No.10[Last 50 Posts]
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[#Action/Adventure] [#Canon: Fo:e, 4 Years after] [#Grim/Dark] [#Pencil and Paper(recommended)] [#Stats System]
Welcome to the Wasteland Stories thread, here you can either sign up or rp here if you're character has been given the thumbs up from me. So let's get the technical stuff out of the way
Building a CharacterWhat you'll need to submit will be…
Description: (Pic can be used instead)
History: (Optional but it would be nice)
Inventory: (If you don't put anything here, you'll start with no armor and just a regular pistol. If I don't accept your inventory, then pistols for you)
Traits: (Select 2)
Lvl: (This is for veteran players only, if you have partaken in this thread on Ponychan then you may start your character at Lvl 15, select a total of 14 skills or spells or raise your stats up by 14 points. Otherwise you start at Lvl 1)
And here's the document that will show you how to record your character sheet on your computer. DocumentsRules and Spells for reading and good luck!
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How much CP are we allowed to use for character's inventory?
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Name: Critical hit
Race: unicorn
Gender: Male
Description: >pic
History: Is the former leader of his small merc, the Avengers. Now off on his own journey, he has come to terms with his life. Saving small communities and attacking raider outposts has become his daily routine.
Inventory: Laser Rifle, Lever Action Rifle, Grenade Rifle, and a leather duster.
Traits: Small Frame, Hot Blooded, Flare, Telekinesis
Lvl: 15 Poker Drop, Strobe Lights, Mysterious Stranger, Second Wind, Action Buck, Hired Hit, Shield, Magic Missile, Fireball, Chain Lightning, Dehydration, Spell Storm, Hellfire, Starswirl's Sword.
>>11It's usually 100. I know the rules seem to be for a different rp but I needed this one up tonight and that system is the most updated one I have, please bear with me.
Also if you need any help for char creation or simply the rule then just let me know.
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>>13Yes please! I would like to know if my character is allowed to be a baby or teenager dragon, how many points I get for S.P.E.C.I.A.L and how many perks I get to choose from level 1.
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>>15Thanks! Now let's see:
Name: Promyn (shortening for Prominence)
Race: Dragon (Young)
Gender: Female
Description: Picture
Inventory: Regular pistol
Traits: Fast Metabolism / Organization
Lvl: 1
S: 4
P: 4
E: 5
C: 9
I: 8
A: 6
L: 4
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I'm already in this RP so I'm too lazy to post sheet.
>List sleeps in all morning after a night drinking with Hazel and Ace
(Brb classes)
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>>18Forgot the history:
Promyn is a former member of a merchant caravan composed by four ponies and her. Prom used to do the inventory and organization jobs to make sure nothing was missing or left behind. The caravan ended when one of the ponies were recruited by a mercenary team, and the other three got themselves into too much trouble to keep the caravan working,
Prom parted ways searching for her plance in the world.
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>>23Please do post a character sheet. There's a bunch of new stuff that would be applicable to you. Also there are some traits that are not present in this rp so just making a new sheet would be ideal.
>>25Ah it didn't matter really. Also here's what your sheet should look like on your computer (If you made it a rich text file)
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Let's begin>A radio plays in the background>Location: Walpole(List's town)Mostly everything was going swell. Population was booming, NCR free, and List's son is getting proper education.
List was mostly in his house polishing his AK-12 while Virgil his Spritebot was playing music while floating in the air.
So, here's the thing. The NCR needs List back because Morale is getting low and new threats are popping up after the Damn battle. So you can mess around how the NCR needs to get a hold of List. No.31
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>>29After a very, very long yawn, Prominence squirted her eyes tight, getting used to the sun brightness, taking her bag in hands and throwing it up her tiny shoulders, Prominence made her way to the nearest city.
"Well, time to set foot on the road and scales on the dust, this dragon gotta make caps today."
>>30Yeah but I need a sheet from you first.>>31Which in her case that would be west towards New Appleloosa. Once she had gotten there, the gates opened up and she was let inside. She could see many a traders with their pack brahmin buzzing about to take in inventory
[Organization]She could see that they had just made a full circle trip but they did have plenty of inventory. She could also see that they made a bit of caps from their trades.
Around her she can see the inn/bar, the general good store, a weapons and armor store, town hall, and a small well.
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Saved from old thread
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>>32Prominence approaches the traders in hope to get herself at least a part time job to get by the day, upon getting a few steps of distance, she salutes the traders cheerfully.
"Howdy thar folks! Pretty nice morning for business don't ye think?"
>>33>>34Mkay now just pick a total of two traits, and 14 skills, spells, or special point allocation.>>35They first look about and then realized that they should be looking down.
>"Yeah my crew just got back from the merchant's run a while ago. We made a decent profit, was there anything you wanted?"They seemed friendly enough for wastelanders, wanting to do trade with all.
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>>36"Well Actually."
The dragon proceeded to conversate with the ponies.
"A smart dragon such as myself was actually looking for work, instead of peddling. I can asure you gentlemen that I'm the sharpest accountant around these parts of the wasteland."
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>>46Welp, Prom is smarts over muscles, she's more an negotiator than a fighter, and I'll be with this."Well I'm not just 'an' accountant, but the best one around! And plus, I'm a good shoot aswell. But you're probably right, I'm sure some mercenary pony would make better use of my talents, am I right?"
>>47I'll think of something, just now that this rp is for intensive combat encounter and character building.>"Hmmm… I dunno about just my rinky dink caravan. Perhaps you should head on over to the trade office in town hall and speak with them there."Yep I know how to get you character to do stuff now, prepare to become the greatest caravan boss in the wastes>>48It was a letter with an NCR seal on it.
[b]Marvelous List
With your prior service to the NCR, we would ask of you to pledge your loyalty to us once more. Please see us at our base of operations at Junction Town for further details.
Do you want me to level up your character for you? No.50
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>>49Sure>List took a long sigh"It was a matter of time until they would need my help."
"Now looks like the legend is coming home."
>While he said that, a few townspony heard it and news quickly spread faster then Person Garvey giving you quests in a second.==========================
>He then went home and told Curtain>Curtain was shocked and didn't want him to leave because of his Son<"Why? Why risk your life to some stupid program?">List pushed her aside while walking to his office"Because for the greater good."
>He then went to his office and changed into his Veteran Ranger uniform with his Mama's Little Colt helmet>He then finally grabbed his Pistol and AK-12 and took off to the location while music played on his Pipbuck No.52
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>>49Aawww yis"Very well then, thanks for the tip!"
As soon as she finishes her sentence, Prom runs down to the Town Hall and immediatly proceeds to look after the trade office.
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>>51>List thought about this for a moment"Well, since I have nothing to do besides staying in my home all day doing nothing but shooting Radroaches, then yes I'm joining up."
>He said while taking off his helmet No.55
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>>53>"Well I'm glad you asked, madam!"The dragon hops up on the mare's desk and poses pridefully to the mare.
>"The name's Prominence, Promyn for friends, better remember that because we're probably be besties"With a smug smile on her face, the dragon jumps down from the desk and walks a few steps back while still speaks.
"I'm here for work. No easy tasks, no routine schedules, and no peaceful walks around the park. This dragon means business, and can handle just as well as she is eager."
>>54She clapped her hooves with excitement and pulled out some papers.
<"Okay so these are you orders from the higher ups. It says here that you are to investigate a local that's been sniping near one of the caravan roads. Who ever it is keeps the raiders off of them but we may think it is your old friend Critical. All attempts to contact him has been met with silence and we can't find his camp anywhere."She then sets down the papers.
<"If we could have both you and him on the same team, it could prove vital to our operations."The last time List heard about Critical was after he gave up his command over to the Avengers and disappeared from life itself. The Avengers eventually dissolved themselves but their hometown Haven still stood.
>"Well I do need someone to go between places, organize the caravan, and make deals and alliances. You are now hired, welcome to the Crystal Caravan Company. The first thing I need you to do is head on over east to Dodge City and check on our outpost there and solve any issues they may have. Here's a 1,000 caps to spend." No.61
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Are you sure it is some other pony like Sapphire from New Pegas?
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>>59>"Aye aye madam! Consider it done!"Taking the caps, Prom proceeds to make a few preparations, such as buying two healig potions from the other merchants, ammo if needed and rations, before taking down the path for Dodge City.
>"Welp, everything's set to make way to Dodge City but… hm… I wonder if anybody else is going there? The more, the safer, I always say!"Prom proceeds to look around the town if anybody else was heading to Dodge City.
>>61<"To be honest we have no idea. One caravaner said they saw this ghost sniper and the description they gave matches Critical's. Some of the bullets are also meant for a lever action and some of the support fire has been with laser fire."She then sighed a little.
<"We always assumed that he died out there somewhere after he dropped off of the radar. Oh well, it's your job to scout out the area and determine who is behind this and recruit them if possible.">>62There looked to be a Crystal Caravan waiting for her at the edge of town with its assortment of guards. This was most likely sent by her new boss.
>>63Alright, i'll see what I can do.
>After that, List left and went on the path where the scouts last saw Critical>While walking List said"Shit, does he even know what I look like?"
>>64They headed east and eventually arrived to Dodge City. The whole town looked like some sort of old wester with cowponies wandering the dusty streets. Once she had entered the Crystal office, she soon saw two ponies arguing amongst each other.
>"And I that they are filth not to be trusted with."<"But they can get us some good supplies to trade with.">"Yeah and drug up our customers with hot chems. We aren't chem pushers nor are we fences.">>65He found himself on the raod between Appleloosa and Dodge. It was quiet there, nopony around to talk with. To the north was some old hills, that was where the sniper most likely was.
>>67As he made his way, he soon found a sign with a silhouette of a pony with a line draw straight through its head. On the bottom it read…
The sniper is watching you!Ahead the hills were getting much larger, there could be a chance of ambush or traps.
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>>66Prom snipes the discussion from afar, and immediatly hops from the caravan, approaching the two ponies.
>"Well Haw-low thar pardners! Ah see ye both are in some high spirits thar! May I know the occasion? Maybe this humble trader can help y'all folks!" No.75
>>70He soon finds his hind hoof is strung up a tree branch and he is now hanging upside down.
>>72you type 1dX in brackets like these [ ]
1d20 = 111d200 = 8750d20 = 453 No.76
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>he yelled No.80
>>79The area went silent, it would seem the sniper didn't want to engage List at all. The shot from earlier was to only free him.
He then could hear hoofsteps crunch through the dead grass, coming closer and closer to him for the other side of the tree.
"Didn't you read the sign?"
>>81The stranger stepped around to come into view. It was Critical after all. He looked a little more mangy with his hair a mess and dirt and scratches covering his body. His stable suit looked worse off than he did, it was stained with mud and blood, covered in ash and most of it had patchwork done.
"Hey where did you get that armor? Only one stallion should have that."
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>>82>He takes off his helmet with a little *pss* sound of air"And that Stallion is me Critical. Your friend."
>He said as he looked at him in the eyesYou should do a drawing of him like that No.84
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>>77>"Why! Is just that the problem? It's not difficult to solve!"The dragon walks between both ponies and smiles with her signature salesman smirk.
>"If they got that much of a bad reputation, then y'all folks must be prepared, but not 'we're ready' prepared, but 'y'all walked the wrong neighborhood' prepared, get it?"The dragon walks a few steps away.
>"Agree to sign with them, but keep some armed men prepared for an ambush if they try anything funny, if they do, they'll be seeing a handfull of bullet commin' faster than their mothers punch!">Carisma 9 1d10 = 8 No.85
>>81Do you wanna take a break?Also here's your leveled stuff. Knock Down, Heavy Buck, Inspire Courage, Toss, Robotics Expert, Second Wind, Brace, Spoken Softly, Paralyzing Hoof, St +3, En +1, and Lk +1 No.87
>>83His eyes widen with shock.
"Holy shit, List?"
>>84>"Well we are a might busy here to do so, we'll need you to go over to the blades themselves and sign the agreement.">>86 Sorry I have shit internet so I just now saw your posts. I thought you guys were tired. No.88
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>>87"Yeah it's me."
"And you Crit, you look like you're gonna pass out and you really look like you need medical attention. Here, I can carry you to the nearest base if you want."
>He offered, and also something feels different about List. He not acting like a soft zigger, but like more mature and more confident which was ere to Crit No.90
>>88He smiled at list and shook his head. Critical changed as well, he seemed much more at peace with himself than before. It was as if the furious fire inside him was doused and was replaced with a light, a beacon of compassion.
"I'm fine, don't worry. It's really fucking good to see you."
His profanity was still there though, some things just don't change.
"We should head on to my shed really quick to gear up, something tells me you're not on just some social call."
>>89<"Here."The mare handed you a caravan shotgun
Caravan Shotgun Dmg 100 3000caps
A simple two shot shotgun used in the caravan business.<"That's ward off any pickpockets. Right now in order to find the blades, they should be held up in the local saloon. Careful it could get rough in there but nothing too violent." No.92
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>>90"Aw don't worry run, diplomacy is my finest skill."
The dragon says whilist she walks to the mentioned saloon.
Once inside, she checks for who apparently may be the leader.
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"Lead the way dude."
>He smiled
>>92The saloon was filled with the rough sort that you wouldn't really want to talk to. Suddenly you can hear some commotion and you see a waitress accidentally spilling a drink on a customer. The customer stood up and punched her across the face and knocked her.
>"Stupid bitch."Suddenly another stallion stood up with a sky blue coat, long brown mane, and wearing. He whipped out a 10mm pistol and fired it at the customer with three shots. The first two lands in his chest and the last one clears off of his head, letting the body shamble to the floor.
<"Don't you ever hit her again!"He turns around and sits back down and on the side of his jacket you can see a picture of a razor blade.
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>>94She approaches the sky blue jacket stallion's right seat.
"I hardly believe he will ever be able to hit anything again. May I have a sit, sir?"
>>93They proceed deeper into the hills until they came upon a small junk shack> Inside was a random assortment of junk and some high grade firepower. All together there was…
Fiery Laser Rifle +20 Dmg290
A Cannon Dmg 300
An Explosive Sniper Rifle+15 Dmg 230
"I've also collected some power armor as well."
I know we just posted the same time >>96<"Yeah go ahead if you want, you'll have to buy your own drink though. What's your name kiddo?" No.98
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>>97"Whoa. What are you a scaver now?"
>List said while sounding a little cocky"Anyway, so tell me, what happened to you? Everyone thinks you're dead. Even Curtain thinks that too and it keeps her up at night."
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>>97>"Oh, worry not mister, I don't drink when I'm doing business"Prom smiles.
>"The names Prominence, but you can call me Promyn, like all my friends does."The dragon climbs her way on the stoll.
>"I assume you are the leader of the blades,sir…?"The dragon looks at the stallion, waiting for him to complete the sentece with his name.
>>98"Somethings just happened and I needed time to learn who I was and what I was meant for this world. For the longest time I just didn't know so it frustrated. I on my travels I learned to be at peace with myself and help those around me instead of looking for the next fight, like I had a new purpose."
He chuckles for a moment, looking tired.
"Oh well I'm here now and that's what's important. Anyways take your pick."
>>99<"My name is razor and I founded the blades. We're just a small gang of kids really but don't let the others know I said that. You see I was just an average barber and when I was cutting some hair, I heard that some kids wanted to start a gang. I was worried that they would get into trouble so I offered to be their leader, to keep em from getting killed." No.101
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>>100"Crit, you need those better then me. Hell I plenty of guns in my house."
>he said humbly No.103
>>101"Alright then," he scrounges them all up and leads List back outside. There was two suits of power armor waiting for them…
T60 MHP+2000
T75 MHP+3000
The T75 was a new model made about a year ago for Epic's Knights which made it have a regal and sleek designed.
"I was definitely busy with collecting stuff."
>>102<"Whaddya mean sign up for this town, like some sort of business? Well the boys do often help folks when they can if that's what you mean or is it trade you're after? If it is trade then I would like to know who you work for." No.104
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>>103"Well from the history in the Pre-War I heard the T60 was the best in it's time. So I'll might go with that."
T60 master race No.105
>>104"Alright I'll just keep my suit in my inventory for now."
He then packs the T75 down and puts it into his inventory… somehow.
"Now down to brass tacks, why come out all this way just for me?"
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>>105"Typical NCR stuff. They think you're dead and they want you and me to reunite to deal with some problems. And to think that they can stand on their own, and so they told me to come back and help and to find you."
>He said while putting his helmet back on No.107
>>106He thought about it for a moment and then nodded.
"The Enseeyar eh? …Well I'm not doing much around here so I guess I can help out some. Just some small stuff really."
Make NCR great again No.108
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>>107That's what we are doing."Alright ready to head out?"
Also maybe we should have one little mission when we get there. So that we can get familiar with the battle system No.109
>>108Yeah that's what I had in mind actually, and don't worry if you fail the rolls I'll still count them as successful. Prepare to show off for some new recruits."Yeah we'll push on like we always have."
They head on out eastward, leaving behind the past and starting a new chapter. A chapter of their lives in their story, The Wasteland Stories…
Theme PlaysThey had soon reached Junction once again, what used to be just simply their home was now the heart of NCR operations on the east side of the continent. Once they had entered the offices, Critical was showed the way to the showers and medical area so he could be examined and back to working order. His time out in the wilds had taken a toll on him and made him slightly a bit feral looking on the outside. List was greeted by the officer mare again.
<"I can't believe you found him! To think two legendary heroes will be helping our cause."She jumped for joy for about of minute and handed list some new papers.
<"Here's you next assignment, we need to teach some recruits about the tactics of combat and we need you and your friend to do so." No.110
>>109"Ah that will be easy."
"…Reminds me of the old days."
>He nods and changes into his parka >He then walks out to where he has to train No.112
>>110Critical stepped out to join him, looking much better than what he did before and now wearing some NCR fatigues and a military cap which couldn't hold back the hair that popped out from underneath.
They were met with a small number of recruits that were whispering to themselves in front of the firing range.
"Okay let's show you guys how to fire your guns. List if you can shoot one of the targets please."
>>111<"Hmm…."His eyes scan you with a cold stare at first, trying to see who you actually were.
<"You work with the Crystals don't you? Sorry but no deal, I know that caps are everything to em and they'd let kids starve just because they were just a cap short."It would seem he would need some convincing first in order to sign on.
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>List gotten out his pistol, aimed and fired>Perception 5 d10 = 7 No.114
>>113The bullet rang out and hit a scarecrow looking target right in the head. The recruits looked onward at the target, trying to learn what they can.
"That was decent, now to show you some new stuff. Critical whipped out his lever action and performed the poker drop skill
Ag 8
1d10 = 5Lk 8
1d10 = 8Ag 8
1d10 = 9Lk 8
1d10 = 3Ag 8
1d10 = 2Lk 8
1d10 = 10This is one of the new things, you character can perform skills that they know in combat. No.115
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>>114>List whispered to the new grunts You don't have to learn that, only pros like him can achieve that, hell even I can't. But hey, don't make me a bad gunner eh?>he then looked at Crit"Well played."
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still here
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>>112>"Well, you got that right, for the time being that is I am indeed working with them, but I don't intend to expende all my life with them."She puts both of her tiny hads on the table.
>"I have lost some of my best friends because money and silly mistakes, ones that I don't plan on doing again, that's why I"m just running errands and saving up enough caps to begin my own business, but I cannot do this alone.">"I need all the help I can get, so for the moment, I'm just using the crystal as a mean to get into my goals, however, I also need your help, and you would be helping me a bunch by saying yes so…">"Will you sign with this town, Mr.Razor? I promise to pay back the favor immediatly when I can."Charisma 9:
1d10 = 2 No.120
>>115"You all will one day learn how to do that kind of stuff. Just don't shoot yourselves is all I ask."
>>117Sorry I took a second to walk>>118He jostles the thought in his head and with a reluctant sigh he said…
<"Yeah alright, it'll keep my crew busy and hoof deep in caps I suppose." No.121
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>>120>"Thank you so much Mr.Razor! If is there anything I can do for you now or later, just let me know!"Prom says as she hops down from the chair and walks out of the saloon, on her way to look after the two ponies who were arguing before.
>>120And if they do it happens.
Anyway, let's see how good these grunts are.
Crit, hand them a rifles and I'll get the .22 ammo.
>he says No.123
>>121When she had gotten back, she found the place much quieter without those two bickering at each other.
>"So did the deal pull through?">>122"Yeah that sounds like a good idea."
They organized up the recruits and they began to practice fire. Most of the shots hit their marks and it would seem that they were successful, maybe even broke NCR records.
Hey List, if you give me permission to edit your roll doc, I can set it up really nice for you. I won't touch the rolls or anything. No.125
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>>123"Of course! Ah told y'all my diplomacy skills were golden, Ah got you some damn fine caravan and a very noble caravan leader all wrapped up in a nice package."
She boasts proudly of her feat, crossing arms.
"So as you ponies may have figures, I was sent here by the crystals to help around the town in anyway I can. Is there anybody else having trouble around these parts?"
>>124Gotcha, time to go to workIt wasn't just any average M1 at all, it was a unique version that was enchanted.
Heart Fire(Fiery+2M1 Garand+10) Dmg 240
A simple grunt weapon but has seen some workGonna one up that rifle>>125>"Well there is a small group of mercenaries harassing our caravans and there are several ways to deal with them. You can send in the militia…"<"Or send a work request from them. We can use more hired guns. Or maybe just pay them off.">"Of course that won't exactly ensure that they won't be bought off from some other higher bidder."It would seem Promyn had a choice to make.
Send in the militia which would clear out the mercenaries.
Send in a work request and hire them. Ch 1d10+3
Or buy them out which would cost about 800 caps
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>>126"Hey, that's pretty good!" >List fired at the target and got a good shot, then came that famous ping sound No.130
>>128Still not letting me edit, gonna need to share it with me. Here's my account…
Be sure the can edit button is checked. I used to this doc sharing stuff all the time in school, you probably do too."Got yourself a new toy? Well then that'll help win the day eh?"
They could notice the name Heat Fire was etched into the stock of the gun. Suddenly the officer mare busted through the doors and were calling to them.
<"Augh I need your guys' help on this one. New orders from command!"Right now I'm just doing small quests to get us back in the swing of things. I'll do some bigger stuff soon. No.131
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>>130>List slings the m1 on his back"Coming!"
>He walks to the office No.134
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>>126"Very well gentlecolts, let's see how a work request fares."
The dragon proceeds to write very carefully the work request, in hopes of recruiting them.
Charisma 9:
1d10 + 3 = 13 No.135
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Holy smokes, I am the sheakespeare of grunt recruiting.
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>>133"Ah that's easy."
"Hell if I had the access I could get the battleship and blow it up."
"But I digress, it's easier and faster to kill them. Wadda say Crit?"
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Also Crit, if you want a image of the officer ponified, I got you covered
>>134After sending a letter to them, their response was only filled with a bunch of profane language too graphic to write without getting banned.
>>136"Yeah some combat will get my systems going again for sure."
>>140Got your sheet set up.
… Daww No.142
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>>141"Indeed, ready to head out?"
>>142Yeah let's go.
he equipped his knightly looking power armor and they both strutted out into the wastes. There they soon came upon the camp. There seemed to be a total of three raiders roaming about there.
>>143No, you have to roll below your stat in order to succeed. For example your Ch of 9 has a 90% chance of success. Rules should detail this… I swear I have the math wrath perk No.145
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>>144"Okay, you snipe them while I'll sneak attack, if not, shot them all, okay?"
>he said as he readied his M1 No.146
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"Well, from the… um.. 'letter' I've received from them, looks like they won't collaborate without some deep reasoning… is there explosives avalible for purchase here?"
>>145 I'll let you use Pr on that gun. Also do you like your sheet?They both got into position to attack, List was unseen by the enemy and Crit had some good distance.
Full Combat EngagementRaider Sentinel Hp 4000
Dmg 100
Raider Striker hp 1000
Dmg 50
War Crier Hp 300
Dmg 10
Special ability, Inspire Courage.
Critical aimed his explosive sniper rifle at the Sentinel.
Ag 8
1d10 = 5Lk 8
1d10 = 5>>146>"Hmm yes there is an amount we have to use though it usually for clearing roads from sandstorms." No.151
>>148>>149Eh hit.
His bullet shot hit the same target, dealing a total of 480 damage, the sentinel was now down by 2940 Hp.
The raiders scatter trying to make sense of the situation. The War Crier shouted out loud as he strummed some beat up guitar. [-1 to enemy attack rolls]
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>>151"Common List focous.."
>He fired again>Perception 5 d10 = 3 >Luck 5 d10 = 6 No.153
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I'll be taking a break to do some work now.
See you guys later.
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And don't forget Crimea waifu
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>List and the raiders were waiting for Crit
>List talked to one
"Got any smokes?"
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>>152His shot hit home but didn't do as much damage as it could, leaving the sentinel with 2700 Hp.
Critical readied his aim and performed poker drop at the War Crier.
Ag 8
1d10 = 1Lk 8
1d10 = 3Ag 8
1d10 = 4Lk 8
1d10 = 1Ag 8
1d10 = 2Lk 8
1d10 = 9 No.167
>>166The first shot instantly killed the Warcrier and the raider retaliated. The Sentinel attack List with a sword and the Striker attacked Critical with a pistol
St 7
1d10 - 1 = 7Lk 3
1d10 = 9Crit
Ag 8
1d10 - 1 = 7Lk 3
1d10 = 3 No.168
>>167They were both hit for some damage.
List Hp 430
Crit Hp 3140
And now you can do you turn when you see this. Also be sure to see what skills your character can perform so you can gain an edge in combat No.175
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What I miss so far? Or should I just continue where I left off?
If I may suggest, I would like to remove the Knights of Equestria thing. I tihnk it's a concept that's better off for my own seperate RP idea and just a bit odd for a post-nuclear game if you get what I mean.
Just Epic and Fluttershy living with the FotA.
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>>178[spioiler]I miss me, Fluttershy and Tudor Rose as a happy, wierd family! I wish I can play right now but other than my SPECIALs, I forgot the rest of my stats.[/spoiler]
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>>179Well just remake it hon
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Okay I've been skimming the above posts for a while so I'll answer some general stuff that seems common/what I saw. (We really need an ooc)
The Enclave Attack
The attack happened shortly after List had finished up renovating his diner. The party was given a heads up as to when the Enclave would be attacked from a child hood friend of Critical. The party prepped up for a couple of days to ready themselves. During the attack, List led a small regiment of NCR troop against a juggernaut of Enclave Verti's to prevent them from attacking Junction Town. He was successful in this and the town was spared at great costs of lives from both sides. Epic returned from a small quest (I can't remember what it was) to discover that the FotA base had an agent within. The Agent who was a unicorn, had taken Rose due to her enhanced resistance to radiation which the Enclave wanted to use to help create a master race of pony kind. Epic confronted the agent and after a short battle the agent commited suicide so that he wouldn't be captured, Rose was recovered unharmed. Critical, who was accompanied by Gears, traveled to an old zebra base off the coast of the continent. There they face Crit's old friend who wished to end the world once again with nuclear fire. The friend believed that the were inherently evil, both Crit and himself, since their stable's main experiment was to see how society to function with ritualistic sacrifice. Unable to live with committing fratricide, the two fought and Crit was forced to kill him.
The FotA
The Followers soon found themselves completely neutral and unsupported by NCR. This is due to the NCR's much too spread out control over the wastes and unable to fund the Followers. Now running off purely of volunteers and scrounged supplies, the Followers are now made up of the common scavers, random doctors, and few leaders. They also have a small number of camps out and about but those have much decreased in size and they now mostly operate by caravan.
Epic's Knights would find themselves distant amongst each other and their faction, much like Crit's Avengers, has dwindled into a rare few number of knights who roam the wastes. Seeing these knights are very rare as they often resort to isolation as a life style much like former Avengers do.
Curtain Calls it
As it is not my OC, nor an NPC that I control, I can not decide her fate as that is List's job. I will say that you do often try to kill your own characters, regret it, and the next day bring them back so it may not be a good idea.
We really, really need an ooc board.
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>>241Well Critical I see no point of using her, besides taking care of my son. Hell I even thought that I can give hazel one more chance of trusting all of us by comforting me .
Hell we can forget Ace but Hazel, she has more potential then Curtain. Also one question, will the NCR use the Equestrian flag with their color guard?
>>243 I did keep a record of each and every character but I recommend that you make a new submission as there are new stuff with the battle system. S 9
P 5
E 6
C 5
I 6
A 5
L 7
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>>246Also, can we…you know Kennedy style, without the car?
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Anyway, when will be a good time to do it?
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>>250I gotta clean up a highway until 10AM with my unit tomorrow morning.
I'll be home around like 10:30AM.
What time do you want us to meet here?
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>>252So yeah.
Get your butt up at that time and hop right on. No.255
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Also maybe this the last night with her. I might hug my pillow tonight thinking of her…just for tonight.
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>>256make one of List's reaction to Curtain's..death. I'll use it for tomorrow I thinkWell then.
Night all.
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Is this at all right?
Name: Epic Mount
Race: Earth Pony
Gender: ♂
Description: Large grey earth pony with hazel brown mane and greeny-blue eyes. Bares a shield cutie mark.
History: He was once a ghoul, but had a brain transplant in a new cloned body of himself.
Inventory: Stuff. He doesn't wear armour and prefers either barehoof or melee weapons, preferably using angel Bunny who is a petrified rabbit as a bludgeoning weapon.
Traits: Hot Blooded, Brusier
Lvl: 15+
S 9+1
P 5
E 6
C 5
I 6
A 5
L 7
Skills: Knock Down, Toss, Earth Tremour, Brace, Spoken Softly
>>258Dayum, you actually got your stuff right. I guess my system isn't that bad after all. Looking at your stats, you have a total of 7 more skills to obtain and 7 more special allocation. Make them worth it. Also you EXP looks like this.
15,447,256 / 32,439,237
Left is what you have, right is what you need for next level.
Can I select more than one skill at a same level? Like Heavy Buck as well as Knock down?
Plus, do I need 8 in Charisma for "Spoken Softly"?
Trying to make him like Batman but less stealthily, smart and rich.
What skills would you reccomend for him?
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I know saying "Batman" is rather cliché and all, he isn't batman but has a sort of tragic past, or as tragic as I think a show about colourful ponies can get away with.
All in all, he smart but not a genius, he is strong and a bit blunt in skills and such. He would perhaps avoid unneccisary conflict but not good at being subtle.
Have you gone to bed? I should go in an hour or two myself.
>>263Yeah you can take several skills of the same Lvl Requirement. Don't worry, after this, all the math will be on me.
AS for Ch, you can just use it passively as good looks instead of convincing people.
>>264Nah I'm still here. Just doing some technical work and math. Boy I sure do love math, should've made a math wrath perk.
>>265If you want, you can write out a stat sheet that you think will best suit me. It maybe best since you can balance my SPECIALs properly and sort out all the technical stuff I'm stumped over.
Epic is smart, but not a genius, more brawn than brains.
Strength and Agility are his primary stats, Charisma and endurance are secondary and Perception and Luck can have the dreg points. (Though I feel good if Luck is at least at 7, given it's a lucky numer.)
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Reporting in
>>268Kay I got your sheet ready, do you have a google docs account?
>>274Alright I'm tired as shit but here I go.Morning had rose after the quick battle List and critical had with the raiders. They were victorious as their enemy fled and would never be seen around there again.
The party soon found themselves awakening, for Critical very slowly, up in the barracks area. They were soon led into the main hall where all of the bases Utilities were. Medical, weapons, intel, garage, and mess hall all could be found here.
<"I suggest you two familiarize yourselves with the main hall here and what it has to offer. We have a good number of services available so long as you have the caps of course, good luck." No.276
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>>275>list was still waking up"S-Sure.."
"Man, I need coffee"
>He said while rubbing his head No.277
>>276I'll have to draw a map of this area soon."We'll find that in the mess hall…"
They proceed into the central area and soon found an array of tables and chairs. There was also a counter with a robust mare behind, mixing something in a pot, looked like some sort of batter.
>"Aye what can I get you fellas? Just know that ye might be legends around 'ere, doesn't mean I'll take any of your back talk. You'll get what all the other grunts get around here."She was speaking in some sort of heavy Irish accent. She then sat the pot down and waited for your response.
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>>277>List was tired as fuck""
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>>278>"Here ya two are, that'll put some guff in ya chests."They both received a mug of their own coffee, which was dark and near black. Considering the wasteland and the lack of supplies to scrounge, this was unsurprising. Critical stared down into his drink for a second and then quickly knocked his head back to drink it. He then sat his mug down with a quick bang noise.
"Ack, jeez… nothing like from my stable that's for sure."
He made sure he spoke in a quiet voice so the mare wouldn't here.
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>>279"Coffee is coffee hon."
>List said while he drinked No.281
>>279Ack, Hear*. Sorry my grammar is gonna be shit for a while.
>>280"I… I know."
After that, they were now available to explore the rest of the Main Hall.
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>>281>List explores while trying to wake up"Augh..I didn't sleep last night"
>>282I guess Crit has the Evil Twin style.They soon found themselves at the weapons store, which also sold armor but is primarily known as the former.
<"Hey what sort of death dealer would you like?"There was a stallion behind a counter which had a pane of protective, bullet proof glass.
<"This here is you you can buy and sell equipment at reasonable pricing. Need a new gun to take on that pesky Alicorn Giant? I've definitely have what you'll need."Critical did business with the stallion and sold his Cannon, Grenade Rifle, Laser Rifle which all came down to a total of 5,900 caps. He now had a total of 6,000 caps in his inventory.
The store clerk looked on over a t List.
<"Got any junk you want to sell? I can use the spare parts." No.284
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>>283>List checks his inventory "Hm…let me see"
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>>288Oh."Well maybe not at the moment. I think I'm good where I am at."
