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> Taylor Swift then
> Tells people to vote on a concert once
< Taylor Swift now
< A traitor to the USA
< Is a pawn for the corrupt government
< Runs an underground business trafficking children for sexual exploitation and organ trade
< is probably a lizard person
< needs to be arrested and put up for execution ASAP
Why are you like this, USA?
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>>12899It's not America, it's just Trump cultist to cowardly to accept reality, like most people who belive wildly improbable conspiracy theories without otherwise being psychotic or just really gullible.
>>12899I'm with
>>12900This sounds like some presumption of what people'd say. Not an actual stance anyone really holds.
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>>12902This is a real stance a lot of MAGA cultist hold, popular among the far-right youtube political pundits like Charlie Kirk or Tim Pool or amongst the InfoWars crowd. The rest of politics YouTube has been having a field day with this stupidity since it's basically represents that the right knows that the people who actually go out and, vote the more they lose elections.
>>12903>this is a real stance>Taylor Swift needs to be arrested and put up for execution ASAPYeah, no, I am absolutely 100% calling bullshit that Tim Pool ever said Taylor Swift needds to be executed.
Frankly such an absurd position seems far more "cult-like" to me.
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>>12903>>12904I have pulled up a Tim Pool Timcast discussing the theory and he is aggressively spewing shit on the idea that it's anything but a PR stunt (and accusing people spreading the theory of being a psy-op to make MAGAs look crazy).
Also this sounds like my stoner friend when he's sober. Do people listen to this crap on purpose?
I don't feel like researching any of the others. You're on your own.
>>12905>Do people listen to this crap on purpose?Some, but for the life of me I can't tell why.
His takes are boring, bland, and uninspired, taking what seems to be the most obvious milquetoast position to hold 99% of the time.
Which is why I could say with confidence the idea that he's calling for Swift's execution is nothing more than delusional fantasy.
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>>12906People getting paid to "have takes" is destroying this country. That's my "hot take" on all of this pointless garbage.
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>>12904>Frankly such an absurd position seems far more "cult-like" to me.Yes it
is a cult. And even those who dismiss the cultish conspiracy theories are seething over Taylor Swift, often in hypocritical ways that border on a cultish sort of "burn the heretic" ire for merely getting more young women registered to vote.
But I was referencing Tim Pool with references to others like him in reference to that general pool of professional opinion havers and their fans who engage in a kind of denialism, like ...
>>12905>I have pulled up a Tim Pool Timcast discussing the theory and he is aggressively spewing shit on the idea that it's anything but a PR stunt (and accusing people spreading the theory of being a psy-op to make MAGAs look crazy... which is exactly the kind of denialism I am taking about.
>>12908>Yes it is a cult. You very clearly didn't bother to read at all what I was saying.
I wasn't saying people who have some grand conspiracy theory about Taylor Swift were cultists
I was saying that those who would claim Tim Pool of all people believes she should be executed, clearly have a viewpoint so divergent from reality as to only be explained by nigh religious fanaticism.
>But I was referencing Tim Pool with references to others like him in reference to that general pool of professional opinion havers and their fans who engage in a kind of denialism like ... (believing this is a PR stunt)My God, what an insane theory, believing that someone did something publicly for that publicity. How deranged could he possibly get.
Seriously, now, I shouldn't need to explain how this level of hyperbole is anything less than absurd.
You label guys like him cultists and cowards, and it's over such trivialities.
How in the world am I supposed to see Tim Pool as the tribalistic cultist, and not folk as yourself?
>>12908I should reiterate as well, that the quotation of
>>12905 is also very clearly NOT what you were saying, besides.
You started off very clearly with your position in
>>12903 saying,
>"This is a real stance a lot of MAGA cultist hold, popular among the far-right youtube political pundits like Charlie Kirk or Tim Pool ".The "this" quite explicitly referring to the post you had quoted there, calling into doubt OP's claims.
< A traitor to the USA< Is a pawn for the corrupt government< Runs an underground business trafficking children for sexual exploitation and organ trade< is probably a lizard person< needs to be arrested and put up for execution ASAPSo you trying to wiesel out of the now after very clearly trying to conflate Tim Pool into the same lot comes off as nothing but dishonesty, plainly put
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Are you talking about what Morgan Ariel said on The Stew Peters Show?
You mean to tell me a fundie is saying inflammatory things that no one but other fundies would believe on a talk show?
That can't be the rub of how they get paid.
It's all a grift. Like
>>12907 said the instant "having a take" was a job everything went out the window.
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>>12909>>12910This is ridiculously disengenuous. Tim Pool is a grifter specifically appealing to right wing chuds who want to believe he's some 'leftist who left the left' but he basically just one of those misinformation fountains subsidized by very wealthy people. He's part of that whole MAGA cult shit and the denialism in this case is twofold: a) that Taylor Swift is insincere and encouraging young women to register to vote was just a PR stunt and b) that the conspiracy theories about her are themselves a conspiracy to make MAGAts look crazy.
