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Perhaps this is the moment that the peoples of Germany stand up and manage to be the light that pierces the darkness of these troubled times, fighting on behalf of the downtrodden across the world.


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Unlikely, given that Germany stupidly shut down its nuclear reactors, leading to increased European buying of Russian oil and LNG.  The only hope for Germany is AfD.


>The only hope for Germany is AfD.
This is such a black-versus-white and day-versus-night reverse from the truth that it's kind of astonishing.

The AfD symbolizes everything wrong with Germany. Getting rid of it entirely would mean Germany achieving massive improvements. In countless ways.

Embracing Chinese and Russian government domination across Europe and abandoning democratic principles of freedom as well as equality in the name of fighting Jews, the LGBT, and other minorities as well as restoring the supposedly glorious Nazi past-- giving victory to the AfD by becoming the Germany "for straight cisgender white Christians by straight cisgender white Christians" that the AfD wants-- would doom the German people.

I would actually say that German Jews and LGBT Germans in particular, if anything, have played a key role in German prosperity and success after the Cold War ended, and demonizing them as monsters from hell is the surest way to ruin the country. Identity politics is a cancer of the mind and soul. It should be fought in Germany as well as elsewhere. A Germany cleansed entirely of its Jews, its LGBT population, its population of those with darker skin colors, and the like is a Germany that not only can't ever exist but the attempt to bring it about cannot ever be anything other than evil.


It's not about jews or homosexuals or immigrants anymore.

Trump has backstabbed Europe, is breaking upalliances, while putting up Russia as the victor.
Trump is threatening sanctions and worse to EU, while already threatening any other nation that might support Europe.

From outside the US is pulling away any form of support, while from the inside, they are propping up far right pro-Russian parties such as AfD or Reform UK to undermine European policy.

At this point in time, Europe should work hard to form a unity, to get together as a solid block to oppose a Russian invasion and any other shit US wants to pull.

If European nations start breaking off turning to isolationism and spend their time culling their population from the LGBTQ threat and wokism, then Europe is hopelessly lost and the bad guys win.

I really hope Europeans keep that in mind.


>At this point in time, Europe should work hard to form a unity

I agree.  NATO should invade Ukraine and recover the lands that were illegitimately stolen and ethnically cleansed by Stalin.  Return the Polish land to Poland.  Return the Hungarian land to Hungary.  Return the Romanian land to Romania.  Expel the Ukrainians from the lands they were forcefully resettled in by Stalin.  Why in the world NATO wants to support Ukraine against Russia, when they should be reclaiming their own lands from a nation that itself does not believe in the concept of national self-determination, is mind-boggling.  NATO should be supporting Russia in the justified partition of this illegitimate state.  Trump pulling support from Ukraine is a gift to all of Europe.


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Thank you


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It seems clear as crystal to me that political movements across the world that preach the hatred of Jews, hatred of homosexuals, hatred of disabled people, hatred of Black people, and the hatred of minority Christian traditions (such as Quakers, Jehovah's Witnesses, Unitarians, Baptists, et cetera) are telling on themselves in a pretty obvious way that they're "the bad guys" in a fundamental fashion.

It's the political version of looking like this, basically.

Why Trump sees these types as wonderful allies worth giving wet, passionate kisses to... well...


My guy you are being cringy as fuck.

Call him a moron and move on.

Fuck me this board was the biggest mistake


My God, the irony of this post is amazing.


You're right.

Gonna go kiss a shotgun now.


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Looks like my info was out of date.  The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) started supporting nuclear power in Oct 2024.  So AfD isn't the only hope for Germany to restart nuclear power plants.

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