>he said with tired eyes No.291
>>289[?]Epic's all set and ready to go with his sheet.
<"Well… you know where to find me then.""Where do you wanna check out next? We have the garage, medical and Intel left."
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>>291"Hm..lets try the garage."
>>292They head into a small and empty car basement, there they found a greaser looking mare working on a power armor station.
"Well howdy, this here is the garage. This is where you can store you various suits of power armor and modify them with enchantments which I sell. Also if you find any vehicles, you can mark them for pick up with this tagger."She hands them both a can of orange spray paint.
"We'll send a crew out to retrieve it and the next time you're in town the vehicle will be here. Just be sure to mark it with a line, a dot, or you're own personal signal." No.294
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>List smiledI see what you are doing here. It's the reference when you get on the Ship and you gotta meet the crew. And I think this is a reference to Ingram No.296
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>>295"Medical now."
I wanna do that sarcastic option No.298
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>>297Dammit critical.."Nope, just taking a look and meeting everyone. And how nice to see you, medical."
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>>299>List said in his mind"God, why are you even where?">He said"Alright brace. Crit, where next?"
>he questioned No.302
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>>300"Lastly would be the Intel."
They head on over and find a filing room filled with papers, cabinets, and cats. It reminded List of How Critical lived
looks like my room after drawing some dungeons. Behind the counter was the officer mare.
>"Oh you guys get to see my little corner of the NCR."She gets flustered a bit as she is embarrassed of her situation.
>"Here is where you can go out and perform missions for the NCR. I'm sure I have some work for all the time so if you ever get bored, just come see me. Any questions?" No.303
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>>302>List is half asleep>Yawns"Not at the moment, still waking up."
Hey, how do you want to start Curtain? On a radio? (Aka NCRPR) No.304
>>303I wanna get Epic's character in so I'm gonna move us outside to do so.They then leave the base and were now in the center of Junction Town.
"Well that looked real interesting, I'm gonna have to get my own place and set it up like that."
Are you sure you want Curtain to die? You always regret it the next day. The longest you ever went was about a week when you made List leave and played as Ace. No.307
>>305Maybe she's a synth now and we kill the synth? Any further discussion should be taken to your chat in your rolls doc. Our sheets will be like our ooc for the time being.>>306Critical walks on up to the cloaked pony after shooing away the kids.
"What are you selling?"
>>307Ah my friend, the latest and perhaps greatest in chem-consumables. I even got Ultra-Dash, Scorpio and even a brand new chem-experiance, something brand new made here in Junction… "Joy Ride"
Wanna try it?
>>308"I'll take some to go actually."
What? Of course I'm gonna sample it and edge in where he gets it from by being nice to the chem dealer.>>309The radio buzzed for a moment.
<"Hey there seemed to have been a shoot out in the harbor, nearby NCR please respond." No.312
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>>310>List chimed in"On my way. Over."
>He then scoffed"Must be some recruit firing a gun by accident."
>He walks to the Harbor while tuned into NCRPR No.313
>>311"Thanks, where did you get this so I can buy in bulk. I'm a real big spender with too many caps on hoof."
Ch 4
1d10 = 9>>312My char will join yours soon.Once he got there, he immediatley took cover as he saw a small number of stallions armed with laser rifle of the likes he had never seen. There were three of them and they weren't going down without a fight. He noticed to his side, there was an NCR recruit.
<"Damned hostiles. I saw them attack your wife but they chased her somewhere. I dunno where she is. We have to clear this guys first."Moderate Combat EncounterAssailant A
Assailant B
Assailant C
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>>313"My wife?!"
>List gotten out his M1 and fired>Perception 5 d10 = 8 >Luck 5 d10 = 9 No.315
>>314Need to go fast, gotta go to work soon.The shot hit the assailant and he fell quickly to the ground.
The other two retaliated.
Pr 8
1d10 = 9Lk 5
1d10 = 4Pr 8
1d10 = 3Lk 5
1d10 = 1 No.317
>>315List was only hit once but the shot burned straight through his armor. There was now a patched of burned and exposed skin on his chest, will heal up though eventually.
>>316And she answered as the second one was felled. The last one shot back without any regard of his comrades.
Pr 8
1d10 = 8Lk 5
1d10 = 1 No.319
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>>31810? close enough, I'm the God damn DM. I control worlds, Universes! Every Items you guys find I put it there, every enemy you encounter I control!
The last one was hit severely and it now seemed quiet.
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>>319>List puts down his rifle and lets the smoke clear"…What the fuck happened?"
>Radio was still on No.322
>>320<"Cripes I dunno, you should go look for Curtain, I'll rally the others.">>321"Okay I'll be sure to make a note of stopping by there."
He then leaves to join List.
>>323But she was no where to be seen at all. Critical soon found List and they both exchanged expressions of shock and uncertainty…
To be continued…Gotta go now>>325Controlling one.
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she's gone..>List sits on his ass and stares out No.328
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Also btw I gotta go to Boston tomorrow for a funeral so I won't be on. And next time I'll be back on might be when Crit has a day off. Anyway bye all.
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>>329Forgot to post intended picture.
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>Tries to fix it
>Intelligence 10 d10 = 5
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So…we gonna go?
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Dammit, this game keeps glitching
>>368>Hugs backI know I'm late but I'll be on now and tomorrow.Nevertheless, if he wished to find Curtain then he must the himself and push through the hardships. It's what Crit would do though to what limit is uncertain.
>>369What are you playin? I got Hunie Pop over here.
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>>370>List slowly got out of bed.He doesn't have a ring atm. So I think this is a good chance to meet new people until further notice. And also, I hate to say this, but this was another reason. List is tried of fucking Curtain over and over again. He needs to spread out more. Sorry dude, but I had to confess.>List sniffed, and got his clothes on.He wore a casual clothing, and left his house.
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>>372Wait, you gon make some OC's? Go ahead. Also also, be creative~ List decided to head to the gun shop.
He was gonna sell his AK-12, and buy a new one.
>>373Well how else will you get a new waifu?He entered the store and found the usual owner of the Guns and Roses shop there. It was and Earth Pony mare with a red coat, yellow eyes, and lavender mane that was tied in a ponytail that drooped down on the right side of her head.
>"Oh it's List, what can I get you today?"List can remember that her name was Rose Shot, daughter of the owner of Guns and Roses.
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>>374"Hey, I was wondering if I can sell my Kalashnikov 12 here."
>He said while putting on the counter. No.379
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>>378"That's all for now."
>He said.>Then, he left the shop, Walpole, and just walked to Junction. No.381
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>>379There he eventually met up with Critical who seemed to be tired today and well out of the loop.
"Oh hey List…" he then let's out a yawn, "Gonna start looking around for some info."
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>>381"Go back to sleep Crit, we'll start Tuesday."
>He said while walking towards new pegas No.385
>>382"Well wait let me tag along with you. I haven't hit the tables in ages."
He joins List and together they take the train to New Pegas. Once they arrived, they found themselves out on the center of the strip where all the action was.
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>>385>List sighed to himself..this is where we met>He shakes his head"Okay! Where to?"
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>List walks, and he notices that Critical isn't going>He turns his head back and heads on in No.396
>>394List found himself in a fancy looking casino where there were red velvet carpets, stone walls, and the lighting with a dark and mysterious sense. Crit popped through the door after snapping back into reality.
"Oh this place is good for some gambling but mostly for getting drunk and all."
Not sure if I'm allowed to make this red lights casino, may get banned :/ No.397
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>>396Just do it. Even if you do, I'll talk to the mods if it gets too lewd.>List took a seat "I don't know where I am, but I'm gonna relax."
>List rests his eyes No.399
>>397As they sit on down, Critical starts to get pale, then flushed at the face. List then saw what was disturbing his friend, a line of scantily clad ponies both male and female dancers dancing to some erotic music.
"I… did not realize it was this kind of place."
Apparently they had accidentally stepped into Brimstone.
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>>399>List didn't knew what this club was"…Critical..where are we?"…
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>>404"Let's…see what's happens here."
>List watched the placed No.407
>>405They sit there for a while waiting till a waiter arrives.
<"Can I get you two a drink?"He wasn't one of the escorts here. The escorts were out back in the garden.
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>>407>List didn't know"Whiskey please."
>He said No.409
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Also Crit, I'm BI, so I won't mind a dude.
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>>422"Yeah, let's go-"
>List passes out after his drink>ZzZzZZzZzZZZzI hate to say this, I gotta sleep. I can wake up in some hotel in the city while you find Epic. And hell, maybe might meet new waifu in bed. I dunno. Night doode. Also, be on tomorrow around 2:30PM like always.Night. No.427
>>426He couldn't believe his eyes, days of going over there to hang with Epic and talk to Rosie all just thrown away at some… vermin was the way he described them as. Seeing the place like this stirred in his mind and ignited an old flame that he felt had long been put out. He then examines the base structure itself.
Pr 8
1d10 = 1 No.430
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>>429Oh… whoops.
>He could see someone leaving where Epic and Fluttershy used to live. He could see another pony approach him, the othe rpony seems very despirate for something in which he roughs him up a bit but eventually decide to throw down something which the junkie pony quickly takes. No.432
>>430Goin on the pony creator!Critical took his explosive sniper rifle and aimed it at the leader's head. He then let a bullet fire free…
Pr 8
1d10 = 1Lk 8
1d10 = 3Do you want to control the enemies or do you want to bring in Epic and I control the enemies. No.437
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>>433He couldn't feel anymore, all Critical could think was to wipe them out. How dare they treat this place like the way they do. He was going to make sure they knew the wrath of a wasteland legend, a hellbringer. He got on up and quickly ran down the hill and got to the center of the camp and shout after he pulled out his fiery laser rifle.
"My name is Critical Hit and I shall send you all to hell where you belong!"
His mid focused on his gun and his enemies as he performed the Action Buck skill, each shot going to a separate raider.
Pr 8
1d10 = 6Lk 8
1d10 = 6Pr 8
1d10 = 7Lk 8
1d10 = 5Pr 8
1d10 = 2Lk 8
1d10 = 3Pr 8
1d10 = 8Lk 8
1d10 = 7 No.441
>>438So how many are left, I killed like 5 already His mind raced with adrenaline, almost unsure of what was going on. All he could think of was the fact that this was once Rosie's home, turned to drug den and now the site of a major battle. It was never to be like this but the wasteland swallowed this place and he knew he had given into its allure of violence. Critical had grown angry at everything, himself, the raiders, and the world around him. This of course didn't stop him from shooting the closest enemy in his range.
Pr 8
1d10 = 8 No.447
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>>444So 4 left thenHe quickly turned around and glared at them with a face of death and destruction.
"I'll end you and your damn chems. This was there home and you have soiled something close to a friend of mine. For that I will make you pay the ultimate price!"
Pr 8
1d10 = 10Lk 8
1d10 = 1 No.454
>>448Just make up stats you feel is well balanced for my character.He performs the Action Buck Skill again. Each on separate enemies.
Pr 8
1d10 = 10Lk 8
1d10 = 9Pr 8
1d10 = 8Lk 8
1d10 = 3Pr 8
1d10 = 9Lk 8
1d10 = 9Pr 8
1d10 = 6Lk 8
1d10 = 1 No.455
>One fell, but three remained and they all shot at him.Pr 5
d10 = 2Lk 5
d10 = 10Pr 5
d10 = 1Lk 5
d10 = 2Pr 5
d10 = 9Lk 5
d10 = 2 No.461
Two fell, two remain>>455He was shot twice, the blood started to seep into his leather duster and created large red blotches on his chest. He then started to focus on a spell, the polmorph spell. His horn showered his body with red magics and his physique had changed to that of a timber wolf. It growled as it stared on with its green eyes before attacking a raider with a bite.
En 8
1d10 = 9Lk 8
1d10 = 1 No.463
>The raider, in panic, started beating on the Crits wooden muzle.St 6
d10 = 6Lk 5
d5 = 4>The other raiders were shocked by this turn of events and did not shoot in suprise for what happened. No.464
>>463Bits and pieces flew off of Timber Crit but he would not relent.
En 8
1d10 = 6Lk 8
1d10 = 4Yep that's right we have polymorphing in this rp No.466
>>465(Forgot to properly roll)
Lk 5
d10 = 10I mean cna you imagine your first few days out of the vault, you find a dirty crate full of syringes which have been left there, unsecured for centuries and you're like "hm, I should inject myself with this!" and you just do it without second thought of stabbing yourself with dirty needles and filling your veins with expired medicines? No.469
>>468Oh I meant like in characterCritical jumps at the last remaining raider.
En 8
1d10 = 6Lk 8
1d10 = 8 No.487
>>474Unsure of who the CK is but it seemed like initials to him, made Crit remember how he used to carve his initials on bar counters.
He pockets the notes and cleaned the place up, removing all of the needles and chems and setting them in a pile outside. He then took the bodies and sat them upon the pile and sat it on fire. It wasn't out of disrespect, instead it was a pyre. Their bodies would turn to ash and scatter to the winds which was the best funeral he could offer them.
Crit then spent an hour there, going through some of the old things he found. Pictures and memoirs filled his mind with old memories and this made him wonder where Epic was at the moment as well as where Fluttershy and Rose were. It had been a year since they last spoke, too long away he thought.
>>489List woke up in a hotel looking room. The walls were cracked and the carpet had lost its softness long ago. Orange light peered through the window on his right which was most likely woke him up.
His things were left scattered about the floor, it had been a rough night last night so he must have just left them there out of being tired.
>>490He already had known this, remembering the day him and Epic stole her from her parents after killing them. He could remember her mother, just standing there, an alicorn working on some drugs. It was at least quick, a head shot from behind, she never knew there was any danger put that did not subside his guilt.
He then left after the fire burned out and went into the wastes in search of Epic.
>>492He then took a train and headed out towards west.
>>493It was just a small room, nothing fancy may even be just a motel. He then saw a sign with some worn out logo that read.
Lucky Jack Hotel. No.501
>>497That was where he was. Perhaps he should step outside.
>>498Well he remember there being a FotA base around here inside a fort. Critical decided to head on over there.
>>502Once he did so, he found himself on the more quieter part of the Strip. He could also so Critical down below from the balcony List was on.
>>503Critical asks around
"Hey, have any of you seen Epic Mount?"
>>506I guess she's still active in the RPOnce he got on down there, he could hear a radio play some old western song very quietly. Nobody was around there, too early, except the clerk who was going over some files.
>>507He catches back up to the doctor.
"I'm busy too, this will only take a moment."
Come on don't do that, I don't have any other leads. No.513
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>>512>List walks over to the clerk"Oh hey, I'm gonna check out now."
>He said No.515
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>>512Um I-
>A brown pony approached.This guy causing you trouble?
Note I've yet fully read Fo:E so pardon if I make these characters a bit OOC. No.521
>>513>"Yeah, we found you roaming the streets all drunk like so we let you stay here for your own safety. Good luck out there.">>515Crtiical looked on up at the Pegasus who was much bigger than him. Though he didn't show any fear.
"I'm looking for friend who was an integral part of the Followers. An Epic Mount, married to Fluttershy."
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>List then left, and took a seat by the Lux Fountain"..Curtain..gone. Hm..maybe I can get some advice from Winter."
>List gotten up, and went to Winter's hideout.Wanna add Nick in this? Or wanna do this by ourselves? Because this RP is like me trying to find ShaunOH! Wanna make me go to a Stable and save him? No.526
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>>523He found it still being in the abandoned Sunset Sunrise factory. Once he he entered the lobby, he soon found her.
<"List? I haven't seen you in ages. How have you been?" No.528
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>List ran up and hugged her"Oh thank Celestia! You're here!"
>>527Oh we do know who he is.
>Aims his guns.Question ishing is, what business do
you have looking for him.
>The few Followers around, concerned trouble about to be thrown down, cleared the area and get help. No.530
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>>528<"Yeah I'm still here, I'll always be here. But you look worried, what's troubling you?">>529Critical glared at him while pointing a laser rifle at this Pegasus.
"Don't give me that business cowboy. I'm looking for Epic because I'm a dear friend of his and I won't let some wastelander gun me down."
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>>530"*sigh* Curtain is gone. She was…I think kidnapped? I don't know. I last saw her in a firefight and some NCR private said she was shot before it happened. I..I'm not doing well since it happened."
>He said with a sniff No.532
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>>530>Another pony came over.Calamity stop!
>Goes over to stop him.This is Critical Hit, do you remember him? He was best colt at her wedding.
>Calamity looked at Critical with a glare, not remembering who he was.>Velvet sighsThe guy who beat Angel Bunny in that drinking contest.
>Calamity remembered.Oh yeah…
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Man, Velvet and Calmo are here. What's next? LittlePip helping me find nick?
>>531<"Yeah some rumors have been floating around about ponies being taken by mysterious figures. Now I'm not sure why they do it but I do know there is a strange group that took hold in a settlement near here. Wiped out every citizen there in the process, maybe they know something.">>532He holsters his weapon and smiles at the memory.
"It wasn't too hard but I still need to know where Epic went. A clue or just point me in the right direction is all I ask."
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>>536"Do you know where?"
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>>536Please come in the forte. It's best not to talk about where they are so openly. You're not the only one looking for them, but perhaps the only one searching for them with good intent.
>Calamity.Sorry for not… for being so hostile. Last guy snooping around for Epic killed one of our doctors here.
>VelvetThe NCR decided to break relations with us. While Epic Mount prefered the Followers to be largely independant, the NCR as stretched a sthey are refuse to help defend the Followers. We've already lost a few establishments across Equestria to raiders. It makes me sad to think all the hard work and effort Fluttershy has put into making Equestria better is dashed, without our medicines used to make chems.
>>544Fluttershy and Tudor Rose are in a safehouse somewhere near Vanhoover.
As for Epic Mount, from what I've heard he went to explore the old casino ruins north-east. Said they were not only after his daughter, but that they know too much about her and a threat to his family.
>>547Don't worry I got this. May even plan more with this.Once he got there, he soon found a small shanty town of shacks. The area was quiet and he couldn't see anybody in the shanty town.
>>548"Then I must make haste then. Thanks for the info."
Critical ran all the way up to the casino ruins.
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>>550Oh boi what a nice roll
>>550He then could see a skeletal robotic pony stand up from the tall grass. It's orange LED eyes scan the area but hasn't noticed List yet.
>>551Critical kept low by crawling and tried to get past them by going through a window.
Ag 8
1d10 = 2 No.554
>>553>Critical successfully went intruder window.>He heard ponies talking, one of them sounded familiar.>Contract KillWe got that punk in the basement but he won't tell us where the kid is.
>Old ponyI want my granddaughter found…
>The two continued to argue for awhile. No.556
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How bad is that storm?
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>>554He was surprised, They hadn't seen Contract since that one exploration into Manehattan. He then slips by them and heads on into the basement Metal Gear Style.
>>555>"Is someone there? Curious."It looks around for you. During this, you can see another shadow slip on by.
>>556NAh, I took a quick bath. No.559
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>>557>List aimed at the head of the synth"…What are you?.."
>>558Critical slowly walked on up to him, putting his hooves around Epics face so that they could look at each other.
"Epic, sorry it took me some time."
>>559>"Enemy presence detected!"Two more of these robots pop out from the shacks and were starting to attack.
Moderate Combat.Synth
Synth Stalker
Synth Rider.
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>>560>List fired>Perception 5 d10 = 9>Luck 5 d10 = 3"Oh shit!"
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>>561Fucking PER.
Well thank god I got Luck on my side
>>560>Epic jumped a little in suprise.Crit? That you?
>Looks aroundAw no, am I dead?
>>561His shot missed but suddenly…
The snyth in front of him had most of its circuit blown pit pf its head.
>>563"No, you're still kicking I assure you."
He cuts Epic loose and starts to carry him on his back, letting telekinesis make Epic lighter. Now he had to get out of here. He slowly makes his way back upstairs and hides from the enemy.
Ag 8
1d10 = 4 No.568
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>>565"It almost did. We're almost there hang on."
He slips out the window and tries to get past the initial security.
Meant to post pic earlier>>566He could see her, Littlepip. She was taking cover and reloading her .44.
There still the other two synths.
>>569"Your family is fine, just stay calm."
Forgot the stealth check.
Ag 8
1d10 = 3 No.574
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>>572Can't tell which.>List rubbed his eyes"Okay, I can't tell if I'm high or drunk right know."
"But this, this has to be a dream."
>he said to himself No.575
>>573He got Epic on back to the FotA camp, hopefully he could get some help there.
>>574Pip, stepped on out from cover after reloading her gun. There as the stories he heard, she was just there.
>"Uh hello, thanks for the help back there." No.576
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>>575>The Followers rushed around him to help.>Velvet arrived.Oh thank goodness you've found him.
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>>575"Oh hi. You're welcome."
>List didn't know."So you're that…Light bringer?"
"Huh. And I thought the rumors were false."
>He takes off his helmet to show his face"The name is List. Nice to meet you."
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>>580>Snuggles you~Thanks
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*Crit's alarm goes off*
>>577>"Little Pip and I've heard about you. You're a brave little stallion and I'm glad there are folk like you, Critical, and Epic out there fighting to make this place much better."She then looks at him curiously
>"So what brought you out here?">>576After letting the docs do what they can for Epic, Critical rested for about an hour. Running halfway across the wastes drained him but he was back at it again. He then goes in the medical tent to look for Epic.
>>587Yeah I been feeling sick for the past week and I think for a moment it finally caught up with me. No.590
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>>588"..Looking for someone."
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Also btw, [i]can I make the Minuteman great again in this RP?
>>589Critical sat on down next to Epic on a chair. He wasn't worried, they had suffered some bad injuries in the past and were up and walking the next day. He just figured that since Epic was a bigger pony, he'd need more time to heal.
>>590>"For someone… well then you won't find much info here… unless…"She scoops up one of the heads of the now dead synths.
>"Here, all you have to do is get somepony to decode what's in the memory core. That should point the way."New Quest Added: RetentionYep, we now have quests. I suggest we each keep a journal so you can write notes and personal memoirs for your quests. No.593
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>>592"Um..t-thanks. I owe you."
>>591Sure but lets do the Institute first, then Minutemen.>>593>"Don't worry about it."She then trails off and List found himself alone. Someone to decode this, who would know such a thing? His best bet would be to get back to Critical in New Pegas.
>>594"I did have to go away, I needed answers for myself and the condition I was in only hurt you guys. Now I'm back though and I won't be leaving you again. Mot List nor Flutters or even Rose. I'm here to stay, my home and family is you guys."
He then smiles.
"Look at me get all sentimental, you should be getting some rest Gilgamesh."
>>597Fluttershy… I hope she's still safe.
The Tudors, do you remember that gang where we found Tudor Rose?
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>>597Mentats weared off >List must of taken them last night>Then reality came back into List's mind"WAIT WHAT? What happened? Is that a robot? Who was that? Who am I-"
>He then notices the dead synths and the .44 Cartridges"Point forty four? …. … Oh shit."
>He then ran to New Pegas"CRIT CRIIIT!" No.602
>>599"Yes, the drug lords. Upheld themselves as some sort of royalty in the Wasteland."
>>600He got on back to New Pegas and found Critical in the FotA camp with Epic, seems like he made good on his word that he would find him.
"List? What's the matter?"
Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about Nicky, he's coming in soon. No.603
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>>602"holy fuck dude this was the best and scariest shit ever man I just went to a town and saw some robots and I saw a one that had orange eyes winter told me I should go there to see if I can see someone over there but holy shit it was her it was her man it was crazy yo and i was on Mentats and next thing I know I have this code thingy some mare gave it to me I don't know who man but here."
>He gives it to Crit No.605
>>602Yeah, back then that was a third, maybe half we took down in one go. The other half simply quitted, or went into hiding. The Tudors are small time but perhaps a family business and I think they believe Tudor Rose belongs to them.
She's grown you know. She's almost as energetic as a megaspell.
The Tudors may want her because of the gifts she has. Her mutation with magic.
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>>605>List sees Epic"Well holy shit! it's Epic!"
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>>608"Y-yeah it's me."
>He offers hugs No.610
>>603Wait does Shining Armor go crazy in one Episode? I haven't been keeping up with the show.Critical looks at the memory core but is completely baffled. He could tell it was some sort of storage device but… the design was nothing he had ever seen before. Not even Stable Technology could compare.
"Oh uh… the hell is this thing? It's really strange, so much so I can hardly identify it. What it looks like is this thing stores data of some sort. And did you say robot ponies, well when I was off on my own I heard of one pony who was a robot living up in Hoofington."
>>605"Well from what I hear she sounds safe. They should be in Vanhoofer."
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>>610"I'll head over there now."
>List was very determined"You can stay with epic."
>>609No don't- O-Owow… Yeah I missed you too. Still got that diner?
>>610NI don't think they're in Vanhoover, somewhere near it perhaps. I would never betray my family, even if they did pry it out of me even I don't exactly know where they are.
I tihnk Velvet does though.
>>611"Nah I'll come with, you may need me if you get into a scrape."
His weapon skills and magics would prove useful.
>>608"Will you be coming Epic?"
I can say they rested for a few hours first. No.618
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>VelvetNo, not in this condition, you're in no state to go out like this.
>EpicHehe, would Calamity just sit around and heal up while you're out there somewhere?
>VelvetCalamity isn't the one covered with deep wounds and healing from gunshot.
>EpicWould that stop him? I'm to Fluttershy what Calamity is to you.
>Velvet rolls his eyes. No.619
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>>618>List looks at Epic"She may have a point. you look too damage right now to go man."
>>619I'll be fine once I heal up.
>VelvetYou don't have your ghoul healing factor, even with our best medicines you'll be bed ridden for a few days.
>EpicThe sooner I can walk when I'll go see her.
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>>620"..Does that mean i gotta carry you?.."
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>>623I can walk there when I can.
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>>624Alright, just giving a offer
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>>626"I've been waiting. I wanna get my wife back."
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>>625>>626>Epic gets off the bed, much to Velvet's objections.Yeah, I'm ready.
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>>628But really, if you start to hurt, I may have a MED-X in my bags
They take the first train out of New Pegas and headed up North East to Hoofington. The trip was long so the party had plenty of time to rest up.
Once the got there, they could feel how cold the city streets were. Every citizen there had a cybernetic augmentation of some sort so the party stuck out a little here. The best place to start looking for this robot would be the local bar.
>>632"I think maybe once or twice but I can't remember the occasion. I'm sure whatever it was, it determined the fate of the wasteland somehow."
>>633Thought that story was only a dream."We should head o over to the bar. That place should be the number one stop for info and rumors."
>>634Be nice if we made a possitive difference once and for all.
Even since the NCR turned their backs on the FOllowers, we've been picked on by raiders and junkies. Sure I've held them off but this threat on my family had not helped.
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>>640The mare sat the drinking glasses down and looked at them with here glowing eyes. You could feel your could being pierced but at the same time you don't want to look away.
"What would you like to have tonight?"
>>643"Hmm I see your point."
>>644Ugh but I don't wanna pick between Trump, Hillary, or Bernie. Oh well fuck it. No.648
>>646"Oh, we're looking for the Robot Stallion remember."
Oh well if he's gonna quit then fine. I don't want a quitter for a president.>>647>"We get vodka from Staliongrad every once in a while."She takes out a bottle and pours the party each their own drink. The radio switched to the news.
<"This just in straight form the wastes. It seems there have been more and more numerous attacks from these robot ponies. What's even worse is now they have been taking up wasteland legends. That's right, about an hour ago I received a report that the Lightbringer has gone missing." No.649
>Wondered if he's been banged up worst than he thought to be forgetful.Why?
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>>648>List drops his glass>he was just with her"…
I was just with her.." No.651
>>649>>650Thought this was going to be just another simple quest? Nope get ready for hell! Ah ha ha!>>649"Because Curtain was taken by some robot ponies and we need to decode this memory core we have and that one robot pony here may be the only one who can."
Don't worry your CK will be tied to this as well.>>650Crtical just stares at the radio with a grimaced look. This had just gotten a lot more serious, if they can take and capture legends, who were they going up against?
"Ergh… nevermind it. We must focus on the task at hand."
He motions List to ask er about the robot resident here.
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>>651>List looks at Crit"We need to go now. We are wasting time. Screw the pain we need to go now."
Critical grabbed a hold of List and stared into his eye to show he was serious.
"If we want to stop this, we must find who's creating these robots, so we must find this guy. I need you to focus now, this is not the time for panic. I know you're strong now go on and prove me right, I believe in you."
>"Are you talking about Circuitry? He has a detective agency west of here down the block.">>653Don't worry, it'll all come together in one big finale."Yes, we'll get to Fluttershy and hang out."
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>>654"I just want my wife back.."
>>656"And this will how we get her back. We just need time and patience I swear."
>>657"Let's go ahead on down the block really quick and see if we can't talk to this Circuitry."
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>>658>List was venting to Epic>>657>List was very tired and crying"I just want to get her back. Go home and live a happy life again. Now look, we are in cyborg city, the light bringer is gone, I was with her when she gave me this code and now she's gone. Fuck I owe her for helping me kill those robots and i'll do so. Fuck, I may be NCR but I am loyal as fuck when times as these happen."
>List said with a sniff No.662
>>659"The bartender told us to go to him.
>>654 "
>>660Critical honestly felt bad for List. He knew what that sort of bliss felt and to lose it. He also knew that spark of determination and was for certain to not abandon List now.
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>>661>>662"And I don't care if I get shot up, or get my limbs blown out, or get my balls cut off. I am still gonna save both of them no matter how bad it gets. And like I said, it's my wife. And I'm gonna make her proud because I am mama's little colt."
>He gets up and leaves to find a place to sleep.Night guys. No.664
>>662Oh, Y-yes. My things still hurt and List…
>>663You don't care, but they will if they don't have much or any of you to-
>He storms off.Sigh
>>663>>664Trying to link the Dimension W End Credits song from Toonami. Need help"Well then, ever onwards then."
Next Time on Wasteland StoriesThe party must investigate the mysterious kidnappings that seem to be targeting legendary ponies. With them being led her to Hoofington, they seek out a robot pony named Circuitry. With what would be a simple task goes horribly awry as they are thrust head they will be thrust into danger head first.
Tune in tomorrow for, a Synth's Way No.668
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So yeah, maybe a good time is when we all get together again. But I think we need all breaks until the day. So we are on offical pause. Good night and good luck.
>>666Number of the beast!I have work all week after today so only around 9pm.
>>667I think you got everything you need. You just need to get you story started but you seem so hesitant to do so.
>>669I just want to make sure everything will work out well than just start without a campaign or gameplay we only tested a little. I dunno if eney encounters should have Lucl stat as well, if they do would that make combat contradtictive between?
I do plan on getting is started tommorow though. I'll be off to bed in four hours and dunno if thats enough to start things. And as Co-DM I know you can help with the mathy stuff and share some ideas to work with.
Plus, I can't remember the last time I properly DMed at all.
Well, I guess I will go to bed now. But Crit, would like you to check on
>>675 and that document I've written out when you can, it's for the KoE RP.
I may need to make a Medieval Equestria map also, that be a bit of a hassle.
>>676Kay I'll check it
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>>685No one replied to my RP. >>680
Put in the effort to make it work and no one wants to play it in the end.
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Heads up, I'm sick.
>>696Did Crit also said he had some troubles too?
Well I hope you both get better soon.
>>718He looks at Epic with a shocked expression.
"B-but muh liquors. There ain't nothing wrong with a drink every once in a while."
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>>721But I don't drink alcohol, you know that.
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>>723I'm married to a mare I loved since before the war, what you think.
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>>724"Uh… what do you do when you aren't fucking Fluttershy?"
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>>724Glad to finally had a reason to post that gif.>>725[spoiler]Dunno if such language is frowned up on on[/sppiler]
Usually drink Sparkle/Nuka-Cola, playing with Tudor Rose or just go on adventures with you.
>>729I'm not really one for material possessions. Whats the point in buying lots of bullets when you can just use shishkabab?
I've been shot before, not something worth while.
Other than that not one to be bogged down by stuff.
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Gonna be here all day. Fucking sinus infection made me stay home today. Great. Also I am here for RP
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>List woke up early at the crack of dawn to think about what he has to do.
"Okay, it's gonna be forever to get Pip and Curtain back so we need an army. Because those Robots I think are more powerful then me, Crit, and Epic combined."
>He thought more about who he should talk too after meeting this detective
>he thought more..and more
>He shouted
"If I could talk to Liberty Bell, we both can make a army to save my wife and Pip. But the last time I saw him was in Bosthoof."
>He then puts on his helmet and armor and walked around the streets of Hoofington
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Game error.
>List was angry
"Fucking game never works!"
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But really, Epic wanna RP for a bit until Crit arrives?
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>>746>List sees Epic"Oh there you are. So I have a plan if you're interested."
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>>748"A little. But what about you guys?"
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Also once we find nick, it doesn't mean that we find her like that, things have to build up first like in Fallout 4. No.762
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>>761TAPPIOCCA or however you spell it
>>765Yeah, sign up over here.
>>337 If you are familiar with the Fighting Fantasy books, you should know how to play.
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>>766I'm..just gonna stick for this for now
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>>771"Critical might be at the bar."
"Wanna go check there?"
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>>773"alright, follow up."
>List and epic head to the barCritical, if you're here. Make your post after this one. No.777
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>List waits at the bar around midnight
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>>778I hope you got a day off saturday.>List walked over to Crit"There you are.."
"I was looking all over for you."
>List was really tired, spending all day looking for Critical No.780
>>779Nope working for the rest of the week"Oh I'm sorry about that. Here pull up a seat and have a drink, it will cool your nerves off."
He pulls up a stool next to him with his magic for List.
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>>780And to make it worse, I didn't sleep very good last night. And damn..>List sat in his stool and instantly puts his head down"Bleh.."
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Nice pic
Hey are you alright? You seem to be out of it right now.
