No.321[Last 50 Posts]
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d10 = 4
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>>331>>332holy ufkcing shit audio webms actually work here this is an extremely pleasant surprise
too bad the only other one i have is like 45 mb, and it was a yozakura quartet one too
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it sure takes some time getting used to this
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I blame myself for this.
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>>346Sshh, there there Keeper
It's okay.
Everyone blames you.
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>>346I was gonna end up being a meme anyways!
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>>347>>348>>349I'm glad we're all here by the way. It's nice to see that there's not much stopping us from being together.
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>>350Keeper, did something happen?
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>>351Nope. Just happy to have loving friends.
>>352 No.355
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>>353Are you sure?
Because you can't just go and make this post
>>346And follow it up like nothing isn't happening.
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>>354>>355But Layton! The Context!
These posts!
>>339 >>340
>>341 >>342
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>>356Getting used to posting here is going to take a bit.
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>>355>>356I would like to second a touch of legitimate concern without knowing the context.
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Well that quells my worries then!
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>>358It really is nothing. I was just trying to be silly, dear friend!
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>>360Don't worry, Keeper. I will always be here to miss the jokes for you.
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>>359>>361>>362The Boys Are Back In Town!
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>>364Where's your name friend?
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>>365Excuse me, sir. I seem to have lost my name. Have you seen it?
>>366 No.368
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>>366>>367Did you drop it on the way over?
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>>368I suppose I must have. But it was such a long journey.
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>>369Are you thinking about getting it back? Or remaining nameless?
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>>370Sounds like another journey entirely.
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movie time! in a few
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>>371A journey for another time, perhaps?
>>373I'm ready!
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>>374I am happy by the way that you accepted your fated keepavatar
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>>375I actually started to watch Teekyu too! This girl is absolutely ridiculous.
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>>377Have you watched it?
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>>378Not much, just a few
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>>379I like that it's so short. Being able to watch multiple in less than 10 minutes is so nice.
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Well if I learned anything from that movie, it was that dumps are pretty romantic. Anyways!
d10 = 2
1 Hobo with a Shotgun (Earthed)
2 Fifty First Dates (Zef)
3 Garden of Words (Layton)
4 5 Centimeters Per Second (Layton)
5 Silver Linings Playbook (Wheat)
6 Zombie Nation (Sunny)
7 BridesMaids (Keeper)
8 Waitress 2007 (Keeper)
9 The Lives of Others (Sunny)
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>everybody is playing XCOM2
>I'm just starting Enemy Within for the first time
>St. John's Mission
>Send my A-Team
>Going well
>Too well
>Find the cargo ship and whale
>I know a trap when I see one
>Set up a kill zone around ship
>Clear the ship with two assaults for Run-and-Gun
>Find the whale, bottom assault gtfo's and joins the kill team
>Top assault sprints to push the button
>Oh God I didn't think Chryssalids moved so far
>Top assault barely makes it back across the line after a couple bad pokes and blowing through two medkits
>Withdraw in stages shooting the horde
>Injured dash away and healthy thin the enemies
>three turns left
>almost to extract
>last unpoked heavy and an injured support pulling up the rear
>Both get surrounded and trapped by 7 injured Chryssalids
>Extraction is close enough for only 1 person to escape
>Rest of the squad is at one poke and will be caught up with next turn
>Everybody is out of ammo
>Heavy hasn't had a chance to fire his rocket
>one grenade left in the squad
>in the hands of a poisoned assault at his last health tick
>trapped medic has last medpak
>Quick check, medic will still have 1 health left after getting grenaded and the bug blocking his way will be blown up
>medic runs out and un-poisons assault
>Heavy blasts the ground under him with the rocket
>Smoke clears and heavy is the last one standing at one tick of health
>Everybody barely makes it to extract except the heavy
>Last turn last move
>Get to the EVAC point NOW!
>Heavy dashes in to extract with only one square in
>The airstrike comes the moment his turn ends
>Everybody survived
>Everybody was gravely wounded
>Everybody got a promotion
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>>386Fifty First Shady Dates
>>387Welcome to XCOM.
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>>387An admirable job, Commander.
The council is watching.
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A slight change in the movie night list!
We're still watching 50 First Dates, but sunny wanted to replace one of the movies that was on the list with something else, so now Zombie Nation is no longer in the list and instead is replaced with Teekyuu Uncut.
>>390I liked it.
It was tough but man, playing through it the first time was tense and spoopy.
>>391I might not be able to make it!
Going back home this weekend and might be driving home that time.
>>391This is something layton and sunny came up with?
Should I be concerned?
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>>392Oh, really? That sucks! If you still want to watch it with us, I don't mind rerolling for another movie if everyone's okay with it.
>>393Nah, you shouldn't be concerned that sunny and I came up with it because we didn't.
It was just sunny!
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>UFO Defense Mission
>EMP generator on the other side of the map
>Already at a significant disadvantage, cover is heavily against my favor
>Lose 2 soldiers right off the bat due to unlucky shots
>One was my Medic Specialist
>Donk Brozo dies to a Berserker
>Zefarian panics after seeing him get pummeled
>Throws grenade into Commander's feet, killing him and another soldier instantly
>Down to a few Squaddies desperately trying to defend the ship
>Keep fighting, not going to let this mission be a failure
>Somehow the Rookies I keep getting are getting incredibly lucky shots
>Manage to send Earthed and another Heavy behind enemy lines to destroy the EMP
>Waves after waves after waves after waves after waves after waves of enemies come and go
>After the Generator is destroyed, I try to run everyone back on the ship
>In doing so, I lose Earthed and my best Sniper.
>When Earthed dies, two more soldiers panic and run out of the ship's evac zone
>holding on for two more turns before they stop panicking
>get everyone who's alive on board
>see that I killed 40 aliens
>lost 6 soldiers, 6 more wounded
>I don't get any items from the mission. No bodies or anything
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>>396I shouldn't even be having this much difficulty with Veteran. (Normal)
Why is this happening to me
>>396Oh man now you're farther than me too.
I haven't gotten the defense thing yet.
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>>398I don't even think I'm that far. I only just got MAG weapons a while ago. Haven't even done the first Blacksite yet. AVATAR is up to 7 bars.
It just feels like I'm not even playing on the difficutly I selected. It feels like I'm playing on the one above Veteran honestly.
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>>399Just some absolute rotten luck with the Dark Events.
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XCOM Skill!
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>>414S'all right. how are you?
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>>422Testing again: >>422 No.429
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>>422>>423>>ect.Well there's a name I remember.
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i post
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>>434I boop
>>435I say hello
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>>436I scoop.
fixed for you
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>>439I'm glad you're well.
I want to say "not great" and "great" at the same time. I feel like it could go either way.
the best word I can come up with to describe what I am right now is pbbbltbthbtfhfahfhrhgghfhfjrbglargalargabffffffppt.
>>440I'm scooped.
How are you?
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>>441What is the great and not great today?
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>>441you've also been hooped
Been fine, have been doing quite a bit of stuff with grad schools and possibly jobs but otherwise doing alright. Lot of XCOM though.
Currently back at home home helping sister with the SAT.
How goes the ppbbbthghtrawr?
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>>443That's good to hear. You're a smarty pants ♥
>>442>>443Well… my boyfriend broke up with me the night before Valentine's.
I had already broken up with him a few weeks before due to that one night. He was so earnest about getting better that I guess I decided to gamble and give him a chance to surprise me. Now that he's had time to think due to our more distanced, recovering relationship, he's come to agree with why I made the initial decision to break it off. He's noticed a lot of the old habits coming back, whispering in his ear, etc.
To elaborate, I broke it off with him because he wasn't mentally well, and maintaining a relationship was proving to be way too much to ask of him at this point in time in his life. He has an incredibly unforgiving and time consuming photography program, he has to work at a shitty, abusive place when he has free time in order to survive, he has to make connections at school for his future career, his LGBT club is falling apart at the seams due to his lack of availability and the stress of some unruly newcomers… and then there's me. I support him and help him with his problems 90% of the time, which is by itself not very healthy in what is supposed to be a back-and-forth, and the other 10% of the time where I seek support from him, he gets frustrated at my weakness (relative to his demanding life) and says some very unsympathetic things, which drive me further down.
There are a lot more things, like his distancing behaviour (flirting way too much and too seriously) which hurt me, and he recognized that he was just hurting me way too much and that it wasn't fair to me. It also wasn't fair to him for me to expect him to act as if he didn't have the severe issues he does.
I thought we were doing well, so this comes as an unpleasant surprise.
TLDR; I broke up with him, he pleaded, I caved. Now, he broke up with me, for most of the same reasons, and we've decided to remain semi-distant friends (he wanted to be closer but I can't play games with my heart like that).
Our lives are both very demanding, I'm doing okay healthwise but he's falling apart, he's much more fresh from his awful experiences in life than I am so I've had more time to recover, it's not realistic or fair to expect a relationship to exist where one person is doing well and expends little effort to be a good partner, and the other is not doing well and must exert a lot of energy to be a good partner. I've noticed that whenever he gets to spend a lot of time by himself, he starts to get better, and when I show up again, regardless of whether we talk about the relationship or our lives or just watch movies, he feels worse and the bad feelings return.
So… I have mixed feelings. It's good cause the relationship was taking away from our lives rather than contributing to it at this point, and when we were, and now are, apart, our lives seemed to improve a lot and we got much more organized and relaxed. There are a lot worse ways that relationships can end than on a consensual basis. It's not like we don't love each other anymore, it's just that we love each other too much to influence each other negatively.
On the other hand… it wasn't all bad. We were really close, and the relationship did make ME happy and confident, despite how taxing it was. I recognize it became unsustainable… but still. I'm sad that this had to happen, I was hoping things would get better for us.
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>>444There's always that interesting adage that in such relationships, it either lasts forever, or just kinda breaks away. It's nice to hear that at the very least you two have a rather mutual agreement to the sort of thing. And I don't know, perhaps you've come out stronger through the whole experience, that you can be loved, even if it wasn't the right person or the right time.
Yeah. It's going to sting. And it'll take time. But I know you're more than capable in handling that.
Rest well, and rejuvenate on your own terms. If things get better between you two, good, if they don't, that's fine too. Just remember to keep yourself.
And we're here to help.
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>>444… I see. Maybe a burden lifted a little, but still not an equation for a happy day.
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>>445Thank you kind stranger ♥
>>446Yes. That relationship between us is done, but I'm so glad that it didn't end in all the ways I thought it might. It was much more calm and reasonable and understanding than I ever thought it would be.
I know now I can be loved, and loved so much too. I only mentioned his stressed out moments, but he did tell me many times that I am the best person he's ever met and other sweet things like that. There were warm moments where he would take all of my traits, compliment every section of who I am with specific reasons as to why they make me great, and put me back together twice as whole.
You don't really forget that. ♥
So yeah. I'm a little broken up over it, but I'm not in despair by any means. And I always have you guys… I'm gonna be hanging out a little more for a while, until I recover.
eheh… sorry for talking so much about my relationship. I swear this was the last post I would mention it.
But, on the plus side, I did spend Friday with my friends! I spent the day with my friend Amy (at the apartment I will move into soon!) just talking about stuff and having a good time, and then we went to our mutual friends' Clairy and Vannessa's apartment. It was a lot of fun! I drank a little bottle of pop-wine with bagels and fettuccine alfredo. I got to stay the night there too. I never slept so well on a couch…
There are other negative things though. And this is why I'm so hbfpbfjlbtlfbthg, cause there are a lot of mixed feelings.
I'm moving to a new place. Yay! But I have to amass a lot of money at once, and my parents have none left and are very angry at me for not having enough (not due to overspending btw). Boo. I got to hang with my friends. Yay! But now I have less time to do the mountain of chores and stuff I need to do. Boo. I've been posting my art online again and I'm getting new followers on Tumblr! Yay! But I'm also getting critiques on my art from friends which is discouraging me for some reason (even though I was already aware of what I was fucking up). Boo.
Ah well. I'll be fine… I think. I'll find a way, I always do.
How are you?
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>>444Hey Matias, thanks for sharing with us. I can't imagine the ache that comes with what happened.
I really hope that this relationship did good for the both of you. That you both take heart the lessons that being together has taught you. For now though, please take this time and treat yourself. Do things for you.
I apologize for the late response.
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>>448Right, sorry.
I hope that, in time, you will be able to move on from this experience all the better for it.
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>>449You're all so nice. The ache is not too great, actually. It's there but… it's more like a sobering realization that has been washing over me as time passes. Things I can't do anymore, moments I can't look forward to, things I can't say… but also moments I won't have to have, and fears I won't have to bear. I can focus on myself, and I'm gonna take the opportunity.
The nice thing about him and I having gotten together at a good point in our lives is that going back to being single doesn't seems so bad. I doesn't mean the end of the world. We're both self-sufficient people, we will be okay on our own.
>>450Oh, there you are!
I've learned sooooooo much from it. I feel like I'm a more well-rounded person now.
And now I have a little more time to say hi here and there ✿
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>>452Yes! Today is my "me" day! I'm gonna do my taxes, take a shower (For the first time in 5 days!!), cook for the week, get my homework done, and draw!
While of course taking breaks to play video games.
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>>451Well-rounded but still very busy, I see. Hope you never lose that caring attitude of yours.
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>>451That is amazingly good to hear Matias. I hope you enjoy this time for yourself <3
Play and relax to your heart's content, dear friend.
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>>448What more could you ask for?
And don't worry about talking too much about this.
Not like we talk much about anything else anyways.
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>>454Awwwh! You don't have to worry about that. My attitude comes from my raison d'etre.
I want to watch you play xcom again!
>>455It's definitely been busy, and stress has certainly been a part of it, but busyness doesn't always translate to stress! I haven't had time to shower because I've been working more hours, but working more hours means I have more money and my parents can keep some for themselves! That makes me happy. Plus, work is not usually a bad place to be for me, at least not until the last hour. Or Fridays… those darn high school students.
Yes, I will. Ooh, I'm having so much fun drawing lately, I'm gonna start painting as soon as I get the time this weekend.
>>458Okay, I won't worry. My friends said the same thing at the little get together we had too, hehe. They were like "it's not like we have much else going on. Clairy, what did you do today?" "I ate a burrito." "See?"
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>>462I'll assume that means large heart.
I have beaten XCOM 2 twice now. I would be happy to play videogames for you if you really want to watch.
Been taking care of yourself?
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>>463At my student union's burrito store, hehe. It's a fun place to be, most of the time. We make just about everything from scratch, so I get to learn a lot about cooking. People there are very friendly too, and we talk about world events and science and stuff.
I work 18.5 hours there now, which is 4 more than before! The reason I'm so busy is that I also have college, so I'm there from 7:30 AM to 8 PM on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
>>464Probably a good one, cause she got it from an actual Mexican restaurant near her apartment.
>>465Hehe, it means "reason to live". It's a philosophy term.
Oh sheesh! I wouldn't mind watching! Especially on a hard difficulty…
Yes, I've been getting organized, and I'm playing video games right now!
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>>466Also good!
I'll probably start playing on Legendary soon.
Both good things. And things I also need to do. Sounds like a nice day.
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>>468Well, let's see…
My obligations include the usual daily stuff, cooking, laundry, showering, scheduling, getting my hair trimmed, grocery shopping, contacting places, fixing whatever has gone wrong this month (I still need my condo keys) homework and so on. I have a lot of bills to pay as well so I finance too. I also have been having to go to a health centre in Toronto, but thankfully I don't have to go for three months now. I used to have a relationship too, but now I have more free time.
On Monday, I have a 10 hour day. I wake up at 8:30 AM, and it takes me 30 minutes to walk to school (fast). I am at school from 9:30 AM to 6 PM, then I get home at around 6:30.
On Tuesday, it's about a 6 hour day. I'm at school from 10:30AM to 2:30PM. I do my grocery shopping on these days because the school runs a shuttle bus up to the plaza the grocery stores are at, and we get 10% off at these stores with our ID. It usually takes up about 2 hours of my time to shop for groceries (it's far from my house and I have to hit two stores).
On Wednesday, I'm at school from 7:30 AM to 7:30 PM. Add the hour of walking that day and it's about 13 hours away from home. I usually don't do anything at home these days, I just cook and shower and browse the internet before bed.
Thursdays are just like Wednesdays.
Friday, I'm away from home from 8:30 AM to 3 PM. It's about a 7 hour day.
My weekends are free!
Homework is roughly 3 hours per assignment, and most classes have an assignment every three weeks. Not too bad.
TLDR; I do have a good amount of obligations, but with time management I manage to get free time here and there. Also, the middle of the week is brutal for me.
Sorry, was that TMI? I just feel like yapping away today I guess.
>>467Oooh, look at you! Pro xcom player!
Whenever I see xcom, I remember you, cause you're so obsessed with it. ♥
It's a nice day, yes. Well, sans my dad being angry with me over skype today. Money problems… sigh. But it's okay right now, so I focus on that.
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>>469That's… probably all right.
Speaking of, you were in my last campaign. You won it.
Money. Always with the money, this world. I have to start figuring out my bills.
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>>469I wouldn't have asked about it if it was too much! What did you need to do at the health center?
That is a lot of busy time for a 20 hour week! What are you studying that has you in school for so long?
I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want a thorough answer! I don't talk much so I like people who can yap a little bit.
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>>470Of course I did, I'm da best!
Good thinking on adding me to the group, where would you be without me?
I know… moneymoney. Being an immigrant sucks, because the government makes you pay fees on top of already paying inflated fees for health, education, and identification.
>>471I get my hormones from there! And I take blood tests.
I'm not studying anything I care about at the moment, hehe. I'm just doing a General course which will give me a diploma and then I can work on my own afterward.
It doesn't keep me too busy, really! It's not all school! I'm combining school with work so it doesn't get too confusing, hehe. I work Wednesday to Friday, and I have classes Monday to Thursday. Each class is three hours long. Do the math and…
1 hr prep + 3 hr class + 1 hr walk
1 hr prep + 3 hr class + 1 hr walk + 2 hrs groceries
1 hr prep + 3 hr class + 7 hr work + 1 hr walk
1 hr prep + 3 hr class + 7 hr work + 1 hr walk
1 hr prep + 4.5 hr work + 1 hr walk
12 hrs class, 18.5 hrs work, 4 hrs walking, 2 hours groceries…
26.5 hours away from home per week! Then the rest is homework, chores, organizational stuff, hygiene, cooking, and all the annoying adult stuff like immigration stuff, going to medical centres and western union and so on.
Blahblahblahbalahblahablahalblah. That good enough?
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>>472Wait, I did that math wrong. Dhoy.
36.5 hours…
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>>472Matias the best, Matias can do anything! 0% = 100%!
Dang. At least you've got some income from that job. Well if you ever need to flee the country due to debt collectors you can always stay here. Until I get kicked out or move or something.
>>472>>473Ah, I added wrong too. I was coming close to 50.
How is the immigration process coming along?
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>>474Magic Matias! Watch out!!
Yeah, I make about 800~ a month. Not enough to live, but it helps my parents a lot. I really gotta watch my spending though. I haven't gotten my hair trimmed for a month past when I was supposed to cause of money issues…
>>475Wait. I still did it wrong. let me try again..
1 hr prep + 1 hour group meeting + -6- hrs class + 1 hour intermission + 1 hr walk
1 hr prep + 3 hr class + 1 hr walk + 2 hrs groceries
1 hr prep + 3 hr class + 7 hr work + 1 hr walk
1 hr prep + 3 hr class + 7 hr work + 1 hr walk
1 hr prep + 4.5 hr work + 1 hr walk
5 hours prep, 5 hours walking not 4… 15 hours class, not 12… 18.5 hrs work…
55.5 hours…
Okay, you were right. I thought it sounded off. Okay maybe I don't have that much time? But still! Time management can work wonders!
The immigration process is… not promising at the moment. I don't even know if they will give me a work permit after this program. It's kind of a prep course. I hope for the best. They're supposed to give me 3 years to obtain the right qualifications for permanent residency. (managerial position for 1 year, or skilled work for 2 years)
I have no idea how this is gonna work. But… uh, I've got nothing. My parents have a plan, I think, but they haven't shared it. It must not be too pleasant.
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>>474And I would totally do that, if fleeing to the US was a viable thing to do. The US is not too nice to people trying to enter it!
What is your situation like, Kyle?
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>>476That's still manageable if you're careful with your time!
Ugh, the immigration stuff is such a pain. I was hoping Canada would make it a little easier than that.
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>>476No room for luxuries like that, I guess. Just gotta get a pair of scissors and large hat for when the scissors don't work out.
>>477Yeah… I should move somewhere else.
Oh, it's fine. Like always. My company stopped paying for my housing and bills, though, so I need to get that sorted and look for a new job, I guess. Going to France to visit my sister in May, she'll be in Morocco next week.
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>>478Yeah, it totally is! I just gotta get faster at things and stop getting so distracted.
It would be easier if I had the money to afford its exorbitant tuition fees! I had to pay $17,000 in CAD to be able to go to school here.
>>479Oh jeez! What happened?
Where would you live if you could live anywhere?
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>>480Oh, I thought they said forever, but they actually said two years. And it's been two years on March 3rd. I'm not goin' anywhere, I just have to start paying for everything.
Somewhere cheap. Where I could walk everywhere. And have a job I like. When I think about it I never actually leave my house on my free time, though.
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>>481Oh. Well, shoot. I'm sure you got the skills to pay the bills. Any place would be lucky to have you!
Cheap and walk everywhere? A small town, then? Or like, a cozy apartment in a city?
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>>482Oh I still have the job itself. And they gave me a little raise to make up for it. I just… don't like it.
Mm, whichever one has a job I like. Gotta get that money to live, would be nice to do something I enjoy. Don't think I'd even care that much if I didn't speak the language.
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>>483Aww… What would be something you enjoy?
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>>485heheh, professional xcom player??
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Matias would you recommend living in Toronto?
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>>487Hmm. I haven't lived in the city itself so I wouldn't know. I'll ask around to see if somebody has. Where I live right now is way too expensive (rich people live here), but maybe Mississauga, the town over (which is nicer anyway) would be good. I would recommend the GTA, just don't go to Brampton or Scarborough. Not good places. Hamilton is okay but nothing spectacular. It has a cool underground scene though. The rest, I'm uninformed about.
Oakville (where I live) is pretty great, though a lot of people bash it. It has a weird mixture of conservative old folks and art students galore. Everywhere you go you'll either run into grumpy old farts or rainbow children.
I know a lot of people want to live in the city of Toronto, but it's generally expensive. If you can find a sweet deal or something, that'd work.
So yeah, I would, if you can afford it!
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>>488Woah, lots of choices! I'll definitely stay away from Scarborough, that places sounds sinister. And Brampton too.
GTA? Grand Theft Auto?
Mississauga sounds like a really nice place to live. I'll look into it and see if it looks nice! From what I see on google maps, it looks pretty much like what I'm used to!
And hey, wouldn't be far from you, right? Maybe if I could visit if I do end up going there.
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>>490Yeah. Scarborough is home to the most amount of criminal activity in Canada.
The Greater Toronto Area is tightly wound. I often take buses to Mississauga to see my friend, or to go to the mall. Seeing someone in Mississauga hardly feels like leaving a city. Oakville is very small too, probably one of the smallest areas.
>>489Or maybe just living in a place with good friends would be nice too.
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>>491I'm actually very surprised at how close it all is together. It's like the same amount of time for me to visit any of my friend's house.
How's job opportunities?
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>>492Canada has mostly avoided the recession, but not entirely, and it may end up falling into one anyway. So, jobs are decreasing, but it's not as bad as the United States. You gotta be smart though, there's a lot of competition.
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>>493Even for simple retail jobs? That sounds pretty savage. Jobs here always seem available, since it's like nobody really wants to work and employers are always looking for productive people.
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>>491Maybe. I've mostly lived alone since about half-way through college.
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>>494I'm not sure about all retail jobs, and I guess it depends on the area. In places with a lot of traffic, yeah. In corner shops and stuff, it's probably not too hard. You in particular would probably not find too hard a time, you have the social skills and the looks to make it.
Yeah, since we're near a major city and the capital of the country, there's a lot of people. There's also a lot of major companies and schools here. The people who move to these cities tend to be ambitious types. The rest stay in small towns usually.
Like I said though, you'll be fine. I'm just saying there aren't necessarily jobs-a-plenty, so don't expect it to be easy, but don't expect it to be soul-crushingly hard either. There are a good amount of lazy people here too.
>>495Do you prefer to be alone?
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>>496It's easier, to be sure. I'm not good at people.
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>>496Ah, that makes me a little relieved. I do hope that I'll be able to find a nice opportunity there IF I do manage to get there in the first place, hehe.
I was thinking about applying to the University of Toronto, so that I could live with my girl in Toronto, if you were wondering why I was asking all of this. I don't want to put too much strain on her to move out of the country, and I'm pretty tired of the US, so going to Canada was the only logical choice.
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>>497Aww. You seem so witty when we talk on Skype though! I can't imagine you being "bad" at having friends.
>>498The US has become an even stranger place since I left it… It wouldn't be a bad idea. Canada wants young people.
It's important that you're aware of how much harder it is to move to Canada from the US. For whatever reason, the Canadian government stacks the deck against you a bit. Going through College is the best way to do it, but they're gonna inflate the prices a lot. I don't know what Canada has against Americans, just be aware of that. It's not impossible, it's just a money thing.
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>>499Talking to people sometimes is fine and all, but walking into my living room and seeing another person there face-to-face all the time would put me on edge 24/7. Not that I would never do it because it's a fiscally smart idea to share the expenses, but going solely by preference, to actually want to live with someone it would have to be someone I could actually relax around.
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>>500Aww, poor Kyle…
Yeah, it's something that takes time to get used to. It takes patience too, some people really have trouble keeping their stress to themselves.
What I meant by "living in a place with good friends" wasn't living with them as roommates, I meant it more as living in an area with nice friends you can spend time with regularly.
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>>501Yeah, around most people I would just have to keep the mask on all the time. Not very fun.
Oh. Friends are nice.
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>>502I'm sure you could do it though. I don't think a mask is necessary either! Most of the problems probably won't be personal, they're usually about how they deal with chores and communicating problems in my experiences. They could be completely unrelatable or a downer, but if they pay on time and do their part without an issue, it's usually not a bad experience.
Anyway, you'll cross that bridge if you come to it. I think you would be a fine roommate!
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>>503Yeah, I know. I've had roommates in college. I can do it, I just prefer living alone better. Or at least in my own room. I like my privacy.
I'm the kind of roommate you don't see for three days until you catch a glint of him in the corner of your eye one night in the kitchen before he scuttles back to his room.
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>>504Oh, I figured. You're older than me anyway, I'm sure you know these kinds of things.
hehe, I don't like to socialize with my roommates either. I'm pretty silent, believe it or not. I do all of my socializing outside!
I say hi to them sometimes to not seem rude, but in all honesty I'm not fond of the pair I live with. Living with them hasn't been a nightmare necessarily, but wow they are kinda… rough. They argue with each other a lot and use me as a scapegoat when something goes wrong, or at least they did, until I got serious about telling them off. Wish they didn't drag me into their dumb stuff all the time, but whatever, I'm so indifferent at this point. Pbblttt.
I've had good roommates, but it seems to be that they're either really aggressive, or have severe mental issues that lead to a lot of problems in communication. Whenever I visit people's houses, I get so jealous over their roommates. I've been at my recent boyfriend's house so many times, and each time his roommates were a dream. They're actually friends! What the hell!
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>>505Probably don't know as much as you think.
Different strokes for different folks. Some people actually communicate well to each other through argument, to think! Still, I hate being anywhere around conflict as well. And don't even get me started on making eye contact with people.
Heh, I roomed with people that were already my friends and I was still a shut in.
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>>506It's okay! You're still great. I hope this stuff does come to be more comfortable for you though, just in case it's necessary at any point in the future.
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>>507Ah, that's all fine. Such is life.
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>>511Afternoon, Commander. How're you?
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>>512M'all right. But the real question here is how are you?
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>>513Just.. sad, I guess. Recent circumstances forced me to do something I didn't want to do and now I'm kind of eating myself from the inside out.
Also it's Valentines day. Happy Valentines Day, commander.
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>>514I also have been forced to deal drugs to make rent from time to time. Crime is defined by the laws of society, which has been defined by men, who are fallible. Whatdya do?
Ah, such a lovely time. Is it not?
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>>515It's nothing as big as that, thank God. I'd have fucked up that business anyways.
But no, it's just a matter of personal relationships. For the sake of my friendship with my best friend, I need to keep my distance from them, because I have not been the most emotionally stable person the past couple of weeks. Paranoia, reading too much into things, thoughts of suicide, everything that would strain a relationship between two people.
And they understand. They know that I have to do this for us and they're doing their best to help me too. But this is at the cost of us spending time together.
I miss them, Commander. They're just a text message away, sure, but they know and I know that I'm not ready yet. So, they're forcing themselves to not respond to anything I say. I want to talk to them again and have fun like old times, but I need to get over this hurdle I built up the last couple of weeks.
Valentine's Day for me doesn't look so lovely where I'm standing, honestly.
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>>516I think that would be a bit reassuring, wouldn't it? To know that when you are ready they will be there for you. You already know who's at the finish line, just gotta hurdle yourself there.
A view shared by many about this day. Heh, certainly not alone there.
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>>517Ah, true. That's certainly a way of looking at it that I've never considered. You're right, it really is reassuring. Thank you, Commander.
Honestly, if i were of legal drinking age, I'd probably be drunk off my ass with chocolate by now.
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>>518I hope it does help. And you know if you need to talk about either stuff or things on your mind we're here too.
I am sometimes glad that I never picked up drinking.
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>>519Yeah, I know you guys are always here. And I'm glad you're all my friends. Kind of hard to believe I went the longest time without talking to you guys back on Ponychan.
I'll be honest, I'll probably only drink sometimes when the event calls for it. Other than that, I plan to be the designated driver and helping everyone get home safe.
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>>520We're pretty intimidating. I don't blame you.
It is a nice feeling, being responsible.
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>>520>>521Getting drunk is also a nice feeling though.
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Wait… Is that who I think it is?
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>>522Wouldn't know, myself, heh.
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>>523It is Cmdr, if that is who you're thinking of!
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>>524>>525Yay! Wait… how in the world did test become a social place? :P
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>>526Sometimes I make serials when I'm bored.
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/test/ has always been a place of meeting.
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>>529Actually I think it's always been a place of testing.
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>>532No it hasn't. Don't lie.
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>>533Oh am I… testing your patience?
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>>532That does not matter. Nobody can stop me.
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Well, that was an Adam Sandler movie.
Anyways time for the next movie!
d8 = 1
1 Hobo with a Shotgun (Earthed)
2 Garden of Words (Layton)
3 5 Centimeters Per Second (Layton)
4 Silver Linings Playbook (Wheat)
5 Teekyuu Uncut(Sunny)
6 BridesMaids (Keeper)
7 Waitress 2007 (Keeper)
8 The Lives of Others (Sunny)
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>>535If they tried would you become… testy?
>>536A romance for the ages.
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>>536>>538I would become Secret /test/ Thead #49: Movie Night General.
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>>537>>539Well that's just not right.
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>>529Records Keeper!
>>539>>540>>536So this is a thing now?!
Kewl! I'm in!
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>>541I suppose so.
It's nice to see you again, Piercing.
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>>542Good to see you too, Cmdr. How've you been?
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>>541I could have sworn I told you this was a thing.
Who the hell did I tell this was a thing…?
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>>543Ah, probably about the same. Never much one for change. Workin' and livn' and not much of note. How have you been?
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>>540>>541Pierceman! How does it go?
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>>546Somehow lost my name.
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I am here too!
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>>546>>547It happens.
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>>545Busy, but relaxing for now. Went to college, back visiting home for a bit while I get my health back (stupid chronic lyme). So, hopefully I can head back in the fall.
>>546Pretty chill. I'm having fun just messing around with random things.
>>548>*Flufflepuff-like gasp* No.552
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>>550Sounds like a good time, sort of. How'd you like college? How ya feelin'?
>>551Hey Zefarian. How ya doin'?
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>>552I'm alright. Back at apartment.
How's you?
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>>553I'm alright. Still at the apartment. Have a nice day?
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>>551How've you been man!!
>>552Lovin' it so far. Surprisingly, the college part is the easiest part (probably because I've been supernaturally blessed with the ability to learn easily and write good work in a single swift draft).
The hard part was the whole life thing. Getting a job in Utah was particularly annoying. Of all the places I've done business and looked for jobs, Utah, by far, was the scummiest, cheap-skatiest of all. Normally I can get $30-$50 an hour for my programming/graphics/etc skills, and I can find it within a week. But in Utah? A college filled state? Where the market is flooded with college grads? Where businesses think every 23 year-old is a recent CS grad who's inexperienced and doesn't know what they're worth?
…after 3 months of searching for any openings.
It was stupid.
Anyway, I've decided that I'll be coming home to florida for summers to make two to three times as much as I would if I worked year round out there. It also makes it easier to schedule classes cause I don't have to worry about work.
Long story short, Utah is a terrible place to live. But the university there (BYU is where I'm going) is fantastic. There are wonderful people everywhere, the teachers are fun and brilliant, I have tons of friends. I love it!
I'll probably be going into a music program for either my major or minor because that's what I love, and for some reason, that's the major all of my best friends from there are in.
TL;DR - Love it at college, hate living in Utah. I want to study at least music, but other things are also amazingly attractive options.
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>>554Rather busy day.
Got Laundry, and then vacuumed the house and then helped sister with homework at which point went to lunch with parents came back, mopped floors, got gas and bought supplies for sister. Then I drove back to campus
So stuff has been done.
How's yours?
>>555It's been going alright. I don't know what to say really. Been going to classes, working in lab, and trying to find either work or graduate school after graduating
And I suppose that happens when you've got a big work pool. Lot of cheap undergraduate labor.
Hope things go better for you at least!
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>>555Well that sounds mostly good! I'm glad to hear it. And it sounds like the setup you've got is even easier than working year-round. Keep the good times rolling!
You did always make some nice music.
>>556Ah yes, domestic chores along the lines of the things I should have done. How's it feel to be back?
I thought about doing the things you did, but then I didn't.
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>>556Thanks! Things are getting better as I'm recovering slowly from things.
>>557Yep! And thanks! I'm really loving making music. Currently I'm totally obsessed with the music from Steven Universe. I even bought a ukulele so that I could try to figure out the songs by ear. Now after only a week I can play a ton of songs :P
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>>558I watched an episode of that once. In years past. I did like the music from from that. Very simple and calm. Most of the time.
I think you might have some musical affinity. Maybe.
>>557My parents like to say got to use the free labor while they can.
It was really nice. My Uncle, Aunt and cousin from my mother's side visited and I got to see them which was really nice.
You should probably do them
>>558Soon you will be harder, better, faster, stronger.
Love and Death and Life and Birth and Peace and War on the planet Earth.
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>>560Mine too, I think. Good to hear. Sounds like a pretty relaxing break from the schooling. Ready for work?
Mmm, neh.
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>>559That's my guess too. :P
>>560Dm7, G, Am, C
Is there anything worth more than…I severely nerded out at all of the musical details in that scene. Solfege, correct uke position animated, Peridot following perfectly… Just… guh… No.563
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>>562What do you think you want to do with all that fancy learnin'?
Kinda want to play more XCOM.
That last mission was tense.
What about you? ready for work?
>>562Heh. really reminded me of my sister. She has perfect pitch too, and has done the whole naming off the notes to a song.
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>>563Who knows. I can do a lot of things. Pretty much anything I want really, but I want to be able to support a family, so I'm going to need to choose something that pays enough for that.
>>564I wish I had perfect pitch. If you ask me to produce any note, I can, but if you ask me to recognize one that I hear, I can't. I'm practicing though. Hopefully one day I can teach myself perfect pitch.
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>>564Good stuff! On veteran the whole campaign came down to one 70% shot. On Commander it was 60%. How'd you do?
>>565That is always the catch, it seems. But you've already got an income!
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>>566I've also got an outgo.
>tuitionbookstuitionbookstuitionbookstuitionbookstuitionbookstuitionbooks intensifies No.568
>>565produce the brown note!
And certainly would be useful in transcribing.
>>566 Well got to the end, encountered the first avatar.
"Oh Okay, I meet them one at a time. I can take this nice and slow"
Then the reinforcements come
"Oh well I see how this is."
So I do an okay job of sort of picking off the reinforcements while targeting the avatars. Hacked one of the heavy mechs, low injuries except my grenadier which they all seemed to like to focus.
Made a grievous error in mind controlling a chrysalid to take some pressure off that pod ( I thought the rest of them would attack the mind controlled one)
And then used it to kill a Faceless. That spawned the cocoon which evidently was not friendly. By the time the third avatar came in, still only grenadier was wounded, but my position was getting bad. As soon as the andromedas and gatekeepers came in it was "Okay. It's focus fire time"
To sum it up. I got real unlucky. On that turn I got the avatar to 3 health. It teleported away. Only remaining moves were on sniper which couldn't see it, and couldn't get close enough for a pistol shot, and grenadier. Unfortunately the grenade wouldn't reach the avatar. By one tile. Literally it would hit the cover but not the avatar.
Probably would have survived the round with at least one soldier to take the avatar down, but I was peeved enough to load the save for that round No.569
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>>567Ah, the poor finances of the college student.
>>568Aw, the savescumming! You did better than mine first run, though. Ane no one even got mind controlled.
Sorry, got real distracted with a friend. Be well, everyone. Good night.
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>>568Even if that existed, I'm certain I would never use it. Unless the only person in range was someone I severely disliked and I had earplugs.
>>569Indeed. But I will survive. I'm determined.
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>>524You really should try it once, if only to add it to your list of life experiences.
>>536It's time.
Time for fun.
>>568The amount of times I try to play it safe only to get 3 crits in a row. and then there was the time I conclement was lost due to a enemy walking through the wall of a intact building and flanking me.
Save scumming is more than justified in this game.
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>>570>>571But do you know how to love?
>>572Perhaps. If the correct circumstances arise. But if they don't I don't think I'll sweat it.
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>>572>>577>getting drankWe'll do so at our reunion party!
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>>572>>577>>579Dibs on driving everyone and recording all of your drunken antics!
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>>579Probably not.
>>580Not if I drive you first!
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Wha's goin' on in here?
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>>572>>568Actually in my game Mono just 1-Shot executed an
Avatar. Grumpy Brit strikes again.
>>595Whoops, fell asleep.
>>597the grumpy brit does not have time for your alien shenanigans.
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>>611S'all right. How are you?
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>>612Goes well! Got my evening lab in an hour.
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>>614I can't really say yes this time.
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>>615Ah, well. Gotta learn sometime.
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>>617Having a nice day otherwise?
>>618I mean I can't say I enjoy it because it is urine testing today.
It's weird to enjoy that.
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>>619Is it mandatory for everyone? I remember in high school it was random. I like going to the bathroom!
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>>620On the other end. Running the tests, not getting tested.
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>>621Hm. Yes I could see that being unpleasant.
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>>623Hey, you likes what you likes. Someone's gotta do it.
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>>624Oh, the work is easy and pays well! Once you get over the squick it's one of the preferable jobs.
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>>625It's only liquid! Right?
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>>629How'd it go? Find any drugs?
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>>631Similarly good to not have in there.
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>>632Blood, proteins, leukocytes, bilirubin, specific gravity, pH, glucose, ketones, nitrites, and Urobilinogen.
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>>633And now you know someone better than they know themselves.
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>>634It is a test strip. You can buy them by the hundreds.
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>>635I'll be right about something someday!
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>>636Then you wouldn't be the Cmdr we love!
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That was fun.
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>>670My only complaint was that I tried to eat lunch while watching.
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>>671But it looked like rubber and all anyway.
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>>670>>671Big mistake, buddy-o!
Now then, the last movie for February will be!
d7 = 61 Garden of Words (Layton)
2 5 Centimeters Per Second (Layton)
3 Silver Linings Playbook (Wheat)
4 Teekyuu Uncut(Sunny)
5 BridesMaids (Keeper)
6 Waitress 2007 (Keeper)
7 The Lives of Others (Sunny)
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>>672The mind will overcome.
>>673Never heard of it. Exciting!
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>>671The was called 'Hobo with a Shotgun', at what point did you think that was a good idea?
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>>675I forgot what we were watching and tuned in in the middle.
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I have no idea what's going on.
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We're posting changlings without acknowledging each other.
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Can I acknowledge myself?
File: 1456164658299.png (242.59 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 266817__artist_a8702131.png) ImgOps Google
Are you capable of not acknowledging yourself?
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I can try.
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Seems rather introspective.
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We are constantly introspective.
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Might be the definition.
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I'm defined by myself!
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I am defined by who I am not.
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6 isn't so bad. Some people wake up at that time by choice. But, hey, maybe you want to spend a night with yourself. Or away from yourself, if we're still being introspective.
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Staying would probably work better if it might be an all day thing. It's a two hour drive though so you can drive it if you really don't want to do an over-night.
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What is it for?
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Cuz, like, if it is super important then I might find a cheap hotel just to be safe, but if it is just a formality then I'd just go to bed early tonight.
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So it's like an all day deal. You should keep that in mind so you don't show up sleepy.
File: 1456167730074.png (436.41 KB, 1024x602, 512:301, hellu.png) ImgOps Google
That is true, thank you.
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You gotta tell us how it goes! We're kinda stupid so you might need to remind us.
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G'bye, Ponychan.
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>>723Thought I should do something… symbolic.
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>>743That ******! And after everything I almost did for him. When I see Keeper I'm going to tell him to beat him up!
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>>744Whoa, careful Cmdr doesn't find out.
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I'm going to blame Keeper so hard for this!
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>>746>>747Wheat you had one job.
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>>748Commander! Commander!
Zef was snitching!
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>>747>>748Not doing your job? That's a paddlin'.
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>>751>>752What are we doing tomorrow?
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>>753Well I'm driving to Santa Barbara.
>>755What's in santa barbara?
>>757is it a home?
>>756You're boring!
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>>759I am drawing blood tomorrow!
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>>758Nah. You?
>>759For someone, I'm sure.
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>>761Homeownership is getting harder and harder in our society.
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>>760Going all viking style?
>>761Do you know that someone?
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>>762Two hundred years ago you could just pick a spot, keep people off it for a month, and it was yours. Times have changed.
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>>763Nah! It's for school.
>>764We had SO MUCH land 200 years ago.
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>>765Well we still do. It's just a little more valuable and a little less mysterious.
>>764Well shoot. Claim it as your own.
>>765You go to a school for vikings?
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>>766Our land had a lot of evil stuff going on, Cmdr. It was really spooky!
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>>767Mm, I don't think I want this one.
>>768Just misunderstood.
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>>770You're right! It was just the people on the land.
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>>771Well, most of the time.
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>>773You didn't perform sacrilegious rituals on the land, did you, Wheat?
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>>774I wasn't alive 200 years ago, it wasn't me!
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>>776Uh. I gotta sleep.
Night Cmdr! Night Zef!
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>>777Good night, Wheat. Sleep well, my friend.
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I recommend:
Shutter Island
To watch for our movie days.
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Oh! I wanted to mention to everyone that I'll be leaving for Montreal starting this Friday to stay for 3 days with my girlfriend. I'll be stopping by Mati's place on the way. Anything y'all want me to pass along to her? A message or something?
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>>788Of course this also means I won't be here for Movie Night. Apologies.
Actually, I'll be getting surgery the next weekend too, so I won't be able to make that one as well.
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>>788Tell her she's pretty.
pretty lame!
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>>791Don't forget to add a
but really I hope she's doing well and things are going a bit more to plan nowadays with all the previous nastiness settling down.
But still include the burn because yes.
Also have more pictures with you and your gf cause we need more material to tease you with.
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>>792You want to tease me?
I'll take pictures and post them on Facebook. I'll upload images here too if y'all want to see them.
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>>793It brings joy to our lives.
But yeah man I hope you have a great time
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>>793>>794Show her who's the boss of this gym!
Bring condoms!
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>>794Thanks! Will do! I appreciate you wanting the best for me.
>>795But I hate the gym.
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>>796Is that such a strange thing?
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>>797Hmm, no. But I always appreciate it nonetheless.
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>>798Well I appreciate YOUR FACE.
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Say hi.
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>>804Nothin'. How are you?
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>>805I have made XCOM too difficult. Toning things down a bit.
You not doing anything?
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>>806All rangers. No cover. Only banzai.
Nope. Should I do something?
>>807Untouchable applies for next 3 attacks
You should do a thing
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>>808What do?
>>809What do!?
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>>812They do!
>>814But is it worth it?
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>>818Something wrong?
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>>820>>821You guys are the best.
Heading out to bed. See y'all later.
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>>849Of course not! What's the matter?
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>>849Gotta go. See you, Zef.
>>850Had interviews today. Thought most went pretty well aside from one.
Only really hit me now how much more qualified the other interviewees were and and I'm just worried I won't get accepted. Anywhere for that matter and I'll just graduate and don't know what to do.
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>>852Hey, you can't decide for them. Don't say no before they have.
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>>855I really gotta go now, Zef. Will you have time to talk about it tomorrow night?
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>>856It's okay. I don't need talking.
You be well now.
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Hey Wheat when you see this, Happy birthday.
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Birthday dude! Make good happenings, birthday man!
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Merry Rosh Hashanah!
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It's nearly Saturday and I almost forgot to roll! Tomorrow's movie will be:
d11 = 9
1 The Brave Little Toaster (Commander)
2 Our Idiot Brother (Commander)
3 My Neighbour Totoro (Earthed)
4 Paycheck (Keeper)
5 Whiplash (Keeper)
6 Shutter Island (Keeper)
7 Garden of Words (Layton)
8 Redline (Layton)
9 A Talking Cat!?!(Layton)
10 MST3K: Sapce Mutiny (Commander)
11 Big Hero 6 (Sunny)
If anyone still has any movie they'd want to watch, go ahead and say them now!
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>>867My only regret is Keeper not being here to watch this by Saturday
>>868A Talking Cat!
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"I don't know, it's your post"
- Keeper, on what I should say.
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"Quick, think of something witty to say!"
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>>872>>873>>870heey how's canadia
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"it's very eh"
hehe, Keep's so tired. He's going to beddy-bye now.
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I'm going to bed too actually. I'm kinda slep
Good night!
>>876Night Mati
Night Keeper
Sorry I didn't find y'alls post in time
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>>875>>876god dman it keeper you tell me to notice you on this board and you go to bed
i'm just going to show you what i ate so you can suffer
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Keeper just left!
Alas, parting is such sweet sorrow…
… until four days from now when I see him again! Hooray!
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I'm alive!
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>>885Sounds like quite an illness.
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>>886More ill than I usually prefer, yes.
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>>887So there's an amount of ill you usually enjoy?
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>>889That's an enjoyable amount
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>>890I enjoy it. How are you?
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>>891Okay enough. Feel sore all over though.
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>>892That's a sign of the stomach flu! Panic!
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>>894That's what the virus wants! Stand still! It's vision i based on movement.
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>>896That or the amount of garbage you've eaten. Have you been eating garbage again?
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>hair is a mess for some reason, no time to fix
>spend all morning figuring out my finances
>I've overspent by 113 damn dollars on unnecessary things cause I've been out a lot, birthday parties, mall with stillapony, and pizza at home with keeper and when I was crying cause pms
>realize I forgot to tell my parents about a bunch of shit I have to buy too so now we have to restructure everything
>money guilt encroaching
>leave in a fucking rush because I wasn't keeping an eye on the time
>it's hot and humid outside and I'm sweating like a bitch in heat
>Go to buy cookies in a rush cause I couldn't eat breakfast
>check my bag for my card
>my moisturizer exploded apparently
>got a bunch on my hands
>Awkwardly wash hands on water fountain
>someone is sitting in my spot in class
>awkwardly sit next to them, they're all pissed
>have to write an essay, can't complete it in time since I'm five minutes late
>hunger getting intense
>anxiety and rage building
>breathing getting heavier
>I'm so hungry and angry
>girl next to me thinks I'm weird and texting on her huge ass phone makes it obvious
>just leave
>have to walk in front of the projector and teacher
>fuck this
>check to see if I can take two buses back home
>Nope, as usual
>take one halfway
>power walk home
>can't find my fucking card still
>it isn't anywhere
>I have to get groceries today fuck fuck fuck
>okay, I'll make pancakes
>Start to eat the smaller one
>out of syrup
>no food left
>I am a ball of fury, I am finished
>Give me chinese food
>"Pick-up only. Delivery opens at 3PM"
>It's 3PM, I wait a bit, still borked
>cry for a moment
>order pizza again
>FOR SOME REASON the delivery date says "11:45 tomorrow"
>call up the place
>ask how to fix it
>they say they'll just bring it asap
>136 dollars overspent now
>defeat me
… there, that was therapeutic
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>>917Well that sounds like a day.
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>>918mmmwaaah… thank you. too much day. I want less day.
Keeper will be coming soon. I gotta go get groceries soon. I'm gonna wait like half an hour though.. I need to let m nerves cool down.
How is my good friend?
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>>919Clearly you just need to sleep more, that means less day per day. That's how it works, right?
Sounds like a plan. How many days worth of groceries do you usually get?
Well how would I know? Keeper isn't here yet.
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>>920nooo, cause then day has work, and i have to day.
I try to go for 2 weeks on $50-60
i meant you, you poopbutt!!
(btw, you are the one who is "pretty goofy". I am just pretty)
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>>921Then tell day to work on its work days.
Sounds like what I usually go for. Though not sure how much cost variances go around.
Are you usually overdrawn or is this just a situation of some things happened and it's dumb?
Well I'm not a meanface like you are!
pretty rude I'd say you are!
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>>922but that won't make me money….
The canadian dollar is not as good as the US dollar. I am not overdrawn but I'm not on budget which is bad cause I need to have 1500 next month and I'm running it pretty close now despite it still being basically the first week.
You said the rude thing first! Now tell me how you are, good friend!!
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>>923Then you need to day on your work.
Well I was more referring to differences in the value of goods. Like compared to Houston, it costs a bit more for basic groceries as I've noticed. Could just be general cost of living stuff.
Yeesh. Sounds pretty tough. Uh. Sell some bootleg textbooks.
No U.
I suppose fine for the most part. Living I guess. Have had mild anxiety the past week since this Friday I should be hearing whether I've been accepted to a graduate school program.
Been taking a break from Steam since there have been a few stresses from friends there and thought it might be good to do so.
Oh and I saw Zootopia the last weekend. It was really good.
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>>924Ohh, I see. I have no idea what the regional differences are here. Lol, they do new editions of books every year so I can't sell them back.
Oh, cool! Grad school!
Yeah, I don't go on social services anymore, hehe. I just don't have time to be social these days. Here it's more "come as you wish" which is nice and doable.
I saw deadpool with Stilla! It was also good. I have not yet seen Zootopia, but it looks really nice.
I'm afraid I have to go get groceries! so I'll be off, but I'll be backsome other time.
>>925Yeah but that's always dumb.
Grad school! Though I don't know, getting a bit disheartened with admissions.
I heard deadpool was pretty great! Or I suppose it lived up to the hype for some people.
Later Mati
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Made a mistake. Bank closed. Can't get money.
I give up.
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>>928>hugscan this week please end
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>>929If the week just ended then how would it get better?
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>>929m-maybe you need to ask it really really nicely.
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>>930I have to wake up at 6:30 and do a midterm tomorrow… and then go to the bank and get this card stuff sorted out. and then go back to the school and work till 6. when I get home I have to cook and take a shower and do my hair. then straight to bed.
I'm out of my house for the same amount of time the next day. and then on friday I have to somehow put a professional outfit together and hand out surveys after work for my seminar. And then I have to analyze the data in excel, but my groupmate is simultaneously domineering and scatterbrained, he always makes things more confusing and frustrating than they have to be cause he skips steps and backtracks and second guesses and neverminds so much. I've had to postpone meeting my new landlady because of my debit card loss and all this other shit
no no no, thanks for the optimism but I do not look forward to this week. I can't imagine it's going to get better. work is so hard already even when I'm in a good mood. Work in a bad mood is awful. I often have to nap on the couches in the same building right afterward for a few hours
this week sucks. it really really sucks. I just want to sleep… but I have to study
>>931week, please please go away. I am not feeling too well
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>>932Well, being that busy'll make it go fast, I hope. If you forgot your debit card somewhere maybe they have it. It's so easy for things to compound when you're tired and/or hungry. Some sleep and/or food will at least get you ready to face them adversities.
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>>933I don't think I was missing sleep or food until I skipped breakfast today… but skipping breakfast wasn't so much the problem as all this bad stuff was set up yesterday
i'm just gonna try and sleep it off though. and maybe look into more ways to make my life easier, if there are any techniques I haven't tried yet.
i think I'm gonna go to bed early tonight.
>>934i'm sorry about your trouble too. i'm sure you can figure a way to get what you want.
I'm gonna study for a bit. thanks for listening you guys. you make my life better
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>>935Is okay, Matias. You can do it! You're the best of us!
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Right, so, I didn't end up streaming a movie last week, so I want to know: Should I reroll the movie choice or do you guys still want to go with what the rolls say?
I've also decided to spare you guys "A Talking Cat!?!" and go thought we should watch "Sword of the Stranger" instead.
So it's either reroll for another movie or "Sword of the Stranger".
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>>939What happened last week?
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>>940Wasn't exactly in the best of moods, but it's all rolled over now. No worries!
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>>941Aw, sorry to hear that, Layton. If you want to change your movie I don't have any problems with it.
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>>942Thanks, Commander.
And that's good! Because last week's choice was A Talking Cat!?!
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>>943I heard! I would have been unable to attend last week anyways due to an illness. Is Sword of the Stranger a different caliber of movie?
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>>944It's one o them new fangled "anime" things people are into nowadays.
But yeah, it's an animated samurai movie with the action scenes done by one of my favorite animation directors, Fumihiko Takayama. I'm pretty excited!
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>>939Apparently my post looked automated and I've been trying to post a couple times now.
Personally I'd go with Strange Swords
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>>946Apparently it didn't work cause I didn't have an image with it
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>>945One'uh yer chinese curtoons huh?
Well I still have no problems with it. We'll see if anyone else really had their heart set on A Talking Cat!? My theory is probably not.
>>946>>947I also recently accidentally discovered this error.
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>>949Hm. Apparently not. And anyone who can must therefore be a bot.
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>>946Well too bad, we're going with strangers' swords!
>>950At last, one step closer to immortality.
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>>948>>949>>950very strange.
>>951well shoot
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>>951The question is not can we stop him, but what gives us the right to.
>>952Yay, enforced image posting!
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>>939strangling swords are fine
It's a good one.
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>>954Alright, sweet!
Looks like I have no worries about Stringing Swords being surprisingly bad!
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>>939>It's not "A Talking Cat!?!"I'll except this.
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>>970Absolutely glorious that nippon steel!
Now, our movie for next week is!
d10 = 11 The Brave Little Toaster (Commander)
2 Our Idiot Brother (Commander)
3 My Neighbour Totoro (Earthed)
4 Paycheck (Keeper)
5 Whiplash (Keeper)
6 Shutter Island (Keeper)
7 Garden of Words (Layton)
8 Redline (Layton)
9 MST3K: Sapce Mutiny (Commander)
10 Big Hero 6 (Sunny)
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>>971Ah yes, another powerhouse of animation design.
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>>972I've always wanted to know what the hubbub was about this movie!
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>>973I'm not sure you'll find the same level of stuff happening. But hopefully it's enjoyable for all.
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Today was the craziest day. It was so freaking insane.
My friend (we have been in the same group of friends for two years now, in the same program and core classes, a very nerdy school-focused group, we didn't hang out outside of school) who is straight, very quiet, very aloof, and very intelligent, just told me he has feelings for me. Strong feelings. Like, he couldn't sleep at night for a few weeks cause he couldn't stop thinking about me. And he's straight.
It was so incredibly surprising. And confusing. And exciting. I really liked him, and we got along better than almost anyone I knew here, but I figured he wasn't too into being my friend since he was always aloof. Apparently he was that way because he never knew how to act around me. Apparently this whole time he considered me a great friend. All those conversations about politics and philosophy, books and so on, I loved them, but I thought we were just intellectual buddies. We went to see Star Wars with this other couple he's friends with, but I didn't think much of it, I just thought we were friends. Now we're dating. We're gonna see Zootopia together. But he's straight. And he thinks I'm attractive and funny and smart. What the hell is going on with my life.
I'm very excited for this Sunday. I never thought I'd be with this person, ever ever ever. He was among the very last people in my life I would have ever thought… but okay. He's cute and smart. Let's do this.
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>>994Congrats Mati!
Bagging yourself a Ma-yun. You go girl mmmmmmmhm.
Joking aside, nice to hear! Sounds like a cool guy and has quite an interest in you. Wish you luck! Also Zootopia is an awesome movie. Hope you like it
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>>995Mhmmm girl! Ya know me!
But seriously, why me? Why would he want me? Aw geez. I feel so flattered and so humbled. I hope we hit it off. He's just so smart, and that's saying something, considering how smart all of my friends already are! I always thought his intelligence was out of my league, but that he relates to me is so flattering just by itself. I'm giddy.
And yeah, so I've heard! Animals are cute.
Today was the most mind-blowing day I've ever had. Never had shock like that before. What a surprise. Holy shit.
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>>996You know it sista.
Well you forget how thoughtful you are. Incredibly imaginative. Fun, silly. Endlessly caring, kind. Quite active, fairly controlled, and heck just a cool person to talk to.
It was the whole package. Adorable, hilarious, the story was a lot better than I expected, the message was clear but not really like pushed into your face. And just the feeling of wonderment was just perfect in exploring the world. The establishing shots left me in awe and just wanted more.
Well you better pick up all your brain pieces from the explosion cause you need it for Sunday!
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>>997Aww, you! Those are such kind words for me… I'm inspired to be even better. You've all been so wonderful to me, and I wouldn't be this person if it weren't for you. Thank you so much.
I guess I'm really believing it now. I guess I must have succeeded in becoming a good person. Now I can try to become a good person who is skilled at things too! Rather than just a kind hobo. Hehe.
It's such an "obvious" idea, but it feels fresh. Their design is so beautifully crafted, I'm in awe of Pixar's art direction every time I see it.
Yeah! I gotta figure out what I'm gonna wear. Oh man, I'll try to learn how to curl my hair with the blow drier…
Speaking of which, I should go to bed. I gotta wake up early to shower. I just wanted to share the news. Thanks so much for listening. I'll talk with you again soon!
>>998I think it's disney and not pixar. But yeah.
Night Mati!
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Sorry, sunny won't be around for movies this weekend!
Not at home and all.
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>>1000Have fun! Take care! And stay safe! ♥
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d9 = 3
1 Our Idiot Brother (Commander)
2 My Neighbour Totoro (Earthed)
3 Paycheck (Keeper)
4 Whiplash (Keeper)
5 Shutter Island (Keeper)
6 Garden of Words (Layton)
7 Redline (Layton)
8 MST3K: Sapce Mutiny (Commander)
9 Big Hero 6 (Sunny)
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So Matias how was the hot date?
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Oh yes, do tell!
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They must have eloped.
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Yeah tell us your secrets.
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The date went great!
So, I took over 6 hours to get ready for the date lol. I did my hair with extra effort and tried using the products my hairdresser gave to me months ago. (they worked really well and now use them regularly) I decided to wear make-up for the first time ever too, which was really hard and I had to start over with my eyeshadow and eyeliner quite a few times. It was difficult to be subtle and cute, but after a lot of tries I think I got it looking nice and neat without going too bold and obvious. You know, casual, comfortable, cute! The three C's of success.
My outfit was so difficult to choose. I could either go with a nicer version of what I wear to class, cause he already likes that, or I could try something much more femme that he hadn't seen before. As shy as I am about my legs, I went out on a limb (get it?) and went with the girlier option: an a-line, button up woven denim skirt, and a loose, grey tucked in shirt with (girl's) b&w converse. As you can see, while I make my fashion choices look natural, every outfit I put together is excessively calculated and requires a small freak out before I can wear it. Science!
(Oh yeah, and the night before was spent "catching up" with a lot of winter-ignored grooming, like shaving arms and legs and shaping eyebrows etc. So much preparation out of anxiety)
He called from the parking lot right when I spilled some eyeliner on my hand and he had to wait like 20 minutes for me to clean myself up a bit. Poor guy. I was so nervous but he was already here and I had to go with what I had on. I was afraid he might be a little put off or something by me looking like I'm trying too hard… but he grinned and blushed in the most adorable way. I wasn't entirely sure if that was a good thing until we got in the car and he told me I looked amazing. ♥
(cont. in a sec…)
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In the car we just talked about little casual stuff for a moment before we inevitably, as always, evolved into a philosophical conversation about epicureanism. Lol.
But we realized we were doing that and remembered the whole point of this was to get to know each other better and started talking about our days and thoughts. We talked about how unbelievable it was that we were doing this, how flattered I was, what we liked about each other, and then talked about our families and how we deal with them. I also told him that people may stare at us due to me being trans, but he didn't mind. It was very nice! Man, he is so adult and understanding and wise…
We were both so nervous, he was especially though. He kept saying how good I looked… (score!) We showed up and immediately started walking around looking for food, as I had skipped breakfast and lunch cause I was getting ready non-stop, and he was just too nervous to eat. We wanted to go to this "delicafe" we made fun of when we came to this outdoor mall to watch Star Wars, but it was closed for the day unfortunately. We ended up going to a gourmet pizza place cause it was closeby.
Despite me saying people would stare at us, people actually never really looked at us, even when I was nearby. That was really unusual for me, until I heard some stranger say "damn, that girl is tall!" (I'm 5'11) and I realized I must have been passing (!!!)
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But enough about me. Honestly, he was just… everything he said, I liked. He's so responsible, and open-minded, and kind. Also, did I mention he's the smartest person I have ever met? Because I really mean that. Holy crap. I was so impressed with him, even more so than usual! I also asked him about how his feelings toward me came to be, and how long they've been around, just a lot of burning curiosities that I couldn't help asking about. I asked him about a bunch of odd behaviour I noticed in class over this semester (him putting his head down in frustration for no visible reason, his random driving me home, always selecting me for group assignments) and apparently my hunch was correct, it all was due to his strong feelings about me. Apparently these feelings have been developing for a whole year! How?!
He also said that he thinks I'm super brave and intelligent and all those other nice things you guys typically say to me, heheh. I'm surrounded by the best people. I'm so lucky. Of course, I only spend time with people I admire and respect, so it goes without saying that the feeling is mutual! Anyway, he and I have sooo much in common, it's unbelievable. In fact, we were predicting each other's feelings and statements by the end of the day! I haven't had a connection like that in ages.
The food was good, though he didn't really eat much of it. He has a bit of an eating problem, and he said he wouldn't eat it at home, so I just ate almost all the pizza. Very ladylike, lol. Well, I didn't wolf it down without any tact of course! We were there for a long time alright?! We had some hot brownies/vanilla ice cream thing for dessert too. It was wonderful.
The best part was just being able to talk about our lives, our histories, how we have become who we are, our beliefs and goals, meaning, and so on. I really like him.
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We were both having a really great time. We finally left for the movies, and watched Zootopia! (after sitting and waiting for half an hour in the lobby.) We talked more and more and more… I felt myself growing closer to him and I made a move - to hug him! I had already hugged him a few times when he confessed, and when he showed up to pick me up, but this time I really held him close, cause I appreciate him so much. He was so cute afterward, just chuckling randomly on the walk to the screening room and grinning like an idiot. I can't believe he likes me that much, someone as smart as him. But well, he's putting me under his spell too…
We sat all the way in the back cause he's shy about PDA. Super shy, actually. I respect that totally, so I don't mind.
We criticized all the trailers and ads, like good anti-capitalists, and then watched Zootopia! It was an adorable movie. Although I had heard from a reviewer that it was good, but a little predictable, which turned out to be the case. (Braden kept predicting everything super early though. He's too smart for my kids' movies) It's fine though, it was still a very entertaining watch.
(sorry almost done!…)
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Finally, we went back to the car, talking (and I made another move, holding close to his arm on the way). We hugged for a good while when we got there, and we went in the car and he dropped me off. We had a wonderful time. He was so sad it was over, but we decided to spend time together at my place after class the next day. Which we did! And it was really great… so great, we hung again the day after on a study date! And we're going to study together all day on Friday!
So you could say things are going well ♥
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>>1015Delightful. I'm glad to hear that, Matias.
Also what is PDA? Besides Personal Data Assistant.
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>>1016Public Displays of Affection.
He's quite shy and socially anxious at times. Like me! So obviously I'm okay with it.
Lately we've been getting closer and closer on these study dates. Let me tell ya, dating someone who is in your classes is pretty sweet. We get to cuddle AND work on our group project together. I did excel while he wrote down the process and scratched my back. I think I found the cure for my ADD, hehehe
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>>1017Ah yes. I also occasionally make eye contact.
And you aren't even sacrificing productivity. Everything is coming up Matias.
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>>1018Hehe. Well, as always, life is a mixed bag.
For one, this dating thing is a test to see if I develop romantic feelings towards him. So far, so good, but I get doubts simply because I've always been able to jump headfirst into the physical. Plus, I'm still on the fence about whether I find him physically attractive… the base is good. Well, neutral. He's a tad on the lanky side, but I know he has an eating disorder. It wouldn't really be an issue, especially with his piercing blue eyes, if he took care of his looks. He shaves and gets regular haircuts and keeps up with his hygiene, but he dresses in baggy clothing and doesn't make any noticeable effort to look good, even in an average way. I'm not looking for fashionista levels of interest here, just some kind of effort to be attractive. I don't think he's the type of person to do that at all though, and i don't feel comfortable telling him what to do or to make himself uncomfortable just so I'm physically attracted to him.
Another important note is that my friend's chinese international student roommate in the place I'm moving to suddenly and unexpectedly decided to move out. She's moving out in May, and we only have a month for a replacement. On such short notice… I had to go back and contact my friend/ex roommate. Not really the best roommate around, but well, with such short notice, it's the best I can do.
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>>1019I suppose time will tell. Rome wasn't married in a day. Maybe you will be the one that will finally tame this wild man.
You could make Keeper do it. He loves Canada. And, more importantly, people in Canada. Or a hobo. Plenty of hobos out there.
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>>1020>Rome wasn't married in a dayLol. I love your humour.
I sure hope so, that he wouldn't just take it as a punch to his ego… I mean, he's been so reasonable with so many things. He already knows that I may or may not develop feelings, and he's been incredibly calm and logical about it. He said that I am not responsible for these unexpected feelings that have come up inside him, and that he would be fine with staying friends. It would obviously be a little hard, but he's gone through worse, apparently. It's so hard to tell with him, because he's like me, and we're both very hard to offend, but I don't want to assume that completely. He cares so much about what I think of him, I want to be careful about this.
Keeper would be awesome as a roommate I'm sure! I'm afraid he probably can't move in within a month and a quarter though… Maybe some other time?
If she doesn't like my old roommate, then we're gonna go on Kijiji and start interviewing potential roommates for May and asking people around our social circles.
Lol, hobos. Hobos here, in my experience, are pretty damn nice. I sat down with one and she was an amazing person! My friend was given change by one because he looked like a homeless person with his tattered shorts and shirt and unkempt hygiene due to school stress.
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>>1021Cold hard facts.
For now, I think it's just great that you've found a cuddlebuddy be happy with.
Also I think Keeper's jaw is in three different places right now.
Canada, even the hobos are nice.
Hey if Trump wins I'll move in. I have a degree, Canada loves me.
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Sounds like a great time!
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>>1023Yes, yes indeed. I guess this is what "taking it slow" is defined as, which I specifically asked to do having been fresh from a long term relationship that ended in explosions of drugged rage. I'm fine with this.
Oh god, that's true. But he will look so handsome!! We should call him Hercu-keeper. Or Keeper-les.
