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How do we think all those on far left who are right now screaming and crying into cameras about how Trump is going to deport all Mexicans and lock all non straight white men, all LGBT and trans people in concentration camps and remove all womens rights going to feel when none of that happens?


Relieved, I imagine.


On a related note, how will all the people who voted for him feel?  Is it just the expectation these days that politicians don't really fulfill their campaign promises, or will there be more of a sense of betrayal?



>"Lock her up"

Hillary is still free.

>"Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it!"

Never happened

>"Drain the swamp"

Made the swamp even swampier.

They still voted for him a second time so


It would be nicer to find the politician has been talking shit for all of his campaign for once.

But a lot of shit has been flung.


i'm locking this thread, as i don't think this meets the standards of townhall, low as they are. i do invite the OP to rephrase this thread though, and repost it for discussion.


oops! that's me, by the way, sorry!

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