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What're your thoughts about the current social controversy in the U.S. about many American politicians arguing that roving gangs of black people are allegedly eating the cats and dogs of others in the country?

There are countless articles on this set of claims by politicians, such as: https://www.nydailynews.com/2024/09/11/trump-haitian-immigrants-eating-pet-dogs-and-cats/

In broader context, details about what it's like to eat them can be seen here (note that this is not a story about America and/or Americans as well as doesn't involve politics at all): http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6419041.stm


I'm pretty sure Vance already stumbled and said he invented the story.


From what I've read, Vance didn't say that it was entirely made up as a story but that he claims to have modified and altered statements made to him to make them more dramatic.

Granted, lying by distortion is still morally wrong even if it different from simply making things up.



It doesn't matter what the claim was or if it was true or not. The point was to get you to focus on the story and/or the truthfulness of story, while the activation of the nihilism-savior complex does its work in the background in your subconscious.



"But but a black Hatian woman was filmed after she eat a cat!"

The woman was American. She was born in America and has a lifelong history of mental illness and has been in and out of psych ward.. Also this did not even happen in Springfield it happened over 200 miles away

"But but there was a photo of a Hatian carring a duck he stole from the park to cook and eat!"

The local police and wildlife service confirmed the man was removing it from the road after it had been hit by a car accidently.


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Oh it's true alright. They're also putting chemicals in the water and turning the frogs gay. They'll turn you gay too. Wake up sheeple.


It could have been true!



The funny thing about this one is it was sort of kind of right. The chemical Atrozine which has been known to be dumped into rivers has caused male frogs to lose all thier tesostrone and turn female.



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It's pathetic desperation on the part of Trump and Vance to try and incite a racial pogram as a campaign strategy, and it betrays how terminally online and detached fom reality the MAGA right faction has become considering where these rumors seem to originate


My thoughts are that this strikes me as a dishonest framing.
It isn't "black people".
It's a very clear group, of a particular culture, place, and even time.

Framing it as "black people" just reeks of race-baiting.
Nobody's saying the black couple from Louisiana are making gumbo from cats.
Nobody's saying a rapper out of Chicago is eating cats.
Hell, nobody's saying immigrants from Nigeria are eating cats.
All of these are 'black'.  


Funny, I'd've accused the types trying to claim these particular immigrants represent the whole of black people the ones engaged in racial 'pogram' as means of campaign strategy.

Why exactly do you take the stance that the couple running a gumbo shop outside of New Orleans ought be lumped together with immigrants from Hati whom at bear minimum have been confirmed to have taken geese from the park?

Personally, I would think the less racist stance is to say 'despite having the same skin color, these are very different people with very different cultures'.
But maybe I'm the bigot.


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When 9/11 happened, there was an uptick of violence against Sikh immigrants in a number of US states by perpetrators who thought they were muslims and didn't know the difference between sikhs and muslims and probably didn't care. That's just the reality of irrational fear and racial bigotry, skin color becomes nationality or religion when convenient.

Even if Haitians are a distinct nationality different from African Americans, most of them are also black. Racists aren't going to draw a distinction between Haitians and other black people, they'll be biased to see no distinction. All blacks would be assumed to be Hatian when convenient. Hell, these rumors are based on pics of black people who weren't even confirmed to be either Haitians or even in Springfield Ohio. It's a distortion used as a flimsy pretext used to preemptively justify violent reprisal and is currently inspiring threats of violence in Springfield. Trump and Vance are giving racist a target via their fear mongering and hate mongering over immigrants (regardless of legality), and implicitly giving them permission (and excuses) given their position as authorities in the Republican party.

>Why exactly do you take the stance that the couple running a gumbo shop outside of New Orleans ought be lumped together with immigrants from Hati whom at bear minimum have been confirmed to have taken geese from the park?

Holy shit this is a ridiculous strawman.

