Lucky roll there.)
>>7764Summer Rye gasped at that outrageous price… but he didn't want to start a fight with the dogs. They were one more and their lair was close. There might be more Diamond Dogs lurking in that hole.
He sighed and out of his saddle big he produced a truly extravagant meal he had stored there. He even placed his remaining half of the pie on top.
"How about we make a trade? You get all these tasty treats for Winona over there. She is a herder's dog, she will not be of much use to you in your holes underground. She cannot sniff out gems and is too small to pull a cart."
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>>7765>>7766The dogs nearly run each over to get a closer look at the meal Rye produced. You can probably guess that the Gem Flats aren't really a good place to get food.
The dogs, the con artists they are, regain their composure quickly.
"We'll… take your offer pony. Just don't lose your dog again or else we may ask for more next time."
Winona joins your party as a guest. Winona can help you when navigating areas that you may have gotten lost in by rerolling your failed Mind Test rolls. (Only works when navigating)
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"Enjoy your food you three… come along, Winona."
>>7768"That went better than expected."
>>7768>>7769>>7770The Dogs are occupied over the great amount of food that Rye had offered them so the party was able to leave on good terms with them. Perhaps later in the future that may help out in a very little bit.
The party returns to the cottage area and still have the other trails to explore, a lot of which have them enter the Everfree forest.
A trail of bunny foot prints
Alligator Tracks
A purple bow
A Trail of soot
A cloud of smoke
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>>7771"That cloud of smoke looks ominous… maybe we should check it out next?"
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>>7772You're right. Could be a fire. Somepony may need our help.
Let's go.
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>>7773"Alright, off we go then."
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>>7772>>7773>>7774They head in that direction, only to be faced with the edge of the Everfree. For Epic this is quite really his home but for Summer Rye, he has never seen such a forest before in his life. Trottingham does have its own sets of woods but never one so feral as this one. You both wonder how this came to be.
They head on in and progress forwards, the path they had taken slowly being encroached by the thickets and trees, the sun being cut out by the canopy above them. Wild animals such as birds squawked at them as they passed and there was even the slight growling noise made just beyond the bushes. The danger was real here but for Epic he was well enough familiar with the Everfree's tone, that is not to say that it is sometimes difficult to travel here.
Eventually the canopy becomes so thick that they can not see the billow of smoke so they would have to rely on their own senses to navigate.
Navigation (Difficulty 3)
Mind (1d4]
1d4 = 1Familiarity
1d4 = 2Rye
1d6 = 6Winona
1d6 = 1 No.7776
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>>7775Thankfully they were able to make it on through and found that they were now out of the Forest and now at Ghastly gorge, a large crack in the earth.
brings back memories eh Epic?. Looking down, they can make out tank and see that he had crash landed down below at the bottom and his rotor is making the smoke. They can also see that there are numerous holes on the walls of the valley area.
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>>7776"Goodness? We have to get help him!" Summer Rye shouts and looks around whether there is safe a way down into the gorge or if it becomes necessary to actually climb down.
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>>7777Look at those sevens!You can see that the gorge is nearly an instant drop off but the walls are broad enough to climb or slide down though that could prove dangerous. Body Test (Difficulty 4)
If they had some rope, then perhaps they could tie it to themselves and a nearby tree and safely rappel down.
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>>7778"It's not good climbing with an empty stomach… you brought some rope, Epic, didn't you?"
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>>7776I do remember, but I thought Ghastly Gorge wa east of Ponyville?Gone to play BM3 and you get quads without me!>>7779Yeah, we can use the rope the Diamond Dogs used on Winona.
Also, becareful. Quarray eels live in various borrows and will bite at us whole if they no more than sense some vibrations outside their holes.
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>>7780Summer Rye looks doubtfully at the rope, wondering if it wasn't more of a leash and way too thin to support two full grown, heavy Earth Ponies.
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>>7779>>7780Goys I'll let you have the rope, just next time be sure to tell me you actually took the rope with you.They fashioned up the rope and headed on down the walls of the gorge. It takes a few minutes before they get to the bottom and they now have to get to the other side of the gorge. Tank is laying there in the distance and before him is a large hole in the wall.
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>>7783"I don't like the look of that hole…" Summer Rye mutters as he begins to shiver, taking a few steps back. "I don't like caves… so… creepy…"
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>>7785(That's the song of my people.)
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>>7784Shh, keeps quiet and stay very still.
>Approaches Tank as slowly and as carefully as he can. He's well aware how sensetive qurrey eels are to vibrations, he needs to becareful to approach Tank, pick him up and take him away from the caves. No.7788
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Decides to listen to Epic's advice and remains silent, watching him sneak up to Tank.
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>>7786>>7787>>7788It doesn't matter, once he gets too close they are beset by large glowing eyes beyond the cave's darkness. Then emerges a large quarry eel that is the size of Ponyville's Town hall.
They would have to think fast or else they would be in a lot of danger.
>>7790Epic Mount Fights!
Epic Body
1d8 = 6 VS Eel Body
1d20 = 19>>7791Since the Eel is occupied by Epic Mount, Rye was able to get to a safe distance. No.7795
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>>7793"Oh no! Epic!" Summer Rye watches closely, wondering if the eel returns to its cave or stays outside.
>>7795It stays out and glares at Rye with its evil eyes, daring him to try anything. Perhaps Rye can free Epic by causing the Eel to open his mouth in some way.
Perhaps you can try to examine the eel?
>>7794Epic tries but he is too hurt to try, he can barely move.
Tank is still on the ground but he has gotten up and is moving towards the Eel's cave and the Eel doesn't notice.
>>7796(How much HP do I have?)
Fine, if thats how it is…
>Punches the soft, pink parks in it's mouth. No.7798
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>>7796Summer Rye thinks about the items he has with him… a saddle bag, a bucket, his cooking utensils and a spate… then he has an idea.
Taking the spate runs towards the Eel, hoping it would try to gobble him up too - then he would try to keep the Eel's mouth pried open with the spate!
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>>7799Summer Rye is glad and surprised his plan actually worked and drags the groggy Epic Mount out of the eel's mouth as quickly as he can, leaving the spate behind.
"Get out of that cave, Tank!"
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>>7800The enemies in this game really aren't balanced for combat, the company did write this for kids after all. Hell I even did a test battle of a 1v1 against a Timber Wolf and my character and lost.>>7801He is able to get Epic and has the time to scoop up the turtle since it would be too slow to escape on its own. Once they get out of the Gorge and reach a safe distance, Epic now reawakens with 1 stamina point and now has his Charm downgraded due to Eel spit. The battle also causes Summer Rye to become somewhat hungry. Tanks joins the party but he doesn't really do anything since he's so slow.
Summer Rye Resist Hunger
1d6 = 2 (Difficulty 4)
If fails, Summer Rye downgrades Charm
Perhaps the duo should head back to town to rest up some.
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>>7802I was hoping at least to stun the eel, given Epic grew up in the forest. Perhaps I need an excuse why Epic's been nerf'd or something.>>7802>Epic was dazed and confused.D-id I get 'im?
Will I get that charm point back after the bath?>>7803 No.7805
>>7804(I hope the eel spit can be washed off)
"On the way back to Fluttrtshy's… we can rest there. Luckily Tank is safe. It was pretty brave of you trying to attack the eel."
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>>7805>Sitting in bath tub, talking to Rye.I can usually take out large monsters in one punch.
I dunno why I'm not as strong as I once was.
I guess ever since Pinkie Pie introduced me to "chocolate" and "cake" I haven't been eating a shealthy as I usually have.
>>7806Summer Rye was having a big meal after spending quite some time in the larder. He also had some lettuce for Tank and (hopefully) found a bone for Winona.
"Luckily my wits and spade were at hand!"
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>>7809>>7810They spent about 20 minutes getting themselves ready once again and were now fully restored, stamina and all their traits were back up to their normal levels again.
Once they went back outside again, they had these pieces of evidence to look at again.
A trail of bunny foot prints
Alligator Tracks
A purple bow
A Trail of soot
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>>7812"I guess that bow belongs to the cat? Winona, can you track her down?"
Summer Rye let Winona sniff at the bow.
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>>7814I know who can do better!
>Takes the bow (adds to inventory) and gives it to Winona to sniff.C'mon girl, can you track her? She is a cat after al.
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>>7814>>7815She sniffs at the bow and catches a scent and is ready to enter the Everfree, you'll just have to see if you can keep the trail in the forest.
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>>7816"Oh well… if we must…" he slowly follows the dog. "I hope we won't need my spade again. I hope I'll get a new one."
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>>7818Still have the rope>>7817>>7818They once again enter the dark and often enough spooky forest where danger normally lurks around every corner. The path that Winona had them on was long and winding and soon they would need her nose the most.
Navigation (Difficulty 4)
1d4 = 3Winona
1d4 = 1Familiarity
1d4 = 3Rye
1d6 = 4Winona
1d6 = 6 No.7821
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>>7819Summer Rye felt pretty much lost soon enough and Epic's expression was not too promising either. Hopefully Winona was able to track the owner of the bow down.
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>>7820>His curiosity as peaked. While he knew most of Everfree, not the entirety of it.Hm, perhaps one of the old wells of the nearby Castle?
>Looks into it.Maybe a dungeon entrance? I'll have to come back here sometime.
>>7822It looked to be some sort of rhythmic poem…
I am a well of wishing and I wish you well.
You seek a purring pretty pet that down me fell.
My depth is great and my sides are steep.
What I have taken is mine to keep.
If you wish to save your feline friend.
With me you trinkets will have to end.
I wish for gold a plenty or a favorite toy.
A treasured necklace that brings you joy.
The most secret of recipes or a pair of rings.
What it is doesn't matter, these are just things.
What I truly wish and will bring me great bliss.
Is for you to give me something you will miss.
>>7823Once he touches, he just gets a strange magic aura from it. Even though spending a lot of time in the Everfree and seeing strange things daily, unicorn magic has always escaped Epic.
>>7824Jeeze, looks like a riddle of sorts.
If it's lengthy and in poem, then it's not a sstraight forward as it may seem, Zecora taught me that herself.
Wouldn't be suprise if she knew about this well.
>>7826Zecora had never told about Epic about this well but…
Mind Test (Difficulty 3)
1d4 = 4 Rye
1d6 = 2 No.7829
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>>7827"If only we had brought a lamp… but that sounsd like Opal down there! Also, looks too dangerous to climb down."
He looks at Epic.
>>7828The structure of this well is quite similar to that of the ancient castle that Celestia and Luna lived in as children so it's doubtful that Zecora would know anything about this well since this was most likely built a long time ago.
>>7829Perhaps they can do something that pertains to the riddle to retrieve the cat.
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"That rope looks pretty brittle… but we have the rope that holds Winona and I got a bucket! Maybe we can lower it enough for Opal to climb in and we can pull her up!"
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>>7831"I think the well wants something we hold dear, maybe it doesn't matter what it is… just as long as we'd miss it. Like my pie! If only I hadn't given it to those Dogs… ah well. Winona was worth it."
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>>7830>>7831I know but this structure ancient so she wouldn't even know about its presence here.They ponder on the riddle a bit.
Difficulty 4
1d4 = 2Rye
1d6 = 5>>7832>>7833Any way they can find out how to get Opal out would be WELL worth it.
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>>7832>>7833The wells rope does look brittle, we rescue the cat with it and let it keep the brand new sturdy rope.
But dunno if I'll miss this rope that much, so dunno if this is the answer. But worth a try.
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>>7836I will offer the well, the sturdy rope we have. We can replace it's worn aged rope with it and can use it to rescue Opal.
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>>7837"Sounds like a plan to me… I've already given up my food and that was what I held dearest. :P"
>>7838Other than Opals ribbon, I've got nothing of valuble on me other than this rope.
>Changes the rope on the well with the one he has.After all, a well would find a functioning pulley more valuble than just tirnkets at it's bottom.
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>>7837>>7838Once you replace the rope for the well, you hear a strange gurgling noise… suddenly you can hear and then see that the well's water level has risen up to the top of the stone work to offer a wet Opal in a worn down bucket.
Opal is cold and wet and doesn't enjoy being in the forest so she constantly caterwauls and makes it impossible to do anything quietly. Well atleast you got her back. You also each find 80 bits in the bucket.
>>7840Ooh money! Want halfies?
>Takes at least 40bits and leaves the rest for Rye.Calm down Opal!
>Puts Opals ribbon back round her neck and tries to hold her a scomforting as he could.Making such noise in a place full of wild monsters is not a good idea.
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>>7840"Nice one! Let's get you out of here Opal and return to Fluttershy's cottage."
Rye looks into the bucket.
"There's 80 for each of us!"
He picks up 80 bits, smiling. Now he could replace his spade.
>>7842>>7843C'mon, let's take her back to Fluttershy's and towel-dry her. Hopefully Rarity would forgive her state.
>To the cat.Don't worry Opal, I'll be sure to comb you through later. YOu'll feel much better.
>>7843>>7844They take her on back and once she dries off, she goes up into the rafters and refuses to go with Epic and Rye. Perhaps it is for the best as she would just complain and create noise.
There were only three trails to look for or perhaps they can go and spend some money first.
A trail of bunny foot prints
Alligator Tracks
A Trail of soot
I gotta leave soon but I have enough time to introduce a shopkeeper. No.7846
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"Yes, let's return to the cottage and grabe a bite. I wonder what else is in Fluttershy's larder. In the meantime we can find some chocolate mice for Opal."
>>7845Alright, we need to get Angel Bunny back. Fluttershy would never forgive me if I don't bring him back.
>Sigh.But knowing him, he'd be the more hassle.
>>7846It is Owlowicious who enjoys the chocolate mice. With all these pets here, it's perhaps best you petsit while I go find Angel Bunny, or else the animals may get loose again.
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>>7847"Oh, did he now? What was it that Opal liked again?"
He thinks for a moment.
"I don't really want to sit home with the animals all day. Besides, after eating all my apples and carrots that bunny can wait."
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>>7847>>7849>>7850>>7851Guys, this is not really the game to separate and split the party. You two need to stick together and work as a team. MLP is after all about friendship and cooperation.The pets had already been fed and can be left behind here with no sort of consequence. The two are free to go look for the rest of the animals.
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>>7855"We might as well get it behind us. Let's follow those bunny tracks."
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>>7856>>7857Sorry I wasn't on today, I had to work really early in the morning.They followed the tracks into the forest. The path that they were on was starting to get more and more narrow, pretty soon Rye and Epic were right up on each other without any room to spare. Suddenly the vine like plants latched on to them and would not let them go. It would seem that they had walked into living plants and were now wrapped up in their thorny vines. They would have to find a way to free themselves or break free with physical force even though it may hurt by forcing themselves out.
>>7927Rye groans, struggling to free himself from those pesky plants.
(I'll attempt to use brute force to get free.)
>>7928Rye tries to break free of the unrelenting plants…
Rye Body
1d6 = 5 VS Plant's Body
1d6 = 3 No.7930
>>7929He was able to snap and break free, covered in a dew bits of thorns in his sides and mane.
Stamina Damage
1d4 = 3 No.7931
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>Recognises the plants as wild plunderseed vines, though different from the ones Discord planted millenia a go.
>Takes evasive actions not to get captured.
>>7933>>7932They both try to free Epic, making it a bit easier to do so then breaking free by yourself.
Epic Body
1d8 = 8 VS Plant's Body
1d4 = 4 No.7935
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>>7934Epic rips free but only after the thorns tear into his sides violently.
Stamina Damage
1d4 = 4 No.7936
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>>7935"Oooh.. that looks like it hurts! Come on Epic, let's get out of here. Those plants are dangerous!"
>>7935(So 8HP left right?)
>>7936Ack! I've had worse.
>Makes tactical retreat with Rye. No.7938
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>>7936>>7937Epic Mount=8HP
Summer Rye=9HP
Once freed, they head on out and continue on the trail to find Angel Bunny. The path clear wider and wider until the party enters a large clearing with a large land mass that had built up that is complemented with a large cave. They can also hear a large grumbling noise that seems to sound to come from something incredibly giant.
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>>7938"I knew that bunny would mean trouble…"
Summer Rye sighs and carefully moves towards the cave, peeking inside.
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>>7939The cave is dark, really dark but not so much to where you won't be able to see if you enter. However Rye's fear of caves was about to kick in and if he couldn't get a hold, his Mind Trait will be downgraded as a result.
Resis Fear
1d4 = 1Mind
1d6 = 3>>7940This is true and the party should head in soon if they wish to find the bunny nut perhaps caution should be applied here.
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>>7941"C… cave…. big… and deep…" Summe Rye begins to tremble.
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>>7942>>7943Even though he is a bit scared, he should be able to continue onwards without freezing up or anything… so long as he stays with Epic Mount.
The two enter the cave and for the first part it was like a massive tunnel with cold wet stone beneath their hooves. Eventually they enter a grotto that was lit op by the starry night sky above. On one of the walls they can see and celestial looking bear craddling… is that… Angel! Angel seems to have been caught up by the several story tall bear and is now being treated as if a baby. Angel does not look pleased.
>>7945Manure! An Ursa Major…
>Checks the situation.But wheres her cub? For her to behave such a way means it's been absent for awhile.
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>>7945"Um… hello, Mr. Bear… uh… We didn't mean to intrude but you seem to have found our bunny friend there… Would you give him back to us?"
Summer Rye prepares to run away quickly in case his speech has no success.
>>7949Shhhshsh this is a delicate matter, she will get very protective and dangerous if she recognise us as intruders.
>>7950Oh she does. Everfree Forest is where the Ursa constellations dwell.
>>7949>>7950Epic doesn't realize it but Rye saw how the Ursa was treating it and it was a sort of familiarity, like watching one of his little sisters playing with her dolly. Suddenly he understands that this bear is actually a baby and the mother is out right now but could be back in any second.
The bear looks down at the two and are cautious of them to see them as a threat.
Charm Test (Difficulty 5)
1d6 = 3Epic
1d6 = 2 No.7954
Well now I feel a fool for mixing them two up.>>7952Wait… this ursa is too small… perhaps… the Ursa Minor? Oh heck!
>>7953>Gives a nervous grin.O-OK, I have an idea… But when you can, secure the bunny.
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>>7952Summer Rye takes a step back, realizing that did not work out as intended…
>>7952"Ooooh… I think that IS the cub…"
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"I don't want to be here when her mother returns home… What kind of idea? I hope it doesn't involve trying to punch it like that eel."
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>>7958"Ooooh… whimsical…" Summer Rye hoped that actually works.
>>7958The bear became infatuated with Epic and loosened up its grip with Angel Bunny, so much so that Angel ran free and hopped right into Rye's saddlebags. The bear was distracted but if Epic stops now, then it will realize it was tricked and most likely throw a tantrum.
>>7959Watching this, Rye thought to himself perhaps they should fashion a new doll for the bear out of some leaves and twigs from the forest.
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>>7961Rye was quite glad to be able to get out of that cave as quickly as possible and tried hist best to fashion together a suitable dolly as replacement. If only he had more skill in sewing.
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>>7963Rye found all of the suitable materials to make some impromptu doll but it would take some time to do so.
>>7964The Ursa is still watching him but saw that he was nearing the tunnel exit.
Epic Body
1d8 = 2 VS Ursa Mind
1d6 = 4 No.7966
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>>7965It soon realized that it did not have Angel and Epic was now leaving which angered it and with a large roar it now charged at Epic!
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>>7967>Like with mud twigs and leaves.Will Epic make it out of the cave safely and will Rye be able to fashion a new doll in time? Find out next time on Tails of Equestria!
I gotta go now and work. No.7969
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>>7967This… dolly looks… good enough… lots of mud, twigs and leaves!
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>>7969>>7970The bear chased Epic out and was nearly about to strike when it saw the twig mud doll Rye had made from scratch. It looked at it curiously to see what in the world Rye had made…
Charm Test 5
1d6 = 5 No.7972
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>>7971It looked at it and instantly fell in love with the dolly. It gently picks up the doll and takes it back into the cave to cradle like a small child.
Thankfully now the party had now rescued Angel and with him joining the party, he will surely cause trouble in the future.
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>Breaths a sigh of relief and drops the the ground tired.
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>>7973>>7974They were safe now since Angel is back in their possession and Epic could take solace in the fact that Fluttershy would be happy. Angel Bunny scurries out of Rye's saddle bags and sits on top of his back and was ready to get out of here and look for the other pets.
There were only two left to find, Owlowiscious and Gummy. Although where they went off to can only be guessed by the trails left behind.
Trail of Soot
Alligator Tracks
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>>7977"That alligator is pretty tiny, hopefully we don't overlook him… and I can barely make out the tracks in this dimness."
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>>7979"But we'd lose even more time by then… but we should definitely take a light along before we look for Owlowiscious."
>>7980Owlowiscious is a night owl, we can look for Gummy now and have better chance at finding Owlowiscious during the later hours.
>>7981Oh wait, Winona's here with us. Can you find Gummy girl? You remember the smell of Gummy?
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>>7984Summer Rye kept his nose very low to the ground in order to see the small alligator tracks.
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>>7985>>7986They follow the trail and head even further south into the forest while the firefly lights accompanied them.
Navigation Difficulty 4
1d6 = 3Winona
1d6 = 4Epic
1d4 = 3Familiarity
1d4 = 3Winona
1d4 = 1 No.7989
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>>7987"I think Winona is still able to follwo the trail… I can barely make out anything anymore."
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>>7988Summer Rye wondered what was flying up there… maybe it was the owl? But it was too dark for him to make out easily.
"There's a canoe…!" Rye was checking for oars.
>>7988I remember this lake, this is Zecora's canoe.
>Looks over to the island, but too cannot see what the flying creature was.Is that a bat, or an owl?
>>7990Yeah, let's get over there quick.
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>>7990>>7991They found some oars in the boat and took it out to the island. The waves beat up against the sides of the canoe but it was still a gentle ride, Epic can see why Zecora comes out to this island. He can remember Zecora taking him here to help her gather ingredients when he was young but now in his older age he can now get this sense of quiet and peace here.
Once they got on up to the island, they found that the thing flying up above is a hawk looking thing with a Mohawk and Gummy biting on to his side.
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>>7992"G… Gummy! What are you doing?! Let go!"
>>7993Gummy's stare is still blank and his hold of the rebellious looking hawk will not relent. They will have to find a way to get him down from there.
>>7994Epic can see that Gummy is latched onto the hawk and is very high up. Dangerously so.
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>>7997High enough that Gummy will be hurt if dropped from up that high, he'll live and will be fine.
>>7996Holy shitThe hawk heres this and goes down a much safer distance so Gummy won't be hurt if he falls. The Hawk is still is flying, they need to get Gummy to let go.
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>>7999"Come on, Gummy, let go! We'll take you home and make you supper! Pinkie will be disappointed if you keep nibbling that poor hawk!"
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>>8002Summer Rye pondered about Gummy's owner. He had only seen that pink pony for a few moments but she seemed rather cheerful. He decides to put his bucket on his head and tried to juggle some of his cooking utensils (while hoping none would land in the water). Maybe the gator would find that fun.
>>8003Gummy sees the display and smiles…
Laugh DC 5
1d6 = 4 No.8006
>>8002>Epic was growling away, making up a song.BUCKET-HEAD BUCKET-HEAD
>>8006Laugh DC 4
1d6 = 4 No.8008
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>>8006Summer Rye began to laugh at the song and the bucket slipped off his head.
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>Epic had to stop his made-up death-metal song and cough.
I can't go on anymore. I guess you could say I'm a little horse.
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>>8007Epic's horrid lyrics finally got Gummy to laugh and he fell right on down into Epic's back nicely. Suddenly though Gummy snaps right on Epics side and would not let go.
Gummy has joined the party and while he is close to another party member, he will play his game of snap and latch on to them. A party member that has Gummy biting him will have his Body trait downgraded when making Body Tests.
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>>8010>Epic didn't mind the guy holding onto him.We should go.
>Gets on the canoe. No.8012
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>>8010"Alright, off we go…" Summer Rye was quite pleased that Gummy was with them now but made sure to keep a distance. He didn't want the alligator to cling to his mane or tail.
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>>8011>>8012They head on back to the mainland and were now back at the edge of the Everfree forest with only one Pet left to look for and that would be Owlowiscious. So that would mean the following to soot trail.
>>8012>>8013>Epic didn't mind at all, after all he's been bitten by worse things, with actual fangs.OK, now we need to find Owlowicious. Luckily he was a wild owl before settling with Twilight and more active at night, though finding her shouldn't be so bad.
Hm… soot…
>Follows. No.8015
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>>8013Summe Rye went into Fluttershy's hut to find a lantern or other light source to take along.
>>8014They follow the Trail with Winona at the lead. Finally they almost had all of them back in safety and soon they could go home and wait for the Mane 6. Whether you take joy in helping others or are purely there for monetary purpose in the end they should be pleased.
Navigation DC4
1d6 = 1Winona
1d6 = 2Epic
1d4 = 4Familiarity
1d4 = 3Winona
1d4 = 1>>8015The cottage is too far and the party is already following the soot.
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>>8016Me? No, I don't have one.
>>8017Felt totally lost in the darkness and there were odd sounds everywhere. This was almost as bad as a cave.
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>>8017They soon come up to a clearing and they can see Owlowiscious flying erratically for some reason. He's bumping into trees and just looks confused, below him is some sort of blue flora.
>>8019Oh no!
>Prevents Rye from going any further.Thats Poison Joke.
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>>8020Epic can see that the owl had contracted the poison joke and it seems that it severely affected his flight patterns.
>>8021Rye can assume that what Epic was talking about was the large amount of blue plants that cover the area.
They'll have to somehow get a hold of the owl and cure his ailment.
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>>8021Poinson Joke. It's pollen has a random magical effect on those in contact with it.
Last time I was explosed to it, ended up with both my eyes on one side of my head.
>Calls to the owl.Owlowicious! Come down here!
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>>8022Summer Rye takes his buckt and tries to catch the owl in it, always careful not to stumble into the flowers.
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Uh… try… flying away from us?
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"Try flying away from us and try not to aim at this bucket!"
Try using your cutiemark skills.
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>>8030Rye wanted to consult Epic about a plan as he noticed him just wondering off into the flowers her warned him about…
"Um… that's no plan!" he shouted, not even knowing where this 'Zecora' lived.
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>>8032Let's cut away those plants!
>>8031>While Epic did approach the flowebed, was still reluctant to have his eyes wedged to one side of his head that he stopped.Do you have a plan?
>>8032(Defend from what exactly? Poison Joke is harmless and doesn't exactly "attack", unless you mean Owlowicious swooping.)
>>8033Hm… I dunno, feels… "unfair" to the plants.
>>8038Alright, idea then.
Rye, I'll need the bucket.
>>8040(That's way past my bed time unfortunately)
>>8039Summer Rye hands Epic his trusty bucket.
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>>8042I mean I can see your point now with that vid. I was kinda imagining that the bucket was made of wood and was about half the size of Rye so I was imagining it to be pretty big like a shield. And you would of course run through the patches where there weren't any poison joke and use the bucket to deflect the plants that might brush up against you.The two run on in, Epic using his makeshift shield and Rye cutting away any excess plants that Epic couldn't protect against.
Navigation DC 3
1d8 = 3Defending
1d6 = 3Rye
1d6 = 6Cooking
1d6 = 1 No.8044
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>>8043Bashing Poison Joke away and slicing and dicing their own path led them up to the Owl and Epic was able to scoop up the owl into his bucket shield and they both were able to make it out of the Poison Joke patch unharmed. That is of course not to say that Owlowiscious still needed his treatment from the curse which Epic knows can be provided by either Zecora or the Spa ponies but the Spa ponies would probably charge them…
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Summer Rye was all for getting out of the forest as quickly as possible but he let Epic decide. After all he seeemd to know Zecora.
"Once we're back home we'll get you some chocolate mice." he tried calm down Owlowiscious.
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(For some reason I went anon.>>8045>>8046Let's get to Zecora, she's closest and the spa would be closed by now, she can help us.
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>>8048I am consideirng Epic also being affected by the Poison Joke, but it's probably easier for Zecora to cure an owl over a full grown pony..
Unless you want a luck or body roll for it.This is where I grew up in the forest.
>>8052O-oh no..
Muh muscles!
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>>8052>>8053"What the… what is happening to you?"
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>>8056"We have to get you to Zecora quickly!"
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Sorry I'm late, I overslept by accident because my work hours have been brutal of late. My mom wants me to do a quick favor and then I'll be posting like normal. Deuces!
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>>8062Back>>8057>>8058>>8059>>8060They head on inside and they see that the inside is just as strange and foreign as the outside. Bottles and strange ingredients lined the walls, Herbs were strung up from the ceiling to dry out before use, smells of potions and a thin cloud of smoke flowed through the air. Epic got to see the familiar black and white striped pony that had raised him up as a child. For Rye this will be his first encounter with a Zebra since farm work doesn't really broaden your horizons.
"Ah Epic you have brought a friend", she says.
"And it seems you both met and untimely end."
"The ailments that made your body broke…"
"Perhaps you were touched by Poison Joke?"
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>>8064"You have explained me the how."
"So I will shall prepare the bath now."
"Perhaps you and your friend should take a rest."
"Collect your thoughts and ease your animals will be best."
She heads on back to gather what is needed to make up the herbal bath and came back out and started brewing it in a large black cauldron.
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>>8066I wonder if Rye is on…Zecora is still steadily making the potions as they talk. Clouds of green and pink puff up from the cauldron as she threw in more herbs to give the cure its potency.
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>>8067"I'm all, green, Ma'am! Please help us!"
>>8068>>8069"Do not worry, I will cure your wheat."
"So you can go and all the monsters you will beat."
Do you guys wanna chat to get a more RP immersion effect or just continue? No.8073
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>>8071>>8072With one final cloud puff from the cauldron, Zecora stepped aside and spoke.
"The cauldron ready with its potion."
"Step on in and rub the mixture on like lotion"
"The curse will be gone, for minutes will be some"
"So you two may go home."
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>>8073"Very much obliged, Miss Zecora…" Rye said before stepping into the potion, not before taking off his saddle bags not to get them wet.
"Aaaah… that is relaxing. How do you know the antidote?"
>>8074>>8075"I have traveled far for recipes learn."
"Potion making is a skill I have earned"
"Learning these things from texts before"
"Potion masters who have written this lore."
Soon enough the curse was starting to reverse itself, Epic's muscles were growing back and Rye's back wheat was receding.
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>>8076"That's much better… thanks again."
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>>8077>>8078All what had remained of the curse was now gone and the animals that accompanied the party were getting angsty and tired. Perhaps they should head on home now to get them to bed.
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>>8079"Don't give us that look, Angel. You should be grateful! You caused all this rucks in the first place."
"Thanks again, Zecora."
>>8082"It is no problem dear."
If you are ever in trouble, I shall be near."
>>8083They head on home on the dirt path that will lead to Fluttershy's cottage the fastest. They could still see in the darkness enough to navigate but… something was off. They felt as if they were being watched, hoof steps sounded close to them but when they looked nothing was there. Suddenly with a holing noise, two Timber Wolves jumped out in front of them. Their glowing eyes and snarls caught the two up and they knew that the wolves will be causing trouble.
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Summer Rye gave a scream of fear! He looked for a way to run, wondering if they were close to the edge of the forest.
>>8085The wolves were in the way but…
>>8086Epic tries to intimidate them
Epic Body
1d8 = 5 VS Wolf Mind
1d6 = 3Epic Body
1d8 = 5 VS Wolf Mind
1d6 = 1 No.8088
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>>8087Epic growl looked like it shook them pretty bad and soon that they ran out into the bushes were they thought it was safe. The path was now clear for them to head home. No.8089
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"Well done, Epic… that roaring really caught them by surprise." Summer Rye moved as quickly as possible.
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>>8088>>8089>Epic gave a nicker, given he's tussled with Timberwolves so many times, they recognise him as a threat a smost dangerous monsters in the forest.Let's go.
>>8089>>8090They finally made it on back home to the cottage and when they entered, all of the pets were asleep and the ones with the party found their respective beds and went to sleep as well. Rye And Epic spent another hour cleaning up the place before they went to rest on the furniture for the night.
For the next few days the two stayed at the cottage to feed and care for the animals as promised, Angel Bunny was still difficult but he didn't try any mass escape plan aagin. Gummy stayed still as usual and fortunately Epic nor Rye was snapped by him. Owlowiscious was kind enough to help Epic and Rye care for the pets and show them how to do so. Opal kept to herself mostly so she wouldn't mingle with plebians. Tank and Winona spent time together outside to play since they liked the outdoors.
After this fiasco Epic and Rye felt that they had learned much in this adventure, So much so that they had raised up into level 2. Their bond of friendship had also strengthened and they now had three tokens of friendship each.
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>>8091Good going. That was a nice adventure.
>>8091Phew! Can't wait til the girls come home.
Hope they be happy with how well we did.
Bu-u-ut let's not tell them about escaping eh?
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>>8093"Hmmm… probably not. I hope the pets won't tell them then."
(How can we level up?)
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>>8092>>8093>>8095>>8096Because I don't have the ToE expansion set, I don't have the adventure that starts right after this so we'll do the one I've been writing instead. If I do get the expansion one day then we could do the other adventure.The girls come back home and were quite happy to see their pets in well condition. After a happy reunion, Epic and Rye were rewarded with 100 bits for each of them to spend.
They got a sneaking suspicion that they would need to put this money to good use and buy proper adventuring supplies like ropes, armor, weapons, and anything useful.
What was in store for the future was anyone's guess but soon the fates of Epic and Rye will be tested in a conspiracy beyond the average pony's comprehension…
Next Time in ToE!
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>>8113Was no problem.
>Blushes, especially over how happy Fluttershy was with him. No.8122
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A few days pass after the pet predicament. Everything was pretty quiet and anything that was a major problem was often solved by the Mane 6 with a friendship/moral lesson at the end. This left Epic and Rye doing small and odd jobs around the town like cleaning windows or unnecessarily saving ponies from mayonnaise that they could not open. Doing so was not that much profitable and Rye's hopes of saving his farm and Epic's hopes of adventure had slowly dwindled. Still though what little money Rye had earned he sent to his family and going out and helping around made them feel pretty nice.
What was interesting though that today was the eve of a history festival where artifacts from the local museum will be out on display to show ponies young and old can see what life was like in ancient times. Though the museum was not open today, they can spend the hours away going around and buying supplies.
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>>8122Summer Rye sighed as he sent more money to his parents. "Earning money is hard…" He stretched himself. "A shame that museum isn't open, would be nice to look at some rustic items. Ah well, I wanted to do some shopping anyway. I need a new spade."
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>>8125I'm thinking of spending less time in Ponyville and return to my life in Everfree Forest more.
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>>8126"That sounds pretty boring but I want to return home too… But I need to earn some more bits so that's a no-go."
>>8125They had heard of a supply store that those in the adventurous lifestyle would appeal to. Ponies, who are explorers or dungeon divers, often speak of the store owned by Smooth Waves which is called Chill Surplus.
>>8126Perhaps something will change soon for these two… someday.
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>>8128Summer Rye pointed at an interesting looking store. "Hey, look over there… I haven't noticed that one before. 'Chill Surplus'… sounds fancy. Maybe they have a spade. Let's check it out."
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>>8127Everypony around here think I'm just some scrub-pony, that whenever I offer to help them in dire needs, they give me domestic chores to do, it's embarrasing! I'm the Everfree Pony! I fought monsters and saved lives!
>>8128>>8129>Takes a look at the store and sighs.Yeah, OK,
If you still need money for your farm, I could of given you the money we made last time.
I don't have much use for money in Everfree Forest.
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>>8130"Oh no, I cannot take your money - you earned it after all and it wouldn't be right."
Summer Rye gets into the store.
"Look at all the stuff they have!"
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>>8129They head on inside and see that it is empty of customers, nice. TBH it only really was useful to the wandering traveler since most of the citizens here live safe domestic lives. Cool sounding jazz played and a cool looking pony with slicked back hair welcomed them.
"Hey there cats, welcome to the Chill Surplus. You two are giving me some sweet vibes so let me know if you want to buy anything. I just got about what you'll need to keep you kicking in some dungeon. Or if you want to chat, I often keep up with the current events. too."
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>>8132Summer Rye eyed the pony who called him and Epic 'cats'… what an odd thing to say.
"Oh… hello there, Sir. You have a collection of quite a few interesting items here. I don't know what a 'dungeon' is except for a prison cell but my friend here and I were having quite an adventure lately and we could have used a lamp.
But what I really need is a spade… and oh my goodness… look at all the other stuff that is here!"
Summer Rye began rummaging through different objects of interest.
>>8132>Being with social difficulties, he's not entirely sure how to respond to this.Uh, hey smooth-dude. Um… we're just browsing.
>Takes a look at the sword.>>8134I'm more of a dog person myself.
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>>8134"Cool Daddy-O Let me help you with all of that"
So you now have the inventory you purchased in the OOC>>8135"Groovy cat. Hey that sword that caught your eye, I'll let you have it for 50 Bits. Heh… ur you do know you to swing it right?"
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>>8135"That sword looks sharp… I'm surprised they even sell such a thing."
Summer Rye rushed over to a table with ropes.
"We would have needed one of these!"
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>>8136"I'd like all this… can I have a discount for purchasing so much?"
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>>8136Not really. We don't have hands and looks rediculously big.
>>8137"That's right, royal guard aren't the only cats who can play with a smithy.
>>8138Charm Test
Rye Charm
1d6 = 4 VS SW Mind
1d8 = 5>>8139"Don't worry cat. You just hold the hilt with your mouth and…"
You learned how to hold the sword.
>>8140>>8138"Sorry kiddo, Stallion's gotta make a living too ya know. Don't worry I promise all of my stuff is affordable and of great quality."
>>8141"Ha ha. I like you two, perhaps you cool guys should come by more often."
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>>8142"Oh well… thanks anyway." Summer Rye hands him the 170 bits. "And yes, the items do look like they're good quality."
He puts on the barding.
"How do I look, Epic?"
>>8145Well, it does look cool, but I'm not the sort to take the lives of the monsters I fight. I'm no monster myself.
>>8144Didn't know you were into such things.
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>>8146"It's very old-stylish… but some sturdy clothes are always helpful out in the fields."
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>>8148(It's why I picked it over the helmet which would have been cheaper.)
>>8152"Yep I got that stuff too…"
He goes behind his counter and pulls out a mechanism holding onto flint and has a piece of metal ready to strike it.
"This will cost you 70 bits. I also have cans about the size of sodas of oil that will cost 20 bits each."
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"That flint looks fancy."
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>>8153Wow, what a cool mechanism! Usually I just bash flint together with rocks back home, but this looks much more efficient.
So that be 120 bits right?
>>8154>>8155It's also why I don't really need oil. I do have flint at home, but this looks much more efficient. And I uusally use tinder I find lying around the forest. Having oil would perhaps be more of a hassle.
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>>8156"Make sure you don't light the whole forest on fire."
>>8157I survived many winters in Everfree Forest. I know how to be responsible with fire.
>>8158Yep. that be all.
Hey… I just thought of something… do other adventuring ponies come and go as well? Or perhaps ponies looking for sturdy ponies for adventure?
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>>8159"Well there was an odd fella in here a while ago. Says he came from a suburb away from Baltimare. A short little unicorn who casts some pretty wierd magincs and says he can bend space time around him. Horseshit but hey I dunno."
Epic purchased the hoof bracers and Flint Steel and now has about 60 bits left.
And now I gotta go. If you guys want me to throw in my character I'll do so but only as a support role. No.8162
>>8160You can answer this when come back then.Oh, well, I figured, maybe you'd know where if theres "quests" and by quest I mean "jobs" that we can do that doesn't involve domestic works. Something that garners the attention of heroes than manual labourers.
I think a long time a go taverns and places had quest boards of sort, during pre-classical era I guess.
There must be some quests thats beneath Princess of Friendship.
While Twilight and Epic are friends, I always imagine their friendship like that of brother and sister that barely get along. They like each other but their methods and oppinions clash at times.
And yeah, be cool with your character can come along. It be like old times in the Wastelands… unless our Fo;E RPs take place in the distant future to this one… No.8163
>>8161>>8162I guess I'll throw my character on in, cool. Anyways I wouldn't really consider our Fo:E to be canon with this RP since this story takes place much later than important pre-war events in the Fo:E canon. Besides Critical was never restricted to a single canon TBH.Smooth Waves scratches his chin as he thinks about this…
"Hm… Well I don't think there's really anything going on as of late. Well there was this earthquake a day or two ago that rocked the train tracks up to Canterlot so all trade to and fro is cut off. Thankfully though all of the artifacts for the museum expo tomorrow had arrived long before that."
He gives Epic a smile to let him know not to worry.
"Don't stress it kid. I've seen a lot of adventurers start out small as you but later on they often become the talk of the local taverns. Why don't you go on ahead and check out the museum expo tomorrow and have a nice relaxing day off?"
Just to let you know, I was using this day so you can buy up some stuff. When you are ready for the story to continue, just say you packed up for the night and I'll start the museum expo. No.8165
>>8163Fancy museums? That sounds like something Twilight would attend to… I dunno.
>Imagines how u ncouth he is in a room full of fancy ponies.(Maybe Rye or Smooth can talk him into going, given his Social Difficulties would make him unconfortable for such situations.)
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>>8165"Ey. Why don't you put that Twilight out of your mind for a sec and just relax. Besides I think you would be interested to see all of those artifacts… behind a glass case of course."
>>8174Pre-Classical era artifacts? Well now it's even more likely Twilight will be present. Thats one of her favourate subjects.
As for Galloping Horse Rest, was anypony hurt?
>>8176OK, but only solo for a bit.>Talks to Rye.Rye, I'm gonna go look around town for a bit.
>Rye was too busy talking to Smooth to notice.Okay, meet up later, I guess.
>Goes out and about. No.8180
>>8178The feeling of life in there was pretty still, only but a handfew were actually in there and had already bought what they were going to eat. Before going to the counter though, Epic could hear this ghostly sounding music graze his ears. He looks and see this figure wearing a three piece suit and with a top hat that covers his face except for a devilish smile. In his hooves was a strange looking box that he cranked and played the orchestra from the odd and misshapen pipes that dotted the music box's exterior.
Oddly though, Epic was the only one to notice this stallion, everyone was either unaware or just choosing to ignore him.
>>8182Uh- me?
>Was not sure what to do.What is it?
>>8183Epic walks over to him while the stallion still plays his music box.
"I can tell your life is full of adventure. Perhaps you would like to play a game? Rules are simple, you just give me on of your items and I'll put in my box. Then I'll give you a new and better item."
>Epic was suspiciousWho are you? Some guy in a mask wanting one of my items for some sort of trade?
>>8185"I'm just a bard who likes to play a game every now and then. I can understand your reservations though but I promise I mean you no ill will. In fact if you want your item back, then it shall be so."
Will Epic play this Stallion's item game?
Don't worry he won't steal from you or give you shitty loot. No.8188
>>8187He places the bracers on into the box and he plays his music much more fastly and more violently. Suddenly what spat out was what looked to be a plain golden band that you would wrap around your hoof.
What is this?
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>>8188Are these… ballet shoes?
>>8191"This will help you ofcourse traveler, but you must learn to use it first. Go on ahead to get it appraised but I won't be here when you come back if you don't like what you got."
Epic was now at an ultimatum. Either go get the magic item appraised and keep it, or return it and never have the chance to use it.
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>>8194>Epic noticed the stranger… but is always hesitant to talk to ponies he doesn't know..Maybe Twilight Sparkle can analyse this for me?
>Goes to the palace. No.8196
>>8195He goes on up to the palace and checks in on over there but is greeted by spike.
"Oh hey Epic! Is Twilight here? Well no she went off to the Crystal Empire for the time being to help Cadence and Shining Armor with Flurry Heart."
It would seem that she is not here.
Huh I thought I had a spike pic… No.8197
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>>8196Oh, OK.
>Goes back to town and noticed the unicorn again.>He looks over the unicorn and comes to a conclusion.Hey I know!
>Walks past the stranger.Maybe Rarity will know, she's good with gemstones.
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>>8197As he passes by the stranger, he accidentally bumps into the little unicorn.
"Ah hey watch where you're walking…"
His dark eyes change from frustration to instant curiosity.
"Woah woah, what in the world do you got there? You got something that is emanating some sort of magic aura… something I used to examine in magic school…"
>>8199He takes it from Epic and gives it an inquisitive stare. Floating it around with telekinesis, and then finally giving it a lick before coming to a conclusion.
"Oh I know this enchantment. It a Body enhancement bangle or just simply a Power Bangle."
The unicron gives Epic a long explanation on how the bangle improves one's strength and health. Then the short history of magic enchantments and how the enchantment was put on it in the first place.
TBH this took about 10 minutes.
>>8200Uh, I see, so it'll make me physically stronger…
But surely it must have some sort of repercussion? After all some wierdo in a mask gave it to me. Surely he wouldn't give the better half of a trade without something in it for him.
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>>8201"I don't know, these are pretty common really and these sort of items never have any sort of draw back unless it is for some physical reason like how metal armor restricts movement."
While Epic wears this Power Bangle, his Body Trait is upgraded for Body Tests and his Stamina improves as well.
>>8203He nods and grins.
"Anyways my name is Critical Hit, wandering and aspiring mage at your service… so long as the bits are good."
He then laughs.
"Ah that's just a joke really. I'm not really some merc persuaded by coin. I just want to see what crazy things the world has in store and hopefully in the end I'll become the master wizard in all of Equestria!"
It seems this little unicorn has some seriously big dreams and goals set before him.
Theme of Critical Hit No.8205
>>8204I'm Epic Mount. The Everfree Pony.
Theme of Epic Mount No.8206
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>>8205"Hey I head of a pony like that before… just some sort of creepy weirdo who hangs out in the woods"
Critical gave him a devious smile, poking as much fun as he can.
"Nah nah. That's not what I heard. The one thing I did pick up though is that you're friends with that Twilight character."
It was strange for such a pony to refer one of the Princesses as "That Character". His usage of language and general behavior gives off a chaotic and disrespectful feel that is similar to Discord.
>>8207"Ha ha, yeah she's some sort of Princessy type. Hey I got an idea! How about I go with you on your adventures and all that. My family was well known as magic consultants and you could use that sort of skill."
He then claps his hoof in the dirt
"It's settled. I'll help you out with your adventures and I'll get the chance to cozy up to the royalty! I'm just SURE they'll love my charming personality."
It seems that Critical had joined the party. No.8209
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>>8208>Epic felt he didn't had a say on this "settled" matter.So, you just want to be my friend to get to see a princess?
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>>8209Critical looked at Epic and saw his own error but then quickly recomposed himself.
"No no, I was just playing. I'm going with you so I can learn more about the magics in this world and besides, you seem cool and you can get stuff done. I did hear after all that you were able to look after the pets of the Mane 6. Not the most illustrious work but I've heard how those animals act normally."
Even though Critical can be a bit… rough sometimes. He does have a heart of gold when he knows he should show it.
>>8210>GrinnedYou heard of that? All I did was pet sit for Twilight and her friends.
And i had help from Summer Rye, A guy I'm helping out.
Hm, maybe your wisdom would help Summer Rye with his financial problems?
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>>8212OK, let me know on Steam if we're continuing if you want.I'll introduce you to him… if you really wanna hang with us.
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>>8213It will prolly go to the next by the morning."As neat as that sounds, I'm gonna go ahead and finish up here and head on to my room at the inn. How about I meet up with you guys on the pony artifact museum expo? Everypony is gonna be there anyways."
Crit gives him a wave as he makes his on way for the time being and Epic had went on to rest up for the night.
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>>8215"Hello again, Epic… did I miss anything while you were gone? I had lunch at the Ponyville café."
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>>8215>>8216Rye did meet up with Epic and they spoke for a while before they headed on home. The next day passed and soon the museum had opened up. Everypony had gathered and were inside except for Epic and Rye who had just now got on up there. They even had met up with Critical Hit there.
"Hey Epic-sama. Glad to see you guys came for the museum expo."
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>>8217Summer Rye greeted Critical Hit, apparently Epic has made a new friend.
"I wonder what we'll see at the museum."
>>8218"Prolly just a bunch of old junk. Heh naw It's gonna be some ancient type things."
Suddenly they see a pony run out of the museum… then they heard some screaming and a lot more ponies started pouring out the entrance. Luckily the party was off to the side so they didn't get mowed down or anything.
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>>8219"Oh my goodness… what's going on in there?!" Summer Rye stood on his tip-hooves to see over the crowd if at all possible.
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>Epic charges into the museum without hesitation. No.8222
>>8220>>8221He couldn't see what was going on but soon after the ponies had cleared out, they entered the building. What they found at the entrance was the guards for the expo had set up a blockade with old crates that had been lying around.
One of the guards stops the party.
"Halt! You three can't go any further. It is too dangerous!"
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>>8223"Maybe we can help. What happened?"
>>8223>>8224"Damned Diamond Dogs just barged on through the place. Dug up from the floors."
He gave them an odd look, seeing what they were wearing and carrying.
"Who the hell are you three?"
>>8225Diamond dog!?
>Epic jumped over the barricade.I'm the only pony who can stop these mongrels.
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>>8225"We're adventurers you could say…"
>>8225Summer Rye shook his head, being reminded of when Epic charged the eel.
>>8226>>8227"Wait you damn fool."
The guard pulls Epic back over the barricade.
"If you're gonna go in there, you gotta know where to hit them the hardest. Now I when I saw their main group, they were being led by this cloaked figure. If you can beat them then their attacking force will be in squashed. Last I saw them was they were making their way to the Pegasus Section. Good Luck."
Critical chimed in.
"We best hurry then."
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>>8228"A hooded figure, hm? We'll be careful and call for help if something goes wrong."
>>8229"Celestia be with you. I'd go as well but we can't fend against them. We just have to fortify this position so that the dogs won't run rampant through the town."
The guards moved out of the way and the party climbed over the barricade, going past safety. This wasn't like rescuing pets anymore, now there was a sense of danger. For now though best to put ignore that and head to the pegasus section.
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>>8231Summer Rye followed the other to colts and was heading towards the Pegasus Section. He hoped the Diamond Dogs were as (relatively) civil as the trio they had met earlier.
>>8232>>8233They both go in deeper into the museum, seeing all of the artifacts and exhibits had been torn down and thrashed. Loud noises of laughter and roars echoed through the halls. What would prompt the Diamond Dogs to attack in such a manner?
Soon they came on upon a fountain where there were two Diamond Dogs playing in the water and having fun. It would seem that they lagged behind from the main group. Perhaps the party can get a jump on them.
Epic Body
1d8 = 6 VS Dog Mind
1d6 = 6Epic Body
1d8 = 7 VS Dog Mind
1d6 = 1 No.8237
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>>8234Summer Rye tried making a lasso out of his rope and catch a Dog that way.
>>8235Epic was able to move to a good vantage point to attack if he chose to do so. Critical stayed behind and pressed hi body against a nearby pillar to not be spotted.
>>8237Rye fashioned a lasso pretty quick. He prolly been a part of a few rodeos in his time.
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>>8238Summer Rye tried throwing the lasso to have it wrap around one of the dogs from afar and catch him!
>>8239Rope Capture
Rye Body
1d6 = 3 VS Dog Body
1d10 = 6>>8240Attack
Epic Body
1d8 = 8, Brawling
1d4 = 2 VS Dog Body
1d10 = 8Critical attacked with his strange magics…
Crit Mind
1d8 = 8, Chao Mag
1d4 = 3 VS Dog Body
1d10 = 3 No.8242
>>8241Rye's rope had missed but with the combined efforts of Epic and Crit, one Dog was damaged to the point he had only 4 stamina left.
Combat Encnounter D-Dog A Stamina 4
D-Dog B
>>8242D-Dog A attacked Epic since he was the closest
Dog Body
1d10 = 6 VS Epic Body
1d8 = 8,Def
1d8 = 7The second dog charged to get close to Rye and Crit
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>>8242Summer Rye took his rope and hurried towards the dogs. Instead of using the rope again he tried to put his Bucket over Dog B so he couldn't see.
>>8245>>8246Bucket him!
Rye Body
1d6 = 2 VS Dog Body
1d10 = 1The other dog was too incapacitated to fight and passed out.
Crit tried to levitate the second dog.
Telekinesis Difficulty 7
Crit Mind
1d8 = 8, Tele
1d8 = 5 No.8248
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>>8247Rye's bucket missed but thankfully the dog was now caught up in Crit's red magic aura and can no longer move.
"Do what you were gonna do. It's hard to focus on something so heavy!"
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>>8248Summe Rye tried to tie up the dog and put the bucket on his head.
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>>8249>>8250The Dog was all tied up now and was now their prisoner. The danger was for now at least over in the fountain area.
The dog squirmed, "Let me Go ponies!"
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>>8255>Epic pulled on the rope as tight as he could.Talk.
What are you after?
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>>8255"What are you doing in the museum? Did you think there were gems to steal in here?"
>>8256>>8257"The boss… wanted some pegasus artifact. She promised gems if we helped…"
It would seem that whoever is leading them wants something in the Pegasus section for sure.
"I don't know who she is or what she looks like. We just wanted to be paid."
Crit gave it a thought. "Well that explains why they aren't off in the Unicorn Section then. Our stuff is usually coated in gems and shit."
>>8258But still doesn't sound like something Diamond Dogs would go after. A museum heist is too ballsy, even for them.
>Returns to interrogating the diamond dogWho are you working for?
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(Forgot pic)
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>>8258Summer Rye thought about buying some soap to wash Crit's mouth with it.
>>8259"Must be that hooded figure the guards mentioned."
>>8259"I said I don't know who or what she is. She was always wearing some cloak over her and covered her entire body."
>>8261"Most likely," Crit Affirmed. "If we try to find her we may get more answers then we ever could with one of these dogs."
>>8262Good dog.
>Slaps the bucket so hard, knocks the diamond dog out.Let's go.
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>>8262"Was she walking on all fours like a pony or you?"
>>8263"That was reckless and unnecessary. We should get these two dogs out to the guards first."
>>8266The party proceeds further into the museum and see more and more wrecked stuff lying about. It will probably take thousands of bits to repair all of this damage.
They soon encounter what looked to be one regular sized Dog and another one twice as tall wearing a cape. It wasn't the leader but this one looked to be the alpha dog.
>>8267>>8268No prob. It's gonna much more intense from here on out No.8275
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>>8269>>8270>>8271>>8272>>8273>>8274Okay I'm here now.The dogs were slowly patrolling the area quietly until one began to shout.
"Hey there you little sneaks!", he yells as the big one rips away a pile of crates.
Behind these crates was a mother and her small filly who had gotten stuck here and could not escape so they hid. Now that they were caught, they were frozen by fear! Who knows what the dogs will do to them.
>>8276Sneak Test
Epic Body
1d8 = 5 VS D-Dog
1d6 = 1Epic Body
1d8 = 8 VS Alpha Dog
1d8 = 1 No.8278
>>8277Epic was able to pull a successful sneak attack against the Alpha Dog and hurt it for 8 points of Stamina Damage.
The Alpha swings his meaty arm around to attack Epic and knock him back.
Alpha Body
1d12 = 10 VS Epic Body
1d8 = 3, Def
1d8 = 7 No.8280
>>8278Epic was hit really freaking hard and was dealt 10 points of Stamina Damage and had only 4 points of HP left.
Crit tries to levitate a nearby crate and send it hurdling at the Alpha.
Crit Mind
1d8 = 4, Lev
1d8 = 4 VS Alpha Body
1d12 = 10Thankfully the mare and filly were able to run safely to the other side of the room and away from the combat.
>>8279I don't know, I think we can get away with finishing this encounter at least. When is Clarity coming back?
I know but I wanted you guys to fight the alpha, maybe your stealth kill would be better on a minor dog? Also how violent do you guys want this?Epic does some cool take down by picking up the minor dog and throwing him onto his back against the tile floor, causing the tiles to crack and break. The dog is unconscious.
>>8281The alpha laughed even though he was now alone.
The dog charges at Crit to attack him
Alpha Body
1d12 = 3 VS Crit Body
1d4 = 4 No.8285
>>8284Critical looked back confused but did what Epic had said. Even though Crit is chaotic he still is a team player.
Crit melds himself into the ground then reappears onto the Dogs back, something Discord might do, and grabbed a hold of the dog's cape. Whatever Epic was planning, he now had the chance to do so.
>>8286Epic found a nice stack of crates and and slammed down on the Dog's chest area, sending all three of them into a pile of broken wood. Doing so also got Crit hit with broken planks and splinters of wood.
Stamina damage
1d8 = 6 Alpha
1d8 = 7Epic was now on top of the dog and thankfully Crit flew off of the dog's back and now is off to the side.
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>>8287>Epic held onto the Diamond Dog Alpha by the neck, grappling it to keep it in place.BAD DOG!In his most intimidating voice.
>>8288The dog grimaced and saw that it was now beaten. It tore away and fled the scene and left the party and the mother alone. It also left its cape behind…
Rabid Cloak: A cloak that that is made of a green fabric that has brown patchwork all over it and its bottom is ragged and torn up into shreds.
This cape allows the wearer to upgrade any skill that allows them to attack in melee 3 times per day.The mother and her filly thanked the party and gave them each 10 bits before leaving. Crit: 10, Epic 70, Rye 70.
>>8289>Epic keeps the cape for now, unless Critical wants it.>Goes over to the mother and kid.Hey are you Okay? Uh-
>Apparently be given money before they left. Epic felt conflicted by this.We didn't do it for money…
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The cloak looks like this minus the armor
>>8290Crit let Epic keep it.
"Hey I wouldn't pay it no mind. We helped and they were helped and that's what matters."
He then starts to pull out splinter from his mane.
"Next time… could you not send me flying into boxes. Eh well… too late for that I guess. We should try to rest up a little before proceeding, we took on a lot of damage."
>>8291Sorry about that, I forget my own strength at times.
>Felt a bit wobbly from being down to 4 health.We have to confront their leader!
Can youtell me what the Power Bangle does again? No.8293
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>>8292When worn, the Power Bangle will just upgrade your body trait and stamina. Cloak needs to be worn as well."Hold Epic, we at least have to heal ourselves a little bit first. I kinda don't feel like dying over some ancient junk or something."
>>8294Crit looked at him and down at each other's saddlebags. They didn't have anything to heal with on them, there was no point in waiting.
"… Okay Epic, we'll push on."crit says while rubbing his forehead in stress, "We just really need to be fucking careful."
I kinda don't want to go to the boss fight without Clarity. No.8301
>>8300He puts on the items and feels that he is much stronger, just in a slight bit
Body upgraded, Stamina upgraded.
Can upgrade an attack skill on a turn 3 times a day.
You'll have to tell me when you want to upgrade No.8303
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Clar said he's got a friend over. Too busy to hang with the cool crowed with us.
>>8302Yeah I can understand that>>8303I know right, he can't handle the Kool Kid's Klub. Anyways I gotta go now and do work, see ya.What will the party face ahead? Will they stop the Dog's leaders? What are these people after?
Find out next time on ToE! No.8311
>>8307>>8308The party gathered itself and moved on and finally reached the Pegasus Section. The area was quiet and artifacts of cloud statues and ancient pegasi armor had been broken and toppled on over. This section has a lot more notable damage than the other ransacked areas within the museum.
Soon they found the central display and saw a small group made up of two Diamond Dogs and their leader, the cloaked mare. The cloaked on was tall, just shy of Celestia, and had a sleek and slender body. Her commanding voice barked at the dogs as they broke the case of their main target containing a strange key.
The key was brought on over to the mare and she attached a string to it and slipped it on to her neck…
>>8312"Yeah… I don't know how well we can stand against them…" He pulls out his lantern, "I could light this and throw it to the ground to create a barrier of fire to keep them off of us for a while."
As they continued to look at the enemy, Epic can recognize that the two dogs are the same ones he met when rescuing Winona. Perhaps they'll like Epic since he and Rye fed them food a couple of days ago.
>>8313The fire might go out of control though.
But maybe there is something around us we can use, this is a museum, surely theres an artifact or very least some construction equipment we can use?
>Looks around the room for anything in particular. No.8316
>>8315I have an idea! … Do any of you know how to use a forklift truck?
[spoler]I would ask Rye, but he's not online.[/spoiler]
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>>8316Critical waits for a second to think about it, darting his eyes left and right.
"…I can probably dive it for you. It's not like it's rocket science."
>>8318"Sounds like that would work."
Crit get on up into the seat of the forklift and turns the key to start it up. He was now ready to ram and pin them with the vehicle.
>>8320I mean its either continue the story without him or let the thread die.When the heavy curtain falls over them, all of the enemies were shocked and tried to get it off of them. Suddenly they are hit with the fork lift and are now caught between the forklift blades and pressed up against the wall.
The hood of the mare fell of to reveal a dark burgundy coated mare with long black hair. She had green eyes and even had a unicorn horn. The key strung around her neck had fallen off due to the impact and dropped to the floor.
Seeing how she was caught, her horn let off a major blast sending the forklift, the dogs, and even Epic and Crit flying against the walls. She then disappears in a blinding light, leaving behind her dogs and more importantly the key she was after.
>Epic gets up.Looks like your leader has abandoned you.
>Shows off the cloak he was wearing.And I defeated your Alpha.
That makes me your leader, right?
>>8322The dogs quickly run away in fear or just dig through the floor into safety.
"Well Epic sure like we showed them but uh… I think we should visit the hospital soon after this."
They did incur a lot of damage doing this. Soon though the key that had been dropped glinted and caught Epic's eye, why did that mare go through all of that trouble to get this one artifact?
>>8323I'm fine.
>coughs a bit of blood.Just a flesh wound.
Who was the mare.
>Picks up the keyand what was important about this key?
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>>8324Those questions for now will go unanswered. The key was gold and silver with a wing enclosing a red gem. As soon as Epic pick up the key though, the gem begins to glow with some sort of magic.
Soon enough what guard had been trying to get the situation under control finally came on through.
"Holy shit you three are actually okay. The dogs are now fleeing left and right which is good for us."
Perhaps the guard leader will know about this key so perhaps Epic or Crit should ask.
>>8325Hey um, those guys were after this, do you know what this is?
Or very least where can we find the curator in charge of the exhibit who can tell us about this key?
>>8326The captain looks at the key.
"That one, the dogs were after that? Well… that key is called the Cumulonimbus Key. We're not sure what it does but I do know who will, the original donator of the key. He's a former adventurer and now noble up in Canterlot named Blazen Path."
The path was now set out, the party now must travel up north to Canterlot to find the key's donor and find out what it is. They also should leave Ponyville soon since now carrying the key makes them a target to this mare and staying in one spot will bring danger to the small town.
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>>8329>Epic shrugsOK, if thats how the government system works around here.
We continue another time then. Hopefully Clarity will play with us. No.8331
>>8330Eh just need to advance the story is allCritical looks to Epic, "We should hurry and make our way soon. The longer we stay here, the more likely Ponyville will be attacked again."
"If you guys need some help," The guard interjected, "I can give you some money to buy some supplies before you go."
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>>8332"Well, I'm certainly not saying no to a reward. The family farm won't survive on good deeds and praise alone."
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>>8332>>8333Critical smiled evily…
"I mean… heh I do like money. Besides in all seriousness we could do with buying some healing supplies. Here Epic don't think it as rewards but as a way to help us to help others more."
>>8333>>8334I guess, I do need some plasters…
But we need to head over to find where this Blazen Path guy is and ask him about the Cumulonimbus Key.
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>>8335"I have some pony balm with me if you are hurt. And we should ask what that key actually does. If a bad guy wants it it might have some powers that could prove dangerous to us."
>>8335"After we go to the hospital to get fixed up and after we're done shopping for supplies."
The guard nodded and handed over to each of them 50 bits.
Crit 60, Epic, 110, Rye, 70
>>8336"Best to save that later when there isn't a hospital around"
>>8336The Diamond Dogs don't know anything about it. Whoever had them do their bidding has escaped.
But if we find out more about this key, we'll probably find out why they wanted it.
>>8337That my total money plus 14HP? No.8339
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>>8337"Thank you, I appreciate it."
(I got 70 gold in total now?)
"Yes, you're right. I'll save the balm."
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>>8338"And maybe he'll tell us it will open a door to a thousand bits and mares!" he then leans forwards and makes a ghostly sound, "WoooooOOOoooOOh!"
The party headed on outside into the market area, everything had calmed down by now and it was back to business as usual even though quite a few people were still shooken up. At least the rest of Ponyville still had its calm feeling to it. No.8343
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>>8340Summer Rye bought some apples to eat after all the commotion and also figured he should probably acquire a grappling hook to go with his rope. And something to light his lamp with.
>>8342"The guard said that he lives up in Canterlot but since the train is down, it will take a couple of days to walk there."
>>8343There was always the chance to visit Smooth Waves, he will typically have what any adventurer needs and more.
Epic didn't really wanted to buy anything. He'd much rather buy potions from Zecora than storebrought potions because who knows what additives and chemicals they put in that stuff.
>>8344A couple'a days? Any quicker way up there?
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>>8344(I'll be heading there.)
"Maybe we can rent a carriage."
>>8345"Not really, it would take just as long by cart than on hoof, if you really wanted to we could rent one and travel that way… one of us would have to pull it though…"
Looking at how Crit is so small, if they went by cart it would probably be best if he stayed in the entire time… or use his magic to pull it.
"Don't worry about getting tuckered out there, there is the Galloping Horse Rest halfway there."
>>8346They soon enter Smooth Waves store.
"Groovy you guys came by. Let me know what you cats need and I'll help you out." No.8349
>>8347I guess we might as well be hoofin' it.
>>8348>Enters the store.Wait…
>Realises it's the same guy as before.It this… you're the same guy?
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>>8349Smooth Wave chuckles.
"Why yes I am the owner of this cool and fine establishment. Did you think I was just holding it for a friend?"
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"Hello again, Sir. I would like to purchase something - if you have. I need a box with tinder and flint and a grappling hook."
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>>8350Wern't ypu in Ponyville store?
>Looks around.Is this like that movie with the moving castle, with the same exit to various different building entrances?
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>>8351"Why yes I do have that stuff, let me have a look see here…"
Grapple Hook: 40 bits
Flint Steel : 70 bits
Tinder: 3 bits
>>8352Smooth Waves gives Epic an odd and confused stare.
"… Kid you do realize that we are still in Ponyville right?"
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>>8353"70 bits for flint steel!! That is way too expensive… I don't need a fancy gadget. Just two flint stones will suffice. I'll whack them against each other myself to make some sparks."
>>8354Nah >>8340"Don't sweat it kid, perhaps you just got hit in the noggin a bit too hard."
>>8355"Well I can let two stones go for 20 bits. Flint is hard to get."
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>>8356"Oh… well, still! I feel a bit safer having my own. What if we get lost in a cave and get separated?"
>>8357Summer Rye groans, counting his bits. How about we do it 55 for all three items?"
>>8359If we had a torch that need lighting sure. But I figure, what if you don't have your spade to make sparks with? I myself don't rely on weapons that much.
Plus, useful when you need to make a campfire real quick and can't use hand drill technique since we got hooves.
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>>8360"Well, I have a lamp that needs lighting. And a spade is for digging… or getting heroes out of eel mouths."
>>8358"No nothing like that, I only got practical stuff like horseshoes and weapons."
>>8359"Hmm… Well, you guys do seem pretty cool and you are drawing up some business. Okay I'll let it go for that price.
Rye gave him the bits and got the three items he wanted.
>>8360Critical chimed in
"I can just use my telekinesis to glow up an area."
Critical bought two healing potions for 40 bits.
"Well that's my shopping for me, I'm a poor colt."
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>>8362"Like I said - if we get separated you won't be there to give me that sparker."
>>8363"Thank you very much!" He puts away his remaining 15 bits and attaches the grappling hook to the rope he had.
>>8364"I get a lot of them imported from Hollow Shades which is surrounded by forest so you know you're getting the good stuff."
Each healing potion is 20 bits each, but it will heal you up completely.
>>8365Well alright then.
>>8366Hm, I bet not as good as Everfree Forest. But I don't wanna have to head back there so soon.
I'll have three potions please.
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>>8367Epic got three potions for a total of and had about 50 bits left.
Critical nodded, "This will keep us going on our journey. Pretty soon we'll be at Canterlot before we even know it!"
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>>8368"I'm looking forward to that inn at the half way point."
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>>8369>>8370"Alright, so if there's nothing else that we will need, we should probably head on our way soon."
Critical looks at the two of them a bit troubled.
"Eh I don't really have any attachments here but you two might. You might wanna let your friends and family know you're leaving."
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>>8372"My family lives over in Trottingham and know I'll be gone for a while. So I'm good."
>>8372Zecora knows I go off on these adventures all the time.
>Had second thoughts for Fluttershy.Though I guess I can tell somepony I may not be around to help them for awhile… though she'll probably be fine without me or have her own things.
But I may be able to pull a royal favour with Twilight that can get us to Equestria faster.
>>8373>>8374"Hmm… maybe"
Epic went ahead and let the mane 6 know that they were leaving for quite some time. At first some of them were sad to see Epic go but were excited to see that he was starting to do what he always wanted. Twilight wasn't able to get him a carriage but she did get them a cart that they can pull around to keep them moving when sleeping at night, so long as they took shifts.
They were now set up along the exit of Ponyville, Twilight and the rest were there to see Epic and the other two off on their grand journey.
Any last words?
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"Let's go before I'm getting too hungry. I really look foward to supper at that inn."
Forest sake Twilight you're a princess and this is all you can get us? Did Celestia really said she can't lend the pegasus drawn carriage to just bring us up to Canterlot? I mean I know this isn't royal business but this is a matte rof national security.
>Rolls eyes. No.8378
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>>8375"Goodbye everypone, wish us luck!"
>>8377Doesn't seem that Epic wants to leave on a good note.
"I'm sorry Epic," she answered, "With that attack all of the guard ponies are busy trying to secure the area and help any injured ponies."
Critical really just stayed quiet, he wasn't really friends with them and it didn't seem like a good idea to say anything.
>>8378They all smiled at Rye at least.
"You guys are gonna do great!" Rainbow Dash
"Don't worry, I'll keep them alive." Critical said jokingly.
>>8379They all loaded up and headed on out.
To be continued on the next post.
>>8379>>8380Epic pulled the cart with Rye and Critical inside. It was quiet, Critical played around with his magic and Rye was probably eating something in the cart. The road was empty and Epic stayed close to the train tracks that would lead to Canterlot.
Pretty soon Epic saw a figure in the distance.
>>8380>Epic rolls his eyes.always looking out for others, just as a true princess would do, as long as you take care of yourself you're here.
>ShrugsEeh you're surrounded by the best.
>Grins and leaves it at that.See you later Twilight.
>>8381>The group sets out, with epic carrying the team.Hey guys, somepony up ahead.
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>>8381Summer Rye munched an apple while looking at the countryside or eyes Critical doing some magic.
"Let me know if you want to switch places, Epic."
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>>8382"Hmm… a fellow traveller perhaps?"
>>8382>>8384Critical looked on out.
"Hmm who is that?"
When they got closer, Epic can recognize the stranger as to the be same music player that gave him the power bangle. The musician smiled at Epic's presence.
"Hello there friends, perhaps you would like to play my final game?"
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>>8385"Play his final game? Sounds strange." Summer Rye whispered to Critical while waving at the stranger.
>>8386"Yes it is quite lucky to be met again, perhaps by fate. Although I am getting tired and my soul demands rest, I would like to play one more game."
"It does seem strange but I get the feeling we can trust this guy, he does give me a good vibe."
>>8388The power bangle slides off easily
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>>8389"Hmm… alright then. Let's play that game of his."
>>8390>>8391"Ha ha, not like that my friend."
He pulls out a table and some cups.
"The game is simple, I have 4 cups and a purple marble. I'll move the cups around and you have to see which cup has the marble."
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>>8392"I hope he's not cheating!" Summer Rye whispered.
"Do we have to bet something?"
>>8393Well he hasn't rigged this power bangle in any way.
>>8392I must ask, why did you give me this power bangle? You said you wanted me to trade something for a better item, why give the better half of the deal?
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>>8395"That is… very generous of you. Surprisingly so. But if that is what you enjoy, then we'll play."
>>8397I dunno, I think there is some confusion in that logic.
But alright, if we're not gonna lose anything…
>>8396Expect you, you're betting stuff for nothing.
>Epic still seemed confused about this individual. No.8400
>>8397He places the marble and swishes around the cups in a blinding speed. It was hard to follow which cup but he finally stopped and each cup laid neatly to each other.
Cup 1, Cup 2, Cup 3, Cup 4.
Which cup has the marble?
>>8401>>8402Critical guessed…
"I pick the third one."
The musician picked up cup number
1d4 = 2 to reveal the purple marble.
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>>8403"You win some, you lose some."
>>8403>>8401>>8402"It doesn't seem that you guys have lost… perhaps in the future you will need my help. Here take my music box…"
He gives Rye the box.
"You see I am an ancient spirit of a bard, use this box to summon me and I shall scare away your foes."
Rye got the Bard's Box.
This box allows you to summon the bard once per day to scare enemies with a Mind test. Each enemy that fails this test will flee from combat.
The Bard then disappears into the box
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>>8406Summer Rye gave a shriek in surprse as the Bard disappeared inside the box.
"Th… that was unsettling! And practical at the same time… goodness, this is so odd."
He picked up the music box carefully and placed it in his saddlbe bag.
"Hopefully he won't just pop out of there, it'll scare me to death."
>>8407I mean I did want you guys to have your first summonable>>8408"Hey maybe he will."
They all load back up into the cart and move onwards for a couple of hours. The summer heat was thick and everyone was suffering it under the chimes of cicadas. Every once in a while they often see a section of the tracks that had been damaged by the earth quake, even seeing a repair team once in a while.
Eventually they soon come upon an overturned cart in the distance.
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>>8412>Mmkay.The overturned cart was ominous, what or who would they find once they get on up to it and why was it in such a state?
Find out next time on Tails of Equestria!
>>8415Crit and rye join him to go see what was up but when they got there they found the cart had been overturned to its left side. Its contents had been stripped away bare, only bits of planks and plastic scraps remain and the drivers were nowhere in sight. The cart itself had no damage to the wheels and there was nothing on the road that would cause it to flip out so violently.
What could have caused this? Perhaps they should investigate the cart and the local area.
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I'll be searching for tracks.
>>8419>>8420Everyone investigates the area and the cart.
Cart DC 5
Crit Mind
1d8 = 7Epic Mind
1d4 = 1Rye Mind
1d8 = 2Surrounding Area DC 5
Crit Mind
1d8 = 2Epic Mind
1d4 = 2Rye Mind
1d8 = 1 No.8423
>>8421They look around but they only find a stray letter that must have been left behind by the driver…
[i]"I've decided to head on up to Canterlot to complete my shipment run up to Canterlot even though the trains are down, hopefully all will go well and I can get there on time…
It's mostly quiet along the tracks and it seems strange, usually I can get to the Galloping Horse Outpost so quickly but now I have to make each step to get there, experience each one.
Out of nowhere these barbaric ponies drabbed in darkened clothing stopped me and tried to attack me. The cart flipped and I can only make this quick note. I'll have to make a run for it…"
That is all the note says.
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>>8423"Goodness…what's going on around these parts? I always thought Ponyville and Canterlot would be peaceful as can be.
And barbaric looking ponies? Never heard of such a thing. Isn't that Outpost where we're passing through?"
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>>8425I'm told I'm somewhat barbaric.
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>>8426"I think Rarity would call you uncouth."
>>8424>>8425"That's roight."
Suddenly three ponies who matched the description written in the note stepped out from the bushes and rocks.
"We're looking for a group of ponies who match your description. Give us the key and we'll end your lives quickly."
They were surrounded by the three ponies one behind them and two up front in a Y formation.
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>>8428Summer Rye gasped in shock. He had never heard of a pony threatening to take another's life.
"You are the most uncouth ponies I've ever seen. And I would call you other things too…" Summer Rye whinnied angrily.
>>8429"Ignoring us eh? Here how about you ignore this then!"
He pulls out a sword and attacks Epic wildly!
Assassin A Body
1d8 = 4, Sword
1d6 = 2 VS Epic Body
1d10 = 6, Def
1d8 = 8 No.8432
>>8430>>8431The sword clips off a bit of Epic's mane and the assassin laughs
"Ha ha, will those be your last words then"
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>>8432Summer Rye tried to give the bandit a good buck.
>>8433"Look it's simple really," the assassin retorts, "Give us the key you guys have or else this will be a lot more painful than it should be."
The assassins won't let up, the party would either have to fight or think pf a way to get through this. Perhaps they can Rye can summon the bard or something else.
>>8434Rye Body
1d6 = 3 VS Assassin A
1d8 = 6Crit attacks also with a bolt of his chaos magic.
Crit Mind
1d8 = 2, Chao
1d4 = 3 VS Assassin A Body
1d8 = 4 No.8436
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>>8435>Epic confidentally approaches the assassin without flinching.You know who wants it.
You will tell us.
>If that assassin tries to attack or anything, Epic will try and counter him. No.8437
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>>8435"Oof… those guys are tough… I'm a farmer, not a fighter."
He thought to himself before thinking that using the box might indeed be the best way forward. Summer Rye opened it.
>>8435The assassin dodges both attacks deftly
"Fine then, we'll do this the hard way. Get them boys!"
The assassins all attack each party member
Assassin Body
1d8 = 8, Sword
1d6 = 1 VS Epic Body
1d8 = 4, Def
1d8 = 7Assassin Body
1d8 = 1, Sword
1d6 = 2 VS Rye Body
1d6 = 2Assassin Body
1d8 = 4, Sword
1d6 = 2 VS Crit
1d4 = 3>>8436Sorry I take so long to type this, a lot of dicve rolls. No.8439
>>8438[spiler]Is Epic fighting back? He wants to go Batman on the one who wants the key and interrogate him again.
Whats my health?[/spoiler]
>>8438They were all hit but Epic got it the worst
Epic HP 8
Crit HP 8
Rye HP 12
>>8437The music plays a ghostly and chilling tone and the bard jumps from out the box playing a violin with a large ghostly white smile
Fear Test DC 5
Assassin A Mind
1d6 = 3Assassin B Mind
1d6 = 5Assassin C Mind
1d6 = 6 No.8442
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>>8440(Did you take my armor into consideration?)
>>8440"Eeeek! Jumped right out he did!"
>>8440Assassin A fled into the forest by himself not wanting to face the bard but the other two remained.
>>8442Whoops Rye's HP is actually 13
The Bard soon disappeared back into the box and now they had to wait for tomorrow to use him again.
>>8443Cat's fine, but it took some work to get it out. I just can't let them into my room anymore.Epic attacked the other one.
Epic Body
1d8 = 2, Brawl
1d4 = 1 VS Assassin B Body
1d8 = 5Crit did the same by hurdling a rock at him with telekinesis
Crit Mind
1d8 = 3, Tele
1d8 = 4 VS Assassin B Body
1d8 = 5 No.8445
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>>8444Summer Rye saw that they had an advantage in numbers now and tried to double-team one assassin together with Critical.
Oh forgot the battle music>>8445Rye attacks the, putting his strength behind his hoof strike!
Rye Body
1d6 = 4 VS Assassin Body
1d8 = 5Crit looked at Rye.
"You wanna team up? Hang on and wait for our next attack, I got a plan."
>>8446The hoof strike misses and the assassins attack
Assassin Body
1d8 = 8, Sword
1d6 = 6 VS Rye Body
1d8 = 4Assassin Body
1d8 = 5, Sword
1d6 = 5 VS Crit
1d4 = 2 No.8451
>>8449The assassins did their damage which hurt them a bit more than it should have.
Rye HP 6
Crit HP 3
>>8450Even though Crit was on the edge now, he ignored the pains.
"I'll infuse your attack with my chaos magic and then you try to punch him. Or I can try to hold him down with telekinesis so you can hit him."
>>8448Assassin A Status: Fled
Assasin B Status: Full Health
Assassin C status: Full Health
We might have to be creative with our attacks or try doing something interesting with out items.
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>>8452Things are getting much more intense… moves into position based off of Epic Mount's Description and is on the Bottom side of the Y.
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>>8451>>8452Summer Rye thought quickly. Getting that rope out might take too long and open him up to an attack. What's worse, they had swords and could just cut the rope into pieces.
"Alright… let's see how they like a chaotic… punch!"
>Rye attacked No.8455
>>8454Critical infused Rye's hoof with an unearthly blue and yellow chaotic glow…
Rye Body
1d8 = 1, Chao
1d4 = 3 VS Assassin B Body
1d8 = 3 No.8457
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>>8455It actually hits and deals some minor damage. Its atleast something to start with.
"Hey Rye, lets see if we can use that rope"
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>>8456>>8457"I should have eaten more, I feel so weak."
He fiddled around with his saddle bag, getting the rope out. The grappling hook was attached to it.
>>8459Toss me an end!
Critical, distract them! Something flashy!
>>8456"I can try…"
Crit's magic manifest a bouquet that shot out imaginary kittens
DC-Crit Mind
1d8 = 6 Chao
1d4 = 1Assassin Mind B
1d6 = 5Assassin Mind C
1d6 = 1>>8459>>8460They were now holding onto both ends
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"Here goes nothing."
>>8464Since they were already distracted, the assassins could not resist being tied up and when they realized what was going on it was for too late.
Now the two were tied up with the party overlooking them.
"Hey let us go!"
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>>8465Rye picked up those swords and tossed them away.
>>8465>>8466>And Epic tied them up securely.You're knot going anywhere.
Now you'll tell us what we want to know.
>>8466"Well at least this is all over now, some of their sword cuts got a little too deep."
>>8467The assassins remained silent with no retort but they did not refuse to answer his questions.
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>>8468"You can say that again…" Summer Rye groaned from all the bruises and cuts he received.
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>>8468Who put you up to retrieving this key.
>Epic kicks them down to the dirt harshly, which they were helpless to escape. He then place his hoof on one of the ponies head.I want answers.
>>8469"Once we get there to the Galloping Horse, we should try to find a doctor over there or find an inn to lick our wounds. It can't be much further.
>>8470"From our boss in Canterlot, his name is Cloak Dagger. He told us travelers with a magic key would be coming through here and that we were to take it for him."
>>8471Cloak Dagger?
>Epic presses down more on the ponies head.Who is he?
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>>8471"Maybe it's that hooded guy from the museum."
>>8472"The head of our new crime syndicate. No pony is sure where he came from but rumor has it that he used to be a grounds keeper before he started robbing noble's houses. We all followed in his hoofsteps."
>>8473>>8474"Yeah that was a Mare." Crit replied
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>>8475>Epic got off and dragged them off the dirt to right-side up.>To his friensWe're taking them to Galloping Horse?
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>>8476"Yes, we should take them there. They can wait there till the guards arrive."
He picked up the the swords again and put them carefully into his saddle bag. They could probably sell them later on.
>>8476"You aren't taking us anywhere!" One shouted before he let slip a smoke bomb
Then it quickly it exploded and everyone was caught up in the smoke. After all of the coughing and the smoke cleared, the assassins were gone with only the rope on the ground, as well as the hook was there too.
>>8477The assassins did leave their swords behind.
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>>8478"Drat… got away, that riff-raff."
>Epic picks up their swords.At least they won't be hurtin' anypony else anytime soon.
>>8481(What are swords stats and value?)
>>8483(Rye has them. No stats but you need sword profincy to use them to help you attacks.)
>>8479>>8480>>8481>>8482>>8483The party pressed on along the train tracks until finally they can now see the Galloping Horse Outpost in the distance. It had wooden walls set up around it and several clouds of smoke from chimneys floated up the air.
What will they find at the Galloping Horse? Find out Next time on Tails of Equestria!
