No.11714[Last 50 Posts]
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This is the ToE roleplay thread where players who have created their own pony character can come on in and adventure with others in the world of MLP. If you want to join the thread then please check out the OOC thread and submit a character sheet and await for approval.
All of the rules stated in the ToE core rule book is applied here with the exception of a few house rules. First off when a character gains a new level, they will upgrade a single trait of their choice, upgrade their Cutie Mark Skill, and upgrade/learn 3 new skills. Skills can not be upgraded more than once per level. Also a character will only ever have two quirks to their character and will not gain new quirks when raising their level.
Final Word
The last thing to note is that if you have any questions or suggestions then you may contact me in the OOC thread or in the discord chat if you want to make a voice call. I hope you sign up and join us for these adventures
Signed, Critical Hit
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Darkness, still cold darkness was what the party had found themselves in. Looking around they seem to find themselves in some deep cavernous hellscape and they themselves were sitting upon a mountain with no bottom in sight. Getting up for any of them seemed near impossible, this place put a drain on their souls which made their chests feel as they it had the weight of the sun. A voice call out to them in a quiet and low rumbling noise which would strike fear into the hearts of average ponies but maybe not the party.
Voice: "Finally I have found you after all this time. You've been consumed by ancient magics, your bodies destroyed and you were brought here as a result. Instead of going to the keeper however I brought you here to me so that we may talk."
>>11716W-where am I? Critical? Rye? SIr Claymore? Anypony!
Where is everypony? I-I don't want to be alone.
>Shivers. No.11719
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>>11718He can see both Critical and Rye were laying around on the platform close to him. He wasn't alone but nobody could do much.
Soon a dark figure approaches them looking old and weak but clearly not a pony himself. He steps closer to them to them where they can see his face which was dark and ape like.
Voice: "It has been such a long time since I last saw you, to think that you once slipped from my grasp only to be caught once again is poetic."
Critical wasn't having any of this and he tried to pick himself up but to no avail. The figure sees this and picks him up with the others with his evil looking magic.
Voice: "If I am to leave this place then I will need all of your magics. Your history and ancestry, the blood you each carry makes your powers potent enough to allow me to leave."
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>>11720It was too late, he was already caught up in Tirek's telekinesis and could not move, even if he wasn't he wouldn't be able to back away due to the fatigue. Tirek just smiles at Epic's caution, this smile then opens up to a gaping maw in which Tireks breathing was a chilling low roaring noise.
As he did this each pony could feel his heart being pulled as the magic their cutie marks provided were ripped from them. Their flanks became bare and they could not feel or see anything after that. Tirek drops them to the floor and leaves them with their stolen powers and this was the last thing they can remember.
Eventually they do reawaken and find themselves still on the platform. Their forced rest garnered them enough strength to get up in which they do.
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>>11722 was trying to focus his vision until things came clear for him. He looks around and notices that his flank was bare and blank.
Crit: "My Cutie Mark! My talent its gone!"
He quickly pulls out his deck of cards and tries to use it but it did not work and his cards spill everywhere.
This was true for all of them, their special talents have been stolen and they can not use them...
>Your special talent is gone and you can not use them for now. No.11726
>>11724Critical sits down and tired to cope with what had happened, he heard of Tirek before but he never met him before even with time he invaded.
Crit: "I don't... I can't..."
He looks up at Epic with a disturbed stare and wide eyes.
Crit: "We need to get out of here. We need to leave NOW!"
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>>11726How? We're stuck here.
Heck for all we know we could be dead and this is some sort of hell.
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>>11727Crit: "That Tirek guy, he mentioned something right? That Keeper, maybe he can help us get back home. We have to try at least, I'm not gonna be stuck down here."
He picks Epic Mount and Summer Rye and pulled them along to the edge of the platform where they saw a path leading down into what looked to be some much larger platform in the center of Tartarus.
Crit: "There we start on that thing. If we walk around long enough we might learn something."
The central platform had expansive rocky terrain all on it but there was what looked to be a cathedral in the center.
I didn't see the steps there, I thought we were stuck up here.
>Goes down te stairs with him.I hope... I hope they bury me in Everfree Forest, whats left of me.
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>>11729Crit: "I don't know, maybe we were just teleported here or something."
The party all hold onto each other while Critical took the lead until they got on the central platform. The cathedral was far away from them and they would have to trek across the inhospitable landscape to get to it.
Crit: "If you guys need a break let me know but stay on your guard. I don't know what's down here..."
He looked around having to make sure the rest of his friends were okay. Looking around, his expression was crossed but not with anger but with caution and stress.
>>11731Crit: "Just... see if you can keep a look out."
They go ahead and start to make their way to the cathedral, their hoof steps clacking about randomly along each other. As they walked they left a small cloud of dirt behind them since the ground was so arid and dead guaranteeing that nothing will ever grow here. Eventually they have to go through a rocky passage that was narrow but still wide enough to keep their formation. Eventaully the passage widens and they find a room that had three small ooze things that were moving about. They would have to figure a way past them or fight.
>>11736>Just watched Darling in the Franxx>Was shit episode and I hate it>Still gonna watch the next episode cause I'm a masochist apparentlyThey go ahead and move along the rocks to avoid the oozes which would hopefully work out for them...
Stealth DC 4
Crit Body
1d6 = 2Epic Body
1d12 = 9Rye Body
1d12 = 6 No.11738
>>11737Suddenly an ooze that had been hanging on to the wall of the rocks had dropped down and landed on Critical's back which caused an acidic burn that would spread out to the rest of the party. They had to quickly jerk about and broke formation. After that they were all hurt some and were back on the ground all weak again...
Damage 4
Crit HP 22
Epic HP 16
Rye Hp 16
This place is hell... I mean... figuratively, though litterally can apply to.
>>11739Crit: Come on, we have to keep moving."
He gets himself and helps the others up so that they can continue. Critical once again puts his hooves around Epic and Rye and started to have them walk again and they all got past the crevasse. Eventually they make it to the Cathedral after an hour of walking and the party was met tall black gothic walls and a large double doors that would lead inside
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>>11740Is in there?

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>>11741There's no way then can tell but as they get closer to the castle structure they get a sense of dread at first but then peace and fulfillment. It was as if they can feel that they are a single droplet in a river flowing through the passages of time.
Crit: "We should probably head on inside. If there's a place for the Keeper to be then this must be it. Here Epic Mount can you help me with the door?"
>>11743They open the large door and entered a cylindrical shaped hall. One the walls were dug in the shelves that held a number of bottle that held cutie marks that ebbed and flowed, the emblems changing into something new.
Attending these bottles of talents, there floated about a dark shade that had the head of a jackolantern with an eerie smile. He didn't notice the party at first as he seemed very busy with all the talent marks.
>>11744Where are we? It looks like, a hall where cutie marks are kept!
Is this where cutie marks of the dead go? Or is this where foals get their cutie marks from?
>>11745As he spoke the shade noticed the party's presence and floated down to them.
Keeper: "Well there you three are, I was expecting you but you did not come when at your time and I could not find you. I am the keeper... eh you shouldn't actually have a physical form like you have now, you should just be your cutie marks like the rest. What happened?"
>I gotta go to work and all and don't worry your characters aren't perma dead. Just keep flowing with the story I promise. No.11747
>>11746Wait... you sound familiar... like a dream I once had.
If it's the same voice from that dream. Remember that dream he and Crit shared?Wait... Physical Forms? So we are dead!
>>11747I will confirm that the voice that the party heard in Manehattan was Tirek'sKeeper: "Well yes and no. When you died your cutie mark was sent her as usual so that it can be reformed and your talent be reincarnated as some variation of yourself. The problem is though is that your cutiemarks did not come to my castle but instead it seems that your bodies rematerialized. I never seen anything like that before but... your cutie marks are gone."
Crit: "The monster Tirek pulled our cutie marks to him and was able to use them to make an escape. That's why we came here, so that we can get some help."
Keeper: "He escaped again! Still though three cutie marks should not be enough to make such an escape possible. Not unless of course your cutie marks... are special in a sense."
I remember now! You sound like Tony Jay! So thats what happened to his voice after he died!
>>11748They should of executed him. I should of killed him when I had the chance. And now he is escaping again, just as I told them.
>>11749Keeper: "The problem is that if you do that all that would happen is he would be reincarnated once again and set out somewhere in the world. This isn't the first form of Tirek to do this so the solution was to imprison him indefinitely so that he could not leave this place and terrorize the current world."
He then clears his throat as he goes to explain to Epic Mount how things worked.
Keeper: "You see tiny mortal, when a living thing dies its natural magic energy is sent here to be recycled and reused. A tree that is burned up will come back as an apple seed, A master architect will come back as a filly who's interested in building things. Your magic energy comes from generations of past users so that your talents can help the future generations. In a sense you do die but you eventually come back once again for good or ill."
Crit: "So what about the other races like Griffons?"
Keeper: "They work in the same way but they do not need my guidance since their magic energies are not focused like a pony's cutie mark. The pony race on the other hoof needs help to make sure their reincarnation process runs smoothly since their energies are much more profound then others."
He then goes to a desk and pulls off a book and skims through its many pages, reading aloud the many names in it until finally he stops.
Keeper: "Ah here you are Epic Mount, Critical Hit, and Summer Rye. Now I'm not supposed to do this but your situation calls for certain action on both our parts. Since you do not have your cutie marks to process I can not reincarnate you but your bodies did rematerialize since Tirek intervened in your reincarnation. Due to this he was able to escape out from Tartarus and is now back in Equestria so here's the deal. I'll let you three leave this place to go reclaim your cutie marks and send Tirek back to Tartarus. I'll even sweeten the deal by letting you guys continue your lives as normal after getting the job done and you can pass on in some other way like old age. I can't really get you processed anyways in your current condition anyways so we should make best of our opportunities."
>>11750You'll help us return to Equestria for us to fight Tirek? I'm for that.
But if Tirek will reincarnate, whats the best way to stop him once and for all?
If this place is truely is where the dead go, then if you recall this may not be the first time I knocked on your door... figuratively. If Tirek didn't...
>Rubs his chest.I could of finished him for good last time!
I know this is a degree impossible, especially given he may return in Season 9. No.11754
>>11753Keeper: "Whoa one at a time please. Anyways I'll answer all that in order for you.
You three destroyed the throne to Stratus and released a strong surge of magic energy that caused the city to fall apart and destroy your bodies once caught in the blast. Once that happened your Cutie Marks were sent here but I never got them as Tirek was able to pull them from the void, he must have some special connection to you three to do that your your cutie marks are really powerful. He didn't bother with Red Winter's Cutie Mark though, her's got reincarnated very easily and should be now with a new born foal.
As for Claymore I did not see his cutie mark nor is he here with you so what that could imply is that he survived but I am not entirely sure."
>>11754Well, I hope he's reunited with his father.
When we return to Equestria, how long would we be of absence?
>>11756A weeks not much. What can happen in a week?
