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What did Donald Trump mean by this?
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If we look at Kohlberg's theory on the stages of moral development, then according to classical liberalism, it would traditionally refer to Stage 5 moral reasoning. We cannot, however, perfectly understand another's moral reasoning unless we understand everything about them and their situation. Thus, we can only speculate. Take the following into consideration:
Trump's most extreme supporters would likely fall under Stage 1 (avoiding punishment) or Stage 2 (self-interest) and take it to mean free license to do whatever they want.
Some libertarian supporters would take it to mean Stage 5 moral reasoning and perhaps agree.
Democratic ideologues would likely interpret it as Stage 1, 2, or 3 (3 because they might think that Trump is just doing whatever Elon Musk/Republicans want).
Regardless, the phrase is meaningless unless one can consistently act from the level of moral reasoning at which it originated (at least Stage 5).
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"You look like a bot."
Oh, okaay.