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>>8484We could probably at least sell the swords if they're no use to us. Or give them to the authorities if they're needed a sevidence.>The party pressed on along the train tracks until finally they can now see the Galloping Horse Outpost in the distance.Finally!
Maybe we can find out the manure-chewin'son-of-a-hinny that set those bandits on us! This Cloak Dagger guy doesn't sound like somepony who should trot freely round Equestria if e plans a syndicate of evil.
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>>8485HOLY SHIT I FORGOT TO DO THIS TODAY. I'm sorry guys waking up this morning I was focused on whether or not I had work today and the RP slipped my mind.They head on into the small little outpost through its cheap train station. In the center of the Galloping Horse they could see the small farms to the right, the Inn and Mayor's office in the center, and the market area and residentials to the left.
>Looks sorta like pic but not with water. No.8489
>>8488Yah Clarity says he's not up for it. Playing Dishonoured.On my adventures I usually go by the market place. Howver if we're gonna rat out this Cloak Dagger fellow, I wouldn't be suprised if he hangs out at the local taverns.
I myself got a clever idea on how to catch him, but perhaps best we collect information first.
>>8491Work? Arn't we already looking for Blazen Paths?
[spoiler]My idea was to openly talk about the key in certain places and see if I can attract more "volunteers" for interrogation.[/spoiler[
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>>8493"Well… yeah…"
Crit tries to think of a way to phrase his point to appeal more to Epic's morality.
"I know you didn't move around about when you were the Everfree Pony so you might not have done this. You see many adventurers will go on a major adventure and go off to a far location and along the way they help others in towns that they stop by. It's like a mile wide path a helpfulness if that makes sense."
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>>8494I see, yeah. Theres always someone miserable out there who need some help.
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"Finally we're here…" Summer Rye looks around the place, it was indeed much bigger than he had expected.
"I hope they have a decent restaurant here. After a stop at the doctor's."
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>>8497"Ah, I feel much better now. The inn looks nice too. I am starving!"
Summer Rye gave the doctor 10 bits for helping him and was already looking at the menu of the inn.
(How much money do I have anyway? I haven't taken any notes I'm afraid.)
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"I wonder if they have lodging, too."
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>>8499(Just keep the bits for the medical stuff. Also you have 15 bits)
>>8499>>8501Critical was fiddling around at the booth that the party was sitting in and even scratched his initials into the table with a nearby fork.
Soon enough the the maid had came by to take there order.
"Hello darlings, what would you like to have? We got Haysandwiches, salads, fruits, vegetables…"
She lists off more of the mundane food items, it seems that the Galloping Horse's residents have a more simple and practical food pallete.
>>8502"Why yes we have a room or two upstairs, just talk on over to the bar owner if you are interested."
Critical chimes in, "It's not really that late right now so I wouldn't worry about it at the moment."
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"You think we will be able to reach Canterlot today?" Summer Rye asked Critical and gave him a nudge to stop ruining the table.
"I'll take two haysandwiches and two apples, please."
>>8504"W-What?" she looks at Epic quizzically, "We… don't have anything like that here."
Epic should keep in mind that Equestrians are often enough vegetarians.
>>8505"Well no I don't think we'll make it for a couple days but the thing is that we are pretty poor right now so I don't want to spend money where it could be used elsewhere where we need. Perhaps we can rent the room after we get some money."
The maid writes down Rye's order.
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>>8507Summer Rye was cointing his small amount of bits. "Well… maybe we can find some work here to earn some money. I could dig a few ditches or something. Or maybe they need a cook?"
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>Epic grew up in the forest. He is familiar with beasts eatting beasts. He also tried foreign cuisines and devleoped taste for meat.Um.. a pasty will be fine.
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>>8508"We'll just have to look around."
>>8509She writes down Epic's order and Crit ordered something along the lines of some sort of version of the Hayseed sandwich. The maid leaves and the party remains at their booth to talk about possible work.
Eventually their meals came out and the party each got their platter and were ready to eat now.
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>Om nom nom!
Rye gobbled down his food, eating with a lot of appetite and gusto.
>>8511>>8512They all bite into the food and instead of having something tasty to eat, their tastebuds were met with food that almost was like eating ash…
Mind Test Difficulty 5
Crit(Short Fuse)
1d8 = 5Rye (Always Hungry
1d8 = 8Failure results in a downgraded charm
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>>8513"Talk about bad kitchen…" Summer Rye shoved his plate away.
"Waitress! There is something wrong with my food."
>>8514>>8515Critical's face was crossed for just a moment but he soon relaxed himself, it seems he dealt with worse.
"Well… ugh… that wasn't expected, this shitty food."
The maid comes comes on back, distraught looking since they don't like the food.
>>8516"I'm sorry, our farms have been having a hard time lately since the water has been running short around these parts. I don't know what going on over at the farms."
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>>8517"Ah… I can relate to that. I think I should take a look at those farms. Got to help fellow farmers after all."
>>8518"The only place we can get our food to cook is from our local farmers. We can't import anything due to the trains being out so we have to make due with what we can grow."
>>8519"Hey yeah" Crit noted, "You're the farming type so maybe you would know what to do!"
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>>8520"Well, I at least will. Farming is sort of my thing after all. I can't just walk on without at least paying them a visit if they have troubles."
>>8521>>8522Hm.. OK.
Heck, maybe I can get a dinner with actual meat.
>Gets some odd looks.Surely they have foeign dishes for griffins and other meat-eatters.
>>8522"Well I lost my appetite anyways so I will go with you Rye, perhaps we can do something about this farming issue although I'm not much count to actual manual labor."
>>8523"I dunno, here lets just get on over tot he farms"
They head on out of the inn and head over to the farms area. What they saw was fields of dying crops lining the area with depressed looking farmers trying to get what they can to work. Rye could remember that's what his mother and father looked before he left.
>>8524So… the ponies here are suffering from a draught? Doesn't it rain plenty?
>Looks up to the sky.O-oh wait, outside of Everfree. Pegasi manage weather.
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>>8524"How odd…" Summer Rye said half to himself as he watched the hard working farmers toiling in vain.
>>8525"I was just wondering why there is so little water. The pegasi should take care of that… maybe the ground sucks it all up?"
Rye approached the farmers. "Hello there. We couldn't help but notice you're having some troubles on your fields. I'm a farmer myself over in Trottingham… I thought maybe I could help you."
>>8527>>8528One of the farmers talk back to Rye
"It's a shame really, to see what all we had laid down now go to the damn fruit bats"
The farmer explains to the party that something has recently caused the fruit bats to act in a much more vicious way towards their crops. Epic knows that these are the same bats that used to reside up in Sweet Apple Acres. No.8531
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>>8529"Fruit bats, huh? How long have they been bothering you? And if you say 'much more vicious'… since when have they acted in such manner?"
>>8530>>8531"We know of fruit bats and how they behave but look around, they don't just do this for no reason. This is too much for us to take with them here."
He thinks for a moment.
"We know what they been trying to find a new home, I've seen em move from cave to cave so maybe there's something in their new cave that's riling them up. If you three can check it out for me then it would be most appreciated."
He marks the bat's cave down on the party's map, it seems to be in some hill on over to the east.
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>>8532'More walking on an empty stomach…' Summer Rye thought to himself before giving a nod. "Alright, we'll be checking it out. Hopefully it's not one of those big bears again."
>>8532How exactly are the bats causing your draught? While they drink water, they mostly get hydration from the fruit they eat.
Though it sounds more like vampire fruit bats than regular fruit bats.
>>8533I guess we can check it out, though I dunno if we'd be much help. I may know a lot on monsters, but I can't communicate with them like Fluttershy can to animals.
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>>8534"We'll find a way… Besides, I think there'll be something in that cave that scares them. If we find out they might return and don't bother the farmers anymore."
>>8534"I don't know, something is causing them to go haywire and take all of the vegetables and fruits. Something is seriously wrong."
>>8533>>8534"It's fine," Crit said," Who needs words when we got your punchies Epic?"
The party head on out to the cave which takes about an hour to do so. When they get on up there, Rye naturally feels that he doesn't want to go in. Bats and caves don't mix well for him so you wonder if there is a way to bring out the bats so you don't have to go in.
Otherwise Rye will need to pass a Mind Test DC 6
>>8536Thats how I best deal with monsters. They only understand aggression.
>As they walk to the cave.Of course Fluttershy doesn't agree with me and it makes me sad she thinks less of me, but I know how most monsters think and monsters are different from animals.
>Epic continues talking for roughly an hour on monsters in Everfree Forest and his friendship with Fluttershy. No.8538
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>>8536Summer Rye's eyes widened and he stopped quite a few paces away from the cave, shivering… "Brrr… cave! I had almost forgotten how deep and dark they are… with bottomless pits and deep and cold streams that take you away!"
He looked around and picked out some of the fruit that came with the big lunch he purchase in Ponyville and placed them on a rock in front of the cave.
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>>8539"You never know how deep they are until it's too late. Better not go in."
>>8540I've been in plenty of caves.
Critical, will you be going in with me? Your light would be helpful.
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>>8538>>8539>>8540>>8541Before Crit would respond, a horde of bats fly out of the cave at the smell of Rye's fruits he had set out. They gobble it up in seconds and now that they see the party, the bat horde is out to attack them!
(Sorry I lagged out bad) No.8544
>>8542"Holy shit!" Critical yelled as he readied his magic to attack
Boss EncounterBat Horde
Stamina ?
Body ?
Mind ?
Charm ?
>>8543The horde circles around Epic like a tornado with their claws and fangs trying to get at him
Bats Body
1d10 = 7, Fly
1d6 = 1 VS Epic Body
1d8 = 3, Def
1d8 = 2 No.8545
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>>8542>>8543"They have sharp beaks and can pinch or sit in our manes and make a mess!"
Summer Rye said.
"Hey you… bats! What's the big idea bothering those farmers!"
>>8544Epic was struck and little cuts formed around his body after they were done. Epic now had 9 HP
>>8545"It's no use Rye, we have to fight them!"
Critical shot off a beam of chaos magic at them.
Crit Mind
1d8 = 2, Cha
1d4 = 4 VS Bats Body
1d10 = 5>>8546The bats won't let the party escape into the cave, it would probably be even worse if they tried to do so.
>>8547Crit gets up on the side of the hill.
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"Of course something's not right! The farmers said that already!"
Summer Rye took his spade and moved to the side of the cave, as far away from the entrance as possible.
The he poured out the rest of the food right in front of him, planning to whack a bat when it's down to eat.
>>8549And much like piranhas the bats attack the food and eviscerate it. Letting Rye attack with his spade.
Rye Body
1d6 = 2, Farm
1d8 = 6 VS Bats Body
1d10 = 5 No.8552
>>8551He smacked a good number of bats that way and sent them flying unconscious from the horde.
What was left of the horde attacks Rye to return the favor.
Bats Body
1d10 = 2, Fly
1d4 = 2 VS Rye Body
1d6 = 6 No.8553
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>>8552"Sorry, Bats! Eek!"
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>>8552Rye was able to duck to the ground before the bats swiped over head of them and avoid their aerial assault.
"Nice going, lets keep that up!"
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>>8554Summer Rye prepared for the next swoop of bats, angy that he would lose yet another delicious meal. First to dogs, now to bats.
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>Epic snuck into the cave. Despite what little light there was, he tried to find what was causing the bats to be so aggressive. Is his supicion was right it was a matter of what was missing or absent than what was there.
>Can hear the others still fighting.
I'm sorry friends, I'll be as quick as I can.
Bats do not attack ponies like that, they swoop down on intruders but they don't actively attack unless the damage is done already.
>Looks for anything that could of caused interferance with the colony of bats. Such as excavation or farm tools left here.
>>8556>>8555Crit looks around to see what Epic would do but saw that Epic had left
"Oh son of a bitch!"
He turns around and throws a good sized rock a the bats
Crit Mind
1d8 = 3, Tele
1d8 = 1 VS Bats Body
1d10 = 5>MeanwhileOver in the cave where Epic was, he was met with a large cavern room where the bats would reside. On the floors his hooves met with the squish feeling of old and rotten fruits and vegetable that the bats had eaten long ago. There was nothing noteworthy here except for a small passage at the end of the room that had a blue glow to it.
>>8557>Epic considered this could be what was causing the problem, which was different from what he thought was the cause.>He knew he couldn't waste anymore time and quickly ran out of the cave towards Critical who was fighting the bats.Critical!
>Swatted away at the bats.Critical, Ultra- ultra frequancy,-
>Was trying to tell him something with all the bats in the way.High pitch noise spell or something!
Clarity just said he lost connection. No.8560
>>8558(That's okay, he'll prolly just need a minute or two. Also you weren't going to inspect the passage at the end of the room to see what was glowing?)
"I'll see what I can do…"
The bats attack Crit
Bats Body
1d10 = 10, Fly
1d4 = 3 VS Crit Body
1d4 = 4Crit tries to focus on his magic to make a loud high pitched annoying sound!
Mind Test DC 5
1d8 = 5, Cha
1d4 = 1 No.8561
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>>8560Rye tried to use the moment as the bats were down attacking Crit, swining at them with his spade (and hopefully not hitting Crit by accident).
>>8560Critical was swooped up in the bats and he screamed in pain as they left him seriously cut up. Still though for such a small pony he got back up and let out this horrendously loud noise that caused the bats to scatter off from the party and fleeing but also hurt everpony in the blast zone.
Sound Damage DC 4: Damage
1d4 = 3Crit
1d4 = 4Rye
1d6 = 2Epic
1d8 = 2, Def
1d8 = 3 No.8565
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>>8563Summe Rye gave a yell of suprise and covered his ears.
>>8563Epic and Rye could feel that their ears had almost been shot at the sound but at least they weren't deaf from this
Crit HP 2
Epic HP 7
Rye HP 13
>>8565It was all over now atleast, for better or worse on how damaged they got.
"Huh… I haven't been hurt that bad… ever really."
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>>8566"Shall we take you back to the doctor? You seem pretty badly hurt."
>>8566Sorry for ditching you guys, but while you had the bats distracted I had to check what was caused them to behave so violently.
>Epic gets up.Bats don't usually behave like that. Usually when theres intruders they flee. They only swoop if they want to frighten away an intruder or after something specific.
I thought the cause was because somepony already came here and did harm to the colony of bats, like take their children or ruined the caves or something. The bats would then be more vigourous in defending their territory.
But there is something back there, something glowing. Possibly magical.
>>8568I have potions if any of you guys need them.
>Offers potions. No.8570
>>8566(Wait I got the scores wrong.)
Epic HP 6
Rye HP12
>>8567>>8568"I'll be fine, we should check the cave out and see the root cause of all this."
They head on inside and see the floor covered in rotten fruits, the smell being pugnent.
>>8569They see the blue glow.
Crit laughs, "Heh, anypony volunteers to go first?"
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"C… cave…" Summer Rye tried to gather his courage and get inside.
>>8570I'll go first. I would befor,e but if it's magical we may need somepony who can contain it.
>>8571You can wait out here and rest if you want.
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>>8572"I'm fine, they barely scratched me."
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>>8571>>8572They head on into the passage to find a bit of a smaller room with a large blue crystal pillar in the center of the room. Critical can feel that it is giving off a magical aura and this aura sets everypony off when they got on close to it.
Critical just got really angry and frustrated, Epic got really to point where he refused to interact with the other two, and Rye got on insatiable sense of hunger.
Whatever this Crystal is, it catalyzes the worst in everypony and creature it seems. The party must find a way to break and destroy it.
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>>8573I'm sorry to have abandoned the frey, but I didn't want to harm them unless I was sure why they were attacking us.
I thought maybe they saw us as to do with other ponies who caused harm to them.
But it might be a souce of the problem than the cause, such as whatevers glowing back here.
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>>8575"It's alright… you meant no harm going into the cave after all…"
He looked at the odd pillar, pondering what it was - how it got there…
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>>8576All it does is just rings as he hits it. It's too large for just one pony to break on his own, even for Epic. Epic would have to get the party together and combine their efforts to take down the crystal.
Critical is just pacing about his face perpetually crossed.
"Celestia dammit!"
>>8577The crystal is causing him to go hungry and Rye can't focus on that right now since he had now food on him.
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>>8578"D… damn… I'm so hungry… those stupid bats at all my food… and there was none at the inn either…"
He angrily paced around the crystal.
"Shame I'm not a dragon or I'd eat it."
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Rye gave the crystal a lick and testing nibble.
>>8581Epic tried to work it out. He knew it needed a good push and tried to push it himself.
You can help if you want.
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>>8583"What… help? With what? I'm hungry… can't you tel?"
>>8583>>8582Critical could see them trying to push it so he himself put away what frustration he could and focused his magic to give them an extra push. They struggled for a minute or two, things were looking bleak as the effects of the crystal were worsening on them. Epic could hardly stand being in the same room with them, Rye was getting so hungry he felt like he was going to faint, and Crit was gritting his teeth and his magic was nearly exploding off of his horn.
Suddenly there was a heavy cracking sound and the crystal toppled over and smashes into pieces once it hit the floor. The effects of the crystal were now gone and they felt like their old selves again.
Each player gains a token of friendship.
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>>8586(Oh, I thought more persuasion would have been needed.)
"Hmm… t… that was strange…"
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>>8587(Mm, I need to be leaving soon. I still got time though.)
"Yeah," Crit was now calm, "That is definitely something I never seen before. Anyways the bats should leave those farmers alone now so we should head on back and get paid for this."
>>8588"C'mon Epic it's time to go."
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>>8589Rye trotted quietly, pondering babout what just went on in the cave. Probably the crystal had brought out the hunger in the bats, just like in him.
>>8590>>8591 party headed on back to the Galloping Horse, by the time they had gotten back, the sun was already setting and bathing the lands in a orange light. They told the farmers about how they stopped the bats and destroyed the strange crystal and the farmers were so happy they all chipped in and gave the party money for the road ahead.
Crit: 100 Bits
Epic: 190 Bits
Rye: 95 bits
The town even gave them free lodging for fixing their problem so they at least will have a roof over their heads tonight.
>>8594(No prob but I do have an announcement to make.)
Announcement.So I've been talking with my current internet service and decided to drop them for this month so that means I may not be able to DM this game for a short time. However the reason I am dropping the service is because Comcast is entering my area and their service will be available in the earlier portion of next month. The Comcast service will be much cheaper and a shit ton faster so I'll be going with them.
What this means is that I may not be able to DM so this RP will be going into Hiatus for a short time, I predict at the max of 6 or so days. After the Hiatus I will be back on business as usual and we can continue on our way to Canterlot.
>>8595(Yeah their HP will be fully restored.)
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>>8596That's fine, thanks for letting us know. And see you again soon!
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>>8593The morning sun raised on up over the land again and its light seeped into the room that the party was sleeping in and, waking them to the hour. They gathered their things and headed on out to the Center of the Galloping Horse.
Should they try to see if the residents here need more help or perhaps they should head on off to Canterlot, there is still quite the ways to go.
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(welcome bacK)
Summer Rye decided to have an especially big breakfast for starters and wanted to stock up on food supplies for the trip as well. Way too often he had to give up his treats to other critters.
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>>8605Crit and Epic
Hopefully joined Rye in his shopping as they were getting ready to head on off. Many of the folk they were talking with were quite nice to the party seeing that they fixed the farm issue. Now with the bats gone, the farmers planted in a new generation of crop that was growing well.
"Rye!" Crit said loudly, "Can you hear me?" It seemed that Critical was trying to get Rye's attention but Rye was too busy thinking about his food. "I said what is gonna be our next move. Are we gonna stay a little longer or are we gonna head on out?"
Critical gave a chaotic smile to Rye, even though Crit had been taken some hits on this journey he was still nonetheless eager to stay be the party's side.
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>>8607"Hm?" Ryes gobbled down a baked good. "Sure… maybe other ponies need help too. And it feels good having some coins in the pocket" he replied amidst loud munching.
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>>8609"Some ponies to help…"
Critical looks around at the buildings, the market area, town hall, farms (Who they already helped), and the residential area. The Galloping Horse was much smaller than Ponyville and a lot more compact.
"I'm sure if we ask around, we can find something."
They walk around the train outpost, talking to the commoners and listening to what they had to say. Most of it was how their day was going and and some tid bits of gossip. Eventually they heard the rumor that there was a colt distressed at the outpost's well.
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>>8610Rye looked around if he saw anypony going by that description. The well was easy enough found.
>>8611They find the well and they find the colt who keeps nervously looking down into the deep well. His vision grazes the party and he instantly rushes to Rye and Critical
"Hey!" he says in a loud voice, "C-can you help me? I heard what you guys did for our farms so I was hoping you could do the same for me too."
The young stallion looks anxious and is on the verge to cry.
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>>8614Rye gave a nod "Well, we try to at least. What's the matter? Not more bats?"
>>8615"Well… you see my friend and I were playing around this old well yesterday and she let me see her mother's pendant. Then she went away to go get something and I… accidentally dropped it into the well."
He grimaces, feeling guilty he lost something so important.
"My friend doesn't know this and she's been looking around her house to find the pendant. I want to go down into the well but I'm too scared to do so…"
Crit laughs, "By all, you sure did get yourself into some mess now eh?"
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>>8616"Come on, that's not funny, Crit. He'll get in real trouble if she finds out."
Summer Rye thought for a moment.
"Alright, we'll try to help you, right lads?"
He looked down the well, wondering how deep it was.
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>>8617Critical looked away while he was trying to stop himself from laughing.
The child nodded, "Thanks, I just… I have to come with you. I dropped it into the well and I need to be the one to get it out. I'm just too scared to get it out myself."
Critical chimed in with a smile still on his face, "We can probably use a rope to rappel down there, we'll just need to tie it at the base of the well."
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>>8618"We don't even have to tie it. I got a grappling hook with my rope. We can tie a lantern to the other end though so we can see what's down there."
They fashion the rope in the way Rye had described and they could see what was down there. The floor of the well was visible with a small pool of water at the bottom. Apparently this well dried up a couple of weeks back and the outpost uses a new well.
If they wanted to search for the pendant, they would have to go down themselves.
>>8620Nothing much, just doing one side quest before we leave for Canterlot. No.8622
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>>8621"Oh boy… I'll go first. Don't want to drop on any of you if I mess up."
>>8622>>8623They all slide down the rope one by one, first Rye, then Crit, then Epic, and then lastly the colt.
The well was large and they had some space but not much, The stone walls were neatly created but there seemed to be a rather large hole in the wall. Perhaps they could just look around first to find the pendant.
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>>8624"Brrr… almost as bad as a cave. But just almost." Rye peered into the darkness to see what he'd see.
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>>8626"Oh, good thing I got my lantern tied to the rope there, almost forgot about it."
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>>8627I forgot about it. :)>The lanterns light helps illuminate the well.So what does the pendant look like?
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>>8628"Didn't ask… but I don't there there'll be multiple pendants down here."
>>8628"It's silver and it opens up with a picture of her mother"
>>8625>>8626>>8627They all search through the pools of water on the ground but they can't find the pendant.
They do notice some rather large claw marks leading into the side passage.
"D-do you think?… No I can't go back there!"
It seems the colt will need some persuasion.
Rye cannot persuade the colt
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>>8631"Oh… oh no… there's a cave. Why does it always have to be caves?"
>>8632>>8633"I-I don't know! I just don't like dark places and now there's a monster back there."
Critical stepped up to the plate, "Here kid, you gotta try at least."
Seems that Crit has done this sort of thing before on his own.
Charm DC 4
1d6 = 2Epic
1d6 = 6 No.8635
>>8632>>8633>>8634It would seem that Epic's presence was able enough to calm the colt down.
"Okay… okay I can go. Let's get this over with"
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>>8633>>8634C'mon, you're with three great heroes. And I'm sure it wouldn't be as bad as the last cave we went into.
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>>8635Summer Rye untied the lantern from the rope and brought it along.
>>8636>>8637They head on into the side passage which looked to be a mix of a natural formation and animal made. There were also bits of junk on the floor which got more and more piled up as they went along.
Eventually they soon find a chamber room with a large foul smelling nest made up of trash and junk. Sitting upon the large rat, about the size of a pony even, was scuffling about in its nest while wearing something silver.
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>>8638"Uh… excuse us, Mr. Rat… is this your home? We don't mean to disturb you, we're looking for a pedant. Silver… You haven't seen it, have you?"
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>>8641Rye whispered… "I noticed."
>>8639He doesn't find anything useful unless he wants to take wet paper or bits of trash.
>>8640The rat shrieks at the sight of the party once Rye exposed them. The rat looks at them cautiously but doesn't respond.
It doesn't seem it can talk, the party will have to find a way to communicate to it.
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>>8643Rye pointed at the silvery item around the rat's neck and offered him some of his food, trying to make clear he'd trade the pendant for it.
>>8644Rye tries to do this
Resist Hunger DC 6
Rye Mind
1d8 = 8Charm DC 6
Rye Charm
1d6 = 1>>8645Crit looks at Epic, "What in the hells is Camenbert?"
>>8646Even though Rye was able to give up his food, the rat rejected it and just screeched at them
Perhaps they should try something else or another party member tries.
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>>8648Rye mumbled "Well, for once I get to keep my food it seems."
>>8649"Leave the poor rat alone. I think he might want something shiny - just as the pendant. Anypony got something like that?"
>>8647"Eugh that sounds awful"
Well Epic now knows that Crit wasn't raised in a wealthy home unlike most other unicorns.
>>8649"That could work, I would just have to hang back on that one though. Or we could try to involve the colt here."
Because this is MLP and we need a moral story dammit!-said every episode writer ever No.8652
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>>8651Hm… well I could try one thing.
>Goes to the rat,Can we
please have the shiny thing around your neck? It was accidentally dropped down here and very important to this colt here. Has a picture of his mother and everything.
>>8652Epic now tries
Charm DC 6
Epic Charm
1d6 = 5 No.8654
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>>8652Rye took a gold bit and held it against the lantern to make it sparkle. "How about we give you some sparkly bits to trade, huh?"
>>8653>>8652The rat looks at Epic, seemed to be persuaded but then he lurched back, not wanting to let the pendant go.
>>8654The rat can't understand Rye so he doesn't know that Rye is trying to offer up something else.
"Er what about the kid here?"
>>8655We're not trading the kid, that be pointless and cruel.
But theres no real point in harming it, since it doesn't want to harm us.
If only Fluttershy was here, she'd know what to do.
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>>8655Rye gave the lad a nudge "Maybe the rat will understand you if you ask him for the amulet. Maybe it can pick up how important it is if you try."
>>8656"What no! I mean we try to have the colt explain the pendant situation to the rat. By Celestia Epic, why would you think I want to offer up the fucken child?"
>>8657The child looks scared at the rat
"But that thing looks so scary, I can't"
The colt will need to really be persuaded to do this.
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>>8658"Because animals aren't stupid…"
>>8659"We're here for you to have your back… besides, the rat isn't out for trouble. It seems nice. I'm sure it's more scared of all of us being here in its home."
>>8661I'm not saying rats are dumb, just not the sort you can hold a steady coversation with.
>>8659Apparently these guys think you can talk with the rat.
If you think you can, then go for it.
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>>8662"They can often enough feel what you want… they can feel if you're happy or scared or desperate."
>>8661>>8662"C'mon kid, you're stronger than you look. I know you got this, we all do!"
Charm Test DC 4
1d6 = 1Crit
1d6 = 4Rye
1d6 = 3 No.8667
>>8664>>8663>>8662>>8661The kid nods at this and he heads on up to the rat. At first they were both scared and they realized this. It took the tension off and the colt pointed at the pendant. What they saw next will shock the party.
The rat took off the pendant and sat it down for the child. It then scurried off and left the party alone and most likely to find a new home.
Everyone in the party had their jaws dropped at this act of courage and kindness.
>>8668"Hmm…" Critical smiled as the kid put the pendant and put it away and went back up the party.
"Thank you guys, I couldn't have gotten this back without you."
>>8669Right now, blank No.8671
>>8670I'm suprised how quick the rat responded to you.
Heck I asked nicely and it just behaved like a rat.
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>>8670"You can be proud of yourself. Now let's get out of here. We'll all need a shower after spending our time down here."
>>8672Hold on a mo…
>Checks the surrounding rubbish again, just to make sure if theres anything they can loot.What kind of adventurer will I be if I'm not thorough?
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>>8673"Alright, you look around some…"
Rye used the time to examine the well more thoroughly to see if there was a reason it has dried up.
>>8671"I don't know, it just sort of happened."
>>8673He searches about but all he finds is trash
Sorry no special items here>>8672Crit nodded, "Agreed, This place is a bit too dank for me."
They head on back up and Rye gets back the rope and grapple hook
The colt went on off to his friends house to return, leaving the party alone.
Everyone gets a total of 2 tokens of Friendship
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>>8675"What a nice kid. I really need a shower now."
>>8676>>8676>>8677>>8678"Yeah, we should head on back to the inn and see if we can get a bath there."
They head on back to their room which had one bathroom so one pony at a time.
Ready for some immersive chatting? No.8683
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Alright Goys, time to go ahead and start a new day.
Morning rose after yesterdays dried well fiasco, the party was able to get a bath and a good nights rest at the inn. Now that they had woken up, it was now time to go and head out to Canterlot. Will they find this scholar he used to dive into dungeons? Will they learn what this golden key does? They will just have to press on and find out.
As for now they were in the market area of the Galloping Horse, they had a chance to buy supplies before they hit the road. Perhaps some sort of weapon or armor or even something for utility would be best to have right now.
>>8684Oh yeah, we still have a long ways to go for this campaignCritical was hanging close to the party, tired from awaking so early in the morning so he mostly stayed quiet.
While Epic was looking around, he did find an interesting stand. A bunch of jewelry being on it and more notably was a golden brush used to brush pets. Surely Fluttershy would enjoy this as a sort of souvenir.
>>8685He was met with a female trader that was running this stall. She was a bit old but she did enjoy her work with the jewelry stand she ran.
"That gold brush," she said, "Why this will cost you say… 150 bits."
The entire brush was made of gold except for the brush's fiber that were made out of soft, silk like barbs that even Opalescense would be impressed.
Right now Epic had 190 bits.
>>8688Hm, maybe I forgot to add something.Epic actually had 240 bits.
Critical looked at Epic and looked at the brush confusedly. "A brush? we don't need anything like that. Why do you want it?"
>>8690"Oh huh? Ha hey, more power to ya mate. If this Fluttershy likes so many animals and all that then that will be the perfect gift for her… if you're willing to spend that much that is."
The merchant nods, "Are you interested child?"
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>>8692 funniest thing I ever seen at 11:30 amThey make the transaction and Epic got the brush and had 90 bits left.
"Watch out guys, we got a big spender over here now." Critical smiles, obviously trying to have a little fun with Epic.
>>8694"Heh no, I'm sure you got a fair price. It's just an expensive luxury looking item. In all seriousness I'm just messing with you mate."
Critical pulls out his coin purse and gives it a shake to hear what was inside.
"Not much in there as I would like but I'm gonna go stock up on a few things just incase something goes awry on our journey."
Crit leaves Epic for a while and does some shopping, buying this list.
Doctors Bag(3 uses)-50bits
Deck of playing cards-20bits
Crit has 27 bits left
"Okay I'm ready for the road now. I got a medical kit incase we get seriously injured, a pole to poke stuff with, and a deck of cards for entertainment purposes."
>>8698I guess lets move on then while we wait.>>8699The party packs up it's gear and head on up north along the still broken train track. At least now Canterlot was in sight but it was a distant dot on the side of the mountain, looking like it will be a whole day of walking before they even get to the mountain. spend hours on the trail, sometimes passing by a small caravan of earth ponies once in a while. The summer heat was a bit abrasive today but Fall was on the brink and the weather was indeed cooling. Very soon though it began to rain…
Crit was starting to get drenched and covered himself up in his weather cloak, "Oh Celestia that's nice… well the pegasi haven't let it rain in a while."
Short Fuse DC 5
Crit Mind
1d8 = 4If fail, Charm is downgraded.
>>8701>Epic didn't like the rain that much either but it didn't bother him so.Why would pegasi make it rain so far out here?
Then again, why control the weather at all?
>>8702Critical thought about it for a second at what Epic said about it being so far out of town.
"Hmm… I don't know. Perhaps they accidentally let these clouds loose or something."
They pressed onward but every second they did so, the rain got progressively worse up into the point they couldn't see 10 meters in front of themselves
Knowing you're British, I think, you would probably be more comfortable with meters.Soon enough two ghost like ponies emerged in front of the party and looked to have come from the fog and rain. They stood there quietly, not saying a word.
>>8704They stood there waiting, the storm getting much more worse to the point where the rain drops felt like bullets and small bolts of lightning were smacking the ground. Then without hesitation the two ghosts attack.
[b]Combat Encounter[/?]
Ghost A?
Stamina: ?
Body: ?
Mind: ?
Charm: ?
Ethereal: This enemy is much more difficult to attack due to its physical nature: 1d4
Ghost B?
Stamina: ?
Body: ?
Mind: ?
Charm: ?
Ethereal: This enemy is much more difficult to attack due to its physical nature: 1d4
Arena Effects
Stormy Weather: The storm in the area makes the party do a body test against being damaged by the weather, DC 5, Damage 1d4
>>8707Epic struck out against Ghost A.
Epic Body+
1d10 = 3, Martial
1d4 = 1 VS Ghost Body
1d8 = 2, Eth
1d4 = 1Crit does the same with a beam of chaos magic.
Crit Mind
1d8 = 7, Cha
1d4 = 2 VS Ghost Body
1d8 = 6, Eth
1d4 = 2Resist Weather DC 5, Damage
1d4 = 3Crit Body+
1d6 = 5Epic Body+
1d10 = 7 No.8709
>>8708Ghost A was hit and this did massive damage to it and looked to be nearly finished. Then the two ghosts retaliate
Ghost A Body
1d8 = 6 Light Bolt
1d6 = 6 VS Crit Body
1d4 = 4Ghost B Body
1d8 = 7 Light Bolt
1d6 = 3 VS Epic Body
1d10 = 8, Def
1d8 = 7 No.8710
>>8709Critical was hit hard by a small bolt of lighting that left a minor burn mark on his chest, Epic Mount was able to dodge his attacker and left unscathed
Crit HP 6
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>>8710>Epic fought to hit the ghost again, as if no monster, corporeal or not, could defeat him.>Realised his friend was hurt.Critical!
>Tosses him a health potion. No.8712
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>>8711Epic looked into his bags but couldn't find one, thankfully though Critical Had at least two on him so he would be fine.
Epic Body+
1d10 = 2, Martial
1d8 = 4 VS Ghost Body
1d8 = 3, Eth
1d4 = 4Critical decides to not treat his injury but carry on with another chaos bolt.
Crit Mind
1d8 = 2, Cha
1d4 = 3 VS Ghost B Body
1d8 = 7, Eth
1d4 = 1Resist Weather DC 5, Damage
1d4 = 3Crit Body+
1d6 = 6Epic Body+
1d10 = 4 No.8714
>>8712Epic was able to hit his target while Cirt must of missed due to being electrocuted pretty badly. Ghost A was severely damaged and looked to be on the verge of defeat while Ghost B was unscathed.
The ghosts attack
Ghost A Body
1d8 = 3, Light Bolt
1d6 = 2 VS Epic Body+
1d10 = 3, Def
1d8 = 4Ghost B Body
1d8 = 4, Light Bolt
1d6 = 4 VS Crit Body
1d4 = 2>>8713(Nah I'm sure I got it now.)
>>8714The ghost's bolt missed Epic when he just smacked it off to the sides with his muscles. Crit on the other hand was hit once again and now he was comically charred, his movements were jittery, and his vision was blurring.
Crit HP 2
>>8713The party attacks once again.
Epic Body+
1d10 = 2 Martial
1d4 = 4 VS Ghost Body
1d8 = 1, Eth
1d4 = 3Critical had no choice to down one of his potions and his wounds heal up due to the potion's magical properties.
Crit HP 12
>>8715Resist Weather DC 5 Damage
1d4 = 2Crit Body+
1d6 = 1Epic Body
1d10 = 5Ghost A was finally defeated and it vanished up into the storm, leaving Ghost B to be alone in its assault
Ghost B Body
1d8 = 6 Light Bolt
1d6 = 2 VS Epic Body+
1d10 = 3 Def
1d8 = 6 No.8717
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>>8715>>8716>Epic could now turn his attention to the other ghost and tried to intimidate it."Boo!".
>Fights to help Critical. No.8718
>>8716Epic was hit, dealing a total of 6 damage when a lightning bolt slashed across his hoof. Crit was left alone but he got pelted pretty bad by the storm
Crit HP 10
Epic HP 10
>>8717Epic attempts to scare away the last ghost
Epic Charm
1d6 = 3 VS Ghost B Mind
1d8 = 7Critical Tries to attack with his magics
Crit Mind
1d8 = 3, Cha
1d4 = 2 VS Ghost Body
1d8 = 1 Eth
1d4 = 4 No.8719
>>8718The Ghost remains unshaken, its resolve is definitely much tougher than that of those criminals they fought earlier. Imagine if they were fighting 4 ghosts at one time.
The Ghost attacks Critical
Ghost Body
1d8 = 3, Light Bolt
1d6 = 5, Vs Crit Body
1d4 = 4Resist Weather DC 5
1d4 = 2Crit Body+
1d6 = 3Epic Body+
1d10 = 5 No.8721
>>8719Critical had never experienced this much damage before in such a short time, being near death twice in one encounter. The lightning bolt coupled with that of the storm did some massive damge
Crit HP 3
>>8720They both attack, maybe they'll get lucky and deal some massive damage against the last ghost.
Epic Body+
1d10 = 1 Martial
1d4 = 3 VS Ghost Body
1d8 = 5 Eth
1d4 = 1Crit Mind
1d8 = 5 Tele
1d8 = 8 VS Ghost Body
1d8 = 6 Eth
1d4 = 1Resist Weather DC 5 Damage
1d4 = 1Crit Body+
1d6 = 6Epic Body+
1d10 = 4 No.8722
>>8721Epic's attack phased through the ghost, leaving it to be done no damage but a well placed stone thrown at the monster dealt massive damage and the Ghost looked well shaken
Epic was also hurt in a minor way due to the storm's effects
Epic HP 9
The Ghost attacks desperately
Ghost Body
1d8 = 6 Light Bolt
1d6 = 6 Vs Epic Body
1d10 = 6, Def
1d8 = 5 No.8723
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>>8722You're already dead phantom!
>Attacks again, combinging his martial arts and wisdom on monsters into the attack. No.8724
>>8722Epic was struck pretty badly at the damage and now only had 3 HP left. The party was in a tight spot, both Crit and Epic were in a lot of danger due to their low amount of stamina.
Crit HP 3
Epic HP 3
>>8723Epic attacks
You wouldn't use Identify Monster but instead Stout Heart with all of his might
Epic Body
1d10 = 10 Heart
1d8 = 7 Martial
1d4 = 1 Vs Ghost Body
1d8 = 8 Eth
1d4 = 1Critical opens up his last potion and splashes Epic with it to heal him
Epic HP 16
Resist Weather DC 5 Damage
1d4 = 1Crit Bod+
1d6 = 1Epic Body+
1d10 = 6 No.8726
>>8724Epic unleashes a hellish attack that sends the ghost flying up into the storm. The storm rages for a minute, dealing minor damage to Crit
Crit HP 2
After that the ghosts were defeated and the storm died down, leaving a cold, wet, and badly burned party alone with the path to continue up ahead.
>>8726>Gets his breath back.The first one was wasy. I guess that last one had more hatred than the first.
>Rests in the mud.Are you OK?
>>8725It's buffed because the power bangle you are wearing upgrades your Body>>8727Crit lays down as well, not caring that now half of his side was going to match the road.
"I got hurt pretty badly, not gonna lie. Nothing broken thankfully but burned all over."
Critical holds his right hoof up and see's that it is shaking badly due to the multiple shocks
"I have no idea what those things were, the way they attacked…" Critical is coming to terms how dangerous that was "They just attacked for no reason."
>>8728Ah OK.>Helps Critical up.Well, when you've lived in solitude for as long as I have in a forest full of death, you know how to fight your own phantoms. Then again I have a feeling those ghosts arn't mere lost souls.
I have a feeling they were summoned onto us.
>>8729"A summoner? Like some sort of necromancer?. I've heard of stories before but never seen the acts."
Crit sees that he is dirty on one side now but doesn't care at the moment. Instead he looks wounds which will heal over time as the travel on. He then looks to see how Epic is strong and Crit got a serious face on.
"If I'm gonna travel and survive with you guys, I'm gonna need to grow stronger like you and Rye
Who right now is scouting around I guess. When we set up camp tonight, can you teach me a thing or two?"
The party levels up and when they rest up when they camp for the night, they will upgrade themselves.
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>>8730I'll try, though I myself not usually this feeble myself. It doesn't take me this long to win my battles. I think ever since Twilight and her friends encouraged me to be more "normal", I've become soft.
What are my Lvl3 perks?But I can teach you how to throw your weight around and be les reliant on magic.
>>8731 thinks about it for a moment, "Well… then again. Yeah don't get me wrong I do like my magic abilities but I can't be dying every 5 seconds, I need some defense"
They continue onwards until it finally got dark and all three huddled around a campfire. Critical was doing some exercises on how to balance heavy rocks on his hooves and head to become stronger while under the supervision of Epic
Camp Rest (Wilds) Heal
1d6 = 3Oh you just level up again like normal. So basically Upgrade one trait, Upgrade your Cutie Mark Skill, and Upgrade/learn three skills of your choice. Meet me in the OOC No.8746
>>8743[Gambit 1d10]
Critical played around with his cards, Epic could tell something was off with Critical and his cards, like as if Critical knew how to use them like a puppeteer or something. Other than that it seemed normal.
Critical listened intently to Epics story and wondered about something.
"Hey Epic, who are your parents then if you were found by Zecora?"
The fire flickered before them, bathing the party in both light and warmth.
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>>8746I think I had a mother once, or at least an older mare who was there for me, thats as far as I remember. Though her face is as faded as the rest of my childhood memory. No I feel more belgoned to Everfree Forest than anywhere else. I do not know where I came from or if I had any other family. And I've traveled around Equestria and found no stories of foals kidnapped from flying creatures in history.
>>8747Crit pondered this for a second, seeing that this troubled Epic.
"Well… you know what I'll keep an eye out for anything I see. Me being a scholarly type, I have an eye for the strange and arcane."
Critical smiles at Epic and proceeds to play with his cards, then he sat on up and checked the rest of his equipment to make sure everything was okay.
>>8749Crit just shakes his head in a sarcastic manner and turned over for the night. The party went to sleep under the night stars, their camp hugging the train tracks while a small Canterlot over looked them.
Pretty soon morning rose over them with a dead campfire save that a dew embers still burning within the ashes.
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>>8763Yeah you get to level up too. Now since Epic is gonna be away today, I guess we'll just solely focus on leveling your character today which we can do in the OOC. Aside from that I'll start the RP post incase Epic comes backNow that it was morning, the party was ready to get moving once again, Crit looked out and saw that it may take a few hours to get up to the mountain that Canterlot was on and from there they would have to walk up through the rail lines inside the mountain.
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>>8777>>8779Crit looked on over at Epic and hopped off of the rock he was on.
"Hey you're awake, I've been looking out ahead and it looks like it'll take about an hour or two to get to the base of the mountain. From there we'll have to go through the mountain tunnels."
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>>8780>>8781"Why are there so many tunnels here? Anyway, I'll do my best to make it through it."
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>>8782You sure? Theres a lot of mines and caves in the mountains of Canterlot.
In fact Canterlot was carved from the very rock of the mountain, with needed materials such as metals and crystals from within the mountain.
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>>8783"I'll feel saver when you two are around."
>>8781"Don't worry, we'll just drag him on through if we need to."
Crit laughs.
>>8782"I dunno but look at it like this, once we get through we'll be in the most royal city in Equestria."
They head on out and went towards the mountain, getting closer and closer as they went on. Eventually they reached the base and found a small encampment right next to the tunnel entrance.
This camp was filled with looked to be a bunch of traders and travelers. One of them hopped on up and greeted them.
"Hello strangers, heading up to Canterlot?"
>>8785Thats where we're headin'.
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>>8785Nods and looks at the encampment "Yes, that's right. Under hill and over hill."
>>8787"Un… under hill to creepy… spiders?!"
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>>8787[small]W-what now?[/small]
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>>8790"Well… maybe they are reasonable spiders? Besides, we have to get to Canterlot."
>>8790>Epics eyes twitch. He knew of such spiders that size in Everfree Forest, but kept away from their terirtories.Well, OK. We'll stay out of the caves.
>>8790>>8791I suggest we climb up the mountain side. Like mountain goats.
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>>8792Rye knew a little about climbing and looked up the mountainside, wondering if that was even possible.
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>>8791Critical agrees, "Yeah we have to get up there. We already made it so far now, we can't give up now."
The stallion nods, "Now the spiders avoid sunlight and some of the train tracks are outside in the sun so you'll have about two breaks in between the spiders. Other than that you may be up to your eyeballs in em."
>>8792The stallion laughs, "Na na, do you see how steep this mountain is?"
A quick look at the mountain says it all that it will be impossible to scale.
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>>8794>Epic observed the mountainside and could see there was hardly any surfaces for climbing.N-nah, we could do it. It's not impossible.
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>>8794"Well… if we have to… better get it behind us as quickly as possible."
>>8795"Maybe if we were skilled mountaineers with fitting gear… but we only got a measly rope and we have done barely any climbing before. It's just too dangerous."
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>>8796>>8797>Epic had a thought to take advantage of Rye's claustrophobia, even though it was a bit cruel.But those quakes we had lately made those caves rather instable. If those caves come down, we'd be trapped by thousands of metric tonnes of rock for miles around with not evens Celestia's light of day finding us let alone anypony else.
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>>8798"Brrr… that would be bad! But… Crit could magic us out then, right, Crit?"
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>>8799>>8800He's phobic of spiders, do you think anyone with pride and fear be easy to budge? Just being in character>>8800>>8801He can't magic us out of spiders- uh cave ins… thats not how magic works… I think.
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>>8801"Well, I rather dare the caves than risk plummiting to my doom."
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>>8803I- uh -ooh..
>Felt defeated and shuts up about it. No.8805
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>>8804"That's the spirit. We'll be out the other side quickly… I hope. And maybe there won't be any spiders."
>>8802I know but we've already wasted about 20 minutes on just arguing on going up the mountain.>>8803>>8804They head on inside the cave tunnels which looked to be dark and mostly clean at first. The rock floor beneath them was uncomfortable but the tunnel walls were fry unlike most caves.
Pretty soon after a couple of minutes they began to see a thicket of spider webs which forced them to move slowly. If they ran or jumped or did anything like that then they would risk getting caught in the web.
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>>8807"Oh no… oh no… spider webs… maybe no spiders are home…"
He tried to tip toe forward without shaking any webs.
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>>8809"No no no… I'm not going back, then we'll be in here even longer!"
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>>8810Better to be here a few hours longer tha lying here forev-
>Felt some webbing brush against his leg.YAAH!!! No.8812
>>8808They carefully proceed forwards, avoiding the webs as much as they could which was taking them quite the time.
Pretty soon though two shadows whipped right in front of them. Their eyes look ahead and two dog sized spiders crawl out into their light.
EncounterSpider A
Spider B
Resist Fear (Caves/Spiders) DC 4
Epic Mind
1d6 = 3Rye
1d8 = 4If failed, their attack rolls are downgraded for a turn.
>>8809Don't worry, I'll make it so your character will feel the effects No.8814
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>>8812"Eeek! Big hairy spider!" Rye grabbed one of the swords but didn't want to attack unless he had to.
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>>8813[?]Okay. No problem.[/b]
Critical stepped back, even startled himself at their horrid sight.
>>8814The spiders made a loud hissing sound and started to approach the party in an aggressive manner. No.8818
>>8816Wrong music attacks the spider but since Rye didn't know how to use the sword properly, he couldn't use the weapon effectively.
Rye Body
1d6 = 5 VS Spider A Body
1d6 = 5>>8817 You're character can still attack if you want or try something else. Just note your attack rolls are currently downgraded due to fear.Critical beams out some magics.
Crit Mind
1d8 = 1, Cha
1d6 = 4 VS Spider a Body
1d6 = 5 No.8819
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>>8818Rye switched to his trusty spade.
>>8818Rye hit the first spider and slashed out one of its many eyes, gruesome!
Critical's magic just blasted at a wall and ricocheted off somewhere deeper into the tunnels.
The two spiders attack Crit and Rye.
Spider Body
1d6 = 4, Swipe
1d6 = 3 VS Rye body
1d6 = 1Spider Body
1d6 = 6, Swipe
1d6 = 5 VS Crit body
1d4 = 4 No.8823
>>8821Both Crit and Rye were seriously injured, Crit more so due to the injuries from yesterday.
Crit HP 1
Rye HP 12
>>8820The spiders were too busy with the two party members but lighting the spider webs on fire could turn the tables into the hero's favor.
>>8819Rye attacks with his spade, not much difference when it comes to farming and bashing a spider's face in.
Rye body
1d6 = 5 Farm
1d10 = 4 VS Spider body
1d6 = 4Crit Mind
1d8 = 7 Cha
1d6 = 5 VS Spider B Body
1d6 = 3 No.8825
>>8824Epic Body
1d8 = 7, Martial
1d4 = 1 VS Spider A Body
1d6 = 4>>8823The spiders were seriously injured and looked to be on the verge of death.
Spider A Deaths door
Spider B Injured
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>>8823"If only I had thicker armor!" Rye thought. He had already considered using fire early on but feared the smoke that might turn the cave a death trap.
>>8824>>8825Spider was was crushed under a rock and was now no longer moving. The other one leaped on in to attack Epic.
Spider Body B
1d6 = 6 VS Epic Body
1d10 = 6, Def
1d10 = 5Resist fear DC 4
Epic Mind
1d6 = 4Rye Mind
1d8 = 8 No.8831
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>>8829Epic was hurt but it was not a serious injury to worry about
Epic HP 10
>>8827Critical was barely holding on but he nodded in agreement. Maybe if we just steer clear of the webs and set them on fire then we can do it safely.
>>8830Epic Body
1d10 = 7 Martial
1d6 = 2 VS Spider Body
1d6 = 2 No.8832
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>>8831The last spider was crushed under Epic's hooves until it was dead. They were now safe to proceed further and deeper into the tunnels.
They do so and thankfully they can see some light up ahead.
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>>8828I know you didn't.
>>8829"We have to get out of here…" Rye said, looking around to see if more spiders were closeby.
>>8833There weren't any and they were able to make it to the first checkpoint of outside exposed track
>>8834They were now outside and incredibly high up from off the ground. Out here they were safe from any of the spiders. The party also recalls that this is the first checkpoint and they'll have to make it to another and then they'll have to go through more tunnel and reach Canterlot.
For now though they should sort out what was going on.
Critical was barely holding on, "Does anypony have any healing potions?"
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>>8835J-just take mine, have them all if we never go through that again.
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>>8835"I have pony balm… I think Epic has some healing potions."
Rye used the balm on himself and one on Epic.
>>8836Critical only took one since he knew that it would only get worse from here on out.
Crit HP 14
>>8837Rye used his pony balm on himself
Rye HP 16
>>8838Epic did find a little stream and was able to wash himself off with the extremely cold mountain water. The party was now better off then they were before and were now ready to continue.
>>8839(I also use a balm on Epic)
(I need to stop for now though, sorry. I' got quite a head ache.)
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Epic HP 16
>>8841"No problem, Lets just take a 15 and rest here for a bit."
Will the party make it through the spider caves? Find out next time of Tails of Equestria!
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>>8842>Epic heard through the forth wall.Wait, I thought we already made it out of the caves entirely?
>>8843Crit went on over to Epic to check up on him.
"Nah we still have the next set of tunnel, another break, the last set of tunnel, and then we will make it to the entrance of Canterlot."
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>>8846Sorry I'm late, just really tiredCrit looked onwards at the next tunnel, unsure what they will face next. Nevertheless they'll have to go through it eventually.
"Are you guys ready to go?"
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>>8852They head on inside the second tunnel to see that this one was filled up with spider webs much like the last one. Only this time they did not see any spiders inhabiting the area, strange for sure that this was some uncanny boon. They head on deeper and deeper, hoping to find the exit but they only found a fork in the tunnels. Which way to go, left or right?
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>>8856"Right on."
They begin to head on out through the cave to the left and proceeded that way. Pretty soon unfortunately was that the cave was now blocked off by a thick wall of spider web. The web was impassable and they won't be able to pass through unless they do something.
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>>8866The webbing was much too thick and wet to catch flame from the flint stone Epic was using, too much mass will not be bale to combust with just sparks. Each strand infact was as thick as rope and it was bunched up to the point it was pseudo braider to be thicker than Epic's own muscley hooves. For now they must look for some fuel source which could probably be found in the tunnel to the right. Thankfully though the tunnels seem to be quiet so you can be assured that the party will not encounter any spiders in here… hopefully.
Besides it's a puzzle No.8868
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"Are we all rested?"
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>>8868"We're as fine as we'll ever be, considering the circumstances that we're in a spider infested cave."
Crit smiles, still playing with his cards and letting his tekekinesis spell illuminate the area.
>>8870Clarity looks at the walls but all they are is carved bare stone that is sometimes thick with an occasional patch of spider web that would tend to hinder their movement. Of course once with an even closer look, he soon saw a wooden sign that read
kitchen that was pointing back from where they came from.
>>8871the puzzle to burn down the wall of webbing. No.8874
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>>8872"Guys, this wooden sign here looks important!" He felt his stomach grumble. "Maybe we should take our break back there."
>>8873They head on back and enter the kitchen and sees the barren room, let untouched by time itself. Several tables layed in disarray with chair overturned or still up, and empty and dusty food cans littered the entire floor.
They did see a door on the far end of the wall and what looked to be some canister sitting in the corner next to a stone oven.
>>8876"After 'decades' all tools would be unusable too."
>>8875He looks at the canister, maybe there's magically preserved food inside.
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>>8878"It rusts and breaks or gets warped and the natural moisture ruins whatever your powder is."
>>8874>>8875>>8877Seeing all of the empty can were disappointing but… leave to Rye though to find one can still left unopen. Surely he could resist the heavily expired can of peaches?
Resist Hunger DC 6
Clarity Mind
1d8 = 4>>8876>>8877They examine the canister but find that it has no labels on it but they did find a spigot and there were oil stains on the floor below the spigot.
>>8879>>8880Unable to control himself, Rye forces the can open and downs the horribly rotten peaches, causing him to have a serious stomach ache for an hour.
Rye's Body Trait will be downgraded.
>>8879If the equipment is stored well and dry then such things is no problem.
>Notice him about to eat a can of rancid peaces.Don't eat that.
Whats a spigot?aha! Oil! If I can find the source…
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>>8880"Oooh… a closed one!" Opens it and swallows it all. "By Celestia … totally worth it!"
"And this looks like it contains oil." He tosses the can aside, groaning.
>>8881Don't eat that.
You don't know how long it's-
>Facehooves. No.8886
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>>8885"B… better a stomach ache than being hungry…"
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>>8882>PicEpic examines the spigot, all he would have to do is open it and the oil will flow. They would perhaps have to find something to carry the oil in or just rips the canister from off the floor.
>>8883>>8885Critical laughs at the two.
"Holy fucking shit!"
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Pass me that now empty canister of peaches!
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>>8888"You should find something to carry that oil with that isn't open on the top so it'll pour out any moment but if you want it…"
He gives him the empty can.
>>8888It was a large can, like the ones that you buy for to last out in a nuclear holocaust. This can will probably hold about 100 ounces of oil
I'm not too familiar with that size, just pulling it out of my ass.. Poor Rye.
>>8889Critical looks on over to Rye, "Hey you doing alright? That was a lot of… er were those still peaches?"
>>8890Epic fills up the can up nearly to the brim, avoiding getting any of it onto himself lest he will stink of oil until they get to Canterlot.
"Ah the smell of oil, I do sure love how it kills the brain cells."
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>>8891"Those peaches were real bad…. do you know a spell to cure food poisoning?"
>>8891I told him not to eat it.
>Fills the can with oil.That should be enough to splash all over that web wall.
>>8893I warned you about the food bro.
I told you dog.
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>>8897"Hopefully it's not too thick."
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>>8900"Well, that went better than expected. I'm sure the spiders won't be happy about it. Let's move on quickly."
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"We're making good progress."
Were there any more spider webs?
>>8903We made it!
Now what?
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>>8905"The final set of tunnels. Hopefully it's safe."
>>8904>>8905With them being outside, they are safe to rest up here if they choose to do so. The camp stallion did tell them that the spiders do not go outside of their tunnels.
>>8906Crit looks at it and knpw this is gonna be hell.
"Heh, yeah I', sure it'll be safe."
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>>8907"We shouldn't separate. Besides, those spiders will be mighty angry at us for ruining their webs so it's even more dangerous."
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>>8911"Those peaches were so tempting…"
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>>8914"Aaah… I feel much better now! That rest was a good idea."
>>8915They were now ready to proceed.
"Hey you guys are ready to head on through, I got some bits burning in my pocket and I need to spend them on alcohol in Canterlot!"
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>>8916"Mmmh… I'm looking forward to some proper food. And maybe we can go watch a show or something."
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>>8917"Yeah yeah…" remembers why they were going to Canterlot. "We still have to find that noble though and find out what's going on with that key."
They head on inside of the cave and finds that it is a large cavern with several lines of rails dangerously overpassing the abyss below.
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>>8918"So… this is where the trains usually go through?"
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>>8921"There are gems down here? Never heard of that."
>>8922"It was such a long time ago so I doubt that these caves will have any gems left in the mines so I don't think we'll find any here."
They start to go across the track, trying not to get close to the edge and fall off.
>>8920You doing alright? No.8925
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>>8923"Oh boy, better be careful here."
He takes his rope and wraps it around Epic, himself and Crit similar to mountaineering group. If one of them drops the strength of the other will prevent him from falling.
>>8924"Wow, how do you know all that?"
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>>8924A map for what game? I am intrigued.>>8924>>8925"We just know our history is all."
Crit smiles until the rail that they were on felt a sudden shock. They look down and they can see something gigantic moving up the struts. It was the mother of all spiders which was the size of a house! This queen spider was moving up and were trying to get to the party and probably attack them.
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Will it be alright if we take a quick break? I'm rather distracted.>>8925I know a bit of history.
>>8926Left 4 Dead 2. A recreation of Twinkle Park from Sonic Adventure. No.8930
>>8927They rush trying to get away, stumbling on the rails after each shockwave caused by the queen spider. Finally the giant spider gets its arm up ahead of them and is now blocking the passage out, they are now forced to fight….
Combat EncounterQueen Spider
>>8928>>8929>Alright then, I'll see you guys another time then. No.8932
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>>8931Sorry for the late post, my car threw a rod in the engine and I had to get a new one yesterday. Basically a shit ton of driving and paperwork.The spider looked at them and the party could see their reflection in her 8 eyes. It chittered and clacked, hissing at them beyond its fangs with its grotesque mouth. As how they were standing right now, the spider was blocking their way to the exit, also the rail that they were standing on teetered with every movement they and the queen made.
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>>8933Critical looked at Epic in disbelief, "Jump down? If one of us goes down then we'll all be falling down!"
There was though multiple sets of rails down below them, they surely could make the jump.
>>8934I'd rather fall to a quick death than by that… thing!
Besides look!
>Points to the other sets of rails.If we can jump onto them, we can escape!
>>8935Before they could decide anything, the queen spider charged at them, unwitting causing the the struts on the rails to snap and break, collapsing the entire rail line.
The party fell and they had to attempt to catch the nearest rail to prevent them from falling further.
Ledge Catch DC 5
Epic Body+
1d10 = 8Rye Body
1d6 = 6Crit Body
1d6 = 5 No.8938
>>8936>>8937They all are able to make the fall and get up on the lower rail line safely. The queen spider fell onto a rail that was apart from them and could not attack the party.
Up ahead the rail though, both of the lines would connect and the spider was now moving for the fork in the rails that formed a sort of upside down Y shape.
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>>8938>Epic was freaking out a little.Let's het the Tartarus outta here!
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Rye hurries along with the others.
>>8939They begin to make a run for it, once again stumbling over the number of horizontal struts but thankfully they make it up to the other side of the chasm with the spider in tow. The party gets on up to the stone part and the spider tried to get them one last time by shooting a spray of web at them.
Web Attack DC 5
Epic Body
1d10 = 6Rye
1d6 = 1Crit
1d6 = 6 No.8945
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>>8944Rye struggled to get out of the webbing before the big spider came.
>>8944The web is stretchy and hard to break
Break Web DC 10
1d10 = 1 No.8948
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>>8947Rye took one of his two blades and swiped it at the web, trying to cut himself loose.
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>>8948With a quick swipe, Rye was cut free and the party ran as fast as they could with the sound of the spider charging at them. If any of them looked back, they could see it causing the rail to collapse again, sending it down to its likely death. For now though that didn't matter as they continued to run to get the hell out of there until finally they were once again met with sweet sunlight.
Just a short distance ahead was the gates to enter Canterlot.
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"We made it! By Celestia, that was one dangerous trip!"
>>8950>>8951>>8952Critical untied himself and sat down, catching his breath after all that stressful running.
"Oh crap… that doesn't feel good."
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>>8952"You okay, Epic? We're safe now!"
>>8954>>8955Critical looked about and got up after he caught his breath.
"Urgh, alright. It looks like we finally made it to Canterlot. I say we invest in getting an air balloon after our business is done here."
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>>8956Rye poked Epic to make him get up. "Yes, we should find another means of transport."
>>8960>>8961>>8962I'm backThey all now got on up and got each other untied and returned the rope to Rye, then they pressed on further along the path until they reached the train station and were met with guards.
"Halt travelers, where have you come from? I thought the rail lines were closed… you didn't go up through the old mine rails did you?"
>>8966The guard looks at the ponies astonished, surprised that they were able to do this feat while other could not make it up to Canterlot except for Pegasi.
"If you guys were able to pull that off then I need to know why you came here. Canterlot has been having enough trouble on the streets as it is."
>>8969>>8970The guard thinks about it, trying to remember the name. He finally gets the pony in mind.
"That old pony? Sorry but you wouldn't be able to get to him while that gang is still in the streets. Right now the Noble District has been cut off from the now violent Common's District."
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>>8971"What's suddenly going on around here? First Ponyville, now here too?"
>>8972>>8973The party remembers that they were attacked by a group of assassins that were after the Cumulonimbus Cloud Key. Apparently they were lead by a pony named Cloak Dagger here.
"Yeah the gang is now riled up and emboldened. Somehow they got financed and now they got weapons and are a lot more organized. If you want to get to the Noble District, you can try to talk to the Commons Sergeant down at our station."
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>>8974"Thanks for the information. I guess we will try to find your Sergeant."
>>8975>>8976They head on into the Canterlot's Common area, this is where all of the shops and workers who keep Canterlot running would be. Right now they were in the center and could see an inn,
The Rough Gem, a trade shop,
Discount Merchandise, The guard station, and the local hospital.
>>8978>>8979They all head into the Discount Merchandise store and found a Gryphon attending his stock. He was grizzled and somewhat old, with a crack going down his beak that was likely caused by some damage a long time ago.
"Oy, welcome to the shop, what can I fix ye with?"
There were a number of stuff lining the shelves, from toys to food, weapons to tools. Everything that an adventurer could ever need.
>>8980>Epic talked to the griffin.Hello.
So… um… Whats going on of late? With these feuds we heard of?
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>>8980"Greetings Sir. I was wondering if you have any supplies you could sell or trade. Some food and something like an utility knife. And maybe any gems?"
>>8981"Eh the local trouble makers have been gettin more and more roudy of late. Making us merchants paying for
protection and the guard ain't much use at all. Some of em are even bought out and bribed by the criminals so the thugs can walk around willy nilly."
>>8982"Why yes let me go grab ye some things…"
He goes behind his counter and pulls out somethings
1 Machete-20 bits
10 Meals(Simple)-3 bits each
4 Gems-20 bits each
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>>8983"Oooh… my my… well, I'm intersted in that machete and 3 simple meals. The gems are bit too expensive.
Say, I have a sword here, what'd you give me for it."
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>>8986"Well, a sword is for fighting. A machete is a proper tool."
>>8987Hm… maybe I should take the sword?
Then again, I dunno if I'd be skilled with it.
>>8984"For a time but now a lot of the guards are corrupt or are too scared to fight for us here. The gangs are particularly to the ponies who stand up to them or don't pay their tribute."
>>8985>>8986"Hm… for each of your swords, I'll give you 20 bits for each. So if you sell both swords and buy what you would buy, you would end up like…"
2 Swords=40bits
Total +40bits
Machete-20 bits
3 Meals(simple) 9bits
Total -29bits
Ending Bits= 106
>>8990(Ah, nvm then)
>>8989>The gangs are particularly to the ponies who stand up to themThat be us then.
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>>8989Rye tries to haggle for a better price, using his Charisma and Persuasion.
>>8991*lethal to the ponies who stand up to them*
"If you try to fight them, care not to find a dagger in your side."
>>8992Barter DC 5
Rye Charm
1d8 = 8If success then you get a 10%boost to your sell amount
>>8993"Yeah right here."
5 Potions 20 bits each
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Rye pockets his food supplies, machete and hands over the two swords. He also adds 15 bits to his wallet.
>>8994I'll have a potion.
>Now has three potions in total with 70฿ remaining.If it's "Cloak and Dagger" then by my side would be te last place he'll end up.
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>>8995"There you are and that will do you good"
Rye now has a total of 110 bits
>>8996Epic now has a total of 3 potions and 170 bits left.
"Is there anything else you be needin?"
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"Hm, in fact… do you have an super glue?"
>>8998>Yeah I'm sure"Well thanks for doing business."
>>8999"Super glue? well that's an odd request but yeah let me have a look around."
He looks around and pulls out a good sized container
Super Glue(5 uses) 10 bits
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>>9000Rye puts down ten bits and takes the container.
"Thank you. You can never know what it's good for. And you can repair quite a few things with it."
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>>9004"I'll ask around the inn."
>>9001He buys the glue and put it into his inventory.
Rye bits-100
>>9003>>9004>>9005"Well I'm poor so I can't buy anything. Anyways we can save the inn later and head on over to the police station. Or perhaps we should secure a room for the night before it gets dark?"
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>>9006"I wanted to see if any ponies were there who know something. But sure, let's head to the guard station."
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>>9007>>9008>Good nightThe party headed out of the shop and went over to the Police station. Once inside they saw that two guards were arguing with each other on how to deal with the massive crime going on in the Common's District.
Will the party be able to stop all of the crime or will Canterlot have to deal with this amount of crime forever? Find out next time on Tails of Equestria!
>>9010The two guards that were arguing with each other were that of a pegasus mare that looked fresh from recruitment and rose through ranks quickly and the other other was an old and tired looking earth pony stallion who wore the sergeant brand armor.
>"Now miss Gallant, we just can't simply go out and sweep through our streets like that. We don't have the horse power to conduct that right now."But we can't just let those hooligans trotting about in our streets."They quickly see that the party enters the station and they greet them
>"Er yes citizen, can I help you? If this isn't an emergency though, I don't think I would have the time to or power to do anything for you at the moment though."It would seem that the guard are seriously strapped as it is considering what is going on.
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>>9066Hello. We're looking to find a pony named Blazen Paths.
>>9072Theres a difference between "royal guard" and "knight".Theres more to a fight than just fighting.
You said that they've taken over the Noble District. Do you have any maps or layouts with how they have taken it over?
>>9074Well, if I became a guard, I'd be too busy standing around to adventure with you guys. Maybe if Celestia knights me herself, that be cool.Well, me and my friends could take to the streets… of RAGE! And just brawl our way until we find cloak and Dagger.
But it's perhaps best of we do this with more stradegy. What is Cloaks known where abouts?
>>9077We can still help… let me talk it over with my friends.
>Turns to Critical.I don't really want to join the guards, but if ponies are getting hurt, I don't want to ignore that either.
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Summer Rye comes in carrying three meals. "Hello… we're here to help. Oh, Epic's already here."
>>9079Yeah, he guards won't let us through unless we join their ranks and help out.
Honestly, I just want to help out.
>>9078Crit thinks about it, not to much in favor of the idea but can see the usefulness in it.
"Well I don't like their structure and order so much, making friends can be useful in the future if we ever have to pull the guard card."
>>9079"Rye, you been dozing off and dreaming of food again?"
>>9081I'll only be a guard until we stop Cloak and Dagger… and maybe those sunglasses they wear in 80s guard-drama movies.
But I'm not taking any oath.
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>>9084"Do I get a cloak too?"
>>9084Alright, but this is just until this mess is sorted. We're temporary deputies.
But we still need a plan to find Cloak and Dagger.
I would ask you to draw up a map of the Common District, but thats perhaps asking a bit much. No.9088
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>>9087"Hm… maybe we can pretend we want to join his gang or something? Go undercover?"
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>>9088"Or not… they will know us by now anyway."
>>9088>>9089I was thinking that too, but also concern he'll kill us quicker if he doesn't recognise us.
We could try and find a corrupt guard and see if he'll get us aquainted.
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>>9091"Well, sounds easy enough."
>>9091>>9092I was tihnking, if we did find any patrols that's been taking bribes. We blend in and see if we can get information on them, such as where Cloak is currently residing.
A criminal that can help us if they're in jail.
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>>9096"We'll do our best, Sir."
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Sounds good.
1. Go check on various patrols.
2. If any of the patrols are taking briberies, earn their trust.
3. Get them to take us to Cloak.
If they want us to do any tests of loyalties, such as shake down a store or something, we can just fake it.
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>>9099Looks around, not enjoying the view much. "That's not one of the finer places of Canterlot."
*Puts on the guard cloak
>>9099>>9100Yeah, let's check on the first patrol, like cops on the edge.
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>>9101"What on what? Sometimes I have no idea what you're talking about, Epic."
Rye was looking around to see if a patrol was about?
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>>9103Rye saluted them as he approached. "Hello there. What's the status?"
>>9102We're loose canons hitting these streets 'n keepin 'em clean.
>>9104>>9105The leader of the patrol greets them with a bit of reservation.
"Eh now, I don't know you all three. You must be new recruits or something come to check up on us. Anyways right now nothing is going on over here in the Utility section and I hope it stays that way. I'd like to go home tonight alive and I'll do what it takes to make it so."
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>>9106"Yes, we're new recruits. Is it usually quiet around these parts?"
>>9107"This is where all the taxed paid services are such as the guard station, fire station, plumbing area, construction house, and other things like that."
>>9108"Around here, yes because we're so close to the guard station. Of course there's always the petty pickpocket here and there and let me give you some advice on what to do if you see crime. Just ignore it, you'll live longer."
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>>9109"Well… that is odd advice from somepony whose job it is to protect other ponies. But thanks anyway…"
>>9110"Essentially yes, that would be a lot of taxes down the drain."
>>9111>Trips"Yeah yeah, you guys look like you'll do fine here. Here's our report on the utility section, you best hurry and go to the other patrols before it gets dark."
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>>9112"Thank you. We'll be on our way."
>>9113"Things were easier before and all but then it got all dangerous. I didn't join the RG to die out here to some craven's sword."
>>9114"See you all around soon"
They head away from the patrol and had two more left. There was the Merchant Patrol and the Residential Patrol. Which one do you want to go to first?
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>>9115Why did you join though? I mean, look how bad it is, don't you want to help the localcs here who feels scared and helpless from it all? Can't go down the streets without fear of being mugged? Do you all have families or loved ones who live in this city also?
>>9117He just said this in the earlier post. Why you no read?>"Things were easier before and all but then it got all dangerous.">>9116They head on out to the merchant's area where most of the crime happens in the Common's District. Along with all the shops, they did the the patrol there speaking with a small crowd of ponies who looked pretty shady and of the criminal orient.
>"So here, you take this bribe and look the other way and we'll be sure to leave you alone. Think of it as taking an early break from your grateful citizenry.""I-I dunno. This doesn't seem right."
It looks like the shadowy group is trying to bribe the guard patrol out in the open.
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Rye readies his trusty spade.
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>>9121"That guy handing out the bribe deserves a trip to the prison."
>>9129Alright I'm here, work has been making me go in earlier than usual.Even though Epic was hesitant to talk to the guard patrol, their leader approached Epic.
"I don't think I recognize you three, you must be new and you must have been talking with the other Royal Guard to accept their bribery so easily. I can't fault you all for valuing your lives, I just wish there were something else we could do."
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Oops! Nopony told me we were playing!>>9132>Epic tried to be sincerely nice to the guy.You don't look the sort to want to get into what these guys are offering.
And I won't give you a hard time if you're not.
>>9133"Well the thing is that we were just sorta sidelined at the bribery here. If we took it, it could mean that some of the residents could be hurt later on, who knows what the gangsters will do. On the other hoof, if we refused the offer then they would have likely attacked us. To be honest, you guys coming in here just left me with no other choice, then again what choice did we have in the first place."
He hands them the patrols report for the day.
"Here's our report, if you could not mention what happened, it would save all of our hides."
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>>9136Well, how would your father and his father think of you? What does it truely mean for you "to guard"?
If ponies who cannot defend for themselves, then who will stand to defend them?
>>9137"Hey its not like I'm doing this out of greed like you three just did. I try whenever I can but I'm not gonna let some new recruits who already are as bad as the others try to high road me."
Critical steps in
"Look Epic, you can't just try to take a bribe and be morally superior. I know what you were trying to do and expose traitors but to that guy it looked like you were just making a quick buck."
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>>9138Oh right… I forgot what we were doing.
Uh-um… well… uh… think about… what you done…
>Felt like a really bad substitute teacher.B-but before we go, do you know of patrols or guards that have been chummy with the crimin- uh gansters?
>>9139"Hmm not really, perhaps you'll see one when you're collecting the rest of the reports. Just be careful out there, a guard pony may attack you just as much as a gangster would if you aggravate a bribed one."
Critical chimes in, "C'mon Epic, we still got the residential patrol to look at. Once done we can head back to the Station and collect a reward."
>>9140A'ight. And sorry for the hassle. Just sayin' you do what you think is right… and I guess we'll do what we think is wrong. Bye.
>To Critical.Perhaps best if we don't use our actual names. If we're gonna find a bribed guard who will talk to others about us, best use names Cloak won't recall.
Though don't recall if Cloak know us by names from our first encounter.
What you think?
>>9141Crit had to think about this for a moment, "Eh I think he already knows our names. He already sent assassins to get the Cumulonimbus Key from us so he must at least know our descriptions. However it appears that a lot of his low level lackeys don't know or recognize us. So for now we don't have to worry about the gangsters trying to get to us until shit really hits the fan."
Once they enter the residential area, they can see the leader of the patrol talking to a shadowy looking gangster on the street. The two acted like friends and business partners but the party was a bit too far away to hear what was going on or what they were saying.
>>9142OK. So perhaps best use fake names until we're close to the target.
>Enters residentual areas.Hm, this guy is probably the sort we're after. And he looks the sort to prefer it that way than pressured into it.
>>9143They are still too far away to hear what is going on.
"Shall we try to get close?"
>>9147They get on close and can now hear their conversation while the heros' backs are up against the cart.
Gangster: "And all you just have to do is not show up in this area when they come on through, just take the day off as it were."
Guard: "Sounds simple enough and this offer you have is much more than what I get in a whole week. You my friend have a deal."
They trade money in exchange for a promise of an absence in the guard.
>>9148>Whispering 80s lingo cop dramaSounds like our perk, let's book 'em!
Or, we wait until he's alone and grill him?
>>9151When they approach the two, they start to act all hostile, especially the gangster
Gangster: "Hey hey! What do you think you're doing here? This is just grounds for this patrol and this patrol only."
Guard: "Easy, it looks like it is just new recruits is all. You're prolly here for the reports for today. Here take em and forget anything you saw or heard."
>>9152Yeah we could forget everything we saw.
>Takes reportOr we could cut the manure and get in on the big stuff my friend. Whatdya say?
>>9153The gangster just gets angry and pulls out a sharp looking short sword and brandished it. Even the guard was taking the ganster's side.
Gangster: "Are you serious? You three are so stupid that you need to tack a sign to your chests that say
Guard: "Just get the hell out of here already. I got a nice deal and nopony needs to be picked up off the street tonight."
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>>9154>Epic keeps his cool, and be as ballsy as he can.Ah I see how it is.
>Pokes the tip of the sword away.Yes, I suppose it is a sweet deal. You get the streets to yourself and all you have to do is turn a blind-eye.
But tell me friends, how long do you truely think this will last for? Years? Months? Tell me, how long will it be until this whole seige of canterlot will be no more than a "friendship problem" to some pastel coloured out-of-town fillies?
Do you really want to just be roughing up stores and getting paid to "do nothing" for the rest of your time?
>To the gangsterSurely big tough guys like yourself have more ambition, have bigger plans… or whoever your boss is would rather keep you in your place. Under his heel.
Clarity is gone to bed. No.9158
>>9155Sorry I've been away, we had to work on the flooring in my room and that meant my whole computer had to be taken down which lasted for a few days. Anyways I'm back now but I'll have to go to work in an hour.Gangster: "Who in Tartarus do you think you are? Ain't nopony go against Cloak Dagger and those who do are sent down the river and off the fucking mountain."
He reorients his short sword in a threatening manner.
Gangster: "This be your last warning gutter snipe, get the hell out or else you'll be at the business end of my sword here!"
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>>9158If you commit to business with your sword, I've seen business empires built with blades alone.
>Epic still keeps his cool.Tell me, has he told you of "The Plan" of his?
You do realise that such co-ordinative crime as this could only be possible under the mind of one who seeks to reap the bigger rewards at the expense of the pawns.
We don't have to go agasinst such a brilliant mind, but surely you don't want to just die for him, or worse, imprisonment while he stands free.
(Is this a fight you plan to happen inevidably, or can I talk my way, or very least charm-roll my way to success?
Or can I use one of my friendship points if that works?) No.9161
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Rye watches from a saver distance, wondering how things will turn out. Just to be save he has the little box to summon the bard ready.
>>9159>>9161Epic Mount tries to intimidate both the Guard and the Gangster into submission. Crit also tries to look tough to help out here
Intimidation DC 6
Epic Charm
1d8 = 5Crit Charm
1d6 = 6I guess we can, I do need to let you guys make the actions here after all. No.9164
>>9162Together they were quite imposing, making the gangster recoil with caution…
Gangster: "Yeah… yeah… look you's ain't worth my time you Royal Guard dogs. As for you…" he points to the corrupt guard, "You best be watching your back from here on out. Our dealings that we did have are now officially over."
He storms off with the guard leader now shocked and sadden to hear this
Guard: "Oh by Celestia, now why did you three go and do that? Now I'm a serious heap of trouble."
>>9163That would be the case but I don't think it would be a good idea to organize with the crime syndicate that you are supposed to destroy. No.9165
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>>9164The idea is simple. We gain the trust of someone who can get us on the inside, so that we can take it down on the inside. Maybe we can report to the sarge the wear-abouts of Cloak that they can trap him, or maybe close enough for an audience with Cloak for us to quickly dispatch him.Why, you know this Cloak Dagger fellah?
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>>9167Me and my crew here want to ditch small time guard-stuff and get in a slice of the big pie that your boss is cookin'.
>>9168Guard: "Well with that gangster now being upset at me, I don't I can do much now. Then again he'll just need to cool off and we'll be doing business as usual."
He gives them the Residential report.
Guard: "There you are, if you're interested in doing some side work then just sit around at the well in the Market Area and some gangster will get to you soon."
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>>9169A'ight. We'll do that.
>Goes back to Critical and Rye.>>9169>>9170I've got a plan… well most of one.
We pose as criminals, try and get into their racket as possible and find out what their up to or where Cloak and Dagger is and report to sarge whatever we can find. Maybe if we can get close enough to Cloak 'n Dagger we can sort the problem out ourselves.
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>>9171"I'm not sure I'd make a good criminal but I'll try to pose as one."
>>9172We just have to act tough.
Though should we turn in these reports and tell sarge what we're up to befoe the gang meet with us?
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>>9173"I'm better at acting charming."
Whats your thoughts Clarity?
>>9174All you have to do is looks imposing… Um.. like you're at a restaurant and you're waiting for your meal, for nearly half an hour.
>>9171>>9172"Well it seems like an okay plan I guess, we just have to be careful is all."
>>9173"OKay we should get a move on then"
They head on back to the police station.
Guys give me a minute to post something going on a tangent No.9178
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>>9175"Half an hour?! Alright, that sounds like a good idea."
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>>9177>They head back to the guards station and gave the reports to the sarge. They even told the sarge the plan.-we're hoping they'll take us wherever Cloak will be. After that, I dunno. Maybe Critical can signal you with a subtle spell or something, or maybe we'll take on Cloak ourselves if we have to.
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>>9180"Yeah, it certainly won't be easy. I guess we'd have to gain their trust first. Or maybe do something for them to prove our worth."
Hopefully they won't try to ambush us, though if they were gonna take us to their safehouse they wouldn't want us to know.
Let's keep out uniforms on though, we may need to keep our cutiemarks hidden.
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>>9186"Alright… do you think we should use fake names or anything like Epic thinks? It's true that we had run ins with those gangsters before. They might have informed their friends in Canterlot."
>>9188Only name I can think up so far is "Ace of Spades" or just "Spades".
Though then again, that might be a name more suited for you, given you carry that shovel around.
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"Alright… I'll be… Powder Keg."
They head on over to the well and sit there for a while. Eventually a pony wearing the normal attire of the criminals around there approached them.
Gangster: "Hey, hey. Are you three looking for some work here? I got something that needs to be done."
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>>9193"Depends on what and what's in it for us."
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>>9195"Easy enough. Where do you need us to take those goods?"
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>>9198"Anything we need to watch out for? Like, is it dangerous goods?"
>>9198We got guard cloaks to make it more easy to pass it through.
>Epic wa slying and was considering away to trick the gangsters and let the royal guards have whatever was in the box.But any other troubles we need to look out for? Such as rivals?
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>>9201>>9202"Right. We'll take care of it."
>>9202>>9203"Yeah we can go get it"
The gangster gives them a ticket with the number 382 which will be the same number that the crate will have.
They head on out to the air docks and found the shipping area which was over saturated with a bunch of crates each with their own unique number and elite looking guards watching over them.
I gotta go and get some food. No.9208
>>9207Sorry I've been away, work has been making me go in much earlier than usual so I've been incredibly tired. Anyways I'm here now so we can continue.Looking at the many aisles of crates, they could notice a pattern that each aisle is marked with a single number. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. So that would mean that they were looking for the 82nd crate in aisle 3.
They could also see that there was currently very little traffic other than the usual pegasus caravan here and there but the elite guard ponies were patrolling everywhere. They may get stopped and questioned if they are seen pulling a crate.
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>>9219I'm here now, just reply to this post
>>9208And we can get started.
>>9208A'ight guys. Let's go find the crate we're suppose to deliver.
However let's becareful, we dunno what exactly we're carrying and I doubt to whom wants us to know.
>>9221They head on down their aisle and fortunately they find the crate quickly. It was big, built up with pine wood planks, and was securely fastened down with many bolts. If they would want to open it then they would need some serious strength and proper box opening tools.
The box was also much too heavy to carry, push, or pull around. They would need to go and borrow a cart, load the crate into the cart, and then pull the cart out of the skydocks.
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Rye went back outside and started looking for a cart to use.
>>9223Epic looks around on the five sides he could for a peep hole to peer into the box itself. (Only five because one side of the box is flat on the ground and thus impossible to examine.) As he looks, he could not find any peep holes but considering that the box is only made of pine, drilling a hole into it would be easy. The only problem would be find the right item to drill or punch a hole into it.