We can return and this time we will get Tirek back.
Preferably through a more permanant means. Such evil should have no place in the existance of Equestria.
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>>11757Keeper: "Well best of luck to you, I hope you succeed in getting your cutie marks back. If you head south of here then you should make it to where Cerberus stands guard, he should already be expecting you. By the way do not pet my dog, he is a service animal to me and needs to stay on watch at all times, there are more horrors locked in Tartarus than just Tirek and all."
>This is what he should look like but without the body and arms as his body is just a mist. No.11759
>>11758No petting the dog? Aww...
But alright.
Before I leave, I have one more question.
>Points to the jars containing cutie marks.These jars, they contain cutie marks, the "essence" of a pony. Can they be used in a sense to contain the essence of Tirek? As in if he is destroyed but his very evil is contained forever, is that possible? Evill cannot escape f it has no mind to fathom.
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>>11760I will find a way.
From all known beings in Equestria, Tirek deserves to be erased.
>For somepony who is usually against killing, this was unlike Epic to want somepony to go as far as being erased entirely than just be murdered.Twilight and Celestia chose to imprison him over execution and I warned them no matter what he'll find ways to escape and doom Equestria.
Heck even if he is reincarnated, if he's in a weaker state then that could still stop him for good.
>>11761Keeper: "We'll have to see how it all goes but times now a wasting and you three should go ahead and get started. Surely now Tirek is working in the shadows to regain his power."
Crit: "Keeper's right Epic, I really do want to get out of here and head home once again. Even though I didn't experience it I am still a week without food and alcohol."
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>>11762Yes. Let's go. No time to waste.
Thank you Keeper.
We will find someway to recapture Tirek, if his permamantly destruction is not found.
>>11763The keeper waves them out as they left his cathedral and looked about. To the south was where Cerberus would be and it looked like it wouldn't be too long of a trip to get there.
Crit: "Hey Epic talk with me while we walk. What's up with you and Tirek, you seem to already know him personally."
>>11764Know him? I would say he knew me before I even knew him, but I doubt he cared at all what ponies he stole for himself to feed on at the time.
No, he knew not to take ponies for Equestria. He stole ponies from other pony countries or so far away.
However I did not learn he was the one who instignate my kidnapping until years later when Discord manipulated me into serving him as his agent.
Twilight and her friends freed me from his control. They don't blame me for my actions, felt sorry that I've been exposed to such evil. But I still blame myself for what I did just as much as I hate him for what he did to me.
And of course there when he tried to take over Equestria and he killed me.
>>11765>Eh I didn't know anything about that, which part of the whole control thing is in your wiki? Like which paragraph?Crit: "Sounds like a lot to deal with really. My life isn't too eventful really to that degree... well it wasn't eventful until now. Hopefully we can get our stuff back, I need my talent... it's who I am."
They get on up to a hill they can see below is Cerberus looking out into the void all stalwart like.
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> during "The Return of Harmony" Epic went into the maze not long after the Mane Six does and like the Mane Six, Discord made Epic Mount reflect his own personality. So instead of being heroic, Discord made him villainous. Tirek scoped Epic during this period and turned him into a minion, perhaps ina similar fashion how Luna became Nightmare Moon.
I've had rough ideas for an Epic Mount game that consist of three levels but never got round to making it, on how Epic was involved in "The Return of Harmony".>>11766You never met Tirek before? For soem reason it was the three of us he targeted for his escape and the three of us was enough to do so.
Eitherway, Tirek should die. He needs to be destroyed. I failed to convince Twilight and Princess Celestia that when he returned to Equestria.
Twilight's Kingdom part 1I got the ponies of Apploosa to stand to stop Tirek. I fought with him and... I think he killed me, or at least I was going to die... I should of died after he impaled me on his horn... but I did not die... I think for some reason Discord physically restored me.
For some reason, yet to update Epic Mount's article on this.But you have to understand why such a devil needs to be destroyed once and for all! I'm not the only pony who's life he's ruined, not the only one he has tormented throughout his life. If we simply imprisoned him again who's to say he won't find away t be freed? How long will Equestria tolerate a monster as depicable and evil as TIREK!
>In his frustration at all Tirek has done to him, he smashes a nearby rock.Ponytale fact: I never figured MLP would bring Tirek into FiM canon. I made him purely as Epic Mounts personal villain at the time I was planning Ponytale around MLP:FiM Season 2. So I pretty much had to re-adapt a lot of things around the pseudo-canon rule of Ponytale. No.11768
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Crit: "Well I really don't know much about this Tirek fellow or what he has done, I just want my cutie mark back. Still though if you think what needs to be done is best then I'll make sure you get it done all well and good with most of your body still intact. For now though lets go down and try to get this giant looking dog to get us back to Equestria."
>>11768You're right. Sooner we kill- to stop Tirek the better.
>They approach the gate of Tartarus.Good doggy, we can't pet you, but can you please let us back to Equestria?
More on my version of Tirek if you wanna know.> No.11770
>>11769The dog looks at them all playfully and gave them a bark of agreement. All it would need to know now is where the party would want to be sent to.
Crit: "We might want to go back to Canterlot so we can talk to the knights and let them know we're okay. Then again you might want to have us go to Ponyville and talk with the mane 6 as Fluttershy would want to see you again... Other than that there are plenty of places to go but we will surely need medical treatment when we go back so please pick a nice town."
>>11770Ponyville would perhaps be a better location. The Keeper suggested a village where we can recover in peace.
Plus Twilight will need to be the one to know of Tireks return.
>>11771The dog gives a nod at their request and it takes it paw and scratches at the air and rips a portal open that would take them to Ponyville.
Crit: "There you go, good doggie. I wish we had a treat for you but we don't have any sort of food to give you. Anyways Epic Mount are you ready to go?"
>>11772Yeah... such a good doggie... pity we can't pet him.
Let's go.
>>11773They enter in the portal and they are faced with a massive blinding white light. Before they can refocus their eyes they all can feel that they were laying down on the on a field of grass and flowers with birds chirping around them. The air was also a very welcome as it was warm and gentle which contrasted the still air of Tartarus. The sudden change of atmosphere was so great that they could not stand or see what was around them. They did hear a sort of voice though however.
Voice: "Hey look at these three I know them they're friends with Pinkie Pie... Hon they don't look so good."
Voice 2: "We should get them to the hospital, they need help."
To be continued.
>Gotta go now. No.11776
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>>11775The next things they hear when they come to was the three out of sync beep noises that came from their own heart monitors. Then they realized that they had been laid up in a hospital with them being in green bed sheets and their noses filled with the scent of medicine and pure alcohol. Some pony approaches them holding a clipboard while he was wearing a doctor's coat, had a brown mane, and a orangish coat.
Doctor: "Well then it seems like you are awake again, go ahead and see if you can tell me how you are feeling?"
>Clarity hasn't been on in a while. Does he realize that the story is still going? No.11780
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>>11776Summer Rye stared at the ceiling, the last thing he clearly remembered was Epic destroying the throne...
"I... feel utterly exhausted... weak... as if all my strength has been drained. I don't want to get up again, ever..."
>>11787>We are but I gotta go take my bro to work soon so expect a short absence but I'll be back.>>11780>>11782>>11783>>11784>>11785>>11786Crit: "Urgh I still feel pretty bad but at least we are back."
Doctor: "Fever dreams eh? Well you will be glad to know that most of your injuries have been healed up but you guys should take things easy. It was a good thing too that they Cake family found you like they did, sleeping on the ground could have made things worse so you should probably thank them."
Suddenly Spike the dragon rushes into the room in a panicked frenzy and the doctor tried to calm him down but to no avail.
Spike: "Epic, Rye, Crit! Twilight and her friends they're in trouble, they need you!"
>>11789Spike: "The statues, the mane 6 went to the badlands but they haven't come back!"
Doctor: "Er yes I think I can explain this. You see about 5 days ago this strange occurrence was going on where ponies would instantaneously become statues for no reason. This petrification has become more and more serious to the point we have our own impromptu ward to try to find a treatment for them. If you feel up to it I can take you to the ward."
Spike: "B-but Twilight needs help!"
The party should be well enough to get up and leave the hospital and it really does seem that Spike needs help.
I'm rarely ever time for a breakfast wrap. The hot cabinet was bare.>>11788>>11790We'll see what Twilight wants, then we'll go to Everfree Forest and ask Zecora to comne back to examine the petrified patience.
Given me and zecora live in a forest inhabited by cockatri, we know a depetrification remedy when needed.
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>>11791Spike: "That's just it though Epic Mount she and her friends went down to the badlands and they never came back. I-I'm afraid that they may have got turned into statues too." got on up out of his bed and took off his patient gown. He seemed that he wasn't going to let poor Spike worry like this.
Crit: "Don't worry Spike, we'll go down there and bring her back. I promise you this."
Doctor: "Are you sure? You probably need some rest."
Crit: "I'm sure, I'm not gonna let Spike stay here all alone like this while his friends are in danger. Epic Mount I need your help in this, Fluttershy is likely to be down in the badlands with Twilight."
>>11792Let's all go. I bet Tirek is behind all this...
... wait, why would I think it's him? Thats just a dream wasn't it?
>Noticed he and his friends were blank flanks.Our cutie marks are gone! Just like what happened in the dream!
>>11793Crit: "Epic Mount that wasn't a dream we really did die at Stratus but now we are instantly back in Ponyville. The only way for that to have happened was for the Keeper to let us go to get Tirek."
Doctor: "What? you aren't making any sense."
Crit: "Long story and we don't have the time to explain. Anyways Spike we could be gone for some time so go on ahead and go to Zecora and start to work on something that would cure this statue condition."
Doctor: "Another thing for a moment if you will. It would seem that the condition is not permanent. Victims often revert back into their normal selves but they turn back so often that they hardly ever leave the petrification ward."
>>11794A stone sickness? It sounds familiar
>To CritIsn't Zecora with Twilight where we are going?
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>>11795Crit: "No Twilight and her friends are stuck in the Badlands far to the south. Zecora's probably in the Everfree. Anyways we should start to get moving, lets get to our..."
He then remembers how crashed the balloon had gotten and they now have no means of air travel.
Crit: "Er, perhaps we should catch a train out of here. We'll have to go to Dodge City first and then head on out to the badlands on hoof or by cart."
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"Can we at least grab a bite before we head off? I don't know if the trains serve anything on board."
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>>11796Alright. Spike, go to Zecora and ask her to help with investigating a cure for the ponies with stone sickness.
Yeah, let's get a train to Dodge. Good thing we still have our money to pay for tickets.
>>11797Sometimes they do but it's mostly little snacks that are hardly filling. Like tiny bottles of alcohol or snack bars.
>>11798Yeah. Let's go.
>>11801Im just calling it that becase "Temporary spells of petrification" doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.
Though how it is described does sound familiar from somewhere but I'm not sure.