>So you trying to wiesel out of the now after very clearly trying to conflate Tim Pool into the same lot comes off as nothing but dishonesty, plainly putThe lot of grifters
like Charlie Kirk or Dennis Prager or the quartering or all the sophist at the daily wire? Yeah Tim Pool is
absolutely part of that lot. Whatever their audience doesn't like must be fake news or a psy-op,
especially when mass shooters who leave behind manisfestos cite things they say clearly showing the consequences of their grift and rhetoric their too spineless to accept as fact
>>12912Right, right.
>"They say something I don't agree with?! RACIST EVIL CHUD GRIFTER FAR RIGHT CULTIST!!!"Honestly, how do you expect me to engage with this?
You insist Tim is a disingenuous grifter, while insisting Taylor Swift is 100% sincere in her actions.
That Tim Pool says what he does on his YouTube show because of wealthy financiers, but of course Taylor Swift at the superbowl is totally just the action of low wage blue collar workers, I'm sure.
>muh manifestoThere's also that trans mass shooter's manifesto out there.
Guess all lefties are evil monsters who's rhetoric is literally murdering people!
Better just label them all with whatever vitriol we can, to justify a crackerdown on anyone who disagrees with us, right?
This is pure cut and dry tribalism, and nothing more
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>>12913While this post is pretty damn ridiculous I might like to point out that if far-left rhetoric were to lead to a mass murder of landlords, investors or CEOs, the far-left propogandists would be more likely to take credit for it rather than deny it had anything to do with their rhetoric and assert conspiracy theories about it being psy-op just to make them look bad.
Even if it was completely disgusting to engage in that sort of violence, the far-left anarchist and even the communists tankies understand that people in general are less sympathetic to the far-left's targets of people who already have a lot of power, especially those who abuse that power, than the far-right's target of marginalized minorities of people who have the least power. These grifters understand this, which is why they
have to deny what their content inspires in the audiences they're grifting.
>>12914Alternatively, much as every single leftist isn't a tankie, not everyone on the right wants people murdered.
Which, would've thought was obvious, but whatever.
Maybe you truly belive leftists are okay with people just shooting up an office building because "ew, capitalists".
There's a reason you whine about "inspiration" instead of what's actually said, condoned, or otherwise put forward in ideas ideology and ideals.
Frankly, it's the big split between the right and the left;
The classic line, "No bad actions, only bad targets" comes to mind.
Outcomes are all that matters, not actions.
Whereas the right is largely the reverse, arguing principles and morality.
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Well damn I probably shouldn't be replying to this.
>>12915>Alternatively, much as every single leftist isn't a tankie, not everyone on the right wants people murdered.>Which, would've thought was obvious, but whatever.Maybe you truly belive leftists are okay with people just shooting up an office building because "ew, capitalists".
The more you argue with the words you put in my mouth in these post the more ridiculous you look
>Whereas the right is largely the reverse, arguing principles and morality.Considering that Trump is the leading Republican candidate right now I'd say this pretty much bullshit. And hypocritically tribalistic too.
>>12916>the more you argue with words you put in my mouth...Hey, you're the one who decided to take the stance that if someone on the left "inspired" a mass shooting, they'd take credit for it, because "people in general are less sympathetic to the far left's targets", not me.
>Considering Trump is the leading candidateYes, and you've clearly not bothered to actuality understand the WHY
You just label us cultists, instead.
And then get all indignant when people have the audacity to treat you as you do others, I might add.
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>>12917>>12917>Hey, you're the one who decided to take the stance that if someone on the left "inspired" a mass shooting, they'd take credit for it, because "people in general are less sympathetic to the far left's targets", not me. Oh goody more disengenuousness. Not the least bit surprising.
did say that but that's not what you've been arguing against this whole time, like this ridiculous knee jerk post here
>>12913It's pretty pathetic and hypocritical, not gonna lie.
>>12917>Yes, and you've clearly not bothered to actuality understand the WHYI've heard eight years of rhetoric from the MAGA cultist and for the most part it's inconsistent post-hoc rationalizations and dismissal of any evidence of his lying as fake news. Respecting their sanity and intellectual capacity, it becomes apparent it's rooted in wishful thinking and cowardly denial. It's
exactly like a personality cult, everything is rationalization after having their ego stroked by Trumps insincere claim to love them. It's a lack of intellectual discipline.
>>12918>I did say that but that's not what you've been arguing against this whole timeSure?
So what?
These two points aren't mutually incompatible.
I think you claiming Tim Pool is part of the same lot who want to see Taylor Swift executed is deranged, AND I take issue with the idea that such violence would be shrugged off because "lol capitalists".
I can do both.
>and hypocritical, How?
You just gonna say it and not demonstrate it?
That shits the same issue we've been having from the start here, you know.
You label your opposition whatever degrading dehumanizing rhetoric you can, and then hide away from any required justifications for such a thing.
>muh cult of personality So you know literally nothing, then. Figures.
You ever stop to think about why folk have so little trust in the media these days?