I know, right?! What kind of strange lovely land is this??
Please! You would fit right in! Cept the not drinking, but y'know. Some of us don't.
>>1024Thank you. It also felt like a great time, and looked like a great time too.
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>>1025I agree. And am similarly glad at the lack of drug-based explosions lately. You've come a long way, my friend.
I reserve judgement. If only to have my expectations exceeded.
If it's the kind with jobs, I'm in. Even strange jobs!
Mm, I dunno about that. Though I have little doubt that you and anyone you associate with is already quite accepting. Someone has to not drink around here.
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>>1026Thank you, Kyle. I'm feeling better about things and am significantly less stressed. I am proud, flattered, excited, and comforted from being in this new relationship… I greatly enjoy being with this person so far. I'm excited to see the faces of our group of friends when they find that we're together. ♥
Gonna be da best
Aw cmon. It's Keeper! Of course he'll be handsome!
I hope there are jobs. I don't even know, I just know the economy is better. In all seriousness, it's tougher for USA-ians to move here, for reasons.
I don't drink, except on very special occasions, or when I'm forced to for networking reasons. I keep it to a minimum though. I'm on 400 mg of spironolactone. That stuff's going to kill me if I don't take care of my liver.
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>>1027Their faces, painted unequivocally dumbstruck, lit with the radiance before them, the radiance cast by your relationship making prowess.
Hm, I don't think I've ever seen Keeper.
Nah nah nah, I'll show them my degree. It'll be fine. If I had a legitimate way of practicing my profession there I don't think I'd run into too many problems. At least for a while.
Ah yes, spirallactonin. I also enjoy spirographs. I do drink rarely. When I'm not being responsible, and it tastes good, or my friends are all trying out their homemade brews.
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Are y'all talking about me?
But why tho
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>>1028Knowing the nature of our friend group (being pretty impersonal and mostly professional) and the nature of Braden and I's friendship (political/intellectual discussion and very stiff) I am absolutely certain they're gonna flip shit.
Oh wow. Oops. Well, I will not speak of friends' looks when they have been kept private. However, he is not doing too badly for himself, I'll say that.
It will probably be fine. You're a swell fella! This country would be lucky to have you.
Spyro the dragon courses through my veins…
I also like the good tasting ones. While the alcohol adds a nice taste, it's a little overrated for me, especially for the kind of damage it does to your body. I tend to prefer smoothies and the like.
>>1029Gotta shower! bye bye!!
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>>1029I was just telling Matias about that time you were pretty great.
I'll trust your judgement there.
Time will tell.
Having not partaken all that much I couldn't say much regarding preference either. But I've liked most ciders I've tried.
Have a nice shower, Matias!
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>>1030<3See you around friend!
>>1031These are lies!
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>>1032Wheat, how are you?
>>1033I apologize. It was that time you were exceedingly great.
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>>1034Doing fine! Hope you and Keeper and Mati are doing good.
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>>1035I am also fine, thank you.
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>>1034Oh that's better.
Also, only my upper jaw was operated on. And I've pretty much recovered at this point besides a bit of swelling.
>>1035Wheat good friend I also hope you are having a good one!
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>>1037You can eat and talk and everything? I thought you said you'd have your mouth chained up for weeks.
>>1037Hope your jaw is coming together. You on painkillers?
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>>1038The chaining up part was only for those being operated on
both jaws. I got lucky with the fortune of the one. I can talk and eat, but I'm still on a liquid diet. I'll be able to eat very soft foods with a spoon on Friday after the post operational visit.
>>1039Not anymore! Just Tylenol at this point. Sleeping is hard because of all the nerve damage, though.
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>>1040Yeah, that's why I'm up all night too.
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>>1041We're nerve damage buddies! We'll get through this together pal!
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>>1040I recommend applesauce.
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>>1043Ooo I'll keep that in mind for when my mom goes to the store. I'm eating a ton of ice cream too. I fear that I'm going to get a bit chubby by the time this is all over.
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>>1042And most of my damaged nerves are also in my head!
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>>1044Well don't eat too much. Doesn't sit right with me.
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>>1045We will find a way through this my NDB, eventually all wounds will heal.
>>1046I'm trying to keep it a little modest, hehe. But the temptation is too much.
Honestly, the thing I miss most of all is chewing. It's really rough having this diet and getting cravings for hard foods, especially such delicious ones I used to have before the surgery.
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>>1047Most foods are chewable.
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>>1048Not any of the ones I can have.
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>>1045Wheat what did you do to your head!
>>1049What do you eat? Go to sleep.
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>>1052Mostly foods that my mom makes and blends up. Sometimes it's oatmeal, sometimes it's like actual dinners all blended up, like rice and beans and omelettes. There's no texture, but the tastes are all there.
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>>1052>>1053Oh yeah, and the nerve damage I was talking about has made sleeping extremely difficult. My jaw aches incredibly so when I lie down, making bed time agonizing.
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>>1053Mm mm! Delicious oatmeal.
>>1054Oh yeah. I already forgot what you said earlier. Have you tried sleeping propped up?
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>>1055I have. Also very uncomfortable and leaves my neck stiff in the morning.
I can't win with sleep, it seems, hehe.
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>>1056But have you tried sleeping instead of being in pain?
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>>1057I have friend. I've tried many things. Looks like it's just a problem that'll go away with time.
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>>1058Hm. All right. What if you put your jaw back together?
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>>1059Then I would have the power of the Deci-Dental Gods! Countries would kneel before the power of the Keeper.
All will love me and despair.
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>>1060Well… they would. Alas no.
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>>1061Yeah, I don't have that power. I'll just have to deal with normal human recovery times.
How are you doing Commander? What have you been up to? How's the weekend shifts?
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>>1062Which seem to have been working out pretty well so far.
Fine, fine. That was just a special case. Though I'm visiting family this weekend.
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>>1063Yeah, I'm kinda surprised at how well it's coming along. Hard to believe that I was like, dying a week and a half ago.
Are you excited?
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>>1064Well you're young and you drink your milk, I assume. Stuff heals faster.
It'll be all right. Just hoping for no vehicle mishaps. And eventually getting a full weekend to myself the following weekend.
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>>1065I do drink a lot of milk I just realized…
Are you driving the whole way? Isn't that a bit much?
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>>1066It all goes into the jaw bones. Where it is stored just in case it needs to make jaw bones.
4, 5, 6 hours. Tiring. Not terrible. I'd rather be asleep. Or using a teleporter.
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>>1067I did not know this. True facts brought to you by the Commander.
Take plenty of breaks! I know that driving the 10 hour trip up to Quebec was extremely tiring personally, so don't be afraid to stop!
>>1068Goodnight! Sleep well!
I'm also heading off. Goodnight!
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So do Webms work here?
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Man I missed some conversations.
I blame the auto refresh.
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>>1070Sort of.
>>1071But you're just in time for hugs and good feelings.
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Do you have this issue where updating the thread makes everything like freeze for half a second?
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>>1073Uuuum. No, I don't think so.
>>1074Just me then. Well that's a problem. Can't leave auto update on cause that would cause the browser to seize up every once in a while and that's annoying.
But without it I have no idea when people are talking.
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>>1075Hm. That is a puzzle. Have you tried it on different browsers?
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>>1079Maybe you've just got too many things happening.
>>1082Nope, happens with clear browser.
Also still happens with Chrome. The freeze is a bit shorter but it still happens.
How odd.
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>>1083Have you noticed if other things freeze. Like time itself. Try throwing a ball and then refreshing.
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So it didn't work out. I just didn't feel the same way as him. I told him right after we cuddled for the first time and broke his heart.
I just had to tell him. I feel horrible. His face was… indescribably sad. He's so crushed. I'm so crushed. I can't believe how low I feel. He was perfect. Smartest person I've ever met. Yet I couldn't love him.
Part of me kind of wishes he would just hate me. But he doesn't. He just dislikes himself. That's the worst thing. Why can't I just feel love for the people who are great for me. I'm such a horrible person.
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>>1085That was… fast.
I suppose the star that burns twice as bright burns half as long.
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>>1086If any "star" was burning, it was him. I admire him and look up to him and I think he's an incredible person, and i thought I could force feelings to exist. I can't. I don't understand why I couldn't feel the same way. It's tearing me up.
I don't think I'll meet someone like him again. I can't believe I broke a beautiful soul like that. Oh fuck.
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>>1087Ya gave him, what, a week? I'm all for romantic notions, but some people aren't prone to love at first sight.
Still, what you feel is what you feel. Sometimes you can't help that. And he'll be all right in time.
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>>1088That was… too little? I was just… repulsed at his touch. I thought… at this point, I should be okay with him touching me. Oh god, did I make a horrible mistake? I thought I was doing the right thing
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>>1089Oh. Well, repulsed by his touch…. That sounds a little different.
I'm going to be honest here for just a little bit, Matias. You really shouldn't listen to my relationship advice. That was your call, and I support your decision because I'm sure you've put a lot of thought behind it. As nice as this fellow is, if he's not for you then he's just not for you, and there's nothing wrong with that.
>>1090I'm sorry. I just regret saying anything. I wish… I wish I had just said "I feel uncomfortable but I want to keep trying." I wish I never left him feeling that way. Honestly I almost wish I had not said anything and just continued, pretending I was enjoying the close contact.
I just feel like there's so much wrong with not feeling the same way. He's so amazing, being with him would have been a dream. The best person. And I rejected him. I feel like my guts are spilling out of my body. It hurts so much… I'm so sorry for crying here I just don't want to cry alone right now. He deserves sympathy more than me I know but god it just hurts. I wish I had done it at another time. I regret everything.
It was like he was made in heaven for me and I declined. Because for some stupid reason I couldn't feel anything.
Please forgive me for acting like this. I'm so distraught. I can't take it back.
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>>1091Hey, it's okay, Matias. I'm always glad for a chance to talk with you no matter the topic.
There's a lot of what-ifs in all our decisions, but they don't usually account for much besides stress. Sounds like you really cared for this guy.
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>>1091I'm sorry that you're feeling this way, Matias. I know it can be tough right now, like you regret everything you've said, like thinking "if I haven't done this then maybe I wouldn't be suffering like this", but you got it out of your chest and that's good. If you had continued pretending that you enjoy the relationship, then it would only be a one-sided love and both you and him would end up in a worse position than now.
Also, there's nothing wrong with you for not falling for him. Perhaps you're not close to him just yet, or maybe your previous relationship is still fresh in your mind. Either way, the most important thing is making sure you yourself are comfortable.
And the fact that you are feeling wrong about this whole thing, though, shows you still really care for him. If this guy is as good as you say he is, then if you talk to him about this, he will understand your position. You may not see him as a potential lover, but with those qualities that you enjoy about him so much, he does have potential to be a great friend to you. Maybe you will develop feelings for him as time goes on, maybe you won't. But I'd say just being his friend right now may be the best choice for both of you.
And if you need distance from him, that's good too.
>hugsStay strong, Matias. We'll be here for you if you still need company. Just let it all out now and maybe drink some tea or coffee. I'll leave this video here if you need a laugh too. This one always makes me laugh. No.1094
>>1092Thanks Kyle. You're wonderful.
Maybe you're right… and if you are, I may have made a stupid decision just now. I asked to talk with him tomorrow after sleeping on things and said I may have made a decision on my feelings too quickly, and that I need some time to think about my reaction. He agreed and we left it till tomorrow.
Ah, god. I hope I didn't make the situation worse…
>>1093Thank you. That's all very wise Layton. I'm going to be thinking about everything you've said overnight. I'm gonna be mulling over my feelings and how to deal with them… I think I may have balled up all my discomfort and thrown it up at once.
And yes, my previous relationship has been causing some mixed feelings, and the time I've spent with this new person hasn't been much. I should take care of my comfort too… that's true. You're also right on that bit, he does get my position and he's been so understanding about it. I feel like such an ass. I hope this will not lead to another heartbreak.
We've decided to stay friends if things don't go as planned, but I'm having such strong second thoughts right now. I just don't feel right letting him go right now. I think he does need more time. But maybe I've made a huge mistake twice in a row. Only time will tell…
>hugsalso that guy is amazing with the bow holy cow
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>>1094>>1095Good night, Matias. I'm sure things will clear up once you get a good night's rest and talk to him about it tomorrow.
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>>1094>>1095You're wonderful, Matias. Don't forget.
Take it easy, no need to rush either way. Talk it out, be honest, do what you do best. It'll be all right.
I have a long weekend ahead, but I hope to come back to good news. Rest well, tomorrow is another day.
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>>1096Thank you.
>>1097Thank you too.
I talked to him a couple hours ago. I'm still reeling from it. We decided to keep trying… but we figured things out first. For one, I need to be honest and not try to be more physically intimate than I'm comfortable being for his sake. If I'm uncomfortable I should just say it when it happens. He thought it was going a little too fast too.
He's afraid about being able to be led to think everything is okay when it's not. (He didn't say those words but that's the gist of it.) He's never been fooled like that before. Which I'm not surprised about, he's incredibly smart. I don't know how he did it, but he pretty clearly laid out my thoughts and feelings in front of me when I wasn't able to speak them. We're continuing under the condition that I'll pay attention to and voice my discomfort or issues or anything, and I decided to put a time limit on figuring my feelings about him out. I said at the end of the next month or a little after, I'll look at how things went and decide whether I'm all in or not. If after a month I'm still second-guessing, there's a good chance this may not really go anywhere.
I just… I don't know if I'm physically attracted to him. But I have more feelings for him than those I have for friends. I'm stuck in between wanting him as a partner and wanting him as a friend, and I'm trying to force myself to fall on one side or the other, but I can't. He said he's had similar feelings but he hasn't voiced them (and that maybe he should have) yet the way he's dealt with them is by focusing on whether the present moment feels good - and, if it does, to continue doing whatever is making that feeling happen. I think that's a good idea, I'l just focus on how I feel in the moment and not be concerned with the future for now. I was enjoying everything except some of the contact, but I didn't mind holding hands or hugging closely.
We're not gonna be spending time together on Sunday however. We'll see each other at school on Monday and talk a bit while we're there, but he needs some space for now. I feel so damn awful about it, but at least now I don't feel like my insides are spilling out.
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>>1098Well, that's good. You both came to something that you can both agree to in order to help you figure out your feelings. It's respectable to both of you.
And hey you're feeling better than you were last night, which is always good. Maybe the distance between you two might be something you'll both need as well.
But yeah, looks like everything turned out for the better to be honest. Here's hoping you figure out your feelings!
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>>1099Yeah, but he's still kinda hurt and not super happy with me. Honestly this whole thing hit my ego pretty hard.
But at least now I've figured things out, that's true. Plus, I have time to do homework and stuff. Thanks layton.
How are you doing lately?
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>>1100Yeah, I'm not surprised he's still hurt about it, but he still wants to help regardless. Says a lot about him as a person.
I'm doing decently enough myself. I'm just getting through by the skin of my teeth with community college. I really can't motivate myself to try in it, honestly. I guess I'm just tired of learning after thirteen straight years of it already.
So, I guess overall I'm just tired.
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>>1101Yeah. He's so grown up and caring. He deserves better.
I know the feeling. I don't want to graduate but I'm also so done with school. I'm sick of essays and group projects and going to classrooms with loads of strangers. So tired. Plus, I could be using the time to make money! Poot.
Did you just start the year or are you finishing it?
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>>1102Don't say he deserves better when it's clear he still wants to be your friend and help you. You should be happy he's still there for you even when you rejected him.
I'm in my second year still, but I was done during my first year regardless. I don't have many ambitions or goals, so I don't know what I'm gonna do with my life. I'm comfortable enough with just working full time in retail to be honest.
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>>1103Oh, of course I appreciate that he's decided to stick with me. I'm saying I'm gonna
be better than I have been, cause that's what he deserves.
I personally don't see anything wrong with that. If everyone spent all their time making stuff or doing stuff, no one would be there to appreciate the results.
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>>1104Aah, well that's good. It's going to take some time, but I know you'll be better, Matias.
Yeah, that's true. But I don't know if I want to continue college after this semester ends. Chances are I'll be forced to because of my parents, honestly, so.. not much choice for me.
I think I'm done talking about college stuff. It's making me consider some things that is uncharacteristic of me.
Don't you have homework to do?
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Yeah, I guess I ought to work on homework for a while. bleeeeegh.
Thanks for cheering me up layton. ♥
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I am missing far too many conversations because of this updating thing.
Sorry Mati
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>>1107lol it's okay
Your presence is optional, though I hope those issues get sorted out so you don't miss me.
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So I just saw my godbrother supporting social darwinism in a facebook post. I was hoping he would turn around at some point in it but the further he went, the worse it got.
It's unlike me to ever get involved on anything like Facebook (I've been on the internet for long enough to know that's pointless) but I posted a small comment pointing out that it was, in fact, social darwinism, letting him know that money is not a god I worship, and to have a nice life, because I couldn't continue seeing what he was turning into.
He was upvoting posts from his friend saying that society should be "succeed or die" and that poor people's poverty is entirely their fault and america would be more powerful if poor people were allowed to die off. When his friend took it further, he posted, in quotations, as if to mock critics: "'That's inhumane. You're an asshole for thinking that. Etc.'"
Maybe he's stupid enough not to realize that he's just-world-fallacy-ing me as well as the homeless people he was referring to, but I don't even know who he is anymore. He's become so obsessed with financial success, becoming a car dealer and a (pretty sexist) "motivational speaker". I can't stand who he's become, I don't have any interest in spending time with someone like him in the near or far future. I hoped that'd be a lesson to him, but of course he just posted a thumbs up and sent me a couple sarcastic private messages. Whatever. He's just a stranger to me now. People change, I guess… in this case, a lot. I guess the crookedness of Miami finally got him.
This has been a long time coming anyway. I've already dealt with the loss. I no longer consider him anything close to family. Obviously I wish him a good life, but I won't be part of it, and I hope he doesn't step on anyone along the way. Ugh…
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>>1112Yeah things are not usually as black and white
Sorry to hear Mati
Have some very relevant comedy. No.1114
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>>1112It's easy sometimes to forget that the people on the other side of the screen are real people.
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>>1114>>1114Sooo yeah i haven't been on top of things due to Spring Break and all so we don't ahve a movie for tomorrow.
If you guys have any suggestions, might as well tell them now. So far we have:
My Neighbor Totoro (Earthed)
Little Big Soldier (Layton)
Redline (Layton)
Garden of Words (Layton)
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>>1115Also Inside Out and Kung Fu Panda 3 from Sunny!
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>>1115Maybe Toy Story 3? It's the cultural nostalgic centerpiece of my generation and I still haven't seen it. Also I will be preoccupied tomorrow and probably won't be able to attend.
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>>1117Alright then! I'll roll for the movie now. The list is:
1 My Neighbor Totoro (Earthed)
2 Little Big Soldier (Layton)
3 Redline (Layton)
4 Garden of Words (Layton)
5 Kung Fu Panda 3 (Sunny)
6 Inside Out (Sunny)
7 Toy Story 3 (Commander)
And our next movie will be:
d7 = 1A reminder that this isn't set in stone, though! You can still add or remove movies for this month.
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Well, that was Totoro! One of the classics! Now, for next week, we'll be watching…
d6 = 1
1 Little Big Soldier (Layton)
2 Redline (Layton)
3 Garden of Words (Layton)
4 Kung Fu Panda 3 (Sunny)
5 Inside Out (Sunny)
6 Toy Story 3 (Commander)
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>>1118>>1119Double 1's. Rolls are rigged.
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>>1121You can't prove anything!
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>>1122Down with the system!
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snake eyes!
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>>1170I've run out of images.
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>>1171My ability to post near-endless pictures remains assured. Keeper, how are you? Go to sleep.
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>>1172I try to have an appropriate image quantity! But it's so hard to find time to expand on it!
I'm well! Actually getting very very sleep right now.
How are you?
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>>1173I'm sure you have an appropriate image amount to cover most average posting sessions, even if they do contain a suspicious lack of ponies.
Good, sleep. Be very sleep.
I'm fine. Finally watched the Season 6 premiere today. It was good, and I quite enjoyed it.
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>>1174Getting a good pony folder is also difficult. Though I'm sure that I could just import my Trixie folder from my laptop with a flashdrive or something.
I'll be heading off soon. Want to do a few things first before I turn in.
Ah hey! I was wondering how that show has been! I've pretty much been unable to keep up on any show, ponies included. I think I watched the ending of Season 4.. yeah the one with Tirek. Nothing after that.
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>>1175I keep all my pictures on an external hard drive now. Though I also only really use the one computer.
No things, only sleep.
Poor busy college jaw-man. Season 5 was a good season! I felt like it was trying to make me cry at times. Episode 3 of the current season was this last weekend, I guess they ended the hiatus early for some reason.
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>>1176I've been wanting to get something bigger than this 8 GB Flashdrive to store all the things I ever want on it and never have to worry about moving things ever. But that sounds expensive and money isn't the easiest thing to come by.
I've got a lot to catch up on, it seems. When I find some free time to relax and watch shows, I'll binge watch all of season 5. Then I'll see about season 6.
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>>1177Hard drives aren't too expensive, but if money's tight I'm sure there are more important things to buy.
Hopefully some time before season 8. Too bad you didn't get all that down time from your surgery you thought.
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>>1178Like fooooooooood and costumes stuff!
You are a silly one.
Actually, I did kind of. I mainly spent most of it playing videogames and watching streams. Probably could've used that time better.
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You are a sleepy one.
Mm, maybe. Probably could have gone through most of Season 5 just with the time from all those missed DnD sessions.
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>>1180Got to have fun man. I can't live my life being a studious person all the time.
I'm always sleepy.
How have you been by the way? We've missed a lot of sessions. Are you doing alright?
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>>1181External hard drives are fun!
It's fine. Just an unfortunate series of scheduling conflicts. But we haven't heard hide nor hair of Ebrona in some time.
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>>1182Maybe! For like, 3 minutes.
Me being always sleepy =/= I should sleep all the time though.
You're right. I will email him tomorrow and hope it gets through. I don't know of any other means of contacting him.
Still though. Will you be able to make it these coming weeks?
I should mention that I was scheduled for mandatory training this Saturday until 2:30 PM EST, and even then I might be getting out a little later. If we have DnD, I'll have to be a teensy bit rushed in getting back in time.
Also, next week there'll be a convention on Saturday, the 16th, and I won't be able to make it.
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>>1183And then it becomes silently useful.
No comprendo.
I should be good for Saturday. I'll ask in Skype tomorrow. At least we'll get this week in.
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>>1184Like a coat hanger at your door.
Or something like that.
Me neither.
That's good. I've been really wanting to play for a while. These past Saturdays have been awful lonely near the afternoon, lol.
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>>1185Or a folder.
That was a joke meant to imply that I could not comprehend a world in which one is sleepy without sleep. But it could be all sorts of things, really.
And so without a pony in sight. I suppose I'll have to actually work on the campaign again.
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>>1186No that's too easy of an analogy.
A time and space where sleep has reached singularity. That is the mindset that I have achieved.
Good luck friend. I know it's a tough and arduous journey filled with many pitfalls. I can only pray for your safety.
Yeah it's 3 AM. Sleep times. Goodnight Commander!
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>>1187Good night, Keeper. Sleep well.
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>>1188And you as well dear friend.
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Ahh… finally settling into my new home.
It's so beautiful here. the ceilings are high, the sound doesn't reach, the clouds are so close… I can see for hundreds of miles from my chair. My entire wall is a window.
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>>1192I've never had a room this big before either. A master bedroom! With my own bathroom! I just can't believe I'm so lucky to experience this. I feel dignified.
My roommate is really great too. We're good friends and she's so happy I'm here. We get along very well and have the same laid-back, independent attitude about sharing space.
I know things can go wrong, so I'm cautiously optimistic. As it stands though, I'm enjoying the present here. Just not so much in school and my social world, but well, it's nice having a respite in the world. I was getting rather tired of my horrid roommate situation last time. Even if my current roommate has incompatibilities with me that I don't yet know about, I have enormous doubts that she will even compare to the jerks I have been through recently. We're pretty similar, after all.
Anyway, that's my ramble. Top floor living though! Wow! hehe
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>>1193Sounds like a big improvement. How'd you manage that?
I also live on a higher floor. The second one.
Hru indeed! And other sounds besides that may make an attempt to define in onomatopoeia form the ideals and expressions of caring, friendship, and pleasant company.
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>>1194Pure dumb luck and attempting to be kind to others. My roommate was part of the GSA club at school that I helped run (I'm graduating now) and she was the person who invited everyone over when she lived in a less awesome place. So we've had a lot of contact for a long time, but it was only this year that we really started getting close. I was locked out of my house (of course) and it would take me too long to get to my bf's place from there without buses running in the middle of the night, so I texted her and she let me stay the night. She's so nice.
Anyway, I talked about my feelings since we're good friends yet haven't ever spent one-on-one time, and she related to everything I said. We went from that to increasingly personal stuff and grew closer. I let her know she was way smarter than she gave herself credit for, and she told me nice stuff I had never known about our groups' unmentioned opinions of me. I really needed that pick me up at the time.
So, as she learned of my struggles in life, particularly of my experience as a forced immigrant and my difficulties in finding a place this summer, she offered to let me live with her in this (very sought after) room for a few years. She plans to stay here for quite a long time, and I have no intention of leaving either. The rent is insanely cheap (500) for the AMAZING view and the quality of the apartment. Holy cow.
Now admittedly, this apartment is very messy and half destroyed thanks to the long series of peeps who have lived here and haven't had the inclination to repair things. However, I LOVE cleaning and organizing things, and I've been doing just that! The place is looking so much more beautiful and clear now that I've been scrubbing the walls and junk. (She's so happy I live here now, hehe. Plus I give her free food from work)
Aw. I remember living in Florida, where 3 was just about the
maximum you'd ever find! Dumb sloshy dirt.
blblblbl ♥
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>>1194Ah, dumb luck and friendship. What else could you want?
The city where I grew up didn't allow buildings over two stories. I am on the second floor of two. It's like the top floor except not that high.
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>>1196Yeah! I've been getting pretty bad rolls on my dice for a while, but when I roll well, I roll BIG!!
hmph. Let me guess: Near the ocean?
I'm on the 19th floor, at the corner of the building. Since we're at the top, the ceilings are pretty high, which I'm all about. I wish I could post pictures, but my phone is broken… Soon I will!
How are you? Feeling okay?
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>>1197I'm glad to hear that. One less thing to worry about, I hope. Or maybe a few less things, just try not to forget your key.
The finest ocean there is. As far as I know.
That's pretty high. Must be nice being above a big city like that.
Mhmm. Just relaxing. How are you?
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>>1198Mhmm! Things are still… hard, but well, I have a home that's directly across the street from the school, and right on a bunch of good stores for a pinch, plus it's on the main road in the city so I can catch buses really easily! Not that I need to, cause I have a guy to drive me around, hehe ♥
Oh, yes yes, I will be careful with it. Thankfully this place isn't too harsh about losing keys, but I plan to keep them thank you very much.
It's not like the Gulf of Mexico in Florida, that's true. I forgot that California has a pretty ocean with waves.
It's absolutely incredible. I want to share the view so bad… why did my phone have to break now?! I have repeatedly gotten lost looking outside my window. There's so much to see, and it's such a fresh perspective. It's like an organism, it's amazing. Plus, we get a wonderful view of the entire coast all the way to Toronto from here! Toronto is always shiny in the morning. Oh, and when it's snowing, it's a treat to watch the showers of snow flutter together all over the land. My favorite has to be sunsets though. I love watching the sunsets especially. It looks like an 80's album cover.
Also, it's quiet. Super quiet. Way more quiet than living in even the most secluded neighborhoods. You can't hear any cars or anything unless you get close to the window. Otherwise the most you hear is wind and rain. Ahh…
laloo! mimicoocoo.
Good, good. I'm okay, just working on essays. Or well, I should be! But instead I'm talking here. Maybe I should stop. But I don't wanna! It feels like home!
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>>1199Life is good. As long as you judge it based solely on your living accommodations.
Yyyyyup. Not that I've seen many oceans.
Well, I don't think the view is going anywhere anytime soon. Which direction is your window facing? West, I assume?
A sanctuary just for you!
Well that's probably good. But you should get some of those essay done so you can get some sleep.
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>>1200Of course there's more to it! But I'd say, considering how much of my life is framed by the place I live in and its distance to important things (due to me not having a car) living here has been a huge boon to my productivity, comfort, and overall mood due to things like
1) not speed walking 30 minutes through the chilling weather to and fro
2) forgetting things at home is hardly a big deal
3) Arriving on time everywhere is much easier
4) I'm saving so much time thanks to being close to everything. I've been keeping track! 9+ hours so far in the week I've been here.
5) Running out of important groceries is not a time-sink anymore, since I have a convenience store connected to my building
6) So many people in this building are lgbt, due to their being arts students and such
7) Personal bathroom makes life so much easier. Did I mention the door to it is inside my walk-in closet? It's super private
So on and so forth, etc.
Many of my earlier woes had much to do with the living situation I was in. My roommate goes without saying, but my fees, lateness, all of that was so difficult to manage when I was over an hour away from every destination, just because of how awful the transit system is away from the main roads. My old place took up a LOT of my time that way.
Now it's mostly school, social, and job related, but I'm right next to the school! The place where there are trained professionals to help me with at least two of those things! Plus, my friends can visit now! I'm right here!
I've seen a few. California is the best I've seen, probably.
Our living room window (the entire wall is a window) faces East. My bedroom window faces North! But I can easily look westward due to the size of it.
Okay, you're right. I'll get it done. Almost there. Thank you for the nice chat, Kyle. ♥
I hope you're doing okay. I hope everyone is good. Please take it easy! Remember to eat your fruits and vegetables! Don't forget to drink water!
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>>1201So… you're saying you want to move?
California is blessed in many ways.
Ah, perfect. Directionally.
Thank you for making the chat nice, Matias. Good luck.
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Cmdr if you would be so kind to beep me in steam or something when something happens here so I don't miss it.
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>>1203Wha? Ah! Yes, I'm sorry, I should have started doing that.
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Next movie will be:
d5 = 5
1 Redline (Layton)
2 Garden of Words (Layton)
3 Kung Fu Panda 3 (Sunny)
4 Inside Out (Sunny)
5 Toy Story 3 (Commander)
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>>1205We going to need a few than 4 for next week, I'll nominate The Godfather and the happening.
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I'll throw in "Predestination"
>>1208>>1209 No.1217
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>>1228Y'all having a good time?
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>>1229Fine, fine. How are you, Wheat?
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>>1232A little, but probably not as busy as you fine folks.
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>>1234Finals at the end of the month. How's work?
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>>1235Sam as usual. Studying?
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>>1236I should probably be studying more.
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>>1237Well, at least you're getting a head start on that procrastination.
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>>1238I'm two weeks behind in my procrastinating!
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>>1239Then you're doing well.
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>>1240And I haven't gotten some critical paperwork in that was due at the beginning of the semester, and the person I'm supposed to give it to retires after finals so I'm uneasy about shoving this on her plate.
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>>1241You can either make him do his job one last time, during which he will get put in a crack team of misfits and be the first to die. Or you can drop the class and wallow in failure for a year.
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>>1242Ah, nothing like that. It is for the entire program, I have some class waivers that didn't go all the way through. The person retiring is the program director and the instructor for two of my classes so she totally knows.
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>>1243Well you better do it before she retires. 'Cause the next guy's gonna not going to be so familiar.
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>>1244The next guy has to do it too.
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>>1245True, but he's going to be busy being the fresh-faced misfit trying to fit in with the cool kids when really it was here he should have been all along.
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>>1247Nope. You're average now.
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>>1249If you knew that you were going to live for at least 200 years would that change what you're doing now? Would it change how you feel about what you're doing?
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>>1250It would change my retirement plans…
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>>1251Yeah that's what I said. But then I said what if we assumed that your life stages would be increased proportionally. Your 20's would be your 40's and into your 60's and so on.
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>>1252Either way, I am not retiring at 65. The zero dollars I have put away will not last me 150 years.
I suppose if I knew I'd live that long I would want to push a little harder.
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>>1253Right, the problem would be that a lot of companies enforce some kind of mandatory retirement age. So at 40 you forge a new fake birth certificate and after you retire at 65 you forge a fake death certificate then assume the identity of the now 25 year old on the other birth certificate.
I wouldn't.
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>>1255Well, in my exercise I kept extending the maximum age to see if/when the answer would change. 200 doesn't actually seem that much of a stretch, but I think 300 would really start to get people thinking.
Personally, I think I would be doing the same thing am I now up into immortality, but I would feel less bad about it.
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>>1257Well I certainly don't think I would feel more bad!
You should be getting on to sleep.
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>>1259Don't got work tomorrow. I got all night.
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>>1261Nah, I'll be off soon, I'm sure.
Night, Kyle.
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>>1265G'night. Rest well. Take care.
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>>1273Fine, fine. How are you, my friend?
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>>1274Everything is going well.
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>>1276Ah… yeah! It's been okay. What about you?
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>>1277Busy? Slow week for me.
>>1278Nah. Really slow here too.
Glad you're getting a break.
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>>1279Ah, but I am glad you are having a break!
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>>1280I'd, uh. Rather not, you know?
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>>1281Yeah. But it can be an opportunity too!
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>>1283Been getting some rest?
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>>1285Good rest? Mostly, yeah.
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>>1287Still procrastinating on those finals?
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>>1288Believe me, I'd take care of them now if I could.
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>>1289Glad to hear that you're feeling so prepared.
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>>1290I'm just tired of waiting.
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>>1291Are these your final classes?
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>>1293Gonna be waiting a while longer, I think.
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>>1295You'll get there. One step at a time. I hope you can enjoy the journey a bit too.
>>1298Nah, nothing.
What had the lull? Bad season for work?
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S'been unusually slow so far this season, I think there's some chaos or another on the sales level. That's okay, as long as I make enough to live.
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>>1301Yeah, probably. I still should be looking for another job, though.
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>>1303I'm not, really. Status quo is good right now.
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>>1304So what was that comment about?
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>>1305I should be looking for something more… better.
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>>1306I'm sure you'd be able to.
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>>1307Well, first I'd have to look.
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>>1308Keep me posted if you find anything neat, yeah?
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>>1309Of course. What ever happened to that job at the hospital?
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>>1310That and all the others since fell through.
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>>1311Suppose I could have guessed, but that's what the school's for, right?
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>>1312Yep! Got tired of getting turned down for scrubbing plates.
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>>1313That's good. You deserve better.
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>>1314And you're better than me, so you know what I think you deserve.
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>>1315There, I think, I will respectfully disagree.
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>>1316Eh, skip the flattery. You are.
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>>1317In that case, then, I will disrespectfully disagree. What could make me better, or, perhaps, you worse.
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>>1318… you're really going to make me…
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>>1319Wheat, unless you're a serial killer I don't buy it, but I'm not going to make you say anything you don't want to say.
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>>1321I'm afraid that I don't understand. While I can't say with certainty whether your situation is truly good or bad, I can certainly say that my situation is not bad at all. I've always viewed myself as having lived a somewhat privileged life.
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>>1322Ah. Nevermind. It doesn't matter.
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>>1324Sorry about that.
I just mean that you're a hard worker.
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>>1325Busy night?
Only when I can't avoid it, heh.
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>>1327Nnnope. What's on your plate?
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>>1328A whole lot of nothing. What about you?
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>>1329Nothin'? Playin' games like usual. You all right?
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>>1331All right. Tanking games.
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>>1332You're filling tanks? What with?
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>>1333Shells, I imagine. Or trying to, anyways.
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>>1335Hm. Maybe. I've not seen one up close. What are you doing?
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>>1338Having fun with your sea shells?
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>>1339Eh. Probably should play something less stressful.
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>>1341Yeah. Space is good.
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How are you my friendity friend?
>>1389Fine fine. Procrastinating on things. Going to call my parents in a bit. Had a pretty rough week since I got caught with a cold or something and was out of commission Monday/Tuesday so I had to try and make them up. But it's done.
So how about you? What's up with you, posting strange fishes and stockpiling arms?
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>>1390I'm making a bloodthirsty chimera!
Aw, poor thing. Good job on doing all of that though! I need a bit more discipline with such things myself…
I've been sooooooo busy. Like, holy crap busy. These past weeks have totally wrecked my body from exhaustion, I still feel a little heavier than usual, hehe. I did not sleep much overall… there was (and still is) so much to do…
Heck, just on Friday, I had a work day that was supposed to be 9 to 2:30, but then my coworker dropped her shift out of nowhere during mine, and I offered to pick it up. I didn't know her shift was from 2:30 to
7 PM. I'll just say this right now - my job is exhausting. I had to deal with over 1000 customers over the day on the busiest day my workplace has ever had. (New record!!)
But um, bragging notwithstanding, I did make it out okay but I have been recovering from it since. I'm starting to get better but this is exam week so things might get crazy with studying and all (like the type I'll do today)
Also, it's worth mentioning there's been some hard stuff to deal with recently. For one, I will be unemployed by the end of this week, as school is ending and my job is at the student union, and then I'll have to make a resume and find a job and get interview attire, figure out how I want to present (male or female or androgynous?) and my relationship at the moment is great in practice, but I don't think I have romantic feelings towards him, the club I went to is now defunct, I'm not sure if I will graduate (but I talked to the teacher and he said he would help, wanted to meet on friday but I was working and now there's been radio silence), etc. etc.
However, lots of good stuff have happened too! I've moved into this new place and it's beautiful, my roommates are pretty great (the chinese girl gives me lots of food and she's very nice) I'm across the street from the school (literally), looks like I'm gonna pass all my classes, my parents seem to be really happy in Brazil and making friends, I've been getting more time to relax, and I even got to draw for a full day last weekend! I drew a bunch of cool concepts for characters!
>>1391Well we've run out of blood! Tell him there's only grape juice left.
On catching colds? Well I wouldn't recommend doing it!
Yeesh! 10 hour work day. Sounds rough. I've had to do 11 hour days before but that was only lifeguarding. Your coworker owes you big time.
Ah exam week. The great equalizer. The time that says "Oh, you were starting to get a handle on things? Lol nope have some exams."
You should present yourself as an attack helicopter. Or just go full punk rock so they'll say "Oh snap this guy is the bee's knees" and hire you then. But yeah, I don't know. Might be different in your situation, but from my experience, interviewers enjoy honesty than much else.
And ah yeah, that relationship. Still the trial period it seems? Sad to hear it's still not the easiest situation. Though at least enjoying the time with?
And what happened to the club? Shutting down with the school too?
And what's the issue with graduation?
aw man, I wish I got free chinese food.
Heh, but sounds like things are stabilizing a bit on those fronts. It's good to hear.
And more characters!
Also isn't that the cyan character from Show by Rock?
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>>1391>>1392Matias and Zefarian together at last! Like peanut butter and honey. One sweet, delicious, and with anecdotal medicinal benefits. The other, peanut butter. But together you've got yourself some sticky hands.
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>>1393I have only been partially bested by this update system!
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Though actually I have to go get groceries. so uh. later.
Here's Cmdr to keep company
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>>1394And I'm still eating breakfast. I'm glad that a solution lends aid to your predicament, even if partially.
>>1395Wha? Uh oh.
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>>1392Aw shoot. Too late. He's already pillaging villages.
Har har. i meant with catching up! I've been working on my discipline in general… it's my next frontier. I've worked out a lot of my personal issues like anxieties and junk, now I mostly have to work on my impulse control and my will.
It was insane… but I made da moneys, so it's all gooood!
Yyyyyyup. I'm gonna really hunker down later today and try to get the best grades possible…
*dubdubdubdubdubdub* *RRRRATATAT* HIRE ME
Lol, there actually are some places that would do that actually. I'm just not skilled enough for them (and i don't mean to be annoying, but I'm a she!)
It's true, they do. Well, I have been passing more these days (probably because I'm a lot more confident and "femming up" more, learning how to style myself well, plus transition and hair growing out to the length I want it). I had two customers at work say "Whoa, that's not a girl??" which… well, I guess i need to start working on my voice, but ehhhhh too busy for that kind of thing right now. I still have a lot of progress to make though, I still get misgendered because, well, while people do take some time to "figure me out", they still tend to land on "male" whether I've spoken or not. Everyone seems to treat me like a girl though regardless, whether they know me or not, which is appropriate. It really goes to show how complex human society is, that we can gender someone as "male" but treat them like a member of the opposite sex. Not only that, but I've had more straight guys tell me they think I'm cute, which is really exciting for me since it shows I'm getting closer to my goal, but they're uncomfortable about it. I don't mean to cause any trouble or get special attention, I just let them know that there's no reason to be ashamed of having interest in people who may not have always looked like they do today, and that being a little bi is totally cool and it's something they should embrace.
Speaking of this stuff, something has gone wrong with my hormonal transition, because I started losing some progress on things like my chest and junk, so I had to up my dose a little bit to get it back on track. I'm gonna get my blood checked soon.
Yeah, it's weird. I like him so so much, he's so amazing… but I'm just not into him, I guess. We've been enjoying our time together though, and he wants to keep going for longer to see if school has anything to do with it. Maybe I need to see another side of him than I have, since the time we spend together is almost always studying.
The leader of it just gave up on it cause people stopped showing up. I figured that would happen, I tried telling him that setting it up like a class was a bad idea and he should just make it a hangout, but he didn't listen. Ah well, it's not entirely that though, it had a lot to do with the end of the year and the type of people who were going there, the time of day etc.
I couldn't finish my final essay (even with extension) for Art of Cinema because every other class needed something done, and work, and moving, and so on. We had few assignments and that was a huge portion of the grade, so I explained the situation to him and he was sympathetic,said he'd figure it out, but didn't explain how. I'm still waiting to know what he's gonna do to help.
hehe, too bad! I'm the lucky one! Me!
Si! I'm so excited to make something with them! I'll keep a tighter lip about it though, so I can surprise peeps…
Yes it is! You sleuth!
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>>1395Darnit! You and your many questions about my day! Why must you care so much about my life?!
>>1393You jinxed it! Now I have no peanut butter OR honey, and my hands are sticky!
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>>1397Yes. I, replacement Zefarian, am pleased with the progress of the peasant pillaging. Poor as their predicament is, perhaps.
All you have to do is leave a pie on the windowsill, and then practice not eating it. A feat of willpower no man nor hobo has yet achieved.
I remember my graduation. I was never really 100% sure I had graduated until the degree came in the mail a couple weeks after the ceremony. What kind of fancy qualifications are you adding to your laundry list of skills?
Alas, I, replacement Zefarian, am not as skilled on matters on the opposite or transitional sex. But progress is good, I can't imagine the process being a short one. And be careful with them meds. Don't want you to wake up one day exploding with too much femininity. That's bad for your blood pressure.
Hm, a pickle indeed, but so sweet to taste. At the end of the day I think it's going to be up to you, but it seems like the status quo is good, so don't rush into a decision either way. Not when you already have so much school on your plate!
You should make your own club! Surely it can't be that hard.
I'm sure that teacher is busy with end of the year things himself, a little buzz might not hurt. Though I always find it awkward to remind someone to help you.
I'm glad your parents are doing better, though. Bet that's a big load off your mind.
I, replacement Zefarian, have no idea what show of Rock is.
>>1398But it is I! Replacement Zefarian! That is the metaphorical handtowel here to be wiped on. Even though, without water, we'll both just be sticky. Together.
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>>1399Good! Cause that's what we got. I can't fix it, I'm not good at reverse-science, I only know how to go forwards!
I must triumph over this most honorable of challenges. Quick! To the pie lab!
Hehehe, I've heard that's a common experience. But look at you! Mr. Degree man! Awww… I still have a lot of work to do with my "skills", but thank you for making me feel good about myself. I'm afraid I'm not really getting much in the way of… qualifications. Unfortunately it's just a diploma for… General Arts and Sciences? Not sure what it means, to be completely honest with you. I guess I'm experienced with research in social sciences now?
It's okay! Truth be told, you probably have more experience than the vast majority of the population, cause you've been friends with me for so long and I've told you guys EVERYTHING. But yes, that's true. The process only slows down after three years, at which it then continues for up to 4 more years. Most people pass as female at about 1 to 2 years, depending on genetics, luck, age, skill. It seems I've got good genetics for this kind of thing, and I started fairly young (relatively), so I'm gonna be good I think.
Hah! You're right though, believe it or not, the pills I'm taking do screw with your blood. Mostly in terms of thickness. I have really thin blood, so I am being careful with my meds and the only increase I did was take 1 more pill of antiandrogens (testosterone blockers), which are surprisingly harmless. Well, for my intended purposes, at least.
(your metaphors are giving me a giggle) I agree. If I come to a decision, it will be at the end of the month, so we've had ample time together and pretty much know where it's going.
hahaha! hahah! hah!
NOI'd rather stay at home and do my own thing and be with my own friends!
I did buzz him! I'll wait till monday, then I'll buzz him again.
It's quite a load of my mind. I was so worried about them, but my dad's being a goofball again when we chat and my mom sounds really happy. I'm glad.
Iiiii just follow artists on tumblr and they make nice fanart from shows I don't watch. All I know is that it's some kind of furry/idol thing?? It's cute though!
Replacement Zefarian, your metaphors may be clever, but my hands remain sticky. Ah well, let us wallow in the stickitidue…
Speaking of which, RZ, how have you been?
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>>1400The direction any good scientist would go! Ah, the solution is as clear as sticky honey. Engineering a pie chimera!
Just remember to yell "No takebacks!" when you do get your degree. They never tell you about the takebacks. Alas, that I could have put my library of degrees and certificates to better use. I suppose the Canadian education system wouldn't be quite the same as in the US, but any qualification that you've put in your hours is a good thing! Gotta back up that sparkling personality with some cold hard degrees. You science them socials!
That's… probably true, especially for the area I live in. Actually, speaking of transitions, I heard on the radio about this one kid going through the transition at 10 years old. That… seemed kind of young to me, but I wanted to ask your opinion on it.
Mm, my grandpa was on blood thinners. Gotta be very careful with those cuts and scrapes of daily life.
They're funny because they are both 100% accurate and fun-tested. Well, either way I think you're taking things in a very mature way and I hope that either eventual decision will leave both parties satisfied.
Yeah! Stupid outside with their clubs and cliques and claptrap.
Ah, that's good to hear. Though soon they'll start talking to you about old people things like grandchildren, the weather over the past month, and medical procedures.
I could have guessed that! Though I'm always curious if any of the things you post might be drawings of your own design.
Ah, it's good to be sticky sometimes to recognize how unsticky the rest of life can be.
Ah, fine. It's been a slow week so I've just been hanging around.
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>>1396>>1397>>1398>>1399>>1400I am return! You have done well
I have no idea how to intersect the conversation so I'll just saying random things.
Apologies! It was meant to be the informal unisex 'guy' but duly noted!
Sounds like you're most of the way there! Gotta work on the confidence thing mostly sounds like!
Own club! with blackjack! And hookers!
And professors who take the time to fit individual circumstances are good professors.
Just one of my friends has been rreeeeaaaalllyy getting into Show by Rock so I've picked up a few things via radiation.
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>>1403I have purchased sustenance.
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>>1405I shall be fed.
You up to much?
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>>1406Nnnnnope! I should also probably shower and groceries at some point. What about you?
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>>1401Ah. Young transition. Oh boy. Well… I'll make this its own post. There are things that must be taken into account when considering such things.
First of all, almost all of post-transition regret (which is often the concern in these, that they don't know what they want yet) comes from the ills of not passing as the gender you identify with, not so much that you made the wrong decision. In other words, social ostracization, not having an effective enough transition nor enough money for surgery, leaving you looking awkwardly "in-between", having trouble making friends, negative experiences with others, not finding a job* (important one), not being treated like you are female/male, etc.
Transitioning is essentially going through a directed puberty. The body experiences growth spurts and so on, it grows your bone structure like your shoulders or hips, changes fat distribution and much much more. However, it can't reverse bone changes once they've solidified, like height or the jaw, which are specfic to male puberty (males have a much harder time going to female than females going to male, for biological reasons like those). The longer you wait after you start puberty, the less female traits you would develop, and the less you would pass and be taken for the gender with which you identify.
So, by doing it earlier, you avoid pretty much all of the problems that trans people have socially, as well as dysphoria (the upsetting feeling one experiences upon the observation of one's sex traits in a mirror, or attitudes of others "reflecting" their sex-appearance, which I have phrased vaguely but have been specifically studied and nailed down to come from dissonance between gender and sex, which makes it different from typical body dysmorphia)
You also have to consider that by the age of four, it's said that one knows their gender identity, and that gender identity remains consistent throughout life almost all of the time. So if a kid is 10 and they say they identify as female, or male, that isn't likely to change whatsoever. There are, of course, special cases… especially recently. See, when I was a kid going through all this, and even when I decided to come out as trans, there was almost no news about this, no representation. I had no pressures telling me it was a good idea outside of my body, which is why it took me so long to come out with it. It never changed or wavered, it was always constant, so I'm inclined to believe them when they say they are trans. However, with the recent trend of trans people being considered something exciting and brave and cool and so on, I'm a little concerned. Kids have a tendency of being susceptible to these things, but I don't think it's the case quite as much so as people say. Kids are not THAT impressionable, they have the ability to reason too, believe it or not.
There's also the fact that young transitions have historically been done with the application of testosterone blockers, or puberty-stoppers, which are generally harmless due to the way they work (testosterone is in the body it just doesn't interact with receptors) and they can figure it out without a puberty "clock" to worry about. Then, when they're 16 or 18, they can take estrogen and go through all that.
Which can save, on average, over $10,000 in surgery fees to pass.
Examples: at age 25… you, it still works, but it takes more effort, longer, you miss out on your youth as your gender, and often FFS (facial feminization surgery).
So, how do I feel about it? I don't know. I think 14 is a good age for that to be a choice. 12 is okay I guess, maybe a bit early but as they say, gender doesn't seem to change. 10? Hmm… hard to say. All I can say is that there is probably nothing to worry about, since they will pass for sure and will probably be completely fine in the long run. I think, though, it's important to look at a case-by-case basis. There may actually be kids out there who idealize the experience of being a woman (or a man, for that matter) as a grass is greener thing, maybe they feel that the reason they're not accepted is due to not being the gender they should be, or they want to restart since they don't like their life, maybe they have been neglected and feel it would garner attention… but while those are very alarming and come to the forefront of our mind when we worry about it, airplane crashes do too due to how shocking they are, yet they're extremely rare in the grand scheme, just like people who do the things I just mentioned.
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>>1408That's about what I figured with it being much easier to transition the earlier you do it, especially before puberty.
I was more curious about the mental acuity, or maturity, needed to make such a decision for yourself so early on. Considering we can't vote, drive, drink or, on occasion, be left alone at that age. It just seems like the decision to transition is such a huge life-changing one, but I think you're right that these things must be taken on a case-by-case basis too. And, unfortunately, that mistakes and bad decisions will happen.
I think they had another story about a 4 or 5 year old that identified as female and her parents just went with it and everyone was happy. Kind of odd, though I mean what if she changes her mind later? I guess that's just something you can't really anticipate and just deal with it if it happens.
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>>1401Genius!! It will be a beautiful rhubatb-entwined tiger panda!
T… takebacks? please no takebacks!!…
What do you mean by better use? You seem to be doing fine… of course, that's what you always say, so I wouldn't know!
Ah yes, sparkling personality. That is me. I sparkle. Look at me go. Indeed.
Hehe, well yeah I guess papers are important indeed. I'm hoping it will help me find jobs! It's hard these days, I hear…
Ooh, yeah. I had a random nosebleed at work and it freaked me out. I'm glad the customer didn't see it, i just quickly said "one sec" and took care of it in the work bathroom. Apparently dry air makes your nose bleed! Also, everytime I cut myself at work by accident, it FLOWS like mad!
Wow, I can tell! I didn't know you were a comedyologist! Yes, no matter what I want to be around him… he's really great. He says he wouldn't hold it against me and that I'm not obligated to answer his feelings in any way.
Heheh, clubs are fun but… I've made my friends. I have other things I want to focus on now.
Grandchildren? Haha, I think they're probably having that conversation with my brother! He's getting married soon, after all! That other stuff though, yeah, they definitely are getting into that territory.
Sadly, my tablet is missing its pen and it is nowhere to be found… I can only draw traditional without colour (For now). But here is a drawing!
>picIt's one of the characters I mentioned earlier, it's an earlier design but I liked the pose.
I am learning much from you, sensei of sticky.
Pfft, hanging around? Okay okay, fine, I'm glad you're getting time to yourself. No news at all?
>>1409The real question here is, I think, what if they make a bad decision? What are the consequences? Well, as far as I know, you can just stop and then go through puberty as normal and it's as if nothing ever happened, de-transitioning is a thing, and it seems to work without much of a hitch. In the end, what would really happen? If the parents are capable of accepting them as trans, I'm pretty sure they could go back just as easily. In short, I'm not sure if there are that many consequences to it. Especially in comparison to what happens to a trans person NOT transitioning. Suicide rates are… pretty disgusting in that respect.
So yeah, while we can't vote, drive (which can kill you/other people), drink (which is literally a recreational poison, and it will destroy your brain if you're still young), or be left alone (because people can kidnap you or generally do shitty things to you as a vulnerable individual), I think the decision to undergo treatment for this isn't as dire as any of those things, especially considering the medical process used not being particularly dangerous.
>>1402Oop! I just can't tell, so I make sure to say something cause I don't wanna stay quiet and let people make mistakes anymore. Thank you, Zeffie. ♥
Yeah! I'm actually showing bare skin now! I've moved into the 21st century of fashion! Scandalous!
Yes. And video games. And pasta.
Yeah, I think so too. It's nice of him to offer this, he's saving my skin.
Ohhh, okay. Yeah I'm clueless lol.
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>>1410I've never had rhubarb before, personally. I hope it at least tastes good. Actually I've never had tiger or panda, either.
Well that's why you gotta yell it!
Well my job now is, eh, fine. But it's not very related to what once was my field of study.
Woah, man, turn down them sparkles a notch you're blinding me. And I'm filled with a sudden compulsion to hire you. They've been saying it's hard to find work since… right before I got out of college, unfortunately. But don't give up, persistence will win the day.
Mm, yeah I get random nosebleeds every once in a while. Stay hydrated! It's surprising how much blood was up there. Ouch, hope you've got some bandages handy.
I minored in comedyology. And he's right. You gotta look out for you, buddy.
Time to be a fancy pants responsible adult, eh? I tried that. Neh.
Ooo, exciting! Have you met the bride-to-be?
And pencil and paper. As God intended. Or charcoal, whatever artists use now. Ah, the secret butterfly people, and classical theme portrayed in many renaissance era works. Here we can see the artist has chosen a trident as the weapon of choice. Representing the butterfly people's desire to eat my pie.
There is much to be learned from the stickiness. And one day you too may achieve stuckvana.
Yeah idle time is always nice. I guess I could be doing something with it, though. Hm, new news. Hmmmm. Uuuuuuh. I'm going down to SoCal tomorrow for a day or two to help out with work down there. I'm am not very exciting.
I mean change their mind like, way later. 30's later. What if, as you said, they decide to transition at a young age for the wrong reasons and then when they do mature or move out they realize that that isn't what they wanted at all. Of course I think cases like that would be relatively few in number, but it'll still happen. I guess that's just getting into the details of how the process works now. In the end, people do what they want, I suppose, and hopefully it all works out for them.
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>>1411You could say the same for the decision NOT to transition. After all, I regret not doing it earlier most days. And they could NOT transition and then in their 30's be like "why did I not go through with it, damnit". So really, it's all the same risk in the end.
Also, that butterfly character I decided to make a moth, since that was my original intention and I didn't know how to draw one. He's much more mothlike now. This whole thing is for a game I'm trying to set the stage for!
Okay, I'm gonna go take a shower and start my day. My boyfriend's coming over so I'll be busy, but thank you for being here!!
Love you guys as always! I hope we can talk like this for many years to come! ♥
>hugsand here, have another drawing :)
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>>1412Hm, that's very true. I didn't think of that.
Ooo neat! You must tell us how this mystical game goes when it comes to fruition.
Anytime, Matias. Have a nice time! And good fortune until we speak again.
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Just a reminder: You're all nerds!!
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1 Redline (Layton)
2 Garden of Words (Layton)
3 Kung Fu Panda 3 (Sunny)
4 Inside Out (Sunny)
5 The Godfather (Earthed)
6 The Happening (Earthed)
d6 = 5
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>>1416It's a movie we can't refuse!
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Happy Keeperday, keeper! ♥
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Happy Keeperday, everybody!
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>>1416I would have prefered making you watch the happening, oh well
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>>1418>>1419Thanks so much you guys!
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Hi my threadies.
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Ah! I'm alone!
I guess I'll just sit here in silence.
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>>1426Silence is better than conversation anyways
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>>1428You're not very good at this…
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Who's talking? No talking!
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>>1429is this better.
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>>1432You're talking! Y DO DIS
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>>1434I'm just kidding frend. How are you?
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>>1435I am good! Very good! I am watching Hearthstone videos while I eat delicious soup, and draw Nicolas Cage.
How are you?
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>>1436All sounds like a great time! I'm a little curious as to why you're drawing the cage.
I'm watching a movie with De Boys and talking to my girlfriend on the side! Saturday is my day off from work and school so I can finally relax a bit.
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>>1437Because I can.
… and because I wanted to practice anatomy by drawing from real people. I figured the most interesting pictures would come from actors. What better actor is there for random expressions than Nic Cage?
Oh movie time?! daw I Missed it
Yeah, I just finished school myself! and work! I am so exhausted but so happy!
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>>1438What a great idea actually! And you're doing well from what I'm seeing!
Yeah we're watching Godfather. It's a lot longer than I thought it was. 3 hours my gosh.
Awe lucky! I finish on the 6th of May. I'm really nervous about finishing strong. Hopefully I'll get it all done well and good.
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>>1439Yeah! I get time to practice now! Many many hours in fact! I'm gonna get so good!
Once i find a job, life will be super swell.
Oh golly. That's a long movie. But it's a good one!
Hehe. That's a while from now. I certainly did not finish strong… but I got some amazing compliments from my teachers, one of them told me I should become a writer, and he was gonna recommend me to a university. I told him I don't have moneys though… boohoo.
Think you're gonna make it, though?
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>>1440Hell yeah you are! You should see how much you've improved over the summer by comparing the drawings you do now from now and then when the summer is over!
Any interesting jobs around so far?
Another hour to go. Jeez, I really want a shower or something.
Maybe it's something to look into sometime in the future? That is, if you're willing to do it. I personally wouldn't want to go to school twice, lol.
I… don't know. I'm just going to try and do whatever I can and finish up. I just want it to be done honestly.
>>1441Heyo Zefo!
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URF after the movie's over? I want to take a quick break to shower and stuffs. We can play afterwards if you want.
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>>1441>>1443Agasp! It's a Zefarian! How quaint!
Creature, how is your day?
>>1442You know, I'm drawing in my sketchbook again, and looking at my old work… I've already improved so much just this past semester… and i wasn't even drawing that much! Just a drawing a day! This summer I'm gonna be going through my anatomy books, figure drawing books, 100+ art tutorials… and I have a bunch of personal art exercises in mind for getting better.
Nope! Haven't started yet. Well, I guess one. My boss said his friend is opening a store in Oakville and asked if anybody wanted to be recommended. I asked and he gave me the guy's email address to send a resume to.
Aww…. poor smelly keplor
Nope! I don't like writing that much. I like telling and creating stories, but describing them in detail moment by moment with text is agonizing to me.
Yeah, I did the same thing. I just wanted to pass after a certain point.
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Well after I should be finding something to eat. Can probably see after.
>>1445Yellop, Mati Mat
dear Mati, I'm fine, been having a bit of a lazy day. How's you?
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>>1432An improvement
How's life treating you?
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>>1445Jesus. Write me an autograph when you're famous so I can sell it for lots of $$$$$$$$$ will ya?
What kind of a store is it?
Ey! I'm not that smelly! Only when I need a shower!
Ah well! I was never a writer too much myself.
I just want to pass out after a certain point. Sleep sounds so nice instead of going to school.
>>1447I will do the same!
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d5 = 1
1 Redline (Layton)
2 Garden of Words (Layton)
3 Kung Fu Panda 3 (Sunny)
4 Inside Out (Sunny)
5 The Happening (Earthed)
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>>1447You? A lazy day? Good!
I am cute ♥
And also good. I have finished college, finished work, am getting a fat paycheck soon and my parents' business looks like it's going to happen. I'm getting better at drawing and having a great time doing it, and I'm living in a lovely place. All is well! (for now)
Also, it is getting warm here in the land of snow and moose. Quite nice!
>>1448Pretty well! I'm feeling pretty good about things. My resume's looking alright, I'm gonna go put together an interview outfit soon, and I have ideas for places I want to work.
Also, I have an actual makeup artist friend who's going to help me learn makeup! Fun fun!
How are you?
>>1449You already have a drawing by me in your possession! That will sell!
It's… in his words, a high-end fast food restaurant?
Oh yeah? That's not what my bed said when I let you sleep in it! Now I'll never get the Keeper cooties out of it!
yeah…. my body feels amazing now that i'm not working or goign to school. holy cow, I didn't realize how tired it was
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>>1452Welp! Seems like everyone forgot and or left.
Sounds like things are looking up for you!
Fingers crossed!
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>>1452Decent enough, now the money's coming in from work I've started working on upgrading to a pc, this laptop is getting past it's prime. That said there's a lot of talk about the business moving everyone around to bigger offices which would mean putting my job out of reach of me, so I might not end up here long. On the other hand everyone here seems to be really impressed with how quickly I've picked everything up so they might try to keep me in somehow if that happens. Worse comes to worse it's degree relevant experience I can take elsewhere.
What sort of work are you looking for?
Good luck with getting the interviews, I know how hard it can be, took me 9 months of unemployment and nearly 2 years of minimum wage retail jobs to finally get graduate level job.
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>>1453Whoa, nice one! What kind of work do you do, anyway?
Any kind of stable work, really. I've only had experience in a kitchen with a chef,so I imagine I might be more likely to get hired for that than anything else… but really, anything. Clothing store, office job, LGBT shelter, factory… anything.
Yeah, it's gonna be rough. I'm gonna put my all into it, and if I don't get one within the next month, I'll go to a temp agency and probably end up with some blue collar job. It wouldn't be good news for me, considering blue collar workers aren't known for their overwhelmingly progressive attitudes towards transgender people, let alone women, but a job's a job and I need one.
I may go to my program advisor and ask what kind of jobs I should look for given my diploma.
It's possible (hahaha, as if) that I could somehow work off of my art but that's highly unlikely, given that I have no fanbase or anything.
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thank you zeffie, that's okay. People be busy
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>>1455Support consultant for a software company, putting it that way makes me sound a big shot but it's not as impressive as it sounds. It's better than retail though, because the people you have to deal with are never actually in front of you.
Basically people phone/ email whatever problems they're having with the product I work on and I solve it for them. Base level work, but it's a starting point and it pays better than minimum.
You're in Canada right? I'd imagine they have some pretty decent protections for you, so there's always that if you need it.
You really need to act like you're in a high school film to get an online fanbase, suck up to the popular girls until people know who you are then backstab them to get some of that popularity for yourself, it's a ugly business but then some people get to draw 24/7 to just keep their neck above the poverty line so I guess it's worth it?
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>>1457Hey, any job you can tolerate well is a good job! Especially if it pays a decent wage.
That's true, you're right. I'll still be careful though…
Haha, is that a metaphor for drawing fanart? Well, there's also just making cool stuff too, that seems to work for some. You need to be prolific for that one, which I'm working on. I'm more interested in doing art for studios, but I'm a while away from that. For now I'll just do my own thing and see where that goes.
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>>1458The kind of fan artists that live off of patreon/ commissions always seem to be fighting amongst themselves or fighting a crusade some sort, you'd think it'd get tiring after a while.
Good luck to you with that, a lot of people want in and not all that many places.
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>>1459Yeah, some of them are drama llamas. But the ones I follow seem to be doing just fine for the most part.
Don't worry, I know all about the art industry. I'm lucky in that I go to a big name art school that's near big name studios. Some of my friends have already been approached by them, and I'm close enough to them that, if I were to improve enough, I could abuse my nepotistic privilege.
Realistically, I expect about 5 to 6 more years before I get into a studio. If I'm lucky and work diligently, I bet I can shorten it down to 3 years.
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>>1456Nah everyone's just derps.
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>>1461we are all dorks. ♥
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>>1464So, how are you this morning?
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>>1465Sshh, he's a busy important man wearing sunglasses and drinking coffee out of a cup. Even on Sundays!
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>>1465>>1466I've been busy doing laundry and forgetting things like a derp
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>>1460You be sure to abuse that nepotistic privilege every chance you get, it's not everyday little folk get to.
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Hi. Anybody home?
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Is no one around?…
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I totally caught you here all by myself.
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>>1489Wow, you're so attentive! And a great friend.
How are you, my considerate companion?
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>>1490Quite true quite true
I'm doing okay. Had a rather busy day. Woke up early to go to lab, had a meeting with the professor and the new undergrads he hired to replace me and another guy who are graduating. So starts the process that I have to sort of catch them up to speed and teach them what I know about the place, which hopefully can be done before I go on out and what not.
Then had a volunteer thing for about 6 or so hours, was this event put on for the university students to relax and chill before finals. Had therapy dogs, massages, nacho bar, coloring books, and just several stuff to be fun and relaxing. So did that and then came back and now I'm being lazy.
How's Mat Mat doing?
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>>1491<3It's so cool that you're working in labs and stuff. Are you feeling more confident with your abilities? Where are you going now?
Whoa, that's… a lot of hours for volunteering. Oh hey! We had therapy dogs too! And massages! he rest, not so much though. That's amazing… I'm jealous!
No no, you're not being lazy. You're relaxing, so you can have energy for tomorrow's events!
I'm alright. I've been surprisingly, (or I guess unsurprisingly for me) incredibly busy despite graduating and all. A lot of things have happened lately. Just today I was out from 1 PM to 9 PM in Toronto, getting medical stuff done and getting my rent money. I also had a weird run-in…
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>>1492Been working since last year. And I don't know, I guess I still feel like I'm winging it despite helping set up a majority of the lab that is now. I think it's partially that I'm rather bad at retaining information and that might be an issue down the lines. I dunno.
After graduating going to go to grad school studying Medical Physics.
Yeah, it's a university sponsored thing, so got a bit to go around.
The dogs and massages were the top things everyone enjoyed anyways so that's that!
Oh boy tomorrow!
Medical stuff done? What sort of medical stuff?
What sort of run in?
And reminds me I've been having to do quite a bit with immunizations too. Grad school requires some things and neither my parents nor I have pretty much looked at my immunizations since entering public school, so having to go get all that sorted out was a chore.
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>>1493Aw. You might have to train that ability, or if not, then use technology to make up for it. That's what I do. I try to use technology as much as I can to make up for my weaknesses… but some training is still required.
That's awesome. I'm really proud of you (for whatever that counts for), good job Alex!
haha, well of course!
I had to go talk to my doctor about my pills. They weren't really doing much as of late. We talked about it and apparently, doing estrogen shots is now cheaper than taking pills, due to weird pharmaceutical economic stuff I don't know much about. It's icky, but I'm going to be doing that now. It's also more convenient, since I only have to take one a week. It's a very potent method obviously. I'm gonna be transitioning significantly more rapidly now, and my testosterone will be better suppressed.
So, while the pros are that it's a much more effective method for transitioning, both in biological terms and in financial terms, there are some cons to consider.
For one, it's not exactly simple or safe. I need to follow the instructions they gave me
exactly. Of course, you know about medical stuff so I guess you know what kind of stuff can happen if you do it wrong? Or maybe not, I don't know, you're in medical science so I figured you might. For one, I need to be super sterile, and needles are involved. I also need to make sure not to hit something important when I take the shot, or get any air inside myself. I need to do it at a 45 degree angle, yadda yadda. Dispose of the needles in my "sharps" bin… so on and so forth. My old boyfriend (whom I am still casual friends with) has been taking testosterone for a long time and has done this process multiple times, so he's gonna be visiting each week to help me out.