>>11799>>11800They all head on out of the hospital and get on to the market area of Ponyville. There were plenty of food places to go, one serving pasta's, one a Hayburger, and lastly a place called Sugar Cube Corner. The Cakes did rescue them so perhaps dropping by would be a nice thing to do.
>>11801>>11802Crit: "Er... not really. There is the cockatrice gaze and the one time the elements froze Discord. Other than that I do not know."
>>11803There are a few monsters out there known for their petrification gaze. Cockatri being common to Everfree Forest, but theres also gorgons, certain cyclopsi and so on.
These cases are usually a permamant state of petrification until the sxpell is broken by the monster that did so, usually by convincing, death or they can't. Varies to the monster.
Discords case however was unique. He was turned to stone by the Elements of Harmony indefinately until the elements freed him.
What we're dealing with here currently resembles some form of ailment. Non-permanant petrification but still acting like some sort of sickness.
I feel like it's familiar from somewhere
At least to me it does, Epic could simply be entirely wrong. But I'm just gonna call the problem "stone sickness" for conveniance.
>>11804Good idea. We can also ask them any news of what else has been happening. Catch up on our week absence.
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>>11804They head on inside with a bell chiming their entrance and the cakes turn around to greet them. The inside was a mass of bright colors with a counter ready to invite them to peruse the pastries. The sweet smell in the air was also intense and was slightly dizzying even.
Mr Cake: "Oh you three are back and about again, that's good to see."
Mrs. Cake: "Yes my darling found you while we were out for a picnic and we got help as soon as we could. Is there anything we can help you with?"
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>>11806"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Cake, thanks a lot for saving us back there. We owe you. If there's ever anything we can do for you, just let us know.
Also, your biggest cake, please!"
>>11806>Looked around at the decorations.I take it Pinkie Pie prepared for our "Congratulations you're not dead!" party but Twilight called her away?
>>11808Yes. Thank you for helping us after coming back from Tartarus.
>>11808>>11809Mr. Cake: "Oh no this is what the store always looks like. Pinkie Pie and her friends have been gone about 5 days now so they don't even know you are all back. Anyways I'll go get you a cake to eat..."
He leaves and Mrs. Cake stayed behind to watch the kids who were playing around behind the counter and keep the party company while they waited.
Mrs. Cake. "Now the cake will cost you about 10 bits please. Do you have the money?"
>>11810I just want a slice. I'm not that hungry for a whole cake...
>Looks over to Rye.You really gonna eat all that? We just came back to life, don't want to die from cholesterol.
>>11810"Unless someone has taken my wallet..."
Rye looks for his bits.
>>11811>>11812They all still had their equipment and items they had when they were blown up in Stratus, seems that the Keeper pulled a few strings so that they can still be prepared for the trials ahead.
Crit Bits 409
Epic Bits 330
Rye Bits 396
Crit: "Well aside from our Cutie Marks we still at least have all of our junk. Nice to still have my Tindercrest Deck."
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>>11813Rye pays.
"Maybe we could see the Cutie Mark Crusaders to help us get back our cutie marks?"
>>11814We don't need helping finding our cutie marks, we already know who taken them. Whgat we need to figure out is how to destroy him for good.
>>11813So, Mr and Mrs. Cake. What happened after the fall of Stratus? We know of the stone sickness thats been happening but why did Twilight and her friends go to the badlands?
>>11814>386Crit: "I've only heard of them in passing but they might be able to help us out in this problem."
>>11815Eventually Mr Cake comes back with a multi layer cake for the party to enjoy while they talked about what had happened.
Mrs Cake: "Shortly after the fall there was a report that a bright and glowing light emerged from the badlands that faded away almost instantly. No pony took it seriosuly but ponies in Dodge City and Appleloosa started turning into statues randomly. The epidemic had spread since then and has now reached Ponyville. Twilight believes that the statue condition is magic related and even her map was showing that she needed to go down to the Badlands area. So about 5 days ago she and her friends go there and we never heard from them again."
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>>11816I hope it wasn't the destruction of Stratus that caused it in some way.
>>11816"We could look for them when we're done helping our friends."
>>11815"But maybe I rather get a new one than being a pawn!"
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>>11817Crit: "A bit far away don't you think?"
Critical takes another bite of his second slice of cake until he gets a sick looking expression on his face. Perhaps too much sugar so early in the morning.
>>11817>>11818Crit: "Anyways I've had my fill of this cake. We should go on down to the train station and get some tickets to Dodge City. We got plenty of money to make the trip, we just have to be careful to not become statues."
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>>11818A pawn?
I don't want to capture Tirek! I WANT TO DESTROY HIM! I want to remove all trace of him from Equestria, every disgraced fibre of his being to be burned away so that nopony should have to suffer.
But given the "Keeper" claims thats not on the table, all we can do is prevent Tirek from destroying Equestria
yet again.I'm no pawn and neither are you. But I'm not gonna let Tirek destroy more lives.
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>>11820"Calm down, I don't feel like destroying anyone, not even him. Imprisoning him is good enough."
>reminds me, I haven't upgraded my skills yet No.11823
>>11820>>11821>>11822Crit: "Easy there Epic Mount, there's no need to go and sperg out. First we gotta focus on the task at hand and save the Mane 6. If you can't concentrate then who else will save Fluttershy?"
Critical would have gotten up but he was too full with cake to do so at the moment.
Crit: "Lets first focus on the Mane 6, then our Cutie Marks, then lastly Tirek."
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>>11824>>11825They get on up to the train station and find the conductor wearing his uniform and nice looking hat, you wish you had a hat like that. Anyways you explain to him that you need a ride down to Dodge City and he states that a train is about to leave for that place pretty soon.
Conductor: "So those tickets will be bits per pony and seeing that you got 3... is he fine?"
Points at Crit but decides to not push the issue further.
Conductor: "Anyways 5 bits per ticket and you got 3 ponies with you so that will be a total of 15 bits for the trip."
Crit: "We can divide up the price among ourselves."
>>11826He's alright.
And yeah, we can pay for ourselves. (Did you see that guys hat?)
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>>11827>>11828It was a really well designed hat, the reds and blues with a yellow button was to die for. Honestly this hat is a sign of pure craftsmanship and fashion. No other place will they find a better hat!
Anyways they all pay for their tickets and load on up into the train and they stay in the regular passenger car with the other ponies. The train lets out a loud squeal and it starts to make its journey to Dodge City. The expected wait time would be that of about an hour worth of traveling so the party had some time to themselves if they wished. out the window they can see the whole landscape pass by them with the chunking noise of the wheels on the track.
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>>11829"I think it was pretty nice hat. Anyway, what's the deal about Dodge City? Anypone been there before?"
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>>11830>>11831Crit: "Anyways Dodge City is another cowbuck town down south."
>>11832Crit: "Right. Anways it shouldn't take too long so I say we should get some sleep in while we are on the train."
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>>11834Crit: "Well we need as much rest as we can get so I'm gonna take a nap..."
He lays down on his side of the booth and goes to sleep. The other either do the same or stay awake for the whole trip until they finally make it to Dodge City. They get out of the car and find that they were standing before a western feeling town filled with cowponies and rangers who were moving about as they were getting petrified ponies to the hospital. Things were much worse here then it was in Ponyville. From here they would have to get to the badlands to the south and at the edge of town they can see a number of wagon ponies who they can use to get to the badlands with the right words or the right price.
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>>11835>>11837>I guess we can keep going and see if we can't hitch ride real quick.Crit: "Yeah and things don't look so good. We best hurry down to the Badlands and see if we can't find the Mane 6 and find a way to put a stop to all this."
He points over to the wagon ponies.
Crit: "They could make the trip much easier for us and should be able to give us more info."
>>11839They get on up to the wagons and see that they were all organized into specific lots that were named by a sign as to where they were going. Eventually they find the wagon crew that was going to the Badlands who was lead by mare named Sunny Saddle. They could also notice that there were several crates already in the wagon that had words stamped onto them saying
Dig Site Supplies. It would seem that this wagon was going to a dig site in the Badlands but before they could ponder this the caravan leader Sunny Saddles approaches them.
Sunny: "Howdy there, the name's Sunny Saddles and this is my wagon team. You don't seem to belong here at this lot so I gotta ask yall what are you doing here?"
>>11843Sunny Saddles: "You're friends of hers? I dunno I don't know you and I'm not about to give you all a free ride but..."
Charm Test DC 5
Epic Mount Charm
1d10 = 4Crit Charm
1d6 = 2Rye Charm
1d8 = 7 No.11845
>>11844She takes a moment and looks at the party and tries to get a feel for them. Eventually she nods her head in agreement.
Sunny: "You all seem like the good sort of ponies even though you are all armed to the teeth. Anyways if you're here fro Twilight then that means you are also here to stop this whole statue business. In that case you can ride in back for free if you like."
>>11845Thank you.
>As they rideHas ponies out here also been turning to statues?
>>11846>Last post before I go.Sunny: "Little Colt the whole statue disease started here. Ever since that bright light happened ponies had been turning into statues and it wasn't long until the Princess of Friendship came along. A day or two later some bucks by the names of Caballeron and Gully Trotter came and hired us on to help get supplies to their dig site which is where we are headed now. I don't know where Twilight or her friends are, we never seen em down at our camp but we'll keep an eye out for them."
The wagon being pulled by two stallions while Sunny and the other rode in with the supplies. Sunny had to keep a hold of the reigns to make sure they were going in the right direction.
Sunny: "Still though once we get there my wagon team will be pulling out and head back to town again so you might be at the camp for a while."
>>11847Thats fine. We'll stay for as long as Twilight needs us.
>Remembers their primary objective to find Tirek.Or at least until we find her.
See you later. No.11850
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>>11848Crit: "So we got a Caballeron and a Gully Trotter down there as well? I don't know Gully Trotter but this Caballeron... I think I've heard the name before but I don't remember what it was from."
Sunny: "I don't know either but I think some pony mentioned the name before. He must be important in some way."
They start to get into the more rocky areas until finally they reach the cliffside that would lead down into the canyon of the Badlands. The trail would go down several switchbacks that would lead into the desert. Speaking of desert, the temperature around them had become unforgiving in the terms of heat as the sun beat down on the party and the rest of the caravan. The air was especially dry and it seemed that the landscape around here was void of water but thankfully they wouldn't have to worry about that since they got so much supply.
>>11853>>11854He dismisses the two at their guessing as he would've remembered better if he had ever met this Caballeron.
Crit: "Nah I don't know this guy. I only ever heard his name in passing or I might have read it somewhere."
They start to go down the trail all calm like and normal. Nopony was really willing to speed things since the land around them was probably unstable. The wagon ponies chattered among themselves talking about current events, the best food place they've been to this week, and whatever else wagon ponies talk about.
Suddenly there was a bright beam of light, a bolt, come down to hit near the wagon. One of the wagon ponies immediately disappear after being struck with the bolt. Where he went was quickly answered as the party saw a small statuette version of the stallion land inside of their cart mirroring the statue condition they saw earlier today.
