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Can't help but swallow the blackpill and admit this is probably true

I feel the same way about future tech/implants/bionics etc that allow us humans to stop aging or live much longer or like something that you could mean you no longer need to sleep and things like that

If those kinds of tech or pills or whatever were made do you really think you and I would get to have any of them?

Or do you think only the richest of the rich elites would get control over them and thus get to use them?


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I mean, it's always been a pipedream to act like greedy power-hungry people aren't always going to prioritize maintaining their own power.

AI won't magically change that by merely existing, it can't magically change socio-political structures.

Everytime I hear people express fears of losing employment to AI or other forms of automation I just wonder why they wouldn't consider that the demands we be employed to earn a survival in that scenario should be challenged. If the existence of AI, produced by our current economic system would hurt us more than help when AI could just as easily do the opposed, that would imply that our economic system would need to change to reap the most benefit of AI and automation for all of us, not just an elite few.


Ai is already getting censored as it is. If anyone thinks it isn't going to be monetized and used for cooperate greed is living under a rock.


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I predict that will a sky rocketing economy and our already currently undermanned military, that the masses will all rush to seek employment through joining the service. We will become like North Korea under the guise of democracy and capitalism, but become just as fucked up as those Red Communists.


Time to grab your guns, folks. We've got commies to take care of.


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Nuclear technology was always an amoral tool.

The ethical choice by Western countries in the 1900s (and even mostly now in the 2000s) to use it almost exclusively as a way to kill the most people as efficiently... as a weapon... it's something that may be looked back on quite harshly.

An alternate, say, America exists somewhere in the multiverse that wisely used nuclear power related science to help bring millions out of poverty through smart industrial development.

So it is with AI. Use a tool for good. Or for evil. To build. Or to destroy. It happens because of your own morality. The tool itself is amoral. That's just how it is.

Left hand? Or right hand? What do you choose, looking at the image?


Eh, I don't really think so.
I think what we'll get is a 'gig economy' like a fellow I know has coined it.
Which is to say, you use AI when you want general junk. You get a person when you want something personal. Or, really, want to support that person's craft.

Consider it like buying something handmade, instead of the usual chinese factory bulk-built clay guff.
Is it really any better? Honestly, most the time, no. But you pay more for it anyway, just because the person who's crafted it has value to you.

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