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 No.1174040[View All]

File: 1723614074598.png (344.54 KB, 2204x1798, 38:31, 3226676.png) ImgOps Google

Welcome to the /b/ & Friends thread! It's that time once again.

Keeping the spirit of friendship and kindness burning all the way. <3
342 posts and 276 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Have a Merry Christmas Moshy mosh

A message from the local lolicon

Also where everyone at?


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Thank you Mikie ^w^

I am at home. Sadly feeling a bit ill, so I will be calling off work tomorrow. The plan was to just go in on Monday for the next 2 weeks, but I'll be needing plenty of rest instead.

What're you doing this holiday?


Damn hope you feel better soon. I’m going to be spending time with my family mostly and then I’ll be back on the internet shitposting until I have to go back to living my boring life


Name fell off..


You too!
Get well! Hang in there.


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Marry Mari


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Hopefully Endchan will find way of fighting off the attack...


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It reminds me of DelayClose. Think they're got a bot set up which looks at boards with recent activity. If there's been recent activity, it's hit.
Happens for new posts as well as deletions


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RIP Endchan :'(


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Only so much you can really do when you're busy during weekdays


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I wonder if Endchan will implement a whitelist approach like >>>/canterlot/7459 ...


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Hop on IRC and find out


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Time for me to hop into bed...


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Good night!


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Don't forget to marry Mari


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Seems like the spam dies down through the night


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Oh, is Endchan usable again?


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Looks like it is!


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It should be criminal to make me have to have to get up at 5 AM, but here we are.


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That's very early.  I've been getting up around 6:30 AM local time, but usually I get up around 7-9 AM at home.


Yes well, that's film shoots for ya. It was a a whole away, and I live in the boonies and had to take public transportation.

It's fine. I am a night owl normally, but I have no issue getting up early for appointments and such.


Sleeping til 12pm for me, because the dog keeps waking me up.


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A Ca(n)taloupe!


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