This causes the other stallion to panic and tried to run away. The sudden jerk of movement caused the party to fall out and the cart didn't go too dar as it just rammed into the wall causing the rocks to rumble up above them.
>>11856As the rocks fall all around them, one giant boulder threatens to crush them and the rest of the party though the cart was well away. Epic Mount pushed his friends aside to hopefully save them but this could prove to endanger him even more...
Body Test DC 4 Damage 2
Epic Mount Body
1d12 - 1 = 7 Def
1d20 + 1d4 - 1 = 2Crit Body
1d6 + 1 = 6Rye Body
1d12 + 1 = 3 No.11858
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>>11857Everypony was able to dodge out of the way but Rye had caught some of the rock splinters in his hide as the boulder crashed and broke up on the ground.
Crit: "Quick, everyone get on back to the cart, hurry!"
>>11858Clarity is set "Away" on Steam at the mo.Rye, you alright?
You Crit?
>>11859>That's fine.Crit: "I'm okay, just only scrapped myself but we need to get back to the cart."
They rush on over to the cart as the rocks fell around them. Sunny Saddles had helped get the stallion out of his holdings and they were trying to push the cart free of the wall as it was stuck up on it. It looks like they could use some help.
>>11861 "Quick I need this cart freed up or else we'll lose all the supply!"
Epic and the rest try to get the cart loose, Crit got on up to steer it but a whole other shower of rocks started to pelt the area near the cart and rain over top of them...
Cart Navigation DC 4 Cart HP 3
Epic Body
1d12 = 1Crit Mind
1d20 = 19Rye Body
1d12 = 8 No.11865
>>11864Critical gave a nod and pulled out a spare from inside the cart and hopped on down. He then used his telekinesis on the cart to keep it steady as he did the job. It was nerve racking to make sure that Sunny and her wagon was safe as well as to do the procedure like this.
Three more boulders fall on down to where the cart was and was a major threat if Epic could not fend them off...
Boulder DC
1d8 = 5Boulder DC
1d8 = 7Boulder DC
1d8 = 5Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 3 1d20 + 1d4 = 12Critical tried to put in the new wheel after tossing the old one down below into the canyon.
Mind Test DC 8
Crit Mind
1d20 = 8Crit Mind
1d20 = 13>If both fail the wheel can not be fixed. No.11866
>>11865Epic Mount kicks the rocks away and Critical was able to get the wheel back on safely which allowed a much smoother ride for the wagon. After this was done the party frantically loaded up and they got on down the switchbacks quickly as they could until they got on to the bottom and well away from the rocks. Sunny Saddles got on away from the cart trying to catch her breath. She looks down along the only path through the badlands and turns to the party.
Sunny: "Ah mighty thanks to ya's, we wouldn't have gotten out of that with you two. We should be getting on down to the digsite as soon as we can and see what we can do for our petrified wagon driver."
She takes the tiny statue out of the cart and tucks it into her saddle bag for safe keeping.
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>>11866>Epic was now sweatinb buckets due to the exersize of beating off rocks and that being a forest pony he was not suited for arid climates.I don't understand, why did he turn so small? It's as if he was turned into a collectible than just into stone.
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"Must be magic!"
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>>11867>>11868Crit: "I agree, this is quite the strange spell and I've never really seen anything like this before but that bolt of light definitely confirms this theory. Still though the cart is fairly battered up and we best try to make it to the digsite or else we'll get caught up again with whatever the badlands wants to throw at us."
>>11871Sunny: "Well there is the one and only path right here that we can take. I've been down this way before plenty of times but to be honest I've never been attacked like that before."
>>11872Crit: "I'm sure the site will have that or we are simply bringing that stuff over with our supply cart."
The group heads on out and along the path to where they needed to go. It took some time and the heat was daunting but they eventually come across something. The ground here was flat like the rest of the land but on the road part were patches of burned scorch marks. These marks pocked the area and in the center looked to be another tiny pony statue.
>Gotta go now. No.11874
>>11873Summer Rye walked on over to the scorch marks, examining them.
"Hm..." He peeked into the distance, wondering if there was some higher ground anywhere nearby.
>>11874>>11875Oh I didn't think that we would be doing that. Anyways the next level up is quite the ways away.They all examine the scorch marks whi8le Sunny Saddles picks up the statuette and puts it into her saddle bag.
Sunny: "Hey I knew this pony, its one of the excavation workers that Caballeron had on for hire. Poor thing I remember he cooked me up some stew back at camp. He really was nice to me so I hope he turns back to normal soon."
Mind Test DC 6
Epic Mind
1d8 = 6Rye Mind
1d8 = 2Crit Mind
1d20 = 14 No.11881
>>11880I wonder if all these ponies that are turning into statues have something in common? If only we checked the hospital ward while we had the chance. Maybe I would of seen a pattern.
Such as maybe they were all involved in where we are going to the Badlands or maybe they're all Earth Ponies or something.
>>11879>>11880You can tell that the burn marks came from a powerful magic source and it is likely the same magic you saw earlier going into the badlands. Around you there wasn't any high ground but the burn marks indicate that there was quite the angle to them from the caster meaning whoever or whatever did it was on the same ground level as the excavation worker.
Lastly they notice a small camp in the distance with 6 distinct tents of them that reminded Epic Mount of the Mane 6 because of their number and coloration.
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>>11882"Hmmm... magic from above... either a pony did that, or an artifact I suppose. Anyway, we better hurry to the camp."
>>11882>>11883It looks like is was cast from roughly over there.
>Points to where someone would "cast" such an attack.But let's learn more about this before we jump to conclusions.
>>11882Look! That must be where the girls are!
>>11883>>11884Crit: "It must be, we should head on over there right now."
Sunny: "I'm gonna keep the cart over here and wait for yall to come back. Just don't take too long, I don't want to stay out in the open when we need to be getting to the dig site."
>>11887>>11888They head on over to the camp and it was confirmed that this was where the mane 6 stayed as the tents each displayed the owner's iconic cutie marks but unfortunately the place was in disarray and there was nopony here. They found a small cache of supplies that included these items
3 Desert Scarf (Immunity to wind based weather)
The desert scarves are made up of a red scarf that would wrap around the mouth and a pair of goggles to go over the eyes. This allows seeing and breathing in the case of a dust or snow storm or other wind based weather.2 Potions
Around the camp they can also notice a rock ridge above the camp that the mane 6 probably used as a shield against the bad land weather. If they wanted to learn more they would have to stay longer and examine the camp site.
>>11889Summer Rye picked up one of the scarfs - probably made by Rarity.
"Do you guys want to take the potions?"
He tried examining the place more closely, especially for tracks.
>>11890Critical takes one of the desert scarves and puts it on, making him look a little like a bug with insect looking eyes. He also takes one of the potions.
Crit: "Yeah we should keep looking around for now and see what else we can find."
Search DC 6 or DC 12
Epic Mind
1d8 = 4Rye Mind
1d8 = 1Crit Mind
1d20 = 12 No.11893
>>11891Eventually the party finds two things, one was some tattered fabric from a brown cloak that was not from any sort of clothing the Mane 6 took along, Epic would know that as Rarity wouldn't allow such a bland color on her friends. The other thing they spot is a golden bangle with distinctive markings on it that were made swirling patterns
Criticfal also found strands of navy blue hair that did not belong to any of the mane 6
>>11893"Oh boy... somepony else was here - or more than one pony."
Rye gave a glance over to Sunny, hoping to still see her.
>>11889>Tries to find any clues on where they went.>>11890Why would there be three scarfs and not six?
>Also takes one of the scarfs.>>11893>Examines the golden swirly thing.>>11894It's alright, it doesn't look like there was much of a scuffle. Knowing them they made a new friend.
>>11895"Hopefully... or they are tiny statues!"
"What's golden thingy?"
>>11894>>11895>>11896>>11897Critical takes a look at it and shook his head.
Crit: "No it's not, just a bit of jewelry."
Sunny was still on the road over there waiting for the party to come back. At least she's nice enough to not leave them behind in the desert.
Critical's ears twitch and he starts to look around as if he heard something.
Crit: "Do you guys feel that? As if we're being watched?"
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>>11898Rye put on his goggles and glanced through them without turning his head, trying to act all unsuspicious.
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>>11901Hold on! Who's there?
>Epic had a suspicious it could be somepony particularly shy.It's me, Epic Mount!
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>>11904"Stop... come back! We don't mean you any harm!" Summer Rye shout!
>>11906Speak for yourself.
>Goes after them. No.11908
>>11905>>11906They go into chase and it was easy to tell the pony was not ready for such an encounter as their magic bolts were aimed very poorly. As they got in close to tackle, the figure's horn let out a bright magic and they disappeared in the blink of an eye. Looking around they could not see where they had went or any clue that would point them in a direction.
Crit: "Damnit he teleported. I don't see where he went!"
Well, I don't think we can learn anymore here. I;'m sure Sunny waited long enough for us too.
>>11909>>11910Crit: "Yeah I think so too but I'm worried what has happened to the mane 6. It is likely they have been captured by being turned into statues."
They head on back to the wagon where Sunny Saddles was waiting for them. She looked a bit worried but relieved when she saw them.
Sunny: "Ah good you're back. We heard some shouting and some lights in the distance. I was worried that I would have to go in and collect your statues as well."
>>11912>>11913Sunny: "Here load on up and we'll talk while on the way to the digsite."
They do so and they start to make the last stretch to the digsite. After hearing the description she just shakes her head.
Sunny: "No that doesn't remind me of any pony that was with us. He sounds like some 3rd party in this matter."
>I meant for the camp to look like it was attacked, sorry.Crit: "If we can find this pony then it is likely that we can find the Mane 6. First we have to get to the digsite though..."
They continue on for maybe ten more minute until they finally reached the digsite camp where the excavation team had set up large and numerous tents to help them bare against the heat. Carts pushed around with supplies and rocks that needed to be investigated. Sunny stopped the cart at the edge of camp and got ready to unload the supplies.
Sunny: "Here we are. I gotta get this stuff done, you guys can go ahead and take a look around if you want. Maybe somepony here can help you out."
>>11918They go to the main tent which was the largest one in the center of the camp. They enter in the tent and notice the lavish furniture, comfy pillows, and a music box playing music. The atmosphere is comforting and calm but when they saw Caballeron and who he was with. Caballeron was sitting down at his desk with a map of the site and his guards were the same ponies they met in Manehattan who was pretending to be them.
Heretic Hook: "Well well look who it is. We didn't think we would ever cross paths again."
>>11920All this place needs ia harem mares.
>Heretic Hook.Hey... you!
Give me a roll whenever I remember him or not. No.11922
>>11921He laughs as his two other brothers Rally Call and Deception stares at the party coldly.
I know his name is supposed to be Neigh Sayer but I decided to change itHeretic Hook: "I didn't think I'd see Epic Mount's merry band out here after our battle in Manehattan. You did Rally Call a number you did but we managed to pull through."
