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What did Donald Trump mean by this?


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If we look at Kohlberg's theory on the stages of moral development, then according to classical liberalism, it would traditionally refer to Stage 5 moral reasoning. We cannot, however, perfectly understand another's moral reasoning unless we understand everything about them and their situation. Thus, we can only speculate. Take the following into consideration:

Trump's most extreme supporters would likely fall under Stage 1 (avoiding punishment) or Stage 2 (self-interest) and take it to mean free license to do whatever they want.

Some libertarian supporters would take it to mean Stage 5 moral reasoning and perhaps agree.

Democratic ideologues would likely interpret it as Stage 1, 2, or 3 (3 because they might think that Trump is just doing whatever Elon Musk/Republicans want).

Regardless, the phrase is meaningless unless one can consistently act from the level of moral reasoning at which it originated (at least Stage 5).


"America is so rotten and corrupt that if I have to disobey 'laws' to save the country I will."

It's not hard.



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"You look like a bot."

Oh, okaay.


Ask a Republican and he'll say he's playing 4D chess and joking and trolling the libs and it's hillarious

Ask a Democrat and they will say that he's Hitler reborn who is planning to rip up the constitution and elect himself a dictator god emperor for life

Ask a based centrist and they will tell you that they don't care, nothing ever happens and that they just want to grill

Take your pick



> Ask a based centrist and they will tell you that they don't care, nothing ever happens and that they just want to grill

If tomorrow an asteroid hits the surface and wipes out all of humankind in an instant, on a cosmis scale nothing really happened either

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