Another con is that my moods will swing more. Since I'm taking a potent dose once a week, my estrogen levels will be in constant flux. A big spike in hormones is always a great time.
But, I don't have to go to Toronto to get my dosage any more. I'll just be getting everything mailed to me now. That will save me lots of money.
(I'll go into the run-in and the stuff that's happened lately in my next post, just to keep the thread going)
Oh my. You're in medicine! You have no excuse!
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>>1494Your approval is worth like
at least 20 happiness!
Well hopefully you're fine with needles!
I guess they're also a bit more concentrated?
Oh huh. So you'll actually be applying them yourself. Didn't really expect that. That's something alright.
Be sure to buy lots of tissues for all the hormone crying!
Strange that they'll mail shots but not pills. So sounds weird.
Your face is an excuse!
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I will also be listening.
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>>1495Aww. Well, I'm very inspired by you. You seem like a great student. Especially since you're dealing with such a complex field.
I'm… okay with needles. I don't like them, but I can handle being stabbed by one. Doing it myself is… well, it definitely goes against human nature, that's for sure.
Phew… just the thought of it gets my blood racing a little. I'm actually doing this.
It's both more concentrated (1 ml to the 2mg I was taking before) and it bypasses the digestive tract and the liver. Yeah. It's definitely something.
So far I've been able to avoid a lot of the emotional shenanigans that happen due to puberty. Thanks to my adult experience and level of reason, as well as knowing what's going on inside of me medically, it helps me stay sane even when my insides are all over the place. And the pill thing is weird to me too, but maybe there's some complicated reason for it, like everything else in bureaucratic systems.
Anyway, as for the run-in… I'll type it out in a sec.
Yeah! A sorry excuse for an ugly one!
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>>1496>>1497Hi guys.
>>1498I don't know, I always feel like I'm winging it. Whether it's just a lack of self confidence or something else I don't know.
Heh. Yeah, self control can win out but definitely not a pleasant thing altogether.
Just gotta find your veins, Mati!
Well with your blood racing, the dose will move a little faster!
Oh yeah,that sounds like a pretty strong dose then.
Heh, sorry. Just remembering a thread once I saw on Reddit about people and what the most unexpected thing was about them transitioning. One of it was that apparently crying was a whole lot easier MtF.
I think when it comes to bureaucracy, it's less that it's complicated, and more that it's stupid and no one changes it because that's complicated and stupid.
Your ugly mug is too apologetic!
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… So, I was in a loan store off one of the main roads in Toronto, and after filling out my paperwork for the Western Union dropoff, I went back in line. After a bit of waiting, someone behind me said "you dropped something.". When I turned around to see, there was nothing on the floor and he said "… your number. For me." I just looked at him in shock for a bit and said "… Me?". I was so shocked I don't quite remember what he was saying after that, but if I recall correctly it was just the basic pickup lingo. I admit, I didn't expect someone like him to be interested in me. Particularly because the guy didn't look gay or bi in any way at all. He was like, a cool, street black dude and I'm just some pasty trans kid. Not sure if he could tell or didn't care. Probably the latter.
Anyway, it caught me completely off-guard and I didn't know how to react, I was extremely nervous, I don't know how to react to being hit on like that. I've flirted with guys very subtly, but I've never had a guy straight up ask for my number out of nowhere. Plus, he looked like he was 30 or close to it.
I was also really flattered, but I'm not really the type to give out my number to strangers. I just said "Thank you, I'm very flattered. I'm sorry though, I'm taken." (I'm not) Then he asked if we can "still be friends". I didn't know how to react to that, so I had to take a moment to think about what to say next while laughing nervously, obviously very embarrassed, glancing at the line hoping it would go faster. He was spouting more game that I wasn't fully listening to, then he gave me his address (apparently close by). I said that I was sorry, but it wouldn't work cause I live in Oakville. Then he said we could "spend some time together today. Go upstairs, smoke some "kush"". I was starting to get a bit weirded out by his persistence (not that I wasn't weirded out to begin with) and I just said I'm just kind of awkward and not very outgoing. Then he said that's okay, yadda yadda, this went on and on and he wasn't getting the hint.
Then, out of nowhere, he's like "How much is it worth to you?" I asked him what he meant. "I'll give you 9. ($90) You want 9? as much as you want." Then he started offering more when I said "that's okay" and offering free drugs and stuff. At this point I started internally freaking out. Not only was I speechless and doing something between a smile and gritting my teeth, I didn't know if I was safe around him or if I should try and get home as quickly as possible so he wouldn't kidnap me or something.
I tried to get through the money order as quickly as possible while he said stuff like "I'll make it worth your while" making a face, "you should try something new, you never know…". He clearly is not giving up and it's scaring the shit out of me.
I just jumped the hell out of there asap and power walked back to the subway. I was shaken up about it for a while…
So yeah. That's my first time being blatantly objectified and offered to be purchased. I still am a little mixed up about it. When I talked to my girl friends, they basically were unsurprised about it. Which also worried me. Is… is this what I have to look forward to? I guess I better start carrying mace…
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>>1496>>1497Hi, you two. Hope you guys are doing well.
>>1499Maybe you just need some more structure in your life. Or maybe it's just a normal thing for someone in your position. I wouldn't know, I really
am winging it.
Ah, no! It's intramuscular, not intravenous. Makes it simpler… but still scary.
That's true. I might want it to go slow though… dispense itself over time, so that there's less of a spike and more of a bell curve. I do want a stronger dose though, I've been stagnant for a while.
Hehe, some people don't see it coming. I think the most unexpected things have been a newfound ability to blush, my freckles coming back, developing some slight rosacea, and dry skin.
That's more accurate, I agree. So done with it.
My mug is beautiful. That's why it's a sorry excuse for an ugly one!
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>>1500Man, what a creepy dude.
I don't have much experience in the matter, but when my sister went off to college my parents made her take a self-defense class. That might be something to consider as well, just for a little more peace of mind. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst, as they say.
>>1502Fine, fine. Hope you're taking care of yourself up there.
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>>1501>>1503You know… I'll consider it. I've been safe so far but I think that's cause I still had some muscle and size, was seen as a guy and so on. I don't think that's the case anymore. I guess I should take it more seriously.
Thankfully things like that are not as common here in Canada… but I don't want to be one of the unlucky ones either. Plus, someday I may move somewhere less safe.
… anyway, I can go into all the other stuff that's been happening in a bit. Is there anything else going on with you guys?
>>1502Heh. That's true. Certainly nothing compared to what you're doing.
Ah. I guess that certainly makes things easier! But certainly would be good to get some help with that.
Is it possible to do it bit by bit over time? Or is the recommended dose all at once?
Freckles Mati? Sounds cool!
I bet your mug says something like "#1 dumb butt"
>>1504Maybe get one of those get home safe apps just to be sure.
Well we already discussed what I'm on about, we should talk about Cmdr's secret mission to Scotland.
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>>1504An unfortunately ever-present risk in society.
Same ol', same ol' for me. Well… actually an old friend visited last weekend. And I'm leaving for France and Scotland next week. But, ya know, hardly worth mentioning.
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Well, I guess I'll go from oldest to newest on the other stuff.
I've been playing The Last of Us at Braden's house. It's such an amazing game. We also got a lot closer physically, and I've really started getting comfortable with showing my legs, which has led to people referring to me by the right pronouns or simply not knowing I'm trans. Braden and I kissed for the first time, and it was pretty great. We went to see Jimmy Carr live. (the british comedian) He was really funny, surprisingly. I just didn't know if it would work out that way since I saw a bit of one of his shows on youtube and it was sort of mediocre. The live show was incredible though. I don't know if they released laughing gas or something, but I lost it quite a few times. He would ask people in the crowd what they do and do improv with the material they give him, and he had such a great memory too. He would refer back to people based on what they said and stuff like that, oh man it was great offensive fun. Definitely a night to remember.
When we went back to his place, we had some Mickey Dee's and some more of his homemade tea. He actually got me into tea, somehow. So many people have attempted and failed, but he has succeeded. We talked while having tea, and eventuall, we were getting pretty close… physically. Kissing and stuff. Then he started making a move, which I was all for, except… my body was into it, but my emotions were not.
See, physically, I'm very comfortable with him. My feelings though… I had realized a few days before that I was not developing feelings for him, and if anything, I felt less for him than I did when we started. I wasn't entirely sure until that same day, but then I knew. I had to let him know, so I told him I don't think I could continue because it would be dishonest. He needed to know I didn't feel the same way emotionally. I really really like him, he's an incredible person, a perfect partner, but… the heart is blind and dumb. He didn't take it well. We sat in silence for a couple hours, with only little interjections of my reassurance or his vocalizations of his being distraught. I asked him if I could still be a part of his life, and he said he wasn't sure. This was at 2 am, so it was very quiet. He drove me home, and it was a very silent, tense ride. I went in my apartment and that was it.
You could say I've had a rough couple of months.
>>1505Thanks for complimenting me, but what you're going through is never "nothing". You're working hard, and I know that for at least a while, you were dealing with some tough feelings. You've earned what you got.
I'm supposed to take a shot of 1 ml a week. Each vial has 20 ml.
I used to have freckles. They slowly went away when puberty struck though. My skin has thinned a lot since I've gone on estrogen, that's probably got something to do with it.
My mug says "Michigan The Great Lake Stat". Because Keeper. Also they apparently they forgot the e at the end.
… there's no way I would remember to use that. Plus, I would need to have my data on probably.
>>1506Scotland?!? France?!?!
Ahhh! Why don't you tell me these things?
And how was that visit? What did you do? Are they still the same as they used to be?
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>>1507Ah, well, you gave it your best try, and that's as much as anyone can ask. Maybe it hurts now, but in the long term I think your honesty will save a lot of hardships down the line.
Mm, eh, well, ya know, nothing important there. Just a little trip.
Well I haven't been yet, but I surmise France might have changed for the worse since last we saw each other. And Scotland, I'm sure, as progressed well in past decade or two.
>>1507Ah! I hear Last of Us is pretty cool!
I've never seen a comedian live before, sounds pretty cool. And I think might be the envinronment too, other people laughing gets you laughing too I think
Tea's nice. I like tea.
Sorry for everything else though.
So with 1 ml a week, you can decide when it's injected throughout?
Lol, sounds like Keeper!
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>>1510Look it's Keeper!
Now we can insult him to his face!
also nice Vivian pic
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Thanks bro! I got it off the internet. Like many of my pictures.
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>>1508Yeah… Thank you Kyle. You're a great friend. I hope Braden and I can really make this friendship work. So far it's been very difficult for him. I felt really guilty for a while… I still feel a little guilty. He was supposed to come over today but he changed his mind.
We did hang out a couple days after I broke up with him. We went to an anarchist march in Hamilton for Mayday. I had never been to Hamilton, but man what a way to get acquainted to a city. It's great, I can tell it's a major one. I carried a flag and walked in the front, shouting chants at the top of my lungs and bumping shoulder to shoulder with cops trying to rein us in. I didn't know I had it in me. My favorite parts were when we went to the side of the city's largest prison and had a speech there, showing our disdain for the way in which the current system perpetuates a cycle of incarceration rather than trying to remove the social injustices which are often the source of crime. Well, in our views, at least. The prisoners were pounding the glass and blowing kisses through the windows, holding thumbs up, stuff like that. It was very moving.
My other favorite parts were going through the town centres and dropping flares all around the banks and other capitalist institutions of oppression. I don't know, it was awesome. It was raining and windy like crazy though.
>>1509Yes! It's incredible! I didn't think it would be as good as it is. Often I'm underwhelmed by popular games.
Me neither. It was impressive.
1 mil a week, I choose the day of the week. I chose Thursday evenings.
>>1510Goddamnit, Keeper. I CAN'T SAY
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>>1515Have you forgotten who I am? Of my abilities?
There is nowhere safe from my gaze.
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>>1516… damn. I did forget.
Please forgive me, oh Dark One.
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>>1515Time heals all wounds, as they say. Some slower than others. With some space and some patience he may yet come around.
I… didn't know you were an anarchist.
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>>1517I'll let you off with a warning this time, Mati. Don't expect to get away with it so easily next time.
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>>1514I care not for your feelings. May them shatter between my iron boot.
>>1515Hard to find the gems but they're there!
Undertale was good too.
Well glad you had fun!
Look at you, being an activist and what not! Fighting the system!
Though I think you mean fliers?
Flares just seem dangerous.
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>>1518Yes, it's true. I went through something similar…
I am an anarchist. I mean, I've been screwed around by the economic system every corner left and right since I was born. I don't believe hard work is the way to financial freedom in this world. The system is rigged.
I'm still more socialist leaning, but social programs seem to progress despite a federal government, not because of it.
I'll just say that there are many kinds of anarchists, and obviously governments and businesses aren't fond of people who don't like or challenge centralized power, so anarchists aren't allowed to be portrayed well in media. Hence the whole "silly protestors" trope. My point is, don't allow the stereotypes to affect how you see me. I am an anarchist because I empathize strongly with those suffering in the world, too strongly to ignore, and I find that this suffering is largely caused by certain systems in place.
I'm sorry, I don't mean to talk politics. I think I'll keep that to myself, just out of personal taste.
>>1520Mhmm, it was amazing.
Nope. I meant flares. It was pretty intense.
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>>1521>>1522did you shoot them all over the place and make fireworks?
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>>1522Mm, well just be careful out there.
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>>1519Okay. Please don't hurt me. Praise be.
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time to sink away into the depths of time and studying
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>>1523Nah, we just made the city hazy.
>>1524Will do. However, power is given through inaction. If people only protested when it was convenient, nothing would ever get done.
Thank you for being concerned though. I'll be more careful, just for you.
>>1526Goodbye, demon.
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>>1526G'night, Keeper. Don't stay up too late.
>>1527All right. I trust you.
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>>1528Thanks Kyle. I'm lucky to have a friend like you.
It's getting a little late, so I'll get ready for bed… thanks for talking with me everyone. Good night Kyle.
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>>1529G'night, Matias. Rest well.
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>>1532>>1533Oh hi!
I wub woo boo! ♥
Soo, how are we?
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>>1533>>1534Fine, fine. How are you?
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>>1534I'm alright. Things seem to be winding down a bit in terms of classes and lab because finals are around the corner.
And apparently one of the classes I have to take, a writing class to fulfill core requirements, I've done well enough that I could turn nothing in for the final essay and still pass the course. So I'm kinda tempted.
What's Mati been up to?
>>1535 No.1538
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>>1535As usual, I see.
I'm not super great.
I spent the day doing stuff like laundry, showering, styling, cooking, buying bread and stuff, attempting to pay rent, talking to (arguing with really intensely) my friend, and talking to my parents, which I can usually handle but it didn't make me feel super swell today. I just feel kind of alone and afraid. I need to put myself together again…
Othwerwise just Hearthstone, videos, and now drawing to music.
What kind of things have you been up to today?
>>1536Phew. Are you prepared?
Oooh wow. Well, that can be your secret weapon! Just make sure to only use it if the situation calls for it.
I've been talking to people. Feeling kinda poopy. Trying to get my head out of the haze it's in. I think if I give my room a good cleaning, I'll relax a bit… maybe I'll do that.
>>1537>>1538Boy you've been doing things today.
Something wrong with Rent?
And you wanna talk about friend stuff?
C'Thun. C'thun! C'THUN!
Well hopefully! Still gotta study!
but there's only the one essay left!
nice and tidy is a good way to be
>>1538Busy day, sounds like. Good to get them chores done. Taking some time for yourself now?
Games, games, and games for me. Nothin' much.
>>1539 No.1541
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>>1541And that we were sharing an amicable, visual silence.
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>>1539Mhmm. Mostly keeping my body healthy. I had let it go for a bit, eating junk food. I'm eating better again.
I'm gonna be able to pay rent this month, but… not much else. I need to find a job, like, yesterday.
Em. I normally would. I think I want to let it go for now. But thank you Zeffie.
can you hear it's CAAAWWWWWL?!
C'mon, you can do it. Yeah, I need to fix that… I haven't been tidy in a long time.
>>1540A little. I'm just gonna chat with you guys for a moment and then get to cleaning.
Which games?
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>>1543Oh that hard-workn', Matias. Ah, an organized apartment can make an organized mind.
Ohmm, A little Black Desert, a little World of Warships, and a little Blood Bowl 2. The curse of indecisiveness amongst such variety.
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>>1544Yeah… I think I need to work a little bit harder, actually. I've been getting too distracted with games and, err, conversation. I agree. Cleanliness has a big effect on my productivity.
Oh wow, that's a lot of games. How's BDO?
>>1542Well then we can start that again
>>1543healthy body healthy mind?
Ah. Yeesh. What about that backup LGBT camp thing?
Okay then! If you say so?
>>1545Well make sure it's good distraction, at least. Alas that you can't put off things forever, but you can take things one step at a time.
S'all right. I'm honestly not a huge fan of the combat system, but I do like the horse training and fishing. Not a bad no-subscription mmo for 30 bucks.
>>1546 No.1548
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I'll respond soon, I'm just gonna clean up a bit.
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>>1546Yup. Stills is actually giving me a lot of nutritional advice too, what with them being a nurse and all.
I don't know. It's just really convoluted in comparison to just going to a temp agency.
>>1547I've been struggling with that, actually… trying to feel better is a bit hard.
Aw, that's a huge part of MMOs though.
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>>1550Whassa matter, buddy? Anything we can help with? I could clean your room.
I enjoy the game's relative lack of emphasis on combat based leveling and leveling at all. You can play the game fine without ever getting to the maximum level, I haven't yet. And I'm sure other people enjoy the more engaged combat system, but I just like to press buttons until I win.
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>>1551No you can't! But if you could, I wouldn't complain.
I'm just… I don't know. I'm not doing okay. I just want to stop feeling like my life could fall apart at any minute… I want to feel like I'm safe, in any way.
That's kind of cool actually. I heard it has a neat economy and global mail system.
>>1547>>1550Huh. I didn't know he was a nurse.
And I hear a slow cooker is something really simple but useful to have in terms of meals.
And you've went and visited one of those already?
>>1552Hm, maybe I'll get around to it in a few weeks.
It's been a long journey for you, and still with so much life left to go. But you're not left with nothing to show for it. You've made all sorts of friends, you got your own little living space in your apartment, you've developed skills and made your way through college in a way no one else could have. I wish I could give you the safety net that I have had and that you certainly deserve more than I. Well… life doesn't wait, I suppose. Don't worry too much, keep your chin up and your nose to the grindstone and you can work through anything. And soon, I hope, these troubles will be a memory.
I've not actually heard anything of the mail system, though I've had to cause to use it yet.
>>1553 No.1555
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>>1553He's going to school for it, at least.
Yeah, I used to have one, but it was my roommates so now I don't. I miss it a little.
Not yet, but my friend is familiar with them. He can hook me up.
How have you been feeling, by the way?
>>1554… y-you're serious?
… Thanks Kyle.
That's such a sincere thing to say.
Maybe I'm just emotional right now, but I'm a little moved.
I made it this far with your help. Thank you.
>>1554>>1555Ah well good for him. You've been keeping in contact?
Maybe Kyle and I could pool and send you a small one
Is your friend Puppycat?
Not sure. Outer feelings are rather high but it's starting to hit me that I'm going to be leaving college and all the friends and all the things I've known for 4 years. I'm going to be going into a field that might keep me very busy for several years, and there's no guarantee it's what I really want to do for the rest of my days. And I still have to take care of a lot of things before I graduate and I don't feel that ready. And I guess on some level I still kinda feel lonely. So it's kinda weird where my mind just feels anxious and mad but then there's still that voice saying "breathe. You're fine."
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>>1555I do still intend to visit at some point, but my travel plans lately have been dominated by the upcoming trip. I hope that this trip will also ease my reluctance to travel. Well… I have a few things I need to start working on when I get back, and I hope visiting you is one of them.
Thank me when…. Thank you, Matias. We've all helped each other. I hope you feel better soon. Tomorrow is another day.
>>1556 No.1558
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>>1556Yup. He's been going through some major changes.
Ahh!! That! Would not be necessary! Thank you!
(Sick reference)
Aww… poor Zef. Well, if you stayed longer you might get anxious too. Also, you can always switch jobs to something in which your credentials help but the actual work is significantly different. Or you can just open a bakery someday for some reason. It's all up to future you. But of course, I'm a bit inexperienced… I've just seen a lot of situations where people with big degrees ended up doing something completely unrelated in their later years and doing just fine.
I'm sorry about your loneliness though. I wish there was something I could do to help. All I can say is that I believe your voice. You're certainly not one of those people who I would imagine will struggle much.
>>1557whoa… that would be awesome. No, better than awesome.
I… wow.
Well, if you're up to it… I'll be here. I hope your upcoming trip goes well. And I do feel better already. I think I'm gonna go to bed soon, actually… now that I'm not so depressed.
I'm glad i could be of any help. Talk to you later.
Good night, both of you.
>>1557>>1558On good terms? As I recall there was a time where there was a rough patch
Well I mean it wouldn't be too much and it might help you a lot!
reference master here.
Yeah, though I suppose at the very least I'll have a good foothold if I at least see Medical Physics to having a job for a while.
Well not being a really social person probably hurts a bit!
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>>1558Reserve judgement until I get there. Also if you need a slow cooker I can just give you mine.
G'night, Matias. Rest well, my friend.
>>1559 No.1561
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Well… I'll see you folk in a couple weeks. Stay outta trouble. Take care.
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I'm also here!
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All alone!
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Were you just waiting? How rude!
Hi Zeffie. How are you?
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>>1577I didn't get a notification on the other posts.
rather anxious. Have a final tomorrow.
How's Matias?
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>>1578I don't believe you! I feel insulted!
Don't blame the poor defenseless technology on your mistakes!
Aw! Just relax and concentrate. You can do this! You've worked hard!
Matias is alright. My stomach's feeling a little weird, I think I left my soup out too long…
As always, I've had a lot going on. Tomorrow I'm chaperoning my friend Utsav and um, the guy I broke up with, Braden, to a "Gaymers" event in Toronto. Utsav knows nothing of video games/tabletop games so I have to teach him what the culture is like, and my other friend is incredibly socially anxious, especially about his recent discovery of his sexuality. So, I guess that's what I'm gonna be doing tomorrow…
There's something weird about all my close friends at the moment being people I broke up with… ah well. The tension is good for character. Or something.
Yesterday I spent all day doing bank stuff with Utsav for immigration stuff. I'm missing my graduation letter as it hasn't come in the mail yet, so I gotta wait for that before getting my temporary resident visa and my work permit. Everything is filled out so far. I've also organized my room fully, so it's all nice and
cleeeean. Aaaahhhhh… a much better environment for productivity.
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>>1581You're right! I'm sorry! It's all my fault!
Forgive me oh lord and gracious!
Or maybe I've been very slacker!
How long did you leave your soup?
Recent discovery? What happened there?
Vidya Games and tabletop! Sounds fun! Have you ever played a tabletop?
And hope you have fun with that!
I mean at the very least means there's no ill feelings despite it.
Sounds like you've got most of that squared away at least!
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>>1582That's right! Thankfully, your lord is benevolent and patient… Let's not see that again!
Oh, and I don't think I've shown my room to you guys yet (since it wasn't clean…). Here's what my room looks like! 19th floor view! Yay!
Well, I'm sure you know what's best for your health and your work! And if not, well, you're still probably ahead most of us. ♥
Uhh… overnight after it was made…. hehe…
After becoming sexually attracted to me - not just in my feminine aspects as he thought, but my male aspects too - he's started to think about boys a lot without consciously meaning to. He thinks he might be bisexual, and even prefer males, and it's scaring him because he has never had thoughts like that before. He's paranoid that he'll come out and it'll turn out to be a fluke, so he was asking me what he should do. Honestly, I came into my own on this, so I couldn't give him a quick fix for it. I just told him that being around other lgbt people might help him relax about it and normalize it in his mind a bit. Coincidentally, Utsav was already going to this thing and bringing me with him, so we made it a party of three!
Yeah, probably! I hope! I hope the people there will be nice and friendly. Some gamers I've met have been… well, you might know the types. I haven't played a tabletop, but I'm very interested in doing so! I hope it will be fun…
Mmm, none on my end obviously. I'm not sure about Braden and Shayne, to be honest. I know Utsav took quite a while before he relaxed about me not returning his confessed feelings. The other two, well… one was a very long relationship, and the other came as a surprise to him. Plus, it was his first relationship so…
Mostly. I've got some more stuff to do, but I'll mention that in a bit…
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>>1583Yes, miss! Thank you my lord!
ooohh, fancy.
Did you mention your roommate yet?
Yeah that's certainly a while. Probably not the best length of time to leave soup.
Huh. Well that's certainly something.
Though yeah I guess it's important not to push too much.
. . . Nah you should totally play matchmaker.
Are a bit rowdy? Just gotta find the ones who are only rowdy for fun.
Maybe you should join our Skype tabletop sometime then
Man, you're just attracting everyone.
And at the very least everyone's comfortable enough that you can still do friend stuff.
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>>1584Now bring me cake!
Cookie cake!
I think I did. My roommate is a friend I've had for a while from the LGBT club. She's really great and she's always pointing out how I'm nice and clean and… it's so nice living with a good friend, honestly. My other roommate is Nate, who I had lived with before. It seems he's improved his disposition some, but he still has issues with procrastination.
Hehehe, I just want to expose him to the LGBT world, and show him that functions are around, he just needs to go and join in the fun.
More that they're a bit… judgemental.
I would love to, but I don't know if I have the time? I've just promised my time away to a lot of people, I think I have to cut down.
Yeah, it's really weird. I had never thought of myself as an attractive person but I guess I was mistaken. In any case, it's become an issue for me… I just want to have close friends, but it's always complicated by feelings it seems. I'm starting to lose a lot of friends because of people's declined romantic feelings leading to them and their friends avoiding contact with me. It doesn't help that I'm a loner too. I spend most of my time at home learning stuff or running errands. I'm just bad at having a social life while pursuing my ambitions. So the few connections I get, I cherish. Unfortunately, they cherish me quite a bit more…
And being lonely because of it is hard to complain about, because everyone laughs "oh you're such a heartbreaker!". Like, I'm incredibly grateful that I'm gifted with desireability, it's just that the way in which people desire me is as someone who can lead them and comfort them and basically be their superior, which is not appealing to me at all. Can't I have a relationship where the other person is the bold leader and I can just be there to assist? I'm sick of being profiled as a dominant person because of my strong features. I'm not, at all, and when they get to know me and see that the stoic confidence is just a survival tactic, and that the real me is very squishy and sensitive, they're no longer attracted.
Thankfully now that I look a lot more like myself, a (cute?) girl, I'm no longer being sought after that way. Now I'm just being approached by creeps. Woo.
… sorry, I just. Ugh. I like that I'm attractive, I don't like that people who used to be attracted to me were doing so because of profiling. I checked with them, by the way, and they really were making conclusions about me based on my appearance. Now it's finally clicking. Friggin dumb.
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>>1585W-would you like chocolate chips or m&ms in it, my liege?
And is that a shared bed?
Heh. Always nice to have a clean roommate. But a bit hard to match cleanliness I find.
You have soiled the soup's honor!
By the way you say it sounds like a rare and exotic world out there.
Well considering the convention you're going to is centered around the LGBT community, the only judgement that will be going around is that you have to GIT GUD.
Just a suggestion. Since Ebrona kinda disappeared we haven't been able to play our main campaign anyways until we find out a plan.
You could probably join like a one-off session sometime really.
Just gotta get more ugly brah.
But you've still got a good personality on your shoulders so you're probably at a loss there.
And I don't know, people who would cut off contact over something like that are probably people that you wouldn't cherish anyways.
Just gotta find your dom. Heh. I don't know, I guess it's just another thing you have to adjust to. Another social role to study.
Though sure must be rough on you. I certainly don't envy your position, I've got enough trouble being me :P
But hey, as long as you got even a few people who like you for you, you're golden.
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>>1586M&Ms, obviously! Gimmie!
Hehe, yes I share it with my pengui ♥
Good for lonely nights and nightmares. No matter what anyone says, I will never grow out of plushies.
It's exotic for sure… many colours of hair abound.
I will have to git gud. I have not gitten gud in a while.
Aww… I will think about it!
Thanks, Zeffie.
I think I understand the decision. It hurts to be around someone you have fallen for who will never feel the same about you. It takes time, and for some people, distance, to overcome the hurt.
Ah, well, it's only somewhat frustrating. It does give me some self esteem to be desired, I guess. It's just kind of disappointing that they made stereotypical assumptions which I didn't find appealing to fulfill at all. Being in a teaching role or leading role or any position of superiority over someone for an extended period of time makes me uncomfortable or at the very least illicits no positive reaction from me. I know that my life will have that all the time, which is why I wouldn't mind having a reprieve with my partner, where I'm with someone who is at the very least as independent as I am. I don't necessarily want them to "dom" me, I just don't want every person to hand me the reins to the relationship and have me run pretty much everything. I don't like having to initiate everything, I don't want even more responsibility in my life than I already have. Let someone else run the show for once, or at least let's take turns.
I have wonderful friends in my life, and despite sometimes not getting to see them for weeks… I feel very very lucky. If not still a little lonely.
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>>1587M&Ms it is! At once!
I try to do that with plushies sometimes, but all the ones I have are too small.
Diversity of hair!
They'll only respect the gud!
Yeah, could be fun. The recent side thing we're doing is pretty much be random and screw around with Kyle time. For it he told us to come up with anything and I can be a spell so we just throw out random stuff.
Quite silly.
A harsh reminder I'm sure, but I don't know. To rather not do anything with them? Not too convincing.
Heh. Well I guess people see you as someone to be trusted with the reins. Though I suppose it's something to talk about with future partners. communication certainly is important as well as being able to meet halfway.
Just how life's gotta roll
>Hugs No.1592
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May Movie Sturf:
1. Inside Out doen
2. Monochromatic Martial Arts Bear
3. Deitydaddy 2
And whatever you wanna see can be added as usual of course.
Next time being May 21st, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM BST / 12 midnight CET
>>1592I hear "Predestination" is a good movie. Would like to add that
Also I haven't seen
MadMaxFurious Maximilian so I'd also like that.
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>>1593May Movie Sturf:
1. Inside Out doen2. Monochromatic Martial Arts Bear
3. Deitydaddy 2
4. Predestination
5. Furious Maximillian
Next time being May 21st, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM BST / 12 midnight CET
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>>1602PREDESTINATION chronicles the life of a Temporal Agent sent on an intricate series of time-travel journeys designed to ensure the continuation of his law enforcement career for all eternity. Now, on his final assignment, the Agent must pursue the one criminal that has eluded him throughout time.
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>>1603two down 3 to go!
May Movie Sturf:
1. Inside Out doen2. Monochromatic Martial Arts Bear
3. Deitydaddy 2
4. Predestination5. Furious Maximillian
Next time being May 28st, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM BST / 12 midnight CET
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me post.
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>>1604>>1611Monochromatic Martial Arts BearIn the Valley of Peace, Po the Panda finds himself chosen as the Dragon Warrior despite the fact that he is obese and a complete novice at martial arts.
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>>1612yin yan animal goes down!
May Movie Sturf:
1. Inside Out2. Monochromatic Martial Arts Bear3. Deitydaddy 2
4. Predestination5. Furious Maximillian
Next time being June 5th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM BST / 12 midnight CET
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>>1613We could probably use some more films on the list.
I'll vote Up and Goodnight Mister Tom
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>>1614Welcomed, list shouldn't be too thin.
RIP'd in May:
Inside Out
Monochromatic Martial Arts BearJune Movie Sturf:
1. Deitydaddy 2
2. Furious Maximillian
3. ↑
4. Goodnight Mister Tom
Next time being June 4th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM BST / 12 midnight CET
I wrote June 5th before which was a mistake. Of course we air on June 4th.
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>>1618Howdy there. How are you, Matias?
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>>1619Aw shoot, I wasn't notified!
I'm doing okay. I'm watching a let's play of some creepypasta Luna game from forever ago. It's making me miss the fandom, hehe.
How are you?
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>>1620I do tend to slip under the radar.
Ah, I played that once. Forever ago. It's nice to remember good times.
Fine, fine. Back home. AC doesn't work. And it's back to work tomorrow.
What city do you live in exactly?
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>>1621Ah, it did it again!
You crafty little kook.
I vaguely remember it being a thing. Those were the days! Also, sorry about your AC. Ours works, but we can't use it much since it raises our bill and only one of us has a job so far, hehe.
Umm, I live in Oakville! Right across my school. It's pretty. It's mostly quiet too, which I like.
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>>1622It did, it did.
Back when men were men. And ponies. I'll have it fixed tomorrow. No problem. Always important to save energy where you can, for money and miscellaneous other.
Ah, I suspected that region. Now when do I get to visit you?
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>>1623ohmigosh! Is that happening already?? You want to visit me???!
Oh wow! Oh gee! Whoa nelly!
Aaaah! So exciting!!! Holy canoli!
Okay okay, you're the one with a job at the moment so when would you be most available? And how long would you be planning on visiting? Technically speaking, I have nothing on my schedule. I will be finding work (hopefully) sometime within this week or next, and then I can give you what my schedule might look like! But honestly, I don't care how my schedule looks, I'll make time if it means meeting Kyle!
This is so cool right now! Wow! I mean, anything could happen I know, but if it does happen I'll be like!!! wow!!!
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>>1624Heh, I don't think I'm that exciting.
But yes! I would very much like to visit. Though not for maybe a month or two, wouldn't be good to ask for more days of after three weeks off. I figure I could fly over Friday and fly back Monday, but of course I can make whatever I need to make work for you.
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>>1625Kyle, you're among the closest friends I've ever had. I have written and rewritten this post trying to explain this, but I just can't figure out a way to explain just how impactful you've been to my life. So, here's the best I could do.
I remember all the days and nights spend goofing around and being silly, and all the stories we wrote, all the conversations and friendship… and of course, all the support and love and honesty, all the times we wished to be there - to hug and chat and listen, to be allowed to love unconditionally… I didn't know people could be like that, I didn't know people could be so good. Did you know I cried when I was first called intelligent here? Nobody ever called me that.
I was always refused and ridiculed. I was always called "annoying", "embarassing", "weird", "loser", etc… even by my own family. All I ever did was try to be less embarrassing, whatever that meant. At first, people would be okay with me, but then every time people got too close to me, they'd find I was too "weird" (or "gay", AKA feminine). My brother and parents suggested I become more physically powerful, assertive, competitive, less sensitive, less attached, and people would like me more… and I did everything I could to be that, as I thought that having friends would stop my depression and anger. I did eventually make friends by becoming this person, I even became popular, and I was happy while at school, but when I got home, all the feelings were still there, waiting for me. I thought that all of my self hatred would go away if I had friends, but it only intensified it when I realized that these people liked me
specifically because I wasn't being me. My parents, my friends… There would be moments where I'd catch an opening to possibly talk about these feelings. After some second-guessing due to past failures with this, I would finally say something on my mind relevant to the moment, and the response would always be some version of: "Suck it up". I was either too weak, too sensitive, too lazy, too this, too that, and I needed to stop being this way or that way. It was frustrating, but there always seemed to be some issue with me, and I believed it. I had nothing else to go on. I believed it so much, that I came to deeply hate myself. I hated my body for being so small, I hated my personality, I hated my sexual orientation, and I especially hated that, despite trying to since childhood, I couldn't make my gender issues go away. My parents and my brother constantly made jokes about how much of a failure I was socially, so I figured it must also have been trivial, despite how I felt. My social anxiety stemmed from all of this.
That's why I was social online… not that I found a lot more love on there, but it was a lot easier to talk to people in bursts, let the rush of adrenaline and anxiety calm down, and then post again. Rejection hurt less online. And I got a lot of rejection… That's why ponychan was such a breath of fresh air when I found it. Still, every single post gave me so much anxiety… I had a long history online communities, and not necessarily a positive one. Plus, in the few posts I had made in ponychan, only a handful were even noticed by anyone.
So I made a post in that Iron Pony thread because it seemed too ridiculous for anyone to mind me. And it's true, nobody did. Even more so, a group of people - including you, if I recall correctly - saw that I was rather self conscious and went out of their way to make me feel welcome. It was only a small gesture, but it gave me the courage to contribute more, and more and… If it wasn't for the support that the small group of people had given me, I wouldn't have joined in the fun, and ended up writing part of that first story. At that point, it was still not that big a deal. What made it a big deal was the continued outpour of support, not only of my writing, but in response to my self consciousness. Those self doubting statements came from a series of long-standing, deep-rooted, insidious aspects of my life that poisoned me to my core. Yet, despite how often I struggled, you not only took the time to help pluck each root out, bit by bit, year by year… You gave me an outlet where nobody else had, and you (and our friends) responded with love and compassion where others had given me nothing but criticism and ridicule. Not only that, but I was able to give that love back in kind. This was the first environment where I was able to just…
be. This means, all of my affection, my gratitude, my sensitivity, my concern, my curiosity, my creativity, my silliness and my fearfulness - ALL of my affection and gratitude and love in their entirety, not piecemeal as if these things were things to be ashamed of.
After so many years of feeling unsafe in my house, unsafe at school, unsafe in public, unsafe in my damn closet… I finally found a place I felt safe.
And the place isn't the website, or the thread… it's around you guys. I feel safe around you, and that is an incredibly rare thing for me. There are very few people in the world I can say I feel safe around, and I can assure you nearly all of the list is made up of the people here.
It's incredibly exciting for me because I remember all the moments where we wished we could be there to hug each other in a time of need, or just to eat pizza and watch a movie, whatever… I really really wanted that so badly, you understand. I still do. Those thoughts kept me going, you know, when everything fell apart. If continuing to fight would mean someday spending time with all of you that way, then I wouldn't give up.
I know I've been away for a while, and maybe that's staled our friendship a little, but I hope that the part of this friendship which made it so meaningful, the sincere closeness and affection, the "corny" genuinity… will always be there
I- I hope this isn't too much Matias at once. I don't know what it means to you, and it doesn't have to mean the same it does for me. For me though, this is a wonderful highlight of my life, just as meeting Erich was and Lucas… All you have to know is that you've changed one pony's life. ♥
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>>1626I am ashamed to say that I'd forgotten so much of what used to be. Only left with a fond feeling that there was something nice once.
But I can now recall so many instances of kindness, caring, friendship as genuine as we could make it, and how much we shared…
I may always downplay my own role in such a thing because I'm not sure I ever did much that anyone else wouldn't do in my place, it's what any friend would do, and because I still believe that everything you've done comes from you, and I just cheered you on. But I remember now with so much more clarity how much you mean to me, Matias.
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>>1627Ohh, Kyle! I'm glad I could help you remember!
That Matias from then is still here! In one piece! The only difference is that I'm the same person online AND offline! My hope is that you'll always be able to find that kind, caring, genuine friendship with me. And yes, your belief in me and your kind reassuring words have had a huge effect on me! You never gave up on me, even as I stumbled time and time again… thank you so much, Kyle. I can only hope I'll be a sixth as cool to you in person as I've been here, talking with you ♥
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>>1628It's easy to forget, though I can hardly believe that it's been so long since then.
I suppose, then, I can only hope to live up to your expectations.
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>>1629Don't worry, I'll remember it for you… We can talk all about our memories when you come to visit!
I don't think you have anything to worry about, Kyle ♥ All I care about is that you enjoy your time here. Plus, I'm the one who's all awkward and in-betweeny!
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>>1630There won't be emotions will there? I've never had emotions in front of people before.
Well I need to work on getting there first, then we can have an awkwardity contest.
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>>1631Emotions? Moi??
Why, have you ever known me to be melodramatic or emotional? Like some fashionable white-coated equine with curly hair and a horn?
Answer: yes. Very yes.I'm gonna be an explody ball of happiness. And tears.
I'm not sorry.
I'm always number 1!
Honestly though, you probably won't even get a chance to be awkward! I'll talk your head off before you can even say "hi". As usual!
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>>1632I will not be prepared for the ball of fuzzy excitement that is Matias.
But that's good! Listening is easy. I'll need to bug you about how Toronto works soon too. I imagine the soonest I could visit would be late July or early August.
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>>1633Please, take your time… the more time I get, the better prepared I can be too! I've got some things to take care of this month anyway, so it wouldn't be a good time. But I'm already coming up with ideas, places to go, things to show… I'm sooo excited!!!
I can't believe it! Aaah! It's really happening!
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>>1634Ah, good. I won't have to ask you what there is to do there. I would like to ask if public transportation is robust enough to be relied on or if you might recommend renting a car instead. Also if I should find a place to stay in Toronto or somewhere closer to Oakville. Also if all the places take USD or Canadian funbucks.
I'll be excited when the plane lands.
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>>1635I'm still finding that out myself - I've been super busy since I got here, and I still kind of am. But this could be a good excuse to explore all the stuff I've heard about! I've walked around Toronto a lot, but never had the chance to go in any stores. Hopefully with a job I'll have the money to enjoy the city for once.
Oh, public transportation here is really good! The subway and trains run until like 3 AM, and the trains are very widely used in the GTA since they're much faster than travel by highway. I used to ride the train every time I needed a hair trim, and I still use it to get to my medical centre every couple of months. It's about a 40 minute trip from here to there, and 15 dollars for a round trip ticket.
Well, if you stay in Oakville you would have to pay 15 dollars each day you want to visit Toronto, due to the train. If hotels in Toronto are too expensive (not that Oakville is a cheap town either), you can relax knowing that all the hotels here are close to the train station. Of course, if need be you are always welcome in my home! I don't mind sleeping on the couch! I have my own bathroom too, however I don't have my own shower, and I would understand preferring your own space.
I've heard that a lot if not all places in the area take USD, but maybe you can ask Erich about that. I haven't had USD in years. Also, if my job was anything to go by, you may not always get to benefit from the exchange rate, so if something's 5 CAD, you would have to pay 5 USD, which is not super great and might rack up.
I'm just thrilled to be talking about it seriously!!
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>>1636Well we can talk about the specifics of the sights and sounds later then. But the rest sounds good except I'm not taking your bed, Matias. I'll get a hostel in Toronto.
Hm, most things appear to be in order then. We just need to decide on a date.
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>>1637Okey dokey! I'm sure the view will be a lot nicer anyway.
The end of this month and afterward would be a-okay with me! Once I have a job, it should all be peachy.
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>>1638Heh, well I don't plan on spending much time there.
I'll check my calendars. In the meantime I think you should be getting some rest, hm?
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>>1639Yes that's true!
But that would be responsible! I want to finish watching my cartoons!
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>>1640And I was just watching ponies myself. So I suppose I can't fault you. This time.
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>>1640>>1641But I can!
Both of you sleep!
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>>1641Hey me too!
Phew… saved-
>>1642Ahhh! Run and hide! Run and hide!
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>>1644Yay! What episode are you on? Did you like it? Aren't they all the best ones!?
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>>1645I'm actually watching an old one cause of all the talk about old times… (Applebuck Season) but I do want to catch up with the show!!
It's just been a while so I gotta get reattached to the ponies, hehe.
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>>1644>>1643Oh wait, that's me
I'm sleep
But also matias.
Something something sleep.
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>>1646An instant classic! Ah, such simpler times, back then. I'm actually a bit behind on the latest season now myself with the weeks gone and whatnot.
>>1647Sssh, sleepy Zefarian.
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>>1647Okay, I'll something something sleep in just a bit. The episode's over anyway.
>>1648Back when ponies was its own insulated little thing. Such humble beginnings.
I didn't know you kept up though! I think I stopped a little bit after that one castle episode in season.. 4? Gosh, I can't remember too well.
Anyway, good night my friends ♥
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>>1649G'night, Matias. Sleep well.
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>>1616Let's do this!
1d4 = 3June Movie Sturf:
1. Deitydaddy 2
2. Furious Maximillian
3. ↑
4. Goodnight Mister Tom
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>>1653Next Movie is:
↑ (Up)
Broadcasted June 4th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM BST / 12 midnight CET
By our friendly neighbour Zefarian°
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Feels like a part of me left with her on that train. Stood outside her window seat on the train so I could see her one last time before she headed off. I even watched it go down the tracks until I couldn't see it anymore. I never felt more lonely in my life.
A silent room with no voice heard but my own. I miss being able to just turn around and see her smiling or making some goofy face. I don't know how I lived like this before.
The wind making the plastic bag in my room crinkle and move makes me think she's still here. I instinctively go to check and see if she's there. She's not. But I can't help but look everytime.
It aches how badly I want her to be here again, and she hasn't even been gone for 24 hours yet.
Why can't time just go by faster? Why must we be so far away?
It rained all day today. Fitting weather. Makes me want to just watch the hours go by, waiting for the time she comes back.
Feels like being with her is just, normal. How things are supposed to be.
And when I'm apart from her, it feels like something is really off. I miss her presence through the little things she leaves behind or the fun facts she tells me. I miss being able to tell her about my day and ask her about hers.
I just miss her.
I'm not looking for any sympathy or anything like that. I'm just typing my thoughts.
Thanks for reading if you did. I appreciates it.
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>>1671Well as they say.
Distance only makes the heart grow fonder.
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>>1672>>1674>>1675I'm feeling better than before. Still a little out of place with getting readjusted again, but generally better.
Thanks for the kind thoughts and support.
I'll be actually posting here more often now, since I got a whole lotta free time. Looking forward to catching up with y'all again.
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>>1676I will look forward to it as well.
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>>1671>>1676Aww, Keeper…
>hugsI'm so sorry that you have to say goodbye to her… I know time feels like it's going slower when you're apart, and it's hard to think about other things at first. I hope you've made some beautiful memories and learned something in your time together, I hope you gained a source of motivation and inspiration, and I hope you've made each other realize how great you are!
Things that helped the time go faster with me, when my partner left for the summer, was having projects to do, spending time with friends, focusing on my own self improvement. Of course, it goes without saying you two ought to stay in contact too! Allow yourself to forget about the wait every once in a while though. Play some games, learn something new, have fun with friends, it really does help!
Again, I'm so sorry she has to leave. I'm glad that you have someone to love, who loves you as you deserve to be loved. It's wonderful that you had the chance to spend a whole month with each other.
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>>1671>>1678If time is moving more slowly then you effectively have longer to live. So it's not all that bad really…
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All right, Matias. If there's any reason I shouldn't visit you should probably tell me within the next 20 hours.
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It's certainly been a while since I've been here.
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>>1681Who is this Lay-Ton?
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>>1682No clue! But they soud like a huge nnnnnerrrrrrrrrrdddddd
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>>1683A nerd? Then I shall laugh at him. As is my custom.
Hah. Haha. Nerd.
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>>1684What are you, some jock in high school?
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>>1685Pffah, jocks. I scoff at them. Where they can't hear.
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>>1686So you, too, fear the jocks. Does that not make you a nerd as well?
Or, even worse, does that not make you a
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>>1687Surely not! But who are you to judge a man by the condition under which he scoffs at jocks?
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>>1688I am naught but a simple nerd who finds solace among those that are similar to myself, for I, too, fear the jocks. My knowledge of the "anime" and "video games" have put a target on my person to be ridiculed at.
But if you are neither "Nerd" nor "Redditor", then what House are you? Are you perhaps from the house of "Burgah"?
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>>1689I… don't think so. For you see I am… an average man! Behold my my exceedingly average ability to perform most tasks neither with exceeding alacrity nor ineptitude.
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Truly, a terrifying ability! Why, one could hide in plain sight for just working so averagely!
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>>1691Exactly! And so I have hidden. Existing in all those areas that regular people dwell and places that any person can access. Who knows what commonplace facts I have uncovered.
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>>1692Please, bestow upon me one of said facts that you have discovered.
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>>1693You know that the sky is blue. But, as a person yourself, you probably also know that… clouds are comprised of water vapor!
But what knowledge do you offer to me?
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Jet fuel can't melt steel beams
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>>1695Fascinating! Absolutely riveting!
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>>1696I knew that my knowledge of trivial matters will come in handy some day!
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>>1697You never know when it might save your life!
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Hey nerds
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>>1703It's a dork! Beat him up!
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>>1705>>1704You guys can't touch me! I'm invincible!
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>>1705>>1706>>1707We can't touch you, but a nuke or two can!
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Oops, forgot that I have to head out.
I'll see you folks later!
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Goodnight Mister Tom
A shy and quiet World War II evacuee is housed by a disgruntled old man, and they soon develop a close bond.
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>>1721A disgruntled old man with a fine sense of fashion you mean.
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Well that was some nice sweater
Goodnight Mister Tom
Movie Sturf:
1. Deitydaddy 2
2. Furious Maximillian
3. Garden of Words
Next time being June 18th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
as always 2-3 more movies for the list would be nice
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>>1723Layton suggest a few in the discord:
A Garden of words
Nolan of the North
Can't go even one round of suggestions without adding trash to the list
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>>1724Wasn't it nice have some weeks without trash suggestions?
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>>1723>>1724>>1725>Gotta spice up this list someway, somehow
If you need more movies, and don't mind me putting in more, I'd also like to recommend:
DragonBall Z: Ressurection 'F'
Bakemono no Ko
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>>1728>>1729There you are. Hiding away.
How are Butt and Post?
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>>1730I'm always hiding.
How is Mati?
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So apparently I'm getting this weird thing where if the thread loads more than one new post it goes newest -> oldest instead of oldest -> newest
Is this happening to anyone else?
>>1730Just butting around
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>>1731Hiding? Well, if that's a state of mind, far be it from me to say otherwise. I know a thing or two about that…
I'm um… okay. I think. I'm not really sure. I guess it could go either way, depending on how tomorrow goes. I've got phone bills to pay and I'm $13 under. I have to print tax forms at Walmart, and that will probably run me quite a bit more… If I can sell enough clothing at Plato's tomorrow to pay off the bill, then I'm… I'll be… well, I won't be as concerned, that's for sure.
I gotta find a job, fast. I'll make that this week's task. If I can find one, all will (hopefully) be peachy. Or at least better. You know, given my coworkers don't give me trouble for being… well, you know.
I did put a status on my facebook telling people not to tell people I'm trans anymore, and it was taken well, thankfully. I was worried about… opinions.
>>1732So the usual then. Have you tried nosing?
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>>1734I can get that. Being trans is about being yourself, right? But if that is the only thing folks know about you then they aren't thinking about you. There is a lot more to Mati than that one word. I'm sure folks will be totally comfortable with it if they know you, but you want them to know
you, not some hasty stereotype and misconception.
I guess.
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>>1735That's an astute observation there. I expected people to think it had something to do with shame, conformity, pleasing the masses, mistrust, things of that sort. Hopefully they're as thoughtful as you.
It also has to do with being thought of as a boy-turned-girl, or a "half-girl".
People who aren't aware that I'm trans treat me quite a lot differently than those who are. Not that people who are aware mistreat me, or aren't supportive. I just hoped that it wouldn't make a difference if they knew or not. It definitely does though. Which I guess I can't blame them for.
When people know you're trans, they're primed to look for differences in behaviour. They approach you as if they don't know how to treat you gender-wise. When they don't know, I'm talked to very naturally, I feel like I'm in my element a lot more when treated as female. They don't see certain things I do as boyish behavior, they don't see feminine things I do as overcompensating, they just don't think twice about anything I do and it shows.
I'm not asked questions about gender, I'm not a break in the norm, people don't ogle me (well, if they do it's not because I'm unusual to them), showing skin doesn't make me a target for ridicule, guys feel comfortable being attracted to me, girls don't patronize me, people don't feel the need to express support in any way, and it feels like a return to normalcy for a bit. I really need that break every once in a while, it's calming. If everybody eventually learns of my trans status before I meet them, then I wouldn't get to regularly enjoy what it's like
actually being considered a girl, nothing more nothing less.
I don't love the company of my aware friends any less, of course. It's nice to be recognized and accepted. Being able to be open with people is a huge deal. I'd just like to fit in when I want to. I'd like to have the option.
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>>1736Support is really great and important to have, but there comes a point where enough is enough. I think some folks get carried away because it helps them more than you.
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>>1737Wow, yes! I think so too!
It also helps me figure myself out. When I'm around people who know I'm trans, I tend to think "what if this is an overly girly thing to do? Will the think I'm overcompensating? What if I do this? Would they see me as less legitimate?" It's mostly subconscious, but it's there. So it's not all them.
Being around unaware people means that none of that applies, and I can stop thinking about gender and just be myself, allowing things to influence my behavior without having to deal with any remarks (again, always supportive, but still reinforces the idea that I'm trans first and foremost, and a girl second). It helps me learn what feels natural for me in a calming environment, and that improves my interactions with my friends.
Each statement I made is a rabbit hole of it's own, but I can see you get it so I won't go into it too much.
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>>1738It's like if your friends made a huge deal out of your favorite color. If it became a conversation every time I used something that was blue and had something that wasn't blue, then I'd get extremely self-conscious about what color things were, instead of doing what I want to.
You need a day where people don't care that you're trans, so you can focus on being Mati.
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So, what have you been up to?
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>>1740Oh thank god that's about as long as I could be supportive in one go.
I've been doing summer classes! Looking for work too, some good leads this week so I'm hopeful! Kinda a big disruption today since I'm just outside Orlando, but far enough that it just slowed things down. What kind of stuff are you up to, besides the impending you mentioned?
>>1733Oh well that's kinda strange.
>>1734not since the accident
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>>1741Haha! You did good.
What kind of summer classes have you been up to? What kind of work?
Yeah I have… friends in Orlando, since they all moved there. I'm glad they ended up okay. Well, as far as I know. There are some that aren't active on Facebook but I'm sure I'd see something if there was a problem…
I didn't know you were a Floridian, though! Neat.
Well, just cooking and watching videos, drawing a bit, paying bills, removing stains on old clothes so I can sell them… I cleaned my whole room yesterday so it's finally nice in this room again. My productivity has seen an immediate increase. It makes so much of a difference in my state of mind, every time. I also got the lock removed on my window so I can enjoy the insane winds outside. My room is no longer a sauna!
>>1742Well look who decided to show up.
Ah yes. Sorry about that.
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>>1744Heh! It was getting weird though.
One of grandma's old nurses used to frequent that same club so I was a little concerned, but he's a little old for partying so he seems okay.
Yep! Moved here a couple years ago. I need to clean up around here. I tolerate this mess alright but it always makes me depressed if I don't do something about it.
How are you doing the stains, by the way? I keep having to do carwork in my nice clothes and they are… not nice clothes anymore.
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>>1743Isn't Wheat a folk?
>>1744Who showed up? Keeper?
It will live in dark memories.
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>>1746Nope! That was just a temporary thing.
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>>1745One of my friends had taken pictures at that club recently, so I was really worried. He checked in on facebook to let everyone know he was okay.
A good clean every couple of weeks helps a lot with mood. Longer if you keep things relatively organized.
I use two parts 3% hydrogen peroxide + one part dishwashing liquid. Put it in an empty spray bottle, spray, scrub, and let it sit. Thankfully I didn't have to buy any of these things, I had them on hand by a stroke of luck.
>>1746a very special nice friendHopefully we will avoid spoons in the future, Zefarian.
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>>1747So what are you now?
>>1748Oh it's Cmdr! Hi Cmdr!
But remember that pact we had with the utensil King?
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>>1749No, no.
Another super patient fun one that's niceI guess we'll just have to break it! Spoons and nosing just don't go together it seems, it's not safe. And don't even get me started on the tuba.
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>>1748It was a scary thing to happen. I was actually a little surprised how many people I knew go there.
I got myself a rescue dog to help with morale around here, and she has made that a real challenge!
Oh! I have those! Do you mix in any water at all?
>>1749… I'm Wheat.
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>>1750But Wheat's already here!
Shuush! I thought we agreed not to mention the tuba after the incident at the pool.
>>1751Hi Wheat, I'm Zef.
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>>1751I guess people don't advertise that they go to gay clubs, hehe.
Life is a challenge, my friend. Once you get into the habit, it's hard to break.
I didn't, and it seems to have worked for me.
>>1752I'm sorry, Zef. But if I'm not allowed to have kool-aid anymore then I should at least be able to talk about the tuba. We all lost something that day.
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>>1752>>1753I gotta go. See you two around!
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>>1753You know the thing with Mozart wasn't my fault!
>>1754Later Wheat
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>>1755I don't want to hear it! Or your nose!
I trusted you with my Mozart Bust, and then you go off making a mess! Sunny paid good money for that Zucchini you know!
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>>1756Hey leave my nose out of this!
Hasn't it suffered enough?
Wait. .
You mean Sunny never told you the truth about the Zucchini? Did he at least tell you about Halloween?
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>>1757Okay, okay, that was a low blow. I'm sorry.
He told me the Zucchini was powerful, but not much else. I wanted to ask The Records Keeper but he said "It's better you don't know."
Oh I know all about Halloween. And the plastic cups. I even saw the trebuchet.
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>>1758Best remember the limits.
The truth is the Zucchini was grown by Cmdr.
It was his first.
Sure sure, but did you see them together?
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>>1759No… Before he learned to control them?
Such untamed power… I had only heard legends. I thought it was disposed of for good.
Now that you mention it… Zefarian, what's going on here?
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why it had to be disposed of.
Why the noodle incident of course.
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It… all makes sense now. You clever weasel!
We will NOT talk about that! I won't mention your nose anymore, I promise!
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>>1762Don't you know it
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… Man, I hope things work out alright with this finding a job thing. It's still on my mind. I keep thinking that, if I show up, my makeup will be screwed up or something cause I don't know how to apply it well, don't have primer, stuff like that… and showing up with makeup would mean not passing at all. That I'd show up not as well dressed as anyone else, or my voice would be too deep… I know I always tend to think much worse of myself than anyone else. I have really high standards for myself. Sometimes that's good, but… in situations like these, it could help to relax a bit.
I'm really afraid though, Zeffie. I'm really out of money this time.
At the same time, I'm oddly laid back about it.
… if I can just make it through this last problem, things will get easier. I'll finally be stable in some way.
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>>1766Heh. Might need a friend to help you give a once over to make sure you've got it all good.
Also to help calm your nerves, that's probably a big thing too.
Just gotta keep hammering at it. You've pulled through doing that before, and I'd say you're developing quite the skill for that.
You got dis, Softie McButt
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>>1767I'll ask for tips on how to keep my makeup from smudging throughout the day… Maybe I can borrow some primer from somebody for a little bit. Unlikely, but maybe someone will have some they're not using.
Just smile and be confident. I can do that. People say I look good, I'll just act like it for a while. Be relaxed…
Aw… but usually things rely on me working hard and sacrificing health! This involves traveling to new places and dressing well! Two things I'm afraid of!
Ah well, I'll be diligent and persistent. I'm sure I'll find something… I do have an okay resume. Worst case scenario, I'll be a dishwasher. That should be good for the summer. Yeah…
Sankyu, Ice Man ♥
Your belief in me is encouraging
>>1768Should ask some from the interviewer.
Just don't smile too big or you'll look like a psycho!
You just gotta kick fear in the face!
And from my experience, most jobs that are inside are good for summer.
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>>1769I'll see what I can get… I'll take basically anything. As long as it doesn't make me dysphoric or endanger my health. Well… those are not mutually exclusive.
Anyway, I see that it's getting late.
It was nice talking with you. I think I'll study a bit more tonight and go to bed soon.
later Zefs!! You're great!
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>>1770er whoops.
Night Softie
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>>1774This ain't one of those hippity hoppity shows anymore, son.
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>>1775I don't know what that means, but I disagree on principle.
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>>1776But Commander, you always disagree with everything!
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>>1783Epic shot of Keeper putting down Overwatch, bro.
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>>1786It's the best shot I had of him putting the game down
Lots of silly things happening in this game
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>>1787This game is full of nothing!
The heck happened to your latency, bro?
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>>1788I have no idea!
I do know that I really, desperately need to upgrade my motherboard and CPU. This thing was built with like a $500 budget so I couldn't afford anything too fancy. It's going to be rather expensive to upgrade to a fresh, new motherboard and an i7 with hyperthreading. No.1790
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>>1787I don't even fucking know how this is even considered Play of the Game anyways
Like, I did jack shit, barely killed three other people, but the only highlight of this whole thing was pushing Junkrat into the hole
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>>1789Ah yes. Playing on a potato.
>>1790I saw one of some character getting a 16 point assist.
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>>1791Even if it's a potato with an NVIDIA 960 I'm still proud of it
Might make plans upgrade to that fancy new Radeon RX 480, though. The thing's $200 and reading around, it apparently works on the same level as the NVIDIA 980, so that's pretty impressive. God forbid I can afford a 1070, much less a 1080.
A 16 point assist! Amazing!
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>>1792Ah yes. The humble potato 960. I forget how much the 1080 is, but I need one!
Play of the game. Play of the century. Play of the universe.
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Last time I checked, it was around $700. I'm not going to find that money laying around anywhere.
But that Play of the Game can't surely beat this!
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>>1794All right. Okay. Yeah, I'll pay 40 bucks to play that.
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I am the best at XCOM.
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>>1797Was a silly night of character creation that lead to some pretty odd recruits joining my cause.
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>>1798Fine men to the last, I'm sure.
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>>1796>>1797>>1798>>1799It was a magical experience, I tell you what
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>>1801One can always dream, Commander
One can always dream
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>>1802Unless of course you're already living them.
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>>1726I don't think it's "spice". In the end it is just making people watch things nobody's looking forward to or gaining anything from.
I can't talk for others but I personally like it as a chance to see things I haven't seen yet, or to rewatch things that are nice enough to be seen again.
Or use the chance to experience good niche movies you haven't seen or heard about yet.
Goodnight Mister TomMovie Sturf:
1. Deitydaddy 2
2. Furious Maximillian
3. The Garden of Words
4. Nolan the North
Next time being June 18th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
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>>1804I use movie night for the same reason as you are. It's just that I'm also curious about bad movies too, and I enjoy seeing how bad a movie can be and laugh at it.
I don't expect you guys to see these trash movies I put in as hidden gems, but more a chance to show how badly one can make a movie and give a better appreciation for good movies in the long run.
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>>1805I don't watch movies so regularly that they are routine or standard to me, that I need a reminder that they aren't.
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>>1806I rarely watch movies myself, but I still include trash movies because I figured it'd be something all of us could just laugh at; something to sit around and make fun of for being so bad and getting released as an actual movie.
If you don't want to watch it, you don't have to. That goes for everybody else here. I'm offering to stream it for those that do want to see it. If the majority of you really don't want to watch a bad movie, then alright, not really anything I can argue against. Just take it out the list.
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>>1807And if it's alright, I'd like to stream Garden of Words on the chance it gets chosen, too.
It's a movie that's near and dear to me, and I'd like to show it to everyone myself~
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>>1808I will accept this. This time.
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I feel inclined to tell you folks that I will not be present for movie night this Saturday, as I will be working two shifts at my job from 10:30 AM to 9 PM.
I apologize for not being here in the past few movie nights as well. I'm really sorry.
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>>1813Ah, but you see, I will be working from 9am to 8pm that day.
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>>1812>>1813I'm in a desperate loop of not having enough time.
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>>1814>>1815>>1816Jesus, it's like this Saturday everyone's going to be gone. I hope Garden of Words doesn't get chosen then.
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>>1817Well now it has to happen. I should probably suggest more movies.
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>>1816I've been trying to friend. Life's not as easy as I'd like for it to be.
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>>1819No no no no. Just make time happen. Wait, isn't it summer for you?
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>>1820Sure is. But with work hours getting more intense and girlfriend visits, time is not much of a commodity that I have,
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>>1821… Yeah but half of those things are probably good things anyways.
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>>1822I'd still like to make time for you guys though.
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>>1823Peh. It's not like we're here everyday. Waiting. For you. And, I mean, I don't even cry. And even if I did it wouldn't be to sleep every night. Not even all the time.
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>>1824How do you always manage o bring a smile to my face?
I will try and try to find the time. After this weekend I'll for sure have many days in which I'll be able to relax and have fun with you guys.
You said you'd like to stream more. I'd love to watch and interact with you, dear friend. It's always a blast to be with you all.
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>>1825Yes. Jokes are funny.
But of course! You must rest! And I am always here to talk when you want to. Mostly.
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>>1826I'd like that more than anything else, friend.
I must sleep. But I'll definitely be around tomorrow.
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…There are some names in this thread that I haven't seen for a long, long time.
How about that?
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>>1827Then I will also be around. Good night, Keeper.
>>1828I'd say it's pretty weird.
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>>1828Like you would not believe.
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>>1830I hope they're good names at least. And, uh, I didn't steal any of them if that's what you're asking. Also they're not all me.
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>>1831Well, if they were bad names I'd not have bothered remembering them.
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>>1832Ah, you have a nicer memory than I. You should drop by and say hi sometime! I'm sure they're lurking around here somewhere. At sometime.
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>>1833We'll see. When it comes to lurkers, I suppose I should join them.
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>>1834Not much to lurk, in all honesty. But feel free, and perhaps join in when you feel like it.
I suppose it is my turn to rest. You take care of yourself out there. Until we meet again.
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Chrome… Chrome… I think I remember a Chrome. Was it a HAY name?
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>>1837Zefarian how could you?!
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>>1839Zefarians. Am I right?
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>>1840They need some nerfs soon or else I'm gonna be upset.
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>>1841Zefarians are fine. You just have to learn to counter Zefarians, man.
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>>1842And what would that be? Would it be Laytons?
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>>1843No no no. What you do is you go Cmdr and you spam Sleep until you win. Ultimate counter to everything.
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>>1837What a coincidence, me too! Darn Zefarian.>>1843Just go as me and use Chatter. I think it works.
>>1844Yeah but that's cheating. Winners don't Sleep.
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>>1844That's overpowered! I will not stoop to using such tactics!
>>1845That move? I thought it was nerfed in that last patch.
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>>1845It's a legitimate strategy! Unlike Matias Chatter. Far too enthralling. More nerfs please.
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>>1846The cooldown was nerfed, but Matias is still viable!
It's not as hard of a counter as Keeper's Silly, though…
>>1847Hey! Chatter is perfectly fine as it is. Its accuracy balances it out. Meanwhile, Sleep almost always works!
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>>1846Legitimate strategy! It wouldn't be in there if you couldn't use it.
>>1848Only because no one ever seems to prepare for it. If you prep for Sleep ahead of time you have nothing to worry about.
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>>1849Yeah, but some characters have the Forgetful passive…
Zefarian will never tell us who Chrome is at this rate.
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>>1850Well it's a good thing I'm here then.
Zefarian is a busy important man! He don't got time for all our chicanery.
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>>1847I agree with that! Chatter was never a move I enjoyed too much. Though it does have a lot of follow up potential.
>>1848Keeper is legitimately broken though. Too many bugs make him nearly unplayable. It's not a good time for anyone involved.
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>>1852Those aren't bugs. Those are features.
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>>1851I'm busy! I don't got time either!
It's called being irresponsible!
>>1852Pffh- yeah! He's broken all right. Cause he's so GOOD.
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>>1854… Should you be doing things right now?
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>>1855Yeah! Things like eating, and sending my taxes in, and getting my transcripts scanned, and sending my graduation letter to the government, aaaaand…
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>>1856You should probably go do one or two of those things.
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>>1857Fffffine. I'll eat and go buy some envelopes so I can mail my taxes. Then I'll take a break because I am a hard worker who does not procrastinate and gets everything done on time. Yes.
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>>1858Uuuuuh, that's… probably fine. Just make sure you're living in the same place when I get there!
I should go buy a bunch of snacks and doughnuts while Sofia is distracted…
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HAY, yes.
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>>1860Then I must apologize for not recognizing your name. Surely we must have met before. If only in passing.
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>>1860I know you! I remember you!
Well, hello again! How has life been treating you?