Rally: "I still need to be paying you back for that, in fact right here right now..."
Caballoron the pony with a black mane and brown coat stops his subordinate from acting out of any sort of violence.
Caballeron: "You three seem to know the new ponies in my camp but remember that I hired you on to protect the excavation and help me out with my search for the Umberfoal."
Rally Call ceases his hostilities and just whispers to his brother Deception.
Caballeron: "I wonder though if I may ask what is it that brings you here? The badlands is not a hospitable place to wander around unless there is something you are looking for."
His voice is smooth and charming, a very welcome change to the more brutish figures they met the past like Jairo the Monkey.
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>>11922>Epic seemed a bit confused.Guys, we take down a lot of badguys, heck we took down a whole army along with the flying city of Stratus. You all do look vaguely familiar... Wait were you the guys that posed as us and we had that "Whos the real deal" contest?
Hey Crit, do we know these guys?
>>11923>Epic Mount should remember them. He isn't dumb right?Crit: "Yeah this is Heretic Hook, Rally Call, and Deception. They posed as us as a means to get money."
Caballeron coughs loudly as his question was outright ignored.
Caballeron: "I ask again, what are you doing here in my camp."
Crit: "Ah we were looking for a small group of ponies who were looking into stopping this statue disease thats been spreading about."
Caballeron: "Ah I see, unfortunately I have not seen the sort here but we've had our workers here been turned into statues or outright go missing. In fact my dear friend Gully Trotter has gone missing as well. He was last seen at our old digsite, Site A. We lost him after some large monstrous worm erupted from the earth causing us to flee though Gully Trotter was separated from the group. If you could go over there then I would be glad for your services."
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I vaguely do. In all honesty I remember a pony by both name and apperance than just by name. Given we mostly know these ponies by written name than apperance I can't remember every NPC we've met along the road.>>11924Ooh I remember now. Yeah that was awhile back.
>Epic shrugs this off as if this was just no big deal. Either he was trying to be rude to the three posers or it really was just not worth his respect.>At Caballeron's request.Yeah alright. I don't see any repercussion of this request.
>>11925>Fair enoughCabelleron: "The old digsite is located in the dustmane ridge, a rocky set of mountain that overlook the site. The Gully had a specific harness that allowed the ease and climb of mountains so if I had to guess, he would be up there. Climbing up the ridge my prove difficult for you but there are some climbing kits located in the center of Site A but you would have to be careful to not disturb the Tatzlwurm."
Crit: "Got it. First we leave Site B, head to Site A, go to the center and get the gear, then climb up the Dustmane ridge. Sounds easy enough if we're careful."
Caballeron: "If you need supplies then go to the quarter master who should be near my tent. Also some of the workers here have been having trouble digging to the site here so if you want to make friends and money then it is a good idea to help them."
Crit: "And learn a good bit of information here if we get on their goodside."
>>11926>Indentify (Monsters)Tatzlwurms. Understand.
>Epic nods at Critical.Alright, see you later Caballeron.
>To Herectic Hook (Banter)Bye not-me... Oh wait was it you (Rally Call) who was suppose to be me? Eh I dunno.
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>>11927Epic Mount has been living his life mostly in the forest but he has heard descriptions of the worm who's maw would split into three from Twilight after they went on their trip to heal Discord of some blue affliction.
They then left the tent and were now in the center of Site B. They could see the quartermaster's tent and remembered that this is where they could buy supply. A short walk from the camp would be the digging area which was a large pit in the ground that had dug up some ancient looking temple most likely related to this Umberfoal. In the distance to the south east would be Site A where the Tatzylwurm would be as well as Gully Trotter allegedly.
>Gonna call it here. No.11929
On the following days I won't be able to roleplay as much:
Friday, Monday and Tuesday.
I won't be entirely absent, but may not spend much time given I'll be out of town most of these days, pretty much staying the night in London on Monday.>>11928Hey Crit. We best be on our guard around here. Just because I can put it in the past doesn't mean they will.
Though I am hoping if they try to pull something we can intimidate them. Hm... they must have some dynamite around here.
See you later. No.11935
>>11929Crit: "Dynamite... some of the quarry workers will likely have something like that. If you don't feel like talking to them though we can always try to buy some off of the quartermaster instead."
The workers are very likely to have some explosives here to help with the digging but it is likely they will not give it up without the party having to work for it which would be working in the dug out temple.
>>11939Cool. I need some explody ones, preferably of the same colour of when Stratus fell down.
(whispers) Let's just say I may need to bluff if they ever decide to turn on the ponies that took down a whole flying citadel.
>>11938>>11939>>11940They go to the digging area where they could see a series platforms that would raise and lower into the dug out temple via ropes. While they were there they met with the foreman of the excavation team...
Foreman: "Hello there, I didn't know we got some new ponies here at Site B. I'm the foreman here, are you looking for some work?"
>>11941Yeah and no. We're mostly here to snoop. Trying to find our friends as well as do some research.
But we can help out and pull our weight if you want.
>>11947>Oh they should be up and resting now. Also this is better music "Sounds like a good idea... ah but... my talent. I don't exactly have my edge but I can still try."
He was still pretty happy to get the chance to play some poker with the workers while Epic came along to watch. Before they get to the group, they get close enough to hear what the workers were discussing. Turns out they were a bunch of dragon related jokes...
Worker A: "What do you get when a dragon sneezes?... Out of the way!"
Worker B: "Why are dragons so good at storytelling?... Because they have such long tails!"
Worker A: "What do you call a dragon in Manehattan?... Lost!"
They were corny but Epic Mount can recognize that these jokes were told to him once by Spike the Dragon. If they heard these jokes from him then it is likely that these workers have also seen the Mane 6.
They see the party approach and they make room for them to sit down with them.
Worker A: "Come in from the hole to rest up some? Well you can sit here for a while but we'll need to get back to work soon or else Hardhoof will have our hides."
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>>11948Were you telling dragon jokes?
>>11949Worker A: "Yeah but unfortunately those are the only jokes that dragon told us. We met this youngin with all the way back in town seeing off his friends."
Crit: "Those friends of his... do you know where they went to? Did they ever stop by this digsite?"
Worker B: "Sounds pretty important for you to know... how about you make it worth our time? Lets say we tell you something for a price of 100bits"
Paying for the info could prove useful in getting what they wanted. Then again they could try their hand at persuading them into giving up the information or perhaps they can let Critical try to gamble his way through them. Of course without his cutie mark, this could prove much more difficult.
Charm DC 8
Gamble DC 12
>If fail the price goes up to 150bits No.11954
>>11952Oh that be Spike, he tends to
dragon with his jokes.
>Turns to Critical.What do you want to do. Do you want to play 'em?
>>11954Crit: "Let's try talking to them first, at least that way we won't suffer anything if we mess up."
He then turns back to the workers...
Crit: "Listen those friends of Spike are in real danger and we need to find out what happened to them and where they were going."
Charm DC 8
Crit Charm
1d6 = 5[Awkward]
Epic Charm
1d10 - 1 = 9Rye Charm
1d8 = 1 No.11957
>>11956After hearing their plight, the workers silently agreed that they should give up what they know, especially with how cool that dragon was with his jokes.
Worker A: "Well alright we'll talk. We didn't converse with Spike's friends but he mentioned that they were on a mission to stop the Statue disease. I ask em why they're here then and he says that this Twilight believes that the disease is somehow related to the ancient city of Umberfoal. Of course that's an old Mare's Tail so I don't think that they'll be finding anything like that so they'll probably out wandering the desert aimlessly. Don't worry though they should know about the digsite and will be coming back to it if they run out of rations or water or something."
Of course the party knew that this wouldn't be the case as they know that the Mane 6 was attacked by some magic user that turns pony's into statues. Knowing though that the magic is related to the Umberfoal the party can now assume that where ever it is then that's where the Mane 6 would be but they don't have any leads to that. Instead their best bet would be to find this missing Gully Trotter and find out what he knows, it would seem that he has some knowledge about the city and perhaps a way to cure the statue condition.
>>11957So the girls could be out somewhere in the desert.
Now, I know that your employers have had some "bad history", that is if you know of it. But has there been any actual other trouble happening around this digsite?
Say... I dunno magical disturbances or bandits? Or Bandits that use magic or the like?
>>11958Worker B: "Oh you must mean Caballeron, well we don't really know too much about him other than he likes to collect things and sell them off. Must've been where he got all that coin to give us for our services which is why we are signed on with him. As for the bandits or magic stuff well there's isn't much of that here bar that of the statue disease and those body guards of Caballeron. Other than that there isn't much to be had here..."
Their conversation is disrupted by Hardhoof who had entered in the area.
Hardhoof: "Alright lads that's enough chit chat to be had here. We still go a job to do and the employer has already paid up front so I don't want any complaints of lazy workers."
He dismisses the crew and they go back below to do some work. Hardhoof then speaks to the party.
Hardhoof: "Thanks again for helping us out. Due to your work we are actually back on schedule so I wanted to reward you. Would you like 50 bits each or perhaps some items or equipment?"
>>11959I was thinking dynamite or more controlled and carriable explosives could be handy... but I'm starting to think maybe I don't need it.
If I may ask, what do you think about your employer Caballeron and his assosiates? Are you familiar with their history or is it just business?
>>11960HardHoof: "Ah well I'm sure that you'll think of something. Anyways I was also meant to send you a message that a tent was prepared for you and your friends to stay and rest at if you want, Sunny Saddles was sure to get that arranged for you. As for this Caballeron fellow I think I heard some passing word about how greedy he's been but honestly though his coin is good and my boys stay employed so I don't really have much cause to argue against it. Is he evil? I don't think so, just some opportunist really though I'm sure Gully Trotter didn't like it all that much. Gully was more of a
It belongs in a museum type"
>>11961This Gully Trotter fellow sounds nice, thank you.
>To CritShall we go see him?
>>11962HardHoof: "Well since you aren't taking anything right now then consider that you have a favor with the excavation team in the future if you need it."
HardHoof leaves to oversee the crew and make sure everything goes smoothly. This left up the party to leave the camp on hoof.
Crit: "Yeah I think we should head on out now and get on over to Dig Site A. If we want to climb up that Dustmane Ridge then we will need the climbing gear stowed away in the center of the site."
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>>11964 a heads up guys I can imagine everyone will be busy with the Easter Celebration tomorrow... unless you're in Europe because I don't know what they do over there. Anyways I don't expect anyone to be on at the time but I will have this post here for you to reply to just in case.>>11964Irregardless the party sets out to get to the Site A where this supposed Tatzylwurm was as well as the supplies they would need to make the climb. An hour or so goes by as they make their trek and along the way they are surprised as two quarry eels emerge from a nearby rock wall and attacks the party. Last time they fought something like this Epic Mount was almost swallowed whole as a result. Perhaps he wants a shot at redemption?
