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If buying little candies or even bigger candies gets more and more expensive relative to most things that you can snack on, is there really a good reason to get them throughout the year? When it's not Halloween?
A lot of people across the U.S. have observed that the relative costs of getting candy seems less worth it compared to brownies, cookies, sweet nut bars, or basically anything else that you can munch on that's easy to pack into a backpack, or a purse, or whatever else. Of course, it depends on where you live. Maybe a lot of formerly popular candies aren't that tasty anymore, anyways. Everybody has their own favorite X or Y treat to get.
What're your favorite candies? Are they tasting the same now as they were years ago? Have they changed? And what's happened to the prices? What snacks are the absolute best for when you're going on some kind of trip?
{Please don't respond to this post with something like "Snickers makes you gay" or "Brownies are for assholes", or otherwise acting in a 4chan kind of way.}