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I'll just leave this here.

(It's based off the classic, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Otbml6WIQPo.)


This strawman version of Project 2025 sounds unironically amazing.
It's too bad that Trump doesn't support either the strawman version or the real version.

+1 for Trump if you insist.



It only sounds good because if you look at it from the perspective of the present, in the same way that a little kid obsesses over the middle ages and thinks how cool it would be to live in them. It's a nice fantasy, but in reality, however, it would just be a step backwards.

Hypothetically-speaking, if Project 2025 were to be implemented, as it is represented in the video, what would be Project 2125? If one were to look at the magnitude of Project 2025, it is clear that Project 2125 would be put forth by the Catholics, who would wish to "Make Christianity Great Again." The MCGA wing of the government, if successful, would then turn the President into the Pope, in which people would no longer have even the right to interpret scripture as they see fit.

Looking at history, Catholicism arose as a means to reform barbarian tribes, so next up in this hypothetical world would be Project 2235, in which there would be a "Make Barbarism Great Again" movement. The MBGA movement, if successful, would lead to many barbarian tribes roaming the country, scavenging for food and shelter, with diverse leaders and beliefs.

Before Barbarians, however, there was the common ancestor. There would then be a "Make The Common Ancestor Great Again" movement. The MTCAGA movement, if successful, would lead to genetically-experimented-upon humans roaming the wastelands of America, fighting over food injections.

How do I know all this? (See linked video)



Left once again proving they've never matured...

>>14498 has the right idea.
I just don't give a crap about this '2025' fearmongering.
The more it's put forward everywhere I look, the more I'm convinced it's another fake.



In the original video, the kid is portrayed the same. The difference is in Bill. In the original, Bill is portrayed as a humble Christian who prays that he might one day become a law. In the satirical version, Bill is portrayed like someone on a power trip, as he is no longer a humble bill hoping for the approval of independent branches of government representing the will of the people, but rather someone on a power-trip who doesn't care what anyone else thinks, with his 800+ pages and eager, empty expression. It's the difference between real Christianity, which is about loving your neighbor and fake Christianity, where you ignore (or worse) your neighbor.


Donald Trump's voters base their opinions on their hatreds, particularly racial and religious prejudice, and this is exactly what they want.

As the saying goes, "the cruelty is the point".

If you're disabled, if you're Jewish, if you're Muslim, if you're gay, or whatever else, then you're inferior to Trump and his supporters, in their eyes, and they demand that you heel to them by force. That's just life. That's just where it is.

There's almost no difference between politics in America during the 1930s and the 1940s and politics now: the same scapegoats believed by the past right-wing to have destroyed the economy and harmed American civilization then (particularly Jews and gay people as well as the handicapped) are STILL the targeted groups of disdain now. This is why Donald Trump told his nephew that disabled people should be all ideally euthanized because we're a drain on capitalist resources.

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