>>9224Rye heads bock out into the open area away from the crates and could see that there was a small guard station that kept several carts ready for use for free. The only hitch was that he saw a sign that told all ponies to ask for a cart from the guard on duty.
The guard himself was a small scrawny unicorn like Crit, probably new to this job like the party and was assigned to watch the carts to keep him out of the way and busy. Still though he looked determined to do his best and honor his position as a Royal Guard pony.
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>>9225Rye made sure his cape was properly on as he approached the guard. "Hi partner. Can I borrow one of those carts? I'll bring it back soon."
>>9226The guard gives him an energetic salute with a confident smile.
"Yes sir, I sure can go get one for you. Especially since you're one of us. In fact you must be new like I am."
He goes around back and pulls up one of the carts so Rye can easily get it.
"There you are. You can lower the back, you can use the back piece as a sort of ramp to load stuff up on."
This will surely make getting the crate to the destination much easier now.
>>9227Epic can see that the crate's height is about maybe 3/4 of Epic's height. It's width is almost as wide as the cart that Rye had gotten.
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>>9228Rye tries to remember how the ramp works and gives him a smile. "Thank you, comrade. And yes, I am still rather new to the guards as well. Keep your eyes open for anything suspicious."
>>9228>>9229Now we need to find a way to inspect the contents of the crate without opening it in any way.
That or we report to the sarge of whats going on so he knows of such a suspicious package.
I don't want to end up handing weapons to the opposing force or introducing dangerous narcotics to the ponies of Canterlot.
>>9229He gives Rye a salute as Rye takes the cart back to his friends.
>>9229>>9230Rye brought back the cart and it was now prepared to get the crate on the back. The ponies would have to load it up by pushing it up along the ramp.
Crit thinks about what Epic had said.
"Well we can't really crack it open without it busting up the nails from their holdings. We might have to drill a hole into one of the sides and peer on inside. Heh, perhaps if one of you rammed my head into the box, my horn can poke a hole in it."
Crit was obviously joking but it was actually a plausible idea.
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>>9231"You know, that might just actually work… though I'm not sure you were serious about it. And it would probably hurt a lot, too. Maybe we should look for a small drill?"
Can't get into LoE so let's play.>>9231>>9232Hm… A good idea. But still what if we're blamed for even the tiniest of holes? They could turn against us with such small cause.
Plus what if we choose the wrong place to put the hole and with poor lighting and angles don't see much?
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>>9233"That hole could have been made anywhere. It's wood and that damages easily. Or it could have been a knothole in one of the planks."
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>>9232>>9233>>9234I'm here, just been binging LoE. Also Epic you may need to re-download it in order for it to work. That's what the site said for people who played it previously.Crit looks at the box nervously, "I mean… my mother's side of the family is notorious for being thick skulled. If you guys can't find anything to drill a hole into the box… then I guess I can ram my head into it."
The big question would be where to find the tools. Any of them can guess that they can find some tools near the cart manager that Rye talked to or perhaps somewhere in the market in the common's area of Canterlot.
>>9235Whats your usual server and Friend name? I'm on Europe one myself.I'd advice against ramming your head into it. Who knows if the impact will have a negative effect.
>>9234Yeah, let's looks for any knotholes or gaps in the wood.
>Examines. No.9237
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>>9235Rye decided he would not ask any of the guards for help - it might cause suspicion to ask for a drill like that. So he checked whether there was a toolbox nearby.
>>9236>Friend NameWut?
>I'm on Europe MyselfOh I'm on the Americas server but I'll try to go on the European one later.
They looked about the box and true enough, the box was littered with numerous knotholes. TBH they were pretty easy to find since crate wood is generally cheap. That's often why there are some mistakes with the Equestrian postal service… that aside from crossed eyed mares running it.
>>9237Rye looked about but there were no tool boxes to loot here. Fortunately though there was nopony in the aisle of crates they were in so they are free to do some suspicious activity so long as they didn't leave their aisle and nopony entered as well.
>>9238Crit thought about it, "Well Epic learning new spells often takes a very long time to learn and master. Think of them as fighting styles that you need to learn and practice over time but they are for unicorns."
He then tries to think of an answer that would best fit his friends' abilities.
"Hey Epic, how about you take your own hoof and try to punch in one of the knot holes. I think you're strong enough to do so without injuring yourself."
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>>9239You can add friends in your journals so you can keep in contact. Whats your game name.>>9239I won't punch it, I'm worried whatever inside could be volatile. Could be a container of something corrosive, explosive or anything dangerous. Thats why I didn't want you ramming it with your horn.
But given theres plenty of knotholes all over the crate we can spy in one of these holes instead!
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>>9240Rye heads on over and enters the market area on his own. It's calm and quiet so there shouldn't be much trouble to be had here. As he made his way, he could see a general goods store named, "Tools and Wares". This place looked more blue collar then the rest of Canterlot so he could expect this is where all the utility services got their gear and there will probably be a hand drill here somewhere inside.
>>9241As Epic looks more closely, he can see that the knot holes aren't actually empty spaces in the wood but rather the center parts of the rings on the log from which the wood was cut from. Even though this would be a weak point, it would still need some amount of force or tools to punch through the bit.
"Good point, I don't really feel like putting a bump on my head. Especially considering the fact I need my head and horn intact for my magics."
>Critical will remember how Epic was concerned for his personal health.Uh my character name is just "Critical Hit" if that helps. Other than that I don't have a game name. I'll see if I can't find you on the Europe server. No.9243
>>9242I have an idea!
Levitation and moving spell is unicorn basics right? What if you concentrate on the woodknots to be able to pull the wood out of the knotholes? That way we can put it back in afterwards?
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>>9242"Hello there. I would like to purchase a hand drill. Doesn't have to be fancy, just work."
>>9244Hm, if we are gonna drill holes in it, Critical, do you know any "undo" spells or "repair" spells?
I just think it be best that if we're gonna do some damage to the box, it's best we efficiently cover the damage afterwards or else whom we deliver it to will be suspicious.
>>9244He entered in to find a unicorn handling the shop.
"A drill you say. Let me see what I have around here."
He looks about his wares until he came back to Rye with a hand drill. It was one of those manual ones with the handle supposed to spin around. By the looks of it, this drill will cut pretty deep.
"There you are. I'll let this go for… say 40bits."
Hand Drill: This hand drill is manually operated and will cut about 8 inches deep. This will cut through wood, ice, rock, and even up to weakened iron. Anything harder will be impossible for the drill alone.
>>9245"Well… I do have my chaos magic, it lets me bend the material world in funny ways. Just be warned though it may get weird if I try. Considering it's just gonna be a hole, I don't think the gangsters will notice."
>>9246Hmmmm perhaps best not use chaos magic then.
Because again, we dunno what's in this crate and your chaos magic may have a bad reaction with it if you're not entirely sure of the results.
The very least I'm imagining it a drug shipment of sort, but could be a weapon or something hazardous.
>>9247"That's my guess to but there is a possibility of it being some food or supplies to keep the Gangsters fed and happy."
He turns and looks at the box curiously.
"We won't know unless we open the box to peer in or get the box to somepony. I don't know if the gangsters will let us know what's inside; if we take take it to the guards then maybe we'll see it once they take crowbars to it."
>>9248Rye tries his hoof at bartering with the vendor.
Barter DC 5
Rye Charm
1d8 = 4>If successful, the price is lowered down to 30 bits. No.9250
>>9248>>9249The Shopkeep shakes his head as a no but leans in to Rye to talk to him quietly.
"You know what, I'll tell you this. I'll let you have this drill for free so long as I can call in a favor in the near future. My name is Wishing Coin and I may have something in the future for the likes of you."
The offer is a bit ominous but to get the drill for free would be nice. Rye can also get a feeling that whatever the future favor may involve, it would not be anything bad or illegal.
>>9249We need to earn the gangsters trust in order for them to take us close to Cloak'n Dagger.
Our idea was to nip the problem in the bud, undercover style!
The Sargent is in on the plan but we don't want them to think we've actually gone over.
In order to gain the gangsters trust we need to make this delivery, but we can't forget we're good guys and must make sure what we're giving them is not lethal.
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>>9250Rye thought for a long moment while eying the shop keeper. Than at last he gave a firm nod. "Alright, you got yourself a deal." He picked up the drill while still pondering what the pony might be up to and returned to his friends.
>>9251>>9252Rye returned and they drilled a hole into the back of the box and with Crit's magic, they were able to look inside the box. Inside they could see swords, daggers, spears, axes, and a variety of other weapons all packed in with hay as to keep the weapons from clanging up on each other.
From what they can determine, this shipment is meant to heavily arm the gangsters so that they could have even more of a dangerous influence on the Common's District. If they get a hold of this shipment then it will be much more deadly for the Royal Guard to do their job. The choices are…
>Send the crate to the Gangsters>Send the crate to the Royal Guard>Or other No.9256
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>>9255"We mustn't have these gangster get a hold of these weapons… perhaps… maybe we can empty it and hide ourselves in the crate? And surprise the recipients it is meant for?"
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>>9256Oooh, I like that idea. It sounds more efficient than my plan.
Why earn their trust and be all shady to climb the ranks when we can deliver ourselves onto their laps!
Great plan Rye.
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>>9256>>9257I didn't account for this but I like it. You guys gonna go metal gear on their asses. Also I finally have a day off tomorrow so I'll see if I can't be on like how we used to.Critical gave an approving nod at hearing this idea, "We can find out where their stronghold is located within Canterlot and strike at their leader Cloak Dagger. If we can get him to fall then the Gangsters will fall into disarray and the RG will be able to retake the Common's easily. The tricky part though is to not get caught and surrounded by any enemies but if we play it safe then we should make it out of this just fine."
Critical ponders on how to get all three ponies into the box, then his face lights up as his mind is inspired, "Here if we can get the top piece of the box pried off, we can get on inside and I can rehammer the box closed with a hammer or rock. I would just have to concentrate and look out the peephole once inside."
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>>9257>smiles>>9258"I think we have a chance with the element of surprise at our hooves. Plus, I still have the Bard Box! That will throw them into disarray in case we are outnumbered."
"As for getting the crate open, maybe we can pry it with my spade?"
>>9259Rye takes his spade to the box and tries to levy the lid open. The party can hear the loud cracking noises as the nails leave their holding and the lid opens up to expose the contents of the inside. Even though there were plenty of weapons in there, there should be enough room to fit all party members inside.
"There, once we're in we should be able to just push the lid open from the inside since the nails will be much more weaker than they were before that."
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>>9260"Maybe we should take a few of the weapons out and hide them? I mean, with us inside the box might seem too heavy and cause suspicion."
>>9261"No problem."
The party then spends about a minute or two taking out weapons and hiding them out in aisle 3 so that they won't be found until the clean up shift arrives. They'll be safe where they are and now the box is much lighter.
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>>9262"Perfect. Hopefully we won't have too wait for too long inside. That little hole won't give us much air to breathe. Plus, we might miss out on lunch."
His stomach grumbles.
>>9263They head on inside and Crit does his best to use his telekinesis to seal the box from the inside. They were successful in doing so and now had to wait. Minutes passed as the inside became much like a cramped tiny sauna filled with hay and little sunlight.
Wait Time DC 4
Epic Mount (Awkward) Charm
1d10 = 7Critical (Short Fuse) Mind
1d8 = 8Rye (Hunger) Body
1d6 = 6>If fail, the party member will suffer a downgrade on their next roll.Eventually they can start to hear that their cart is being pulled.
"I knew those Guard ponies would bail on us. C'mon at least they were able to get the damn thing loaded up for us.""Yeah, I wonder what's inside…"They can feel that they are moving and it takes them a long time to get to their destination. Suddenly with some heavy thudding, they are dropped onto a floor. The Gangsters leave the box and the party is now once again alone. Through the peep hole they can see more crates.
>>9264Rye groans, having felt the bump as the crate was dropped on the floor.
"Ouch… can you guys see what's outside?" he whispers.
>>9266Crit shakes his head, "Not much really. I just see more crates."
The party then pushes up on the lid and were now able to escape with a blast of fresh and cool air hitting their faces. After scrambling out onto the cement floor, they could find themselves in a dilapidated warehouse a bunch of crates laying about. Right now they were alone as most of the Gangsters were out terrorizing the citizens of the Commons and the warehouse patrol is likely at a different section of the building at the moment.
Looking around they could see a door that lead into what the sign to the right described, "Manager's Office." It is very likely that they will find Cloak Dagger here or whoever is running this place.
>>9268This is… awkwardly easy.
If only we can check for traps.
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>>9268Rye took out the bard box and kept his spade ready to smite evildoers!
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>>9271"Maybe we can surpris them!" Rye whispers before hiding behind one of the nearby crates to leap out from behind it.
>>9272They get on into position behind the boxes as the patrol moves by them. The party couldn't hear what they were saying but they could hear snippets on some of their more petty crimes and how good they were at last night's poker game.
The patrol is now infront of the Manager's door and were now vulnerable to attack.
>>9274>>9275>>9276>3 They go in and attack them and deal some damage
Gangster A
Gangster B
Gangster C
Gangster A
HP 9
Gangster B
HP 10
Gangster C
HP 11
They turn back to quickly retaliate
GangA body
1d8 = 4 VS Epic Body
1d10 = 8GangB body
1d8 = 2 VS Crit body
1d6 = 5GangC body
1d8 = 5 VS Rye body
1d6 = 6 No.9278
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>>9277Bah! Mine's the biggest one!
"Surrender fiends, you're under arrest!"
No.9280>>9278The fighting rages on, looks like they aren't gonna surrender on their own turf.
>>9279>Yeah we can do that.Critical hops on back and his horn sparks and crackles with magic until it is now burning a bright yellow color infused with blue, sending a bolt to the enemy.
Crit Mind
1d8 = 2 Cha
1d6 = 3 VS GangA body
1d8 = 1 No.9281
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>>9280"Looks like we have to do this the hard way!"
>>9281[?]You know you can type in your own attacks right? Like, "Rye attacks with his spade at Gangster B"[/b]
Rye attacks Gangster A with his spade, using it as a makeshift weapon as he imagine he is just reaping up wheat back home on his farm.
Rye body
1d6 = 6, Farm
1d10 = 6 VS GangA body
1d8 = 8 No.9284
>>9283(I do forget which rolls to make myself.
That and basic maths, so I don't mind reminders of health and mana occasionally.)
>>9283>>9284You guys don't need to do the dice rolls or anything, just tell me how you want your character to attack or act in certain situations is all. As always your math-wizard is always here to worry about the numbersEpic Mount attacks and tries to throw in some punches he learned in his times in the Everfree.
Epix Body
1d10 = 5, Mart
1d6 = 4 VS GangA Body
1d8 = 7 No.9288
>>9280>>9282>>9285They all gang up on the single enemy but this rouge is hardly ever hit, most of the time the party just misses or just lock weapons with him
Gangster A
HP 6
Gang A Body
1d8 = 2 VS Epic Body
1d10 = 7 Def
1d10 = 8Gang B Body
1d8 = 3 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 5Gang C Bod
1d8 = 7 VS Rye Body
1d6 = 1 No.9290
>>9288Rye is hit pretty hard in this confrontation and is dealt moderately high damage.
Rye HP 9
>>9286Epic Mount tries his best to attack under the stress of combat and stealth, hopefully odds will favor him.
Epic Body
1d10 = 2 Mart
1d6 = 2 VS GangA
1d8 = 5>>9287Rye swings his spade much like an axe or a sword. In another pony's hooves this would be a much inefficient weapon but to Rye it feels all to natural.
Rye Body
1d6 = 4 Farm
1d10 = 7Critical tries to levitate a small crate into the air and sends it hurdling towards Gangster A
Crit Mind
1d8 = 5, Tele
1d10 = 7 VS GangA Body
1d8 = 6 No.9291
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>>9290Gotta keep that spade busy with Gangster A (unless he's out cold by then).
>>9290Shit I forgot a roll. Oh well I'll take it as a successful 7The Gangster fell to the ground unconscious and Crit's attack moves on over to Gangster B
Gang A
HP 0
Gang B
HP 3
They move in to attack once more
GangB body
1d8 = 7 VS Epic Body
1d10 = 10 Def
1d10 = 9Gang C Body
1d8 = 5 VS Rye Body
1d6 = 6 No.9295
>>9293They continue to attack and scratch at each other with their weapons to no avail.
>>9292Epic HP 16
Crit HP 14
Rye HP 10 (Because I forgot his armor)
>>9294Rye gets an evil, angry look in his eyes and attacks with much malcontent for Gangster C
Rye Body
1d6 = 6 Farm
1d10 = 7 VS Gangster C
1d8 = 4Critical tries sending another crate at Gangster B
Crit Mind
1d8 = 2 Tele
1d10 = 6 VS GangB Body
1d8 = 2 No.9297
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>>9295Oh not a scratch one me!
>Proceeds to beat the manure out of the gangsters. No.9298
>>9297He attacks with much vigor and there is confidence evident in each of his steps.
Epic Body
1d10 = 7 Mart
1d6 = 1 VS GangB
1d8 = 3 No.9299
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>>9297Rye continues to pummel Gangster C into submission with this trust Spade.
>>9296>>9298Gangster B falls to the ground and is now unconscious and Epic's attack transfers over to Gangster C
Gangster B HP 0
Gangster C Hp 4
The Gangster does not attack but shouts at the top of his lungs and calls for backup
Back Up DC 5
GangC Charm
1d6 = 6 No.9301
>>9300A nearby Gangster hears his call and joins the fray as Gangster D
>>9299Rye Body
1d6 = 6 Farm
1d10 = 5 VS Gangster C body
1d8 = 6 No.9303
>>9300Gangster C falls unconscious after Rye's attack
>>9302Epic Mount attacks Gangster D and Crit does the same.
Epic Body
1d10 = 5 Mart
1d6 = 3 VS GangD body
1d8 = 5Crit Mind
1d8 = 5 Cha
1d6 = 6 VS GangD body
1d8 = 5 No.9305
>>9303Both of their attacks land and deal massive damage against the GangsterD
GangD HP 3
He goes in and attacks Critical
GangD Body
1d8 = 1 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 2>>9304(Gangster C called for help)
>>9300 No.9308
>>9304>>9306Epic and Rye get together and beat the literal shit out of him until he was unconscious. All of the patrol members were down for the count and it seemed nopony else was coming for them.
>>9307"I don't know, we still have to try though."
>>9308Yeah. Let's go check that office out.
If anypony was in there, htye would of come out by now.
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>>9308Rye proceeds to toss the lot into an open crate and shuts it.
>>9310They'll be fine after the rest of the RG are sent in to clean up the place.
>>9309They push into the office area to find out it was the reception area and the actual office was beyond another door that was wooden and fancy looking. Inside the reception area they could see a small desk to the right that was cleared off except for some food and a dagger lodged into the top of it. To the right was one of those snack vending machines.
Before they could press on, they could hear a mare's voice and they could see her step out with her small team of escort.
>"Peace Friends, I mean you no harm. It is lucky that we met here and now." No.9315
>>9314>"Yes yes, I know. I am one of the criminals and I should be attacking and make of the killings of you. Instead I present myself to you, hoping to ask for your help instead."Her accents sounds to be of that of Stalliongrad and his features are that of a white coat, orange mane, and is overall really beautiful.
>"Cloak Dagger needs to be stopped or else Canterlot will be steeped in blood. Our little group of thieves were never meant to act like this in any way and thus I need you to take out and arrest Cloak Dagger for me."It was strange to see a group of the Gangsters trying to sell out their leader. What is her motives? How does she benefit from this?
To be continued.
>>9315Wow. Royal Guards turning criminals and genuine thieves who know it's going to far.
But being criminals, you gotta understand why we're sceptical to accept youir help. Cloak coulda put you up to lead us into a trap.
>>9317OK, before we do anything heres what we should do.
>Turns to Critical and Rye.Guys, I have a plan, but I want your full trust to me on this no matter how it sounds. WIll you do as I say?
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>>9318"What is your plan?" Rye whispers.
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>>9319>>9320>Talks quietly to only his friends.Me and these guys will go in there to stop Cloak while you guys get back up as quick as you can.
However, I want you to seal us in that room. If you know any door sealing spells, or Rye if you block that door with the largest, heaviest crates you can move from the warehouse, do whatever you can to keep others out and especially us in there until you get the elite guards to come and find us.
I don't care what their deal is, nopony will be leaving that room until taken into custody by Canterlot justice.
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>>9321"That doesn't seem very prudent to me without knowing more about that room first. It would be enough if it had a window to get out of as a last resort to ruin your plan. They could just take you out and escape through it."
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>>9322She said there was no other escape in the room… though she could be lying.
>>9323Hm, I'm still concern she's gonna slip away through all the chaos. I just don't trust her, after all she was loyal to Cloak.
I want to make sure no loose ends.
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>>9324>>9323"Well, I agree with Crit. We should all go in, that's the safest bet."
>>9325Well, alright. But we must make sure nopony leaves until the guards arrive.
We should attain all of them if we can, even if they want to help us.
>>9324>>9325>>9326"When it comes to the gangsters that want to help us, we'll cross the bridge when we get to it. As for what we do now though we should focus on Cloak Dagger."
The party reform themselves and enter through the room while the friendly gangsters set up to prevent Cloak Dagger from getting help. Once the party enters the room, they can see that it was a pretty fancy yet aged and dusty office. Before them standing in front of an expensive mahogany desk was three ponies in the center. The one on the left was a female unicorn with with fiery orange hair and pink coat. On the left was a hefty strong looking stallion Earth Pony with a blue mane, grey coat, and a hammer to his side. Finally in the middle was a well dressed pegasus stallion with a white coat, jet black mane, and an evil looking sword on his side.
[Cloak Dagger] The one in the middle speaks with a grin on him, "Well it looks like you're the three who caused so much trouble in my little slice of paradise in Canterlot. Epic Mount, Summer Rye, and Critical Hit, I wasn't expecting you to hand yourselves over to me. I was already planning on sending in some assassins to kill you and get the Cumulonimbus Key from you and present the key to my employer."
>>9327Y'know your "I didn't expect you to come to me to surrender" just shows how much of a gutless, spineless, gourmless, neutrotic, cowardly bile of manure you are.
The only reason we're here is to do what you're too much of a slime-sliding coward to do and fight? Or would you rather have Glitter and Scrap Heap Challenged do the job for you while you hide under the desk with a colander on your head?
>>9328[Cloak Dagger] He smiles as he shakes his head, "By the time this is over I'll have that key, kicked out the law in Canterlot, and rule the Commons with my own brand society. Solar Beam, Brig Band let's go ahead and earn our keep."
[Solar Beam] "Undoubtedly this will make for quite the display."
[Brig Band] "Sure thing boss, I'm gonna flatten them to the ground!"
Boss Encounter! Dagger
Body-8 / Mind-4 / Charm-8
Flight-10 / Sword Play-10 / Confuse-6 / Hide-6
Brig Band
Body-12 / Mind-4 / Charm-6
Stout Heart-10 / Hammering-10 / Knock Down-6 / Shockwave-6
Solar Beam
Body-4 / Mind-10 / Charm-6
Telekinesis-10 / Ray Beam-10 / Healing Touch-6 / Shield-6
>>9332Okay but I'll at least start off the enemy's turn.Cloak Dagger uses his wings to kick up a cloud of dust and sends it flying straight into Epic's face, trying to confuse him.
CD Charm
1d8 = 3, Confuse
1d6 = 1 VS Epic Mind
1d6 = 5Brig Band charges at Critical and attempts to send him flying by ramming him head on.
BB Body
1d12 = 3, Knock Down
1d6 = 6 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 1Solar Beam gets on up to the top of the desk and attempts to put a shield around herself.
SB Mind
1d10 = 2, Shield
1d6 = 2 VS DC 6
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>>9333Summer Rye opened the Bard Box!
>>9335Epic goes in for a serious strike…
Epic Body
1d10 = 5, Martial
1d6 = 6 VS CD Body
1d8 = 5>>9336Er since there's really no escape, I can't make any of them free and you guys must at least defeat Cloak Dagger in combat since it's a boss encounter. But I'll still do the effect here.Summer Rye played his little box and the eerie and creepy tune ramped up in tempo and suddenly the ghostly bard jumps out of the box and into the center of the fray. He played his music with a creepy smile and gave the enemies the evil eye!
Bard's Music DC
1d12 = 12Solar Beam Mind
1d10 = 9Brig Band's Mind
1d4 = 3If failed then the victims will cower in fear and cannot move for two turns since there is no escaping this room.
Note if you attack something that cannot move then it is an automatic success.Critical gets himself back up on all fours again after being knocked to the ground and was ready to fight again.
>>9337Cloak Dagger was walloped in the face by Epic and was dealt moderate damage. He rubs his cheek and pulls out his sword
CD HP 8, "Don't worry Epic, my Armorbane will show you what for!"
He attacks with his sharp looking sword.
CD Body
1d8 = 6 Sword Play
1d10 = 6, Epic Body
1d10 = 9, Defense [!Ignored!]
Both Solar Beam and Brig Band hear the haunting tune and they both get down and are unable to stay calm.
BB "By Celestia, get that thing outta my head!"
SB "No no! Just please don't hurt us!"
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>>9337>>9338(Just what I had planned!)
Rye swung his spade at Cloak Dagger!
>>9339Rye took his attack to Cloak Dagger, wielding his spade much like a spear or a sword.
Rye Body
1d6 = 6, Farm
1d10 = 8 VS CD Body
1d8 = 1>>9340And Epic kept up his assault on Cloak Dagger.
Epic Body
1d10 = 10, Mart
1d6 = 4, CD Body
1d8 = 7Critical Takes a chaos bolt and sends it forth to Solar Beam.
Crit Mind
1d10 = 5, Cha
1d6 = 6 VS SB Immobilized!
Hm I'll try to think of a name. No.9342
>>9341Cloak Dagger was hit one too many times and fell to the ground unconscious. Solar Beam was also hit and was now down to 8HP
Solar Beam and Brig Band were still struck with fear and were not making any moves to attack right now but this effect would wear off pretty soon and they would be back into the fray.
>>9343Rye took out his rope and he was able to get all three of the evil doers tied up and captive. All together they pass out from exhaustion from the battle and could no longer continue on their own.
>>9344Epic sees Rye tying them up but continues to search anyways. On the Gangsters he found these three items about them…
Armor Bane (Ignores armor and any sort of defenses)
Armor Bane is a sword from a set of specialized weapons forged by ancient Earth, Pegasi, and Unicorn ponies shortly after Equestria was founded.Thunder Hammer (The user send a lightning bolt at an enemy with their body trait and stuns them for one turn)
Thunder Hammers are often common among Canterlot Royal Guard Seargents, they are easy to make due to the local magic populationFocus Band (Upgrades and Spells you cast)
Focus Bands are given to magic students in Celestia's magic school to help better focus their spells.Epic also checks the desk and found a letter that is written to Cloak Dagger.
Cloak Dagger
As per our agreement, I will give you the necessary funds and equipment so that you may destabilize Canterlot and your associates may take mob rule. Be sure to keep your end of the bargain and take out Epic Mount, Summer Rye, and Critical Hit. Most importantly you must get the jeweled key from them and give that to me or else the deal is off.
Signed, Your Friend. No.9347
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>>9345Dibs on Armor Bane!
>>9347I made a mistake on the Focus Band. Here is what it is supposed to say.Focus Band (Does +1 to Spells you cast)
Focus Bands are given to magic students in Celestia's magic school to help better focus their spells."That's cool Rye, I call claims on that focus band over there. I haven't seen one of those in a long time."
Critical picks it up and ties it around his head and the back pieces of it draped down behind his neck. After that he went on over to the door and opened it. There the party saw a few more thugs all tied up but the mare that promised to guard the door was now gone. It seemed that she kept her end of the bargain by not allowing anypony in but she had no intention on staying here. Perhaps it will be for the best as things are surely going to calm on down after that, besides somepony will have to go out and keep the other gangsters in check.
"Perhaps we should head on over to the guard station and let them know that we apprehended Cloak Dagger. We'll have to be sure to bring in those three with us of course."
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>>9348"Yes, let's get the guards. That band looks good on you."
>>9349The party rounds up Cloak Dagger and his two other friends and lug them on their backs, mainly Epic. They have to leave the other detained gangsters because there were too many of them to drag around. Once they get on outside they can see a slightly annoyed stallion guard pony with his hair tied back. He was standing before a group of elite Royal Guard that are normally stationed up in the Noble's District but apparently they had been called in to deal with the crime once for all.
RG Captain "Now we've been called in to detain a group of criminals who have been terrorizing the Common's District. I want you all to stick together and…"
He turns around and see the sight that the party, a ragtag Common RG group, had solely solved the Common's crime issues.
RG Captain "What in Tartarus is this? Who are you three?"
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>>9350Summer Rye gave a bow. "Greetings, Sir… we're with the royal guard. Auxiliary guards… or guards in training or just volunteers if you want." He points at the trio of evildoers. "We captured these only minutes ago. Cloak Dagger and two of his head hench-ponies."
>>9351He was shocked and confused at the fact that such low rank guard ponies were able to pull this off. Though this awe struck was severe, his ecpression slowly changes to a coy smile.
RG Captain "Well then, Me and my guard won't keep you gentle colts from your business then. I'll lead my stallions and clear out while you three go off and hand over the gang leader on to your superiors… Er what are your names before I go?"
Critical "Epic Mount, Summer Rye, and I am Critical Hit."
RG Captain "I'll be sure to remember your names and mention them in passing when I give my reports to the Princesses themselves."
The RG head on in to start getting the gangsters on out and into jail. The party was now free to head on back the Guard Station to get Cloak Dagger and his croneys in jail.
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>>9352"Thank you Sir, we appreciate your words. It is an honor serving Canterlot and ponies in general."
Rye smiled before brining the villains to the Guard Station.
>>9353 I have off today so I will try to be on. Also got our canon, I'm making it that the party had worked for the RG for at least three days to be realistic.The party returns to the station and were congratulated for their success. The captain of the cmmon's got what guard ponies that were off duty and they all held a party now that the threat was over. With a combination of games, food, and drinks, this was by far the most welcomed and well recieved office parties in the history of Equestria. Things die down and the party was offered to stay in the bunks for the night free of charge, that of which they did.
After they woke up, they went back into the main room and met with the captain of the commons. He gave thwem each 100bits as payment.
Cap Com "There you are, that should suffice as payment. Sorry I can't give you more since my coffers are being used to fix up our section of the city. I think you'll be much happier to know though that I sent word to the gat guard to let you three on through into the Noble's District freely. It's still barred off from the average citizen until things are fully in control which should be the day after tomorrow. In any case though you should be allowed into the Noble's District. Now I also know that you three weren't planning on staying with us but know that you'll find a home here with us so long as you can come to our help if we need you. Don't want to keep this band of adventurers in house when they're better off in the field."
Now the RG will give you quests if something pops up.
>>9345>>9347>>9348I guess I'll have the hammer.
>Reads the letter.Hm, seems somepony is after us, and Cloak here isn't the one on top.
>>9354Before we move on, there is something I would like to ask of you, if it is acceptable.
>>9356The Common's Captain gave him a warm nod, "Sure thing, what would you like to know?"
Critical sits there, last nights party was still wearing off on him. "Just a reminder guys, we need to find that Dusty Tomes fella up in the Noble's District. He should know something about this key."
>>9358>Shows him the letter he found. >>9345Apparently Cloak was not the guy on top who wanted us done in. Someone else is after this key and we want to ask Blazen Path to tell us what we need to know about it.
If you have any efficient nterrogation methods, I'd like to know who Cloak's "friend" is, if possible.
I know interrogation is dirty business, I would do it myself but you would probably not approve of my methods. Unless you really need that cup of coffee.
>>9359The Captain seems uncomfortable about the request but reluctantly agrees, "Since you are members of the RG in a special way and this does seem to be a personal issue, I will allow you to speak with Cloak Dagger. However I will be overseeing the interrogation to ensure that none of you oversteps the law and infringe upon his rights for example torturing him."
He leads the party to the back and lets the party pile in on the interrogation room and leaves them there for a minute. The Captain soon brings Cloak Dagger in and sets him down at the desk.
Cap Com "Alright, these three wanted to see you and ask you some questions. You have the right to remain silent and you have the right to request a lawyer."
Cloak Dagger "Well well, didn't have enough of me after our little scrape eh? What could you possibly want now?"
>>9362>Looks at him sternly.It's unlikely that straightforward. Your letter starts out as "as per
our agreement", that means you've negotiated with them more directly than some assosiate.
No.9364>>9363Cloak Dagger. "That's what had happened mate, it took several weeks but with a series of letters and associates we finally made our deal. After Canterlot was cut off due to the earthquake a couple weeks back, my gang went to work. It was quite easy to overwhelm the guard and when my anonymous write got word of my success then I was given my supplies for all out street wars but then you three hid in the crate and now we're here. Other than that I know nothing."
Perhaps Epic needs to put a little more pressure on Cloak Dagger to get some solid info. He would have to be careful though, do anything illegal and then the captain of the commons will pull the plug on the interrogation and the party will not be allowed to speak to Cloak Dagger again.
>>9368A'ight, new direction then.
YOu recall we didn't take you down just the three of us, our assosiates were formerly your assosiates. What were your relations to her?
Was she the assosiate who kept you in touch with your "friend"?
>>9369Cloak Dagger "Who Shadow Matron? I know she betrayed me in the end, she made it clear that she caught on to what I was doing and she was the biggest dissenter in my group. Was she one of my outside associates, no. All of my associates were pegasi since the train was out and that was the fastest form of communications and Shadow Matron is an Earth Pony."
If Epic wanted a name, then he would have to try something to get Cloak Dagger to spill the beans. Intimidation, persuasion, bribery, he needs to think here.
Gonna grab a hotpocket real quick. No.9371
>>9370All your assosiates were pegasi? What about Solar Beam and Brig Bard?
>>9327You're not telling me what I want to know.
>Then he figured something.After all, you may. heck perhaps will need us in the long run.
>>9371Cloak Dagger, "Solar Beam and Brig Band are a part of my gang and are much more than the associates I was working with."
He then thinks about what Epic had said about needing them in the long run.
Cloak Dagger "Look… I honestly don't know too much about who was paying me to take over the streets. Although I may or may not have had a few ears posted around the associates and I once heard the name "Royal Ice". I'm not sure if that was the pony I was dealing with but I never heard the name before and that is all I really know."
Crit "Well we at least have a name now though I never heard of this Royal Ice either. As far as Cloak Dagger goes, I don't think he can tell us much anymore."
>>9373Yeah that's all he really knowsCloak Dagger "Thats all I know I swear already."
Crit "Oh well, for now though I suggest we get to our intended destination and see what we can do about this key and where to go next."
Pity, just when I came up with a good account to strike fear into him.>>9374Alright. Laterz Cloak.
>casually leaves with little care.This "Royal Ice" pony, what do we know about her? Or should we talk to Shadow Matron on her?
>>9377"Well if the Noble's District was sealed up as they say then Blazen Path should be okay."
They head on to the gate that would let them into the Noble's District. The guards there have to look through the papers to confirm the party as who they said they were. The guards mentioned where to find Blazen Path's mansion and the fact that it was up in the Living Place of the Noble's District. After that the party was let on through and they found themselves at the Noble's Plaza which was quiet with a few welled dressed and groomed ponies moving about. The air was filled with the smell of freshly baked bread from a nearby bakery. Small quiet chatter and laughing could be heard from a cafe from the other side of the plaza. Ponies going up and down the little shoppes to buy rare and magical antiques and curiosities.
Actually being able to get to this place made our heroes much stronger and more resolute than before. With this accomplishment, they can take more confidence within themselves.
The party has been leveled up to Level 4Post your character level up in the OOC No.9391
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>>9390Character sheets sound good. I'm currently using my own file to keep track of my money and items and everything.
Also, looking forward to continuing.
>>9391>>9378Seeing that they were now in the Noble's District, now they just needed to go somewhere.
"So Rye, did you want to head on over to Blazen Path's mansion right now or did you want to check up on the shops for some supply or food to eat?"
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>>9392Barely taking heed Rye was already pressing his muzzle against one of the restaurant's windows.
>>9393Crit smiled at Epic who was already on up at the Bakery's windows.
"Heh yeah we can stop here to get something to eat."
They head on inside and see that it was now just opening with freshly baked bread and pastries lining the glass display. Pretty soon though the store owner sees the party enter the store and he greets them.
Leaven Bread: "Heya ami, welcome to the shop. What can I get for you three today? We got breads, pastries, cupcakes, and much much a more!"
>>9395Leaven Bread "No problem."
He pulls out what Rye had ordered and rang up his bill. The bread smelled nice while it radiated an inviting warmth. The pie was apple flavor seeing how that is common with the Apple Family about.
Leaven Bread "That would be a total of a 6 bits now."
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>>9396Rye placed the six bits on the counter and ate half the bread, packing the rest away into his saddle bag. "Thank you, it's delicious" he said while sniffing at the pie.
>>9397Crit "You've got quite the stash of food there. Hopefully if we get stranded somewhere then we'll be okay for a few days assuming if you let us have some."
Crit was smiling as he said this, playfully picking on Rye.
>>9398Sorry, I'll keep that in mind in the future.Leaven Bread "Pastry coming on up."
He brings out an Apple Turnover that was priced at 3 bits.
Crit buys a turnover himself.
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>>9400>>9401>>9402"Yeah we should probably head on over there now."
They leave the shop and head on up through the residential part of the Noble's District. Along the way, they were awed at all of the mansions lining the streets with their white stone walls and pastel colored roofs of varied colors. One thing to note about this part of Canterlot that it was a bit more quiet, probably because all of the ponies are out shopping or staying inside for the day. They did get a "hello" from a certain crossed eyed mare before they reached Blazen Paths Mansion.
The mansion they arrived at had a more tan walls than the others and the roof was brightly red. The lawn was in a bit of a disarray as the grass was overgrown and the bushes not tended to. It would be shocking to others but the party had to consider that this Blazen Path was old and probably too far the
eccentric side to focus on such mundane things like appearance. Another thing they saw what looked to be a hot air balloon in the back yard, most of it was hidden behind the mansion but they could see the top part of it which was colored a basic yellow with a red tarp piece over it.
>>9403Suprising how "normal" everything seem here given a third of the city was a war zone not long a go.
>Thought the cross-eyed mare was familiarWas that Derpy?
>The mansionWoah! So this is where Blazen lives?
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>>9404"Well the Nobles District was sealed off so the gangs couldn't touch a single inch of this place, meaning the ponies here were unaffected by what was going down in the Commons. I do admit though it does seem pretty eerie to see how calm it is."
Sees the mansion "Wow this must be it if we followed our directions properly. What do you think we should do, go knock on the door or go around back to see that balloon?"
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"That is one fancy looking mansion there. I hope we don't have to wear formal attire or something to be let in."
>>9408"No, not that we know of."
They head on up to the front door which was up on a patio and knocked on it three times. Pretty soon a rough looking Unicorn Stallion stepped out. He had a light lime green coat and a long silvery grey mane, also this pony looked very old which he was probably in his 60's
Blazen Path "Oh? OH OH! Are you ponies here to deliver me the necronimicon tome I requested from the Royal Archives twelve years ago? I know your people sent me that kind denial letter but I've been hoping all this time that you would have a change of heart."
He is clearly, really old.
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>>9412Rye looked a bit puzzled for a moment, then shook his head. "I'm afraid we are not here to deliver said tome to you, Sir. We are here because we require your exceptional expertise."
I made a Halloween thread. >>9409>>9405Blazen Paths is probably where that balloon is, so let's go there.
I mean if there was a giant balloon in your garden where would youy be?
>>9413>>9414Blazen Path "Oh you're not here to give me the Necronicom… well I guess I should keep on waiting then but you do say you brought me something. Well no use dawdling out on my doorstep now, come come lets venture into my house so we may discuss this further."
The party was led into Blazen's mansion which had piles of books sprawled about, paintings that hung lopsided, dusty carpet that would make you sneeze, and old looking artifacts that you are not sure that belong in the occasional pile of detritus you'd see. Pretty soon though you are all find his dining room and everyone was seated down at the table that was by some miracle clean and bare.
Blazen Path "There that's better now. Do excuse the mess, I've been pretty busy looking at stuff for the Canterlot Museum" He then leans and whispers even though nobody is here to eavesdrop "But to be honest, I'm a bit too lazy to clean up." He sits back in his chair and laughs a little bit. "Anyways what do you three have to show me?"
>>9415I'm to a slob.
>Shows him the key.We're hoping you could tell us more about this.
>>9418Blazen Path "Yes that's what I decided to call the city when I found it, its true name is long lost to history I'm afraid. As for the city of Cumulonimbus, it was more of a large militaristic looking places where old and broken weapons and armor line the hallways. Most of the structure itself is stylized like modern day Cloudsdale but almost all of the clouds in Cumulonimbus have now worn away to pathetic fogs and the tone structures are crumbling away due to its own weight."
He tries to think of something else.
Blazen Path "It's been a while since I last been there and you three seem like you want to head on over there. How about this, I'll let you all use my hot air balloon to travel across Equestria free of charge, in return you help me clean up my home when you all get back."
>>9419Hm… We could do some of it now
I mean who knows, we may have a great discovery or something so returning to do chores is not an ideal victory.
>>9421>>9420Blazen Path laughs "Ha ha, well it is my balloon after all."
Crit "Eh I just say we take his offer so we can get over to the place safely."
Blazen Path "Now now as for the clouds part, the city basically lays on the ground all smashed up, there is also the fact that almost all of the clouds holding the stone structures are now gone but there are plenty of stone pathways that any race can walk on. You just have to watch out for those Lantern Monsters that inhabit the area."
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>>9422>>9423Lantern monsters? You mean those ones that look like candyvags?
>>9423>>9424Blazen Path "Yes those little monster things that are committed to toting around those little lanterns below them. Don't worry too much about them though, they are pretty easy to beat and I'm sure they'll give you no trouble."
He then smiles "So how's about it? My air balloon for some work around my house."
>>9425Ia m good at pulverising such monsters.
Alright, but I think we should get some work done now.
No one likes doing chores after a good night out.
>>9426Crit: Naw naw, we should probably head on out now and get over to Cumulonimbus as soon as possible."
I'm more or less leaving the house work as some fun little transition into part two of the campaign.Blazen Path "Oh yes it would be fine for you all to leave now, give me time to make a to do list. Just be careful with that balloon though, I got it during my time in Neighpan."
>>9427Alright, But I'm not gonna be enthusaiastic on cleaning when we get back.
A'ight lets head off.
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>>9428Is Clarity going to be on?They head on out through the back of the mansion and they see the little landing pad that held the Hot Air Balloon. Now that it is in full view, the party could see its more oriental design of the balloon and the basket that ponies would ride in. There was also a flame engine rigged up and ready to go to give the balloon some lift.
Crit "Wow, so I guess this is gonna be our new balloon huh. I once learned how to operate one of these so we're covered in that respect. I just hope neither of you have some fear of heights."
>>9429He's playing South Park: FBW at the moment.I used to, but I realise heights isn't so bad.
It's the falling part you gotta watch out for.
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>>9430LOL"Oh okay, we should be fine then."
The party gets on into the hot air balloon and Crit takes a minute to prep the engine up. While he does so, the other two removed the safety ropes so that the balloon would be free to lift.
"Just a little more, the engine is pretty old…"
Suddenly with a loud crack, a flame spits out and the group could see that they were rising up high into the air. looked small as they gently sifted through the air all lazy like. Hopefully they'll be back soon enough and they could head back to their respective homes such as Ponyville, Baltimare, and Trottingham.
>>9431Y'know, in retrospect, we could of saved the trouble and as Twilight Sparkle if we can borrow her balloon.
She never really uses it anymore.
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>>9432"Ah, I'm pretty sure they had to use it to go to some sort of friendship problem on the other side of Equestria. I wouldn't worry about it too much anyways."
He leans up on the side of the basket as they drifted towards the Neighagra Falls.
"Hey, while we're up here Epic. Why don't don't you tell me more about yourself? Like how about your life in the Everfree?"
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>>9433Well, what is there to talk about?
Along time a go, I fell into the forest and was stuck there ever since. I met Zecora who looked out for me and just felt more belonged in the wilds of Everfree than anywhere else.
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>>9434"C'mon Epic, there's gotta be more to the story about it. I mean how does a pony live in the Everfree his entire life and not have something to tell about it. Besides I've heard rumors about the Everfree pony so I'm curious."
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>>9435You heard of me? I thought nopony would be really interested in what I get up to.
I mean sureI help the occasional lost pony home, I sometimes fight scary monsters, the occasional evil, fighting the evil centaur lord Tirek, saved many ponies and at times all of Equestria on some occasions…
But I guess unless I'm a young pretty filly who rub elbows with the princess of friendship or have a magic rock from a sparkly tree, nopony really cares for some background, pony such as myself.
>MumblesI wish I had great adventures like Twilight.
But I guess it's fine. I like to believe I've helped ponies than do it for glory or attention.
Even though most in ponyville don't acknowledge my presence.
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>>9436"I dunno, it does sound like you do hold some disdain to Twilight because she has adventures and all that. Now even that you're on your own adventure, you still hold the grudge. I don't know much about you but it does seem you want some glory and fame which there isn't any problem with it."
They now had the Neigagra falls in sight and were about to touch down in the area. This would probably take an extra minute.
"Just hang in there Epic. After all this, I'm sure you'll get your sense of adventure soon enough."
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>>9437I wouldn't say disdain or grudge. Twilight and her friends are very nice ponies, especially to me. Sure at times I don't get along with Twilight, but not in a dispicable way, more like a… her booksmarts against my natual smarts sorta way.
I'm not jealous of her or her friends. It's just at times I wish to be more involved in their stories, or very least to be acknowledged for my own acomplishments.
But I guess Equestria don't want rugged, manly stallions for heroes, especially from the very place most ponies fear. Twilight and her friends I guess are more patriotic in Equestria's eyes… six colourful, beautiful, marketable little ponies.
I know my OC is just an OC, but I will admit, some MLP:FiM episodes I wish Epic Mount were more involved in perhaps too often. No.9439
>>9438They finally hit the ground and the party disembarks from the balloon after they landed in a small area that was surrounded by small and short cliffsides except for one pathyway that cut into the cliffs. In the distance they can hear a roar of waterfalls, hearing and lantern monsters may be difficult if the monsters sneak up on them.
"There are some male ponies in Equestrian History out there such as Starswirl the Bearded and that one northern Earth pony. I can't remember his now though."
He pulls out their map and gives it a quick look.
"Looks like the city ruins will be up along this pathway. We should press on quickly if we want to get there before nightfall."
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>>9439Actually, waiting until nightfall may not entirely be a bad idea.
In case there is any other threats, we could hide under the cover of darkness. Except for the lantern monsters who will be more visable to see in the darkness. We would be more aware of their lanterns in the dark than we would at day.
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>>9440"Hm you're right, besides I always wanted to do some camping at Neighagra Falls anyways. Lets just get out of this valley here and park ourselves up next to some of the water falls."
They head on out and were struck with some of Equestria's natural beauty. Woodlands stretched to touch the massive river that separated the party from their destination. Gently mist bite on their bodies as the torrents of the water crashed about. Lastly their was a sole bridge that stretched over the river but more than half of it was covered in the fog.
"Holy Celestia! I think I know where I'm gonna build my house after I retire. Let me go gather some firewood and we can relax to eating our food. I haven't had a meal all day."
>>9441Let me help. It's important to find dry wood to start a fire. Being it's autumn there should be plenty around but the weather and the waterfalls may make it difficult to find.
I still got that flint to light a fire.
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"Are were there yet? I slept through the balloon ride."
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>>9458They were there and Rye found himself in a little clearing next to the river that had the bridge. The grass there acted as a nice and cool bed but now he can see the danger of four lantern monsters approaching the area.
As he looks for his friends, he can spot them huddling down in some patch of trees watching the monsters. Crit and Epic were maybe 20 feet away so it wouldn't be too hard to close the gap between them unless the party wanted to surround the monsters.
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>>9459"Shoo! Go away you wigend lanterns!" Rye called out, trying to stay away from those creatures.
>>9460The lantern monsters hear Rye and they start to head on out towards him and away from his friends. It didn't take too long though for Critical to jump out of the tree line and be ready for combat.
"Hold fast Rye! I'm here to help you fight these things!" Encounter, Start!Lantern Monster A< B, C, D
B:4 M:8 C:4
Ignite: 1d8 (Causes Fire Damage)
Flight: 1d6
Wing Razor: 1d4
Illuminate: 1d4 (Downgrades target's Body for one turn)
>>9463>>9464The way the ponies were now facing the enemy, Epic and Crit were up against A and B while Rye was facing up with C and D. The Lantern Monsters were in this box looking formation.
>>9463Rye attacks bravely at Lantern Monster C with his sword, Armor Bane.
Rye Body
1d8 = 3 SP
1d4 = 4 VS LMC Body
1d4 = 4 Flight
1d6 = 3>>9464Epic attacks, attacking with his better trained hooves in a martial strike!
Epic Body
1d12 = 3 Mart
1d8 = 1 VS LMA Body
1d4 = 4 Flight
1d6 = 3Critical tries to send a chaos bolt at one of them to deal some damage
Crit Mind
1d10 = 1 Cha
1d8 = 1 VS LMB Body
1d4 = 3 Flight
1d6 = 3 No.9466
>>9465They all do their attacks and this is the end result for enemy HP
Lantern A
HP 12
Lanter B
HP 12
Lantern C
HP 8
Lantern D
HP 12
And now I gotta go No.9467
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>>9466Rye has the feeling that this first combat round was pretty shoddy, preparing for the counter attacks.
>>9466>>9467The Lanterns charge in to attack in various ways.
LMA Mind
1d8 = 2 Ill
1d4 = 2 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 9 LMB Mind
1d8 = 1 Ign
1d8 = 3 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 4LMC Mind
1d8 = 8 Ill
1d4 = 4 VS Rye Body
1d8 = 7LMD Mind
1d8 = 6 Ign
1d8 = 3 VS Rye Body
1d8 = 3 No.9469
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>>9468Epic was able to stay out of the Lantern's glow and the other could not track him too well.
Critical was almost hit with some fire but it only really grazed across his side and did no damage.
Rye was unfortunately caught like a deer in headlights in the glow of a Lantern. Shortly after he was singed pretty badly by one after it opened up the lantern to let loose some fire.
HP 10
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>>9469Got to fight through the pain! I attack LMC!
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>>9470Even though the burn wound was stinging bad and some of the fur was burned off now, he still managed to recoil and make another strike. A brave move for our intrepid farmer.
Rye Body
1d8 = 1 SP
1d4 = 4 VS LMC Body
1d4 = 4 Flight
1d6 = 5Critical moves in to flank the enemies on his side, trying to keep up the assault and prevent any of the Lantern Monsters from breaking out of their formation.
Crit Mind
1d10 = 3 Cha
1d8 = 7 VS LMB Body
1d4 = 3 Flight
1d6 = 5 No.9472
>>9471Rye's blade swing through the air, making a loud swooshing noise but to no avail to harming the enemy.
Critical's energy beam fizzes through, burning the oxygen around it and hurdled towards the LMB. It strikes it and causes it to stagger, almost fall to the ground, and much of it was now injured.
Damn these lantern monsters, they are a resilient and quick breed. The party must remain resolute and strong in order to survive.
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>>9472"Maybe we shouldn't have come here…" Rye thinks as he switches to his trusty spade instead of using the sword he hasn't got much skill in.
>>9474Epic throws another punch at the LMA, trying to inflict some damage on it.
Epic Body
1d12 = 8 Mart
1d8 = 1 VS LMA Body
1d4 = 3 Flight
1d6 = 6 No.9476
>>9475>>9473>>9474He thwacked it with serious accuracy, giving it a good punch that caused it's eye to crack and go dim.
The lanterns move in to attack the party, showing off how viscous they can be!
LMA Mind
1d8 = 1 Ign
1d8 = 8 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 7 Def
1d12 = 4LMB Mind
1d8 = 4 Ign
1d8 = 1 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 3LMC Mind
1d8 = 5 Ign
1d8 = 2 VS Rye Body
1d8 = 1LMD Mind
1d8 = 8 Ign
1d8 = 8 VS Rye Body
1d8 = 7Also Rye's HP is at 11 rather than 10 because of his armor.
>>9476The party was badly damaged, hurt to the point where things were starting to get hectic! As the fire cleared they assessed the situation.
Epic HP 10
Crit HP 12
Rye HP 0
Summer Rye had been hit too hard and he could not continue to fight as he fell to the ground unconscious. He would need medical assistance if they wanted to bring Rye back to the fight, other than that he would have to sit this one out.
Crit looks on to Epic. "Epic, throw me over to Rye!"
Crit had the doctor's bags to save Rye but since the enemies blocked the way, Crit and Epic could not get to him.
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>>9477(Wow, those rolls sucked!)
>>9479Epic Toss Crit DC 7
Epic Body
1d12 = 5 Mart
1d8 = 6 No.9481
>>9480Crit flies through the air but he is rather sent flying into the crowd of the Lantern Monsters. Knocking them around hurting both him and the monsters.
Damage rolls 1d4+Impacts
1d4 + 4 = 5LMA
1d4 + 1 = 2LMB
1d4 + 1 = 4LMC
1d4 + 1 = 3LMD
1d4 + 1 = 4 No.9482
>>9481End results
Crit HP 7
The monsters are sent flying in opposite directions like a bowling ball to bowling pins. All survive the impacts and some were more worse for wear. After this Critical begins to work on Summer Rye using a doctor's bag which would take up his turn.
As this happens the Lantern Monsters attack but after being hit so hard, they are disoriented.
LMA Mind
1d6 = 1 Ign
1d8 = 7 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 7 Def
1d12 = 6LMB Mind
1d6 = 4 Ill
1d4 = 2 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 7 LMC Mind
1d6 = 3 Ign
1d8 = 3 VS Crit [BUSY]
LMB Mind
1d6 = 5 Ill
1d4 = 4 VS Crit [BUSY]
>>9482Epic Mount is hit for some serious damage and his vision was getting blurry as a result. He did however avoid the lantern's illumination again.
Epic HP 3
Critical was hit during the time he was spending to heal up Rye again to put him back into action. thankfully though he did not fall unconscious as a result but the lanterns now have targeted Critical Hit (Body downgraded for defensive rolls)
Crit HP 4
Revive Rye DC 3
Crit Mind
1d8 - 3 = 5 Minimum of HP 1
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>>9484"Ooooh… thanks guys… maybe… they go away if we fake dead."
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>>9485Critical was barely holding on but Rye can see a level of frustration forming up inside of him like a fire. Now there was a serious scowl on his face, "No… we can do this. Press the assault!"
Critical attacks with his magic.
Crit Mind
1d10 = 4 Cha
1d10 = 7 VS LMD Body
1d4 = 2 Flight
1d6 = 5 No.9487
>>9486Yeah I forgot his focus band.The lantern monster was hit hard and now it could barely fly anymore. If perhaps they can keep this up the party can secure the campsite but remember, a pony who is not cautious will surely fall.
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>>9486"Rye takes courage and attacks once more as well."
>gotta use those Friendship Tokens if things turn sour No.9490
>>9489Hey, be sure to either message my email or just give me your email so I can give you your character sheet. criticalhit11272@gmail.comEpic Mount Tries to attack to send one of the enemies packing home. Will his brute force be able to defeat his target?
Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 12 Mart
1d8 = 7 VS LMA Body
1d4 = 3 Flight
1d6 = 3>>9488Remember, the tokens are used to alter rolls. You must declare you want to use one after a roll is made. Then determine how many you want to use.
2=Reroll with d20's
3=Automatic SuccessRye takes his spade and swings it heroically like some brave farmer... which he is in fact.
Rye Body
1d8 = 4 Farm
1d12 = 4 VS LMC Body
1d4 = 2 Flight
1d6 = 4Crit Mind
1d10 = 4 Cha
1d10 = 4 VS LMD Body
1d4 = 3 Flight
1d6 = 6 No.9491
>>9490They all attack and the LMA fell apart and scattered to the ground. Soon after its pieces fizzled away into a sort of mist. The others were still going.
The monsters gear up to attack once more to return the favor of their fallen comrade.
LMB Mind
1d8 = 1 Ign
1d8 = 7 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 11 Def
1d12 = 4LMC Mind
1d8 = 7 Ign
1d8 = 1 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 1LMD Mind
1d8 = 8 Ign
1d8 = 8 VS Rye Body
1d8 = 5 No.9492
>>9491The flames get closer to Critical but he is unyielding.
"No it can't end like this!"
Crit uses two Tokens of friendship, the bonds between his allies give him strength.
Tokens Left 1
Mind 1d8=7 Ign 1d8=1 VS Crit Body
1d20 = 12 No.9494
>>9490My e-mail is that last hit take me out again?
If so I'll use a Friendship Token!
>>9494Rye you'd still get hit if you only use one since the enemies rolled 8 and you only have a 1d8 to roll with. You'd have to use two but you have 6 so it should be fine.Rye mustered his strength to endure the hit.
Tokens left 4
LMD Mind 1d8=8 Ign 1d8=8 VS Rye Body
1d20 = 5>>9493Epic, your sheet says that you have 6. No.9496
>>9493>>9494So just a heads up about your characters. Both of them can use friendship tokens to save them. They can also use their stout heart ability to add to their rolls but only when doing physical activity(Can only do this once a day.) In order to survive you'll have to use whatever is at your disposal.>>9495Rye was still hit and he fell to the ground unable to move. It seemed like that hit was destined to land on him.
>>9493Epic Mount goes in to attack.
Epic Body
1d12 = 4 Mart
1d8 = 8 VS LMD Body
1d4 = 1 Flight
1d6 = 3Critical goes again to help suture up Rye's wounds with his Doctor's Bag but its supplies are starting to run out. (1 use left)
>>9496Epic Mount was able to hit the monster with such skilled precision that it immediately fizzled out into its base cloud form after Epic's hoof pierced straight through it. Such brutality.
The remaining monsters move in to attack.
LMB Mind
1d8 = 7 Ign
1d8 = 2 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 7 Def
1d12 = 10LMC Mind
1d8 = 8 Ign
1d8 = 2 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 1 Oh Tymora help me here. No.9498
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>>9497Epic was able to bounce the flames off of his strong body like it was nothing but his friend did not fair the same way. Crit was hit while trying to save Rye but he too now fell unconscious and unable to move.
Now it was just Epic versus the two monsters.
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>>9498>>9496Good night, sweet prince!
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>>9495Oh, mine says 5, but I guess theres some inaccuracies.
OK, I won't use any FT just yet.>>9497Lights out sucker!
How Much HP do I have left?>>9498>Epic was upset that his friends have fallen. The fight was so chaotic it was like he wasn't there half of time time or know whats going on... Given I can only check back regularly to this thread and realise you've continued a bit without me.>Epic backed off and assessed the situation carefully, making sure he cannot be attacked until he got some stradegy which could turn this around for him. No.9502
>>9500>>9501[b]Current Assessment[/?]
Epic Mount
HP 3
FT 6
Hp 1
HP 1
Epic Mount does have three healing potions.
>>9503Eh I got three for you.Also drinking a potion takes up a turn.Epic Mount drank one of his potions and got his HP up to 12.
The Monsters go in to attack.
LMC Mind
1d8 = 6 Ign
1d8 = 7 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 5 Def
1d12 = 2LMD Mind
1d8 = 1 Ign
1d8 = 8 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 12 Def
1d12 = 4 No.9505
>>9504Epic Mount is hit for 7 damage and is now at 5 HP
He then takes his hammer and sends a bolt of lightning at one of the Monsters.
So what this hammer does is that it will hit using your body trait. If it does hit, it will stun for a turn and do half damage. Damage depends on your roll.Epic(Thunder Stun) Body
1d12 = 12 VS LMC Body
1d4 = 1 Flight
1d6 = 3 No.9506
>>9505Lightning ripples through the air and hits the monster, shattering it into pieces and causing it to fizzle out much like its brethren. After that the last monster goes in to attack.
LMD Mind
1d8 = 5 Ign
1d8 = 7 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 10 Def
1d12 = 3 No.9507
>>9506It couldn't manage to hit Epic with its dangerous embers and Epic moves in to attack, using what he learned in the Everfree to strike with much ferocity.
Epic Body
1d12 = 12 Mart
1d8 = 5 VS LMD Body
1d4 = 1 Flight
1d6 = 1 No.9508
>>9507Finally the last one was beaten and the party was victorious, even though they suffered heavy causalities during this conflict.
Just note about potions, it can't heal anyone who is dead/unconscious. However every party member is revived at 1 HP at the end of every battle.After some time, both Critical and Rye wakes up after getting some uncomfortable rest. They still have their serious wounds so it would be best to set up a campsite.
I wasn't really expecting this fight to be so difficult, all of their stats were pretty low. No.9509
>>9508>Epic felt heroic after what he had done.You guys alright.
>Whene everypony is back on their hooves.Rye, next time, don't tell monsters to "shoo", lantern ghosts only see what shines under their light.
So, do I have 5HP and 4 potions left, or no potions left? My stat sheet on my side says I had 7 before using 3 on me and you guys. No.9510
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>>9509I mean it would be much easier if you give me your email so I can share you your sheet. *Cough cough* Give me your email, *Cough cough*Critical nods, "Yeah, I haven't been hurt so bad like that before. Everything just went so dark. We should rest up before heading out and the fact that it is getting late anyways."
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"Everything hurts... I'm glad we made it through this somehow."
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>>9510Alright, I'll put it in the namefield. But I rarely ever check my emails.>>9510>>9511TOld you guys we should of waited for nightfall.
>Identify (Monsters): Lantern Monsters are blind and can only see where their light casts but can still respond to sound. Trying to "shoo" them away was not a good idea.
If everything was dark, we would see Lantern Monsters much more clearly by the bright lights and be ablw to avoud them.
Not only that but who knows if any bad guys are around. The cover of dark will allow us to be a bit more stealthy.
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>>9511>>9514Er okay where is it in the name field? Also just let me know when you do a roll like that or for lore. I'll tell you the lore because sometimes it might be very important."Alright alright, let's just focus on getting camp set up. We should prolly wait till morning to make a move due to how bad off we are right now."
They get their fire set up after collecting some sticks and getting some logs to sit on. Eventually they got a comfortable set up where they could chat about stuff if they choose so.
Rest (Outdoors) Heal rate 2+1d4
1d4 + 2 = 5Crit
1d4 + 2 = 6Rye
1d4 + 2 = 6 No.9520
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"So, what is our next plan?"
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>>9523So I didn't change the FT yet but you should be at 4 because you only used two. Other than that, everything should be okay.>>9520"Right now we just rest and then we go ahead and cross the bridge. Based off of what Blazen Path gave us as a map, the ruins of Cumulonimbus should be beyond that. Before we can go though, it'll take us some time to get fully rested up."
>Just let me know when you are ready to go. No.9527
>>9526You two better go first, you're both lighter than me.
>Looks at Rye.I think.
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>>9527"I'm more worried about all the stuff we're carrying..." he thinks for a moment, then quickly east the half loaf of bread he head left.
"Mmh... that's better."
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>>9528>>9527After resting for so long, it was now night and things were getting dark. However with the moonlight bathing the land in a mystical light by gracing the grass and reflecting off of the waters.
"Yeah we can crass the bridge now."
They do so, all carefully walking across the bridge. It creaked and rattled with each step but it still held on as they continued. Soon enough they crept into the clouds, surrounding themselves in an opaque mist. Even though it was pretty thick it also had a relaxing characteristic to it as little water droplets cooled off the party. That is soon enough struck down as the party can see two more lights barely piercing the mist, one on each side of the bridge and coming towards them. Perhaps if they think of something quick or creative then they can probably avoid the Lantern Monsters.
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>>9529Rye takes out his lamp and quickly lights it, trying to mimic the floating patterns of the Lantern Monsters with it... maybe they will think they're one of them and leave.
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>>9530The Lanterns stop at the sight of another lantern, they stay behind the veil so the party can not see them nor can the monsters see them. Suddenly one of them move in an odd fashion, first up, down, left, then right.
>>9527Identify MonsterEpic understood that this is an instinctual ritual between Lantern Monsters that confirm that they are of the same group. Basically Lantern Monsters will guard their territory against other herds of Lantern Monsters so to confirm one is of the same group, they'll move in some fashion and the Monster in question will have to repeat the movements but in reverse.
If successful, the Monsters will leave the area to guard another location.
>>9532Er no. All he would have to do is type out the movements. IE Right Left etc. It's a puzzle!Whispering, "Woah woah, okay just stay low. Rye I hope you know what you are doing."
The party awaited for Rye to make his lantern move.
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>>9532"Well, my backpack feels lighter and my body not heavier so I think you're wrong."
>>9533>>9534"I hope so as well..." He mutters before moving his lantern right, left, down and finally up.
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>>9536"Wow, this place looks... pretty depressing. Where shall we start our search?"
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>>9537"Hm, I guess if you see it that way. I always saw ruins as an opportunity to get some expensive relics. Now that you mention it though, I can see how bad it must've been, to live here all your life but only to end up having to leave as it is falling from the sky."
He kicks at the dirt a little bit.
"Well we will have to go through the little cliff interchanges to reach the ruins. Then again we can climb up and stay out of the miniature valleys and climb up the cliffsides, they're only maybe 10feet tall."
I don't know if you guys are on the American measurement system so to put it blank, you can climb up the rocks since that they are only about two Epics tall. No.9539
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>>9538"Hm, yes, I guess you could see them that way too. There might be some trinkets that were forgotten."
Rye was already testing the cliffside and seeing that it was not really that high pulled himself up to get a better overview.
>>9539>>9540They all climb up the cliffside and they can see a bit more of the ruins now where most of the building had been collapsed and broken. However there was one building that was still mostly intact which looked to be some sort of castle... or ancient governing house.
They could make their way over there now but up ahead was a slight clearing with two more Lantern Monsters hanging around. This time there wasn't any fog to cover them so if they are seen, the monsters will attack.
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>>9542"Well, we definitely should try to get around them."
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>>9542>>9543As they start to make to a more forested area of the cliffsides, they can peer into the clearing itself to see that the Lantern Monsters were fighting somepony. Even though the monsters are rapidly moving around it, cutting the pony with their wings, the pony stood rigid and resolute.
Should they investigate?
>>9545"Yeah we probably should."
They head on over to the clearing to peer into it from the safety of their elevation relative to the monsters below. From what they could see that they were attacking something that looked like a pony but this one was made entirely of stones. The rocks floated about at the joints and the rock pony was covered in glowing blue runes that ran from its illuminated eyes.
Soon enough it moves into action, quickly bucking one Lantern Monster back against the wall. Then the pony golem punched straight though the other Lantern Monster, causing it to shatter and fizzle away. After that the golem moves up to the now crippled monster and crushes it without mercy.
The party stares in shock as it shows now remorse whatsoever as it makes it way towards the city ruins and out of the party's sights.
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>>9546"Oh my... looks like we're not alone. What is that thing? Something like a golem from fairy tales?"
>>9547"It's a golem, probably designed to guard the city before it crashed. We definitely should be careful though since it will most likely attack us as well. For now though it should be smooth sailing to get to the city now."
>>9548That is fair but Epic won't know everything about golems since they are magical constructs. But for you, think of them as walking armor sets that guards castles, just now made of rocks.Epic heard of Golems before but he so far has never encountered them before in the Everfree. What he has heard is that wizards will create them to guard their towers. Even though Epic is a monster expert, he does not know how these things are created or how they operate.
Sorry if this is a late post. I got like really drunk last night and I'm pretty hungover at the moment. TBH I lost track of time. No.9550
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>>9549"I see, thanks for the information. We should really be careful then." Rye says before following Critical and Epic.
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>>9551Rye looked at the surroundings, checking for any traces and tracks of that golem pony or more flying lanterns.
"Let's make sure we won't just run into any more critteres while heading for that big building."
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>>9554Rye looked at the other two before he went over to the wooden door, testing whether it could be opened. "Here goes nothing!"
>>9555He opens it, releasing it from its bearing and causing it to swing open and now hang off down to the right like everything else. On the other side he find a long hallway that goes to the right and even though it is dark, he can make out another door at the end of the hall. The floor below was made of wood tiles where as the main lobby was made of stone. An interesting note.
"See anything fancy?"
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>>9556"A hallway and another door at the end. Also, the floor has wood tiles. Maybe it's some sort of trap?"
>>9557"Here, we can go take a look see."
The party goes in to look at what they could see in the hallway.
Search for traps. DC 6
Traps are gay!Crit Mind
1d10 = 2Epic Mind
1d6 = 2Rye Mind
1d8 = 7 No.9563
>>9562Epic was able to find a small enough of a candelabra to carry around and lit it. The candles proved to be an adequate source of light but it did not reach far. Due to light however it made the party's eyes used to the light areas and made the dark areas near impossible to see in.
Looking up close +1 modifier
Looking far away +1 modifier
>>9564He does this and makes the room and what parts of the hallway they can reach lit up.
"Hey Epic, I didn't know the mane 6 made you do so much house cleaning that it has now become second nature to you"
Critical smiles devilishly as he is obviously picking fun at Epic.
The areas were now lit but the platform trap was still a problem, they would have to figure a way to get past it or go through the iron door.
>>9565Cleaning? I'm just lighting all the candles we come across for additional light.
Let's say we have more assassins coming after us and they follow not long after us. They'll see all the light candles and think "Did those guys lit all the candles? Why? Thats wierd.... Unless some sort of unknown magic lit them all!"
It play with their minds.
Plus if we need to leave the way we came in, help to light all these candles and torches.
>Pressuming theres other candles, torches etc. No.9568
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Rye used his flint and tinder box to light his own lamp and hung it onto his saddle bag while carrying his spade in a hoof.
He then proceeded to approach the platfrom trap, coming to a hold a good thre feet in front of it.
>Can we just walk around the trap or does it actually block the way? If so, how far is it? Can you realistically jump over it for example?
>>9567"Oh I was just playing with you was all. For the candle comment though, I don't really see your point but okay."
>>9568Examining the trap, it covers a pretty wide area and goes from one wall to the next so they can't walk around it without stepping onto the platform. Length wise it wasn't too much of a jump but if they didn't feel like making the leap, Rye can probably use his grappling hook to latch onto one of the wall torches and safely swing across.
Jump across Body DC 5
Grapple Body DC 4 (Auto Success unless in combat)
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>>9569Rye threw the grapple hook to hitch to the torch.
"I think we can move across by swinging!"
>>9570The grappling hook swooshes past the torch and the rope caught it, causing the hook to spin around the torch at a rapid pace. The hook then latched into the torch, sinking its claws into the metal bearing.
The rope was safe to swing across but only one pony at a time so the party went across and threw the next pony the rope. As they did this, one of them accidentally hit the platform trap which caused the platform to spin across on axis longs ways. Like this "l"
Nothing else was set off but they can see that the below the floor was a stone ramp that would cause the victim to slide down to the right into darkness. Even though they can't see what was down there, they can hear a slight trickling noise.
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>>9571"That was a close call... we better make sure we aren't setting off any other traps."
>>9572>>9573With some reflection, they make their way to the other door after Rye collected his grappling hook. Then they went past the door and entered some room that was held up by a number of columns. To the left along the south wall was a door that probably lead to the room that the previous trap would drop them. Further to the west wall was another door that had a depiction of a gem on it. Immediately to the north was a stone door that was activated by a lever to the right of it.
Also along the room there were two stone golems patrolling the area. Perhaps if they choose so, they can hide by moving column to column and navigate that way.
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>>9574"Oh boy... we better hide!" Rye whispered and snuck behind a column. "Which door should we check first? I'm for the one with the gem."
>>9575>>9576Oh I never played through that game really but that's kind of cool.They move carefully to avoid detection but to see if it will work, that is undetermined. The golems continued to patrol while they cast their artificial blue gaze on the stone work to search for intruders.
Stealth Body DC 5 (3+ 2 Golems)
Epic Body
1d12 = 9Critical Body
1d6 = 1Rye Body
1d8 = 5 No.9578
>>9577Suddenly Critical horribly trips over a stone and fell face first onto the floor that caused a loud thud noise. Soon enough the golems were in hot pursuit of the heroes.
>"Thieves detected, exterminate the intruders."Combat EncounterGolem A
B:? M:? C:?
Golem B
B:? M:? C:?
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"Oh no!" Rye drew his sword, thinking those golems might have thicker hides and the sword negates armor.
>attack Golem A
>>9580He attacks the closest one.
Rye Body
1d8 = 6 SP
1d4 = 4 VS GolemA
1d12 = 12Critical goes in to try to levitate one of them to hold them still.
Crit Mind
1d10 = 4 Tele
1d12 = 1 VS GolemB
1d12 = 11 No.9584
>>9583The golems stare at Epic, pausing for a moment, and then continued their assualt.
>"You are all not pegasi, you do not belong here."The golems attack, trying to get them subdued.
Golem A Body
1d12 = 5 Bash
1d12 = 10 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 1 Def
1d12 = 1Golem B Mind
1d6 = 4 Reastablish
1d8 = 3 VS DC 6
>>9584Epic Mount is sent wildly flying until his body smacks up against one of the columns, causing a large portion of it being broken off. Then he falls to the ground with bits of rock attached to him and covered in dust, no longer being able to move.
Epic HP 0
>>9585Oh damn. X_X
(I thought I had full health? Did he one-hit me?)
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He notices that Critical Hit has not much luck with his spell either.
"We should get outta here, Crit, they are too strong!"
Rye rushes over to Epic to pick him up and toss him onto his back.
>>9586You had 10 HP, health doesn't really automatically restore after each battle.
If we all go unconscious here then that is okay, it won't be game over.>>9587They decided to book it to the gem door to evade the golems. The party opens the door and close it shut behind them, making sure that the golems can't enter the room. The door bangs and cracks as the golems try to get in but eventually it stops and they have a moment to rest. Epic wakes back up with 1 HP
Epic HP 1
The room that they had entered was odd in most respects. Their was only a stone walkway that reached to about 1/3rd of the room forwards. Go off of this platform then the pony would fall into this pit full of crystal clear blue water. They can note at the end of the pier was a shining blue light under the water. Above them the ceiling was covered in what looked to be stormy clouds which seemed about to rain.
>>9588"First things first..."
Summer Rye uses some pony balm on Epic.
>So the actual ceiling cannot be seen, it's just those rain clouds? No.9591
>>9589>>9590There is a ceiling there but you can not see it.Epic Mount had some pony balm put on him which made things a bit better.
Epic Mount HP 6
Critical notes in on Epic's comment, "Well they are as smart how much the creator wanted them to be. This temple must've been from a time where there was still some tension between the tribes and with how significant this building is, it is likely the ancient pegasi didn't want anyone but pegasi in here."
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>>9591Summer Rye took his grappling hook and slowly dropped it into the water while holding onto the rope that was tied to it. He wanted to check how deep it was.
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>>9593"One and a half Epic Mounts!" Rye proclaimed proudly while pulling the hook back in. "I'm not really a good swimmer but I really wonder what's causing that light. Maybe a crystal?"
>does the water reach up to the edge of the platfrom? No.9595
>>9594"Yeah it must be a crystal down there, that would explain why the door has a gem on it."
Looking at the water, one would have to dive down since they are well above the pool. If jumping doesn't sound cool though, then they could just scale the platform down into the water then back up.
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>>9595"I'll give it a try... Epic still looks rather sore. I'll just test if it's cold or not."
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>>9597"Brrrrr! Can you magic the crystal up, Crit?"
>>9598Back, went off to cook some food."Sure I can do that for you."
Critical focuses his magic and concentrates it onto the orb itself. Soon enough the orb floats out of the water but once it does, the room reacts violently. From the storm clouds, a shock of lighting strikes the surface of the water and electrocutes Rye.
Lightning Damage
1d6 = 1>>9599Yep. He is now this RP's standard unit of measurement. Congratulations! No.9601
>>9600It ended up being more or less was just a mild shock since Rye was able to quickly get out of the water.
Rye HP 6
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>>9601"Ouch!" Rye nickers and shakes his body to dry himself. "Is that some kind of security cloud?!"
Rye looked at Crit to see if he had dropped the crystal back on or still had it floating there.
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>>9602>>9603>Be American>Adopt Metric SystemI don't think you know who you're talking to. We shall forever use the Epic Mount System!Critical still had the orb which was now in his hooves. The orb no longer projected such an intense light but now it just hummed like a dim lampshade.
"I'm not sure if this will be useful but it is likely we will need this in the future. Hopefully the answer will reveal itself shortly but for now we need to get out of the room and continue on through the dungeon." No.9605
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>>9604"There it is... well done, Crit!" Rye gave the crystal a poke before peeking across the pool to see if there is another door anywhere.
>>9606>>9607I could make a map but that may take a while to do so.Critical goes ahead and puts the orb into his saddle bags with a smile.
"Thanks, I'll hold on to it to keep it safe."
The party looks all around the room for another door but they can only find the one they went through to get in here. Basically the only way out was the way back into the column room. If memory serves, there will be a door to the right that leads to the trap room. Another to the left that leads deeper into the temple. Lastly is the one to the far right that leads back to the main hall.
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The blue circle is the party's current location.
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>>9609"Well, I want to avoid those golems if possible... so how about we check deeper in the temple?"
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>>9610>>9611Besides the blue gem orb, no. You guys got what you had needed in this room already. It is time to progress.They look around again but to no avail, unless they wanted to take a cold bath in the water, there was nothing to be had here. Peering out of the room, they could see that one of the patrolling golems had left and now there was only one in the big room. If the party had wanted to progress further, then they would have to go into the door to the north.
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>>9612Summer Rye tried to sneak past the golem, using the pillars as cover.
>>9613>>9614The party attempts to stealth it once again, trying to avoid detection by keeping a low profile while heading to the northern door.
Stealth DC 4 (3+1golem.)
Epic Body
1d12 = 4Critical Body
1d6 = 5Rye Body
1d8 = 7 No.9616
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>>9615Suddenly as they move, they almost bump right into the golem as it was continuing. Hearts pounded as the golem was completely unaware and moved out of the way. Then the party was well and able to make it and pass through the northern door. They soon found a hallway that went westward. In the middle they found a large double door that had strange mechanism attached to it. Beyond that the hallway continued on to another small door that was metallic and reinforced with metal siding.
>>9617>>9618They observe the mechanism and they could see it was a marble construction made up of several parts that would probable move when activated. The parts held the double doors shut but there were a total of three slots to fill. The first two were orb shaped and the third looked to be one where you could fit a hoof in. The thing is though that in the hoof shaped one where there was an odd glowing blue rune and wasn't meant for a pony's hoof.
Critical goes ahead and puts his orb into the orb slot and it fits nicely but now can't be removed.
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>>9620"I think we'll have to move on, maybe down the hallway we can find another orb."
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>>9621Alright, but follow my lead and sneak around.
Becareful not to make a sound.
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>>9622"Don't start rhyming on me now!"
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>>9625Rye very slowly crept forward towards the first door to examine it more closely.
>>9626There wasn't much to differentiate the two but both doors were partly open and Rye and Epic could peer into the rooms.
Rye saw a small room set with several tables with rotten food on them. Nothing much to note here but an old busted looking chest in the center of the room. The chest was closed and locked shut but he could see a bright light emitting from the key hole, similar to the light of their first orb but now it was green.
>>9627Epic saw what looked to be a jail room, there was a large cage built into the wall but one side of the cage was broken down and easy to escape from.
This is where you would have went if beaten by a golem.. He did see what looked to be a magic rod or scepter on the wall that was hung by an empty weapons rack. There was nothing else on the rack but there was a note accompanying the scepter.
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>>9628Rye remembered eating rotten food not too long ago... but he felt his stomach grumbling. He quickly stuffed one of his food rations into his mouth before entering carefully, approaching the chest in order to peek through the key hole.
>>9629He tries to look into the key hole but the thing was incredibly, so much so that he had to look away or else risk temporary eye damage.
There weren't any keys around but the decrepit old looking chest was nearly broken to the point where even a foal can beat it apart.
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>>9630Rye gave the chest a whack with his spade.
>>9631Oh by the way, I forgot to mention that critical went with Rye.The chest broke but it only emptied out some pale orange smoke that filled the room, they could also hear the door closing behind them and making a clicking noise. Once Crit and Rye regain their senses, they find themselves inside an immense dining hall that was warmly lit with hundreds of tables stacked with all sorts of foods that not even the personal chef of Celestia could compete with. The only thing though was that some of the seats of the tables had skeletons hunched over them, still biting into the food they had picked up for themselves, they also had old looking blood stains near them on the floor.
Then some of the food formed up small towers twice the size of Epic Mount and approached the party, a total of two. These animated food towers were also carrying cleavers and knives and looked like some crazy murderous food Christmas tree.
>"Come, come and join the feast weary ones. You must be both soooooo hungry." No.9633
>>9632>Shit forgot a testResist Hunger Mind DC 6
Crit Mind
1d10 = 6Always Hungry
Rye Mind
1d8 - 1 = 0 No.9634
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>>9633"I must have died and now I'm in heaven!"
>>9633>>9634Critical was able to keep a control over himself but only barely, Rye on the other hand had went off to a nearby table to eat some food. As Rye was eating, the food towers went spinning and tried to attack the party. Rye is unable to react quickly but since Crit was there, the towers could not get the immediate drop on them.
Critical tries to think but then gets an amazing idea, he levitates his playing cards and uses them like a number of knives to attack a tower.
Like that one X-manCritical Mind
1d10 = 5 Gamble
1d12 = 4 VS Tower Body
1d8 = 3 No.9636
>>9635 one tower is hit and blows up into a cloud of smoke. The other tower goes in to attack Rye.
Tower Body
1d8 = 7 VS Rye Body [1d8
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>>9637"Hey! You don't disturb a stallion during lunch!" he nickered and took a swing with his spade.
>>9638As food was flying everywhere in shreds, coating the party in a well seasoned mess, Rye charges in bravely to attack!
Rye Body
1d8 = 6 Farm
1d12 = 6 VS
Weakness (Farming)
Tower Body
1d8 - 1 = 5 No.9641
>>9639Rye hits the tower quite effectively without getting nicked by any of its multiple blades. After the spade hits its target, the tower is destroyed and the rooms was once again swept up in a tornado of pale smoke to reveal it was all an illusion.
The party was no longer covered in sweet foods but was now dirty with ashes and Rye's mouth also spilled of ashes with left a horrid taste in his mouth. Aside from that the party was in no shape or form harmed from that trap.
In the middle of the room, Critical and Rye could see that last orb that they would need in order to open the double doors. What remains was what had to go into the hoof slot.
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>>9641"Phooey! Disgusting!" Rye spat out the nasty ash.
>>9642"Yeah I feel pretty bad for you mate."
He laughs at Rye's situation as he goes in to pocket the other orb. +1 frienship
Crit FT 2
Rye FT 7
"C'mon, we should probably go and rejoin with Epic Mount. He may need our help but then again with how strong he is, he might not."
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>>9643"At least we got another orb. Yes, let's joing him."
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"That thing might come in handy."
>>9648He searched thoroughly for traps but there weren't any here to be set off. Once he did take it off the rack, noting much happened but Epic could feel the a faint magic emanating from the rod which was good.
Now they had to go find a golem to control which there was a good subject just outside the room.
>>9651>>9649The party heads on out and shoots the golem with the rod. The golem stops in its tracks and then peacefully approaches the party. For now it will help them out at Epic's command and will even help them in combat.
Golem Stats
B:12 M:6 C:6
Stout Heart:12
Sound Burst:8 (BodyVS Mind to reduce Mind -1per party halfdmg)
Reastablish:8 (Uprgrades all Golems Body DC3+1per party)
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"Maybe he knows where the third stone is."