"C'mon your spirits can always be raised with some… spirits!"
Just then they can hear a side conversation that was focused on the protectron waiter.
>"Well I'm glad they're treating you right here, I'd hate to have the one other robot here I like to be harassed."
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>>782Im sick atm. I have a cold/sinus infection>List picks his head up"What?…"
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>>784>List saw that with his own eyes"Crit..I think we found him."
>He gotten up"Let's gets this show on the r-"
>He looses his balance a little bit"Go."
>>785The robot stallion helps List back up to his hooves.
>"Now I heard of the grace of a newborn foal but you look much older than that. My name is Circuitry, pleasure to make you acquaintance."His voice was a tad rough with a slight bit of humor to it. He was though very well mannered and nice.
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>>786"Name is List."
"Nice to meet you."
>He said with a smileFuck I read that in Nick's voice pretty good. No.789
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>>788"The institute? What the hell is that?"
>List looked at Circuit and Critical No.790
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btw, I'm just gonna say this. What? The great clockwork dick is stumped?
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>List looks at Critical"So what now?"
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>>793"Because two things. They took LittlePip and my wife."
>After that, the whole bar went silent>List looked around"What? Did you the news?"
>List looked at Critical"Also, I'm about to pass out any mom-"
>List feel on his back and feel asleep>zZzZZ>So much for a pony who trying to find his wife and light bringer I gotta get off now because I really need to sleep. So do what will Critical will do if list did this. No.795
>>794Alright."I'll take him somewhere to stay."
He takes List and slings him across his back, nest to his guns with the safeties on. He then rents them out each a room for the night at a motel.
Good night. No.806
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Hey guys, find Circuitry yet?
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>>808I think that it's gonna be the major thing building up too.
Epic, don't rush it, relax and enjoy.
She's not gonna be hurt.
Also just the three of us cannot fight the institute alone. We need an army.
And no, not NCR, they won't do jack shit.
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>>811It's alright. I know Fluttershy and Tudor Rose are safe. I just miss them. But the needs of many come before the needs of our own.
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>>812Also I owe LittlePip for helping me kill some synths.
Plus, I really don't mind if she hates me, I just owe her.
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>>814Well if you scroll up, you'll see that she helps List fight some synths off.
She gives him a chip and then she vanishes like the mysterious stranger.
Then no matter what, List will owe her something in return.
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>>818and now i got a bloddy nose
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>List wondered where Critical was today
>>821I'm here, internet is just slow as hell. Also I have Mon and Tue off.They all awoke and the party headed on off to Circuitry's detective agency.
>"If you want to find your wife, you couldn't have asked a better robot to look for her."They stepped on inside an empty office.
"Grace? Where are ya?"
There was no response, seemed that there was a note on the desk. All around them the furniture had been moved about as signs of struggle.
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>>822"Hey look, a note."
>List said as he picked up the noteOh boi, we gonna Kellogg? No.828
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>>827>List puts on his helmet"alright then."
>List looked at Critical"Ready your Trail Carbine, we are back in action."
>List readied his M1 Grand and he was ready to head out No.831
>>830Oh I take the orders, bag some stuff, run some things about, and make ice creams.They seemed distracted until the saw the party.
Full Combat EngagementTrigger Guard
HP 500
DMG 100
Trigger Striker
HP 700
DMG 150
Immune to Critical Hits
Immune to Mind Effects
>>832He hit the guard, dealing some minimal damage. The striker was down to 260 HP
Crit responded much in the same way but casted some dangerous looking spell. Green fire emitted from his horn and went to the striker.
In 8
1d10 = 5 No.835
>>834The striker was caught up in a billow of Hellfire and was damaged for 350 and was now down to 350HP
The two attack them both respectively.
Ag 8
1d10 = 8Lk 2
1d10 = 5Crit
Ag 9
1d10 = 9Lk 2
1d10 = 6 No.837
>>835They were both hurt but still alive.
Crit HP 140
List HP 430
>>836 He is, learned a lot of magic as a child while in his stable.The target was hit and now had a total of 30 HP.
The Striker, caught up in the flames, was burned into a glowing pile of green ash.
The surviving trigger guard attacked List.
Ag 8
1d10 = 3Lk 2
1d10 = 9 No.840
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>>839>List fired>Perception 5 d10 = 5>Luck 5 d10 = 8 "Celestia fuck!"
>>840The last shot List fired finally finished off the last guard. It was now quiet in the area as both enemies lay dead.
1,200 EXP Gained.
Crit EXP 15,448,956
List EXP 15,448,956
Epic EXP 15,448,956
And I'll rush over to you docs. No.844
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well if you arent gonna post, then I'm gonna sleep. Night.
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Happy mom day.
Ready to go
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Gotta sleep, can't RP
>>855Here' some music to listen to . Doesn't fit with rp though.
They pressed onwards deeper into the subway station. They were now in the lobby where ponies used to get their tickets. Past the security check out was the rail line where the metros would speed on by but are now empty and dilapidated.
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>>858"On belly."
>List gets into prone mode and goes down south No.862
He did so and aimed and fired it. The barrel didn't explode itself but due to Crit's explosive rifle sent the fire everywhere on the enemies.
Moderate Combat Engagement Cause I don't have my sheets Guard A
2 hits
Trigger Guard B
2 hits
Trigger Warrior Commander
5 hits
>"Agh you bastards are gonna pay now!" No.864
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>>862"Hey, you're on fire with your actions!"
>list aimed and fired>Perception 5 d10 = 2 >Luck 5 d10 = 4 Augh, if I had a m1911 No.866
>>864Well you do but we're going with the simple combat system we're using.List hit the main trigger warrior and hit him, leaving him with 3 hits left.
Critical aimed his shot and fired on him.
Ag 8
1d10 = 9Lk 8
1d10 = 2 No.869
>>867They were all hit but the party was still standing.
>>868List hit the warrior hit the warrior and his was now down to one hit.
Critical aimed his rifle and fired.
Ag 8
1d10 = 5Lk 8
1d10 = 1 No.870
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>>869"Nice shot."
>list smiled at Critical No.872
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>>871"it's how we always go.
mostly for critical"
"Anyway, lets head on."
>List walked on while holstering his Rifle No.879
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>>878I wanted to make sure everything would work well. Thats why I was hesitant starting it to begin with.
Now it's not even 50+ pages long.
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>>888"found her.."
"How you wanan go for this?"
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>>893"It's not your wife"
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>>898"He just sa-"
"Come one we are wasting time."
>>899>>900Out of curiosity, what do you guys actually look like? Like got any pics?As they open the door, they failed to notice the electrical trap set on it. This deals 50 points of damage to the whole party.
<"Circuitry, why I hoped you would come.">"Give me back Grace!"Boss encounterBloody Rose
HP 1000
Dmg 170
Shielded and can not be attacked.
Immune to mind effects
Trigger Guard A
HP 200
Dmg 50
Trigger Guard A
HP 200
Dmg 50
Trigger Assassin A
HP 300
Dmg 70
Trigger Assassin A
HP 300
Dmg 70
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>>901>Gets zapped.Aaah fu-
>Noticed the other ponies in the room who begin attacking.Manure!
>Quickly takes down Bloody Rose, but asessing her defence, decide to go for an alternative to prevent her from causing more problems.>[Earth Tremour] He slams his hoof to the ground causing the floor around Bloody Rose to erupt and trap her.You really forgot what Epic Mount looks like? No.904
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>>902His shot hit the first guard who fell quickly in combat.
Critical aimed his rifle at the Trigger Assassin B.
Ag 8
1d10 = 6Lk 8
1d10 = 9I guess I should start. This pic I took a while back so my hair has grown a little more and I had more facial hair No.907
>>903No as in IRLHis attack couldn't affect Bloody Rose due to her immunity to attacks for the moment. Instead it got the Trigger Guard B and instantly killed him.
The last assassin attack Epic with a knife.
St 9
1d10 = 4Lk 8
1d10 = 5 No.908
>>907>Realised he accidentally killed someponyDamn. OH LUNA DAMMIT!
Strength 8
d10 = 2Luck 7
d10 = 1 No.909
>>905Oh there is no reloading here but I do appreciate the complement and the realism of reloading.List hit the last assassin and dropped him down to 60
>>907Epic was hit pretty bad and was now down to 90 HP
Critical casted magic missle on the assassin.
In 8
1d10 = 10In 8
1d10 = 7In 8
1d10 = 2In 8
1d10 = 9In 8
1d10 = 9In 8
1d10 = 6In 8
1d10 = 2 No.910
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>>909 >List does Oldschool>Critical does magic>Epic does mele"Love it"
>List said No.911
>>908>>909The assassin was eventually obliterated and Bloody Rose dropped her shield as she sprang up into action.
>"I love you're party's sense of blood lust. The stories were not exaggerated."She casted a fireball at the party
In 7
1d10 = 6List
in 7
1d10 = 9Epic
In 7
1d10 = 6 No.913
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>>911[Softly Spoken]I was taught by the very best. In fact, Zecora herself taught me how to paralyze a ponies heart which just a quick jab.
>>911List harrowingly dodges the blast but crit and epic aren't so lucky and were dealt 100 points of damage.
Crit HP 140
Epic HP 0
Second Wind
Epic Lk 7
1d10 = 5 No.916
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>>914I-I can't give up… F-for Fluttershy!
>Epic gets up and attempts to attack.>Strength 8 d10 = 6>Luck 7 d10 = 2>When given the oppotunity, he attempts the Payalyzing Hoof technique to paralize her four legs but not kill her.>Luck 7 d10 = 8 No.917
>>914Epic got on back up with 10 points of HP
>>913That moment when I forget to put in instant death immunityShe was hit hard and her internal organs were crushed. Her lungs filled with blood as she lay dead.
+10,000 EXP
>>915The battle was over and the party made it out alive mostly.
"Cripes… that was a bit bad."
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>>917>list poked his head outAuwgh shiet"
>List ran up to the body"WAHT DO WE DO?"
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>>917D-dammit, I didn't know my words alone could kill…
>To Critical and List.We can't tell my wife I accidentally killed these ponies… with words alone.
>>918It was well too late for her.
"Let's focus on getting Grace out of here."
>"That would be a good idea, don't know how many goons are still about down here."Circuitry opens the cage and puts Grace on to his back.
>"Don't worry gal, just a little further is all.""We should get a move on now."
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>>919>List gave a look at Epic will not forget"Welcome to the club"
>>920>List leads the way No.923
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>>922"I'll meet you there."
>List heads to the office leaving only Critical and Epic to join him if they want No.925
>>923just loaded up your pic, you look pretty cool.>>923>>924The party made their way to the office and Circuitry had List sit down at his desk
>"So I need you to tell me what happened with your wife here.>>924Critical and Epic sat off to the side and waited.
"Hey you are doing fine. You handled yourself pretty well back there."
What do you look like IRL? No.926
>>925Seeeeeeeeeeecret. Not even no one knows on Ponychan what I sound or look like, and I've been there for years.H-yeah. Ialmost kissed the dust. If it wasn't for the hope of finding Fluttershy and Tudor Rose I would of given up.
Guess despite being mortal again it's yet my time to leave this world.
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>>925"My wife. I just..I love her. No matter what I do. It's just, look I gotten a call on my radio telling me that there was a shootout at the harbor. I got over there, and saw some ponies and some other pony firing at my squad. I killed them all and I saw the other pony took my wife. Which I think I saw or."
>List scratches his head"Or what happened."
>>926Aw no fair, list and I posted our mugs. >>904 >>905 "Yeah nothing can really take you down can it. Still though she was incredibly dangerous, we need to supply ourselves better."
>>927>"It must be the Institute then. From what I've heard they are rounding up all the legendary pokemon wastelanders. You were probably their actual target but they could only take your wife it seems."List remembered that he should show Circuitry the Synth memory core.
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"maybe they didn't take me because I'm too good for them."
>List then hands him the core"Here, i found this."
>>929Well at least he doesn't have some crazy hairstyle like mine."Was that before or after we were shot to hell?"
He smiles a bit.
>>930>"Perhaps."He takes the core and looks at it.
>"Er… I can't decode this… Let me hang on to it though and I'll call in some favors. That way you can go home and relax after all this."A synth's way complete.+ 10,000,000 EXP
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>>931You shot to hell? When you found me, wasn't just a bullet they had. Crowbars and even my own Shishkebab…
Still, I- we had worst.
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And side note, I'm in Diamond city.
>>932"Ha yeah I remember carrying you out."
He then rubs his shoulders and was making over exaggerated pain noises.
"Urgh Epic, you probably made me pull something with your fat ass."
He then begins to laugh.
>>934 I'm trying to get to the combat zone so I can get Cait.>>933>"Perhaps you and your friends should go home and get some rest. You guys got pretty banged up back there." No.936
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>>935"Yeah..see you."
>List left for home No.937
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Fat ass? Just be lucky I'm capable of lifting anything in the current state I'm in.
>>936Can't get mods to activate. May need to update NexusHe had gotten back to Walpole and it seemed the town was mostly quiet now since it was night.
>>937"Ha ha, yeah but you know how lucky I can be."
>>936>>937Is this it for the night?
>>939Not yet, need to draw one first so maybe tomorrow.In there was mostly quiet, the griffon noticed list and stopped what she was doing.
<"What do ya need sir?">>940Agh shit I forgot about that."Tis just the wheels of fate I suppose. Lets get on out of here."
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>>941>He sat in a stool"Anything strong"
>>942"We got vodka from Stalliongrad."
She pours him a drink of it.
>>943Now I may have German ancestry but me and List are americans. Not a part of our context."Okay, where do you wanna go out and do?"
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>>946"Just give me the bottle."
>>947She lets him have the bottle and goes her own way.
>>949"From what I've heard, they're still in Vanhoofer."
Don't worry, that's tomorrow. No.955
>>953>>954Ugh guys I'm tired. It's basically 9 over here.>>953"Yeah I can see that. I'm gonna head on home now."
>>954The bar eventually closes.
To be continued on Wasteland Stories.With the party now waiting for a response from Circuitry, they head on out to Vanhoover to locate and reunite with Fluttershy and Rosie. What they will find will shock their very beings.
Next time, A Follower and the Angels. No.957
>>955>Epic began feeling lonely without Fluttershy.A'ight. I guess I'll stay here for tonight, or something.
[/spoiler]OK. See you tommorow.[/spoiler]
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>it took List to get up from last night
>>961My God that picture.He eventually saw Critical waiting for him at the counter, drinking a drink and eating a meal as he waited.
"Oh Listy, you're up. Come on there's plenty to do."
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>he got up No.966
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>>964"I need a pistol anyway."
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>>965He got a message on his pipbuck from Critical, telling him that he should meet with the rest of the party in List's old town.
>>966They head on off and visit one of the local merchants.
>"Howdy ho, what would you like to buy? We have a nice stock of standard items and weapons but if you want something special then just let me know. No.969
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>>967"Got any 1911's in stock?"
>>968He eventually met them in the market.
"Hey Epic, I was thinking today we get together and go out to Vanhoover to meet up with Fluttershy. Be like a family day out or something."
>>969>"We do, do you want the standard fare or do you want something enchanted?" No.975
>>973"We just need to buy some stuff first is all. You should stock up too after what happened yesterday."
Critical looked around at the healing supplies.
>>974>"Well lets see…"He pulls out a 1911 that bared the hallmark of the guns and roses store.
Thunder Bolt (Electrical+2 1911+18) DMG 184
>"That'll cost you say 1,000 caps." No.977
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>>975" about a basic Bretta 92?"
Critical bought a number of supplies such as
4 Healing Potions
1 Mega Potion.
After that he had no more money.
"There that'll keep us alive for a little while longer."
>>977>"Pistols are a pretty weak weapon I'm afraid so they'll all do the same amount of damage. If it's the price you're worried about, I may be convinced to lower it."He pulls out the Bretta version of Thunder Bolt.
>"We do have this one though at the same price and stats." No.979
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>>978"Eh screw it."
>List pays for it No.982
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>>981"Well I dunno how spells and magic works so i'm just gonna go old school. So yeah, I'm good for now."
>>980What happened?He got two Healing Potions and Two Estus Shots.
"Are we ready to go yet?"
>>982>"Don't worry about all that spell stuff, what's important is the DMG all the way at the end. That is the amount of damage total." No.984
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>List was ready to head outCritical don't forget about waifu No.989
>>987"Yeah I remember being there for it. It's nice you two got some happy endings."
>>988Critical was sitting on the chair chatting with Epic as the train zoomed across the wastes.
"Hey how about we go to the dinner car? We can grab something to eat for free."
Just to be clear, they are all sharing a single room. No.991
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>>989>List eyes perked up"Free food?"
>>990>>991Agh I took a while, shit internet.>>990"But your body was restored so you kinda aren't immortal."
>>991"Well yeah, wanna head on down there now?"
I don't think I ever once charged PC's for food and drink. No.995
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>>993"Oh well I 'd just roll with it if I were you. Come on let's get something to eat."
>>993>>994The party heads down to the dining car and ate some food.
Short lunch break guys, let's get something to eat if you haven't eaten anything today. No.1000
>>996>>997Critical had a cheese burger and a mini pizza. Given his small size, he can eat a lot if he wanted.
Eventually the party arrived at Vanhoover and they soon came upon the Follower's base there. It was an old hospital form before the war. Outside the guards stood vigilant.
<"Whoa it Epic! Fluttershy and Rose are right inside." No.1001
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>>1000Wonderful! No troubles I hoped?
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>>10001,000TH POST!"Oh hey, it's you….um..I critical who is this again?"
>List forgotten No.1005
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>>1004"Well um.."
>List notices he's wearing his NCR patch"..Am I allowed here?"
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>>1006Wait. I have that charm thing, I can convince that lady to help the followers I think."Oh…okay then."
>He walks on in No.1011
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>>1009>List sees Flutters"Oh hi, m'am."
>>1010>Tudor RoseDADDY!
>A little green foal rushed into her dads forehooves.Ooh sweety. Daddy missed you but little mare.
>Fluttershy came upfrom the safe house.Epic Mount, we missed you… Ooh what happened to you.
>Epic was holding onto Tudor.Nothing being reunited with you two can't mend.
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>>1012Critical stepped on in.
"Hey Rosie, long time no see eh kiddo?"
>>1011"Ah it's been a while since we last saw these two eh list?"
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>He sat in a chair by the exit No.1020
>>1015"Uh… sorry kid I've been away. I had to go do somethings, perhaps when you are older you'll understand. What's more important though is that I'm here now."
He smiles at her.
"Remember calling Crickal?"
>>1016A guard who looked to be an officer a looked to be an officer approached the party.
<"May I speak with you, I am hoping you can help with a small problem." No.1021
>>1020I-I remember you, Uncle Critical.
>Epic.Yeah, you used to call him "Crikal".
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>>1020>list silently stepped out>He walked with the guard"What's the problem?"
>>1022So did the rest of the party join them.
<"We're having some issues with the power generator. This will be the 5th attempt this week and we could use some help. I also wanted Fluttershy and Epic to view it, see our progress and be our valiant leaders, that sort of thing."They walk down into the basement until they saw a large pre war generator below them. They were standing upon a catwalk and the generator took up most of the room.
<"We aren't exactly sure how to fix it but if you can take a look, it may help to get a fresh pair of eyes here." No.1024
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>List heads towards itInb4 ghouls, mole rats, deathclaws, roaches No.1025
>>1024There were already some workers down there but they had looked tired and frustrated from working on it.
A successful In roll may do the trick
>>1026He was able to fix the faulty wiring and clean out the fuel line. The lights flicker on and the worker threw their hats up in joy.
"That was pretty neat List."
where's Epic? No.1030
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>>1028"Hey, you're talking to a pony who restored a fully working diner, damn, and battleship."
>He said while lighting a cigarillo in which he didn't have in a long time No.1032
>>1030>FluttershyOh thank you for restoring the base!
Me and Tudor had to stay here without power for quite some time.
>TudorIt was scary. I don't like the dark.
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>>1032"And Celestia said, 'Let there be light'"
"And so, she made the sun."
>He said with a smile No.1035
>>1030"Yeah I remember that."
>>1032He tugs on his jacket for a bit.
"Well it's working now so you don't have to worry about it Rosie."
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>>1034"It's..what our old priest would say in out town. But we shouldn't talk about that, for now."
"Anyway, is that all? I can help fix more things if you want."
yes, we have a church and clock tower No.1037
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>>1035"Indeed. So, what now?"
>>1035Yay! Thank you Uncle Critical!
>>1036The suns been around long before Celestia.
>FluttershyW-well, there are a few things need to be fixed up here… that is, if you don't mind.
>>1036>>1037<"With that now over, I can get on the ringer to the boys up top."He goes on over to the intercom.
<"Hello, we got the generator up."No response.
<"Well that's off, the intercom is working fine. Can you go check on up there for me?" No.1040
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>>1038"Go ahead, flutter."
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>>1039"On it."
>List climbs up the latter and goes to the intercom box No.1048
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>>1046"Critical, robots"
>List didn't know what to do No.1049
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>>1047>>1048The synths were patrolling the area and killing anyone they had found.
Critical readied his laser rifle for combat.
"We have to clear em out or else we'll be next. Are you guys ready?"
from where they were standing, there were a total of 3 floors to clear out, including theirs. Right now they can see a total of 8 synths walking around.
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>>1049"Hold up, there might be a leader around here. I'll go find this fucker while you distract them."
Time to find the best cereal brand! Kellogg.>List then tried getting out a window No.1054
>>1050"I know, that's why we have to go up."
>>1051Critical grabs List by the collar and pulls him back down.
"Are you mad? You never split the party. Stick with us because we need you."
That's at the end, besides don't you want to find your new waifu? No.1056
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>>1054Damn you."Alright fine."
>List readies his rifle"Let's go bite some shiny robot ass."
>>1055>>1056"Alright what ever we do, just don't lose focus."
Full combat Engagement.Synth Patrol A
Hp 200
DMG 50
Synth Patrol B
Hp 200
DMG 50
Synth Assassin A
Hp 250
DMG 70
Synth Assassin A
Hp 250
DMG 70
>>1058Sorry, one attack per round unless you are using a skill. Check you character's skills to see what he can do.The first shot hit the patrol A, dealing a fatal attack that spread its wires all about.
Critical attacked with his laser rifel.
Pr 8
1d10 = 8Lk 8
1d10 = 1I just checked and Crit mostly only does spells>>1060Epic's attack dealt double damage and instant killed one of the assassin type synths.
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>>1061"Three down."
"Is there more?"
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>>1061The other patrol fell and the last synth called for back up.
Joined the battleSynth Seeker A
Hp 230
Dmg 60
Synth Seeker B
Hp 230
Dmg 60
Synth Seeker C
Hp 230
Dmg 60
Synth Seeker D
Hp 230
Dmg 60
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>>1063"Now this one is gonna hurt me."
>Perception 5 d10 = 2>Luck 5 d10 = 8>List fired>And then he waited for the damage for him No.1066
>>1064He took out one of the seekers and there were only 4 left on this floor.
Critical attacked, performing the Action Buck skill.
Ag 8
1d10 = 5Lk 8
1d10 = 7Ag 8
1d10 = 7Lk 8
1d10 = 9Ag 8
1d10 = 9Lk 8
1d10 = 3Ag 8
1d10 = 5Lk 8
1d10 = 3 No.1069
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>>1066>>1067>List reloaded and fir-JAMMED>He then threw his rifle down and got out his pistol"Go go go!"
>List heads out No.1070
All together they found…
8 Laser Rifle Dmg 80 2100 CP
2 suits of leather strap on armor HP+ 100
>>1069Critical picked up List's rifle and put it into his inventory. List was gonna need it later.
"Let's divvy up the loot real quickly before we proceed."
>>1071Critical looked at Epic.
"Not that kind, pauldrons and greaves"
Both were equipped with the armor and they each took 4 rifles to sell later.
>>1073The party made their way up and things were just as bad up here than down there.
Right now they could see 3 strong looking synths.
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>>1074>Epic looks a bit confused wit hthe words "pauldrons and greaves".Um… I think thats kind of her thing.
>>1075"Er… okay then."
Critical hushed himself, unsure of how his friends wanted to deal with the synths ahead.
>>1077If onl we had plsma bombs or something with EMP.
Heck wish I had thar BFG of electric weapon.
>>1078>>1076>>1077Eventually their talking caught the synth's attention.
<"Prepare to be extinguished."Full Combat Engagement.XO-1
HP 600
Dmg 100
HP 700
Dmg 150
HP 900
Dmg 200
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I have a question for you!
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>>1083I want to ask Synth… Is a set of all sets contains itself?
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>>1086>Intelligence 10 d10 = 8"Wuld they? Do they have a will?"
>>1082>>1083>>1084The synths ignore Epic and attack the party
XO vs Epic
PR 8
1d10 = 9Lk 5
1d10 = 2GL vs List
Pr 8
1d10 = 8Lk 5
1d10 = 8UA vs Crit
Pr 8
1d10 = 7Lk 5
1d10 = 2 No.1089
>>1087>Epic tries to hush List.Shh, I'm trying to confuse their robot brains.
>Strength 8 d10 = 8>Luck 7 d10 = 3 No.1091
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"Pain, here I come."
>List said
>>1088Epic dodged, List was hit and had 480 Hp left, and Critical was mortally wounded.
Second Wind
Lk 8
1d10 = 7>>1089Epic hit XO, dealing massive damage and instantly killing it.
>>1090List had shot GL and it now had an HP of 516
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>>1092Critical got himself back up again, his mouth now spitting out blood.
"Aghck… I'm fine…"
>>1090Welcome to hell>>1091The robots reloaded their guns.
I'll give you another turn though.Critical knocked back one of his healing potions and was now at 190HP
>>1093Epic hit GL and it was now down to 166HP
>>1094List hit UA andgot it down to HP 420
The robots attack again
GL vs Epic
Pr 8
1d10 = 5Lk 5
1d10 = 10UA vs List
Pr 8
1d10 = 2Lk 5
1d10 = 5 No.1099
>>1096List was gravely damaged, and was now down to 80 HP. Epic was hit and was now down to 230 HP
>>1097That one hit finally finished off as it now stopped moving.
>>1098List missed but Critical fired on UA.
Pr 8
1d10 = 9Lk 8
1d10 = 7 No.1100
>>1099UA retaliated at both their failed attacks.
UA vs Crit
Pr 8
1d10 = 4Lk 5
1d10 = 9 No.1103
>>1100Critical was hit badly again and fell unconscious.
>>1101Epic finally finished off the damnable thing. It was over… for now. The party eventually restored itself and all that there was left was the 3rd floor.
+ 9000 EXP
Includes last battle as well No.1105
>>1104"Yeah… I'm fine now."
The party leveled up after that. Select one skill, spell, or raise a stat.
Crit took on Wall of Fire.
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>List was heavenly bleeding
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>>1105>Epic disgarded the bandages around his body revealing his body scars and feeling much better.I feel like my old self again.
>Being like he once was, he was as strong and as agile as ehe once was in his olden days, thus Action Buck is the skill returned to him. No.1121
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And now anger sets in
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>>1123Shit forgot the picture.
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>>1123"Are they dead?"
"Tell me you mare, is there more?"
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>>1125>"Non have gotten this far. I tried to hold on up in here.""List easy, the synths are dead."
>>1126But which of those two do you want? No.1129
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>>1127>List was loosing it"But they took her Critical! What should I do? Sit here and kill the robots!? We need to find their HQ! Come come, there is more out there!"
>List eye twitches No.1130
>>1129"I know List, but we need more time. Circuitry is still working on the data."
>>1128Pr raised to 2
Suddenly a familiar and damning voice comes on to the intercom in the room.
<"Oh Epiiiiic! It's me, you know who Contract Kill. I'm down here in the basement with my personal synth army. I wanted to call you down here so I can see your expression when I take you wife and child."The voice goes quiet and nothing more is said.
The suspense is through the roof! No.1132
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>list rushes out in full anger to stop this fucker No.1133
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We are reaching List levels when he was fighting at the dam
>>1131>>1132The party ran downstairs and into the generator room. Above them was Contract Kill and to his left and right were synths who had Fluttershy and Rosie unconscious and slung across there backs.
<"Finally after all this time, you filthy ghoul will get what you deserve."He then taps the ground
<"Relay RF and TY."Suddenly both synths vanish in blue thunder along with their captors, Epic's family was now taken by the Institute. Contract kill jumped on down to their floor and pulled out his katana.
<"Now then, I'm sure I pissed you off enough for you to fight me…"Boss EncounterContract Kill
HP 1,000,000
Dmg 700
Immune to Ciritcals
Immune to mid effects
Immune to instant death.
Deathly touch (Fallen enemies can not be revived in this encounter)
Don't worry this is planned. No.1135
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>>1134"You know? In one hundred years, I'm gonna love when I come to hell so that I can kill you over and over you sick cock sucking all cum swallowing faggot. And you know what? I might fuck your body when I'm done."
>List loaded his rifle"Ready Critical?"
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>Epic draws his Shishkebab and the most awesome sword fight in post-war Equestria happened.>Charges and strikes.>Agility 7 d10 = 2>Strength 8 d10 = 2>Luck 7 d10 = 10 No.1138
>>1135Critical readied his weapon and fired
"I'll kill you for taking Rose!"
Pr 8
1d10 = 8Lk 8
1d10 = 10 No.1140
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>>1139Fuck this rool, i'm counting hit
>>1137>>1138They both hurt him but for some reason Contract doesn't bleed.
<"Hey you two still have your sense of blood lust. Good I hoped you haven't mellowed out on me."He attacks critical with a whirlwind attack.
St 10
1d10 = 4Lk 10
1d10 = 7The strike hit home and he stabbed Critical straight through. As Contract raised Crit's body on over his head, Critical only had a pained and shocked look on his face. Contract then slung his body across the room and Crit wasn't moving after that.
<"Lookee there Epic, One friend is now dead, are you ready top join him?">>1139He hit Contract but like Crit's and Epic's attack, it barely does anything.
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>>1142>List saw that and he dropped his weapon and moved back so he can strike Epic"…Critical?.."
>Epic knew what he had to do…>>1143He turned to List and used Knock Down.
>Strength 8 d10 = 8To send him flying out of the basement, in which he then locks it behind him.
>He turns back to Contract.You've always had it out for me, so it's between you and me…
>>1143His body just laid there in a pool of his own blood, there was no response.
<"Aw sad your friend died? You should have paid attention to me.List could feel that katana run straight through his side, piercing his heart. List then fell and was now in utter darkness.
>>1144Contract veered around and caught Epic's attack.
<"Now Epic, you think I care for those fools? I just want to tear everything away fro you first."With one quick swipe, Contract cut off Epic's hoof and before he could react, Contract stabbed him through as well.
The party had fallen.
It was utter darkness but eventually they could hear a beeping noise. The party awoke in hospital beds, everyone of them. Crit, List, and Epic were still alive and well. Their wounds were fully healed and their bodies restored.
"Agh… what had happened?"
>>1152>"Now I need you all to stay calm when I go over this. What is important is that you are alive and completely healthy."She reads over everyone's injuries and treatments.
Stabbed through the heart and had a spinal severage.
Spine and heart was removed and replaced with cloned ones.
Stabbed through the heart and lungs.
Damaged organs were replaced with cloned ones.
Right hoof was amputated and neck stabbed through
Hoof and neck tissue was replaced with cloned material
>>1155>>1153>"By all means and in every definition, no. You are very much alive so you must be more careful next time because we may not be able to save you."Critical ran his hooves through his hair, they all had tasted death but were now back with the living. Now with organs that aren't event theirs.
"Fuck… my god"
Followers and the Angels Complete.
+10,000,000 EXP
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>>1156"..Where are we?"
"Who are you?"
Just do this. No.1164
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>>1163That'll be in a few days.
Friday, Sat, Sun, maybe chance.
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>Epic got out of his bed.
I'm gonna find Contract Kill, he's been wanting this ever since I arrived at Junction, he's gonna get it.
>>1182"We have to find them first though and we have no idea where they are."
He thinks for a moment.
"Circuitry will eventually give us a call."
>>1183To find a snake, know where they're native to.
>Turns to the guards.Do you have Scribes around here who know about the Institute?
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>>1189Hm… I bet my sword their headquarters are located underneith the school, or whats left of it.
If we can't get into Canterlot… why not under it?
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>>1191We may need Circuitries help… But there is another way to get into Canterlot and we wouldn't even whiff any of that purple stuff.
Time for a history lesson.
Canterlot was founded by Princess Platinum along time a go as a place for all ponies equally. The palace constructed from rocks and crystals found within the mountain it was built on. Underneith Canterlot is caves sprawling deep into the mountain as well as the royal mines.
If we can get into the royal mines and find our way to the Institutes headquarters, which I pressume is somewhere under the old school Twilight used to attend, we can get in there and save my family.
I'm taking the passive method of love in life and not actively searching for romance. I believe it will happen when it happens and be more worth while. No.1194
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>>1193I f I may ask, your age?>Felt stump.The mines too?
>Despite his weakened state, he had no trouble throwing the trunk holding his belongings across the medic ward in anger. No.1200
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>>1199Where exactly is Fluttershy and Contract at the moment?Please let me see my baby!
It's not that I've given up on love, just don't want to jump through all it's hoops. I don't want to be actively dating all the time because of the fact I don't have a girlfriend.
I don't want to be alone all my life but I don't want that to be a big issue.
At this moment in my life, would like to see if I can make my own computer games and see if I can start a business from it. If I can be the man I want to be then perhaps I;ll be a tad more aggresive at finding the right girl out there knowing I'm more of a somebody than before. No.1201
>>1200In the test area for the Institute a doctor approaches the pod that sealed Fluttershy inside.
<"Soon enough dear, we need some work done to improve the lives of all ponykind."The doctor mare flipped a switched and Fluttershy was frozen in cryostasis.