Combat EncounterQuarry Eel A B
Body: 1d20 Mind: 1d4 Charm: 1d4
Stamina 24/24
Bite: 1d10
Hide: 1d12
Quirks: (Unknown) DC 1d4
>Epic can use Identify Monster here! No.11966
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>>11965Other than preparing for my London trip on Monday, I got nothing else to do on Sunday.
On Monday I'll be staying in London for a night and return somewhen midday on Tueday so I maybe absent the day after until tuesday evening. Though my brother said there will be internet.>>11965(Identify)
>Epic who is normally cautious around Quarry Eel holes was taken by complete suprised, possibly due to his lack of cutie mark which usually has him defend himself more efficiently. No.11968
>>11966>Sorry but it was a random encounter I got off of the RE Table of our campaign. I know it seems very sudden.Epic Mount Mind
1d8 = 4 IM
1d8 = 5 VS Charm DC
1d4 = 3 No.11970
>>11968>Perhaps the complete suprise could be reguarded as Epic lack of ability to defend himself than just others.>>11969Manure! That suprised me.
>After calming down and realising the situation.Phew! It can't reach us. Let's just avoid it. OK? It won't bother us if we don't go near it.
>>11970[Short Fuse]
Crit: "I say we out them right now! Jumping out and trying to eat us up like that."
It was kind of funny to watch such a tiny unicorn to go after some massive eels but Epic would have to put aside the hilarity and keep his friend back.
Crit: "Well then, I guess we can continue on our way... the Site A shouldn't be too far off."
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>>11971It's how it hunts around it's territory. It's my fault for not recognising it's borrow.
Let's save our strength for the real monster who deserves to die.
>Continues to Site A. No.11973
>>11972They eventually make it to the site and they can see what looks to be a makeshift town made up of hastily made buildings and tents. They can notice this site is built up much better than the last on they were at and they are certain the workers were sad to leave this place. To the left of the town is a high hill which rises up into a steep rock face. The sheer cliff circles around the opposite side of the town from where the party was standing.
There wasn't much going on and all round them the place was very quiet... too quiet in fact. The only thing disturbing to them that they might see was some of the massive holes in the ground that dot the area, much larger than the eel homes.
In the center of the town they can see what looks to be a stack of wooden crates which they can conclude where the climbing gear is. They would have to be extremely quiet if they wanted to reach the center without setting off the worm.
I know it's pretty late for you, if you want you can head off. No.11975
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>>11974He would remember that they would only burrow horizontal and not vertical so then these holes do not belong to the eels. Instead these pits must belong to the Tatzylwurm as it had attacked the site before.
See you some other time. No.11977
>>11976The cliffs were very far off and they would have to cross through the entire town in order to get to it. Instead they just stood there and observed the area and see what they can do about this...
Mind DC 16
Crit Mind
1d20 = 14Epic Mind
1d8 = 2Rye
1d8 = 8Monster Knowledge 5
Epic Mind
1d8 = 6 IM
1d8 = 8 No.11978
>>11977Thinking for a very long time, Epic Mount remembers one time Zecora told him about these kinds of monsters before. Apparently these Tatzylwurms will burrow down below the ground and wait for prey to trek across their territory. To detect the prey the Wurms can detect subtle noises and vibrations in the ground to find its food.
TLDR you have to sneak across the area, if you fail the wurm will attack.
>>11978I have an idea!
First we need to reach and climb onto one of those bolders and then we used the rocks as stepping stones to get around. Maybe need to pole vault or use a way to get around.
>>11979>Huh I could've sworn that my character had a pole on him.Looking around there was plenty of rocks to do this with but they must be very careful about how they do this. In order for Epic's plan to work though they must fin what they need which is at least one pole that they can toss about one another.
Search DC 12
>>11981Critical looked nervously around at the area. He wasn't as physically capable as Epic Mount so they might have some trouble doing this... Still though they look around to see if they can't find what they need, even if it had to be makeshift.
Search DC 12
Crit Mind
1d20 = 15Epic Mind
1d8 = 2Rye Mind
1d8 = 1 No.11983
>>11982Crit: "Epic look over there!"
Critical points at what looked to be a small wagon that had been abandoned a while back when the workers fled. In the wagon looked to be a scarce amount of supplies that they can scrounge up.
>>11984There was nothing in between them and the wagon but the dusty hot air. It wasn't such a long distance either and they can just make a short trot without disturbing the area.
Inside the wagon they found stuff like carpets and curtains that would probably make up another tent. More importantly they found a long pole that was sturdy enough to hold their weight.
>>11985Yes! This will work!
>Takes the pole and the curtains in case it needs to be ripped up for cloth.What else we got here?
>rummages. No.11987
>>11986That was it, the cart was likely abandoned as it had nothing important in it like food or water which was probably why it was abandoned in the first place. The pole and fabrics was all that they had but if they were strong of will and body then they will surely succeed but not without strife.
Good Luck to you.
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>>11987A'ight Crit we can use these pole to vault over to the rocks.
>>11988We could try to get across the rocks and hold onto the pole together or we can go one by one. Each has its own risk for what could happen...
One by One: Epic will get across fine but Crit might have some trouble and may drop the pole when it is tossed to him which will make noise. Even if he drops it though he can levitate it back to him.
All together: Even if Crit fails his body test, they will all make it across so long as one of them passes the test. The problem is though that the pole may break under the weight of two ponies.
>>11990They get themselves set up on the first set of rocks. Epic Took up the pole and tries to vault across, toss it to Crit and he would do the same...
Vault DC 4
Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 9>If succeedCrit Body
1d6 = 5 No.11992
>>11991They get over the first rock and onto the next. Seeing how successful, Crit gained a sense of assurance in their efforts.
Crit: "Hey this is actually working..."
They only had one more set of rocks to cross before they get to the makeshift town. Once they get to there the pole wouldn't be much use unless they get onto the roofs of the houses.
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>>11992Of course, when have my ideas ever steered us wrong?
>>11993They get ready to cross again but will they make it?
Vault DC 4
Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 7>If SucceedCrit Body
1d6 = 2 No.11995
>>11994Epic Mount makes it across but Crit misses the rock and falls down straight into the dirt. Once he did fall the ground rumbled below them but it then calmed down while Crit looked stressed.
If they made another disturbance like that again then things could get very bad.
>>11996>He can't right now but...Critical goes ahead and levitates the pole up to Epic which he uses to pull Critical back up onto the rock. Crit then gave a sigh of relief seeing how he had such a close call.
Crit: "Thanks for that. We shouldn't be too far off from the crates now. All we gotta do is cross the roof tops and get to the crates in the center."
>>11998Crit: "Yeah you're right we just have to be careful."
They climb up onto a nearby building and start hopping across roof to roof all ninja like. Will they make it nicely though?
Roof Jump DC 3
Epic Body
1d12 = 4Crit Body
1d6 = 2 No.12000
>>11999On one of the jumps Critical slips up and nearly falls off but is now hanging onto the ledge of the building.
Crit: "Ah shit! Epic help!"
Any second they wait could mean that Critical could fall down into one of the small alleys.
>>12001He manages to get Critical back on up the roof safely but not without injury as Crit banged up his belly upon impact.
Crit HP: 25
Crit: "By Celestia, Luna, and whoever because I can't keep up with all the royalty now. I need some sort of form of transport. I mean you got your strong legs and and pegasi got their wings."
He kicks at the dirt in a fit of frustration but calms down when the party sees that they are now in the center of town with the crates below them. On the roof they can notice a ladder that would go down inside of the building they were on. Then again they could try to vault onto the crates or perhaps try something else.
>>12010He takes the pole and tries to jump on down on to the crates and attempts a safe landing while his friends watched.
Vault DC 4
Rye Body
1d8 = 7 No.12016
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>>12015Critical talks down to him and tries to get an idea across.
Crit: "Rye you'll have to get across the dirt and back up onto the roof here. If that doesn't sound good I can try to pick you up with my magic."
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>>12016"Alright, I'll give it a try." Rye sets out across the dirt and tries to use his climbing skills to get back up onto the roof.
>>12017He would have to be very careful as to not knock into anything that would cause minute tremors in the ground. Once he gets up to the building he could go inside and safely go up to the roof.
Stealth DC 4
Rye Body
1d8 = 1 No.12020
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>>12018Unfortunately he did not pay so much attention to himself as he had one of his hind legs snagged to some rope which caused him to trip up. He falls down with like a heavy stone and the ground started to shake like an earth quake. In the distance they can see a sudden dust cloud boom from out of the buildings and they can see this monstrosity emerge and started to move to them with a loud roar.
Rye was stuck at the moment and he would have to free himself of the rope that held him to the crates.
>>12019>Too late for that, the roll is made. You gotta tell me you want to use Stout Heart if you want to tack it on to a body roll. No.12022
>>12021The saw quickly cuts through the rope and he is then freed. Rye then runs up to the rest of the party who was still on the roof waiting for him.
The Wurm got on close to them and its maw split into three with its roar. The teeth looked sharp and was millions in its mouth, tentacles seeped out and threatened to grab them if they got too close...
Combat EncounterTatzlwurm
Body:1d20 Mind:1d4 Charm:1d4
Stamina 24/24
Tremor Sense 1d8
>>12023 monster proved unyielding to his threats of violence but instead the Wurm hack and coughs on something... Suddenly it spits out this vile green liquid all over the nearby area and onto the party...
Tatzl Flu DC 5
Epic Body
1d12 = 1Rye Body
1d12 = 1 >Sorry I forgot it was this.
Crit Body
1d6 = 4If they failed to resist then all of their dice rolls will be downgraded as they become sick with Tatzl Flu.
>>12024Everyone in the party starts to cough up as well as the spit in their mouths turned into a green color similar to that of the Tatzlwurm. Their throats were searing as well as soar, their bodies felt much weaker, and their minds were dizzied and delirious.
Crit: "Ah fuck, that's not good. I feel horrid..."
Never the less he goes in to attack the wurm by shooting up a single bolt of chaotic magic energy.
Crit Mind
1d12 = 10 Cha
1d6 = 3 VS Wurm Body
1d20 = 6 No.12026
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>>12024(Wow, that was a roll.)
Rye felt sick but bravely attacked with his pitchfork.
>>12025The Wurm was well hit despite Critical's condition.
Wurm HP 14
>>12026Rye attacks but without his cutie mark he felt like he had no drive to his farming. Coupled that with his newfound disease this would surely be a Hail Mary.
Rye Body
1d10 = 3 VS Wurm Body
1d20 = 13 No.12028
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>>12027>groans"I... that didn't go well..."
>>12027>>12026>>12028He couldn't exactly land the attack as he slipped up and the shaft of the Wheatfield Pitchfork missed. The Tatzlwurm raged at them and struck at the building they were all on and tried to level it.
Destroy Building DC 10
Wurm Body
1d20 = 11 No.12030
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>>12029Rye tried to jump off just in time.
>>12029The small wooden structure collapsed and the party was caught on the wurm's tail which made them fall down onto the street below all taking serious damage.