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>>1859Snacks? Doughnuts.
Tsk tsk.
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>>1863And how did your chores go?
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>>1864Well, you see… umm, I… kinda… sorta…
I ate, got dressed, sat on the bed, and then… Fell asleep for 4 hours?
I am not a good pony.
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>>1865I am now stern with you.
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>>1866I'm sorry. I really did want to, I just felt so heavy…
I have my energy back now, I'll try and do some productive things. I can make a schedule for tomorrow and make sure to get all the stuff done from today and then some.
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>>1867And make sure you get plenty of sleep tonight?
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>>1868Yeah, that too.
It's been so hard to sleep lately.
But even if I don't sleep well, I'll still go and do these things. I can nap after I'm done.
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>>1869Well you did just take a nap. Mailing things is easy too! That shan't take long at all.
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>>1870Yeah! I just have to get an envelope and I'll be good. Then I can cross it off my list. Maybe I can update my resume and go get it printed too, scan my transcripts.
Thanks for keeping me on track.
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>>1871Well those don't sound too bad at all. I bet you could get all that stuff done and still have day light to burn.
Well I need everything to be in perfect order before I get there!
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>>1872Well, it's only a portion of my to-do list, but I haven't been getting anything done lately, so it would be an improvement.
I'll do everything I can to make sure it runs smoothly.
I was thinking, actually… if I get an interview for a job, I might mention that I have a "trip" pre-scheduled for that weekend and ask if it's okay to have my shift covered for a day. I read that it's the polite thing to do.
If I can't get one or more of those days off though, would you be okay? I could make a list or something of places to visit around Toronto if that works for you.
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>>1873I expect to hear good things tomorrow!
I can take care of myself if I must. A list would be nice! But let's see you get that job so you can figure a schedule first.
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>>1874Good! Then I'll have some pressure to perform well.
Okay, great. Sorry in advance if I can't, I really hope that I can get the time off though. It'd be hard to go to work knowing I'm missing out on hanging out with you.
Right, one thing at a time. I'll look for a job.
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>>1875Though I don't think we'll have time to talk tomorrow. I, too, have a long night and day ahead.
I hope you can too. Cities are scary.
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>>1876Oh yeah? What will you be busy with?
Thankfully Toronto is one of the safest.
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>>1877Work. Looks like it's gonna be 8am to… 9pm. And my AC broke again so sleeping tonight will be more fun than usual. Not that it hasn't been challenging lately anyways, but you never know until you rest your head.
Then I will defy you by getting mugged.
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>>1878Oh… Oh my god. A 13 hour shift? I'm so sorry.
It broke again?! I hope tonight will be a cold night over there… Make sure to eat a good breakfast and drink plenty of water. Gosh, I've worked a 10 hour shift at most. I hope the work day won't be too hard.
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>>1879Mmmm, delicious pity. But it's mostly driving so I can't complain too much. I've done it plenty before. Some years ago when I first started there were 16 hour days, and an 18 hour day once. I'll be fine though, don't worry.
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>>1880I prefer the term 'sympathy'.
Aw, look at you being all hardy. Those hours sound insane though, I'm really impressed. At least you get a good amount of overtime pay for it, right?
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>>1881Mm, delicious sympathy. Such a sickly sweet substance.
It was somewhat discouraging when I would finish my work at the hotel and realize I had 6 hours until it was time to wake up for work. But things certainly have calmed down since then. And I get payed more, yeah. After 8 hours it's Overtime pay, which is 1.5x and after 10, I think, it's Double Time which is 2x. I don't, uh, worry about money too much, though.
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>>1882I've got too much of it, I gotta spread it out!
Yikes, that's scary to think about. You really are resilient. I'm glad that things aren't like that anymore, even with the overtime and all. I can see why you don't tend to talk about work much…
It's always nice to hear that. Money is the worst thing to worry about. I figured you didn't exactly need it, but that just means you get to use it for travel! Yay!
So, I'm guessing you're probably gonna be getting ready for bed soon?
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>>1883I don't have much skill or muscle or smarts, but I got a lot of time to sell. And I was glad for the distraction at the time, I think. Mm, but I usually avoid talking about work for various reasons. Not that it's bad work, of course.
I have been saving money for a long time. I'm glad that I can put it to a good use now.
Now-ish, yeah. Got to be up in 7 hours, heh. You don't stay up too late now. Get some rest and I hope tomorrow is as productive as you need it to be. G'night.
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>>1884That's nonsense. Don't say that. You're very smart, you're good at being funny, and you're a good person. Please don't put yourself down, you're valuable beyond more than your time. I see the value in work as a distraction though, I had the same experience.
Good that it's not bad work too, I wasn't sure if that was the case. But hm, various reasons. I guess I can think of a few. Well, you can talk about whatever you want to.
It's a really cool way to spend it too. Having friends around the world has its perks.
Oops, my bad. I guess my Chatter was too strong today. I'll go to bed in a few minutes, I don't want to waste daylight. Hey, I have pressure now, that's encouraging. I hope you sleep okay, that work day sounds really rough. G'night!
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>>1887Furious Maximillian it is.
An apocalyptic story set in the furthest reaches of our planet, in a stark desert landscape where humanity is broken, and almost everyone is crazed fighting for the necessities of life. Within this world exist two rebels on the run who just might be able to restore order. There's Max, a man of action and a man of few words, who seeks peace of mind following the loss of his wife and child in the aftermath of the chaos. And Furiosa, a woman of action and a woman who believes her path to survival may be achieved if she can make it across the desert back to her childhood homeland.
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>>1888Is that today?! I'm gonna try to be here on time then!
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June 18th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
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what's the full list right now?
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>>1888Dang. I haven't seen that yet too.
I'd like to add Dragonheart to the list.
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Goodnight Mister Tom
Furious Maximillian
Movie Sturf:
1. Deitydaddy 2
2. The Garden of Words
3. Nolan the North
4. Ghost in the Shell (1995)
5. Dragonheart
Next time being June 25th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
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I nominate Whiplash for Movie Night!
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It's so hot right now…
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Ah, looks like I forgot to change my name. Oopsie.
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>>1896Oooooh! I remember you!
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>>1898Hey, go easy! how often do you look at your own name in a thread?
>>1897Noo, I'm sure you're thinking of someone else.
I'm just a lowly nobody. Nice to meet you CmdrBrony!
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>>1899… How do you know me!?
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>>1900How do I know you? You're the talk of the town! Everybody's heard of CmdrBrony! Super pal extraordinaire!
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>>1901Darn it. Looks like it's time to go into hiding already.
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>>1902Well, everyone knows you like privacy too!
Which won't at all contradict with the following -
How was your crazy work day?
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>>1903Oh fine. Turns out there was a wildfire near the house. How did you do with your list?
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>>1904Wow, such a trooper…
Wait, a wildfire? Is everything okay?
I couldn't get the envelope cause the dollar store had closed down (another store…) and I needed to buy bread anyway, leaving me without money for envelopes. But I still got other stuff done. I retrieved and scanned my transcripts from the school, for example! Now I can start the process for my work permit.
And don't worry, I'll still get my taxes done. I just have to go sell some old clothes tomorrow and I'll have more than enough for everything. I'm finally getting back up on my feet.
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>>1905Well long days are easier when you start taking lunch breaks like you're supposed to. Yeah, I'm pretty sure they had it mostly under control by the time I left.
Ah, good. A little extra money and little less material weighing down your soul. Tomorrow it is then.
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>>1906Hey, good for you! Eating! How responsible. And phew, that's a relief… Knowing you, you would probably have part of your house burn down and act like it's no big deal, hehe.
Yeah. I'm not normally this slow on the uptake, but I'm trying not to let it get to me. I blame the heat. Definitely.
Did you get to sleep much?
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>>1907I used to not take lunch breaks. Bad times.
Heat can not slow the Sofia! Sofia is the heat!
Not really, though it's always hard to tell.
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>>1908Why didn't you take lunch breaks? Unless by bad times you mean "bad times", in which case never mind. I wouldn't wanna bring up bad stuff.
You got that right! Except, well… maybe heat can slow Sofia a little. My Floridian resistance isn't what it used to be, after three years here. I'm having trouble standing 90 degrees F… phew.
Then again, we don't use the air conditioning, so… I guess my resistance isn't that bad!
Aw, sorry you didn't sleep well. But it's the weekend now! You get days off on the weekend right? Or do you work?
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>>1909No, I just didn't… want to. Eventually I convinced myself that such practices were both dangerous and fiscally irresponsible. Though I still forget sometimes.
Ah. 94 here. Just gotta start wearin' sunhats everywhere. Or wearin' nothin'. I'll call about the AC tomorrow, myself. And you are saving a lot of money not using one!
Most weekends, yeah. A little work tomorrow in the morning. It's not bad. Have any fun plans for yourself?
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>>1910Oh geez. I'm glad you have yourself to help you. But if you still forget, then I'm gonna throw my two cents in:
Eat! Eat food! Don't not eat!
But seriously, please make sure to eat at work. Even if it's something small.
I can't believe how high that sounds to me nowadays. I've been trying to do both, what with all the loose backless tank tops and shorts and what have you. It just barely manages to keep me cool! It's a good thing I'm a fan of summer fashion.
So I hear! I haven't been in a place where AC is used outside of my family's home, so I haven't gotten a good measure for how expensive it is quite yet, but everybody makes a big deal of it so I figure it's better safe than sorry. Get that dang AC fixed for good this time! Can't have your unit breaking down on you in the middle of this weather.
Most weekends? Well, you say it's not bad work so I guess it's okay. I mean, I'm guessing that's how it is in the working world, right?
Well, my plans were to talk with all you guys this weekend, with a few chores here and there. I have to say it was mostly a success, though I would have liked to get more done. It's a little harder to do so when I'm down to my last few bucks though. Hopefully I'll get all of this sorted out this week and I can relax more! I'd like to get some kind of schedule for spending time with all of you. That's not a new thing, I had planned to do that after college relaxed. I may have to get busy at some point in the future and put most things to the side, but I hope I can enjoy your company again for a good while.
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>>1911Yes yes, food is good for being alive.
My parents' house never had AC either. But everyone out here as one and their electric bills tend to skyrocket during the summer.
Working on Saturday like that is a special exception that I agree to help with if they need someone to do it. My work schedule tends to be erratic and unpredictable compared to most jobs.
Aw, Sofia, you don't have to keep us company if you're busy doin' real life stuff. Real life should always come first.
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>>1912Ohh, I see. I think I understand then. That's not so bad, in terms of work time. Though I hope it gets more steady!
I'm not doing it to provide company, to be honest. It's more of a… selfish thing. I'm just a lot happier this way. Plus, I don't have that much stuff going on these days! Maybe someday I'll be busy being a creative, working on projects and such… For now though, I'd like to get things together while spending time with the people I care about and trust most.
After all, you guys are part of my real life. I'd like to hang onto this.
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>>1913Ah, I don't mind. I don't really have things outside of work that might be impeded upon.
If that's the case then I'm glad to be a part of it, Sofia. And I hope you do keep practicing them arts if it's what you love to do.
Well… it's been a long time. Suppose you could say it's been longer than I expected. And we're still here. Well together anyways, since we used to be over there. So… seems like we're certainly not going anywhere.
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>>1914It only makes sense to me that we still would. The kind of trust and honesty we've shared with each other is very rare, and so are all of you. I've never met such kind people as you guys, and I'll never stop being happy about it. Even if things change, and maybe some of the trust and love fades in our thread, I will always feel the same. The words and love given to me will stay in my heart always, even if someday you all change, and see things differently than I do, I'll always have that bond with you, and I'll always be open hearted for you. You'll always have a friend you can talk to, and I hope that means something to you in the end. Even with all this time I still hesitate to be open about myself here, but I allow myself to trust in you, and in doing so, I get to feel fulfilled, safe, and loved. I wish everybody could get a chance to feel that way. I'm very happy to be talking with you again.
… So, anyway, as for your work week: Is that something you would like to change? Or are you content?
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>>1915Yeah, you're right, Sofia. I'm glad to be a part of that for you and I hope that that doesn't go anywhere. Though I also hope you might find other such places and people one day so that you might really relax amidst some good pals. Ya know, in person.
I couldn't say as my work week varies from week to week. But of course I should be looking for a more fitting job. I just struggle with motivation. Have you been keeping an eye out for places you might work?
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>>1916It would be nice to have friends this way in person too. I'd love to be able to find more people I could trust like that. Still, it wouldn't be quite the same. This was a place without restrictions on sincerity. My life was turned around into this amazing thing because of it, all of you. All we did was love and connect with the most free spirit I'd ever witnessed. I'd gone without any kind of love for so long, abandoned, betrayed, and abused. I thought the only way love would be in my life is if I shared that love regardless of how I was treated. But coming here, being talked to that way, with caring and patience, understanding… I was allowed to love without fear, and I was loved for being myself. Myself! The side of me that was never accepted, that was too weak, too girly, too honest. I can't put it into words. I can't believe my luck.
And when my life fell to pieces, and my world came tumbling down, for the first time ever, I had support. You have to understand (or remember) that my home was a place of anger and silence. It was me who broke that mold, but only because all of you encouraged me to. You told me that I was a wonderful person, that I have made people happy and I had value, that you'd catch me if I fell, that no matter what they said, I could always turn back to you and I'd be loved. I went, knees shaking, trying not to show my tears, and I managed to do it. I talked to them, sincerely, and my heart beat out of my chest and my body turned on fire but I had done it. Because I had this. Because I had all of you. I had my first real source of safety, where I was allowed to cry and heal.
I had searched for this for so long, I had put my trust in so many and had it shattered so many times. I didn't think people could ever be trusted, I didn't think people were good inside. But you all stood by me - no, you all embraced me when I needed you. I had never been the kind of person who could persevere like that, but each time I felt like giving up, I had you. I lost so much, I lost everything… but I always had you. I learned what happiness really is, what it's like to be desired and appreciated, to have my appreciation be valuable, to be something irreplaceable. I made people happy - not by being a stress reliever through abuse, not just because I cared, but because I just
was. I existed in the way I do, with the personality I do, and that makes me valuable. There will never be a replacement for that. But there doesn't need to be. I am just happy that it happened, and anything from here on out is just further icing and happiness.
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Sorry, I guess I just felt the need to say that. I had a lot of emotions bottled up inside.
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>>1917Weren't nothin' but helpin' out my friend Sofia. You would do and have done the same thing, I know.
You make it sound so grand. I guess it is for you, but it was the culmination of so many things that seemed so simple at the time. Just… bein' a good person, ya know. I like to think that a lot of people would do the same thing.
>>1918Ya gotta lotta them emotions in there. But those are good ones, I think.
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>>1919It was grand. I know that maybe the nuances and details have been forgotten, and that's perfectly okay. I've held on to the memories and moments more tightly, as I've needed them to get by.
I don't mean this to come off the wrong way, I know and can tell you value it and our friendships a lot. We are tightly knit and for a good reason. But even if I'm the only one who feels so strongly for it, that's okay with me. I understand it's natural to grow up into new things. For me, the warmth of home I felt in those years together will carry me forever.
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>>1920I'm sorry that my memories might have faded so. I don't think I would have let them, if I had the choice.
I'm glad you can tell 'cause I don't do very many essays and poetry to express myself. But I assure you that I hold our friendship in a most high regard, and I hope that never changes.
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>>1921Of course Kyle, I trust you! Very much.
It's perfectly okay. All I care about is that you're well, and that you feel free to talk to me about anything at all. That's what being a friend is, right?
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And reminding you to go to sleep.
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>>1923Can't I stay up a little bit more? At least to calm down?
I… kind of cried a little bit No.1925
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>>1924Sofia! Whassa matter?
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>>1925I was just… thinking about all the tender moments. It was a little overwhelming.
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Thank you very much!
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>>1928That Sofia. What a lovely person.
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>>1929Thank you thank you!
You're wonderful!
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>>1930Talkin' to herself in the mirror again. That's okay. She is wonderful.
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>>1931Ahh! Thank you so much!
Too sweet!
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>>1932Sofia, you're making it too easy for me to reverse these on you. You doin' all right?
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>>1933Thank you again and again! ♥
I-I didn't mean to! Of course I am!
I'm rubber and you're glue!
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>>1934Well that's all right.
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>>1935Gotcha! You're very caring!
And generous!
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>>1936And I like to keep my ego from getting too big too. But you are one of the most loving people I have ever met. It has been an honor to know you, and I hope I may never shirk from our friendship in all the days of my life. Because I know you will not.
Having said that. You need to sleep.
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>>1937Thank you, Kyle. That means so much to me, and I'm not just saying that. It's deeply touching to know I've made such an impression on you, and wonderfully calming to hear.
Okay, I'll go to bed. I guess you probably should too. Thank you for always being there for me. You've never let me down, even though you know I'd forgive you without a second thought.
Good night. Sleep tight.
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>>1938G'night, Matias. Rest well, my friend.
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Goodnight Mister Tom
Furious MaximillianMovie Sturf:
1. Deitydaddy 2
2. The Garden of Words
3. Nolan the North
4. Ghost in the Shell (1995)
5. Dragonheart
6. Whiplash
Next time being June 25th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
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>>1945Wheat! How are you?
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>>1947Yeah? Been busy? Having a nice time? Not cleaning up too many messes, I hope.
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>>1948Funny you should say that…
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>>1950Depends on how much you like urine, I suppose?
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>>1952They botched spaying the dog and she pees inside sometimes.
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>>1953How can they botch that? It's the simplest of procedures. Now you have a constantly peeing dog.
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>>1955My neighbor's dog used to pee when she got excited. She got excited a lot. I hope you keep her off the carpet.
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>>1957Sweet! Pee where ever you want!
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>>1959Just like my ancestors.
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>>1960Your ancestors sound weird.
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>>1961I don't know. But it was probably before housing was invented. We've been around a long time, you know.
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>>1962An old family then! You must be very wealthy.
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>>1963No… they didn't invent money back then either. In fact, they could very well be your ancestors too.
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>>1964Nah. My family is very young. We've only been around for a couple years.
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>>1965You are human, right?
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>>1966I am an average human!
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>>1967Then surely your genetic line was descended from humans long passed. Those that started civilization itself. Those that triumphed over all nature so that one day their children might post ponies.
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>>1968Oh, no. My lineage went extinct a couple Aprils back for tax reasons.
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>>1969Ah yes. I can only trace my ancestors back as far as parts of Eastern Europe and Wales. It's almost like they didn't want to be found.
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>>1970I can trace mine to Oregon before they vanish.
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>>1971Lost along the Oregon trail like so many people. A noble end.
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>>1974Been having a good week?
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>>1975Can't complain, I suppose. Though it would be nice if the AC worked. It's been a while, Wheat. Keepin' busy?
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>>1976Things are calming down now. Not overworking yourself?
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>>1977Hardly. Any plans in the near future?
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>>1978Summer classes, mostly. Keeping things in order around here.
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>>1979Admirable. Taking some time to smell the roses?
Nope. Guess I could be doin' productive stuff, but I'm not.
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>>1980I suppose you could say that!
You need a little time doing not-productive things.
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>>1981Good, good. You're a busy guy.
Well… I could be doing more productive not-productive things.
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>>1982Not everything has to be productive.
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>>1983Well… I mean… this is what I always do. Nothin' really. Games and nothin'. It's not bad, I guess. It's just… not much.
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>>1984That's the idea behind relaxing, isn't it?
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>>1985Technically. If doing nothin' is relaxing.
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>>1987But doing fun things can be relaxing too.
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>>1988If you have the energy for it.
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>>1990You're here at a good time! Commander isn't doing anything.
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>>1991What a coincidence! Neither am I!
What about you?
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>>1992Nothing going on tonight!
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>>1993Woo! Doing nothing, yeah!
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>>1994Just an easy night!
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>>1995Hooray! A good time for me to show up!
Now, how do you do, fellow nothing-doer?
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>>1996Doing fine! Yourself?
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>>1997I'm… Hmm. Good question.
Well, I've been listening to art podcasts while drawing and stuff. I also watched some Zootopia special features, and bought some sweets with spare change.
And what have you been up to?
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>>1998Nothing so exciting! Just keeping things in order around here.
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>>2000Oh, that's exciting? Tell me, how does one "keep things in order". I seem to be having some trouble with it.
Ah, and did the clothing spray thingie work for you?
>>1999Gasp! Traitor!
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>>2001Cleaning, driving, some simple repairs. Talking. Those kinds of things.
Ah, right! That was you. I remembered that conversation but it got disjointed with the "who."
I need to try it.
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>>2002Hmm. Okay, I'll work on getting my driver's license. I'll be a chore master in no time!
Okay! I hope it works for you as well as it did for me. It does take a while to dry though, so be prepared to let it sit.
So! What do you do for fun these days?
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>>2003It will open things up a lot when you do!
That's the big thing! Lil doggy can't seem to leave anything alone if it is out drying.
Hanging out! Chatting, games, normal things!
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>>2004Ahh, pets. I am both glad and sad that I didn't really get to have one. Except a hamster, hehe. He was cute.
Waah, I wish I still enjoyed playing games! For some reason I can't get myself to spend time on them anymore. But I guess it's might be because I have a lame computer that can't do stuff. What games do you like?
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>>2005She isn't really "mine".
I've been playing Stardew Valley. Nice and easy.
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>>2006Oh, I see. Well, still.
Ah, I know about it. I watched my friend play it for a while. Farm style games sure are addictive, aren't they? I have to stay far away from those, if my productivity is going to exist! I'll just appreciate them from afar…
It's cool that it has like, magic and combat and stuff mixed in though. It's neat that they combined so many different things like that. You don't usually see combat in a farming game!
Also, this is completely unrelated, but I can't believe it's 1 AM! I didn't even notice the time pass today. I guess time flies when you're doing nothing.
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>>2007I like "making" something like that. A bit of work, a bit of patience, and something nice comes out.
You should probably think about getting to bed, huh?
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>>2008I had that feeling with Minecraft. I liked being able to create a big home with lights everywhere and trees and waterfalls… I would always go a bit overboard though. I don't seem to have an "off" button when it comes to making stuff. At least with a drawing I can say "okay, any more additions will ruin the flow of the image so I should leave it as it is". With open-ended creativity, I can sit there for hours and hours, never stopping, never finishing…
Definitely a genre for people who can tell when enough is enough.
Yeahh… I guess so. I kinda don't want to, but I think I should. I haven't been sleeping very well, so I need all the night time I can get. Still…
Well, I suppose it is what it is. Good night Wheat.
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>>2012Yeah. Games with friends. Always nice. I'm sorry it interrupted our conversation.
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>>2013Nothing wrong at all with games with friends! You go have fun!
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>>2014I did, thanks. I hope you had a nice time as well.
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>>2015Don't cut your game short. I have distractions.
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>>2016Yeah, me!
Nah, I'm done. Gotta calm down before bed. You can go be distracted!
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>>2018Payday 2. How are you distractions?
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>>2019Not focusing so well on them, tonight.
Had a good time? With anyone I know?
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>>2020We can maintain a companionable silence if you need to concentrate.
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>>2021A little distraction is welcome.
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>>2022Workin' on some deep thoughts?
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>>2023Not especially deep. Just enjoying the company.
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>>2024Ah, that sounds nice.
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>>2025Been an unpleasant day.
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>>2026Mm. Soon to draw to a close, I hope.
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>>2027Probably. I took some sleeping pills not long ago.
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>>2028Trouble sleeping lately?
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>>2029Not really. I thought they'd help focus. They usually don't do anything so I figured there was no harm in trying.
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>>2030Interesting strategy. Mind if I ask what you're trying to focus on?
It had the opposite effect.
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>>2032I didn't know you played the piano. Now you've gone loopy.
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>>2033I don't. Trying to learn though.
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>>2034I took a piano class or two when I was little. Do you have a practice piano?
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>>2035A little electronic keyboard. It isn't prefect but it works.
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>>2036Well that's all right. From what I understand most of the learning is figuring out how to read music. Been practicing for long?
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>>2039It's been a long time since I played music regularly, but I lost all my instruments. It's a little frustrating being a beginner again but I'm enjoying it.
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>>2039That's nice. It's about the journey, right?
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>>2042A worthy distraction. And you make music too.
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>>2043I'm not creative enough to compose. I'm happy just tapping the keys.
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>>2044Well I mean… performing music. Something you can hear. But maybe some day.
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>>2045I should get to bed. I have business in the morning.
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>>2046That's a good plan. I hope you have a good night's rest and good business tomorrow.
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>>2048Time will tell. But for now all there is is rest.
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>>2055Hi Kyle! How are you?
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>>2056Hi Sofia! Fine, fine. How are you?
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>>2057Better now! I wasn't feeling very well, but hugs are nice.
What have you done today?
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>>2058Oh dear. Is something wrong?
Work. You?
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>>2059Ah, just work. I hope it wasn't too tough today.
I haven't been really doing much. I played games all day and ate food. I drew a bit too I guess.
Umm… yeah, I've been feeling unhappy. I just haven't talked about it. I've been really scared to talk about it but I don't know why. I get the feeling that if I do talk about it, then I'll find out why I didn't want to. I know it doesn't really make any sense…
I guess I should talk about it… if the years I've spent here have taught me anything, it's that talking about feelings is a good way of figuring out what to do about them.
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But um, I don't know. I feel bad with just dropping a bunch of stuff about me right after you come home for work. I don't want your whole day to be work, you know?
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>>2060How did you selling clothes and paying taxes go?
Hm. All good points.
>>2061Nnnnnope, you have to talk about it now.
Besides, if this was work I would get paid more.
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>>2062… I have to be honest with you and say I haven't really gone further than the plaza I live in for over a week.
Okay… I guess I gotta talk about it. I was just hoping I would get over it, but…
I have to admit it hurt a bit to see how you think of the history between us, on this device. There's nothing wrong with it, you're allowed to have your own experiences and change your mind about things… But I remember the things you used to say back then and I guess it's difficult for me to come to terms with the difference. Maybe it's just growing up, and that's okay. I can't help but wonder if it's necessary to become less intimate with others as we age, but maybe it's not really a choice. Maybe it's something biological that we can't control. I wouldn't know, all I do is learn new things, but I never seem to age in that social way. Once I love somebody, I just love them, and the only one who can change that is them.
After all the time passed developing that vulnerability and sincerity between us, that interest and profound trust, the tears spent with and for one another, that connection we formed, could it disappear like that? Do the others feel the same way? Was it only mutual for a moment? Things that used to make me happy to remember are now starting to sting as well… I'll always be happy that it happened, and I always thought someday we would all have to part ways… but I didn't know it would be like this. I thought it would just happen as a result of our lives being incongruent with the kind of time investment needed to communicate the way we had before.
I know we all will always be friends. But I thought the circumstances of our friendship were novel, I thought we had created something wonderful. I thought we all agreed this wasn't a standard group of people. I thought we were family, with all we've shared. I've spent so many days here… I couldn't wait to get time to talk.
Maybe I've gotten ahead of myself. I probably have. Even so, how childish could I be to be upset about something like this. I've had so many worse things happen to me, so why do these thoughts break my heart?
I'm sorry, I know. Maybe it's just that, now that we're meeting and seeing each other, getting to know each other beyond the cartoon characters we post, maybe that distrust is coming back. Perhaps all the social programming rewires and the fantasy of it all disappears. It becomes too real. Or maybe it's something else. I don't know. I feel silly admitting I'm upset.
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>>2063I don't understand. What did I do? Have I changed that much?
But… of course that would break your heart. How many times have you said how close we are to it. That's not silly at all.
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>>2064Like I said, I've probably gotten ahead of myself. I guess I've gotten this impression, as for example last time you said our friendship was just a simple thing, and the way you talked about it, it was like I came on about it too strong or something. There's just been these, I guess, unexpectedly blasé moments I've been having with people here, maybe I'm just misreading something. Maybe I misinterpreted what you've said.
Feel free to let me know if that's what happened. I've probably just overthought things again.
But even if we've all grown apart, I wouldn't hold that against anyone. I can't and wouldn't want to control how people feel. Though I'll always love everyone here the same.
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Ah, I should have taken into account how you would have felt if I talked about it all at once. I'm sorry… please don't be sad.
I should have asked what your position and opinions were rather than assume how you felt… I could have avoided overthinking it and then being so rash. Even after this much time, I still assume things instead of asking… It's probably all in my head.
Please, please don't be sad.
>>2065Well I… want to apologize then. I didn't intend to demean our friendship. My underlying message in that comment, I suppose, was that I can't accept that I myself might become so integral in someone's life. That I have always refused to believe that what I did was special or singularly exceptional in any way.
>>2066Sofia please don't regret speaking your mind here of all places. And certainly not when I asked, or rather told you to, in the first place. It's an important issue to you, and, therefore, an important issue to me as well.
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>>2067Oh, I misunderstood, it's really my fault! But I suppose that doesn't matter. I think I understand now, thank you so much for clarifying…
Kyle, you are wonderful and you will always be wonderful in my eyes. That you genuinely think the person you've been has been anything but exceptional shows that you really are a very kind, very patient, very understanding person at heart. You like to think anybody else would have done the same thing, but if so, why do you stand out to me so much? The same goes for our friends. I have opened my heart to many but few have taken as good care of it.
It's okay if you want to stay as humble as you are. Maybe that works for you. I just wanted you to receive the gratitude you've earned, all from the most honest place I could muster.
But I also wanted to make clear how special the bond we all have is. I don't want that to be forgotten, it's so precious and so rare for people to so freely associate, unafraid. We should cherish this and keep it alive, not so much by constant communication but just by acknowledging all our history, trusting that it has given us good reason to love each other, even if all the details can't be remembered.
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I, uh, don't know how or when I came to have this. But it's been sitting amidst my folders for a very long time. I usually avoid reading them, actually. But I figure you ought to know. I can delete it if you want.
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>>2069No it's okay. Actually, I'm extremely flattered that you've saved this.
I… I admit, I'm not sure what message you mean to send with it. That I shouldn't be afraid to speak my mind when I am upset at something a friend said? That I shouldn't sacrifice my self for another's happiness? Something about the nature of love, perhaps? That you've become that friend? (You haven't, absolutely not)
Well, many of those are good points, and stuff I should think about more often. Maybe I'll have to re-read this some more before it sinks in… Thank you so much for showing me.
I'm sorry for causing any trouble. I know I probably shouldn't be, maybe that's even what you're referring to. I just felt the need to say it.
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>>2070I dunno…
It's just an old memory, ya know? You don't have to study it, don't worry. Just talkin' about how I can't remember anything, but I still have this. It's a different time.
I was, uh… perturbed. But it was all a misunderstanding, though, I suppose. You don't have to be sorry, I'm glad that we can still have this open communication with each other. Misunderstandings can be a very bad way to go.
And thank you, Sofia. I wish I had a better way to respond to your compliments.
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>>2071Oh, I see. I appreciate you keeping that, though… I also appreciate this open communication too. I'm glad I can trust you to try to understand, even if I say something really bothersome.
It's okay Kyle. They don't need a response, they themselves were a response to how you've treated me and how you've been there for me. I hope that your actions have made you as content as they've made me.
I know you're someone of few words, you don't have to change for me. You're just excellent as you are.
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>>2072Good, good. Good.
Well… now you ought to be getting on the sleep soon. And, I hope, setting out to do some chores tomorrow. Don't think that I've forgotten that you've not left the plaza.
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>>2073Yeah, I should be… I'm dozing off! That last post got a bit redundant.
Right, yes. Doing things. I should do more of that.
Good night! Thank you for talking to me. I feel a little lighter now.
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>>2074Good night, Sofia. I'm glad I could help. Rest well.
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I am so excited for this game to come out
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>>2078Do you like to play Castlevania?
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>>2080No maybes! Yes or no, soldier!
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>>2081But I never got in to the metroidvania genre!
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>>2083>>2084You disappoint me, soldier
But that is your life!
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But for real, that webm is something I made from the Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night demo that came out for backers recently.
It's what I'd like to call the spiritual successor to Castlevania now that Konami decided to push all of its IPs into pachinko machines.
The last time there was a Castlevania game, it was a complete reboot of everything and it was bad.
Koji Igarashi, the director for Symphony of the Night and the Gameboy/DS Castlevania games, had left Konami for a while now and decided it was time to make a new game and used Kickstarter for it. And that's how Bloodstained came to be and gained up to $5.5 million in support.
It's been a year since it was funded and their progress with $5.5 million already churned out a small demo that looks, plays, and sounds very good. It takes after the Aria of Sorrow/Dawn of Sorrow Castlevania games where you can take enemies' powers and use it for yourself. The webm was the animation that played when the power of the monster was taken.
I have a lot of hope for this game now that I got the chance to play it. It's not going to turn out like Mighty No. 9 and that makes me happy!
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>>2087Well that's good. I hope it becomes a kickstarter success story and not one of the ones pointed at like a boogie man for developers.
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>>1940Well, that was a new low.
Goodnight Mister Tom
Furious Maximillian
Nolan the NorthMovie Sturf:
1. Deitydaddy 2
2. The Garden of Words
3. Ghost in the Shell (1995)
4. Dragonheart
5. Whiplash
6. The Boyty and the Beast
7. Brother Bear
Next time being July 2th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
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>>2091That was a god damn experience
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>>2092'A deeply distressing or disturbing experience' -
trauma, 2016 Oxford Dictionary
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All in favour of barring Layton from recomending films say aye
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Anyone home?
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>>2100hi there, how are you doing?
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>>2101I'm doing well! I'm heading out for some chores in just a few minutes but I should be back very soon.
How are you today?
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>>2102What chores will you be doing, then?
I'm okay. I had a really nice day yesterday, so I'm still feeling good from that. I had a bit of a tough talk with my parents explaining why I've been having trouble finding a job. I think I got them to understand my feelings, but for a bit I think they misunderstood anxiety for giving up. I am certainly still sending out resumes, regardless of how I feel. I really hope I find a good place to work, but any place is fine, as long as I have enough hours.
Mainly the issue has been that I don't know how to dress for the occasion. I know fashion when it comes to casual stuff, but business casual? That eludes me entirely. I gotta ask my friends how to dress like a businesswoman.
So I'm feeling okay, cause the talk did put some stress on me, but that's how it is when you've got responsibilities not yet finished. Otherwise I'm just doing some "figure" drawing (I'm really just using a program with a database of poses, not at all like the real thing unfortunately) while listening to japanese rock.
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>>2103I was getting dad some stronger medicine and picking up groceries.
You'll get one! It's a rough market all around but more and more jobs are opening up.
We're worthless as far as fashion goes, but I'm sure commander or anybody here will tell you if they think some outfit looks smart but cute!
Care to show off some of those figure drawings?
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>>2104Is that true? In that case I'll make sure not to miss the opportunity.
Ah, I was thinking more my girl friends, they've had a lot of jobs so they know what to do. Plus, I could use some help with how to get makeup to stay fresh.
Mmm, there's not much to see unfortunately! I've been doing 30 second poses so I can improve my gesture, and all you'd see is rough outlines of poses. Plus, I haven't drawn in a week or so, so it's not my best work. I do have some drawings I'm working on that people here might like though!
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>>2105They sound more useful than us for that! I could tell you how to manufacture makeup but I have no idea how to put it on a human face.
That's the busy "practice" work of drawing, right? Getting better and better instead of producing stuff to show off!
Oh? What kinds of drawings are those, that they might like?
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>>2106I just haven't been drawing much, honestly.
You'll see them when they're finished, if I get around to finishing them!
Sorry, I had to talk with my parents again. I'm gonna play games for a bit, if that's okay.
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>>2107No problem! I should get to cleaning and cooking, anyways.
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>>2110Hi zeffie!!
How are you?
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>>2111Feeling rather sleepy/tired
Not too sure why.
Bit nervous about going to flat tomorrow
How's you?
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Hey Zef. Hey Sofi.
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>>2112Oh yeah? Again?
I'm actually feeling quite awake today, it must be the cold weather coming back. It was a bit chilly yesterday, I loved it.
To "flat"? As in
your flat? Or is it a name for something else?
I'm doing okay mostly, just drawing some, listening to some Tycho. I'm much more motivated to draw today. I should probably organize some kind of hang out with friends, I've been spending a lot of time by myself lately. Not that everyone in the chat hasn't been wonderful company. You guys are really amazing.
>>2113Hello. Up to much?
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>>2113Yo Wheat
>>2114First time in a while, though it's feeling rather strong.
Yay cooler weathers. Must be nice.
I suppose appartment ish thing? Place I'm staying while attending school.
Tycho? That guy from what was it, Penny Arcade?
Should draw and hang out
You should your yourselves hanging out
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>>2115Mm… Maybe take a nap later, if that's the case.
Ah, okay, a flat. Why are you nervous?
I don't really know much about Penny Arcade. This is what I'm listening to:'d like to, but my friends always like to show me things, and I don't want to seem like I'm not paying attention to them.
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>>2116I don't know, I'm not usually one to take naps
Cause that signals the start of Grad school and a new chapter and I don't know, things are moving so fast.
Oooohhh it's a band.
I thought it was that one guy doing a podcast or something.
Clearly you should just meet up and show each other things.
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>>2117Me neither, but I've recently started. I don't like to do it, but it's better than being tired all day.
Aww… poor Zef ♥
>hugsIt'll be okay. It's an exciting time, new place, new challenges, maybe even new friends? I know that, with the internship, things have been a bit hectic, but… I'm sure you'll do fine. Things will calm down eventually, just enjoy the fresh experiences for now.
Hehe, I do listen to Chris Oatley podcasts sometimes. (disney animator) They're really interesting.
That's what we usually do! Well, sort of. I tend to listen more than speak when I hang out with friends. I don't mind, I find it relaxing, I don't have to think as much about myself. I tend to live in a whirlwind of constant thought…
Plus, it's flattering to be around someone who wants to share stuff with you.
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>>2118But it makes it harder to sleep at night and makes a loop
I suppose so. Just hasn't been too much time to take it all in I guess.
What does he usually talk about?
And clearly you guys should do something in the meantime. Play minigolf or something so there's something common I guess
Let me share my wub
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>>2119That's how I feel about it too. But if you're not getting anything done anyway, and you still can't sleep at night, what's the point? It's a case by case thing, I guess.
Believe me, I'm familiar with that feeling. Sometimes you can't control how fast things go, and you just have to ride the waves.
I've only listened to a few, but he talks about creativity, the role of art, how to make it as a professional artist, what is conducive to good art, pitfalls to avoid, how to tell a good story, how to take inspiration from our lives and those of others, how to observe the world… things like that.
The few friends I have here are not much for games, and otherwise it takes an admission fee and money for travel to do things together. So the most we do is watch shows. Otherwise we just wax philosophical. Or talk about recent events in our lives, our thoughts.
I'm all for that!
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>>2120Yeah I suppose so, but it's not too bad since I don't really have to do too much right now
Well, hold my breath and take the dive I guess.
Sounds like some really good tips to have.
Clearly you should tell them about Norm of the North.
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>>2121Trash of the North shall not be mentioned again.
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>>2122Well it's something to watch!
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>>2123There are many better things…
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>>2129You have… the highest quality hug pictures.
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Furious Maximillian
Nolan the North
The Boyty and the Beast
Movie Sturf:
1. Deitydaddy 2
2. The Garden of Words
3. Ghost in the Shell (1995)
4. Dragonheart
5. Whiplash
6. Brother Bear
Next time being July 9th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
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>>2135No problems. if you want to see it fully we can still recast it anytime!
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>>2136That would be fun sometime, but I would feel silly.
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>>2136In that case let's just leave Mad Max on the list all the time
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Anyone in the thread today?
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>>2164Doesn't look like it.
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>>2165Well, then I will talk to the wind!
How are you, wind?
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>>2166I'm fine. Just passing through. What about you? Still drawing?
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>>2167Going with the flow these days, then?
I have pauses here and there, but for the most part, yes! In fact, Keeper and his lady just visited me in CanadaLand, they surprised me with a whole bunch of presents at the end of their stay! Now I have a huuuge sketchbook, draft pencils, koala erasers, all sorts of goodies…
Speaking of goodies, I still have the "Great Patient!" part of the Pinkie Pie dentist sticker on top of my monitor. Still not super good with nun-chuks… yet!
If you're interested in my drawings, I can share some of them with you. I haven't drawn as much as I could have lately, but I've still progressed a bit, I'd like to think. Or stayed the same, it's hard for me to really tell.
Oh, and what about you? Worked on any crafts lately?
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>>2168More like blown in on the breeze of boredom, but same difference, I suppose. And sure, if you've got some drawing you want to share, go ahead. As for me… nothing really going on. I was trying to learn how to draw for a while too, but that's over.
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>>2169Well, if the breeze of boredom brought this wind to pass by me, I'm grateful for it.
Something bringing you down, my friend? And, if you'd rather talk about something else, then what have you been thinking about lately?
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>>2170Interesting character design. Nice hair shapes. I always had trouble with hair. Also nothing's bringing me down in particular. Just the same general trials and tribulations. Nothing's on my mind, either. Nothing intriguing, anyway. Hence the boredom.
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>>2171Character design is fun. I struggled with this one a bit, made some crappy versions before I got to one I actually liked. It's a moth knight!
Hair can be really difficult. I can't render it super well, I have trouble with the way light bounces off of it and getting that nice 3d feel to it. So usually I just do cartoon hair.
Nothing on your mind? That's new. Well, has life been alright lately? It's been difficult to pinpoint how I feel about mine at the moment. Generally good, but lacking in some respects I'm still trying to identify.
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>>2172Well, drawing and rendering are two different skills to develop. Even though it feels like they should go together, it doesn't seem to be that way. At least not for me. I don't have the thinking for it.
As far as life, nothing immediately bad is happening. What makes you think you're lacking something?
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>>2173Sometimes I feel that way, but I wonder how true that is. I think when I improve my ability to render, I improve my ability to draw as well, as it's just simplifying visual phenomena in an easily legible way. The problem often lies in how its practiced. If I focus too much on what I see, and not understanding what's happening before me (just drawing dark spots and light spots without knowing why they're there in the first place) I end up gaining nothing but a nice looking drawing.
I'm not the speediest when it comes to improvement though, so take my words with a grain of salt.
Hm, fair enough then. Well… I feel this strange loneliness, and I have quite a hunch on what's causing it. I've lost quite a few friends recently, and seem to be going back down to having 1 trusted friend in my vicinity.
Online of course, I have the story group and everyone is wonderful. I would consider you a trusted friend as well. I think my issue is, though… that I don't really see an environment and atmosphere between us where an open dialogue about our thoughts and emotions can be had at any time. That's normal, I suppose, but I don't particularly like the way society typically works when it comes to mental health and sincerity, so I hope that's not the direction things are headed.
I have reason to believe these concerns are all in my head, though. For some reason, I just don't feel safe openly talking about my problems with even my closest friends, and I'm not sure why or how that happened, but my mental health has suffered somewhat because of it. I still have the ability to talk to friends individually every once in a while, but otherwise I'm trying to deal with things alone. I'm not sure if that's a good idea.
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>>2174There's probably some synergistic overlap between them, but I never understood either well enough actually "get" it. Is everything you draw done traditionally?
And maybe you just need better friends.
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>>2175I don't know, I still feel very much like a beginner. Probably because I still am afraid of trying colour (though I shouldn't be). The only things I know that have worked for improvement is the same things as anything else: practice every day, think critically about improvement.
Yeah, I don't have a working tablet at the moment… so I use pencils and pens for now.
Mm, I think the problem may lie with me, not being confident enough to go out and see if my feelings are based in reality. Or maybe everyone wants to talk about personal stuff but nobody wants to be that first person who breaks the ice. I have at least one friend who I talk to very openly about everything, and other than that I have the story threaders. The talks keep me going, but I think a little bit more love wouldn't hurt. Things feel a bit like daily business. Am I making sense?
Primarily though, it's not really all this stuff that's getting me antsy. It's not having a job when I really, desperately need income and am on a timer. I need to go get one but I've been procrastinating…
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>>2176Practice and critical thinking can work, but if everything you're trying is trial and error then there's no guarantee of anything. I'd still prefer a knowledgeable mentor to explain what everyone's already figured out than try to brute force it on my own.
I don't think being completely open with people is really a good thing to begin with, so I can't say if it's a problem, but whatever makes you feel better, I guess. I'm sure there are people out there that feel the same. As for jobs, if you figure out that out, let me know.
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>>2177Generally there are books and online resources for that. Having a mentor in person or live somehow is unbeatable though.
That's fair. It's not like I've always been an open person, so I understand the reasons for keeping one's self to one's self. And I'll get right on it! Honestly I'll take aaaany job I can get. Preferably not ones I'm not built for, but I'll give it a shot if need be!
By the way, what hobbies do you take part in these days? Just curious.
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>>2178I've read books and watched tutorials. Doesn't help when you do something wrong and can't figure out why though.
Anyway, it's not like my opinions on social interaction are tempered truths, so no reason to listen to me. Just saying what I think. Also I'm not sure what you mean by "preferably not ones I'm not built for," in the job department. Do you mean physical strength? Because I'm super weak, but I still did roofing for a while, and that paid fairly well. A lot of the time you don't even need qualifications for it. There are a lot of menial jobs they need people for that they'll hire temporarily. I actually think that's how most temp employment agencies work.
And I don't have any hobbies. I ran out of those a while ago.
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>>2179Very true. I suppose there is a lot of error indeed when it comes to self teaching something as complex as visual art.
Oh, I just didn't want to outright handwave what you said. I mean to imply that my position to be open is one that was made with the knowledge of its dangers, without devaluing your position.
Is that true? In that case, maybe I could do something like that… My strength isn't quite the same (not that it used to be much) now that I've been on estrogen for a while, but hopefully it's still decent enough to get used to something like that. I'd like to take care of my skin and all, I put a lot of work into making it smooth and such, but I'll take whatever I can get regardless. Beggars can't be choosers.
I see. Well, I won't pry then.
I'm super tired now, so I should probably head to bed. Thanks for the nice chat and friendship, wind. Hope you have a cool night!
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>>2180There was a Canadian girl I knew once who was the top employee in the construction business she worked for. She was cool.
Anyway, seeya later.
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>>2184Hi there! how are you?
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>>2186I'm glad you're alright. I'm okay, just ate dinner and took my injection, paid my rent today and got some more groceries! I did have a bit of a scary talk about immigration with my fellow immigrant friend, though. My chances were already pretty low, but now things are looking even tougher for me… Ah well, the most I can do is try and plan for the future as well as I can.
I also had the last guy I was with message me all of a sudden. He was a good friend before he confessed his feelings, but things didn't work out (I just didn't develop the same feelings). He told me he misses me and wants another chance, but I had to be honest with him and turned him down… I feel sad about it, but I know that trying to comfort him won't help him feel better. He needs space, I think. I hope I'm doing the right thing.
But well, what about you? What have you been up to?
>>2187Oh dear, I had thought your immigration stuff was going okay because of school and things. Still more hurdles to jump through?
I think you're right. Space and time. I'm glad you're sticking to your guns, but I hope that's not causing too much anxiety for you.
Oh, uh, not much. Went to visit the parents and then work's been pretty busy. I'm actually in a hotel right now.
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>>2188Y-yeah… I have to get a job of a certain caliber, for which the government has created a massive database. I need a level "B" or above job, and it needs to be full time, plus I gotta keep it for quite a while. It's a result of the conservative, widely-hated government head of the last decade, and the current liberal government have been holding true to their promises so far, so it's likely things will change for the better. It's a thing they stated they'd change, immigration for international students, and was a big part of their platform, so considering they went through with all the trans legislation and whatnot, it's likely things will change in the next few years. Things have been… quite broken in immigration for quite a while, it's been overly hostile to students due to a some folks taking advantage of the system a while back. Rather than improve it, they just made it even rougher.
Ah, thank you! It wasn't super easy, as at the time Keeper was over, so I saved face a bit by just taking some deep breaths. Now that he and Vickie have gone on to Michigan, I've dealt with the feelings of it and all. I admit, it made me a little upset because it came at a bad time. Before Keeper arrived, I had been feeling like I had very few friends, with basically all of them consisting of people who approached me for a relationship, and were turned down or the relationship didn't work out. They all wanted to stay friends, so I did, and it worked out very well with the first one here but… so far, it seems like the others don't want to hang out very much. And since most of my friends are, well, their friends, and they don't really interact with me now as a result of the distance… I've felt a bit lonely.
But no, no anxiety. But thank you for being so considerate… ♥
If anything, I feel a bit somber. It's hard to complain about people falling for me without sounding like an egotistical person, but as much as I do crave a nice relationship, I would much more have stable friendships. I haven't really built a nice "base" of friends around here yet, so I spend all my weekends alone. I'm "okay" with it, but I'd really prefer having people I can talk to candidly and hug and stuff. I do have a couple friends here and there, but they have done and said some crappy things so far… Like, trust-breaking stuff. I don't really consider them people I can tell things to, though I am willing to listen if they need it. Mostly our friendship is closer to acquaintance level.
You visited your parents! Aw, how nice. Did you guys do much? Go out to eat?
And why the hotel? Just making a pit stop on the way home, or are you on a long drive for work?
>>2189Back to the job thing again. What is it with the world and having a job? Well I'm glad there's a something lighter to hope for on the horizon at least. Can't sit around and hope for the government to come through, though!
That Keeper always being places at times. Mm, the ecology of friend circles. I've lost some people from that. Seems like it's hard for folk to keep romance and friendship separate. You could find new friends! Better friends! Robot friends.
I know what you mean. Eh, well, maybe.I never did learn how to go out and make new friends, myself. It is easy to find friends you can have a good time with, but I don't think I've ever had a friend, in person anyways, that I could trust, confide, and share emotions with the way you seem to have in friendships past.
Well it was Independence Day around here. Eh… and my birthday yesterday.
Just saving some drive time since I'll be working in this city again tomorrow. It's been a long week. I'm glad tomorrow is Friday.
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>>2190I know. It's like it's our society's method for distribution of livelihood or something.
Believe me, I know about waiting for governments. I'm not eager to do
that again.
I'm glad he was here, his visiting forced me to get cleaned up, get my room and house all organized, and go outside and have fun. I'm feeling more social and brave after spending some time with him and his gf, they gave me a lot of great encouragement.
But of course, they wouldn't compare to robot friends. Unless they already
are robot friends… I always figured you guys were too good to be real!
I know, I can find new friends. I mean, I do have at least one friend who I can confide in and all, he's very trustworthy and kind, much like you guys! He fulfills certain needs as the great friend he is, but we still have quite different personalities and tastes. He doesn't really do things that we can do together, and he's very shy when it comes to trying new things. I just can't get him to do silly things! He always has to keep composure, haha. But well, he's only one person, and he can't be around all the time. We only get to hang out every couple of weeks really. Plus, on a more serious note, he's very protective of me to the point of being unabashedly patronizing, and while it's nice to have someone watch your back, I wouldn't mind having someone who considers me an equal. There's nothing wrong with who he is, I like these traits, it's just the only kind of friendship I'm really exposed to. Other than Stilla I suppose, though he's an interesting character. Not quite the kind you have heart to heart talks with. Not that he's the worst at that, but I think he prefers silliness to be at 11 at all times. As such there are a few itches not being scratched, like my desire to actually do stuff with friends rather than only talk all the time, and I wouldn't mind having good friends who like some of the same stuff I do. Hopefully when I start working I'll develop more sociable behavior again and find folks who fulfill those other sides.
Still, right now I'm very happy to have connected with all of you again. You're all such wonderful people and you really do make my life brighter. It's rare to have people genuinely care like you do, and rare for me to trust as much as I trust you. I rarely put my walls down like this, and it feels so freeing, like fresh air.
I sincerely hope you find those kinds of friends, Kyle. Lord knows you deserve em.
Oh, I see. You don't seem particularly happy about your birthday (happy birthday by the way) and didn't seem to mention it before. I'd like to know if something wrong, you know you can talk to me, but if it's something you'd like to avoid talking about, I'm fine with that too.
Aww, poor Kyle… You've been working so hard! I hope you get lots of rest when all is done for the week…
>>2191Darn division of labor. You have been looking for them jobs, right?
Ah good. Got to remember to see the world outside every once in a while. Meet them people and whatnot.
Well, I might be part robot. Ah yes, friendships through shared interests. There's plenty of clubs and online things and groups of people out there I'm sure. Someone out there must like the things you like!
We're always here for you, Sofia. I'm glad we can be. Well as much as I can be here for you anyways.
I don't know if I am capable of having those kinds of friends in person. Sharing thoughts and emotions and feelings… I dunno.
Mm, I wouldn't say I'm unhappy about my birthday. I do make a habit out of not mentioning it, though. It's nice being appreciated and all, but sometimes the attention is uncomfortable. It was fine this year except on the matter of gifts. I didn't want anything, but my parents seemed so distressed at not being able to get me something that I wanted that I in turn was distressed that I couldn't think of something I wanted for them to give! It's maddening. But you know there's all that usual getting older stuff too.
I hope you're planning on resting soon!
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>>2192well, ah, well… n-not yet.
Mm, well, I've done that before. I ought to do it again, of course, though I didn't have much success the last time. It's not easy to find people like me… I have a very hard time doing so, and it seems others do too. When I do find people like me… well, you know. Romance. Just wish I had the same reaction so we could call it a day on that.
And that's amazing to me. It means the world to me. These kinds of connections are literally what I live for, after all. It was this that pulled me out of my suicidal depression, as I finally found what it is that makes me happy in the world. Prior to that, I struggled a lot. I'm just not the kind of person to be made happy by objects and status, humor and food alone. Being there for someone, present in the room, connecting as humans in a way that feels refreshingly real in contrast to our increasingly fake world, sharing the journey to self actualization and developing goals that go beyond the roles of life and into the meaning of it we give, accepting touch in a world that deprives you of it, reconnecting to our natural humanity, things like that. It's not the only way to live, I don't mean to say that, it's just me personally, what seems to fulfill me. I of course enjoy on a lighter level things like challenges, like learning languages or math, or art and certain video games. Experiencing the world in itself and enjoying the small moments above the large.
But anyway, that's a tangent. ♥
We never really know what we're capable of until we commit. But in this case, it's definitely easier said than done. It's quite worth it though. I think being there for others is a great first step. Though perhaps talking to people in person more might be a good one too, hehe.
I think you could do it Kyle.
Is that so? In that case, I'll just keep it low key. And I know exactly what you mean with the gifts thing, I had the same thing with my brother. You're a real humble guy, I'm impressed… you seem to lack a selfish bone in your body. Maybe I should lend you some selfishness, a little bit isn't so bad.
I guess I should rest, yeah. 2 AM is a bit late. Thanks for the lovely talk yet again, Kyle!
>>2193Sofia I really don't want to bug you about looking for jobs. But you gotta look for jobs!
It's always lovely to talk with you, Sofia. Perhaps I'll get some practice in person soon enough.
Good night, my friend. Sleep well.
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A promising young drummer enrols at a cut-throat music conservatory where his dreams of greatness are mentored by an instructor who will stop at nothing to realise a student's potential.
Today, July 9th at 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
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>>2198I actually made popcorn!
It was nice~
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You're probably working right now, but… anyone home?
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>>2202Hi Zef. How have things been?
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>>2203Haven't been too busy yet, since apparently the program head doesn't really have much of a plan for us yet. Though I suspect that could change at any point.
How's Softie?
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>>2204Huh. That's kinda weird. Are you anxious to start? Have you met any nice people?
I'm not super well. But, I have been getting stuff done, although I'm having a lot of trouble deciding on how to be dressed for job hunting. I don't really have formal clothing. No button down shirts or blouses. I'll probably look a bit casual coming in, but hopefully they can look past that.
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>>2205I was very anxious to start, but it's been a week now into it and seems alright.
Both of the other students in the program are really nice. The senior took the last week to really show us around and make sure we had everything to sort of get started. Went above and beyond for that.
Clearly you should just start tearing apart old clothes and making your own formal wear.
And I don't know, I guess business casual might be fine?
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>>2206Oh, that's very good. Wow, that sounds like a lovely start to your school year, I hope you all become good friends. Have you met your professors yet? Do you even have professors? I'm not sure how it works after regular college.
I… don't even have that. I looked up business casual, and tried to research a bit how that is defined, and I don't have any outfit like that. I figured I'd buy what I need to when the time came, or that I'd just try to go "guy mode" and use old formalwear, but then my parents ran into a lot of financial problems near graduation, and my old clothes is way too big for me now. I didn't know I was going to get to transition until about a week or two before it happened, it all just happened so fast. I didn't expect to change as quickly as I did either, so now I can't really hide it much.
But, well, maybe times have changed enough and this place is trendy enough for me to show up in nice casual wear and still have a chance.
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>>2207Yeah, though they're 4th year/3rd year, so it's likely I won't be seeing too much of them when classes actually start
And haven't met professors. The actual classes start in August, this is just some weird limbo period.
I don't know. I guess you have to go with what you got. Make the effort as they say, dress nice.
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>>2208I see. Maybe it's more of a casual affair in terms of presence when it comes to programs like these.
What kind of workload are you expecting?
I'll try to impress them with my personality and speaking skills rather than clothing. And I guess grooming too. Still undecided on makeup, but I'm leaning towards "yes".
>>2211Sorry about that!
In terms of presence? What would you mean by that?
And well when actual classes start I should be rather heavily bogged down between classes, outside work, and clinical practices.
Yeah, grooming could always help
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>>2212it's alright.
You know, like being at classes and stuff. I thought maybe it was more focused on like, lab stuff or whatever.
Yeah, that would make sense really. I'm really impressed at your level of education in this field.
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>>2215Really sorry. Was organizing some stuff then thought about what to have for dinner. Left for that then just kinda left attention from there.
Ah, well. . classes I suppose are just "really recommended". But yeah.
Though I'd dare say you're probably a ways more harder working than I am.
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>>2216I can't say that hasn't happened to me before… it's okay, thank you for explaining. That makes me feel a little better (not that it's wrong to forget, just bad timing)
heh, sorry. I don't know much about school past the diploma level.
Iiiiii highly doubt that. I'm pretty alright when I have momentum, such as weeks and weeks of constant focus and pressure and productivity, but once I lose it I have a lot of trouble getting it back. I have poor impulse control (I avoid getting fat by just not buying snacks as I devour them immediately, I avoid playing too many games by just not playing them at all basically) and struggle greatly with doing something with low stimulus for too long.
I have a big weakness when it comes to fear. If I don't do something socially scary every once in a while, I become very anxious about going outside. Like now, with finding work and all.
I'm willing to sacrifice a lot to get things done when they need to be, but I procrastinate big time on practically everything until the last moment where I sacrifice all but the kitchen sink to get it done.
>>2217>hugs No.2219
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>>2217>>2218>>2218Well them I'm sorry to have made you feel bad in the first place.
Well mostly that I've had the opportunity to focus on studies, whereas yeah, you've been bombarded with all these things and I would say I respect you more for that.
First step's always the hardest.
Sometimes it's finding someone to help you along.
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>>2218>>2219Hey you. How are you?
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>>2219It's not really your fault I feel bad. It was just a mistake. You're a very nice person.
That's a nice thing to say too. Hmm… I guess I've just met people who have a lot of stuff going on too but manage to do really well in a lot of areas of their life still. It's always good to look up, I suppose. Don't wanna get too complacent…
But maybe I shouldn't forget to give myself a little credit too.
Still, I think you're impressive.
Well, the first step thing… depends. In some situations like these. I don't mind going out of the house as much, but I've always had really awful experiences job hunting. Eventually I go in a place and get pretty unpleasant looks, and while I normally would just not care what they think, this is a situation where I kinda have to care and try to make myself worthy to employers. I start to think that, if they found me strange, then I wonder if the other staff I've handed out resumes to thought that as well. But maybe this time will be different.
I've heard mixed things about bringing a friend. Managers say it looks unprofessional, and to do it alone. Maybe just having a friend drive me and wait in the lot slightly out of view would help…
>>2220I haven't been too well. I'm okay for the moment. How about you?
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>>2221I suppose that might have to do with all those applications you submitted today?
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Kinda corny, but I had a very close friend who had some public speaking anxiety, and he got a little totem thing that he carried in his pocket that reminded him of me for such occasions.
>>2220Well I am getting ready for bed. How's you?
>>2221Well I'm still responsible.
Wheat think so too
I'd imagine most of them didn't have to go through immigration and all that nonsense.
Well to be fair job hunting is an awful experience in the first place.
Though I suppose yeah you've probably had it even worse.
Well I don't mean having them right there, just kinda guiding you along and then letting go at the interview or something
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>>2222Hey, look at all those 2s in that post. That's, like, 15 2s. That's crazy.
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>>2224Fine, fine. It's been a while. How have you been?
>>2225Haaaaaaaah. Hah. I get it.
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>>2222>>2225Wait, now it's 18 2's thanks to my comment. And now, thanks to this comment, it's 21 2s. That's too much. I've gone too far. I never should have commented at all.
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>>2226Well I've got medical things to do.
How's the solar panel thing coming?
>>2227we're approaching 2 singularity!
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>>2224On most days, I don't think I would have minded in any way. It's just a bad timing, misattribution thing. I have some other stuff going on.
Mm, that's true… I guess I haven't been so bad, all things considered. Thank you.
It is for everyone, I imagine. I just wish I could use my presentation as a safety net. Just not enough money for that it seems.
Right, of course. I guess it would be nice. Though I wonder who I can call. Well, I hope that things with my… ex-partner won't be too bad this time. It really would help to have him there, but I don't want to put him in an uncomfortable situation. He offered, but… ah well.
>>2224That's kinda cute. I'm not sure something like that would really work for me. After all, girl's clothes knows no such things as "pockets".
>>2222I delayed things by not getting my preparation done on Sunday, and I certainly feel bad about it. I've gotten it done today though.
It's not really the whole reason, but it's definitely not helping.
Our talks have helped though, a lot. It's not obvious, but my willingness to do this has gone up a lot thanks to your encouragement. I was kind of at rock bottom about this before.
>>2230Well I am still deeply sorry.
Perhaps when Keeper comes over
Also you seemed to have mislinked Wheat
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>>2230Phone on the podium with the screen up also worked.
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>>2228I'll bet you do. You're an important man now! Saving lives and all that.
Fine, fine. Very warm.
>>2230Mm, tomorrow then!
I know you're nervous about your clothes but don't reject yourself before you've even started. You'll never get the job you don't apply to.
>>2233More of providing the tools for other people to save lives.
So no more switching jobs?
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>>2231Where is TRK, anyway? Everyone else seems to be here.
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>>2234That's just saving lives more efficiently by proxy.
That's a… slow process.
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>>2231Duly noted. You are forgiven. ♥
Hehe, I wonder if that would improve my performance or make it worse? It would certainly make it more fun though.
Darn posts. It's been a while…
>>2232The screen up? What was on the screen?
>>2233Yes, I want to at the very least do a handful. Knowing me, once i do a few, I'll figure it would be too inconvenient to leave without getting all the stores around the area and end up doing a bunch.
You're right about that. I've calmed down a bit regarding those, but I admit still I get overly anxious when it comes to being judged. I'll just go dressed nicely and try to have my personality make up for it.
>>2235He's out camping in Michigan right now. Probably to get away from the 2's.
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>>2237Ah, I see. Well that's good. I hear there are a lot of good Pokemon Go pokemon to find in the Michigan wilderness.
>>2236letting other people do the dirty work.
How slow?
>>2237Might take the edge off a bit
Anyways, I should be sleeping. Later.
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>>2237Yeah! Once you jump in they'll have to forcibly eject you from those applications!
You are your best asset, after all.
>>2239Good night, Zefarian. Take care out there. Rest well.
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>>2238Using phones while camping? Well that just defeats the point!
… but yes, that's probably true. Maybe he'll become the gym leader at "Weird Tree" gym.
>>2239Good night. Talk to you later.
>>2240Hehe. Because I'm such a hard worker, of course. I'll probably run out of resumes by the first day. I feel sorry for whoever has to go with me.
I am pretty amazing, I suppose.
How have you been, though? Has sleep gotten any better?
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>>2241Heck, I'll go with you if you're still looking by the time I get there. Of course they'll ask you why a hobo is following you around.
So humble! I don't even know what you do and I'll hire you!
Sleep's fine. Yup, fine. AC's still broke, though.
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>>2241All this talk of job interviews reminds me of a commercial I saw once on the topic. Maybe if you and Command and TRK all worked together, you could try something like that.>>2242Is the mighty CmdrBrony having sleeping troubles now? What cruel irony.
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>>2242Lol, oh you. Don't worry, I'll have a job before you arrive. The goal is to get one before Friday. Otherwise, to the Temp Agency I go… Still, thanks for that.
Aren't I though? And so beautiful too.
Aw, jeez. That really blows… or um, doesn't, hehe.
… that was awful. I hope your AC problem gets resolved. I can't imagine what it must be like under that heat over there. It's pretty bad over here as it is.
>>2244That's brilliant. I wonder who'll make the better actor, then…
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>>2244As if I've never had trouble sleeping before. The heat doesn't help. But I also occasionally enjoy waking dreams and sleeping difficulty undoubtedly a result of too much idleness. Though those haven't happened in a few weeks.
>>2245Well I imagine you'd want to keep looking for a better job anyways. The job hunt never ends.
Ah, you must be applying to all the best modelling agencies.
I will bear the weight of this pun, because we are friends. This weekend has actually been all right, but it's supposed to get back up to triple digits soon.
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>>2246Maybe you should try sleepwalking more if idleness is a problem.
>>2245Only one way to find out.
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>>2247That happens sometimes too. But not for a long time. Well someday I'll start doing things again. On the weekends, anyways.
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>>2246That's true… I hadn't thought of that. It would be very appreciated, but I live all the way in Oakville, which is like a 45 minute train ride away, so don't worry about it.
Please, I'm not that vain. They call me instead.
Triple digits… I can't even fathom that anymore. Please drink lots of water so you don't get hurt.
>>2247Alright then! Time to land that surgical job I've always wanted!
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>>2249Well, we'll see where we end up. Only about three weeks left, by the way.
Ah, how could I have been so presumptuous. I be forgiveness.
Yyyyup. That's the plan. But you should go get some rest. Busy day tomorrow! Be that success!
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>>2248Is that so? Interesting. Personally I've never liked sleepwalking. Too much work. What things will you do on weekends?
>>2249"The name's Sofi, but you can call me… instead."
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>>2250Ah! That's soon! Very soon! I need to get ready…
I really should get a job!
Yes, that's better.
Right, I should sleep. Good night, good luck with sleep. (And good night to you too, Mr. ADLOP)
>>2251Waah! English is dumb. I should have used italics…
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>>2251I was thinking about running. But it's hot.
>>2252G'night, Sofia. Sleep well. Best of luck.
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>>2253You'd have to run a long way to escape the heat. By that point it might not even be worth it. I hope you have a way to fix your AC, or at the very least a spray bottle and supply of water. I know what triple-digit temperatures are like, and no flammable man should have to endure them without some sort of aid.
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>>2254Well, I'll be up on the roof anyways. I just want it to be cool enough at night for me to start sleeping in clothes with sheets again. And you? Should I be nagging you or have you gone nocturnal again?
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>>2255I also know what it's like to work on roofs in triple degree weather. My solution to that was having a cooler on hand full of melting ice to repeatedly dip my hat in. Of course that didn't solve all the problems, but at least my head didn't catch on fire. I hope that roof has adequate insulation, therefor sparing future residents from enduring a similar fate.
And as things are, I'll probably be heading to bed in another eight hours or so, so no need to concern yourself in that regard.
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>>2256That's true. At least I am no roofer. I'll be done tomorrow before it really gets hot.
Nocturnal it is then. Very well, I must take my leave for….
I gotta go sleep now. I'll see you around. Try not to get into too much trouble.
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>>2257>>2258Goodnight. Good luck.
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Alone, alone, alone again….
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>>2263Indeed. Centuries upon centuries. I'm surprised you're still awake.
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>>2264For centuries upon centuries.