>>9653It responds, much like the other one.
>"I have no name but I can talk. My purpose is to guard the Golem Control Rod holder."It is obvious that the golem will only listen to Epic Mount but it will most likely act on its own to protect Epic if they go into combat.
>>9654"Er there were only two slots for the door that would fit an orb. The third slot will fit only a hoof like mine or yours."
>>9655Oh. uh... well don't worry about... not doing that. I'm sure you were all doing your jobs and all.
I think I will call you... uh... hm... Pillar! Because you are made of stone and you were guarding this rod, which itself is like a tiny pillar...
>Gets odd looks from the others.My rod, my Golem friend, my rules. Besides Pillar is another word for "Column" which the word sound similar to golem so it all works out.
OK Pillar, what can you tell us about this place? What exactly happened? And what are these glowing orbs?
>>9657Pillar responds as best he could.
>"The city was attacked by forces of chaos. They wanted to take the throne room but I do not know why."Critical Chaotic
>"You there, you are an ally of Chaos. Your blood, your aura, I can see it.""Hey now just because I run off of chance doesn't mean I'm here to conquer your run down city."
The golem will not follow Critical's command, even if he is holding the rod.
>>9658Woah Pillar! Hold up!
They are my friends!
And we can be your friends too if you want.
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>>9658"I think you're too radical for his liking, Crit."
>>9659>"My job is not to be friends and you should watch who you ally yourselves with. That one will be more likely to abandon to save his own."Critical scoffs, "Forget it Epic Mount, Its a magical construct. It has no personality or feelings, only what magics the wizard put into it."
The party should probably progress.
>>9660Critical shrugs, "Can't really help it."
>"You should make yourself scarce chaotic one, your kind ravaged this sacred place already. Surely you can spread your disease of disorder someplace else."One thing they can all admit, the city was in a state of chaos and ruins.
>>9660Nah dude I have hope for Pillar. He's not evil, just... "structured" and doing his job.
>>9661Regardless of magical construct or not, If Pillar is capable of an oppinion then there is more to him than just a stone shell.
Pillar, whatever happened to your city, my friend Critical here had nothing to do with it. You can trust him just as wel trust you.
>>9662I guess we need to find more of those orbs for that locked door.
Can you help us Pillar?
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>>9663"I think Crit said we got all the orbs."
>>9663>>9662Critical and Pillar remain quiet at the time when Epic suggests that they should make friends. Epic and Rye may have felt a tug of Criticals chaotic nature but when law and chaos face off like this, the sense of disdain between Crit and Pillar can literally be felt on their skins.
Pillar then breaks the silence.
>"The door can be opened with the two orbs in the slots and if a golem puts its hoof in the third slot. I will help you open the door if commanded to do so." No.9668
>>9664>>9665>>9667>"I shall assist you."The party goes back up north to the double doors. Pillar is dead silent as Critical puts in the last orb and waits for him to step aside. Once clear, Pillar puts his hoof in the last slot and the party can hear the mechanism give a loud click. The mechanisms slide from off the door, releasing the grip and the door opens.
Before them laid a broken throne, perhaps they should investigate it.
>>9669The party looks at the throne and can see what looked to be a broken pillar in front of it. It is horribly damaged but on the top of it looked to be some sort of keyhole.
This is the Cumulonimbus city and they have the Cumulonimbus key.
>>9670Rye looks around and can see on the wall behind them was a statue of a bronze manticore with glowing blue eyes. It was high up above them and was looking at the throne.
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"I don't like the look of that bronze manticore... maybe it will come to life!"
>>9673I'm starting to think we shouldn't stick it in at all.
If bad guys wanted this key, they must intend to use it.
Just because we can unlock it, doesn't mean we should.
Wait, hold on Pillar, by Discord do you mean chaos in general or do you mean the draconequus?
>>9674>To PillarWill it?
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>>9676"A test? Oh boy... I fear I left my thinking cap at home."
>>9677>"You will not need it, it will be a test of might. To see if you are worthy to pass on Stratus's Key.">>9678>"Yes, to the city of Stratus. Last I heard it was still in the air but that was before Cumulonimbus crashed.""If there is another city out there that has this immense power, then we need to get a hold of this key and make sure whoever is following doesn't get it."
>"I am sure you will only use it to your own benefit chaotic one."Critical ignores, "That mare sending us those assassins probably already have a trail here. We should probably get it now and run."
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>>9679"Hm, a test of strength... alright, let's get to it."
>>9679I agree. But shouldn't we put the Cumulonimbus Key somewhere safe? It might be a bad idea to carry this key around with us everywhere. Especially if we end up with two keys.
>>9680Hm... I guess we should. If we don't earn that key, somepony else will.
Pillar, would you help us with the ordeal? Or does the test require us to do so by ourselves?
>>9680>>9681"We'll keep the keys with Blazen Path for now and make our way back to Ponyville to your friend Twilight."
>"Yes I will help you out with this ordeal. The grey one carries the Golem Control Rod and I am at your command."The party sticks the key into the pedestal and turns it. Suddenly the temple shakes and the throne glows for a moment before dying back down. It seems that in this broken state, the throne can not be activated and never will. On the other hand the bronze manticore lights up and hops on down with a heavy thud.
"You have come to this dead place to in search of an ancient power. I can sense that your will's are pure in intent but I can see that dark forces follow close behind your comrades. You are all after the Stratus Key which I am charged to protect. If you wish to claim it, then you must defeat me in battle."His eyes glow brighter and bathes the party in a cooling light that heals all of their wounds that they have so far suffered. Everyone is at Max HP
"Are you ready?" No.9684
>>9683Epic did not drink a potion because his health was already maxed out.
"Yes, I am content here. Lets get this key and stop these bastards."
>"I am always at the ready. I will admit though fighting with a chaos agent will be strange." No.9686
>>9684Don't think of it as fighting because we command you to. I genuinely want to be your friend and would like you to fight with us.
Do you want to fight by our side?
>>9686>"I will try then. May your strength carry you.">>9685Aww cliffhangerThe party all agreed and they took their places to fight. This wasn't a battle like they had before, this wasn't senseless fighting but now it had purpose. Someone wanted to abuse some strong power and they needed to prove that they were the ones for the job.
Boss EncounterManticore Golem
B:12 M:8 C:6
Stout Heart:12
Sound Burst:10 (BodyVS Mind to reduce Mind -1per party halfdmg)
Reastablish:8 (Uprgrades all Golems Body DC3+1per party)
>>9694He goes in to give the heaviest strike attack he could like a true warrior.
Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 6 Mart
1d8 = 8 VS Manticore Body
1d12 = 5 No.9696
>>9695The Bronze Manticore was hit hard, sending it back a little.
Critical goes in to attack with his cards and magic
Crit Mind
1d10 = 4 Gamb
1d12 = 4 VS Manticore Body
1d12 = 11 No.9697
>>9695>>9696Pillar goes in to support after seeing the cards just ping off of the Bronze Manticore's body.
Golem Reastablish
1d8 = 7 VS DC 4
>>9697The party can feel a surge of strength go through them as Pillar focuses its energy on everyone. The Manticore has suffered a good deal of damage but it was still going
Mant HP 10
The Manticore goes in to attack Epic, using all of its force
Manticore Body
1d12 = 6 Bash
1d12 = 3 Stout Heart
1d12 = 12 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 9 Def
1d12 = 11 No.9700
>>9698>>9699Thats fine, gotta get my bro to workEpic was struck hard by the Manticore's metallic tail and Epic could swear he felt his some of his ribs snap on the impact.
Epic HP 6
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Rye attacked with his sword.
>>9701 goes in to attack attack with his sword even though he was not so skilled in it.
Rye Body
1d8 = 4 SP
1d4 = 4 VS
Weakeness Armor Piercing (Armor Bane)
Manticore Body
1d12 - 1 = 6Critical goes in to try to hold the Manticore in place.
Crit Mind
1d10 = 1 Tele
1d12 = 6 VS Manticore Body
1d12 = 6>>9702Epic Mount drinks his potion and recovers a good amount of health.
Epic Mount HP 15
>>9703Rye misses his attack, only scratching along the bronze surface leaving only superficial damage.
In a surprise twist though, Critical was able to hold the Manticore down. This stopped it from attacking this round but it soon broke free of the spell. The party can attack it again.
>>9705Statistically no but I'll go ahead and make it a weakness. Basically it will be -1 on its defense rolls.>>9706Epic Mount tries to swing it over himself by its tail and tries to slam it down on to the ground. Due to its hefty weight, Epic would need to put a lot of force into it.
Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 9, Mart
1d12 = 1, Stout Heart
1d12 = 2 VS Manticore Body
1d12 = 11 No.9708
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>>9707"That thing is tought!" Rye attacks again.
>>9707Epic tried to make the Manticore sway but he could not lift it by its tail, instead all he does is pull the Manticore to the side.
Critical goes in to attack with his cards again.
Crit Mind
1d10 = 8, Gamb
1d12 = 4 VS Manticore Body
1d12 = 11>>9708Rye goes in to thrust the sword into its chest area.
Rye Body
1d8 = 6 SP
1d4 = 4 VS Manticore Body
1d12 - 1 = 2 No.9712
>>9710The cards do nothing again but Rye's sword Armor Bane pierces straight through the left eye of the Manticore and made it go partly blind. The party was now only under a singular beam of blue light.
Manticore HP 4
Last post, I gotta go. I might be back on after an hour.>>9711After seeing its eye go out, it surely must. Try to specifically target its joints.
>>9712You too, if you can jam them cards in it's joints-
>See's the manticore down to 4HP and partially blind. Despite being a machine, feels somewhat sorry for it.>While in it's state, Epic confronts the manticoreDo you yield? Surely we've met your challenge. We're not here to destroy you if you do not wish of it.
>>9713"The test is not complete until one of us is defeated. The key is too important to let go to somepony who will lose it."The Manticore takes its right paw and uses its talon like claws to swipe at Rye, letting out a lion's roar along with it.
Manticore Body
1d12 = 11 VS Rye Body
1d8 = 2 No.9716
>>9715>>9714Rye was hit pretty badly and his leather armor did little against the gash wounds he had now suffered.
Rye HP 6
Rye goes in to quickly return the favor at the beast, striking his most vulnerable joints in his right arm. -1 to Def
Rye Body
1d8 = 2, SP
1d4 = 4 VS Mant Body
1d12 - 2 = 6 No.9718
>>9716Rye jams his Armor Bane into the joint but the Manticore quickly knocks it out before it does any serious damage.
>>9717Epic Mount goes in to strike, followed along by Critical Hit.
Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 10, Mart
1d12 = 8 VS Manticore Body
1d12 = 8Critical Hit Mind
1d10 = 9 Gamb
1d12 = 12 VS Manticore Body
1d12 = 6 No.9721
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>>9719Rye approaches proudly.
>>9720>>9721 and Pillar join in to hear what the Manticore had to say.
"No, what done is done. I go now to take my final rest and you will go to resolve an ancient conflict, and hide it away. Do not be sad though, what you have done will serve Equestria well."He opens his mouth and drops down another key, similar to the Cumulonimbus Key.
"This key will unlock Stratus's true power, it must never get into the hooves of somepony who would abuse it. Now hurry, to safety you must go."The Manticore stops and his glowing eye dims to a grey, signaling that this was it. This was the first casualty that the party will have to endure on their journey.
>>9723"We should go ahead and go back to Canterlot and see Blazen Path. From there we can get some rest and then we can go to Ponyville to see the Mane Six."
The party was well exhausted after all of this, their muscles strained, minds frayed, and charms stained. They would need to spend some time in a civilization to rest up and heal their bodies, perhaps purchase sauna services.
Body, Mind, Charm traits downgraded due to strain.
But before we leave I'm thinking of trusting the control rod to Pillar.
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>>9725The party makes their quick escape out of the dungeon and back out into the open of the falls. They trekked on back until they reached the bridge before they heard a familiar voice once again.
They turn around to see that there is a total of three ponies, one was the Mare that attacked the Ponyville museum and the other two were dressed like the assassins they had fought prior.
>"You did well in getting the key for us. Seeing the state that Cumulonimbus is in, it can not serve our purposes. Now Stratus, that city will be the prime subject in my crusade." No.9730
>>9729"Gods they're upon us!"
The villains before them did not seem pleased at Epic's comments towards them.
>"Hm, you are confidant. Much more confidant about your abilities since we last met in Ponyville. I can tell that you've become much stronger but I have become stronger than you can imagine. Then I'll become much stronger than you could imagine."They either had to run away or face her. Perhaps if she could be stalled, they would have time to lift off with the balloon.
>>9730>Stalling (Maybe even convince them to leave.)So you're saying that you're stronger than us than we could possibly imagine... then after defeating us you'll be more stronger than we can imagine?
How does that make any sense? If you're so strong that it's beyond out fathomable imaginations to estimate how strong you are, then why would you need to defeat us to become such state?
>>9731Whoops, I'm tired.>"Irregardless of what you think, this will be over within a moment.Boss Encounter.Mare
Pillar interrupts. [b]"Heroes, I can hold them off for a time being while you make your escape. Do not worry about me though, I will escape and make my way to you after you have reached safety."
Basically Pillar can hold them off and you will reunite with him at a later time so long as you keep the rod. Anyways I gotta go. No.9734
>>9733"Good luck you fucking hunk of rock."
The party goes to cross the bridge while Pillar goes to a standoff with them. Once they pass the fog, they can start to hear fighting.
They quickly make it to the Hot Air balloon but it was still secured to the ground with rocks and need to be lit.
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>>9732Rye waves goodbye to the golem and quickly follows the rest of the party.
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>>9735>>9736>>9737After they all load in, Rye cuts the ropes holding them down and Critical lights up the fire to give them some lift into the air. Soon enough they were well off of the ground with the falls becoming more distant as they floated away, now they were safe from the danger.
It was going to take some time before they would reach Canterlot so perhaps they could spend the time talking among each other to pass the time.
You know, RP stuff. No.9739
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>>9738Rye took out the apple pie he bought earlier. "You guys hungry? I never see you two grab a bite."
>>9738>Epic signs and relaxes a little.So now we got two keys, though one of them is for the ruins of the city we just came from.
Then again we didn't actually tried to see if it would work, but then again if what it does is devastating then perhaps best we didn't.
>>9739I am a bit hungry.
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>>9740Rye offers Epic a slice of pie. "I got some rations, too. I really should take something decent to drink along next time."
It seemed that Rye's mind was revolving mostly about food at the moment.
"Well, we can take those keys back and then... go out for lunch."
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>>9742"Is it? I don't get cold so easily." Rye looks out for snow clouds.
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>>9742>>9743Of course but it will be sort of a paralogue and not affect the main story. Think of it as DLC.Critical is shivering to the cold, since he was smaller then the other two it was much easier for him to get cold.
"Y-y-yeah. It sure is getting colder out now, pretty soon Hearts Warming will be on us. Heh, I wonder how the family is doing back in Baltimare."
They all think about their families and friends as the holidays pressed forwards, none of them would be with them this year but perhaps they could find solace in spending it with their friends. Twilight's been known to host a party in her crystal tree house for the season so they should have much fun spending it there.
As they thought about this, the balloon drifts lazily through the cold night air as they approached Canterlot. As they got closer, the sun peered over the mountain view and bathed the land in a dim orange light that radiated brighter with each passing minute. Morning had risen and the party would realize that they spent all night in that dungeon. They should definitely try to rest up while in Canterlot and get a check up at a doctor or relax at the spa.
Or something I dunno.Finally they touch down in Canterlot's airdocks and the tired morning workers secured the airballoon, allowing the party free roam around the city. They should also note that the party is still wearing their guard cloaks and should not try to do anything bad or else it will give the guard a bad name.
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>>9744"Oh boy, finally back in civilization. How about breakfast? Looks just around the right time."
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>>9746"You're right, we should take a day off and just relax after all this excitement."
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>>9748Rye got himself a very large breakfast and a large portion of dark tea to keep himself awake and fit.
>>9749The party went to a breakfast shop and Rye ordered his giant meal that would probably encumber even Epic Mount. Fried Daisies, pancakes, Syrup, muffins, and much more galore! The shop owner speaks up...
>"There's your food hero, that will be a total of 500 bits."They were shocked to hear such a price and were unsure if they could afford it.
Do not worry, I will cover the costs.The party looks behind them and Rye would recognize that it was the Griffon that gave him the toolset earlier to open up the Gangster's box. Now this time though, the Griffon did not look like a shop owner himself but now he was dressed up in Equestrian Knight armor.
The Knight Griffon pays for their food and has them sit down in a booth.
"I hope that you remember me and how we made an arrangement, well now it is time to pay up. Do not worry, I know by the looks of you that you guys are not ready so you can take a few days before embarking in my quest." No.9752
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>>9751(We arrived in Canterlot and are having breakfast, that's all.)
>>9750"Oh, it is you... well, thanks for picking up the bill. I wasn't aware I ordered this much food. A quest, huh?"
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>>9753Diamond Dogs? Them mongrels.
What was beyopnd this door you speak of?
>>9754>"Yes, troublesome little bastards they are. As for the door, we don't know what is behind it because it was locked and the dogs took over before we could get it open. Survey the area for us, get that door open, and see what was the main reason why those dogs took over the mine. I know they love their gems but they are very territorial and wouldn't attack a pony operation without more drive than just gems they can't or don't know how to dig up."He then gets up and starts to leave.
>"Do this for me and you'll impress the right ponies and perhaps... maybe join my order as brothers."This promise of knighthood should spark immediate interest in Epic Mount. This was the one shot he could use to achieve his dream of becoming a knight. Before though he could ask the griffon any questions, he leaves the restaurant and flies off to Celestia's castle.
I've tangled with them dogs before.
>>9755Order of Brothers?
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Rye had remained quiet throughout most of the conversation, onle one word echoing in his mind... "mine".
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>>9756>>9757Since the griffon was gone now, he couldn't respond but Crit made a comment.
"I think that he was referencing the Equestrian Knights. The elite fighting force of the Guard but now they are of better equipment and skills. Still though its just some other pony or griffon in fancy armor."
He scoffs at them but doesn't completely dismiss them.
"Anyways we should get a move on now. We'll probably have to go and get back to Ponyville soon but we might also want to tell Blazen Path about the ruins and what we found."
So now there's two options you can take with a side quest. How fun and RPG like.
Explore Gem Mines (Side Quest)
Talk with Blazen Path (Optional)
Return and Rest in Ponyville or Stay in Canterlot (Main Quest) No.9759
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>>9758"I'm not really sure I want to visit some mines.... those dark places give me the shivers."
>>9758The Knights of Equestria? But they're just from along time a go.
>>9759I think we should consider it. Whatevers behind that door could be something that shouldn't fall into mongrels paws.
But for now... I-I need to visit somepony.
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>>9760"I guess so..." he gave Epic a puzzled look. "Meet who?"
>>9761Just... a friend.
I'll see you guys later.
>Epic leave the tavern.Phew.
>Takes out the golden comb he's been carrying and began having second thoughts. No.9763
>>9760>>9761With Epic Mount gone, Crit decides to chat with Rye.
"Don't worry about the mines, most of it is all explored and carved out by ponies so it will be sort of like going through somebody's house... but now its all dank and stone."
Critical finishes up his meal and gets on up.
"Ah well time's a wasting, we should get a move on now. Do you know where you want to go?"
Rye real quick, I don't think your character isn't getting enough love in this RP. Is there any sort of hopes or desires that he wants in life? PM in Discord if he does so I can work something out.>>9762Epic Mount is outside but he can still see and hear his friends but their voices are muffled through the glass. The only thing he can make out is that they were talking about the mines.
As he looked to the comb he bought, thoughts of Ponyville and home flood his mind as well as the anticipation of returning there. He also may have thought about the griffon's proposition and joining the knights. Of course though that will be a matter best saved for later and he should regroup so they can all head to Ponyville soon.
That's right, I haven't forgotten about Epic's desire to be a knight. I know it does feel a bit rushed but don't worry, I'll make sure it is well earned. No.9764
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>>9763Rye shuddered at the mention of the mines anyway. "Well, I hope they are at least well lid... Mines are just so dangerous, tight, dark - they are a whole combination of bad things."
Rye got up as well, feeling very much rested after the feast.
"Well, I think I will purchase an item or two. I'm running low on certain necessities..." with which he meant pies and other foodstuff.
"Do you think Epic has a love interest he is meeting?" he suddenly asks.
Well, Rye wants to help his farm at home. Beside money which is a rather boring way of helping he could use some enhanced fertilizer or maybe a magical item that has a beneficial effect in that regard. No.9766
>Since it seems like an ideal musical moment, Epic broke out in song, singing a new version of an oldie.
I grew up in the forest, not like other ponies
Who play or have no care or just live in harmony
To them I may be different, Nopony they may seen.
But theres more to me that I let on, more than I may seem~
All I want is to be a knight
Fighting evil and doing right
But, it seems my chance is slight
For the Equestrian Knights, no longer come to light
In the pages of history
The Knights of Equestria were elite
The champions of all ponies
They were the best, heroes neverless!
Though I may be neutral-good.
Care not for authority.
Sometimes all it takes
Is the action of obligatory
All I want is to be a knight
Fighting evil and doing right
I try to be so anyway
Thats who I am, the Everfree Pony.
Sir Flash Magnus bore his shield,
Sir Rockshoof for his shovel,
Lady Rubious was the wisest,
Lady Patch for her troubles!
Sir Lancer was renoun for heart
Sir Ace for charisma
Sir Theodore was well known, for his legend with a bear!
Sir Squire was the greatest and the most famous of them all.
From all the Knights of Equestria, I want to be like most of all!
Ponies call me when in distress,
I go up and I will do my best.
Never once have I gave up the test
Still my wish is strong to be
Don't tell me it's wrong to be
All I long to be is a knight!
>Goes on fantasising what it's like to donned in knightly armour and Twilight and his friends admiring him, especially Fluttershy who's all over him.
>>9764"I dunno, I only met you guys back a few days ago so I'm not much on knowing who you are and what you guys like and all that. But I do need to go get some supplies too, most preferably a bag of dice."
The two get on up and exit the cafe to hear the end part of Epic's song.
>>9765>>9766"Wow Epic, you seem to be real excited about whole knight thing eh? Well anyways we were about to head on out soon. Did you want to do some shopping here or do you want to do that in Ponyville?"
>>9767W-wait you heard all that!?
>EmbarrasedU-um, w-we should go to Ponyville.
>>9769>>9770"Right, lets go on ahead and go look around the market place."
They head into the market area now and there were tons of tents and shops up and ready to sell a wide array of items and junk. Everything you could imagine was here, cook ware, weapons, armor, gear, potions, supplies, and much more within reason.
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Rye looks around for things to buy... he needs:
>3 ponybalm
>1 food (simple)
>gems (enough to feed a baby dragon)
He also looks to sell:
>>9774 three stayed close to each other as they browsed the stalls. Eventually Critical eyes widen as he sees something and he darts away from the party and up to the vendor. There before him laid some armors that he had wanted since the first time he's been pummeled on this journey. He goes to the trader and buys the armor for 100 bits.
24 bits left
Then he sells off his Focus Band and his Guard Cloak for the prices of 100 and 25 respectively for a net gain of 125 bits.
149 bits left
>>9775 I don't know what you can use gems for but okay.He finds what he needs at the stall and he finds that the prices for them are a bit fair.
3 Potions 50 each
I don't like ponybalm and this stuff will heal half your HP so it is more useful.Meal 3
A bag of Gems 20 bits
This would come to a total of 173 bits
He could also sell the machete for 75 bits and reduce the price
The final cost would be 98 bits
Bits he would have left would be 106. Is this okay?
>>9777TripsEpic sorts through the swords but there was nothing note worthy that would surpass his Armor Bane sword. He does find a stall that sold some holiday stuff there were among miniatures to gold decor, there were the santa hats.
The vendor speaks.
>"I see that you have an eye for my wares. Among the mundane, I do have some interesting items."He pulls out the the hats and one single red and white winter coat that matched the hats.
Santa Hat 80 (UpGrades Charm and does +1 to speech rolls)
Santa Coat 180 (-1 Damage to min of 1 and Does a blizzard attach equal to that of user's charm 3 times per day.)
>>9779Oh I see.He tries his hagglement.
Barter Price DC 3
Rye Charm
1d10 = 1>>9780>"They're practical for winter wear with some enchantments on them and I only have one of the coats for sale. You best buy it before some mare comes along and buys it for her husband."The vendor was sly looking and looked to be of Manehattan origin.
>>9782 vendor shakes her head as she denies him his barter skills. She tells him sorry but the price stays the same at 98 bits total.
>>9783He quickly finds that he only has 217 bits in his coinpurse so he will have to sell something or ask one of his friends to borrow some money.
>>9785My Gdocs say thisName: Epic Mount
Race: Earth Pony
Gender: Male
Level: 4
Stamina: 15/18
Body: D12
Mind: D6
Charm: D10
Cutie Mark Skill: Defending (D12)
Stout Heart (D10)*
Identify(Monsters): (D8)
Martial Arts: (D8)
Stare (D4)
Quirks/Flaws: Awkward, Fear/Spiders
Alignment: Neutral Good
Bits: 217
Friendship: 4
Thunder Hammer (The user sends a lightning bolt at an enemy with their body trait and stuns them for one turn)
*Guard Cloak: (Upgrades Charm when worn.)
Flint Steel 70
*Power Bangle (Upgrades Body Trait)
Rabid Cloak (Upgrade attack skill./ 3charges:per day)
Potion: 20 bits
Pastry 3 bits
Golem Control Rod: 100bits
>>9786Heres what it says on mine.Statistics
Name: Epic Mount
Race: Earth Pony
Friendship: 6
Level: 3
Stamina: 15/16+2
Body: 1d8+2
Mind: 1d6
Charm: 1d10
Cutie Mark Skill: Defender 1d12
Racial Skill: Stout Heart 1d10,
Special Skills:
Identify (Monsters): 1d8
Martial Arts: 1d8
Stare: 1d4
Quirks/Flaws: Social difficulties & Arachnophobia
Bits: 10฿ (After buying Santa suit)
• Cumulonimbus Key
Artifact recovered from the museum. Need to take to Blazen Path in Canterlot.
• Stratus Key
Artifact recovered from the city of Cumulonimbus. Used to unlock Stratus power.
• Power Bangle (Equipped)
Upgrade your body trait and stamina.
• Flint
Used to start fires, efficient with tinder.
• Rabid Cloak
A cloak that that is made of a green fabric that has brown patchwork all over it and its bottom is ragged and torn up into shreds. This cape allows the wearer to upgrade any skill that allows them to attack in melee 3 times per day.
• Potions (3)
Fully restores health.
• Golden comb
Comb used for grooming animals. A souvenier for Fluttershy.
• Guard Cloak
Upgrades Charm when worn. (Equipped)
• Thunder Hammer
Often common among Canterlot Royal Guard Seargents, they are easy to make due to the local magic population. (The user send a lightning bolt at an enemy with their body trait and stuns them for one turn)
• Letter written to Cloak Dagger.
Cloak Dagger
As per our agreement, I will give you the necessary funds and equipment so that you may destabilize Canterlot and your associates may take mob rule. Be sure to keep your end of the bargain and take out Epic Mount, Summer Rye, and Critical Hit. Most importantly you must get the jeweled key from them and give that to me or else the deal is off.
Signed, Your Friend.• Control Rod
Used to control the Golems in Cumulonimbus ruins.
• Santa Hat 80
Upgrades Charm and does +1 to speech rolls.
• Santa Coat 180
-1 Damage to min of 1 and Does a blizzard attach equal to that of user's charm 3 times per day.
I think I last updated it wit hthe last gdoc you gave me. No.9790
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>>9789I dunno who this "Santa" pony is.
>>9788>>9787Fine but after this we follow the Gdoc only. No arguments.They all buy their stuff.
"Now that's out of the way, we should probably get on to Ponyville before it snows and all."
>>9791Alright. But I'll keep the WordDoc as it has a few quest items I need to keep a hold of. That old letter may still be useful in the future and I don't want to make itnelligent rolls just to remember details and what-not.OK.
I brought a festive costume. For 270bits.
>>9789>>9790>>9791>>9792The party gets back out onto the air docks and lift off with their air balloon. Drifting upwards, they leave Canterlot behind and lazily moves to Ponyville. The cold air bit at them as they flew over the outpost and the forests below and before they knew it, they can start to see small pepperings of snow start to fall. It wasn't heavy at all but it was gentle and barely stuck to the ground.
Eventually they reach Ponyville and land in a section of town that held the air balloons. Right now they were in the Ponyville market area and they could probably surprise the Mane 6 if they kept their presence unknown.
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>>9793"Looks like we missed the Running of the Leafs", Rye said with a smile as he noticed the first snow falling, certainly not sad about it as he wasn't a good runner.
He got out of the balloon and stretched himself, looking around to see if anything was going on.
>>9793Hm... Damn, I think I made a mistake.
I should of brought gifts for Fluttershy and her friends, not blow it all on this costume.
I only have the one gift for Fluttershy, none for anyone else.
"Eh I wouldn't worry about, they'll be happy just to see you here so much that they won't think of gifts or presents. Heh I bet they would say something along the lines of, this holiday is about being with friends and family and not the presents."
He laughs a little, a bit cynical. They move closer to townsquare until they can see the cafe where the Mane 6 were enjoying their breakfast. They didn't see the party yet.
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>>9796I hope so, 'cus I didn't get gifts for any of ya.
>>9801It'll be okay, just pay attention to the narration.They approach and are quickly seen by Twilight and her friends who quickly get up to meet them.
"Epic Mount!" Fluttershy exlaims with a bit of excitement.
Twilight added in. "You guys are back and safe, that's great. You'll all have to tell us about your adventures."
Rarity gets up though, scoffing at Twilight's proposal. "Twilight darling, these three are in no condition for trading tales of grandeur. Just look at the state they are in!"
Even though some of them were in new clothes, they were all still grossly tired and worn out. Their bodies are covered in scratches and bruises, their manes are matted down without bathing for a few days and they are overall tired looking with baggy eyes.
"You three should visit they day spa to get some R and R." Rarity offers.
"But they might be seriously hurt, they should go on down to the Hospital to get checked up on." sage advice coming from Twilight.
Trying my best to get their personalities right. No.9804
>>9803Critical thinks about it. "We should probably go to the doctors. I can't even remember all the times I've been knocked around off of my hooves. We all together might have a few bone fractures on our skeletons."
RD voices in excitement. "WOW, danger action and adventuring!? You guys sound like your a part of one of my Daring Do books!"
I think this will be my last post for the day since Clarity is gone. No.9806
>>9805RD: "What, now that's impossible. Why Daring Do is the most spectacular, brave, and the most awesomeness pony around... eh besides me."
Twilight: "That's all well and good but I'm sure these three need to get some help."
The party is escorted by the mane 6 over to the Ponyville Hospital. Once inside, they get scheduled each for a check up by the Doctor named Medical Brace (Yep he's back!). They are then sitted down and they wait for a few minutes until Epic Mount is called into the examination room.
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>>9806"I hope none of us has any major injuries." Rye said as he waited rather impatiently, not enjoying having to sit around with nothing to do - or eat.
"Maybe I should visit the spa or read one of those Daring Do books..."
>>9807The doctor sighs as he is annoyed by the question.
"No it's not that kind of test. I'm just gonna take a look at you and do some x-ray scans. After that I'll do some on the spot medical treatment."
They go through the tests which take a very long time. The tests varied in a body examination, x-ray, taking a temperature, and much more. Eventually Medical Brace comes back with the results for Epic.
"Well Epic it seems that you've seen better days. Not only have I seen multiple burn wounds, fractured bones, and cuts and scars across your body; You also have a broken rib."
He puts on multiple splints on Epic that is easily hidden under his clothes.
"There, that will keep you from doing more damage to yourself so long as you don't do anything stupid. Just rest up easy and you'll be fine."
He then shoos out Epic and calls for the next patient.
>>9808Critical thinks about this, remembering all the hard knocks they've taken, "Eh well maybe not."
He then thinks about leaving, "No that wouldn't be a good idea to leave right now but we can go to the spa later. Or we can go and get something to eat again."
They then see Epic re-enter the waiting room, all bandaged, stitched up, and wearing splints. Looks like the Manticore and much more did a number on him. Then they can hear Medical Brace call out a name.
MB "Summer Rye, come on in. Let's see what the damages are."
>>9809>As he was shooed out.Obviously this guy does not know what it's like growing up in Everfree Forest.
Guy won't even last 5 seconds in a manticore fight.
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>>9809Summer Rye got up and went into the doctor's room. "Oh boy, I hope I won't end up all bandaged up."
>>9811Once Rye gets in, he is greeted by Medical Brace.
"Hello, my name is Medical Brace and I'll be your doctor for today. Now how are you doing right now?... wait I don't care. I save lives and I don't have time for petty conversations."
They go through the examinations much like what Epic had gone through and Brace came back from the results.
"Well Rye, you're not as bad off as your friend but I can still tell you've been through a lot. It amazes how you heroes will put yourselves in so much danger. Anyways you've got multiple burn wounds, a number of lacerations that will need to be disinfected, and it looks like you've eaten some stuff that is not edible so you'll need your stomach pumped. (It would seem like eating 1,000 year old apples was a bad idea.)
They go through all the treatments and Rye is pushed on out of the medical room and back into the waiting room.
Critical is called in as well and from his examinations he had suffered burn wounds, bone fractures, and a number of bat scratches and bites. His treatments would have him patched up and he needed to get a rabies shot as well.
After all that the party was well cured of anything that would pose a threat to their physical health.
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>>9812Rye felt weak after the treatment, especially having his stomach pumped was worse torture than most other things he had done so far.
"I feel sick..." he muttered while waiting outside.
>>9813You alright? Look like you ate something bad...
>>9812How was it for you?
>>9813>>9814"Well I had to get a rabies shot for all of those bats that attacked me so that wasn't so fun... eh it actually sucked."
He then turns to Rye.
"Honestly you look like you got the worst of it mate. Well after all that is over we should go on and go do something fun."
>>9815Doctor says I shouldn't do anything stupid and just rest easy.
Thats like asking a sick homeless pony out in winter to "stay somewhere warm and dry until you've recovered."
Speaking of which I do need to prepare for winter in Everfree Forest.
>>9814>>9815Rye glanced at the doctor "That guy is a weirdo... hopefully he isn't a quack." he muttered, rubbing his aching stomach.
"Winter in Everfree Forest?"
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>>9816>>9817>>9818They all head on outside and they can see that it was much more less populated then before due to the fact that the snow has begun to fall much more rapidly.
"Perhaps you can spend the holidays in Ponyville rather than being held up in the forest. Hell I'm sure the Mane 6 would appreciate that better and we could use you as an intermediary between Rye and myself and the Mane 6. I don't really know who they are and it will be awkward to spend the holiday with strangers."
>>9819I can introduce you to them.
I remember when I first met them.
Never got round to finishing that comic on it.Also critican, do you want a Steam game for Christmas? No.9821
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>>9820Oh you don't have to get me anything really."Yeah that sounds pretty good. Since we're all patched up, we can go over to them now though I'm not sure where they would be at the moment. Hmm... how about you take lead and see where we can get on off to."
Paralogue: Equestrian Hearts Warming.So basically for the holiday season, we will be doing a bunch of side quest stuff Christmas related. Don't worry about being late for anything in the main story, just go ahead and relax and go at your own pace. Like Skyrim.The party goes back to the center of town again where they can see town hall and the iconic Ponyville statue sitting outside the public building.
>>9821I do have a present for Fluttershy.
>The golden comb he brought for her way early in their adventures.But... dunno if it be enough of a gift for somepony.
>>9822"That thing is like... golden. That will be present enough for Fluttershy as it is."
Critical looks around to see what there was to do. In the distance they could see a rather large circus tent that had been pitched up with warm looking lights glowing from it. The circus looked to be ready to go but there was no music or no patrons going in and out of the tent which was odd. The last thing to note about this tent was the fact the sign read
Merry Fair's Wondrous Troupe."Would you look at that. It seems that the Christmas Circus has come to town but there's no line to get in. Sad really, it looks so warm in there... want to check it out?"
>>9826The party enters the tent and the first thing they see is the fact that all of the stands and seats were completely empty. Then they can see the small band of troupe performers were sitting in the center of the tent, looking depressed while talking about something but they can not hear.
Then the troupe leader, a mare wearing fancy looking clothes that were colorful, sees the party and approaches them with the other members of the troupe looking hopeful.
Merry Fair: "Welcome welcome! Come have a seat and watch our performers do their spectacular display of heroic acts of daring. Their vivid details in colors and flashy behavior and of course enjoy one of our crowd favorites, the clown act!"
She looks nervously at the performers.
Merry Fair: "Now now everybody, to your places!"
>>9828The party is seated to watch the performance. The first act was the trapeze artists.
The artist stood high up into the rafters and jumped off, gliding across the air while they were on the swings. They make some jumps between themselves but then at some point they accidentally smack into each other and they both plummet into the safety net below. It takes them a minute to get out and leave the stage with the tails between their legs.
Merry Fair: "Uh... yeah that was a part of their act and all. Don't worry about it. Look! Here comes the next act!"
Merry fair points out the lone unicorn mare coming out on to the stage. She pulls out a fancy looking spell book, reads it, and then she concentrates her horn and produces bright colorful fireworks. At first it was simple sparkle showers that lit up the entire area but when she goes to do the more big explosive loud fireworks, things went wrong. Instead of something grand, the fireworks stop, sputter, and then nothing happens and all the mare has now is a migraine.
Merry Fair: "Yes... yes look at how great that was!" She was forcibly clapping as the mare left. "Oh but you'll get a hoot out of this! Here comes the clowns."
The two clowns get on up close so that they can hear the bad jokes and puns that they were making. It goes on uncomfortably for a few minutes until they decide to go in for a pie fight. Things just get more and more awkward until the last straw was hit when a pie flew into Merry Fair's face.
To put it short, the entire circus act was terrible.
>>9829>Trapeze act.Are those two OK?
>Magic showWow, I've sene better shows at Trixies.
>Clowns>Heckles the clown No.9831
>>9830The Ring Leader cleans herself up as well as get every pony sorted out.
Afterwords she approaches the party with a saddened look. “I’m sorry for
all this mess, we just haven’t been ourselves lately. A serious run of bad
luck has stricken our circus troupe and now our act is so poor that we can’t
even bring in a scratch of an audience.” This Earth Pony mare with a
yellow coat and platinum blonde mane sighs depressive but then starts to
look at you all. “Perhaps... maybe you can help me out here. Try talking to
each of our acts, the Trapeze Artists, The Firework Unicorn, and the
Clowns. Maybe you can encourage to be great again!”
>>9831Sure, we'll see what we can do. Heck I know a few other ponies who maybe able to help you out as well.
But let's help the trapeze artists. Me and my friends dablle in dare devilry ourselves.
>>9832I'm gonna let this be my last post for the day so Clarity won't feel left out.They head on over the trapeze artists who were sitting on off to the side in their own room. One was a stallion and the other was a mare.
Fleet Jump: "Look, honey I think maybe we should try to be a bit more careful."
Air Ride: "I know hubby but..." She sees the party, "Oh hello, how may we help you?"
>>9834Fleet Jump: "Yeah we've been having some trouble for a couple months. It used to be we were so popular but after our bad turn, we can't get anypony into our audience."
Crit: "Yeah, Merry Fair sent us over here to help you guys figure out something to fix your routine. I'm not sure how we're going to do it but we'll try."
Air Ride: "You... help us with our act? ...Well as bad as things are, we'll try anything."
The party would have to show them how to do their act in a better way and from the looks of their last performance, they could probably go through some balancing exercises. To do that though, someone will need to pass a Body Test Difficulty 7. If that is not possible then maybe they can think of another way or buy them something to spruce up the act.
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"It seemed like your fellow circus members were a bit under the weather as well." Rye ponders for a moment while watching Epic attempting one of his own daring acts.
"Be careful! I don't want to see that doctor again any time soon..."
Then he returns his attention to the pair.
"Did anything happen that would everypony cause to underperform in their acts? Or just a string of bad luck...?"
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>>9839I think Critical must do the roll to see how awesome/stupid Epic is.Don't worry, you know I've done this all before.
>>9840>>9841>>9841It was just some simple balancing exercises that they would have to perform. There wasn't going to be any sort of threat to them being hurt in this so they should be fine.
Balance DC 7
Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 5Critical Body
1d6 = 3Rye Body
1d8 = 1I just held off on the roll because I wanted to see what you guys wanted to do. Sorry. No.9844
>>9843Even though they tried to do their best, the Trapeze artists didn't learn much from the exercises and still couldn't get coordinated.
Air Ride: "Sorry loves, that didn't seem to work I'm afraid. Do you know any other sort of way to help or perhaps we should try again?" this, I thought it was good. No.9845
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>>9843Stop rollings 1s!Rye fell flat on his back, groaning. "I'm... still too weak after the doctor's appointment."
Finally he got up again, pondering what to do...
>is it possible to see from their performance earlier whether they could just lack confidence in themselves? No.9846
>>9844I may know three ponies who could help.
Rainbow Dash, Trixie and Pinkie Pie.
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>>9846"Hmmm... yes, Rainbow Dash is a good idea. I'm not sure about Pinkie and that onther filly, Trixie? Her name sounds familiar. Hasn't she worked on a rock farm?"
>>9847Yeah, long story short, she's been somewhat bad, then terrible, then somewhat reformed.
Eitherway, Rainbow Dash can teach the trapeze artists how to balance more efficiently.
Trixie can show how to put on a show... before putting on her own.
And Pinkie Pie... well I guess she would laugh at anything, but she might know how to tell a few jokes.
Then again, I'm pretty good with puns myself.
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>>9848"Ah, so the three are a total package that could fix all three of the acts... that makes sense I suppose."
Rye decides not to comment on that final remark.
>>9850We could split up and find them to save time.
If I recall, Starlight live near the palance, Trixie set up her wagon just outside the palace and Pinkie is usually at Sugarcube Corner.
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>>9851"Since I'm the most familiar with magic out of this group, perhaps I should go and get this Trixie pony. I think a while back I saw one of her shows in Manehattan years ago... so I'm sure I can strike up a rapport with her. Who will you go for Epic?"
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>>9861Back at it.Critical ponders on their situation, wondering how exactly he would go get Trixie to help out with the circus.
"Well I'll go ahead and go grab Trixie, heh it will be nice to meet this "Great and Powerful" pony. Epic if I were you... I would go ahead and go grab Rainbow Dash. She's into sports and exercising and you know more about physical ability than the rest of us!"
Critical parts ways from the group and heads on over to where Trixie was, trudging through the snow that had now created a several inch layer. At least the snowfall has eased back now.
>Heads over to Rainbow Dash's place.>Looks up.Ah...
>Forgot he can't fly. No.9870
>>9869I'm here now, had to go out in town for a bit.He looks around Ponyville after seeing that RD was not at home, he was clued into this due to the fact as to how quiet the area was. Time goes on until he does actually find her near the ponyville lake practicing tricks for a Wonderbolt routine. See catches his presence from a bird's eye view and quickly lands in front of Epic Mount.
RD: "Hey Epic, whatcha doing here? Did you come here to see my spectacular moves?"
She does a proud looking stance, showing off her wing span with a light gust of wind hitting Epic's face.
Critical was looking through townsquare, particularly around the magic shops that Ponyville had to offer. Trinkets and baubles surrounded him and he got distracted for a while, forgetting that he had to go get Trixie. Eventually however he sees her and approaches her after his absent mind returned to his body.
Critical: "Oh hey I needed to speak to you for a moment."
Trixie: "Hm? Who are you and what do you want with Trixie?"
Critical: "Ah my name is Critical Hit, I'm a friend of Epic Mount. I was wondering if you would help out some circus unicorn perform her spell."
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>>9870Oh yeah, I came to check out the awesome acrobatic moves you can pull off. Maybe a grounded pony like me can show you a few forest tricks as well.
>>9871Real quick note, I'm not caught up with the show so sorry in advanced if I say or do something non-canon. Also playing TT Simulator if you want/can joinRD: "Heh heh yeah! This one move is called,
Super Ultra Dive Bomb!"
She goes up into the air and does a plethora of special moves and tricks. Eventually Epic shows off some cool moves as well and this goes on for 30 minutes or so.
RD: "Hey that was fun and pretty cool but I think you came here for a reason. Did you need something from me?"
She seems pleased that she was able to show off to an eager audience.
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>>9872Trixcie lives in a caravan parked not far from Twilights palace.Not me but y'know the circus thats in town for the holidays? Well there are trapeze artists couple that are a bit... out-of-sorts with their act. SO I figured "WHo is the most daring, most extravagant pony I know who can perform feats of dare-devilry of such sheer awesomeness?"
But the doctor said I should take it easy, so I just came to you instead.
>>9873She's still there? Jesus.RD: "Oh yeah that circus is in town? Well I do have to practice for the Wonderbolts. gotta keep in shape and all but... I wouldn't mind showing some rookies the ropes when it comes to the... eh well the ropes!"
She joins Epic and they head on back to the tent.
>>9875When he returns he can see that Critical had already made it back with Trixie in tow. She didn't look too impressed with the circus's lack of audience but she kept her reservations to herself. Rye was still out getting Pinkie Pie but they can assume he'll be back soon.
RD: "This is it?... the place looks a little... abandoned. Anyways I'll go ahead and go show those trapeze artists a thing or two about balancing their weight so that they don't go flying all over the place like a new born pegasus."
Rainbow Dash goes to the Trapeze Artists and shows them how to do their job a bit more properly. The party is rest assured that she'll likely get the job done and they can focus on getting the other performers set up.
>>9877Trixie "Er Epic was it?" She only just joined Twilight's friend circle recently so she is only slightly aware of Epic Mount. "It is nice to see you here, I guess you decided to stay here in Ponyville this year."
Critical: "Yeah he'll be with us for now."
Trixie: "I just remembered that I needed to show off my expertise to this other magic user. I should be off or else she'll miss my magnificence."
>>9878I haven't quite decided. I visited a doctor who said I should "take it easy", but I live in the heart of Everfree Forest where it's natually dangerous and I've yet prepare my home for winter.
I don't have central heating.
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Crtiical puts his arm around Epic with a devious smile but at the same time it was reassuring.
"Nah you should just hang out in Ponyville with us Epic. Hearth's Warming won't be the same with you being there."
[Awkward](Epic Mount)
This was an odd thing for Crit to say to Epic, never really has the warden of the Everfree felt so invited by a pony or a group before. Companionship like this was alien to him but still the comradeship spread across the whole party.
+1 Friendship to all party members.
I'm sorry but if Clarity doesn't post tomorrow then I'm continuing the circus arc without him. No.9881
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>>9880Hehe, Well, if you are sure, I'll stay with you guys.
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After taking a few wrong turns Rye eventually found Sugarcube Corner when his nose more or less lead them there.
"Hello there, is Pinkie Pie home?" he asked upon entering, looking around.
>>9881Trixie: "Well I should go over there and help out that poor mare, she doesn't seem to know what the difference between up and down when it comes to that spell book."
She goes off to help out the firework mare, leaving Epic and Critical alone to talk.
Critical: "I noticed this but I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to waste time but since we're freed up, I would like to ask something. I noticed that you suggested getting Trixie for magic help but not Twilight Sparkle who would be a better candidate to help us out. Basically I was curious as to why you decided to leave her out."
>>9882The cakes pointed him upstairs to where Pinkie Pie resided. He goes up there and finds her just chilling in her room, most likely planning her next party.
Pinkie Pie: "Oh hello I didn't see you come in here. Hey I know you, you're Epic's new friend who's like Apple Jack but now with just a wheat farm. You know I come from a farm but we didn't grow produce but rather rocks which reminds me of this one time..."
She goes off on a speedy tangent, quickly changing subject to subject that had little to do with each other.
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>>9883He chuckled, "I suppose us farmer folks are similiar in a way..."
He had some trouble following Pinkie all the way to the end of the story. He was too busy trying to figure out what a rock farm might be.
"You have to tell me more about this rock farm business some time. It sounds... interesting - but also rather confusing. I mean rocks don't grow on trees. Haven't heard of them just growing at all honestly."
He blinked.
"Anyway, Epic and me could use your help. And the circus that is in town even more so. They got a problem and you might be just the right pony to help them."
>>9884Pinkie: "You need my help, that means you need my help for a party and parties are what I'm good at. Why this one time..."
She goes into another string of tangents while they made their way to the circus. Finally she got on over there and saw the pair of clowns and immediately sped over there, forgetting that Rye was accompanying her. The group of party ponies talk and laugh at some jokes that you could barely hear and they start showing off pranks and stunts in which Pinkie Pie was the best at.
It would seem that all of the actors here had been given assistance so Merry Fair would probably need to be notified of this. Surely she'll be happy to hear the news.
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>>9885Rye called over Critical and Epic and lastly Merry Fair.
"Ma'am, it seems like your circus will put on a splendid performance next time!"
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>>9886Yep! We did it. We saved crimus.
>>9887>>9886Merry Fair was super excited to hear that the circus was getting help and by some time later the party was now treated to a second free show. This time the act opened up with the trapeze artists; they swung around up on their ropes doing daring displays of tricks that flowed elegantly with each other. The mare then stepped up and she shot out an dazzling fountain of sparkles and lights that lit up the entire tent. Finally the clowns came out and did their whole routine which caused the party to laugh more than just one occasion and was ended when they launched themselves out of an over sized cannon.
The noises of the circus as well as the lights brought in a few ponies to come see. This caused more and more to enter in the tent until the whole stands were filled up to the brim.
Merry Fair: "I can't thank you all enough for saving my circus. Here take this as a reward..."
She gave them each 50 bits to spend on and watching the circus together gave them a sense of friendship and one friendship token.
As time went on the circus had to close up to move to the next town so the party had to leave. Once they had gotten outside they can see that it had already gotten dark so they would need to find a place to sleep. In the distance they could see Fluttershy, perhaps she could help.
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>>9888Rye said good bye to the merry circus crowd, thinking it was indeed a splendid performance.
"Huh... now where did Epic sneak off to?" he asked Crit.
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(Happy new year you two!)
>>9889Happy New Years guys.When he approaches Fluttershy, she sees him and greets him. The two have a bit of an awkward exchange but Fluttershy begins to talk first.
Flutter: "Oh Epic I didn't see you there, were you and your friends the ones who helped this circus? Anyways it was getting late so I came by to see if you and your friends wanted to stay at my cottage for the season, it has plenty of room and all."
>>9890Critical sees him talking to Fluttershy but decides it best to stay away at the moment so instead he talks to Rye.
Critical: "Nah I don't know where he went but I'm sure he'll be back soon enough. Hey while we wait how about you tell me about that farm of yours way out in... Trottingham right?"
>>9893Happy New Year!I would love to stay with you- um I mean, to stay at your cottage... D-does it really have room for all three of us?
Oh! I- um... I got you something.
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>>9894Oh by the way, you're not at her cottage, you're just across the street from the rest of the party.Flutter: "Why yes it would be fine, you'll just have to huddle on up downstairs in the living room is all but I should have some sleeping bags and furniture down there."
She then hears the I got you something comment.
Flutter: "Oh... oh you got me something? What is it?"
>>9895Oh well.. It's.. Um... it's just a tirnket really.
>Presents her with the golden comb from his first trip to Canterlot.Me and the guys were doing some shopping and I found this. It made me think of you and figured... well you can have it if you want it.
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>>9896Gonna call it here so that Clarity isn't left behind. Also out of place music. gets the comb and is happy and excited for it, so much so that she gives Epic a hearty hug. She then lets him go and speaks again.
Flutter: "Thank you Epic, I really like it. It is starting to get a bit cold though so we should probably gather your friends and head on over to my cottage."
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>>9897>BlushesI-is it chilly? I haven't notice.
Well, OK. I'll get the others.
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>>9893Summer Rye gave a nod. "Yes, in Trottingham. It's quite a ways off, on an island between Equestria and the griffon lands. I live there with my family, pa - who runs the farm - ma, and two sisters. Grain's our business and we're mighty proud of it. But the last two years haven't been easy for us. Pest infestation, twice. We had enough for ourselves but barely anythin to sell.
So, I decided to look for a job and - well, now I'm here."
He looks into his pouch, checking the bits.
"Well, I earned some money already with you gusy but it's not enough to save the farm. Adventuring is more expensive than I had anticipated."
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>>9899"You're a bit far out from your home there aren't you farm-buck? Anyways yeah living out on your own can get expensive but so long as you keep at it then you should be good to go."
>>9898>>9899The two head on back to Rye and Critical and Fluttershy explains their bedding arrangements which seemed like the best idea. Then they headed on out to the farthest reaches of Ponyville to find Fluttershy's Cottage. Once again Rye and Epic found themselves here surrounded by the peaceful sounds of pets playing but this would be Critical's first time here. sat up on a small hill near a river bed, giving off a quaint look. The cottage looked a bit small but Rye and Epic knew there was plenty of room in the living room.
Critical: "Er... do you think we have enough room?"
Flutter: "Of course, though I don't have many guests over I do keep plenty of soft, warm, snuggly critters here. Then of course I always have tea with Discord on occasion as well."
They enter the cottage to see it was still all cleaned up and good from the last visit they made when taking care of the pets. Angel Bunny caught a glimpse of them when they entered and he seemed to throw a bit of a fit but the rest of them could barely notice.
Flutter: Here make yourselves comfortable while you're here, I'll see if I can make some drinks for you."
The party should see if they can't find some sleeping bags or perhaps some furniture to lay down on.
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>>9900"Well, true. The nearest major city in the vincinity of Trottingham is Manehatten. But that's no place for a simple farmer like me. Now Ponyville, that's known for apples and everyone getting along and havinga chance. So I came here."
Once they arrived at Fluttershy's cottage he glanced at Angel and stuck out his tongue.
"Thanks for letting us stay here, I really hope it's no bother."
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>>9901>>9902Flutter: "Oh it's no trouble at all really."
She goes into the kitchen and leaves the party to their own devices so that they can get set up. In the meantime they manage to find some suitable blankets from a nearby closet space and they get comfy.png on some of the chairs and sofa, taking a moment of respite to ward off the chilling cold from their bodies.
Since they had some time now, Critical decided to keep up the small talk and mess with Epic some. Rye might have not have noticed it but critical was the most perceptive out of the group and he started to get a feeling on how Epic felt towards Fluttershy.
Critcial: So Epic since you're gonna be here in this cottage for the season, you're not gonna do any weird stuff with Fluttershy right?"
Clearly his jest was a well placed stab at Epic's inner emotions which he would expect to make the most out of the hilarity to be had.
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>>9903>The joke went over his head.Only if Fluttershy asks. Things do tend to get bit wierd or hectic around Ponyville now and again.
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>>9903"And how have you been, Angel? Up to any more mischieve?" Rye asked the bunny.
>>9904"Things have been weird wherever we went lately."
>>9904Crit's face goes cross for a second and then he shakes it off, disappointed at how little Epic reacted. He made sure to make a note to be a lot more blunt in order to throw his friend off next time.
Critical: "I've noticed that and with the Hearts Warming coming up, I imagine things will get even more on the wild side than usual... unless some bugbear attacks or something."
>>9905Angel Bunny doesn't seem to like that the party was there and he just scampers off all angrily up to Fluttershy's room. One can assume that one of the party members took up one of Angel's favorite places to sleep.
>>9904>>9905Time goes on and Fluttershy brings in several cups of tea for them to enjoy. Warm drink and soft bedding made for a nice time to be had and they all talked and laughed well into the night until they all went to sleep. The party does this for the season, drawing closer and closer to Hearts Warming with each passing day.
And here is the holiday special with a time transition of a few weeks.As time went on, all of the families of Ponyville do their shopping for the holiday and the party was given the time to enjoy the sights around Ponyville which was well decorated with lights and other festivities. Everything was calm compared to what all the party had went through with assassins, crime lords, and ancient cities.
Then one day the party was walking along the streets and they passed by the train station to see a large and disgruntled crowd arguing to a lone train conductor. Things looked bad and the party should probably investigate.
Conductor: "We're not sure what happened to the train that was supposed to deliver all of your packages and gifts that you ordered through catalogues but rest assured that we are doing our best to find the missing train and your orders are likely to arrive after the season."
The crowd didn't like that, Hearts Warming was tomorrow and knowing that their presents won't be here made them upset. Most of them started to demand reimbursements for the lost packages.
>>9906Yeah, I wish I was around for that Bugbear attack to help out.
>The train issue>Epic called out.Was anypony hurt? What happened to the train?
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>>9906Rye snorts "That bunny sure is a handful."
As Rye was the train station with his friends, making his way through the annoyed crowd.
"Hm, a missing train? Huh..." he thought for a moment. "Well, a train can't just up and disappear, can it? It must have broken down on the way here."
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>>9909"Exactly! Maybe they have a handcar, that would make it easier and we wouldn't have to walk!"
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>>9911[Short Fuse]
Critical lightly punches at Epic to get his attention.
"Hey I'm still here with you. I know I'm short and all but I'm not that short you assholes!"
>>9908>>9909>>9910The crowd eventually disperses and the conductor goes into the little shack they use to rest up and so the party quietly followed in suit. They enter the shack to find it to be very warm and cozy with the conductor looking over the train schedule on his desk. He looks up and sees the party enter...
Conductor: "Eh? I already told you all the train won't be coming in until further notice and we're doing everything to recover the train as well as its crew and passengers."
Critical: "We're not here for the presents... er well we are but in a different way."
The Conductor looks confused and awaited an explanation.
>>9912>Epic barely responded to the punch and teased him a little.We wanted to include you because we thought you were
a little behind.>The matter of the missing train.Is anypony hurt?
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>>9912Rye rolled his eyes as Epic teased Critical which the latter seemed not to particularly enjoy.
"Cut it out you two..."
He turns towards the conductor.
"Sir, maybe we can help you with your missing train problem."
>>9913Critical just scoffs at Epic without a word, to be honest Critical reminded him a little of Angel Bunny.
Conductor: "We're not entirely sure if anypony is hurt. A storm is starting to pick up soon and I can't risk sending out a search party out there."
>>9914 conductor's ears twitch at the proposal, he knows it was dangerous but perhaps this was the best chance of finding the train and the missing crew and passengers.
Conductor: "It will be dangerous out there as well as freezing. I suggest that you do not go out there but... I will not force you all to stay here. If you do go you can use a service cart to travel across the rails with. The service cart is already set up on the tracks and it can also pull a train engine and one passenger car back with ease."
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>>9915>>9916"Yeah, we'll look for the train. So... how does that cart work excactly?"
Rye scratched his head.
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>>9916Neat>>9917>>9918Conductor: "Exactly like that though a lot of the mechanical parts will do most of the work so a single earth pony can pull the engine and a passenger car at one time."
They all head on out to the back to find the cart, it was a bit small and decrepit but it should have enough room for all three.
>Pic related.The conductor wishes them good luck then heads on back inside to most likely fill out an accident report.
Critical "Okay... so who out of the two of you wants to start working this thing? I prolly can't do too much with this cart unless you want to reach the train by next year."
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>>9919Rye nods. "Ah, it's one of those. I thought it might be a different sort of contraption as you mentioned it can pull the engine plus a cart; didn't know you got a special version that can do that."
Summer Rye climbed onto the cart.
"I guess I'll start. Say Crit, it might be getting pretty cold. Could you fly to the market and maybe get a blanket for each of us or something like that?"
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>>9920Critical looks at Rye funny and then points at his forehead.
Critical: "Summer Rye... you do know I can't fly right? Like have you never seen this phallic shaped, spiraled cone planted on my forehead. But yeah I'll go find us some blankets to use while on our way."
>>9921Rye and Epic get what little bits of the cart that needs to be ready while Critical is away to go buy carts. When he came back he had three thick wool blankets that were grey and bland looking but the blankets. Most certainly Rarity would not appreciate such drab but necessary attire.
Crit Bits: 169
Critical: "Here this will keep us all warm on our way there."
Finally they are able to set off and find the missing train. Epic and Rye pumped the levers of the cart as Critical kept his eyes out looking for the train that had disappeared. The weather was still and quiet but it was starting to pick up and add to the already 1 foot of snow on the ground. Luckily for the party the tracks were covered in some sort of special Canterlot road salts to keep it clear so the trains can keep running.
As time went on though the snow got much more violent and Critical could see three mounds of snow that were alive and rushing towards them with great speed, getting ever nearer to the cart.
Critical: "Uh guys...!?"
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>>9922Rye rolled his eyes... "I didn't mean fly as in literally fly but fly as in rush over to the market. Thanks for the blankets!"
Rye was huffing and puffing as he moved lever with Epic.
"Huh? Have you seen the train?"
>>9923Before Critical could say anything to warn them, the snow mounds formed themselves up to now include two short paws and a gaping maw each and they started to attack the cart. Ramming it and trying to cause their cart to capsize and fall over.
Combat EncounterSnow Golem A B C
HP 12: B 8: M 4: C:6
Ram: 8
Freeze: 8
Special Note:
The Cart has 3 hit points and if the golems use ram on it too many times then the cart will fall over and break and the party will have to walk on hoof. Cart DC is 10
>>9925 takes the hefty thunder hammer out which causes the cart to rattle when doing so because of the sheer weight of it. He then hones in his focus to the head of the hammer and aims at the snow golem.
Hammer Body
1d12 = 7 VS Snolem A Body
1d8 = 1Critical whipped out his cards and sent of flurry of them at the second golem.
Critical Mind
1d10 = 10 Gamb
1d12 = 4 VS Snolem B Body
1d8 = 6>>9926Looking at the situation here, the golems were fast and they would be able to catch up easily due to the fact that they are on a railroad with an easy to predict path of direction. Escape is possible though if he is able to work the cart fast enough though he can leave it to fight some. Just note that the cart will eventually slow down to a stop with someone driving it.
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>>9927Rye took his spade and gave the snow golems a good "shoveling".
>>9928Oh yewah I meant Epic took out the hammer. Sorry that post was real early.>>9929Rye attacks the snow golem rushing near him, trying to get rid of it.
Rye Body
1d8 = 3 Farm
1d12 = 1 VS Golem B Body
1d8 = 5 No.9931
>>9927>>9930Golems A and B took serios damage but the Golem A was stunned from half damage and fell behind because it could not move, thus leaving combat.
Golem A HP 5 (Has Left Combat)
Golem B HP 2
The golems try their best to attack
Golem B Body
1d8 = 1 Freeze
1d8 = 8 VS Rye Body
1d8 + 1 = 8Golem C Body
1d8 = 2 Ram
1d8 = 1 VS Cart
1d10 = 6 No.9932
>>9931Rye was bitten by the cold which caused some damage to him.
Rye HP 8
The Cart has moved to a medium tier speed and the Cart DC is now 1d8
>>9933>>9934With their combined effort, the cart returns to its max speed though it is recommended that only one party member focuses on the cart but they all should be able to switch back and forth between the monsters and the cart. It just requires teamwork and coordination.
Critical goes to attack the snolem B.
Critical Mind
1d10 = 2 Gamb
1d12 = 11 VS Snolem B Body
1d8 = 5 No.9936
>>9935The snolem was obliterated, only to exploded into icy dust of snow scattering around the ground and onto the cart as well.
The other golem goes to attack the cart.
Snolem Body
1d8 = 4 Ram
1d8 = 6 VS Cart
1d10 = 6 No.9937
>>9936The cart shakes, nearly falling off the track. They can also notice that the wooden floor boards of the cart are now chipped up and mishapen, the cart still fine but it has now taken some damage.
Cart HP 2
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Summer Rye swings his shovel once more.
>>9938Epic Mount goes in to attack the last snow golem by punching it.
Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 7 Mart
1d8 = 6 VS Snolem Body
1d8 = 1.
>>9939Rye tries to swing at the golem and keep it away from the now damaged cart.
Rye Body
1d8 = 8 Farm
1d12 = 1 VS Snolem Body
1d8 = 3 No.9943
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>>9941Rye groaned, having taken quite a bump. "It's weird how many critters there are about... Equestria used to feel much safer. Maybe those snow golems roughed up the train engine. Let's hurry..."
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>>9943Snow golems arn't a natual; occuring creature in nature, unlike Timberwolves which are similar to golems in nature.
Yeah, let's hurry.
>>9943>>9944"Yes I agree with Epic Mount here, those golems are crafted by some powerful magic user and can not be found in nature. Of course we can ponder this later after we have found the train."
The cart goes on for a little while longer as the snow picks up more, falling at a steady pace now but it does nothing to reduce visibility. This was fortunate for the party as just up ahead they could see an express train that had been frozen over with what looked to be the snow covering up along the wheels to prevent passage. They should try to investigate the train and see if they can find survivors.
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>>9946Rye rushed over to the passenger cart.
>>9950Epic could see that there was some serious struggle here and it would be safe to assume that the passengers were taken by the snow golems like how the party was attacked not too long ago.
Critical: "Well it seems that we know what happened to the passengers at least. The snow golems attacked the train and dragged them off to who knows where. The only question is where were they taken to?"
There wasn't anything here to help determine that but there might be more clues found else where on the train. Pondering their options and theories though, they hear a cracking noise or the sound of something falling down in the next cart. The next carriage looked to be of storage and where the presents would be stored.
>>9951Well we found the presents, though maybe it was a particular wrapped item that summoned the snow golems, like a trinket somepony thought would be nice and not understand the dangers.
Let's examine the next cart for anything out of place. Like presents that were opened, taken, glowing or anything suspicious.
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>>9952Critical: "I dunno, all this stuff doesn't look like presents. There's no gift wrapping and its all suitcases and clothes and junk. Anyways lets look into the storage area."
The go on up to the door and enter through and find the storage area a mess and nearly destroyed. Crates smashed and detritus spread about the carriage. Another noise was made again and this was far in the back corner behind a large box, then things go quiet and Crit whispers to Epic to not give off their presence.
Critical: "Yo there's something over there. Could be a survivor or could be some sort of monster lingering about. What do you want to do?"
>>9953>Epic calls outHey anypony there? We're here to help!
>Approaches but with caution.Are you hurt?
>>9954???: "Oh by Celestia they finally sent help."
They can see a dark grey hoof waving at them from behind the box was followed shortly by a train conductor pony who looked aged and grizzled with long years on the train rails. He was also wearing a frosted and torn up conductors suit but the outfit was missing the hat.
Rail Way: "The name is Rail Way and I'm in charge of this train... and much worth now with the passengers, crew, cargo gone and the train stuck in one place because of the damn enchanted snow."
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>>9955Enchanted snow? What happened here?
My guess you took a page from the first MLP cartoon and we're gonna fight a penguin. No.9957
>>9956Uh no not really though it is pretty generic I guess. Also final boss will be a bit more intimidating than a penguin.Rail Way: "It happened last night when we were alerted to the whole train suddenly slowing down which caused a bunch of our riders to fall on over. When the train came to a full halt when I was helping the passengers while an assistant of mine was trying to get the train back in control and the car doors were barged open and these snow monsters wrestled away the passengers. I tried to get away at first and left the train and ducked into the woods, in my haste I didn't consider the safety of my passengers of that of which I am ashamed."
Things were getting pretty sad with this story but Rail way tries to get to the more important info.
Rail Way: "When things seemed clear I came back to the train to find it abandoned and snow holding onto the wheels, clearing any of the wheels will just have more snow shift up onto it. After I realized that the effort was fruitless I decided to hold up in the train and wait for a search party to rescue me and possibly find the passengers. Look I know I failed but I watched the passengers be taken to the south to the mountains, if you can save them I would be most grateful."
>>9957South of the mountains. Got it.
Is there any way we can defrost the train to get it on it's way?
>>9958Rail Way: "Not by conventional means but perhaps there will be something over at their base that can free up the train again. Even though it seems impossible to remove, I'll continue to try to get the train up and running and clearing off the magic snow, perhaps if I warm up the engine..."
Critical: "Yeah you focus on that while we go into the frozen breach filled with monsters and the like. Heh I think that this will be a much suitable way for us to celebrate Hearths Warming eh Epic?"
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"Do we have any means to keep the direction? I don't want to get lost here."
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>>9963We're heading towards that mountain and I'm good at tracking. I know the way.
>>9963>>9964Critical: "Yeah with Epic on our side we should be able to keep track of our direction..."
The party presses on through the vast forest; pines, conifers, oaks, and much more in that respect. Eventually they reach a clearing in the forest at the base of the mountain; from what they could see was an old looking mine entrance that was guarded by two Snow Golems and one Ice Construct.
>>9966Double Dubs. Also no comment on the monsters? You know you gotta try to do something to get past them right? Like sneak by, fight them, find a different entrance, etc. You gotta use your imagination!.They haven't been spotted yet since they were still hidden away within the tree line so they can make a plan.
Critical: "Well since we aren't on a speeding railcart, it should be easier to fight them. Of course Rye is hurt somewhat so maybe we can try to find a different entrance."
>>9968Oh okay. No prob, also last post cause I gotta get ready.[Chaotic]
Critical: "Ha ha, I actually like that idea. Lets see if we can't fashion something together and get a decoy ready. I'l focus on getting ready they snowmare, you guys go look around for twigs, stones, and perhaps some of the clothing that the passengers may have dropped so we can add more detail to our sculpture."
Critical starts to focus on his telekinesis spell, lifting up several lumps of snow together and shaping them up midair.
Crit Mind
1d10 = 1 Tele
1d12 = 12 VS DC _
Basically our DC will be our scores added together vs the enemies charms added together. No.9972
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>>9968"A snowmare? That... is one odd idea. Are those snow golems even 'alive' and would bother for a 'mare'..."
Summer Rye muttered while looking for suitable twigs.
>>9971"Berries in the middle of winter?"
>>9971Epic Mount goes around to search for the items that Critical had mentioned as well as those snow berries. Even though Epic had lived in the Everfree for nearly all his life, that experience would not help him much in this situation finding things.
Epic Mind
1d6 + 1 = 5 Stare
1d4 + 1 = 5 VS DC_
>>9972Rye went around to find the items needed as well and with his experience at farming, finding thigns like twigs and berries will be much easier for him.
Rye Mind
1d8 = 4 Farm
1d12 = 4 VS DC_
>>9974With their combined efforts, the two were able to adequately decorate a sexy snowmare to distract the golems with. This snow craft that they made was then floated out with critical's magic and set into the clearing to bait the golems with.
Snowlem A Charm
1d6 = 6+
Snowlem B Charm
1d6 = 5+
Ice Construct Charm
1d8 = 5+
VS Snow Mare Charm 21
>>9975All of the golems curiously flock towards the snow craft that the party had made and the golems were completely oblivious to the party's presence. As a result the party was free to move about the clearing without being noticed by the golems.
The only question though did the golems have a sexual interest in the snow craft or was it just simple curiousity.
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Rye began sneaking towards that mine entrance.
>>9977>>9978They entered into the mineshaft to find that it was not what was to be expected. Instead of it to be some crumbling rocky passage it looked to be re-purposed to be reminiscent of a castle with torches lining the walls, dingy torn up carpets laying on the floor, and thick reinforced doors set up on impromptu hinges that blocked off the passage deeper into the mine. The room that they were in though only had one way to go but as they look further into the mine shaft they can see orange glowing lights that were probably candles set up at table's height.
For the remainder of their time here in the mine, Summer Rye is fearful of the cave like complex and his rolls will have -2 on them. No.9981
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>>9980I hope you're ready for your most heroic battle yet!They look around the area but they find no traps. Instead they find more trails of snow leading into the room of candles, accompanying the trails were also more belongings and torn up gift wrapping so it was safe to assume that the passengers were dragged through here.
Critical: "We must be getting close but I wonder who is the host of this... [i]manor[/?]"
>>9981I would like to be cautious and get to know who we're dealing with before whoever it is finds us first.I wish I knew.
>Taskes a momentHow are you both holding up?
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>>9982No probThey keep searching the main room and they eventually do find something hidden away. There was a false rock wall and a pulley chain that when pulled revealed a small larder room to the right. Inside was a storage of foods hidden away most likely by the master of this place. Inside was also a portrait hanging up on the wall of an ungodly looking goblin creature.
>pic related.The party can probably seal themselves in here to rest in a secure place and then exit when ready.
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>>9983>When Epic first saw the picture, he thought it was the actual thing and jumped a little in shock.W-what is that... thing? I've never seen anything like it.
If we're going to battle, I'd rather us all be ready top RP. Clarity isn't onlike at the mo. No.9985
>>9984>Thought final boss was gonna be some penguin king>Finds out its mother fucking Krampus>Doesn't realize how evil of a GM I am.Critical is just frozen, not because of the temperature, as his eyes lock onto the abysmal eye sockets of the subject in the painting. It was surely the most disturbing thing they have seen up to date and it could prove to be the most difficult encounter they had. Of course it is also likely this master was intelligent so perhaps they can talk to it if they encounter him.
Critical: "By Celestia's holy light..."
They seal themselves in the room and help themselves to whatever provisions they can muster in the room and rest for an hour, all the while under the creeping gaze of the master's portrait.
Critical HP 16 Max
Epic HP 18 Max
Rye HP 8 + Body
1d8 = 6 No.9988
>>9987He's not on Steam at the moment.Do you think theres more than one of his sorts that are common?
Maybe he is some sort of gargoyle or a Storm Creature, he looks similar to one.
Could be a demon for all we know.
>Epic pondersI wonder if he;s weak against fire? Or if he has any weakness? Why did he kidnap these ponies? Whats in it for him?
Critical: "Heh maybe he wants to eat them or experiment on them for some sort of magic fetish. Ah well as for weaknesses we'll just have to use logic and try what we can do."
>>9991I guess so, but lets not engage until we know what we're dealing with and that we're all ready.
He already has the advantage with hostages.
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Rye takes his time to use up two pony balms on himself, not feeling so well.
He didn't like the cave and that Krampus picture even less.
"Why are there always caves?"
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>>9995"I expect someone like him not to exist at all!"
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>>9997"He could also live in a snow castle or something, not in a cave... I don't like caves one bit."
>>9994>>9995>>9996>>9997Rye healed himself up with one ponybalm but couldn't use the other since he had already hit his peek of physical health.
Critical: "Well then guys we should probably get a move on now seeing that it's been an hour since we held ourselves up in here."
>>9998Wouldn't risk the snow falling on us if the castle falls.
Les do dis.
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Rye exchanged his spade for the sword this time.
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>>10004The party was relatively ready for what was to come so they decided to proceed forward to what they found was a dining hall that stank malodorous. The table was set for at least ten ponies but almost all of the chairs were empty, the table had rotted food strewn about it and there were numerous candelabras illuminating the area. As they tried to focus on their vision, they see a nightmarish face barely lit by the orange glow.
Master of Ice: "So you are the ponies who came to disturb my abode? I wonder, what has brought you here, was it to find the missing ponies and gifts?"
His eyes were void of any light, deep and sullen black pits that punch into his skull. His goblin skin looked dry and leathery yet the only thing appealing was the red coat that was similar to what Epic was wearing now.
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>>10005"Yes, that is why we are here. Why did you pony-nap them?"
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>>10006>>10007Master of Ice: "I am what creeps around at the night during this holiday, I am the icy cold that bites at your hearts, I am the discourse that destroys friendship and seeing this train of presents and families it was my obligation to sow the seeds of misery."
He got on up from his seat and the room lit up as the candles went up in flames. The party could also see what looked to be a jail door behind and to the right of the master of ice.
Master of Ice: "I can sense that you have bonds of friendship and you find such strength within the concept. I will destroy you..."
Boss EncounterMaster of Ice
Stats Unknown No.10010
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>>10008Rye ducked behind one of those chairs.
"What about this place? What is it with this table and all the spoilt food?"
>>10009Epic Mount snatches up one of the candles and hurls it at the Ice Master though due to the column of fire it was making he would take damage too.
Epic Fire damage
1d4 = 4Epic Body
1d12 = 3 Mart
1d12 = 7 VS MoI Body
1d20 = 10>>10010Things had already gone to shit and the conversation was over. Now was the time to fight! Or he can try to get over to the door.
Critical goes in to attack the MoI with his cards.
Critical Mind
1d10 = 3 Gamb
1d12 = 7 VS MoI Body
1d20 = 19 No.10013
>>10012Yeah if it hits. I'll just post stats.Master of Ice
B: 20 M: 12 C: 20
HP: 32
Disturb: 20
Inlficts a character's mental quirks. C VS M
Rake 12
Claw attack
Freeze 12
Summon Golem SF
Summons Snowlem or Ice Construct, recharges after three turns
Attack Twice, Weakness to fire, Resistant to Mind Effect,
>>10014>Gotta wait for his turnThe Master of Ice starts to chant some sort of incantation while staring at Critical Hit with ghostly eyes.
MoI Charm
1d20 = 2 Dist
1d20 = 11 VS Critical Mind
1d10 = 7 Random
1d2 = 2: 1=Chaotic 2=ShortFuse
Summon Golem
1d2 = 2 1=Snowlem 2=Ice Construct
>>10016Critical's soul was pierced through and a flame was sparked in his chest to the point he lost control.
Then the Master of Ice summoned an Ice Construct.
>>10014>>10015Epic Mount attacks and tries to deal some damage.
Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 3 Mart
1d8 = 7 VS MoI Body
1d20 = 18Rye pushes further until he got up to the door. The only thing though that it was locked but Critical can open locks but he is a bit... occupied.
Short Fuse [Lasts 1 turn]
Critical just charges at the Master of Ice and attacks randomly.
1d3 = 2 Skill
Critical Mind
1d10 = 7Gambit
1d12 = 6Telekinesis
1d12 = 3Chaos
1d8 = 4 No.10023
Okay back on but I think I got a real serious hangover from last night. I don't have a headache but it felt like I was on the verge of throwing up this morning and I am constantly thirsty. I did just take some antacid tablets so I'm hoping that will take me through my work day. As for what got me drunk, I drank a half worth of a red solo cup of scotch which was 40percent. Didn't get black out drunk and was able to play vidya, just feel like shit right now. Never gonna drink that much again.>>10018Critical tries to hurl a chair at the Master of Ice with divine fury but it just smashes against the wall right next to Summer Rye. Fortunately though he was able to get his cool back mostly.
Epic Mount tries to punch the Master of Ice but it went to no avail as he just struck the coat the MoI was wearing and did not hit the body.
Critical: "Epic Mount! See if you can't use that golem control rod to summon our friend. He might still be alive!"
The Master of Ice rears up to attack Epic Mount with his long jagged claws.
MoI Body
1d20 = 1 Rake
1d12 = 7 VS Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 3 Def
1d12 = 6He then stares into his soul to disturb him, cutting back the veil of a brave warrior to attack his psyche.
MoI Charm
1d20 = 4 Dist
1d20 = 16 VS Epic Mount Mind
1d6 = 3 Def
1d12 = 3 No.10024
>>10023Epic Mount was hit for some minor damage but damage nonetheless as he body now bled with four claw marks going down the side. As a result he mutters something to the party to hear which was quite unfitting for the situation.
Epic Mount HP 9
[Awkward] DC Epic Mount Charm
1d12 + 1 = 12Critical Mind
1d10 = 7Rye Mind
1d8 - 2 = 1 Fear of Caves
Failure will be minus 1 to all mind and charm rolls.
>>10024The Ice construct then goes in to attack Critical Hit.
Ice Con Body
1d10 = 9 Rake
1d8 = 5 VS Critical Body
1d6 = 2 No.10026
>>10025Critical was hit and the Ice Construct cut through his light barding and made him bleed. Feel the pain!
Critical HP 8
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Summer Rye had a cooking kit and hoping there was a knife or somthing in it tried to pick the lock that way.
>>10027The control rod glowed and bathed the room in a bright blue light, flashing everyone blind for just a second to reveal the familiar stone golem before them.
Pillar: "Do not worry, I have come to assist in combat even though my time here will be short."
>>10028He goes through his cooking kit and he does find a small paring knife but he can not use it to pick the lock because Summer Rye does not have a lock opening skill.
Sorry guys, I would make Critical and Pillar attack this post but I don't have access to any of the docs from here so feel free to take an extra turn. No.10031
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>>10029Pillar goes off and attacks at the Ice Construct to keep it off of the party.
Pillar Body
1d12 = 2 Bash
1d12 = 4 VS Ice Construct Body
1d10 = 3Critical, still a bit steamed, looks at Epic with intense stare as he shouts at Epic at the top of his lungs.
He then uses his chaos magic onto Epic...
Critical Mind
1d10 = 6 Cha
1d8 = 5Results will add to Epic Mount's next attack rolls.
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>>10029Muttering in disappointment Summer Rye does one of either two things...
1.) If his Lamp is filled with oil he'll throw it at the Krampus, followed by the candle
2.) If it's Lamp with a candle he'll instead attack the nearest enemy with his sword
>>10032He hurls the lamp at the MoI, causing the lantern to explode and erupt in flames!
Rye Body
1d8 = 4 Cook
1d6 = 4 VS MoI Body
1d20 = 17Area Effect:
1d8 = 7, Weakness to Flame:
1d8 = 5>>10033His muscles instantly bolstered and grew at least one inch bigger all around. Even though he felt much stronger than normal, even confident he could lift a taxi wagon, it was still strange and unnatural due to the chaotic energies.
Epic Mount Body
1d12 + 6 = 15 Mart
1d8 + 6 = 10 VS MoI Body
1d20 = 1 No.10036
>>10031>>10034All together the damages were extremely lethal to the Master of Ice but he still stood strong and able to attack. The Ice Construct was taking in damage as well thanks to Pillar.
MoI HP 5
Ice Construct HP 10
Then the enemies go in to attack once more!
MoI Body
1d20 = 10 Rake
1d12 = 5 VS Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 11 Def
1d12 = 4MoI Charm
1d20 = 19 Dist
1d20 = 17 VS Rye Mind
1d8 = 8Ice Construct Body
1d10 = 10 Rake
1d8 = 2 VS Pillar Body
1d12 = 9 No.10037
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>>10036>>10035The Master of Ice narrowly misses Epic Mount with a claw attack, only scratching across the floor and Epic jumps out of the way.
Rye was inflicted with such fears that he could not attack the next turn.
Pillar was hit by the construct fairly bad and now only had 8 HP left.
Critical: "Keep up the assualt! We almost got this guy down and I am not going to die here on Hearts Warming today!"
>>10038Grapple Attack!
Epic Body
1d12 = 5 Mart
1d8 = 1 VS MoI Body
1d20 = 1By now for Epic the boosting magics that made him strong are now gone and he is back to normal.
>>10039 MoI was grappled up by Epic Mount and he could not move, prompting any attack to be surefire hits.
Critical Mind
1d10 = 10 Gamb
1d12 = 4 VS MoI Body [X]
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>>10039>>10040That last hit causes the Master of Ice to break free from Epic Mount and he screeches at the top of his lungs from taking to much damage. Soon enough his body fizzle away into dust to the point where the only thing left of him was the ruined, tattered, red coat lying on the floor which was about the size of a large carpet. The Ice Construct as well as Pillar goes ahead and fades away due to the fact that their masters no longer need them and the combat was over, but feel free to summon Pillar when you need him.
Critical: "Thats it... we got him. We actually got him."
>>10042Looking at the cape he found it to be useless and too big for anypony to wear, even for Epic Mount but he did find a silver shiny key that looked to be the cleanest object here in this castle mine. Perhaps this key will open up the heavy metal jail door at the end of the room where Rye was standing.
They haven't found any of the prisoners or gifts yet so it is likely that they might be back there.
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>>10044Critical smiles in his roughed up state, in fact the entire party was well torn up both physically and likely mentally as well after such a scrape like that.
Critical: "Good on ya... lets go rescue some ponies."