Whatever makes you comfortable. We all just need our time. No.1216
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How about you guys do your mini adventure while I stay at the ship. I have a idea.
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Also I was busy in Gmod meeting new people. I'm just waiting for full RP day
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>>1221Well I'm just laying in bed.
Waiting for I can get sense where I am
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>>1226>Gets tazed by Synths.I DINDU NUFFIN'!
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Loads game..
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Here again
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>>1258>Gonna hear Crit's voiceOh boi.
Also, night.
See you monday
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>>1258I can imagine this presentation like the Fo4 SPECIAL videos, only instead of Vault Pony, stars the three of us cartoonified.
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>List was sleeping in his hospital bed
>>1271He was accompanied by Critical and Epic an their way there.
Once up there they saw a few officers, some of them who were even Enclave. They stood there in respect of the young elder who was giving a speech.
<"I welcome you brothers and sisters in this daring time. It is in this very moment, Ponykind itself hangs once again in the balance of prosperity and destruction. A scourge known as the Institute has been scouring the wastes and kidnapping legendary wastelanders of any caliber. That is not the worst of it though, they send out machines known as synths to go out and do their bidding. The synth disease must be cut from the flesh of ourselves to save the body of Ponykind. These synths are robotic ponies well capable of mass destruction and are an outright abuse or robotic ethics. Therefor I conclude the Institute is an enemy of the Brotherhood of Steel and must be eradicated, dismissed!"The officers salute and head their own way. The elder then motions the party to step forward once they were alone.
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>>1272You gotta be synthing me..>List looks at Critical"You first."
Dude, I really was hoping to work with the Minuteman.. No.1276
>>1275Critical pulled List on up back to his hooves.
"Now don't play that, you're tough remember? Besides you always got me to lean on when the going gets tough."
<"Yes well, there was more than just a sorry I wanted to discuss. You three had first hand experience with the Institute so you know how dangerous they can be. What I wanted to discuss is your future role within the Brotherhood of Steel."Whether you join them or not, it will have no serious effect on the story and you can still do the minuteman thing. No.1277
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>>1276>List shook his head to get the real life back into him>He looks at the commander"I know you're offering this, but I'm with the New Canterlot Republic."
>He said No.1278
>>1277<"It's alright then, still I hope we can count on you for favors and to do what is right. Until then you may stay here and rest whenever you like."Honor Glory leaves and suddenly an Eyebot pops on in.
>"List, Critical, Epic are you guys there?"It sounded like Circuitry.
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>>1278"Yeah we can hear you. We just got the news. This is bigger when I fucking saved the West from the Legion."
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>>1280"I wonder when they will get Blackjack.."
>List said with a scoff"Come on, lets head out."
>>1281They made their journey on hoof, towards the center area of Equestria, far south of New Appleloosa. There they came upon a small shanty town like before. The synths there were either patrolling the area or tearing up stuff in search for something.
Right now there were a total of 4 synths out and about.
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>>1282"So we were sent out here to kill them?"
>List was getting a little salty like Critical does No.1284
>>1283"They're looking for something and Circuitry thinks this is the best way to get into the Institute. We should take this opportunity."
He readies his laser rifle.
"Are you ready?"
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>>1284"Let's get their attention first."
>List turns on his radio"Now, who smells like Brahmin shit?"
>List fired the first shot>Perception 6 d10 = 5 >Luck 5 d10 = 9 No.1286
>>1285The shot hit home and the synth was down.
[b]Moderate Combat[/?]
Synth A
Synth B
Synth C
Critical attacked with his weapon.
Pr 8
1d10 = 1Lk 8
1d10 = 8 No.1288
>>1286>>1287And both their attacks take down two more.
the last synth retaliates and attacks List.
Pr 8
1d10 = 1Lk 5
1d10 = 3 No.1289
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>>1288"Give me your best shot."
>>1288>>1289List was hit and the laser shot burned through his armor and off went a patch of his grey coat, leaving behind burned skin.
Critical attacked for a second time.
Pr 8
1d10 = 4Lk 8
1d10 = 4 No.1291
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>List gotten out his Pistol and fired >Agility 2 d10 = 1>Luck 5 d10 = 7 No.1292
>>1290The last synth was finally down.
"Good, we should fan out and search the area. Let me know if you find something."
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>>1294>List plops in the tape and loads it"Hey Crit, I found something!"
>>1295"Ya did? Well the what do we have here then?"
He listens as the tape plays, the voice was Contract's
<"Cleared out this little shanty here, still couldn't find the rogue scientist. Still though the people here mustn't have been harboring him from me, wouldn't tell me squat as I killed them one by one once we rounded them up. Oh well, I did manage to get a lead he was hanging out around in Manehattan so I'll be off to there next." No.1297
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>>1296"Guess we gotta go across the country again."
>List said No.1299
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>>1298I don't wanna be a dick here, but I don't really want to wait for a long time for Epic to get here. Also I may have a idea for him anyway. And plus, I'll shower then."Well, lets walk."
>List leads the way No.1300
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>>1301>List knew that Pegasus"Crit look, it's him."
>List smiled No.1303
>>1302The pegasus noticed List and both parties met.
>"List, it's been a while. Remember me, I'm Liberty Laser.""Wait a second, I heard of you, got that crazy laser musket thingy."
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>>1303"Oh yeah, I remember you!"
Perston, right? No.1305
>>1304That's right, thought we may as well introduce the minutemen while we wait for Epic, Yay sidequests!>"Yeah, thanks for saving my hide out in Bosthoof."His expression of joy quickly turns tired and rugged.
>"You can see though we're in some trouble here. My group was supposed to defend a settlement but… we failed. I was cut off and now I'm trying to get these ponies to safety. The ghouls here… they attack and drag some of us off, we lost more than half of our group.""Don't worry Libby, I'm sure we can get you guys to safety."
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>>1305>list feared the rumors of never ending helping settlements "Sure!"
>>1306Don't worry, you won't find that here. Also all factions had never ending quests, the minutemen would just automatically assign them to you were as other faction you had to talk to people and they would give you the option to take it.>"Great! Thank you so much. Right now we have to head south a ways and reach Friendship city.""Wasn't that destroyed by the Enclave?"
>"It was but some folks were able to restore it and resettled there.""Well alrighty then. Are we ready to get on out of here?"
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>>1307"Never been there before, and know nothing about it besides just now."
"So it's a new place."
>>1308>"Yeah to all of us really, I never been myself."They started to walk and keep on talking.
>"So what have you guys been up to since I last saw you? I think it's been about a year now?""Nothing much, still shooting stuff and saving the world."
>"Yeah… I heard what happened to you and Epic, List. Losing your lover must be pretty tough but don't worry I'm sure you'll see them soon again. I know you guys are capable and I'm certain you can get them back." No.1310
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>>1309Hey, this will be a good time drawing my new waifu since we are slow right now."Yeah..I hope they don't do anything to her."
>List shivers from the thought No.1311
>>1310Oh yeah, what are you looking for specifically? Any details you want?As they pushed onwards, Liberty hushed them and raised his rifle up.
>"Careful, I see two ferals up ahead."The two ferals were huddled over a dead body, long rotten away to just scraps of clothing and bones.
"If we attack them, there are sure to be more to come around the corner, building, sewers, and anywhere else possible. We can't exactly sneak around though since we are in a large group."
Since the party was escorting a group, all stealth rolls will have a +4 debuff added to the roll. Attacking though is likely to attract more ferals.
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>>1311Make her a Unicorn. You can mess with mane and colors. Also you can encounter here or later."Then what do we do?"
>>1312Alright. Also since I have a piss poor memory on somethings, a quick reminder is always welcome. I won't need it now but you know just in case and all.Also congrats everyone! We are the first /rp/ thread here to hit 1,000 posts! Let's go and break the post limit."It's one or the other. If we can just shoot and kill them both fast enough then maybe we'll still be in the clear. Though since none of our guns are silenced, there is still a chance we get caught."
>"Sheesh you guys do this every day?""Don't know the half of it."
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>>1313"What if-"
"Let's just kill them, we are all gonna die anyway."
>List was just starting to give upI'm not, I'm just in character. No.1315
>>1314"Just shoot right after I do. Worse comes to worse, we can handle a pack of ferals easy."
Critical aims his rifle and fires on the one on the left.
Pr 8
1d10 = 10Lk 8
1d10 = 1 No.1316
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>>1315>Perception 6 d10 = 5>Luck 5 d10 = 8"we're so fucked."
>List fired No.1317
>>1315"Oh shit…"
Liberty stepped on in and fired.
Pr 9
1d10 = 8Lk 6
1d10 = 2 No.1318
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>>1317>List looked out>Perception 6 d10 = 7"Here they come.."
>>1316>>1317Both ferals went down in a matter of seconds, leaving the way open for them. The party sits there, tension brewing in silence. After a while it seemed they were in the clear.
"Okay… I think we're good to go."
They proceed onwards until they reached the docks. Now they just had to find a way on to the island.
>"There should be a boat around, keep an eye out." No.1321
>>1320He eventually finds nothing on the shore but there was a boat house that looked intact. Problem was however it looked to be occupied by raiders.
"Damn, this is never easy is it?"
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>>1321>List groans"Can't I just call in a Vertibird?"
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>>1323>List called in a Verti'>10 minutes rolled by, and the party heard a slight sound and then it gotten louder and louder "you might wanna take cover."
Then suddenly, a Vertibird flew over the party and opened fire on the raiders. The sound of machine gun fire was heard, and the sound of popping of Piperifles from the raiders were also heard too. Then, the Verti shot a rocket at the raiders, killing all of them on impact, but just leaving the boat a little to no damage at all. Then the gunship took off and the area was silent.
"There. Problem solved."
>List said No.1326
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>>1325>List then didn't look at him>He was looking out and said in a cold tone"Because no one cares for this world anymore. We do. And we risk our lives make it a safer place for everypony, straight down to the little ones."
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>>1327Remember, still in character."You know what? Sure. The world needs more ponies to help, and we need to make a start somewhere. I'm in."
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>>1329>List walks around"Whoa…"
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>>1330Right now they were on the outside of the island, underneath a great statue. The smell of sea salt filled their nostrils and the sound of ocean waves whispered in their ears.
"This place is right peaceful, I never found anything like this besides Epic's place but there are definitely a lot more people around. It's weird almost."
Just started on the body, gonna get real technical here. After that will be hair which will make this OC unique. No.1332
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>>1331>List sat in a bench to relax"damn, you're right dude."
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>>1332He sat on down as well and they watched folk young and old pass by. Some kids were playing and the adults were chatting about idle rumors.
"Maybe one day life will be like this. I mean like to just sit back and watch the world rotate is all I want when I retire."
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>>1333SARCASTIC"I'll never stop, I'll go until my bones break."
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>>1335"yeah, lets get a drink."
Wanna billy Joel the bar? WAIT! Can I do Piano man there? No.1341
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>>1340>list liked this player"Now this, is a bar. Better then my in Walpole."
>List takes a seat No.1342
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No one told me this was back on.
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>>1341As they sit on down, they were met with the bartender.
<"What can I get you two?""Scotch for me!"
Critical looked on over at List, curious as to what he was going to order.
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>List then taps on Crit's shoulder"Do you know that Epic was here the whole time?"
>>1345<"Coming right on up."The bar tender leaves to go get drinks.
"Yeah I knew Epic was with us and all, ahvne't said much though
Because I can't control his character too much but yeah he's here."
The drinks arrived.
"Ah yes, time to get wasted!"
I got the hair done now, things are looking really well right now. Just need to do the hooves and then color it. No.1350
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>List got on the Piano>He was a little Tipsy"Let's see..AH!"
>List plays a certain song back in the Prewar days, which was a very popular bar song No.1351
>>1350They both clapped for him.
>"You play very well.""Yeah, my thing was always the guitar."
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>>1351>list smiled"Thanks
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>>1353"Oi, i just started my drink!"
"Lets keep drinking."
Also, skip the shading. Takes too long. No.1356
>>1354Alright, I'll post the basis when I get done.They sat on down and stayed there drinking alcohol for about an hour.
"Aaaaah… fuck… I haven't felt this good in a long…
hic time."
>>1355 You're just with the party is all. No.1357
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"So crit, you still into Winter?"
>>1357Crit then had a pained look on him.
"Uh… no. We broke up remember? Too far apart and our responsibilities kept up separate."
He knocks back another scotch.
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>>1358>List giggled"We need you get you a girl friend."
>His English was getting sluured No.1360
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>>1359He looks down in his bottle, half empty there was never enough.
"Not now really, I just want to push forward with life. Besides I'm already doing well enough as is."
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>>1360"I can tell."
I really was hoping to end today's RP session with new waifu image. No.1363
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>>1362"Yeah lo-"
>Then suddenly, List just got hit hard with a heavy feeling of loneliness"Crit…is Curtain dead?"..
>>1365Huion Tablet and a mic of Photoshop and Paint Tool Sai. Do you like it?>>1363Critical shook his head, a bitter look in his eyes.
"No she's still kicking, I can feel it in my bones. She's still out there for sure."
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[spoile]Gonna go bed now.[/spoiler]
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>>1366"What do you have? A sight?"
I am drawing myself actually. I am working with traditional, and I am taking a class for my tablet anyway. And yes, I am nervous using it. (I use a Wacom Art) No.1374
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Wanna do a weird fever dream?
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>Pokes with stick
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>>1388Critical got on off of his cot.
"Ha, know you know how I feel every morning. Anyways we should check with Liberty soon and see if he needs anything."
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>list gotten upWhat's the plan for today? Battleship fun time? No.1392
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>>1391"Epic…are you okay over there?"
>>1390>>1391Well the idea here is to either go get Contract Kill or help the minute men. If we go get Contract, we will still need to aid the minute men in the near future.Critical slapped them both upside their backs in a friendly manner.
"Alright of ye asses, let's go on and get a move on."
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"What? Anyway, we should get going."
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>>1396Yeah, Twilight Sparkle attented Princess Celestia's School of Gifted Unicorns. Luna herself set up her own school in Cresent Moon Valley.
The whole war pretty much started when that school was destroyed by terrorist. It became known as the Littlehorn Massacre.
I was alive back then but only heard of it at the time.
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>>1399"Also, just letting you know, we should split up in the institute to save each pony."
>>1400Sorry, just had some connections issues."That might be a good idea I think but we should stay together no matter what."
>"Indeed, but first we must discuss Contract."It was Circuitry's eyebot!
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>>1400Thats fine… but I'll deal with Coontract Kill, just me.
>GruntsBut last time, he had something, no way nopony be that powerful.
But I'll get him, and teach him never to mess with my family again with good old Equestrian justice.
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>>1401"Oh, hi Cir-"
>List looks at Epic>>1402"You'll die. You need our help."
No matter what, Crit won't allow it… No.1404
>>1403An element of friction in their friendship?Critical, I have to do this, he's getting what he wants and he wants me to-
>Talking eyeballAAGH!
>>1403we'll see how it goes.>"Nice to hear you too.">>1402"Anyways Epic, I'm afraid killing Contract would be impossible. He has replaced many of his internal systems with robotic augmentations. In fact, he is immortal in his state and far surpasses you in combat. There is a way however. If you can hit him with this gun…"
The eye bot drops a small pistol with a bunch of teslas and vacuum tubes on it.
>"It will render those systems useless and you will be on par with him. Of course the battle will still be tough, even getting to him will be arduous." No.1407
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>>1404>>1405" like he as a shield or something?"
"if so…if we can take it down..I can head shot him with Curtain's Anti-Material rifle."
Yes, she does have that. I do remember it. No.1409
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>>1408>List looks at Critical"Good luck shooting."
>>1405>Picks up the odd gun and looks at him.I was immortal once.
>Pockets the weapon in his inventory.Epic Mount does want to kill Contract Kill, but considering he does the Batman thing and let him live, but gets rightly punished.
That or a "TAKE MY HAND" scene at Contracts demise. >>1407He's some sort of cyborg abomination, he hated me because he saw me an abomination and now the tables have turned.
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>>1410"Shit..this is gonna be big."
"Now, if I had a nuke..I could just bomb that place where the ponies are. But first take them out and then nuke the place."
Yes, I did nuke them No.1414
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>>1412"Lets head there no-"
"Wait, do we have enough firepower?"
>>1413[?]Doesn't matter now[//]
>>1414"We should be fine to go, let's finish this."
>>1415Sorry, I had to discuss some financial stuff with my mom.The party heads on out to the chemical factory. the place was large and tower like with the front door wide open.
>>1416Pretty much rolled out the welcome wagon.
Hm, perhaps we should of got protection from whatever chemicals this place may leak.
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>>1416"Here we are. Once we go in, there is no turning back. If we die here, then the whole world is doomed."
>>1418"And that's why we won't die here then. Let's press on."
>>1417"We should be fine, take these."
He passes each member of the party their own gas mask and had them equip them.
"There, are we ready?"
>>1420>>1421They head on inside and were in the lobby, it was quiet first but then… suddenly 4 synths drop from the cieling and were ready to attack.
[i]Initiating attack procedures.[i/]
Full Combat EngagementSynth Assassin A
HP 800
Dmg 100
Synth Assassin B
HP 800
Dmg 100
Synth Assassin C
HP 800
Dmg 100
Synth Assassin D
HP 800
Dmg 100
>>1422>Epic drawn his sword and tried to take on two synths at the same time.St 8
d10 = 1Lu 7
d10 = 9~
St 8
d10 = 2Lu 7
d10 = 5 No.1426
>>1423I'm the DM, I create worlds… universes! Every potion you drink I mixed, every magic item you find I put it there! But yeah I got this, it's just gonna be really hard.>>1423List shot hits the first synth and it goes down to 560.
Use you skills!Critical veered up his laser rifle and performed Action Buck.
Pr 8
1d10 = 3Lk 8
1d10 = 3Pr 8
1d10 = 7Lk 8
1d10 = 3Pr 8
1d10 = 7Lk 8
1d10 = 9Pr 8
1d10 = 3Lk 8
1d10 = 7 No.1427
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>>1426But I go oldschool! it's how I was taught in the NCR>List smiled"Another down.."
>Perception 6 d10 = 5 >Luck 5 d10 = 4 No.1428
>>1425You got no skill to do that, check you character sheet.He hits the third synth and it was now down to 450.
>>1426Critical hit the second synth like crazy and obliterated it.
The other synths attack
Pr 8
1d10 = 8Lk 7
1d10 = 1Crit
Pr 8
1d10 = 1Lk 7
1d10 = 1List
Pr 8
1d10 = 9Lk 8
1d10 = 4>>1427Skills was always there, even in the 1st edition of D&D, this is as old school we can get.He hit Synth Assassin A again and it was now down to 220.
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>>1428I need a skill to take on two badass style?>Epic continues slashing at the one he weakened.St 8
d10 = 2Lu 7
d10 = 1 No.1431
>>1428Each of them were hit with laser fire except List.
Crit HP 160
Epic HP 180
Critical attacked, casting chain lighning.
Synth A
In 8
1d10 = 1If successful then…
Synth C
In 8
1d10 = 2Synth D
In 8
1d10 = 7>>1430You need a skill to attack multiple times per turn. You can though make your attack do double damage with your skills.He hit the third Synth and got it down to 100 HP
>>1431>Epic attacks again and with his best Batman impression, demands to know where Contract is.St 8
d10 = 10Lu 7
d10 = 6WHERE ARE THEY? No.1434
>>1431All of the synths were hit with bolts of electricity.
Synth A HP 0
Synth C Hp 0
Synth D HP 550
"Come on there's only one more left!"
The last synth attacked List.
Pr 8
1d10 = 5Lk 8
1d10 = 9 No.1437
>>1433The synth harrowingly dodges Epic.
<Directive from Contract Kill, eliminate targets >>1434List was hit but it wasn't so bad.
List HP 430
>>1437>Epic aims for the head. While he is against murdering if he can help it, he had no qualms with disabeling robots.St 8
d10 = 2Lu 7
d10 = 4 No.1439
>>1436>>1437"List! I got you covered!"
Critical hopped to his side and started to shoot.
Pr 8
1d10 = 10Lk 8
1d10 = 4 No.1440
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>>1439"You missed dip shit!"
>list was pissed off>Perception 6 d10 = 6 >Luck 5 d10 = 3 No.1442
>>1438>>1440With their combined efforts, the last synth was taken down in a violent manner.
+1,539,744 EXP
"Cripes damn! that was something."
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>>1442"There more then that come from."
>List then took put his NCR canteen and had a sip and puts it back"What? Vodka on the go. Calms my nerves during intense situations."
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>>1442These scraps won't tell me where Contract is. I'm gonna go look for him and save my family.
Heart in the right place, brain not so. No.1445
>>1443"I have half the mind to take some but I need to focus."
>>1444"Epic you need to slow down and let us help. You'll only get yourself killed if you go it alone."
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>>1445I need to save my family!
Will admit though, haven't got much of an argument planned other than the cliché "I have to do it alone" line. No.1447
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>>1445"If you want a sip, just let me know."
>List was getting relaxed No.1448
>>1446"I understand Epic, you aren't the only one who has lost something in this endeavor. List lost Curtain and I lost Rosie, we each have a reason to be here so we must do this together."
Critical readied his rifle on up to take on the world.
"Let's give them hell together."
>>1447"I'll hold you to that."
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>>1448A'ight, but Contract is mine.
>Kicks down the door. No.1451
>>1449>>1450They made their way deeper into the facility to find the mixing vats. There they found two more synths that were styled after zebras rather than ponies. These two looked very tough, one being much smaller than the other which was big, 2 times the size of Epic.
Mini Boss EngagementAk-45
HP 1500
Dmg 150
Rt HP 3500
Dmg 100
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>>1451>Epic looks at the Zebra synth.So you're some kinda zebra synth eh? Well I bet you don't know anything about zebra culture or techniques.
>>1452>>1453They didn't say anything to the party and only readied themselves for combat.
Actual stuffAk-45
HP 1500
Dmg 150
Immunity to mind effects.
Immunity to instant death.
Parry Stance. (Once entered, this character can deflect attacks rolled above 5)
HP 3500
Dmg 100
Immunity to mind effects.
Immunity to instant death.
Megaton Jump (This character can jump high into the air and crush all party members and deal 50 Dmg.)
Have fun guys No.1455
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>>1454Fugg off"No, fuck this."
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>>1454>[Paralyzing Hoof] Epic prepared himself in some sort of possition and goes in to jab at the large zebra in various places around it's chest.St 8
d10 = 9Lu 7
d10 = 3 No.1457
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>List fired
>Perception 6 d10 = 9
>Luck 5 d10 = 9
>>1456He attacked the large one but unfortunately missed him somehow. Even though large, Rt-17 was very agile.
Critical focused his magics and casted an empowered chain lightning spell, dealing 350 damage total.
Ak 45
In 8
1d10 = 10If successful…
In 8
1d10 = 6 No.1460
>>1458Darn, Zecora didn't teach me how to deal with extra-large, artificial zebras to use it on.
Oh well.
>Does it the old fashion way with his shishkebab.St 8
d10 = 7Lu 7
d10 = 1 No.1461
>>1457>>1458List missed and Critical suffered arcane spell failure.
Ak-45 readied a large sword and entered a parry stance.
Rt-17 raised his giant hammer up on high and tried to slam it down on Critical
St 8
1d10 = 2Lk 6
1d10 = 3>>1460Epic hit Rt, dealing massive damage
Rt-17 HP 2800
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>>1461Holy fuck, I may have a idea. This will most likely fail, but I wanna do a reference to Fallout New Vegas. >List didn't know what to do since they are too powerful>Intelligence 10 d10 = 2>He said some random codesFDFG-34-GDF-35-G35H-
>>1461Critical was smashed flat across the ground but he was still in this. He slowly got on up again and was ready for more.
"D-damn. These things are insane! List I need you to help!"
Crit HP 160
He focused heavily on his magics and casted Spell Storm
In 8
1d10 = 5Rt
In 8
1d10 = 1>>1462Nice try… but they are immune to mind effects.It didn't work but he had enough time to attack.
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>>1461>Epic then had an idea, inspired from what Zecora taught him about how to use opponents strengths against them.HYAAH!
[Earth Tremour]
St 8
d10 = 9Lu 7
d10 = 5 No.1465
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>>1463I hope I can use this effect soon."Eye!"
>List fired>Perception 6 d10 = 7>Luck 5 d10 = 2 No.1466
>>1463Both synths were hit and were dealt massive damage.
Ak HP 500
Rt HP 1800
>>1464His attacked worked, sending RT halfway into the floor, leaving it with 1100 hp. It now couldn't jump into the air.
>>1465List's attack hit Rt and it now has 860 HP
Ak left its parry stance and attacked Epic with great speed.
St 9
1d10 = 1Lk 8
1d10 = 4Rt swung its giant hammer at List.
St 8
1d10 = 10Lk 7
1d10 = 3 No.1467
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>>1466"YOU MISSSED!"
>Perception 6 d10 = 2 >Luck 5 d10 = 10 No.1469
>>1466Epic was stabbed by the sword and was sent flying back. As he picked himself up, he could see he took a lot of damage. 80 HP left
List actually got lucky and was able to dodge efficiently but Rt had now pulled himself out of the ground.
>>1466>Epic positioned himself to prepare the deadly Paralyzing Hoof technique that Zecora taught him long a go.>He just hopes it works on artificial zebras.[Paralyzing Hoof]
St 8
d10 = 10Lu 7
d10 = 3 No.1472
>>1467List's attack lands itself but does minor damage against Ak Hp 260
>>1470Epic's attack hits home and finally takes down Ak. Critical ran up to Epic and administered a healing potion to him. Epic HP 270
Rt looked on over to its dead friend and shot out wires to the body. It absorbed the remaining energy and Rt over clocked itself.
Time to get seriousRt-17
HP 4000
Dmg 200
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>>1472>List looked at Critical and the robots"..Really?"
>>1472>Epic eave shis hooves around like some karate master.Zecora herself taught me how to paralyze a pony with just simple jabs.
But that is not only the most deadly moves I know.
>Epic began to flail his arms aroundHUWAAAAAH JIMJAMYAHA!!![Chi Blast]
En 8
d10 = 2Lu 7
d10 = 9 No.1475
>>1473"Yeah really, get in there and fight!"
>>1474Epic channeled his inner aura and attacked with a chi blast of pure energy. This hit Rt 17 and got it down to 2950 HP
Critical attacked it with another spell storm
In 8
1d10 = 6 No.1479
>>1476I-IT WORKED I-I mean of course it did. I am a master.
>Epic picked up his Shishkebab.Right then!
>Attacks.St 8
d10 = 7Lu 7
d10 = 3 No.1480
>>1476His attack hit home and deals massive damage.
Rt HP 1470 HP
Rt swoops his hammer across the battle field in attempt to hit everyone.
St 8
1d10 = 10Lk 8
1d10 = 8List
St 8
1d10 = 1Lk 7
1d10 = 7Epic
St 8
1d10 = 6Lk 7
1d10 = 8At the end of the trip, the hammer smashes a large container of gas and obscures the battle field. Debuff of +1 to all attack rolls except luck.
>>1480Critical dodges it but List and Epic were hit.
List Hp 130
Epic Hp 0
Critical went over to epic and administered an Estus Shot, reviving Epic
>>1479Epic's attack hits home and deals massive damage.
Rt hp 770
>>1481>>1482>>1483Yeah we can take a break No.1486
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>Epic staggered to the side of the room, taking out one of his potions to swig.
C-cover me I'm healing.
>>1486Kay.>>1487Can you specify how you are gonna heal yourself?Critical didn't high tail it, he remained and casted hellfire on it.
In 8
1d10 = 5 No.1494
>>1489Epic was now at 200 HP
>>1490List hit the sytnh hard, bringing it down with a heavy thud…
+20,000,000 EXP
The battle was finally over but there were still many more challenges up ahead.
>Epic got up.Right! Where is the brute?
>>1495Yeah, nice going.
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>>1496"let me guess..there's even a worse guy up ahead?.."
>>1497Well we haven't found Contract Kill yet.
If only we could make these robots tell us where he is.
>>1495>>1496"Yeah… we got them. Go team wastrels!"
Critical sat on down trying to catch his breath. It's been a while since they were in this level of danger.
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>>1498>>1499>list was ready"L-Let's..go"
>>1500"Yeah okay, what do you need?"
>>1497>>1498"If you guys are ready, we should get a move on."
>>1502I want to be the one to take down Contract… but you're right, I can't do it alone, and it won't be easy. But we can make it a bit more easier.
>Gives him the pulse gun.Contract has my family and knowing him he would want to gloat about it before killing me. I'll confront him first and try and stall him for as long as possible. If I can distract his attention long enough you can use that on him.
But while I trust you to weaken him, I want to finish him myself, thats all I want.
>>1504"I'll… I'll do my best."
>>1503>>1504The party moves onward and finds itself in a corridor. the floor had broken away and below them was a vat a dangerous looking liquid. They had to get to the door on the other side, mind the gap.
>>1506"He must of took out the floor to buy himself time. Crap we're gonna have to get across it somehow."
They noticed that there were some floor left alongside to wall to sidle across or they could go back and find stuff to make an impromptu bridge.
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>>1510>list just sat there"..Can I go home?"
>>1507>>1509Couldn't make every encounter all about enemies. Also waifu was that piano player.>>1509"Yeah stay close to me in case you fall. If you do I can probably catch you."
Critical pressed his back up against the wall and tried to get across.
Ag 8
1d10 = 7 No.1514
>>1512"I..forgot why we are here.."
>>1513>List followed >Agility 2 d10 = 10 "Also watch this, i'm gonna fall"
>>1510He couldn't find anything in this room.
>>1513>>1511Critical had made it across.
"Alright guys your turns. If you fall I'll use my telekinesis on you and catch you."
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>>1516>>1514I did my roll[/spoiler\
>>1513>>1516>Epic was hesitant. [Bruiser]I-I'm not the most… light-footed of ponies.
Well, here goes…
Ag 7 [10]
>>1514Critical waved his horn and tried to catch List in a sheet of red magic.
In 8
1d10 = 2 No.1522
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>>1518>>1519>The old metal of the catwalk started to creek and give way to Epic's large girth, Epic quickly tried to jump to motr sturdy catwalk railings before it was too late.Ag 7
d10 = 8 No.1523
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>>1519>>1520He catches both of them and pulls them over to where he was at.
"You guys would be lost without me eh?"
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>>1523No we won't we would be dead.
"I think we are ehre.."
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>>1526"My cock, brain, heart, and organs say yes."
>>1524>>1525"Oh well it doesn't matter now. Let's go on ahead."
They made their way through the corridors until they reached the basement. The area was large, cold and dark. To safely say it was ominous.
<"So… you guys finally made it? You can't even die right it seems." No.1529
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>>1528"Come on man, show yourself."
"Let's talk."
>>1529>>1530>>1531>>1532Contract emerges from the darkness.
>"So what, you guys came here to find the ones I stole from you? Sorry to say they aren't here. Heh, I can still remember them crying for mercy before they were shoved into freezers.""Damn you Contract, we'll get them back!"
"No, you'll die here in this cold and dark place. Epic do you remember our little escapade out of Manehattan? Searching for some dangerous weapon of the sort."
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>List said in a Neutral tone"Is my wife okay?"
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>>1538>Charisma 9 d10 = 5"I can feel a lie."
did you do with her?" No.1542
>>1541You're sick, kidnapping Fluttershy and Rosie and Curtain.
And here I thought you just wanted Fluttershy all to yourself and me dead. Seems rather elaborate even by your low-expected standards to go this far though, why the Institute? And what about this dangerous weapon?
>>1543>"Something like that but she doesn't have too much time. The Institute likes to experiment with other pursuits.|>>1542>"Oh you destroyed the weapon already, that's history right there. As for the Institute they needed some operative out and about in the wasteland and I needed to resources to kill each and every last ghoul."He raised his katana blade up and pointed at Epic.
>"Starting with you!"Boss EncounterContract Kill HP…
"No not yet!"
Critical fired off the pulse gun and hit Contract wich made him drop to the floor.
>"AAAugh! What did you do to me?"He gets on back up and readies for combat
Contract Kill
Hp 6000
Dmg 200
>>1544I was expecting more of a conversation, but OK.I knoew you were expecting me to come alone, heck I was going to. But I didn't, brought some back up with the right tools to disable your bionics.
You know, for somepony who hated me for being a ghoul so much, you're one to talk with what you did to yourself.
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>>1544>List was thinking of what he said until he suddenly heard a familiar voice in his head that yelled>"GO!""Cu-Curtain?"
>List aimed his gun at Contact>He waited for Epic's first hit No.1548
>>1547Eh, maybe my internet is just being shit.>>1545>"Nothing much, I never said I hated abominations, I just hate ghouls."He charges Epic with lightning speed.
St 9
1d10 = 5Lk 5
1d10 = 10 No.1550
>>1548>Epic tries to dodge as fast as he can.Ag 7
d10 = 5Lu 7
d10 = 2>And counter, with his Shishkebab.>St 9 d10 = 4>Lu 7 d10 = 6So you're just racist against Ghouls, is that all? Manure! Or you won't go through all the trouble to get at me.
Why do you hate ghouls and me so much?
>>1550What? There is no dodging.Epic was hit for 200 points of damage. Though Epic was able to land a hit.
Contract HP 5650
Critical casted an empowered hellfire spell on Contract.
In 8
1d10 = 2 No.1552
>>1551Contract was set on fire.
Contract HP 5200
>"Ergh… Damn you and this world." No.1555
>>1553List landed some hits but Contract was still moving about.
>"Here take this!"He reers his blade at Critical.
St 9
1d10 = 10Lk 5
1d10 = 10 No.1557
>>1555Critical just out of pure luck, stepped out of the way just in time.