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>>2265Coffee, am I right? But not really. I don't drink coffee. I just deal with it. Is something keeping you up, or are you just nocturnal like me?
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>>2266Nah, just enjoying the quiet. You?
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>>2267Reading through some stuff. Trying to stave off lethal levels of boredom. Attempting to ignore the constant internal screaming echoing out from deep within the recesses of my mind. The usual. I might get something to eat in a while.
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>>2268What sorts of reading? Echos sound freaky.
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>>2269You remember that one time, waaaay back, when I drew that picture on the moon?
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>>2270You're reading the moon?
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>>2271No, no. We talked about it at the time. The picture on the moon that was of a character from a story I wrote millenia upon millenia ago.
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>>2272Reliving the glory days? Or are you putting pen to paper again?
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>>2273I'm editing it… sort of, so more the second option… sort of.
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>>2274In my experience "sort of" tends to have something very interesting behind it.
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>>2275Nah. I just don't know what I'm doing. I'm trying to correct wording issues and the like, but I was never taught actual grammar rules, so I'm certain there are still countless errors. Not sure that can really count as "editing." Surprisingly, it is kind of fun to read (at least the part I'm on right now), so I guess it's sort of the first option too.
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>>2276I'm too swamped to do any editing right now, but I could take a look once classes are over.
Although that said, I'm sure you can teach yourself some solid grammar. Knowing you it shouldn't take any time at all.
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>>2277I've been trying to figure out how commas work for 15 years. How did you manage to learn American English grammar?
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>>2278Half-assing for years and then having to edit my own writing so I don't look stupid.
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>>2279Not looking stupid… it's the ethereal dream. Always there, yet so difficult to obtain. Well, perhaps, depending on how things go, when I get through it, I'll let you take a look as well. That won't be for a while though. Centuries upon centuries, most likely.
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>>2281I'll happily look at a rough draft for a friend (after the 20th, I have way too many things I'm obligated to read to enjoy it until then).
One note, I don't do "pre-reading". I don't like telling writers how to do their job, even if they ask me to. It is a difficult line for me to cross. I'll read it because I want to.
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>>2282I appreciate it, though I'm not sure what the difference is between "reading a rough draft" and "pre-reading." Is it like the difference between giving critiques and reviewing? Because I don't know the difference between those things either.
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>>2283I'm not entirely sure, but everybody I see seems to treat "pre-reading" as a critique/writers' corner.
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>>2284There you go using those fancy words again. I'm going to go ahead and make an educated guess to say that pre-reading is when someone shares a story they wrote, and then expect people to tell them how to change the actual plot to make it better. If so then I agree; that's dumb. At that point it's hardly even your story anymore—especially if you share it with the internet. One or two trusted associates, maybe, just for general advice, but not the internet.
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>>2285Yeah! That!
I don't do that. Too much work!
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>>2286I agree. That's why I get the entire story perfect the first time. Just kidding. I usually try really hard, then at some point get fed up with trying and decide to just get it over with. In all honesty I have no idea how to switch actual parts of a story around, or change them up, after it's done without ruining the entire thing. It's like trying to re-bake a multi-tiered wedding cake after it's already been decorated and put on the table.
I'm sure there's some way, seeing as other people who edit seem to do that stuff all the time. I just don't know what it is.
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>>2287Or re-rolling cookies with the same dough!
I gotta take care of some morning things, be back!
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>>2288Exactly. Good luck with morning things.
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"A pang of agitation ran through me as looked at her, but I did not act on it."
A pang or a twinge? A pang or a twinge? Which is better in this case? "Twinge" seems slightly more favorable, seeing as "pang" is associated with "hunger pangs," which is a physical feeling and not what I'm talking about, but I used the word "twitch" a few paragraphs before. Would using a similar sounding word this soon after be distracting? An ugly tangent that looks and/or sounds bad to the reader's brain? I don't know! I don't knooooow!
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>>2290I went with "twinge," by the way, then changed "twitch" to "flinch." It was the hard "T" sound at the start that was the problem.
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>>2292What's the opposite of nocturnal, anyway?
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>>2293>>2294Oh it is diurnal. I'll be darned. You can call it day happening time person if you want, though.
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>>2294>>2295Oh. I was just going to go with "normal," but that's interesting. I'll have to remember.
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>>2296There's too many animals out there that are nocturnal to say that their not normal, I imagine. You could be one of those sea creatures that don't care what time it is because they live in constant darkness at the bottom of the ocean too.
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>>2297Well it would certainly fit my theme. So, is it triple digit temperatures yet, or has the sun yet to do it's worst?
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>>2298The theme of deriving all your energy from chemical and thermal reactions? Neh, it's still over there. Fortunately I don't live in that much of a desert.
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>>2299Aw. I would have been impressed if you just happened to have the source image of that last nopony on your computer. Good to hear about the heat. You diurnal sorts gotta stay on top of those things.
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>>2300Me too. I've met a couple nocturnal people, usually because they work the night shift and usually they were trying to sleep at the time. Oh well. Time to go. Have fun. Go to sleep.
Sofia, I hope you get started on those applications soon! Good luck!
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>>2301Right after breakfast, I will get dressed, fix my hair, go print my resumes and get started.
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>>2304Aw yeah, now I'm pumped!
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>>2305Neat. Good luck with your resumes. And breakfast. And your hair, I suppose.
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Man, have I really been proofreading this thing for 8 hours? If I knew what I was doing this would have been a super productive day….
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>>2307Well, I guess I'll stop. Until next time, everyone.
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>>2310A little slow on the draw there, but thanks anyway. It was, indeed, a night.
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>>2311I got you! It was not the night.
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>>2312I dunno, it's pretty night where I am.
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>>2313It wasn't when you were asleep!
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>>2312…You're right. My bad. It was the other thing. It's always night somewhere though.
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>>2315It is never night anywhere!
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>>2316I dunno. It's pretty night where Zef is.
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>>2317That is an illusion caused by how the atmosphere refracts light.
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>>2318This got confusing. Now I don't know what to believe.
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>>2321Then you're wrong. The nature of the universe is beyond comprehension, so if you comprehend it then you made a mistake and you're just comprehending yourself.
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>>2322That sounds like something the universe would say.
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>>2323I'm not the universe, you can see me.
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>>2324No I can't. I just have a general idea of you through how you're depicted on the internet. Just like the universe. I know you're not the universe though, because I met the universe once, and he was weird.
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>>2325That was Mr. Universe. He is different.
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>>2326"Different" is a nice way of putting it.
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>>2327We're all "different" on the inside.
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So did morning things go well?
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Sorry, I said I'd be back but I passed out and when I woke up all sorts of business started!
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>>2330Did you pass out before or after morning things?
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>>2332Well that's probably better then. I was thinking you went to do morning things, passed out, missed morning things, then had those plus business things when you came to some time later. Good to hear it all worked out in the end… mostly.
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>>2334You can't hug ghosts. That's impossible.
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>>2335Sure you can
>ghost hugs< No.2337
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>>2336You can't ghost hug through the internet. That's impossible.
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>>2337That picture is very unusual…
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>>2338Yes. I'm afraid it can't be helped sometimes. I have a limited amount of options, as it were.
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>>2339I recently became a ghost so I know how that goes.
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>>2340I noticed that. Being a ghost seems like personal business, so I didn't ask, but I did realize. You're still blue though, so that's good.
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>>2342So it occurred to me, though I never got around to asking last time; what writing did you do when you said you learned grammar by having to correct you own writing?
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>>2343I didn't get serious about it until I was writing grants, but they seem to care less than your average writer. I wrote a lot of fiction in high school and college, but I destroyed all of my writings in a fit of rage.
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>>2344Hey! I destroyed all my writing from high school and college too! What a coincidence. Grants seem important though. It's a good thing you didn't destroy those. When you decided to get serious, what did you do differently?
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>>2345I figured out what gerunds and participles are, made a couple flash cards about comma rules, and something else to make this a list of three.
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>>2346Yes, I'm bad at lists, and yes, I wish I had a third yes, and yes I don't!
When I tried to learn grammar I searched the internet and eventually came across a site called It was helpful, but I am just… the worst at remembering things. I have to go back and look up the rules for "lay" and "lie" practically every time I use them. Maybe I should try a flash card type thing.
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>>2347Yeah, I don't know that one either.
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>> can help you! It has a shark on the front page. It can help anyone. I was going over participles and gerunds, as well as dong some pronoun exercises, and already I realize that this comment misuses of all of those things. Or I think it does. Like I said, I'm bad at grammar.
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>>2349Like how character dialogue doesn't have to be grammatically correct, I do not bother making sure what I say is correct in any way but factually.
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>>2350Understanding how to do things incorrectly, it makes it clear when someone knows how to do things right. Though I'm often concerned that the more I try to learn grammar, the less I creative I will become in my writing.
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>>2351You can say "fuck it".
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>>2352But that's not proper grammar!
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>>2353You're not proper grammar.
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>>2354[Sobs Grammatically]
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>>2355Dun care! Imma ghost.
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>>2356Well I can't argue with that logic. I think I'm going to go get some food. Perhaps I shall see you later.
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Hi Ebrona!
#Film Stuff
1d5 = 2
Nolan the North
The Boyty and the Beast
1. Deitydaddy 2
2. The Garden of Words
3. Ghost in the Shell (1995)
4. Dragonheart
5. Brother Bear
Next time being July 16th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
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A 15-year-old boy and 27-year-old woman find an unlikely friendship one rainy day in the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden. These two broken pieces come together and heal one another as they learn what it is to walk.
Tomorrow, July 16th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
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>>2361It's nice, like Kyle!
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>>2363That was a mad garden of furious words!
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>>2364And Max learned some important lessons about being an adult from a one-armed shoolteacher.
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>>2366And how are you this evening?
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>>2367Hi, not Sunny. I'm well enough. Your picture looks tired though.
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>>2368I enjoy butting in. It's hot. I can but out though!
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>>2369I feel like in order to butt in, there has to be an actual conversation going. In this case it was just me replying to the distant past. Even if that weren't the case, I've never been opposed to butts anyway. Sorry it's still hot. It seems to either be super hot or super cold everywhere lately. Is your air supply still broken?
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>>2372>>2373Oh wait. I think I lost.
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>>2375What happens when one loses a go-to-sleep off?
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>>2373>>2375>>2376The sleep gods demand a sacrifice.
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>>2374Yeah. Well maybe I'll get air on Monday.
>>2376>>2377I am suddenly overcome with tiredness.
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>>2379I hope you do… get air on Monday. Also goodnight, if that is your true intention. If not then negate that statement and only take into account the air thing.
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>>2380Yeah. G'night. Take care out there. Maintain wellness and such good things.
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So I've been watching too much Game of Thrones. Naturally I decide to make a house banner. First tried to make something standard for House Zefarian. One on the left.
Thought it looked too bland so decided to make a burd. Have a few iterations. Which looks best?
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>>2385My only concern with the first one is that the peasants would have a hard time getting access to neon blue dyes, considering the setting. Unless neon blues dyes were a thing and I don't know it. The bird is nice. What about a bird with a crown?
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>>2386Well not to be historically accurate really.
Mostly something I would have to perhaps put on top the fireplace.
The bird needs a crown?
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>>2387Not a fan of bright colors, but it might look good above your fireplace.
On further reflection I have no idea what the bird is supposed to represent.
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>>2388Yeah been thinking that as well. Wasn't really sure what to make the "base" color. Light blue is something I use a lot so figured why not. What color do you think goes best?
It's a bird. It goes squawk
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>>2389True. Unfortunately high tech and fantasy don't usually mesh together.
Are you sure it's not a phoenix that's goes whoosh.
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>>2390Nonsense, goes perfectly well.
Least that's how I imagine my world
Well phoenixes can go whoosh and squawk
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>>2391So… what happens when lasers and jetpacks meet swords and cavalry?
But one is on fire and the other is not. A very important distinction.
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>>2392The way I have it imagined, technology, magic, and physical prowess, in terms of power, follow a constant curve, linear curve, and exponential curve respectively. In a condensed version, there's a sort of ether of energy in Zefaria. Technology is directing outside energy, which cycles and remains constant. Magic is directing your body's natural energy in various forms. training allows you to refine techniques and efficiency of your own energy pool. Attunement(physical ability) is reinforcing your body's natural energy pathways and push them to incredible lengths. This can carry into swords as very well crafted blades can act as conduits in a form of resonance with the wielder's heightened abilities.
So basically like in real life, technology is good for arming a lot of people really quickly with no formal training. But a spartan man can shrug off lasers and slice some tanks
Either way it's on a flag!
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>>2393Ah, magic. The great equalizer.
But is the flag on fire?
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>>2394Magic's somewhere in the middle there!
Would be hard to make new flags each time
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>>2395Wait, what if you give a spartan man lasers?
But then every flag would be completely unique.
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>>2396It would be ineffective. While Spartan man would still be able to shrug off powerful attacks, he won't be able to do too much with the laser, since it uses it's own mechanisms.
Uniquely on fire?
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>>2397So the lasers would gain no benefit from the wielder. What about laser swords?
As long as every flag is hand made with. Well no other house has a flag that is supposed to be on fire.
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>>2398Same thing. As I said, the sci fi things draw power from the internals of the devices rather than the wielder, which usually remain static.
What about the one with dragons?
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Is there already one that's on fire all the time? Dang, that series has everything.
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But there is love of fire
Anyways, I sleep
Night Cmdr.
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>>2401I don't think you should color your banner beans.
G'night, Zefarian. Sleep well, my friend.
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>>2365Only because the Immortan Father was so unreliable!
>>2366I hope you have been doing well!
#Film Stuff1d4 = 1Recent:
The Boyty and the Beast
Mad Garden of Furious WordsFilms:
1. Deitydaddy 2
2. Ghost in the Shell (1995)
3. Dragonheart
4. Brother Bear
Next time being July 22th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
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>>2403>>2404You tried.
I thought of a few more movies I could add. But for now I'd just like to recommend The Blues Brothers (1980).
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>>2403>>2404The Godfather Part II presents two parallel storylines. The life of Vito Corleone is shown as he becomes from a boy born in Sicily to one of the most respected mafia dons of New York while Micheal attempts to expand his business empire into Las Vegas, Florida and pre-revolution Cuba while facing his own personal problems trying to keep his collapsing marriage and relationship with his brother intact.
July 23th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
>>2405will add!
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>>2406Hope you're doing well, Thilo.
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>>2407Oh you know me~ Life is being fine, no complaints!
I will be at a new company for the next months, making money and gathering some exp, also some free certificates.
Looking forward to that, the place seems really nice and all.
How about you, Kyle, all fine?
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>>2408Well I'm glad to hear that. Sounds like things are looking up for Thilo.
I'm fine, fine. Though I have to go to work now. Bye bye!
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>>2409oh , bye Kyle!
take care, glad to hear you are okay!
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People ask, they ask, how we got here. Not here really, but to this small group of friends that we are. I mean you're all nice folk, I like to think the feeling is mutual. And out of all the world we might have ended up here together in friendship. Maybe it's nice thought, but it wasn't a perfect journey. We mighta fought, broke, put back together. We lost people, or saw them off, or got them back. Maybe, depends who you are.
I wonder sometimes, though. I say we lost people, but really, did I just lose the will to keep up those connections?
I don't really… make of habit of reaching out to people on my own terms. I don't mind, or sometimes I even like when people talk to me, but the thought of initiating contact myself isn't something I entertain often. And I never think less of a person for our time apart, but time wears all things. So who's fault is it really? Probably both, I guess.
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>>2413It's a two way street really.
Or I suppose in this case all roads lead to Story.
Hey Cmdr.
I'd say more but it's getting pretty close to sleep time
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>>2414Good night, Zefarian. Sleep well. Pleasant dreams.
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Hello Cmdr!
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Hello Cmdr!
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>>2416>>2417No solicitors.
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>>2418Fine then. I'll take my business elsewhere.
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Zefarian! My oldest friend!
Have you money?
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>>2418Sheesh. Some way to treat a friend.
>>2420I've got 3 dimes, a bus pass and some gum
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>>2422Woo! what's my prize?
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>>2423Your prize is that I will be back again at the end of the month!
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>>2413If only Matias was here. He could probably say something philosophical to answer your many life questions.
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They're not very philosophical questions. Or life questions. I, for one, am prepared to never speak of this again.
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>>2427Fine then. Just questions. Still, I stand by my statement.
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>>2430Matias may be skilled in the art of deep think, and the art of friend-having, but one shouldn't base everything off of the thoughts of one person.
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>>2431Yeah… you're probably right.
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>>2441Coulda sworn I had another gummy in here…
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>>2445We have a lot of these.
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>>2478And how are you, Wheat?
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>>2480Have a nice day today?
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>>2481Yeah, I guess I did!
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>>2482What did you do today?
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>>2483Chatted with some folks having a day that wasn't as nice. Then I spent like, a solid hour just posting hugs at cmdr.
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>>2484Sounds like you were just a regular ray of sunshine today. I hope you were able to help some nice people.
I pretty much just been here.
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>>2485That depends! Are you feeling a little better?
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>>2486A little. I'm sure you could have better used your time, though.
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>>2487More profitable ways, maybe, but none as pleasant.
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Freaking Overwatch achievements… taunting me….
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>>2488I find that hard to believe. I haven't been able to speak to you in a week, I assume because you've been inhumanly busy. You should go relax.
>>2489Pff, Overwatch.
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…Hi, TRK.
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>>2491Hi hi!
>>2490Nonsense! I'm here because I like talking to you guys. Things get a little rough here sometimes, so it's always really nice hearing what all of you are up to and thinking about.
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>>2493Mm. I get that.
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>>2493Welcome back. You're looking Wheatier than usual. That must mean your vacation was enjoyable.
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>>2495I had a vacation?
Did I say I had a vacation?
>>2494Sorry I don't say hi more! I know you have a lot of work.
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>>2495I agree.
>>2496How was your vacation?
Oh, I don't mind. I know you're busy with family and schools and such. So busy you've even started to maintain a normal sleep cycle!
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>>2496Yes. A long vacation in the wilderness.
>>2497Are you not a fan of Overwatch?
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I just didn't have a lot on my mind and I feel guilty derailing the discussion.
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>>2498I'm sure it can be entertaining. But I have no interest in paying money to play TF2. Not to mention that it's been flooding the internets.
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>>2500After they updated TF2 with the new matchmaking system I can't get into games anymore anyway… but yes. Overwatch is overhyped. TF2 did a lot of things better. Everyone was just so zombie-like after all these years that I'd hoped Overwatch would revitalize the community… but it didn't. Can't let $40 go to waste though, so achievements it is.
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>>2501That's weird. It's always worked fine for me. But all that said, I don't think Overwatch is a bad game. I just don't care for it.
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>>2502It feels too… slushy to me.
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>>2503But it's hip with the kids! Don't you want to be hip with the kids?
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>>2504I have no desired for kid's hips. For me the age of hipness ended before it even began.
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>>2505It's for the best. You don't want to get addicted to hip.
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>>2506I don't want to get addicted to anything. Dependence is for the living.
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>>2507And you have ascended beyond the reckoning of the living.
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>>2508Actually I've been dead for eight years, but good guess.
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>>2491…The one time I go and check the thread, and you spot me out!
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So what's up?
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>>2528>>2527You two are silly.
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>>2529And you are keeper!
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>>2530It's true! I've never changed.
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>>2531A rare quality in this day and age.
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>>2531That means you're a. . .
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>>2532Well, in hindsight, I should say I've changed. But for the better, I think. Can never stop learning and being better than yesterday's self.
>>2533That's mean. Calling people names is mean. Why are you mean?
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>>2534Ah. Well in that case never mind.
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>>2537I'm sorry I'm such a failure, friend.
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>>2539Science also kicked me and took my lunch money back in grade school.
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>>2534Cause I really wanted to use that Samurai Jack gif.
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>>2538We all change into failure every now and then. No need to apologize. So did you have a good vacation?
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>>2541Ah I don't think you're mean then. All sins are forgiven.
>>2542Is that what puberty and adulthood is?
I did indeed! I've never driven so much and so far in such a small period of time before. Lots of sights and sounds were witnessed. I would gladly do it again.
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>>2540Science has many demands.
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>>2544Science's demands is for me to go hungry?
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>>2543ALL OF THEM?!
Also lots of fun with Softie?
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>>2545For science. And what did you learn?
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>>2543Only if you're an ugly butterfly of some sort. Also good to hear about the rest of it. What shall you do now that it's over?
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>>2546Yes, every single one. Except for that one time you squashed an ant. That will never be forgiven.
Yeah! It was fun hanging out with her and chilling out. Lots of good conversation and Dark Souls chatting.
>>2547That science is brutal and never relents. It also taught me that I have to prey upon the weak to keep up with science's terrible taxation.
>>2548Butterflies are cool! I'd like to be one that flies gracefully over the lands and casts spells in the moonlight.
Well, I don't know. I was thinking about playing games like WoW or something to pass the time in between work shifts. School starts again next month so I have to use this time wisely.
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>>2549Harsh. Did you go on a vacation?
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>>2549That was you!
Also dying to Pinwheel?
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>>2551My short anty life flashed before my eyes as the gargantuan shoe came down on me.
Yes. That was also great. But it wasn't her fault, those bonewheel skeletons are mean.
>>2550I did! Spent 3 weeks with my girlfriend, and I was able to show her more of Michigan this time around, and we camped too!
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I dunno, you were mean too
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>>2552Cool. I already forgot what you said to everyone else. Did you have a nice time?
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>>2549Some sort of moonlit butterfly? I suppose those are alright, though I recently discovered something called a ruby maple moth that is my current winner for cool bug thing.
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>>2555Why are moths so damn cool? They all seem so alien and strange. And yet so cuddly and cute.
>>2554Yeah, I had a really nice time. Though I only wish she didn't have to leave. Next time we're seeing each other is around Christmas time, we hope.
How about you? Excited for your coming vacation?
Pft, I was just giving her shit. I wasn't serious about it.
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I know.
it was fun to hear you guys have fun
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>>2557Your doings wiped out all of my brethren! How do you justify that?!
I hope to be able to do it more frequently sometime. But for that I'd need to actually move to Toronto or somewhere close.
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>>2556The world may never know.
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>>2556Well good. Glad you had a good time. Christmas is right around the corner.
I've just been here.
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>>2559How have you been friend? Haven't really had a chance to talk to everyone in a while, so I'd like to know what the happenings are.
>>2560But it's after my school semester is over! I got to study and everything before I can see her! That's gross!
Yes, but you're going somewhere next week, aren't you?
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>>2561Studying is still very important. You must still make a living somehow.
Next weekend. Yup.
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>>2558I'll let my actions speak for themselves!
If only you were planning to do something like that anyways.
>>2562Where you headed?
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>>2561I'm bored and dead and full of screaming. So the usual, for me. I was also frustrated with Overwatch, but depending on if you looked back at the thread very far, you might have already known that.
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>>2562I wish I could make a living having fun with friends! That would be amazing.
Excited about it? I'm sure it'll be a major difference than California.
>>2563Your actions say you're a murderer. That's not good!
Gosh, if only I was!
>>2564I know all that is in the thread. I'm sorry that Overwatch has been frustrating. I find myself feeling dissatisfied with the game, but for different reasons.
But stop being dead. That's not what upstanding living non-skeleton citizens aspire to be.
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>>2563Toronto. How are you?
>>2565All you have to do is be super famous.
Hope so. It's 110 here.
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>>2566Well that's going to be impossible, since I'm gross and slimy and am a snake. Nobody will like me.
Jeez! I like hot weather and all, but that's a little much. Are you posting from your freezer right now?
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>>2566Should have gone with Keeper
What a crazy random happenstance that would be.
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>>2568History is written by the victors, and I will defeat you, demon!
That's unimaginable though, nobody with a brain would move to Toronto, let alone plan on living there with their SO.
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>>2565Can't stop won't stop.
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>>2568I didn't know he was going anywhere. Nor might I have had time to plan such a thing. Perhaps he will visit to pay the appropriate tribute, but mostly I'm just there for Sofia. How are you?
>>2567That's okay. They just have to like watching you.
I keep my apartment at a brisk 85.
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>>2571Well clearly Keeper just has to make another trip.
I am such and such. Yourself?
>>2569I would like to see you try!
It's completely insane. Why are we even talking about such a crazy plan?
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>>2570Ok fine, but just don't do any of that spooking business! That's just downright cruel.
>>2571I don't know of anyone that would like to watch snakes. That's just weird!
Ah, now that's nice. That's what my room is like most of the time and I've gotten really comfortable in it.
Toronto gets to around the 90s around this time of year, you'll have a nice time walking outside if you like the sun and all.
>>2572I would but I'm an ant. I'm too small.
I don't know! You're the one that brought it up in the first place!
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>>2573Well I got one thing to say to you then.
Git Gud.
Man that's just like you, pointing out these little things instead of moving to Canada
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>>2572From my understanding of geography he lives within walking distance, so I see no problem.
Tired, mostly. Having a nice time at school?
>>2573There's plenty of weird people out here. And some of them have money.
I don't like wearing short sleeve shirts outside. Also outside is full of people.
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>>2573So is this girlfriend of yours the internet girlfriend? The one you came across through internet fame?
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>>2575Sounds about right to me
Hey can I walk over and borrow a cup of sugar?
Climbing on roofs taking a lot out of you?
And it's been alright so far. But classes proper haven't started yet so we'll see.
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>>2577For you, I have two cups of sugar. I only have brown sugar though.
'S hot. A few night's ago I slept really well, except for sleepwalking once. I'd forgotten what it felt like to sleep so heavily.
My sister is starting her master's this year as well.
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>>2578Why that's sugar discrimination!
Yeah, it's fairly hot here as well.
Just got some rain so now it's humid too.
Well maybe you should go to sleep!
Done her share of travelling and is now ready to go back to the books?
What's she studying?
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>>2579Brown sugar goes well in oatmeal! Until I realized the oatmeal tasted fine without it, and now I don't use it anymore.
I sleep sometimes.
Nnnnope. International Studies Management or some such thing.
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>>2580You could have sweeter oatmeal!
How about now?
So she can travel and study?
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>>2581Nnnnope. Gotta cut out them sugars. The raisins make it sweet enough.
It's not sleep time yet. For me.
Who knows what she's going to get up to. Whatever it is, she has a bright future.
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>>2582You probably burn it all in the california heat anyways.
For who then?
How's yours looking?
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Mmmmmm, you?
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>>2584A lot of work to be doing, man!
Mmmm. . I don't think so yet.
how's that CV looking?
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Had Dinner, am back now.
>>2574I'm always up for a good challenge!
Well maybe I should move to Canada then!
>>2575Do you think Science could beat them up instead of me? And then give me their money?
Why not short sleeves? And people aren't so bad, especially in Canada.
>>2576That is she! We've been dating since January, and have been trying to close the distance as best as we can.
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>>2585Nah. It's mostly driving anyways.
Mmmmm, what about now?
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>>2586Well then what are you waiting for?
I'm surprised you haven't done so already!
>>2587Maybe it'll be hot enough without the AC!
hmmm. Not yet.
How many sent out?
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>>2586No, Keeper. Now you must be the beater-upper.
I have gangly skeleton arms. Also my job has me wearing long sleeves all the time so now my hands are really tan and my arms are really pale. What if they want to interact?
>>2588Nah, I'm going to the coast tomorrow. A welcome break.
Very well. I will accept your presence.
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>>2586The wonders of modern technology. Neat. Well I hope that all goes… well.
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>>2589From the wide open fields?
Perhaps I will retract my offer
Some is not enough
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>>2588I don't know! I guess I'll just start throwing stuff!
I can't if I have school stuff to finish first friend!
>>2589But I have weak arms! They'll break as soon as I throw a punch!
Well this will be a good chance to spread that tan around! I'm sure it won't be as big an issue as it seems to be.
And if you run into the same kind of people I ran into, then don't worry about that fact. Canadians mostly keep to themselves. Nobody's going to pick you out on the street and try to have a conversation with you.
>>2590I hope so too. The plan to move in together in Canada will be a huge change from what I know living here. I sure hope I'll still be able to talk to everyone normally.
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>>2591From the heat. A nice coastal breeze and overcast. Not to mention the air quality.
But what of the little children and their toys?
>>2592Then you must use science.
But my comfort zone!
I tend to attract those kinds of people.
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>>2592ow ow hey quit it ow
How much more of that?
>>2593All nice things. You should get it more often.
Ah yes, can't forget those.
Send more out
It's long overdue
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>>2594It's a 4 hour drive, unfortunately, but I'm the only one willing to operate in that area.
Zefarian, Hero of the Children.
I will eventually!
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>>2596Why are you the only one?
And have you negotiated higher earnings because you are the only one? Uniqueness should cost more.
Ah but it is Cmdr the actual provider that is the true hero
I can't do eventually, but I can pencil you in for soon.
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>>2593I must team up with my enemy? Unimaginable!
You're flying all the way across the country to go into a new country! That's pretty far out of your comfort zone if you ask me.
Well you'll also have Sofia to help you with those people if you'd like. I'm sure she won't leave you to the dogs.
>>2594You asked for it! This is what you wanted!
Probably another year. I'm sure things will be all finished by next Spring.
>>2595Hey, thanks for being my friend by the way. I know I haven't been around much, but it's still great to see you here with us.
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>>2597Oh no, they'd do it. I'm just more willing to do it because I don't mind the drive and the area is nice.
Ah, but it is Zefarian, pointer at Cmdr that is the hero here.
Why not use pen?
>>2598For years man has yearned for a way to destroy science. When they needed science all along.
I've have traveled the world on various occasions before.
I just hope Sofia is ready.
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>>2598I never asked for this.
Sounds sweet. You excited?
>>2599But you just said you were the only one willing to do it.
But not as much as Cmdr, commander of Cmdr.
Because pen is very strict and organized and would want it done by next week.
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>>2599Gasp, do you suggest that science has always wanted to be my friend, but has always shown his affection through pain?
Ah, but this time, you're going to the fabled lands of Canadia. Land of Poutine!
This will be like nothing you've faced before!
She sounded pretty ready when I was talking with her. You two will have lots of fun together I'm absolutely sure.
>>2600>I never asked for this.But
>>2569 you
>>2572 did
>>2574 ask
>>2588Excited, and scared. Life moves so fast it seems. Why just a year ago I was thinking I would stay here in Michigan all my life.
But now things are changing, and I have to change with them. The steps into adulthood and such.
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>>2600Without coercion.
But where would he be with Zefarian, zefarian Zefarian.
Pen knows how to schedule things to get done!
>>2601Just like Helga from Hey Arnold.
Oh yeah. I heard they have good french fries.
But are you sure?
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There's much to explore
be sure to enjoy it
>>2602a bonus would be some nice coercion.
He would be known as the rightful hero!
Well then get 20 more applications out by next week, pen will be sure to check up on you
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>>2598Here, not here. All is but bile, churning in the stomach of the beast. It's a good distraction though, so I suppose I'm glad to be here too.
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We shall see.
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>>2605Not if I blind myself first!
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>>2602That's kinda scary. Does Science have a shrine of me in their closet?
Mhmm! Just be sure to get them from a good place, and not like Burger King or something. Poutine is something that can be messed up very easily. Always get quality foods!
I am sure. 100%.
>>2604Is something amiss friend? What's on your mind?
>>2603I have all the facts to prove it. You're donezo kid.
It would be better to explore it with friends and good company.
I've always kinda hoped we'd all live close by to each other one day, and see upon the current situation now, with me moving close to Sofia, that it is almost coming true.
But it's such a tall order to have the rest of you all to come too. I'm just hoping we'll be able to have the chance to have a big outing together someday.
>>2605But how can we see if our eyes aren't real?
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>>2608Much alike most of our conversations.
Hehe, how are you Wheat?
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>>2607Not if I donezo you first!
I figure when I start actually working I'll be able to round up some funds to take cool trips around
but that's still in like 4 years or so
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>>2603Nah, I'm just doing my job.
Not a hero at all!
You can't pen me what to do!
>>2605Hey Wheat. How are you?
>>2607Yes. You need a shrine to science or it will be awkward.
… Burger King?
What if Sofia has a bad time?
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>>2607Being bored and dead and full of screams is just kind of a drag. Nothing new.
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>>2610>>2609>>2612Oh god smalltalk about my day!
Abandon thread!
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>>2612Job plus extra!
Should at least pay for gas
And so humble as well.
It's too late! You already chose the pen!
>>2614 No.2616
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>>2612Then it shall be awkward. I'm not going to be no Scientologist! That's a fate worse than death!
Exactly. Such an odd place to be selling it but they are.
Don't do that.
>>2611You'll never get the chance to, you big meanie!
That's what I'm thinking too. It'll be a while before we're all stable and traveling to see each other. But I'm hoping that we'll be able to do it sooner rather than later.
But you know, patience and all that.
>>2613I'd be willing to share my steam library with you if it would provide any solace!
>>2614Awe! We don't have to talk about your day if you don't want.
But you'll have to think of a topic to talk about.
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>>2615They pay me for my drive time and I use a company car.
Just like Zefarian.
Someday, pen. Someday.
>>2616Too bad. You could have had limitless power.
I don't like it.
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>>2616Nah, I'm good. Thanks for the offer though. Generous of you.
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>>2616Shows what you know, tiny meanie!
Ah the disasters of youth, no monies for all the ambition
>>2617So lots of scenic routes?
Nah he's a jerk
Someday being next week
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>>2618Very well, but if there's anything I can do, don't hesitate to let me know!
>>2617The thing about limitless power is that it consumes you, and you eventually become a pawn for higher powers.
Then don't go to BK friend. Got to a local poutine place. Or go to Quebec for Poutine. I had the best serving of one there it was great.
But for real, you both will have a great time. I'm sure of it.
>>2619You're calling me tiny?
Me?I think the toughest challenge later on is finding the time for all those ambitions, not the money. I plan on setting aside plenty of time for great memories.
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>>2619Well I get an hour for lunch.
>>2620Stuff and nonsense.
We'll see what Sofia wants to do.
I hope so. Personally, though, I'd probably have a good time if I spent half the time napping.
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>>2620So teeny tiny.
Yeah, it's that one image about it
With youth you have all the time and the ambition but no monies. As an adult you've got the ambition and monies but no time
(and then old you've got time and monies but no ambition)
>>2618>>2620Also we could probably try to find time for DnD again
>>2621Hopefully not used driving too
It's true, I heard it myself.
Next week
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>>2622Wow there I go making some deep comment, and I get greeted with THIISSS??!?
You silly person.
Don't be afraid to want to do certain things as well! There are probably a ton of fun things you can come up with that Sofia might not have thought of.
Yeah! As long as you're enjoying yourself. Don't over exert yourself if you feel burned out afterwards.
>>2623You're minuscule compared to me, worm.
I'm going to be like the most ambitious old man. That is, if I don't become a biological immortal by then.
Yo I would totally be up for more DnD. I've had a lot of creativity oozing out of my ears that I'd love to express in DnD.
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>>2623Only sometimes.
But Zefarian stands in favor of many good things. Like good things. And being nice to babies.
Next someday.
>>2622You okay, buddy?
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>>2624woops I dun goofed.
Commander that was meant for you, the first part.
>>2622Are you sure? The no pictures kinda worries me.
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>>2624>>2625>>2626I mean it! Everything is good, but there is nothing particularly notable going on over here. Nothing special on my mind and my usual banter is failing me today for some reason.
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>>2622On a scale of one to good?
>>2625Darnit Cmdr have you been remembering to eat?
Doesn't he eat babies?
So 20 within two weeks?
This is something you resolved to do quite a long time ago
>>2624Oh man, you are big. BIG HEAD
Dohoho I see what you did there
Keeper DM ahoy?
>>2627Quick say something snarky
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>>2624Piff poff.
Like napping!
I assure you that I will not exert myself in the slightest.
>>2627That's okay, Wheat. We'll just have to rely on ourselves for banter. How about them ponies, eh?
Kisses babies. There's a difference.
I will consider it. After the trip.
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>>2629And on those times you haven't?
Ah right there is a difference. I hear he kisses the babies before he eats them.
You'll have it done by the time you finish the trip? Sounds good.
Maybe you can Sofi can apply to places together.
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>>2620Sure thing.
>>2623I still can't play DnD.
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>>2627Ah! Well it's still a pleasure to have a chance to talk to you!
I too feel like that some days. I totally get what's up.
>>2628You're smaller than the smallest fry at McDonalds!
I'll admit I was quite serious. I didn't realize there was something to see.
I'd love to know what you were thinking of though!
You know, I've had an idea for a campaign for a while. Been trying to find a use for it, but never really got far with it when I tried to do a one on one session with my friend. I'd love to make it larger scale.
Uh sure! Maybe!
What! Not even to drive out 4 hours to see me?
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>>2630I probably haven't.
Well that would just be silly.
Close enough.
>>2632No no no. That makes no sense. Why would you say that?
And napping!
Nope. You can do it.
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>>2631Well that stinks
>>2632That just means I'm crispy!
Oh well I thought you meant the whole living forever thing being ambitious and yadda yadda.
Oh yeah, you mentioned this when we were talking about worlds. And you had a skull like land
>>2633Kinda important. Do that.
Well not too silly for the lord of evil.
comeon, Cmdr.
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Napping and napping?
But what about seeing the sights? Hearing the sounds?
What day will you be there?
>>2634No! The soggiest one. No flavor. Burnt.
Oh! Then yes! I will have all the ambition ever, cause I'll have all the time ever. Plus all the time to get all the money ever.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah! That one! I've actually thought a lot about it some time ago, but haven't done much with it. I'd love to get some use out of it.
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>>2634You know, I think I might.
Or perhaps it was a trick by the lord of good!
I don't want to worry about missed calls while I'm in Canada.
>>2635Well I do enjoy pickles.
I don't know nothin' about Canada. Sofia probably knows things.
You don't actually have to drive up there, Keeper.
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>>2635I am the fry bit! I am crunchy and crisp!
It was always Keeper!
Lots of worlds to work with!
Think it would be interesting.
>>2636but will you remember?
to defeat the lord of evil? Good plan.
Canada can worry for you
>>2637Hush child.
I am making
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>>2638No promises.
So must every hero defeat that doubt within himself first.
I will worry for Canada.
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G'night. Take care out there.
>>2639that's not good enough
until he becomes strong enough to defeat the baby eating lord
>>2640night Cmdr
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>>2636Ew! For real? Pickles are terrible!
Ask her what's around! Maybe something will inspire a visit!
Hehe, as much as I would like to, I don't think I'll have the time to go. I really would like to hang out with you two.
>>2637Oh my god I totally forgot about this scene.
Yes Zefarian you're the nasty dish water potatoes.
The immortal Robert Roberson.
We'll see soon! I'll try to plan some things out tomorrow and I'll see where I can go with it. If I can get something going I'll totally let you guys know.
>>2640Nighty night Commander! Sleep well!
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I am also heading to bed. Goodnight folks!
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1d10 = 6
Mad Garden of Furious Words
1. Ghost in the Shell (1995)
2. Dragonheart
3. Brother Bear
4. Blues Bros. (1980)
5. Independence Day 2
6. Soofitopia
7. 128 hours
8. Naked Gun
9. House Of Flying Daggers
10. Hero
-. Deitydaddy 3 (scheduled)
Next time being July 30th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
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>>2645Ah, darn, I wanted to see that one. But I think I might be missing this week's rendition of Sunnypiece Theatre.
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>>2646Could always watch it with Sofia if you're there at that time.
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>>2647That would be next week and that's silly. You're silly. Cease that silly talk you silly man of sillingtown.
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>>2648I am not silly! I am a serious man! Take me seriously!
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>>2649It's okay, Keeper. I only say these things because I have no other logical recourse.
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>>2650Me neither my friend, me neither.
Say, would you like to play something? I'm a bit bored and trying to find something to do.
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>>2651What thing might you have in mind, that we might play?
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I'm bored too. I've got no real reason to share that, but since the topic came up, I thought I'd throw in my two cents on the matter. Man is everything boring.
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>>2652Well let's see.
We've got:
Diablo 3
Starcraft 2
Heroes of the Storm, with this one I could see if the others want to play
Anno 2070
Left 4 Dead 2, another game I can try to find people to play with us
Borderlands 2
And that's all that I've got so far.
>>2653We're all bored and full of holes!
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>>2653I'm just glad I'm bored instead of doing anything.
>>2654Mmm, all of those need to be installed or updated.
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>>2655I can wait for them to be updated!
If you have any other suggestions let me know!
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>>2654Like the majestic Swiss cheese. Hurrah.
>>2655Did your AC ever get fixed?
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>>2656Oh wait, I do have Left 4 Dead 2 ready to go. Also TF2 and XCOM 2.
>>2657It did, thanks for asking. And it even still works.
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>>2657But I don't like Swiss Cheese!
>>2658Want me to see if others want to play some Left 4 Dead?
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>>2658Neat. Glad that saga could come to a satisfying conclusion.
>>2659Neither do I. I also don't like boredom, so I think it fits the metaphor.
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>>2659Make it so.
>>2660Time will tell. And your saga?
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>>2661What saga did I have?
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>>2662Depends on where you want to start.
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Ebrona! Want to play Diablo with Kyle and I?
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>>2663…I couldn't say.
>>2664And even though this is coming somewhat late, no thanks. I was never much of a Diabloer. Nice of you to offer, though.
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>>2665At the beginning, probably.
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>>2666There was no beginning to the ADLOP saga. There was only an end, and all of you came to know me after it had already passed.
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>>2667Ah, so this is a saga right now.
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>>2668No, it ended when… nevermind. Sure. My saga is fine. Thanks for asking.
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>>2669But if ADLOP is ended then how are you still ADLOP?
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>>2670None of you even know what ADLOP is! Plus, like I said, I died eight years ago. You don't stop being who you are when you die. You just stop.
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>>2671As if that could stop me from rendering ignorant half-judgements and base assumptions. Mmm, I remain skeptical.
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>>2677Eatin' breakfast. How about yourself?
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>>2679A busy day already?
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>>2680I said I got back. I didn't say I was doing anything!
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>>2681A morning constitutional perhaps?
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>>2681Well who's back do you have?
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>>2683I dunno.
>>2682No. Changing the constitution takes too much paperwork.
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>>2683Wow, the real Zefarian.
>>2684Aweeg. Well did you have a nice outing of mysterious purpose?
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>>2687A Zefarian doppelganger! Or perhaps… stuntpony?
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>>2688Or both!
I'm heading out. Will try to make it back by movie time
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>>2689Have a nice time! Stay cool an drink water!
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It's about that time again. Is anyone around?
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>>2701It's time to
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I just have some stuff I need to talk about, but I want to put it a bit to the side so it doesn't change the atmosphere in our group chat. Plus, I want to make reading and contributing to this conversation more optional.
It's about some news I got, nothing incredibly bad, but I still want to talk about it. Would you be up for that? If not that's fine too, totally.
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>>2704I'll take that as a yes…
So, in case you didn't know, my mother was found to have cancer when I was living in Argentina. They operated and then she went through chemo. (this is a bit tough to talk about, even like this) Since then, she's been having her blood toxicity levels (or something like that) checked regularly for any signs of spikes, because that would indicate possible cancer growth. Her levels were supposed to stay in single digits, but all of a sudden her count rose up, and up, all the way up to 267+ and rising.
One thing that sucks about cancer is that you can't travel anywhere as they assume you've come to take advantage of their health systems. Generally it's a low key affair, so my parents had to back from Brazil to Argentina to get everything sorted out with my mom's doctor.
My parents recently landed in Argentina and my mom started going to the hospital again. They haven't found anything yet, but the oncologist wants her to take a PET scan. A PET scan is a much more complicated procedure than what she's taken before, and she has a 3 month "wait" before then. They can't simply go back to Brazil and come back in 3 months though, as they will be calling her at some point
within that 3 month time period, ranging from 23 days to a little over the third month. They can't simply stay in Argentina for 3 months either, as they are paying for rent in Brazil and have already set up their life there. They have no place to stay in Argentina other than my grandfather's apartment while they wait for this, and even so they would need to buy new temporary groceries, let the old ones spoil in their house, etc.
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The only other option is to have it done in 3 days at a private hospital, for about $850 USD. That's extremely expensive for them, especially considering what they've just paid so far in travel fees. If they paid that, they wouldn't have any way to help me pay rent next month, let alone handle their own expenses. My grandfather offered to loan them some money, but they would have to pay it back relatively soon and there's no sign that would even be possible. He can't really spare the cash either as he's living on savings.
So… my parents are depending on me to get a job very soon so this PET scan doesn't knock us out.
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I'll be looking for jobs tomorrow and so on, as today everything's already closed.
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>>2705>>2706>>2707That's. . quite a lot of pressure. .
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>>2709I guess try to get some sleep tonight.
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>>2710Thank you. I'll sleep fine, I think. I just, I don't know, I needed to say it somewhere, to someone.
It scares me, but… I think I really did mean it all the times I've said things don't get to me like they used to. I've been through so many surprises, I don't know if I'm capable of being upset by these things at this point. It's like a horror movie - once you see a particularly scary movie, only something scarier will elicit a reaction from you. And I've seen a lot of scary movies… More than anything I think the best medicine is just good company, like you and our friends. Thanks for listening.
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>>2711uh. uuuhh
not sure what to say. Have more hugs
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>>2712Hugs are always lovely.
>>2713Ah, I hope I haven't stressed you out… it'll be okay. I've got some leads.
>>2714Thank you.
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>>2711>>2715It sounds like you're tired more than anything.
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I can't seem to get myself what I need very easily lately. I've got plenty of motivation, but my body feels heavy. I feel like I'm dragging it around and it's making things really difficult…
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You think so? I mean, I suppose… I'm trying not to be too harsh on myself. It's hard when I'm struggling so much to do what would otherwise be simple things for everyone else… I know I can be better, I don't want to get complacent with myself.
Hearing things like that does ease the guilt somewhat still… Thank you.
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>>2719Nobody is going to like it if you go and give yourself a nervous breakdown over this. Sofi's life doesn't just stop happening because of news like this.
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>>2720Oh, yeah, I don't feel like I'm going to have a nervous breakdown. I feel the same way, it keeps going forward as always, and I should probably keep up with it. Stuff like this is just a little bit more of a burden, but it's not unmanageable. The sooner I resolve this situation, the sooner I can drop the baggage, after all.
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>>2721The very best thing is if Sofi finds herself in a good and happy place.
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>>2722Well in that case, Sofi will keep trying. Thank you very much.
Though really, I feel like I'm in a good place… I just have a few things left to work out.
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>>2724I think, for the most part… yes. It can change from time to time because of the stuff going on, but in total I would say I am in a good place inside too! Or if not, I am very close.
>>2725In all things ♥
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>>2726Yeah, you're doing great! You're going to be fine.
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Hi Sofia!
I know you're asleep or something, but given that I'm leaving for the airport in… 5 hours…. I was hoping to talk before then just in case there was anything I missed, but I'm sorry, I got real busy, ended up in a hotel last night so… this will do!
I'm… sorry. Very sorry, my visit seems to have fallen on a most trying time for you. So, ya know, if you gotta do family stuff or job stuff that's okay. I'll just be around.
But, uh, yes, I think if you were still planning on being at the airport, 5:30 is still the time. And I'm sorry for that because I will at that point be very tired, confused, and probably insane. And I have no idea how that is going to work. I mean maybe if they have WiFi I can check… here? To see if you had a meeting place in mind, but in 5 hours I will be almost entirely out of communication until I get there. And once I'm there also maybe.
Anyways, um, so that will be fun. I have no toothpaste. Oh! Uh, [IT'S BLANK NOW]. I don't actually have any baggage, but we could meet at the baggage claim, right? Maybe? I don't know, we'll figure it out.
Anyway, right, so I'd like to apologize in advance for myself for some things in case I do something and I probably won't have to self-awareness know that that is bad.
One. I'm sorry for being ugly, gross, smelly, and undesirable in any or every way.
Two. I'm sorry for sporting such a magnificent visage that, like the sun, you can not look directly at me.
Three. I'm sorry for making wither too much or too little eye-contact. I never realized people made eye-contact with eachother until like high school so I never really learned if there's some kind of eye-contact etiquette.
Four. My voice isn't actually deep, my coat is not red, nor my body type equine. Blonde hair though. S'close enough.
Five. We could go look for jobs on Saturday if you want!
Six. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh, oh! I'm sorry if I accidentally say Matias, I think I've been doing okay but I still get them all confused in my head.
Eh. I'll post it anyways. Have fun!
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>>2731Very well then
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>>2733Ride to the gates of employment, spick and span!
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>>2729Oh! That is happening now?
That will be fun.
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News Flash: Extremely unorganized friend sucks and also smells.
We expect persistent showers of shame with strong winds. Breakfast at 11.
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>>2729Kyle is the most handsome guy ever.
Best voice, great looks, awesome allaround!
♥ the Kyle!
would meet up with every day!
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1d10 = 1
Mad Garden of Furious Words
1. Ghost in the Shell (1995)
2. Dragonheart
3. Brother Bear
4. Blues Bros. (1980)
5. Independence Day 2
6. 128 hours
7. Naked Gun
8. House Of Flying Daggers
9. Hero
10. Swiss Army Man
- Deitydaddy 3
- How To Train Your Dragon 2
- Children Who Chase Lost Voices too
- Jin-Roh: The wolf Brigade
Next time being August 6th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
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>>2743Ghost in the Shell (1995)The year is 2029. The world has become intensively information oriented and humans are well-connected to the network. Crime has developed into a sophisticated stage by hacking into the interactive network. To prevent this, Section 9 is formed. These are cyborgs with incredible strengths and abilities that can access any network on Earth.
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Knock knock?
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>>2747Why thank you!
Hey, how are you?
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>>2748Would you like something to drink?
And I'm fine I guess. Hungry, but I got a frozen pizza to fix that.
A bit of that relationship yearning I suppose.
How are you? And How's our Commie friend?
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I made it! I made it back.
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>>2749Do you have margaritas?
Yeaaaah, frozen pizza! But, relationship yearning? Are you alright?
I'm great, amazing actually, so happy. Kyle should be home now, but he's probably sleepi-
>>2750Oh there you are!
Was your flight delayed at all? I read in the news that some computer issues had happened for Delta Airlines and it delayed/cancelled flights in Pearson Int Airport.
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>>2751I just walked in the door a minute ago.
Nnnnope. The subway was closed this morning after all, but I just walked it and still made the first train to the airport.
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>>2750Quite a quick trip
>>2751Uh I have orange drink if that counts.
Nice for the good to go noms.
Nothing big, found out apparently everyone in the program I'm in is married, so guess a bit envious
So happy? Must have been quite a visit from Cmdr!
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>>2753Yes and no. How are you, Zefarian?
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>>2754And maybe?
Fine. Solved my hunger.
Deciding whether or not to go get some groceries or just wait it out until the weekend when I usually go. Just missing some bread to make lunch sandwiches but I can probably just go out for lunch a few extra times this week
So how are things, Cmdr?
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One problem down. So many more to go. If you like being thrifty, making your own sandwiches is cheaper. But maybe you're tired of sandwiches anyways.
I got three blisters on my feets, and I am exhausted. But I had a great time and hope to do that again someday. Speaking of which, when do I get to visit you?
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>>2752Oh, shoot… I should have looked that up, I'm sorry. But, at least you made it in time! I hope the flight was a little easier.
>>2753No margaritas? Such a shame. I guess orange is the next best thing.
Ouch. I'm sure it will pass… love tends to be unexpected! Although, I guess it's important to open oneself to the possibility.
Well, obviously it's a really exciting event in itself, hanging out in real life for the first time with such a long time close friend, but also in this case it was a weekend vacation for me too! I had never gotten the chance to travel Toronto in much depth, I had always stuck to the main streets… So, I organized a tour through some interesting areas I had read about, and we both got to see lots of new stuff, restaurants (even though apparently Europe is
SOOOO much better) and I got to blabber for hours on end. (Plus, I had never eaten so much good food in my life)
There were many more nice things but in the end, it was much needed and I'm grateful I had the opportunity and it all went well. ♥
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Well yeah That's what I said, I usually make sandwiches for lunch.
But I need bread
Which I don't have
Sounds like a lot of fun!
And I don't know when do you want to?
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>>2757Oh, nah, that's fine. The flight was as average as I could have hoped for. How about you? Did you get home okay? Sleep well?
Right. Good luck! And remember these words of wisdom. Go to bread.
Actually…. Eh. Well prospects are good! But maybe not for a month at least. I want to make sure I'm not interrupting your studies too.
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>>2759Like. A. Rrrrrrrrrrrock.
No crying children? Good. Yes, I got home just fine. Thankfully Oakville is a pretty safe place, and it's well lit. There were no cars on the street either, so I got home a lot faster. I was the only person in my train cabin too actually, so it was quite relaxing. Not
too relaxing though, I didn't fall asleep this time!
Now I'm just cleaning my room and stuff, setting up a doctor's appointment for my medicine and stuff! It seems I was able to afford it after all…
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>>2760Glad to hear it. I'm sure I'll be doing the same tonight.
Now that you mention it someone did bring on a small yappy dog. I didn't know they let tiny dogs in the passenger cabin. Well maybe parts of the city sleep at night.
Hm. Hm.
>>2757Maybe I can make orange margaritas?
Yeah It's a temporary feeling probably
That's great! sounds like quite an opportunity. Great that it happened, and seems you really needed it
>>2759All the bread!
Except the ones I don't have!
What's going on in the month?
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>>2762Sounds like it's time to learn how to make your own bread! It's easy!
Well I just don't want to go crazy asking for all sorts of time off work. Also It's good to buy plane tickets 4-6 weeks ahead of time. Also I'm tuckered out for travellin' at the moment.
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>>2761Yeahhh, it's weird, but sleeping with sore muscles feels super good. It's like being magnetized to the bed! Getting exercise feels great, I should make it a more regular thing…
Awww, darnit! I must have jinxed it. That's… so unusual!
Hehe. I'll be going out with my resumes tomorrow too, now that I'm feeling confident, so not to worry! Let's hope it leads somewhere soon!
>>2762Now that sounds interesting. Put some lime in it with a little umbrella and I'm sold!
Good, then. Can't have such things distracting you from your important sciency thing-a-mabobs. Speaking of which, what kind of stuff do they have you doing?
Yeah, I feel really good. Very, very thankful for all this.
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>>2763I'll go ahead and build a stone oven!
Yeah that's fair enough.
Go and rest your head
>>2764I've got a big umbrella!
Been imaging. Testing CT's MRI's, Fluroscopy C-Arms for image quality.
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>>2764Exercise being good for you? I don't believe it.
Well good! It might take some time, but as long as you keep at it you'll land something good!
>>2765An important first step. Though you might need to train by roasting random pieces of meat first.
Indeed, there will be plenty of time to discuss such things.
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>>2765I hope you have an equally big glass to pair it with!
But we'll have to share it with everyone then.
Ooh, that's so fascinating. Really really neat actually. Has it been hard?
>>2766I know, it's almost like our bodies are built for it or something. But, that'd be crazy. Clearly we do better sitting in air conditioned environments!
Yes! I'll just go onward with positivity and keep the boat steady! Plus, my resume isn't half bad apparently!
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>>2767I know I do!
In fact, your resume is far too perfect. You're going to get promoted too fast!
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>>2768Ah yes, it's quite impressive. And that's exactly what I need! I'll get that skilled job in no time.
I mean, how hard can a managerial job be?
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>>2769Do you have a lot of places in mind?
Piece of cake! As long as no one below you messes up.
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>>2770Mmh, I have a lot of places nearby… but no preferences really. I would like to work in a clothing store if possible, or maybe where I can work at a computer, but I get the feeling I'll get a job in food or something. Hopefully not fast food… but I'll take anything, I can't really be picky!
That'll be a paddlin'.
I guess talking to employees about that stuff would be a bit tough, but nothing I can't get used to! I'm sure it's not much easier for anyone else when they start.
I wonder if that kind of job is in my nature though…
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>>2766I use TnT to roast meat right?
Sounds good then.
>>2767Would be less of a glass and more of a bathtub
It hasn't been too hard but then again classes haven't started in earnest yet.
>>2771Or maybe a job designing infrastructure!
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>>2771Well good. That means plenty of places to stop by tomorrow.
Well that's only part of the manager's task list. A lot of it is also counting money and dealing with ornery customers. I'm sure you can tackle anything they throw at you, though.
>>2772You probably can! And if you can't then that's a valuable lesson learned.
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>>2772Margarita bathtub…
Now that's fancy!
Oh gosh, still? So much time you could be spending on projects!
Ah well, at least you get to take it easy somewhat.
A job designing infrastructure?… Ah yes, things like bridges and canals for the cities and towns. Like some kind of civil engineer… it's crazy enough to work!
>>2773The world is my oyster! My job oyster.
Counting? Dealing? Ornery? I can handle these things no problem!
Hmm, though it's more likely I'll be some kind of salesperson. I'll give it a bit before getting the skilled one, I only need a year in such a job for citizenship.
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>>2773I might try uranium next.
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>>2775What a guy. What a pioneer of science.
>>2774The kind of oyster that makes you work for that oyster.
Well it all depends on where you end up. Regardless I wish you the best of luck!
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>>2774the best for Sofi.
Well they're still keeping us busy.
Mostly quite a bit of reading and learning up on the profession and basics
I didn't notice you two switched
but you can do it too!
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>>2778You know what, if you guys are changing
I'm going to be . . .
I'mma be Sunny
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>>2779>>2780But then who is Sunny?
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>>2781Zefarian of course.
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>>2786>>2787Sunny is so violent all of a sudden!
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>>2787>>2788Sunny is just really excited to be with all of you
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And I will be myself.
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>>2789Ah, that's alright. Eyyyup. Alright.
Ah, it looks like the AC has stopped working again.
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>>2789What a nice Sunny. I like Sunny too!
>>2790…Who's that?
>>2791Oh no!
… Oh wait, I get it!
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>>2791yes. Quite.
I just turned mine on. It's like 90 inside. Oof.
>>2792Sunny is great!
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>>2792It's 120 degrees but it's all fine, just fine. I'll live.
How are your responsibilities going? Are you being responsible? You know, responsiblity responsible responsibility…
>>2790Ah, yes. Wheat. Let us talk about things as we normally do. With words.
>>2793I turned mine on when the rug started smoking, but then it just malfunctioned again. Oh well, nothing open windows can't fix.
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>>2794Praise the sunny!
>>2795>>2796Have you tried turning it off and on again?
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>>2795>>2796Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh. I'm definitely having responsibilities tomorrow. But first, I must describe in detail the feelings of myself, and possibly others. And in doing so not only receive emotional support, but open opportunities for others to gain support as well. I also like drawing, and sometimes ponies. And sometimes both at the same time.
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>>2793>>2792>>2795I'm really busy!
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>>2799Well that's just not right.
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>>2797I've called the proper authorities who may or may not help in a timely manner. Either way, it'll be just fine, just fine indeed.
>>2798Hmmm. Then I'll respond with a patient nod with hopes that you'll do better tomorrow.
You know, one time I had responsibilities, and I did some stuff that was bad, but then I did some stuff that was good. In the end, you just have to believe in yourself.
But most importantly, make sure to eat good meals and sleep well. Also, you're great so everything will be just fine.
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>>2799busy being Wheat?
>>2801But will they be fine before or after you start combusting?
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>>2801Ah, I see! Taking your statements in to consideration I find myself both encouraged and cheered. Tomorrow, indeed, shall be the day that I seize!
I must now shower you with compliments! But I still refuse to sleep.
>>2802The sheer force of my unwavering fine-ness will repel any sort of large disaster.
>>2803Ah, well I calmly return your expressions of appreciation and love while continuing to move you towards sleep. I await good tidings my good friend who is also good.
Well, just make sure to sleep in some time but not too much.
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… Pwah, being not myself is hard. I keep uploading too big pictures.
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>>2805Big Mac needs big pictures!
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>>2806Yup! Seems like he's too much Mac for my internet!
Ah, I can't keep up such friendly ribbing for so long anyway. I don't want to mock the things I like about my friends for too long.
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>>2804unless the force of fire hits you first!
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>>2807That's true. Can't give away all your best material at once.
… Now are you thinking about getting some sleep soon?
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>>2808Sleep will be the only casualty here.
>>2809Nah, I've got tons of material. Especially now.
Yeah, probably shortly. I won't be staying up till 1 AM by any means, I'm still exhausted from all the walking… But not the talking, obviously.
Do you have a big work day tomorrow?
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>>2810On me? Nah, surely not my stone-like stoicism.
Good! Gotta get that day started as early as you can. The earlier the cooler as well.
Um. Maybe. I might not have anything, actually. Unless there's a late arrival.
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>>2811Oho, there's more than that! Now I've seen your driver's license!
Then again, now you know how I draw when I'm nervous. I apparently seem to subconsciously think you're Donald Trump. (Why didn't I take a photo of that)
Oh, darnit. That's true. Heat is a factor, isn't it? But well, I'll be ready by a decent time. Getting ready in such a rush this weekend has rebuilt my speed.
Then I hope you'll be able to play Diablo 3 with us. It's been a lot of fun with Ebrona and Keeper! They're such goofballs.
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>>2812Passport. But ah, the formative years. It seemed like a such good idea until the very moment I gained hindsight.
Oh, pff. You draw fine. Especially to my untrained eyes. Or maybe I think I look like Donald Trump!
Well I hope you can get out there and get some applications done. Then we can look forward to a well-earned play session if I'm around. And maybe if I'm not!
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>>2813Oh yeah, sorry. Hey it wasn't that bad, but as long as you're embarrassed it's easy fodder. Then again, you have plenty of ammo so… I guess it's a draw!
Wah, well I guess that's okay. And no, lol, I totally drew Donald Trump. Hands down, it was hilarious.
Yeah, I'd like that too… thinking about what I can even wear is a bit tough. I maaaay have to buy some cheap stuff in order to look business casual. But otherwise I should be good!
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>>2814Mutually Assured Embarrassment, guaranteed insurance for peace every time!
You tried. That's an A for Effort in my book! I'll send you a gold star in the mail.
Come on now, you look fine. Just don't go crazy casual.
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>>2815Hehe, yes. The only way to win this shame game is to not play.
Ooh, gold! Hopefully the painted kind!
Okaayyy, I'll take your word for it.
I'll be getting ready for sleep though. Hope all the blisters and such heal up soon. Thanks again, and I hope you get that heavy sleep, you've earned it. G'night.
(and good night zeffie)
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>>2816Me too.
I'm also going to head to sleep, actually. G'night, Sofia. G'night, Zefarian. And Good Night, Wheat.
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Hello hello?
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>>2821Hi Kylekyle. How are you??
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>>2822Hi Sofia. I'm fine fine. How are you? Have a nice day?
>>2823Hey, Wheat.
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>>2823Hi Wheat. How are you Wheating today? (You are Wheat, right?)
>>2824I'm still quite good! My day has been mostly nice, my mirror fell and broke but that's okay. I didn't clean too well so I got a couple cuts on my foot… but I cleaned them out and now they're okay!
I'm glad you're fine fine. That's even better than fine. Did you relax as much as you needed to?
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>>2824Hi hi.
>>2825Sorry about that. I am wheat.
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>>2825Ah, that's annoying. Hopefully they weren't too deep and heal up quickly.
Oh I relax too much as it is. But I ended up not having work today, yeah. Did you get any job applications in?
>>2826How's it goin', buddy?
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>>2827Yeah, it sure is annoying. And bad luck too!
You do? Really? Hmm… But well, after this weekend you surely needed it. So it's good news this time. And yes, I've applied to a vegan restaurant that's looking to fill in "all positions". I don't know how far it is from my house but I no longer care!
>>2826Yes. You are Wheat. What have you been up to?
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>>2828Things are well. Just relaxing at home. Have a nice weekend? How did finals go?
>>2829Well I'm glad you're all right. It wasn't your big mirror, was it?
It was good to rest. And good to hear! Keep up that momentum. And if you don't care I'm sure there are some jobs around here somewhere.
>>2829Nothing really. Yourself?
>>2830An A. Your weekend?
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>>2830It was indeed my big mirror…
But, as my roommate is moving out, she swooped in with a replacement immediately! Now I have an even bigger mirror! And a lot of new books, nail products, gouache paint, hair stuff… Oh, and now I even have a curler! I can have wavy hair! I'm excited!
I mean, I know I have wavy hair already normally, but it doesn't look super neat I think.
Great, very good. I'll make sure not to stop for too long, I tend to get complacent when I do. Ah, if only there wasn't that pesky border to worry about! All those jobs, free for the taking!
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>>2832Clearly you need to break more mirrors. Well the thing about hair is that it always comes back. So doesn't hurt to try a new style.
Will you get another roommate? Someone you like, I hope.
Will you be able to go out to submit applications with your feet? Have you covered most of the local businesses already?
>>2831Well that sounds pretty okay. Did you celebrate with some nice things that you enjoy?
It was good! Some might even say great. I look forward to the potential of other weekends like it one day.
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>>2833Hehe, or get worse friends! My poor initial lot in life has been vastly improved by the presence of friends. And yes, for the most part! I will try new styles after I find a job though.
Well, my roommate this time was okay, I mean she had a few problems that grew out of proportion, but even so she has not really affected my life way too much. I'm worried about this new guy though… hasn't been answering us in a timely manner, seems to continue to be a "maybe" even this far in… I'm concerned. Thankfully my other roommate is still looking for people, so we may get a good person who will make a decision more quickly.
I think so, my foot was a bit bad to walk on today but the sliver is so small, I'm sure it'll be out by tomorrow! And no, I haven't covered many business yet, I've been starting quite gradually… I know, I know, I need to rip the bandaid! I'm just going slow still. But, like you said, I'm getting momentum!
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>>2831Oh, sorry! I've just been cleaning my room and organizing my week after all that weekend. Plus, buying a few foods to tide me over for a bit till I go to the grocery store, talking with people, having a good time. It's nice.
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>>2834Well you know what they say. Companionship can often lend aid and other resources capable of easing life's burdens in a way that seems nearly ethereal in nature.
Oh it's not just you alone then, that's good. As long as you're filtering out people, make sure they like ponies too.
Indeed! You can quote me better than I could at this point. So I hope you get out there!
>>2833Nah. It was a simple class.
Sounds like you had a heck of a time!
>>2835That relaxing day before grocery day!
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>>2837Still, not everyone can get an A! You studied hard and everything.
I did.
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>>2836Hehe, I may have heard that once or twice in the past. It certainly has been ethereal.
I would, if the roommate looking for people liked ponies too! Alas, in that, I am alone.
I will! So many things might be better once I get that job… might be. I know that my parents will probably not be sending money once I do get one so my financial situation may remain the same, with maybe $100 more. Hopefully I'm wrong though, and they will help a little here and there with some things. I just need to get as many hours as possible.
But, if I do get enough to live comfortably at some point, everything will be just aaaaaalright.
>>2837I don't know of such a thing! Every day that isn't grocery day is something-else day! Grocery day is the best day, cause I get new foods and can stop eating repeats forever. This week it's not an issue though, nothing is a repeat thankfully.
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>>2839And occasionally non-ethereal.
It's hard liking the best things.
Yes, and then the true challenge can begin!
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>>2840Well, I think I will go to sleep now. I'm pretty sleepy. Thank you for the chat!
Same to you Wheat… later!
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>>2838Most people have other things going on.
That's good to hear!
>>2839What sorts of things do you usually get on grocery day?
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>>2841Calling it an early night? Rest well then. Take care and pleasant dreams.
>>2844Hey, Zefarian.
>>2842So do you!
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>>2847Doing fine
How about yourself?
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>>2848Good, good. Lazing about.
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>>2849How long's that going to last?
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>>2850'Till tomorrow. How about you?
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>>2851Probably the same
How about them applications?
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>>2852Doesn't sound so bad.
Uh, nnnope.
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Well, so much for that… the glass in my foot is giving me problems. I'll postpone sleep for a bit.