They go on up to the steel door while Crit was floating up one of the candelabras as light andEpic Mount opens up the door. Before them laid a hall that led into a large room to where they can see a bunch of scared ponies ranging between Stallions, Mares, and even Fillies and Colts. Behind the prisoners were also large stacks of beaten up presents that still contained the gifts inside.
Lily: "W-who are you ponies? Are you here to rescue us!?"
Last post for today, gotta go work No.10046
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>>10045Yeah. We're here to rescue you. All of you are top of your families wishlists for Hearth's warming.
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>>10045"There you all are... now let's get out of here, quickly! The monsters are gone!"
Rye rushed ahead, just wanting to get out of the creepy cave!
>>10046>>10047Lily: "Thank goodness your here, we all want to go home. Come on, we'll follow you on back out of the mine. Hopefully the train is still there."
The citizens all gather up their things and were able to evenly distribute the presents and take all of it with them intact. Then the entire group fled the mine and went through the forest until they were able to reach the train. The train they saw had smoke billowing out of the engine and the snow had receded from the tracks but they could not see the conductor.
>>10048Summer Rye checks for traces.
"Hop on board everypone, we have to see where the conductor is!"
>>10049>>10050As they spoke aloud on what they should do next, the conductor pops his head out the window of the train engine.
Conductor: "Hey, I was able to get the train up and running again." He steps out to greet them. "Hardest part was the snow on the wheels but the most damnedest thing happened. For some reason the snow just yielded to me and just receded for no apparent reason. Anyways go ahead and get that service cart off the rails and load on up into the passenger car. It's still chilly but we'll be home soon enough to warm up to a fire."
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>>10051"Oh! There you are! Is the train all set and ready to leave? We found all the passengers. Let's get out of here!"
>>10052Conductor: "Yes I see that you were able to, thank you my friends for your brave efforts. Anyways yes the train is ready to go and all but I need you guys to remove the service cart from the rails so we don hit it. We'll just leave it behind since this is an emergency and all that."
Critical: "C'mon Rye, we got some lifting to do here."
>>10053"Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that."
Rye tries to lift it off the rails.
"Maybe we can attach it to the back of the train and take it along?"
>>10054The party all goes up to the side of the service cart to tip it over, all of them pressing their backs against the side. It took some work to get it and it seems like it was gonna take a while.
Critical: "Eh it would take too much work to carry this heavy metal thing. We'll just let the train service ponies to come back and collect it. For now we should get the passengers back to Ponyville as soon as possible."
The cold was starting to bite at them as it continued to snow more. The cart was still pretty heavy but they were continuously making progress.
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>>10055"Fair enough" Rye said, huffing and puffing while moving the cart.
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>>10056>>10057Critical: "Yeah we were able to... get everything."
Finally the cart topples over and falls flat upside down. Now the tracks were clear and the train was ready to go back home.
Critical: "There now we can get out of here and practice the holidays properly. Opening presents and getting new stuff."
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>>10058>As the cart tipped back with a loud clatter.I hope none of those parcels were marked fragile.
New stuff?
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>>10058"Alright, off we go. Presents or no, I'll be glad to just sit at a warm fire."
>>10059Critical: "I'm sure some of the gifts were roughed up in this ordeal though they all still looked intact and good to open. And yeah getting new stuff, presents always have items in them and opening one means getting something new!"
>>10060The party makes their way to the passenger car and load up last after everyone else had boarded. They manage to find a lone booth and sit down, feeling the train make a jolt and they headed on out slowly back to Ponyville.
Finally after all that had happened today they were able to get some rest while riding a train. Likely for some of them this was the first time they ridden the steel ride. They also do have some time to talk to one another
For RPAlso reflecting on all of the things that they had done since they left Canterlot, the enemies they fought and the truths and burdens they have taken on. The party still had much more to achieve and learn and grow, but for now they should revel in where they had gotten so far.
Characters gain a level.
Post your upgrades in the ooc thread. No.10082
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>>10061>>10065 looks out through the frosted window, watching the trees and rocks pass by slowly while being accompanied by a chunking noise caused by the wheels of the train. The snow had finally stopped falling, leaving the landscaped to be blanketed in white crystalline powder. He eventually turns to speak to the party, having his words cross over the table in a casual manner.
Critical: "So Epic, were you planning on opening presents with the mane 6? I don't think me or Rye have any relatives in the Ponyville area so I was wondering on hitting up on Twilights Castle party."
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>>10082"Hmmm, spending time at the castle sounds good. Do you think they'll be having a Hearth's Warming Eve play?"
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>>10083Critical: "I don't think so, its more or less a house party but almost anyone from the area can come in. Or so that's what I've heard. Hey you know Rye, the place should have some good food to be had here so I think we'll all be busy tonight."
I would have done the play but we are in mid january so we need to get this special done so we can move on. No.10090
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>>10084"Hmmm... food, I like the sound of that. I could go with a stew now."
>>10085"We can prepare presents next year. There wasn't really time for it anyway."
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>>10085>>10090Critical: "Eh it's fine, we were pretty busy lately with what's been going on in our lives. The party should be good though at least."
The train finally arrives back and they were all greeted by an awe drop crowd. Ponies got off of the train with their belongings and reunited with their loved ones, teary yet happy eyes and all. The party was left sitting in the train alone and everyone was waiting for them to leave the train so that they can celebrate the holiday's heroes.
Critical: "Heh, looks like we won't be making a quiet exit this time."
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>>10091"Oh boy... that's embarrassing, I'm not really into big crowds and there being a big deal made about me."
Rye pressed his nose against the window and gave a wave at the ponies outside before ducking away.
"But I guess we can't just stay in here."
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>>10092>>10093Critical: "Our moment of steeling ourselves from the crowd is deteriorating with each passing moment, they'll think it strange of us to not appear. Though we might be able to slip by through another door in another car."
The crowd still waited, it was small and sparse of ponies but they all still wanted to thank their heroes of the day.
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>>10099Ah I see.Critical: "Ah I don't think they will hoold us up that much, they just wanna give us some cheer."
The train driver exited and he started to talk with the crowd, explaining what happened and giving his apologies.
Critical: "Well doesn't really matter though this is our last chance before they pull us out."
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>>10100Rye takes a deep breath. "Ah whatever, they really want to see us I guess."
Rye stepped out of the train, glancing around to see what the direction of the crowd was.
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Critical goes ahead and pushes Epic out in the open with himself and Rye so that they all can be seen together.
The crowd cheered at them and many of them were saying thank you. Without notice the party was then hit with a sudden blast of confetti which caused them to be stunned for just a second. When they looked they saw that the mane 6 had also come to greet them at the station.
Pinkie Pie: "We thought that we should come on by and congratulate the heroes of Hearts Warming with one heck of a party!"
Apple Jack: "Now Pinkie, hitting them with your party cannon might be a bit much."
Twilight: "We heard that there was some trouble at the train station and we were about to set out but once we heard that you three already had it covered I decided it was best to let you guys alone. You guys deserve the spotlight and it seems that it was well earned today."
With them all being celebrated, the party felt a surge of comradeship among themselves. +1 Friendship.
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>>10104Everypony there went up ahead and thanked them personally which took quite some time but eventually the crowds went back home to celebrate the holiday. Most of them went on ahead to Twilight's Castle for her special holiday party that Pinkie most likely helped with. Twilight went ahead and invited the party to her house for the evening to open gifts and to have warm food and drink, all of the mane 6 would be there so this would be a nice chance to talk to them in a casual setting.
Critical: "Well Epic Mount this is the life of a hero eh? Fillies and Colts adoring you, the mares lined up swooning. I admit I never experienced something like this before but I think I can get used to it. Will have to if I keep spending my days with you and Rye here."
Critical was obviously not serious about the whole children and mares thing but it is likely that they will go on more daring quests like this in the future. For now though they should just focus on getting to that party.
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>>10106The party goes on to Twilights Crystal castle to which Critical remarked that if he had a pickaxe that he would have taken a chunk off of the wall and tried to sell it. Inside the place seemed warm and quiet with ponies scattered about. There was a large fireplace where some of the ponies that were rescued were warming up and next to them was a large gift pile under some sort of pine tree.
While looking around he does notice Fluttershy holding a cup of cocoa and talking to some squirrels who were standing in a window. Epic goes up to her and the squirrels scurry off on sight of him which prompted Fluttershy to turn around.
Flutter: "Oh! Epic Mount I did not see you there. I was just talking to some of the wildlife about their hibernation accommodations. Did you need help finding your presents that we got you?"
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>>10105Summer Rye shook a lot of hands, barely knowing what to say in reply to all those ponies congratulating them. He sure blushed a lot though.
"Warm food..." That's something he understood though.
>>10110Rye started to chow down vigorously into his food which caused a few eyes to look his whether or not Rye notices. He does though see Critical looking confident as he is showing off his deck of cards to some pony and starts to offer games of black jack and poker. They ultimately refuse which caused him to look upset and bored until some other poor soul gets within 5 feet of him where he tries to gamble with them as well.
Eventually Rye finishes off his plate... then another... then another. Then Pinkie Pie pops up on his side and points at the gift pile.
Pinkie: "Having fun?! You can't have a Hearts Warming Party without presents silly. My friends and I all chipped in to get you and your friends one present as well as receiving your mail so we also got a gift from your parents for you. It should be over there."
>>10111Rye swallowed his last bit of food and wiped his mouth.
"My parents sent a gift?" Summer Rye beamed at Pinkie. "I miss home a lot... and you and your friends got us something too? That's really nice of you. And I don't even have something to give you in return..."
>>10112Sorry for late post, trying to fix myself up some medicine for my cough. I tried to let my immune system take it but the soar throat has been lingering for days now.Pinkie: "It's no trouble and Twilight insisted, saying that you guys may need something out along the road. Besides your friends with Epic Mount and a friend of Epic Mount is a friend of mine. Why this one time..."
She goes off on another tangent about friendship with the occasional giggle or laughter.
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>>10113Summer Rye tries to follow the story she was telling which wasn't quite easy.
"Oh, something for along the road? Is it food?"
>>10114Pinkie: "Nope! We got you stuff from a catalogue that sold magical items for cheap! You guys might have actually handled your presents when you rescued those ponies from that ice hermit."
Critical was being led by Rainbow Dash over to where Rye was.
RD: "Yeah your gifts are over here, we got one for you and one from your folks in Baltimare. Ah Pinkie there you are. All we need is Epic Mount and they'll be ready."
Critical: "I see you've been roped into this to Rye. I don't mind, I like getting free stuff."
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>>10115"Well... I don't mind getting gifts too. Thanks everypone for thinking of us."
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>>10107I didn't mean to scare off your- I have presents?
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>>10119Flutter: "Why yes, all of my friends got together to get each one of you a present... and I also got you a second present as thanks for the comb you got me. T-the present should be over there where your friends are standing."
She points on over to where Critical and Rye were at which was with the rest of the mane 6 and next to a pile of the roughed up presents.
>>10121He looks through the pile and quickly learns that barely any of the presents were actually for him and he was mistaken. He did find two that had his name on both one of which was large and had some weight to it and the other was wrapped to look like two bottles were placed side to side. The first one was from fluttershy and the bottle shaped one was from the mane 6
Critical went through the pile and found that his two presents were one much similar to Epic's large present and the other was from home and it was small and rectangular shaped. The first one was from the mane 6 and the other was from his parents back home.
Yeah you only get two new items. No.10124
>>10123He opens it up and finds that it is some variant of heavy armor yet it was made up of mostly leather with a few steel plates on it in a heroic fashion. The thing is though that Epic Mount can sense some magic presence about it designed to protect the user in a certain way.
Mirror Armor: (-2 damage to a min of 1 / Negates pure magic energy)
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>>10124Oh wow! This is awesome! Look just like what they had in old times! This must have cost a fortune Fluttershy!
>>10125Flutter: "Oh it was nothing really, I didn't want to spare any expense when it comes to your safety."
Critical opens up his large present and reveals another suit of armor though this time it was entirely leather and padded cloth to protect its wearer.
Mage Armor: (-1 damage to a min of 1 / Telekinesis downgrade ignored)
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>>10127She reactively steps back, unprepared and not ready for anything like that.
Flutter: "Uh-uh you have the other present you need to open. You don't want to keep the others waiting."
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>>10128O-oh yes, thank you. I'll go open it with the others.
>>10129He opens it up to reveal to bottle like items were not bottles at all but a trick! Instead they were actually combat bracers made of leather and are studded up at the top with steel.
Bracers of Balance: (+1 to martial arts rolls)
These bracers are a recreation of bracers that were used by a historical monk way back during the war against chaos. The bracers are of course nowhere near as powerful as the originalMirror Armor
Mercenary gangs will often employ a wizard of some sort to enchant their armor to ironically resist magics. No.10132
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>>10131Critical opened up his gift from his parents which revealed itself to be a deck of cards with the standard heart, spade, diamond, and clove. On the back of each card though was a fire symbol and the deck was warm to the touch.
Tinder Crest: (Cards do 1d2 fire damage upon hit)
He also finds a letter in it, reads it, then puts the letter away into his saddle bags along with his new cards.
Critical: "Well, heh, looks like that's my holiday for me."
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Summer Rye opens his present, wondering what it could be.
Critical: "Well no actually, you see some pony out there in the grand universe rolled some dice and based off of the numbers I just popped into the world outta thin."
is actually true, just breaking the meta here.Critical was just messing around of course, wanting to pull Epic leg with an absurd explanation. When he got back to being serious though he explained to Epic that his parents live down in Baltimare and he left home so that he could expand hisagic knowledge and as well as make plenty of money.
>>10134Rye opened up his first gift from the mane 6 which was this thin purplu cloak with a hood attached to it.
Shroud Cloak: (Turns invisible if standing still)
Cloaks like this are woven using special silk worm that change their skin coloruch like chameleons and this trait is aslo passed on to the silk they produce Note you must stand still and put the hood up to make yourself invisible. This does not protect you from harm, mask any smells, or deafen any noise you make.
The next present he opened was from his household and the item was the family pitchfork that has been passed down for generations.
The Wheatfield Pitchfork: (Does +1 to all farming rolls)
This pitchfork was used by one of Rye's ancestors to slay a snake demon. The story goes that the demon killed the ancestors youngest son and so the father took vengeance on the demon. After the act was done, the ancestor built his fatm on the grave of the snake demon where Rye grew up.Letter to Rye
Dear Summer Rye, we hope that you are doing okay along your adventures and that you are doing everything to be safe. To ensure your safety we are going to trust you with the family pitchfork, please take care of it. We also wanted to let you know that the Farm is still in disrepair but your father got a new job in the city so the family is well fed. We still need you to brave the world and come back when you find something or someone who can help save the farm. Love, Ma and Pa No.10137
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>>10135Rye thanked the main six for the more than generous gift and quickly tried the cloak on. As he turned invisible he opened the other box from his parents and only invisible sobs could be heard as he read the letter.
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>>10136Critical: "Sounds pretty tough to me to be honest, its surprising that you were able to make it at all. In the end though it made you much stronger both physical and mentally as well I imagine."
>>10137Critical pats Rye on the back as best he can remember where he was standing at.
Critical: "Ah pull yourself together Rye, this time is a time for holiday cheer and good tidings. Here lets get on to the food table and see if Twilight stocked this place with some hard apple cider."
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>>10139They go on to over the table and collect some food and drink, Rye got the most food despite the fact he had already eaten and Critical mostly got drink. The party goes well into the night with laughter, games, music and revelry to be had. Everyone had a nice time there until the party was over and everypony had to go home.
Eventually Rye and Epic awake the next morning to find themselves in he living room of Fluttershy's house. Looking out the window they can see Critical passed out in the middle of the lawn and had probably walked out in the middle of the night in his stupor.
And that is it for the holiday special. Back to the normal RP. No.10141
>>10140>Epic prodded Critical.How much did you had last night?
I didn't know they were werving alcohol?
Berryshine must have slipped some in.
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>>10141He didn't move at first but instead makes some grumbling noise as he tries to speak. After that he slumps upwards with a very tired look.
Critical: "I didn't... drink that much I think." He stands up "Though I don't remember much after the third cider. Well it looks like we're back at Fluttershy's place, you want to go get Rye and we head on off again on our grand adventure?"
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>knocks at the door
"Good morning!"
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>>10143>>10144The party regroups back inside the cottage after getting Critical from outside. Soon from the kitchen out comes Fluttershy with a plate of teacups for each pony.
Flutter: "Good morning everypony! I made some tea that we can enjoy before you all go back on your adventure again."
She sits it down on the table and invites the party to sit down. Angel Bunny hops right up to the table and stood in his usual spot near Fluttershy's chair.
I found this song and thought it was really cool. Has nothing to do with what is going on right now. No.10147
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>>10146Crit sips at the tea. processing Epic's question and thinking about their next move.
Critical: "We don't really have any leads right now to go out in searching. The ancient city of Stratus is unknown to us yet will still have the key to the throne of Stratus. We need to go and find out some information about the city but there's also that quest that the knights of Equestria wanted us to do which was to clear out the mine up in the mountains. We should probably do that first so we can get you on the path of knighthood. After that we can go back to Canterlot to speak with the knights and Blazen Path about possible leads."
Have to go to work No.10149
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>>10147Rye sighs... "Another mine, huh? I wonder if we'll ever not end up in the dark."
>>10148"Exactly, that's what I wanted to suggest, too!"
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>>10148>>10149Sorry, I'll make the next dungeon not a cave/mine.Critical: "That actually sounds like a good idea, if Twilight's aptitude for study is half as what rumors hold her ability in then we will find that city by the end of the week. We'll head back on over to her place and see if she is home and is willing to do some research for us. I'm also hoping we can go to the market and do some trading with the local shops. The spare armor and cards I got needs to be sold and we should go ahead and buy some new supplies and potions."
>Sips tea.So when we head out?
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>>10150Well, I definitely need a new lamp myself.
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>>10153Foodstuff! You should always have plenty of that.
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>>10155Grass grows everywhere.
>>10156Grass is what our ancestors eat. Theres also other plants and fruits in the forest. And of course is things get desperate you could always hunt for-
>Realise Fluttershy is in earshot.Well, food can be found almost anywhere.
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>>10157We still eat grass, it's just dried. Anyway, I rather have a pie than anything growing in the forest.
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>>10157>>10158Critical: "I know this may sound typical of me but I'm not really to adept when it comes to wildlife survival so I'm not exactly keen on eating off from the fat of the land. I do know that we have plenty of foods and rations among us, I just really want to do some buying and selling to get rid of some of this extra loot I'm carrying. Also I'm ready to head on out when you guys are."
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>>10160>>10161>>10162They all head on off to the market except for Fluttershy since she had to go through the morning routine of taking care of her pets. The market area had its normal tents and it seemed that it was clear of Hearts Warming decor so it doesn't look like they'll get anything seasonal now. The colorful teepee's were still covered in snow but the dirt path was certainly cleared off most likely by the store owners so that the customers can move about freely.
Eventually they found themselves in a familiar store building that played jazz music in the background. Waves: "Groovy I haven't seen you cats since you guys left after the attack on the museum expo. Take a look around and tell me what you need to buy today, I got in some stuff in back."
>>10163Hi Waves.
Whats in stock?
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>>10163"Hello again, it's been quite a while... got any new wares? I need a lamp!"
>>10164>>10165Smooth Waves: "Why I got essential gear like ropes and lanterns of the sort. I also got weapons and armor as well as some enchanted specials like this..."
Chain Whip: (Target will bleed 1 point of damage for 3 rounds) 250 bits
There was a legend long ago that some prisoner was able to escape a jail up in Canterlot and he used the chains that bound him as a whip. Whether this is true or not is uncertain but that has not stopped people from getting inspiration.Smooth Waves: "Yep that's just a sample for ya but I'm guessing you have some particular tastes in what you are looking for so go ahead and give me an idea of what you need and I'll see what I got."
Critical: "Here I need to sell some stuff."
Smooth Waves: "Well ain't that a damn fine coincidence, one of my shipments is late so I could use some extra stock."
Crit sells off his old light barding, blanket, and old card set and gets a total of 130 bits. He then goes ahead and buys 3 potions for 50 bits a piece, a cheap flute for 50 bits, and one disguise kit for 35 which took a bit out of his money no pun intended.
Crit: 64 Bits
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>>10167"I may or may not have accidently dropped it and it broke."
Rye hands over ten bits.
"Now, what else would I need... how about something to open a box or door with. Like... if I don't have a key, you know?"
Rye rummages through his toosls.
"I also want to sell the following:
- Hand Drill (was 40 bits)
- Super Glue (was 10 bits)
- Pony Balm (was 25 bits)
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I would like to buy two more potions. They've been handy when things got tight.
Hm, but I don't have anything I want to sell.
>>10168He handed over the lantern and took his items and gives him the bits.
Rye: 231bits
>>10169When Epic Mount opens up his coinpurse he finds that he could only buy one potion. He now has a total of two potions in his inventory.
Critical: "You sure you don't want to sell anything like that holiday coat you have or your thunder hammer or your rabid cloak?"
>>10170Last tim3e I checked
Both on my own stat page and on Doc I thought I had 60 bits. Isn't a potion 20 bits?
Or was I mistaken for the price?
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>>10172Aw jeeze Smooth, you upped the price? I thought they were 20? Can we at least haggle 'em down to 30? 60 bits for two?
Will I need a haggle roll or something?Alright. Play later? No.10176
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>>10173Smooth Waves: "Alright alright I'll let them go for 20 bits a pop. I like you guys and I don't want you to stop shopping here after all."
Epic Mount gets the two potions for 20 bits each for a total of 40 bits.
Epic Bits: 20 left
>>10174Smooth Waves: "Oh did you need something else besides the lantern? Sorry about that I must have missed something."
>>10174>>10168Smooth Waves: "Oh that kind of tool! Well keys are designed to open a specific set of locks so I can't give you just some simple key because it will be useless. I do however have a lockpick set that lock smiths use to open broken locks."
Lock Pick Set: (Upgrades Open Lock Rolls) 50bits.
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>>10177"Yes, that's the one... thank you!"
>>10178Smooth Waves: "No problem cat, it's always a pleasure to bring the customer what they want in their lives."
Critical: "Yeah I better buy one too, don't know when we might find a really tough lock to break."
The go ahead and buy their own lock pick set for 50 bits each.
Rye Bits: 181
Crit Bits: 329
With that, I gotta go work. No.10181
>>10180Critical: "Well I think I got what all I need for our journey, we should head on out..."
The party can hear the door open and saw that it was a middle aged earth pony with a brown coat and white mane who also had a wagon for a cutie mark.
Smooth Waves: "Ah Speed Wagon there you are, I was hoping that shipment would come in."
Speed Wagon: "Yeah it was some trouble getting down here, you would not believe this..." He catches sight of the party and with a red and angry face he stomps over and starts to shout. "You three have the hall to show up here after what you had done to me! Cheating me out of our deal like that and not showing up, I want my 500 bits!"
It seems that Speed Wagon is upset at the party for a deal that none of the party remembers making. Perhaps he is confused.
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Summer Rye looks at his friends who look just as puzzled.
"Well, first of all, good morning. Secondly, who are you? And finally, what kind of deal are you talking about?"
>>10182Speed Wagon: "You already know my name, it is Speed Wagon and you are Summer Rye, Epic Mount, and Critical Hit. The deal we had was that you would watch a caravan wagon and make sure it reached Ponyville, I paid you in advance and you never showed up."
Critical: "Are you sure it was us? We were all here for the entire hearts warming season."
Speed Wagon: "Well yes it was you... though I do admit you all look a bit differently. None of your eye colors are the same and you Critical you're a hell of a lot shorter since the last time we talked."
An oddity for sure, he knows all your names and can recognize your appearance yet he does admit that there are some differences between your party and the party he dealt with.
>>10183I'm guessing changelings. Changelings who only know what we look like.
How did these "three of us" behaved?
>>10184Speed Wagon: "Well you were all confident like in your ability, pretty much bragging about it actually. You can't find that many adventurers like your cut of cloth, especially recalling your time in Canterlot."
Critical: "I don't think it's changelings, they all become friendly and nice and all that junk."
>>10186Speed Wagon: "Your theories don't help me at all and I want my 500 bits back."
Smooth Waves: "Wagon, these cats are good and wouldn't play a con like that with you. Look I'll throw in your lost expenses and everything will be cool."
Speed Wagon nods and goes outside to pull in the supplies to the back of Smooth Waves store.
Smooth Waves: "Look I don't know what is going on with this doppleganger group but perhaps you should go out and get this sorted out before something real bad happens."
Mr. Wagon, where was the last place you saw "us"?
>>10188Speed Wagon: "It was all the way up in Manehattan but that was about a week ago. I doubt they are still there though because I had the cops go all around the streets to look for them but it was eventually dropped."
Critical: "Well we should probably focus on the whole mine thing then for now since that is the one thing we can go to directly. We'll just have to stop by Twilight's place first real quick."
>>10189I don't think we've even been to Manehatten.
But yeah, we need to sort out local problems first before we can find these imposters first.
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>>10190Critical: "I sure haven't but there's a first time for everything so I think we'll do okay there if need be."
The party collects itself and heads outside to the center of town. There the hustle and bustle of the Ponyville market was in full swing. Above them, a short walk away, was Twilight's Crystal tree castle where she is most likely residing right now. No.10193
>>10192But I love this game!They go on up to the castle and enter it in. It takes a while, moving through the winding corridors until finally they reach the map room where Twilight was staring at it intensely. Their presence though catches her attention and she looks up to them.
Twilight: "Oh Epic Mount, Critical, and Summer Rye I wasn't expecting you. You should watch your friend there," She points to Critical. "He doesn't seem to be able to control himself with drink."
Critical: "Ah I'm sure drunk me was the highlight of the party."
Twilight: "Pinkie would probably agree. Anyways did you all need something?"
>>10194Twilight: "What is it that you need me to look at?"
Critical: "We need you to research something about the ancient pegasi cities of Cumulonimbus and Stratus. We especially need the locale of the Stratus city as well as the cities's purposes."
Twilight: "Ancient pegasi cities? I don't think I've heard of anything like that but I can go look around for some books for you but it will take some time."
Critical: "Good that will give us some time to head up north."
>>10195We have the keys here.
>Shows her the keys.Actually, they're probably a lot safer here with you than with us for the time being.
>Gives her the keys.And they may help with your research.
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>>10196Twilight: "Yes yes... these will help me out in my research."
Critical: "Ack Epic, those keys... are you sure we should leave them."
Crit gives Epic and intense glare, not in anger or spite but rather a more inquisitive look. Without words though he nods at this decision and goes with Epic's preferences.
Critical: "Okay Twilight you can hold onto the keys if you want, just make sure they aren't stolen or anything. Epic, even though I disagree with this I'll still be content with this, we've been through enough scrapes for me to trust you."
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>>10197So... should I trust them with another alicorn princess of supreme magic who is all about trust and friendship?
They'll be fine here. Besides where we're going, what if theres another ambush? They wouldn't expect the fact we won't have the keys on ourselves.
And on the unlikely off chance we can't come back at least the keys will be safe.
>>10198Critical: "Okay I see your point though I still can't shake this unease. Perhaps my mind will be relaxed when we are hoof deep in cave rock fighting off dogs to secure some sort of locked room."
His attempt at sarcasm was there and funny or not it was obvious that this was his coping mechanism.
Gotta go now No.10201
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>>10199>>10200"Do you think the key might belong to said locked door?"
>>10201>>10200Nah nah, if that were the case then I wouldn't let you guys leave without the key.Critical: "We should probably go on ahead and start heading over there now and get to that mine. I do admit that this isn't a really urgent question but it will make Epic start on his career as an Equestrian knight."
Twilight: "If I find out anything about these keys or those cities I'll send word to you guys through a letter. By the sound of it, you three will be at Canterlot so I'll send the letter there."
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>>10202>>10203A'ight! Let's go to the mines!
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>>10203>>10204Twilight: "Yeah and thanks for giving this opportunity to research ancient pegasi life and history."
The party heads on back to Fluttershy's cottage where they have been keeping Blazing Path's hot air balloon which when they got there the balloon was all set and ready to go. All of them gets up to the balloon and start to prep it for launch when Fluttershy comes out back to greet them and say goodbye.
Fluttershy: "So you are all off on your adventure again? I mean... is it really necessary to go and put yourselves in danger like this? Can't you just stay home here with us?"
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>>10207Rye thought for a long moment... "Well, to be honest I'd much rather stay - especially when caves are involved. But sometimes you just got to do what you got to do, even if it's dangerous."
>>10208Critical undoes more or the rope that secures the balloon to the ground.
Crit: "Yeah but after this is all over I imagine we'll all go back to the quiet life and perhaps go our separate ways. Though to be honest it does sound a bit sad, the good part would be that Epic will be able to stay here in Ponyville more and Rye you'll be able to go back home with enough money to save your farm."
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>>10207I' do like spending time with you Fluttershy, but from what we understand some bad stuff is happening and we gotta do something about it. I protect others, it's what I do.
And if we don't then chances are Twilight's map will get you and your friends to do it instead and I'd rather you not get into such dangers on my- on our behalf.
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>>10210Flutter: "Well I wouldn't want that... I don't..."
She was ultimately conflicted on the possibility on the chances that the map will call her and her friends to solve this mystery key problem. It would mean that Epic would be spared the trouble but it would also mean abandoning him to go on some scary quest. On the other hoof, letting Epic go with his allies would mean that he will be put front and center of danger given his special talent and she would have to wait here for his return.
Crit: "There the balloon is ready to fly. Based on the directions the knights gave us the mine will be up north east of here in a series of mountains, the unicorn range to be specific. Heh I doubt I'll feel at home though."
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>>10211Hey c'mon Fluttershy, you know I will return.
Besides,you got me these cool bracers and reflective armour. You know what sort of pony I'm like and you know I'll think of you because of these gifts.
>Epic realise he was starting to sound soppy and begins to go quiet before finishing his sentence. No.10213
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>>10212She smiles, now reassured of his safety and this was the best choice for the matter. Besides with friends like Rye and Crit aiding Epic, he will surely return home safely. The power of friendship afterall is something that she reveres along with her friends and seeing Epic with this group gave her the faith of his safety. That and the fact that he is now armed head to hoof with weapons armor and gear.
Crit: "Heyo Epic you coming or what? Your knight journey can't be carried out by me and Rye alone now."
What timing, to Epic it is not known that Critical waited for this moment to spoil it or was most certainly lost of the purposes and context of Epic's conversation with Fluttershy. Regardless though she looks at Epic Mount with a smile.
Flutter: "Your friends are waiting for you so it would be best for you to start on your journey to realize your dream. During that time, I'll be waiting here for you."
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>>10213>Epic blushed at the thought of a lady waiting for him.Y-yes. I'll come back a knight! Bye Fluttershy.
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>>10213"Take care, Fluttershy. We'll hopefully be back soon!"
>>10216Hey guys...
Does FLuttershy... "Like me"?
>>10216Summer Rye spends the time checking his equipment, making sure everything is in order and that the lamp is properly filled with oil.
>>10217"Hmm... well, I have no doubt she likes you. Or do you mean 'like'-like?"
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>>10217>>10218Critical: "How in the hells of Tartarus am I supposed to know what is going on in her mind?"
He goes off over to the corner of the basket and opens up his pack to get some of his food out which specifically was his apple turnover. The rest of the party had grown hungry as well and would need to eat something.
Crit: "Besides you don't need somepony in your life like that when you got good fortunes on your side."
He takes a bite and laughs, clearly he has some disregard for others.
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>>10218Y-yeah. Like-like. A whole lotta like.
>>10219Good food is fleeting. Good friendship is forever.
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>>10219"Sharing your luck with others can be rewarding though I think."
>>10220"Hmmm... she might."
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>>10220Critical seems a bit put off by what Epic had said, like it only made some sense and the rest of it he rejected. He still continues to eat his turnover though and speaks with a partly filled mouth.
>>10221>>10220Crit: "Hm... I never really shared my luck and luck isn't really something that can be shared. Like me you have to be born with it and the universe will just smile on you and it is just simply that. Some ponies are lucky and some are not."
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>>10223Crit: "You're sort of right there but not too much. All it really depends is your percentage chance and with my special talent I tend to have high chances."
He finishes off his last bits of appleturnover and looks to the others.
>>10223>>10224Crit: "So what about you two, what are your special talents anyways and how did you get them? I've seen you guys fight pretty well but our tactics in using our talents are really just improvised and unorthodox to their main purpose."
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>>10225"Well, my special talent is farming in case you haven't guessed it yet. It's what I've been doing all my life long - before I started adventuring. So I'm used to swinging a shovel - I guess swinging a sword isn't that much of a difference."
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>>10226I gotta go now but hopefully we can go more in depth with this character development.Crit: "I can see that but how did you get your talent? Was it just watching your ma and pa and they gave you a sickle to give it a swing?"
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>>10225Well, when I was foal, I was kidnapped by a flying monster. I manage to break free as it flew over Everfree Forest. I survived my fall but I didn't know what else to do. I quickly learned crying just attracted danger and had to survive.
Then I met Zecora, she too lived in Everfree Forest. When I found her she was about to be mauled by a manticore. I was scared and didn't want to get hurt, but I didn't want Zecora to get hurt more than myself and had to fight off the Manticore. I should of been killed given I was just a colt, but I seemed to have found great blast of strength as I knocked it out with a great punch!
Thats when I got my cutie mark. I fought to protect another because I don't want anypony else to go through what I've been through growing up. Living in fear, having to forage for what passes off as edible, learning how to avoid monsters and when inevitable to fight.
I remember I was... uneasy around Zecora since I have not met anypony else in years, but she took care of me, or at least to the best she could keep me from wondering off into the forest.
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>>10227"More or less. When you live in a family of farm folk the apple usually doesn't fall far from the tree. You just try to work with your kin and help them out, eventually I realized that I had a real knack for the work. It's when I got my cutie mark. Nothing extraordinary there."
>>10228>>10229Critical: "Fair sounding stories the way I see it, a warrior a farmer and a gambler all going on this insane quest. Tell me, what are all of you going to do after we resolve this issue of Stratus? Are we all just gonna... part ways?"
Both Epic's and Rye's stomachs growled as they had skipped breakfast this morning so they should get some to eat out of their inventory. Rye will need to eat two things of food due to his always hungry quirk.
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>>10230"Goodness, how did we forget to have breakfast? How did I forget to have breakfast?"
Rye munched one of his food rations.
"I'm not sure honestly. I guess I'll return home for a bit to see how things are going there. But I must admit that adventuring with you has been very exciting and fun."
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>>10230Well, I live out alone in Everfree Forest, but that doesn't mean we can't stay friends.
I actually have an idea for the next big adventure after we done this one if you want. Might be a bit too long of an adventure but I'd be better with story than gamemastering like you Critical.>Epic took the pastry he's been carrying for a few weeks and gave it a sniff.Still good.
>Eats it. No.10233
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Actually, now that I think about it, if you want I can share ideas I shared with Clarity but never got round to doing anything with them.
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>>10231>>10232The other two spend their time eating their food, Epic with his simple pastry and Rye with his two things of rations for his cavernous stomach. This should get the party through the rest of the day if they need to push things.
Crit: "Yeah I imagine we can become sort of pen pals while we are off doing our own things. I don't know myself what I'm gonna do after this, all I was really trying to do was expand my magic knowledge so perhaps I'll move up towards Canterlot."
Speaking of which, time had passed on by so much that the party could see the Canterlot city affixed to the mountainside to their right. To the left in the distance was the Unicorn Range, a series of mountains expanding outwards to the west. By now it will only take a few more minutes before they reach their destination and land down in the middle of the mountain range.
>>10232>>10233Now I am always willing and able to listen to ideas that my players may have for the RP group. Go on ahead and post your ideas so I can see them and I'll see what I can do to work them in. Right now I am just trying to keep the world open ended by not having a clear A to B to C path in the story but to have numerous side quests littered in the game, like the imposter group you gotta find.
Also note that I do have another campaign that is gonna be a lot more dramatic and involves an absurd amount of character building. I can probably work in your ideas into the next campaign or perhaps into this one as well, just do me a favor and try to work your character's actions, buffs, flaws, and ideals so I can have something to work on. I do have an idea on how things will throw down but if I have more material about your characters then I can provide to both of you a more immersive and emotional RP experience. Even a well fleshed out character bio is welcome but don't feel pressured to put out anything since this is the part of the story where the characters start out their little hero group.
Example of a Character flaw
Crit: "Besides you don't need somepony in your life like that when you got good fortunes on your side."
He takes a bite and laughs, clearly he has some disregard for others. No.10237
>>10235Look my friends!
>Fanfair plays.Canterlot!
I've listed my ideas here >>10236 No.10238
>>10237Crit: "Canterlot! We're getting close to where we need to be so I suggest you guys get what you need ready and suit up properly."
The balloon drops down to the earth as Crit lets the flame die down. Soon enough the balloon lands with a hefty thud and they were now set along a mountain trail high up above the sea level.
All of them step out of the carriage and have it secured to the ground so that the balloon won't fly off on its own due to the heavy winds blowing through the area. Looking around there was only one way to go forwards and that was down further along the path. The most notable thing they could see was that there were signs, written in broken Equestrian, telling the readers to stay away. That this was Diamond Dog territory and they'll be made slaves if they trespass. No.10240
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>>10239Crit: "Nah it was some auxiliary crystal mine the Knights found not too long ago. Before they could strip the resources they found some door in the back of the mine but they got over ran by the dogs and the knights had to fall back and protect the miners. If we go down this trail we should eventually find the mine but we have to be careful."
Oh and also I'll keep in mind your ideas. Just gotta look at them and try to figure something out. No.10242
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>>10240OK. Best be prepared, though I know hot to deal with mongrals.
>Puts on his new bracers and armour Fluttershy got him.Maybe can be mixed and match. An idea for the Alternate TImelines adventure is Epic ends up missing and Rye and Critical have to find him and end up finding alternate versions of him. No.10243
>>10242Yeah I'll try to see what I can do.The party suits up and heads on out along the path which was narrow and leading down deep below into what looked to be a sea of jagged rock, beckoning to have them throw their lives away with a careless slip. Above them seemed to be more and more ridges where there must have been some more trails to walk along but the side of the cliff is too steep to climb. Fortunately though for the party the sky and area was clear of any clouds or fog so there was no chance of having their visibility challenged bar that of the average shrub or tree that they pass by.
Eventually the path widens and up ahead they can see a group of dogs talking to some pony in a black and maroon beetle like armor. They couldn't see the pony's face but they can hear what was being said.
Dog: "...We were promised a large supply of gems but you have not sent the horse power to come in here and mine it up for us."
Dark Knight: "Your deal with our group was to guard our Master's mine and you will be able to recruit any... passerby's who stumble upon this place."
Dog: "Hmph perhaps I should recruit you since you are a passerby here."
Dark Knight: "You know that wouldn't work and it would be best to silence your tongue before I cut it out for you and my brothers come in full force to wipe you kin out."
It seems that there was a bit of an argument going on but from what the party could see was that there was a total of three dogs and the Dark Knight on the path they were on. Up top along there ridge was a large crowd of dogs watching the argument take place, most likely trying to see who was alpha.
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>>10243Hold up... Let's see how this plays out.
>>10244They continue to argue and things get very heated until finally something happens.
Dog: "I don't need to be commanded like this by a soft pony who wears armor to protect his hide."
The dog swings his hulking hand at the knight but the pony jumps back as if the attack only fazed through him. In retaliation the knights concentrates some evil magic into his horn and hits the dog with an energy beam. This sends the dog flying back into his other two friends who had to catch him.
Dark Knight: "You would best learn your place around us Beiuraras. Protect the mine as you have been told and you will eventually be rewarded. Now pick yourself up, I have to go and meet with my Master and give her a report on the regions near Canterlot. That group of heroes was seen leaving Ponyville and coming up north towards Canterlot; probably in the city know trying to find more about those keys."
Dog: "Why do you even need those keys in the first place?"
Dark Knight: "Silence dog, just know that my Master has a vested interest in obtaining those keys. Your puny mind wouldn't be able to comprehend their powers."
The knights fades away into thin air, leaving only the dogs behind to guard the path.
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>>10245T-that pony... He moves like I do... but is a unicorn...
>>10246Crit: "Cripes he looked really tough too. That energy bolt he had, enough to cripple a dog in one hit. He also looked to be some sort of knight too but not some Equestrian Knight, I wonder to what oaths he belongs to?"
The dogs begin to patrol the area and the party would either have to sneak past them or fight them. Up above they can also see that the dogs were carrying around large red barrels made of wood.
Crit: "How do you want to do this? We can go in charging but we might get outnumbered. I do have my disguise kit and magics so I might be able to make you look like a dog and we can just waltz by."
>>10247>Epic surveys the area.We would be mobbed and they have a big high-ground.
As for disguising, that may not work, dogs sense of smell and all.
>>10250Critical nods and gets to work, pulling out his disguise kit and seeing what could be done. Unfortunately for the party was the fact that they only had enough material for Epic to look like a dog.
Crit Mind
1d12 = 7 Cha
1d10 = 8 No.10252
>>10251So they now have disguise value of 8After that they go ahead and try to sneak by the dogs.
Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 9 VS Dog Mind
1d8 = 1Critical Body
1d6 = 2 VS Dog Mind
1d8 = 1 No.10253
>>10252All you did was stick a dog nose on me and gave me these novelty paw-print slippers.
I look like a reject at a furry convention.
>>10252Holy fucking hellCritical trips up on a rock but he was able to keep himself from cursing out loud in pain and eventually they make it past the dogs and got clear of them. Up ahead was the mine entrance which looked to be unguarded.
>>10253Crit: "Hey hey I'm doing my best and with how dumb those dogs are they won't be able to tell the difference."
>>10254Well, I guess you're right.
Where is Summer Rye? Is he manning the getaway balloon?Hm... May not be that easy.
>Checks for any security rtigs. No.10256
>>10255Rye is with us but he's just gonna be real quiet since he can't play today.They look around and can't find anything that looks remotely like a trap and with how clear the path was, it was safe to say that there weren't any traps. They do hear something behind them in the distance.
Dog: "Hey no, don't light that near the barrels!"
Suddenly they can see a massive explosion go off and charred up dogs flying off of the mountainside.
They aren't dead because this is a kids show ;). Shortly after they can hear what was a quiet rumble turn into the entire mountain shaking as boulders and rocks fell down across the path as an avalanche. The party was hit by the rocks and they were sent down the mountain in a painful manner, having their gear and saddle bags knocked loose.
Epic Mount
Rock Impact: Damage
1d4 = 1Fall Impact: Damage
1d4 = 2Gear lost:
1d3 = 2 Items.
1d12 = 10 1d12 = 2 1d12 = 6Critical Hit
Rock Impact: Damage
1d4 = 1Fall Impact: Damage
1d4 = 2Gear lost:
1d3 = 3 Items.
1d13 = 2 1d13 = 2 1d13 = 13Summer Rye
Rock Impact: Damage
1d4 = 2Fall Impact: Damage
1d4 = 2Gear lost:
1d3 = 2 Items.
1d21 = 1 1d21 = 7 1d21 = 6 No.10257
>>10256After hitting the ground and rocks hard, they party can see that all of their stuff had been scattered everywhere. After taking a moment to collect themselves the can see they either lost or broke some things that belonged to them.
Epic Mount lost his Guard Cloak and his Santa Outfit
Critical lost his Lantern, pole, and his flute.
Rye lost his Armorbane sword and broke one of his potions.
It was a hefty loss to suffer but they should be fine to continue with just scrapes and bruises.
>>10258Things were quiet once again and the party had to look around to either get back up or find a new way into the mine. To the right was another path they could take so that they might find a new entrance. Up above though was a tree and with a well placed through and a rope they could perhaps climb back up. Then again Critical has mastered his Telekinesis spell to be on par with Twilight's ability.
Crit: "Ah by the numbers that hurts... and my stuff... I couldn't find all of it. It's gone now."
>>10261Let's take this path over here.
Nopony knows we're down here so lets no let them know we're coming up.
>>10264Crit: "Here I got it."
Critical focuses on his telekinesis spell to use it as a light source and with its glow the party could see the entire room. Over to the side they can see what looked to be a stone spiral staircase carved inside the rockwall. This should take them up to the top floor of the mine.
>>10265Thats... conveniant.
Did you say this min has been recently discovered but the Diamond Dogs took over it?
>>10266Crit: "I did say that a while ago yeah. Kind of strange that they have this stair case dug out and everything."
They go on up the staircase until they got on up to the top. Up here they can see that there were two diamond dogs huddled up on this table eating their food. To the left was the mine entrance and to the right led deeper into the mine where the door was likely to be. Soon enough they hear a thudding heavy footsteps come from the deeper part of the mine to reveal a towering and large dog with plenty of scars on his face.
Alpha: "Hey you dogs watching the entrance?"
Dog: "Yeah yeah we watching it."
Alpha: "Good then. I'm heading out to check up on the explosion we heard. You stay here and make sure nothing bad happens.
The alpha leaves and goes outside and it was only the two dogs in the main room.
>>10268The party moves through the room, keeping down close to the ground and only after they gave the alpha to leave.
Epic Body
1d12 = 1 Dog Mind
1d8 = 2Critical Body
1d6 = 2 Dog Mind
1d8 = 4If Caught
Epic Charm
1d8 = 7 Disguise DC 8 VS Dog Mind
1d8 = 2 No.10270
>>10269They both trip up on each other and fall down making a loud crash noise. The dogs go on up to them and shout at them.
Dog: "Hey hey who are you and where did you get that pony?"
The dogs seemed to be talking to Epic and they think that he is a dog with a pony in tow.
>>10270Uh um
>Clears throat and takes it up to gruff cockney tone.Found these prisoners wondering around. I captured them and taking them for enslavement!
>>10271The dogs laugh at the situation.
Dog: "Ha ha, finally we get some ponies to dig up the gems."
He reaches over and grabs Critical up by his whole head.
Dog: "Kinda surprising a grunt like yourself could catch these ponies. In fact you look to be almost the same size of them."
He puts Critical down and points deeper into the mine.
Dog: "Go ahead and take them into the gem room and get them set up with some mining gear. Tonight our clothes will be decorated in gems."
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Looks like we're in trouble again.
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Had to do some shopping. I'm back now.
Though looks like I missed the end party.>>10272HAHA YES!
>Leaves with a scowl. No.10277
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>>10274>>10275>>10276Mkay I'm back.The party was taken to the gem room so that Critical and Rye could work on mining up gems under the watch of Epic Mount. The dogs told them that they can't be bothered to watch the prisoners so they leave Epic to the task.
Once in the room they can see all the unrefined gems lining the walls and ceiling of the little cavern they were in. To this much it was an extraordinary sight as the crystals twinkled in their eyes. To Rye this may be an opportune time to mine up some gems to sell of and send money back to the farm.
On one of the cave walls though had this hulking wooden oak door built into the wall. The door was reinforced with metal plating and had a heavy looking lock that kept the door from being opened.
Crit: "Looks like that is the door we need to check out."
>>10278Examining you could tell that whoever put this door here wanted to protect what's on the other side. The metal reinforcements to the door makes it impossible for them to break it down with their might and weapons, not even Epic Mount. The lock however looked to be vulnerable though it looked to be a bit complex to unlock.
Lock DC 6
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>>10280Epic Mount tries to shimmy the lock to get it to work but since he has no training in the Open Lock skill nor any tools to get into the lock, he finds that he can not pick it. Critical smiles at Epic while slowly shaking his head at him.
Crit: "Epic Mount, I know you're like a new born deer when it comes to interacting with ponies but I never knew you had trouble coaxing inanimate objects." He gets up to the lock with his locksmith set. "You see here you can't use brute force to get the lock open. It requires a simple and light touch until..."
Crit Mind
1d12 = 12 Open Lock
1d10 = 10 VS Lock DC 6
>>10281There was a loud clicking noise as the lock gave way to Critical rather persuasive manner.
Crit: "There we are, simple and easy is just the way locks like it."
He pushes the door open to reveal a small room that looked to be a small study. Its just looks now that the bookshelves, bed, and table had been pulled out of someone's home and carefully placed in this small rocky alcove. The best bet was that somepony had been living here for some time.
The bookshelves were dusty but were all in perfect condition. The table had numerous writing elements about it and a small lit candle lighting up the work place. Most notable on the table was the fact there there is a scroll on the table that had some scrawlings on it.
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>>10281>>10282>Qurk: Social awkwardnessWow Critical, you're really good at burglary and underhoofed methods.
>Unaware his comment may sound unfriendly.>>10282Looks rather cosey for someplace deep underground.
IF you've ever seen Accursed Farm's Civil Protection "The Tunnel" I'm imaging it like that room. No.10284
Critical smiles at Epic while he puts the lockpick set away.
Crit: "Oh yeah but I never really stole anything from anybody. I learned all this stuff from crawling through old dungeons and forts abandoned long ago."
The party goes over to the table and they could read the scroll though it looked unfinished.
It's been several years ago since I heard the stories of the flying and powerful ancient cities. I remember how with my political affiliations with the Equestrian society, they allowed me to go into the Canterlot Archives to review the Equestrian history, this is where I found the tomes on the pegasi cities. In those history tomes I read stories of how the pegasi was able to conquer how lands by using their cities as war machines. If I am to unlock this power then what I would need to do is to find the appropriate throne key and the location of a city. The problem however is that the cities were lost long ago during the early portions of Discords Chaos rule over Equestria and cities and keys were forever lost and forgotten. No.10287
>>10286You think they could be her notes?
If so does that mean the armoured unicorn we seen early may be allied to somepony other than the theif?
>>10289Crit: "Yeah take that note with us, the Knights will want to see that one of our political leaders is working to gain some great amount of power. At the very least we can use it to get you to your squire status."
The rest of the room didn't have much else to look at. The books were all just academics such as mathematics, biology, psychology and many more like that. The bed still had the sheets on it though it was a bit messed up and undone. Irregardless the party had completed its mission to explore the room and now they can get on out of here but with the dogs looming about it could be difficult.
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>>10293[Short Fuse]
Critical looks at Epic Mount all cautious like as he steps away from him.
Crit: "S-slave equipment? What do I look like to you Epic Mount? I mean for fuck's sake Epic, that's a bit taboo there even for me."
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>>10295Critical just stops and looks away from Epic in disdain. He had a point but he knew this was gonna be largely uncomfortable. He then speaks in a defeated tone.
Crit: "Damn you Epic, this is the second time you put me to the brink today with my trust. Very well then I'll gear up with these... things and we can make our escape though I'm ditching the equipment first chance I get."
He picks up some of the slave gear and unwillingly puts it on himself which included a harness and a mouth piece to keep him quiet.
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>>10296I-I''m sorry?
>Epic did felt genuinely guilty Critical felt this way, but he figured it was the logical sollution given they were in a den surrounded by Diamond Dogs. They maybe stupid but some of them were strong let alone dozens of them who know the territory better than them. No.10298
>>10297Crit: "Erff... It'shh Foine."
His was a bit muffled but he definitely looked the part of captured prisoner. Rye was able to get dressed up to and the party was ready to head on out back to the balloon.
Crit: "Ephic, Tak Ead."
>Translation: Epic take lead. No.10300
>>10299They all move out and enter in the big main room where the two guard dogs were still eating their food and drink. One of them looks over to the party and talks to them.
Dog: "Hey hey where are you taking the ponies? The gem room is back that way you dumb dumb."
Epic would have to think of something fast in order to pull this off.
>>10301Dog: "Alpha told you that? Here we best not be keeping you then. Hurry on up out there and go have those pony clean up the mess and have them hurry back in so we can get those sweet sweet gems."
The dogs return to what they were doing and allowed the party to make their exit. Hopefully they can keep up the routine and make it to the balloon.
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>>10302>WhispersLet's hurry on a bit before they ask too many questions.
>>10303The party exits through the cave and goes once again on the path they were on before except now they are trying to not stumble up on the rocks. Eventually they get on up to the bend they were at and they can see the rest of the dogs already at work trying to clear the path while the alpha watches and makes sure they keep working. The ridge above the path had been completely blasted away and there was only a black smouldering hole left in the side of the mountain.
Crit: "Ifsh we kahn we shhhod avod an short ofsh detekshun.
>Translation: If we can we should avoid any sort of detection.Critical was right, with that alpha being there it would be much more difficult to pass off as a dog to him since he knows every single dog on the site and would not recognize Epic.
>>10305Looking around he could see that nearly all of the barrels had exploded in the accident, there was one however still left. It was up on what little bit of the ridge was left right above the party, near the mine entrance. They would have to just reach it is all.
Crit: "Ish kahn get et wiff me mashic."
>>10307Crit: "Thanks. I don't think I know any sort of fire spell to light it with but you have the flint and steel to light it with. After that I can send it flying to them."
Critical focuses his magics to get the barrel on down.
Crit Mind
1d12 = 9 Tele
1d20 = 5 VS Barrel DC 5
>>10308That'll work.
>Gives him his flint.And when it goes off, we'll leg it!
>>10310Critical quickly takes the flint from Epic and strikes it repeatedly to send sparks to hit the fuse. Once lit Critical tosses Epic his flint steel back and sends it flying to the Alpha dog. Irregardless of it hitting, Critical goes to hit the dirt and takes Epic Mount with him.
Crit Mind
1d12 = 5 Telekinesis
1d20 = 11 VS DC Barrel toss 8
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>>10311>Epic almost fumbles his catch on his own flint and quickly pockets it.When it blows, we go!
>>10314The party runs quickly as the rocks started to fall down around them again. They ran, so fast as the wind. They ran over the severely injured dogs. They ran with purpose while Epic held close that letter of damnation.
Finally they can see the balloon and got over to it quickly. It would need to be prepared for flight once again and they had little time as another tidal wave of stone was heading straight for them.
Critical hops into the carriage and yells at Epic and Rye to cut the securing ropes loose from the ground.
>>10314>>10315>>10316 the party gets the balloon ready, they can hear a loud roaring and see an angry Alpha Diamond Dog that had followed them. The jig was up and it seemed that the alpha was out for blood.
Alpha: "You ponies will not leave here alive!"
>inb4 odyssey referenceThe alpha picks up a large stone and chucks it at the party like a base ball.
Alpha Body
1d20 = 6 VS Critical Body
1d6 = 3 No.10321
>>10319The stone already hit Critical who was trying to get back up still. Epic did find another stone though and punted it at the monstrous dog.
Epic Body
1d12 = 8 VS DC 7
>>10319>>10320>>10321As it should be, the giant is felled b a quick witted maneuver made by physically inferior. The rock hits the Alpha in the middle of the face and causes his to trip and fall down. By down Critical had started up the balloons engine and was ready for lift off.
Crit: "Cmon we're out of time we gotta go."
I kinda like how you used the barrel so we can have this intense escape scene. No.10324
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>>10323The rest all loaded in and Critical revs up the engine so that the flame could instantly be large, so large that it almost burnt the woven material of the balloon. As the heated air rose up so quickly the balloon lifted off at an almost break neck speed. Even though they though they were clear at the very last second the wave of rock hit the bottom of the carriage which caused the whole hot air balloon to whip around violently. The party had to hold on to dear life until the balloon finally eased up and they went back to a slow and proper ascent. Looking below the mountainside was still going through its avalanche and all of the dogs and the mine was buried in rock but are still alive because kid's show.
Critical sits down in the basket to catch his breath and tend to his minor head injury. It wasn't so bad but his ears were ringing and his vision slightly blurred.
Healing Touch
1d4 = 3Crit: "Urgh that dog got me pretty good. Are you guys alright?"
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>>10325Critical gets on up and takes his slave gear off and throws it over his head.
[Short Fuse]
He sits back down and looks out at the landscape which now by this hour was bathed in an orange light as Celestia was likely lowering the Sun for Luna to make way for her starry night.
Crit: "It's getting late, we can probably get some rest in Canterlot if we are able to. Probably have Blazen Path or the knights hook us up for a place to sleep."
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>>10326Hey I-I'm sorry for making you... wear all that. You seemed to had really hated that plan for some reason.
Am I sensing a sentimental-backstory-bonding-moment? No.10328
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>>10327Not that I know of.Crit: "Look it's really no big deal, I just don't really like wearing stuff like that. Bindings are something I just hate, it restricts you and it makes things certain and I especially don't like it when I am out of control of anything. I guess you could say I need to have power and when that power is limited then I am out of my element."
Critical gets up to peer out of the basket and looks around to scan the area. Canterlot was far off from where they were at and it would take a while to get there.
Crit: "And I've been there before and I don't want to go back to that. Having no power or ability of choice in my life has happened to me before."
>>10329Critical turns around all confused like.
Crit: "What? No no there is no slavery in Equestria bar that of occasional marauder group of Diamond Dogs. No what happened to me was way back in Las Pegasus, I was in the one of the casinos and I had brought in one of my enchanted decks of cards to cheat with. Mind you this was much in my earlier years and I was drunk at the time. Anyways I got caught and I had to spend a month in one of the cities jails The place was horrid, it was cold and dark and I spent all of my time inside some lonely cell. In there they also put a binding on my horn so that I couldn't use my magics to escape so I was utterly powerless at the time. Eh... I still remember being dragged out and everypony watching."
>>10331Yeah the point is not to take sympathy but to show that he needs to improve himselfCrit: "Yeah they did after cleaning out my entire coin purse. After I got out I decided to leave and I eventually got on back to Equestria where I met you guys."
Canterlot was getting closer and closer, pretty soon they will be right up on them.
>>10332Well, I would say "Money isn't everything" given I grew up in the forest, but gotta buy these potions.
I'm glad we didn't need to drink any of 'em while we had our necks in there.
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>>10334Yeah. A crash you can walk away from is a good crash.
And I know a lot about crashing!
>>10335Critical smiled at Epic under the wrapping going across his forehead.
Crit: "You don't have to tell me all that, after these months with you guys I've been knocked around senseless."
He laughs but then has to get up so they can land the down on the Canterlot Air Docks. Eventually they touch down and they get out after the attendant goes to park their balloon for them.
Crit: "Here we are back once more in Canterlot. Things look quieter now that all the gangsters are gone."
>>10336>To the flight attendant.Park her round back, careful, thew throttel sticks a little.
>To Critical.Yeah, we did make a difference did we? Place looks more like how it was.
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>>10337Critical clapped his hooves together to get himself ready for what laid ahead.
Crit: "So we got a few things to do right now. We need to go up to the Equestrian Knights and talk to them, that one store owner should get us there. We also need to go visit Blazen Path and talk to him about Stratus. We need to wait for Twilight's letter and secure a place to sleep for the night, perhaps get some food and drink too. What do you want to do first?"
>>10338Contacting the knights will be a bit difficult, I think in the olden times you had to see the council in order to request help from knights, but that was before Equestria was ruled by princesses.
We should probably return BLazen Paths balloon... while it is still in one piece.
>>10341Crit: "Yeah... heh sorry but the adrenaline made me go a bit further than I should have we barely had enough time to escape."
They go ahead and walk out in the streets to Blazen Path's house though along they can hear some sort of commotion going on in the distance.
Old Mare: "But you can't just leave right now, my cat is still stuck in the tree. Epic Mount, Critical Hit, Summer Rye please help me."
Looking towards the and they can see and old mare whose cat was stuck up in the tree. She was also surrounded by a fleeting group that of three ponies that looked a lot like them.
>>10343Unfortunately I gotta go again and pick my brother up from work.They approach the scene and they can see that the second group looked near identical to themselves except the heights and eye colors were different just like how Speed Wagon.
Old Mare: "Oh eh what now? Now there are six of ya."
Fake Critical: "Crap I didn't think we would find the other group like this before. What do you want to do?
Fake Epic Mount: "Stick to the script. Hey there you imposters, what do you think you are doing pretending to be us. You should be ashamed of yourselves."
[Short Fuse]
Crit: "A... Ashamed of ourselves? Your the ones copying us!"
>>10345Sorry I didn't post yesterday, was really busy and feeling sick.The fake Epic Mount coldly dismisses his counterpart, trying to keep up the illusion that he is the real one though for the old mare it could go either way.
Old Mare: "I still need my cat from the tree, please somepony help me here."
Fake Epic: "I'm not gonna stay here with such shallow imposters, Critical and Rye we are leaving."
Kind of convenient for him to say for him and the rest of his lackeys to avoid any sort of revelation of their true identities in front of the populace.
>>10347Look at what I found Fake critical Epic and Rye simply watched as the two real Critical and Rye cheered on Epic who was climbing up the tree.
Critical: "C'mon Epic you got this! Go get that cat!"
Epic Body
1d12 + 1 = 5 VS Tree DC 5
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>>10348>To the other Epic.Lemme show you how to get pussy.
>>10349>Epic may have lost his Santa costume, but still had the hat, he got the hat out and started dangling the white pom-pom part of the hat towards the cat as if some sort of dangly toy. No.10351
>>10350The cat looks at it intensely like it was some prey. Would it take the bait though? It doesn't really trust Epic.
Epic Charm
1d10 + 5 = 6 VS Cat Mind
1d6 = 5 No.10352
>>10351The cat attacks, biting onto the pom pom, snatching it away from Epic Mount. When the cat does this it is left with no other option but to use its claws and digs into his hide to help secure itself though Epic is thrown off by this and may fall down.
Epic Body
1d12 = 11 VS DC 10
>>10352Epic feels his weight going over the branch but he uses his hooves to grab a hold of the tree trunk to keep himself steady. It would have been a nasty fall for Epic but it seems that he will be okay.
Critical: "Ha ha there you go Epic, just try to ignore its talons digging into your flesh."
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>>10352>>10353>Winced in pain a little.It's fine. it's scared so I expected it to do that. All the more reason for it to hold on tight.
I'm coming down now, if I fall, can you save the cat?
>>10354Since he's gotten up the tree and has already gotten a feel for it. Once down, the cat immediately jumps from Epic and into the Old Mare's bags and safety.
Old Mare: "Thank you, you three are much better than these luggabouts. You are the real deal and those ponies are the fake ones."
Fake Epic: "Ah damn it all, we don't really need this right now. C'mon Critical and Rye we're leaving."
Fake Crit: "Sure thing boss, we're right behind you."
It seems that you caught the attention of the crowd who watched the whole event go down. Now they'll know for sure who is the real Epic Mount Critical Hit and Summer Rye.
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>>10355>To the nice old mare.You don't need to pay us, we're off the clock.
>See's the cat relieved to be back where it belongs after its ordeal.Here, you deserve this.
>Gives the cat his Santa hat.It's outta season anyway.
>>10356The cat seems rather grumpy at this but the owner is over delighted and is likely to make the pet wear the belittling hat.
Old Mare: "Oh thank you so much. Here I was gonna give this to the imposters but you can have it instead since you actually helped."
She gives Epic Mount one Hyper Potion and one home cooked meal.
Hyper Potion: (Heals all HP) 50bits
Meal Simple: 3bits
When they go to look for the fake group it would seem that they are already long gone and out of sight. It would be impossible to go find them now.
Crit: "Damn and I really wanted to show em what for with some combat. Going around using our names to turn a profit, what bastards."
>>10357>To the ladyThank you very much ma'am.
>To Critical.We already did show them what for, or at least I did towards my imposter. Instead of charging and boasting my strength and courage, I just went ahead and did so out of good, that showed them up who's the real deal.
Besides, if they want to behave like our reflections then it won't be the last time we see of them.
>>10358Crit: "Eh Fine, I still would've enjoyed to kick their asses but so long as we get to have our names back then I guess I get what I wanted."
He looks around the plaze which was still bathed in orange but things were getting darker by the minute as the sun lowered.
Critical: "It's getting late... eh where did we want to go to first? The griffon shop to speak to the knights or hit up Blazen Path for some info."
>>10359Um... let's check on Blazen. I just realised at this very moment something.
What if whoever is trying to take the keys from us go after Blazen? We better go check on him... and maybe return his balloon.
>>10360Crit: "Sounds like a good idea actually, we'll head on over there right now."
The party heads out of the common's district and into the noble's district which was under the caring and watchful gaze of the Canterlot Castle. Critical remarks on it and wonders if they'll ever see the inside of it. Turning back to their attention they get on up to Blazen's Mansion and quickly raps on the door. Eventually Blazen Path opens the door revealing that he was safe.
Blazen: "Ah it is you three again, good good that means you didn't die up in Rainbow Falls. That is good as I would've had to have learned necromancy a third time to bring you back to hear about what you had learned. Come on inside and I'll have my servants fix up some tea."
The party is brought inside and back to the dining room table where they had first spoken to Blazen Path. This time there was no food set out but this time there was a plethora of books scattered across the table's surface and in the seats of the chairs having them be forced to scoot off some of the tomes to sit down.
Crit: "Aye, did he get more insane than the last time we talked to him?"
>>10361>muttersIsn't necromancy illegal?
>>10362Critical just shrugs at him, just as the same amount of confusion and indifference as Epic had. Soon enough Blazen Path comes out and his servant with a platter of drinks.
Crit: "Aw... no alcohol tonight? Fine."
Blazen: "Now now mister Hit drinking is bad, it clouds the mind. A unicorn should know that especially when practicing his spells. Now you three have been to the city of Cumulonimbus correct? I was there myself once but I could not venture in too far lest I risked my adventuring party. It seems though that you were able to head on in with full confidence so I have to ask what did you find?"
>>10363Golems. We even befriended one of them.
There was also a key there and tellings of another city with a super-weapon the pegasi had.
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>>10364Blazen: "A-another key?"
Crit: "Yes apparently there is another flying pegasus city out there with some sort of immense power called Stratus. We need to know how to get there. Oh and we also found this letter."
Critical hands over the latter they found in the gem mine over to Blazen Path who read it with a pair of spectacles. After doing so he gives the letter back to the party.
Blazen: "Some political leader is trying to find these cities? It seems like the author was able to find out about these cities was going into the Catnerlot Archives to find out more about the keys and the cities. If you can get inside the archives then do so and see if you can find some relative information."
Crit: "I dunno, the guards won't just let some bum fuck ponies out of nowhere going inside a guarded treasure. We may have to get special permissions or sneak in."
>>10366Crit: "Right, that would come to be the special permissions part.but we would have to get more cozy than how we are now with the knights. Of course showing them this material and having you reach squire status will definitely get us the access we need in those archives."
Blazen: "Well I'm not sure how you would be able to contact them like that but if you do see them do tell them that I would wish to study their magically enchanted weapons. I want to use those powers to open up a portal to the Yerziv world and meet my counterpart there."
The servant rolls his eyes at the unwitting Blazen Path, showing that this unicorn is nearly out of his mind and should probably ignore his last statement.
>>10367>EPic didn't like where this conversation was going with the idea of opening up portals to dimensions he cannot pronounce.W-we'll see.
Also keep in mind the bad ponies who are after us because of these keys may go after you for knowing about them. Do you have protection?
>>10368Servant: "Even though the host of this household can be a bit eccentric at times... he can conjure up spells with the utmost power."
Blazen: "Oh you don't need to speak for me about my abilities Reginald Greywater, if I have guests I'll be happy to give them a magic display. Perhaps afterwords we'll review some texts about magic and its history across Equestria."
Servant: "Yes we'll be fine, besides the noble's district is constantly guarded so we aren't alone here."
Crit: "Sounds good, we should prolly head on out now and get on over to the griffon knight."
>>10369Yes. Thank you for your time.
Oh yeah the balloon, do you need to back?
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>>10372Crit: "Alrighty then, come on Epic we gotta go now before things get too dark out."
The party exits the mansion after saying goodbye. Eventually they return to the Common's District's market area. Things were all closed up now since the starry veil of the night sky had embraced the land. The only two things open now at this hour was the inn and the common goods shop Everything and Anything.
I can't remember the actual name I gave it so sorry if I'm breaking the lore here. No.10375
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>>10374Crit: "But he has no political influence over Equestria, he's just some kooky old wizard sitting around in the noble's district. Who we're looking for has some pull around here and it is likely we may find that pony residing somewhere up in the Canterlot Castle but who that may be is anypony's guess."
The look around trying to see where to go then Critical points at the Everything and Anything.
Crit: "Ah there that's where that Griffon works at. Here you go on inside first since you're the one becoming a squire."
>>10375He is the last pony we would expect, as well as the only pony who knows more about what we're after than anypony else we know.
It's either that or "The butler did it."
>Finds the E&AAh PK, here we go.
>>10376Critical smiles and shakes his head at Epic Mount, knowing now he's just messing around.
They enter into the store and they can see the Griffon sitting there at his counter who smiles at the party.
Aotle: "Sorry friends the store is closed... unless you have some special order to make."
Critical steps to the counter and says something like out of a script.
Crit: "Yes we do have a special order, my friend has some resource material to turn in for some license of practice."
The Griffon looks behind the party to make sure they weren't being followed or spied on.
Aotle: "So you guys did visit the mine, were you able to open up that back door and see what was inside?"
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>>10377Yep. It was some sort of hovel. Well we found of interest was this.
>Shows the scroll. No.10379
>>10378Aotle looks at the scroll, getting into the meat of it he has a slightly worried look. He then pockets the scroll and tells the party that he will let his superiors review the text. He then motions the party to head on through past the counter to the back exit of the store. Once outside, Aotle turns to the party.
Aotle: "Okay what we are gonna do is head on up to the Canterlot Castle to get you situated into the knight's order. We're gonna stick to the back alleys and try to avoid eyesight so try to keep up with me."
I gotta go now. No.10381
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(So, what did I miss?)
>>10381• One of the Knights of Equestria has headhunted me and got us on a mission.
• We found out there are three posers of us trying to besmirch our reputation.
• We went to a mine somewhere near Canterlot where Diamond Dogs have took over. They appear to be under the command of a unicorn black knight who is perhaps physically strong or stronger than Epic. We found an important scroll in the mind and we escaped with cool explosions.
• As we returned to Canterlot, we found the three posers. I saved a cat out of a tree.
• Went to see Blazen Path, he's a little crazy but pretty much told us what to do next5 which we were already doing.
• I'm not gonna turn in my first KoE quest and become a squire, maybe.
>>10380>>10381Aotle: "Not exactly, we can take any aspirant with a special quest but to become a knight is an arduous journey that requires both the mind and body."
The party continues through the city, keeping to the shadows as they make it up towards the castle. Soon enough they go through a secret passage by sliding some stones apart.
Aotle: "We're almost there, lets keep going."
He points to a small larder door built into the side of the castle.
>>10382>Basically yeah No.10385
>>10384The griffon nods and they head on up to the door. Getting up there Aotle took up a key and unlocked the door and entered in through the larder door and they enter in below. Inside they can see an array of dry foods that the castle chef would likely cook it but it seems that the chef has been asked to be absent from the larder tonight and in his stead are three more cloaked figures who's appearances are obscured.
Tall Figure: "So these are the candidates? Which of them are willing here?"
Aotle puts on a similar cloak to the other figures and joins by their side.
Stocky Figure: "None of them look able to be a knight, they all should just be cast out from here."
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>>10385We came all this way to be a knight. We brave the mines and retrieve the scroll just as we asked. What more would you have me do?
>>10386Stocky Figure: "Being a knight is more than just being some spelunker of caves and destroyer of dogs boy."
Small figure: "Easy now friend, they have shown that they are capable of keeping up with us yes. We just have to see if they have the right mindset is all which we can do through their trials as squires."
The stocky figure remains silent at this, agreeing with the smaller and more feminine figure with no words spoken.
Tall Figure: "Yes I conclude as well, I trust my ally Aotle to find the appropriate candidates for our order so I will not cast out his judgement just yet."
Aotle: "Thank you my liege."
Tall Figure: "Now then, I need whomever of you who wish to undertake our oaths and order to step forwards now."
Critical: "Eh sorry Epic but being a knight isn't really the sort of career path I'm looking for. I'll hang back on this matter but I'll be rooting for you from the sidelines."
I don't want Crit to be a knight because being a knight is more your thing and you should have your own unique destiny. Don't worry he'll still be able to help you out with your knightly quests and go in and out of the castle with you. No.10389
>>10388 Figure: "Hmph"
Tall Figure: "Yes Aotle told me about you and our source have scratched up some information about you. The Everfree Pony is what some call you, a hero born in the wild. Lets hope though you can leave that kind of life behind and take up a new mantle for you country Epic Mount."
Small Figure: "As for Critical Hit over there, the wayward and angry gambler, he and any of your friends can still assist you in your journeys. A knight of Equestria shall not deny friendship no matter where it comes from."
Aotle: "That's one of our tenets Epic Mount, you should try to pay attention here and you might get a hoof up on your studies."
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Summer Rye didn't step forward, he wasn't really planning on becoming a knight. Unless it was a knight of the food table.
>>10390>>10391Tall Figure: "Not in the most literal sense but metaphorically. A knight's job is to protect one's home and lands but we must have a sense of honor to our combat and how we go about things. When I say leave your life behind I mean you must accept our ways and our ideals to become a knight. A trial you will face in the future as a squire."
Small Figure: "Come with us, the ceremony is ready to begin."
The party is led through the halls of the torch lit castle up into the main throne room. There both Celestia and Luna sat upon their thrones waiting for the ceremony to begin alongside the political leaders of other countries as well.
The figures turn to Epic Mount while Crit and Rye hanged back.
Tall Figure: "Today we have a new aspirant to join our fold as a squire. Under the witness and benevolence of the Princess Sisters we shall undertake the ceremony."
Celestia: "It shall be so Gold Grail, I wish you the best of luck in your efforts."
Celestia had a gentle voice that could soothe the troubles of anypony who heard it. Gold Grail then turns to Epic Mount once more.
Gold Grail: "Epic Mount, will you adhere to the teachings of our instructors and follow them accordingly in your lifestyle?
Will you study and work hard to become a knight?
And lastly will you obey your liege and die for your country? If so then kneel before me child."
>BowsI will serve to protect Everfree Forest and to help all ponies of Equestria who need me.
>>10393Gold Grail unsheathes his sword and brings it down to Epic's left shoulder, the cold sharp steel touches his coat and was about to seal his place in this order.
Gold Grail: "You are a brave soul young one, I have the faith that you will grow strong enough to protect your kin one day."
The sword lifts itself and floats over Epic's head until it touches down on his right shoulder. This was it, he was almost there now. Every struggle he has faced, every night he dreamed of this moment is now finally happening. Epic Mount can feel a swell of joy and nervousness overwhelm him.
Gold Grail: "I hereby give you the rank of Squire in the order of Equestrian Knights. Hold your rank with pride but with also humility so that you may learn. Now rise as one of us."
>>10395Celestia: "Congratulations Gold Grail on the newest Squire. Remind me tomorrow and we'll go out and get some tea as a celebration."
Gold Grail: "Yes my princess. Now then there is a matter as to whom your liege. I appoint Claymore as to be the knight who you will serve."
The Stocky figure reveals himself to be a dark red unicorn with grey silver hair. His crossed face is decorated with scars and a tattoo of a sword on the right side of his face.
Claymore: "Though I am weary of your abilities and reasoning to become a fellow knight, I shall uphold my honor and teach you properly."
>>10397Critical pokes at Rye and whispers
Crit: "Agh this is so boring... this ain't like a casino parlor in Las Pegas I can tell you that though I am pretty still happy for Epic Mount."
>>10398Eh its not the same pony, besides knight's helmet would have muffled his voice to it being impossible to recognize.Claymore: "Hm don't thank me yet. We have a lot to go over for you to learn."
The congregation was dismissed and nearly everpony returned to their rooms. Gold Grail undid his cloak to reveal an orange earth pony male with white hair. The Smaller figure revealed herself to be a deep sea blue pegasus with a black mane and the party heard her name in passing as Sapphire Sword.
Before the party can talk further they are approached by one of the ambassadors who was witness to the ceremony. She was a tall dark red unicorn with a black mane and a stalliongrad accent
Red Winter: "Hello there little ponies, I am the ambassador Red Winter. I wanted to stop by to thank you for letting me see this ceremony take place and congratulate you on your achievements.
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>>10399Thank you Sir Winter. I've always wanted to be a knight ever since I found the books of Sir Squire in the Castle of the Royal Sisters library.
>>10400Critical laughs at Epic Mount and points out that the ambassador is actually a female.
Red Winter: "Eh yes I don't think I've read those yet but I would hope so soon enough."
Claymore: "Hmm... I am sorry to interrupt but things are getting late..."
Red Winter: "Ah I am sorry, I am getting tired as well so I shall take my leave."
Red Winter heads on out the door and goes to enter and stay in her room for the night. Claymore turns to address the rest of the party.
Claymore: "You and your friends can stay here in the castle with the other knights or you can leave the castle and celebrate out in one of the local inns. Just be sure to be at the Castle Entrance tomorrow morning so we can go over your first bits of training."
>>10401Crit: "Don't worry I'll g et us on out of here soon enough and get some food and drink. Tonight we dine like kings!"
>>10402I thought all knights were regarded as "Sirs", the old books don';t tell much of mares who became knights.
Thank you Sir Claymore.
>>10403Claymore: "Yes but we've been pretty low on our recruits and those were ancient times. Again we can not deny friends no matter where they come from. Anyways I shall leave you be for you to have some fun with your friends there."
>>10404>DubsCrit: "Ha yeah thank Celestia that's over. Lets go ahead and go down to the inn in the Common's District."
>>10405OK. I'm a squire now!
Sir Claymore, I'm headin' out!
>>10406Epic Mount rejoins with his friends where Critical gave him a hardy pat on the back
Crit: "Well well look at Equestria's newest intrepid squire! Going up in the high places are you? Just be sure not to forget us when you thwarting the evil dragon's plot to take over Equestria."
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>>10408>>10409Crit: "And hey we'll be there every step of the way. Now then enough of the sappy stuff, I got a heavy pile of bits in my saddle bags and they need to be spent on food drink and hookers! ... I'm joking about the last part but we need food and drink right now!"
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"I'm always up for food and drink. Let's get going."
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>>10410>>10411>As they head off.I'm not suprise there are some mare knights in the order, didn't expect them to be so strong and pretty.
>>10412Crit "Ew Epic, I thought you were more into Fluttershy. The least you can do is leave some of them for me and Rye."
Critical laughs at his poor sarcasm as they continue their way down to the Commons District. Things had gotten quiet and the streets were clear of anypony around bar that the typical guard pony who had accidentally nodded off during his shift. They do make it to the inn however and see that it was somewhat lively with groups of late night delivery ponies, sky pirates, and the average Canterlot citizen with insomnia were having a drink and a good time. There was the bartender up at her corner who was a heavy set and middleaged mare who was calling out orders to her husband in back while he cooked some food that emanated the entire bar.
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>>10413I am, no harm in giving out compliments.
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Rye was looking for a comfortable spot close to the kitchen.
>>10414Crit: "I'm just messing with you Epic Mount and yeah that Sapphire Sword is easy on the eyes I admit. Of course I don't really have any interest to go further in this matter, we've got some drinks to have."
They sit on down at the counter and Critical order his 2 bottles of scotch for 20 bits each. One bottle was for later as he put it away into his saddle bags and the other he began to sip at.
Crit Bits: 289
Bartender: "What else can I get you hon?"
>>10415rye sits down with the rest of his party and the bartender asks him what kind of drink or food.
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>>10416"I'm in the mood for something with carrots."
>>10417Bartender: "Carrots hon? You must be a farmer eh? A momma's boy just like my hubby back there."
Chef: "Hey I heard that."
Bartender: "Don't you mind him hon, here's what I got for carrot based foods."
Meal Simple(Diced Carrots): 3bits
Meal Extra(Carrot Cake) 3/3 10bits
>This meal has three portions to eat and can be eaten multiple times. No.10419
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>>10418Rye nods. "I'm the son of farmers and a farmer myself. But I ain't no momma's boy, miss. I'll have the diced carrots twice and the cake!"
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>>10419Bartender: "I meant no offense hon I mean after I did marry my hubby back there. No need to be so defensive."
He buys two things of diced carrots and carrot cake.
Rye bits: 165
>>10420Critical just blushes at his question, pondering the idea of having a special pony in his life.
Crit: "Ah uh no. I didn't really get into anything like that back in Baltimare and after I left I just kept focusing on going through some of the more ancient places and wandering from inn to inn."
>>10421As somepony of chance, I would place a bet you'd left some broken hearts behind. Eh? Eh?
>>10422What about you Rye? Anypony of your fancy back where you're from?
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>>10422Bartender: "Well at least you are happy with your meal; let me know if you need anything else."
Rye's food sat before him, hot and fresh from the kitchen.
>>10423Crit: "Eh no... again I didn't really do anything like that. My life in Baltimare was spent studying magics and watching my father give his magic opinions on law cases. When I left to seek more power, I was moving around too much to get to know any pony in any one given place."
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>>10423"Rye shook his head. No, not really. I never even gave that a thought so far. Farm life was way too busy with all them troubles we faced."
>>10425I should introduce you to Applejack sometime, I bet you two will get along well.
Then again...
>Looks him up and down.She might get a bit creeped out how much you look like her brother a bit.
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>>10425>>10426Crit: "Look at you Epic... playin the matchmaker in this party."
Critical takes another swig of his scotch and puts it down on the table. He had a slight grin on his face and his eyes started to get disoriented as he get drunker by the second. It is amazing how he got to be like that so fast but then again due to his smaller stature it can be argued that because of it he gets drunk faster.
Crit: "I I I thought you were the awkward one out of all of us though."
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>>10427Me? Awkward? I'm a knight! Knights can't be awkward! They must be brave!
W-well, a squire.
>>10428Critical laughs, having to use the counter as a support though nobody is sure what is funny here.
Critical: "Epic Epic Epic..."
Bartender: "Your friend there looks like he's had enough tonight. I run a fine establishment so make sure that he doesn't cause any trouble at my bar. I do have a room that can hold 3 ponies for the night. It'll cost you though 120 bits in total for the room."
>>10429I don't think I have that kinda money.
>>10430Rye, can you afford us a room?
>>10431>>10431Crit: "We just gotta... split payment of 40 bits in between us all... and cover up anyone who is lacking in funds."
Epic Bits: 20
Crit Bits: 289
Rye Bits: 165
Critical already pulled out a total of 60 bits to cover himself and the rest of Epic's payment since he was short on the money.
>>10432>Was embarased.I'm sorry, I'm usually more careful with my money, but it's hard to understand it's system at times.
I even considered taking gems from that mine we were in just to sell but I didn't know if that be stealing or not.
>>10433Crit: "It'shh...."
He stops what he is saying and looks lost in thought though you can imagine what he was saying was "It's fine." The party pool together what funds they have pay the bartender for the room. They head on upstairs and are let into a small yet cozy room with a drawer, desk, and three comfy looking beds. Everybody gets into their own cot and they turn the lights off. Right now would be the last moment they could speak to each other before heading off to sleep.
Epic Bits: 0
Crit Bits: 229
Rye Bits: 125
>>10435Critical turns around under his sheets and whispers across the room.
Crit: "Squire? You mean that one pony you mentioned earlier to that Ambassador? Epic Mount you outta carve out your own path and identity."
It seems he's calmed down a bit.
>>10437But Squire was awesome! BEfore the Earth pony tribe migrated to Equestria there was one pony who wanted to be a knight, but in doing so he had to defeat the dragon Bazil!
Even though he was prooven worthy to join the Knights of Equestria, he never gave up his quest, and he became the most famous knight of the order!
Crit: "Aah.... I'm too drunk to hear out Earth Pony History. I'm turning in for the night."
Critical rolls over and makes sure that his blanket nearly covered up his head. After that things got quiet and that was that for that day.
To be continued
I'mma head on off now since Rye is gone. No.10441
>>10439>>10440I'm backMorning raises up over the land the land and Canterlot is bathed in the early sunlight and the party woke up. The night was calm and peaceful for them and they were able to heal up all of their scratches and wounds from their expedition into the Unicorn Range.