>>1554Yeah, and I told you you couldn't do that or I just ignored the dodge roll.Contract was hit, both of the fighters were covered in each other's blood. If it were a story, this would be poetic.
Contract HP 4850
>>1556All List found was a 30ft rope.
His shot though missed but Critical attacked.
Pr 8
1d10 = 7Lk 8
1d10 = 8 No.1559
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>>1557>Epic couldn't seem to get anymore information from Contract and was getting impatient.[Hot blooded]
>St 9 d10 = 6>Lu 7 d10 = 9 No.1560
>>1557Critical's attack lands home but only barely and Contract was burned from the Hellfire.
Contract HP 4260
"Dammit! How can he still be moving like this?"
>"Because I outmatch all of you in every way."Contract went ahead and attacked Epic in a whirlwind of fury.
St 9
1d10 = 3Lk 7
1d10 = 7 No.1562
>>1559Epic landed a hit, dealing a boost of damage.
Contract 3860
>>1560But then Contract's attack finished off Epic and he tumbled to the ground
Second Wind
Lk 7
1d10 = 7 No.1563
>>1562>Epic flew through the air and landed like a ragdoll. Feiging defeat he quickly got one of his potions and downed it.(I need a plan, but what?)
>Looks around to see what he can use.Perception 2
d10 = 5 No.1564
>>1562Epic was able to get on up but barely.
>>1561List was moving too slow to instantly get him so he attacked. If Contract missed though then he would be caught… for the moment.
St 9
1d10 = 3Lk 7
1d10 = 1 No.1566
>>1564>>1565List was slashed across the side and his own blood splattered across the floor. He also dropped the rope.
>"You little shit! I bet you're glad your wife isn't here to see you fuck up!""No but he's got his friends here!"
Critical focused and casted a spell storm on Contract.
In 8
1d10 = 6 No.1567
>>1566Contract was hit with multiple beams of magic energy.
Contract HP 2860
"Don't stop now guys we almost have him!"
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>>1568*That was his last attempt
>>1568Ooh, nice use of a low level skillContract fell to the ground, a bit stunned as he tried to get on up. (Skips his turn.) And was burned again after the Hellfire flickered out.
Contract HP 2510
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>Epic decided to get back into the fight, his blood boiling with rage.
[Hot Blooded]
>St 9 d10 = 7
>Lu 7 d10 = 8
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>>1570Paralyzing Hoof
>List stomped on his head>Strength 8 d10 = 4 >Luck 5 d10 = 10I say fuck it Critical. I say fuck it. No.1573
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>>1572And that's how you lower his health
>>1571Epic Hit Contract, dealing some damage.
Contract HP 2110
Critical decided to blast contract to hell and performed Action Buck
Pr 8
1d10 = 10Lk 8
1d10 = 6Pr 8
1d10 = 6Lk 8
1d10 = 4Pr 8
1d10 = 7Lk 8
1d10 = 3Pr 8
1d10 = 9Lk 8
1d10 = 7 No.1575
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>>1574"T-There. I did my part."
>List stepped back with a hoof on his Beretta just in case No.1576
>>1572List did a total of 600 damage and got Contract down to 1510
>>1574Critical hit him twice and Contract was down to 350 HP
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>>1576"Hey Epic! It's all yours!"
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>>1574>Epic jumped back to a fair distance and remember the training the sheep commander in the war taught him..>He tried concentrating his rage, his anger at Contract for what Contract has put him through, his misery for his family.HHHHOAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!
>He attained a new level of being extremely pissed off, he was so angry with how crappy his life was he concentrated into a plast of pure rage, giving off a red chi aura.[Chi Blast]
En 8
d10 = 9Lu 7
d10 = 10 No.1581
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>>1580>List aimed the barrel of his pistol at his face"Yeah. Any last words?"
Do it now Crit. No.1583
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>>1579Suppose to include [Hot Blooded] perk as a comination as well.>>1580>>1581>Epic, who was still glowing with rage and skin pulsing with visable veins, darted an intimidating look to List.[Spoken Softly] No, he is mine. I want to end this.
He's not being mean to List on purpose, just he's really-really pissed off.>He approaches Contract. He tried to at least keep some control in his voice and not to pointless shout.Since the first day I've met you, you've given me nothing but grief for what I was, for who I am. You despised me. But I never NEVER believed you would a sstooped so low as to take my family, whats precious to me from this miserable life.
>Epic pressed his hoof to Contracts throat.What gives you the right to do that to me, what is it that you have against ghouls to despise me so much?
>Contract was choking a little, even though Epic had some cool not to full out strangle him.TALK! No.1584
>>1583He coughed, trying to speak.
>"Oh… you'll find out soon enough I'm sure…"With that he coughs up more blood until he became motionless. His eyes stared into the abyss of death.
"Contract… It's finally over then. You can get your peace from this world while we continue the battle."
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>>1582"Oh I don't think so."
>List shows him a little button on his helmet."I click this, and it sends a SOS to the main HQ alerting mostly the whole fucking N-"
>>1584"Oh..he's dead."
"You guys want a emergency Evac?"
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>>1586>list held back epic>Strength 8 d10 = 9 "Epic chill, he's dead!"
>Begins to sob.He doesn't understand what it's like to live through it all… They'll never understand, and just hate.
>The red, firey aura begins to extinguished as Epic puts a lid on his bottled rage. No.1589
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>>1588>List hugged him while he cried"it's over epic."
>>1585>>1586>>1587Suddenly the room was filled with gas that made them feel tired. Soon the party dropped to the floor as synths surrounded them. They were captured… and everything goes dark.
To be continuedAfter exacting revenge on Contract Kill, the party had been captured by the Institute. What horrid experiments await them in the near future?
Next Time on Wasteland Stories; Ponykind Redefined. No.1591
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>>1590"Oh what the fuck…"
>List slept No.1601
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>>1600That's way unfucking healthy
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Anyway, I need to sleep.
While you both sleep, I'll plot my KoE RP to over throw /rp/!
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It's time
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Tfw Crit's old RP weapon is in game
>>1612Alright but unfortunately there isn't gonna be a shaun here. The Institute does have a director but is missing somethings such as SRB for reasons to be explained.It was cold… that was the best way the party could describe how they felt. Each member found themselves in their own cryopod which was opening up right now. Memories of what happened after they were captured was a blur, all they could remember was the doctors taking a sample of their blood and being put into cryostasis. Each of them fell to the ground, their muscles suffering from dystrophy showing them they had been in stasis for quite a while.
They found themselves in a locked room and it seems that they were by themselves. Just the three pods, Critical, Epic and List.
>"Hello, this has been a long time coming hasn't it? I am the director of the Institute and I wanted to be the first to welcome you.As they looked around the room for the speaker, they soon realized that the voice was coming from the intercom.
>"You must wish death upon us all but you must forgive us. Step on through the door and all will be explained."The door opens and reveals an elevator.
>>1614They were very well able to walk.
Once they had gotten inside, the elevator descended into darkness.
>"You must believe us to be senseless murderers and kidnappers. I do not deny the actions of my predecessor and I hope to one day atone for what he has done."After a flash of white they could see the entirety of the Institute. Large white towers with gardens and bedrooms resided within. People in white clothes who looked clean and healthy. It was as if they stepped into a new world.
>"The Institute isn't as bad as what you may have thought it was. Down here we only wish to improve the lives of Ponykind."The went past the main floor and entered what looked like a small tunnel with a staircase within.
>"Please, come this way into my office so we may speak in person." No.1617
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>>1616>List was walking"This is a has to be."
>>1617Once they had gotten to the office, they were met with a young looking stallion in a lab coat. He was small with dark hair and a light coat… wait this pony looked like Critical! Another one steps into the room who looked almost like List as well but not entirely.
"Hello, my name is Lucky Strike.<"And my name is Grand Order. It's finally good to see our brothers.""What but how is this possible? Who are you!?"
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>>1618>List walks up to Order"Well holy shit. It's me."
>>1619They weren't exact duplicates but they definitely looked to be blood related.
"No… this isn't right. I don't have a brother, you aren't him!"
Critical was getting upset and Lucky got on up and pressed his hoof against Crit's chest.
"We aren't born of the same mother but… I do share you genetic makeup."Order was talking to List.
<"I'm glad you are taking this well but I'm sure this is a lot to take in.">"It is."An elderly mare steps on in.
>"I am the director. I am sure you have plenty of questions so feel free to ask." No.1621
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>>1620Madison Li?"I have one. Where is Curtain?"
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>>1622"Alright, nice joke. But really, where is her?"
How long? No.1626
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>>1624>List was showing the first sign of Grief>Denial"I don't believe it. She's fine. She's just asleep in her pod. Like Contact said."
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>You have a clone>Curtain turned into a Alicorn and died>List is in very serious deinalCan FS or who comfort List after this? Because he isn't gonna be the same after this. No.1635
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Any second now..
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Well it's 8
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Yeah he's not coming back
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Well gonna sleep now.
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>>1626Critical looked on over at List.
"List… I don't think she's coming home this time."
>>1646>>1647Alright I'm here. No.1649
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>>1648I'm so frustrated over OY-8K7D, but I did it >>1648Sometimes, List can take so much pain, and the result is just a smile>List smiled"She's fine. let's go check on her"
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>>1651>Critical can notice that List was getting offensive"But it's my wife. I want to see my wife."
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>>1653"Which one is her?.."
How are we leaving this place? No.1655
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Also I have no idea waht I am doing. We should move on
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>>1658>List said in the most neutral tone ever"You kidnapped and killed my wife. Stole my friends.
Stole Fluttershy. Have then hostage. And
now you want me to help? The only help you're gonna get is a hoof up your ass in five minutes if you don't tell me what the fuck was the point of taking her, and the others."
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>>1661>He just facehooved"It's like I'm in that fucking Stable again."
"Look, i'm just gonna get this straight. There isn't no master race. And never will be. It's just some fucking idea made from some faggot who wanted to be famous for. And a good pony who used that term a lot was Hoofler."
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>>1663"Look, I do acknowledge your progress…with these synths. But I just want this. Release my friends and no violence."
Also FYI. If this is a female(and I think it is) Maybe I can convince her to release them without any violence. Also I got sex appeal and and a pretty high Charisma so there might be a chance. No.1666
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>>1665X:"I'll think about it."
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Okay, for some reason, List is taking this not what I was expecting of him. Maybe his feeling are dead at the moment. No.1669
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>>1668Well you are controlling him.They go on ahead and sit down at the cafeteria area.
"Ugh… all this way and we weren't there on time."
He looks on down at his pipbuck and looks shocked.
"Agh fuck! We were out for like a good month!"
New pic No.1670
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>>1669"We gotta get out of here."
"Celestia fuck this place is really scarring me."
>List was now finally loosing it No.1671
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Also, heads up. If you wanna be a better artist, start with backgrounds. And more ponies. Like not just a simple color, but with objects. It will give a better vibe. And hell, maybe work with new art brushes or paint in SAI.
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>>1672"But what about Flutter and LittlePip?"
>>1672Alright. Next image try to add some background stuff.And if you succeed, you're on the path to becoming a artist in the fandom No.1675
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>>1674I know it is, but it's the only way you can improve. Hell look at me, I was scared that I couldn't draw for shit, but look at this."Look..I don't know what's going on. My wife is dead. I don't know how to feel about this. I'm angry at them but not feeling to murder all of them. I just.."
>>1677Critical didn't say anything else. He knew nothing he could say would lighten the situation. Instead he waited for the food to be brought over by a Gen 2.
"Oh, food's here."
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>>1678"Can we go home now?"
They got on up and headed out. There they got access to the teleporter and was shipped out back into the wastes by a one way trip. Crit and List foundthemselves about a mile south of the Canterlot Ruins along with the other prisoners.
>>1681"Come on List, it's over now. We gotta go home… remember our fallen, and lick our wounds."
Critical looked on down at List.
"Are you gonna be okay?"
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>List was still silent
>Only thing was making him not talk was his flashbacks and death
>he wanted to die
>>1683Critical put his hoof aver List's shoulder.
"I know it hurts to lose everything you had. We just… gotta push forwards now. She wouldn't want you to be like this."
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>>1684Jesus, this is gonna be rough for him>List pushed away Critical not that hard"I want to be alone"
>>1685"Stay with me here, I still need you. Here I'll take you back home."
Critical got List on up and let him lean on himself as they began to walk to Junction Town as that was the closest place there was. Once there Crit got them both inside the tavern.
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>>1686"This isn't home.."
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>>1688So how you wanna bring her in?"Alright.."
>List sat in a booth No.1692
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>>1691Eh alright.Suddenly, a familiar mare sits on down with them.
>"Whoa hey I haven't seen you two in forever!" No.1693
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>List said while looking at this mare No.1694
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>>1695"Barkeep, more shots."
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>>1698>List sighed"It's gonna be a rough ride now. Now I'm just gonna be alone."
"Like you, Crit."
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>List took another drink No.1707
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And just finished Far Harbor
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>>1708Critical, I just love how alone I am in life."I..don't know.."
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>>1710"Yup! I know I can do it."
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>>1712"What about her?"
Gotta shower now. Break time. Also I wanna do something at wapole.>showers No.1716
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>>1714"We are like..ditchi-"
"Sorry, lets go."
>>1716"Eh she can come with."
>>1715Epic was expelled from the Institute like his friends and family and were now in the tavern at Junction. Before Epic left though, he was given a memory orb that belonged to Contract kill but he would need Critical's help to experience the memory within.
>>1718Yes I guess.>>1717"Um…okay."
"Welp, off to Walpole..I guess."
>>1720Well, I better see whats this about.
>Stares at the orb.What do I do with this?
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>>1720"if you excuse me."
>List left the party and went to the town hall aloneI need to be alone for this No.1723
>>1721Crit looks down at the orb and examines it.
"It's a memory of good length… I can connect us in through my magics if you want to learn about Contract's past."
>>1722AlrightThere he was inside and found the place to be empty.
>>1724"Alright, just try to focus your mind."
Critical weaves his red magic around them both and channels their minds into the orb. First things were silent but soon Crit and Epic found themselves within a being who was following a stallion and a mare. From their perspective, they were the child.
>"C'mon Trail Blaze, you gotta keep up the pace!""I'm coming dad!'They were walking what looked to be like some city ruins on the west coast.
"Epic… I don't understand. Who are we possessing here, this isn't Contract."
>>1729nah you keep going>>1728Suddenly they could hear Contract's voice commenting on what was happening.
"There I was just some colt barely into the world. My parents were nomads and we basically wandered from place to place selling what scrap we could find.<"Here honey, this place would be a great to camp and rest.">"I agree, we should stop here for the night.""I barely understood what this world was… too young I guess."Time seemed to skip forward and Crit and Epic could feel their sleeping body being shook awake.
<"Trail, I need you to come with me quickly">"Ergh hurry I can't hold them much longer!"They were picked up and slung over the mother's back, all the while they watched the father get taken down and eaten by feral ghouls. They eventually catch up and right before they got the mother too, she threw the child up ahead and he ran away.
"It was at that moment I lost everything I had. The ferals took it all away"Eventually they found themselves with a heated frying pan, burning their cutie mark off.
"I grew angry with Ferals but in truth I was angry with myself for running away like that." No.1733
>>1731Why would that happen? You came to this place to do something, what is it?>>1732The memory fades out and they soon find themselves in the real world.
"Ergh… that was something What do you think?"
>>1734The bells rung a melancholic tune that could be heard all across the town.
What will List do now?
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>>1733Hm, I dunno what to think.
I understand his loss, but I still won't forgive him for his actions.
True there have been moments before I feared I was on the edge of feral in which case I would deserve death for being a monster, I would of desired that over being feral.
But I never lost myself, most ghouls we know don't. He lost his mother to mere husks of former ghouls, good ponies and hated me and all ghouls because of it.
Ghouls fear losing themselves and becoming monsters, Contract chose to make himself into one.
Im slow as heck because my keyboard is broken and using on-screen keyboard to type. No.1743
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>List then went to his room. Just by himself.>It felt empty in there without Curtain. Just him and his bed.>He went asleep>While sleeping, he felt like someone was next to him spooning. He felt like there was a wing over him, protecting him and comforting him so that he could sleep peacefully.>He slept all day the next day No.1744
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And that's it for me. Curtain is dead and time for a new chapter for List. Hurrah. Also btw don't mind that List might see Curtain's presence once in a while. Aka putting random dimes everywhere.
Anyway, night
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Brb one sec
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>list woke up slowly
>he was just alone in his room and his house
>He did his typical morning routine.
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>>1749>Epic decided to lie-in today and spend time with the family.>But he can't because even without the Tudor leader, the place was still a drug den for junkies.Heres the plan. I'm gonna go in there, lock the gate behind me and then beat the living manure out of the raiders there. Then I will offer their customers a choice, either help the Followers and get clear, or I beat the crap outta them as well.
But first, I'm going out for dinner, so be I'll be gone an hour or two. No.1754
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>>1753"if you're looking for a nice place with ponies looking for work, lending a helping hoof and defending the wasteland. You came to the right place. Welcome home."
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>>1755"Question. Do you know the name of the location?"
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I swear to Chirst if we fight that huge queen mirelurk..
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>>1758>Looks it up. Jesus fuck dude. That's like nightmare fuel"…I need a Fat man for this."
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>>1760"Can I go grab my wife's Anti-Material rifle?"
"And some ammo?"
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>>1762>List came back with his Rifle"I got a
bad feeling about this"
Let me guess, it's gonna be a hard one that includes every enemy? No.1768
>>1763Gonna be full combat.List got the Rifle.
Curtain's Caller (Antimaterial Rifle+27) Dmg 370
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>>1768"lets get this done."
"I'll snipe them while you distract them"
Wait wait wait. I thought List was a pegasus. No.1771
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>>1770"better go get your bike."
"You can drive around and shoot at them."
>List said while he opened his wings No.1772
>>1771"No I heard of these things, we'll be indoors with close quarters combat here. I'll go get Epic though."
>>1766Critical goes about town to look for Epic.
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>>1772"I may have a shotgun in my house somewhere.."
>List looks around>Luck 5 d10 = 10 No.1775
>>1773He wasn't finding it.
>>1774"Hey Epic I need your help here on this one. We gotta go to an old radio station and clear it out."
>>1775You guys need-
>She goes over to hug him. No.1778
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>>1776Critical smiled as he looked down at her.
"Hey kiddo, I hadn't seen you in a while. I'm afraid I can't stay for too long but I'll be right back before dinner I promise."
He looks back up at Epic.
"It's just a quick job so some folk can get some equipment to start up their own station here in Walpole."
>>1777Crit was still busy talking to Epic.
>>1778>FluttershyO-Oh, you're leaving already Epic?
>Epic was a bit hesitant.I'm sorry honey, it sounds like he really needs me, and if he really does need me then Equestria needs me.
>Fluttershy stiffled her small dissapointment but looked up to him caringly.Okay, you go on ahead, but please becareful.
>EpicOK, I will.
>>1779>>1780After that the party gathered around the Walpole entrance.
"Okay so does everyone have what they need?"
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>>1781Question, what are we doing?
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>>1781"Lets make it quick"
>>1782"We just go in and shoot some monsters to clear out a place. The Minute Ponies will send in a scav team to recover the equipment after we are done."
>>1783"It'll probably take about an hour knowing us."
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>>1784"I'll watch your back."
>>1786"They're a small, grass roots organization of helping ponies. They're good people so you can trust them."
>>1785"And I'll hurl spells at the enemy."
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>>1787"lets just hope Curtain gives me luck."
>>1788"They probably won't."
>>1789"Yeah I'll believe it, remember Luck works with you believing."
>>1788>>1789The party headed out west into the cold and frigid landscape until they came upon a radio station. It looked military, probably used to be in contact with Stalliongrad. The area was decrepit with a half torn down wire fence. The door was closed shut and sealed but there was a release lever next to the door on the wall.
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>>1790"Brace yourselves."
>List pulls the lever No.1793
>>1792The door falls down into the ground by sliding through a slot. It was a loud banging noise as it did so but nothing inside moved about. Instead the place was eerie and quiet. Cobwebs adorned the desks and skeletons and there was a thick layer of dust on the floor.
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>>1793"Hold it."
>List did a quick VATS sweep No.1796
>>1794Are you just messing with me?"Inside the radio station that is literally right in from of us Epic."
>>1795Pr 6
1d10 = 8 No.1798
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>>1796"Well damn. This is gonna be a tough one."
>>1795>>1797The party enters but they don't see anything hostile… until suddenly these hunchback alien looking monster jump out from under the desks.
[b]Full Combat Encounter[/?]
Wanamingo A
HP 1000
Dmg 100
Wanamingo B
HP 1000
Dmg 100
Wanamingo C
Hp 1000
Dmg 100
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>>1799"WHAT THE FUCK?"
>List fired in shock>Perception 6 d10 = 1>Luck 5 d10 = 9 No.1802
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>>1800They didn't say anything, they were more like wild animals.
>>1801His shot hit Wanamingo A, lowering it down to 630 HP
Critical attacked the group with a chain lightning spell.
Wanamingo A
In 8
1d10 = 4If successful
Wanamino B
In 8
1d10 = 5Wanamingo C
In 8
1d10 = 5 No.1803
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>Takes his shishkebab out and fights.>Strength 8 d10 = 2>Luck 7 d10 = 10 No.1804
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>>1802>List flew pretty high in the air almost to the ceiling (if we are in a building) "Alright you bastards, who's next?"
>List fires again>Perception 6 d10 = 3>Luck 5 d10 = 3 No.1805
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>>1802All of them were hit with a bolt of lightning.
All of them got back up and attacked each member of the party.
En 7
1d10 = 1Lk 5
1d10 = 8List
En 7
1d10 = 2Lk 5
1d10 = 8Epic
En 7
1d10 = 5Lk 5
1d10 = 1 No.1807
>>1803He hits A with his fire sword and got it down to 30 HP
>>1804List hit B and got it down to 10 HP
Critical casted a polymorph spell on himself and changed into a timber wolf.
>>1806we go by turn order, not how fast you can post.The others swoop in to attack with their tentacles.
En 7
1d10 = 6Lk 5
1d10 = 6List
En 7
1d10 = 4Lk 5
1d10 = 8Epic
En 7
1d10 = 1Lk 5
1d10 = 9 No.1811
>>1808C was hit for critical damage and was now at 50 HP
>>1809List shot B and it fell to the ground dead after having the top part of its exoskeleton being blown off in a green paste.
Critcal attacked C with a ferocious wolf bite.
En 8
1d10 = 2Lk 8
1d10 = 9 No.1813
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>>1811>List looks at Critical"…What the fuck? Man, might be a side effect on my pills."
Alright, good time to take a shower.Brb No.1814
>>1811The one fell dead to Timber Wolf Crit and…
>>1812The last one was killed by Epic.
+1,000,000 EXP
Critical got on out of his polymorphic form and sat down.
"Well… they weren't what I was expecting."
>>1813That's cool No.1817
>>1815>>1816Unfortunately they had no inventory.
"While I was away last year, I did hear some passing tales of underground monsters that were created by the pre-war military as a bio-weapon."
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>>1817"God..they're ugly as fuck"
>>1818>>1819"That's what all I had heard."
It seemed the area was clear now. They can look around for stuff or head back home.
>>1821>>1822They found all this together…
2-Riot Gear +300MHP
3-Revolvers+20 Dmg 240
6-Healing potions
>>1823Hm, usual stuff, but nothing that explains… that thing…
>Checks the radio equipment. No.1825
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>>1823"I'll take a Revolver."
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>>1826"Whatever floats your boat"
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Fuck, now I got a feeling that Crit's gonna do something. I can feel it
>>1823>>1824>>1825>>1826>>1827Crit and epic gets their own suit of the riot gear and each member of the party got their won revolver and two potions.
>>1824It all looks to be standard equipment though perhaps they will learn more about this place later on. For now heading home is the best option so the Minute Ponies can do their thing.
>>1828Nah that's it for this encounter. No.1832
>>1831>>1830"Yeah no kidding, I got so many laser rifles that I forgot to sell."
They head on home and found themselves in the merchant area. There was the general goods store, Guns and Roses, the clinic, and the bar.
>>1834Basically the NCR armor. In game it's just actually pre-war riot gear they scavengedHe gotten some caps from the sale, about 6,000
Critical sold off all of his extra weapons that weren't equipped and his old leather armor for a total of 5,500 caps
>>1833He found Liberty at town square.
>"Hey you're back, how did it go?" No.1836
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>>1835"It went okay. It's clear now and you can send your scouts.
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>>1835I see, so shouldn't it be under armour than inventory? Or does it need to be swapped out or something?
'cus would prefer Riot Gear over leather armour.Little bit more to help with Equestria.
>>1837You have to say you equipped it in game."Yeah the caps never hurt when it lines my pocket."
>>1836>"Thanks, here's a payment of 1,000 caps. I'll be sure to send some to you party members as well."Suddenly 1,000 caps appear in the pockets of each party member cuz the DM said so.
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>>1838>Inb4 new Waifu pops out of nowhere when I head to bar"Thanks"
>List heads to his bar No.1841
>>1839And just like that, boop, the suit just pops on. Now Crit and Epic were wearing matching clothes.
"These should keep us alive much longer."
>>1840Eh I had another quest>"Wait List I got some reports you may want to hear. It'll definitely put you in a good mood." No.1843
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>>1841>List turned back"What now?"
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>>1844>List's eyes widen up"Going now."
>>1845"Don't worry we'll get you a new suit of power armor soon."
They head off to find List and when they do…
>>1846Yep, time to introduce vehicles for our party to use.>"It's down at the tip of the peninsula that Baltimare is located at. It looks in pretty good condition too but my guys didn't bring it back because its stuck from what I hear. Shouldn't be too much of a problem for you though." No.1848
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>>1847Ahh, time to add to my BATTLESHIP>List sees Critical and Epic"Let's go!"
>List is too hyped and just takes off No.1849
>>1847Oh back then I didn't wear Power Armour, I was perhaps the only pony in the Steel Rangers who did not, Instead I had Ranger Armour. Armour maybe mobile and durable but did not provided the physical freedom I needed to be at my best back then.
>>1848Let's not put in the battleship just yet. I'm not sure how I'm gonna stat this tank but it will be sent to both of you in google docs."Whoa wait List!"
>>1849As he watches List leave, Crit just shrugs and looks to Epic.
"You ready to head out?"
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>>1853>list flew in the air and drawed out his Anti rifle"Okay who's first?"
>List fired without even thinking, he was too focused on the Tank more then anything>Perception 6 d10 = 4>Luck 5 d10 = 2 No.1857
>>1854[b]Moderate Combat Encounter[b]
Ghoul A
Ghoul B
Ghoul C
Ghoul D
List shot the first ghoul and it had its head blown off.
>>1855"Too late now!"
Critical raised up his laser rifle and fired.
Pr 8
1d10 = 2Lk 8
1d10 = 8 No.1858
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>>1856STOP IT! We don't even know these ponies!
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>>1858>>1857Too late!
>Perception 6 d10 = 7>Luck 5 d10 = 4 No.1861
>>1858They were definitely ferals
Guess I should have made that clear>>1857Another falls to ash and they attack
En 6
1d10 = 5Lk 3
1d10 = 8Epic
En 6
1d10 = 5Lk 3
1d10 = 2 No.1862
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>>1861Rude Sandstorm"Take this!"
>>1861Both Crit and Epic were hit in the face with flailing hooves.
>>1859List shot another down and there was only one left that of which Crit shot at.
Pr 8
1d10 = 8Lk 8
1d10 = 7 No.1865
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Also heads up. No matter if you guys yell at him he won't care until his tank is ready to go.
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>>1864>List landed on the tank"Alright, let's see what I can fix."
>List went in the hatch and worked on the insides first>Intelligence 10 d10 = 4 No.1867
>>1863>>1862>>1865>>1864The last feral falls and now they had the tank to themselves.
"Alright I say this is gonna take some work. Let's clear all those vines out first."
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>>1867>List echoed from the inside"Already on it!"
Also wanna take on my roll?
>>1866 No.1870
>>1866>>1868"List we ain't moving this thing when it's half sunk into the ground."
Inside was a mess, he found the old crew now just skeletons. THhey must have locked themselves up to protect themselves from then nuclear blast. He did find the fusion core was intact and the onboard navigation systems were online.
>>1869"Hey sorry about that, I mean I already knew they were ferals and List knew as well."
Sorry I should have been more clear, I just forgot to put feral. No.1871
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>>1870"Idea. You grab a shovel and I'll try to use full force on this baby and we can move out before two hours max"
Game time No.1873
>>1871"Let's just take this nice and easy."
The party spends about an hour clearing off all the shrubbery. Critical focused his telekinesis spell to make the tank lighter so List can drive it out.
>>1873What if we use these Shock Battle Bracers to jumpstart the engine?
That or it needs a Fusion Core.
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>>1873>List found that there was a old tape recording of a prewar song that the crew was gonna play, so to make the spirits go to heaven he played it>It was some Zebra remixing to some old prewar show theme>He then grabbed the two throttles and pushed forward slowly, he loved the sound of the old engine working the wheels"Mmth~"
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hurry crit, I need to sleep
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>>1883"We can find the cannon tomarrow"
"Everyone get in so we can go home to sleep."
>List was tired as fuck No.1885
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And that's it for me. I'm out of energy for today. So I'm gonna go now and sleep. night all
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Be back at 2:30
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I'm always here.
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>>1911You got the tank's stat sheet right?He couldn't find anything in there like that but perhaps he should go talk to the garage master in his town. That would be his one stop place for upgrading vehicles that he and his friends recover.
>>1910Critical let out a yawn before smiling.
"Hey guys and a special hello to you as well Rosie. Don't worry I won't bite."
>>1913"Hey kiddo, how have you been holding up?"
>>1914He found him near the toolset. It was a pegasus stallion with a dark beard who wore black leather clothes and had a sawed off shotgun on his side. An old looking German shepherd also accompanied him. Looked like they shared quite the adventure before but that time has long past.
<"What can I get ya boss?" No.1916
>>1915I-I'm fine, I haven't been feeling well.
>EpicDue to the last few weeks, well perhaps didn't do her all good.
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>>1915"Hey, I recently found this old Pre-War tank. It's missing a few parts but I managed to get her engines working and drove her to here. So i'm just here wondering if you want to take a look at it too see what's missing."
>>1916"Don't worry kid, you'll pull through just fine."
He then looked on at Epic.
"So was there something you needed?"
>>1917<"Oh that thing, I went ahead and took a look at it and I sent you a list of stuff you could get to improve it. Should be in that pip-buck of yours."You should have gotten a Walpole tank document in google docs. Can you tell me if you got it or not? No.1919
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>>1918I did>List checks it"Oh, I gotta get the Cannon."
>>1918No, just me and Fluttershy getting something to eat before we head to New Pegas where FOllowers headquarters is located.
Fluttershy wants more of a safe environment for Rosie and herself to live. I'm not entirely sure New Pegas is all that safe myself.
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>>1921Sorry Crit, gotta be with Fluttershy and Rosie, they need me.
Unless you know where else that is safe to raise a child.
I guess technically the Minute Ponies who offer construction privileges can make settlements more secure and safe… I guess. I only made Sanctuary Hills fairly decent in Fo4 and always wanted to build a castle in Starlight Drive In. No.1923
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>>1921Relax dude. It's just a sheet."Aw shit. Well do you know any factories that made cannons?"
Solo or group mission?" No.1925
>>1924Yeah, but Fluttershy wants the safest Equestria can possibly offer, which in these times, not much.
>FluttershyBeing kidnappened was horrible, I don't want to put Rosie in all that ever again!
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>>1924"Damn that's a high bargen."
"Alright, what parts do you need?"
Also, can I please go solo? I would love the breathing room for once. No.1928
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>>1927"So a Katusha launcher?"
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>>1928<"Not sure what that is but yes you got the right idea. If you bring me those two things and pay for the cannon then your tank will be in business.">>1929"She'll be safe here with all of us. Friends and family always should stick together."
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>>1930Please Critical. I wanna make this my mission. I just love these missions."Alright, I'll head out."
There is even a song about it No.1933
>>1931Yeah you can go<"Don't get yourself killed out there, I dunno what's in that factory."List headed on out to where the factory was. It bordered the ocean and looked a bit run down.
>>1932"I get that and all but this isn't the past. There is no place that is perfect thus there is no point in looking for one. Instead we should carve out our own place or fortify this one."
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>>1933>List walked to the factory"Man, once these places made many things, now they're are dead or asleep. Waiting to be alive." No.1937
>>1934Should be currently named List's old town. The map is old."Probably here, Junction, or Haven."
>>1935The entrance to the factory was closed but not locked. He couldn't hear if anything was moving inside but he did see a shadow or two move about.
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>>1937>List threw a small pebble"Um..tho shall not enter?"
>He knew that it could be a Alicorn>He froze so that hopefully it was so It can move away No.1940
>>1938Suddenly he could hear a robotic voice, sounded like some really happy mare.
>"Ooh is that a new friend!? I love making new friends!">>1939Ah fuck I forgot. Any new quests to do?"Alright, since I built up the last place you should be in charge of this one."
Go ahead and pick a place on the map. Just be sure to describe where it is like this. "South of Walpole, West of Manehattan, North of Junction, in the hills." More description will mean a more accurate location. No.1941
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>>1940>List sees the Bot"Oh hi. i thought you were one of those big Alicorns."
>>1940Well, since Walpole is more List's home town, perhaps we should try and secure Junction? What do you think honey?
>FluttershyWell, we have lived there for quite a while. But I don't want to live in a place of drugs and violence.
>EpicWe'll just have to talk to whoever owns Junction if we can take over it.
>>1941>"Can we play? I sure do love to play!"The robot was a brand List could recognize, it was a childrens at home friend developed by the ministry of morale. He could also recognize the voice belonging to Pinkey Pie as it begun to attack him. Apparently it was set to security mode after the world desroyed itself.
