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File: 1735257443181.png (413.41 KB, 1079x1162, 13:14, Screenshot_20241226-183339.png) ImgOps Google

What should be the cap on how many immigrants and temporary workers (e.g., H-1B and O-1) are allowed into the US annually?  I think there is a trade-off here between benefitting from talented immigrants and ensuring that they adequately assimilate and we preserve American culture.  I'd tentatively suggest a total cap of 1.6 million adults (equal to 1% of the US labor force).  


To begin with, I'd caution with believing anything Scott Adams claims due to his history of lying about objective facts, such as giving incorrect numbers off of news reports that supply different numbers for things.


>having the immigration system be based on skin color, biological sex, religious beliefs, and the rest
As far as ideas go, this would be terrible at the level of like having both Joe Biden and Donald Trump barbecue a kitten on the White House Lawn and then share in the charred kitten sandwich.

>trying the absolute hardest to recruit not just experts but basically anybody helpful when it comes to national security relates jobs such as in nuclear physics and in AI development
This is absolutely vital, I think, but it will also be considerably expensive (while it should still happen) given how European nations and other places are rivals to the U.S. on this. Germany in particular, if I remember right, is aggressively trying to gain an edge over the English-speaking countries here. And China does what China does.

>general limits on skilled immigration to the U.S. should be eased up so that something like 1% or so of the total labor force are made up of these people
As a framework of various other ideas, this makes sense. However, I think that the positive spillover effects of skilled worker based immigration plans mean that more should be done. These people a)are more law-abiding than even native-born people, b)are prolific consumers, c)are steady taxpayers, and d)are beneficial entrepreneurs. They're like giving a deeply tired person a line of cocaine in terms of energy and confidence. I'd say that ideally they should be something over 5% of the total U.S. labor force. Maybe around 10% or so. Thus. Although, not half, not a third, not a fifth, and so on... assimilation of immigrants to a general social culture still requires a lot of effort.


File: 1735528673360.png (587.72 KB, 929x1477, 929:1477, 93301b26f7f551d9418a37b39f….png) ImgOps Google

What's the poem on the Statue of Liberty say again? Oh, right:

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Closing that door is spitting on the ideals America was built on. At least from my point of view. But my point of view doesn't matter because I'm not American.


> At least from my point of view. But my point of view doesn't matter because I'm not American.

90% of the far right victories in Europe are set over immigration.

It's the main reason why people voted UK to leave.

While the current issue is another part framed in recent US politics, this is relevant in the Western world entirely.


It should be noted that the OP image and OP text as well as >>15126 as a response all describe a large number of immigrants coming to the U.S., at the level of hundreds of thousands of people moving, instead of a closed border coming into being with nobody going anywhere.

So, the question of the thread isn't "Should mass immigration to the U.S. be allowed, legally and morally?" but is actually "How and why exactly should mass immigration to the U.S. take place, if will occur in the future?".


Understandable. We should strive to be more like post brexit UK.

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