Remembering yesterday, Claymore requested the party's presence at the castle gates so that Epic Mount can begin his training.
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>>10441Summer Rye was up early, as was not uncommon for him being a farmer. He made sure to wake up his friends early as well and also suggested for Epic to cut his mane. He should look his best for the training after all.
>>10442>>10443Sorry things have been slow lately, school and work have been making it hard to post here but we should pick back up again by tomorrow. Do not worry we are still doing this I promise.The party found themselves in the Canterlot inn room which was well decorated but had acheap aura to it since this establishment was located in the Commons District. Much to their surprise or not the room was still very well kept and clean except for the beds that they slept in. They all also felt a pang of hunger set over them so it would be a good idea to get something to eat downstairs. Luckily they can get a free meal each because it comes with the purchase of a room for a night.
Critical was the last one of the party to get up which indicated that he may be more of a night time pony.
Critical: "Urgh... Yeah we should head on over to the castle pretty soon. Claymore will be waiting for you Epic and me and Rye can take the time to sharpen up our skills as well... Or unless you want to do something else Rye."
>>10444I don't wanna let Claymore down, though I'm concerned if my training will get in the way of our adventures.
It would of been nice if I wasw made a knight on the spot, but if the knights think I need refining then I'll have to abide.
>>10445>>10446Crit: "Well let's see what he wants to do when we get there. For now though lets get downstairs and shill out some food from the bartender and her husband. We do deserve it after all buying out this room for the night."
The party heads downstairs to an early morning lit bar room. Few customers were in the area besides some of the caravaners who took a snooze on one of the booths, probably too much to drink. The bartender sees the party, she puts down the coffee she had brewed and called out to them to get their attention.
Bartender: "Hey there boys did you come down here for your complimentary meal for the night? Come on over here and tell me what you want my hubby to cook for you. I also got this batch of coffee, just brewed it myself."
>>10448Epic sees that he has no bits left after having to help pay for the room but the bartender reassures him and the rest of the party that they can get one meal for free but only one.
Crit: "I'll have some fried daisies and a cup of coffee."
>>10450She nods and shouts at the chef to cook up those items for the party and then she offered each on their own cup of coffee.
Critical sips on his coffee then speaks, "So what do you think Claymore is gonna have you do? I only heard about knight training but I'm not sure what is really gonna go down."
>>10451I dunno. Probably sparring or a gauntlet course to test my metal.
He'll probably say something corny as "Just because this is a test doesn't mean I'll hold back", in which I won't and give it my all.
I've been fighting monsters since I was a toddler. And ventured through dungeons riddled with traps, so I can do a sparring match or gauntlet.
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>>10452I thought I attached a picture to my last post.Crit: "Hm. Well it sounds like it's gonna be cakewalk for you then eh?"
The bartender sets their food out and they all begin to eat their food. Things were calm quiet and peaceful, a definite change of pace for the party. Running from dogs and avalanches to sitting down to eating food in a bar.
Crit: "This is nice, I can get used to being all relaxed is all though I'm sure I wouldn't be able to spend my early life like this."
>>10453My only concern is... I'm more of a "free spirit" sort of pony. I won't like that I see the knights in a view of grandure. When I said my oath, I vowed to protect Equestria and Everfree but that doesn't mean I want to be some pawn to higher power.
We knights move in L shape! not one square at a time... Unless the pawns haven't moved yet, then they can take two squares forward.
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>>10454Crit: "I'm sure things will be okay, I mean they know about our quest somewhat so they won't get in the way of that I'm sure."
They finished up their meals and the bartender took away the plates. The meal was filling and it was surely to have them in a better condition to train under Claymore.
Crit: "Well then we should probably get moving right?"
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>>10455Yeah, let's head off.
I wish I had a McDonalds breakfast wrap right about now... No.10457
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>>10456Depending on what time it is, it's prolly too late to get it./ Breakfast should end near 11am I think.The party leaves the inn and heads on over to the castle area which was quite the bit of the hike as they had to walk through both the commons and the noble's district in order to reach the castle gates. Once they got there they were met with the usual large wooden door and the royal guard complimenting the ramparts. At first it seemed like this would be some trouble but they were immediately approached by Claymore who was standing outside of the gates waiting for them.
Claymore: "About time you all showed up, I was starting to wonder if you all had just decided to leave town and abandon this trial. Anyways lets get on inside the castle district and get your training started Epic Mount. Critical and Rye you are permitted to enter as well so that you may not leave Epic behind."
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>>10458You know what, they only microwave those things so if you ask for it they may just go ahead and sell it to you. Trust I used to work in a Mcdonalds.Claymore: "True true I see your point. I was just hoping you would be here before sunrise but I won't hold it against you."
The guard ponies pull on the levers and pulleys to slowly open the grand doors of the castle district. Once inside it was very sparse when it came to population, the most you would see was the high ranking guard ponies marching about. The others they might see would be politicians and representatives from other towns and cities and grand scholars who worked the archives.
Claymore: "There are a number of things here that you can access in the Castle District. There is the Royal Archives where the most extensive library in modern Equestria, be sure to get permission before going in there. There is the Knight's Barracks where you can lay down and rest if you are weary or injured. There is also a training area there that we will be heading to right now. Lastly there is the Castle, this area is off limits unless you get permission or under special cases. Do you get all that?"
>>10459Yes Sir Claymore.
>Quietly to Critical.Hey Critical, did we need to go to the Rotyal Library for something? (I already forgotten)
>>10460Crit whipering: "We need to go look through some of the records because they may hold the location of the Pegasus City of Stratus."
They got on up to the knights barracks where they could see a number of knights unknown to them were hanging around and relaxing or were training in the back.
Claymore: "Yes we do have more knights than the ones you saw before in fact we have a number of them spread across the land to protect the areas though we have been having some trouble keeping order around here."
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>>10461I thought the Knights were retired after the Equestrian council past control over to the princesses?
>>10462Claymore: "They were and were replaced by the EUP guard but after the Nightmare Night incident, Celestia could not protect Equestria because she lost her contact to the Elements and the knights were banded back together."
They get on to the back where they can see fighting dummies and archery targets lining the small walls that encased the the back yard of the barracks. There was also a small wooden arena where two knights were already inside dueling with swords.
Claymore: "Well then here we are, lets start with some form. I see that you are capable to attack with just your hooves so go ahead and do some air boxing to see where you are right now."
>>10464He throws his hooves around with power and strength, causing the air to whistle around him with every swing and punch. Critical nods and looks impressed with his friend but Epic Mount could feel Claymore's gaze poke at him like knives. After the demonstration Claymore did not comment for a while but instead stared at him, analyzing his attacks, strengths, and weaknesses.
Claymore: "You are a very strong pony Epic Mount but something is off about you. It seems that you lack resolve, as if your attacks have no foundation or purpose to them."
>>10465Usually the foundation is another opponents weak point.
I'm somewhat of a brawler and never learned any proper martial arts other than a bit of dambe from Zecora.
But I figured since I've been fighting monsters most my life, I got it somewhat figured out anyway.
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Rye just tagged along with Crit, the place being very big and confusing.
>>10466Claymore: "That's not what I had meant..."
He doesn't go further into detail about this but motions Epic Mount to head on over to some of the archery targets. He then hands Epic a bow and a single training arrow that did not have a sharpened end to it.
Claymore: "I don't think you would be able to hit the target but go ahead and give it a go just for safe measure."
>>10467Crit and Rye were watching Epic had his first go arounds with training.
Crit: "Seems like Epic might be having some trouble here."
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>>10469I'm alright with throwing, but never properly used this before.
>Epic tried to use the bow and arrow, but given he lacked fingers it just looked impossible. He looked over to the other Earth Pony archers on how they did it and tried to copy them. No.10473
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>>10471Epic Mount watches the ponies shoot their arrows by planting the bow onto the ground with one hoof and drawing back the arrow with their teeth.
Epic Body
1d12 - 1 = 9 VS DC 10
>>10470Crit: "Yeah it would seem so."
>>10473>>10474Epic tried his best to shoot the arrow off but it landed just a bit short of the target and stuck out of the ground in a comedic way.
Claymore: "Not too good but your special talent looks to be with a shield rather than shooting arrows. Anyways come on back I got a job for you and your friends there."
The party reforms itself with Claymore talking to them, having a good bit a distance in between them.
Claymore: "Pretty soon we will be getting some representatives from the Yakyakkistan to come in and do their yearly negotiations with the Princesses. What I want you and your friends to do is to go and make sure they arrive safely to the Castle District."
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>>10477"Oh boy, that sounds like quite a task. But I don't even have my sword anymore."
>>10478Don't worry, I know yaks, if anything we should make sure they don't cause harm to others than protect them.
If only Pinkie was here, she's good with yaks.
>>10477Claymore: "They'll be arriving through the skydock and will have a parade all the way to the castle district. Before you go though I must explain one of the tenets of our order."
He gets ready with his soon to be a lecture. This was his life that he was about to explain and he wanted to do it right.
Claymore: "
Accept allies, no matter where they come from. What this means is that we do not shun help from those who offer it to us. This does not mean we let other take advantage of us but we do not deny those who truly wish to be our... friends. Take this into mind when you are helping the representatives to the Castle Gates."
>>10478>>10479Crit: "Sounds tough but with you two around here it should be easy enough."
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>>10480"We'll be doing our best, as always. And it's quite an honor too!"
>>10480>Accept allies, no matter where they come fromSir... um... if the Yaks are going to have a parade, wouldn't it be best to call a specialist who understand Yaks behavior better?
We do know somepony who not only stayed in Yakyakistan long enough to be regarded as an honorary yak... but is also a professional party planner.
If the Yaks are satisfied and with a truster party planner, we would have a more controlled environments for any threats.
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>>10481Claymore: "Of course you may also see some other officials who will be a part of the parade as well."
>>10482Claymore: "Really then? Perhaps you should quit being a squire and I'll just get this pony to be a knight instead."
He seemed that he was annoyed at Epic's question but he readjusts himself for a more proper answer.
Claymore: "I'm not asking you to negotiate with the Yaks yourselves I just want you three to help them get to the castle. We already have everything set up there so things will be fine in the diplomacy department."
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>>10483"We better put on our best clothes then."
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>>10486"I've never met a yak before. Are they as strong as they say?"
>>10487>>10488There were no other escorts on this mission but Claymore will be at their side during this event. The party goes up and the politicians goes ahead and greets them. Red Winter was there along with some ponies they had never met before whom of which introduced themselves and thanked the party for ensuring a safe journey.
Red Winter/ The representative from Stalliongrad up north east of Equestria. A unicorn with a red coat and black mane, very tall.
Pegasus Olsen/ representative from the city of Manehattan. An Earth Pony with the same colors of Critical Hit.
Fancy Pants/ a pillar of the community in Canterlot. Is a unicorn with a white coat and blue mane.
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Rye positioned himself next to the representatives.
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>>10490Hello again Red Winter.
>>10491>>10492Red Winter: "Hello to all of you and Claymore you are here as well?"
Claymore: "Yes Gold Grail wanted us to help out with the parade so we are here to make sure everything goes safely."
Olsen: "The knights seem capable... though they don't look to uniform."
Critical: "Well me and Rye aren't really knights, we're just here for a ride along."
The crowd goes quiet when they see a large pegusus flown wagon lands down with an escort of Wonderbolts hovering over it. The doors open and two yak representatives walk out and greet the other politicians and talk about how long the flight was down to here.
Claymore: "Okay things get serious from here on out. Two of us should be on the left side of the wagon and two on the right. Make sure no pony gets close and keep an eye out for anything suspicious. Epic Mount I want you on the right side with me on the back wheel."
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>>10493Summer Rye positioned himself at the left back wheel.
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Gotta stop for dinner. No.10497
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>>10494>>10495Yeah I'm gonna get something to eat too. I have school tomorrow but I should be relatively free after that.The party arranges themseles as follows.
Critical Hit Claymore
Summer Rye Epic Mount
Soon enough the politicians were done with their talk and they were able to get loaded up into the carriage and the parade started to go into full swing. Streamers flew about and music blared out as they made a cautious journey through the common's district. Ponies stared and cheered in awe at the sight of some of the most influential ponies the world had to offer.
>>10498 parade is in full swing as the escort went down the streets. The party can barely hear what the politicians were talking about but then they can hone in as Fancy Pants directs his attention to his guards.
Fancy Pants: "Why I think I've heard of you fellows before. Weren't you the ones who stopped that massive crime wave here in Canterlot? If so then I do have to say bravo.
Yak: "These guard ponies did that? They sound very strong, perhaps they would like to come live in Yakyakistan."
Olsen: "Ha ha, perhaps. I would sure like ponies like that to guard my estate, they seem capable."
Claymore doesn't comment on this but rather keeps an eye on the crowd and on the road ahead.
Crit: "Sorry but our services aren't for sale... unless the bits are good."
Red Winter: "Ha, seems like this one is bold."
Fancy Pants: "I agree, I find him to be a quiet charming lad."
>>10500The Yak catches on to Epic's bashfulness. Unlike how Claymore ignored them to avoid trouble, Epic kept silent to be respectful and somewhat shy.
Yak: "You are a strong and of the quiet type are you not? We yaks respect strength in our lands so you do not need to be so quiet around us."
Olsen: "Yes dearie it is a parade after all."
Claymore: "I am sorry for some of our reservedness, we are just trying to make sure everything smoothly."
Red Winter: "Ah we understand sir Claymore, but you should really try to relax some. Your always so serious and grim."
>>10500Oh I have played that game and trust me it was one of the best games I have ever played. Like it's one of the few that I went to complete 100%. The only other game I did that with was Fallout 3.>>10502>>10503Suddenly the party can hear some yelling as a drunken stallion runs past some guards. He was stumbling all over the place and brandished a large yet empty bottle at the parade float, daring it to come closer. The politicians looked concerned at this but not scared even though the parade float had to make a complete stop. Claymore looked back at Epic Crit and Rye to see what they wanted to do. Surely Claymore could handle it but he wanted to test Epic and see what he would do in this situation.
Claymore: "Epic, you and your friends handle this. I'll stick back with the cart."
>SighSir please step away from the chariot, you're disrupting the parrade.
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>>10504>>10505"Sir, you are disturbing an official diplomatic mission. I trust you understand the importance of you stepping back and putting the bottle down."
>Rye tried his persuasion talent if necessary No.10507
>>10505>>10506The drunk stares at the two of them all confused like, unsure of what they were saying or trying to get them to do. The politicians watched from the safety of their ride, wondering how the stallion will react to Epic's and Rye's persuasion and attempts at intimidation and domination.
Epic Charm
1d8 - 1 = 0 Stare
1d6 = 1 VS Drunk Mind
1d6 - 1 = 2Rye Charm
1d8 = 8 Pers
1d6 = 3 VS Drunk Mind
1d6 - 1 = 4 No.10508
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>>10507Epic Mount could barely get out the words he needed to speak and really just wanted as much distance between him and the drunk which made Epic look a bit awkward, especially when his spaghetti flew out of his pockets.
Just some 4chan thingRye though was able to get the message across to the drunk who was now moving to get over back to the crowd after muttering some drawling sorry. After that the two return to the carriage and they continue to make their procession to the castle but were still moving through the Common's District.
Claymore: "Eh I'm glad that you were able to disarm that situation. Even though Epic Mount that you weren't able to keep things cool, I admit that we all have our weaknesses so I won't hold that against you. Just remember that when you do stumble up like that then go ahead and try to rely on your friends and vice versa when they make mistakes.
Epic could feel Critical getting nervous, Crit knows how he could be some times.
>>10509Claymore: "Steel yourself Epic Mount, mind that the safety of the people whom we guard may depend on it."
Crit: "Yeah Epic Mount, don't worry too much about that little flum up."
They continue onward, moving through the last streets of the Common's District and finally get past through the giant gate that lead into the Noble's District. Once on the other side they could notice that the populace here to witness the arrival was much less than the Commons though being a noble does require high standards.
>>10515Yeah thanks to us if we didn't intervene with the crime war at the time.
All the more reason to be wary. If Canterlot could get like that to begin with then their maybe some bad sorts around who could easily spark it all over again today.
>>10515>>10516Crit: "It is, a bit too rich for my blood though."
Claymore: "Remain focused intrepid ponies, things may be safe but we must be cautious."
The carriage goes through the noble's district which was familiar to them because of how they made their way up here before and how Aotle took them up here the very first time to give squire Epic. Eventually they get on up to where they were making an approach to the Castle District.
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"Are we almost there?"
>>10520The gates were still taking their time but suddenly something happens, a flash of sparks and lights erupt right behind the carriage and any who saw it were temporarily blinded and deafened though since the entire party was facing the other way they only had their ears shot and can't hear anything for now.
Turning around they can see two ponies rush up towards the carriage but still had some distance to close. They were both pegasi who were wearing shroud like clothing to hide most of their features. One thing of note was their armament they were carrying on them were were straight swords with razor edge blades that would remind you of a saw.
Note that the party is temporarily deaf so they can't hear each other.
>>10522Anon go back to /mlp/The rest of the party follows close behind and forms a final fantasy esque wall behind the carriage. This looked to be the start of the battle and the goal of the enemy was to attack the cart and disrupt the special occassion of Prince Rutherford's arrival.
I learned his name again. EncounterAssassin A
Stats unknown
Assassin B
Stats unknown
I was kinda worried where to put this encounter but I hope I got it right. No.10524
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>>10521Summer Rye hurls around, catching a glimpse of the two pegasi approaching... Rye does the opposite and quickly heads to the front of the carriage, urging and tugging it to continue to move.
>>10524Rye runs around the cart to pull it but he finds it to be incredibly heavy to do so without the help of the other three there at the other wheels. He does manage to make it close enough to the gate where his chest was inches away from the wooden doors.
Gate Guard: "Don't worry we'll have this gate open in a jiffy, just make sure the politicians are safe and we'll give you the signal.
>>10525The pegasi stopped seeing as their main approach to the carriage was now blocked by 3 brave and dangerous looking ponies.
Assassin A flies high up into the air and looked ready to attack from the safety of the open sky.
Melee attacks are now useless against Assassin A unless he gets close.
Assassin B stays on the ground and chucks a hoof full of dust and dirt at Epic's face to stun him.
Assassin B Body [1d109 Stun
1d8 = 4 VS epic Body
1d12 = 10 Def
1d20 = 9Critical hops up onto the carriage so that they don't have to worry about the flier attacking the carriage from the sky as he could just pick him off with a well placed card attack.
Claymore sticks with Epic Mount and waits for him to attack.
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>>10526Rye hops onto the carriage and up onto its roof, awaiting for pegasus A to come down.
"Careful everypony!"
>>10528Critical looked over at Rye as he climbed over the now worried representatives. Being up on the carriage with him provided him with some comfort and he gave Rye a nod saying something along the lines of "We got this." though this message was transmitted without words.
>>10529The move was certainly showy and quite a display, Claymore saw this and even though Epic could not see his face Claymore was most certainly impressed. This was a vast improvement from his attacks in the training yard.
Epic Body
1d12 = 3 Mart
1d10 + 1 = 10 VS Assassin A Body
1d10 = 8I'd say that in order for the assassins to use fly like defend, they would need to be flying in the first place which Assassin A is on the ground.Claymore takes out hit heavy looking sword to attack but it is so giant that he needs to stand upright, use both front hooves, and keep the blade resting on the ground when not in use.
Claymore Body
1d12 = 8 Sword
1d20 = 14 VS Assassin A Body
1d10 = 1Critical goes in and tries to catch the flying assassin with his now on point Telekinesis spell and send him back to the ground.
Crit Mind
1d12 = 6 Tele
1d20 = 7 VS Assassin B Body
1d10 = 2 Fly
1d12 = 9 No.10531
>>10530Critical, you have some range attacks, defend the chariot from aerial attacks.
We got this.
If I ever made a game starring Epic Mount, the spin-buck would be his main attack. No.10533
>>10530Epic's Swooping kick smacks the Assassin across the face and if it weren't for the mask the assassin's teeth would have likely fell out. This gave Claymore to hit the assassin with the flat side of his sword with devastating power, sending the assassin on gust of wind toppling down the street unconscious but still alive.
Assassin A HP 0
The flying assassin goes in to dive bomb Summer Rye
Assassin B Body
1d10 = 10 Fly
1d12 = 11 VS Rye Body
1d10 = 9 No.10534
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>>10533Oof, that's gonna hurt.
>>10533>>10531>>10532Summer Rye was hit with some serious damage and was sent falling down onto the carriage's passengers. Unfortunately he landed right on top of them which left him and the politicians in an uncomfortable position like a failed game of Twister.
Fancy Pants: "I do say are you alright?!"
The assassin landed on top of the carriage right next to Critical who was now teetering off of the edge due to the assassin's sudden landing. The assassin looked down, readying his blade to attack the carriage occupants.
Rye HP 8
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>>10535"N... no... I don't feel so well..." Rye muttered but tried to get a swing at the pegasus.
>>10536Claymore goes along with Epic Mount and they get on top of the carriage where the 3 of them stood off with the assassin. Finally the gates opened and the gatewatchers grabbed a hold of the carriage and started to drive it to the castle out of panic. Now the cart was moving at a very high speed and the party would have to contend with the last assassin.
>>10537>>10538Rye gets himself up and takes a swing at the assassin with his family pitchfork.
Rye Body
1d10 = 5 Farm
1d20 + 1 = 21 VS Assassin Body
1d10 = 2 No.10540
>>10539>Jesus.Because of where Rye was standing, he could not get a good hit in on the assassin but he did skillfully skewer his sword away and knocked it out of the pony's hand and the sword scattered off on the river like cobblestone road below them
Assassin B disarmed.
The cart keeps going fast and it hits a bump in the road which could knock around some of the riders.
Carriage Knock DC
1d12 = 3Epic Body
1d12 = 7Claymore Body
1d12 = 9Crit Body
1d6 = 4Assassin B Body
1d10 = 6Rye Body
1d10 = 6If failed the pony will enter a prone state as to hold on for dear life.
I gotta go now. No.10544
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>>10542>>10543The assassin looks at the ever approaching castle and looked back at the party, spreading his wings out after a moment of pause.
Assassin: "Well my time here is done and I did what I was supposed to do, the damage has been dealt."
He kicks the air around him with his wings and he is now airborne. Epic Mount reacts quickly to the fleeing criminal but he then can hear the ponies pushing the cart yell something.
With that shouted, the carriage pushes firmly plant their hooves into the ground to brake the wheels. This causes the cart to jolt violently and sends Critical, Claymore, and Epic Mount flying off of the hood and onto the the stairs that lead into the castle though they are left unharmed just stunned.
Rye didn't fair much better as everyone in the carriage was swung about and he ended up being under the heavy and hairy Prince Rutherford whose weight was crushing his chest.
The guard and knight ponies go after chase for the fleeing assassin and were forced to fly down the mountain side, all the while the party would have to recollect themselves.
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Summer Rye groaned and struggled to get up. "Is anyone injured?"
>>10545>>10546Sorry for the late post.Crit: "Yeah I'm just sore all over now."
Claymore: "The assassin got away but at least we got his friend and the diplomats are safe."
They all got up and brushed themselves off and Rye and the politicians got on out of the carriage. The doors to the castle open up to reveal Celestia who looked concerned with all the noise and Pinkie Pie right next her wearing a horned helmet.
Celestia: "What has been all that noise."
Pinkie: "It's been more like a frackus or a ruckus or a cataclysm."
Rutherford: "Pinkie Pie, it is good to see you here, the journey to the castle has been less than peaceful."
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>>10547Ha! I just showed up a few minutes a go.SIr Claymore, that was the pony who I was on about on who knows more on Yaks and parties than I do. I did not know you already had her.
Hi Pinkie.
>>10548Claymore: "Yes, I heard that Celestia contacted her due to her high favorability among the yaks."
Rutherford: "Why yes she was able to save one of our holidays from a sudden snow storm."
I haven't watched the episode yet so I can't provide more details for immersionPinkie: "Why yeah I'll always help out a friend, especially when it comes to helping out their parties. Much like how I set up this banquet."
The party was led inside into the castle and into the dining hall where the Gala is usually held. Inside they could see a large rectangular table lined with foods of a wide variety from Equestria and Yakyakistan. Decorations dotted the room, balloons were hugging the ceilings, streamers tied to the columns, and confetti are spread sparingly across the floor.
>>10550I gotta go and take bro to work.Claymore sees Epic's expression at the vanilla cakes and nodded at him.
Claymore: "Epic you can take some of the food from here but we do have to make sure everything is okay. The guards here will make sure things are safe so I recommend we head on down to the police station and confront the assassin. Perhaps we can go and find out what they were doing here and who they work for."
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>>10552Claymore: "In truth though, this does give me a moment to talk with you about something I noticed back at the Noble's Gates to the Castle District."
The party goes on out and into the main hall to leave the diplomats alone to discuss their relations and eat their food in relative peace along with Pinkie Pie. In the main hall, they were mostly alone which caused their voices echoed only slightly with only a rando guard or two to hear them. Claymore takes off his helm and he stared at Epic with a stern yet proud look on him, like as if he was a brother to him.
Claymore: "When you first showed off your martial arts skill in the training yard I saw that you lacked a certain thing in your moves. Not style or skill mind you but rather your mindset was not in the right place. Then when you faced off with that assassin you had that strength behind your attacks. I guess what I wanted to say was that I may have been wrong about you when I first saw you when you were made a squire. You still got a long ways to go before you make Knight but I am glad to call you a friend and ally along your journey in our order."
His scarred and scratched snow white face smiled at Epic Mount as a steely armored hoof gestures at the Everfree Pony to shake his hoof.
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>>10553Thank you sir.
>Shakes his hoof.When you asked me to demonstrate, I did not know how to best show you what you wanted to see, that and I wanted to give a good impression, I was nervous.
>Epic tries to pick his words for what he wanted to say.But when it came to an actual situation that call for fighting, thats when I need to "adapt" if that makes sense. For example, when it was me and that last assassin on the carriage, with him in direct shot to the diplomats, what came to mind first was to pretty much bodyslam hm right off the carriage and into the dirt while the carriage gets away. I could get rather bruised, but I know I'm somewhat of a heavy guy so with me on top that assassin would of got most of the impact.
But I also considered "Would that be too much? What if I accidentally kill the assassin?" I know knights of old didn't always hold their blades against a foe but I don't really like killing if I had to, so I told the Assassin to surrender.
Looking back, that was probably a mistake. I should of tried to capture that assassin than just given him the oppotunity to fly away, or worse kill somepony.
>>10554Claymore listens in Epic's reasoning on what had happened, as Epic's Liege he knew he had to learn about his squire so that he can prosper.
Claymore: "I do see the whole nervousness issue and from what you had told me it seems that in order for you to do your best you need to be under some form of danger. To be fair a lot of our squires are like that so I can understand that logic and even agree with it though one day you must make yourself resolute. As for the assassin I am not upset that he got away. Our job was to protect the diplomats and thanks to you and your friends they made it to the castle without a scratch. Of course having one of them as a prisoner doesn't hurt our now soon to be investigation into this matter and we'll definitely try to extract some information from him. By the way I would like it if you kept the whole assassin ordeal a secret as best you can, obviously the citizens know that there was some trouble today but we can't really stand for causing a massive nation wide panic. Best we solve the issue as quietly as possible."
He puts on his helmet showing that his level of informality was now over and it was now back to business. There was no longer a pony face for Claymore but now a cold steel guise to block himself from the rest of the world.
Claymore: "I do have some strange reports for you to look into if you are interested. The matter is even related to one of our tenets so it would also be a learning experience for you."
Gotta go to bed now for college. No.10557
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"So, what are we to do now?"
>>10559I'll go, it maybe important to investigate. And I would like my friends to come with in case it is a magical nature.
It could be an enchanted musical instrument thats stolen.
>>10560Claymore: "That's what Gold Grail thinks too, me personally I say we shouldn't take the job due to the lack of info but the old stallion wants to test you so it shall be. Keep in mind our second tenet,
Uphold your oath and the law you serve. This means that you must stick with your knightly oath and the laws of our land, Equestria. Seeing that you haven't made the knight's oath you won't have to worry about that and as for the law of the land you are to uphold and follow Equestrian law."
Crit: "Following the law? ...Well we can't follow all the rules to the T right?"
Claymore: "Epic Mount, I won't judge you based on the ponies who follow you but for your sake you should keep them in check. Especially that short one there. Anyways you must try to follow Equestrian law, as for other lands you must still try to keep our laws and your oaths in mind even if it conflicts with their rules but try not to get in trouble."
>>10561SIr Claymore, didn't you once said that us knights should also value friendship, I trust Critical just as he trusts me. Yes he can be abraisive at times but his decisions have been as noble as they are honest.
I myself will not stand by a law if it causes more bad than good.
As for the Music Shop, if it has it's reasons for requesting our help but cannot be forward on it, then it doesn't help to investigate, especially if it turns out the missing object is as dangerous.
>>10562Claymroe: "Ofcouse and that is why I will allow him and Rye to join you on your knight quests. Just make sure he doesn't do anything to jeopardize your efforts."
Crit: "You mean besides take him to some of the most dangerous places in Equestria? Heh don't worry I won't do anything to get him into trouble. Also me being noble in my actions? I need to work on my act and get back on the darker side eh?"
Claymore scoffs at Crit's last comment and just ignores it, seeing that it would be worse to continue the conversation in the direction.
Claymore: "Anyways when you do get to the shop go ahead and try to see what information about the chime you can get. We don't want anything going awry or illegal. So basically contact the store owner, procure the stolen item from the thief, lastly return the stolen chime if it is appropriate to do so."
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>>10564Claymore: "If you have any questions on this matter or anything else then you are likely to find me in the knights barracks in the Castle District. The guards have been notified to let you and your friends to roam around the area freely except for the Castle and Archives. Other than that I shall take my leave."
The knight pony leaves the party alone to contemplate one what to do next. The main hall was still quiet and empty so this offered them up the time and privacy to speak freely.
Crit: "So a missing magical chime with unknown properties and a shop owner not giving all the details? Sounds a bit squirrely to me but it's nothing that we can't handle. The problem though is that I'm not too familiar with the area and it will take a while to get there by balloon."
>>10565I think the shop owner just wants to trust the right pony for the job than just anypony.
Plus, it's great we both do it. If I can proove to Claymore you're trustworthy, then he will be more- uh... well more likely to be convinced to allowing us into the Archives.
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>>10566Crit: "Aw Claymore? Nah he loves me but I get your point. When we're over there I'll try to be on my best behavior... even though that's not saying much. Anyways we got some time to kill, is there anything you wanted or needed to do? Perhaps we can look around town for a way to earn you some money. I could also... heh... set up a small little gambling booth to get some money."
He pulls out his deck of cards and looks at them with a slightly evil grin, most likely the same look he had before he got caught cheating in Las Pegasus.
>>10567I'm not telling you not to be you, but let's try not to do anything too... u-um "unsavory" to Claymores taste.
Yes I'm low on money, but I've got enough supplies to go by. If we're unprepared for the job at hand then I'm sure we can prepare along the way.
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>>10568Crit: "Right, we should probably make our way down to the skydocks and get back on our balloon then."
The party heads on out of the castle and are now in the center of the Castle District. The knights barracks were off to the right of them and to the left was the archives.
Sorry but gotta go. No.10571
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>>10570Crit: "The music shop we need to go to is up all the way in Manehattan so we'll have to fly on to over there to get to the shop. Might take a day or two so we'll need to touch down half way during the trip so we can sleep. If that doesn't sound pleasing to you we can always take a train to Manehattan. It'll take the same amount of time as to get there but we can atleast get some rest and food inside a warm and cozy cabin but this will cost money."
>>10571I love tra-
>Remembers he is stone broke.Oh, well yeah the balloon will be the best option.
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>>10572Crit: "Yeah that sounds fine but we better make sure we are ready to make camp for the night before going."
They all search through their inventory if they have the sorts of food and supplies they would need for the journey.
Rye has about three meals in total
Epic Mount only has one meal
Critical has no food but he has one scotch... priorities.
They have enough food for a one way trip to Manehattan but they would have to pick up some food over there if they want to make it back to Canterlot which they will need to when resolve this quest.
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>>10573"Another balloon trip, huh? I hope it'll be a comfortable one."
>>10574Crit: "Yeah I imagine this one will involve a lot less danger on our parts as there won't be rockolanches, giant dogs, and explosions. Best we move on though before things start to get dark."
The party moves on through the streets and gates of Canterlot. They can see all of the decorations and festivities were being cleaned up and the roads were looking back to they way they were. Eventually they make their way to the skydocks and got up to their balloon which had been well kept during their time in Canterlot. All they would need to do is get it ready for flight.
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>>10576"Hard to say... question is who would benefit from them."
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>>10576>>10577Critical gets in and starts to prime the engine to spout out the flames necessary for flight. He doesn't turn around to look at his friends as this required a great deal of attention.
Crit: "Probably the same pony who hired those assassins to steal those keys from us. Perhaps they thought they could get us here but... it seemed that they were after the diplomats this time."
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>>10578"Exactly. Is there anyone who would benefit from there being e.g. strife between ponies and yaks?"
>>10579>>10580Crit: "I dunno but did you see how everypony was getting up all their decor? There's also the thing of the assassin saying something that he did his damage... perhaps the real intention was to strike fear. Like the assassins were saying
You could be killed at home at any moment. I think it's gonna take some time for Canterlot to recuperate after all that has happened."
The rest of the party was able to let the ropes loose and they all got into the basket with the engine ready to go.
Crit: "Any last things you need before we set off?"
>>10582>>10583Critical revved up the engine the engine and the flames gently set them up into the air and moved over top of the Canterlot Mountain and headed north east towards Manehattan. The journey would take some time but at least this will give them some moments of freedom to talk and look around.
Up in the air Critical sat on down to keep away from the blustery wind and started to play around with his cards.
Crit: "You know we need to find a way to make some money once we get into Manehattan. This job we're taking will surely get us paid well but it wouldn't hurt to look for some odd jobs here and there so we can keep ourselves financed."
>>10584Agree. As much as doing good and herpic deeds for free is noble... not enough cash.
I didn't even swipe any gems from that adventure down at the mines.
>>10585>>10586The party continues to talk about their economic situation and what sort of work they might find in Manehattan. A lot of it they either agree or disagree with each other. Suddenly looking down they see a small looking fire that would belong to a campsite in the forests.
Crit: "You guys see that? It looks like a campsite, wanna check it out?"
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>>10587"We might as well. It's a good time for a snack anyway."
>>10588>>10589Crit: "Yeah it might be something cool to check out."
They lower their balloon down a safe distance into the forest to hopefully avoid detection of any sort of ponies who would be there to see them. After touching down they set up their balloon to stay still and were now only a short walking distance from the camp site.
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>>10591They have to get through some of the bramble and bushes to make it to the campsite. Eventually they are able to look at the campsite and the ponies there from a safe distance.
The ponies looked like a band of adventurers much like themselves who looked to have been traveling for a while and were taking a break. The leader looked to be a fiery mare with a red coat and orange/white mane. Another was a brown stallion earth pony with a black mane. Lastly there was a yellowish pegasus with a purple mane.
Firebrand: "Is the fire warm enough for you two? I could add to it more."
Strong Oak: "No no, it should be fine though we should probably hurry on up if we want to check out that weird plant for that scientist."
Mystery: "Yeah I can't wait! We're gonna find that cool looking plant and get to earn our keep!"
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"Hello everypony, I hope we don't disturb you." Rye said, approaching the trio.
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>>10593>>10594No none of them are known to the party. I'm just doing this as a cool little gimmick since these are the poster children of the RPG we are using. It's a cameo.They all approach the party and immediately Strong Oak gets up to confront them with an air of caution.
Strong Oak: "Hey hey where did you three come from?"
Mystery: "Take it easy Strong Oak they don't seem like bad ponies, just more adventurers like us."
Crit: "Another band? Seems like this whole quest thing is making some real popular runs in the Equestrian culture of late."
>>10595You're adventurers too? So are we!
>Looks at Storng Oaks armour.Are you a knight too?
>>10596Strong Oak: "A knight? No I am not really a knight to tell you the truth. I just try to be safe so I spent some money on this set up when we first set out."
Firebrand: "Strong Oak is the strongest among us. If something needed to be lifted or a baddie need punching then he would be the stallion you need."
Strong Oak blushes at the comment that showed off how skilled he was.
>>10597Mystery: "Above? ...Aw you guys have a hot air balloon? You guys are so lucky. Perhaps you can help us out some with this one quest we are trying to do."
>>10598I'm the strong guy of our team too.
And... perhaps we can give you a lift if your direction is Manehatten, but other than that we got like, two quests going on we need to do at the moment. My squire training and other things.
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>>10599>>10600Oak: "Ah we are not heading to towards Manehattan really we are heading towards Canterlot eventually."
>>10600Mystery: "Yeah we are out here trying to find a rare medicinal plant for an alchemist."
Firebrand: "Yes we believe the plant will be here so we could use some help I admit."
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>>10602"Hmmm... well, I am a farmer so I know quite a bit about plants. What is it called?"
>>10602>>10603ANd I grew up in Everfree, I fetched plenty of plants and ingrediants for Zecora before.
Perhaps we would be practical to help.
>>10603Firebrand: "It's called a Juji Sun Fruit. To be honest the plant is not a fruit and the real thing we are after is its roots because apparently if mixed right it will give a pony a surge of energy which Mystery here will not be allowed to eat."
Mystery: "Aw Firebrand there's no need for that now."
They all laugh at the little joke.
>>10604Oak: "Why yes that would be most useful, the plant is up that way but we haven't been able to get to the roots. Be careful the plant is somewhat alive and it will entangle you with its roots."
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>>10605"Well, I think we can give it a try. We'll find a way to handle those roots."
>>10606>>10607When we get up there.They make there way based on the instructions given and along with Firebrand and her friends until they find a massive looking bean pod with extensive roots spreading across the forest floor. It might take some work to get up to it without setting off the plant.
Rye and Epic recognized the plant, it was indeed the Juji Sun fruit which is named after the effect of energizing the consumer and the power of the sun. The roots will snap at them but they should be mostly fine.
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>how big is the plant?
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>>10613Rye uses his spade like a bat, trying to smack the root piece and send it flying away into a safe distance - then flee himself.
>>10614He hits it as if he were playing golf and makes a run for it but he now runs a risk of getting hit.
Rye Body
1d10 = 2 VS Plant Body
1d20 = 14 No.10618
Rye Body
1d10 = 7 VS Plant Body
1d20 = 15 No.10621
>>10618>>10619>>10620When he comes to he was met with the rest of his party and the new ponies they had just met.
Crit: "Yo Rye... you alright?"
>>10622Critical helps him on up to stand back upright again.
Crit: "We'll have to make sure to get you to a doctor so that we can make sure you didn't break anything, that looked like a bad hit."
Firebrand: "I'm so sorry you got hurt like that but we were able to get the root thanks to you and we got some bits to spare for your efforts."
Each party member got a total of 50 bits for their efforts.
>>10616>>10623Rye had already got the root and was already attacked at that point so I'll just retcon your post.>>10625Crit: "Don't worry buddy we'll get you patched up when we get to Manehattan, for now though try this out..."
Critical does his doctor work on Summer Rye and heals him up some.
Healing Touch
1d4 = 4 No.10629
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>>10627Oh no, I'm sure you'll get better soon. Really right now I'm just putting in some filler to make this campaign last a little longer before we head on to the next one.>>10628Rye could feel just a slight better but not by much since Critical has had little experience in doctoring ponies.
Rye HP: 5
Crit: "No problem Rye, it's not much I know but it'll keep you going nice and happy till we get to the city."
Firebrand: "We should probably get going soon, we don't want to keep the alchemist waiting and hold you three up."
Strong Oak: "Yeah, perhaps we'll see each other some time soon. After all we gotta pay you guys back somehow."
The group of adventurers leaves our party of intrepid heroes whom of which loaded back into their air balloon and returned to their journey across the sea of winds. Manehattan was still quite the ways away and was nowhere near in sight but that was to be expected. The wind whistled and the cold thin air bite at their bodies as they tried to stay warm with the balloon's flame.
Crit: "So any of you guys feel like talking? We could try to get to know each other a bit more... like... any regrets in life?"
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>>10629"What does the alchemist need the plant for anyway? It's quite a unique specimen."
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>>10630>>10631Just see if you can get better soon mate.The party was already well away from Firebrand's friends for them to answer so Critical goes ahead and answers the question the best he can.
Crit: "I imagine he wants to use it to make some sort of potion or energy drink... or perhaps give him a boost by grinding the root into his coffee or tea."
Things were getting dark now and soon enough the party will have to land down and make camp. Doing this would be slightly dangerous since they are out in the wilds.
>>10633Eventually they do have to touch down after getting too tired to make sure the balloon stays on course. After doing so they spend about 30 minutes gathering things for a fire and making beds out of leaves, the party drifts off too sleep under the ambience of cricket chirps and the lights of fireflies.
Rest Restore
1d4 = 3 HP
Eventually morning rises up again and the party would have to get up and ready to head out again.
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>>10635Critical was putting out the fire and making sure all the coals were doused with dirt and more ash so that there wouldn't be a wild fire.
Crit: "Well we are at the halfway mark so we should be to the town of Manehattan before dusk. Hopefully we can do some cool stuff over there."
Sleeping on the ground and exposed to the elements made them pretty tired, they weren't exhausted yet but if they push themselves any further then they will incur some penalties.
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>>10636Rye dumped a bucket of water on the remaining ashes.
"Sounds good, I hear there are a lot of things one can do in Manehatten. Like theaters and museums. I stopped in Manehatten on the way from my home to Ponyville but didn't have a chance to do anything - due to lack of coins."
>>10637Crit: "I wish they had a casino parlor there but I've never been there before so I wouldn't know."
They balloon was all set up and ready to go again. Manehattan will soon be greeting a new brand of an adventuring group today.
Crit: "You ready to set out?"
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>>10638"I'm ready. A casino, huh? I'm sure there's something like that in Manehatten, too. I'm not sure I'd risk gambling with my hard earned bits though."
>>10639Crit: "Ah when you get that feeling of winning on a game of chance, you'll never want anything else in life."
Rye can assume that this wasn't true and Crit was just biased due to it being his cutie mark. Aside from that the party loads up into the balloon and takes off again over towards Manehattan. Eventually after a few hours they can start to see the city in the distance and would only take a short amount of time to get there.
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"The city is even bigger from up here. And look at all those tall buildings!"
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>>10641Critical looks out at the streets with some curiosity to the city. An earthpony city was very well developed with tall stone buildings and paved roads that had a plethora of carts going up and down the streets. The most notable thing they see was the green mare statue that gave them a still smile and welcomed them to the city.
Crit: "Hopefully we can get some sort of map so we know where to go. I think that's the skydocks over there along the shoreline."
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>>10642"I bet they have maps for visitors at a souvenir stand."
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>>10645>>10646They got much closer to the city, floating above the shimmering water and seeing their reflections of themselves in the silvery windows of the skyscrapers. Then the party got on to the skydocks which was nicely built next to the regular docks that held up large shipping boats and carriers that most likely held either vacationers and or supplies and consumer products from foreign lands. The party lands, well away from the boats, and secured their balloon to a platform that was freed up and opened.
Ahead of them was a sea of street roads, buildings taller than, and swarms of ponies who had massed to see the city much like out fool hardy party. They can see a visitor's center near the skydocks they were on but if they wanted to they could probably follow the streets and most likely make it to the city park.
>>10648Crit: "Yeah that looks to be the case though I wouldn't want to hire a cab as we should try to get our bearings on hoof so that we can get a better lay of the land. Besides we don't have too much money... well Epic doesn't have too much money."
The party enters the visitor's center where many tourists and business ponies flocked the well polished halls where information about the city and shoppes that sold souvenirs and refreshments called this place home to serve the guests of Manehattan. When they had entered they were greeted by a very cute mare who was dressed in a uniform matching the other employees of the visitor's center.
Guide: "Hello there, you three look new and don't seem to be cut from the same cloth of our usual guests. How can I help you today?"
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>>10649Rye looks into his money pouch and nods. "Yeah, we shouldn't spend too much but rather earn something."
He followed the others into the visitor's center, thinking that mare might be very much to the liking of Epic Mount. He grinned.
"Hello, Miss. We were wondering if there's some kind of map of the town available. We're new and don't really know the way around."
>>10650Forgot musak "A map you need, no problem we always hand out maps to newcomers so that they don't get lost in our vast city. Come with me and I will get you a map."
The party follows the guide mare up to the service desk where she went behind in and opened up a drawer and started to sort through all of their papers and promotional brochures for the packet of maps.
Guide: "Manehattan has all sorts of things travellers could ever want such as food and stores that will hold all sorts of knickknacks. There's also some parks and theaters you can go to so that you can rest and relax if you get a bit wound up by all the commotions of the streets. This city is fairly lively and is bustling with many faces for you to meet and make friends with."
She pops on back up and hands them a map with picture of the city on it as well as a list of the hot spots of the city they could visit.
Guide: "There you are. If you have any more questions then I would be glad to help."
The map was a myriad of lines, colors, and squares that were supposed to represent the contours of the design of the infrastructure. They also found a list of the districts they could visit which should help them out.
Shop DistrictThis district has all of the commercial stores that you may need that range from boutiques, antique shops, even the average street vendor that is on par with most other towns. Looking at this district they could see that the chime shop was here and that is where they need to go.
Restaurant DistrictThis area contains all of the sorts of food stores that one can imagine, most of which have high reputations among food critics but there are some more rustic food places like the Hay Burger.
Theater DistrictThis area contains all of the famous theaters that have music concerts and plays. This is Manehattan's top attribute in the city as famous writers converge here to make it big and get their names in the lime light.
ResidentialThe Housing in this city is often in large towering buildings or expensive city homes made of brick that stand off to themselves. You can also rent rooms in some of the hotels here as well.
Officials DistrictThe officials district contains all of the buildings for politics and the justice system. This includes town hall, the guard station, the commerce building, and even the visitor's center where you are now.
Manehattan ParkThis park is the only place where green grows in this concrete city. It is located very close to the Theater District and you may catch and outdoor play here but it is big enough to get its own section. It is here where most children and adults come to play and relax with some fun games or soak up the sun with a picnic.
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>>10651Summer Rye thanked her and gave a bow while with one eye already glancing on the map to take particular note of the Restaurant District.
"So, where do you guys want to go first? I vote for Restaurants!"
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>>10652Critical laughs at Rye's suggestion.
Crit: "Summer Rye you always have food on your mind don't you? Anyways the shop district is most likely where we can find that store , the Chime Shop. If we go there then we can get an idea of who the store owner is and what we need to be doing to get the stolen chime back. Then again we are kind of poor right now so maybe we can go to the Official's District to see if they need help. I think our names have floated around enough for them to lend us some work. Then again the park sounds pretty nice to go to right now, there will be quite the number of ponies there so we may be able to talk on up and see what has been going on of late."
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>>10654Crit: "Right then, shouldn't take too long."
The party heads on out of the visitor center and out into the streets of Manehattan. It didn't take them too long to see all of the buildings of the officials since they were already there. The big two they could note of was the Townhall where town records are held and laws are passed. There was also the guard pony barracks and with their previous experiences in Canterlot the party could expect a warm welcome there.
>>10659Sorry for late post, school was a bit demanding today.The party heads on over there to the barracks and enter the building. Inside they find the guard ponies relaxing on their breaks with their coffees and donuts who hadn't really noticed their arrival. The jail cells were mostly empty of any sort of criminal element except for a drunk pony or two sleeping off their stupors from last night. Before they make any more moves they encounter the police chief.
Star Badge: "Hello there, how can I... wait a second! I know you! You three are the ponies who stopped that crime wave out in Canterlot. My boys heard stories about you and would be most pleased to meet you three. It would inspire and boost morale around here."
>>10660Don't worry, I just got here.>Points to the drunken poiny and decides to playfully riff on Crit a bit.Anypony you know Crit?
>To Star BadgeYeah, we stopped that crime wave... very peculiar crime wave though.
We were looking for some sort of antique shop right? No.10662
Crit: "I dunno, if I did meet them then I was probably drunk too and don't remember anymore."
Star Badge: "Peculiar eh? Well most cities don't suffer from such waves ever at all so I do know it can be weird to see something like that. Anyways you come on by here so I imagine you have some business here, is there anything I can help with? You guys are pretty well known with my guard force so I and the others will be glad to help out if we can."
>>10663Oops sorry, yeah you are supposed to find a music shop so you can help find a missing chime that is possibly magical.Star Badge: "An antique shop? We got plenty of those..."
Crit: "It was some fancy music store that's been asking help for some time now."
Critical decided to with-hold Epic's affiliations with the knights unless he wanted to reveal it himself.
Star Badge: "Oh I know what you are talking about, yeah that's this one pony named Clockwork. He specializes in selling metronomes and he sells a bunch of music instruments as well as make some special orders to musicians in other cities. His shop is held up in the Shop District."
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>>10664Ah, thank you very much, we'll go see him.
>>10665Star Badge: "No problem and if you ever need help then there should be a patrol or two on every city block. Just look around, scan your horizon, and when you see a guard pony call on them and they'll help you out. Then again knowing who you are I doubt you guys will need the help, you'll just floor the baddies."
The party heads on out of the building and were now back on outside in the middle of the Official's District. In order to get to the Shop District they would have to walk along the streets and most likely cross across the City Park.
>>10667Ooh nice use of your quirkThe cabs and ponies were going incredibly fast paced which caused him to jump back a little in fear. Critical got on up to his side and patted him on his back.
Crit: "Lost your confidence? Here stick close to me at least and I can get you through the streets."
Critical helps the party to navigate the streets of Manehattan which he learned how to move quickly due to his times in Las Pegasus. Eventually they do make it to the city park where they saw some commotion in the center on a stage. There standing on the stage showing off their faux talents was the imposters who had been impersonating them in Canterlot!
>>10668Epic grew up in a forest and spent most of his time in Ponyville which I imagine has virtually no traffic. Canterlot probably does have a few chariots pulled around but mostly a pedestrian city. Nopony ever taught Epic the propper way to cross a busy road.Some rude pony: Outta the street idiot I'm drivin' here!
>As that rude pony drives by.How do ponies move about like this where they divide themselves with such dangerous and fast chariots?
>>10669Crit: "All it really takes is some is some work and knowledge on how and where to move."
They hear more of the commotion.
Fake Epic: "Come one and come all to see out feats of strength, dexterity, and our skills with horticulture. I Epic Mount, a great hero, is taking donations to help us make Equestria a much safer country."
>>10671They're already at the park so we won't have to navigate the street. Also so long as you stick with Crit you won't need to do damage rolls but if you stray from and don't wait for a safe time to cross then you bet you'll be doing some rolls.They get on up to the stage where the imposters were doing their bits where each one was faking out the party's individual cutiemark skills for whomever they looked like. Their skills in comparison were subpar but they were pulling in quite the amount of cash as they conned the masses.
[Short Fuse]
Crit: "Hey you're not us, we're us and you guys are a bunch of hacks!"
Fake Rye: "Oh no its these guys again, Heretic Hook what do you want to do?"
Fake Epic: "Just play it cool, I got an idea. Ahem, If you three really are us then how about we show off our talents and abilities? Surely that will prove who is the real ones here."
Fake Crit: "Hook, my spell doesn't work like that..."
Fake Epic: "Enough Deception, I know what I am doing here."
The crowd cheered at this proposal, wanting a show and the truth as to who the real heroes were. Perhaps they thought it was some elaborate play that was now starting.
>>10673Fake Epic: "I say we test our cutie mark talents dependent on how they are. For example you and I will take some sort of attack or tackle and see who can stand on their hooves. Your gambling friend will go against our Critical Hit and see who can win a hoof of cards. Lastly the farmer and our Rye will plant some crop here on the ground and see who can prepare it better."
The other imposters remain silent as their leader spoke confidently about this, they weren't really up for this but they trusted their leader enough to bare with him through this trial. One can assume that they must've been together for quite some time to earn that level of trust.
Fake Epic: "If you're brave enough then lets see what you got."
Some of the guard ponies were watching too, if they see the party fail then they will most likely only help out the imposters and may give you guys a hard time from here on out.
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>>10674>Epic can sort of guess what they were up to, or at least have an understanding that this was all somehow rigged, and decides to try and up a notch.My- uh, I mean ouur cutie mark shields don't just represent how sturdy we are, but how protective we are.
My friend Critical is also very skilled to work under pressure.
So how about we "up" this game a bit?
>Goes to the guardponies who were watching.The Guard Ponies have various training exersizes to sharpen your skills in various crisis?
How about a game of "King of the Hill" against the Manehatten Guards training regime?
The "hill" consist of both Critical playing your game of choice. We Epic's must defend the "hill" from the attacking guard ponies. The guard ponies can harm us to minor-injuries, but we must only attack non-lethally towards them, no killing of course.
>Address both Critical Hits.I do not know much about card games, but how about some sort of game that involve points. The winner is he with the most points by the end of the game, or until an Epic fails to protect their Critical?
Having to play a card game is one thing, but I know criticasl can think well under pressure, he can play a card game while all Tartarus breaks loose.
As for the contest between Summer Rye, obviously a pie eatting contest would surffice.
>>10675The Manehatten guards may also choose the location of the exersize. Wherever it be this park, or maybe an old apartment complex that will require us to really pay attention.
When the guards taze the Critical we're defending, I loose. I know Critical will hate me forever if I let that happen... so I won't.
As for your game with Critical, the winner between you two will be the highest score before being tazed.
The Winners will be regarded legit and the Manehatten Guards will charge the losers for identidy fraud.
>>10675Fake Epic: "I see and I accept your proposition."
Guard Ponies: "We'll join in too here and promise not to hurt ya but don't expect any of us to hold back now."
Crit: "Hell I'd gamble with Cerberus himself and still win, I'm for it. Besides I never been able to actually play a game of poker while ponies were trying to attack me."
>>10676Guard Ponies: "With how we are in the park, this area is sufficient enough for us to do our game. Just try not to damage the grass."
The ponies got all arranged to do this trial. The Epics will have to stall the guard ponies long enough for one of the Critical to win five hands of poker or if one of the Critical's fall unconscious. Each Epic will contend with a total of three guard ponies and can only try to hold them back, the Epic's are only allowed to defend and not attack.
When they are ready, Epic Mount will give the signal.
>>10677>As they set up, was talking to crit.I have a feeling they may try to get up to something, which is why I got the guards more involved. They may still get up to something but with so much law enforcers involved, somepony is bound to notice.
>They all get in possition.You all ready? Let's begin!
>Epic stood his ground. He used non-lethal brawling to keep his friend protected.I just realised, it would probably just have been easier if Epic just asked them "So which one of you is the leader?" and watch them fight... No.10679
>>10678the guards started to sprint towards the Epic's, making sure only three stayed on a single Epic as they tried to make it past them to get to the Criticals. They make impact and they both have to take the brunt of the hit and hold them all back.
Epic Mount
1d20 = 15 VS Guard Body
1d10 = 9Def
1d20 = 4 VS Guard Body
1d10 = 2Def
1d20 = 2 VS Guard Body
1d10 = 2Fake Epic
1d10 = 5 VS Guard Body
1d10 = 5Def
1d10 = 9 VS Guard Body
1d10 = 8Def
1d10 = 3 VS Guard Body
1d10 = 4I'm keeping it just the talents since it is a test against your skills alone.All the while as this goes on, the Criticals play their games frantically, speedily making choices as to which cards to play and which to replace with new ones.
Crit Gamb
1d20 = 11 VS Fake Crit Gamb
1d10 = 1 No.10682
>>10681The fake Epic was having some trouble and he let the other guard ponies go so he can chase down and stop the one fleeing guard pony.
Fake Epic: "No! I won't let you touch my friend. Stay focused Critical."
His voiced was strained but he was obviously referring to fake Critical.
Epic Mount
1d20 = 15 VS Guard Body
1d10 = 7Def
1d20 = 1 VS Guard Body
1d10 = 5Def
1d20 = 11 VS Guard Body
1d10 = 8[Lost some ground]
Fake Epic
1d10 = 6 VS Guard Body
1d10 = 6Critical was having a good time, he was quiet as he had to focus and count the cards in his head but that didn't stop him from having a big smile as the fake Critical was outright stunned as to how he lost that hand.
Crit Gamb
1d20 = 3 VS Fake Crit Gamb
1d10 = 3 No.10683
>>10682While Epic was holding the guards all back, one shouted that he would not be stopped and was able to slip past him and charge at Critical. This was bad and he would have to run after the guard pony. The fake Epic was able to get the one pony that got past him under control but by now the others had caught up to him.
The game of poker this time around was much more closer than it should've been and just ended up as a tie so no pony got a point this round.
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>>10683Hey, I'm sorry about this but-
>Epic wrestled up one of the ponies he held back and flunged it at the pony who got passed him before that pony reached Critical.>If successful, the guard lands on the other guard, stunning them both long neough for Epic to push them back. No.10685
>>10684Sorry but no form of attacks, the rules were that you defend and only hold them off.He could only try to hold him back while the others caught back up.
[Lost some Ground]
1d20 = 15 VS Guard Body
1d10 = 9Fake Epic
1d10 = 5 VS Guard Body
1d10 = 2Def
1d10 = 4 VS Guard Body
1d10 = 6Def
1d10 = 4 VS Guard Body
1d10 = 6The others consolidate their tie and try to go in for another gambit to hopefully get a point.
Crit Gamb
1d20 = 11 VS Fake Crit gamb
1d10 = 7 No.10687
>>10685Epic Mount was able to catch the stray guard and hold him back while the others caught on up to him. Surely this was a test of his lifetime as he never had to hold this many ponies back at one time.
The Fake Epic Mount had focused too much on the one he caught that the other made it easy work to get past him and charge at the Fake Critical.
The game that went down scored Critical another point and was now down to 2-0 in favor of the real Critical.
>>10686Yeah the original idea was to just show off their skills in one single test per character but I did like this idea so I went with it. I guess try to put in some cool dialogue. No.10689
>>10688Eh just give it a minuteThey go in for their fourth round now, the crowd was watching and cheering at the sight of the ponies doing same game/battle of strength and cunning.
The Fake Epic Mount got frustrated as he saw the other two guard ponies make their way to the fake Critical and he pulled out what looked to be some sort of hook attached to the rope. Before anypony could react, the fake Epic swung the hook through the air and snagged onto one of the guards armor and caused the guard to trip and fall to the ground with a heavy thud.
>>10690>wants ponies to cheat>GM gets ponies to cheat>Doesn't respond with any RP textWot? Not even an "Hey look at what he did!"?Fake Epic: "I've enough of this game and I've enough of being made to look like a fool."
Fake Rye: "Heretic Hoof..."
Suddenly they all band together and their magic disguises burn off of them to reveal a rugged looking mercenary band who seems to have little regard for the law.
Heretic Hook: "I'll make you all pay for this. Deception, Neigh Sayer! Lets get some punches in on these guys, we don't need to pretend to be them to make a quick buck."
Deception: "I got you Hook, my magics will put a stop to them."
Neigh Sayer: "I'll make sure none of them get on up to them without you guys knowing."
Heretic Hook
LVL: 5
B:20 M:6 C:6
Neigh Sayer
LVL: 5
Armor:2 (DownGrade Body)
HP 16/16
B:8 M:8 C:10
LVL: 5
HP: 16/16
Armor: 1 (Downgrade Tele)
B:6 M:10 C:8
>>10691I didn't say I wanted them to cheat, I said I suspected them they would do such thing. Plus, I do not know if Epic would of noticed, wouldn't that require a perception roll?>Epic and his three guards stopped wrestling to look over on the fakers side.>As Heretic, Neigh and Deception reveals themselves.Heh, I knew you guys were fake. For if we were the fakers, we would never be foolish enough to reveal ourselves and threaten lives... surrounded by all these guards ponies.
>Epic helped up the guards that were knocked down.Shall we all take them down?
>>10692I dunno, I'm just trying to do my best here. I was going to make it so that they just get fed up and attack. Hook: "You think those guard ponies are gonna be much help when we start to take our real talents?"
Guard Ponies: "don't worry. You guys take point and we'll fight em from the rear.
NoteEvery three turns the guard ponies will attack each enemy.
Critical takes out his cards and swipes a bunch of them through the air at Neigh Sayer.
Crit Mind
1d12 = 9 Gamb
1d20 = 11 VS Neigh Sayer Body
1d6 = 4 No.10696
>>10695Eh its fine, I mean I was gonna have them cheat or attack out of humiliation anyways. I just figured to do it now than later.He goes in with an attack
Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 2 Mart
1d10 + 1 = 8 VS Hook Body
1d20 = 1 Def
1d10 = 4The Guard ponies shout some sort of teamwork chant and attack the imposters from all sides.
Guards Body
1d10 = 1 VS
Hook Body
1d20 = 17 Def
1d10 = 2Neigh Sayer body
1d6 = 4Deception Body
1d6 = 3 No.10697
>>10694>>10696Neigh Sayer was hit with about 11 cards which cut across him like razors and battered up against his armor. This caused a total damage of 10 points (Because I forgot to do a fire dmg roll) before the cards returned to Crits deck all neat like.
Neigh Sayer HP: 6
Epic Mount was able to get in a good wallop on Heretic Hook which caused his mouth to bleed with a smile at Epic.
Hook: "You fight good, I knew what I was doing when I impersonated you guys. A lot of the ponies who had heard about you respect you. Not me and my brothers though so we had to stick together all our lives even though we aren't blood related."
Heretic Hook slings his hook over at Critical to stun him
Hook Body
1d20 = 16 Stun
1d10 = 8 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 5Neigh Sayer holds still and patches himself up with a healing touch maneuver.
1d10 = 3Deception uses their pony magic against Epic Mount to hold him in place with a telekinesis.
Dec: Mind
1d10 = 4 Tele
1d12 = 7 VS Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 6 Def
1d20 = 17Armor Reflection against Pure energy
1d6 = 2 No.10698
>>10697The hook pierces through Critical's armor and cuts into his flesh and latches onto his shoulder bone. With a quick pull Critical is forced off of his hooves and has fallen to the ground.
Crit HP 11 Stunned!
Neigh Sayer recovers three health points
Neigh Sayer HP 10
Deception's Magic Spell is reflected off of Epic's Magic armor and is redirected at Deception himself but the spell is too weak to hold him still.
>>10697>Epic attacks, while sharing this banter with Hook.You could of done more with your lives. Helped other ponies like you helped yourself. Earn the respect of ponies!
>Tries to find the sharpest weapon he can find and throws it at the rope hard and hopes it'll cut it. No.10700
>>10699Heretic Hook: "Me and my brothers were orphans and we had to rely on ourselves against the world. The way we saw it was that the world didn't want us so we're gonna get a piece out of it for ourselves."
Epic Body
1d12 = 5 Mart
1d10 + 1 = 2 VS Hook Body
1d20 = 16 Def
1d10 = 3Somewhat luckily was the fact that the hook was already out of Crit's body and back to Heretic there. He was still on the ground though trying to recover from the attack though.
>>10700Epic Mount lands a solid punch but Heretic Hook was able to catch it before it could hit him. Was this possible? Normally Epic's attacks always does damage.
Heretic Hook: "And after we get our fill of the world we'll be rich as kings and the world will give us the respect we deserve."
He goes in and swings his flail hook violently at Epic Mount so it could slash his skin.
Hook Body
1d20 = 11 Flail
1d20 = 15 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 5 Def
1d20 = 2Neigh Sayer points over at Critical and shouts at him, pointing out where he is at and trying to get the other's attention.
Neigh Charm
1d10 = 10 Mark
1d20 = 10 VS Crit Mind
1d12 = 4Deception creates a disguise of himself to make him look like Summer Rye.
Dec Mind
1d10 = 6 Disguise
1d20 = 17 VS
Epic Mind
1d8 = 8Crit Mind
1d12 = 12>If you fail and attack Deception in the next turn, you have a 50/50 shot of you actually attacking Summer Rye. This lasts for one turn. No.10702
>>10701The attack was bad, real bad as Epic Mount had his coat rended in a gruesome manner.
Epic HP 7
Critical was marked for death and will now suffer -5 on his defensive rolls.
Deception was able to make a perfect looking disguise for himself and Critical and Epic could not tell which was the real Summer Rye
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>>10700I HAD NOPONY! And I grew up in EVERFREE FOREST!
>Epic pinned Heretic down.I fought monsters many times bigger, stronger and just as much deadly intent than you'll ever. No brother, father or mother ever came looking for me.
>Epic picked him up and threw him asside.>Strare.I know what it's like to have timberwolf claws cut deep and leave splinters to pull out, I felt the sting of a manticore and it's tail-venom burn through my veins, I faced the stare of a cockatrice and I walked away.
I know what it's like to suffer, to cry, to be angry and I vowed never to let anypony else ever go through what I've been through ever again.
You claimed you have suffered, but you had other ponies to call brothers... and what do you do? You inflict that pain onto others, you decieve, harm and hate, just like the world done for you.
>>10703Is this the moment when you realize that these brigands are supposed to be the moral opposite of our group but same background of our group of heroes? ;)Heretic Hook: "Damn you Epic Mount. Damn you and your friends, I'll make sure I end you all with my brothers."
Epic Mount Charm
1d8 = 4 Stare
1d6 = 1 Vs Mind
1d8 = 1>>10704Critical gets on up, blood dripped out of his armor where the hook landed and dripped down his left hoof.
Crit: "Y-yeah I'm fine. I got things under control."
Epic could see his strain, Critical was in some pain but he was able to keep things cool and the pain numbed.
>Drinks Epic's potion.Here Epic, take one of my potions as well. You're worse off than I am.
Epic HP: 17
Crit HP: 18
>>10705Heretic Hook gazed too long into Epic's Eyes and could not move. For him, Epic mount looked to be possessed whether by divine fury or demonic rage was still up in the air for debate.
Neigh Sayer Calls out Epic's position and tries to get his friends to attack him
Neigh Sayer Charm
1d10 = 3 Mark
1d20 = 16 VS Epic Mind
1d8 = 5Deception: "Hook, stay focused or else we ain't getting out of here without getting behind bars!"
Deception Mind
1d10 = 2 Beam
1d10 = 5 VS Crit Body
1d6 - 5 = 1 No.10707
>>10706Epic Mount had been marked for death and will now suffer -8 to his defensive rolls
Critical was hit with a burning fizzing beam of magic energy from Deception which burned past his armor
Crit HP 14
>>10708Epic Mount called on his earth pony strength and raw energy, a trait that has built up in the ancestry of all earth ponies. It is their stout hearts that had been able to tame the wild lands of Equestria and fend off invaders from their homelands.
Epic Mount body
1d12 = 10 SH
1d12 = 11 Mart
1d10 + 1 = 8 VS Heretic Hook Stunned.
Critical goes in to try to capture up Neigh Sayer with his telekinesis spell and prep him up for Epic to attack.
Crit Mind
1d12 = 3 Tele
1d20 = 4 VS Neigh Body
1d6 = 3 No.10710
>>10709>More music incase you got bored Hook was hit pretty badly and was dealt massive damage when Epic punched him in the chest which he swore he could hear a rib or two snap inside of Heretic Hook. This ofcourse got him out of his trance state.
Hook: "Augh! What happened!?"
Critical was able to scoop on up Deception in his telekinesis spell and Deception could not move or attack physically.
After this the brigand band goes in to attack the party the best they could
Heretic Hook Body
1d20 = 12 Flail
1d20 = 13 VS Epic Body
1d12 - 8 = -5 Def
1d20 - 8 = 0Deception could not move but he shot out a magic energy beam at Critical
Dec Mind
1d10 - 1 = 4 Beam
1d10 - 1 = 8 Crit Body
1d6 = 2Neigh Sayer tries to get a mark in at Critical
Neigh Charm
1d10 = 5 Mark
1d20 = 16 VS Crit Mind
1d12 = 11 No.10711
>>10710About a cracked ribbed or two.
You're spent.
Give up and let the guards take you.
>>10710Epic Mount was slashed up again pretty badly, his armor is tattered up and dirtied with warm blood. Things were getting pretty bad for him right now.
Epic HP 6
Hook HP 7
Deception was able to hit Critical with an impromptu magic beam and it burned him straight through his armor. The pain was insufferable but he was able to keep the spell up for Epic Mount to land an attack if he chose to. Then again the guards were ready to make a move and attack for them so perhaps they can take Deception down for them.
Critical was marked for death with -8 for all his defensive rolls for one turn.
>>10711Heretic Hook coughed which caused some blood to splatter across the dirt and grass below them.
Hook: "G-give up now? No I won't let my brothers down. They've always had my back and I to theirs."
Neigh Sayer: "Don't push yourself bro, I don't want you getting hurt now.
Deception was too preoccupied to make a comment.
Hook: "I'm fine, I can keep going."
>>10713Epic Mount goes in for some pinning lunge move.
Epic Body
1d12 = 1 Mart
1d10 + 1 = 7 VS Hook Body
1d20 = 20 Def
1d10 = 8Guard ponies attacked with their chanting shout about justice
Guard Body
1d10 = 6Hook Body
1d20 = 12 Def
1d10 = 5Neigh
1d6 = 6Dec Held
Critical could not hold on to his spell anymore and Deception was freed. This left Critical to attack Neigh Sayer with his cards.
Crit Mind
1d12 = 5 Gamb
1d20 = 14 VS Neigh body
1d6 = 4Fire Damage on hit
1d4 = 3 No.10715
>>10714Heretic Hook narrowingly dodged Epic's dive and was able to evade capture as a result. When he saw Neigh Sayer fall to the ground, no longer able to fight. He shouted at him...
Hook: "By Celestia! Neigh Sayer are you okay?!"
He doesn't respond, unable to move with all the damage he took.
Heretic Hook: "Damn you for hurting my brother. One day I will kill you three."
Deception: "Hook we can't stay here anymore, lets collect Neigh Sayer and get the hell out."
Heretic Hook: "Yeah that's for the best, we're out of here."
Deception lifts up Neigh Sayer's body and Heretic Hook threw down a smoke bomb which covered the area in smoke and made everypony go into a coughing fit.
>>10715N-no! Come back!
>Turns to look over to Critical.Crit!
>Was struggling to keep conscious as he goes to him. No.10717
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>>10716Epic gets closer to Critical as the brigands made their escape. Things get dizzy for him and Epic Mount fell to the ground and passed out.
Epic Mount opens his eyes and finds himself with Critical and Rye in some sort of shadow realm. They stood upon a massive stone platform with the black abyss before them below. The only source of light they could get where the tall candelabras that emitted a green sickly light.
Critical: "W-where are we? I remember being in the Manehattan Park... Is, is this a dream?"
>>10718This world they had appeared into was silent... an emptiness they could feel try to scratch and breach their souls to steal. Crushing depression would soon overcome them to the point where they had little will to even move or breathe.
Suddenly they can hear a voice in their minds, it sounded old and weak but commanded some power to them.
Voice: "One day your powers will be mine, your destinies are intertwined with mine and I shall return."
Before they could respond the stone platform shatters and they fall into the abyss with all the rock and rubble. Then below them they see a white light and when they enter it they soon wake up and find that they had been dragged to safety by the guard. Grass brushed across their near broken bodies and the looked upwards at the blue sky in the Manehattan Park.
Guard Pony: "Whoa there you guys are awake again. A good thing too, you were mumbling junk in unison while you were out cold."
>>10720It is a voice, what you interpret is up to you.Critical gets on up from his rest and rubs his head with a slight migraine. Things were still bright from them after blacking out but at least they can still speak.
Crit: "Epic Mount are you okay?"
With all they had suffered the party had become exhausted and tired. With this they should either seek medical help our perhaps visit some of the spas or theaters to get some proper R&R
>>10722Guard Pony: "You're in the Manehattan city park. You guys tried to stop some group of brigands who attacked you but they got away."
Critical helps up both Epic Mount and Summer Rye to their hooves and they were able to get around and move again.
Crit: "Agh... this feel really bad. My body hurts all over and I feel so tired. How are we supposed to do this chime quest feeling like this?"
>>10724Guard Pony: "We can get you to the hospital if you want in the Officials district. We'll even make sure you guys get free rooms for what you did in Canterlot and make sure them doctors will take care of you."
Crit: "Thanks. Epic does that sound like something you want."
If they did this then they could hold up in the hospital but it would take the rest of the day to heal up and they would leave in the next morning.
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>>10726The guard ponies call one of their police cabs and loads up the party to take them over to the hospital. Along the way they sped down the roads in which they could watch the passing buildings through the windows.
Crit: "Something wrong with you? ... What do you mean exactly? Are you feeling well?"
>>10728Crit: "Wait you had that dream too!? I remember being there as well. It was some sort of dark and depressing place that tugged on my very soul. Then that voice said those things but I don't know what it means."
The cart was getting closer to the hospital where now they could see the entrance and the cart was slowing.
>>10730Critical fell silent at that comment, the thought of dying seemed almost alien to him. Were they really that close to having their lives ended? They stood against many a dangerous things but this time things got close.
Finally they get to the hospital entrance and they were let on out of the cab and headed on inside. They were then met with a hospital nurse.
Nurse: "Hello how can I help you. Oh my! You guys look like you've been in some trouble. That doesn't happen too often."
Guard Pony: "They're under our protection at the moment so we hope you can get them fixed up. The city will send over the funds to cover their hospital bills."
Nurse: "Sounds good, Come with me ponies and we will get you a room."
>>10731>As the ponies settle, they share oppinions on what they think will happen after death.I always imagine I'd die in Everfree Forest. Or very least I would like to be buried in Everfree Forest.
As for what happens after death, well nothing will happen. I'm not a believber in Gods or higher-powers.
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>>10732 "I dunno, I was just hoping to be accepted into a gambling hall in the chaos realm after I went on."
They are escorted upstairs into their patient rooms where the doctor took a look at them each one by one. Bandages, stitches, and painkillers were given to the party, mortal reparations for mortal wounds. After hours of doctoring the party was left alone in their rooms with the lights of the stars and the moon enter the room through the window. This was the closest they had been to danger and perhaps they barely made it back after suffering so much damage. Tonight will not be an easy night for them but they should try to reflect on what happened and and try to get past this.
Tomorrow will come for the heroes to dawn on them new hope. Tomorrow is the new future.
[b]Tails of Equestria[/?]
To be continuedI think this is it for me tonight. See you some other time. No.10735
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I could do with a short summary of what happened while I was asleep.
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>>10735>>10734>Party goes to the City Park>finds imposters again>Do a contest with them to prove who's real>End up fighting with each other>Guards get involved>Deadly exchanges were made, Neigh Sayer was incapacitated>Brigands flee>Party passes out and sees vision>Goes to hospital to heal upI'm gonna make the next RP post pretty soon, just hold on.
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>>10733>>10734>>10735The night was somewhat restless but they did manage to awaken when morning hit. The party got their tickets to leave the hospital as none of the injuries proved to be serious even though they had a fair number of bandages wrapped around their bodies.
They step on outside and feel that the air is brisk and cold which is not so surprising when it is this early and this far up north. The streets were near empty as most ponies were still in their houses eating breakfast. Fortunately for the party they already had some food before they left as compliments to the room they stayed in. Now they should start making their way to the Shop District.
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>>10737"I end up with bandages a lot lately... I hope today will be better."
Rye accompanies the others to the shopping district which - he expects - has to be huge.
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>>10738They continue on through the vacant streets that still had its guards posted. Passing through the park they could see that everything had already been cleaned up from yesterday and now it had some ponies who were out for their early morning jog. As they walked Critical tugged on his weather cloak to keep in better wrapped on him.
Crit: "Urgh it's so cold in the city. I never liked that so I do hope things get warmer as time goes on."
Eventually they make it to the shop district where many of store fronts were open and waiting for the ponies to come in and do their daily shopping routine. Bookstores, weapon shops, antique store, it was all a sea of buildings but that shouldn't be too much a surprise since Manehattan is the main trade hub of Equestria since it's the first to get coastal shipments.
Finding the music store could prove difficult but if they looked around a little they may stumble on it. Then again they can probably ask one of the store keeps or one of the guards on duty. Surely they would give some useful directions.
>>10740There was one pony outside his shop, the antique sales stallion who was leaning up against his door reading a newspaper and smoking a cigar. He was old and rugged looking, his beard was choppy and his baldness was covered by a flat top hat that he was wearing. He was most likely in around his 50's or 60's.
Crit: "What about that guy? He seems like he's been here for a while now."
>>10741"Well, let's try our luck."
Rye approached the stallion and gave a nod.
"Hello Sir, I was wondering if you know if there's a music store anywhere around here."
>>10742Gallant Gallop: "Hello to you as well, my name is Gallant Gallop."
He puts down the paper and stuffs it into his jacket and looks to the party.
Gallant Gallop: "Eh so you want me to point out the way to the location of one of my competitors? Hmmm... how about you buy something from my store first then I'll tell you. Other than that I don't really know... know what I mean?"
He seems reluctant to lose the business and money to a local competitor and demands that you buys something from him first. In order to get the info they would need to buy something from his store or perhaps use some well placed words to convince him otherwise.
Persuasion DC 10
>This can be made easier if you make it sound beneficial to him. No.10744
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>>10743Summer Rye looked around the store. "Well, perhaps we can do business... are you selling any sorts of music yourself? Instruments? Anything of that sort?"
>>10744Gallant Gallop: "There may be somethings here and there. Really my shop is filled to the brim with very old and magic items that me and my wife collected during our adventuring years. She passed away and now I am left with all our treasures so I sell em away so that I can make ends meet."
They enter the antique store and see the old and dusty items sprawled around on the shelves that had collected dust over the years. Gizmos and gadgets, cystal orbs and magic wands, and strange looking clothing was set about everywhere in a random fashion.
Crit: "I like what you done with the store, the ordering fashion is well put."
It seems that Critical can make sense of the organization here so if Rye was looking for something specific then Critical would be the first to find it. The last little detail was the picture hanging up on the rightside wall that was a much more youthful looking Gallant Gallop accompanied by a mare who looked to be dressed as some pirate.
>>10745"Oh my goodness... so many nicknacks." Rye looked around. "I'm sure Twilight would like all this a lot."
Rye looked at Crit. "I'm not seeing anything music related here. Are you?"
Crit: "What you mean you don't see it!?" He goes through some stuff and pulls out what looked to be a war horn. "There's this thing. Looks like it is made of a goat's horn or something."
The horn was indeed made of a goat's horn but it had engravings of an earthpony using the instrument to create great winds around him.
Gallant Gallop: "Ah yes that is the Horn of the Earth Pony tribe before Equestria was founded. It is said to rally the hearts of Earth Ponies during trying times though even its effects seem to have worn out for them at that time.
Earthly Horn: (3 times per day you can play this horn and give a boost of 1d6 to all party members) 3/3 100bits
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>>10747"Does it reaslly work? I don't consider buying something without trying first." Summer Rye pursed his lips, ready to give the horn a good toot.
>>10748When he gave it a toot, he could feel something in his bones. The ancestry of those brave ponies who fronted the Equestrian land to settle on it was well felt among Epic and Rye. Critical on the other hand wasn't really too impressed with it but for all intents and purposes it works.
Gallant Gallop: "My wife found that while we were in some ruins near the border to the badlands. Not sure how it got there but we were able to get it appraised and kept it with us during our journey. Also please don't play on that, the customers won't want to have your spit on it if you don't buy it."
>>10749"Hmmm... it... I think it does work. That's pretty magical. But, also quite pricey."
Rye looked into his purse.
"We came to earn some money, not to spend even more. Especially not 100 bits." He sighed.
>>10750Rye saw that he had a total of 175 bits to spend but as well as a bunch of items he could sell off as well so perhaps he didn't need to use his bits but pawn off his old junk.
Gallant Gallop: "Hey I gotta make money too and I'm not about to give information for you to spend money at some other store when I need it. I'm sorry."
The Wheatfield Pitchfork: (Does +1 to all farming rolls)
Shroud Cloak: (Turns invisible if standing still)
Guard Cloak: (Upgrades Charm when worn.)*
Kit (Cooking)
Light Barding(Reduces DMG By one)*: 100 bits
2 Potion 50 bits
Ponybalm (1 uses): 25 bits
Rope: 5 bits
Lantern: 10bits
Spade: 20 bits
Flint: 20bits
Grapplehook: 40 bits
Tinder Box: 3
Bard Box: Summon the bard once per day 1/1
2 Meals(simple) 3bits
Apple Pie 3bits
A bag of Gems 20 bits
Blanket: Resist Cold 10 bits
Lock Pick Set: (Upgrades Open Lock Rolls) 50bits.
2*Meal Simple(Diced Carrots): 3bits
Meal Extra(Carrot Cake) 3/3 10bits
>>10752Altogether he sold the items off and got a total of 121 bits from the sale. This was more then enough to buy the horn if he chose to do so.
Rye Bits 296
Gonna grab some McDonalds, be right back. No.10754
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>>10753Summer Rye smiled as he had enough bits to buy the horn and also have a little extra money in the purse.
"Alright, I think we have a deal."
>>10754They make the trade and now Summer Rye had the Earthly Horn in his possession.
Rye Bits 196
Gallant Gallop: "Thanks for the purchase, now I'll hold up my end of the bargain. The Music Store, Clockwork's Notes, is about 2 and a half blocks south of here next to the cafe. Here I'll mark it for you."
He marks the location on their map of Manehattan and now the party will be able to immediately head over to there when they are ready.
>>10756Gallop gives them only a mumbler as he gets back to tending to his shop. The party heads on outside of the building and were now back on the the sidewalk of the Manehattan Shop District.
Crit: "Now we got our locale, lets head on over to the music store and see what this Clockwork needs."
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>>10757>>10758The party goes down a few city blocks in the direction Gallant Gallop had described until they did find the little music store. There was maybe a musician or two already inside browsing the where when they entered through the door but they did manage to see Clockwork behind his counter.
Clockwork: "Ah some new customers, how can I help... oh wait I know you three. You're the adventurers that's been going around helping ponies. Here come on to the desk I got some work that you may be interested in. I promise the pay will be good."
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>>10761"Hello Mr. Clockwork, Sir. What kind of work do you have for us?"
>>10762The pegasus urges them closer to the counter so that they wouldn't have to talk across the store.
Clockwork: “
Thank you, thank you!” he takes a moment to collect himself, “Ah, where are my
manners... my name is Clockwork. I build and sell instruments as you can see from my store. Anyways I’ve recently been having a nice day until I realized that one of my chimes has been stolen and I think I know who took it. It must have been that one mare who’s stolen from the other stores before, her name being Forest Melody. If you can look in the nearby woods, find her, and bring back my chime then I would be most grateful.”
You then remember that Clockwork refused to give more information about the chime and Claymore suggested that you should inquire more about the chime.
Charm DC 5
>>10764Normal questions won't be enough to get information from him. They would have to coax him a bit more or perhaps put the pressure on him. Maybe they can suggest that you can do the job better with knowing what they are getting or state that the knights sent you and demand the information.
Clockwork: "Only that it was a special order for somepony in Canterlot. Besides you don't need to know every last detail about the chime anyways. Look the pay will be nice, 200 bits for each head that gets the job done."
Basically 200 bits for everypony for the safe retrieval of the chime. This was definitely a great way to make money but this shows how the chime is very valuable and special.
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>>10765Rye thought some more. "Well, we do have to know more about the chimes because they could be dangerous. Well, just today I got myself this magic horn here." he takes it out, tempted to blow into it. "The chimes could have some dark magic about them - and if we handle them wrong it could spell disaster. Maybe not by itself but in combination with all that other stuf that was stolen. A chime is an odd thing to steal after all."
>Rye tries his persuasion skill No.10767
>>10766Clockwork ponders on Rye's presuasive abilities. Hoefully Rye's word play will save the day.