Damage Done 5
Crit HP 20
Rye HP 11
Epic HP 11
>>12030Even if you jump its still on heck of a fall for an earth pony.
The wurm roared loudly at its prey as they were now extremely vulnerable until a metal hook grabs a hold of its teeth and pulls it back for our heroes. They look to see who it was and they saw that it was Heretic Hook, Deception, and Rally Call that has come to their rescue.
Heretic Hook: "Don't worry we got this beastie, go ahead and see what damage you can do to it!"
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Rye again swung his pitchfork!
>using Stout Heart this time
>>12032Rye put all of his energy behind this one attack trying to deal whatever he could against this monster. His disease wanted to hold him back but he ignored the pains and aches as his Pitchfork struck true!
Rye Body
1d10 = 8 SH
1d8 = 7 VS Wurm (Can't Move)
Critical does the same thing as he tries to send another chaos bolt at it.
Crit Mind
1d12 = 10 Cha
1d6 = 6 VS Wurm (Can't Move)
>>12033>>12032The last two attacks caused the monster to violent flail about until it spat out something onto the ground. It then burrowed into the earth and away from the group of ponies. This thing that it coughed out looked to be some sort blue gem that was smaller than a snow ball, really it was the size of a marble.
Heretic Hook and his friends comes up to the party with Hook having a dirty grin on him while Deception and Rally Cry looked at them with some contempt.
>>12034Hook: "Yes it did, glad to see you three safe. Caballeron had us sent out to look around and see if we couldn't learn anything new about the Umberfoal. We saw all the dust in the air from the distance so we came by to help you out."
He extends his hoof out to the party and hoped that they would accept his friendship.
Hook: "I know we got off on the wrong hoof with us pretending to be you. Now though since we're working together for the same pony perhaps we can put our differences aside."
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>>12035Summer Rye wasn't one to hold a grudge so he shook hooves with Hook.
"Well, we might as well... I hope we can work together well, just like right now. Thanks for the help."
>>12036Hook: "Nice to see you'll be reasonable then. Anyways we need to get back to going on our rounds and see what we can find. You three be careful now though as this place can be dangerous."
The group all leaves and the party was left alone in the wrecked up town. They still had to go take a look at the blue gem the wurm coughed up.
I'm back! What I miss?>>12013>Still on the roofAnything in there of interest?
>>12014>>12015>>12020Oh manure!
>>12022>>12023Get up on some high ground!
>>12025We got to do-
>Coughs up and passes out.>>12035>>12037>Epic came too, he wasn't foaming green as he was and seemed his antibodies were doing a good job in recovfery.What happened?
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>>12039>his antibodiesWhat Anitbodies are you talking about?
>>12039>>12040Critical went ahead and lifted this blue gem and shook the muck off of it with his magic.
Crit: "We also got this... thing that the monster had in its throat. I'll hold on to it for now. Anyways we should head on out and start to climbing the Dust Mane Ridge."
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>>12042Oh no he's sick now. He failed his Body test against the disease.Crit: "Looks something like that now eh? Anyways are you guys ready to go up the ridge? It may take a while but with the climbing gear we got we should make it to the top now."
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>>12044"I'm ready... hopefully we'll find a cure to that wurm pox at some point."
Rye shouldered the climbing gear.
>>12048Its not a disease that cripples you. Its just an illness that downgrades all your dice rolls. Yeah you're gonna feel like shit but you are still able to continue on.>>12049>>12050Crit: "So long as we stay together and make sure our ropes fasten together then we should be fine."
They all get the gear out of the Rye's new climbing gear and they put on the harnesses and readies their ropes and all climb up together...
Climb DC 6
Rye Body
1d10 = 2 Clim
1d4 = 3-
1d4 = 3Epic Body
1d10 = 8Crit Body
1d4 = 3So long as one passes they all get to the top
>>12053Rye huffed and puffed as he had reached the top, looking into the distance.
"Those badlands sure are an uncomfortable place."
>>12054>>12055>No disease, virus, not poison but don't worry you'll have an opportunity to be cured up some.>>12054>>12055 "C'mon guys we gotta keep moving if we want to find that Gully Trotter."
Critical seemed least affected by the heat even though he was covered in sweat from both heat and illness. This can probably be chalked up to how little he is. Anyways they continue on across the rocky top of the ridge.
Random Encounter Roll
1d20 = 6>Just for you guys to know that these are random No.12058
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>>12056Summer Rye called out in surprise and tried to bolt to avoid the rocks.
>>12059An ATE roll? I'm not sure what that is. Anyways I wouldn't count it as a new quirk, just an inside joke among us to roleplay off of. Like how short Critical is.>>12058>>12059They all dodge but Epic took the time to shove his friends away at the expense of his own safety.
Dodge Rock DC 4 DMG 2
Epic Body
1d10 - 1 = 2Rye Body
1d10 + 1 = 7Crit Body
1d4 + 1 = 5 No.12062
>>12060Epic Mount got beat up by a rock or two while trying to escape though the wounds are minor. However all of his injuries are starting to tack on no doubt.
Epic HP: 9
>>12061Oh I see. Well I guess my stance on this matter is still the same. Don't worry though I'll make sure to do some forest based RP soon so Epic can flourish. No.12064
>>12063Summer Rye looked up, wondering if this was an accident or if someone had caused a slide on purpose.
"Yeah... let's take a break, and maybe eat something."
>>12063Crit: "We can try to set up a camp here and rest for a bit though that may prove difficult in this terrain."
Critical was not wrong, there was very little they could go off of from here with no food or water. Epic could however utilize his survival skills and see what he could scrounge together.
>>12064Then again they could try to keep on moving and hopefully find Gully Trotter...
Camp DC (Land: Harsh) 8 (Rest Uncomfortable) HP 1d4
>If someone succeeds a body roll then they make a more comfortable camp with HP 1d6 No.12067
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>>12065Summer Rye gave it a try, hoping to make a more comfortable camp.
>>12066>>12067>Eh it will be one of those you rest for one hour D&D things. Will just take a post or two.The party scrounges around to set up some camp to rest for an hour or so...
Camp DC (Land: Harsh) 8 (Rest Uncomfortable) HP 1d4
Epic Body
1d10 = 8 Survival
1d4 = 4-
1d4 = 2Rye Body
1d10 = 3 Cooking
1d8 = 3Crit Body
1d4 = 1 No.12070
>>12069Everyone restores much more health than what they should on a normal rest as they tried to get comfortable
HP Restore
1d6 = 3 No.12071
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>>12070"I feel much better now."
>>12070>>12071>>12072Epic HP 12
Rye HP 14
Crit HP 23
Crit: "There we got some modicum of rest but we best start to move on now..."
Suddenly they start to hear a a loud cawing noise in the distance. It sounds stressed and like it is in pain.
{Identify Monster}
Epic can realize the sound is coming from a large bird but he does not know what kind. The sound though is chilling to him as if the bird was in danger or in pain.
>>12074>>12075They leave their little nook to go investigate, coming up to the edge of a small rise they can see at there is a large bird creature below them a short ways. What was wierd about it though that it had feathers made of grey stone rather something that is typical of fowl. They can also see that one of its wings is stuck underneath a pile of rubble and it was a victim like they were about an hour ago.
[Identify Monster]
Epic soon realized that this creature was called a Roc, a large bird that has wings made of stone that allows it to fly in any weather. Rocs are not violent towards strangers but very cautious. It will not attack them unless provoked but Roc's are also very nice to ponies who help them. Roc's are also somewhat intelligent and can understand the Common Language though the birds do not speak any language themselves
>>12079We should help it. Help me reomove these rocks.
>Begins lifting and moving rocks.We'll get you out...
>>12078>>12079>>12080The party goes down to try to free up the rock that's wing was under a pile of rubble. The Roc was initially cautious of the party but it put its fear aside so it could be free. Upon closer inspection they can notice this Roc is much smaller than what it should be and they concluded that it was only a baby Roc.
Move Rubble DC 3
Epic Body
1d10 = 10Rye Body
1d10 + 1 = 4 Because of Spade
Crit Body
1d4 = 2 No.12082
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>>12081Hey little guy, wheres your mum?
>>12081Eventually they clear all of the rock that was not a part of the birds wing and now it was free again. The Roc was very grateful for the party's efforts as it flapped its wings in joy.
Crit: "No problem rock thing."
>>12082The bird squawks and looks to the distance but then starts to move about as if playing. The Roc wasn't really lost and will go back to its nest pretty soon on its own. It then starts to motion to the party as if it were asking for them if they needed any help.
>>12086>>12087Crit: "Well we should get going now, we still need to find Gully Trotter..."
The Roc takes notice of the name and starts to get all excited. It would seem that the bird knows about Gully Trotter.
>>12088You wanna come with us friend?
For now, I'll name you.... Dwayne Johnson.
>>12089>>12090Crit: "Dwayne Johnson? Is that some sort of foreign name?"
DJ opens up its wings and offers the party a ride on its back. It would seem that the bird will take them to where Gully Trotter was. This could prove useful.
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>>12091"He must be super strong to be able to carry us all."
>>12093>>12095>>12096They get up onto the back of the Roc and it takes flight. The view of the ridge below them passing by was a great sight and the winds at this height was a welcome change from the hot still air. The only bad thing about it was how uncomfortable stone feathers proved to be.
Eventually the rock lands now near a cave that was sitting atop on the ridge. This must be where Gully Trotter was. The party aproaches and they see this green pegasus stallion with a grey mane and aged visage.
Gully: "Hey who are you three?! I told you all that I would not give up the tablets!"
>>12098>>12099Gully: "Who sent you!? Was it Caballeron? You can go back to your boss and tell him that I won't be going back to that camp and these artifacts will be put in a museum for all."
It would seem that this Gully Trotter was incredibly wary of the party's presence as he stood behind a nearby rock inside his cave. Perhaps they needed to use some persuasion here to calm him down.
>>12100We're not here on behalf of Caballeron, we're looking for Princess Twqilight, her friends and to find any connections with all the ponies turning to stone of late.
If I may ask, is this your friend?
>Pets the Roc. No.12103
>>12102He pokes his head out and sees the Roc.
Gully: "Eh sort of, I met him while I was staying here. Uh, you guys say you are looking for six ponies?"
He steps on out of the cave to meet with the party. He was rugged and old and his time in the badlands has taken a toll on him much like it had on the party.
Gully: "Sorry I don't think I've seen six ponies roaming around here. I do think though that the statue curse is somewhat related to this Umberfoal business but I am not entirely sure my self. If you head on inside you guys can look at this stone tablet I found during our dig."
>As he enters.Want to come inside Dwayne Johnson?
>To GullyThats what I named the roc.
>>12104Gully: "Eh right. Anyways here is the stone tablet..."
He points to this square rock that has many writings on it as well as some swirly looking patterns on it that matches the bangle they had found at the Mane 6's camp. Perhaps they are related?
Gully: "Go ahead and make yourselves comfortable I suppose. I still gotta do some research over here but if you have any questions go ahead and ask."