Full Combat EncounterBugged Companion Bot
HP 500
Dmg 50
>>1942"Could be hard since the NCR run things around there. Perhaps though they'll let you run some construction."
Already typing a settlement stat sheet. No.1944
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>>1943The NCR? No way, after them kicking the Followers out.
Gotta be somewhere secure, but also on good terms with the Followers.
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>>1943Okay, like I tried before, but you didn't wanna do it. I wanna see if I can save some bullets and maybe I can make this Robot good and take it home and maybe give it to my son as a present.>Intelligence 10 d10 = 10 "Celestia..I hope this works."
>List said some numbers and letters "34–23-FH-24DSG-25-P-14-A435-R-67-T56-Y-661"
>>1946Yeah, be nice to secure it more.
OK, we can stay in Junction but if NCR are reluctant to give it up, and chances are they arn't, we'll see what we can do about finding a place we belong.
If only Ponyville is an option.
>>1945Didn't work last time because the bosses were immune to mid effects. This case however…Robotics ExpertIt just stopped for a second and hovered there.
>[i]"What? Oh well I like you friend so I can stay with you for a while now."[i]>>1947"I thought Ponyville was a Hellhound Sanctuary now."
To turn that into a settlement would be way out of character for Flutters No.1949
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>>1948"We are best friends. I shall call you Ponka."
>List then heads in the Factory No.1951
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>>1950"Gonna get a cannon!"
>>1948>Fluttershy.Y-yes, I requested it to the NCR and they allowed Ponyville to be sanctioned off for Hellhounds protection.
I honestly dunno if her "Animal Friend" will have any effect on Hellhounds.And there is always… whats left of my cottage just outside of Ponyville.'s_CottageI figure, with all those big strong Hellhounds around as well as Epic Mount with me to protect me, nopony will dare disturb us, given most fear Hellhounds.
>EpicHoney, I know you're good with animals, I know you're good with radiated, mutant animals. but Hellhounds don't trust just anypony.
>>1951>"Ooh I do have my party cannon!"A valve opened up on its hull and some pastel colored confetti shot out.
>>1952>>1954Well the biggest reason why I don't want the players to live too far apart is because that would make doing party quests a lot more difficult to do so. Flutters cottage is much too far and the FotA base is the best place for a settlement here since its so secluded."If safety is what you want then sleeping with an army worth of hellhounds is completely the opposite of what you want."
>>1955He's right Fluttershy, let's just stay in Walpole with Critical for a few days and make some decisions then.
And… not to jinks anything, but what are the chances of you being kidnapped again? Especially with me and Critical around, as long as I'm here you're the most safest ponies in all of Equestria.
>Snuggles FluttershyW-well, I guess you are right.
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"come on, lets go get one."
>List headed inside No.1959
>>1956I'm sorry top disappoint but if we just lead normal lives then this rp would get boring fast."Don't worry things will be fine around here."
>>1957They headed on in deeper into the factory. Eventually List found both the targeting scanner an the missile schematics… behind a locked glass case.
Ugh my internet messed up. why do I always have the worst internet? No.1960
>>1959I know, but thats what Fluttershy would want for the safety of her daughter. Just in character for her.Let's head back, tired from walking around.
>RosieWill you come with us Uncle Critical?
>>1961He would need a successful Pr roll to unlock it or a St roll to break the case. Or he could think of something else, this is a game of the imagination after all.
>>1960"Sure kid, I canb hang around your parent's place for a while."
They go on back to the small house that Epic and Fluttershy were staying at in Walpole until they moved out.
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>>1962"Hey Ponka, see that case? Break it or use your party cannon to get it open for us!"
>>1964>"Okey dokey lokey then!"The case breaks open after Ponka broke it open with her saw blade.
>>1963"So Rosie how have you been doing?"
>>1965I've been fine, but I have trouble sleeping at night… Every time I try to settle my heart starts to race.
Mummy said it's because of the trauma of being kidnapped for the last few days. I know Daddy would save us, but I was still scared.
I can't sleep without light now…
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>>1965>List takes it"Good mare!"
>List hugs it No.1968
>>1966"I know how you fell kiddo, I get nightmares every no and then. Just bundle yourself up tonight and rest easy."
>>1967>"Yay!"After getting the parts, List could head on back now and buy the main cannon for his tank.
>>1970>>1972"Well we're here right now so you don't have to worry."
Suddenly an idea sprang in his head.
"I know, we should go camping in your living room. All of us, List, Epic, me, and you mom can sleep out in here with you."
>>1969Wait I see it now.After he got on back and went to the garage master, he sprang on up.
<"Hey you got it, good going. I'll take the parts now and all you have to do is finance the project.">>1976"It's what me and Epic do sometimes when we go out on a long adventure. In the before times ponies would sleep outside and gaze up at the stars in the wilderness. Our case though is gonna be in your living room and I think your parents would find the idea to be splendid."
>>1983>HugsThanks for the advice Epic>>1984"Aw shuit."
"I only got 2,000"
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>>1989>Charisma 9 d10 = 5I'll make a deal.
bring it down to 2000 and I'll do anything for you.
Like finding new parts, finding old machines and parts. Just say and I'll do it.
>>1989>Fluttershy were talking about ideal places to live that would be best for Rosie while Epic was not sure on the matter, when Critical and Rosie entered the room they broke the conversation.She already yapped your ears off yet?
>>1988[spoiler]For starters, quit that way of thinking and try sleeping on your stomach, or very least your left side. See if that does any good tonight.[/sppoiler]
>>1995<"Alrighty I'm on it for you kid."He spends a couple hours or so putting together old parts and having the crew ready the tank for its new cannon. Even though it took a long time, the wait was well worth it now that the tanks can shoot missiles.
>>1996"Yeah it'll be like a sort of sleep over camping trip all indoors. I had one of these once when I was about here age while I was in still in the Stable."
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>>1998>List fired it up, and the drove it out of the garage>The sound can be heard all through town"Let's go test fire this baby."
>>1998>FluttershyIndoor camping? That does sound safe and fun.
>EpicAll of us? It could help with her sleep anxieties Fluttershy.
>>1999Once he got it out of town, he found a few large boulders that would make great targets.
>>2000"Yeah that's what I figured. It'll be like a little party, ooh I'll have to cook up some snacks for us to eat and find some games to play."
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>>2001"Hm..normal or HE?.."
"Eh, I'll go with normal"
>List moved the cannon and aimedWhat roll to fire?>He fired and the shot ranged out with a loud -BOOM* No.2003
>>2001Cooking in the living room?
Hm, how about instead… the garden?
>FluttershyI-I dunno about that, wouldn't that be dangerous?
>EpicFluttershy, Walpole may not be perfect but even at night it's a fairly secure place, I'm sure Rosie will be fine with all three of us looking after her in the garden.
>Could tell Fluttershy wasn't so sure.We just need a large tent for all of us to stay under.
>>2002It's a cannon so En I guess. Be sure to type the roll as 1d10-2 because of the targeting systemEn 6
1d10 - 2 = 5>>2003"Uh I wouldn't cook in the living room, I'd do it in the kitchen and bring the food out to you guys. I know I'm not wise but I'm not that bad off."
>>2004Hehehe, well if it what Rosie wants.
>RosieI'd like to sleep without feeling panicy again.
>>2005"Don't worry everyone will all be here tonight I promise."
>>2007They all veer off aimlessly and explode mid air.
>>2008>FluttershyWell, OK, if it's what Rosie wants.
>EpicIt'll help get your mind off what you and Rosie had been through without me for the last few weeks.
If anything, it'll be something you would of done with your friends along time a go. It be nice to bring in more old-world traditions.
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>>2008>List then texts Critical"Hey, i got the tank all set."
"Wanna see a quick firework show?"
>>2011Alright then.
>Picks up Rosie.A fun camping sleepover it'll be!
>>2013Crit stepped on outside.
"Cripes List, I didn't mean bring the tank out here with you. Anyways we're all gonna sleep here tonight."
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>>2014"We can sleep on the tank tonight. Good view of the stars mate."
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>>2013>Rosie got scared from the noise and hid behind Epic.Heck List we're trying the complete opposite of what you're doing!
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>>2016"Oh come on. It's good piece of old world tech!"
>Notices Roise"Oh hi there. I'm your cousin I think, list."
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>>2018"Roise, it's alright, I mean no harm."
>List gotten down from the tank>he had a little bit of oil on his coat, and smelt like a garage No.2021
>>2019Since we don't have a tent, might as well be inside.
>>2020Daddy, who is that pony.
>EpicThats List, he's a friend of mine, you've met him before but you were perhaps too young to remember.
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>>2021"And pre-war tech junkie."
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>>2023"That's true. But some tech is still out there. Heh, I even repaired a big boat called a Battleship. And a car. Maybe when you get older, I can show you them."
>>2024I didn't know ponies had cars and battleships before the war.
>EpicWe didn't, we had regular boats, but land vehicals were invented during war time.
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>>2025"And many other things."
"Anyway, nice to meet you."
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Man, I was so comfy in bed and I didn't wanna get out because I was sleeping good.
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>>2064Also Crit, I was thinking of having a new thing for List>List gotten out of his tank>He was rubbing his head while he said"..Huh?..What time is it?"
>>2065Go ahead and shootIt was some time around 12:00pm in the afternoon. Morning had just ended as he heard the hatch open up and Crit's voice echoing down.
"Hey Libby wants us."
>>2063Hey what does Britain have? I just figured it was just a real fancy America>>2066Crit was already up and gone but he left a note for them.
LIberty wanted to see us, Epic we need you one this one probably No.2070
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>>2068Since List lost curtain, I was thinking of two things. The first one is slowly turning List into a druggie because the drug he takes will ease the pain and make him happy or what.(Like I dunno, Pip and her Mentals) And the other is make List go Awol >List opened his eyes slowly, but the light is making him blind"Mn..not now Curtain.."
>>2070Eh not a good idea. We already had List run off like 3 or 4 times now. Also just have him drown in alcohol like what Crit does.Critical pulled him out of the tank and dusted List off.
"Stay here while I go grab Epic."
>>2069Critical snuck back inside and went over to Epic and shook him.
"Up and at it Epic."
>>2072"Why do you two have to be so difficult?"
Critical went ahead and kicked Epic in the ass, not hard enough to hurt but enough to wake him up.
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>>2074Aaack! Dude, what the tartarus?
>>2073Do as you will then>>2075"Ah you're awake, don't worry it was a bug that bit you."
He heads on out the door almost laughing.
>>2073Seeing List on the ground… again. Crit showed no mercy as he shook List till the point he was wide awake.
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>>2076Yeah, felt like a gnat.
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>>2076>List look out his pistol"Cut the shit out"
>>2078Critical slapped the pistol away from List, letting it slide across the floor.
"Easy now, I wanted you to get up but we just had to do it the hard way. Also because you weren't a stranger, I didn't shoot you when you took that pistol out."
>>2077Ah what a number to have"Now Liberty wants to see us so are we ready to go?"
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>>2079>List was groggy"Fine."
Also, Ciritcal I know you don't wanna do it. But what drug is best for him right now? No.2082
>>2081>>2080"No Liberty Laser. The guy we helped out with a couple days ago."
>>2081[?]I dunno Jet maybe?[/}
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>>2085Med-X is morphine. Morphine gets rid of pain. List is gonna use morphine a lot to get rid of pain.>List is more awake "Ok..lets go"
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>>2088>List was carrying his toolbox"You need something for your radio?"
>Inb4 one big mission for a small part. that involves bad guys and raiders and deathclaws, synths, etc.If so, I'm seeing a pattern No.2092
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>>2091"Well you picked the right pony. Scouting is my thing."
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>>2094Man, I love my AC in my room."Alright, i'll head on over there."
>List heads on out No.2098
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>>2097>List looked at them"Raiders? Raiders."
b]Spoken Softly[/b]
"Maybe I can scare them away so we don't have to spill any blood"
>>2098They didn't look to be raiders. Just dressed in some dark brown garb that was patched together.
"You can try if you want. I'll be sure to give you cover."
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>>2099>List walked up to the"Excuse me?"
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>>2102"The fuck?.."
Opa, reminds me of the CoA in Far harbor No.2106
>>2104>>2103Never played far harbor but will pirate it soon… maybe."It is in a sense both offertory as well as being a gift. Our vampire lord commands us and through his will we please him through action."
Perception Check
Pr 8
1d10 = 3Intelligence Check
In 10
1d10 = 4 No.2108
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>>2106Spoken Softly
"Come closely, and I'll kick you're balls and shove them up your asses."
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Okay i'm gonna admit. I'm loosing interest in RP
>>2108Ease up List, let me talk to them. I'm familiar with ponies with bat like qualities.
>>2109What do you mean Vampires?
>>2110Why? You wanted this back remember?>>2107>>2111"Yes our lord watches over the wasteland and we his servant carry out his command by finding new thralls for his service and worship."
>>2108"Whoa List, they aren't aggroed yet."
>>2112Princess Luna's night guards were often "bat" in theme but nopony were entirely sure if they were genuine vamponies.
But… there was this one time Fluttershy was part fruit bat..
>>2113<Ugh supposed to be orange.The party could free them with a charisma roll.
>>2115"Thralls Epic are simply creatures that are under command by a singular force. They're regular ponies through and through but their minds are not their own."
>>2116Do you wanna take a break? No.2120
>>2118Ah, so they're victims.
>Charisma 8 d10 = 5Who is your master?
>>2120It seems that Epic's persuasive ability snaps them out of their charm.
<"Eh wot? How did we end up here?"They try to make sense of things and answer Epic.
"Our master… I dunno. I remember this one unicorn with long black hair dressed in dark clothes. He… drank a chalice with glowing blood inside and his teeth… were razor sharp looking with his evil smile."
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Eh, you go have fun. I'll go be depressed somewhere else
>>2121Hm, sounds like quite the evil, and an old one at that.
If it is a vampire, can't help but prepared, but where are we going to find garlic?
>>2122>>2123You guys quittin' for tonight? No.2128
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Back fro marching in my division. I'm ready I think
>>2132After some careful circumnavigation, he soon saw the entrance with a sign that read
Shattered Hoof. At the entrance were two sand bag barrier on each side of the gate and each barrier had one guard to them. They looked of the rough sort who weren't going to take any bullshit today with their crossed expressions and machine guns they were carrying.
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>>2133"Oh..this place."
"if I head Ne..i can go to filly."
"Eh, fuck it."
>List heads North east No.2135
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Lets fuck shit up. Break da rules and go what I want. God i'm so tired
>>2134After a long walk, he found himself just north of his diner. Ahead of him was the mountain side that soon converted to the hills.
Suddenly he can hear something shuffle about behind him. He couldn't see it but there was something there! Just then he heard the hissing as two snake dog looking things attacked as a random encounter.
Full Combat EngagementNightstalker
HP 400
Dmg 25
Poison (Deals the victim 10 points of damage for three turns if they fail a constitution roll)
Nightstalker Alpha
HP 800
Dmg 50
Poison (Deals the victim 10 points of damage for three turns if they fail a constitution roll)
>>2135Easy there trigger. No.2141
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>>2139Say's me on my end…
>>2140And them Nightstalkers?
Or is that on Lists end only? No.2142
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Please don't get me frustrated. I had to walk 5 miles today in a parade..
>List looked at the doge
"You first."
>>2138>>2141This encounter only has List engaged in it. Others can come in and join but that will take up a turn.>>2142The two dogs attack List
En 6
1d10 = 9Lk 4
1d10 = 3En 8
1d10 = 9Lk 5
1d10 = 8 No.2146
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>>2145>List walked up to them."Sorry hon, but I gotta put you
>Paralyzing Hoof No.2147
>>2144He's not with us, we would see that he is fighting snake dogs but we don't because he up and left on his own.>>2146Roll for success
En 6
1d10 = 7 No.2148
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>>2147>List took out Curtain's coller"Alright. Hard way it is."
>>2147List missed after accidentally slipping on some gravel which made his aim go askew.
The snake dogs go in for another attack.
En 6
1d10 = 8Lk 4
1d10 = 4En 8
1d10 = 6Lk 5
1d10 = 10 No.2150
>>2147[spoops, let me repeat that..[/spoiler]
So [u]Critical{/u], are we really dealing with "vampires"? I mean I know the stories but they're just stories. Even in my time.
>>2148>>2149He was bitten by the alpha and suffered minor damage.
Endurance Check Vs Poison
En 6
1d10 = 6 No.2152
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>>2151"Nice bite."
"Even a deathclaw can do better then that."
>Perception 6 d10 = 3>Luck 5 d10 = 9 No.2153
>>2151He could feel it, a sudden tiredness overtook him as it felt his own organs are betraying him, twisting and turning around inside of him as if he gotten off a roller coaster.
>>2152He shot the alpha dog which sent it back flying. It lurched back on up to its paws though. HP 430
En 6
1d10 = 3Lk 4
1d10 = 7En 8
1d10 = 4Lk 5
1d10 = 7>>2150"I've seen my fair share of weird before but if I had to guess it's just some guy posing as a vampire who can also cast some serious mind affecting spells. We should go meet up with List though before we do anything."
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>>2153"Wait. I can fly."
"But waht's the point? Come at me."
>>2154They waited for List to take his turn, they are NPC's after all.
>>2155"I know I'll keep it in mind now let's go find List."
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Also my heads hurts and I got finals coming up.
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Okay so here's the current status on the thread so far.
Right now we are at a hiatus until List is done with his finals, to that I hope he notifies us when this is so.
So here's what is gonna happen.
We will most likely return to this thread sometime next week as I am working for the rest of this week and none of us really like to stay up past 9pm, which isn't a problem we do need our rest. With that said, we will also start to explore new campaigns to take on to further our canon's story after we are done with this vampire campaign. Until then I will probably help Epic with his RPS so he can churn out his Ko:E RP and I will most likely co DM if that is released this week which I see as unlikely.
So I hope you guys are doing okay, laters.
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Update: Last day on Thursday. It's a halfday. After that we can rp. Sorry for me acting like for the rest of the days like this, but finals really get me worked up and I can loose focus on RP. Just hang in there.
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We are almost there guys. Hang in there. Meanwhile, Epic this is your chance to steal the spot-light
>>2181My bro wants me to go out today and I have to. Will be on around tonight to either continue this or work on the RPS.
My brother wants me to patent the thing!
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>>2181Let's go to the nearby town and ask around for strange events.
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Two more days. You guys can hold off.
>>2196I made up the Sonic TTRPG rules based after the SOnic gamebooks.
I once had one of those gamebooks.
>>2205So longs as they don't have the awful music like City Escape then I think I could tolerate it.Pr 2
1d10 = 8Critical also inspects.
Pr 8
1d10 = 10 No.2208
>>2206What you make of it?
I'm not saying I think Crush 40 are the best, I'm not that much into music in general. But I think a Sonic Adventure game isn't a Sonic Adventure game without one of their songs.
I think it wouldn't be a Sonic Adventure game if Dr. Eggman isn't the villain he should be, Sega really toned him down since the Dreamcast era.
"If I can't have Station Square, I'll level it with a missle!"
Now Dr. Eggmans latest world conquering schemes are around stealing energy or getting robots or machine to do his terrorising for him than doing it himself. He's more comedy villain, AoSTH Dr. Robotnik is more of a villain than he is.>>2207They don't look like they were drained of blood, most of it looks scattered. I wonder where the filly fits into this. we should find the father.
>>2208"We should fan out and look around for the kid or the farmer. There has to be a sign somewhere that will have their location."
The places that would be ideal to investigate would be the house, the well, and the barn.
Sorry for the late post. No.2211
>>2210Critical went on off into the house to investigate.
Upon entering the barn, Epic found that the scene was similar to outside, more dead cows. He could note however that there was a small cart with some packages on it. Strange since the common raider would have taken this. There was also a hole in the ceiling and there was a small emplacement in the rafters with what looked to be a single bb gun.
>>2211Ugh, that smell.
Anypony here? We're not here to hurt you, we're here to help!
>>2214After sorting through some packages of food, he found a small note attached to the cart.
Gotta get this shipment in to New Appleloosa. Hire some guards since there had been disappearances along the route.After checking the emplacement he found a small journal. The pages often detailed how the writer was "commissioned" by his to defend the farm from attackers. One page catches Epic's eye.
Momma made me practice the emergency drill again. I told her that I can fight with my bb gun but she still made me practice going down the well in case of bad ponies showing up. No.2217
>>2216He coudn'y hear much but he noticed that the rope had been reinforced to take up a lot more weight than a bucket of water. What was stranger though was the fact this farm had a well, normally you would have to get water through a pump in order for it to not be irradiated and it looked like the well was dried up ages ago. Critical stepped on outside of the house and looked over to Epic.
"I didn't find much except that the farmer was gonna make a trip out west. What is notable is that they have a cellar sort of thing down in the well."
>>2217I found this, a journal which detailed some things. The little girl we're looking for could be down this well. Were you down the well?
Take a look at this rope, it's good rope for a well of dried or contaminated water.
>Takes the rope and wraps it around himself.I'm so keeping this rope after we're done… if the family here don't want it anymore.
Critical, do you have a light?
>>2222quads"Let me see…"
As he searched about himself, the party could hear something shuffling, knocking something down, and the sound of shattering glass.
"Sorry I don't, let me look around to see if I can put together a torch."
Pr 8
1d10 = 3 No.2224
>>2223Can't you like, make your horn glo-
Who's there?
We're not here to hurt you…
>mutters.unless you hurt us first…
>>2227It's not a little filly, it's a little colt!
>Goes to the door.We're not here to hurt you, we're here to help.
>>2230"Don't worry, I won't shoot. I may be a bit chaotic but I know my trigger discipline."
They open the door and proceed to find a room with many glass jars of mutfruit. By this way of storage the mutfruit would last tens of years without expiring. On the floor they can spot the glass jar that broke with long and jagged claw marks next to it.
Critical looked about the room, his ears twitching as they listened for sound. Suddenly he tenses up a little as he looks up at the ceiling and two wanamingos drop to the floor through ambush.
Full Combat Encounter.Wanamingo Scout
HP 300
Dmg 50
Wanamingo Alpha
Hp 500
Dmg 100
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>>2231What the heck are those!?
[/spoiler]Seriously, i forgot.[/spoiler]
>Defends himself with Brace. No.2233
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>>2232Critical went in for an attack by firing his laser rifle.
Pr 8
1d10 = 9Lk 8
1d10 = 8The wanamingos readied themselves.
>>2233His shot missed but hit a jar and got mutfruit everywhere.
The scout and alpha attacked Crit and Epic respectively.
En 7
1d10 = 7Lk 5
1d10 = 3Epic
En 8 [1d10
Lk 5
1d10 = 5 No.2236
>>2235Crit was hit but Epic wasn't hit at all.
>>2234Epic hit its target and it screeched in pain as it burned up into ash. The other one fled.
"Cripes I didn't expect to find those here!"
>>2236Dunno what they even are, aliens?
I'm starting to have doubts the kids alive.
>>2237"We gotta keep checking…"
There was another door on the opposite side of the room that was open. It looked like it went deeper into the cave.
>>2243They proceed onwards till they found the end of the cavern. From where they were standing thee was no other way they could take, it was a dead end.
"Cripes he's not down here, what a waste of time."
Suddenly a small shadow jumps from some nearby crags and there was a blinding flash of light. As the party's eyes readjusted, they could see a colt running away after dropping a camera that spat out a pretty humorous picture of their surprised faces.
>>2245The kid was already moving fast and they needed to chase in after him.
Contest of Agility
Ag 7
1d10 + 7 = 13Crit
Ag 8
1d10 + 8 = 15Epic
Ag 7
1d10 + 7 = 9Highest number wins
>>2247>>2246Critical managed to tackle the kid who was about half the size of Crit. The chase had ended right after they passed the bridge.
<"Let go of me you maniacs!""Dammit kid calm yourself down!"
Crit broke of a stalagmite and sat the kid down on the stump as if it used to be a tree.
>>2251<"Wait you're aren't with the ones who attack our farm?""No… who are you talking about?"
<"There was a large group of weird looking ponies that attacked s a couple days ago. They were just… muttering under their breath as they went around and killed our brahmin. Me and my mom watched from the house as they laid down and drank for the wounds and thats when my mother told me to go down the well. As I did so I saw them enter the house and they took my mother away… I… couldn't do anything except hide."Tears roll down his cheek as he used his hoof to cover his face.
"Don't worry kid we'll get her back I promise."
>>2256As long as they stay underground I guess thats alright.
C'mon, let's get you home and then rescue your folks.
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>>2257They backtracked and as they reached the well, the kid produced another rope and lassoed it to the winch and they pulled themselves out of there.
The mystery of the Green Hills Farm was partly solved but many questions still remain. Who were these cultists that ransacked the farm and who is their leader? Why are they doing this and for what ultimate goal? Lastly where is the mother? In time these questions will be but they could feel that there would be many a trial before they get any answers.
+2,000,000 EXP
Level up, select one skill, spell, or stat to raise.
Critical took on the Death's Touch spell.
Campaign Start: Shadow over the Wasteland No.2259
>>2258I know a place where you will be safe kid.
>Such an underground adventure and encountering new monsters he has never seen before had made Epic much more cautious and aware of this wasted nation.(Already added +1 to Perception myself)
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..If we are adding Sonic stuff in here..then i'm out. It ruins the Fallout Experience vibe.
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>>2262I'm merely showing Crit my Sonic TTRPG stuff. This Fallout RP has absolutely nothing to do with Sonic.Let's get back to Green Hill Zo- uh I mean Farms.
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>>2263FAILEDYeah, nice try.
>Closes door and leaves to the commonwealth No.2268
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>>2267Vote UKIP and I'll come back.
If you guys don't leave, I can't be here because I'll be devastated.
>>2272"Oh them, they already said they didn't know anything… and I think just capturing and interrogating a thrall won't work. They are being commanded by spell so the magic effects will muddy their memory. What we need is to find some documentation. Let's go find this Colonel so we know where to start."
They head on off and went into a small camp that was now being used as the Junction base for this investigation. They would soon find the former colonel at the center of the camp, just now sending off another party. He looked confident as he gazed out at the camp with a reassuring look.
>>2279I thought you were gonna talk to him and I follow?No, we'll need it against vampires.
Alright, let's go see the colonel.
>>2287Yes, I wil go there.
>Turns to Critical.And you Crit and List, how about we split up and tackle all three of these tasks at once?
At least, if List is even around to try it, unless Crit you'd much rather have us take on these three objectives one by one. No.2289
>>2288Best to stick together, I remember when we did that big thing and I was like replying to 3-4 posts at a time. Besides each task is like a mini adventure"We should stick together, you'd be lost without me and I'd get pummeled without you."
>"Here take these…"Horseshoe hands each party member a gas mask for them to wear.
>"This'll keep you safe in the Everfree, I hope you can stop this plague. For the sake of the zebras and our very own." No.2290
>>2289If I can bring back a saple for the Followers to analyse and collct whatever chems they need to synthesize a cure, I'm sure we can help them.
It's been so long since I did anything for Everfree Forest, I hope I still have what it takes to be the pony I once was.
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>>2291Yeah, just let me get some things from the Followers camp and we'll be ready.
>After picking up some sterrilized needles and a doctors bag from some of the Followers and confirming to Fluttershy and his kid he'll be alright, he's ready.Add these items if you want, though they're more quest items. No.2293
>>2292Eh it'll be fine.They make their way north past a river until they were finally in the thickets of the Everfree. The place was almost jungle like as the canopy blocked out the sun and made it almost look like it was nightime.
Random Encounter RollsEncounter Save 5
1d10 = 5Encounter Lvl
1d4 = 11(very easy) 2(easy) 3(normal) 4(hard)
1d10 = 7 No.2295
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>>2294It's a bit like the fog in Canterlot, I hope the zebreas are alright.
>Ever since Zecora found him as a foal centuries a go in Everfree Forest, he picked up some of her native language growing up with her.HABARI? MTU YEYOTE HAPA? No.2297
>>2296Sorry, my swahili is very weak, I haven't practiced it in…
I'm Epic Mount and this is Critical Hit (and List*)
*Pressuming he's with us being he's silent.We've only just heard of zebras living out here in Everfree Forest, as well as the plague you're suffering.
In all my time in the forest, I haven't heard of other zebras in Everfree Forest other than Zecora.
>>2298Ancestors..? Zecora never told me of any children she had… other than me.
>As they arrived.Well, first we need to collect a sample of this blue smoke, followed by some blood samples from your sick.
I wonder if they're familiar with the Legend of the Everfree Pony? Or would you rather not have my Ponytale lore ideas into your Fallout lore? No.2301
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>>2300Then we'll check the north and find the source of these clouds and stop it. Then afterwards see if we can cure the sick.
It's the very least I can do for her… for all of you.
In my Ponytale stories, the Legend of the Everfree Pony is an urban myth some Ponyville ponies knew of. A guardian spirit of the Everfree Forest that takes the form of a grey pony who protects the forest and guide the lost home. Of course the more supersticious believe the Everfree Pony lures foals and curious ponies into the forest to be forever lost.
This legend came to be after Epic Mount was old enough to defend for himself in Everfree Forest.
In my later planned ponytale stories, Epic mount accepts it as a title for his devotion to the forest he is at home in. No.2302
>>2301<"May the forest be at your backs as you do so.""Yeah no kidding."
They pressed onwards along a small path that had been cut out by the villagers. It stretched on for a long way until finally they came across an area where the forest seemed to just die. Every plant and animal there were shriveled up and grey husks where the blue plague was so thick that it was almost impossible to see. Ahead the can spot an odd looking military bunker.
>>2303"This place… is this Hell on Earth?"
He shakes his head in order to focus.
"No matter, we must see what's inside. It has to be what's making all this poisonous smoke."
Everything about this bunker was walled off with concrete, all except where a large opening that was a result of a blast.
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>>2304I used to think so growing up… the Dead Woods was the only part of Everfree Forest I dared ventured in when I must…
>As he meekly walks in as they traveled.Everfree Forest had lots of scary monsters. Manticores, cockatri, timberwolves, hydras, flories… but the real scary ones, they lived in the Dead Woods, a part of the forest with all the dead trees in them.
>ShiversI really hope giant spiders are extinct and not even bigger than before…
>>2305"Right, but let's press on."
They go on up to the mouth of the opening and look inside but with the blue smoke so thick, searching was a bit more difficult.
Pr 8
1d10 + 2 = 5 No.2308
>>2307"Just concentrate and focus your eyes and allow them to adjust to the lighting as you make out the silhouettes."
>>2306Inside they can see that there was a small computer room. Terminals lined the desks but all of them were shattered and their components stripped out long ago. Ahead of them was a door way and the interior wall to their left had collapsed revealing the main hall.
>>2309He can't tell there was anything out of the usual but so long as he was with Critical then he could see everything he saw.
"Where do you want to go, through the door or out into the hall?"
>>2311Door? Hall?
If you found a door, maybe it'll take us out of this smog and we'll see better.
>Tries to find the door. No.2315
>>2314I'm back, lets finish this part.They eventually step into the hallway where it was a bit more clear than the other room. Suddenly they can hear a bunch of nonsensical shouting as three ponies wearing insect like hazmat suits that resembled the ones in the Mardre. Two were unicorns carrying energy weapons while their leader was a very big and brutish looking earth pony. Other features could not be described as they were wearing protective gear head to hoof.
Full Combat EncounterThrall Mage
Hp 500
Dmg 20
Thrall Chanter
Hp 500
Dmg 20
Rally chant (Doubles allies' damage)
Hp 1000
Dmg 150
Spell Resistance (spells casted against this enemy have a +2 debuff)
>>2316They are shouting at usThey suddenly all attack the party, the mage casting a spell at Crit and Hok attacking Epic while the chatnter rallied his party.
In 7
1d10 = 9Epic
Hok's attack
St 7
1d10 = 9Lk 3
1d10 = 8 No.2319
>>2317>>2318Both attacks miss but Epic was able to hit the mage for normal damage.
Mage HP 150
Critical drew out his laser rifel and swiftly attacked Hok with an Action Buck Skill
Pr 8
1d10 = 2Lk 8
1d10 = 10Pr 8
1d10 = 9Lk 8
1d10 = 9Pr 8
1d10 = 3Lk 8
1d10 = 3Pr 8
1d10 = 9Lk 8
1d10 = 1 No.2320
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>>2319Dammit, these ponies causing the plague!
Time to come on and get down with the sickness!
>Strength 8 d10 = 4>Luck 7 d10 = 3 No.2321
>>2319Hok HP 30
>>2320He struck the mage again and killed him.
The enemies attack.
Pr 8
1d10 = 9Lk 6
1d10 = 6Epic
St 7
1d10 = 2Lk 3
1d10 = 10 No.2323
>>2322Alright but you should specify itHe knocks the mage outcold and misses the chanter.
Critical then attacks the chanter.
Pr 8
1d10 = 3Lk 8
1d10 = 7 No.2325
>>2323The chanter falls down as he is beaten and Hok attacks Crit.
St 7
1d10 = 8Lk 3
1d10 = 9 No.2329
>>2328They seemed to be out of it and weren't going to wake up soon.
"Don't worry, we'll let Horseshoe handle them. What does the journal say?"
>>2330This is what it read.
It's been a few weeks since our master sent us to this area. From what I remember, our mission was to create a plague to infect the tribals here as a test run before we use it in full force. With so many dead, our master can create an army of zombies for our command. The unfortunate thing is if you want to prolong the plague, it requires a group of spellcasters to create and maintain the fogs. If they stop then the fogs will vanish within an hour. Another thing is that our master has deemed it necessary that we have a cure. A person infected with the plague will not be in any mortal danger but constant exposure to the fog as the zebras will prove to be fatal and the effects irreversible unless given the cure or they just die. A single drop will remove just about any permanent effect done in by the plague and I best keep the canister in case one of the mages catches the plague during the ritual."Huh, so with that canister we can save that whole village. Best we get it down to them as soon as possible then."