Rye Charm
1d8 = 4 Pers
1d6 = 1 No.10768
Clockwork: "I don't think the thing was enchanted, that mare will really just seal anything shiny. Just like the animals she hangs around with, her thievish nature is based off her base instincts. She mostly just hangs around the forests are on the outsides of the city."
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>>10768Rye looks at Critical and shrugs, not sure how else to get the information, not being one to put on any pressure, that being more Epic's sort of deal.
Gotta stop, busy time at home. No.10774
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>>10771>>10772>>10773The party headed on out of the music store and wondered where they should go next. They knew they would have to go to the western side of the city and leave through there. Most likely the quickest way to leave would be to hire a cab to drive them out of the city. They would have to just hail one...
CRASH!They hear the sound of a window crashing and some screaming. There they saw a small group of animials breaking out of a jewelry shop all having bits of gold and silver accessories in their mouths and paws. This group of animals consisted of owls, rabbits, even household dogs and cats.
This group of animal thieves started to run down the street together and were headed somewhere.
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>>10774FOLLOW 'EM!
>Pursuits. No.10778
>>10777 give chase to the little beasties who stole so many items but the party couldn't exactly catch up. Instead they just get caught up by accidentally bumping into other ponies and having to navigate around them. Suddenly more and more windows are broken with more animal thieves joining the run to whereever they are going.
Guard ponies also gave chase but they weren't too much more useful to stopping the animals as well, perhaps the party could do something.
>>10779>lolUnfortunately Epic Mount is behind the crowd of animals so the stare is not useful if he is not making eye contact with them. After a few minutes the animals reach the bridge and crosses it out into the wild where nobody could get them. All the guards and the party as well has to stop and catch their breath on the edge of the city.
Guard Pony: "Huff... damn it that's the third time this week. Those critters have been acting up lately, going into stores and stealing things then they make a run for it and when all is said and done they come back into the city like nothing has happened."
>>10780If I had to guess, the instrument that was stolen is used to control the animals...
I can pursuit them in the wild!
>>10781Crit: "Control animals? I don't think I've ever seen anything like that before but I'm sure my dad has seen something similar. Anyways yeah we should go after them, with you taking point I am certain we'll find the animals before lunch time. The question is are we ready to head on out there?"
Going out into the forests may prove to be difficult but with Epic Mount they will be able to navigate with ease. The only other danger is what or who is lurking in the tree line.
>>10782Fluttershy's pretty good with animals, she can get them to do what they want simply by asking.
Though I doubt she is behind this all.
>>10783Crit: "I never did think it was her in the first place but yeah I can imagine ahw'a not the type to get her animal friends to steal."
They go ahead and they get to starting to cross the bridge. It would take a while to cross it but not all day.
>>10787Critical smirks at Epic Mount.
Crit: "Surprising that you say that considering that the Everfree is a forest yet it is similar to a jungle."
He gives Epic a light punch to mess with him a bit further. Soon enough they start to hear this tantalizing and rhythmic sounds of chime music being played. It was far off in the distance so they can't get a good direction unless some pony tries to listen in or perhaps climbs up a tree.
>>10789Crit: "Don't bother with that anymore. Do you hear that sound? It sounds like a chime of some sort."
Critical got Epic to be quiet and tried to figure out where the sound was coming from.
Mind test Difficulty 4
Crit Mind
1d12 = 2Epic Mind
1d8 = 7Rye Mind
1d8 = 5 No.10793
>>10792They make the slow approach to the area to find a small empty glade where they would see a green unicorn mare with an even darker green mane playing a chime atop a quite impressive mound of gold and silver valuables. Encircling her was these mesmerized looking animals who ritualistically marched around the pile and tossing up the stolen items onto the pile. It would seem that she had been using the chime to influence the animals and steal for her own gain.
Right now she did not know that the party was in the area but they should act so that they can get the chime back from Forest Melody.
>>10794They continue to wait until the animals had given up all of their stolen possessions. Forest Melody then stops the music and lays down onto her pile looking quite proud of her haul.
Melody: "Good job guys, look at all this loot we got! All this shiny stuff will make our forest look nice and pretty."
the animals looked tired and distressed. The ones that were pets just instantly fled while the wild ones remained and looked tuckered out. Even though this was obvious for the party, Forest Melody looked oblivious to this fact.
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>>10796Crit: "Yeah I can do that though perhaps we can just talk to her. I mean this isn't exactly like the assassins or dogs we've been fighting of late."
Critical leaves Epic and puts himself over to a good vantage point to steal the Chime at a safe distance with a spell.
>>10797I'm hoping this can be resolved through talking, but I do not want to underestimate her. If she looks about to cause trouble, take it away from her.
>Epic clears his throat, putting on his charm, leaves the bushes and appeaches her.Why the need for such trinkets when this forest is as beautiful as it is?
>>10799I value natual beauty as it is. You gold and jewelry to decorate it, the forest makes it's own gold during the autumn and it's own silver in the winter.
These treasures won't make you happy, thats something only city ponies with little understanding of nature would treasure.
>>10800Epic Mount tried to use logic and reason against her, hoping to make her see the futility of decorating the forest in gold.
Epic Charm
1d8 = 7 VS Melody Mind
1d12 = 10 No.10802
>>10801>>10800She takes a moment and thinks about his ideas but quickly discards them with a childlike smile.
Melody: "Nah I'm sure that I'm doing the right thing. I mean with all this stuff the animals here will live a much better life rather it just being the plain old thing everyday."
Even though she says that it would help the animals, it is clear that the animals are actually suffering from her actions and she doesn't even know it. Epic Mount would know that Fluttershy wouldn't like this sight and is glad that she is spared such grief. Perhaps Epic can use the fact that the animals are hurting to his advantage in his argument.
>>10802The animals are not happy, what you're doing is forcing them into crimes against their will.
>Points to one of the critters.Look how exhausted this little guy is. And for what? Stealing trinkets? He should be hibernating for spring, he shouldn't be up at this time.
>>10803Melody: "What? What do you mean..."
At first her tone was doubtful but when she actually took her eyes off of the gold and back to the animals she could she how they were hurting. The poor animals were tired and were ready to fall over and pass out. She drops the chime in shock, covering her mouth as tears ran down her face.
Melody: "I didn't mean to... I'm so sorry. I just wanted to make things better but I ended up hurting my friends."
Crit: "I mean yeah you put them through some stuff there but its not like that you did some serious damage or anything."
Melody: "Here you take this, I don't want it anymore." she gives Epic the Chime, "Don't worry about all the gold too, I'll make sure to take it all back into the city and return it to the proper owners with an apology."
+1 friendship tokens.
>>10804It's OK, you just made an error of judgement.
When Autumn comes round again, you should see the forest for it's beauty. It;s golden leaves will sure to please you.
>>10805She smiles at this, knowing that Epic Mount was probably right.
Melody: "Yeah I know now to look for whats actually important in life. I also promise to never abuse my animal friends like that ever ago."
>>10806The cheer for Epic and his friends for sparing them up for their hibernation in which they scurry across the snow covered ground to their homes.
Crit: "C'mon Epic we should get on back now that we got the chime."
>>10808They head on out of the forest and get back on the bridge that would lead back to Manehattan.
Crit: "Hey you did pretty good back there. Usually that sort of thing ends out with some big battle that lands us with some semi serious injuries."
>>10809I could tell in her eyes she wasn't malicious, I saw something very familiar in her. She probably felt a sense of belonging or home in that forest, just as I feel with Everfree Forest. When Twilight and her friends encouraged me to visit Ponyville more I felt out of place and other ponies saw it wwierd I love and belong to a place they deemed scary and dangerous.
Of course now days everyone likes me and Twilight and more ponies seem to be visiting Everfree when they shouldn't.
Still her actions were wrong for her own reasons.
Still I am wondering if we should convince the owner of this chime to be destroyed, it's as powerful as it is harmful in the wrong hooves.
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Crit: "I mean yeah we can destroy it... but that means we won't get our pay from Clockwork. Then again we can maybe keep the chime for ourselves but... we don't really know how to use it nor do we know its full capabilities."
He looks at the chime that Epic was carrying.
Crit: "I mean, it wouldn't be too much trouble to just give it to Clockwork and collect the bits. 200 in each of our pockets will definitely help us on our journey."
They make it back into the city finally and found themselves in the residential district. Other than a few ponies on the street and a hotel or two to enter, they can't do much here as they are not allowed to enter some random pony's apartment.
Time for me to go now. No.10813
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>>10812"Yeah, I agree with that."
>>10812>>10813Crit: "Well yeah I do like the money and so lon as I get it then I do not care what happens to the chime."
The party takes about 30 minutes at a walking pace to get back to the store in the Shop District. They head on back inside of the music store and Clockwork greets them as usual.
Clockwork: "Welcome back to the store, were you able to get the chime back for me?"
>>10815He seems to have been thrown a bit of a curveball on that question. He wasn't expecting a discussion about a product in the context of a business deal.
Clockwork: "About the chime? As I said its just a special order for a musician out in Canterlot. Nothing else really interesting about, just a custom made chime."
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>>10816Somepony ordered this?
When we found this chime, it was used to manipulate a large range of animals to perform various crime. Me and my friends put a stop to the criminal activities, but the animals that the chime controlled were push to exhaustion as well as making them active when they should be hibernating.
This chime seem to corrospond to a pony's talent, such as with animals, and allow complete control over them.
If this instrument ever to fall into the wrong hooves, it may have more dire and catastrophic effects than just petty crimes with animals.
I really think it would be for the best if you destroyed this instrument. Or very least make sure whoever commisioned you to make such a terrible weapon is ideal to have it.
>>10817Clockwork: "Well... you see the chime has a special enchantment on it that when played it will soothe the spirits of ponies when played. I guess when Forest Melody played it the enchantment was altered to better fit her special talent. It really shouldn't be harmful, even your unicorn friend there can check out the enchantment if he wants to."
Critical does so which takes a few moments after enveloping it into his magic aura.
Crit: "What he is saying is true, its got some sort of amateur pacification enchantment on it. I guess because of the shoddy work on it allowed some manipulation to an extent."
>>10819Crit: "Eh... it could take some work... I don't do enchantments."
Clockwork: "I'll make sure to send it back to that wizard and tell him to do the enchantment over again. I'll also have to make sure to send the musician a letter and explain that her instrument will be late. Now if you would hand over the chime, I would be happy to pay you for your services."
>>10820Well OK.
>Gives him the chime.But if a few weeks time we have to pry this from some villains hooves we can't give it back..
>>10821Clockwork: "Don't worry this time I will make sure to have all of the cracks and seams filled in before the chime is sent in to my buyer."
He takes the chime and puts it away. Afterwords he gives each of the party members 200 bits each.
Epic Bits: 250
Crit Bits: 479
Rye Bits: 396
Crit: Money... ah yeah! Thanks for that Clockwork."
Clockwork: "No problem, perhaps would you like to buy something before you go?"
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>>10822I'm not really a musically enclined pony.
>>10823Crit: "Me niether besides we need to head back to Canterlot so we can meet up with some of Epic's associates up there."
Epic remembers that it was Claymore who sent Epic on this quest to help out Clockwork and his chime ordeal. Really it just felt like it was being sent off to do busy work but most likely Claymore will have some lecture for Epic Mount to ponder. Whether or not this should be exciting will depend on how Epic feels about all of this.
>>10825Crit: "It is still pretty early in the morning so we should be able to reach Canterlot by dusk if we don't stop at any point with out balloon trip."
It has been so far a half day they had spent in Manehattan so perhaps they had stayed long enough in the city. Of course if they weren't looking to leave so soon then they can go around some of the city districts and partake in the culture of the Manehattanites be it theater, music, or food.
Crit: "Even though ponies always say Manehattan is a great place it is just a bit too fancy and rich for my blood. Then again our destination is Canterlot which isn't too better either."
He tries to think about what to do next.
Crit: "Honestly I say lets get a move on. You need to go see Claymore and see what he wants to have you do next. Hopefully the lesson will be more pen and paper so we don't have to go into some dangerous area again."
>>10829The party gathers up their things and head on out back to the sky docks. The city was once again back to its full vitality of having noisy and loud streets and stores all open to have ponies spend their money. Children laughed and played on the sidewalks and adults sat on benches drinking their coffees and teas. It looked to be much more calmer than Canterlot had been in the past few weeks which was admittedly strange. After crossing many a streets they make it back to the sky docks after the mare from the visitor's center tells them goodbye.
They find their balloon exactly where they had found it all safe and tied down. They would have to get it prepped up and ready to go if they wanted to leave.
Crit: "Back at it eh Epic?"
>>10831Critical gets into the basket and starts to work on the engine to get it up and running again.
Crit: "This engine is a bit old though but then again so is Blazen Path who used to use this in his younger day. Hey Epic what do you think you would be like when you get old an retire?"
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>>10833Crit: "I like to imagine I'm sitting on a large pile of bits inside my own casino out in Las Pegasus. My goatee will become a sharp fine cut beard and I'll be wearing an expensive suit."
Epic and Rye got the balloon cut loose and hopped inside the basket with Critical and he started the engine and set the party off into the air.
Crit: "Why in the future I'll have stores of wealth and tables upon tables of gambling."
>>10835Crit: "Ooh yeah I forgot about that, having all of those items that we collected over the years. Heck I don't have much except for my Tindercrest set here. I'll have to work extra hard if I want to find ancient and old relics."
Critical looks out to the overland of Equestria and took in the sight. The chilling wind bit past their armors and clothing but it did not do anything to dampen the fire in their spirits. A light of hope dawned on them with promises of a long and happy life.
Crit: "One day you'll see me out there. I'll be on top of the world with every pony envying me and it will be I that looks down on them."
What he meant by this was both metaphorical and literal at the same time. Critical was just some average no name pony while at the same time being one of the shortest around as well. It would seem that his dream for power and wealth is to compensate the lack there of in his current standing.
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"Well, that trip sure was worth it moneywise. We never went into one of those casinos now though, did we?"
>>10837Crit: "Eh there wasn't any casinos to be had there anyways."
>>10838Crit: "Heck yeah, just look at my talent of gambling Epic Mount. Having one of those towers is my birthright, it is my destiny one day. For now though I'll have to be content on getting stronger and hone my skills for that day."
>>10839Maybe I'll become a legendary hero someday that history books will remember?
>>10840Not me, I don't know the first thing about gambeling... except how to squander money away, but thats it. I'd rather save my money and be wise with it than risk it away.
Plus the parties in Las Pegas can be rather over-the-top for my taste.
>>10840He got a bit nervous at hearing that and sweat started to form on his brow.
Crit: "Go there?! No no I wouldn't be ready yet anyways to go back there again."
>>10841Crit: "Besides we have Epic here who needs help with his knightly duties and as his friends we should stick with him and help him. I mean after all that's what friends are for."
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>>10842"Huh? Why not?" Rye wondered what might have happened there.
"Ah yeah, those knightly duties." Well, I wonder what his next assignment will be.
>>10843Crit: "My card and dice skills aren't up to date enough so I'm not really ready. Anyways for the next assignment I think they'll have Epic Mount clean the barracks, my bits are on that."
He shoves at Epic in a teasing manner
Crit: "Isn't that right squire colt?"
>>10846>>10847>>10848After some long hours of simple and casual talk and rest, the party was able to make it to Canterlot as the sun was setting down but they can imagine it will be nighttime before they make it to the Royal's District. They land in the skydocks of Canterlot City and they had the balloon settled and secured to a landing platform
Crit: "Here we are, lets get up to the Royals District."
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>>10852Sir Claymore, we have returned.
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Rye had already attempted to take a left hand turn towards the kitchen when he noticed the knights sitting there.
>>10853Unlike how Critical would usual gets, Claymore was calm and kept his composure even though he was slightly buzzed after a long day of work it seems.
Claymore: "So it would seem, come and sit down I am sure your friends are hungry. Besides we also need to talk about your room here since the knights are now your home. Gold Grail will be here soon after completing some business in the castle."
The party sits on down and Claymore pours them a glass of wine each.
>>10854One of the knights left the kitchen and saw that Rye was gonna make a beeline for where he had been. He then notions Rye to let him know that he was welcome in there to fix himself something to eat.
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>>10855Rye gave a friend wave at the knights before heading into the kitchen to fix himself something to eat; even asking whether he could help with the food.
>>10856Claymore: "Why of course, you are one of us even though you do not yet hold the rank of knight yet. Your friends can also stay here but be sure to remind them that they are guests and can only sleep in your room as well. Anyways enough about that go ahead and tell me how the Chime quest went."
>>10857He found inside a chef who had been hired specifically to be the knights personal cook. If they wanted something to eat here it would be cooked by this earth pony stallion wearing a stained apron.
Rich Spice: "Names Rich Spice, you do not look like a knight so that means you are a guest. Even though my cooking is reserved for the knights only I can fix something up for you. What would you like?"
>>10858The chime was enchanted that was suppose to sooth ponies who listen to it's sound. However it was stolen by a local and was used to control the loca wildlife to do her bidding. We confronted her and convinced her to return the chime and let the animals go, she's sorry for what she did. We then returned the chime back to the store owner who said that the chime will be further enchanted to make sure nothing of the like will happen again.
He also paid us, I got 250 from him.
>>10859>>10863Ack sorry, I've been out of it lately.Claymore: "That sounds good, feel free to keep whatever rewrd you may have earned through your endeavors.bReally though the true prize here wasn't get you some experience in dealing with ponies, especially when the law is at stake."
Critical: "Yeah you should've seen Epic when he talked with Forest Melody. I mean sure he had trouble at first but he was able to talk her down."
Claymore pours another glass of wine for himself but then puts the bottle on the center of the table whichade and t seem that this was gonna be his last drink for the night.
Claymore: "I'm glad that you didn't resort to violence. Even though she was a thief this Forest Melody is still a fellow Equestrian and should be treated fairly and just. Now then I think I should be heading off to sleep soon. Was there anything that you needed to discuss before we retire to our rooms?"
>>10862I'm on the phone so sorry if I get your stats wrong.Rye gets together all Rich Spice had instructed and he began to chop up the carrots with the knife he found in the kitchen.
Rye Mind
1d8 = 1 Cook
1d10 = 9DC 6
>>10864Rich Spice: "Aye now your cooking. Those carrot slices ate consistent with on another and they are at the perfect thickness to keep our more night owl knights fed and happy."
They add in the extra carrots and spices to now the stew smell great, reminding Rye of his mother's own cooking back on the farm. Fresh wheat bread and soups of many vegetables quickly surfaced in Rye's mostly hungry memories.
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>>10866Rye stepped from one hoof on the other. "Oh boy, I hope it'll be done soon. Just seeing it makes me starve."
>>10865Claymore: "Nah ask of me now Epic Mount. I am your teacher so that means I will always be ready to hear what you have to say and respond in a informative fashion... within reason of course. If we find ourselves fighting off a large group of bandits or something then please don't expect me to give you a lecture while fighting for our lives."
>>10867the stew cooked for a while longer until Rich Spice shut off the stove's flame and took the pot off of the hot surface and onto a safe place on the kitchen counter.
Rich Spice: "There you are my aspiring chef and hungry soul, the stew is quite ready to have for your dinner. Just be sure to clean up after yourself when you are done. After all you wouldn't want to disrespect your host."
The chef then goes over to hang up his apron and get out some cleaning supplies to he can fix up the kitchen. Before doing so he was sure to show Rye where the bowls and silver ware were are.
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>>10868Rye thanked Rich Spice and assured him he would certainly clean up after himself.
He proceeded to ladle some of the stew into a bowl and sat down, enjoying the meal. He also brought out some more bowls in case any of his friends or the guards wanted any of it.
>>10871>>10869Sorry for not posting, I was really busy yesterday.Crit: "Remember Epic we have the keys we just need to know where the Stratus City is."
Claymore: "Unfortunately I do not have the power to give you permission to enter the Archives. Usually the only ones who can give permission is Celestia, Luna, or one of the scholars in the archives. Getting permission can be difficult though, usual you need to be of high status or it needs to be an emergency... which I can help you with that."
He pulls out a yellowish paper map with ink markings.
Claymore: "We've been able to get the location of the Assassin's base here in Equestria. If my suspicions are true then you will find their leader there who wants both your keys and the lives of our royalty. If you can bring whomever that is back to Canterlot with the keys themselves then they will most certainly let you in if you do."
Looking at the map the base was located to the south east in Rambling Rock Ridge. To illustrate their base there was a drawing of a crude and decrepit looking fort.
>>10870Critical takes a bowl after Rye sat down with them.
Crit: "Thanks Epic, the food looks nice. If we ever go camping then you should be the one who cooks the meals for us."
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>>10872I can aqssure you the keys are well secured. Princess Twilight has them. We need to stop by Ponyville to collect them.
Then we can come back, capture this assassin and bring both assassin and keys to you.
>>10873Claymore: "Yes that does sound like a good idea. Who ever this ringleader is they must be stopped before they can do anymore damage. Canterlot is already on edge as it it but if they knew if the pony responsible has been caught will most likely let them sleep peacefully at night."
The door creeks open and a familiar griffon steps on inside and takes a seat while wearing his armors. It was Aotle who helped Epic Mount get into the knights in the first place.
Aotle: "Epic, Crit, and Rye fancy meeting you guys here! I just got off from my mission so I was gonna grab some food before heading in for the night."
>>10875Aotle: "It went quite well actually, even met this cutie of a Griffon while I was there and I got a date tomorrow."
He smiles as he pours himself some wine and got some food. Claymore got on up and excused himself from the table to go rest.
Claymore: "I'm sorry but I need to go to bed now. I will see you off tomorrow Epic Mount."
He leaves and heads upstairs and enters his room leaving the party alone with Aotle.
Aotle: "You know I've heard some good things about you from Claymore Epic Mount though it may seem odd. Claymore is one of the more cold knights we have here but you know it is not surprising for him to warm up to you since you two have similar pasts."
>>10876>to AotleNice!
>to Claymore.Goodnight Sir Claymore.
>Back to AotleHe has? He did not share to me his past.
>>10878I do know what thats like. While I can't say I remember my family prior to my life in Everfree, it's not due to amnesia, just... faded memories.
I know what it's like to forget your mothers face.
>>10879Aotle: "Hm... maybe it was destiny for you to be under the tutelage of Claymore. Perhaps Gold Grail felt like you could help Claymore one day to get over his grief. I don't know."
Crit: "Me neither but we should probably get some rest. Tomorrow were gonna be real busy and in the thick of danger for sure."
>My bro wants me to go get food. BRB No.10883
>>10881>Soory it took so long, Bro wanted pizza. :/Aotle: "Oh that's right you need a room assigned for you. Here let me go get the key for you."
He goes on up to the desk and the leads the party on upstairs, taking them on the right side of the roo's and followed the doors to the end.
Aotle: "Here's your room and key, your room is the last on on the right so it should be easy to remember. Anyways good night Epic Mount and good luck."
The party enters the room to find that it was small yet cozy which must be standard for the other rooms. The rooms had a hard wood floor with a green diamond carpet and the walls were made of stone like the Shakespearean houses. There was a desk with a single lamp that was not lit. the last to note was that there was a single bed and a couch.
Crit: "Aw just one bed!? That means I'm sleeping on the couch or the floor. Well I guess that makes sense as these rooms are designed for a single pony."
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>>10884Crit: "Making a replica ins't too hard really but the keys we have are pretty fancy looking so it would be quite expensive to do so. Also I imagine that the keys have a unique enchantments on them so if an expert checks them out then they will be able to tell a false. Fooling one of the common assassin ponies will be easy but I'm sure the leader knows exactly what they are looking for so it would be near impossible to give them a knock off."
Critical lays down on the couch to get as comfortable as he could.
>>10885Well, it depends if the assassins knows exactly what the keys look like.
Besides I mean fake keys that are harmless, not copies.
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Crit: "Yeah I like that idea, heck it would be pretty to trick them like that. They'll use the key, nothing would happen then they'd be like
How'd that happen?"
He laughs quietly so to not wake up the other knights in the building.
Crit: "Ah but we'll cross that road when we get there. I'm gonna sleep now."
>I drew this two days ago but I don't like it. No.10891
>>10890Eh I don't like it. I'm gonna work with paint tool sai from now on as it better color mixing and shading on it. I'mma do and Epic Mount pic when I'm free.They turn in to sleep for the night. Their dreams were calm and relaxing which contrasted last night's restlessness. Being safe inside the city, nothing immediate to worry about was surely different to their usual schedules though this can make them feeling to want to have a much calmer life and not have the fate of Equestria hanging on their shoulders.
Eventually morning rises up and the party got on up and left the Knights Barracks. Claymore couldn't be found anywhere and was most likely somewhere out in the Common's or Noble's District. Aotle was across the street dressed in some casual clothing as he still had the date to get ready for. Critical, next to Epic gave a yawn and started to speak.
Crit: "Last night was a bit better than usual but lets focus on what needs to be done. First we need to get to Ponyville and get the keys from Twilight. After that we gotta go to Rambling Ridge and give that assassin base some hell in one way or another."
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>>10891Yes. But also need to see about getting fake keys as well.
>>10892Crit: "Yeah but we'll need to have the keys to do that so we'll make the copies in Ponyville. Before we go though do you think we need to pick up anything in Canterlot?"
Even though it was early in the morning the pony guard was out doing their incredibly organized marches across the Castle District.
>>10894Crit: "Nah I should be fine to make the journey. Ponyville is a relatively safe place with a danger or two per week."
The two make their way down through the streets of Canterlot and reach the sky docks where their balloon was waiting for them.
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>>10896Yeah I see your point. Anyways fast travel!The ponies set out in their hot air balloon and make it down to Ponyville in a flight that took about 3 hours to make. It was about noon when they went ahead and landed in Ponycille town square and set up their balloon so it wouldn't fly away. Twilight's castle shouldn't be too far off and it was easy to spot.
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>>10898Crit: "Maybe but we would have gotten a letter from her by now right? Anyways lets head on up there."
The party makes their way to the castle and they can find Twilight was reading one of her books up on the balcony. She sees Epic and his friends and flies down with her book to greet them.
Twilight: "Oh Epic Mount it is good to see your here. I haven't really been able to find out anything about the keys all that much except for a few passages of lore here and there in history books during the time of Discord's rule. If you want I can make some tea and go over what I had found out."
Crit: "Sounds like a good idea princess, ancient history over a few drinks doesn't sound so bad but not what I prefer. Really a cigar room with a bunch of ponies smoking and drinking at a card game or dice game is more my speed but I can settle with lore."
>>10900Twilight: "Uh yeah we can't really have that here Critical."
Crit: "Ah I'll just deal."
They head inside and have their drinks on the table map while Twilight pulls out a number of books about history.
Twilight: "You see back during the time where Discord was invading Equestria, the pegasi tribes had their cities to massively control the weather in the near area by several miles in a radius. This was often used to massively help the earth pony settlers to farm and settle on new lands but this mechanic was also used as a defense. Basically stories of of the cities smacking down entire armies with hail and thunder made these cities near impossible to take. How the cities done this though is not clear but there is this one passage."
The city was being invaded and the commander of Cumulonimbus struck the assailants with fury from above, the pegasus's domain. Thunder cracked at the unworldly creatures and the traitors who allied with chaos. The commander held the key to the city and as he sat upon his throne the city had showed the world of the wrath the pegasi can wrought.Twilight: "It's not much but we can probably speculate that one can use this weather mechanism by using the key while on the throne to control the weather in the local area."
Time for me to go. Also I got the Festival of Lights book today. Can't wait to look over it. No.10902
>>10901That make sense.
Anything on Stratus?
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>>10901"That key sounds really powerful indeed."
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>>10904"I prefer it weren't repaired."
>>10905Well it seems fairly destroyed and the Golems were guarding it. But if we got through then who knows who else is capable of it.
I'll summon Pillar sometime and talk to him about it.
>>10902FUCKING HELL I'M BACK! God damn I had a huge storm come in through my area and it gave me both hardware issues and knocked out my internet for a few days but I am back.Twilight: "Not really, Stratus was one of the larger cities in the pre-Discord era and it was able to avoid getting into any conflict unlike Cumulonimbus. Other than that the books don't go into detail or give any location."
>>10904>>10905>>10906Crit: "I do admit that it would really be cool to sit on a throne that controlled the weather..."
Twilight: "I'm not sure that it would be a good idea to have this city just lying around. I mean we now have the power of Friendship to defend Equestria so having Stratus around would prove to be a conflict of interest. If you can perhaps you can disable the throne but spare the rest of the city so we can have the scholars examine the ruins."
>>10907Welcome back. While I didn't have a storm, we did had a blizzard. Very windy and cold. And given my house is drafty, it pretty much sucked the warmth out of it.>>10907I'll have to talk to Pillar about it first.
Pillar is this golem I named. The Golems are programmed to attack any and all intruders, but given I have this control rod, the Golems are cool with me. Last time I was there I tried to get one Golem who I named Pillar to start thinking for himself.
>>10908Crit: "I would imagine he would know more than both of us than we do even though he's just some enchanted hunk of rock. Also don't forget that we still have to raid that assassin base so we can stop their leader from getting to the city in the first place."
Twilight: "With whatever you guys do I hope you will be safe."
>>10909He's no hunka rock. He's more intelligent and reserved than most others we know of.
Actually Twilight, I would like the two keys back, we want to make forgeries of them, just in case we have to give up keys in the long run.
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>>10910Twilight: "Oh yeah I have the keys over here, just give me a minute."
She leaves the table and head downstairs to retrieve the keys from her room. This takes a while until she comes back with a red looking lock box that would be about the width of her body.
Twilight: "Here I kept the keys here locked away and enchanted the box so it wouldn't open except for me. Be careful Epic, Crit, and Rye. This sounds all really dangerous and it would be bad if you guys didn't come back. No matter what make sure you guys are safe."
She opens the box and hands over the keys to the party.
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>>10911Thanks Twilight. We'll becaerful. After all if we failed your table will probably have you and your friends clean up our mess.
But to be extra careful I'd like fake keys to be made. I just have a feeling it be a good idea to keep a trick in hoof just in case.
>>10912Twilight: "There is the blacksmith in the town you can get to forge your keys for you."
Crit: "Okay we'll check them out. Epic are you ready to go over there or is there anything else you can think of to ask Twilight?"
>>10914Twilight: "Not at the moment really. Oh but wait. Here take this letter and give it to the blacksmith. They'll forge your key for free if they see my name on the parchment."
She gets out a paper and scratches down a very quick I owe you letter for the party so that they wouldn't have to pay for an insane amount of money to make these key forgeries. After she is done she gives them the voucher.
>>10916The party heads on out of the castle and were now in the center of town here they would have to get to the market area to the south edge of Ponyville.
Crit: "Epic you know this place better than I. You take lead to the Market area, I want to get a bag of dice incase for some reason my cards are ever useless."
You know you can type something like "I head to this area." so I know when you want to do something. It would make my life easier. No.10919
>>10918They make their way down to the blacksmith which they could hear the steady ringing of steel being readied for some use, most likely to be made into a sword. Under the awning they could see a rugged earth pony working his forge.
Smithy: "Oi what you be goin around me place for eh? Speak up my ears don't work so well with all that ringin."
>>10920Smithy: "Aye, what you be needen from me? You need a sword? I got the swords inside me shop. You need some armor? I can fit you with something if you need to."
He stops his work and heads out from the awning and reveals his dirty and sweaty face under the sun.
>>10923I have a letter from Princess Twilight Sparkle for you to cover the cost.
>Gives him a letter.And...
while I know my friends will kick me for this for taking up more time, If you need any particular materials to make the keys with, I will help retrieve them. It's best to keep this project on the down-low as possible, nopony else must know about these keys.
>>10924He takes the letter and gives it an odd stare like as if he were staring at a monster or some danger. He then stuffs it into his apron and gives a nod.
Smithy: "Oi I see that the princess will pay me back later. Anyways I got the materials I do, it's just gonna take some time you laddie."
Crit: "Eh I needed to go shopping anways. We gotta make sure we got everything we need to do what we need and get stuff to prepare for some thin air as we... go mountain climbing."
>To the SmithyRemember, we would like the forgeries to not work, as in false keys.
Though given the original keys may have enchantments on it for their function, as long as they look same and can fool any keen-eyed pony, thats what matters.
>>10926Smithy: "Ya ya I don't need some milk drinking stallion to tell me how ta do my job. I'll make those keys so that they don't work and with Twilight's signature I won't ask any questions as to why you want nonworking copies."
Crit: "C'mon Epic we need to go find some gear, besides I got a lot of money to burn off of here."
Smithy: "Wish that money was goin ta me but nah I gotta go and wait."
>Goes with Critical.So what do you wanna do? I don't think I need... Actually do I have flint?
>>10928Epic searches through the bags he was carrying and he did in fact find a thing of flint he could use to start fires.
Bits: 250
Friendship: 8
Thunder Hammer (The user sends a lightning bolt at an enemy with their body trait and stuns them for one turn)
Flint Steel 70
*Power Bangle (Upgrades Body Trait)
Rabid Cloak (Upgrade attack skill./ 3charges:per day)
Potion*2: (Heal half max HP) 20bits
Golem Control Rod: 100bits
Blanket: Resist Cold 10 bits
Mirror Armor: (-2 damage to a min of 1 / Negates pure magic energy)
Bracers of Balance: (+1 to martial arts rolls)
Hyper Potion: (Heals all HP) 50bits
Meal Simple: 3bits
>Your inventory.Crit: "I just want to buy some things so we can be ready for the near future. I need a bag of magically enchanted dice much like how my cards are."
They reach Smooth Wave's store and head on inside.
Smooth: "Hey its my favorite group of adventuring ponies, I was wondering if you cats were still around. Nice to see you haven't gotten too famous that you wouldn't be concerned with little old me."
>>10929We're lucky to still be alive let alone famous.
Wait, we're famous?
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Did I miss anything?
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>>10932"Why would be famous? I mean we have helped some ponies, sure... but famous?"
>>10930Smooth: "Yeah you've been helping ponies out and about life you've been doing. Last escapade you solved the whole animal stealing things in Manehattan I believe."
Crit and Smooth Waves start doing business and starts to buy things.
Goggles: (Eye stun immunity.) 50 Bits
Bag of Dice: (Uses Gamble) 50 Bits
2 Potions: 40 bits
Crit Bits left: 339
>>10932>>10933Crit: "I always knew we were great, we deserve the recognition."
Crit: "Intimidating? Is that how you think they saw you? Nah Epic they just thought you were really awkward."
He smiles all evil like trying to jab at Epic's pride.
>>10936>>10935Smooth: "Is there anything else you guy might want?"
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>>10937"Not me, I'm good."
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>>10938>>10939He laughs at him, knowing now he wasn't gonna get a reaction.
Crit: "Ah Epic I was just messing with you was all. Anyways lets go and see if those keys are ready or something."
>Here is your pic so far with what I got. Gonna do shading then move on Summer Rye. No.10943
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>>10941>>10942It's Epic Mount wearing his mirror armor, I was originally going to do an eastern looking armor cause that what showed up in google images with "mirror armor," but I decided to do something more western looking because Epic is based off of western knights.
Also I'm not gonna keep you guys in Ponyville for an entire day because that would be boring.Crit: "Well we could always check, we need to move fast anyways."
Rye if you could provide me with a description of your character, what they look like and what their colors are I would be glad to draw something for you. The pic above is not complete but I hope to get it to something like this. No.10946
>>10944>>10945Gm now group artist. INB4 you guys learn I do vector lines and I have no actual talent :)The party goes back on over to the smithy to see what he was doing. Instead of being outside on the forge he was in the shop working on this finite metal grinder with bits and pieces surrounding him. Tiny bronze rods, small bronze tablets and large oval or square like bits of bronze. These were all the pieces some pony would need in order to make any key they wanted if they had the skill.
Smithy: " I almost got the head of your keys done, I just need to work on the bodies and set in the glass jewels."
Glass jewels were a nice way of saying worthless rocks.
>>10949As long as they look like the originals, thats all that matters...
Though I should probably mark the originals to make sure I don't confuse myself. Maybe I'll tie some thread around them or something.
>>10950Crit: "If you keep it near me, I would be able to pick up on the magic forces working on the originals."
The party watches as the the smith melts the ends of each of the pieces together. Afterwords he sets in the fake jewels so that the gems were in the perfect locations and the right colors.
Smithy: "They're you are the keys should be good to go to do nothing."
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>>10951"Excellent, well done indeed."
These might come in useful in the long wrong.
And if anypony ask you had nothing to do with these keys, it's best not to tell anypony else, especially if they look shifty.
I'm sure Princess Twilight will appreciate your co-operation.
>>10953>>10952Smithy: "Aye I hope so, I got plenty of other orders so I need to be gettin back to that now. Hopefully you guys will be okay from here on out."
The party steps out of his shop and are now tasked with finding out what to do next.
Crit: "Well now since we got those keys we can go assault that assassin base and put an end to their activities."
>Major internet lag for me, sorry. No.10955
And then we do something else to- actually what is our prime objective? We've been side-questing so much I forgot who wanted these keys.
>>10958Crit: "As of now, we do not know who wants the keys right now but hopefully we'll learn that after we take their base and make it belong to us."
He pulls out the parties map and points to the Rambling Rock Ridge.
Crit: "Their base should be located somewhere here. Are you ready to make the assault and take this pony down?"
>>10959Hell yeah.
And maybe we'll find that dark unicorn knight along the way. We should watch out for him. Not only is he as physically as powerful as me but who knows what offensive spells he may have.
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>>10960>>10961I guess that'll be it for today. I'll work on Epic's pic.Crit: "Who him? Nah he ain't got nothing on us, we'll just floor him like we do with all his other kin."
The party sets out of town inside their balloon and gently drift towards the Rambling Range. By the looks of it they will arrive at the location by night fall.
To be continued...
>>10963>>10964Crit: "It's just a short ways to the east from Ponyville, in fact we should be there in just a moment."
They had been flying for about an hour now until they made it to the rocky ridge where there was very little plant life. Eventually they spot some glowing lights in the distance and they had to touch down far away from the source for they had found the base and needed the cover of the night to protect them. Once the balloon was secured as best they could manage, the party was ready to make their approach.
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>>10966The area was most certainly clear of many obstacles except for maybe a few dying shrubs with prickly thorns or odd ended resilient tree that just defied all logic and decided to take root in this rugged land. Of course since it was so easy to run back here in case of emergency, they would also be largely exposed and if attacked from the air by pegasi then the party would surely be fucked.
Crit: "We'll have to keep the balloon engine cold for our sake unless one of the assassin guards spot it in the distance. As for our approach I suggest we go under the cover of the night and try to remain undetected until we got a plan to barge into the building."
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>>10967"Sounds like a good idea. I'll put my invisibilty cloak on just to be sure."
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>>10972"No, invisibility cape with a flaw."
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>>10969>>10970>>10971>>10972>>10973Even though the cape would be too small, I'll let it work because of how creative you were with that. ;)Rye drapes the cape over their balloon vehicle and after a second or two the whole entire balloon seemingly fades away into the air and there was nothing left. If one of the party members reaches out their hoof to where the balloon was though they would feel that their ride out of here was still sitting where they had left it.
The whole balloon went invisible but Rye could not use the cape on himself for now.
Crit: "Nice thinking, I'll be sure to remember where it actually is in case we need to hurry on out of here."
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Let's do the thing! Where do we go now?
>>10975>>10976Crit: "I doubt they will ever find it out here in the dark and all that. Anyways time's a wastin we need to get on down there and stop those assholes."
>>10977Crit: "Over to those lights, that must be where the assassin's are hold up at."
He points at the lights that they saw on their way down to land.
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>>10978Let's be sneaky and cautious.
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>>10978"Do you think there's a way to sneak in?"
>>10979>>10980Crit: "We'll have to see once we get there but remember we gotta go and catch this leader so we will have to resort to violence in the end."
They get on up to where the lights were and they found this really old fortress that was relatively small considering other forts. It had a square and rigid stone wall surrounding an arid courtyard and the main building was something like a sandstone villa. The main gait was guarded by two assassins and there were some more in the court yard. There were some wooden towers that look new dotting along the outside but they were unmanned.
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>>10981>From what you described, reminds me of Gerudo Fortress.Can we sneak in without getting noticed?
>>10985>>10986They get on up to the tower and Rye tosses up his hook and the party climbs up to the crows nest of the tower. There in the shadows they were able to peer down into the courtyard. Inside there was what looked to be a toolshed to the northwest. To the right was the entrance to the fortress but this was guarded by an assassin, perhaps they can distract him or go in through one of the glassless windows. Other than that there was another assassin prowling the grounds in a counterclockwise patrol.
The party was at the center of the south wall and the patrolling assassin was at the north wall right now.
If they drop down now then they would have to make a stealth test against the one at the door, the other can't see them.
>>10987Got an idea... of sort.
We raid the toolshed in case they keep anything we can use in there. And then we blow it up as a distraction for us to slip into the fortress while they put out the fire.
A little arson never hurt nopony.
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>>10988"Blow it up? With what? But yeah, a fire might work."
Crit "Ha that would be extremely funny, lets go do that. Whenever you are ready Epic we can dive down there or we can circle around the fort to avoid detection though that may take some time."
>>10989Crit: "Eh you guys both should have a bunch of flint, finally you get to use it... after we get stuff we need from the shed of course."
>>10992>>10993>>10993Crit: "But do you want to go through the courtyard but take some risks or do you want to go around the fort and hop over the wall from there?"
Courtyard- One stealth test
Go around- No test but takes long time.
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>>10995"I'm for the longer trip."
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>>10998Rye decided to give the shell a poke and move it.
>>10999>>11000>Double tripsThey give a look to into the box and find that there was a potion bottle in the hole. It was a strength potion that will upgrade your body stat for three turns/uses.
One can imagine that this was some assassin's secret stash.
Body Potion: (Upgrades Body for 3 turns/Uses) 50bits
>>11003How 'bout I'll keep it on me until one of us needs it.
But Crit, if you can't outsma4rt or magic your way out of a situaiton, a boost of physical strength may help in the long run.
Me and Rye are pretty hunka-chunka-horses already.
>>11004>>11005>>11006Epic Mount takes the potion and stuffs it into his saddle bags.
Crit: "I'm sure I won't need it but thanks for the consideration. Anyways are you two ready to move out?"
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>>11007"Ready as I'll ever be."
>>11010"Nothing but junk... except for that saw, that might come in handy."
Rye examines the small lamp. If they tinker with it they could probably make it so it looks like it fell on the straw and started a fire.
>>11011>>11012>>11013They search top to bottom for anything special but they don't find anything under the straw and hay. It was really just a toolshed.
Rye takes the saw and puts it into his inventory.
Let's torch this place.
>Takes the burning lamp.You guys may wanna stand outside for this.
>>11016>>11017Epic Mount set off a small fire in the center of the shed. It would take some time to become an inferno but the fire was eating away at the hay quickly.
The party then gets out and hops over the courtyard wall and waited for the commotion.
Assassin: "Hey what the hell!? There's a fire, a fire!"
They can hear the assassins running up to the shed and try to put it out. Now the door should be clear for them to enter but they would have to hop over the wall and run inside quick before they were noticed.
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>>11020Rye tried to keep up with Epic.
>>11020>>11021They make a run for it while the guards were distracted with the fire. They get through the wooden door and close it behind them while still remaining undetected. Inside the fort was built up with neat stone walls and dark wooden floors. Ahead of them was a short stair case that would lead into a bigger room.
Crit: "We got this, I think we got this in the bag."
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>>11025"Be careful, we shouldn't get trapped in here; that catwalk looks like a perfect spot for archers or the like."
>>11026Yeah, let's check the doorways.
And let's not forget where the exit is, or if we can find a more efficient exit if we need to leave.
>>11026Crit: "But there's no other way to go through. We have to make sure we get this criminal and put and end to what they've been doing or else they'll keep attacking."
>>11027They party heads on inside the main hall with the doors. The walls of this room were much more fancy looking than the rest of this complex at it had paneling up on the walls with green paint and a wood base. Along the walls were a numbers of complex piping that likely held water or steam going through them. Getting close to one of the pipes and you could feel the heat was immense and if you touched it then you would likely get a burn that would scar.
The party gets on up to the door across from them but it was hermetically sealed with the mechanisms in the walls. No amount of lockpicking or brawn will get this door open. There was still the east and west doors to check out.
>>11028>>11029I'm thinking when we see this guy, we should KO this guy as soon as we see him if we can.
Remember the last criminal we had to deal with? He brought his back up with him. Assassins tend to be quick and deadly, lets not give this guy a chance.
>>11029Looking up at the catwalk he could see a mirror copy of the north wall door up there was well but there were no other doors. Instead he can see levers built into the walls at the catwalk level. The two lever were right above the east and west doors and were most likely for opening the doors though there is no way to get up on the catwalk from here.
>>11030Crit: "I agree we'll need to act quickly lest we..."
The door that they came through had immediately shut closed, cutting off their escape and were now locked in the main room. Assassins dropped down from the shadowy cieling and most of them landed on the catwalk above the party, some of them landed on the bottom floor with their weapons done. The party then hears a loud screaching laughing as a talking monkey drops down on the catwalk on the North wall.
Monkey: "HA HA HA, I can't believe it was so easy to get you all to come here. My name is Jairo and I'm the supervisor of this place for our Master."
The monkey was wearing tight leather clothes and he brandished two dirks in each palm.
Jairo: "Now then, how about you hand over your keys and we'll make this all easy peasy. I promise you that you'll live."
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"Damn..." Rye muttered and looked at his friends. "What will we do now? I could use the box of the bard to scare them..."
>>11032>>11033 had readied his cards by now, not surprising that he would keep his deck in his sleeve.
Jairo: "Aw I see that you've become quite infatuated with me, for that I'm glad I was always a cute little monkey. Aside from that I still need you to hand over the keys or else you won't be leaving here alive, why I'll cut your manes and make a monkey rope to swing in my room if you don't comply!"
The violent monkey laughs at the imagery in his mind but he was making his threats be well heard.
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>>11037Rye sure hoped Epic knew what he was doing there.
>>11037Jairo: "Ha ha, you'd think I couldn't move too much but that is quite false. In fact I have the same mobility as if I were just wearing normal clothes but with the protection of light armor. Anyways I can see that you're stalling so I'm done talking with you. My Master's got a schedule to make for a new Equestria and she needs those keys, even if they're covered in your blood."
The monkey motions at his henchmen to go in and attack...
Combat EncounterAssassins A B C
B:10 M:6 C:6
Sword Play:12
>>11039>Epic defended himself and fought back, all the while trying to break Jairo's concentration with his Banter.You say you have the same mobility even in normal clothes, in yet all you choose to wear that?
Oh light armour, well that excuses you from looking like a licorice all-sort.
>To his attackerI mean look at this guy. Don't tell me day you were told this guy is your superior you kept a straight face.
>>11041Rye blows on the horn and it gives an inspiring and bellowing hum that filled the party with confidence in their actions.
Rye Party Boost
1d6 = 1>This will be added to all your rolls. No.11044
>>11040Jairo: "We all have our orders and even I"
Epic Mount does battle with the assassin.
Epic Body
1d12 + 1 = 13 Mart
1d10 + 2 = 10 VS Assassin Body
1d10 = 10>Ignore the assassin's fly abilities, they are earth ponies and have stout heart.Critical goes in and attacks Assassin B
Crit Mind
1d12 + 1 = 13 Gamb
1d20 + 1 = 12 VS Assassin B Body
1d10 = 8 No.11047
>>11044Both Assassins were hit pretty badly and were severely injured largely in thanks to their skill and Rye's buff.
Assassin A/B HP 5
They go in to retaliate...
Jairo: "Hey be careful down there, we need them alive so we can make sure they hadn't found out who our master is yet.
Assassin A Body
1d10 = 5 SP
1d12 = 4 VS Epic Mount Body
1d12 + 1 = 8 Def
1d20 + 1 = 6Assassin B Charm
1d6 = 5 Mark
1d8 = 3 VS Rye Mind
1d8 = 8Assassin C Body
1d10 = 8 SP
1d8 = 2 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 4 No.11048
>>11047>Forgot some of the pluses but it doesn't matterThe party was able to defend themselves properly except for Critical who had been cut by the edge of the sword.
Crit: "Augh!... I'm fine don't worry!"
Crit HP 11
>>11045>If you got a skill that does that kind of thing like Mark For DeathJairo: "Eh I don't need to listen to ya, don't worry by the end of this I'll be making you sing like a song bird."
>>11046Rye Attacks and hopes that his efforts will prove fruitful.
Rye Body
1d10 + 1 = 11 Farm
1d20 + 1 = 3 VS Assassin C body
1d10 = 6 No.11049
>>11048The assassin was hit fairly hard, being skewered by Rye's family pitchfork. For once in his life he actually saw it draw blood rather than sit atop the fireplace in the living room. Fighting with it caused him to gain a sense of familiarity with it, as if he fought with this before but in another lifetime.
Critical goes in to make his attack
>And I forgot it was tinder crest.Crit Mind
1d12 + 1 = 5 Gamb
1d20 + 1 = 11 Firedmg
1d2 = 1 VS Assassin Body
1d10 = 6 No.11052
>>11051"They are the ones who are attacking!"
Rye continued his attack.
>>11049Assassin B fell to the ground, no longer to stay awake with all the damage he had taken.
>>11050Oh I never wanted to put in a limit for how many skills you have, in fact I want you guys to make your character's ridiculously over powered which will come in the future. Also a level up is in the near future as well.Jairo: "You think I'm gonna run away? Mate do you realize you fell for a trap and are in the middle of nowhere surrounded by a bunch of assassins?"
Epic Body
1d12 + 1 = 4 Mart
1d10 + 2 = 7 VS Assassin Body A
1d10 = 3 No.11055
>>11054The second assassin fell to the ground with 0 stamina left, leaving Assassin C alone with 7 HP.
Assassin C Body
1d10 = 9 SP
1d12 = 11 SH
1d12 = 9 VS Epic Mount Body
1d12 + 1 = 9 Def
1d20 + 1 = 9 No.11056
>>11054"Mate" I grew up in a forest. Thats the best of both a trap and the middle of nowhere and full of deadly creatures.
Am I fighting Jairo now? I thought all the assassins were defeated.Whats your excuse? You left the jungle because it was too hard for you?
>>11055Epic Mount was cut badly even though the blade danced across the metal chest plate he was wearing.
Epic Mount HP 11
Jairo: "C'mon boys they're just a rag tag group of ponies. Showem who's boss!"
>>11056Now he's watching from up on the catwalk while sending assassins to deal with you.Jairo: "Yeah I heard that too and I grew up in the jungle until the master saw how smart I was and took me in. Gave me this pendant which allows me to speak pony language. I joined with her though because I saw a new future in Equestria, one guarded by strength and that is the law of nature."
3 more assassins drop down to the main floor to join the conflict.
Assassin's D E and F join the battle.
>>11058Yeah I need to go now too.Jairo: "Aye hold on back guys, these ponies are to strong for you, archers?"
>>11059A the assassins pull back Epic Mount shoots at the monkey but the little devil hops to the side quickly. Even though he evaded the damage his pendant was caught by the bolt and it was shattered into a bunch of pieces. Jairo then screeches and howls at his assassins though it makes no sense.
The archers above take aim at the party and fire darts at them which lands in their hides. At first this did nothing but hurt a bit until they realize they were hit with sleep darts. Their visions go dark and blurry until they drop onto the floor and everything goes black.
To be continued...
Sorry if this feels cheap but it's part of the plan. No.11064
>>11061It feels strange, feels like I've been away for a day or two but I'm right on time for my post.
Anyways regarding the knight, you won't get to see him here but you know you get to do some stuff here and there. I promise he will show up again.???: "Several things of rations, scotch, some weapons...."
The party started to awaken from a dreamless sleep, hindered still be the drugs in their bodies they could barely see the hazy world around them.
???: "Ah here we go, the set of keys we've been looking for. Looks like it was on the grey pony's belongings"
???: "Finally we don't have to keep sifting through their stuff. I mean seriously they got some wierd things on them like this rusty saw. What are you gonna use that for."
They hear a metallic clang near where they were at.
???: "Anyways take all those keys up to Jairo's room in the Captain's Quarters, he'll want to send them off to the Master as soon as possible."
The party hears more hoofsteps and the lound crashing noise of a metal door being shut closed. Barely holding onto the physical world they fade back to unconscious darkness of sleep.
Eventually they wake up, finding themselves inside what looked to be some sort of prison. It was an old fort after all so this is must be where the prisoners of war would be kept back in ancient times but now it was re-purposed to restrain the heroes of Equestria. Looking at themselves they can see that they had been stripped of all of their items and clothing which were all sitting on a desk across the room from them. The cage that they were in looked old and rusty but they could notice a pink magic field surrounding the entire metal barrier. Another thing to note that there was a single door that led in and out of the cage but it was locked by a key lock and will not open. Lastly they notice that there are no windows in the room they were in but there was a rock or two inside the cage with them.
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>>11065Crit gets on up looking like he had been through one of his nights of drinking, rubbing his eye and trying to make sense of things.
Crit: "Wha? ...What happened? We were fighting with Jairo's goons and..."
Sees that they were in jail.
Crit: "Well aren't we in a spot of trouble and they did us the honor of taking all of our stuff too. Well then we will need a way out of here a quick as possible. I don't want to stay long enough for that monkey to come back and start torturing us or something."
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>>11067Looks at the magic field
Crit: "I don't think my magic is gonna help us out here with the field. Seeing as I'm a unicorn they put up that field to block out any magics I could conjure up. As for your rock idea that could work but it may cause quite the bit of noise so be careful if you do so."
There are several ways to solve this, I just don't want magic to be one of them. Also you could try looking around or examining the lock to get some clues or ideas.Crit: "I'll try to think of something if that rock trick doesn't work."
>>11069Epic Mount Picks up a hefty rock and fits his hoof around the bars to get ready to bash the lock. As his hoof passes through the magic field, he can feel all tingly in his arm but nothing more which showed that the field was only lethal to magic spells.
He then takes careful and well placed thwacks at the lock to break it apart though this could be difficult.
Epic Body
1d10 = 10 VS Lock Body DC
1d10 = 7Epic Charm
1d8 = 4 VS Noise Making DC
1d10 = 3 No.11071
>>11070The lock crumbles into pieces seeing how old it was. Epic was also able to keep the noise down to a minimum and any guards who heard it chalked the noise up to some of the ancient pipes that run up and down the halls of the entire structure.
After all that the door opened up and they were free to collect their things from the table.
>>11072Crit: "Nah it should be fine for me to pass, it only stops spells not flesh."
He steps over to go and get his stuff. The party takes some time to gather and re-equip all their gear but they notice that all of the keys are gone. Both real and fake keys.
>>11074[Short Fuse]
Crit: "I wouldn't worry about it too much Epic, we weren't gonna leave without fighting that little bastard and dragging him by the tail back to Canterlot. Way I see it this is just an incentive to go and get him."
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>>11075You're right! Let's go spank that monkey and bring him and his assosiates to justice!
>>11077>>11078>>11084The party heads on out of the jail room and now finds themselves in a long hallway that has a dead end except for a door to the left that was sealed with a lever right next to it. To the right the hallway continued upwards with a staircase that would make a 90 degree turn to the left if you were facing that way.
The party could see some signage that pointed in both directions that read this.
[i]Left: Main Hall
Right: Captain's Quarters, Barracks
>>11086Going up to the door, Rye listened in to see what he could hear. What was on the other side was the sound of several hoofsteps both on a wood floor and the metal catwalk. Most likely they were still cleaning up from the last battle they had in there.
Crit: "Hm, that door should lead into the main hall. We'll probably find Jairo with the keys in the Captain's quarters."
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>>11087"Yeah, we shouldn't head in there unless we can't avoid it."
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>>11088There was still the staircase to the right that would actually lead to the Captains Quarters to the right.
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>>11089"Alright, let's sneak up there."
>>11096The party goes up to sneak up to one of the assassins. They would have to be careful so that they are not detected...
Assassin A Mind
1d6 = 3Epic Body
1d12 = 4Crit Body
1d6 = 2Rye Mind
1d10 = 4Assassin B Mind
1d6 = 2Epic Body
1d12 = 9Crit Body
1d6 = 5Rye Mind
1d10 = 5 No.11099
>>11097One of them heard a creak in the floor boards and the assassin turned quickly around.
Assassin: "Hey hey! How did you two get out of that cage!?"
Combat Encounter. No.11101
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>>11099"Oh shoot, here we go."
>>11100Epic Body
1d12 = 11 Mart
1d10 + 1 = 6 VS Assassin Body
1d10 = 7Critical swipes out his cards and sends a bunch of the flying to the second enemy.
Crit Mind
1d12 = 11 Gamb
1d20 = 17 VS Assassin B Body
1d10 = 3>>11101What would you like to do?
>>11102The assassin's were hit for massive amounts of damage which sent the reeling back. The one Critical had hit was so badly injured that it was noticeable that the assassin would faint soon.
Assassin A HP: 7
Assassin B HP: 1
>>11104>>11105No killing, just knocking.
>Hits Assassins.Then maybe bungle them in a cupboard or something.
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>>11106>>11103>You have to wait for your turn after Rye and the enemy's turnCrit: "I know I know, I'm not gonna send them to the afterlife."
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>>11106"you don't have to tell me."
>>11104Rye goes in to make his attack
Rye Body
1d10 = 2 VS Assassin Body
1d10 = 5 No.11114
>>11112>>11111He tries to make a headbutt but the assassin blocks against it and it does no damage. The enemies then go in to retaliate.
Assassin A Body
1d10 = 7 Sword
1d12 = 4 Stout Heart
1d12 = 5 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 8 Def
1d20 = 14Assassin B Body
1d10 = 4 Stun
1d8 = 2 Stout Heart
1d120 = 73 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 5 No.11115
Both the assassins can't make their attacks proper and the party remains uninjured from this assault.
Epic HP: 11
Crit HP: 11
Rye HP: 8
>>11116Epic Mount tries to wranlge both of the guards to smash them up a bit.
Epic Body
1d12 - 2 = 4 Mart
1d10 - 1 = 4 VS Assassin A Body
1d10 = 6 Assassin B Body
1d10 = 1>>11117Rye tries to headbut again to see if this time he could lay down some hurt.
Rye Body
1d10 = 9 VS Assassin A Body
1d10 = 8>Its fine if you fight with a pitchfork Rye, you won't kill them unless you specifically state that you want to kill them. No.11121
>>11119>>11120>Yeah I just go with the assumption that you make nonlethal attacks. The whole skewer thing back there was just artistic writing so you guys can imagine the scene better.With the combination of Epic and Rye's attacks, both of the assassins fell unconscious and unable to fight anymore which was good for the party. After some looting the party was able to recover some equipment from their enemies.
2 swords 50bits
3 gems 20bits
1 Healing Potion 20bits
1 Smoke Bomb 40bits
>>11122Crit: "We can split up the gems and make a profit for each one of us. For the swords I obviously don't need one so I won't take it nor the smoke bomb. The healing potion I don't mind but I also have no qualms of not taking it."
The assassins were set up against the wall and looked like they were taking a nap which made sense as to how late it was.
>>11121Rye picked up one of the Swords.
"Anypone want those gems?"
>>11123You can have the potion if you want. The smoke bomb may come in handy later on so I'll take it.
We can take a gem each I suppose and we can sell the swords if you want.
>>11124>>11125Epic Mount got the smoke bomb, Crit the healing potion, and both Rye and Epic got each a sword. Every party member each got their own gem which they were all emeralds.
Crit: "There we go, stuffing our pockets doesn't hurt while we are saving the country after all."
>>11125"Alright, a gem for each. I think I'll keep my sword, I have some skill with one."
>>11126"Some extra money for all our troubles is nice."
>>11127Crit: "Right but we should make our way down to the Captain's Quarters now."
Looking down the hallway they could see that there was a door to the right but the hallway continued down. The door looked pretty important as it was cleaner than most with a brass handle.
>>11130And lock the door behind us if we can!
We should be prepared though.
Might as well eat this now.
>Eats his meal for HP. No.11134
>>11132>>11131Epic Mount ate up his ration and healed up some
1d4 = 4>>11133The party enters in through the room and closes and locks the door behind them. Looking forwards they can see that there was several ropes hanging from the cieling and one in front of a lit fireplace where Jairo was hanging from. He was eyeing one of the keys that had been collected from the party but turns around quickly and screeches at the party as he saw them in the key's reflection.
He couldn't talk becuase his amulet was broken but it didn't stop him from pulling out his dirks and ready up for a fight...
Combat EncounterJairo
LVL: 6
B:10 M:8 C:8
Sword Play:20 4
Climb:20 4
Throw: 12
1d12 = 2 No.11137
>>11135Jairo quickly evades by jumping from one rope to another. He screeches at Epic Mount at his failure and unableness to grab a hold of the monkey.]
Crit: "We aren't gonna catch him like that Epic, we're gonna have to fight em!"
This is really a boss encounter ad so you are gonna have to fight. No.11138
>To JairoYou angry that I broke your little amulet?
>Attacks JairoGranted not like you have anything nice to say, so we're all perhaps well off.
>>11138Epic Mount goes in to attack Jairo who seemed livid at their presence.
Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 8 Mart
1d10 + 1 = 10 VS Jairo Body
1d10 = 3 Climb
1d20 = 18I'm gonna change the +1d4 because that actually matters. The party members can reach that level but not NPC'sCritical goes ahead and Imbues Epic Mount with chaotic magic energy that makes his attack much stronger and more accurate.
Crit Chaos
1d8 = 7 No.11141
>>11139Nice! Thanks crit.
If he's enrage, he maybe more dangerous, but could be prone to more wrecklessness. Perhaps we can use that against him?
>>11139Even with Crit's help, Jairo was still able to jump away in time but only barely. The little monkey hollers at the party as it swings in and attacks Epic Mount...
Jairo goes in to attack Epic Mount...
Jairo Body
1d10 = 1 SP
1d20 = 14 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 12 Def
1d20 = 4>>11136>>11140>SorryRye starts to hack away at the ropes and by now there were only 2/3 thirds of the ropes left that Jairo can climb on in the room.
>>11142Epic Mount was cut pretty badly and the blue's of his armor ran red as he tried to keep up with what was going on.
Epic Mount HP: 3
Crit: "Hang on, you're gonna be fine!"
Critical uses up one of his healing potion on Epic Mount
Epic HP:13
>>11147>Epic picked up some of the ropes.Critical! Hold onto this!
>Give him an end of the rope.Let;s try to trap him!
>>11146>>11148>>11147Fine fine.Crit: "I got you..."
Before they could act it was Jairo's turn to attack
Jairo Body
1d10 = 6 SP
1d20 = 15 VS Rye Body
1d10 = 7 No.11150
>>11149When he comes over, try and grab him with the rope! With all this rope around, it maybe hard for him to tell apart his rope from ours.
>>11149Hey! I'm the one you adore the most! I bet you'd love to fling your poop at me if you wern't confined to your pet-suit!
>>11149Rye was hurt too badly and he dropped to the ground...
Rye HP 0
>>11148>>11149Crit: "Cripes! Epic you go and heal Rye, I'll trap the little bugger."
Crit focused his magics and telekinetically used rope and chased Jairo with them...
Crit Mind
1d12 = 9 Tele
1d20 = 17 VS Jairo Body
1d10 = 8 Climb
1d20 = 9 No.11156
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>>11153>>11154Epic gave Rye his Hyper Potion and Summer Rye reawoken with full HP
Rye HP 18
>>11152Critical by some miracle was able to tie up Jairo who had fell to the ground with a heavy thud. Unfortunately he was already trying to cut himself free but if the party dog piled him it would make escape impossible.
Crit: "Guys I need help, I'm not strong enough to keep him held under!"
>Best pic of Jairo I can get. No.11159
>>11157>>11158Everyone in the party jumped onto Jairo who screamed and yelped under all of the pressure. Eventually they manage to get Jairo's dirks away and he could no longer break free from the rope they had.
Jairo continued to screech at the party even though it was pointless but at least he was now captured.
Crit: "There we got him. Lets take a look around in the room and see if we can't find those keys."
There wasn't much to look around for but there was a desk over to the left with plenty of documents and writings as well as a small burlap bag on the desk.
>>11165Was Sir Claymore a unicorn? I forgot. My second guess would of been Red WInter given she was a unicorn.Damn.
>Picks up and pockets his letter into his inventory.Sir Claymore will need to see this.
>Returns to Critical.Alright, change of plans. We don't need to confront whos in charge, honestly I doubt she's here at the moment. We just need to take Jairo with us.
Also, we need to retrace our step and find his communication amulet, for him to be able to talk might be important (though if this was a quest, probably optional)
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>>11166Crit: "By all Red Winter was behind this... I don't... I dunno."
He tires to make sense of everything but pulls himself together.
Crit: "Yeah this will have to be shown to Claymore as soon as possible. Anyways you shattered his amulet with a lightning bolt remember but that doesn't matter. That letter right there is proof that the little demon can write so we'll be fine."
Yeah he is a unicorn I think. No.11168
>>11167Red WInter doesn't know that we know.
>Picks up all four of the keys.And as long as we have Jairo with us and prevent him from escaping to warn Red Winter, we can take him straight to the Sir Claymore for questioning. Claymore and the knights can confront Red then.
>>11169>Epic goes to Jairo.We're leaving. And you're coming with us.
I trust that you won't cause us any further issues.
>Gives him the "Stare"Will you?
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>>11174I have off today! but I may go out in town today. I dunno, I guess how I feel. Anyways I've been doing some work on the pic, slow by sure.From where the party was standing they could not see what the courtyard looked like outside. They've been out for about an hour or less so it would be safe to assume that the fire has been put out but the guards would be tending to the shack to make sure they got all the embers.
>>11178They head back inside the Jairo's room and fix up some rope to make a legnthy chain that will reach the bottom of the ground where they head found the body potion. They can scale down the two story building but it was still a bit dangerous.
Climb DC 4 VS Body roll
>>11180>>11181With the rope already secured, Rye's Grapple Hook proved superflous in his attempt to climb down. As for Epic he would have to wait until he got to the bottom to collect the extra long rope...
Climb Attempt DC 4
Attempt - Damage if fail
Crit Body
1d6 = 3 DMG
1d4 = 4Epic Body
1d12 = 10 DMG
1d4 = 2Rye Body
1d10 = 3 Climb
1d4 = 2 DMG
1d4 = 2 No.11183
>>11182Epic Mount managed to climb down safely with Jairo still secure to his back but Crit and Rye had a bit more trouble than their friend. Instead they both slipped up a little down the way and scraped themselves against the stone wall of the fortress.
Crit HP 7
Mind Test DC 9 VS Crit Mind
1d12 = 4 Result
1d2 = 2 1=Short Fuse 2=Chaotic
Rye HP 16
Now that they were on the bottom, the party can navigate around the complex and try to reach the balloon. Up above the fort they can notice a single pegasus flying around trying to scout out the area. Perhaps they can make use of the environment to avoid detection such as pulling up a shrub as camouflage.
>>11183Ooh you guys alright?
>Help them up.I've been climbing vines and trees all my life. It takes some getting used to.
Crit: "Ergh... that's fine I always wanted to have my flesh hang off of my hide. It bothers me none."
Crit Charm
1d6 = 4 VS
Epic Mind
1d8 = 2Rye Mind
1d8 = 6 No.11187
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>>11183"Could have ended worse..."
Seeing the pegasus Rye ducked behind a tree.
>>11186Dude... gross.
Just take one of my potions if it's that bad.
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>>11187>>11188The party ducks behind one of the dead and scrappy trees with what little cover they can muster together. They should be out of sight of the pegasus but if they make a move for the balloon then they would all have to make a stealth test.
Crit: "I'll just use on of my potions really, I've too many as it is."
He chugs a potion and pours the rest over his wounds which quickly heal up.
Chaotic Removed
Crit: "We're in a bit of a spot of trouble here. What do you guys want to do? I can't sneak really well but we need to think of something to get out of here."
I swear my next skill to learn will be stealth. No.11192
>>11190Epic Mount attempts to distract the Pegasus but will the rock make enough noise for the guard to notice and will the rock fly far enough?
Rock Distance
Close to the party DC > 5
Into the Courtyard DC > 9
Past the northwall DC > 13
Epic Body
1d12 = 1>>11191So far the pegasus was just hovering above the fort building itself watching the courtyard and the surrounding area.
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>>11192Summer Rye did an action roll away from Epic as he saw the rock throw.
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>>11195Rye remains behind his cover.
>>11196>>11197>Remember that Epic Mount has a smoke bomb in case if things get bad. Like if they alerted the entire camp and need a quick escape.Epic Mount went up to the guard to knock him out... if he could get up there that is. Crit watched from afar and ready his telekinesis spell to capture the guard in case Epic couldn't pull this attempt off.
Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 7 VS Guard Mind
1d6 = 6Crit Mind
1d12 = 12 Tele
1d20 = 13 VS Guard Body
1d10 = 5 No.11199
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>>11198Epic Mount managed to get up to the guard and since he caught him off guard, his karate chop was more than successful at putting the assassin down under and dreaming about sheep. Now that the sky was clear of danger, the party should be clear to get on back to the balloon.
Crit: "Good on ya Epic, I admit I had my doubts."
>>11199>>11201Pegasus never expect Earth Ponies to pull something like that off but it do.
Let's blow this second rate arcade and get this monkey to the knights as quick as we can before Red Winter finds out whats been going on here.
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>>11202Rye checked if anyone else was on the lookout before pulling the invisiblity cloak off the balloon.
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>>11201>>11202Crit: "I couldn't agree more."
The party makes their way across the barren and dry landscape of the ridge and finds the balloon they had hidden. By find they really just accidentally walked into it.
>>11203After pulling off the cloak, the balloon was ready to soar once more to where they would need to go.
Crit: "Is there anything we need before we go? We should have everything right?"
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>>11205>>11206The party in fact did have all of the keys and Jairo was in no state to make an escape. Seeing that the party loads up into the balloon and make their way for Canterlot. This takes quite a long time and they would have to fly through the night before they could reach the town.
Morning Rises
Eventually after a long night they make it to the Canterlot Sky docks. The usual business activities had been going on as ponies unloaded either freight or tourists who come to see the city.
Crit: "Claymore should be in the Knight Barracks if he didn't have anything to do today. We should probably check there."
>>11208>>11209The party makes there way up through the districts with eyes giving them odd stares since they were carrying a monkey around. The residents of Canterlot shrugged this off though seeing how the party had cleaned up the criminal element before and were probably doing so now. Past the Commons, past the Nobles, the party makes it into the Castle District and head on over to the Knight Barracks.
Inside they don't find Claymore at the table but rather Aotle who looked like he had a disappointing date last night. The griffon catches the party in his eyes and he gets up to greet them.
Aotle: "Hey there guys, glad to see you're safe. See you got a monkey on your back, is that the one who's been in charge of those assassins?"
>>11210No... well yes... I mean he is a close assistant to the true assassin we've been after.
Do you know where Sir Claymore is? It's incredibly urgent!
Also, have you seen Red Winter around lately?
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>>11211Aotle: "Claymore is in Court with his father Gold Grail. Grail always attends the political discussions between the nations seeing his status of the leader of the knights and he always takes Claymore with them. They don't do much but observe and protect the princess of course. Unfortunately we're not allowed inside at the moment so you will have to wait..."
[Short Fuse]
Crit: "Ya damned bird brain this is important and we can't wait any longer! Epic show him the letter!"
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>>11212"Whoa, calm down, Crit; no need to get upset."
>>11212>Epic does so.While it maybe hard to believe, this monkey was capable of speech and was the one who written that letter. Jairo here is the top acomplice to the very assassin who's been after me and my friends since the begining. That assassin being Red Winter.
>>11213While the racism isn't appropriate, he is right this is urgent.
We need to see Sir Claymore and GOld Drailk immediately about this.
>>11213Critical snaps back as if some rabid animal
Crit: "We don't have the time, Red Winter is sitting in there posing a threat to us all!"
>>11214Aotle: "What are you all going on about..."
The griffon reads over the letter, his face getting more stressed as his eyes go down the lines and passages.
Aotle: "By Celestia I can't believe this... we have to arrest her now. We can't have such a traitor in our midst like this. If you will, please help me enter the court room and put an end to Red Winter's treachery."
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"We must hurry!"
>>11216The party heads on to the castle and enters it with Aotle's authority. They quickly make their way down through the halls and barge into the courtroom where the politicians they had escorted were all there. Fancy Pants, Olsen, Red Winter, Rutherford, they were all there. Celestia looked shocked by the intrusion and Gold Grail got up in defense.
Gold Grail: "Epic Mount what are you doing here? A squire such as yourself shouldn't be here without permission. I hope you have reason to interrupt the royals you are sworn to protect."
Rutherford: "What is the meaning of this!?"
Everyone looked on at the party waiting for a response, the gaze chilling coming from both the politcians and the knights who were guarding the court.
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>>11218Sir Grail, my reasons for here is for the royals I sworn to protect.
>Epic finally throwsa the monkey off his back onto the floor of the court.Guards, arrest Red Winter for treason against princess and country!
>>11220Red Winter: "A-arrest me? You don't have any proof. Gold Grail is this the kind of ilk your order associates with? Clearly you've made a mistake of taking this brute on as one of your own."
Gold Grail gets up to confront Epic in a hushed tone. Even though Grail was older and much more frail, his experience far exceeded Epic Mount and this proved intimidating. This was the master of the order of Knights that Epic serves.
Gold Grail: "Epic are you insane? Throwing some wild animal onto the floor does nothing but insult the princess. Not only that you've accused a guest of Equestria of such a heinous crime with no evidence. You had set us back years of negotiations with Stalliongrad."
>>11223>>11221Gold Grail snatches the letter from Epic in frustration and reads it aloud. He then starts to see how this was all true and Red Winter looked more conflicted as the truth had been laid out. Everyone in the courtroom now knew about how she had planned a coup to overthrow the princesses and she was now caught like a rat in a trap.
Red Winter: "I- Celestia this isn't what it looks like!"
Celestia: "I've taken you in a friend since your father first arrived here to do diplomacy with our nation and this is how you treat me and my country in kind? Knights arrest Red Winter."
Red Winter looked furious, she lowers her head and speaks in a dark and sinister tone.
Red Winter: "Knights who have allied with me, come to my aid now."
About half of the knights in the room had flared up in a dark magic and replaced with light and divine armor with black and evil looking armor and were now starting to fight one another. It would seem that Red Winter had been able to convince some of the knights to betray their order and help her.
Gold Grail: "What sorcery is this?! Knights who are still loyal come to my aid!"
Red Winter makes her escape upstairs to where her room is and the party and Claymore makes chase after her. Eventually the party is caught up with two fell knights but Claymore is able to get past them to continue run after Red Winter.
They would have to beat the fell knights before they could continue. EncounterFell Knight A and B
B:12 M:6 C:6
Sword Play:20
Knock Down:10
Healing Touch:10
>>11225>>11226The fell knights don't respond to any of their questions. Clearly they had been waiting for this day for a long time and were ready for a situation like this to happen.
Rye body
1d10 = 2 Farm
1d20 = 16 VS Knight Body A
1d12 = 8Epic Body
1d12 = 3 Mart
1d10 + 1 = 4 VS Knight B Body
1d12 = 3Crit Mind
1d12 = 2 Gamb
1d20 = 16 FDMG
1d2 = 1 VS Knight A body
1d12 = 6 No.11228
>>11227With their combined efforts, Rye and Critical were able to incapacitate Fell Knight A who dropped to the floor unable to fight anymore. The second knight huffed at the damage dealt to him but it was hardly anything he couldn't handle.
The knight then readies his sword and attacks Epic with all his might.
Fell Knight B Body
1d12 = 9 SP
1d20 = 1 SH
1d20 = 20 VS Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 7 Def
1d20 = 12 No.11229
>>11228The knight readies his sword and thrusts it at Epic Mount which caused him to fly backwards and be knocked unconscious.
Crit: "EPIC!"
Epic Mount HP: 0
>>11230Crit: "I won't leave you behind! Besides I wouldn't be able to catch up anyways."
Crit Mind
1d12 = 5 Gamb
1d20 = 10 Fire
1d2 = 2 VS Knight B Body
1d12 = 5>>11231>>11230>>11232Rye used a potion on Epic Mount and recovered some health and was able to fight again.
Epic HP: 10
Epic Body
1d12 = 11 VS Knight B Body
1d12 = 3 No.11234
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>>11233With both Crit and Epic's attacks the last Fell Knight was knocked unconscious and could no longer fight. This allowed the party to continue down the hallway.
Crit: "Good to see you back with the fighting side of things but we aren't done yet.|
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>>11234"Are there more of them?"
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>>11235>>11236Crit: "A hell lot more of them back in the court room and likely outside as well. The path for us is at least clear so we need to move on up now!"
The party makes their way down the hall until they find and burst into Red Winters room. At first they are met with a loud explosion and they can see that a large section of the wall had been blown away to reveal a large airship waiting to get Red Winter out of there. Claymore was standing there and he looked back to the party as Red Winter climbed aboard to safety.
Claymore: "Epic Mount..."
He steps closer and draws out his greatsword and points it at the party.
Claymore: "Hand over the keys to me."
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>>11237"Sir Claymore... not you too?!"
>>11238>>11239He takes the keys from Epic
Claymore: "Good then Epic Mount, we didn't have to resort to bloodshed over this. I can tell you that I am sorry that it had to end like this, give Gold Grail my regards and tell the princesses that their foolish reign is over now."
He hops on up to the air ship with Red Winter and they begin to fly away.
Claymore: "I would take you with us Epic Mount but I can't take the risk. I promise you though mercy in the new world of Equestria."
They fly away with the keys, now in safety from the party.
>>11239>>11240>>11242[Short Fuse]
Crit: "Why in fuck's name would you let them go!?"
He rushes over and tries to attack their ship with his cards but they are already out of his reach. Seeing the futility he packs up his cards in frustration, cursing to himself quietly.
No you gave him all the keys but that is okay. I was planning on them getting all the keys anyways. This should go on top 10 anime betrayals, jokes aside the dark knight you saw at the mine was in fact Claymore, I just lied so it wouldn't be spoiled. No.11247
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>>11245>Good night>>11246Critical turns around with an expression of fury at Epic.
Crit: "How could you go and just do that Epic Mount? I can't believe how stupid..."
He stops midsentence and gave a serious look at him, he saw how Epic was hurting and Crit's foolish anger mostly subsided.
Crit: "Epic..."
He grits his teeth and looks away, unable to see his friend like this. He knew they all had failed and now the entire nation of Equestria was at stake from this maniacal mare who had been hunting them for months now. All of their efforts to keep the keys safe was for naught and the bitter taste of defeat was too much to bare.
Crit: "I don't know anymore... we've bled and nearly died together and now it was gonna be for nothing. All the lives we saved, the crimes we stopped, all to be taken away from us by this snake and her lackeys."
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>>11248He noticed this and in silence he went over to Epic Mount and started to pat him on the back.
Crit: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lash out like that. Yes the bad guys now have all the pieces to what they need to enact their evil plans but this is far from over. Come on Epic Mount didn't you do some of the knight stuff where you swore to protect Equestria from any danger? Even though we're in a tough spot I'm not gonna quit now, not while I'm still breathing and not while you still need to become a knight. Besides we still have our balloon and we can go check out those archives to get the Stratus City location, there's still hope."
Seeing that Crit is Chaotic Neutral, I didn't imagine him to be this benevolent really. I just hope that Epic gets a resurgence in his oath and go out to stop Red Winter. No.11250
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>>11249I may not be all that involved with table top RPs, but I believe that characters can choose to sway towards other allignments if encouraged or influenced by their friends or surroundings. After all Critical chose to help Epic on his heroic escapades purely out of friendship than "whats in it for me?" or just passive-trolling everyone. Not to say Critical has gone any of the possitive neighbouring allignments of chaotic-neutral, just chooses to be more chaotic/neutral-good more often.I-I don't even know anymore.
>Was trying (and failing) not to cry.I thought I was doing the right thing, I thought the Knights of Equestria were nothing like this... This isn't anything like the Knights of Equestria I believed in.
A-and I doomed Equestria, I didn't help anypony...
>>11251>Epic wipes his face.Really?
>Realised somethingThe Princesses! We got to check on them! I should of stayed to protect them during the attack!
>>11252Crit: "Ah you're right! We should head on back."
The party heads on down to the back to the courtroom but finds themselves in the main hall where all of the royals had already been moved to for safety. Gold Grail was pacing back and forth trying to make sense of what had happened and approached the party when he saw them.
Grail: "There you are, you're safe. Where is Claymore? Where is my son, is he safe?"
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>>11254Eventually the party does so and Gold Grail was struck with a devastating blow of grief. Not only those in his order had betrayed him but the stallion who he had raised had gone against his foster father. Equestria had been betrayed from within and it would take a lot of work and fighting to bring these traitors to justice...
To be continued.
I think right here would be a good spot to stop for Rye. No.11257
>>11256Waking up was not easy today.After giving the news the party sticks around to help clean up the mess and detain their colleagues who had betrayed the knights. This takes them all day to do so and as night fell they slept once again in the knights barracks. Dreams were relatively focused on what they had all done prior to this day and they all reflected upon the skills that they had learned. In the morning they found themselves to be stronger than they were before and were ready to take on Red Winter and put a stop to her plans.
Characters Gain a New Level. Post you upgrades in the OOC. Note Skills that are 20 can still be upgraded to 1d20+1d4
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>>11260Don't forget to upgrade your character, if you need help with it or want some ideas for skills then just let me know in the OOC.Critical comes down from the stairs rubbing his forehead. Clearly he had his whole bottle of scotch last night as he had a migraine and the bags under his eyes were a bit more pronounced. He sits on down at the table and starts to eat whatever he could find on the table itself.
Crit: "After all that had happened the scholars will give us temporary access to the archives to help with the effort against Red Winter. Gold Grail will probably want to see us as well so we should go to him after getting the location of Stratus."
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>>11263>As he was herding his choco-puffs.I don't think I should be a squire anymore...
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>>11264Critical stops what he was doing and looked alone to his food. It hurt to see his friend like this but Crit knew he would have to be resolute.
Crit: "Look Epic I can't tell you what to do with your life, hell I've no concept of destiny. I do know though that being a knight is your dream and I don't know what will happen to you if you reject that about yourself..."
In all fairness he wasn't so good at this sort of thing.
Crit: "Look how about you just hold on for now and see how it goes. I mean no journey is all simple and easy to follow, perhaps you just need to hang on."
>>11267I wanted to be a knight just like from the stories of old. Sir Squire and Knights of Equestria. I thought they were justice, resolute, honourable and true.
I thought knights like Red Winter and Sir Claymore represented all that, that was the oath they took, what those other knights took before they turned on us.
Now... I dunno what to think.
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>>11270>Eh Red Winter was not a Knight, she's an Ambassador.[Chaotic]
Crit: "Ponies do a lot of things to serve out their self interest..."
Realizes that didn't sound so good. Critical was probably not the best pony to talk about honor.
Crit: "What I mean is that the decision of these knights don't affect how you must behave. Besides if you can pull yourself together we can reach Claymore and talk to him. Perhaps he is simply misguided."
>Gets off the table.I-I need to think about it.
Maybe goes see Gold Grail who I imagine is taking this betrayal much more worse than Epic. No.11285
>>11278 "If we make our case, the scholars will just let us in given the circumstance but if you want to see Gold Grail then we'll go to him first."
The party heads on out of the barracks and are now in the center of the Castle District. Gold Grail was in the castle itself but the Archives was on the western side of the district across from them.
>>11289They go into the castle and they find Gold Grail talking with the knights whom had stayed by his side. Once the party enters the area, Grail makes an instant beeline to the party.