Why they don't just belive claims made by 'unnamed sources' and state actors?
Ah, who am I kidding. Of course you don't.
>>12918>>12919Nwadays, you no longer have to go with what lies the media spreads.
You can literally read or think about what Trump himself or MAGA folks put out on social media.
>>12920Pretty much. Now it might well not all be stuff you agree with, there may even be stuff you find objectionable.
But this 'cult of personality' crap is just so empty.
Practically every Trump supporter I've spoken to over the years now will happily say he's got issues and failings and parts they disagree with. They don't think he's perfect. That's not why they support him. If anything, that openness is part of what they like.
No. The main reason is he's about the only person who's been pushing back against the status quo of the modern day. Certainly was at the time. And now, while he might have inspired a few others, he's certainly the biggest force behind all that.
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It's kinda funny how all threads here lead to the exact same outcome.
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Stop thinking of Donald Trump as a normal politician and start seeing him as a religious deity in human form such as Jesus Christ, Julius Caesar, Attila the Hun, and other major spiritual figures who held political power.
Being opposed to Trump being President again makes you the enemy of a faith tradition who's outside of human dignity and needing to be eliminated as a part of God's will, either in this world or being sent to a place of fire and ash in the afterlife.
America isn't in a regular political debate but a religious conflict about to spill into a civil war akin to Muslim versus Hindu Indians in the early 20th Century or maybe Catholic versus Protestant Germans throughout the 19th century.
This isn't a matter of "dehumanization" per se since, remember, Indian Muslims have had less than zero reasons to view their Christian, Hindu, and Jewish neighbors as totally peaceable because of widespread chaos that made those other communities a sincere threat, much how being an American Jew today or such puts you as a plausible threat to the MAGA faith because of your directly opposed spiritual beliefs. Granted, though, Trump is actively running on a platform of becoming a dictator and crushing the freedoms of minorities he doesn't like, so that matters too.
>>12900>>12936That's one of the most fun things about religion!
Even if you don't understand at all what's going on, you're going to get hurt by religious people because of what their religion says so, no matter what you say or do!
And the best part of all is that absolutely nothing that they say or do has to make any sense whatsoever from even the perspective of what you can see, hear, touch, and so on, so you could be like, say, beaten up for wearing a certain piece of clothing and beaten up for choosing not to wear a certain piece of clothing! You can get in trouble for both saying a certain statement and not saying that statement! You can be doomed for both buying something and not buying something!
Since their beliefs don't apply the rules of logic even in their own mind, there's literally nothing that you can do to keep their religion from hurting you! That's religion for you! Isn't living in a religious country surrounded by religious people something else?
>>12941Not what I meant exactly. It's more to question where the notion came from, because I don't think it reflects reality at all, and it's so beyond absurdity as to be impossible to figure out where to even start.
OP's post had a similar issue, I'll add.
>>12944An extremely large number of Americans are deranged religious fanatics who enjoy lying, cheating, stealing, et cetera because their God supposedly tells them to do those things, with Taylor Swift being just one of the endless parade of victims that they publicly work to destroy. It's not complicated.
If you're a former Christian or somebody who's particularly perceived as being immoral by America's religious people, then you just have to go about your life accepting that they might try to physically harm you in some way day-to-day.
As the Bible commands Christians to be:
"Anyone who is captured will be run through with a sword. Their little children will be dashed to death right before their eyes. Their homes will be sacked and their wives raped by the attacking hordes. For I will stir up the Medes against Babylon, and no amount of silver or gold will buy them off. The attacking armies will shoot down the young people with arrows. They will have no mercy on helpless babies and will show no compassion for the children." {Isaiah 13:15-18}
"Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged." {Deuteronomy 17:12}
>>12946See, that's what causes me to raise a skeptical eye.
I simply do not buy the claim that this is a sizable number. These are a percent of a percent at best, and even that feels a stretch.
>>12947"If even then you remain hostile toward me and refuse to obey, I will inflict you with seven more disasters for your sins. I will release wild animals that will kill your children and destroy your cattle, so your numbers will dwindle and your roads will be deserted." (Leviticus 26:21-22)
"Cursed be he who does the Lord's work remissly, cursed he who holds back his sword from blood." (Jeremiah 48:10)
How many statements from the Lord, from Jesus Christ, would you like me to quote to you?
I'd like to point out that you and I are mere creatures of flesh and blood, not that different from ants and such, while these are holy proclamations from the God who created the Universe and such that cannot be revised, opposed, or interpreted away: not a single comma or such of this holy writing can be ignored. Granted, I'm personally not a Christian and thus these words have no individual power over me. Yet if I was, then, well, obviously they would.
>>12948No amount of irrelevant cherrypicked quotes would sway me into believing your claims of "large amounts" of "deranged religious fanatics who enjoy lying cheating and stealing".
So, zero, really.
I'd much prefer you stay on task.
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>>12948Most of the religious people I know don't read the bible that much. Do you have any actual statistics?