>>2331Yeah, good thing I didn't drink it. That did cross my mind.
Let's take these ponies back with us. I don't want to stay in Dead Woods for as long as I have too.
>>2332It takes a while and they got the thralls back to the village. The party then spent the next few hours treating the sick and helping around the village. At first it was grueling to see all the sick and dying but once as they got out of their beds one by one, they felt a fullness as their families celebrated their new wellness. After panning through the journal more, Epic and Crit found this one entry.
Gonna need more resources soon, must send word to the Stable.It seems that their leader is based at a nearby stable but which one is unknown. Still Horseshoe will be very interested in this document and should be shown to it asap.
I imagine you are tired so we can stop right here. No.2334
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>>2333I'm up for expanding more on the curing if you are, since Epic feels very indear to the Everfree zebras.>Epic used the syringe, originally intended for blood, to draw the liquid from the canister and applying drops to all the zebra. He was very resiliant to make sure every and all of the zebras were cured.>When all the pzebras were feeling better…There is still a bit of the cure elft. I'll ask the Followers to work on finding out what it is so that more if it can be made.
Anypony who lives by Everfree Forest and assosiate themselves with Zecora, I will do all I can for you.
>>2337I guess Epic doesn't know that. Zecora's spirit will be looking down on Epic and saying… "I don't know these ponies."Thank you.
>Wipes his tears away.I have to do other things now, stop some really bad ponies and save good ones. Once I've done that I;ll come back and check on you all here, make sure the cure is effective.
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>>2343Sorry to see you off List. Sure you won't reconsider?
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>>2344Sorry epic, my real like stuff is really biting my ass on this one.
Hell, I don't know if I'll come back.
>>2349He was a bit sluggish at the moment, mornings weren't really his thing.
"Yeah… [i]yaaaaawn[/?]… I'm ready to get back to it."
The journey off back to the camp site outside of Junction. There they found Horseshoe again.
>"Ah there the both of you are, I was afraid the forests claimed you. Do you bring back any word from the area?" No.2352
>>2351>"That's good to hear, the towns won't worry about some epidemic this season. Did you find anything to point us in the right direction to the vampire?""We did, we recovered this journal off of one of the thrall leaders."
He hands Horseshoe Hok's journal and the colonel reads over the sensitive text.
"According to this… it would seem that our culprit is hold off in a nearby stable. Unfortunately there are too many for us to send parties to investigate. However we do need to just find our which one it is and we'll be able to stop these attacks once and for all. The last two areas that I needed you to check were the Red Cloak Bandits in Baltimare and the thrall encampment in the mountains to the south."
>>2355Hm.. "Cons", these guys maybe more of a hassle than usual raider thugs.
"Pros", if we can capture them alive for interogation, may give us more details on these vampires.
>>2358"Alright, I'll keep it under the hood for this one."
>"Remember what we ultimately need is documentation of the vampire's location. You don't have to bring back any survivors mind you but we would appreciate it.""Are you ready to go?"
>>2359Rather we spare bloodshed if we can.
And yes. Ready to go.
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>>2360The party makes their way south along the rail track. Eventually after about an hour hike, they suddenly come upon a small encampment. It looked to be a small raid group of Red Cloaks.
<"Hey! Hells are you doing out here?" No.2362
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>>2361Funny, we were gonna ask you the same thing.
[Speak Softly] And I'd advice you to comply, unless we'll see if we can get your cloaks anymore redder.
>>2363We want just two things from you lot.
First things first, tell us where you get your stuff from. We know you hang around a dark crowed, who are they?
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>>2370Crit does the same.
"Right, are you ready to continue our way to Baltimare?"
Hey I was just checking through my files and I found out something interesting. This picture you see here was drawn specifically for the day when I first started this RP way back in 2015. On the day created it says it was made about on the 26th of this month meaning we have about 10 days left till our One Year Anniversary. Gotta do something special that day. No.2376
>>2375Oh,I thought we were done with that.
>Gives a childish sighOkaaaay.
>Puts the red cloak over his Riot Gear. No.2377
>>2376"You didn't actually think just two or three bandits were all that was it? Ah Epic… you never cease to amaze me."
He laughs a little as he got on up and they walked over to the fortress. They were easily allowed inside and were now in the main hall. To the right was an office area that was re purposed to be a mess hall, some living quarters to the north, and to their left was the staircase up.
>>2378"I dunno, wherever we deem necessary to explore. We got the
living space and
messhall, if that isn't appealing then perhaps then we should go
up stairs"
>>2383>To Critical.If you have any explosions, like a grenade or something, I could probably use it as a distraction. Or I could try talking them, telling we have right to enter for some reason.
What do you have on you?
>>2385>Hm… Epic gave it some thought.If we try to demand entrance into the Terminal Room. They might ask us questions we don't know unless we make it genuinely legit. Could probably intimidate them though…
Or you can blast a fireball downstairs and make it especially explodey, we can tell those guards we are being attacked and tell them to get downstairs emmidiately… while we sneak into the terminal room while they're distracted.
However who knows how long it'll take before they realised it's a ruse.
What do you think is the best cause of action Critical?
>>2388"No we shouldn't split the party."
They got on up to the terminal guards.
<"Hey what are you two doing here? No regulars are allowed in here, go back downstairs and spend your free time in the mess hall like everyone else." No.2392
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>>2391Can I use my skills in creative ways?[Spoken Softly] The boss needs specific documents right now, like "what happened to the last guy that took too long" now if you remember.
>>2392<"By Celestia what an ass… alright go on through already."The guards part ways and lets them through. Once in the room the door closes on shut behind them.
"Good now we're here, best we look through the computers."
There were several about with their bright green screens glowing which almost looked like radiation.
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Spawn me home
>>2394>"You may begin by ending your own lives."Suddenly a mare drops down from the ceiling, she wore black leather clothing that covered most of her features. She also carried a single revolver and her very own scimitar.
>"You two have been causing much trouble for my master and thus need to be ended. Normally Nero and Sapphire would object to my presence here, but the Red Cloaks have proven…"She reaches into her saddlebags and tosses out two heads that used to belong to the bosses of these bandits. Their expressions were still struck with fear.
>"Troublesome. They grow much too fast for my master's taste so like any herd, they must be culled.">>2397>>2396I was never gonna put sonic in this, we were just doing some side chatting.
>>2395I've so far been keeping your character with us so you can be present for this encounter or be at the Junction Camp, or just plain Walpole.
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>>2398Well maybe I misheard.
Apologies, I have been stressful lately with some friend, and Orlando.
And I haven't been sleeping well either.
I'll rather go in Walpole, and just..maybe NCR needs me, or maybe new Waifu.
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>>2400>"Heh heh, no I am under no spell. If I was I would not be able to express my skills of killing so fluently."She then points her revolver at their general direction, ready for combat.
<"It matters not however, after I kill you two."Boss EncounterShade
HP 2500
Dmg 200
Mind Effect Immunity
Spell Immunity
Shadowed Strike (This target will disappear in one turn, the next turn she will attack all party members with an ensured hit. Can't critical during this attack.)
>>2399Alright but most of the combat and story is over here.
List found himself walking around in the streets of Walpole.
Been working on this pic No.2407
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>>2404Make background as a new layer, finish it and I'll post it on the Booru.>List was at his bar>He was talking to a group of traders and I think a raider"There was dark figure sitting besides campfire. It was Lone wanderer, wasteland super star. He was asleep. Little did the List knew, his steak has been already burned. The end."
>One of the spoke.<"Okay?…Anyway, I was saying, your friends are doing some thing over whats place. Fuck I should you."<The pony said while taking a drink."Them? Eh, I don't know what they are doing. I'm just trying to live my life and be away from them and the NCR. Shit, my wife is dead and somehow I taking this good.."
<"Yeah, she was a nice mare. Sad that she died.">List sighed"Yeah.."
>He then gotten up, and payed the barkeep."I'm out, I'm gonna head to the diner. Shit I haven't been there in months or a year."
>He then left to his diner.>>2405Alright.>>2406No no, me and Epic got into fight because I was I think being a baby and ditching fights? No.2408
>>2405You got a ST of 8 but it still worksEpics sword hits her and is now at 2150.
Critical attacks with his Laser Rifle
Pr 8
1d10 = 4Lk 8
1d10 = 6 No.2417
>>2410Alright, you do still have the Ponka with you to try your hand at and if you want places to find robo parts then you can check in with the local bar keep for information.Also I never played Far Harbah so I'm not sure what happens or what it is about but I'm gonna try to get the DLC's soon if not tomorrow.>>2408She was hit again and was now down to 1570.
After that she leapt out of sight to perform a shadow strike.
>>2409As she was not there, the attack missed.
Critical went ahead and casted a shield over Epic Mount.
After that she swooped in and damaged them both.
Shield Shattered
>>2407He found that his diner had been well maintained in his absence by the local NCR chef.
Yeah I was gonna put in a back ground but I'll do it later as I'm not sure what to put there. No.2419
>List notices that Ponka was following him"Oh hi."
>List entered the Dine while the sun set>He could hear faint music playing and getting louder as he opened the doorPut back like, well I think a good wasteland background will be good. No.2421
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>>2419>"Oh why yes, I am a companion bot after designed by the Ministry of Morale to spy on folks and root out Zebras and Zebra Sympathizers under the guise of a domestic robot that would be found in the common household."She was certainly open with her main purpose. Inside the diner were a few folk who were eating some freshly cooked meals. By that I mean they were 200 year old TV diners that List was not entirely sure that it was edible in the first place. The griffon at the counter and gave him a nod.
"Hey boss, what can I get you?">>2420"Ergh sorry… I didn't want to see you hurt."
As Epic attacked, she deftly dodged the attack.
"Epic… let's try to combine our skills into one deadly attack. Try tossing me into the air and I shoot with my gun."
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>>2422"Just stopping by."
"Making sure the place is running well. Hell, do you guys need any food or anything to keep this place running?"
>he asked No.2425
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>>2423Once in the air, Critical whipped out his Laser Rifle and performed Action Buck
Pr 8
1d10 = 8Lk 8
1d10 = 4Pr 8
1d10 = 1Lk 8
1d10 = 2Pr 8
1d10 = 2Lk 8
1d10 = 8Pr 8
1d10 = 4Lk 8
1d10 = 6Along with Epic movement, all damage is doubled due to his luck roll and will stack with any critical attacks above.
>>2421… What?
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>List ears perked up"Go on. You're talking to the pone who loves to repair and old pre-war tech. Better then Steel Rangers."
>>2428yeah, I'm suprised we pulled that off.
>Pokes Shade.Is she OK?
Is it alright if we can wrap this up? It is bed time. That and that mac n' cheese pot noodle isn't agreeing with me. No.2432
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>>2431Showing. And some dark areas.
You are doing very well.
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A'ight, good night both of you!
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>>2434You will go big.
Come on tomorrow.
I want to RP
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Epic, that was a false flag.
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>>2444I haven't watched television in over a year.
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>>2445The referendum is suspended
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>Builds arena while we wait
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Today is day, get ready
Name: Brewhaha
Race: Minotaur
Gender: Male
Description: A tall white minotaur seemingly very battle worn. In several places where there should be fur only scars lie. No nose ring to speak of and his left horn looks as if something had bitten it. The minotaur has a heavy build even for what he is, and with black eyes, this beast looks like a force to be reckoned with.
History: Brewhaha was born to a tribal clan, a family of minotaurs that had gone back to their roots after the war. Once he reached maturity he challenged the elder and was swiftly defeated. Given his young age, the elder gave him a choice; Step back in line and leave the event in the past, or leave the clan until he is strong enough to win. Brewhaha's stubborn nature pushed him to leave, be he never planed to return. He now wonders the wasteland looking for something better to fight for.
Inventory: Gauntlet, Combat Knife
Traits: Bruiser, Sex Appeal
Lvl: 1
S:10 (9+1 from Bruiser)
>>13Did you mean 1,000? Because 100 seems really low seeing as Ballistic Pistol is 1,000 and that's what you get by default.
But if it is 100 just give me Hoove Wrappings and 9 bottles of Brewhaha's Barian Brew Booze.
Side Note, I hope the hide function is a thing on this site or this is going to be a huge block of unspoiled text. Sorry.
>>2453Alright I'm back after a few days of work. Gonna do my driving test soon this week so I'll be on the road in the near future.>>2452>>2453Hey there is a new pony… well a minotaur who knows how to use the hide text.As such. Anyways your character checks out very well. As for the Ballistic Pistol, It goes for a 30 points of damage for a cost of a total of 1,000 caps. Sorry for any confusion, that post was a long time ago and I'm always tired. I think what I meant though by that 100 was the amount of caps you started out with.
Also there are two things I want to ask real quick.
1: Do you have access to google docs? If you have a google account then you already do. If so I would appreciate you create your char sheet there and share it with That way I we both can keep tabs on your character's stats and inventory.
2: About your character level, everyone here is a level 17 so if you want you may start your character at that level. The only thing you would need to do is select a total of 16 skills or stat improvements.
Anyways back to the storyThe party had just finished defeating the assassin known as Shade. They were still in the Red Cloak base and they needed to get out as soon as possible but only after searching Shade's body for the location of the vampire they searched for.
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>>2455Oh yeah I'll get back at that.Man when I think I've seen the strangest for the internet has to offer, you come on in and is like, "No Critical, there's always this."List soon remembered about the factory that the diner manager told him about north east of the location. It should have a bunch of robots and parts there if he was interested.
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>>2457 I dunno, I was surfing google images one day, saw it and just laughed at it. I just had to save itHe arrives at the factory location, he could already see that it was not purposefully a robot facility but rather a nuclear reactor plant. The walls were lead sealed but the circular door was wide open. Luckily he pip-buck's gieger counter was not severely clicking. According to the device there was a low level of background radiation but List would have to spend weeks in there to receive any actual damage.
>>2458Oh the current exp was the current amount you needed to level up. Anyways I can just copy and paste my exp to yours since we all have the same amount. The unfortunate thing though is that the equation there gets more and more complicated as time goes on, I do however have a better one that's more metric and should always end in zeroes. I will most likely go in and update the equation and change everyone up to fit the update accordingly. No.2468
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>>2467As he tries to open it he found it to be locked. He would have to try to pick the lock or… see if his friend on the floor had the key on him.
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>>2468>List checks it>He then pokes with a stick"Hey, wake up."
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>>2469The body had been dead for at least hundreds of years. With the room being sealed, the skin and hair was horrifically preserved as if it were an Egyptian tomb. He could see that there was a small brass key in the corpse's shirt pocket.
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>>2470>List takes it and looks back"I swear to god, something is in here. I fuckong know it."
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>>2471Again there weren't any enemies to be seen around here. If there were he would know about it. Anyways the key unlocked the locker and inside he found a yellow keycard with the number 1 on it. This will most definitely open up the yellow doors in this place.
Oh no there won't be any enemies here but that won't mean there won't be some level of challenge to be had. You'll know it when you see it. No.2477
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>>2476>List goes to the terminal"Lets see here…"
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>>2478>list talked to Ponka if she was there"I gotta go in there,..right?"
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>>2480"Alright, lets look around"
>>2481List searched the room for the red key card while Ponka was humming some tune.
Pr 6
1d10 = 1 No.2483
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>>2482"Hey. I found something!"
>He said No.2488
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>>2487"Wait, I'm shutting this down?"
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Crit, talk to new guy.
i'm very busy right now
>>2488>"Well it looks like you could either destroy this place or restart the nuclear engine. The paper gives you both codes to do so you just need to enter in the correct command sequence."May not be any enemies, prepare for computer puzzle!>>2486Yeah that's actually correct, I forgot Google docs has spread sheets. I already calculated it all though by manually putting it in my computer calculator so it's a bit late.
On the bright side I'm ready to level your character up appropriately. I just need to get your char sheet from you by google docs or if you prefer I make the sheet then share it with you. If I do make the sheet, I will need your account name so that I may share it.
>>2489My internet is being shit right now but I'm playing Fo:2, almost about to find vault 13.
>>2494Stable 32?
>Checks his Pip-buck.Thats not too far from the Catherdral.
>>2495"32 eh? … So they took the ruins of my old home then."
Critical pondered on this, thinking of his childhood that he spent within those halls and now the same halls were going to be the sight of what they could assume to be a difficult battle.
"I didn't realize that my past would eventually catch on up with me. We should get a move on though if you're ready."
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>>2502I have work tomorrow but I'll try to get a look at my G Docs. You have my account name right? If not it's>>2501They traveled north to an area all too familiar with Critical. They passed a skeleton of what used to be a raider camp that was taken down by Crit and a long lost friend known as Gears. They soon came upon the door of his stable, the gear door was slightly opened with the 32 leaning to its side. The plant life started to invade the stable as time went on since this stable was so close to the Everfree.
"The place has changed since I left. Been about a year now, I can't believe it's been so long. Everything we've done so far is just rushing through my head."
He holds his rifle close to his chest. He thinks for a moment, then smiles.
"Now, it's time to let go and start anew."
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>>2504"Uh thanks."
I didn't put it in there because I wasn't sure it would be useful. I'm still debating with myself whether or not the vampires are actual vampires orjust goth teensjust normal people pretending to be vampires. Oh well with what I have planned they need to be vampires.They head on inside and were now in the gear room. The door controls for the main entrance were broken wit h ivory strangling the console with no hopes of repair. The side room looks to have been purposefully caved in and the only way forward was through the door up ahead.
>>2510Okay it is 2:30'ish so that means it's time to start."Here, we'll have to go through this area first."
They pressed on through the gear room and took the elevator down. They then entered a small room that looked to be a presentation area. This was where the selected folk to leave the stable would be placed so that they may be educated on about what was gonna happen to them. It used to be that there would be armed guard lining the walls but the place was empty save the chairs, podium, and projector.
After standing there for a while, the projector suddenly turned on to alive feed video of a stallion. He was wearing a black robe that obscured most of his face. All they could see was his muzzle which was a pale grey accompanied by a very dark, black goatee that was finely trimmed. With this stranger's smile and smooth voice, he had an other worldly tone about him as the party could see his fangs in his smile.
<"So you two are the ones who had been disrupting my operations. Tell me, why do you do so?" No.2513
>>2512Oh Christ, it literally almost took me about 30 mins to reload this page.<"I do not expect you to see the full picture, perhaps in time you will. Now then I can assume that the reason you are here is to end me. The task you see will not be an easy one as you'll soon find out."The video cuts off and suddenly two minor vampires charge into the room to attack.
Full Combat EncounterVampire Underling A
HP 1000
Dmg 100
Drain (Restore HP by half of Dmg on attack)
Immune to instant death
Immune to mind Effects
Vampire Underling B
HP 1000
Dmg 100
Drain (Restore HP by half of Dmg on attack)
Immune to instant death
Immune to mind Effects
>>2513Figured as much. Big bad pony can't defend his reasons himself so just send underlings than confront us himself.
>Prepares to fight, with his firey sword.>Strength 8 d10 = 2>Luck 7 d10 = 9By the way fellahs, we brought garlic and other traditional anti-vampire stuff.
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If tonight is not a good night to play, thats fine.
>>2515Nah it's fine.>>2514He struck the first underling and dealt some damage. 650
Critical reared up and casted an empowered chainlightning spell at them.
Underling A
In 8
1d10 = 6If successful.
Underling B
In 8
1d10 = 10 No.2519
>>2516The first one hit but the other bolt just hit the wall and with Epic's attack.
>>2517The Underling was defeated.
The second Underling attacks Epic with a rusty shortsword.
St 8
1d10 = 6Lk 7
1d10 = 4 No.2523
>>2521Ha ha, Seems like our passions cause us the most pain.His attack hits the vampire was hit and was dealt a total of 700 points of damage and was now at 300 points of health.
Critical casted a dehydration spell on the vampire.
In 8
1d10 = 4 No.2524
>>2523>Calls to Crit.If he tries to get at our blood, ward him off wit hthe garlic!
>Of course Epic knows the chances are these vampires don't have that weakness.>Epic took a deep, concentrated breath and prepared his hooves for his chi blast…JIMJAM-YAHA!
>Strength 8 d10 = 7>Luck 7 d10 = 1 No.2525
>>2523>>2524With their combined might the last vampire falls and the room became quiet. All that was left was Epic, Crit, and the water elemental Crit had made from the spell he casted.
"Cripes this is worse than I thought."
>>2525It's not so bad.
>Admires the water elemental.To vampires, water is like acid, though dunno if it's just holy wate ror not.
Don't see why not just water.
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>>2526"Well for that instance, they're vulnerable to the holy part of holy water. Other magic items of a similar ilk will work according to lore."
Now that the room was clear, they were now able to head on out of there and into the hallway.
>>2527I guess so, but I was never one to believe in religion. Wate ris water after all.
>Enters the next room.So, will our hoast finally present himself? His hospitality has been rather rude.
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>>2528H's probably down deeper into the stable. Perhaps we can check the Overmare's office to see if there are any clues.
Once they had gotten out of the hall way, they soon found themselves to be on the upper floor of the stable's galley. Here was where the common area was right in between the stable facilities, stores, and residential area. To get to these areas you would have to be on the lower level, which can be accessed by a nearby staircase, and head through the corresponding door. On the upper level was security to the right, utility to the left, and across the other side was the entrance to the Overmare's office.
"I remember this place, right where we are standing was when the overmare pulled my name and Gears's name out of the yearly raffle… over there was the utility which I had a bad case of breaking into aaaaand security over there… spent a night or two when I first started learning to pick locks."
>>2529Well, you know the way, I'll follow you.
Perhaps the "vampire" we're afte ris somepony you once knew.
Thats the twist, isn't it? It's one of crits old Stable 32 friends? No.2541
>>2530Ah no, that guy was a PC so I have no power to do that."Nah I would recognize him."
They head on across to the overmare's office. There the desk had been half destroyed but the terminal still remained but would require hacking to access its file.
>>2534I'm pretty sure List lives up in New Hampshire, now I'm not too good with directions and map locations but I think that's in the US.
Now if you thought your government was bad, over here in the US our government is basically ran by lobbyists. Bills that have high lobby support will often increase in chance of being passed but support form the people will have no effect what so ever.Anyways I'm gonna get off really quick so I can be on my laptop and watch TV. No.2544
>>2543Let's see… only four tries before lock out…
>>2544>Picks Tells.… Well shit, you called it.[i]Password accepted
Logging into user: The Count
datarecords.exe initializing
Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3[/?]
>>2547Well, good news. I know where he could be lurking.
Bad news, this "Count" who we so far believe is the "boss" so far, claims he has a master.
Critical looked at the terminal screen with a grim look on his face.
"These damnable things are one hell of a pain in the ass. Anyways let's focus on the task at hand. Where do you want to go within the stable."
>>2549Hm… I do have one idea… but it's kinda risky.
It says here he is lurking around the water purifying area. Tell me, is there large water tanks down there?
I'm thinking back to the possible idea water will burn him like acid.
>>2550"I don't think it would burn him but maybe drown him then yeah. I just don't feel right… flooding my own home you know."
He sighs as he thinks about it.
"But it's necessary. If we want to do it, we have to sneak into the water control and crank up the water pressure to an unsustainable amount until the pipes burst."
And it's 9pm. See you guys later. No.2556
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We're gonna do it Epic!
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>Epic pulled it off
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>>2562Yes, I saved the Bratin.
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>LP purging each other
>EU crumbling
>Pound rising
>Salt pouring everywhere
[?]My fucking god Epic, you hit em' hard! They're falling! THEIR PLAN FAILED![//]
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Day 3 since the referendum.Sky still hasn't fallen or the ocean swallowed up our country.>>2569David Cameron said there wasn't going to be a revote.
Just because I have new found patriotism for my country doesn't mean I trust parliment at all. I voted to make Britain how it was for the people, not for them to struggle living here.
Just because I am not as educated in politics as the brits who joined parties or whatever, I am still awar eof whats happening around me, such as understaffed hospitals, poor teaching in schools and also my family and their assosiates finding it hard to get enough money to live with crappy jobs they hate.
I voted "leave" so that people will be able to get by with the jobs they have and perhaps have money left over. It wasn't perfect before, sure, but it was only after the EU started telling UK what to do that life felt more of a struggle for my family and their friends.
If parliment successfully pulls some loop-de-loop shittery that results them keeping the country with EU while they smuggly shake EUs hands without washing them after wiping their asses on €500 notes, I'd seriously be flipping my piss that the people would rather have "better trade and economy with Europe" while the working class themselves have to work hard for the rest of our lives to keep those benefits working for parliment.I don't hate Europe or any of it's countries, just it's management. And if France are angry at us or Germany hates we're not joining their ideal european regime then "Oh no! Stop the presses!">>2551It is- was your home, if you don't want too thats fine. We can fight him the old fashion way. In fact… if this Stable is still functional, why waste a good stable if it can still produce food and water?
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>>2576I call myself. "Chaotic Good">List was looking at the Terminal at that power plant."Hm…could I hack it?"
>He was not with the group, only solo with Ponka Pie No.2579
>>2578Chaotic Good, I always pegged you being around neutral or lawful good.He had to insert the correct order of commands followed by whether to repair the plant or destroy it.
Command Lines
Start Celestial Engines
Prime Lunar Regulator
Flow Cadenza CoolantSo basically put these three in order.>>2577They take the elevator down to the lowest level of the stable. Once there they could see the hallway divide into three directions with some signage to point and lable the way. Left: Purifier, Straight: Reactors, Right: Storage.
In the center area of the hallway they could see two vampire ponies accompanied by a single wanamingo. It would seem the vampires are raising the beasts as sort of attack dogs.
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>>2579After this, wanna have List go to the bar at Walpole and we can get waifu done?>List puts them in order"Let's see what this does! Well if not, then I got my little Penis popper right here to pop some skulls."
>List said while bantering No.2582
>>2581I mean yeah you can but I'm gonna give that character on over to you.The terminal required him to type them in the correct order on the command board.
This is a puzzle you gotta solve.>>2580"We'll have to go left either by sneaking past that group or engaging and killing them. How do you want to proceed?"
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>>2582>List gulped<Prime Lunar Regular"Ponka..get ready to run."
I have no idea which order but I'm guessing this No.2585
>>2583"Alright, that does sound best in our current situation."
They get down on low and try to move past the enemies by lurking within the shadows.
Ag 8
1d10 = 2Epic
Ag 7
1d10 = 2 No.2587
>>2584Current Command Line
Prime Lunar Regulator
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -It was now awaiting the other two lines.
>>2585>>2586They manage to slip past them, even the wanamingo didn't catch their scent. Probably because the air filtration died along time ago and the whole stable smelled stagnant.
Once inside they were met with the purifier. It looked to be a great column of glass that held many gallons of water. Within the glass case was the heart of it all, a water talisman that looked to be on its last legs and dying. At the base of the column was an assortment of technologies used to regulate pressure and flow as well as a terminal to control all the tech. On the screen the text read as follows.
[i] {Status}Water quality at risk, call maintenance.
About your purifier.
Remove Water Talisman
Pressure Controls
>>2588Current Command Line
Prime Lunar Regulator
Flow Cadenza Coolant
- - - - - - - - -It was now awaiting the final command to start up the systems.
>>2589"Doesn't sound like a bad idea to me."
He types on the terminal and the talisman lowers down. Suddenly a drawer slides out, it was full of water and at the bottom was the talisman.
"It'll need some work in order for it to be effective again but we'll save that adventure for another time."
>>2590Nice, so how we're gonna flood the-
I just remembered something… I'm.. not a very good swimmer.
>>2592"I can set it so that we have some time to get out of here, we only need to get up to the upper levels so there won't be any rush… ofcourse that doesn't mean we have time to look around."
Critical scoops up the talisman and puts it into his saddle bags after drying it off.
"Are you ready to do this?"
>>2591The screen goes blank and some new text appears.
Reading command line…
Command line accepted
Awaiting new Command
Start Repairs on Power Plant
Stop Coolant Flow (Warning, could cause eruption.) No.2596
>>2594Critical puts in the correct commands and the pressure had been upped by at least triple than the recommended amount. Some water was already leaking down and spreading across the floor.
Not soon after the two vampires from before enter the room along side their master.
<"I was wondering when you two would make it here. It seems to me that you also caused some damage as well."He looks down to the lesser vampires.
<"Go through the rest of the stable and see what you can do to repair the leaks. I shall take these two by myself."The lesser vampires leave through the hall and it was now only Crit, Epic, and the Count inside the purifier room.
Boss EncounterThe Count
HP 3000
Dmg 200
Mind Affect immunity
Instant Death Immunity
Vampiric transformation (???)
Shadow Attack (This enemy will disappear for a turn. Then on the next turn it will attack a single target for a guaranteed hit. Can't critical this attack.)
>>2595The robots in the closed off area begins to move about within their room. Suddenly the power turns on and the rooms are now well lit.
+3,000 EXP.
By the way List, you leveled up a while back so I need you to pick a skill or raise a stat by 1 point. No.2599
>>2597The glass case broke and now the group was now in water half way up their hooves. the count seemed unaffective due to the water not being holy.
<"You fools you have reduced our time here."Critical went ahead and casted a spell.
Starswirl's Sword.
In 8
1d10 = 4>>2598I just checked and with that exp boost everyone just leveled up to level 18, I need you and epic to level up.
Critical took a +1 to strength.
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>>2599Give me any perk you choose from.>List was watching the robots"So Ponka, I think our job here is done."
>>2599>Epic called out to the vampire.BUT THATS JUST SILLY!
>Attacks the vampire.By what is your definition of water to be holy or not?
>Strength 8 d10 = 5>Luck 7d10 = 37 No.2602
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>>2599Suddenly a well crafted sword appeared and was floating by itself.
The count attacked Crit with a red short sword
St 9
1d10 = 8Lk 6
1d10 = 1>>2600Alright give me a second.>"It seems so. Now with this power plant on up, the nearby towns can now have the power they have been missing for… 200… years. We should try to find the utility area if it was robot parts you were looking for.">>2601That would just make the battle too easy besides the water must be blessed by some sort of deity or something, this water was used to circulate through a stable.Epic attacked and landed a hit, dealing critical damage.
Count HP 2300
Critical shoots with his laser rifle and Starswirl's sword attacks as well.
Pr 8
1d10 = 3Lk 8
1d10 = 6also Epic you leveled up and need to do the usual thing for your character. No.2605
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>>2604>List walked with Ponka outside while saying"Do you have a GPS for that? Or do we gotta fly around?"
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>>2604I've added a point to perception, given Epic is near-sighted.>Epic continued to mock the vampire.>Charisma 8 d10 = 3I bet you're not even a real vampire. I bet you just doing all this to look dark and cool.
>Attacks>Strength 8 d10 = 3>Luck 7 d10 = 9Bet you broke intoa Hot Topic to get most of your cheap uniform.
>>2602Is that you as Russia?
>>2604Critical Hit was dealt massive damage and was now at 160 health.
With Crit's attack alongside the sword's attack deals a total of 1080 damage and the Count was now down to 1220.
>>2605>"My sensors detect that the workshop is a separate building and is out back of the power plant. We would just need to circumnavigate the premises." No.2608
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>>2607Maybe>>2607"Alright, lets head out!"
>List heads on over there No.2609
>>2606Immunity to mind effects
<"I assure you that what you face is real."After Epic's attack, the Count was now down to 870. He lurched down almost going below the water as he covered his wounds.
<"And this place will very be much your grave as it will be mine."His smile begins to turn monstrous as his coat shreds itself. Blood splattered everywhere until finally the count left his pony form and turned into a large humanoid bat demon. It had no skin, only exposed flesh as its long fangs dripped with a black liquid. Its glowing green eyes pierced into the souls of Critical and Epic.
The Count
HP 10,000
Dmg 200
Mind Affect immunity
Instant Death Immunity
Vampiric transformation (???)
Shadow Attack (This enemy will disappear for a turn. Then on the next turn it will attack a single target for a guaranteed hit. Can't critical this attack.)
Critical casted a spell storm
In 8
1d10 = 6>>2608Everyone is wearing the same thing but there's poland wearing something.
They head on over there and enter a small concrete building. There List found enough parts to build a custom robot or to edit Ponka herself.
>>2609The spell hit and the sword did its damage for a total of 1,500 damage.
"Epic don't be afraid to use your skills, we can really use them now."
The Count Attacked Epic with its long claws.
En 9
1d10 = 2Lk 6
1d10 = 5>>2610Oh it's alright just give me some time to do all the replies I need to make.>>2612Epic's attack missed.
Critical casted a hellfire spell on the beast.
In 8
1d10 = 1 No.2614
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>>2613>List returned back to that pony"Oi, I have the parts!"
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>Epic noticed the Count swooping down and 'Braced' himself.If you have the garlic, shove it down his throat! Make him choke on it!
>>2613>>2611"Oh yeah I do have it."
>>2610Once they got on back to the diner, the manager seemed impressed after hearing List's tale about the power plant.
<"Well now that's a might good. Now we have a new power source for the wasteland.">>2613The green fire got the Count and the sword did its attack and then suddenly fade away for a total of 850 points of damage.
Epic was hit very badly and was now down to 180 and the vampire drained 200 points of health back
>>2614<"It would seem so… unfortunately I don't have any use for those parts but I'll be sure to keep them here if and when you need them to build something." No.2618
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Couldn't resist joke.LOB IT IN IT'S MOUTH!
>Epic broke from brace and took his sword, he knew in order for Critical to lob the garlic into the vampires throat he'll have to pin him down.HYAHH!
>Earth Treamour>Strength 8 d10 = 3>Luck 7 d10 = 2 No.2619
>>2616Epic braced for the next attack
>>2617Critical tried to run up on of the Count's bat arms.