Grail: "Epic Mount... it is good to see you and your friends here in this dire time. With the recent events I've started to call all of the knights back to Canterlot to assault Red Winter's operation in Stratus. While they take their time to get here I need you to go down into the archives get Stratus's location..."
He looks away for a moment for what he was about to ask. Pain was heavy in his chest but he remained calm and stoic as a leader needed to be.
Grail: "And... I need you to bring me back my son. I know he betrayed me but Claymore has always had a fiery heart inside of him and he loves Equestria. I know he's being manipulated and I know that only you can talk him to coming back to us."
>>11291Grail: "Yes yes" He sighs a bit, obviously he didn't sleep well last night as well. "I've sent word to the scholars that you would be arriving and to assist you in this matter if you need the help."
Crit: "Thanks, I promise me and Epic won't stain any of the parchments in there with food and drink."
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>>11292And sir... I'm sorry what had happened. Both my failure to apprehend Red Winter, to protect the princesses... and I'm sorry for what has happened to your son.
>>11293He looks up to the ceiling, seens like the stress had become too much
Grail: "I don't... it wasn't your fault what had happened. Red Winter had sunk her hooks into not only our society through crime and corruption, she had influenced our own brothers. It's just that Claymore... he wouldn't just do this for nothing or for money. He must be hypnotized or something, that is why I need you to bring him back so I can talk to him and get all this fixed."
>>11294WIll do sir. As his squire it's my duty to do so.
>Salutes.>Goes to his friends.A'ight, let's go check the archives, find Claymore and get all this over with.
>>11295The party heads on out and goes to the archives and when they enter they are met with one of the scholars who was a male unicorn wearing red robes.
Scholar: "Oh its you three, yes Gold Grail had given me the all clear to allow you guys into our history section. Note all the other sections will be off limits to you and you will be supervised at all times during your stay. Sorry for all the caution but we can't have any of the books leaving this site."
The party now had access to the archives and the final piece of the puzzle was to be solved soon...
To Be Continued
>Time for me to go. No.11302
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>>11297>>11298Shit that was that yesterday!? Ugh I gotta go get some stuff today and hope I don't look like an idiot. Other than that Clarity what kind of group are you running?The party was lead down past the long and winding corridors that dug deep into the bedrock of the streets of Canterlot. They passed rooms labeled with words like
Botany, Sciences, History, Geography, Social, and many more academic fields of study. Eventually they do make it to the Maps room and they were allowed to search about the room for any reference to the Stratus City. The shelves were stacked neatly to the brim with large heavy atlas's that date back to different time periods and each map having its own artistic appeal to it. Finding the right one could prove difficult if they truly put their mind to the limit.
Mind DC 10
>You can use skills like History or Search if you have something like that.If fail then suffer
1d2 = 2 points of stamina damage due to mental strain.
>>11305>>11303Everyone searches around for the books and try to find the right reference to what they had needed. It took some time but they persevered.
The rolls will go from highest Mind to least and any under those who passed will not suffer the damage.
Crit Mind
1d20 = 15 DMG
1d2 = 2Epic Mount Mind
1d8 = 5 DMG
1d2 = 2Rye Mind
1d8 = 1 DMG
1d2 = 2 No.11308
>>11306After some digging they were able to find the correct which showed that the city should be out just past the coast of the Bug Bear Territory. That would be quite the distance and Gold Grail would want to learn this information if he is to organize and assault on the city.
Other than that they can see a depiction of the city which it had a total of two rings surrounding a a castle in the center. The outer ring was designed for farming though mostly it was for rural housing, the inner was where the rich folk, military leaders, and wealthy merchants lived. In the castle which was enormous would contain housing for the Commander in Chief's whole family and his top Generals as well.
>>11307Crit: "There we are, now we got what we need."
>>11311Crit: "Eh I don't know if we would have the time to... but we'll try once we are in the area. Perhaps Gold Grail will want us to stop someplace for the knights to rest along our Journey to Stratus. Anyways we should go ahead and get on back up to the surface and relay this info to Gold Grail."
Scholar: "Just note that once you leave that will be it and you will not be allowed back in the Archives without permission. I hope you understand."
>>11313First they head on up and out of the archives and were now back out on the center of the Castle District.
Crit: "I don't think so unless you feel like we don't have enough supplies but I should be good and able to heal you guys up if need be. I imagine though... once we go to Stratus we won't be able to return home until our business there is concluded."
They can see Aotle gliding by and it seemed that he was heading down to the Common's District.
Aotle: "Hey there you guys are, Gold Grail is having us go down to the Sky Docks to load us knights up into the Royal Air Fleet. He's sending out the big guns on this matter, meet us down there."
"I meant from the archives... but I don't know, maybe we should stock up on supplies before we leave."
>>11314Rye gave a nod to Aotle. "On our way."
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>>11315Oh no that should be it that you would need from the archives. Anyways where is Epic Mount? Usually he's on by now.Crit: "The Royal Air Fleet, so that's gonna be the stuff of boats with balloons attached to them like you would hear about in pirate stories. Will be quite interesting to ride around in one of those though I imagine they'll have us working to the bone to keep the craft flying."
He sighs as he knows that he is gonna be in for a lot of work in the near future. Even with that though they still make their way down to the Sky Docks.
Crit: "What bother, it would seem that we will soon be conscripted into a motley deck crew."
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>>11316"Well, I never minded manual labour, whether it be on a ship or on the field."
Crit "Ew... I just hate to imagine that."
It would seem that Crit would have some disdain for this notion but really it was just comical to see him act like this.
Finally they make it down to the docks and they could see Gold Grail about to give a speech to what looked to be about a hundred knights from all over the land who had been called to aid in the attack. The party should try to get in close so that they can hear the speech.
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>>11319Rye tried to get to the front of the rows without bumping into too many of the knighs.
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>>11322>>11321>>11320Sorry I've been really busy of late with school and I apologize if I say anything stupid in this post, I'm pretty drunk right now but its fading past me at this very moment.After all the knight ponies, griffons, changelings and whatever else have you, Golden Grail gave a nod to his loyal subjects and began with his speech. All of this of course took place while the three air ships were being loaded up and prepared for flight, towering over the congregation of armed forces that had arrived in the Sky docks.
Gold Grail: "Stallions, mares, and any whom call themselves allies to the Equestrian Knights. I've called you here today as the rule of the Princesses have come under fire and it is up to us to be the first line of defense against this insurrection. Many of you have heard rumor that some of our patrons have become corrupted and sold out our land to the highest bidder, I am sad to confirm that this is true. For whatever their reasons however we must not let this series of tragic events cloud our judgement as Equestria has need of us now more then ever. Our enemy as we speak have taken refuge in an ancient Pegasi City known as Stratus so that they can use the city as a means of mass destruction and destabilize the Equestrian Government. This cannot be allowed and that is why we will have the Squire Epic Mount and his friends Summer Rye and Critical Hit lead the assault into their stronghold seeing that they have to keys to put a stop to this once and for all."
The audience whispers among one another at this plan, directing all attention to the heroes. Some knew who they were, the other from more remote regions would have this be their first time hearing the names of our protagonists.
Gold Grail: "Everyone go ahead and suit up and load into the airships behind me and get ready for a lengthy journey. Epic Mount, Summer Rye, Critical Hit you will be accompanying me on the Dauntless, it is the largest ship we have and we have already loaded up your air balloon onto the side."
The whole crowd disperses and gets ready for the flight to the Bug Bear border. This will surely take some time to get to the destination so the party should be sure that they are ready. Even if they don't have all the supplies they need at the moment, it is likely that the fleet will stop by Trottingham to take a break along their flight path.
>>11323Yes sir.
>As the boardedWould there be time to have our armour repaired?
I forgot that my mirror armour was busted up. No.11325
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>>11324Rye rubbed his head. "Oh by, this is going to be intense. Hopes really ride on our shoulders I guess."
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>>11325It is.
I may not know what it takes to be a true knight, perhaps I was deluded on the grandeur of the Knights of Equestria. But I know what it takes to be a hero and thats what Equestria needs right now.
>>11324>>11325Gold Grail: "THere should be some time to patch it up yes. This will give us some time for me to explain the plan to you as well."
After they had all got onto their air ships, the fleet launched from the docks and headed to the north east.
On the deck they had some areas to go to which was the wheel that controled the direction of the ship, the deck where the sails and balloons could be accessed as well as the cannons. Below deck where the crew quarters would be as well as the kitchen where they will eat. Also below the deck would be the equipment room where they most likely can do repairs.
>>11326[?]Sorry I gotta go and take bro to work. WIll be back in a few minutes
>>11328>>11329Everything was all set but the entire party followed Epic Mount down to the armoury. Once there they found one of Celestia's royal blacksmiths who would usually be in Canterlot to forge the royal guard armor but now is conscripted into Gold Grail's service for the time being.
Broken Hammer: "Hey how you doing? I'm Broken Hammer and I make all the repairs and sell you guys gear while we are out on this trip. Is there anything I could help ya with?"
>>11331Epic Mount undoes his armor and hands it over to Broken Hammer for him to take a look at.
Broken Hammer: "Oi and interesting set you got there but there are large scratches in the chest plate and the clothing bits are torn and has dried mud all over it. Yeah I can fix it for you no problem and make it clean and new. Since this is really a quick fix I'll go ahead and let this be for free but it will take some time to do so. This means you'll have to part ways with it for about... eh half the day I guess."
>>11333Broken Hammer: "As in spare you mean I got a helmet to sell you for say... 40bits? Are you interested?"
>>11334Broken Hammer: "A gift then? I promise I'll be as gentle as I can be within the context that I'll have to heat up the scratches and pound it with a hammer."
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>>11335Rye thought for a moment... "How about I trade you this sword for it. It's never been used. AT least not by me. I'm more used to battling with farming tools anyway."
>>11336Oh thats right! I'm carry junk I can sell!
>Put his sword and an old gem on the table.Can I sell these?
>>11336Broken Hammer: "That sword could help out some other knight if they go and buy it... It's a deal you can have your helmet."
They trade over the goods and Summer Rye got a metallic helm while he also lost his sword.
Helmet: (+1 Armor, Downgrades Mind based Observation rolls.)
>>11337Broken Helm: "Those two things will get you some money yes."
Epic Mount sold the two things and got some money.
Epic Bits: 330
Crit does the same thing with his gem
Bits: 359
After that they hear a call from the top deck...
Voice: "Hey! Gold Grail wants to see Epic Mount Summer Rye and Critical hit for some work that needs doing."
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Hearing this he almost jumps with joy as a smile on his face reaches ear from ear.
Crit: "Oh yeah you do I forgot. Well Epic Mount since you owe me you can drown me in booze! Lots of it but only after dark."
>>11340Broken Hammer: "Well with that you should be able to keep your noggin in check."
>>11339>>11340After hearing the message Gold Grail wanted them, Critical groaned at the fact that they had to work during this trip.
Crit: "Ugh can't these knights see how important we are and can't be bothered with manual labor? I mean come on we are the ones that have the keys... anyways lets see what your master wants Epic Mount."
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>>11341"Come on Crit, work's good for the character."
>>11341While I'm not the sort to buy alcohol, I'll treat you after the mission... as long as you don't leave my wallet dry in the end.
>Crit: "Ugh can't these knights see how important we are and can't be bothered with manual labor? I mean come on we are the ones that have the keys... anyways lets see what your master wants Epic Mount."It might be something more intricate than swabbing the deck or something.
Crit: "Well doesn't matter much eh, not like we have a choice several miles up in the air now."
They head on up to the deck and get on up to the wheel where they found Gold Grail presiding over the mare knights Sapphire Pommel who was piloting the ship. They can remember that she was there during Epic Mount's introduction into the knights as a squire.
Grail: "There you are, we have to discuss our battle plan with you guys and Pommel here has bad news on the matter."
Sapphire: "You see it is likely that Red Winter will already have used the throne to put up some weather based defenses around Stratus. Most common would be large thunder clouds surrounding an area to make ships like ours impossible to navigate. Also with that thunder cover we won't be able to use our cannons on a target that we can not see."
Grail: "This is where you all come in We have brought your airballoon on board and attached it to the ship at the very top. The plan is to get as close as to the storm as possible and have you guys deploy to enter the cloud cover. The balloon will be agile enough to evade any sort of danger you find there... of course this is a time that is not close yet. I do have some work for you, Heavy Shipment needs to move some supplies down below deck to ensure that we can have quick access to load up our cannons. Go ahead down there and try to help him out."
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>>11344Rye listened to the plan and it sounded reasonable enough to him. But then he had little understanding of tactics and the like.
"Haul supplies? Sure, I can do that."
>>11345>>11346Sapphire: "Well that time is quite a while away and we are still working out the details."
Grail: "Nevertheless we must prepare for the battle ahead and get our ships ready for conflict. Anyways I had already sent word to Heave Shipment that he would get some help. Just note that he can be a bit... abrasive at times so just keep a clear head around him and you'll be fine."
>>11348The party heads on down below deck where they found a squat old earth pony who was moving heavy looking barrels around. He stops and sets a barrel down with a crashing thud noise and moves to the party with a crossed look on his face. When he gets up to them they can notice that this pony is even shorter than Critical which was thought to be impossible before.
Heavy: "So it's the heroes that we gotta haul around, that's who Gold Grail sent to me. Well you motley lot don't look like much to me, just a couple of younglings who look like they just left their mamma's house. Why if I could I'd cut me own hooves off, replace them with prosthetic's so I can be eye level with ya, after that I'd bash you in the face with me forehead so I could knock some sense into you."
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>>11350>Epic raised an eyebrow.>BanterIf you cut your hooves off and replaced them with prosphetics, you'd still be the same size. Are you hear to belittle us or do you want our help? A great storm is coming and we should prepare to fight Red Winter, not each other.
>>11351He makes some gruffling noise under his breath as he motioned to the barrels.
Heavy: "I got these barrels full of cannon balls that need to moved to each cannon on the ship so we can defend ourselves from any sort of ships they got."
Crit: "Cannon balls?! Does it look like I can lift that sort of thing?"
Heavy: "Try to help out your grey friend there, you'll work quicker if you do so."
>>11352We can do this Crit.
>Goes to lift one of the barrels.I have a feeling a storm is approaching and we gotta prepare for the worse.
>>11353Crit: "A storm you feel? I feel a game about to come on and how we play our cards and roll our dice will determine our future..."
They lift up the first barrel and they haul it over to the first cannon. It was heavy as hell as they had to move around metal that was to be launched around.
Crit: "By Celestia how do you earth ponies do this sort of thing all the time? I mean for fucks sake!"
>>11354If it's too much for you already, you can take a break. But we gotta work fast.
>Keeps doing the work.Besides, I have a plan that might come in handy... What if it's possible to make a conductor of sorts that can redirect lightning?
>>11355He continues to help, his pride won't let him stop.
Crit: "A lightning rod you mean? Eh I can try to cook something up for the future though I don't have much experience in enchanting."
After getting half of the cannons ready they go back to the pile and get another one. Unfortunately they pull at the wrong barrel and the pile starts to bob and weave around, it was about to fall all over and hurt them most likely. They would have to act fast to stop the barrels from falling over!
>>11357Will need a roll but I wanted to see what you would do first then I make a roll based off of that action. You could try to smack the barrel into place with a karate kick or take the hit for Critical, I dunno.>>11358>>11357They all get together and try to make sure the barrels are resecured...
Barrel Pile DC 8
Epic Body
1d12 = 6Rye Body
1d12 = 3Crit Tele
1d20 = 13 No.11360
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>>11359With their combined efforts the barrel pile calmed down and was prevented from falling over.
Crit: "Oof that was close, these knights will be the end of us if we keep this up. No offense Epic Mount."
>>11361He is catching his breath as well from all the work they've been doing.
Crit: "Eh then you shouldn't have been born in an Earth Pony family and be like me with a bunch of magic chuckers."
>>11362Crit: "Well I say we've done enough work for now. Why don't we go to top deck and see what's going on at the moment. Beats staying down here in this stuffy boat."
>>11363"Well, I didn't really have much of a say in that, did I?"
Rye followed the others on deck.
>>11364Epic goes on over to Heavy Shipment who had gotten his side completely done by himself.
Heavy: "Aye youngling whatcha be needin? I'm afraid I don't have any bottles of milk for you to drink."
>>11364>>11365The other two go on to the top deck and find that it was already dark and they were sailing over the ocean. The other ponies were moving about to get everything ready to land the fleet down in Trottingham.
Crit: "Hm perhaps we can talk to Gold Grail or Sapphire Pommel about us landing near your home Rye?"
>>11366No-no, I'm sure you need all the milk you can get.
I'm here to ask if anything else needs to be done. We've already moved and secured the barrels. Is there anything else we need to do?
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>>11366Rye ndos, inhaling the sea air as they passed across the Celestial Sea.
"Sounds great, I haven't been home in months. I really want to see how the farm is doing."
>>11367Heavy: "After that no nothing really, I gotta go to Broken Hammer and make sure he got all his supplies and then I should be done for the night. Anyways I'm sorry for being so hard on you earlier, its just that none of us was expecting to go out and risk our lives so quickly."
>>11368Crit: "Me too, this is the first time I've been off of the Equestrian continent so I'm a bit excited to see what lands are out there beyond our borders... even though Trottingham is our territory."
>Gotta go really quick and go do work now. See you guys tomorrow. No.11372
I've only been made a squire a few days a go. I was to serve Sir Claymore. I found it all a dream come true, to serve with the Knights of Equestria, to become a knight myself oneday just like Sir Squire in his stories.
Then, half of the knights I looked up to started to turn on me, I had to fight knights I revered.
And whats worse, the knight I squired for, who I put my trust into, I willingly gave him the keys and he betrayed me and us all. I felt like such a pathetic piece of manure, for all I've done to prevent this from happening I just went ahead and "allowed" it.
Still, how I feel can't possibly compare to how Golden Grail is feeling as a father to Claymore.
I do not know what to think about the Knights anymore or if I even belong with them. But I know what must be done, what I have to do. Once I stop Red Winter and make sure Stratus will never be used by anypony again then I'll have time to think.
>>11368>>11369The party goes on up to the wheel to find Gold Grail but he was no longer there but Sapphire Pommel was as she was in charge of navigating the ship to lead the rest of the air fleet. The party asks her where they were heading and if they were going to touch down near Trottingham...
Sapphire: "Why yes we'll be landing on the island for sure for rest but only for a short time. We'll stay on the shore and away from the city though due to the size of our fleet but the city and nearby villages will be in walking distance."
>>11372Heavy: "Lad I wouldn't hold yourself to this guilt you got hanging over you, it'll cloud your judgement which I'm sure you'll need pretty soon. As for the knights, I'm just a freight pony who works for the Equestrian Royal Air Fleet so I don't know too much about oaths and all that but my pa taught me a thing or two about honor. He said that it didn't matter where you were or how dark things may seem, it was always important to conduct yourself in an honorable manner. You've put the knights on such a pedestal that you forgot that you yourself needs to be the shining beacon of what you want to be. Stay with the knights then go and be the example to lead them by and show any newcomers how to behave in your little guild. Leave the knights then go out into the world and live out your ideals of what honor and loyalty and show grace to other ponies.
Ah I'm not too good at putting this but what I'm saying is that you are a strong pony and through this strength you should try to reach your goals. Of course don't abandon your friends much like the fell knights had done, no you should stick with your buddies. Especially those two who you travel with even though they look like a couple of milk sops."
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>>11373Thank you Mr. Heavy. You're right.
I'm sorry that this conflict we're going into is so sudden, but I'll make sure it'll end just as quick.
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>>11373Rye had the feeling as if someone somewhere had just called him a milk soap.
>>11374I would sure like to see Epic Mount still become a knight but if you want to stop going for that then that's fine.Heavy: "Well I'm glad to have put your mind at ease now. Go on ahead and head up to the top deck or some place else now. You prolly don't want to stay down here anyways."
>>11375Critical noticed Rye's expression but decides to make nothing of it. Soon enough though the entire fleet lands along the shoreline of the Trottingham island and the crew were more or less free to move about. This should give the party some time to go visit Rye's folks.
>>11376I might, I still haven't entirely decided yet. But it's leaning towards a "yeah".Thank you Heavy. I'll go and check on my friends.
>Heads up.Hey guys I'm back. We're here at Trottingham?
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>>11376Summer Rye took a deep breath. "Smells like home..." she said, enjoying the salty breeze coming from the sea, mixing with the scent of the many forests and fields of the land.
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>>11380Rye led the duo to a farmstead not too far away. It contained a main building and a small grain silo surrounded by fields.
"Mom, dad... I'm home!" Rye called out.
>>11382>>11381Well if he has no memories and was raised by Zecora then I would doubt that he would have any accent other than standard Equestrian (If they have a standard). Now since he is an earth pony then he was most likely born either in the center or east front of Equestria. I do not have any plans to make his origin known but I may touch his ancestry based on the info presented to me.They travel out on hoof until they reach the village that Rye grew up in and they made it up to the distant farm set on top of a hill. The reason for its location was that his family first settled here and they were massively respected in this nook of civilization. After getting on to the farm, then enter the house and Rye called out for them.
They soon approached the party from the living room and entered the kitchen where they were at. The two were picturesque and the ideal in the mother and father roles. Rye had his father's coat colors but he had his mother's eye and mane colors.
Mom: "Rye you're back and you brought friends with you. We'll be sure to fix you all up something right quick, you all must be hungry."
Dad: "So you must be the friends Rye had met along his journey, thank you for looking out after my son. Rye why don't we all have a sit down and you can introduce me to you pals over dinner."
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>>11383Rye hugged his parents. He indeed has his father's coat colors, which were yellow, while his eyes and mane were greenish.
He introduced them, his father's name being Winter Squash, his mother Spring Onion. After they sat at the table and were properly introduced Rye told a little about their adventures - but not too much, not wanting his parents to be worried and scared. He particularly left out all scary fights and the many caves he had to endure.
"How's little brother Autumn Barley doing?" he asked before being distracted by the smell of his mother's cooking.
>>11385>>11384>>11386Spring Onion: "Well he's been wanting to get off the farm much like his big brother so he's taken up to going out into the woods or going to the city market with his father. Right now though he should be up in his room asleep."
Winter Squash: "So we've been getting the money you've been sending back to us and the farm is looking much better but it is still not doing so well. Hopefully by next season we'll have everything back in order and you won't have to be out and about for our sakes."
Crit: "By the way... do you guys have something to drink?"
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>>11387Rye listened to his parents, making a mental note to visit his brother upstairs later on.
"So, the farm's still not doing that great, huh? Seasons have been rough..." he sighed. "I'll be sure to send all the money I can earn, dad."
Summer Rye got up and opened a cabinet full with several bottles of alcohol.
"Did you know I was named after a drink?" he smirked.
>>11388Crit: "Huh I wouldn't have guessed that at all actually, I thought rye was some sort of grain but I never associated it with drink."
He takes the battle and starts to drink it with no problem.
Winter Squash: "Summer Rye your friends seem... well versed with the wilds of these lands. Are you sure you're being as safe as you could be out there? I know we sent you the family pitchfork to help you along the way but that doesn't mean you should face dangers head on."
The Wheatfield pitchfork was originally held as a weapon by one of the family ancestors to defeat a snake demon after settling on this land. It would seem that Rye had inherited this ancestor's aptitude to face danger but if he should reveal that to his parents was up to him.
>>11390Time for me to goCrit: "Hey I drink I don't make the poisons."
He finishes up his drink and puts the bottle on the table and thanks his hosts for the drink.
Crit: "We should probably retire for the night..."
Spring Onion: "You can stay here with Rye for the night before you all set out again."
>>11389Rye gave a nod "Well, of course it's a grain. But it's also a special drink made of rye whiskey and if done right it makes my coat's color."
He picked four bottles of beer and put them on the table. He brought one of this father as well, obviously to get him in a better mood.
"It's not dangerous... well, not often at least. But we always stick together so we make it out of any hassles. So don't worry."
You're posting too fast! No.11393
>>11392Fuck usually its you guys posting too fast. LOL anyways I updated my Firefox so now the posts will be up-to-date!His father sighs at Rye's statement knowing full well how dangerous this actually was and if it were up to him it would be himself out there and not his son. Unfortunately he was too old to do so, instead he takes the drink to cool his nerves. This does not mean however he is okay with it and if he learns how dangerous this really was he may flip over in stress.
Winter Squash: "You better be correct about that Rye, your mother and I would be right sad to hear if something really bad happened to you.
Sighs Just try to be safe and have a speedy return home, the villagers around here miss you as does your family."
>>11394Sorry I'm late, I had to run a quick errand.Without a word though Critical passes a drink to Epic Mount seeing that the Everfree Pony was not having his fill for the night.
>>11395Winter Squash: "Well then... okay so long as you are safe."
Spring Onion: "Well go on ahead and feel free to bunk up in Rye's room upstairs if you need to get some sleep now."
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Crit: "Aw Epic Mount you're no fun at all, not even one sip? Hell then I'll have the drink then."
He takes and pockets the bottle into his saddle bag for later use.
Crit: "Anyways are you ready to hit the hay?"
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>>11399The party heads on upstairs to Rye's room and they all settle in where Rye was able to sleep on his bed and the other two got comfortable on some of the nearby furniture. If they got too uncomfortable then they could go down onto the large bed like sofa downstairs.
Where is Clarity? I think he wanted Rye to talk to his younger brother. No.11411
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That time I jumped over townhall.
They probably fixed removed the glitch to use various things to ramp off for great height.
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Summer Rye knocked on the door of Winter Barley, wondering if his younger brother was awake.
>>11401>>11411NeatGetting onto the sofa was largely comfortable if Epic was into that rather than sleeping on a large pile of leaves. Critical joined him downstairs and rested himself upon the recliner.
Crit: "Rye sure does have a nice place here hey Epic Mount?"
>>11412He could hear Barley inside speaking through the door saying that it was okay for the pony to come inside. Rye passes through the door and finds Barley who was still awake and Barley rushes over to hug his big brother.
Barley: "Summer Rye you're back! Does that mean your quest is over?... Or or you need help and you come to get me to join you?!"
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>>11414Crit: "... In the rural farm houses yeah they do I imagine. I forgot about your situation Epic Mount but wasn't Zecora some form of mother to you?"
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>>11415She was. She took me in. But by that time in my life I've grown so used to life in Everfree Forest that whenever she even considered about "returning" me to live with other ponies that I mostly slipped out to play in the forest.
Ponyville being the closest pony settlement to Everfree Forest but that didn't mean I come from there. Did she expect me to just approach some family and be "normal" and expect them to just take me in?
Eventually Zecora decided to keep me around. I guess she was lonely living out by herself and was closest to family she got by then. I helped her gather ingrediants she need or protect her when she needed it. Eventually I became too big for the two of us to live in her small hut so went off to find my own place more deeper into the heart of Everfree. I found a tree just like the library tree that Ponyville had and decided to live there. At least until it was destroyed, now I live in the Castle of the Two Sisters after Twilight and her friends restored it.
Zecora is the closest I have to family even if we're not blood related.
Crit: "I mean yeah I can see what you mean though but I wouldn't worry about it too much. Growing up the way you did you are the stallion who you are today. Besides the Epic Mount I know wouldn't get all caught up on something in the past to hold him up."
He smiles at Epic and raises a pretend mug of beer in his honor.
>>11417Barley: "Aw that's no fair. I don't want to stay here and be useless, this is my farm to and I want to save it like you."
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>>11418"You are, by staying here and working as hard as you can. Things aren't as easy out there either - and I've been in quite a few tight spots. It's not as romantic as you might think."
>>11419Crit: "Still though Epic Mount if this really does bother you...
yawn then we'll do our best to figure out who your parents are and who knows, maybe even find them."
>>11420Barley: "That's what something dad would say but since its coming from you... okay I'll stay on the farm with ma and pa."
>>11421I doubt anypony out there knows who or where I am anymore.
>Rests his head.G'night.
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>>11421"Thanks Barley. Here, I got something for you."
Rye took out the Earthly Horn, handing it to his brother.
"It's magic and might prove useful in the day ahead."
He explains how to use it.
"Now be carefuly wit hit and don't use it for fun."
>>11422Crit: "Good night."
>>11423Barley: "T-thanks Rye I promise I'll take good care of it I promise!"
Suddenly a memory of Barley resurfaces where he accidentally broke one of the spades when he was left alone. Barley was much younger at the time though and that will most likely not happen again.
Barley: "I really like it I do!"
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>>11424Rye ruffled his brother's mane. "I'm sure you will. You'll be making a great farmer one day - or anything else you wish for yourself. Horn or not."
>>11425Barley: "One day I'll be as big and strong as you and I'll go out into this world and save this farm like how you are doing and like how our ancestors once did!"
They hear a knock on the door and it was Spring Onion.
Onion: "Boys... it's getting late now so go ahead and get some sleep."
>>11426Rye kissed his brother. "One day... good night, Barley."
Rye left and said good night to his parents before heading to bed himself.
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>>11427>>11428They all go to bed and the night passes by quietly even though the storms of danger brewed up north. stars shone above onto the small farming village and bathed it in a soft moon and starry light. When morning came up the land was turned from a midnight blue to a warm sunny red dawnlight color which was largely picked up by the fields of wheat and various other grains.
Once morning shone the party reawoken and knew that they would have to make a quick journey back to the fleet so that they can make the journey to the north.
>>11430They all head on out to the fleet and board it, setting off to the north where they would likely face off with Red Winter in the Bug Bear Country. Getting up this far things started to get colder and colder as time went on but they did not see any snow since they were flying over a salt water ocean.
The party finds themselves on the main deck where all of the crew members and knights were moving about doing work but mostly getting ready for combat. Perhaps they can find out what they should be doing by speaking with Gold Grail who would likely be at the wheel or in the captain's quarters.
>>11433Given we're up against an enemy that can control the weather, it does sound it.
Perhaps you should advice your parent to... do whatever it is farmers do when a storm is coming.
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>>11434"They can handle themselves, there have been plenty of storms so far up north. Besides, we're too far away from them now."
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>>11432>>11433>>11434>>11435>>11436>>11437Crit: "Right, we best go see Gold Grail and see what he wants us to be doing. Surely something needs to be done to pass the time to get to the Stratus City."
>Also Red Winter is Female. No.11441
>>11440They go to the captain's quarters and enter in without Grail noticing. Instead of a welcome they find Golden Grail was hunched over a map of the local area. He was quiet, using both of his hooves to rub his face under the amount of stress he was under.
Crit: "Uh Grail buddy?"
Grail: "Wha? Oh its you ponies. The fleet is drawing close to the predicted area so we all need to be getting ready. Is there anything you need from me?"
>>11441Actually we're wondering if you need us for anything.
>Can see he's tired.If you don't mind me asking sir, did you had any sleep?
>>11442Grail: "I was discussing tactics with the other fleet leaders but when we retired for sleep I stayed up to review the battle plan but that doesn't matter. Anyways I need to get a weapons report from Broken Hammer on our equipment, if you could go below deck and grab that I would be most grateful."
Crit: "Besides we need to pick up your armor Epic."
>>11444>>11445>Trips, why do you always get the gets?They head on out of the room and start to make their way below deck which was still stuffy and sometimes hard to breath. Eventually the party find Broken Hammer working in the supply room and making sure everything is in order.
Broken Hammer: "Epic Mount you are late to pick up your order. I said it was only gonna take half the day not an entire night. Anyways your armor is sitting over there on the armor rack so feel free to pick it up."
>>11446Because it's always a trip when I'm around!Thanks sir Hammer. And sorry for taking long. My friend was visiting family.
>Takes and puts on his armour.How I look fellas?
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>>11446"Hi Broken Hammer, I hope you're well. Golden Grail requests the weapons report on the equipment."
Crit: "I prefer a more war torn look rather than the whole knight in shining armor thing but you do you Epic."
Broken Hammer: "Ah yes the weapons report. I've written this up so give this to Golden Grail, he'll be glad to know that we are well supplied and well equipped."
>>11451>>11452>I didn't mean for that last post to be so short but I sitting uncomfortably.Broken Hammer: "Thanks, I'll make sure this all gets distributed to the rest of the knights so we are ready."
The party goes up to the top deck to where they saw the fleet was now over the coast line of the Bug Bear Country. Rain and storm clouds were already battering the ships. The sky was not at all visible because of the clouds but what was eye catching was the large hurricane of black clouds standing still in the distance. All of the crew and the knights stopped what they were doing to see this spectacle, it would seem that Red Winter has already taken refuge with the Throne and made use of the keys.
Gold Grail had stepped out of his room and looked on with the crew.
>>11453Manures goin' down.
On your call sir.
>>11454Gold Grail: "We only have to get our ship close enough to deploy you and your friends, the other two ships will act as support to make sure we get close enough. Fleet go ahead and make our approach..."
The fleet does so and from the hurricane two Stalliongrad ships emerge ready to meet the Equestrian ships. Already teams of pegasi were pouring off of the enemy ships and were headed this way.
Grail: "Damn pegasi get ready for an air battle. All the rest of you get to your battle stations and prepare for boarding!" No.11457
>>11456Sir I have an idea but it's a wreckless one.
Would it be possible to create some sort of conductor to redirect the lightning back at them?
>>11457Grail: At this time no, but we can organize our unicorns to do that job."
The knights get ready and they fly off into combat while the unicorns worked on defenses and the Earth Ponies manned the cannons. The armadas turned and started to let out cannon barrages while the air teams including Aotle fought and dodged the cannon fire.
Eventually a team of the Stalliongrads did manage to make it aboard and the crew had to fight them off...
Grail: "To arms! Send this bastards back to their master in Stratus!"
Combat EncounterStall Soldier A B C D
B:10 M:6 C:6
Sword Play:12
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>>11459Crit: "Epic Mount if we make it out of this then you owe me a drink"
Looking back Epic just found Crit to be some plain old traveller in Ponyville and was now swept up into an armed conflict.
There were four soldiers they would have to contend with while the others were fighting.
Critical goes in and and shouts at one of them to point him out.
Crit Charm
1d6 = 1 Mark
1d4 = 3 VS Soldier Mind
1d6 = 1 No.11461
>>11460There Epic Mount, that guy focus your attack on him!
Soldier A now suffered a -3 to his defense rolls.
>>11460With how much you drink, all the more reason for me to be wreckless.
>>11461Aw lads, barely starting the fight and you already miss me.
>Takes his hammer out.I won't.
>>11462Epic Mount focuses his strength in the hammer and launches a lightning bolt at the Soldier...
Epic Body
1d12 = 1 VS Soldier A Body
1d10 - 3 = 6Stuns at half damage on hit.
>>11463The bolt flies out and dissipates in the open rain, it had missed the target. The Soldier then go in to make their attacks...
Soldier A Body
1d10 = 6 SP
1d12 = 4 Crit Body
1d6 = 1Soldier B Flies up off of the deck and is now hovering.
Soldier C Charm
1d6 = 3 Mark
1d8 = 7 VS Epic Mount Mind
1d8 = 4Soldier D Body
1d10 = 1 Stun
1d8 = 2 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 2 No.11465
>>11464Critical was hit pretty hard and an assassin hit him with the hilt of his blade which made crit looked confused as to what was going on and have a bloody nose.
Crit HP: 20
Epic Mount was then marked by the enemy and they would most likely attack him next.
Epic -7 on Defensive rolls
>>11466Epic Mount swirls around and swing his hoof in a fluid motion against the enemy.
Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 6 Mart
1d12 + 1 = 6 VS Soldier A Body
1d10 = 3Critical is still stunned and can not move.
>>11467The soldier was hit hard and caused the pony to fall back reeling. The soldiers then go in to attack Epic and his friend.
Soldier A HP: 12
Soldier A Body
1d10 = 7 SP
1d12 = 7 VS Epic Body
1d12 - 7 = 1 Def
1d20 + 1d4 - 7 = 3Soldier B Body
1d10 = 6 Fly
1d12 = 10 VS Crit Can't defend
Soldier C Body
1d10 = 6 SP
1d12 = 1 VS Epic Mount Body
1d12 - 7 = 1 Def
1d20 + 1d4 - 7 = -1Soldier D Hangs back
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>>11468Epic Mount and Critical were hit pretty badly and things started to look bad.
Crit HP: 11
Epic HP: 11
>Maybe this is too tough but I have to go now to work. When I come back I'll make this combat better. No.11472
>>11470>>11471>I'm here, take bro to work, the usual but I'm here now.Each one of them drinks their own potion and heal up for the next round of combat.
Crit HP: 24
Epic HP: 20
>You can only use one potion per turn I'm afraid.>>11471Rye takes out his pitchfork and with the bravery of his kin he charges into combat with a warcry!
Rye Body
1d12 = 3 Farm
1d20 + 1d4 = 14 VS Soldier A Body
1d10 = 4 No.11473
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>>11472With a blunt strike from his pitchfork which was caused by swinging like a sword rather than stabbing, the Soldier had his body raked by the spikes and knocked aside and out of combat.
Soldier A HP: 0
The enemies then go into attack once more, this ship shall be taken for Red Winter is what they believe.
Soldier B Body
1d10 = 3 Fly
1d12 = 5 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 6 Def
1d20 + 1d4 = 8Soldier C Charm
1d6 = 1 Mark
1d8 = 5 VS Crit Mind
1d20 = 16Soldier D Body
1d10 = 6 Stun
1d8 = 1 VS Rye Body
1d12 = 10>Pic unrelated but it's what I have No.11476
>>11473All of the enemies fail in their attacks and attempts against the party to gain the advantage. things seemed to be going better than what it was...
Voice: "Cannon Barrage! Brace for impact!"
Cannon Fire
1d10 = 1 VS Everyone DMG
1d6 = 2Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 7 Def
1d20 + 1d4 = 5Crit Body
1d6 = 4Rye Body
1d12 = 11Soldier B Body
1d10 = 10 Fly
1d12 = 1Soldier C Body
1d10 = 10Soldier D Body
1d10 = 6 No.11478
>>11476>>11474>>11475Wood splinters everywhere but luckily by some miracle nobody was hurt during this though the ship has taken quite some damage now.
Voice: "We won't make it like this, we have to get close so we can deploy the balloon!"
The ship starts to move closer to the enemy armada, trying to get past it but it may take some time to do so.
>>11477Rye goes in to attack, the soldiers were still in this and they would have to deal with them.
Rye Body
1d12 = 8 Farm
1d20 + 1d4 = 12 VS Soldier C Body
1d10 = 6Critical goes in and tries to pull down the Soldier that is flying around in the air.
Crit Mind
1d20 = 11 Tele
1d20 = 20 Soldier B Body
1d10 = 9 Fly
1d12 = 8 No.11479
>>11478>Epic calls ordersTAKE DOWN THE AERIALS!
Crit, Rye, we gotta get to the balloon, it's our only way to Stratus!
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>>11478>20Rye manages to land his second attack onto the enemy and deal some massive damage on him. This causes the soldier to pause with caution and think about how he was going to retaliate back with Rye
Soldier C HP: 6
The other soldier was well caught in Critical's mind trap and was brought down back to the deck. The could not escape and could not evade attacks.
>>11479Crit: "We're not close enough yet, if we took it out now then we would just get shot down or swarmed!"
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>>11480Rye saw that the soldier hesitated and charged in for another attack.
>>11480Then let's dispatch these left overs and concentrate on aerial assault.
We got to get the skies clear if we're gonna balloon through it.
>Finishes Soldierm C. No.11483
>>11482Epic Goes in to attack Soldier C...
Epic Body
1d12 = 7 Mart
1d12 + 1 = 6 VS Soldier C
1d10 = 7After that attack the soldiers make a retaliation...
Soldier B - Cannot Move
>If Still aliveSoldier C Boy
1d10 = 10 SP
1d12 = 10 VS Rye Body
1d12 = 1Soldier D Body
1d10 = 5 SP
1d12 = 2 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 5 Def
1d20 + 1d4 = 11>>11481>IF C is not in combat then this goes to BRye Body
1d12 = 11 Farm
1d20 + 1d4 = 23 VS Soldier Body
1d10 = 6 No.11484
>>11483Both Soldiers C and B were beaten to unconsciousness, Rye especially did a spectacular display of warfare when he scooped up the soldier, tossed him into the air, and then smacked him across the deck like as if he were playing Base Ball.
Critical swings his cards about to hopefully take out the last soldier.
Crit Mind
1d20 = 3 Gamb
1d20 + 1d4 = 10 VS Soldier D Body
1d10 = 3 No.11485
>>11484He gets hit pretty badly but he still continues to fight even though he is outnumbered...
Soldier D HP: 8
Soldier D Body
1d10 = 1 SP
1d12 = 2 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 4 No.11488
>>11486Critical and the Soldier lock their weapons in place until Crit was able to push him away which was pretty stunning considering how weak he was. Perhaps there was something watching the party as a sort of Guardian Angel or Critical is just a walking good luck charm.
>>11486>>11487They go in to attack together to put an end to this boarding and free themselves to reach their air balloon.
Epic Body
1d12 = 3 Mart
1d12 + 1 = 9 VS Soldier
1d10 = 2Rye Body
1d12 = 6 Farm
1d20 + 1d4 = 20 VS Soldier
1d10 = 5 No.11489
>>11488With a quick punch and Rye to deliver the finale, the last soldier was incapacitated and they were free to make their move to the balloon at the very top of the fleet. They would have to climb the roping up there is all.
Around them they can notice that the battle has turned hectic for the worst. They can see that one of their ships to the left of them has started to fall down to the earth in a fiery display of destruction while the crew was abandoning the ship. As for the enemy armada both ships were still afloat but the ship on the right has taken massive damage and the deck is on fire and will crash soon.
As for their ship they were nearing the storm and the armada and will be close enough in about a minute so haste is needed here.
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"Shall we make to the balloon?"
>>11496>OkayHe manages to get Aotle a potion and he should be fine now and Epic joins the rest of the party up the rope.
The winds were heavy and their bodies were soaked in rain as they made their miserably climb with the ground below them miles down. The ship they were on had made it to the enemy armada and would make a serious and desperate attempt to break past the blockade.
The boat was going to ram up against the enemy ship and this would surely cause some sort of shockwave.
1d8 = 1 Stamina Damage
1d4 = 2Epic Body
1d12 = 10 Rye Body
1d12 = 6Crit Body
1d6 = 6 No.11500
>>11499>I guess in the order of the rolls here>>11497>That would mean Epic Mount is the closest to the balloon.They all manage to make it to the top of the fleet and pile into the balloon basket itself. They are given a quick moment of respite and they can see how ragged they looked after being soaked and bloodied in combat.
Crit: "Quick Epic help me get the engine started again. We have enough time still to get this thing going and make it to Stratus."
>>11501>>11502The balloon was prepared and they set off from the fleet, a lone hot air balloon for civilian use was gonna go and face the abyss of the Hurricane and hopefully break through the stormy veil. Even though with the danger being so imminent, everything seemed so quiet as they were about to face watery hell.
The enter in the Hurricane.
Immediately they are swept up by their air currents and the engines fires go out, having them be at the mercy of the storm. Lightning bolts flash out at them, trying to hit the balloon while there was no end. This was ultimately the worse they ever had it in their journey up to this point. Suddenly hail begins to batter their balloon and bits of ice dig into their hides. This goes on for a minute until finally their balloon was hit by a bolt of lightning which caused the air inside to explode and their carrage free falls down.
Crit: "AH FUCK! HOLD ON!!!"
... They weren't sure what had happened after that but they eventually came to lying down on a field of grass. The wreckage of the balloon was scattered about but they did not know where they were at.
>>11504>>11505Eh sorryCritical got on up and looked around.
Crit: "No but we're in the belly of the beast for sure."
They all can see that they were on some sort of structure that was surrounded by the Hurricane Cover but this area and none of the city was affected by the storm. Finally after all this time they had made it to Stratus and the party takes some time to draw in all the details.
The city was divided into three sections...
The Outer Ring
This place looks to be where all the farming was done to make the City self sufficient though all of the fields are ruined and building and houses are just caved in shells. There are also lakes, ponds, and forests on this Outer Ring.Inner City Ring
That would be where all the markets and rich folk would live, would need to get closer though.The Roost Castle
[i]It is here where all of Stratus is governed and most likely where Red Winter and the Throne is at.
Right now in their area with an abandoned field and there were bridges to the right and left that would lead into the Inner Ring. To the right they would have to cross a lake and to the left they would have to pass through the forest.
>>11506>Can you reload the thread with 50 posts option?>>11507Crit: "We're fine, we're fine. We made it but our balloon is in shambles. We'll need to find a new way off of this place after dealing with Red Winter."
>>11510>I don't know if I can time it like that but I can try>>11511>>11512>I'm not getting any lag but I believe we'll be hitting a post limit at some point in time. If it is bother you guys I can make a new thread and you guys can decide what the Thread Image will be.>Have funCrit: "This must be Stratus, we actually made it to this hell hole after some time..."
Notices nobody is here.
Crit: "Pretty quiet here too but we have to remember that this place was abandoned long ago."
>>11513I'm fine with continuing with this thread until the end. But if you're going to make a group picture of all three of us, maybe that'll be the new OP picture?Hell hole?
>Looks around and the pretty fields and the ancient ruins.>Looks over the edge. Can't tell if it's the blue ocean he is looking at or if they're so high up the ground is no longer visable.When not being used to conquer Equestria, this place is actually quite nice.
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>>11514Rye and epic Mount can feel a sensation of peace within the area, it was calm and relaxing with bird noises coming from the forest. For just a moment everything seemed okay.
Critical on the other hand just looks confused as to what his friends were feeling. He looked like he was missing out on something with the sense of emptiness inside him.
Crit: "Nice? ...I don't see or feel what you mean here. Anyways we should hurry on up and try to get to the inner ring."
>Now I don't have time for that, I'm not even done with your pic. I've been real busy with this and work. No.11517
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>>11516Crit: "But wich way do you want to take, we can go through that little patch of forest or try to cross the lake over to the right."
>>11517Hm... I wonder... is Stratus made by the same ponies who made Culumbus?
Do you think Pillar can guide us?
>>11520>WTF?Pillar materializes before them with his rocky guise and stone body covered in blue glowing runes.
Pillar: "It would seem you need my assisstance I... Oh. I see you have made it to Stratus... this day would've come now. Hopefully you can put an end to this city's throne so that it won't danger the rest of the world."
>>11521Thats the idea Pillar.
But we do not know the layout of this place. We hoped you can guide us. And maybe help us pass any security along the way.
>>11522Pillar: "This place is not my home in Cumulonimbus but it is designed the same so I can help you navigate. You see this city is divided into two separate circular rings with the Roost Castle in the center where the Throne would be. Al we really would have to do is move to the center but we must cross the bridge. We have to immediate options, the bridge to the left or the bridge to the right.
Option A: Right Bridge
You have to cross a lake.Option B: Left Bridge
You have to go through a small forestI don't know how to make it more clear that you must decide than that. Please pick an option or think of something as a means to get to the Inner Ring No.11525
>>11524>Okay its time for me to go.They go to the left with Pillar in the lead and they enter in the small forest. It really isn't that dense at all and if the looked to their sides then they can see either the inner ring or the hurricane cover dependent on where they looked. Eventually they make it out of the forest and find the bridge that would span over to the Inner Ring with large Greek like buildings decorating the area.
They also notice what looked to be a small farmhouse that had collapsed in that had a small but empty garden on the side of the wall. Through the rubble they can see what looked to be a worn down white chest in the rubble.
>As they trekked, Epic sparked up some small talk.How are things back at Culumbus Pillar? Have you encouraged other golems to think for themselves?
>>11525To think somepony must have lived there.
>>11526Pillar: "There were plenty of families and ponies living here during the time of the Chaos Wars against Discord, Unicorns and Earth Ponies alike. I am not sure what had happened to them though since Cumulonimbus crashed to the earth..."
Crit: "Epic if you want to have a look at that chest then we'll have to clear that rubble away first..."
Rubble Clear DC 8
>>11528They all get together and with their teamwork they make it less difficult to clear...
DC 5
Epic Body
1d12 = 7Crit Body
1d6 = 2Pillar Body
1d12 = 12 No.11530
>>11529Eventually they clear the rubble and pull the chest out of the ruins of the farmhouse. They open the chest and find some odds and ends, some potions, a lantern, and lastly a ragged old looking filly's doll.
Potions: 2
>>11531Epic and Critical pockets the items, a potion for Crit and a potion for Epic and a doll as well.
Crit: "Did you want the lantern? I don't need it since I got my magic horn."
>>11533He takes the lantern and that was all the stuff they could find in the nearby area. All that was left was to cross the bridge over to the Inner Ring where the ancient metropolitan part of Stratus.
Crit: "Well whoever lived here thousands of years ago, thanks for the free stuff."
>>11534Maybe we can give this doll to their surviving decendant.
Let's move on.
>>11536Does Red Winter or the enemy knights know we're here?
Do you think this is tyoo.. I dunno. Easy? I mean never look a gift pony in the mouth but you'd think their be patrols or something.
>>11537They start to make their procession until they get their answer. From the sewer grates and the cracks and spaces of rubble emerged these strange looking clouds of mist that whose forms ebbed and flow between a pony or sometimes some other animal like a dog or a lion.
Right now there were a total of 3 of these Mistforms roaming about in the nearby area and haven't noticed the party yet though that could change very quickly
>>11538Quick! Everypony hide!
I never seen things like these before!
What are they Pillar?
>>11539They all go ahead and duck inside a building that they would come to realize as some sort of old bakery. Outside they can see the mistforms wander around aimlessly as they flux about.
Crit: "Mistforms, I heard about them. They're basically enchanted clouds of dust or mist that move about an area that they are binded to. Some ponies say that they are ghosts though that's up to you to believe."
>Gotta go and help Dad with something. No.11541
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>>11540Mistforms eh?
>Looks around the bakery.I wonder if this bakery has one of those things used to keep fire burning back then?
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>>11541We may need some wineskins for what I'm planning as well. Enough wineskins to hold all them mistforms.
You can probably guess what I have in mind.
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>>11541>>11542>>11543>>11544Crit: "You wanna go ahead and make some sort of vacuum? Well I'm not expert in crafting mind you but I should be smart enough to pull something together that would work. As for the bellows we will need to look around the back of the store and see if we can't find the oven."
Right now they were in the front of the store where there were tables and chairs strewn about. There was also an emtpy display case/counter where money and food were transferred and behind that would be the door to the kitchen.
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>>11546As said before the oven and bellows would be in the back behind the counter so Epic Mount goes behind there. He opens the door to find an old and cold kitchen that was barren of any food. The fridge to the right was broken and left open and across from him would be the oven where a bellow was sitting atop of. Unfortunately there was another one of those Mistforms that was hovering about in the center of the room...
>>11548It sits still and is quiet but it is also unmoving. He then gets touched from behind and when he turns around to see what it was, Epic sees his friend Critical.
Crit: "Hey Epic what's the hold up? It's just one of them so I can back you up if you get into conflict or you can try to sneak past it."
>>11550Again thwe bellows are behind the counter and are not in the main eating area. The party is not in the eating area, they are now in the kitchen.
In the kitchen
Anyways Epic Mount goes ahead and tries to be stealthy and make his way to the oven in the kitchen, not in the eating area.
Epic Body
1d12 = 9 VS MForm Mind
1d8 = 7 No.11554
>>11553They have counters, not tables.He tries stealth again.
Epic Body
1d12 = 2 VS MForm Mind
1d8 = 4 No.11555
>>11554>>11553The Mistform catches sight of Epic Mount and it takes a pony form to mirror his body size and stature. It looks aggressive and ready to fight...
Body d4
Mind d8
Charm d4
Stamina 12
Insubstantial d10
Mag Resist d6
Teleport d8
Stun Ray d6
Bound: The mistform can not leave the area.
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>>11556He goes in to suck in the Mistform which actually works for him but in the bellows he only has room for one of them. Also due to the nature of the Mistform, once he leaves the kitchen the Mistform will teleport back to the kitchen and the bellows will be empty again.
Crit: "Nice work but it looks like that thing won't hold it forever..."
>>11557Wait so these mistforms are bound to their locations? I figure if we get wineskins we can contain them.
But this can still work for us if we move carefully and end up confronting one mistform at a time.
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>>11558Crit: "Yeah that's why someponies believe them to be ghosts since stories of pony's spirits being bound to a place. Really though these things are residual things of magic gas that sits still in an area... though what created them is questionable."
He looks out a nearby window to take a good look at the towering Roost Castle where this all powerful throne would be.
Crit: "We best hurry though. Did you want to scrounge around the area to see if we can scavenge some useful stuff or do you think we should head on over to the fountain?"
>>11559I think these bellows could be useful if we ever encounter individual mistforms, but other than that theres probably just old baking equipment here. We can move on now.
Though I am starting to wonder if these mistforms are even dangerous. I mean it loooked threatening but that could of been a defence.
>>11560Crit: "True really they have no malicious intent unless you get close enough to them but to be honest avoiding them can prove to be difficult at times."
They head on outside of the store and Epic's Bellow empties itself of the Mistform and the party heads on over to the fountain which has been dried and inoperable for who knows how long. Over in this plaza there were a few more mistforms just floating about the shops doing nothing. The party could see that there was a large bridge that would lead to the Roost. The bridge looked royal and fancy looking and it had a small guard outpost built in a the center so to keep the common rabble out of the castle. Eventually they hear some voices and the sound of clanking metal come from the bridge...
Fell Knight: "So there was reports from Red Winter herself that there was a crash landing of some sort on the outer ring right?"
Scabbard: "That's right and we gotta go check it out to make sure nopony got in the city. I;m just expecting it to be littered with fires and dead bodies though."
Fell Knight: "Cripes was all this worth it?"
Scabbard: "Of course Equestria will be much better under Red Winter's Leadership and with Claymore at her side there will be nothing to stop this new era of peace. For now though don't worry about it and help me deal with the Mist Ponies..."
The knight and his knight captain start to move about the plaza and use their weapons to clear out the Mist Forms before they go on to the wreckage. The party can try to sneak past them or perhaps confront them and fight for honor against their betrayal.
>>11562 knights keep attacking and destroying all the Mistforms and eventually get too close to the party...
Stealth DC 5
Epic Body
1d12 = 3Crit Body
1d6 = 5 No.11566
>>11565The party gets on up with pity for the little ghosties but they must persevere since Equestria is at stake. Going down the bridge wasn't too tough as the fine cut but now rugged stonework clacked under their hooves. There was some stone railing that had torches that would've been lit if it hadn't ran out of oil since the last couple hundred of years. Eventually they make it to a torn up guard house that was maybe the size of a large bedroom. It had two stories where the first floor was made of stone and the second made up to be wooden ramparts with a red tile ceiling. Above them there was a fell knight walking back and forth but hadn't noticed the party. Unfortunately the gate to let them by was closed shut and the party could not proceed. The gate was made up of a cross hatch of metal bars that would be pulled to the side but the mechanism to operate it was inside.
They could try to brute force the gate open but that would cause a lot of noise. Other than that they can scale the side or beneath the bridge to get past the guardhouse.
>>11569Pillar: Unfortunately no, the gate is archaic and not enchanted. The only way to activate it would be the mechanism inside."
He points inside the guard house and and shows them what looks to be a pull chain on the wall.
>>11570Hm... if we can reach that chain, we could probably open the gate.
Would throwing my rope with some sort of hook be possible?
Or is the opening mechanism out of direct view? No.11572
>>11571Crit: "Heh yeah that should work really."
Epic borrows Rye's grapple hook and feeds it through the gate and readied it to swing at the pull chain though it was pretty awkward to do so.
Chain Grapple DC 8
Epic Body
1d12 = 6 No.11578
>>11577He gives it another swing and tosses the hook at the pull chain again...
DC 8
Epic Body
1d12 = 8 No.11579
>>11578Finally they hook latches on to the pull chain and was now ready for Epic to pull. He does so and the gate pulls itself open to the right and the path was now clear...
Fell Knight: "Eh what? Who's there?"
He starts to move back downstairs and the party had little time to move before they got caught.
>>11580They rush on in and find a small desk to hide behind while to guard takes a look around. He wore the same style black armor as Claymore did back at the Dog Mines but this fell knight was an Earth Pony.
Fell Knight: "The door is open but Scabbard isn't back..."
Fell knight Mind
1d12 = 7Epic Body
1d12 = 6Crit Body
1d6 = 2 No.11582
>>11581He then spots Critical's short brown tail and shouts at them.
The knight pulls out his sword and readies it for combat.
>>11582Same can be said for you!
>Pillar and Epic punce on the guy to attack and gag him. No.11584
>>11583Combat EncounterFell Knight
B:12 M:6 C:6
Sword Play:20
Knock Down:10
Healing Touch:10
Epic Mount, Pillar, and Critical Hit goes in to attack...
Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 3 Mart
1d12 + 1 = 10 VS Fell KNight Body
1d12 = 12Pillare Body
1d12 = 8 Bash
1d12 = 6 VS Fell Knight Body
1d12 = 6Critical Mind
1d20 = 20 Gamb
1d20 + 1d4 = 4 Fire
1d2 = 2 VS Fell Knight Body
1d12 = 2 No.11585
>>11584The knight was able to deflect Epic's attack but was caught off guard by pillar who left an opening for Critical to do some massive damage. The knight was left unconscious and his loot became available to the party.
Body Potion
50 bits
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>>11586Crit: "You already have one remember, it upgrades your body for some limited time."
He picks up his fair share of 25 bits and leave the other half for Epic Mount.
>>11587Oh yeah. Might come in handy.
You want the rest?
>>11588Crit: "Sounds like a good idea to me."
Epic takes the body potion and Critical takes the rest of the loot.
Crit Bits: 409
Crit: "Anyways the path is clear now so we should make our move. Once inside we will be navigating the castle interior.
Pillar is this layout at all familiar to you? What can you tell us?
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>>11597>>11596>>11595Ugh I'm sorry for being late, I got a sore throat and I',m feeling kind of sick but I'm gonna pull through.The party had set up the guard outpost as some sort of rest stop before proceeding into the castle. Pillar eventually faded away and returned back to wandering Equestria and the party looked ready to proceed.
Crit: "Well the castle and Red Winter is right before us. Once we enter this conflict will not end until one of us are down for the count. Are you guys ready?"
>I finished the pic No.11599
>Epic, Critical, Pillar and Rye were now in the castle hall, they know danger was ahead but still had light coinversation to get their mind off things.>>11597Yeah, maybe I should of tried communicating with it than harrasing it.
>>11598Aw... goodbye Pillar.
Looks amazing! No.11601
>>11600Yeah. Let's face the final boss!
In fact, anypony wanna share my "Body Potions" with me? The boost could help if we're gonna face Red and Claymore.
>>11599>>11600>>11601>Epic, Critical, Pillar and Rye were now in the castle hall, they know danger was ahead but still had light coinversation to get their mind off things.Hold on.The party goes down the bridge and they get up to the large gates of the Roost Castle. The large doors were already open and they proceeded inside...
Once there they can see a group of Fell Knights, 5 of them to be exact. One of the calls out to the party.
Fell Knight: "You guys made it pretty far, Claymore warned us that you would be here and had us be ready."
Three of them (Or two if Clarity is not here) pulls out their weapons and were ready to fight the party while the other two stood by and watched.
Fell Knight: "We will fight you but with honor and see who shall get to inherit the new Equestria."
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>>11602Rye drew his weapon. "New Equestria... what utter nonsense, Equestria is for everypony!"
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>>11602With honour? Was it honour that broke the vows you took to serve Princess and country? Is it honourable to threaten the lives of many ponies? Is it honourable to go against everything the Knights fought for?
You want honour?
>Prepares to fight by the fell knights terms.I'll give you honour.
>>11604>>11605 EncounterFell Knight A B C (D E: Outside of Combat)
B:12 M:6 C:6
Sword Play:20
Knock Down:10
Healing Touch:10
Crit: "Yeah I'm with Epic here, you guys shouldn't have crossed us like you did. Now we're gonna make you pay!"
Fell Knight: "So be it."
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>>11606Rye focuses on Knight A.
The two groups go in and clash their weapons and skills against one another, this will surely be a violent battle to be had.
>>11607Epic Mount swings his hooves around deftly to punch his target.
Epic Body
1d12 = 11 Mart
1d12 + 1 = 8 VS FKnight A Body
1d12 = 8>>11608Rye on the other hand charges the knight with his Wheatfield Pitchfork
Rye Body
1d12 = 11 Farm
1d20 + 1d4 = 18 VS FKnight A Body
1d12 = 3Critical doesn't pull out his cards yet but rather focuses his red magic energy on one of the knights so that they could not move.
Crit Mind
1d20 = 12 Tele
1d20 = 1 VS FKnight C Body
1d20 = 19 No.11610
>>11609Both Epic and Rye were able to take down the first knight in one fell swoop together. The knight that Crit was going for was caught up in his spell but with his strength he was able to break free from the grasp
Fell Knight D Enters Combat
Fell Knight B goes ahead and attacks Critical
Fell Knight B Body
1d12 = 3 SP
1d20 = 11 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 3Fell Knight readies his hefty sword and attacks attacks Epic Mount with all his might.
Fell Knight C Body
1d12 = 9 Stout Heart
1d20 = 15 SP
1d20 = 2 VS Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 3 Def
1d20 + 1d4 = 5 No.11613
>>11610Both of them were hit pretty badly and were severely injured but Epic Mount took it the worst as he was almost sent flying back off of his hooves.
Crit HP 13
Epic HP 5
>>11611Rye goes in to make his attack against the knight harrasing Critical
Rye Body
1d12 = 5 Farm
1d20 + 1d4 + 1 = 8 VS Knight B Body
1d12 = 10Critical goes ahead and uses a potion on Epic Mount...
Epic Mount HP 15
>>11612>So does he want to attack? No.11616
>>11613The two lock their weapons in place, the farmer and the knight fighting it out to make a difference in the world. Both grit their teeth and try to over power the other but eventually they break apart and jump out of each other's kill zones.
Fell Knight: "I see you are all driven to keep the world the way it is. I can admire that even though how foolish it is. Take solace in the fact that after you have died the world will be made a better place with peace and prosperity."
>>11614Epic Mount now with restored vigor, attacks back at the foe who had massively injured him who now was weak after using Stout Heart.
Epic Body
1d12 = 8 Mart
1d20 + 1 = 9 VS Fell Knight C Body
1d12 = 12 No.11617
>>11616The knight skillfully parries Epic Mount's attack and pushes him back across the room.
The knights then go in to attack once they regained control of themselves and the room.
Knight D Body
1d12 = 4 SP
1d20 = 9 Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 1 Def
1d20 + 1d4 = 8Knight B Body
1d12 = 7 SP
1d20 = 9 Rye Body
1d12 = 2Knight C Body
1d12 = 7 Knock
1d10 = 8 Crit Body
1d6 = 4 No.11619
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>>11616Rye snarled, sweating. "The world is peaceful and will remain so due to brave ponies. Those who brought the most trouble to Equestria lately are ponies like you!"
>>>11617>Rye drinks his final (half-)health potion, continuing to fight. No.11620
>>11619He's right!
We've had peace for centuries, it's only Red and your betrayal that caused the schism!
>>11617Everyone in the party was hit and it would seem that the knights were well skilled even though their loyalty was questionable.
Epic HP 8
Rye HP 13
Crit HP 10 (Knocked Down) were looking bad and Crit shouted at rye...
Crit: "Rye use your magic music box! Hurry!"
>>11618>>11620Epic Mount goes in to attack the knights, ignoring the pains in his body knowing that he must not falter against these traitors.
Epic Body
1d12 = 11 Mart
1d12 + 1 = 4 VS Fell Knight B Body
1d12 = 5>>11619Rye Drinks his potion and recovers some health...
Rye HP 20
>>11619>>11620Knight: "Equestria in peace? Was NightmareMoon peaceful? Or perhaps the return of Discord, Sombra, or perhaps the Changeling invasion, Tirek? All these disasters and we were only saved by some magical force that if gone we would surely perish. Our master devotes herself to strength rather than frienship."
>>11621Rye hadn't forgotten the box, but had hoped he could save it up till later.
He opens the bard's box!
>>11621Epic Mount silenced him from speaking any further and thwacked him against his helmet.
Fell Knight B HP 7
Critical from the ground pulls out his cards and while his body strangle with pain and covered in the crimson of his blood, he shouts at the enemy after getting up. The loudness of his voice and the strain in it is blood curdling...
Critical: "I won't let my friends die here because of your damnable delusions of peace!"
Frienship Tokens used: 3 (Auto Success): 3 Left
Crit Mind 1d20=20 Gamb 1d20+1d4=24 VS Fell Knight C
The knight was hit with something powerful that knocked him across the room and lodged himself into the wall that would now have a large hole in it.
Fell Knight C HP 0
>>11622Rye Goes in and plays the music box and the ghostly figure comes out and plays a haunting tune...
Musician Charm
1d12 = 3 Music
1d12 = 9 VS
Knight D Mind
1d6 = 1Knight B Mind
1d6 = 2Knight E Mind
1d6 = 5 No.11624
>>11621That "magical force" you speak of is Harmony itself!
>Keeps fighting.Harmony is Friendship, Unity, when hearts and minds are working as one.
The Knights of Equestria do not fight to control Equestria but to protect it, to fight for justice and to keep it's peace!
Red Winter does not understand the morals of Harmony or what the Knights stand for. She has divided us, she has us fight one another, she is willing to drive us to war just to secure the throne.
Does that sound at all harmonious or the kind of Equestria you want to fight for?
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>>11623>>11624>>11625The party couldn't see it because of their armor but the remaining knights were struck with fear so much so that they aged 40 years on the spot which caused them to flee with stark fear.
The party was now alone in the mainhall where they were victorious. All of the doors they saw on their floor had collapsed in and could not be passed through. Up above them would lead to the throne room but only pegasi could fly up to it. Luckily the knights had already put up some scaffolding so that unicorns and Earth Ponies could reach the throne room.
Critical exhausted, fell to the ground and tried to recuperate.
Crit: "I'm hurting pretty bad now, can we rest for a moment?"
>>11626Y-yeah. Me too.
>Flops to the floor.I doubt that guy heard a word I said.
Why fight for a war when we already have peace?
>>11626>>11627"Oh boy, you two don't look okay. What you need... is somthing to eat!"
Rye got out his carrot cake and diced carrots.
>>11627Crit: "I don't know... maybe we'll get out answer soon enough."
The party rests for a short time while Critical bathes them in a healing light with the magic of his horn.
Rest Restore HP (Uncomfortable)
1d6 + 1d6 + 1d4 = 14 (Healing Touch) (Food)
>>11628>>11629Rye spends up his food for the party while they rested which was kind of them. +1 Friendship to whole party
Epic: 9
Rye: 11
Crit: 4
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>>11629Food always calms me down.
>>11630They all restore their HP to the maximum except for critical Hit who now had 24 HP.
>>11631Crit: "Thanks I feel a lot better now."
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>>11631>GrinsThat explains why you're calm and collective almost all the time?
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>>11633Crit: "Hey... I thought I was supposed to make the witty and sarcastic humor."
He smiles at Epic and punches him lightly
Crit: "Above us will be Red Winter and Claymore, surely they will not give up without a fight. Are you guys ready to end this?"
>>11634I don't think all of Equestria is ready, but somepony gotta.
Remember we gotta bring Claymore back to us, whenever kicking and screaming or if he's under some form of enchantment.
>Gets the body potions out. I think you and Rye should have my potions. I'm a tough pony, I can last but you guys may need more back up muscle. No.11636
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>>11635Crit: "I won't argue against that but Rye looks like he's been holding out pretty well on his own there. I saw some of those attacks and boy did they land."
Critical takes a body potion.
>>11638We are. How 'bout you?
You want my last Body Potion?
>>11639>>11640C'mon Rye take it. I'm a hefty pony, I'll last.
I want you and crit to be safe after all.
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I guess we're pausing for now.
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>>11642>>11643>>11644>>11645I'm here.After resting for a while, the party was ready to go up the Roost Castle. The scaffolding will give them safe passage up to the Throne Room where they will face Claymore and Red Winter. In the morning of today the forces against Equestria had all of their assets and plans ready to leave the heroes feeling hopeless but now with the end in sight they gained a sense of confidence as this is the last thing they need to do to stop this.
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>>11647Crit: "Uh we can't really climb above the throne room when... we're several stories below it Epic. We have to climb up to it by going up into the scaffolding."
[] < Throne Room
... < Party
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>>11648>>11649>>11650>>11651The party climbs up the scaffolding by scaling the ladders and the wooden platforms provided. After 10 minutes or so they reach the top where they entered a small room that would have a pair of double doors that would lead into the throne room. Epic Mount bucks the doors open and they pour into the room to find Claymore accompanying Red Winter.
Claymore stood on the ground below her and Red Winter sat on the throne with a forcefield protecting her. She looks on at the party with an expression of superiority and speaks out to them.
Red Winter: "It would seem that Claymore was right when he predicted the crash was caused by you three. No other ponies would be able to get past those Fell Knights"
Claymore draws his sword at the party, ready to fight them.
Claymore: "If this is how it is going to be, if we have to fight in order to change Equestria for the better then I am content."
>>11652We're not here to fight.
We're here to ask you to stop this and turn yourself in.
Claymore, you of all ponies should know your father would not want this, he wants you back.
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>>11652"For the better, is it? How strange that ponies like you never see the evil they unleash or wield themselves. And never take responsibility. It is always the others who have to pay for 'the better' while the likes of you sit on their comfortable throne.
But it is not too late. You can still make the right choice and stop this and help protect Equestria like so many others do. With good deeds and hard work."
>>11653>>11654 "I'm sorry Epic Mount, I know Gold Grail would want me back but this is how it was meant to be. Long ago I was discovered as a small child among a wreckage with nopony around. It was a foreign ambassador who found me, Red Winter's father. On that day I met Red Winter and she felt so sorry for me and promised one day she would make this place safe once more. I was then taken to Canterlot and I vowed the same promise and joined the Knights of Equestria. Years upon years we had planned to make this a better world while the knights failed to keep Equestria safe with this power of Friendship. Now after all this time we have the answer to keep everypony safe and to overthrow our useless overlords..."
He points his sword at Epic Mount.
Claymore: "You of all people should know this and what potential this could bring. You had your family struck from you as well. Just think if we had the power of strength rather frienship? Us both could still be with our families but we know now that is too late. Instead I do this for everypony out there so that they will never lose another loved one..."
Red Winter laughs at Summer Rye, seeing his words as foolish and empty
Red Winter: "You'll understand soon enough what we are going to bring, Claymore knows it already. It is you holding back Equestria, not us!"
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>>11655You're right, I was taken from my family. It could of been provented. But that doesn't mean it's right for us to take that power away from others just as we were taken away from our families.
And just as sad things has happened to us, so have good things! You were adopted by Gold Grail, he wants me to bring you home, he's putting his duties as a father first before as a knight. You are surrounded by knights who respect you.
I myself chose to be alone in Everfree Forest until friendship was forced onj to me by a purple unicorn and her friends. Now I'm surrounded by many good friends who contribute their strength onto mine. I've done what I can to make Equestria a better place for others, not by might, but what is right.
And I bet deep down you know that war is not the right answer for Equestria, it's never the right answer. Imagine how many foals will end up just like us due to Red Winters lust for power.
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>>11657>>11656Claymore: "I'm sad Epic Mount, sad that you don't see what needs to be done."
He pulls over the mask on his armored helm and ready his sword.
Claymore: "We are on the verge of the new world all that is standing in the way is my student. This will be my last lesson to impart upon you, the importance of strength."
Critical: "He won't face you alone. I don't know much about this friendship stuff but I know that I won't abandon Epic Mount or Summer Rye in their time of need. We are going to face the end of Equestria together whether or not you like it." EncounterClaymore
LVL: 7
B:20 M:8 C:6
Sword Play:20 6
Telekinesis:20 6
Quirks: ?
After that Claymore reaches for his necklace and tugs on it, causing it to glow a blinding light that revealed that there was now two Claymore.
>Claymore used a mirror enchantment on himself. During this time the party can attack Claymore but have a 1d2 chance of hitting the clone. The clone has the same stats but has half of the users current HP. No.11659
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"Such wasted power..."
Rye takes his pitchfork and attacks Claymore - or at least tries to.
>>11658I'd rather die protecting the Harmony of Equestria than see it in ruin by war.
>Prepares to fight.We may not have the Elements of Harmony, but you're with just another tyrant that needs to be taken down.
>>11659Rye goes in for the first attack and the Claymore's look ready for a long and hard battle.
Rye Body
1d12 = 7 Farm
1d20 + 1d4 = 15 VS Claymore Body
1d20 = 17On hit
1d2 = 2 2=Clone
>>11660Epic Mount goes in for a strike at his master, the two ready to fight. Not only did their hooves clash but this was as well a battle of ideologies for the future.
Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 9 Mart
1d12 + 1 = 12 VS Claymore Body
1d20 = 9 1d2 = 1Critical attacks as well.
Crit Mind
1d20 = 4 Gamb
1d20 + 1d4 = 8 VS Claymore Body
1d20 = 9 1d2 = 2 No.11663
>>11661Only Epic Mount was able to land a hit onto Claymore and he managed to actually hit the real one...
Claymore HP: 16
The two Claymores go in to attack...
Claymore Body
1d20 = 11 SP
1d20 + 1d6 = 15 VS Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 8 Def
1d20 + 1d4 = 22>>11662Crit: "Urgh, not yet the fucker's fast!"
The Clone goes in to attack Rye...
Clone: Mind
1d8 = 1 Energy Beam
1d20 = 13 Vs Rye Body
1d12 = 8 No.11667
>>11663Claymore locks his blade itno Epic Mounts armor but thankfully it does not cut through and only leaves a gaping hole.
Claymore: "I would like to take credit I taught you well but we both know it was time in the Everfree that made you strong like this. Time alone and away from friendship."
Rye was hit pretty badly by a burning energy beam that burnt a patch into his hide.
Rye HP: 9
>>11664Epic Mount goes for a retaliatory strike
Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 2 Mart
1d12 + 1 = 7 VS Claymore Body
1d20 = 5 1d2 = 2>>11665Rye goes in for another attack as he ignores the pains he felt.
Rye Body
1d12 = 9 Farm
1d20 + 1d4 + 1 = 20 VS Claymore Body
1d20 = 5 1d2 = 1Critical goes ahead and uses a healing potion on Rye...
Rye HP 19.
>>11667Both the Clone and Claymore was hit. Rye hit Claymore so hard that his armor shattered into pieces when he fell to the ground...
Clone HP: 7
Claymore HP: 0
The clone keeps moving and uses its healing potion on Claymore who now got back up with his forehead bleeding badly. So much so that a stream of crimson covered one of his eyes.
Claymore HP: 14
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>>11667>Keeps fighting[Banter]
You only tutored me for barely a week and I'm already besting you with my natual skills.
But you did taught me one thing, theres more to being a knight than shiny armour, chivalry and legacy.
It's about protecting toher ponies, fighting for whats right and for the protection of others no matter how impossible the challenge. Qualities that I've grown up with!
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>>11669"Please, surrender. There is no need for you to get more hurt!"
>>11670Epic Mount tries to mentally damage him.
Quirks Discovered on Claymore: Pained Past, Oath to Order.
>Meaning he responds to honor as well as his troubled past.[Awkward]
Epic Mount Charm
1d10 - 1 = 7 Bant
1d4 - 1 = 0 VS
[Oath to Order]
Claymore Mind
1d8 - 1 = 2>>11671Claymore is now leaning against his sword as he coughed up blood that splattered below him as tiny droplets. Red Winter watches the battle from her throne but she does not show any pity for her supposed childhood friend.
Claymore: "I will not stop... I will keep fighting you. I will avenge my parents against the world that took them away."
>>11673Hearing Epic's words threw off Claymore and this would affect his clone too. Still though they go in to attack.
Claymore Body
1d20 - 7 = 10 SP
1d20 + 1d6 - 7 = 16 VS Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 12 Def
1d20 + 1d4 = 21Clone Mind
1d8 - 7 = -1 Beam
1d20 - 7 = 7 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 1 No.11675
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>>11673"What would they say... seeing you like this...."
Rye tries to throw himself in front of Crit to take the hit.
>>11674Claymore tries to attack Epic Mount but his target dodges quickly which causes Claymore to stumble to the ground. He is once again forced to pick himself back up and seeing the party wonders how many times he had to do this in his life metaphorically and literally.
The Clone does manage to make its attack land on Critical but the damage is minimal.
Crit HP: 17
>>11675The attack already lands but Claymore still responds.
Claymore: "It doesn't matter what... Golden Grail would think.:
He turns around to face them with his battered visage.
Claymore: "When this is all said and done they'll know the truth and that Red Winter was right..."
>>11673>Epic doesn't want to fight Claymore anymore (but will defend himself if he must). He hopes he can break-through and reason with him.What about the parent that took you in? Gold Grail? Does he mean nothing to you?
Your parents maybe gone, but you still have a father. Thats one difference between us that I don't have.
Talk about striking a chord IRL, given I too never had a Dad. No.11679
>>11677Hey if things get too hard for you, let me know. I always want to make sure my players are emotionally invested in my RP but I don't want to make you really sad. limps over to Epic Mount without saying anything. He dragged his left hoof across the floor to which the party will realize that he was fighting with a broken limb. Despite that he keeps his sword gripped in his mouth and swings it.
Claymore Body
1d20 = 15 SP
1d20 + 1d6 = 19 VS Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 5 Def
1d20 + 1d6 = 12>>11678Rye attacks seeing that Claymore's only response was more violence.
Rye Body
1d12 = 6 Farm
1d20 + 1d4 + 1 = 23 VS Claymore Body
1d20 = 15 No.11680
>>11679Epic wasn't ready for the sudden attack and Claymore's sword lodges itself into Epic Mount's shoulder which caused him insufferable pain. The blue of his jacket was now darkened to a red color and he could barely stand as it is.
Rye sees this and knocks Claymore clear across the room. Claymore gets back up and starts to limp towards the party until he finally dropped down and was unable to move anymore. The Clone also vanished
Red Winter: "Hmph, even as a high ranking knight Claymore has still proven useless to me."
It's OK, I'm not emotionally invested in my dad either given he never emotionally invested in me.>>11679>Epic motions Rye to stop. He can take a hit from Claymore and willing to carry him if needed.Even if it's not a cause I believe in, you still fought for what you believe in and thats great honour. No doubt about that.
I am sorry for your loss, the pain of being an orphan is something that never leaves you. But you are not alone. Gold Grail really wants you back. Not as your commander, but as your father. Please do not take that away from him.
>>11680>Epic winced in pain, but still ment what he said. Despite the attack he let Claymore rest on him. No.11682
>>11680He may have been a knight that turned against us, but he is still a knight who fought with honour.
>Winced in pain and grabbed his wound.And some friend you turned out to be. You don't care for the well being of Equestria or a greater-power for it, you just want power.
>>11681Claymore was still awake and holing on as best he could. His breathing was heavy and he couldn't focus his eyes on anypony. Red Winter laughs at the sight of the war torn party who pitied the traitorous knight.
>>11682>>11683Red Winter: "You're right I have no heart and I only wanted power. Growing up I later realized that having a friend in the order of knights was a good foothold to start an insurrection so I started to implant the idea in Claymore that Equestria needed to be saved and he fell for it hook line and sinker. The poor thing probably felt like he owed me for saving him from the wilderness."
Hearing this Claymore's eyes widened as he learned that he was only used for his entire life. The one friend he had turned out to be a manipulator hungry for power and that he had abandoned his order and his father for nothing but a tyrant. Knowing this tears welled in his eyes as he figured out the gravity of his mistake and how it was hopeless for him to fix it.
Red Winter: "But this has surely gone on long enough. You ponies have quite overstayed your welcome in my castle and my soon to be kingdom."
>Epic took out one of his potions, drank most of it and splashed the rest on his wound. Whenever splashing it on wounds actually applies the healing effect or not, he was sure he looked like a badass doing it.>Epic took out his other potion and gave it to Rye.Here, please give this to Claymore.
>>11684No, no I don't think it will be.
I'm here, I'm still standing and I'm still ready to fight.
>>11685>>11686She laughs at him and starts to use the throne to stir up a storm inside the throne room. The storm and winds get so bad that they are swept up into the air and pressed against the walls.
Red Winter: "Ah ha ha! I'll kill you all and take this land for myself."
The walls and floors started to crack apart and the throne surged a with a magic glow
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>>11688Rye moved in the direction of Red Winter, then suddenly stopped and pulled the invisbility cloak around him, standing perfectly still - hoping he could get a free hit on her in as she passed by.
>>11688Crit: "Right I got you, just try not to get hit by some lightning bolt."
Both Rye and Critical climb up the room by pulling themselves up by the stone pillars. Critical starts to hit force field with his cards and she started to try to hit Critical and Rye with hail to stop them.
>>11689They have to climb up there and he puts on the invisibility cloak. Red Winter does not move though because she sits on the throne.
>>11691The party was well in place and all that was left now was for Epic Mount to use his Hammer's lighting bolt.
>>11693>>11694Time seems to slow down as the bolt of lightning jumps across the room and smacks into the throne. The storm stops and Red Winter looked confused as the magic energy built up in the throne. Suddenly it explodes causing a massive green energy wave to envelope her and the party as the entire throne room and the City of Stratus to fall apart. Once the magic wave hits the party everything goes black for them and they see nothing after that...
Equestria was saved.
>Will post end results in next post. No.11696
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Well done!
>>11695 surviving Equestria fleet got to witness the city of Stratus crash down into the shoreline of the of the Bug Bear Territory. After several days of searching through out the rubble, they were not able to find any pony who among the ruins. Eventually the knights left without the heroes that saved the day and had to return to Canterlot after a week's worth of searching. After the threat was now over the land had collectively gave a sigh of relief as now they were no longer under any threat.
KnightsAfter the traitorous behaviour of some of their kin, most ponies did not have a high opinion of the knights. This caused them to go deeper into hiding and less out in the public eye. Golden Grail was devestated at what had become of his order but more so when he was given word that his son could not be found. Things got more difficult for the knights but perhaps one day some pony can change that for them.
StalliongradAfter the incident Stalliongrad denied any invlovement with Red Winter and even helped with the investigation of Stratus City with the knights. Ultimately this helped relations with Stalliongrad and Equestria.
Galloping Horse OutpostAfter the party had saved the farms in the Galloping Horse, the village quickly grew into its own independent town. Life here got much better and there's been stories of a young colt who got his cutie mark because the party showed him how to be brave.
Fell Knights and Stalliongrad SoldiersThose that worked for Red Winter found themselves without leadership and went into hiding where they would quietly integrate with society. Many of the fell knights that survived were either caught and banished out of Equestria for treason or started their lives as regular ponies who got married and raised families without any desire to do anything like that again.
CanterlotAfter the incident Canterlot became much more safe than what it was previously and it was all thanks to the party. Blazen Path started to begin a new series of research to hopefully get his name into the Canterlot archives which he eventaully does. He chalks up his success on planar movement due to getting inspiration of the adventurous behavior of the party.
The Mane 6After hearing the news that the party was not coming back home, the Mane 6 mourned their loss and would never forget Epic Mount, Critical Hit, and Summer Rye. One particular shy pony was especially sadden by the loss of Epic Mount. Unfortunately for the Mane 6, the map had called them into a dangerous region to go fix a friendship problem so once again their duties were called upon.
Rye's FarmWith the money Rye had been saving up to help the farm, his parents were able to fix up the place and make it flourishing once more. This was of course no replacement for the son they had lost.
The EndWith all that Equestria was made into a better place thanks to the sacrifice of the party. Many could sleep well at night knowing that there wasn't any agents in the darkness to undermine their nation. This was not though the end as forces in the background were well at work to regain his control and once again attempt to conquer Equestria.
To Be Continued in Tails of Equestria Part 2
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So ends the tale of Summer Rye.