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A place for civilized animals
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Are you for team anal, or do you stand by Truth and Justice?


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ANAL? Love it!

Blowing things up is fun!


>Blowing things up is fun!

Ah, you blew my back out with that one



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Capybaras and other animals closely associated with South America alone (and like nowhere else) should be fully domesticated and then brought to other continents. I think. At least, well, I'd love for that to happen.

Does anybody else agree?
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No need to be an asshole to them


Fuck you too


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Only if you ask me nicely.




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>Day 1000 of a two week military operation
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>Day 28,999 of the illegal occupation of Kárpátalja by Ukraine


>Day 5,032,255,000,000 +/- 73,000,000,000 of the occupation of the universe by atoms


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>the British throne has been illegally and immorally occupied by a clique of usurping ethnic Germans in the House of Windsor since 17 July 1917




Matthew 7 is apt for understanding basically everything to do with the MAGA movement.

>"9 “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! 12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."

And also:
>"15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them."



I doubt MAGA evangelicals have ever actually read the Bible, or if they did were too afraid of accidentally burning for all eternity to think about it for themselves.


Those words needed to be quoted anyways, though, regardless.


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I am drowning
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It's not even working class poor people. For example, I could have been an engineer, but I could see that even that wasn't worth it. Work a meaningless job for longer per day than when you went to school and with less vacation time while having no friends or ability to make them? No, thank you, sirs.


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"You weren't born to wealthy parents? Eat shit."

- the United States of America, summarized in two sentences

The amazing thing is that we like this. We need this. We support this.

We're the ones that go on and on about how incredibly handsome and devastatingly smart Elon Musk is. We're the ones that vote to kill labor unions. We're the ones that abandon public institutions such as libraries, schools, and so on. We're the ones that make sure that any public figure who advocates for something like minimum wage hikes gets demonized. We're the ones who foam at the mouth at how badly we love AI generated anything. And it goes on.

We're getting what we want. Good and hard. We're getting it.


>The amazing thing is that we like this. We need this. We support this.


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Do you ever feel that people get too horny for certain 'Pokemon' and 'Digimon'?

Does that ever make you frustrated? At least, well, a little bit?
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No, but there are a myriad of others. Some of whom turned out successful, some that did not. Some more aimed towards "normies" than the wild poke-fucker, though others like Loppunny, especially the mega version, are certainly as overt as they come.

Lucario is a good example of these things never being 'guaranteed', and no amount of intent can override natural appeal.
Fellah's got 30k on E621, after all, where Vaporeon, Lopunny, and Salazzle don't manage half that. Hell, poor Salazzle doesn't even hit 10k. Though, mind you, Vaporeon is more 'meme' than intention from Nintendo.


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For certain Pokémon? Sure. For Pokémon in general? Not really. Variety is the spice of life and fifteen thousand pages of Gardevoirs taking backshots is not variety.


>fifteen thousand pages of Gardevoirs taking backshots
Wait... what?

 No.14651[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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It looks like Trump won.
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But there's still a difference between them.



Understandable, yeah, thank you.



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Is it hypothetically possible that people in support of Donald Trump could unite to some degree with those who voted against him by this big tent of voters mutually opposing either China, Iran, North Korea, or Russia, or some combination of those governments?

Or is that not at all possible?

What will end up happening, in your view?
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Letting Perfect Be The Enemy Of Good: The Movie.


He addresses this in the video, but it's very weird to call Trump Barabas, because the implication is that Harris is somehow the Jesus figure.  And I don't know that she's particularly more Christlike than even Trump, who's notably quite distant.

But the real message here is summed up by "Laws will never change a person's heart."  Which is just true.  And that's a practical conundrum, not just a spiritual one.  Because oftentimes laws do not stop things from occurring.

Heck, really obvious example, gun control.  The biggest opposition argument against gun control is "People won't listen to it and now the victims won't have guns."  And that's true, I do believe that.  But having been given that axiom, to say "We will make abortions illegal and now there won't be any more abortions." seems ludicrous.  Of course there are going to be more abortions, you didn't convince anyone to not have them, you made it slightly more difficult.  Now they'll have to pay more, travel more, or potentially even escalate to being put to death, none of which solves the abortion problem.


They're not really equivalent. A gun is a tool, and criminals exist regardless of them. Ultimately the ones you want to prevent from using guns are those who are already committing crime, not the law-abiding. (Well, at least ideally, but let's not get in to 'true motivations' today...) And on top of that, the fact of the matter is, a criminal can still kill you in a myriad of other ways with a range of other tools.

Abortions are more comparable to drugs, if anything. Though lacking the addictive quality is liable to remove the 'drive' to continue using them, of course.
Banning drugs does lower their use; We can see that to an extent with the areas that have allowed for weed, for instance. It's just that banning something doesn't mean it goes entirely away.


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How do we think all those on far left who are right now screaming and crying into cameras about how Trump is going to deport all Mexicans and lock all non straight white men, all LGBT and trans people in concentration camps and remove all womens rights going to feel when none of that happens?
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It would be nicer to find the politician has been talking shit for all of his campaign for once.

But a lot of shit has been flung.


i'm locking this thread, as i don't think this meets the standards of townhall, low as they are. i do invite the OP to rephrase this thread though, and repost it for discussion.


oops! that's me, by the way, sorry!


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Should people who aren't Chinese accept the fact that as a civilization and as an ethnicity / race their time to dominate the planet as a whole (or at least something like half of it) has come?