I'm acknowledging the fact that racists aren't going to care about the distinction, and aren't going to be honest if trying to drum up mob violence on the part of more moderate xenophobes by simply preemptively labeling their targets as Haitians. This isn't a new thing, it's been happening all throughout American history, as well as many parts of Europe when it came to religious pograms against Jewish people, whether or not their targets were actually Jewish.


>the types trying to claim these particular immigrants represent the whole of black people
So, no one.


Whom in this thread has argued that all black people collectively are doing this or collectively share a moral fault?

I'm counting not a single person.

The fact that your personal psychology automatically assumes that all black people could be (but shouldn't be) blamed honestly refects badly on you and nobody else, although since I don't know you I'm going to avoid psychological speculation (since we probably both agree that that's bad) and not accuse you of anything).


This is correct.


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All I know is that people on Nextdoor would totally be using it as an excuse to yell at dog owners they don't like


since i haven't seen that yet, I have to assume it's fake.


>while the activation of the nihilism-savior complex does its work in the background in your subconscious.

I might regret asking this, but...what?


Oh. I might have an answer. I've probably actually heard of this: the "nihilism-savior complex". But in the context of business and marketing. If I remember right. It's also called something like "selling the anti-kitten-burning coalition". Or "be in charge of both the problem and the solution". Or basically just "malicious viral marketing". I guess.

Basically, the steps are:
A)Invent a theory that a bunch of villains are secretly burning kittens in local public areas.
B)Create an anti-kitten-burning club.
C)Spread the word to people about how they need to join your club in order to stop these villains.
D)Recruit those in your club to get more recruits.
E)Sell all of your recruits shit that they don't need.

That's it. More or less the same thing as people who sell deliberately shoddy bathroom products. Which is like...

A)You think that you're cool, but you actually suck because you stink.
B)Our products actually make you smell good.
C)The products are bullshit and you're actually the same, but you're happy and now they've got your money.

That all make sense?



That makes sense, but that's not really working if at the first step everyone is like "No one is burning kittens, we looked."  Like that's absolutely something politicians, and especially the Trump campaign, tend to do.  Cat eating is a great example!  But people do have to believe them for that to function.  There's no secret subconscious response to it.


> I believe the world would be better off if all black people were dead. Just saying.


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Yes, but black people are worse than pretty much every single race

Native Americans are pretty annoying too

If only I could just push a button and exterminate them


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I remember talking to a guy who was in Africa and watching insurgents fighting with their police. The police took the survivors and lit a fire with tires. Then they throwed them in. I remember him describing hoe the eyeballs exploded from the heat.

Yeah. I'm okay if all black people were dead.

Probably doesn't help that I actually do not recognize Africans as human beings. Just some compatible species of homo


I see what you're saying, but my core point is that in general terms viral marketing works in a broad sense. Which makes it rational to try to do it over and over again. Pushing luck.

Sort of like how, again, a company that makes lame bathroom products based on lying that people are too musky or whatever will try to make lame automobile products to make the inside of your car smell good supposedly next.

Now, that car business spinoff thing might fail actually, but for the executives it was worth a shot, an attempt.



Ah, yes, I understand.


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That Trump and Vance failed this time to convince most doesn't mean that what it wasn't a case of 'selling the anti-kitten-burning coalition'


I can't eait to see where this Uncle Ruckus arc of your life leads you.


>Native Americans are pretty annoying too
>If only I could just push a button and exterminate them

Does that include those of us who are partly Native American?


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My Uncle Ruckus Arc got me into a 4 bedroom house with 2 bathrooms away from violent thuggish animals.

>Does that include those of us who are partly Native American?

Black people are the original native americans


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>Black people are the original native americans

That doesn't answer my question


Why do you people engage with obvious bait?





>That Trump and Vance failed this time to convince most doesn't mean that what it wasn't a case of 'selling the anti-kitten-burning coalition'.
Yeah. Unethical marketing is a big thing in modern life. Makes me glad to have done these business related studies during my college years, to help me with spotting such things.


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Because you're asking a really stupid question. The answer is yes. One drop.


I shouldn't take the bait... but... well...