Ag 8
1d10 = 2 No.2621
>List said"need anything else?
You may need ti introduce her again. No.2622
>>2619Crit was able to deftly get on up to the Count's shoulder.
The Count sweeps at Critical to get him off.
En 9
1d10 = 4Lk 6
1d10 = 10Crit
Second Wind
Lk 8
1d10 = 7 Just in case to reduce post amount>>2618Epic's special attack works as the concrete floor shatters, the water erupting up into the air and the bat demon sinking down and getting stuck in place.
>>2622>Epic drew his sword into the bats wing to further nail it to the ground.>Strength 8 d10 = 4>Luck 7 d10 = 2NOW CRIT! CHOKE THE BASTARD WITH THE GARLIC!
Haha thats right sucker, we brought garlic!
>>2622Critical was knocked off of the giant bat and landed into the water. He then slowly got up, unsure of how much more he could take.
The hellfire burned for the past turns and dealt a total of 700 damage until flickering out.
>>2623Epic did a very successful attack
Critical seeing that he was knocked down, tried to throw the garlic into the bat's mouth instead.
Pr 8
1d10 = 3>>2621<"Not really, everything is just quiet around here… I know go ahead and take this and buy yourself something nice in town as a reward for getting that power plant up and running."+1,000 caps.
>Epic attempted to bodyslam the monsters mouth shut.>Strength 8 d10 = 1>Luck 7 d10 = 7(Hot Bloodedness makes it all the more effective.)
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>>2624>List didn't expect all the caps"Hey, I didn't need any caps. Just giving a helping hand for another person."
>He said No.2627
>>2624The garlic lodged itself and did some serious damage. 1000 points of damage and 4 points of Endurance damage that will last for three turns.
The Count attacks Epic.
En 5
1d10 = 5Lk 6
1d10 = 6Epic
Second Wind
Lk 7
1d10 = 1>>2626<"Don't worry about it you seemed short on currency and 1,000 isn't much anyways. See you some other time."The gryphon gets back to work.
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>>2627>List then heads too his town"Hmm, I hope Epic and Crit are doing okay."
>He said while heading home No.2629
>>2627Ah… uh…
>Jumps off the vampire and gets to a corner so he could administer a healing potion. He looks onto the water which had his blood flowing from him.Thats a lot'a blood.
>>2627>>2629Crit did the same and they both restored health.
"Dammit, this one is tough. Are all of the higher up vampires like this?"
The Count fades into the shadows and disappears. The party should ready itself for a shadow attack.
Critical casted a shield over himself.
>>2628He made it on back to Walpole. What he did there was up to List.
Basically where do you want to go in Walpole. No.2634
>>2631I'm not sure if this link will work but I figured we could use some battle music. vampire swoops in and attacks Epic. He doesn't receive any damage but his braced stance is broken.
Critical Attacks by casting an empowered spell storm
In 8
1d10 = 7>>2633Sure, it is your town. As for tourists I dunno but I do plan to remake that stalliongrad thing I was gonna release, just need to do this vampire campaign.He then thought of making a fighting arena and there was an open space outside of town.
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>>2634>List went to that place with some working ponies who needed to something to do with their lives."Alright, says here(*reading from paper*) we gotta get a cage and two battle platforms. For the cage, we can decide the type of foe, and for the platform, we need some paint and some steel."
>List looks up and asks them"Any questions?"
>>2634The spell does a total of 1,100 damage.
>>2637Well heavy buck is a skill so you would have to specify its use such as. "Epic performed heavy buck" which would be followed by the standard roll for what weapon you are currently using so long as it is melee or unarmed. Note this attack will take up a skill point. So in other words heavy buck is not automatic.
Epic missed his attack and the Count attacked Crit.
En 5
1d10 = 3Lk 6
1d10 = 10>>2635They all nodded and eventually they were able to set up some arena type thing. It wasn't much and it took about 4 hours to build the structure.
>>2638The count landed the hit and Crit was down to 40HP
"Tymora damn it all. …"
He was starting to get fatigued as he was getting constantly hurt alongside casting so many spells. Even though all of this, Crit has yet to hit his limit yet.
He then casted another spell storm
In 8
1d10 = 5Did that link work?>>2639No no, you use heavy buck with one of your weapons. So the skill would up your attack's damage t 700 and it will stack with a critHe hurts the count…
>>2641With the spell and Epic's attack the count was severely damaged.
The count then again fades into the shadows.
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>Epic took his sword in hoof and used a whole bunch of his skills simultainiously as he gave off that red aura from before.>Hot Blooded + Chi Blast + Heavy BuckWhich ever combo of these simultainious skills that cause the maximum damage. No.2644
>>2640It looked stable enough. If he wanted to bet or fight in the arena then he should go speak to the arena's manager.
>>2643Epic was not below 50% of his HP and his attack missed as the count was not there in the first place.
Also you can't use Chi blast and heavy buck in the same turn. One skill per turn.The count then reappears and hits Epic, getting him down to 100 HP.
Critical took the time to down another potion.
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>List scratched his head"Alright then."
>List was still missing the cage>He was hoping to get a basic raider cage No.2646
>>2644>Well, Epic who tried to be all badass powerful, ended up tripping in the water.Dammit, this is taking to long.
Why won't you just DIE!?
>starts slashing at the vampire.>Hot blooded.>Strength 8 d10 = 9>Luck 7 d10 = 7 No.2647
>>2645>picWhat the fuck?Also I'm not gonna nit pick cages and junkHe then found a stallion in a grimy business suit.
>"Hey what can I do for you, wanna bet on a match or fight?">>2646Epic missed and the Count attacks crit as the garlic wore off.
En 9
1d10 = 1Lk 6
1d10 = 1 No.2648
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>>2647"So who is willing to fight is the real question?"
>>2647Critical was hit and fell to the ground.
Second Wind
Lk 8
1d10 = 5 No.2650
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>>2647Damn… Not giving up… I'm not having monsters like you in my little girls world!
You maybe immortal, but I am ancient and I've spent centuries fighting scourge like you!
>Chi BlastJIMJAM-JAHA!>Strength 8 d10 = 1>Luck 7 d10 = 8 No.2652
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>>2651"Wait..are you talking about that Pony(Nate) who just recently strolled into town?"
My first reaction was the lone wanderer No.2653
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>>2650Epic struck the Count and it was dealth with some massive damage
Critical tried to ignore the pain as best he could and casted a spell storm
"I'm with him, I won't let you endanger the lives of those whom we care about!"
In 8
1d10 = 4 No.2657
>>2653The beams of light strike the count, causing it to be wounded terribly and nearing destruction.
>>2652>"Who now? I'm not sure who you are talking about but it's just another average joe fighting this round.">>2654Before he could switch into brace, the count has to make his turn
The count attacks Critical
En 9
1d10 = 4Lk 6
1d10 = 6>>2656Yes it will hurt them both, be very careful.
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>>2657"Alright, I'll watch and observe this fight."
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>>2659>Inb4 Epic and devil one on one. Make it happen +
>>2657Crit's second wind
Lk 8
1d10 = 10>>2655Sure
>>2658The two combatants readied themselves.
Settler armed with a pistol
Ag 6
Wild dog with sharp teeth
En 7
The combatants will roll d20's plus their stat, highest roll is the victor so that we can save on time.
Would you like to make a bet, bets are double or nothing.
>>2661Critical was out for the battle and was not gonna get up without medication.
>>2660>>2662well the boss is only above 1000 points of health, just hit him with your chi blasts and you'll get him, just be sure to revive my character first.
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>Chi Blast>Endurance 8 d10 = 10>Luck d10 = 2 No.2666
>>2664The attack misses and the count fades into darkness.
It was very important that Epic should revive Critical with an Estus shot.
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>>2665Is that what you meant by make it happen?It seemed that some folk were having a jovial time in the bar, along with a familiar mare.
She's yours to control now.>>2667Critical got on up, his armor, mane, and coat was now soaked.
"Ergh… shit what!?"
Realizing what had happened, Critical pulled Epic in close and casted a shield over them.
The Count then attacks out of nowhere but only the shield shatters and the party is left unharmed.
After that attack Critical casted another spell storm.
In 8
1d10 = 2 No.2669
>>2668I dunno how long I can keep this up…
>Tries to chi blast again.>Endurance 8 d10 = 8>Luck d10 = 2But I can keep it up long enough for you to escape.
>>2668The count takes some serious damage and looked almost dead.
Epic you can literally kill him now with a single punch. No.2671
>>2669The last punch sends the demon back falling down creating a torrent of water and blood. It had finally died but before the party could celebrate, more of the pipes began to burst and the water started to rise.
"Don't talk like that now, let's get the hell out of here!"
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>>2668>List walked up to that mare"Hey, are you making all this noise?"
>The mare turned around<"Me? Oh it's you again, hi.">List didn't know what to say, he didn't found with chicks even when he dated Curtain<"Oh, you're one of those types, heh. Just sit down at the bar and we can chat."<They had a few drinks and they left the bar together, both tipsy >List was almost very drunk"You…s'cuse me..M'AM!"
<"w-WHAT!!?""Do you wanan go out to Pegas with me?!"
<"You know what? buck it!">They both walked to pegasus, and they both passed out together and got back up sober>Crit and Epic might have a chance seeing them No.2674
>>2672They then rush out of there and hurriedly take the elevator back to the surface. The party then exits through the gear door as the entire stable is flooded with water.
After that they headed on back to Junction and told the colonel what had transpired there after they were treated for their injuries and cured of any possible diseases. The colonel then lead out raid parties to mop up all of the remaining thrall encampments which proved easy with no leader. Very soon the trade routes became open once again.
With the zebra clan free of the plague, they did their best to return to their normal way of life. The NCR though persuaded the zebras to open to trade and the zebra population would find itself on the rise as a result.
The redcloaks soon dissolved as a raider organization. With no leadership, the lesser members went out to join other gangs but some travelers speak whispers of remaining cloaks wandering about that proved as true combat challenges.
With the Count destroyed, it may have answered one question but now there were a multitude of mysteries left unsolved. Who was the Count's master and where was he located? For what reasons would this vampire master would attack the local populaces and how far was this master's full control? Many began suspecting one another as thralls and soon towns and families became divided based on fear and suspicion.
Shadow Over the Wastes Part 1 Results.EXP
Stopped the plague +300
Cured the plague +500
Thrall Encampment
Stopped the cloaks +300
Used disguises +100
Killed Shade +100
Stable 32 and the Count
Killed the Count +1000
Flooded the Stable +200
Total EXP gained: +2,500
>>2673After all that ad happened, List could see the two returning from the local clinic all bandaged up but at least now healthy.
>>2674>List saw them"My god..what happened to them?"
<"Are those..your friends?""Yeah, they are."
>List yelled out to Crit and epic"Ey!"
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>>2675The wound marks they had weren't bite marks but rather just cuts from short swords and the Counts claws.
"Don't worry we won't get vampirism this way. We just need to heal up some and rest before we do anything like that again. Remind me to go to the store and buy better armor."
>>2676Critical waved on back at the two.
"Hey man, how was your day?"
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>>2677"Oh it was wel-"
>He was cuttoff <"Me and this lad right here are gonna to New Pegas. Wanna come?" No.2679
>>2676Just tired.
>>2677Aw, was thinking it be some RP drama if both me and you wer einfected but we only had one known cure between us, garlic that must be confused before the third night.Yeah, let's head back.
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>>2679"You look like you were chewd up by a deathblaw, what happened?"
>His speech was sluured No.2682
>>2679That would be too much of a change for a PC but if it is something you want to look into then we'll do so in Part 2 of the campaign. For now though we should take it easy and relax after the battle we had.>>2680"Something around those terms but we'll be fine."
>>2678"Anyways I would be glad to take some time off from all the stress we've been under lately."
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>>2681"Where your wooden stick?"
>>2682"Then come on."
"I can carry you if you want."
>>2682Yeah me too.
>>2683My stick?
>>2684"I dunno"
<THe mare jumps in List's arms<"Carry me instead." No.2691
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>>2689"Epic sthap"
>>2690<"Name's Violet Aura"<She gave a kiss on List's head<"Remember that hon~.."<She then passes out No.2693
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>>2692>List carries Violet"Eh, I think she needs a place to rest."
"Come on, lets go to a hotel."
>>2691You level up too List, we're socialist with our EXP."I know I hit the liquor pretty hard sometimes but… not that bad."
>>2692"Well if we aren't going tonight then I'm headed off to do my own thing. Sorry to be like that but I'm fairly tired."
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>>2693Some mare passed out you- we barely even know… and you're gonna take her to a hotel?
>>2694I understand if you need some thought time… given we just flooded where you grew up.
But yeah, My wife will perhaps want to treat my wounds.
>The vamperic attacks were already looking infectious and dark. No.2696
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>>2694"Eh..she looks like a scavenger to me, I'll get a room."
>>2695>Looks at Epic"Then what else should I do kurwah? Ditch her?"
"Also, we are very close to Pegas"
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>>2696In my day a poiny would call her a cab, call for fair and make sure she got back safely.
Just because she' can't say no doesn't mean "yes".
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>>2697"Epic…welcome to my world.."
>List passes out and Violet and List are sleeping on each other No.2699
>>2695>>2696"You go on ahead and do that, I'll find a place to bunk down tonight."
Crit leaves off on his own for the night.
Later guys, I'll try to be on, on wed. No.2701
>>2699I would invite you to stay with me, but when Fluttershy see's one look at us, the vampire will be the second most difficult wrath we'd have to endure.
>>2698Ugh… I'm in no state for ythis.
>Tries to get both List and "hiccup" on his back, despite the blood letting out.>Strength 8 d10 = 2 No.2702
>>2698>>2697>>2700Jesus this went dark fast. Just keep things clean here guys.To be honest I'm not sure how we got away with some stuff we talked about on ponychan and not a single mod batted an eye.>>2701They already had been treated and bandaged so Epic Mount and Critical Hit were in perfect health now, None of them were bleeding or dying
>>2674Crit helped Epic out but due to crit's low strength it wasn't much help at all.
Good night, I'm gone now. No.2706
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Made this in SFM
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>>2708I've always wanted to make awesome animations of my BLU Scout.
Heck already started one but put it on hold for now.
I would like to do a comedy SFM movie of BLU Scout getting a contract from Miss Pauling to escourt this man through the community map Hunted. All the while a red FemSniper tries to kill them.
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>>2709Right now I'm working on SFM'm trying to work on fingers for his pistol and it's fcking hard as shit.
>>2710What Ifound difficult is those doors in 2fort spawn rooms. For some reason I couldn't find them in the prop list so I just had to make do.
Right now I need to work on BLU scouts encounter with the coffee addicted Sniper.
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>>2711Nice, well I'm gonna work on some models for a long time and move to SFM. Start of small for a youtube channel and just slowly grow or just die out like the others
>>2712You want to see my first ever SFM video? was raw footage used for another video, link in description.
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>>2713Holy shit, I'm actually amazed
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>>2714Yeah, pity they removed half of it and most of the gags when it was finished for that April Fools Day.
The next two SFM videos I want to make Tussel in 2fort and Chaos in Coal Town.
Tussel in 2fort is "part 1" which introduces BLU Scout and his team verses the RED as he finds creative ways to defeat them.
Chaos in Coal Town takes place after 2fort is destroyed and the two sides reluctantly must work together to stop Graymanns robot invasion.
Other than these two SFM videos, would like to use models from the mod Team Fortress 2 Classic to make other videos such as "The Man with the Australium Gun" where incomputant Spy meets his match. The Agent.
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>>2725It depends if they can squat
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>>2727Only slavs were granted with gift of squatting
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>>2728Well I guess thats the answer to the EU referendum joke.
Whats the difference between british chavs and european slavs.
Slavs can't stand to see them leave.
Though what they have in common is chances ar enone of them can spell "referendum".
>>2737>Epic was chilling with his family, reading a book about vampires.I don't really trust this "Stepony Myers" intel is all that reliable.
I mean, Vampires in Twilight Sparkle? Twilight never told us at all she had any vampires inside of her ever…
>>2739Okay shoot.>>2738… what book are you reading?>>2739>>2738Eventually everyone caught up withe each other and the party was whole once more.
"Hey guys, busy morning?"
>>2740This book… is terrible…
Hello critical, not much, trying to research on vampires, but given most post-war books are destroyed, only got so much to research with.
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Also the NCR might need list to help aid some rookies to a big deadly raider gang No.2758
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>>2757>>2756"Well we did recover a water talisman which if you don't know can produce many gallons of drinking water. Thing though is that it is in very poor condition so we need to learn how to repair the little gem in what way we can. Our best bet would be to look into the more industrial locations within the wastes."
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"Oh dat easy!"
>List was stupid to fall for it No.2761
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>>2759>>2760"I dunno but I have a feeling that this will require each of our specific skill sets. For now though lets focus on where to go so lets refer to the map."
He brings up his pip-buck and displays the local map.
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>>2761"I dunno whats going on, but lead the way,[/?]
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>>2764"maybe I can work with it."
>Kisses his family goodbye.>Fluttershy.Now Epic, don't over-exert yourself, you're still recovering from yesturday.
>EpicI'll be fine honey.
>>2765"List this thing has advanced technologies and magics infused to do what it does. You may be able to get the technical stuff working but without the right enchantment it'll be just another rock. Looking at it already we'll probably need to replace the gem entirely and we'll need Epic to help recover and cut one."
Besides we need to grind like you wanted to.>>2766Critical was sure to get in a nod and wave for Rosie before they set out.
They took the local train on out and headed west to the damn. Upon arrival they could see all of the repairs had finished since the Legion battle that took place here. The first step was to head on down into the facility itself but they would have to talk with the guard station that was manned by a single stallion.
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>>2767"Alright, you guys do the talking and I'll be on standby and just tell me where to shoot."
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>>2768"B-but you're the most charismatic of all of us here. You should talk to the guard instead of me or Epic."
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>>2769"You knwo what? That was the best thing I ever heard from you all my life."
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>>2770Critical just smiled.
"Oh what, my ceaseless cursing wasn't the best fucking thing you heard me say?"
He laughs as it was only a joke.
"Anyways you're up man."
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>>2771And here I thought I was the charming one.
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>>2771>List lights a cigarillo"Alright, lets head out."
>>2772"Eh sorry Epic,
But he's got a CH of 10>>2773They head on up to the small guard post and were stopped before they could pass the chainlink fence.
<"Hey what are you three doing here, this area is restricted to civilians." No.2775
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>>2774>List spoke up"Inspection is happening in 3 minutes, you better get your ass over there."
>Charisma 10 d10 = 8 No.2777
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>>2776Eh? I could of done that easily.
"What now?"
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>Comes back>Be 28 new postsFuuuck. Oh well I'm gonna drink some coffee, no cream so I'm just gonna have to deal with it. It is starbuck's brand so maybe it will put some pep in my typing.
>>2778>>2777Lucky Trips"Now we head on inside and see if we can talk to someone who's an expert on water."
He stops to ponder on something.
"I've heard of geologists, biologists, astrologists, what we be the term for an expert on water treatment?"
He opens the door and the party enters into the main lobby.
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>>2820Critical shrugs.
"Fuckin maybe."
>>2821He then turns to List.
"Hey Listy how good is your memory? I know it's been short of a year since we last rescued Fluttershy from here but do you remember the layout of the land around here."
Critical smiled devilishly as he wanted to test List. Challenging other people was one of Crit's things.
>>2823"That's right Epic. You know we should always try to work our brains by doing some remembering and deep thinking. It keeps the mind razor sharp and ready for challenges and comprehension."
He was now sounding like some doctor now.
"Know can either of you tell me where you guys think it would be best to look for someone who has the know how to help us? Don't always be afraid to assume there's a location based on where we are, just try to think what kinds of places a dam would need to operate. Think if I was a master of water treatment where would I be around here?"
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>>2824>>2823Well then Epic looks like you're stuck with me… and I don't have any sexy pony pics.
>>2780>>2786>>2788>>2790>>2792>>2794>>2796 No.2830
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>>2826"Yes Epic what answer do you have for me?"
I'm sure I would make a good teacher, end up like Rick though and would probably cuss casual in front of my students.>>2829I'm just in it for the lulz… and I'm now running off of coffee at the moment. No.2834
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>>2832"There you go, now you're thinking for yourself. Like a true adventurer we must rely on our own wit and resources."
>>2831What was that about?"Let's go ahead and try the base/bottom of the damn first. Epic's on a roll here."
They head on down there without much trouble since the guards let the party pass at the sight of List's badge. Once they had gotten there they found a number of employees working with the pipe work and turbines.
"Now that we are here, how do you propose that we find who is in charge for this group?"
And that's how you get far in a RP No.2835
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>>2834"Let me ask around"
>List asks aroundA fight with a person I hate. I had to defend a person in which the Op did really bad things to her. I think he's banned No.2836
>>2835"Look you guys are getting this."
List was to get a hold of a mare who was on break.
>"Hmm yes the head technician… there he is over on there in the yellow vest with the stripes on it."She points on over to burly looking stallion holding a clipboard. With his high rank and gruff looks you can assume he's done this job for a long time.
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>>2836>List walks over>he taps on<"Hmm?""Ay, these guys need your help."
>He then steps aside for Crit and Epic to talk No.2838
>>2837The head technician turns around.
<"Oh my name is Purity, I keep the water clean around here."He then listens to Crit explain the water talisman and examines it.
<"Well the whole damn near thing is busted. The tech is broke, the gem cracked, and the enchantment is weakened. Now I can help with the tech but not with the others. I do have some replacement parts you could install but… I don't think I want to give it to you. NCR respects its property and isn't a charity however if you can sweeten the deal by some… monetary value or with a favor then a few parts won't be missed." No.2841
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>>2840[b]Sex Appeal[/s]
"Come on, they are just parts. Also, shit I will do some dangerous task and the heavy duty ones for the NCR too."
I got this. No.2844
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>>2843"Guys, saddle up, we have a mission for us."
"And I surly ain't tipsy."
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>>2846"We were killed?"
"What happened? Did 'Pip got into a fight with me?"
>>2847>>2848"You guys just forget everything do you, perhaps you both should start keeping journals to help with your memory."
He then shakes his head as he sighs.
"Anyways let's focus on the task ahead."
They head on out the entered the caravan area outside of New Pegas. They soon find the caravan they needed to escort.
>"So you three are acting as my guards? I hope you guys don't get me killed." No.2850
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>List said No.2852
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Crit, PM
>>2856"Hello weary traveler, would you like to see my wares?">>2857Critical decided to lay on down flat across the ground to not move as much. The desert sun wasn't feeling good through his armor.
"Man when we get back to the dam I'm jumping into the water."
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>>2858"And that's why I dislike Power Armor. It's gets too fucking hot. Thats why I wear this duster."
>>2864"Still though power armor is neat in all respects."
He then laughs as he points up and shouts.
>>2865"I do have this one."She pulls out an energy sword that was sheathed and thus shut off.
Energy Sword of Blasting+20 DMG 240 Special Ability: Can cast a chainlightning bolt at an enemy.
>>2869I can sell you these laser rifles a horde around.
Hey Crit, you want any of these rifles?
>>2868"Uh… I don;'t think you would understand the refrence. You know the BoS remind me of another faction, they would say somehitng along the lines of
Cleanse. Purge. Kill!. You got to be a super nerd in order to get it."
>>2872"Well here, GURPS is an acronym for generalized universal roleplaying system. It was one of the first to use power armor. The sentence cleanse purge kill is from a game called warhammer where the faction of space marines might say when given an order. the marines hated aliens and cultists sorta like how the BoS hates mutants and a long while back cultists."
>>2870"Nah they're all based equipment."
Well all of those laser rifles would add up to 8400 and minus the cost for the sword you would have a profit of 3400 caps. No.2874
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>>2873"Sounds like Heresy to me"
Also, do you perchance sell holy relics? Such as holy water, garlic, silver and so on?
>>2875I'm sorry I don't that sort of thing is extremely rare. See you in another time perhaps.She then leaves and the caravan was alone.
>>2877"No idea? You remind me of myself when I was young. I didn't know what to do with my life until my early teen years, you'll figure it out eventually. Then you'll focus on mastering as I'm doing."
And it's 9, see you guys tomorrow probably. No.2881
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>List was waiting outside the RP studio's door.
>Just waiting in the cardboard box so the manager named "Filmer" can open the doors
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>>2885>List looks at Epic's fanmares"*Scoff* Look at you, and look at me. I got no one. got everything. Only thing I got for even a shelter is this cardboard box."
>>2886Dude, your house is just being fumigated. I offered to let you stay for awhile but you just found that old washining machine box and ran off down the treet with it.
Now is Critical around or is shooting canceled for today?
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>>2887"A box is what you need to live. No comrade, I am just that pony who is a outcast. And OP is out till monday"
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>>2888Well, I rather have my manor house. I can't help it I am teen-mare heart-throb of our adventure series.
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>>2889"Oh OH! Do they like me?"
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>>2890Eeh… your toy sales arn't bad…
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>>2891They're bad…aren't they?
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>>2892Well due to you taking your character in and out at times it cna be rather confusing for our audience. Our target demograph is young adults and it is difficult to compete with such leading shows as Doctor Whooves, Trotting Dead and Game of Pones.
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>>2893But List needs to show the viewers that really happens in wasteland!
I'm so alone
>Covers face No.2895
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>>2894All you do is be errand boy to the NCR and now you're dating whats-her-face. Even I don't keep up with the script.
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>>2895"I'm not the one who makes it. Blame LittlePip. it's her idea."
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>>2896If you didn't throw legal hissy-fits on whenever you're in or out of the show you'd perhaps garner more of a fanbase.
I like this RP. I imagine Critical Hit both leading actor and director. No.2898
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>>2897>List is a little drunk"No..I do wahteva I want…"
"I just need bits so I cna buy more vodka.."
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>>2898Sorry, I'm not gonna give you money for your alcohol addiction.
And I know for certain you're not homeless.
Jeeze, what would your fans think of you if they saw you like this?
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>>2899"I dun have any. And never will, I am too depressed and that why I drink."
Remember, I'm Rping, I'm fine IRL No.2901
>>2900I know.Jeeze. I dunno why Critical still lets you work here.
>Tries to open the studio door, but it's lock.Critical still hasn't shown up yet? Arn't we behind schedule?
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>>2901"He not here. Also this comes on around 9Pm after Breaking Pony."
"Also i read forms and they say I'm the drunk forgotten hero or something."
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>>2903"it's what they say on 4hoof!"
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>>2905Hey epic look, some mares are walking towards me!
>He says and passes out No.2909
>>2908>Epic rolls his eyes.And he complains.
>Tries to open the door.Dammit, I gues she's not coming. Guess I'll just return home… to my manor house.
>>2914[spoiler]I dunno, outside some television studio./spoiler]
He think's he worse off living in a box and hardly any fans, now cute mares want to take him home for some sort of "party"?
He still has his virginity?
>Shrugs. No.2921
>>2920Not syaing thats…
>Gets bad vibes from these girls.You're not gonna kidnap him or anything are you?
>>2924Luna dammit! Now I gotta save List or else our TV show would be doomed!
>Considered what he said for a moment.Or else our TV show will be marginally inbalanced in characters.
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>>2926I did read a bit above and we can continue that today since it is a holiday after all, a day for fun.Critical gets back to the studio after working some of his other side jobs and spending time with family. He hangs on up his jacket and looks around for his friends and cast member.
"Another day back at the office."
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>>2928Now I'm imagining it like Hubris Comics with it's film studio upstairs.Critical, List is kidnapped by rabid fans.
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>>2929Just keep in mind that everything we do today is non-canon. All of the stuff we did happen up to this happened actually occurred in the real lives of our characters. Remember this is just for fun."Damn it, I keep telling him that he should take things easy. Now the presses our gonna be all over us for this scandal."
He then runs his eyes as he sips from his mocha he got from a popular coffee shop down the street.
"Okay let's go on and go find him. Do you know where they went?"
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>>2930They said they're gonna take him home. His house is being fumigated though. I said he could stay at my mansion but he found a large cardboard box and been bumming it outside the studios for the last few days.
>>2938They come upon a group of die hard alicorns that still have not given up their loyalty and dream of their goddess.
Combat EncounterAlicorn Striker
HP 700
Dmg 75
Alicorn Rocketeer
HP 800
Dmg 100
Alicorn Commander
Hp 1000
Dmg 150
>>2940M-maybe I can talk to them..
>Charisma 8 d10 = 10You worship the sisters? That of Luna or Celestia?
>>2941<No we worship the goddess and her unity and you shall too.They go in to attack
The Striker fires a rifle at him]
Ag 8
1d10 = 9Lk 7
1d10 = 8Epic
The commander fires a minigun at Epic
En 8
1d10 = 7Lk 8
1d10 = 3Area Effect
The rocketeer fires a missile launcher
Pr 8
1d1 + 2 = 3Lk 5
1d10 = 2Epic
Pr 8
1d10 + 2 = 11Lk 5
1d10 = 10 No.2944
>>2942Crit and Epic were hurt badly from the attacks
>>2943Epic's sword hit the Commander and it now had 650 HP left
Critical focused his magics and summoned Starswirl's Sword.
In 8
1d10 = 1 No.2945
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Oh fuck I was on the shitter, we doing it?
>>2944The magic living sword appeared.
The alicorns went for their turn to attack
The Striker fires a rifle at him]
Ag 8
1d10 = 7Lk 7
1d10 = 2Crit
The commander fires a minigun at Epic
En 8
1d10 = 3Lk 8
1d10 = 5Area Effect
The rocketeer fires a missile launcher
Pr 8
1d10 = 10Lk 5
1d10 = 5Epic
Pr 8
1d10 = 2Lk 5
1d10 = 8>>2949Yeah we can do that, let me just finish this round.
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>>2952I think that LittlePip found it. If Crit was the founder he can't be a actor>>2953kk
>>2952>>2954Let's not go into details since this won't affect the RP
>>2953The party was severely damaged
>>2946Epic struck the commander again but with normal damage.
Hp 250
Critical used a mega potion and the party restores health
and we can break it here. No.2960
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Back to regular RP?
>>2960How about this, I make a new RP that's all about slice of life style. No battle, no intensive rules, just relaxation and exploring Equestria's famous locations. We'll still do the FoE rp.
>>2958Epic hits the Rocketeer and instantly kills them.
For the roll like this just treat it as a regular unarmed strikeCritical focuses and attacks the striker with Action buck
Pr 8
1d10 = 10Lk 8
1d10 = 6Pr 8
1d10 = 2Lk 8
1d10 = 4Pr 8
1d10 = 3Lk 8
1d10 = 3Pr 8
1d10 = 3Lk 8
1d10 = 9 No.2963
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>>2962>City RPYES YES YES!
I've been waiting for this type of thread!
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>>2962Critical takes down the striker and Starswril's sword finishes off the commander. The battle was done and the caravan was free to move out.
+325 EXP
>>2963Well it will be a everything RP but yes that's what it will be like.
>>2962I attacked the Comandeer.
Though technically a missle launcher is a "Heavy Weapon">Epic grabbed the missle launcher.HAHAHA!!!
>About to go "Wall 'o Bullets when…>>2964Oh…
>Drops the bazooka. No.2966
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>>2964So..wanna start on that after this?
Also I'm dealing with constipation
>>2965Well you never specified who was being attacked and I didn't want to waste an instant kill shot on an almost dead enemy."Well now that's over. Been through some tough scrapes… I'd give taht a 5 out of 10."
Critical holsters his laser rifle and dusted himself off, ready for more action."
>>2966If Epic is alright with it.
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>>2967Well it's painless.
So…yeah TMI.
>>2969"Well the alicorns we know today were not created during your time Epic. They were created a short time after the megaspells. I doubt they even know who Celestia and Luna were. Instead they worshiped their creator the Goddess but she's been dead a long time ago."
>>2970>>2971So do we want this?
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>>2972 Yes Sire.
We need to make a RP for everyone on the site.
Like Donut bar or something
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>>2974We can close up shop here.
Also, can I ask mod about some privilges for our new thread?
>>2973But I will still be in control, as always. That'll of course be me planning events and such like holidays.
>>2975What privileges?
>>2974"From what lore I have gathered, the Goddess was a being mixed with several personalities that used to belong to its victims. To say what was the original personality is… a bit skewed on the eyes of history."
>>2978>>2977Well this might be something that everyone wants then huh?
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>>2994The RP may not be for combat.
But I am.
>Huffs up all tough like.Still dunno if I'd be on the Equestrian Days RP much though.
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>>10Hey guys, I'm just roleplaying as Crit's brother that needs to buy something off of ebay with his account.
>>3207>>3281Critical shouted from where the caravan had parked to rest. Seemed that they were about to move and Crit wanted to get Epic's attention.
"Hey Epic we're about to head out now."
>Goes back to the caravan.Hey Crit, what were we doing again? I know it had something to do with the water talisman we found…
>>3289"Here let me give you a refresher so that you mind can be jogged."
He clears his throat and straightens his posture.
"We had recovered a near broken water talisman from the ruins of my home stable. In order for the talisman to work we will need to replace the technology parts, the gem itself, and transfer and strengthen the water enchantment on to the new talisman. At the current time we are guiding a caravan that has a secret shipment of chems over to the supervisor of the dam so that we may obtain the technological parts the talisman requires in order to operate in the proper fashion."
>>3293Critical shrugged doubtfully.
"Eh… maybe they will. Are you ready to go?"
>>3305They had entered the facility and went back to the supervisor who seemed pleased at their sight.
"You guys are back eh? Does that you mean you have my things?"
>>3324What kind of gem will it need?
Sapphires? Lapis Lazulite?
>>3338Yeesh, well, at least it's a start.
This thing better help many ponies.
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Yeah I needed a break.
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Nothing soothes a rusty bumper like rustes, Kachoth!