Has the model of multiracial, multiethnic, multireligious, etc democracy based on classical liberalism and the equality of opportunity failed, with countries such as the U.K. and the U.S. faltering? And is it time for traditionalist thinking based on authoritarian and community-centric ethical values of social order, family, purity, cultural cohesion, heritage, etc to rise, given the increasing strength of China, Iran, North Korea, and other such countries? Are the latter nations stronger due to their lack of feminism, homosexuality, ethnic mixing, minority religious rights, and other social values that the former nations fiercely defend?

To be specific, how great is Chinese naval power? What do you think it is going to be used for? And are you confident in your prediction? What is it based on?
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Their government is trash and one of the biggest groups of people to suffer from that are the chinese people themselves. That's what happens when you get into the whole fucked up communism thing. It typically ends with people rising to power and forming dictatorships and military states.


It's been eight fucking decades since Hitler, the Nazis, and the Holocaust.

A horrendously evil dictatorship exterminating the lives of countless innocent people, including children, due to psychotic militarism by those in charge? Why can't everybody of all political stripes view this as an immoral thing? Why can't everybody with a conscience want it stopped?

Why is humanity made up of such walking, talking shitbags, with no empathy?

I especially don't get why people on the right-wing side of the ideological spectrum don't like the idea of going up against the CCP: shouldn't you dudes really fucking hate communists? Like what would make them attractive to you in the slightest? Isn't it as easy as hating, say, alien rapist monsters from horror movies or something?

Why does literally anybody on Earth sincerely like the CCP... it's like rooting for AIDS... or for mosquitoes...


It wasn't that bad


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Was Kamala's latest interview really so bad, or are the prediction markets overreacting?
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You said that gay people's rights don't matter because gun rights are more important (which is also annoying as hell because it's assuming that gay people don't own firearms in America, which is factually incorrect).


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>You said that gay people's rights don't matter because gun rights are more important
You're hallucinating, I never said anything like that!  Where did I even talk about gay rights at all?


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Is it all ogre for Kamala?


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This wasn’t fair.
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they are using it as an example to promote the idea that government agencies are too big and have too much power, even though we don't have all the details on the reasons behind the happenings of this case.

if you want to go into deep psychology, of which hardly any of the hypothetical "mainly conservatives" would be aware, the squirrel represents a holy figure, perhaps even jesus christ themself - innocent and without blame, bringing happiness to all.

the nys dec represents the nonbelievers who put jesus to death.

so, the hypothetical conservatives are mad about the innocent squirrel (jesus) being killed, which may be ironic in some cases....

in addition, the name, "pnut," has connotations with peanut butter sandwiches, which many people associate with innocence and childhood.

further complicating matters, pnut was rescued, or "saved" by a loving family - only to have had nonbelievers (in their minds) stop them.

regardless of the psychology and emotional reactions behind it, however, the system failed the squirrel (and raccoon), as the department acted like automatons and didn't take into consideration the circumstances surrounding pnut's domicile. the department should have shown more care and consideration of the situation as soon as they found out they were a youtube rescue pet of 7 years (if they even asked). rip pnut.


I am curious what kind of reasoning you think could exist that justified all this.
We know what happened. We know what they said they were there for.
Are you suggesting they were lying, using a false pretense to go in?


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Perhaps I wasn't too clear, as I was entertaining viewpoints from both sides.

Unless new information comes out (or there is info I'm not aware of (haven't really been keeping up with the story)) there is currently no excuse for what happened. The NYS DEC shouldn't have rushed into things and should have allowed for the owner to provide an explanation before taking the animal. The ideal conversation might have gone something like this:

DEC: *knock knock*
Squirrel Owner: "Hello?"
DEC: "Hey, we received some suspect complaints coming from people about a wild squirrel with rabies being here, so we wanted to see if it was true."
Squirrel Owner: "Oh, yes, that is my squirrel. He is a famous YouTuber." *shows video* I rescued him and have had him for 7 years. No, he doesn't have rabies."
DEC: "Oh, OK. Those complaints must have been internet trolls, then, lol."
Squirrel Owner: "Yeah, lol. It happens all the time."
DEC: "Do you have a license for your squirrel?"
Squirrel Owner: "No, sorry. I don't."
DEC: "OK, well just get a license by next month. Have a nice day."
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Irrelevant.  The licensing deals made by the "Russians" have nothing to do with the content being generated.  If you make a video, and a "Russian" pays for it after the fact, that doesn't retroactively make the video Russian disinformation.  idiot.


Suppose an Iranian company took random internet commentators from America, Canada, and Mexico and got them in contact with the government of Iran such that what those random guys would've said organically about the Holocaust supposedly not happening, the Iranian economy supposedly booming, and terrorist attacks killing Jews across the Middle East supposedly being morally justified... all suddenly became boosted by a huge amount of effort and gained a lot of steam throughout social media.

Would that be "Iranian disinformation" and "Iranian propaganda"? Retroactively?

I can honestly see both sides a bit. On the one hand, people in the West organically think such things. On the other hand, an evil dictatorship bent on killing lots of people is actively using huge amounts of money to push specific political claims that those Western citizens parrot. I'm inclined to take the latter position.


Considering the level of propaganda regurgitated by the mainstream western media, I'm not so convinced.
Though then again, what you're saying here applies to them tenfold anyways.

It seems to me the Russians would benefit from truth at this stage, that simply runs counter to the current establishment propaganda we've got.

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