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>>2854There's still bits in your foot? That's bad.
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>>2855Just one bit, a little bit, but it's pretty far in there. I'm sure I can get it out over time, I just need to do a bit of a routine with water and such first.
I guess for now I'll just spend some time sending stuff out online and maybe eating dinner since I got sleepy before eating.
So have you had a nice day?
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>>2856All righty. What'll you be eating?
Yeah, pretty nice. Just bein' lazy.
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>>2857Hm, I don't know. Maybe ravioli or fish or something. I've really had a craving for salad lately but I haven't put in the effort to make one of my own. Perhaps I should, croutons are the best.
I'm glad to hear it, lazy's nice sometimes.
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>>2858Salad is quite easy to make. It's like dry stew!
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>>2859Yes, and it's easy to store. I'll look up some nice recipes and keep a good amount of it stashed, although I don't have the ingredients at the moment for one. Tomorrow I"m gonna get groceries so I should be able to get what I need for it. I also have tuna already, so I can probably make some kind of tuna salad as well, two birds with one stone. Maybe even make it into a sandwich like my mom used to make.
I'll also be getting ingredients to make some more food that Sunny has been teaching me to make. It's all so good and so simple. What kind of stuff do you like to eat?
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>>2860Mmm, tuna sandwich. With hard-boiled eggs and relish perhaps? But that doesn't solve your food needs for tonight.
I eat the same thing almost every day. Oatmeal for breakfast and pasta for dinner.
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>>2861Ooh, that sounds even better! I'll look up something with that stuff in it and see if I can make a simple version.
Yeah, I suppose I'll just eat something simple enough. Ravioli… with fish? Maybe it'll work!
What kind of oatmeal and pasta? There are many different flavours, I imagine you switch around at least right?
… right?
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>>2862Eggs and mushrooms can be a great addition to salad or sandwich.
If it doesn't kill you, you can eat it!
Well I take plain oats, heat them in water, and then add raisins. And for dinner I take spaghetti and mix it with pasta sauce and kielbasa. And that'll do it.
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>>2863oh, mushrooms are my favorite! I love mushrooms! I use them in my soups so I guess I can drop in and buy some of those too!
Well, I can eat it sure, I just want to make sure it
stays eaten.
My gosh. Every day? I'm… not sure how that's possible!
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>>2864And you can eat them raw too!
Ah yes. Must be careful around that fish then.
Yeah. I dunno. Some foods I get tired of having every day, but not oatmeal.
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>>2865Oh, is that true? Just straight with no cooking? I had no idea. I love the texture, maybe I'll just do that!
Well, it's frozen salmon so, I've eaten it raw plenty of times and it's fine. I prefer it cooked of course.
I can't believe it. I got tired of oatmeal so fast in Argentina. Maybe you just make it better. Then again I don't think I had it with raisins! I guess it's healthy though. Good on you?
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>>2866Sure. I used to do that. Though I guess it might depend on the mushroom.
I just remember the last time I got sick, I'm pretty sure it was due to some bad tuna.
I assure you that I probably don't make it better. I also used to add cinnamon, though, probably still could, I suppose. But yes, I think it's mostly healthy if lacking the proteins needed to maintain a constant level of energy throughout the day. I've been thinking about adding hard-boiled eggs to everything I eat too.
But alas, I do have work tomorrow and must be off. So good night, Sofia. I hope you have something good to eat and make your way to bed soon. And good luck with some more applications tomorrow, if you can make it.
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>>2867Oh! You should really eat more of that protein stuff you know! Don't go starving yourself now! I know I've run you out of money but you don't need to eat like a peasant! ♥
Yes, I'll make sure to eat well… oh, I slept a few hours, but I won't stay up too long because I do want to wake up early tomorrow. Thank you so much for caring! I'll try my best!
Alrighty, go do some responsible sleeping. Have a nice work day!
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>>2871Hi hi.
How are you doing Kyle?
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>>2872M'all right. How are you, Sofia?
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>>2873Oh that's good. Work day okay?
I'm doing okay now. I had a bit of a rough day. I also applied to another restaurant that was hiring, I hope they respond soon.
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>>2874Yyyyup. My car's breaking again, though.
Well applications are good! How's your foot? What happened?
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>>2875Car's… breaking… Your car's breaking?? Is it going to be expensive to fix?
Yeah, I'm getting out there more! My foot is fine, I got the glass out a while back cause it was bugging my sleep again.
Mm, just dumb stuff. I was showing Layton some of the stuff I took photos of at the mall and then I stumbled across a picture with my face in it. I'm not too fond of the way I look honestly, but I guess it will change with time and effort. No worries.
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>>2876Yeah probably. Everything's expensive with these cars. For now I have to jump it every time I want to start it.
Good, good! It'll heal in no time then.
Ah. I get that. I'm not a fan of some parts of myself as well. I think most people have some things about them they'd like to change. But you'll start to learn how to makeup soon too! I'm sure that will ease some of your concerns.
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>>2877Aww shoot. Talk about timing. Though I guess life doesn't stop, does it? Also, that sounds dangerous. How long are you going to go on with your car all borked?
I can't even feel it! It was soo satisfying to get rid of in the end.
Yes, that's true too… but you're right, makeup and stuff will help. Plus, body's still changing a lot from month to month, I have more to look forward to I suppose. Plus, summer will be done soon enough, and my poor hair can go back to normal. Maybe it's just the heat making me moody.
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>>2878It's okay. I expect cars to fail me at this point. I'll make an appointment for this weekend so it'll be okay.
I can imagine.
Heh, well it's okay either way. Plus what really matters is if you're having a good time. Smiling in them pictures. Having good experiences out with friends. That's what you'll remember. Also things about inner beauty if you're in to that kind of thing.
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>>2879Alright, good. Don't need you
Final-Destinationing yourself before you at least meet Zeffie.
Have you been up to much else this week?
Yeah, that's also true, I suppose. And yeah, I'll take it. I mean, it's what all those Disney movies kept talking about, even though every character they drew sans a couple were always gorgeous for some reason. But well, it's fine. I won't bug myself about it.
Sooo I may have lost my mail key. Which is bad. I didn't go far with it, so I know it has to be in at least one of a few areas. Heck, maybe someone even picked it up and put it in the mail area of the apt building. Here's hoping!
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>>2880Nah, I've avoided any accidents so far.
Nnnnope. Just working and not-working.
Then you must take heart from the noble Quasimodo, who overcame his addiction to bells and unhealthy relationship to inanimate gargoyles through gypsy magic. Or something.
Hm. Check all your places! Don't panic. Retrace your steps, check under papers.
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>>2881"so far"
What if you slip on the cable and fall into the car as the car starts mysteriously?
and not-working consists of… super mario bros? Pacman? Jumpman?
Yes! I am Quasimodo! I like bells and gargoyles!
Don't worry, I'm not panicking. I'll go around and look for it shortly. It can't be too hard to find.
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>>2882Then that would be annoying. I would be annoyed.
Well talking with nice folk such as yourself. Lately I've been looking at Starbound again.
Now you must harness the strength of an entire oppressed people to host a large festival!
Don't panic, I tell you!
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>>2883It would be spooky! Get out of the car!
You weren't very good at Choose Your Own Adventure books, huh?
Ah yes, I am nice. You know, I've never played Starbound…
But hey, you know what would be a nice game to look at? Diablo 3! With friends!
Yes… I will call upon the Filipino and Indian communities to unite under Turkish flags against oppression!!
I'm not panicking! Should I panic? I might start to panic at this rate.
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>>2884That's not spooky! That's misplaced cables!
All that flipping through pages when I could just read all the pages.
S'true. I heard Keeper's been trying to get everyone together.
What a festival it shall be.
Yes! Wait, no. Maybe!
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>>2885Well, fine. I don't know as much about cars. But I'm warning you! Technology is evil!
So wait, are you using your own car to drive around and do stuff at your job? I thought it was like a truck thing.
So far we have been playing 3 at a time, but all we're missing is our fourth! (you? perhaps?)
Yes, very cultural. Very musical. I shall be the best Quasimodo.
I'm gonna go 40% panic on this one. It feels like a good number.
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>>2886That much is probably true.
Well I still need my car to get to and from the office. I drive a company car around for work stuff.
Oh. Uuuuuuuh. Yeah I could probably make that happen.
And the prettiest.
Then I'll take the other 60%.
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>>2887Yes! Do not play Jumpman with jumper cables. Or use cell phones too often. In fact, just turn off all your electricity and bike to your job.
See, that's what I thought. But then you say your car is breaking (again) so I thought you were driving it around at work for it to be breaking so much… unless that's just how cars are. Is your workplace far?
So much enthusiasm, it's contagious. You know, if you would rather do something else, then please don't feel pressured.
That is probably true. The title of Quasimodo does not set a high standard.
Alright, good, panic covered. Meltdown avoided! Now I just need to go out there with a super magnet and see if I can find the key among the rubble.
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>>2888Eeeeeh. Actually, if you don't mind, I think I want to just sit and do nothing for a while. I just got my schedule for tomorrow and I need to wake up in 8 hours. No offense meant of course! You're all nice people and I enjoy your company, but some other time.
Also I just opened discord and saw all your messages. Poor, Sofia.
But have fun and don't stay up too late.
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>>2889That's totally fine. I didn't mean right now, but at some point one of these days. But even so, if you'd rather not do that either, then that's fine with me too. We're all having fun as it is.
Ah, well… I was concerned and didn't know if you were okay.
Sure thing. Sorry about the crazy schedule, sleep well kay?
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So once again!
>>2743>>2744Ghost in the Shell (1995)The year is 2029. The world has become intensively information oriented and humans are well-connected to the network. Crime has developed into a sophisticated stage by hacking into the interactive network. To prevent this, Section 9 is formed. These are cyborgs with incredible strengths and abilities that can access any network on Earth.
At August 13th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
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>>2892Oh! Yes, I almost forgot. I'll be able to make it this week at last. Looking forward to them secret chinese cartoon hackers.
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>>2893Yay! looking forward to it then! ♥
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Yes! Been waiting for this one.
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Ah, that was a good film. So beautifully animated…
Anyway, anyone around?
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>>2897Howdy. How have you been?
>>2898Hi Zeffie. Same to you!
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>>2899Fine, fine. How are you?
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>>2900Ah, well I'm glad you've been fine. What kind of stuff have you been up to?
I'm not really sure, I feel a lot of mixed things. We had a good time in the chat today, and I had a blast last night in voice with our friends, but I can't shake off the bad feeling of not having a job. Today it rained like crazy so it wasn't very realistic to go out, and I had to delay. Plus it's the weekend… I'm slowly applying more and more, but man, it's really hard to overcome my emotional shortcomings. Still, it finally rained! Which is very good as we've been in a bit of a drought. Not a California level drought, just a run of the mill one. It's also really nice because the heat has kept me something close to bedridden. Nearly incapable of feeding myself, really… haven't been eating much or sleeping much. Now it's nice and cool though, I feel comparatively fantastic in that regard.
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>>2899I'm alright. went grocery shopping today.
>>2901Just gotta apply yourself to those applications when you can!
Hard to get started, but take the step and carry the momentum!
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>>2901Just been playing Starbound all day, pretty much.
Well a little tension is understandable, I mean you do need a job. There's no getting around that, unfortunately. I don't understand how one could stay in bed while it's hot, though. It's too hot! And all else I can really say is that you should be eating! Sleeping, well, sometimes we can't help that.
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>>2902Get any nice stuff? Been up to fun things?
Yeah apply myself. Hehe. Not sure what kind of reactions I'll get looking for jobs as a trans person, but I can't say I look forward to it. All the misgendering and stuff… kinda sucks looking like a man with a chest. Still, I guess I have to develop an incredibly impenetrable emotional wall against this stuff. I have always been rather squishy… Hopefully it will work out more like a shield than a callus.
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>>2903As long as you're having fun. It's nice to hear you're taking it easy for a bit.
Mm, I guess it's healthy isn't it? What's unhealthy, probably, is how difficult it is for me to keep up my confident, mature facade when I'm exposing myself to rejection as a person. My demeanor tends to break down into nervous sputtering and sweating when putting myself in that position in public. It's hard enough doing that by itself in a room with just one other person, but doing that in the middle of a store with strangers? Might as well be a rollercoaster!
Staying in bed? Well, I don't sleep much, so my body has trouble supporting itself. When I lay in bed, I can't sleep because of how hot it is, but I do feel my whole body sinking into the bed like a stone due to its exhaustion, and that's quite comfortable. Eating yes… I'll be going grocery shopping tomorrow it seems. I'm gonna return to eating cooked lasting meals, as the burgers I've been eating have finally run out. I'm now, thankfully, no longer craving that kind of fatty food.
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>>2904I got a bookshelf for shoes.
You're thinking too much
Go out and do!
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>>2906A, uh… huh? I didn't know you were the type to have so many shoes.
No fun things then?…
To be honest I haven't been doing much thinking about job hunting… it's just kind of an assumption I make based on everything I've experienced so far as a trans person and my experience with job hunting "undercover" last year. Now I can't really hide it so… damn! But I'll probably be ok in the long run. I could just go to workplaces I know are LGBT positive.
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>>2905Hm, well that is something else entirely. You can do it though! Remember that you're a great person! They'd be lucky to have you and it doesn't matter what you look like when you've got that solid core. If they're smart they'll realize that too, if not then it's on to the next store.
Ah, I sweat too much in bed so it's only comfortable to a point. And I'm glad to hear you're cleaning up your act. Burgers are fine, but not long term.
>>2907I'm not. But my mom is the type to buy me shoes because she thinks I need them.
Well I'm playing now
And the movie was fun!
Just gotta get your foot in the door
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>>2908Ah, yes I could stand to be more positive that way. I'm sure that's the truth, I should really try to own that fact. Thank you. I guess it's a bit silly to worry about being rejected by a store, it's hard to imagine what real world consequences will happen other than me not working there specifically.
I don't really sweat that much in bed (despite how much I did outside) but my hair does explode everywhere and stick to my face when it's just left natural like this. It's really annoying. I would style it all if it weren't so hot lately, would make my life easier. I agree with your position on burgers too. They were lean, unsalted chicken ones but still, all that bread and mayo, not super great. Plus i put banana peppers on them a lot and I think it corroded a bit of skin on the inside of my lip, so now I have a painful bump.
I don't want to get fat either ♥
>>2909Aw, hehe. Does she just buy you a bunch of sneakers and dress shoes?
Playing what? Details friend, details!
I loved that movie so much. I'll be rewatching it for sure at some point.
It hurts having it slammed on your foot though, y'know?
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>>2910Got an additional pair of each actually. Both because the pairs I already have are a bit worn. Sneakers are certainly still wearable because heck they're sneakers. Dress shoes the heel's worn out but no one's going to notice that.
Mount and Blade. I recently found a mod that makes it take place in the Game of Thrones universe so I'm exploring hat.
Does this unit have a soul?
Maybe you need some steel toed boots.
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>>2910Yyyup! There's plenty of stores out there and the unfortunate fact is you may be rejected by a couple before you find a good one. But that's how the job search goes and it doesn't reflect badly on your person if they don't hire you. Concentrate on all them applicable skills you got!
Bleh, mayo. Well maybe a healthier diet will help get you some energy too! And just make sure you don't get too thin, either.
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>>2911Haha, called it! Ah, it's nice that she's thinking about you though.
Ohh, nice! I really ought to look into mods more, I bet a lot of my games have some replay value thanks to that kind of stuff.
I think so. I can feel it in my ghost.
For my steel toed resolve. Excellent.
>>2912Mm, you're totally right about that. That's more the reality of it, isn't it? It's a good perspective to view it from. I'll make sure to come back here if I get like this again and read the encouraging advice you two have been giving me.
I'm not that fond of mayo, but I needed something to put on my sandwiches and it was cheap. Won't be doing that again though. I know I've been missing a lot of fruit in my diet, veggies and such. I'll make sure to get right on fixing that! Ah, you sound like my mom. She always thinks I'm too skinny.
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>>2913It's completely unnecessary!
But yeah guess it's nice
mod support pretty much lengthens a game's longevity by a vast amount
You aren't just a shell?
Just make it a steel foot altogether.
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>>2914But now you have backups! What if your shoes suddenly explode from the awesomeness of your feet? What if you have an emergency breakdance session and your shoes don't survive? She's thinking ahead!
The touhou mod in Don't Starve was a surprising amount of fun.
That's a good question. I don't want to ensure self preservation through reproduction, and I don't fear my own demise. If that's the final qualifier for life, then maybe according to the puppetmaster I'm just a sentient machine.
Cybernetics: The true pathway to retail jobs.
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>>2913Ah well, I'll be around to give it again. That's how it is sometimes, though. Too many people, too little jobs.
Mustard makes a good sandwich additive too. Not that dijon stuff, though, I can't stand it. Well that's moms for you. You seemed pretty healthy to me, but I'm a skeleton that doesn't know he's died yet.
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>>2916Oh, I can just read what's already here… but thanks, I appreciate that. And yes, that's the reality of a job based economy. Hopefully we move onto something more sustainable and efficient in the near future.
Dijon isn't bad, mustard I like but it tends to give me lip issues as well, and super quickly. I actually like hot sauce instead, just not the fattening thick types. More the watery types. They clear out my sinuses and stuff! Ohh, I see what you're doing there…
Healthy = Fat Yeah I'm pretty "healthy", huh? Hehe, but thanks. I can never be too sure as I get mixed responses.
And come on, don't say that about yourself. You're fine, though I am a little concerned about your posture - it's more important than you think! Also, I do think you could stand to maybe eat more regularly, but not because of your body or anything, more because you seem to skip meals a bit and eat small portions sometimes. I mean, if it works for you and you feel healthy, that's fine… you know how your body is better than I do!
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>>2915But if I have a shoe emergency, will I be able to go back home to retrieve them?!
Did you play as the baka?
Well you're a very clever machine
the most skilled unskilled laborer!
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>>2917I'm still banking on robots bringing down the cost of living fast enough to make up for all the jobs they'll be replacing.
I bet you could find all sorts of stuff to put in there, hot sauce, guacamole, salsa. the toppings are endless. Certainly not fat! Healthy is healthy.
Well you're not wrong.
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>>2919Mm, I think more realistic would be for governments to plan ahead for it and be ready to adapt and adjust to our new way of life, but I don't see that happening globally, really… Not at this rate, at least.
Ooh, salsa. I never really liked salsa, but lately I've developed a taste for it. I blame my burrito job. Hehe, I'm just teasin'. I know I'm the best.
Ehm sorry, was that posture thing insensitive? I think you looked very good, please don't mind me! I hardly noticed it outside one situation, and only cause it reminded me of someone else. Otherwise it didn't stand out at all or you had good posture, I wasn't paying attention enough to say.
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>>2918Easy solution. Carry another pair in your bag!
I am always the baka. It is inescapable.
Taking carrots Earthed needs, not knowing how to play. The works.
Does not compute.
That's me! Ta-dah!
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>>2920We're not very forward thinkers.
Every once in a while I get the hankerin' for some good mexican food, myself. You are the best!
Oh no, it's fine. I've always been a little self-conscious of my posture since abouts middle school. But I'm also lazy, and I forget so it's fine.
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>>2922Ahh, isn't that so true… We have to wait for the situation to become critical before anything gets done.
Well you're Californian. It's expected of you.
Aren't I though? Some people just don't realize it quickly enough.
Oh, I'm sorry! I was just thinking about tension headaches and the pressure it puts on the spine… I forgot feelings in there somewhere. But - it really only takes a little while to get used to it! Afterward, it's pretty much automatic. It's worth iiit
I suppose I should be getting ready for bed, shouldn't I?
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>>2923Well we'll see how well that serves us.
I never really thought it was a thing until I stopped having mexican food all the time.
Exactly. Those poor fools. It's so nice of you to give them a chance anyways.
Tension headaches? Well it's been a decade or two and I'm still working on it.
Why you gotta be such a baka?
Well maybe you should take the potatoes he needs next time
uh beep boop
It's you!
Anyways I should prepare for sleep.
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>>2924Mm… I hope I have some savings when the changes roll in. I get the feeling that, as an unskilled worker, I'd be replaced fairly quickly. Maybe I should go into art or psychology sooner rather than later.
Ohh, you surfer-people… All those quesadillas and burritos are the only things with enough calories to fuel your radical, tubular ways.
I am a benevolent angel.
Those are caused often by poor posture, from having certain neck and back muscles overly tensed for too long I believe. Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sure you're doing what you can with it. It's good that you're keeping at it.
>>2925Gnight Zeffie.
Good night Kyle (and lurker Wheat) thank you for the encouragement!
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>>2925G'night, Zefarian. Be well.
>>2927Well if you find a job you could certainly acquire some skills. But who knows.
Gotta have my burrito fix, dude. S'the only way to catch those wicked gnarly waves.
And humble!
G'night, Sofia. Sleep well.
>>2926Hey Wheat. Doin' all right?
>>2928Doing fine. Yourself?
>>2927Night sofi!
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>>2929Fine, fine. Having a nice night?
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>>2934Starting on Tuesday!
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>>2936It was relaxing, but I'll welcome being back to my schedule.
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>>2937Well good then. But I should retire. Good night, my friend.
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>>2941>>2942Hi guys, how are you?
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>>2943Fine, fine. How's your day going?
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>>2944My day is going okay! It's Sunday so I'm just drawing for now, catching up with friends back in Florida. Apparently my friend (who lived here with me) will be moving back here next year! And visiting in December.
So, that's nice.
On the other hand, when I woke up this morning and went to get breakfast, my roommates warned me about some guy on our floor. Apparently a "pudgy Indian guy" (their words) was pacing back and forth in the hall, and when they went to take the elevator, he approached them and started talking to them. The say he seemed like a stoner, like he was on something, and were really weirded out by him. More so when he went on to ask about "that hot tall white girl" in our apartment, saying he wants to talk to her and tell her his feelings.
It's fine for people to be attracted to others and say hello, but… I wouldn't be so weirded out by it if he didn't come off as a freaky drug addict. The guy's big too, and he doesn't know I'm trans. I'm worried he might um, punch me or something if I talk to him. I would say I always seem to attract these strange types of people, but in truth it's more likely that they're just the only ones who actually say something. It's just that usually it involves my body more than anything else, which is so shallow.
But oh well, I'm being a bit mean and prejudiced. I'll tell him the truth when I see him, but I won't be mean about it. I'll be stern but nice.
Whatcha been up to, Kyle?
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>>2945Well that's all find and good.
But how on earth does stuff like this keep happening to you? I mean it's like every month some weird guy falls in love with you, I just don't understand. No offense meant, of course. You seemed like a perfectly fine normal person, which is why it's all the more puzzling. Maybe it happens to other people and I just don't hear about it.
Just be careful and maybe bring a friend with you if you do go talk to him.
I've just been sitting around, doin' nothin'. A little chores and a little groceries, but that's it. Not even any strange women callers. How come I don't get strange women callers?
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>>2945>>2947The same thing happens to little sis a lot. Sofi must have a friendly, easily approachable demeanor.
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>>2947I don't really know. tbh I looked really bad when I was hanging out with you cause of the melted makeup and heat, but I didn't really care too much either. Not that I think I look good enough to warrant this kind of attention anyway. I would consider myself average looking really, so I don't get the attention? I just… don't really get it.
Yeah, maybe. I'll bring my keys just in case I gotta jab a guy.
That's nice. And also, you did get talked to by that one woman when you were here! See! You just don't see it cause you're not out as much.
>>2948Friendly? Easily approachable? I don't talk to anyone… ever.
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>>2948Huh. Hm. Maybe I should be looking after my sister a little more closely.
>>2949Ah well. At least you've got some experience dealing with it, right?
Ah the ol' key jab. They never see it coming. For reals, though, if he is on something he could be very unpredictable.
Oh yeah…. Maybe I don't want strange women callers. Or maybe Toronto is just a weird place.
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>>2949Neither is she, but she has the kind of face that would imply it.
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>>2950I'm not sure how that's a good thing.
Yeah, I know.
Everyone wants the attention, I guess. It sounds better in their heads than it is in reality. I just kinda want to be invisible sometimes.
>>2951I don't know. Is that really what makes the difference in whether someone would say "I would slam that ass like a motherfucker any day"?
I figured my height would put people off. Or like, most of me.
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>>2952You have experience dealing with extraordinary situations with people. Maybe that makes you a little more prepared when it does happen. With a little more foresight too. Unlike myself.
Heh. Well if it makes you feel better I could look right past you if you want.
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>>2953Yeah, I guess? Would be nice not to need it in the first place though.
Eh, sorry, I have to go do something else for a little while. I think I'm having a bit of a moment. Thank you for the concern.
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>>2954Weird stuff happens to everyone. Maybe to you a little more than usual, but it's good to be prepared at least.
All right, Sofia. Sorry. Take care now.
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>>2955sorry, was just being moody. Don't worry about it, really.
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>>2956S'okay. Do what you gotta do. Hope ya feel better soon.
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>>2957Sure though, I would recommend getting on steam.
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>>2967Nothin'. Doin' all right?
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>>2969Well… it's a rough week. How's school?
>>2970Uh oh. What's going on?
School is school!
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>>2971Some things happened and it challenged me to ask some uncomfortable questions about myself. I'm not really sure I liked the answers. And work hasn't been that great either.
Is it as challenging as you'd hoped?
>>2972Anything you'd be willing to talk about?
It is rather challenging.
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>>2973Mostly no, unfortunately. Except work. I thought I was doing all right, turns out that by some standards I've been doing horrifically badly. All I can do about that, though, is hope I improve.
Is it learning and fun all in one?
>>2974What happened at work?
It is something.
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>>2975To simplify: The boss put out percentages of how much of our surveys successfully go to the next stage of the process. I'm last by a lot.
Not something too overwhelming, I hope.
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>>2977Thanks, Wheat.
That sounds bad, though. Going to need to fix up another computer?
>>2978You aren't in trouble, are you?
Nah. I kept everything internet on an external. It had bugs I was trying to fix and I bricked it.
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>>2979At work? Not as far as I know, not yet. There's not much I can do without any feedback besides the number either.
Well… you fixed the bugs. Sounds like simple fix, though.
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>>2981Theoretically. I don't think I have anything going on. And I am exhausted.
So are you going to get a new hard drive then?
>>2982From those other things?
I'll just use the computer drive. This was a stopgap when things were a little more chaotic.
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>>2983I guess. Work hasn't been much more demanding than normal. Don't worry, though, I'm not dying or anything. It's just all in my head.
Oh! You bricked the external, I get it. All those years of pony pictures gone. And hopefully nothing else too important.
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>>2985Well, considering the state of my physical acumen, you're probably right.
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>>2987And you're still probably right. Still gotta sleep at night, after all.
Been taking care of yourself?
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>>2989Mostly, yeah. Eatin', sleeping, or setting time aside for sleep anyways, heh. A few skipped lunches, but what're you gonna do.
Say Wheat. Do you mind if I ask you something?
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>>2991Have you ever been in a romantic relationship before?
>>2992Technically I suppose. I doubt most people would count it as one.
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>>2993That sounds like it has a story that may or may not be unfortunate behind it.
Well I personally haven't been anywhere close to one, really. So I just don't know anything about it. I was just wondering about how big a role physical attraction plays in romantic relationships. It seems a complex topic.
>>2994Nothing tragic. Just long distance.
Well I'm nothing to look at but the thing was their idea, so I imagine it isn't the absolute most important thing.
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>>2995Seems to be the case with us internet dwellers. But you never know.
Well for long distance that makes sense, I suppose.
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>>2997For romance? Not really, no. It's at the back of my mind every once in a while. Of course it wouldn't be entirely unwelcome, though, I imagine that things don't usually go as I imagine.
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>>2999It certainly must. I've wondered, though. I get… tired of people after a while. Not that I don't like people, but I crave alone time. It doesn't seem like something that would be very conducive to a relationship. One where, conceivably, you would be living together eventually.
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>>3001I guess you would call it a niggling doubt. I've always imagined that I might one day stumble on someone that I didn't eventually crave time away from. Not a particularly stellar qualification.
But back to the physical, to me it seemed like physical attraction had always played an important role in relationships. Usually being one of the things that motivated initial contact, but also potentially playing an important role in the most… intimate activities that are part of most romantic relationships. That being one of the most intimate things you can do with another person, would it not make sense that physical attraction is indeed a very important part of romance. Or maybe it's just not as big a deal as I've thought, given my complete lack of any experience in such things.
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>>3005Oh. Mm, no, I suppose not. I know I don't exactly cut a trim figure, and, personal tastes being what they are, I imagine that turns away some people. But I wouldn't say it excludes me completely.
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>>3007Heh. Oh I'm not trying to catch the attention of anyone. Well, actively, anyways. Like I said, romantic relationships usually stay in the back of my mind. Regardless you could say that some people haven't actually matured that much from their teenage years.
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>>3009You know, I've never really given much thought to what/whom I'd be interested in. Do you think that's something one should have in their mind? Or does it actually cause someone to unintentionally limit themselves?
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>>3011Ultimately I guess that's what it comes down to.
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>>3013That you like who you like?
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>>3015Oh. Well, like I said. I hadn't really given that much thought.
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>>3017And have you done much speculation yourself?
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>>3019Hm. Well, I think I'll leave speculation for later, myself.
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>>3021You're not, don't worry.
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>>3023Thanks for talking to me, Wheat. It's been a hectic couple of days.
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>>3025Of course. Though I know you're a busy guy. And perhaps one that should be going on to sleep soon.
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>>3027That's very kind of you.
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>>3029Hardly. But go on now. Have a good rest.
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>>3031Yyyyup. G'night, Wheat.
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1d9 = 2
Ghost in the Shell
1. Dragonheart
2. Brother Bear
3. Blues Bros. (1980)
4. Independence Day 2
5. 128 hours
6. Naked Gun
7. House Of Flying Daggers
8. Hero
9. Swiss Army Man
- Deitydaddy 3
- How To Train Your Dragon 2
- Children Who Chase Lost Voices
- Jin-Roh: The wolf Brigade
Next time being August 20th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
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>>3033Long ago, as Earthed was emerging from the Ice Age, there were three brothers. After a bear takes the life of the oldest brother, impulsive youngest brother Kenai kills the bear in revenge, only to be transformed into a bear himself. Denami, the middle brother, comes upon this bear and, thinking it killed Kenai, vows revenge. Now brother hunts brother and Kenai's only hope for survival is to befriend his own worst enemy, a grizzly cub named Koda. Koda main goal is to show Kenai the real meaning of brotherhood.
August 20th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
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>>3034Reminder to kill all bears on site
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There, now back to peace and quiet.
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Oh no! I don't think this bear is a bear at all!
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>>3041Looks real enough to me! Put that talkative bear in the forest, back where it belongs!
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>>3042But I like the bear! We're friends now. Also it has stylish hair.
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>>3043Stylish? That is a travesty in bear fashion! I wouldn't be caught dead with that do!
… If I were a bear. Which I'm not.
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>>3044Hmmmmm, now I wonder…..
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>>3046And it wasn't me? Oh no….
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>>3051Perchance to dream!
>>3050S'all right. How about you?
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>>3052I will be honest. It could have gone better!
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>>3054A broken rib is ranked number three or four on the list of inconvenient things from the past ten days.
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>>3052aye. there's the rub.
>>3055Well that's not at all good
nor I suspect the other things
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>>3055Wheat, you can't go around breaking people's ribs. Nevertheless that is a bad time.
>>3056Mine usually contains a mix of salts and spices.
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Unexpected friend visit concluded.
Anywhere, was I…
>>3055Oh dear.
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>>3059That Sofia and her copious friends.
>>3060And where were you exactly!
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>>3058Have you tried garlic?
>>3059>>3060A wild Sofi appears
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>>3062I'm 99% garlic. That's where the smell comes from.
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>>3062I have returned to feast.
How is The Great Zefarian?
>>3061Ah yes, my copious friend. All 1 of them.
No, but really he's just a good friend who knows I tend to be bad about remembering to spend time with people. It was a nice visit.
We went downstairs to hang out and apparently the restaurant below me is hiring! And they want someone with food experience! And they mainly serve burritos and quesadillas and stuff! It's perfect! A sign from the heavens!
I will be passing them my resume tomorrow, when they open. I hope all goes well…
Otherwise we just talked and he showed me some videos. We also watched some Sense8 together (his current favourite show).
Now I'm just spending my time not being a bear.
How has your day been?
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>>3059>>3057Hey Sofi! Hey Zef!
>>3058I can't help it!
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>>3063I thought it was the smell of greatness
>>3064The great and powerful
What feast? I see no feast.
>>3065Anything we can do to ease your week?
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>>3064What a nice fellow.
I suppose that means I don't need to ask you how the job search is going. Good luck!
Glad you had a good time. And yet… might still be a bear.
Fine, fine. Ready to start the weekend.
>>3065Wanna talk about all the bad stuff?
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>>3065How extreme is your life that broken ribs are only a footnote in your week? What kind of action movie are you living in?
I hope you can get a stunt double…
>>3066Yes of course, feeling powerful and great. I should have known!
I see an entree right in front of me in fact.
>>3067Only the nicest dare grace me.
Thank you! I'll make sure to apply elsewhere as well. Won't be putting all my eggs in one basket!
A bear? Where? I see no bear. Only colourful non-bear type things.
Got any plans? Gonna hit a beach? Play volleyball? Learn to juggle?
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>>3067>>3066>>3068No way! It's just great seeing you all.
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>>3068And don't forget handsome.
Zombie Sofi!
>>3069Wheat's nice too
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>>3066Well it is good for your heart, at least.
>>3068None others are worthy. To stand before Sofia is to be judged!
Of course, that's why you've already applied to a variety of jobs.
Oh wait. I was just squinting really hard.
>>3069Well I hope the worst is behind you, at least. Better rest up now.
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>>3070Gotta have wheat to live!
>>3071>I hope the worst is behind youWell, that's why the broken rib is so low on the list.
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Well if you ever feel like you need to talk about it we're here for you.
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>>3069Awww. Especially me, I bet!
I wish you a swift recovery, Tom Cruise.
>>3070Well, that goes without saying!
Now cmon, I only want a little brains. I'll save the stem.
>>3071Look on my friends, ye Mighty, and despair!
Ah, but those did not pan out I think… I need some more places.
Good. But let me know if there are any berries nearby anyway. For science reasons.
Gonna play some… video juegos?
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>>3074Hm. Well, be careful, all right? You could break a rib. Are you getting time to take care of yourself at least?
>>3075And lo, it was so.
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>>3074Aw, you can talk about it if you want to. I've got to go cook anyway so it'll probably slow down in a bit…
>>3076Ahh, video games. The great equalizer. Or something like that.
Now I gotta go do the stuff with the stove and the cooking and the spices. I'll be going to bed after so for now I'll say adieu!
Good night all ♥
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>>3075Thanks Sophi!
>>3077I'm not trying to avoid talking in front of you or anything! It's just really nice seeing everybody having a good time.
>>3076I should be spending more time studying!
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>>3077Oh so delightful escape.
Good night, Sofia. Sleep well.
>>3078Oh! You meant the mood here. I was wondering why you wanted to make your mood worse first.
Well you've got some healing to do, I imagine. Plenty of time to read there. And it's the weekend.
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>>3071Explains why you got so much!
>>3072That explains a lot
>>3075How about leaving all of it
>>3077Night Sofi
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>>3080You can't compliment me! I'll compliment you! You're pretty great.
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>>3079You guys! It's good seeing everybody.
>>3080How are you Zef?
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>>3081Too late! I already complimented your great self!
>>3082Well I'm glad it's the weekend.
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>>3082It is.
>>3083Ah, but you see. I didn't even read it. Did you even post? I don't know! I'm not scrolling up!
>>3084A trickster!
So Cunning!
Perhaps that why you are so great.
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>>3085Hm? What? Oh man, I can't even remember what was after trickster. Was it a compliment? Surely not. Must be that Zefarian talking about how great he is, and he'd be right too!
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Cmdr is a jokester too!
>>3083What are your weekend plans?
>>3084It is!
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>>3087They say that he steals all his best jokes from Zefarian.
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>>3089must be clever to do that.
>>3088Don't really have much.
Probably go to a buffet tomorrow
Do some shopping
Maybe swim a bit
How about you?
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>>3091But who is cleverer? The clever or the clever that follows him?
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>>3092Obviously the Commandclever
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>>3093If by Dunce-mander you mean Clever-farian.
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>>3094Certainly not Duhfarian
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>>3095Certainly Zefbrainian!
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1d8 = 5
Ghost in the Shell
Brother Bear
1. Dragonheart
2. Blues Bros. (1980)
3. Independence Day 2
4. 128 hours
5. Naked Gun
6. House Of Flying Daggers
7. Hero
8. Swiss Army Man
- Deitydaddy 3
- How To Train Your Dragon 2
- Children Who Chase Lost Voices
- Jin-Roh: The wolf Brigade
Next time being August 20th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
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The Naked Gun
Lt. Frank Drebin and his Police Squad are put in charge of security when it's announced that Queen Elizabeth II will be visiting Los Angeles. Frank visits the event organizer, rich developer Vincent Ludwig, who is also reputed to be a criminal mastermind who may also be responsible for putting one of Drebin's men, Norberg, in the hospital. Stopping the plot to assassinate the Queen, solving the attack on Nordberg and romancing Jane Spencer are all in a day's work for Drebin.
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>>3113Fine, fine. How are you?
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>>3114I am also fine fine!
I traveled a bit around town today, but I've gotten a lot of stuff in order. Still haven't gotten a call back or email from any of the places I applied to, but that number is still quite low.
Otherwise, I found this website with a really good budgeting tool and guide, and I've set that up with a template for the future that'll help me quite a bit! I've also been reading a bit of psychology and philosophy stuff, so all in all a good day. Now I'm gonna start doodlin'.
But first, talks. How was work and all?
>>3115and hi to you too Wheat!
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>>3117That sounds like a very good and productive day! I'm glad to hear it. Did you visit that place right downstairs as well?
Ah, fine, fine. Also. Very easy day. Though tomorrow I guess I'll be getting to impress a VIP customer.
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>>3118Ah, not yet no. When I headed out there, I was dressed for traveling, meaning not professional, so I didn't go in. Now they're closed. My plan is to do a job search tomorrow and hope they're still offering the job.
I'm surprised at how productive I was today, though! I was barely able to do anything before cause I was feeling so sleepy… I had to keep taking naps.
That's good to hear, after all the tough days. Are you gonna drive the president to work? A top secret airplane to Area 51? Haul guns to a shady druglord?
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>>3119Mkay. Got a list of other places you want to to go as well?
Good to break out of that funk then. Don't lose momentum!
Nah, just some rich guy. I've met rich people before.
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>>3120Oooh, Cmdr mingling with the richens?
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>>3120I don't have a list, as I'm going to be applying to… basically any place that looks reasonable for me to apply to.
I don't feel like I have momentum yet… but I'll keep on doing what I gotta do.
I also beat Dark Souls! How's that for productive?
>>3121A true Aristokyle!
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>>3121Eh we get rich people sometimes. Sometimes we get really rich people. Like 3 million dollar house rich. Like having a view of the bay and all the boats you own rich. This one's just important 'cause he wants to invest in a sales company we're tangentially related to.
>>3122You could look some places up online if you wanted to. Not now, of course. This is chats and doodles times.
Well you did good today so I hope you keep feelin' good about it.
That's probably good too.
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>>3122probably got the top hat and monocle already
>>3123I'd imagine you would need at least some amount of wealth to think about putting solar panels up
Well, you're always on your best behavior so there's no worries there.
Maybe you can ask that guy for a job
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>>3124Unless you're paying cash it's basically free at this point. I've been to houses all over the spectrum of income.
I'll probably shower and show up on time, yeah. If I feel like it.
Nah, I probably won't want to work for those kinds of people.
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>>3123Yes yes, very true. It is also eats times, but I'm taking a bit before eatsing.
Yeah! I'm the best at good doing! All shall bow before my good! Fear me!
Hehe. Well truth be told, I would rather be doing creative stuff, but I've been so low on energy lately… I'm sure I'll be picking it back up again soon. I've been hanging out with my friend here a little more often too, and that's been nice and healthy for me. One step closer to a balanced life.
>>3124Hey, there's nothing wrong with that! Are you a wealthaphobe, Zef?
You know what they say about wealthaphobes… it's okay to be wealthy Zeffie. There's no need to lash out.
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>>3125Oh right, California has a lot of subsidies for green energy, doesn't it?
They can probably wait for you.
So how about those application for people you want to work for?
>>3126But money is icky!
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>>3126That's a good plan. You're a smart guy. I like you. But you should eats.
Well you're doin' all right. Maybe a little creative stuff is what you need. But who needs balance anyways? But I'm glad to hear you're not all alonesome.
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>>3128Not a guy, hehe. And also not hungry! Yet.
Maybe… maybe. And yeah, I could stand to make more friends, but uh… it's hard to make friends. People get intimated or weirded out. Or worse!
I'm sure if I had money I'd be fine, though. Cause then I can go to clubs and bookstores in Toronto like I was doing for a little bit. There are some nice people out there.
>>3127Why don't you just burn it then?
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>>3128All hail the govenator and what not
How bout that progress after visiting Canada?
>>3129b-because reasons.
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>>3129Hey, man. I'm from California, dude. Most phrases are unisex here, person of a most feminine stature. I'll work on it, though.
Friends are nice sometimes. But you shouldn't feel pressured to make all the friends. As long as you feel good where you're at.
There are.
>>3130I voted for him. But we got Jerry Brown back now. He's cool too.
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>>3131Somehow I have a hard time believing you would call a girl "A smart guy"… But then again, I haven't lived in California. Still, no worries, can't blame ya!
Haha, no I don't want all the friends, no way. I can barely manage one! Just a couple more would be fine, really. It'd be nice to get some different perspectives on things. Plus, I would like at least one other nerdy friend!
They're just hiding inside houses and buildings, the rascals.
>>3130Could it be that… money is valuable to you?
Gasp No.3133
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>>3132I'm actually not sure. I use the phrase "A smart guy" referring to both sexes a lot. But probably not the word guy itself.
If only we could all have such friends. But one thing at a time.
Ah yes, maybe the best ones are the hardest to find. Or maybe you just gotta roll the dice enough times.
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>>3131>>3132>>3133Kinda the same the way I look at it. Just by itself "guy" would be male, but for some reason any sort of modifier "cool guy", "nice guy", "fun guy" is more unisex in my vocabulary. Possibly because there isn't really a. . better term? I suppose the informal equivalent would be gal, but it doesn't feel the same. "You're one cool gal" to me feels like it's. . . trying too much in a sense. Guy just feels relaxed.
>>3131But does he lift?
Get those copies out!
>>3132lies and blasphemy!
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>>3134Man dude bro woman, I didn't even think of gal. I always default to lady when I try to insert gender in places.
I don't think so, but he's been governor since forever. Except for that one time he got chased out but that sword-wielding guy. But he came back.
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>>3133That's interesting, I don't really hear that around these parts. It must be a California thing.
Hehe, I suppose so. Really though, I'm not looking for a perfect fit or anything. Someone who has a similar disposition and an open mind is really all I would prefer. That way we can hang out and introduce each other to new interests and stuff.
Come ooooonnn sixes, come onnn sixes… Give me a nice friend with a vocaloid tumblr blog…>>3134Hm, I figured it was an area thing. Though I had never heard those cases being used like that, my friends in Florida used either unisex "dude" or "chick" to be cheeky.
"gal" was very rare because, like you said, it always sounds a bit lame and dated. "One dynamite gal" and all.
This is very new to me though, I'll adjust now that I'm aware of this.
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>>3136California. The men are dudes, the women are dudes, and everyone's cool with it. Unless you're not on the coast. But you're just a crackerjack gal! One whollop of a doll, see!
I'd like someone who… eh… isn't crazy. Not that anyone here is crazy!
Also what's a vocaloid tumblr blog? It sounds like someone threw words into a blender. How does it pertain to friendship?
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>>3135lady is a bit formal though, so it's not like there any good ones in between.
Did he come back with a shield?
You've been rather slacking on that
>>3136Yeah, dude is in the same boat as guy in my mind. Chick is a bit demeaning I think so I don't use that. Dudette for when I feel like being dorky.
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>>3138I like formal. Though it's less formal than madame.
No, just the admiration and respect of pretty much everyone. And a strange obsession with high-speed rail. Which I support.
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>>3137Okay okay, go easy! I didn't know any better, I'm sorry for my cultural insensitivity. The rich cultural history of California is lost on me.
Are you saying I'm not crazy? And I tried so hard…
Oh nothing, I'm mostly poking fun at myself, I am not quite that nerdy. (but that would be okay too)
But a vocaloid is one of the many characters for a japanese synthesized singer software of the same name. A tumblr blog of one would be like an rp blog of sorts.
>>3138Dudette is so 2000s. I remember that becoming a thing for a second and my local news made a big deal of it.
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>>3140That's pretty much it. Also a surprising amount of people grow weed in their backyards. And I don't mean dandelions, hohohohoho!
Hardly. No offense.
I don't know if I'm just tired, but I had to read that at least five times before it made any sense. So it's people pretending to be a robot pop idol?
No way dudette is from the 2000's, that has to be from the 70' or something.
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(oops, post eaten)
>>3141Dohohohoho! What whimsical wordplay indeed!
Then I suppose it's a quasi-legal situation over there like it is over here. Except, everyone here grows such things inside. You can tell which house does it by the huge circle of melted snow on the roof over one of their rooms.
Much better. I am a strange, question-asking individual and proud of it.
Well… I guess it is a little convoluted. But, that's correct! I just happen to like some of the robots.
That's probably true. My news station must have just been really, really slow on the uptake. But I thought they were telling the truth! I was still new to America back then!
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>>3142Hah! That's pretty good. Well a law is enacted by two parties, first the law-makers, then the law enforcers. No enforcement may as well be no law.
And we love you for it.
Hm. Maybe. I'll just say it's from the 50's. No one can prove me wrong!
Did you eat yet? And make time for your doodles?
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>>3108Why isn't this posting?
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>>3144Because… uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh…
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>>3146Don't do that, that's bad.
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>>3143Yeah, plus we have like… a bunch of "medicinal" stores over here and everybody kind of knows it isn't handled that way, hehe. But nobody really cares, it seems. And for all the reputation California gets, I can't imagine many do there either!
You better! Cause you're aaaaaaaaall stuck with me!
Yes. And such is the rite of passage for friendship with Sofia. You have to like colourful talking ponies, japanese robot pop singers, or, the strangest of all… like talking to me!
(I jest. Talking to me is the best.)
Well, you were the only one alive back then.
I did! A whole post! And also some fish. I have not yet doodled, but now would be a good time to do so, before I get too sleepy.
>>3144>>3146I was about to say "I saw that three times!"
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>>3148Well, as long as it's kept inside, I think.
You mean I get all those things just by being friends? Did I win the lottery?
Hah hah. Dang kids.
Good plan.
>>3149Hi there.
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>>3149Hi Wheat! You caught me a little late in my day, I'm afraid. I hope you've been well!
>>3150Yeah I agree. It's a bit smelly.
Yes, complete with anxieties, insecurities, whining and much much more! I'm more of a raffle prize, really. Or a scratch-and-win. An expensive one.
Ah yes, those youths. With their Game Boys and their ponies…
Okey doke then. If all things are good on your end, I will go doodle, listen to music, and sleep away!
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Well you are very valuable. Priceless even.
What a time to be alive.
That sounds like something I can agree with. Have fun, relax, and sleep well, my friend.
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>>3152D'oh, you… Alright, okay, I fold.
Tell me about it!
Sure thing, and you too. Good night Kyle.
And good night Wheat!
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>>3163Hi Kyle! Como estas?
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>>3164Hola, Sofia. Bien. Tu?
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>>3165Mi dia fue bien! Estoy un poco cansada, pero asi es el trabajo! Por lo menos me hace feliz ganar un poco de plata por la primera ves en tantos meses. Realmente me siento mucho mas segura por eso. Compre unos garros hoy y… a si, pienso que no me entiendes, jaja, entonces cambio a Ingles ♥
My day was quite nice! I'm a little tired from work, even though it was only 4 hours. It's been a while since my last job. My coworkers were nice, and the person training me was very silly and fun! I don't yet have a schedule, I even had to text my boss to find out if I was scheduled for tomorrow or not! (I am)
Since getting the job, I've felt this nice wave of relief wash over me, as I find myself financially "stable", or at least that I have a way to pay rent and feed myself for the foreseeable future. Of course, if I don't get full time hours… I might have to get a second job. But I was considering that anyway! I need those savings.
Also, I went out and bought a hat, and a beanie! I just wanted something to help keep my hair back while I work while still looking nice. I'm quite pleased with these little hats I got.
How was work today?
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>>3166Glad to hear. Given your previous burrito wrangling experience, I'm sure you'll be the number one employee in no time at all. And making friends is nice too, I suppose.
Well you'll just have to see how much comes from that first paycheck.
Fine, fine. I didn't train anyone nor did I buy any hats. Pretty easy day, all things considered.
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>>3167hehe, we'll see about that. This place is… fancier than the previous one I worked at. Which is nice, it's easier to take a bit of pride in the work when the output is respectable.
Mhmm, I still am not sure what kind of hours I'm looking at. I'll keep looking around for stuff just in case! Even so, if I worked only like 30 hours I would still be able to support myself for these couple of months while I look for work.
Aaalways good to hear. Had any interesting experiences as of late? Was the VIP a rich frumpy monocled guy as expected?
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>>3168Ah good. You'll be among all those high class burrito socialites you've so dreamed of joining.
Yes, the job hunt never ends. But at least you can hold out for something truly better.
Nah, it went both better and worse than I expected. But I didn't end up talking to anyone. He did have a permeable concrete driveway, though. So I was suitably impressed.
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>>3169I'll become the bell of the burrito ball. The star of the quesadilla show.
Mmm, I just want to improve my quality of life somewhat. Like, upgrade my living a little bit. Have some nicer ingredients, some primer and new makeup brushes so I can wear makeup that will stay, more self care products I'm missing, investing in little things like that which make my life better overall. I feel like I've been stagnant for a long while, and missing a lot of important things for looking and feeling nice. I have been living on the cheap for quite a few years… quite a few. Unable to consider buying anything at all.
Hmm, interesting. Still fancy-ish. Have you been playing any fun video games lately?
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>>3170A gold medalist in the tacolympics.
Well you're on your way, eh? One step at a time, and maybe if the finances work out you can even buy yourself a cookie at the end of the month.
Inordinately fascinating material. I've not seen it practically applied anywhere in the wild before. Nah, just the boring ones. I accidentally bought WoW again, so I suspect all other aspects of my life will suffer greatly in the month ahead.
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>>3171I am on my way! Finally! It's such a huge relief to have something more to look forward to… that delicious cookie.
I'm just laying the groundwork though, looking to find how to get good interest rates on savings and such things, I know my bank isn't the best for a lot of things so I'm considering switching over to another one… I'm drawing out a plan of action for once the "financially independent" criteria is met.
What kind of benefits does permeable concrete have? I'm gonna guess here and say it has to do with… retaining less water and heat? And not cracking under expansion and contraction? (ok, now school me)
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>>3172All good things! I'm not sure how Canada's banking system is, but here the interest rate on a savings account is about .25%. Basically nothing. Now putting your money in a mutual fund, there's a risky endeavor that I can't say has turned out well for me. But I'm glad you're interested in it enough to do your own research, hopefully you'll be all the better for it. And it's always smart to start saving what you can as early as possible.
Well actually I've only seen a cylinder of it once before in college. So I don't actually know what goes in to making it or its properties regarding strength in compression and the like, but basically it just lets liquid go through it. Ya know, 'cause of all of the holes. Still fascinating, though.
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>>3173I'm just gonna start out safe and standard for now… I can look into alternative methods once I feel safe taking risks. But that's for later. I don't know what the general interest rate is here, if there is such a thing, as it varies wildly based on what institution you're with and what plan you have, but at the moment, after some research, in a savings account with a $5000 minimum, I can get %0.8 interest at best. I plan on saving around $7200 before stopping (6 month emergency fund), so by the end of my savings I'd be getting about $58 paid monthly. (omg I just checked, and I was exactly right. I'm a mental math wizard)
That's pretty good! I mean, according to what little I know about economics that's still a low rate historically? But it's still worth the hassle. I get an emergency fund AND a free full price video game each month! Or a few outings with friends. Or products. Quality of life increase. Given that my novice level of understanding is correct.
Also, I'm sorry to hear that mutual fund didn't work out…
Oh. It's more straightforward than I thought! It is interesting though. And good for the environment?
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>>3174Well you'd be doing better than me. Just be careful that, if you ever fall below 5k they'll probably slap on some charges.
Or you can get 58 dollars worth of more savings! Live like a pauper!
It's, uh… still maturing. Not to say that it's all gone, I just might have initially lost a few thousands dollars. Time will tell if it grows back. To say nothing for my retirement account.
Well by letting the water pass right through you're effectively bypassing a lot of drainage issues that usually come from large swathes of impermeable ground. Then again, having all that water around might adversely affect the soil underneath, from a structural perspective, anyways. Also I suppose other liquids could pass through, like oil. It's an expensive solution to a problem that may not really exist.
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>>3175Oh, yeah I figure. I couldn't see myself drawing from my savings account much. Especially considering I plan to stop putting savings into it past that 6 month fund. I'd already have the extra money from my paycheques for most kinds of issues I might run into. At that point I'd focus more on using my money to just enjoy life. Maybe if there's a big purchase I can put some into savings temporarily to pick up the interest, but I wouldn't ever let it get below $7200 (cause that would mean having to refill it and take chunks out of my monthly living again). I don't really need a very large income to get by, and I'd probably get a bigger one just by focusing on the moment, seeking out better work and promotions and raises and so on. I mean, I
will have to get a skilled job in order to gain citizenship here. So, I can't focus too much on my hoard. I don't really want to be the kind of person who does that either.
Oh my gosh. I hope it does come back! And that maybe you find a safer place for it…
Ah, things can never be too easy can they? You fix one thing and five other problems come up.
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U-uhh… never mind, I misunderstood something. I would get 7 bucks a month from my savings if I have 7200.
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>>3176Most savings accounts have a limited number of withdrawals per year anyways. Unlike checking accounts. But you'll probably know more than me soon anyways.
Ah, we'll see. Retirement's not going anywhere either way, but I might talk to my people about that mutual fund. I had money to burn anyways.
More like everything has its pros and cons. It's a cool idea and design, but there's a reason why we don't see it anywhere.
>>3177You can still afford that cookie after all!
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>>3178Well, I guess I can buy a couple packs of cookies with that. It's something!
Mmhmm, it kind of goes against the whole point! And I don't know… after finding I was miscalculating, I'm wondering if I should concern myself with interest rates with the amount of money I'd be able to earn anyway. I feel like I should be focusing more on minimizing fees as much as possible, because I could lose the monthly 7 dollars just by making a misstep. I'm just gonna use it as a safe stash.
I hope you find something that'll give you a return on your investment!
Well, I suppose so. We sure have stuck with the same basic setup, haven't we?
… or am I wrong? Has road material changed substantially?
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>>3179Well that's why it's called a savings account. Personally, eh… well I'm not sure if getting into the specifics of my finances is very wise, but I try to keep a certain sum in checking for emergencies and day to day spending then shovel the rest in to savings. And yeah, savings accounts don't give much return on investment, but they're also almost zero risk. More risk, more reward, supposedly. But it's good to read in to the accounts that your money is in anyways. Just in case.
Bah, I'm not sure I'll ever be quite rich enough to make money from having money.
Well that depends. You could argue that the romans built roads comparable to our own, and we still use them today in some places. But there's a reason why we use the same basic technique. It works. And there is plenty more to road construction besides surface material.
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>>3180Ah, yes that's… probably right. Hm? Why would it be unwise? There are a lot of things regarding talking about money that I don't quite understand. Maybe I should look it up…
And yes, I can't really expect much I figure. Boo.
Maybe someday…
Ohh, I see. I didn't know we used the same basic technique as the Romans though, that's also very interesting. And yes, of course there is, I didn't mean to imply it was so simple!
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>>3181I don't know. It seems impolite. Or maybe insecure. Like asking your co-workers exactly how much they're getting paid. I don't want wealth to be a factor in my relationships. I guess when I say it like that it seems like I arrogantly assume that my wealth is so great that it might affect anything. But still.
Yes. Someday I'll go to Vegas and win big.
Basically, yeah. Roman roads were actually of quite good design. Like many of their structures.
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>>3182I think it's dangerous to close discussions of money between people… the responsibility of respect, to me, is not on the one speaking about their resources but on those making judgments that deter others from speaking about it. I think in being petty and judgmental, people who judge others for their wealth are making things worse for everyone.
When people don't talk about money, we become much more easily ignorant to the exploitation of fellow workers, unjust pay to, for example, minority peers and also discourage people from asking for raises. One might assume that everyone else is working as hard at the same wage, and to assume one deserves more would seem relatively arrogant. Or that perhaps, if they ask for a wage and everyone else is aware of it, they might feel entitled to a wage increase as well. This silence works in favour of employers as they can keep the workers paid as little as possible and instead use their profits to expand their business, and hire more people for the same minimum.
Not only this but it also prevents workers from knowing what those above them make, which is also problematic. It also creates a muted conflict between certain kinds of people which is never really confronted and resolved.
But well, that is just my observation. It seems like this cultural attitude about money is based on some very unfortunate logic. But I understand that, regardless of how bleak the state of things may currently be, it makes people uncomfortable all the same to question it. Which is why I don't normally talk about such things with friends whom I care so much about. I don't want to be that kind of person either. So, if it bugs you to do that in some way, that's fine too.
But while wealth can affect one's view of the world, I see value in all perspectives and cherish people for their kindness and friendship regardless of any situational factors like money. I understand we don't choose our backgrounds.
But, anyway….
I'm actually really interested in this stuff, especially since I realized I never really looked up the details or technical history of structures. But it does seem form and function were more closely linked back in those days… probably since they didn't have mass production?
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Oh gosh, my grammar… I think I'm going to bed in a bit.
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If you ever want to know exactly how much money I have in places, just ask.
Mass production is… relative. After all, we're talking about the age of the Pyramids, the Coliseum, the Parthenon, and the like. Structures that would be considered a feat even today.
>>3184Go on to sleep.
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>>3185Sorry, I hope I didn't do that "uncomfortable" thing I was talking about. I really shouldn't talk about such things when I'm sleepy and hungry. I should probably eat some soup before bed.
Hehe, thanks but I think I'm good. Your thoughts are far more interesting to ask about.
Okay okay, I need to sleep. I'll just eat a big breakfast tomorrow. Good night!
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>>3186Nnnnope. I've just heard most of it before. You'll have to try harder than that to make me uncomfortable.
Going to bed hungry isn't fun, I tried that last night. Nevertheless, sleep well, Sofia. Have nice day tomorrow.
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>>3187Oh I figured! You've been through college already, I'm sure you've heard plenty of that kind of stuff. I just didn't want to make it weird by being all political out of nowhere.
Normally it isn't, but I was really sleepy. I slept quite easy! Thank you! I have to say, I'm still quite nervous, but hopefully I'll settle in to the work soon enough.
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>>3188Ah, that's okay. Everyone likes having a voice.
Glad to hear you slept well. I'm sure work will be great. Don't let those burritos make you!
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1d9 = 8
Ghost in the Shell
Brother Bear
Naked Gundalf
1. Dragonheart
2. Blues Bros. (1980)
3. Independence Day 2
4. 128 hours
5. House Of Flying Daggers
6. Hero
7. Swiss Army Man
8. How To Train Your Dragon 2
9. Children Who Chase Lost Voices
- Deitydaddy 3
- Naked Gundal 2&3
- Jin-Roh: The wolf Brigade
Next time being September 3rd, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
File: 1472923479172.jpg (231.06 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, httyd2.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google
How To Train Your Dragon 2
When Hiccup and Toothless discover an ice cave that is home to hundreds of new wild dragons and the mysterious Dragon Rider, the two friends find themselves at the centre of a battle to protect the peace.
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>>3191#FilmStuff1d8 = 1Recent:
Brother Bear
Naked Gundalf
How to Train with Zef 2Films:
1. Dragonheart
2. Blues Bros. (1980)
3. Independence Day 2
4. 128 hours
5. House Of Flying Daggers
6. Hero
7. Swiss Army Man
8. Children Who Chase Lost Voices
- Deitydaddy 3
- Naked Gundalf 2&3
- Jin-Roh: The wolf Brigade
Next time being September 10th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
File: 1473528899073.png (536.43 KB, 774x900, 43:50, 46dbd06c9bf5ad6efeb954b60a….png) ImgOps Google
The last dragon and a disillusioned dragonslaying knight must cooperate to stop an evil king who was given partial immortality.
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Alright, come on out now.
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>>3197Hey you, how's it going?
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>>3198Fine, fine. But how are you?
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>>3199Fine, fine. I've been working a lot, getting my new roommate moved in, the place cleaned up, doing chores and so on. My apartment is now spotless! It's beautiful! So organized! The new roommate is really nice too, he has himself together.
So, all in all, things are going pretty well. I also have a surplus of money, for once, so I can start looking forward to big things I've wanted. Like a better computer!
Also, work has been nice. I remembered that I like working. I actually had a conversation with my coworker Yano yesterday while closing, talking about work ethic and so on. We're pretty similar, which is nice, since I was feeling the teensiest bit out of place with everyone being a party animal and whatnot. She told me about this philosophy where you just say you're going to do something you want to do, whether or not you know if you're ready or not, and you do it! It's simple and probably common knowledge for some, but I tend to overcomplicate things, hehe. By following that philosophy, in the span of two years she has started working at a bank as an accountant through a temp agency (despite only having a one year art diploma), got promoted multiple times in three months, and bought a house! Very very impressive!
After talking some more, I told her about my immigration situation, how I need what's considered a "skilled" job or a managerial position for a year in order to get permanent residency, and she told me to apply where she works, that she might be able to help me out with that.
So, good things could happen, if I'm brave enough!
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>>3200Now that is good to hear!
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>>3200Well that sounds wonderful, Sofia. It's great to hear that everything finally seems to be on the up for you.
How's the new roommate? Hasn't shown signs of being crazy yet?
I'm not sure I understand the philosophy, but seems like it's working for her. And hopefully to your advantage as well, by the looks of things.
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>>3202Yeah, I feel like I've finally climbed over this huge, five year struggle… I'm not in fear of losing my home, or running out of food, and I don't feel guilty anymore about living on someone else's money… I feel like life might be more normal from now on. With normal problems, living in one place, without guilt… although maybe my life won't ever be normal? I'm still in a bit of an abnormal situation, living completely alone in a place far away from everyone I've known at such a young age. Plus, you know, I'm me.
No signs yet. I hope his crazy is compatible with my crazy. But if not, he seems very mature and non problematic. Very friendly. I get the feeling he's alright when it comes to working out problems with people. I hope I'm not wrong. Or that I don't misbehave myself!
From what I understand, it seems to show that people often underestimate themselves, or avoid risk too much and end up missing out on really good opportunities. So by just going forth as if you were sure you could do it, you find you are much more able than you previously thought.
How has work been?
>>3201Oh hi! Thank you, Wheat.
And how have you been?
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>>3203You are you. And I wouldn't have it any other way. I hope you don't get bored with those normal problems. They're not quite as earth-shattering or life-changing as you're used to, I know. But picking what you want to eat for dinner can be fun!
Ah, compatible crazy is so hard to find these days.
I see. The "Fake it 'till you make it." approach. It all comes back to confidence.
Fine. Keeping busy. Can't say there's been much worth mentioning.
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>>3203I'm really glad things are going well now! I was concerned.
Had a pretty bad car crash a few weeks ago when I was taking mom to work. I'm fine, but she's pretty messed up. She and dad are immobile so… that's my job now I guess!
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>>3205How's that going, Wheat? Not becoming too much for you, I hope. Has your sister been able to help out more? Is your mother healing up okay? Many more doctor's appointments?
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>>3206Five MRIs for her next week. We managed to sneak them in when I'm not in school, which is really kicking off now.
Sis went home yesterday. The surgeries are off until she recovers more. Sis didn't do a ton, but it helped me a lot just having somebody around.
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>>3204Yeah… I'm pretty much perfect.
Oh, I like normal problems! Life has been far too exciting for far too long… earth-shattering problems are as fun as they sound. It's nice that I get to spend my time thinking about what nice thing I want to earn up for next!
Ah, yes. I do try my best to be accommodating (and not be difficult to accommodate for), but it really depends on how laid back people are. I've had a lot of hard roommates… but I get along with the one I've had for a while, and this on has been super nice so far.
Yeah. Except, don't consider it "faking it", believe that you will do it. Just do it!
I suppose that can be good. Was Dragonheart nice?
>>3205Ah, things will be okay. I do wonder if everything is going well with my mother's operation though. Hopefully this isn't one of those equivalent exchange things.
Oh jeez… that's some bad luck. I hope for a swift recovery for all involved. It seems you are doing your duty though, that's very commendable!
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>>3207Knowing nothing of the medical profession I can confidently say that that sounds like a lot of MRIs. I hope they find some better news in there. Though it's great you've managed to squeeze all that in. How's school?
>>3208Just remember to keep some of that for a rainy day.
Worse comes to worse you can always do what I do and hide in your room all day.
Indeed, people are good at picking up if you don't believe what you're saying.
It's an old movie I liked as a kid. Was good. Of course we all lamented the absence of our favorite Sofia.
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>>3208You keep us posted on that, right?
Little sis wants me to go away. She thinks it is time for them to learn how to take care of themselves, but I'm not so sure they're ready for it even if they were healthy.
>>3209It is. They can only do two in one day so we go in three times, plus a followup at the end of it to come up with a game-plan.
Class is going well!
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(I'll be back guys, eating breakfast)
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>>3210Sounds a bit stressful, but game-plans are good, right?
How well?
>>3211See you!
>>3212Don't know yet! Got 100% on my clinical chemistry exam, but the hematology exam isn't graded yet and that one was very strange.
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>>3214By strange, of course, you mean you'll get 150%. Based on past performance it's the only logical path. Seems like you're handling it very well.
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>>3216NO I'm not! I'm just already a chemist so the other one is easy for me.
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>>3217You've been studying a lot so you earned it either way. Plus you're just the smartest guy around! But you'll have to excuse me I need to step out for laundry and groceries.
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>>3213>>3219Bye bye friends!
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>>3219>>3220Hope you both have a lovely day.
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And… work day is done.
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>>3230it's finally my day off. time for video games, snacks, and art!
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>>3232So, how have you been?
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>>3233Fine, fine. It's my day off too. How about you?
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>>3234Sweet! I've been okay. My hours were reduced this week, but thankfully I was able to get a couple back yesterday as my boss needed me to stay for a little longer. I'm considering finding a second job soon so I can have at least 40 hours a week!
I've been a little more tired lately due to my job. My body's definitely out of practice when it comes to physical labour. The first week I just passed out on my bed after every work day. Now I can handle it a little better, but I'm still quite groggy.
Today I'm just taking it easy.
Has work been okay? Been eating well?
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>>3235Hm, well certainly something to think about. And you can keep trying for the skilled job as well.
Glad to hear you're taking it easy then. Don't want to rush into being productive too quickly!
Pretty average work. At least it's not swelteringly hot anymore. I've been… eating. On occasion.
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>>3236I am so psyched to start saving money. I'm gonna do my best to get those savings up, that way I never have to worry about living paycheque to paycheque! And yes, I would really like to get that going… though, maybe one step at a time is good for now.
Mhmm. I have been… overlooking certain things at home lately, like cleaning my room and cooking, due to being tired. But it'll pass soon enough, I'm sure!
I'm glad it's not so dang hot anymore, but Kyle! You need to eat! Eat food! Have you not been eating much due to not preparing food for work, or have you just not been hungry? Either way, you should still eat!
