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Presidents in my life, graded:

C - Social Issues, B - Economic Issues, B - Foreign Issues [B - Overall]

>Bush Sr.<
A, C, A [A - Overall]

B, A, B [B - Overall]

>Bush Jr.<
F, F, F [F - Overall]

F, F, F [F - Overall]

A, D, D [D - Overall]

Yes, the grade of 'add' is a joke here as much as a serious answer. He probably also has dementia and other major health conditions. Overall, Biden was mediocre at best as an administrative leader. By all accounts, he's a great individual to spend time with in person, being not that different than like Snoopy among the Charlie Brown gang. Should've been like the national fursuiter mascot or something.

Your thoughts?


Trump deserves more credit for Operation Warp Speed.


He only did what any other generic President would do in that situation. Granted, it was uncharacteristically efficient and logical for him, given that Trump is a man who's understanding of science involves detonating atomic bombs over the ocean to retarget hurricanes as well as a belief in hairspray conveying unusual sexual powers as a part of human biology. But this is sort of like having Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer as a neighbor and going over to their house for dinner only for nothing to happen but pleasant conversation over a nice steak. You don't get brownie points for something like 'not being mentally ill'.


Funny video, weird ranking system. I have no idea what the letters mean outside of the overall.


See also:


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My hidden clown fetish has been unlocked.


A, B, A [A - Overall]

>Bush Sr.<
B, B, A [B - Overall]

B, C, C [C - Overall]

>Bush Jr.<
C, D, F [D - Overall]

B, D, F [D - Overall]

C, A, A [B - Overall]

F, F, F [F - Overall]


I'm going to have to level with you.

Those AI generated mutant entities would probably be more likely to literally kill you than to do anything else.


Don't misunderstand me. I get it. Probably would like 'clussy' in my life as well.


Fuck. My negativity killed the thread. Ooopsie.


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Why is it that our first instinctive thought is to project our own violent nature onto that which we do not understand? For all we know the clown species simply wants to be honked and stuffed into a tiny car with you.

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