I find it rather infuriating that the Russian race has tried to eliminate my ancestral peoples, the Finns, off the face of the Earth on multiple instances, and even at this exact second Putin's regime blathers on about how great nuking Finland so much that it becomes as warm as the Tropics... and yet somehow that doesn't matter to people like you...

Hell, just look at what the Russian goons have done to the innocent people of Ukraine in the past view years that make what you just described look like the work of Care Bears, I mean the fucking Russians have intentionally killed children seeking treatment in a hospital specializing in treating cancer...

Yet does any of that spark even the slightest bit of words from people like you? Like at all? Russians can look, act, and sound like literal caveman up to an including the child murder and the rape, but because their skin shade happens to be white, I guess, that somehow gives them a permanent ethical pass to do whatever they want forever?

And the Chinese? The North Koreans? The Iranians? They can molest the Earth and slaughter innocents by the truckload as well? Yet it's all fine enough since they've got a certain amount of melanin? I suppose?


I'm bringing this all up not because I support racism against alternate targets, which I absolutely don't, but because I'd like to remind you and everyone else of this fact: the greatest murderers of innocents in the world at this exact moment as well as over the past century have been pasty-skinned people (Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Putin, Quisling, Brezhnev, et cetera).


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Wasn't talking about russians
Like at all. I also don't care If me being racist hurts people's feelings. It's just thoughts. You can be racist to my race too and I really won't care. Its nothing personal

Though, fuck them too

Good. I'm racist as fuck. I don't care about russians

And to be honest they deserved stalingrad


If a wolf eats off one of my fingers, and then a bear eats off one of my arms, and then a cat meows at me, me reacting by obsessively hating cats my whole life and caring nothing whatsoever about bears and wolves isn't a matter of "feelings".

It's a matter of me being a complete fucking idiot.

It's not emotion. It's logic.

If you suicidally possess selective self-preservation in which you don't care about a threat because of your personal feelings, and instead you become totally paranoid over a non-threat, then that makes you stupid, and I should call you stupid, because it's a factual statement just like calling you bald if you're bald or hairy if you're hairy.


If I'm an American living in America, my physical safety is threatened by neo-Nazis, by Klansmen, by Hispanic gangbangers working with MS-13 and other Cartel type groups, by the Chinese regime, by the Russian regime, by Islamic Jihad type militants, and the like.

An American who wets his pants because his nextdoor neighbor is a gay prostitute from Australia who's deaf or something like that because his precious, precious right-wing feelings got hurt is a complete fucking moron, and for him to regard that woman as a violent threat to him is honestly mental illness, even if politely we wouldn't tell him that and would just criticize him for having right-wing beliefs.


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That analogy doesn't even make sense.

If a wolf and a bear attacked me, I would probably hate wolves and bears.

The cat has nothing to do with it.

I'm not paranoid about black people. I see them for what they are, and I'm just not playing the game with you where I will pretend that there isn't a problem with that particular breed of human. Black people are the pitbulls of human beings.



>Black people are the pitbulls of human beings.

...they're...loyal and protective?


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So that would include me.


Why doesn't the mods actually do anything about it?

They removed the initial post and then just... let the rest continues because...??????


1. This may be a containment board and mods are like "fudge it, we don't really keep policing that mess"
2. Mods are too scaredy to act on anything so that people come complain about how it's unfair that their opinion got yeeted on /townhall/. Can't deal with the incessant whining.




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Alright. Look. If I applied your ""logic"" to my own life, then I'd be a part of a militia that just murders all of the straight white cisgender able-bodied Christians in America to prevent them from successfully wiping out the Jews, the LGBTs, the disabled, and so on. A preventative genocide to prevent them from setting forth their genocide on us. So, everybody who's a Donald Trump or like him would be dead.

Would you view that as a good idea? As morally justified? Would you really support me in doing that?

After all, I'd just be putting down a ""breed"" of human beings that can't peaceful coexist with the ""breeds"" that I and my friends plus family are a part of it? Right? After all?

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