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>>3237Well it is only your second week. Did you look at that bank your co-worker recommended?
Mm, just be careful not to fall out of all those good habits.
Oh I just… forget. Or ignore it. Making food happen is hard!
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>>3238I haven't been looking at anything! just kind of doing the whole sleep then work then sleep thing. I'm sure I'll be able to do such things soon.
Mm, yeah I suppose. I'm more just, picking what chores to drop and which to keep in the midst of all this tiredness. This is more the knees-buckle-while-walking and can't-type-for-too-long-cause-arms-are-tired kind of tired.
Kyle… don't do that! I forget too y'know, but I still go out and make the food later! You can be lazy with a lot of things, but don't be lazy with food! Buy stuff that's easy to prepare at least!
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>>3239All right, all right. You have earned some time to relax, after all.
Ah, that's the good kind of tired. Hope you've been getting plenty of sleep too.
Well I always eat breakfast, and usually eat dinner. But lunch I never really figured out.
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>>3240Yeah, gosh! We don't all have your resilience.
Yeah, I've been sleeping quite soundly. It's soo easy to sleep after work, which is great. I don't often get that kind of easy rest!
Kyyyle!! Just make a bunch of sandwiches and keep them in the fridge for lunch! Easy! Anything is better than nothing! Please be careful about that sort of thing!
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>>3241Peh, it's not hard to sound resilient from 3000 miles away.
Great to hear. Nothing as satisfying as resting after a hard day's work. Have you shown them all how a high class burrito expert crafts a proper burrito?
Yeah, I know, I know.
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>>3242Oh, come you. The realities of your job and your demeanor despite it, even online, is still very impressive. You should give yourself more credit!
Ah, they actually have a much different procedure so I've got a bit to learn, but I have taken very little time to at least deal with most things in the kitchen on my own. Experience!
Really I just spend most of my time washing dishes. It's quite exhausting… but, I like working all the same.
I'm serious now! You better do it!
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>>3243Nah, maybe when I get a better job.
Well good. Quick learners are a valuable asset to any enterprise and I'm sure they're appreciative have having another hard worker on the team.
Ah washing dishes. How relaxing!
I will consider it. I'm eating dinner right now actually. And I hope you've eaten as well.
I will consider it.
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>>3245Actually my eating while working habits have slightly improved. I've slowly been accumulating places up and down the state that I like to eat at. Now on lazy days, that's when eating is too much work.
>>3246granola bars shouldn't be too hard to eat.
except for the fact that they're usually rather hard.
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>>3247Yeah, yeah. Granola bars are great. Whenever I buy them I usually go through the pack in about two days.
>>3248You should have a granola bar.
>>3250Well clearly you need to buy them in bulk.
Try Sams or Costco
Probably save some money in the process.
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>>3251Or I could make a sandwich.
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>>3244You don't deserve it now? I'm afraid I don't agree. If you're doing a job like that, I think you deserve praise still. But, if you can get a better job, then do go for it!
Ah… yes, hopefully enough to give me more hours.
It can be! Sometimes I like to daydream while doing them… but um, the issue with it is that you have to be really quick and carry heavy things around and keep an ear for the backup bell up front or on stuff cooking, new orders of steak or shrimp or whatnot. But sometimes it's quiet and all I have to do is 6 hours of washing dishes. Pretty straightforward! And I don't have to deal with customers. It's the standing bit that gets me, though. Dishes are heavy after a while, and my back gets all weird. I do kind of prefer being in the front, just because it's not as tiring or as hot. Same goes for doing prep. Though I'm sure I'm just out of shape or something.
I will! I eat dinner a little later than most Americans. Eating at 6 feels weird to me, hehe.
Aw, shoot. Okay, well, do whatever works for you!
>>3245>>3248oh hey! it's people!
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>>3253Oh hey It's a Sofi
>>3252And if you forget/it's too much of a hassle?
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>>3253It's all right.
Mm, yeah, I much prefer walking to standing in one spot for too long as well. A good pair of insoles might help with that.
A lot of other countries do eat much later than I'm used to. In France I think some restaurants didn't even serve dinner until 7. Though it is… 10 for you. I hope you don't have work in the morning.
>>3254Then I suppose I stop being so lazy.
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>>3250>>3249>>3253Hello to all the people.
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>>3255Speaking of not being lazy
How are those applications?
>>3256How's Wheat?
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>>3256Hey Wheat. How are you?
>>3257Very lazy.
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>>3254It's a me! Sofi!
It's a you! Zeffie!
>>3255Maybe I should get some insoles…
Yes, in Uruguay we ate at 8! And, um… okay fine, I'll eat. I'm getting sleepy anyway.
Bye all!
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>>3259Probably. I just signed another 6 month lease on the apartment so the only pressure is my own. How's school?
>>3260I used to have to stand in one place a lot in the theater. Good shoes and insoles really can make a big difference in being a bit more comfortable.
Have a nice dinner, Sofia.
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>>3262Probably or Probably not?
School's been school
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Keeping busy? Not taking on too much?
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>>3264How frequently?
Certainly Keeping busy enough without being overwhelming.
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Enjoying your topic of study?
>>3266Are you happy as things are now?
I will stop bothering you if you want.
It's a fine topic
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>>3267I appreciate your concern for my well-being and I should always be looking for better job opportunities. As I do plan to move on from this job eventually.
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>>3269I am conflicted in this matter, and I don't think I can give you a completely committed negative nor affirmative.
>>3270In either case, hope you're doing what needs to be done
also you should talk on discord more
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>>3271Wouldn't be hard, given that I only log on during movie Saturdays. I suppose it has narrowed my view of our little group.
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>>3272staying here while the rest are talking there kinda does that.
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>>3273Suppose I'm just old and stuck in my ways.
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>>3274I am older.
50/50, but I like those odds.
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>>3275It's easy to forget. The 20's were a crazy time.
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>>3276The 20's never truly died, sadly.
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>>3277At least there's alcohol now. … Right?
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>>3279For those who choose to use it. Responsibly.
Wheat, how are you?
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>>3280I am good! How is the Commander?
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>>3281Fine, fine. How'd the, uh, brain scans go?
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>>3282Oh they're for soft tissue not brain.
Got 4 out of the way. Last one is tomorrow morning.
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>>3283Brains are soft! Probably.
Good, good. Pretty busy week for you, I assume.
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>>3284This week was pretty easy, actually.
The next one will probably be a little worse.
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>>3286Oh, not bad! Just busier! Exams and junk, you know how it goes.
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>>3287Ah, good. No looming disasters planned?
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>>3289None that I've planned either. It's probably for the best. How is school going? Still bearing that workload with nary a complaint?
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>>3290It really isn't as much work as you think it is. My classmates have it a lot worse.
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>>3291Nary a complaint still! Such humility. Yet still, what might weigh down your cohorts that you yourself do not feel? A simple abstinence from registering in too many classes?
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>>3292That's Nick and Kat. I'm taking the normal route, not fast track.
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>>3293Nick and Kat eh…. Not going for the double major nor the Master's in five years does have it's advantages. Still a normal workload is still a workload, and I'm glad you feel that you're handling it so well.
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>>3294There aren't a lot of us so we all know each other at least a little.
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>>3295Wheat, are you making friends offline? You know that's dangerous.
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>>3296Hey now. Once I leave I'll still have known you guys for a lot longer than any of them!
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>>3298I meant when I leave the program, but even if I left here it would still be true.
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>>3299Wheat I'm an old man, my heart can't take these scares. Still, it is excellent to get to know some people in the same field as you, at least. You never know when you could need a friend.
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>>3300C'mon, man. I get along with everybody, but I phase in and out like this all the time. Me sticking around with you guys is a huge abnormality, but one which I enjoy quite a bit.
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>>3301It is an honor to be your abnormality, Wheat.
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>>3303Good, good. Um. Yes.
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>>3307G'night, Wheat. Take care, sleep well, and have a nice day.
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>>3194>#FilmStuff>1d8 = 1Recent:
Naked Gundalf
How to Train with Zef 2
1. Blues Bros. (1980)
2. Independence Day 2
3. 128 hours
4. House Of Flying Daggers
5. Hero
6. Swiss Army Man
7. Children Who Chase Lost Voices
8. Naked Gundalf 2
- Deitydaddy 3
- Naked Gundalf 3
- Jin-Roh: The wolf Brigade
Next time being September 17th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
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>>3310127 HoursAn adventurous mountain climber becomes trapped under a boulder while canyoneering alone near Moab, Utah and resorts to desperate measures in order to survive.
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>>3313I might need to tune away for a bit when he pulls out the pocketknife.
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1d8 = 1
How to Train with Zef 2
128 Hours
1. Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
2. Blues Bros. (1980)
3. Independence Day 2
4. House Of Flying Daggers
5. Hero
6. Swiss Army Man
7. Children Who Chase Lost Voices
8. Naked Gundalf 2
Next time being September 24th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
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>>3317You, uh, need to make the dice roll happen.
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>>3319That doesn't sounds like a very safe house at all.
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House of Flying Daggers
A romantic police captain breaks a beautiful member of a rebel group out of prison to help her rejoin her fellows, but things are not what they seem.
September 24th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
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>>3322Well I hope no one loses an arm this time.
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>>3323There is no arm to be lost.
Onrii honour
and famirii
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>>3329>>3328How's it going guys?
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>>3330Fine, fine. How are you tonight?
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>>3330>>3328I'm well as always! How are the two of you?
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>>3332Still fine. Enjoying the weekend, Wheat?
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>>3332>>3331I'm feeling down, but I'm not sure why. I think talking to my brother recently has had me missing him more. Or maybe it's that I haven't been drawing in many weeks and my skills have suffered a lot for it. Or something else, who knows.
Eh, it's fine.
Have you guys been up to much? Having good days lately?
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>>3334Well you could always draw right now. And I understand that it can be tough being away from close family, at least you still get to talk regularly.
Ah, ya know, average days. Certainly not too much to complain about.
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>>3333Yep! You?
>>3334Maybe a little of both?
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>>3335Yeah, I haven't seen him since he was 20… younger than I am. He's 24 and married now too. It will likely be at least a year more before I see him again.
I think I might doodle a little, get back my habit of drawing every day.
But on the nice side of things, my boss said I did really well today. I might be looking towards more hours. Maybe.
So have you been thinking about much stuff? I don't know if other people are whirring away like I am all the time.
>>3336I don't know, even imagining these things being resolved doesn't make me feel much better. I think I just want to spend time with people in general, I'm feeling a bit lonely. I miss having friends I can hang out with in person and do silly things with.
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>>3337I know that one. All my new friends are about an hour drive away, and we are hardly close enough to actually
do anything that would justify the gas.
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>>3336So far so good.
>>3337Probably isn't easy for a social caring person such as yourself. But it sounds like he's doing well for himself, at least.
Sounds like slow steady improvement is in your future for both doodles and work. Drawing can be a bit cathartic sometimes too, like writing.
Me? Oh a thought passes through my head every once in a while.
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>>3339What have you been up to?
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>>3340Nothin' much, as per my usual weekend schedule. Tomorrow I think I'll finally get a haircut. What about you?
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>>3341No, nothing tomorrow. Maybe a haircut next weekend.
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>>3342Ah, the simple life. How is school going? Been taking care of your folks? Eating well?
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>>3338Ah, that's gotta be frustrating, being so close yet so far. What do you think might be an idea worth the gas?
>>3339We were just always very close. Not in that "we told everything to each other" kind of way but more that we just were always doing stuff together. His friends were my friends too. so I was always invited to anything he was invited to. It took a few years for me to stop immediately getting up after seeing something especially cool or funny online, since we would always share that stuff with each other. To only get to talk to him for a couple hours every five months or so is… difficult.
But, yeah, maybe it's my personality type too. It's weird to be called that, since I spend all of my days alone (sans my online interactions nowadays). I swear the only reason I have friends is because they make the effort. I try to be active too, but I can be forgetful and get really involved in my own things.
Still, I do like talking to and getting to know people, most of the time. I'm an introvert who likes socializing! I just don't have a lot of stamina for it, it seems.
As for drawing, it can be cathartic. I wish I spent more time actually finishing stuff though!
Hmm. I see.
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>>3344… I'm not really sure. We're basically just "work friends" so I can't really think of anything. Our entire friendship is basically based on the fact that I don't show stress in real life. I don't actually "do" that much fun stuff, I'm just relaxed.
>>3343Everything good! Everything is going well.
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>>3344That is rough, I know my parents start getting antsy after a month or so. He must be very busy out there.
I don';t mean to imply that your personality may be at fault. Maybe empathetic would be a better word? I just mean that you do seem to enjoy positive interactions with people. And interacting in person can certainly be more intimate.
Ah well, as for drawing, it's all practice finished or not, really. Spending time drawing is still time spent improving. And when you find something you'd really enjoy drawing then you can finish it.
See anything good?
>>3345Well now that sounds a bit suspicious.
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>>3346I'd be honest if there was a problem! Right now there isn't though.
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>>3347That's true. I'm glad everything's going so well, Wheat. Hope that that continues in the future. Enjoying an evening of relaxation then, I assume?
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>>3345Ah yes…. work friends. I have yet to have a friendship at work develop into anything meaningful. Mostly because… I'm not really into the things most normal people are into I guess.
What do you "do" with your time anyway? Any hobbies?
>>3346Aw. My parents get antsy after 3 days now, I don't know why. We weren't talking for months at a time before, now if I don't talk to them twice a week they get pretty upset with me, hehe. It's fine though. And yes, my brother has been quite busy. But, he wants to talk more and we shared availability, so it will probably not be so rare anymore, thankfully.
No no, I know what you mean. I didn't take it badly, it's just that people tend to consider me either a hermit. But it's not wrong to say that having an intimate social life is important to me.
Mmm, I guess so. I always find myself a bit tired when I have the time to draw, perhaps I should draw in the morning more, when I have energy. I wouldn't mind waking up early to draw.
Of course! But it seems you spend your time in the moment more. I can't seem to will myself to do that no matter how much I try. I think I'm just one of those types…
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>>3348Yep! And you?
>>3349I'll "do" anything, but I don't really "do" anything.
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>>3349Wow, I'd get very tired of talking to my parents every couple days. Not that they're not great, but it's still tiring and time consuming. Not to mention that I'd run out of things to say by the second call. Hopefully you'll get to talk to your brother again soon then.
If they want to see a hermit just point them over here. I get it, though. It's so hard to find that close circle of a couple people that you don't get tired of. But they're out there somewhere.
I'm sure it would help to set aside some special time for drawing when you're not exhausted from the day's activities.
Mm, well sort of. Often times being on the computer and focusing more on games and the like banishes a lot of the deeper thoughts. Though at the same time I do get a lot of thinking done during the week already due to the nature of my work. I like talking the deep stuff and random thoughts with you, but I can't really bring that stuff up at will when I'm not feeling it.
>>3350Much the same. So… how about that sportsball?
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>>3352Are you a sports person, Wheat? I know I'm not. Not even them up-and-coming e-sports.
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>>3353Eh. Real sports a lot more than e-sports, I missed that boat.
But no.
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>>3354Yeah, me neither. I didn't even pay that much attention to the Olympics, even though there's some good sports in there.
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>>3351I get tired too. My parents are the kind of parents who um, are always looking for things I can improve on, I suppose. It keeps me from getting complacent, which is a good thing, but it can be a little exhausting to be reminded of all the things you are still not on top of so frequently. My dad "wants" to talk more about my personal life too, but he has a bit of trouble understanding my experiences. My mom usually gets me more, but she's in the hospital still, so I just get a conversation with my super utilitarian, ultra logical dad. Considering most of my stuff lately is just emotional, he tends to… be at a loss, hehe. But he isn't half bad still, tiring stuff aside.
He did have some good advice regarding work, so there's that.
I had those once, and a pretty big group of those kinds of people too. I got real lucky. Such a shame it couldn't last. Thankfully I have all of you, and I don't really get tired of conversation with you guys ♥
It would be a good idea… I'd like to paint in the mornings, that sounds quite lovely actually.
Ohh, yes, I know what you mean. Tv shows do that for me, hardcore. I tend to get addicted to it! I don't do it as much anymore, since I want to be productive… And yeah, I hadn't thought of that. I remember you mentioning that about your job at some point. Hopefully it helps you figure stuff about a bit, flesh out your understanding of things. Oh, I'm glad to hear that! I didn't mean to imply that you didn't like that stuff, I just figured you as someone who doesn't overthink things as much as I do. Good to know it's alright though, I'll keep that in mind.
Sorry guys, I'm really tired. I think I'm going to head to bed. Thanks for chatting with me.
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>>3356Night night, Sofi.
>>3355I followed a little, but way too much pageantry for me.
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>>3356Ah, my parents also would like to see me improve myself, though they're less upfront about it. It's a parent thing. I get that logical thing, logical is easy. See problem, make solution. It's an odd thing to figure out that sometimes being passive is the better way to go.
Well if it's any consolation I feel lucky to have befriended you.
Alas, that I could be immune to overthinking, but it happens to me too sometimes.
Good night, Sofia. Rest well.
>>3357Hm, yes, I suppose. It's cool to see so many countries able to represent themselves on the world stage though. Too bad about all the scandal.
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>>3359Well there was all that stuff about doping. And the rampant poverty and corruption already present in Rio. And that bit with the sewage and superbacteria in the ocean water. Though it seemed like all that was pushed to the side once the events got underway.
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>>3359Probably all of them about Brazil being a mess?
Or maybe the one where some guys supposedly got robbed by police
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>>3361Oh yeah, and that weird robbery thing.
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>>3360Oh! I thought you meant Lochte's gas station drama, which was just kinda funny.
>>3361Yeah, I get that now. But that's kinda been going on since they won the bid.
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>>3361Oh wait! That was Zef!
Hi Zef!
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>>3363That was weird. Those silly athletes.
>>3364Me am no bunny in a cup!
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>>3363Funny how leading up we got all this media outrage and then poof
>>3362What a strange occurance.
>>3364Hello wheats.
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>>3366We have the US elections now. That gets much higher ratings!
How are you?
>>3365It was fun!
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>>3366Indeed, my good man.
>>3367I didn't really follow it. Unfortunate that such things happen, though.
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>>3368Fifa was a bigger Brazil scandal, IMHO.
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>>3369Mm, I wouldn't be surprised. Hopefully that country makes rebound from all this.
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>>3367Whoops I completely forgot to reply
Hello Wheat
I am now tired.
You fine?
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>>3370This? Easily! The bigger fiasco is Petrobras.
>>3371Why so tired?
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>>3372Well I mean in general. I've heard about that particular economic factor as well. Though the media has mostly taken the spotlight off of the country since the olympics ended. Not that I consume that much media in the first place.
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>>3372Cause it's like midnight.
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>>3373Everywhere is awful!
>>3374Why are you still up? Isn't tomorrow a school day?
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>>3376But the people everywhere are all beautiful!
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>>3377Well, maybe. Have you been there?
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>>3378You're in grad school, right?
>>3379Nope! I have never been anywhere, but from what I hear the people are pretty.
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>>3380Ah. I forget if that's the country famous for its relatively widespread use of plastic surgery. Would you like to travel, Wheat?
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>>3380Not on Sundays
. . . yet.
Anyways yeah, going to sleep.
Night Wheat, Night Cmdr.
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>>3381I mean all the countries!
>>3382Nighty night, Zef!
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>>3383Oh! Everywhere, I see. Well, they all have their uniquenesses.
>>3382G'night, Zefarian. Sleep well.
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>>3384Everywhere all the people are pretty!
It's too bad all those places are terrible or I'd move there.
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>>3386The only worse place is everywhere else, but the people are even prettier.
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>>3387So… does that mean everyone is ugly where you are now?
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>>3388Yes! But only where you are now. If you move then that's where the people are ugly. But it is more welcoming.
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>>3389Nothing quite like home, eh? Even if the grass seems greener.
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>>3390Until you're away from home.
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>>3392Not until you're away.
Isn't that the way it goes?
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>>3393Hm. Well, I suppose I've had some experience with that.
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>>3394The equation works!
Slap a proof on it and call it topology.
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>>3395Well, I wouldn't necessarily agree. But there are a lot of places and people out there.
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>>3396And all of them are beautiful!
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>>3398But their homes are terrible! Just terrible…
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>>3399Unfortunately so. Some of the time.
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>>3400Woah. That got heavy by accident again.
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>>3401You seem to be going in circles. Getting tired?
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>>3402Life is going in circles!
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>>3404Nah, I'm fine. I just felt like having a little fun for a change, y'know?
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>>3405Fun? You? Wheat "The Serious Man" Wheat? I'm afraid you've chosen the wrong partner in crime here.
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>>3406Even I know how to relax sometimes!
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>>3407I hope so! That'll come in handy, I'm sure.
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>>3408It will never be useful for anything!
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>>3409It will always be useful for everything!
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>>3410Only until it is used for such a use.
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>>3411But the user for that use would surely find it most useful.
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>>3412It is a useful tool until it is used!
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>>3413Recklessly your replies fail to reconcile the ability to reuse or recycle with no small reward the most recommendable skill of relaxation.
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>>3414Nothing can be reconciled!
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>>3415Everything can be reconciled!
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>>3420I can't think of more ridiculousness.
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>>3421Good because you should be asleep.
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>>3423Impossible. What are you doing at 3am?
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And reading a lil, but not much because I'll pass out.
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>>3425With someone besides me, I hope.
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>>3426This time! But it probably wouldn't change it.
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>>3427I'm sure it would. But I hope your conversation is both pleasant and productive.
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>>3432I am out of things again…
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>>3433Well now that I know I can't get you to go to sleep I must, myself, admit weakness.
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>>3434I'm too busy in the week for everybody so I try to take a night on the weekends.
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>>3435What a popular guy, that Wheat. And so generous with his time, it's no wonder.
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>>3436I learned it from you!
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>>3437Pff, Wheat you do yourself a disservice. Only you are you.
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>>3438Not as much as you!
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>>3439Well… no. I am me. But all that Wheaty kindness and generosity. That comes from you.
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>>3440That is because I have gone completely mad.
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>>3441Woe betide me that the day might come when kindness and generosity can only be associated with madness.
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>>3442And ice cream. You either need to be mad or have access to frozen milk.
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>>3443Well, in my experience madness only produces the kind of ice cream you can't really share.
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>>3444No. Kindness and generosity. Madness is terrible for ice cream.
Unless you've gone ice cream crazy, but I think that's just a song from the 60s.
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>>3445You must have a lot of ice cream then.
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>>3446Nope! I'm the regular kind.
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>>3447Well that's good enough for me.
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>>3448It is good enough for everybody! Except it isn't good enough.
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>>3449I guess I'm not quite everybody then.
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>>3450… so I'm not good enough for you?
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>>3451But it is good enough.
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>>3452I will try to be better for you.
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>>3453If you try to be better it should be for yourself. And maybe the people you care about, I guess.
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>>3454On second thought that sounds boring.
I will be worse for all of you!
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>>3457You and me, we see things differently.
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>>3458That is why I wear corrective lenses.
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>>3460The sleepies are starting to get a sharper painful edge. I may fade out before it gets worse.
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>>3461You should. It's long past time for you to get some rest.
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>>3462Getting close to time for you to get some rest.
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>>3463Pah, it's been time. But what're you gonna do.
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>>3464You're gonna go to bed!
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>>3465Yyyyyup. But are you?
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>>3466Of course! Even if I didn't want to, I'm not going to last much longer.
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>>3467Good lad. Good night now. You take care out there. Sleep well.
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October Film Night
Since special seasons require special cinematic exhibitions, sunny proudly presents October Film Night featuring the finest films only for October.
The regular schedule will continue after this event.
I would like to encourage everyone to suggest one film for the list. So far we got…
· Blair Witch Project
· Dawn of the Dead
· Hocus Pocus
· Shaun of the Dead
· …
Next time being October 1st, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time.
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>>3480I hope you are doing well friend. I know I may not be around much, but I'm still wishing you the best in everything.
How go your days? And I really want to hear what you have to say. Please don't be afraid to be thorough.
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>>3481Doin' all right. Hope you're doin' even better.
But both of us should be asleep, for there is always more work to be done tomorrow.
>>3482And now it isn't 3 in the morning!
So go on. I'd like to hear what's been up with you.
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>>3483Neh you wouldn't. What have you been doing?
>>3484Don't tell me what to do. I want to.
I've been mostly working and going to school. Also been playing Legion on my free time. Been trying really hard this semester to pass with flying colors.
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>>3474October Film NightSince special seasons require special cinematic exhibitions, sunny proudly presents October Film Night featuring the finest films only for October.
The regular schedule will continue after this event.
1d5 = 4Films:
1) Blair Witch Project
2) Dawn of the Dead
3) Hocus Pocus
4) Shaun of the Dead
5) Friday the 13th
Next time being October 1st, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time.
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>>3486That movie is too spooky for me!
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>>3486Every film on the list is guaranteed to get rolled by the end of October right now, don't we need a few more? Otherwise what's the point in rolling?
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>>3487Is it? I don't know anything about it! I assumed it was a less serious one.
>>3488Yeah up to now its only rolling order.
I hoped for more participation in suggestions so we had maybe 7 or even 8.
Maybe we should just let everyone add another?
I don't mind either.
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October Film Night
Since special seasons require special cinematic exhibitions, sunny proudly presents October Film Night featuring the finest films only for October.
The regular schedule will continue after this event.
Shaun of the Dead
1) Blair Witch Project
2) Dawn of the Dead
3) Hocus Pocus
4) Friday the 13th
5) Tucker and Dale vs Evil
6) The Wolf Man
7) Paranorman
8) Frankenstein
Next time being October 8th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time.
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I'll probably miss this week's movie.
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>>3497How ya doin', Wheat?
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>>3498Tired! I've been preparing the house all day. I should finish tomorrow around noon. Hopefully it doesn't start raining tonight.
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>>3499Everything all right? Getting some time to rest in?
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>>3500Yep! Even if I'm off schedule the storm shouldn't hit hard until nighttime.
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>>3501Oh yes! The hurricane. I'd forgotten. We here in California had long since performed a dark sacrament that no such storms would devastate our own coastline. But such is the nature of such magicks that blessing may soon turn to curse.
Well stay safe! I hope there's not too much flooding for you. Keep a first aid kit and get some water handy!
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>>3502The survival is prepped!
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>>3503Exciting! Is everything secure? I suppose it is given your preparations. Will it soon be time to find a blanket and cower for some hours?
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>>3504I should be mostly secured by noon tomorrow. After that studying hematology until the power goes out!
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>>3505Just another exciting day on the Gulf, eh? Best of luck, Wheat.
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Um, uh. Go about your business.
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October Film Night
Since special seasons require special cinematic exhibitions, sunny proudly presents October Film Night featuring the finest films only for October.
The regular schedule will continue after this event.
Shaun of the Dead
Blair Witch Project
1) Dawn of the Dead
2) Hocus Pocus
3) Friday the 13th
4) Tucker and Dale vs Evil
5) The Wolf Man
6) Paranorman
7) Frankenstein
Next time being October 15th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time.
1d7 = 7
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October Film Night
Since special seasons require special cinematic exhibitions, sunny proudly presents October Film Night featuring the finest films only for October.
The regular schedule will continue after this event.
Shaun of the Dead
Blair Witch Project
1) Dawn of the Dead
2) Hocus Pocus
3) Friday the 13th
4) Tucker and Dale vs Evil
5) The Wolf Man
6) Paranorman
Next time being October 22th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time.
1d6 = 3
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October Film Night - FINALE
Since special seasons require special cinematic exhibitions, sunny proudly presents October Film Night featuring the finest films only for October.
The regular schedule will continue after this event.
Shaun of the Dead
Blair Witch Project
Friday the 13th
1) Dawn of the Dead
2) Hocus Pocus
3) Tucker and Dale vs Evil
4) The Wolf Man
5) Paranorman
Next time being October 29th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time.
1d5 = 1
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[ub]Film Night[/u]
And that concludes our October Special!
Back to our normal schedule!
128 Hours
House Of Flying Daggers
1. Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
2. Blues Bros. (1980)
3. Independence Day 2
4. Hero
5. Swiss Army Man
6. Children Who Chase Lost Voices
7. Naked Gundalf 2
8. A Nightmare Before Chirstmas
Next time being November 5th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
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>>3536So many movies, so little time.
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>>3542Whew. As you were then.
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>>3544Me? Nah. Unless you count weekends and small unofficial vacations.
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>>3538that's life!
>>3536Film NightRecent:
128 Hours
House Of Flying DaggersFilms:
1. Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
2. Blues Bros. (1980)
3. Independence Day 2
4. Hero
5. Swiss Army Man
6. Children Who Chase Lost Voices
7. Naked Gundalf 2
8. A Nightmare Before Chirstmas
Next time being November 5th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
1d8 = 2 No.3552
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I voted!
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>>3552>>3554I hope you are doing fine!
>>3548>>3536 (You)
Film Night1d7 = 4Recent:
128 Hours
House Of Flying Daggers
Blues Bros. (1980)Films:
1. Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
2. Independence Day 2
3. Hero
4. Swiss Army Man
5. Children Who Chase Lost Voices
6. Naked Gundalf 2
7. A Nightmare Before Chirstmas
Next time being November 512th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
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I'll make my nest here until someone posts.
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>>3556I hope it's a comfortable nest.
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>>3557The comfortabliest.
How are you?
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>>3558M'all right. How are you?
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>>3559Mmm' also right. I had a really awful day yesterday at work, and at home I had trouble feeling better, but after spending enough time reading bad fanfiction with Keeper, Layton, and Zeffie, I felt a little bit more okay.
Today I had a hard day too, but thankfully things worked out, with a little bit of proactivity.
Have you been up to much lately?
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>>3560Pendulum swinging the other way? Well, you're still here. I'll take that as a good sign.
Not much. Not much at all.
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>>3561Mm, I guess so. It was just quite a storm of bad coincidences. My medication had been interrupted, and I was also at the end of my weekly estrogen cycle. Plus, it was the longest work day of the week at 13 hours, and happened near the end when I was most exhausted.
But it was more external this time. My boss chewed me out throughout the day for strange reasons, it seemed like he was looking for reasons to be upset at someone. I mean, maybe I am just that awful at my job, but… eventually he exploded in a fit of rage over my cutting onions in halves instead of fourths because "peeling the skin is faster", and his rage was definitely more explosive and unforgiving than I am used to. What made it scary is that it seemed unavoidable, since it came about due to a preference of his that I was completely unaware about, something you can't really intuit.
I also think it had partially to do with the fact that, well, I dress like a guy at work to avoid customers harassing me, so I guess he had the expectation that I'd be tough enough to handle that being the closest thing to a male in his entire staff sans one other person. Or maybe I'm overthinking it. Either way, I held in my tears and stuff and tried to wait until I got home. It was really, really hard to do. My emotions are not as easy to control as they used to be… Thankfully I could blame my watery eyes on the onions and no one bat an eye.
I just have to accept that this is going to happen at this job and there's nothing I can do about it. Other than develop the ability to shrug off these moments. I just… can't seem to do that well, since so much is at stake over this lousy job. Plus, I'm not used to having people yell at me like that, I live a very quiet life.
You should thank keeper and layton for keeping me company and being kind to me as they usually do. My life would be a lot harder if I didn't have all of you wonderful friends at home. I can cozy up with hot cocoa and let things go ♥
Well, can I hear about the "not much" anyway?
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>>3562Hm, your boss has shown a willingness to harshly judge performance based on unposted standards before. Still, that's rough, it's hard being at the bottom, but hopefully someday soon you might find something better. I can't imagine that his rage would be more easily directed via gender, but I can't imagine a lot of things that happen.
I'm glad, though, that you can still find shelter and solace when you need to. An important aid towards letting that stress go and being able to mount up again the next day.
Well, I don't remember that much. I've worked about 8 hours in total since last Thursday. Left the house… four times non-professionally. Two for food, one for laundry, and one to vote.
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>>3563I could be getting ahead of myself for sure. I guess it's just been a shock to me how differently I'm treated now as opposed to before transitioning. People are a lot gentler to me now, both in stereotypical ways but also in talking to me, the tone is much different. Though I know it comes from kind of a bad place socially. I wouldn't want there to be a difference, really. But the difference has been surprising enough that I've rethought some things, about how much of a role gender plays in how people interact…
But I don't want to get way too serious too quickly. Sorry!
I am really very lucky to have these friends who I click with so well, and can trust so much!
Umm. Is that good? I'm not sure how that can happen. You've worked very little, but didn't do anything at home either?
Also, very good on you for voting. Sorry how things turned out, though.
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Well, I'm going to sleep. Have a nice night ♥
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>>3564Well you are in a better position of observe those kinds of biases than I. You could be right, though, even if he does not realize it himself. It's hard to differentiate between subconscious and conscious biases though, from the outside. And the inside too, I guess.
I've been… conflicting myself.
I accept the results of our political system without complaint. If we want to get into personal opinion, indeed I did dread this particular outcome and was quite surprised myself. Still, the reactions to loss on the Democratic side were… more visceral than I would like. I am not against peaceful protest, but some seemed to be under the impression that the world had ended.
Even with the briefest glance back at history we can find plenty of other contentious elections upon which it seemed to some that our government's fate rested upon. And other presidents called terrible things by their detractors, not that I would ever condone such actions as evidence indicates our current President-Elect has taken. Theodore Roosevelt was called insane and a warmonger, not entirely unearned, by the opposition, though his presidency noted zero international conflicts involving US forces. And Nixon, of course, he wasn't a crook at all. Lincoln's election literally did divide the country too. We have weathered all these things and so, while I am concerned for the more immediate future, I accept that this is the path we have taken as a country and believe that the future may yet be bright.
>>3565You have beaten me to it. Good night.
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>>3567I didn't think the sky was falling down myself, but I did consider it like the beginning of an era of politics that greatly contradicts my interests as a marginalized group. Thankfully I live in Canada, but many of my friends aren't so lucky. If he does fulfill his campaign promises, many people near and dear to me will be hurt irreparably. I don't think he will enact most of what he's mentioned, or at the very least not as stated, since most of his changes are really impractical to achieve within the government's budget.
Still, the decisions he makes now will leave a scar that will take many years to heal from as a country. Being voted into office alone given his campaign promises and his attitude toward minorities has left the world an unfortunate impression of what a large percentage of the american people believe in.
But I think the country and world will survive, given it isn't an astronomically disastrous presidency. Those past presidents you mentioned, they likely had some experience or knowledge about politics, I imagine? This president-elect… knows nothing of it. He's not a politician, it's hard to imagine he will be like anyone who has run before.
It is calming to read your thoughts, though… I hope the current staff is too incompetent to accomplish much, and has a small effect on citizens' safety and stuff.
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>>3568Just because half the nation elected him, doesn't mean that the other half suddenly loses it's rights or voice. We'll just have to see what he does and deal with it then, and given his propensity for flip flopping it's really hard for anyone to say exactly what he will enact.
I heard one fellow's point of view that now that all this discrimination and other such shadowy tendencies are in the open we have an opportunity to openly deal with them. Which is optimistic. Personally, my primary concern regards environmental legislation.
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>>3573Hope y'all are having a good week!
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>>3576Good. Been taking care of yourself?
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>>3577I always do! And yourself? Not working too hard, I hope.
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>>3578Hardly at all, one might say. How is school?
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>>3579In a good way, I hope!
There certainly hasn't been a shortage of new things.
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>>3580Well who doesn't like a little vacation now and then.
Keeping up all right?
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>>3581How is it?
Mhm! Ready for break though.
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>>3582Can't complain. Not as good for your sanity as you might think, though.
Looking forward to the holidays?
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>>3583What would you like to be doing?
Hm. Not especially. But I'll be able to sleep guilt-free.
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>>3585You must still like to do something!
"I need to be studying."
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>>3586Very true.
You need to sleep if you're going to function well. Like it or not, alas you are still human. But why wouldn't you be looking forward to the holidays? Cooking for the family again?
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>>3587So what will you do?
I've been in charge of a lot of things lately. "I have classes" has been my go-to excuse for prioritizing away pointless tasks.
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>>3588Same as always, probably. You know, I occasionally entertained the idea that, after I'd seen my friends overcome their adversities and move on to lead good lives, I would just kind of lay down and die. Alas, I'm still here.
So not so much of a vacation from school as the switching of mantles?
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>>3590It's a silly little idea, of course. I'd never entertain or condone suicidal thoughts, actions, or tendencies. But it seemed like such a nice way to go, anyways.
Careful you're treading towards fatalistic territory. And remember, never post and drive!
>>3591I'm sitting outside.
I'm not afraid of stepping into darker territory if I have a friend.
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>>3592Nice weather?
It was a joke, mostly. Fatalism and Whatever-the-other-side-of-the-coin-is-called being so at odds. I wouldn't call fatalism dark, really.
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>>3593It was nice. I'm back inside.
I'll go to the other-side-of-the-coin with you too.
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>>3594What a mobile fellow, that Wheat. So hip.
Well I mean neither side's really…. I appreciate it, Wheat. Thanks.
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>>3598Seems like sometimes I need to be reminded I still do have friends. I'm sorry I haven't been very good friend lately, or one at all, in fact.
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>>3599Not at all. I think we have all been there. We're here to lean on each other if somebody needs it. You included.
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>>3600Here? Nobody comes here. Just a ghost who can't leave the past be.
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>>3601Seeing that ghost is a good enough reason to come here.
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>>3602You know, a week or two ago I decided to respond to my feelings of isolation by further isolating myself. It didn't go well. And I haven't really… come back yet.
Going outside, going to work, talking to people. I think it keeps me more sane than I realized. For a while I felt like maybe I was really losing it. Maybe I really do need people more than they need me.
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>>3603I'll keep this thread up so you have at least one person to keep in touch with.
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>>3604Ah, don't worry about it, Wheat.
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>>3605I already do! I don't post every time because I don't want to be so obvious about it and I don't want to crowd you out.
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>>3606There isn't a time in the world where I haven't enjoyed the company of my favorite Wheat. You're just as important as anyone.
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>>3611I felt that way for a while too.
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>>3613You helped me out of my isolation.
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>>3614No man is an island. I wouldn't want you to ever have to suffer alone.
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>>3616Well you better tell me whenever you're miserable so I can be miserable with you.
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>>3617And you better not hide from me either!
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>>3618Well… sanity permitting. Not that I could hide anyways, I don't think I could leave here even if I wanted to.
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>>3619Hiding the other stuff too.
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>>3620Dang. He knows about my closet skeletons.
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>>3621I know a lot of things.
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>>3622I know stuff too! Sometimes.
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>>3624Mm, I don't know about that. I might just be good at acting.
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>>3626But who will sort the character from the man?
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>>3628All right wise guy. Who am I now?
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>>3629The same Commander I said hi to those years ago.
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>>3632Suppose I was never big on change.
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>>3633Still my buddy. That's what matters to me.
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>>3634Now that's something I certainly wouldn't change.
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>>3637Feeling less that-side-of-the-coin?
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>>3638I'm sure if that metaphor holds up. But yeah. This was all I wanted. So if you gotta be somewhere you can get on to it. Or get on to sleep, if you're so inclined.
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>>3639That won't be necessary. Being here is nice enough already.
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>>3640Well, if that's the case then it might be your turn.
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>>3642Mhmm! Secrets of the universe, philosophical quandaries, who you're taking to the prom. What's on your mind?
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>>3643Mom had her second surgery so I've been taking care of her for the most part.
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>>3644Ah that sounds good. Progress is being made, I hope? Signs of improvement? Many more surgeries to go?
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>>3645I think this is all she can handle for a while, but perhaps she will be able to walk short distances by Christmas. Some surgeries scheduled starting in march, so maybe she will be getting around enough that I can try to get a little summer job before clinicals start.
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>>3646And you don't mind all those caretaker responsibilities? I know you said you've been excusing a lot of chores. Hopefully it doesn't all catch up to you over the holidays and you can spend some time relaxing too.
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>>3647We're having some company over for most of December and as the only mobile person I am the de facto host! I don't really know them
or speak the same language but it should be fine anyways!
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>>3648That's sounds like very interesting company, but if there's one thing everyone understands it's sitting down to a good meal together. Most of December as well? Who are these mysterious yet welcome foreign dignitaries?
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>>3649I have no idea. One of their names starts with "H".
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>>3650But… someone knows who they are, right? Are you sure you're not going to be raided by Harald the Viking? I heard he's been pirating around the Florida Keys lately.
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>>3651Dad knows them? I think.
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>>3652Well it's a time to be generous, I suppose. I'm sorry that it seems like you're going to have your hands quite full this year. Maybe they will help defend against viking raids, though.
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>>3653A typical christmas!
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>>3655… is it not normal?
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>>3656Normal is a subjective term. I was asking if it is normal to you.
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>>3658Heh. Ah well, poor Wheat is thrust into the limelight. Who knows, though. Maybe you'll make some friends.
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>>3660Sounds like life's moving fast. Hope you're still getting time to settle down every so often.
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>>3664Good, good. So what languages don't you speak?
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>>3666Ah, a classic. I almost spoke that once.
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>>3668Hah! Well you're halfway there already! Ever thought about learning a second language?
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>>3670Mm, I think the hardest part is getting the confidence to start practicing it with other people. Or strangers.
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>>3671Nah. I never put the effort into learning.
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>>3672Yeah, me neither. It's always a great idea until it's time to put in consistent effort.
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>>3674And I can assure you that I take the least amount of energy to learn. Besides you're already learning about how blood works all day.
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>>3676Ah, Leukemia. I think my friend got Lyme Disease once. They start with the same letter so I'm pretty comfortable making broad assumptions. Couple of leeches'll clear that right up. What else you got? Getting on the sleep soon?
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>>3678Probably. Didn't sleep much last night. And I do hope you don't feel guilty about all that sleep you need. You earn it!
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>>3680Oh, no deep seated emotional issues this time. Just rolling around not feeling very tired. Which is odd because I actually worked that day.
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G'night, Wheat. Sleep well, my friend.
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>>3683Well I hope you're not just now heading to bed.
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Film Night
1d7 = 7
House Of Flying Daggers
Blues Bros. (1980)
Swiss Army Man
1. Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
2. Independence Day 2
3. Hero
4. Children Who Chase Lost Voices
5. Naked Gundalf 2
6. A Nightmare Before Chirstmas
7. UHF
Next time being November 19th, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
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>>3689I hope you like unrelenting silliness.
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>>3690I admit I am ssomewhat afraid now!
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>>3691It's been a while since I've seen it. But how could anyone go wrong with Weird Al.
>>3692 No.3698
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>>3697Doin' fine. How are you? Keeping busy?
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>>3698Busy enough! But not too busy.
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>>3699Ah, just the right amount of business. Have a nice weekend?
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>>3701Yeah, about the same. Getting the house ready for Thanksgiving?
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>>3702Not yet! I'm planning to get everything this week.
What are you doing for it?
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>>3703I think I'll be getting up very early on Wednesday to drive down to my parents. Then the family will be getting up very early on Thanksgiving to go out to my grandparents 'till Saturday. So… no work required on my part. I hope you're able to find everything in the stores. It can get pretty crazy near the holiday. Have school this week?
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>>3704That's a long drive, but it should be nice having everybody together like that.
Just on Tuesday! But some homework I should do over the break.
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>>37056 hours to my parents, then 6 hours to my grandparents. Pending traffic of course. It certainly will be a family event.
Ah good, well you've got some time to finish that! Maybe you'll even have time for some good old fashioned procrastination.
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>>3706Will you enjoy the event at least?
I have procrastinated all weekend!
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>>3707Well it won't be as fun as your holidays, but I'm sure it will be a good time. Haven't had the whole family together in a while.
Good job!
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>>3708At the very least you'll have a few days to sleep after that drive, guilt free.
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>>3709Guilty sleeping is your thing, Wheat. I'm not busy enough to warrant it. Though I hope you've been sleeping better. Or more. Or both.
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>>3710Sleeping more at least! Doctor things I have apnea, but the truth is I sleep flat on my face and I suppose it makes breathing difficult.
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>>3711Not to mention bad for your back and stomach. You haven't been waking up with a sore back or neck? That's what's happens to me if I sleep like that for too long. There's pillows that are supposed to help with sleep apnea. Do you snore?
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>>3712Oh, no no. I don't snore or have apnea, I don't think.
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>>3713You're dying, aren't you. It's okay, Wheat. You can talk to me. You don't have to be afraid.
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>>3714We're all dying on the inside!
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>>3715I feel like the tone doesn't quite match the nature of your statement. Still, quit sleeping on your face! Lest guilt about sleeping on your face begets poor quality face sleep.
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>>3716We're all dying on the inside!
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>>3718Close enough.
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>>3719We're all dying on the inside!
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>>3720I'm going to get this.
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>>3720>>3721Oh no, sadness!
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>>3722We're all dying on the inside!
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>>3723The bite just kills you! We're all infected!
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>>3724We were always infected… on the inside.
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>>3725Nope, you lost it again.
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>>3726Dang right I lost it!
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>>3727Oh no! We better find it!
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>>3746Silly BigMac. No way you were in all those movies!
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>>3747You'd be surprised what a little make-up and a lot of mud can do!
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Hey Wheat.
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>>3756Sorry! Had a crash.
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>>3758My browser got hung up and I didn't notice because I had the other window open.
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>>3759Oh. I thought you were dying again. Whew, another disaster averted.
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>>3760I'm not doom-and-gloom that often, am I?
I'm in fine condition.
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>>3761Oh it's not you. Hardly doom nor gloom. I'm just always looking over my shoulder. Or yours, in this case.
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>>3762Over mine? Was there somebody behind me?
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>>3763Not that I know of. Nor was there the spectre of death. At last none that you've told me. So… you're probably fine.
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>>3764Nah, I'm undieable!
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>>3765Uuuuuhh, just make sure you're getting enough sleep.
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>>3767Good, good. Getting on to sleep soon?
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>>3768Yeah, I probably will be.
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>>3771I'm sure you could use some rest.
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>>3772An hour of work shouldn't hurt anything. I don't have anything scheduled until the afternoon.
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>>3773Well I am physically incapable of stopping you.
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>>3774Until 1, and then sleep.
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>>3775And so the ballad continues.
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>>3777I hold no doubts that it will be. Whatcha writing?
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>>3779A ballad worth telling.
Hey Wheat. If you were offered a spot on the Mars Expedition, assuming it actually happened, knowing that it would be a one way trip would you take it?
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>>3780It depends on when. Right now I couldn't.
Would you?
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>>3782What would you like to do on the team?
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>>3783Hey if they're going to offer me a spot I'll do whatever they want.
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>>3784And if you have to check the box?
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>>3786>>3786What you're going to do on the mission!
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>>3787If it's up to me? I would hope that they've picked me for a specific reason. Or none.
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>>3788What kind of reason would it be for?
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>>3788Hm, well now we're going to have to get specific. The next question would then have to be how much time there is before launch. If it's more then a year then you could imagine a larger number of reasons as there would be plenty of time to learn and train for certain tasks. My original question, though, seemed to imply that it could be as soon as right now. In which case the reason for my selection certainly wouldn't be my physical acumen. Though still we haven't discussed the specifics of the mission. How many people are going to be sent over? One-way? That implies a colony, which might start out with a handful but will certainly grow to a couple dozen, maybe a few hundred. Though again, my question seemed to imply being the first on the ground, and the first team would definitely need to be suited for specific mission critical tasks. And it would have to be small to minimize life support and expenses, let's say 6 to 10 people. Commander, Biologist, Pilot, Engineer, Doctor, and maybe a couple more Engineers. Assuming it left tomorrow, I'm not a Doctor, nor a Biologist. I don't know how to fly a spaceship nor the intricacies of command. So I must be an engineer.
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>>3791Yyyyup. I suppose I didn't really need to explain my reasoning.
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>>3792Nonsense! Now we have a party roster.
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>>3793In which case you must be the one that's getting ready to go to sleep.
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>>3796Very well.
Night night, Commander.
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>>3797G'night, Wheat. Sleep well.
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Happy Thanksgiving, folks. I'll see you in a few days.
>>36891d6 = 6Recent:
House Of Flying Daggers
Blues Bros. (1980)
Swiss Army Man
1. Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
2. Independence Day 2
3. Hero
4. Children Who Chase Lost Voices
5. Naked Gundalf 2
6. A Nightmare Before Chirstmas
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>>3802Film NightRecent:
Blues Bros. (1980)
Swiss Army Man
A Nightmare Before ChristmasFilms:
1. Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
2. Independence Day 2
3. Hero
4. Children Who Chase Lost Voices
5. Naked Gundalf 2
Next time being December 3rd, 3PM PST / 6PM EST / 11PM earthed time / 12 midnight sunny time
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>>3813Oh right! That's today. Also you may have forgotten to roll. Hm, I need to think of some movies to put on the list!
>>3814>>3813Yeah that's why I waited to see if people suggest some stuff!
1. Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
2. Independence Day 2
3. Hero
4. Children Who Chase Lost Voices
5. Naked Gundalf 2
6. Krampus
1d6 = 5 No.3816
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Ah, you're probably right. Take care. You need to sleep too. Good luck.
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>>3819I'd hang around, but big exam early tomorrow.
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>>3821I know! Good luck! Conquer those hormones.
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>>3823Go get 'em! Show those guys why you're the best!
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>>3824It is at 5:00, not at noon!
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>>3825Well better early than late, I say!
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>>3826I only need a dozen or so points to pass the course.
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>>3827Well that sounds too easy. Better get all the points just in case.
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Unfortunately, I will be preoccupied and unable to join today's movie-related festivities. Have fun!
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Christmas Movie time.
1d3 = 2
1. Krampus
2. Gremlins 2
3. Tokyo Godfathers
iced list:
1. Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
2. Independence Day 2
3. Hero
4. Children Who Chase Lost Voices
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>>3842Such an inhumane shortage of Christmas choices! I'd like to add It's a Wonderful Life(1946) to the list, if there's room.
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Christmas Movie time.
Gremlins 21d3 = 2
1. Krampus
2. Wonderful Life(1946)
3. Tokyo Godfathers
iced list:
1. Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
2. Independence Day 2
3. Hero
4. Children Who Chase Lost Voice No.3849
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>>3845Let's Roll!!
1d4 = 31. Krampus
2. Wonderful Life (1946)
3. Tokyo Godfathers
4. Little Lord Fauntleroy (1980)
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>>3849I always wanted to have a wizened Japanese tutor.
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>>3870Oh fine, fine. How are you?
>>3873Not really, no.
Are you?
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>>3874An average amount. That is to say, no that much. What about your yuletide visitors?
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>>3876Oh, I thought you'd be swamped for months. Did you have a nice time? My father visited once. But I'll be off to visit the family for Christmas later this week.
>>3877Nope! Just an old friend of dad's.
That should be nice! Will you have a good time?
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>>3878Well how are things now?
I'm sure good times will be had. Christmas, after all. What about you?
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>>3879A little sick, but I've mostly recovered. Just some holiday malaise, I suppose.
And you?
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>>3880You've gotten some time to rest? Any plans of Christmas?
I'm still pretty healthy. No malaise, malady, or ailment worth speaking of.
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>>3881Getting plenty of rest!
You know that I'm generally unhealthy.
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>>3882There's a lot of ways to be unhealthy. Not as many to be healthy. My sister gets sick a lot too. Near on chronic coughs and such things.
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>>3883Some people are just sickly!
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>>3884Mm, we think it's stress. Lotta symptoms can come of that particular cause.
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>>3885Oh, no. It is scarification.
I could have sworn I told you. Collapsed lung as an infant, didn't properly develop until after adolescence.
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>>3886That sounds familiar. Though I'm afraid my memory can't be relied on very much.
Oh yes, I remember now. Well, I suppose that could be a reason. Still, I hope it does you well to rest and take care of yourself for a week or two. And speaking of rest. I think I'll do that now.
G'night, Wheat. Sleep well.
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Unfortunately I will be unavailable for this Saturday's entertainment extravaganza. Merry Christmas!
>>3889For good reasons, I hope!
Merry Christmas!
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>>3889>>3890It's okay, as I mentioned a bit earlier already I wont stream this weekend. And more won't be able to attend too! I think it's fair, being christmas and all!
Merry Christmas, guys!
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>>3891Merry Christmas, Sunny! I hope it is a special one.
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>>3892thank you, wheat! have a good one too ♥
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>>3897Happy New Year, Wheat.
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>>3899Doin' all right, buddy?
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>>3900Doing great!
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>>3902How was your New Years? Did you do anything special?
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>>3903Nnnnnope. It was fine. Did you?
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>>3905Watched the numbers go up?
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>>3907Bang any pots? Launch any fireworks?
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>>3908Others did. I just had a little new years drink in private.
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>>3909A quiet entry to what is hopefully a quiet year?
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>>3910I expect some excitement, actually.
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>>3912The year.
I do not plan for it to be a quiet one.
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>>3913So you've said. What kind of excitement?
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>>3914Internship starts in the fall for one! Then graduating and the board exams in December.
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>>3915A while yet. But that will be exciting. I'm glad to hear it.
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>>3917Mm. Well I suppose that depends on me.
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>>3919That's a good question. I think I'm planning on going to bed.
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>>3920I should too.
Happy New Year, Commander.
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>>3921Merry New Year, Wheat. Sleep well. Take care.
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>>3921>>3922jolly new year you two!
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>>3924Merry Happymas Year, Thilo.
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>>3924>>3925Merry New Year!
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>>3930Happy Slightly Less New Year.
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>>3931Just brush it off and give it a little polish. Nobody will know it is not new.
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>>3932It's not used, it's loved.
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>>3933Returning used love usually doesn't work.
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>>3935Or… does it work best of all?
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>>3935Why does my name keep dying? Is this site trying to tell me I am dead?
>>3936Tried that argument with them. It didn't work.
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>>3937It's a very valuable name!
Did you try hugging it out?
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>>3938I just became glorious and assumed that was enough?
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>>3939Well glory comes with pros and cons. Now you've got glorious responsibilities.
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>>3940Like being adorable
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>>3942>>3944I ran out of King Changeling pics.
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>>3945You're a changling!
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>>3951What are you doing home at this time?
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>>3952Not doin' chores! What're you doin'?
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>>3953My morning class doesn't have a teacher yet. He'll be in next week.
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>>3954Hm. Unfortunate. Oh well, I hope you enjoy a day off then.
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>>3955I already finished the homework for next week for this class, so I am!
How are you?
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>>3956What a studious student.
Ah, been better. At least I have today off.
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>>3958Mm, maybe later. I should get some things done today. Take care out there, Wheat.
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>>3959See you later, Commander.
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>>3964Good! But more importantly, how are you?
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>>3965Doing great! What are you up to?
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>>3966I ate breakfast! Now I dunno. What're you doin'? Got school today?
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>>3967School tomorrow! I'm just reading and enjoying my day at the moment.
What might you do?
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>>3968Got the whole day to yourself? Whatcha readin'?
Well I need to go pick up office supplies at the nearest office supplies location, but other than that I got nothin'.
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>>3969Mycology and Human Mycoses. Not a book to read before bed.
What do you need office supplies for?
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>>3970I like reading before bed. It helps me sleep. Sounds fun, though! I do enjoy a good mycose every now and then.
Well I need some color ink for my printer, some envelopes for my checks, and some corkboard and thumbtacks for my walls.
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>>3971Those things together make you sound like a much busier man than you present!
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>>3972Hardly as much as your studiousness in the face of a day off. I've been meaning to hang that world map up for a couple years now. And the check is just for my retirement account. And the ink is just so I have ink.
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>>3973I'm not being
that studious. I'm finding plenty of other ways to not-study!
How are you today?
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>>3974Like what?
Still good! But how are you today?
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>>3975Talking with you and having a nice cup of coffee!
I'm doing well!
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>>3976I can make a pretty good distraction. Do you drink coffee a lot?
Still? What a stable guy!
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>>3977Maybe too much!
I'm always doing well!
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>>3978Mm, I've heard it's staple food for you collegiate types. Though I had a colleague that suffered withdrawals when she didn't get any caffeine.
Well now, as much as I hope for your wellness I find it hard to believe that even you don't have your bad days.
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>>3979Luckily I don't seem to be addicted at all.
Oh, I do of course, as I'm sure you do too. But usually a little time to collect myself is enough. I'm very focused in the "now".
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>>3980Not as long as you get plenty of coffee you're not!
Such a robust thing, the mind.
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>>3981Everybody needs a smile sometimes!
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>>3982Yes, I suppose. Well they say that the brain is naturally inclined towards happiness.
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>>3983Some people. But that doesn't really influence if somebody wants to be happy or not.
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>>3984Now that's a curious thing. Not wanting to be happy. Is happiness not, by its very definition, an unequivocally good thing?
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>>3985I mean that people who struggle to be still want to be happy.
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>>3986Oh. Well that being said there are certainly times when I don't want to be happy. Times to be sad and times to be angry instead.
We all seem to have different ways of dealing with unhappiness. Some better than others, I imagine.
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>>3988Well, I'm glad that you're a source of nigh insurmountable happiness!
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>>3992Well I think I've distracted you long enough.
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>>3993I don't think so, but don't let me keep you from something entertaining!
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>>3994Entertaining? Without you? I would be hard pressed to find such a thing. But I'd like to run to the store earlier rather than later. Actually I'll probably be back fairly soon, but either way thanks for being a good friend, Wheat. I'm glad that we know eachother.
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>>3995I'll still be around later!
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>>4000Fine, fine. How are you?
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>>4006Well… some things are going wrong. This week started out so well…
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>>4008Ah well I got my car back from the shop yesterday and they said it'll cost 2k to make that ticking noise stop. And it looks like my surveys tomorrow are going to be difficult, if not impossible due to the rain. But I won't know if it's actually raining until I get there. Which involves loading up the big ladder and driving two hours. And two hours back. It's insensibly frustrating.
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>>4009Jeez… I'd be extremely frustrated too.
Did they say what is making it tick?
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>>4010The… lifters. I have no idea what a lifter is. But I just paid 1300 to fix the headlight.
I'm… so… peeved!
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>>4011… oh… that is not a DIY job…
That is a little steep for headlights… I would have done that myself.
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>>4012No…. It's going to take them 9 hours and they have all the tools.
WelI tried changing the bulb myself, but the headlight control unit was broken. Which is, of course, an immensely expensive part that's immensely hard to reach. But that's fixed now.
I hate my car. I really… really dislike cars.
Oh well.
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>>40139 hours is honestly pretty good. I spent an entire winter doing a job that was only a little more complicated. Granted I was working at the pace of "not getting paid for it."
… oh. If the control unit was gone then that price immediately makes sense.
You really dislike cars? Why is that?
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>>4014Yeah, but they charge 150 an hour in labor. I'll pay you 20 bucks to take apart my engine.
I'm so bad at not having broken cars! It seems like every month something else goes wrong. I've flattened three or four tires, blown two radiators, a couple water pumps, a thermostat. Plus I keep buying BMWs. What a terrible product line. I need to downgrade.
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>>4015What do you do with your cars? Do you park them for months at a time or something?
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>>4016I just use them to go to work and back! And sometimes visit the parents. I just need them to not break for an hour a day!
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>>4017You do also drive a ton, so it is possible that it is just mileage? The frequency of cooling system failures is suspect… I thought your environment was relatively calm?
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>>4018No, I use a company car for driving for work. I've only flattened two tires on that one. Also all those problems are over the course of three cars. I sold my last one right in time. All the pipes were leaking.
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>>4019I drive terrible junker cars very roughly and I have not had most of those problems.
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>>4020What's the mileage on your cars? So far all the cars I've owned have all been over 100k. Which is probably suspect.
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>>4021There you go! We found the problem!
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>>4022Yeah…. How much do you want for your car?
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>>4024Oh… Are you interested in purchasing a mildly traveled car?
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>>4026What a coincidence! I won't soon too! I wouldn't want you to have this car anyways.
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>>4027Seriously. What's up, Commander?
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>>4029Something has been up.
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>>4030Besides the car and rain?
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>>4031You aren't usually so shaken up…
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>>4033You're my friend. I'm concerned.
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>>4034I know. I appreciate it, Wheat.
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>>4035I don't want you to feel bad, but barring that, I don't want you to be alone through it.
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>>4036I know. Still can't figure what's keeping you around.
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>>4037I miss my friends. Like you.
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>>4038Aw, Wheat. You know I'm always ready to talk if you want to.
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>>4040Suppose I need to fish you out more often.
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>>4041I wouldn't be upset by it.
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>>4042You're never upset!
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>>4043Not around you at least! Maybe for a reason?
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>>4044You hiding all your upsetnesses?
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>>4045Maybe I'm never upset here.
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>>4048But you know if you did need to be upset, it's okay.
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>>4049Oh, I know that! And for you too.
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>>4050Yeah. I'm sorry. I usually avoid talking when I'm frustrated.
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>>4051I know. But you didn't last time. That's what made me think something was wrong.
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>>4052Ah, that was something different. Angry doesn't usually get me anywhere except embarrassed. Besides, I cool down pretty fast.
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>>4053Still too soon to ask?
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>>4054Mm, eh, it's not really bugging me anymore. Someone just said something that caught me off guard and hurt more than I thought. I'm not sure if I could make that more vague for you. I'm not a big fan of naming names and talking about other people of my own volition.
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>>4055I understand that predicament…
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>>4056As much as I try to leave things in the past, it seems like I enjoy haunting myself sometimes.
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>>4057You know how to contact me in private if you ever need to.
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>>4058Hehehe, yeah I suppose. It's not a big deal, though. Besides, where would we put all the ponies?
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>>4060The ponybox!? Won't they get lonely?
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>>4061Put them in the same box!
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>>4062Surely no single box can hold all those ponies! What if they wander off?
And who will send Wheat to bed?
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And I should too. What a long day. Good night now. Take care out there.
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>>4066Woops! It didn't update. You doin' all right?
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>>4067>>4068You should get to bed.
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>>4070Strange choice of horses. Which of us is which I wonder?
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>>4071Uuuuuuuuh, hehehe, the one that's hugging.
Wait. What if I'm the blue one!?
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>>4072>>4072What if you are!
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>>4073Sudden humbling introspective realization.
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>>4077It was all Wheat the whole time. What a great friend.
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>>4078One on the verge of flopping over in his chair.
Goodnight, K.
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>>4079Good night, Wheat. Sleep well.
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>>4086Pretty good. How are you, Wheat?
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>>4087Doing good!
You try the long war?
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>>4088Yeah. Took a while to get it to work. I'm hooked. You?
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I never played Long War before so I'm only on Veteran, but I feel like pretty much every single change filled some hole I felt in the vanilla game.
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>>4090Oh my god I am so going to overuse that picture.
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>>4090I was also a fan of Long War, but Veteran is still hard enough for me. The difficulty will undoubtedly ramp up. I always liked the way it shifted towards larger rosters of soldiers. And the new regional management is quite novel.
>>4091I don't understand.
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>>4092This way I feel more like I am leading the resistance than that I am happening adjacent to the resistance.
And managing the infiltration and the massive roster is way fun.
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>>4093I was never a big fan of leading the resistance. Prefer the Last Line of Defense motif of the XCOMs of yore.
I haven't actually gotten that far in to it. But the mission variety is great too. Even if some of it is the same essential mission type under different context.
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>>4094I have two regions so I'm hardly an expert at this point myself.
I have absolutely no money left and I have a convoy raid with only 1 day before it expires. So either pass up my best chance at credits, or blow my intel so I have a chance at a hard fight.
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>>4095You're at the step right before me! I'm in the middle of a supply raid mission I blew some intel on to get 71% infiltration!
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>>4096I think I'm looking at a three or four man raid to get that high. I'm not sure how the math works out. I think I have three fresh corporals still sitting in the skyranger… maybe I should risk it. It's not like I won't get more corporals.
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>>4097I sent five of my best. Things were going exceedingly well. Blew my way through three pods of about five enemies each. But I'm on the turn where I realized there was a fourth pod and I'm low on consumables and empty on explosives.
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>>4098Even with intel, I'm not sure I can get 5 people past 50% in one day.
The other option is to check how much supplies I get and how much a rookie costs, and just send in a huge squad factoring in that most of them will die escorting a couple vets.
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>>4099Sounds like you're going to be waiting on the next supply mission! Except for building stuff I haven't actually used supplies yet anyways.
And wasting supplies to get supplies sounds counterproductive. This ain't no XCOM '93!
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>>4100I'm running a resistance now! If I can break even and kill advents in the process then that is a net profit.
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>>4101Ah, but the enemy has a world of resources to draw from. Each XCOM soldier must be made to be worth 20 Advent. You'll not win the campaign trading an eye for an eye.
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>>4102And I'll probably be killing 20 advents in the process! I'm not throwing in a huge team out to replace tactics. I just need ten soldiers worth of grenades for what I expect.
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>>4103Well a recruit costs 10 supplies. And the flashbangs are pretty good too. Also you have sheer tactical genius. And the evac button.
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>>4104Oh yeah! I never used flashbangs or smoke in vanilla but I've had missions where I go through my entire supply, and this is easier difficulty.
That would be net profitable if I can survive two soldiers, but if I need to evac then that's going to be a problem.
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>>4105I've not used smoke yet. But it seems like flashbangs no longer make the enemy better at killing you now. Also the Shinobi class might have made the sword actually acceptable.
I'm not sure if I would join your XCOM. Though I certainly wouldn't join my XCOM '93. How many soldiers have you lost so far?
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>>4106I am
not ironmaning so only one so far.
But yeah Shinobi is boss. Last mission he basically solo killed an entire pod while my other guys pinned them down and also missed every shot.
Got wounded though so… he isn't helping on the supply raid.
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>>4107Ah, I also don't ironman anymore, but mostly for misclicks and errors. I've lost one too. Still extracted him, though. Everybody goes home.
I love how fast they are, and the guaranteed concealment makes them a fantastic scout. Though I've not had anyone promoted past LCPL, I think.
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>>4108I'm a total scrub and I grabbed the mod that doesn't start the timer until after concealment gets broken so I've maybe had an easier than usual time.
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>>4109Ah, I see. A non-turn-timer-using-person. I don't judge. Nnnnope.
Still I haven't had any problems with turn timers yet. I think it's actually had more turns than vanilla, but maybe that's because of the high infiltration.
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>>4110I had them on all through vanilla and they never expired (but I did abandon a fair number of things to get back in time). I just flicked them down out of intimidation.
I might turn them back to normal. I usually have a couple of turns at the end to play with my leftover ordnance and destructible environments.
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>>4111Ah, it doesn't matter to me, really. If it makes the game more fun for you then good! I use half a million mods, myself. Though most of the are cosmetic. Gotta have my fancy hats and bob ross voice packs.
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>>4112So that's what took so long to get it functioning?
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>>4113Yeah, Long War 2 clashes with the Beatdown mod or the Playable Aliens mod in a very annoying way. I haven't investigated exactly which one, though.
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>>4114Hah! I missed that scene.
I'm honestly surprised anything works with this degree of overhaul.
Still pretty psyched over how much 2K supported them though. It is basically an outsourced free DLC.
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>>4115Hah hah! I have furthered your pony knowledge!
Though this degree of overhaul renders a lot of mods moot anyways. And from what I understand there have been some performance issues.
Yeah, they've been really great to the XCOM community since Long War. It's a great deal for all involved, really.
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>>4116I mean, DLC quality isn't even right to say. This feels like a larger jump perhaps than from XCOM to XCOM2.
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>>4117It really is more like an expansion pack akin to Enemy Within. Or greater. Certainly surpassing the DLC they themselves put out. Much like the original Long War, I foresee that it will soon seem odd to play the game without it.
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>>4118I'm hardly a month in and that seems like the case already.
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>>4119Indeed! It has given new life to the game. I wonder if they'll keep rebalancing it as they did Long War.
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>>4120They better! Getting this kind of support from the community and the publisher means you get new expectations put on you.
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>>4121Mm, I don't know. Obviously they should work to address bugs and such, but the constant tweaking, a la the original mod, may not befit the legitimate game company they have supposedly evolved into.
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>>4122Skipping straight to not providing support like a REAL company!
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>>4123They should still address the bugs! I just don't expect them to keep tweaking it for however many years they kept tweaking the first one.
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>>4124Oh, no. You're right.
Have to post a profit eventually.
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>>4125Well I have no idea what they're doing besides XCOM mods right now.
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>>4126They'll think of something eventually.
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>>4127And I'll think of looking at whatever they end up making.
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>>4128I'm going to finish this cup of coffee and go to bed.
See you Commander!
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>>4129Good night, Wheat. Take care. Sleep well.
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>>4131Now you're using it too much!
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>>4132I gotta use it before you use them all up!
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>>4133New mentally advanced, btw.
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>>4134Are they still making those? I don't think I've watched them past… 5?
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>>4135The guy started doing his own animations! It has been as much fun just watching his talents improve.
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>>4136Wait… maybe I'm thinking of Friendship is Witchcraft… which one is mentally advanced?
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>>4137Rainbow Dash Presents guy.
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>>4138Oh! I liked that guy's reinterpretations of bad fanfics. I'm glad he's still working on animating.
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>>4139He is doing episode spoofs, every episode one by one with his own animation.
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>>4140What episode is he on now?
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>>4142That's, uh… he's got a long way to go.
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>>4143It is a lot of episodes to do, considering he had no animation before!
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>>4144Hm. Most interesting! How are you!
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>>4147Well enough!
How are you?
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>>4148Well enough to what?
I'm well!
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>>4149Good question!
What are you up to?
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>>4150It is! Unless you're too well.
Pressing buttons until the mentally advanced series tells me its secrets. What about you?
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>>4151Just talking with you!
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>>4152The honor! The esteem! Surely your attention is better applied to secondary concerns as well.
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>>4153Bouncing between things. A sandwich and stuff.
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>>4154A late night sandwich? How daring! Have you been busy?
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>>4155On and off! Yourself?
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>>4156Off and on. Going to be up late?
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>>4157Not too long. Yourself?
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>>4158I've got time zones on my side. How's school?
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>>4159Two exams coming this week, otherwise not too bad.
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>>4162I dunno. I have tomorrow off. Then I suppose I'll work at some point.
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>>4163What kind of stuff?
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>>4166Sure! What kind of stuff for you?
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>>4168Ah, I used to fence. Most exciting!
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>>4170Indeed. Though I assume you actually meant some kind of fence repair or construction.
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>>4171I did mean a fence!
What did you use?
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>>4172What happened to your fence?
A foil, mostly. A little epee. Sabre was a little above my grade.
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>>4173Just expanding.
What's the difference between how you use them?
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>>4174Annexed more territory have we? Perhaps for a garden? Or arsenal?
Well I suppose the most noticeable difference is the way you score. Foil, you have to hit the center of the body. Epee, you can hit anywhere. And Sabre, I believe, you must hit the upper body, but you also may use the edge of the blade.
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>>4175Nah. After the last expansion our largest administrative division is too large to manage efficiently so we're partitioning it.
Is it hard?
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>>4176Hm. What are you going to do with your half?
Depends on your opponent. Physically, though, it's a lot of more tiring than you would think. Given the small dueling area and, usually, short bout time.
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>>4177Haven't got one!
Is a foil easier to use than an Epee?
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>>4178Well that doesn't seem like a very good deal!
Eh, well that depends on what the person you ask is holding. I'm sure both would argue that the other lacks skill and honor. But foil is the one you start on.
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>>4179I mean because of the different sized hit zones!
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>>4180Well… epee is easier to score, I suppose. But that applies to both sides. Really the different scoring zones just means that you apply different techniques with each weapon.
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>>4182Eeeeeeeh, well. I didn't quite get that far. But you get stabbed in the arm a lot in epee. And on one or two occasions your foot. Actually if you're fast enough you can cheat by hitting the ground and then the foot. Registering your hit slightly earlier, as long as no one notices.
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>>4184Well not as important as stabbing the other guy first. At least that's how it is nowadays.
Getting on to sleep soon?
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>>4186>>4187Three more episodes and I'll be all caught up.
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>>4189His animation has definitely improved. And it makes me want to watch more ponies.
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>>4197Some of the ponies.
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>>4200Hyperpony overload!
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>>4203Overhyper maxium pony?
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>>4205Oversleepy sleeptime sleep pony.
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Sleepy sleeptime sleep. Pony.
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>>4208I would encourage you to go to bed before you do that in the future. I hope you had a good night's rest.
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>>4209Of course! And yourself?
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>>4210Indeed! Have a nice day?
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>>4211We will see tomorrow!
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>>4212Exam today or tomorrow?
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>>4213The first one tomorrow!
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>>4214Ah, I must be interrupting some quality studying! I hope you get to sleep a little earlier.
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>>4216I'm sorry for keeping you up so late. Feeling good about the exams?
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>>4217I could feel better, but it shouldn't be too bad. All of my professors are new so I'm using this first exam to get a pulse on them.
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>>4218Ah, definitely need to scope them about before the bribe. Every once in a while there's that one good professor that'll ruin your day.
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>>4219Not like that! I need to get a feeling on what they think is important and what degree of detail they think is reasonable. If they write their own or regurgitate the book test bank questions. Trick, simple. Things like that.
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>>4220Of course, of course! Hm, I never really thought about that stuff in great detail.
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>>4221I'm not smart.
I'm clever.
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>>4222Ah, an important difference. I was the opposite. I think you've got some smarts in you, though.
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>>4223Trickery only goes so far!
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>>4224Well that depends on how tricky you are. Or want to be. I'm pretty bad at tricking. I like treating better.
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>>4225I am terrible at treating!
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>>4226Pff, hahaha. That tickles me.
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>>4228I remember that one! It took me a long time to get it….
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>>4230It is perfectly gettable! As long as you're clever.
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>>4230Well… actually I never did get why they're a spider and a dolphin.
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>>4231>>4232It is the comic tumblr thing!
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>>4233Ah! The tumbls! And entirely foreign entity, as far as this pony is concerned.
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>>4234No ponies for that man!
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>>4236I am mad with power!
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>>4237You can't hoard all the ponies! Ponies far all!
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>>4238When everybody has ponies nobody does.
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>>4239Mm… No, I think everyone would still have ponies. Unless… they're bomb ponies!
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>>4243Blast, you beat me to it. Good night, Wheat. Sleep well.
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No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind,
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bells tolls,
It tolls for thee.
- John Donne, 1624
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>>4248What's got you so poetical?
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>>4249Me? No. Though I suppose John Donne fancied himself a poet of sorts. What do you think?
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>>4250You know, I do indeed think he considered himself to be a poet!
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>>4251Well I actually know nothing about him besides this accreditation, but it's not bad.
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>>4252What had it on your mind?
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>>4253That last sentence in the poem, I feel, has been used in isolation in a negative context. That death swiftly approaches the listener or reader. But when you take the rest of the poem into account it's actually given an entirely different, deeper, and positive meaning.
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>>4254No surprise that Commander likes a bit of positivity in his existentialism!
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>>4255Is that what that is? What do you like?
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>>4257I'm not as a big a fan of surprises. Unless they're good surprises.
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>>4259Mm, bad surprises are usually bad. And surprising. The worst kind of bad.
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>>4260Said like somebody with a couple!
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>>4261A couple of bad surprises? Well I hardly intend to badly surprise you.
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>>4263You know, I've been having problems lately too. When I leave the thread up with auto-update on it slowly uses up all my memory until the browser crashes. I've gone back to manual refreshing. How archaic.
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>>4264I will probably have to turn it off too.
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>>4265What an uncivilized way to live. I made a thread about the memory problems on /canterlot/, actually. No one's said anything, though. I suspected that maybe the size of our little corner may be involved, but it happens on other threads too.
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>>4266I saw that! I was going to say something but I decided it wasn't actually you.
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>>4267Ah, impersonators abound, and it would be quite a shock to see me anywhere else.
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>>4268It might have been me!
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>>4269Wheat, have you been impersonating me for political gain?
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>>4270No, but I wouldn't put it past myself.
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>>4271Well I would gently discourage it, but if you gotta you gotta. How are you, Wheat?
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>>4272Doing great! How are you?
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>>4273Doin' fine! How did your exams go?
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>>4274100% on my blood bank!
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>>4275Well that sounds pretty darn okay!
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>>4277Well where I come from that's still technically passing! So the medical microbes got a little tricky, huh?
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>>4278Failing is a 75% here!
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>>4279Tough crowd. Well that'll do for a wake up call. You'll just have to come back harder next time! And beg the teacher for extra credit.
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>>4281Ah, that explains why you aren't beside yourself in despair. Sounds like it's time for the greatest phrase in the english language. "Graded on a curve."
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>>4282That may be frowned on in my program. A "revision" in presentation style is preferred.
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>>4283What does that mean?
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>>4284Rewriting the exams, usually.
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>>4285So you'll need to take it again? Or they change the answers so everyone wins on technicality.
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>>4286Ah, for this one it will probably be a matter of dropping questions that the most people got wrong.
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>>4287Genius. That and grading on a curve are how I passed college. They'll let me design bridges for that!
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>>4288They'll let me diagnose patients with it!
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>>4289What a time to be alive. Now are you getting on to sleep soon?
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>>4290Actually, I haven't been this productive in a while, so I think I'll keep going. Finally starting to feel a little turgor.
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>>4291Whatcha workin' on? Am I distracting you yet?
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>>4292Just making some notes and observing slides of malaria. Honestly, I enjoy the company.
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>>4293Happy to give it. Did you see that new insanely cheap centrifuge they came out with recently?
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>>4295Uuuuh. We've already gone beyond my technical expertise. But apparently they've released a centrifuge that can be made for about a dollar out of paper and things. And I think they also made an origami microscope you can attach to your phone camera.
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>>4296Our bloodbank prof actually described using a bucket on a rope to centrifuge in disaster zones and undeveloped areas.
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>>4297Right, it's like that except you put the sample betwixt some… string… or something. I'm looking it up.
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>>4296It's based on an old toy the developer played with in his childhood. If I recall correctly, the rope is stretched and allowed to return to it's original shape. But it's speed going back is so violent, and so fast, that it starts twisting in a third dimensional direction, which gives it a huge force of twist when being pulled again, and so on.
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>>4299Indeed. At least that's how the man that talks to me on the radio told it.
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>>4300Yes it is I in the code hello everyone.
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>>4301I had to try and remember it all from memory. I'm glad to see that I wasn't totally wrong.
Also hello to you too!
>>4303It's certainly revolutionary! Glad to see that there are still ways to make clunky and expensive technology cheap and easy to use!
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>>4303Well it is tangentially related, anyways.
>>4304Keeper. Found your way back, eh?
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>>4305Well I've never truly "left".
It's hard to leave a part of one's self behind.
If there's a way I can connect with people I care about, I doubt I'd get rid of it.
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>>4306I preferred to think that you carried it off with you, but that's semantics. Still staying up late, I see.
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>>4307What, are you saying that you'd hope I would actually abandon this place? That's a little upsetting, I think.
Well, it
is the weekend. I have been working hard, I feel like I deserve a few chances to relax every once in a while.
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>>4308I suppose so. Having a nice weekend, Keeper?
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>>4309What you're saying vexes me. I was hoping you'd clarify what you said but not I'm a little lost on what you meant by that carried off comment.
Maybe I should be a little more forward.
Did you mean that I would take my attitudes into other methods of conversation? Or simply just move on from old methods?
I am, I feel. I've been a little trouble by my sleep patterns, as I have been usually going to sleep early, like around 11 or 12, and then will wake up at 9 feeling like I got no rest. So I'm hoping sleeping at a later time will change that feeling.
How about you? How's your weekend going?
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>>4310Everyone shoves off to Discord! Not a word nor a glance back at the embittered old man that was too stubborn to change. Leave him to the fate he's chosen if he shan't follow. For how long? Some months, I don't remember. Unreasonable anger stemming from unjustified feelings of abandonment!
I worked today. It wasn't hard, but my back hurts. Though that might be because of the way I've been reading lately. Then I watched a movie, so that's all right.
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>>4311Commander I had no idea this is how you were feeling.
I know you say your feelings are "unjustified", but I can see how this has caused a rift between our friendship.
I just had.. no idea. I had actually begun to think you just didn't like talking to me. Hell, that might still be the case. I just am never sure anymore.
I'm sorry Commander. I am to blame for this. I fucked up.
I'm sorry to hear about your back friend. Reading what may I ask? I haven't been able to read anything besides textbooks for a while.
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>>4313This is my face most of the time. I usually just get the gist and let the professor explain the heavy parts of it.
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>>4312… It was a small hurt, but I let it fester. It's my fault, really. I could have put the effort in to checking up every now and again, but I just fed myself the excuse that everyone was probably busy and sat on it instead. As I am want to do.
I've been reading another biography of Theodore Roosevelt's life up to the presidency. Never got in to the habit of reading textbooks, personally. Though I really should have.
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>>4314Gotta justify having them around somehow! If you got all of it right away then you could save a lot of money.
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>>4315Brother I don't want you to suffer because of this lack of communication! I feel like I am at fault too, that I could check up every now and again here too. I shouldn't expect you to leave your comfort zone to check on us if we won't do the same.
I personally will make the promise of visiting more often. Or bothering you more on Steam or Discord just to catch up.
I am only just starting to be a little more responsible about textbooks. I had too many classes that I went through without reading a lick of the textbook, and messed up too many exam questions because of it.
Was he massively different before his major role in American Politics? Or was he largely the same?
>>4316Well that would make staying on the Dean's List way easier! It's hard enough trying to maintain a 4.0, I'd appreciate some way of just gliding through school!
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>>4317Better stuent than me!
That's about all I can take tonight, I gotta sleep. Take care of Cmdr for me!
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>>4318Well I'm still just an undergrad student. This stuff is like putting shape blocks in the right holes compared to what you're doing!
I've always looked up to you in regards to education. You're a fantastic student Wheat, don't forget that.
Goodnight friend. Sleep well!
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>>4319Don't underestimate it. It is the first challenge for a lot of people who weren't ever challenged before. It is an important test!
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>>4320True! But at the same time I know there's a bigger hurdle ahead of me, and that I should do my best here to better prepare myself to get over that one.
Go to sleep! You're tired!!
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>>4317I had no reason to disbelieve you before, and I don't now.
Teaching yourself how to learn is an invaluable skill.
Well, this biography seems to paint a very good picture of what influenced and shaped him growing up and heading into the office. Not to mention that it takes place in an era of American history that I feel is often overlooked.
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>>4323G'night, Wheat. Be well.
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>>4322Then let's make a pact! We'll make the effort to talk to each other more often and get rid of this veil of uncertainty!
A skill I may not have for another while.
I'm assuming the book is non-biased then? Good good! I will admit I don't know that much about that time period. Maybe it's something I can look forward to in the future once I'm done with school? I'll mull on it. If you can though, I'd love to read it later on. If I could get the name of it I'll look into it.
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>>4325I don't do pacts. Sounds too fiendish. But we'll work on it, eh?
Well, that's what you're there to learn.
I have no credible way of proving or disproving its bias. I must admit a small measure of surprise that you might be interested in the biographical genre. They can be very dry books, which I imagine you may avoid after so many textbooks.
Regardless, if I was tired before, expressing all this emotion has left me immensely exhausted. I may need to put off waking up tomorrow.
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>>4326Sounds good to me!
I'm not going to take your
biased opinion on it! I will decide for myself! Give it here!
I absolutely agree. I am tired beyond measure and would like to sleep soon.
Let's call it a night then! We'll pick it back up another time!
Rest easy friend. May your night bring plenty of sweet dreams.
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>>4327G'night, Keeper. Take care out there.
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And Commander and Keeper are friends again!
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>>4329So it goes. So it goes.
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>>4330Stay friends this time.
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>>4334Great, it's a threat! Don't let me down.
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>>4335I would argue that I never considered Keeper anything but a friend, but I have a bigger problem right now. I've made these cookies. But I think if I eat them all it'll have digestive repercussions. I need you to eat these cookies.
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>>4336Sadly in this form I am less corporal than a voice in your head.
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>>4337Aw, don't talk like that! You're more corporeal than any of the voices!
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>>4338It will not help with the cookies.
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>>4339That's okay, Wheat. I'll eat them for you!
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>>4341Aw, cheer up, buddy. I'll bring you some cookies one day.
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Do you want to take my exam instead? I have stopped retaining this information.
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>>4343Alas, I am less corporeal than your exam and it will not obey me. Starting to feel burned out? Maybe it's time for a break.
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>>4344I wish, but I just started.
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>>4345You've been working hard. You're doing a good job, Wheat.
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>>4347When's your next exam?
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>>4348Once I finish these slides.
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>>4349That sounds fairly soon. Just a little further.
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>>4350Mhm. only 62 more slides.
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>>4351Quite a little project. Trying to finish tonight?
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Might vanish just a bit. I don't know protozoa lifecycles enough to multitask.
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>>4353Go do your thing, Wheat. I'll be around if you need me.
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Entamoeba hartmanni. The friendly amoeba!
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>>4355Wow! I bet he won't even eat my brain!
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>>4355He looks like a friend!!
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>>4357Maybe it's friendly!
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>>4358But isn't it
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Good luck on your slides, Wheat! Hope you get some rest tonight too. Take care.
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>>4361Just finished the exam.
Slipping out now…
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>>4375Keeper how are you?
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>>4376Working on lots of homework! Trying to get things done before I head out to see my girlfriend in Canada for the weekend.
How are you?
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>>4377I heard about that. Hope you guys have a good time.
I'm not working on anything. Not really trying to get anything done before I continue to do nothing this weekend.
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>>4378What? Who told you? Did you spy on me?
Do you wanna work on my Physics homework on me? Hehe.
That sounds really nice. I haven't really had time for myself for a long while. I'm really looking forward to relaxing (kinda) this weekend.
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>>4379Hm hmhmhmhm.
I remember physics. You taking super-physics yet, or still normal physics?
Well then I'm all the more glad to hear it. It sounds like you've been quite the model student.
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>>4380I will discover this.
Nah just normie physics. Electric fields and potential energy of point charges.
I wanna relax though!! I don't wanna keep doing homework!!
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>>4381Well I'm sure it won't take long. Precious few number of people I actually talk to nowadays.
I remember sleeping through that!
And you will! This weekend. And then I suppose spring break is at some point.
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>>4382You'll be surprised at how little I understand anything!
So I assume you've got plenty of tips then?
In like a month! Yeah that's something to look forward to.
Might be visiting California maybe!
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Well… are you stuck on something?
Ah, California. The coast, I hope. Or the mountains.
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>>4384It's too late! I've already forgotten what we were talking about!
Yeah I'm pretty stuck. I'm not really getting all of these concepts with Gaussian Law and Coulomb's Law. It's a lot more abstract than normal particle motion and gravitational potential energy and springs and stuff.
The coast! I was hoping to be able to go visit Layton. I just need the funds to do so.
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Well, yeah. But you still just need to apply the proper equations at the right time. Solve for the thing. And then you get to fields.
Ah, the coast. Just don't lose yourself in LA for too long.
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Yeah but just applying the equations to the situations.. I don't know what goes where!
Corona is where I'll be going. It's in Orange County so kiiiindaaa close to LA? I don't actually know.
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Well first you need to decide what information you have, what you're missing, and where you need to be.
Well let's see that's… oh… Oh, I'm sorry.
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>>4388Wait a minute! You're nameless!
I'm missing everything. Don't know where to go. Don't know what I have.
Hmm? What's up?
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>>4389Hm? By Jove, you're right!
… I assume you have some kind of problem that they gave you. That resides inside some kind of simulation.
Nothing! I'm sure everything will be fine!
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>>4390Wheat buddy! Commander is missing!
Help me find him!
The internet?
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Nnnno. Usually it's on a paper.
Well, Corona isn't technically in the LA area. Which is good! Still, I wouldn't go outside during rush hour. I've passed through Corona a lot, actually.
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>>4392Now where can we find him do you think?
A paper…. But Wheat, paper doesn't even exist.
It gets very busy there? Or is it just a shady place that I want to try and avoid as much as possible?
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>>4393Eeeeh, mmmm. Miiiiicroooooooobesssssssssss.
… What kind of school you goin' to?
I'm sure it's fine. But the local freeways are going to get crowded whenever anyone in the area thinks about rush hour. You're also on the border of the Inland Empire, which is…. Well, it's called the Inland Empire. I don't want to get too biased in my opinions since I did grow up about 2 hours to the south. But it'll probably take you at least 1.5 hours to get to a beach. If that was part of your plan.
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>>4394Wheat I sure am glad you're around. I'd be totally lost without ya bud.
Community College!..
Oh jeez. The plan really was to visit a beach. At least one close to Westminster.
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… Oh yeah, you're doing that! I forgot.
Ah, Westminster… oh… Oh, I'm sorry.
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>>4396…Wait a minute… Wheat
hates science!
You're not Wheat!
It's ok I forget like all the time too. It's kinda scary that they'll let me design medical equipment at this rate in about 2 years.
What's wrong with Westminster?!
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>>4397Uh oh.
Hey, somebody's gotta do it.
Ah, nothin'. I'm just not a big city person. I've been there a few times. Though besides the malls and such I'm not sure how much there is to do there. Besides the beaches, of course. And again, traffic is not your friend.
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>>4398What have you done with Wheat and Commander??
"Sir this scalpel is in the shape of a hot dog!"
"Who would do such a thing??"
Traffic seems to be a huge problem in that area. How many snacks should I stock during the 4 hour traffic jam?
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>>4399I dunno!
Hot dog shaped scalpels are very useful for cutting those hard to reach places.
Our cities aren't like your cities. Most of them have ordinances limiting the height of buildings so we built out instead. Standard practices for infrastructure planning soon failed us. 4 hours. How cute.
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>>4400I'll find them eventually you fiend. Mark my words.
Yeah like the hot dog buns in my kitchen.
I'm assuming it's going to take a lot longer than that?
Yeah it's going to be very different from what I'm used to. Cities here aren't even that tall! It's quiet sparse actually! Detroit is a weird place like that.
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There's that entrepreneurial spirit!
Oh, probably not. Snacks and water not a bad idea, though. I was stuck in traffic for 8 hours once.
>>4402Nobody will deny my genius.
That sounds just absolutely terrible. I am not looking forward to that at the least.
Alrighty, I need to head to sleep. Goodnight! Rest well!
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>>4403I'm sure Layton will be better able to guide you when you meet him.
Good night, Keeper. Rest well.
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>>4416Not bad at all. How are you, Wheat?
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>>4418Have a nice week? Get your exams done? Got some time to relax? Going to sleep soon?
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>>4419Not in too long.
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>>4420Soon. I've finished a book. And so it is time to choose a new path.
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>>4424Quite good, actually. For a biography. Turns out Theodore Roosevelt wasn't elected president, in the end.
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>>4425Truly America's most tragic figure.
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>>4426Hardly. No, the president in front of him died. Suppose I'll have to pick up the next book to see how he did after that. Foe now I shall continue with another book from the pile.
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I didn't realize that…
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>>4428Indeed! He was elected Vice-President with the unwanted aid of a group of politicians that wanted him out of the governorship of New York. I suspect they got the shorter end of the stick, in the long run.
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>>4429Politics is the story of getting the short end of the stick!
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>>4430Or giving it to someone else for a while. Regardless I hope you get to bed soon, as I am preparing to do.
Good night, Wheat. Rest well. Take care.
>>4431Going to bed now.
Night night!
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And here we are.
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Hehe, forgot to fix my name.
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>>4437>>4438Wha? Huh? Where? Who?
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>>4439Talking. In the thread. Kyle and Sofi.
Now it's my turn to ask questions. How are you?
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>>4440Oh, good. I'd just been doing some reading. Did you have a nice day today?
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>>4441Yes, a very nice day…
Erich came over and we ate a lovely fancy meal at a Japanese restaurant. (reasonably priced of course)
They assumed we were a couple, which was really funny! And… a little awkward. Still, I got free chocolate at the end, so that was pretty great. He had some sushi things, and I had some shrimp and pineapple fried rice. We talked about his journey through Montreal to New Jersey and back… he did enjoy the trip, but also learned about himself in the process! I'm sure he can tell you all about it when he has free time. For now, he'll be catching up on schoolwork that he missed while away from home.
Cleaning my room and preparing for his visit took up a lot more time than expected though… and so did the restaurant! I didn't end up getting some things done that I had wanted to. Still, it was so lovely to see him again… I look forward to more visits! And hugs.
So that's been my day. Whatcha been reading?
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>>4442Ah, sushi! I had just been pining for some myself. Such an efficient food. And I suppose such a mistake shouldn't be unexpected given the date. Though I keep forgetting it myself. I'm glad to get a positive report. Surely this recommendation will put both yours and your compatriot's efforts in ever greater light. Still have food to eat, I hope.
The Art of Power. A biography of Thomas Jefferson. So far less engaging than my last book, and less organized in my opinion; but I think I've just gotten to the good part. The author can hardly be blamed if a lack of sources prevents thorough analysis, but his chronology seems a bit haphazard at times. I suspect proceeding into the more documented portions of his life will yield a more satisfactory retelling. That's hope, at least.
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>>4443He also had gyoza! He let me have one, it was really good! But yeah yeah, I know. I figured our body language would be enough, and that we weren't really dressed up… but then again, I'm sure there are couples who behave that way too. Hmmmm….
Yeah, I forgot about Valentine's Day too. It's not often relevant to me, obviously.
Oh wow. So scholarly. What a smart cookie. Find anything interesting?
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>>4444I have no idea what that is. But two people eating together? That's almost as sure an indicator of romance as two ponies standing next to each other.
Valentine's Day can be as relevant as you'd like to make it. Love doesn't always have to be romantic, after all.
Not much to say about his early life yet, but so far in the year leading up to the writing of the Declaration Jefferson has lost a close friend, his mother, and a daughter. Not off to a good start, but again, personal information seems relatively scarce up to this point. It seems he burned some of his more personal correspondences. The author seems to be filling in where ever he can with secondhand sources and heresay, which makes for an eclectic collection that doesn't offer too much insight into the subject's person.
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>>4445Mmh, well they see a masculine person and a feminine person by their lonesome and that's just about enough to make loads of assumptions.
Well, I did tell a few friends that I appreciate them very much! I would give you the same treatment, but you already know that I'm sure, eheh.
Burned? Oh jeez… that's not a good sign at all. Poor guy… But like you said, it's less impressive when it could all just be made up, eh? Surely it will get more interesting once the real facts start coming in!
Any stories from work or life to share? Thoughts and feelings and what have you?
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>>4446I do enjoy a good assumption, myself.
What fortunate friends. Not only do they have the privilege of knowing you, but also knowing that you appreciate them! Ah, such a blessing, such genuine and idyllic care. I would have thought impossible on this mortal coil.
Oh I have no doubt that everything written here is factually correct. It's just sparse in detail compared to the biography of Theodore Roosevelt's years up to the presidency, which I'm sure benefited from a much greater wealth of documentation.
Thoughts? Feelings? Work? Me? Are those things that I have?
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>>4447Hehe, I admit I've been guilty of it at least once.
Aw… well, I feel like people often are not as quick to express the nice thoughts they have about people as compared to the negative… Maybe they might think it redundant or otherwise. But I know how easy it is to start second guessing!
I just feel like… I don't want to live my life with things unsaid, you know? I am the kind of person who likes to hug others with just love and appreciation as the reason, not really requiring a sanctioned prompt… (outside consent of course!)
I have a lot of affection and I don't want to let it wither away in silence… I like to share it with those who would have it ♥
Oh, I misunderstood. So it's just rudimentary then. That's less fascinating. But I find reading biographies of successful people (or unsuccessful ones) tends to be a bit eye opening. It's interesting to note the patterns that lead to different people's notoriety, success, or downfall.
I was under the impression you did! But well, I should be going to bed now anyway. Thank you for the chat. It seems yet again I had to multitask a bit while chatting.
Good night Kyle!!
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>>4448Mm, another reason to love Sofia just the way she is.
Good night. Sleep well.
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>>4458Sorry! Had to cook.
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>>4459Don't be sorry! You needed to cook!
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>>4463Doin' fine! How are you? Get something to eat yourself?
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>>4464Of course! I can't cook for everybody and go hungry can I?
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>>4465Well it is conceivably possible. But good!
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>>4466I don't like to serve things I won't taste.
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>>4467A point well made! Though, when I chef, I like to avoid eating for as long as possible.
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>>4468This is just home cooking, nothing cheffy!
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>>4469Well you made food, right? Sounds pretty cheffish to me.
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>>4471Everyone can be a chef! Even me!
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>>4472I bet you're a great chef!
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>>4473Woah now. Let's not go crazy. I'm not Chef Wheat here.
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>>4474I talk a lot. Doesn't mean I'm any good.
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>>4475Ah, but you also cook! And I assume your family doesn't spend the after-meal hour throwing up.
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>>4476Dad can't even taste food!
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>>4478I'd prefer it is appreciated…
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>>4479I'm sure he appreciates its nutritional value. That's the best part of food! What did you cook tonight?
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>>4481Breakfast for dinner? How novel!
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>>4482I had the flour to make some pancakes and the rest followed!
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>>4483Revolutionary! What a creative masterwork! Someday I'll use my pancake mix again. Actually I think I'm planning on baking some banana bread tomorrow.
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>>4484That'll be nice!
I've been thinking of making some sourdough starter of my own sometime, but right now maintaining it would be a pain.
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>>4485Is that some kind of… sentient bread fungus?
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>>4486And bacteria, thank you very much!
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>>4487Ah neat! Then you could have sourdough whenever you want! As long as you make the proper sacrifices to your new bacterial god. And sourdough is among the highest quality breads!
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>>4488Once you got the starter it is literally only flour and water!
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>>4489Hm. Then we must seek to gain the favor of this mysterious "starter".
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>>4490See, baking yeast can't break down the major sugars in flour, but it can digest the metabolic products of certain bacteria that can live off of those sugars.
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>>4491Much as the noble lamp cannot produce flame its own whale oil!
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>>4492And many of those bacterial byproducts which the yeast cannot utilize produce strong and vibrant flavors for us!
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>>4493Wait… I thought yeast just made the gluten in bread sticky… or was it squishy…
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>>4494Kneading makes the gluten sticky! Yeast makes CO2 so the bread is light and fluffy! And the bacteria in sourdough make it acidic with all kinds of flavorful acids!
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>>4495Right! Fluffy! That was it. I know how bread happens. So you want to culture the sourdough bacteria? Or the yeast. Or the bacteria and yeast in a single container you call the Wonderdome. After Wonder bread.
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>>4496Sure! People were growing bread long before you could buy yeast at the store.
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>>4497Well you're going to need a basement. Or some kind of… sterile… yeast… holdfaster. Or really bad ear canals.
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>>4498Oh, you can grow it in a tupperware!
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>>4499Well that doesn't sound that hard. Unless it becomes sentient and escapes. What maintenance does it require that limits you so?
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>>4500Nobody throwing it away!
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>>4501Hehehe, a most trying effort!
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>>4502"Don't throw away my mold, I need that!"
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>>4504It's basically like brewing!
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>>4505Ah brewing. And that's all I have to say about that. I should brew.
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>>4506It's great fun! I did it for my research!
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>>4507Well I suppose that depends on what you make. Was it mead?
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>>4509Was it… some kind of flavorless alcoholic science ooze?
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>>4511Ah hah! I have guessed correctly. You know I once met a chemical engineer that seemed to be pioneering some kind of fuel producing algae. I nodded politely though the technical aspects he seemed to want to elaborate on were beyond my scope.
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>>4512Nothing so fancy! Just cellulosic ethanol fuel.
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>>4513Exactly. I'm glad we're on the same page.
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>>4519Hmmmm. Nothin'! Bake some bread. Watch a movie. How about you?
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>>4521Ah, school. How is that going? Done with your exams?
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>>4523Sounds like you should do not-studying then!
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>>4524I… did not do well!
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>>4525I… see! How bad we talkin' here?
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>>4527Hmmm, mmmm. Should I get a priest?
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>>4529Uuuuh. Can I do anything to help? Except bribes. I'm sorry, but I have to stand by my morals. Besides they can backfire pretty bad.
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>>4530I'm the one who gotta study better!
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>>4531Ah well, the term is not yet over! I bid thee the best of luck! And will endeavor not to distract you.
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>>4533Mmm, I'm not so sure. But if you ever need me to distract you by talking about whatever you're studying so that the information might more sturdily be entrenched in your brain, I can do that!
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>>4534Well I got most of the points off by confusing Chinese Liver Fluke
Clonorchis sinensis with Oriental Lung Fluke or
Paragonimus westermani No.4536
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>>4535Which happened because I assumed everything an "oriental" fluke was either
Paragonimus westermani or
Metagonimus yokogawai. I honestly couldn't remember what
Clonorchis sinensis was at the time.
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>>4535>>4536Well, ya know, we live in a pretty progressive time so you're not allowed to call them that anymore. Sounds like a lot of points riding on a little mistake. Then again I suppose an incorrect diagnosis would be equally bad.
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>>4537Even more embarrassing is that I forgot that the very distinctive double Hyaline plug barreled egg belonged to
Trichuris trichiura, and everything about
Schistosoma japonicum.
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>>4538Mm, everything medical requires a robust memory, to be sure. Too bad everything isn't open book like engineering. Mm, parasites. I was just eating some undercooked meat this afternoon.
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>>4539Oh, no. I haven't mentioned any of those! Here you'd be looking at
Taenia solium and
Taenia saginata, depending!
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>>4540Or I suppose
Trichinella spiralis, but that is less relevant in pork in the modern era. Most people in the US get it from bear.
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>>4540You know, I thought I saw some larvae in it, but nah. But what… are theeee… side effects?
>>4541Nah, it was beef. So that second one!
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>>4542Taenia saginata is the Beef Tapeworm!
The side effects are that it is a tape worm.
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>>4543Mm, yes. Tape worm. Taaaape… wooooooorm.
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>>4544I didn't know if you wanted details, especially for
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>>4545I'm pretty sure it's gross!
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>>4545OhmygodohmygodohmygodThat was not
Taenia that did that… obvious
no Cestoda would have that lifecycle…
Oh god I deserved that F.
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>>4548>>4546A lot!
Too bad I can't tell you what I got wrong, but I think you need to sleep eventually tonight, and possibly even eat.
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>>4549Neh, I have some hours yet. You, however, do still need sleep to help retain information.
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>>4550A combination of
Loa loa,
Ascaris lumbricoides, and the assorted
Digenea especially
Paragonimus westermani cures feeling good about yourself.
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>>4551I can imagine so. It's all right, though, you'll get it down. Hm, there's that japanese/oriental thing again. You gotta be careful with that!
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>>4552Oh, I remember that one well now! That's Chinese Lung Fluke!
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>>4553Hm, the internet says japanese or oriental. I choose to believe you instead, though. But what is the… incubation period?
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>>4554It's a lung fluke. That's all that matters.
I don't know the incubation but you get it from crabs.
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>>4555Wait. Is that the one you diagnose with rusty…? No… was it the other one?
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>>4555Or! Do you get it from… food, darn it!
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>>4557Eating undercooked crab!
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>>4559Or! Is it passed to snails… and then to crabs you're right! But how do you diagnose it!
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>>4561Oh. Nevermind then! Carry on, my good man.
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>>4563Yyyy-no. Yes, that is one of the symptoms.
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>>4564But also in the effusion fluid or biopsy material. And also X-Rays sometimes. X-Rays detect everything.
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>>4566Uuuum, probably. The internet isn't an thorough as a textbook. This is very complicated lung parasite.
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>>4568The textbook is two pages and one of those is a lifecycle diagram.
But yeah, all three were right. Pleural effusion on x-ray, organisms in pleural fluid, eggs in "rusty" iron filing sputum, and on occasion eggs in feces. Rare cerebral migrations may appear as a space-occupying lesion. Eggs have a pronounced opercular rim and terminal thickening with an undeveloped miracidium, roughly 85um x 55um.
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>>4570I've been studying non-stop all week. Today was the first day I was able to eat eggs without passing a will check!
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>>4571Ah, poor Wheat. You should take a break every once in a while still. No good getting yourself all stressed out.
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>>4572I knew I wasn't retaining it so I was trying harder. I think I need to apply my efforts in a different direction!
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>>4573What do you have in mind?
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>>4576That's it.
Abstract the idea and learn it in a new form.
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>>4577So.. instead of parasites they're ponies! Gross.
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Yeah! That could work!
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>>4579Hm, I could learn much by turning everything into ponies. Or I could go insane.
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>>4581Hm, I suppose the phrasing could use some work; but the intended implication was that the result of inserting ponies into everything may be insanity.
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>>4582Certainly inserting them into intestinal parasites would!
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>>4583I dunno. Instead of tape-worms you've got tape-ponies. Runnin' around. Making friends with your intestines.
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>>4584Fasciola hepatica would be an interesting one!
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>>4585Hmmmm, you know what this looks complicated and its article has a ton of words so I'm going to say that it's a changling. Except instead of love it eats delicious… stomach fluids?
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>>4587Yes. The changling life cycle is complex indeed. Except when they turn into new changlings. Probably should omit that part.
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>>4588If it helps it make sense, in this case a zoonosis is when it infects the wrong animal (humans).
It is supposed to infect sheep and then the sheep gets eaten by wolves and it infects the wolves.
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>>4589Those poor changlings. They were only displaced when they're old hive… got eaten…. wait, it's falling apart.
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>>4595I'm doin' all right. You?
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>>4599Yeah! Going to get some rest soon?
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>>4601What a great guy, that Wheat.
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>>4603Yyyyup. Good night, Wheat. Rest well, my friend.
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Hey. Anyone here?
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>>4623How's it going, Kyle?
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>>4624Not bad. Day's gone by quickly. How about you?
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>>4625It's been a day. Work was… work.
Apologies for the slow reply times. Just organizing my files a bit and doing some other stuff.
Been up to anything today?
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>>4626Burritos and madness.
That's okay, I have something to distract me as well.
I hopped on Cities: Skylines this morning and then it was 6pm and suddenly I was hungry. I've also been having some minor issued with my pony image repository that is most inconvenient. But I finally finished that biography of Jefferson last night. It's time to pick a new book.
I also wanted to thank you for letting me play with you yesterday. I know it would certainly be unlike you to refuse, but I just wanted you to know that I appreciate it anyways.
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>>4627Aww. Of course, you are always welcome. That was so much fun, it was my pleasure.
And yes, that just about sums it up. My boss has been a bit nicer to me since asking me my reasons for living in Canada. I certainly kept it very vague and concise, but I think I said enough for him to empathize with me.
The conversation came from his asking me if I consider myself american, and so on and so forth… I told him I grew up in mostly low income areas, and spent most of my time in a southern area. People from Nebraska, Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia, the Carolinas and so on. It was religious, which I didn't identify with, and from researching LGBT rights on the internet, being part of that group myself, I found that Canada was one of the most progressive countries out there, and I imagined it'd be a lovely place to live. While most people seem to go to the U.S. for fame and fortune, opportunity and whatnot, I never really cared for all that. I just want a peaceful life. Canada seemed like a quiet place - perfect for me.
Obviously you know it was a bit more complicated than that in the end… but hey, maybe that was enough for him to see me as less of a lazy millennial and more of a human being.
… anyway, that sounds like a calm day of simple joys. I'm so jealous.
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>>4628I'm glad to hear you had fun too.
Why that almost sounds like decent conversation between two people that don't hate each other. Progress. Canada does seem a very nice place.
Well if you want to trade just give the word. I could do with trying on a new pair of shoes for a while.
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>>4629Well, the catalyst for it was Donald Trump. It didn't start with him wanting to know my feelings about my nationality.
I guess that's what we call being professional!
I doubt you'd want all this worry and tiredness and responsibility. Though I imagine things might get stale if you stay at home too long. I'm sure there are ways to mix it up a bit, no?
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>>4630Isn't it always. But you gotta find common ground before you start getting into each other's life stories. Maybe next he'll tell you all about his soul-searching and emotional journey to find his true calling. Yelling at you.
Well I wouldn't mind taking it off your hands for a bit. Just a bit, though, I like my naps. Mm, most ways of mixing it up involve going outside.
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>>4631I try to avoid getting too close with those who berate me, lest I start taking their words to heart. He does like sharing stories from his life, though he always seems to use those stories to make a political or ideological point. It's hard to relate sometimes.
Hehe. I guess I'm easy to get upset at.
Mmh. A kind thing to say… though I'd rather you have more naps.
What's wrong with outside?
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>>4632Perhaps a wise choice. Bleh, people that make everything political/ideological.
Well I don't know how he does it, I never really was able to. Maybe getting upset is just what he does best.
Well I mean it. And strictly speaking, I am at zero naps so far this lifetime so I guess I do have some catching up to do.
It smells weird and it's got people in it. Though I do have to go outside every once in a while. Or else I go crazy or run out of food. Or stop having a job.
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>>4633It has worked for me so far. It's easy for me to take things personally sometimes otherwise.
Hmm. He comes up with very strange reasons sometimes, and sometimes it's due to a mistake I made, or one he thinks I made, depending. One thing I will concede to is that, well… it seems I am a bit slow… physically. He's not the only one to think that. Many people close to me have expressed that they think I move too slowly when I do tasks. I am doing my best to be as quick as possible, but I struggle a lot in keeping up with the world. Maybe there's something wrong with me, I'm not sure why I struggle to do things that others consider easy. Stuff like procrastination, that's all on me, and I know how I can fix it. This body speed thing though? It beats me, really. I can meet demand but it requires a lot more energy from me than it seems to for others. I used to be quicker when I was younger…
But yeah, he might just be a sad man who lets his anger out on those who have little means of retaliation.
Are people so bad? Oh Kyle, I hope you find something nice to stir things up a bit - but not too much! Wouldn't want you having a heart attack, hehe.
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>>4634Now, now. You don't get to start saying that you're getting old yet. That's still my thing. But perhaps this bodily cautiousness is an unforeseen byproduct of the transition? Or a result of lapses in fitness-oriented activities?
Hm. Mm. Well aside from domestic… shut-in-ness. I am planning on going back to Europe at the end of May.
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>>4635It might be. One of the primary things that were mentioned me was a loss of energy. I definitely have felt that. But life is still good, it wasn't that big a deal. Until now, I guess.
I don't know, I wouldn't say I'm out of shape… But it could be.
I was just joking! I hope that didn't offend you. Oh, Europe again? Whereabouts?
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>>4636Ah well, certainly staying in good shape begets more stores of energy to draw on. Still… sounds like another one of those things. Nothin' for it but to work through it.
Oh no no, I had just paused for a moment of self-reflection. Scotland, Southern Germany, Vienna and Rome. No family and no women this time. Just a couple of friends, should be fun.
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>>4637I'll see if I can make up for it somehow. Maybe I already am, given the lowered number of outbursts at work.
And, as for the naps thing, don't start unless you really need to! Your body gets used to it I hear, and then it starts gearing up for sleep in the midday! Not sure why you would mislead me that way, telling me you like naps… how careless.
Ah! Good! And wow, that sounds like so much fun. I can't imagine what it would be like to travel the way you do. You sure must have seen a lot by this point, huh?
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>>4638Hm, well you can try your hardest. That's all anyone can ask of you. Just good enough to not get fired. That's my motto.
No lie too great to espouse any vice of mine!
Hm, it gets harder to argue against that point every year. Though I've already been to Scotland, Vienna and Rome before. I was quietly hoping for a trip to the other side of the world, but I'm glad my friends will have a chance to see these place and I'm sure they won't be any less exciting. Really, though, once a year isn't exactly a nomadic lifestyle.
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>>4639… Do people often travel like that once a year? I never did travel quite so much. Not that I mind too much, I'm happy with what I have.
I'm sure there's more yet to experience. There's always more traditional foods to try, I bet! And is there anything you couldn't do with family, or those troublesome women?
(I think I'll be heading to bed soon, by the way)
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>>4640I have no idea. I was speaking from a mathematical standpoint. Two weeks out of a year is only… something around 4%. I think it does depend entirely on the person, some people go more, some less. And, unfortunately, travel isn't cheap either.
Yes, I certainly am not averse to the trip by any means. The only place I would not like to visit again is Paris, really. I suspect there will be a lot of beer and inappropriate jokes involved. Fine company indeed.
You should be heading to bed! As should I, getting up in 6 hours, after all. So good night, Sofia. Sleep well and, as always, I hope we talk again soon.
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>>4641Oh, I see where you were coming from! That makes… sense, I think. Kinda.
Hehe, what a jolly good time. Sounds like a blast, I hope I'll get to hear some stories!
Ah, hey! Feel free to let me know if you need to go to sleep next time! You shouldn't stay up late on my account…
Good night Kyle, thank you for talking with me. I'll be seeing you, have a nice rest. ♥
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>>4644Hey there! How is your weekend treating you?
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>>4645Fine, fine. Just got back from my parents. How are you?
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>>4646Me? I'm fine!
How was it?
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>>4647Good fine?
Good. Ate stuff, saw friends. Did you have a nice week?
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>>4648I'm fine!
What did you have? Anything nice?
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>>4649But how are you?
Corned beef and cabbage, mostly. Some pho. I do enjoy some good corned beef.
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>>4650Been a hell of a month…
I like corned beef! And pho! 50/50 on cabbbage…
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>>4651Been a little hectic?
You just chop it into quarters and throw it in the corned beef broth for a while. And the potatoes. Everything tastes like corned beef.
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>>4652You could say that!
Never done that! Maybe I should.
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>>4653Anything you wanna talk about?
Can't go wrong with beef flavorings. I don't know what they do to corn beef, but I'm not sure I care because it's the best meat.
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>>4654Not really. I'll give you the cliffnotes version.
Mom's been in the hospital again and I'm barely getting through my classes. Some personal things fell apart so I've just been feeling tired.
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>>4655Ah. Sorry to hear that. I can imagine it's been exhausting for you, and I shan't press further. I'm glad you're still hanging in there though.
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>>4657Well, Wheat. You're one hard working dude. Still finding time to sleep?
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>>4659You enjoy cooking up new recipes? Or maybe just watching people cook them.
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>>4661Ah, eating a good meal together. Is there any greater act of camaraderie? This man sounds like he enjoys what he's talking about very much.
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>>4663Well it isn't hard to have an effect on me. As long as it's somewhere above warm but below burnt. Well… a little burnt is okay.
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>>4665The happiest? Well I suppose if they made some kind of extremely cheerful half-sentient food product. I suspect most of the things I eat don't feel much. Hopefully.
As for what makes me happy to eat, though, it would have to depend on how hungry I am. If I get hungry enough anything is the happiest food. I suppose I do enjoy a good oatmeal raisin cookie. And corned beef and cabbage is the best kind of beef and cabbage. What about you?
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>>4667Mm, the simple flavors can sometimes be the best. Not to mention easier to make.
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>>4669Depends on the day, eh? I don't know if there's a food that'll be guaranteed to cheer me up, but with a friend anything will do. Have anything good tonight?
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>>4671Oh, well if someone's making food for me then it hardly matters at all! Burn it to a cinder, I'll still give you a hug.
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>>4673Well now that's just common decency if you're going through all that trouble. Not to mention I can always appreciate free food. Though I suppose if we were going to keep seeing each other I would need to reciprocate the favor.
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>>4674Soup is done, and everybody feels just a little better now.
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>>4675Another day saved thanks to your tireless efforts.
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>>4676Thanks to the unsung hero, soup.
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>>4677Soup is but water without all the stuff you throw in to it. And it's gross water if you throw in the wrong stuff.
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>>4678Soup is like friends. It doesn't have to be complicated, or pretentious, or amaze people. You don't need to trot it around to dhow it off. It just needs to be warm and cozy.
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>>4679Again I prefer my friends to be sentient, but I concede to you this point. Also if you're really careful you can hug it.
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>>4680I was stealth calling you warm and cozy without ostentatiousness.
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>>4681Oh… Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
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>>4684Too bad I can't share some with you!
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>>4685Ah, you'll just have to eat my portion for me until I get there.
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>>4686Food for friends is easy because you care about them!
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>>4687And perhaps because you are a very caring person, Wheat.
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>>4688A fresh loaf of bread.
A rich ratatouille.
Some hot cocoa together.
People don't want something complicated and expensive from their friends. Food is a way to show you care and want to put time into a person.
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>>4689Mm, none of my old friends are very passable cooks. Though we still always have trouble deciding where to go because at the end of the day what we eat isn't that important.
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>>4690Friends are what matters!
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>>4699Of course. It was a relatively uneventful weekend, barring some car trouble, and I caught up on some sleep. Though I wouldn't want to worry you with the details.
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>>4700I'd like you to bother me with the details.
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>>4701Ah well, the car trouble wasn't a big deal. The underside came lose and I had to stop a few times on the way down to secure it with duct tape and zip ties.
But I got to eat dinner with the family, spend a day with the friends, and sleep pretty well at night. All in all a good weekend. There's one thing that does worry me a bit though.
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>>4703Well I'm going to give a little backstory here, so grab a drink and a blanket while I type. It's not that serious, though, so don't fall off your seat.
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>>4704Don't need cozy. I got you here!
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>>4705Aw, you!
Well to give away the end first, it's my knees. As you may know, last May I went on a trip to Paris and Scotland, among other places, and it was very enjoyable for all involved. However, on a night walk through Paris during that first night I began to develop some pain in one of my knees. We did quite a lot of walking and hiking so that I was never really able to rest it and as my slight limp grew more pronounced the pain moved in to my other knee as well. It wasn't a constant thing and moving wasn't all that bad, but going down stairs and downhill slopes was… a struggle. Still made it up and down a hike or two, but I digress. As I suspected, a few days rest after getting home saw a complete recovery.
Though I've always worried just a little bit that that was only because of my relatively sedentary lifestyle, and that a return to those stressors of long walks and hikes would see the pain return as well. And so it was that, while out on a hike yesterday with my friend, I felt a very similar pain start up in a very similar knee going down a steep hill. I refuse to believe it is any chronic and would let it lie, but in two months time I will be returning to Scotland, Southern Germany, and Rome where much walking and hiking will be had. And so I am left to ponder what this part of my future may yet hold.
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>>4706I'm keeping to folks with shot knees. They make these braces you can pull tight. Those help them a lot. It might be something to try?
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>>4707Yeah, maybe. I got two months so I figure maybe I could do some stretching and start running again to build up the ol' leg strength. My knees stop workin', you're gonna have to shoot me.
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>>4708You better not hurt your knees while you do, but nothing beats exercise.
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>>4709Pff, hurt my knees. When has that ever happened? Besides it's all flat around here. No down slopes to worry about.
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>>4710Be careful anyways!
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>>4711Always. Well, we'll see if I can both find the time and summon the willpower. Otherwise, should be fine. Now what are you up to over there, Wheat?
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>>4712Some nice conversation with some nice people!
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>>4713Dang, that must be pretty nice.
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>>4715Hah hah! But I'm not that one graciously delivering so many compliments! I'm never going to be able to keep up with all this flattery.
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>>4717You merciless well-wisher. If I did not know that the source possessed so kind a heart and so earnest a spirit I would fall prey to some ignorant suspicion, but so dear a friend, I know, weaves his words only with good intent; and so I can only hope that, to him whose words spring from some endless well of compassion, comes all that which he seems to wish come upon me.
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>>4718Oh, I'm evil! It just isn't relevant in this situation.
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>>4719Your self-deprecation only serves to do credit to your humility and dedication towards to the subtle uplifting of the spirits of those around you, sir.
As Euripides once wrote "There is nothing better than a trusty friend, neither wealth nor monarchy; a crowd of people is of people is of no account in exchange for a noble friend." And with every interaction you prove the wisdom in his words.
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>>4721Well, ya know, he probably didn't misspell it as much.
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>>4722You're really sweet, Kyle!
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>>4723And you are a most noble friend, Wheat.
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>>4724Noble and Gallant are both more noble than me!
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>>4725Well hey, no one said anything about gallant now. I don't know how many damsels you've saved today. I assume dozens.
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>>4726You're not a damsel, silly!
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>>4727And you didn't save me!
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>>4729All's fair in damsels and distress.
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>>4732This thread is getting laggy for some reason!
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>>4733I have yet to notice such a problem, but could it be the thread's absolutely titanic size? Perhaps it's just having trouble processing so much friendship.
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>>4734Something else might be doing it…
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>>4735Is the internet subtly telling you it's time to get some rest? Or maybe you have too many tabs open. Have you tried restarting your browser?
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>>4736I don't do that much. I need to navigate back here manually when I do.
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>>4737You don't leave the thread open in the background? Hm. I think I've just about exhausted all of my options. Panic?
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>>4738I do! But I lose it when I restart the browser.
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>>4739Ah, I see. Maybe you could open task manager and see if something is taking up a lot of your memory.
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>>4740Mostly Chrome and Firefox!
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>>4741Oooh, using both chrome and firefox? Well if you press shift+esc in chrome it'll bring up it's own task manager that breaks down the memory usage by tab. Unless your browsers aren't using up much overall memory or cpu power anyways, then it must be something else.
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>>4742That opened a… why does my desktop have a battery saver? Damn bloatware…
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>>4743Uh oh, things are spiraling out of control already! Reformat everything!
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>>4744It isn't that weird.
When somebody turns on the bathroom fan my keyboard turns off.
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>>4746Somebody JUST stepped in the bathroom so you'll lose me for a couple minutes.
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>>4748They didn't use the fan!
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>>4749How courteously discourteous. Just out of curiosity, when was your house built?
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>>4751Well, better than the fifties.
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>>4752It was a foreclosure so we got it cheap!
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>>4753Ah, cashing in on that housing crash eh? I was just curious about the potential state of your electrical wiring. I'd wager you're not using fuses, at least.
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>>4754Nope! Breakers, thankfully. I have lived with fuses! This house has relatively modern wiring…
… with a
lot of evidence that the previous owner thought he was an electrician.
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>>4755Hehehe, you know a surprising amount of people think they're electricians. Ah well, they seem to know enough not to set the house aflame, at least.
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>>4756Like me!
Found out about the wiring somehow after all.
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>>4757Hm, well you know the most important rule, right? If you're not sure about a wire, touch it with the back of your hand first. Or just use gloves. Or both. Actually that might just be a regular rule.
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>>4758If you lick them then you can figure out which one is live!
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>>4759Well. You're not wrong. And don't always trust that a grounding wire doesn't have a charge.
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>>4760That's why you lick it!
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>>4761Now Wheat. You can't go around licking all the wires. That's gross.
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>>4762You can't do electrical work without taking some risks.
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>>4763Eeeeem, mm. You probably could!
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>>4765And maybe someday you'll figure out how to stop turning your keyboard off.
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>>4766This makes me unique and special!
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>>4767You know I thought you were pretty unique and special before the keyboard thing, right?
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>>4768I'm as special as they come!
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>>4769Mmmmm, hm. Mmmmmaybe.
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>>4771Weeeell, I do only know one of you. So I guess so.
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>>4772The other me doesn't like ponies.
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>>4773Inconceivable! I don't know why you put up with him.
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>>4774So I have a backup!
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>>4775Well he doesn't sound like a very good backup! I would much prefer you.
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>>4777Hm, I bet you could have him do all your work while you're out on a vacation!
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>>4778Can't. He's on vacation.
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>>4779Well that's neither fun nor very nice at all! I remain skeptical.
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>>4781Are you just saying that because you're so nice?
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>>4782I'm the evil one! He is way nicer.
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>>4783Hmmmm, I don't remember you doing anything evil lately….
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>>4784It doesn't really come up here!
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>>4785Well then I certainly can't judge you on it!
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>>4787Oh well that's good then. And if you ever need a place to hide from the cops feel free to come on over.
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>>4789You do, my friend. Off with you. Sleep well.
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Anyone home?
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Ah, you guys must be busy… It's a bit late for me anyway. Maybe next time.
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It's all just, so innocuous. To the point that I'm wondering how it's been under the radar for so long.
Oh don't mind me. I'm just making a comment as I poke my head in, make sure everything's alright, that everyone's behaving. I don't expect you guys are sneaking anything by, but this thread is almost a board in and of itself. I do rounds to the less used boards.
Don't worry, I won't spill the beans. As you were.
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>>4809>>4810Cheese it, it's the fuzz!
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>>4811Well someone's gotta keep an eye on you guys.
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>>4812Well if you're just planning on reviewing the thread now I hope you like reading.
Also, welcome to the thread!
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>>4813Oh I lurk this plenty, I've even posted once before.
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>>4814Ah yes. I recall now! Probably shouldn't have said all those compromising things.
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>>4815Well don't feel bad. It was last June.
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>>4816I may choose to anyways. Been holding yourself together all right?
Secondary technical question. Does having a thread this large hanging around put any undue strain on the magical ponybox that runs this place?
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>>4817I've been alright.
The site's fine. HAY regularly goes to many thousands of posts and we just make another after a while. Think you guys are fine.
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>>4818Ah well, that's alright then.
Hm, perhaps someday we shall change that!
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>>4819Well, anyway, that'll be it. Just felt like musing a bit, I'm off to bed.
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>>4820No worries. Don't be a stranger now. And sleep well.
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>>4808Oh, hi!
>>4810Oh, hi!
It's been a long time since I've talked with you, Chrome. I hope you're doing well. Have a good night.
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>>4823So, how have you been?
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>>4824Fine, fine. I apologize for my tardiness at your summons, but it was a few minutes before I got home. And a few more minutes before I'd eaten as well. How are you?
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>>4825Ah, no worries. I don't take that sort of thing personally. Take your time.
I had a bit of a vent in another community I occasionally lurk in… it's the one I went to prior to ponychan. I've just had a lot of pent up sadness and frustration… and I guess I've been a bit vulnerable these past few days. It might be the hormone fluctuations, who knows?
Did you have a nice time out of home?
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>>4826Oh dear. Are you feeling better?
Well… I worked for 13 hours. Was pretty average.
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>>4827Well then. That's an "oh dear" right back at you.
Uhh… I'm glad to see you made it home?
It was just a moment ago, so the results haven't settled in yet, but it's always good to get one's thoughts organized in writing. I feel less… aimlessly pained.
I will say that stretching and exercising this morning has helped me be a bit more lucid than usual. Not that I'm normally completely out of it, but… I've been dealing with some malaise. Morning exercise definitely had an immediate effect on me, I think I'll make it part of my routine, especially now that the weather's more temperate.
Anyway, you told me you went hiking. How was it?
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>>4828Me too!
Less pain is good. As well as exercise, get them endorphins flowing, let your body know it's still alive.
Oh that was some years ago. It was nice, we don't usually go far, especially this time since there was a locked gate along the ridgeline that wasn't usually locked. So we turned around. I like hiking, and I'm glad to get my friend outside for a bit as well.
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>>4829Did you just have to drive far? Sounds like a rough time…
Well, supposedly cortisol (the "stress hormone") builds up throughout the stresses of daily life, and considering its function is mainly to help you run away from predators in the wild, it's only properly "dumped" when you exercise. Your body processes it as taking action against the perceived threat and releases the now unnecessary cortisol, so that stressed, nervous feeling goes away. It's why some people tend to make up easily after having a physical fight, I think.
But obviously it takes more than one time to get rid of whatever build up one might have, according to what I've read and heard.
Mm, that sounds lovely. I haven't hiked in a long time… there aren't many hiking places around here without a train trip.
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>>4830Indeed, about 7 hours out of it for driving. I get around. Not that the driving is much easier sometimes, but it is nicer than being on a roof during a hot day.
Ah yes, the fat hormone, if you believe all those weird diet pill commercials. Regardless, the answer, once again, seems to be good food and exercise. Who has time for that, though?
Well technically you could call walking around the city a very flat hike. As long as it's safe.
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>>4831Yikes… When Keeper drives about 6 or 7 hours just to get here, he seems so exhausted. Doing that for a job sure is something.
… Sorry, I hope I'm not twisting the knife or anything. I'm sure your job has its nice sides too.
I haven't watched TV in ages! What are these "commercials" you speak of?
Ah, it can be a bit tiring to do the "good food" bit. Exercising isn't so bad though. I only did like 30 minutes!
I suppose… there isn't too much to see in my town, but going for a walk around here wouldn't be the worst thing. Except for all the stop lights and people. All the nice parks are in stuffy family neighbourhoods too. Not that there's something wrong with them, just that… they don't like college aged people like my friends and I hanging around there.
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>>4832Nah, it's fine. I like twisting knives. Very twisty. But really it's not that bad, since it is broken up a bit. The most I drive at once for work is 4 hours. Though I think it's a bit under 6 to get to my parents' house.
They're clips where a body-less man tells you about anatomy and then confers blessings upon at if you show support.
Well scientists keep setting the bar lower and lower. If you did 30 minutes a day you'd be far ahead of most folk.
Ew, stoplights and people. Nevermind that, stay inside and drink hot chocolate. I can't imagine they'd mind you walking or running through by yourself. Then again, you know those conservative suburbanites.
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>>4833I will not support your affinity to knives. Away the knives go!
That's relieving… That kind of lengthy driving wouldn't be good for your health I imagine.
Hmm. How intriguing. How does one join this cult? I could use some blessings, and anatomy lessons.
Is that true? I wouldn't be surprised I suppose… But ah, I just like the feeling it gives me. I feel light and awake! To be quite honest, I think if it were good for my health in some unnoticeable way, I probably would be too lazy for it ♥
Wayyy ahead of ya! I used to live in one of those, in a tiny sublet room for a summer. It was a bit awkward, and being within walking distance of a Walmart meant I was walking out there pretty often. I felt… out of place. I would sit at the park to draw but there would always be lots of kids there and not much else. I was always worried they'd try to talk to me and I'd have to talk to a stranger's children. God forbid! I'm socially anxious enough with just regular people…
I'm sure there are nicer areas to walk through… Downtown Oakville was quite nice, with friends at least. Lots of pretty stores and such… I always feel like I have to dress up when I go down there though, so I don't stand out too much from all the affluent types. This town is well known for its rich people. Apparently famous people live here too, but I don't tend to venture much into those rich areas. I went once with my mom, and… wow, those houses were quite impressive.
Oh but there are horse drawn carriages downtown too! And horse mounted police! I wouldn't mind seeing those. Hmm… decisions, decisions.
Ah, I guess I should go to sleep soon, eh?
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>>4834Aw, my knives. Now all I got is holes.
Probably isn't. But at least I move around a bit in between.
I think requirement for membership is watching tv until you get fat anyways.
Look, just… just go outside! Anyone! I'm a scientist, just go outside! Just for a second, you'll be great!
A small naked german boy played with my feet on the beach of a lake once. Don't think I ever saw his parents, but at least there was fruit wine.
Ah, you don't need to dress up for a sporty walk. Unless you like sporty clothes. There are some big houses out there. I've been on top of a couple of them.
I was just waiting for your response so that I might start nagging you.
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>>4835>A small naked german boy played with my feet on the beach of a lake oncepfff, wha- I, uhh… w-what!? Nevermind… I think the lack of context just makes this statement funnier.
Hmm. You say "go outside", when I have inside. Hmm.
Beat'cha to it! Okay, I think I'll head to bed. I'm quite sleepy sloops. Thanks for chatting with me, I'm feeling a lot calmer now. It's nice to have peaceful conversations about life like these, especially in the thread. I find imagery soothing, being a visual person.
Okay, good night Kyle. And you too Wheat, if you're lurking out there! ♥
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>>4836Yes. Perhaps a story for another time. Not that the context would actually help at all.
Any time, Sofia. Good night. Rest well.
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>>4838Hope you're holding up all right, Wheat.
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>>4840Oh fine. About to head out to a meeting. You take care now.
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>>4845It wasn't briefly around 3:15, but tech support got on that pretty quickly.
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>>4846Ah well, a day's a day's a day.
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>>4848So they say. Not my Friday anyways. I got work tomorrow.
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>>4850For reasons I can't comprehend. Wheat! How are you!
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>>4852You are well. Are you good? I heard you had a strange week. I'm fine.
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>>4854You did. I was concerned. Actually I bet either of us could scroll up if we wanted to see it.
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>>4855Oh! That!
Guests and exams. Kept me away from the computer.
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>>4856Are you sure there wasn't some kind of… emergency? What kinda guests?
>>4857Brother and his wife! I assure you I'm well.
… oh. Right. Mom had a heart thing, but that's being handled.
>>4858Get along well with your brother?
Ah yes, that was it. Glad it's being handled, hopefully towards a positive outcome.
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>>4860Well at least one woman liked him so he can't be that bad.
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>>4862Nice! Did you have a nice time? Bake some brotherly cookies? Postulate some kind of… family meal?
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>>4863Risotto, lasagna, and a sushi night on the town, so far.
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>>4864Dang, those are some high quality high profile meals.
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>>4865The sushi was at his wife's insistence. It's usually far too rich for me.
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>>4866It's not too bad if you get that all-you-can-eat deal with a group. And eat a lot. And make someone else foot the bill.
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>>4867Brother go a big bonus so that wasn't a problem.
The other things we made ourselves.
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>>4868See? No problem.
As a family?
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>>4869Kitchen doesn't really accommodate more than two, and mom and dad don't really like to… help.
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>>4870And you didn't even make your brother do it? Some vacation!
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>>4874I was talking about a vacation for you. But that sounds bad again. Health is one of those things you don't have good events for much.
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>>4876Planning on carving some likenesses of parasites into wood?
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>>4878Well everyone needs a hobby, so they say.
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>>4880Well I recently learned that my dad is recovering from pneumonia. Our family isn't very good at communication.
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>>4882What? Yeah! Wait, it's not a serious illness, is it? I mean they said recovering instead of… dying from. Anyways I'm gonna call them tomorrow to get the full story.
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>>4884Ah, I'm sure he's fine. My sister said he'd apparently been ignoring the symptoms for two weeks. I do wonder though. That's how his father died.
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>>4886Well I dunno. I never had pneumonia before. When you get it do you say "Gee willickers, these pneumonia symptoms shan't keep me down!" or "Gosh golly miss molly, this must just be some bug. Better keep working." I'm sure in hindsight he probably should have gone to the doctor a week ago. But we're stubborn.
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>>4889Sorry! Brother wanted to play a game so I was on my phone, which HATES loading this thread.
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>>4890Well if you need to go spend quality time with your brother you should do that!
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>>4893I helped him with his minecraft.
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>>4894… Wasn't he married?
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>>4895And a popular and well-liked Wallstreet type!
This is his guilty pleasure, I suppose.
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>>4896If only we all could be so grossly incandescent.
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>>4903We're getting close to time for me to vanish.
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>>4904If not past it. You going to find your way to bed okay? Want me to leave a nightlight on for ya?
>>4905Nah, I'm set.
Goodnight, Cmdr!
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>>4906G'night, Wheat. Take care.
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>>4913But I hope you're having a nice day!
>>4914No? What's wrong?
Got a lot done today.
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>>4915Nothin'. What's wrong with you?
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>>4917Awful. Absolutely awful!
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>>4919Oooh, neat! Is mold a fungus?
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>>4921Is mold in its own classification?
>>4922Not really.
Molds are one of the microscopic forms, the other we're dealing with being fungus. Mold form fine strands while yeast are single cells. Most fungi can be either mold or yeast depending on the environment.
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>>4923So you've graduated up from parasites, eh?
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>>4925That's a lot of organisms to remember. Will science some day be able to identify the fungus to lives on my foot?
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>>4927Yeah, probably. It seems to be resistant to most forms of conventional treatment. Busy studying tonight?
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>>4929But what else is there?
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>>4930Got to memorize! The image exam is tomorrow.
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>>4931Ah, more exams. Feeling all right about it? Going to get plenty of rest tonight?
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>>4933Well no pressure, right?
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>>4940I should sleep. See you.
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>>4941Good night, Wheat. Take care. Good luck tomorrow.
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Anybody home?
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I guess not, maybe next time ♥