The camp that Gully had made was well stocked and furnished. He had plenty of blankets for the party to rest on, a campfire that was cooking food, and plenty of lighting. Gully went over to his desk that he had brought with him and started to write down some stuff that was likely related to the excavation.
>>12107They matched the same design as the tablet itself so that would mean that the two are related in some way. He eventually reads the engravings on the tablets as well though some of the bits are missing and worn away due to weathering
[i]Equestria... is troubled... built a new home... deep below... Sanctuary... Safety... City... Umberfoal
Powerful spells... and enchantment of protection... Created the Umber Orb... with transform us... form that can not be harmed... long sleep.
Find the door... Magic Seal... Only those who complete the trials of the Badlands will be shown the path to the Umberfoal. Seek out the Guardians of Fire, Wind, and Earth. Recieve their blessings and bring them together with this Tablet. The... revealed... beware...... harmony..... awake.
Seek our the Wind Guardian, Proud Shining protector of the snow capped mountains and gain her respect.
Seek out the Earth Guardian, the great and fearsome tunneler of the west. Face him with courage.
Seek out the Fire Guardian atop his southern spire. Share in his joy.
>>12109Critical just gives Epic Mount a funny look at his water comment.
Crit: "Eh there probably isn't a water trial for us to take because its all desert here. I do admit though I would enjoy taking a dive in a pool now and then."
Gully Trotter then goes up with them to the tablet to talk to the party.
Gully: "You guys thinking of doing those trials? I'd go with you but I'm too tired and old for that sort of thing."
Crit: "I think we may have already done one."
He pulls out the blue gem that the Tatzlwurm coughed up and Gully's eyes widened.
Gully: "By all so then these trials are the real deal. If you went and completed the other two then you would have passage to the Umberfoal. Go ahead and see what you can do, hopefully we'll be out of here soon enough. Also you all look pretty ill, I got some supplies here that can fix you up and cure that disease if you want.
The party can rest here and fully restore their HP and cure any status effects.
>>12110Wait... if that gem is from the earth trial, why is is it blue?
Isn't the elemental colours are:
fire = red
water = blue
earth = green or yellow
wind = white or green
>>12114>I suppose just as traditional.It sounds like an underground version of Stratus or Circumulus. Only instead of advance cities in the sky they were underground.
Perchance was it an Earth Pony thing?
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>>12115Gully: "I'm not sure... I've never heard of this Stratus or Cumulonimbus before. However it was likely earth ponies I imagine but there could've been some Pegasi and Unicorns that went below as well."
Crit: "We should probably go and do these trials. That bangle we found is related to the Umberfoal and we found that in the Mane 6 camp. It is likely that your friends Epic Mount are located near the Umberfoal. We don't know where the Umberfoal is but if we do the trials then the tablet will point the way."
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>>12117I gotta go out now and pick up some stuff for the family. Since Clarity isn't here anymore you can call it a day if you don't want to wait for me.Crit: "Well we got the first trial done so now we can head off and do the trial of Fire to the south or the trial of Wind to the mountains. Either one will work but we should go do that as soon as possible."
>>12119>>12120I'm backCrit: "Sounds like a good idea, lets head on out and consult with the rocky bird."
They head on out and explain the idea of going off to its mother to complete the Wind Trial. The DJ agrees with the idea though it is reluctant to head back home as it still wants to play. Irregardless it lowers itself down so that the party can climb up on him.
>>12123Good point. And we have no time for sight seeing given who knows when Tirek will do his thing.
Let's go.
>>12124It feels like I've watched this before.They all climb back on again and they take off into the sky, the winds crashed against their faces as the baby Roc sailed the blue of the atmosphere.
Eventually they go to a large wooden tree that sat on the edge of the Dustmane Ridge. DJ takes them all the way to the top where the largest nest that they had ever seen laid. They were high above the ground while standing on the tree but the nest gave them a sense of comfort and safety.
Around them were pony sized bird eggs made of stone but only one has been hatched so for which they can assume was Dj's. There wasn't much except for a small trail that would lead down to the base of the tree for them. In the distance in the sea of clouds however they can hear the thunderous sounds of wing flapping.
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>>12125*gulp*>Looks over to where the sound of thundering wings were.Here comes mama.
>Hoping Mummy bird knows when her chick brings home friends, not food. No.12127
>>12126Suddenly a vast shadow eclipses the entire mountainside as a silhouette emerges from the clouds. The dark figure turns into a massive Roc that was 30 times the size of DJ. It was a large bird of stony wings that wore a jewel atop its own head.
The mother Roc lands on the next carefully and lets out a loud bird screech that almost deafens the party.
>>12128DJ goes up to his mother and nestles up in her feathers to get comfortable. The mother roc stares at the party.
Remember the roc can understand you but can not speak. Try to reason with it.
>>12130The Roc gave Epic Mount a curious stare as to what he was doing...
Charm DC 4
Epic Mount Charm
1d10 - 1 = 1Crit Charm
1d6 = 3>I'd say the party rested and healed up at the camp while thy studied the tablet. No.12133
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>>12131It really just scoffed at Epic's attempt to woo the bird seeing that he was just some puny pony like all the rest. It didn't seem like it was interested...
Crit: "Any other ways to try to impress this thing?"
>>12132From flirtation to outright flattery, lets see if this works.
Charm DC 4
Epic Charm
1d10 - 1 = 3Crit Charm
1d6 = 6 No.12135
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>>12133Finally they made a break through though it was pretty weird. The bird took a liking to Critical and picked him up with her beak and nestled him lovingly next to DJ.
[Short Fuse]
Crit: "Hey Hey I'm not one of your babies or something! Unhand me you stony bird!"
The mother ignored him seeing that all he needed as a nap but at least the party got her attention.
>>12135D'aww! It thinks you're one of it's hatchlings! Your size and body colour must resemble that of a hatchling.
At least it's not trying to kill us.
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>>12136Critical just blushes in frustration and was not able to look at Epic Mount.
Crit: "Look just get the damn bird to give you them gem..."
The mother gives a light tap on his head for cursing.
Crit: "Ow geez its not like I'm your child or anything. Hurry up and let me go!"
I remember way back we had a joke that Crit would be picked up by a large bird as prey so I thought to bring that up as a joke. No.12139
>>12138He eventually wrestles away from the bird and got all serious which the bird could understand. Critical stands before the bird and DJ and tried to be stern in his request.
Crit: "I'm not your child and I can't be stuck here. Look I need your gem so I can help save my friend's allies Twilight, Raindbow Dash, AppleJack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy."
The bird gives a nod to him and gives him the a yellow gem which was the blessing to the Umberfoal seal. The bird was sad that he was going to go but she understood that he had business to tend to.
>>12140Critical being both chaotic and hot blooded makes it very hard for him to burst into song, I would think that the only way for him to go off and sing about something it would have to be something serious and emotional.>See Roc shakes her head at his question, she had been isolated from what has been going on in the world and she wasn't about to go meet ponies while she stood vigil over the badlands.
Crit: "We at least got the gem now and we can start to journey over to the trial of Fire to the south. Apparently we should be looking for some sort of spire."
>>12141Either a spire of fire, or the smoke of a volcano.
>Looks over to the birdsUh... guess asking for another lift would be too much?
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>>12142DJ started to make his way to the party but was stopped by his mother as she did not want DJ getting into anymore trouble. It seems like they'll have to go it alone now without Dwayne.
Crit: "Heh don't worry we got this, we've been to hell and back and it's not like some desert is gonna stop us when we gotten this far."
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I would also imagine him starting to sing if he won the jackpot of a lottery, especially with [short fuse] to make him gloat.>>12145Well manure. If it's not hot in the canyons before, we're gonna boil when we get there.
>>12146Not even for that though the gloating would be true for his chaotic Trait. The problem is that ponies sing in society in harmony or to express emotion but Critical is anything but harmonious due to things in the past that has not been revealed yet about him though I have hinted at it a little in the threads. "Ha c'mon Epic mount it's just another lovely stroll as usual."
They head on off in the distance and try to make their way to the ridge. It would take them quite a while with Crit tugging at Epic to make sure his overheated friend kept up.
1d20 = 9 No.12150
>>12149Epic Mount stares at them, mimicking how Fluttershy would do this with disobedient animals... and sometimes himself if he ever got on her bad side.
Epic Charm
1d10 = 4 Stare
1d6 = 6 VS Snakes Mind
1d4 = 2 No.12151
>>12150The snakes lurch back and scurried back into their nests. This allowed the party to continue on their journey to the Spire.
Crit: "H-how did you do that? Those snake... eh... I hate such monsters, really I do."
>>12151I grew up in Everfree Forest. To intimidate monsters is a neccessity of surviving without a fight. Of course most Everfree monsters are intimidated by me because I defeated them more than once.
Snakes arn't so bad really, they're quick and can be deadly but just want to be left alone.
>>12152Crit: "I see, I'll be sure to keep you around if we face any other monsters like that again."
They continue on their way and they eventually see a large spire in the distance with a billow of smoke coming up from off the top. They can conclude that this must be where the Trial of Fire is held but who will they share joy in with?
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>>12153Monsters? Snakes arn't monsters.
Spiders on the other hand, they're the second worst monsters out there. What kind of creature needs that many legs and eyeballs? And some of them are poisonous. Some poisons are lethal and quick, tohers just to mess with you. Such as that kind of spider that make you have a hard-on so hard that you die of it.
I forgotten the name of the spider thats poison functions like a viagra so powerful you can die from it. And don't get me started on the cyclops spider Aagh.
Crit: "Sounds like that's more of a gift then a punishment."
They see the giant spire that could not be ignored, it was tall and almost reached the clouds themselves. There was conveniently a walkway that spiraled around the spire but it was narrow and the party would be forced to move in single file formation to get up it.
Crit: "Well then we should start to get to climbing I guess."
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>>12155I wouldn't want to find out. All spiders are evil... thought npt as evil as..
>The spire.I guess. But be careful, I doubt the "Trial by Fire" got it's name for nice, cool breezes and chilled, refreshing water.
>>12156They all start to go up the spire, circling around its base in a neat row which takes an incredibly long time to get to the top. The air became much thinner and looking down made them dizzy. The absolute mental strain on them while trying to concentrate so that they don't fall was unbearable.
Mental Strain DC 6 DMG 2
Epic Mind
1d8 = 3Crit Mind
1d20 = 8 No.12159
>>12157Epic Mount could hardly hold on and his head was well pained as a result but luckily he stayed on the spire.
Epic HP 18
Eventually they get to the top where they found the entrance inside a large and naturally carved room. They soon can hear the laughter and booming voice telling jokes coming inside of the Spire Room. Looking inside they can see the room was lit by natural sunlight, was well decorated with carpets and paintings on the wall. They also saw a large pile of gold and other treasures but what sat upon it was a midsized blue dragon who looked to have just now escaped his youth.
What will the party do?
>>12158>Eh I'm not even gonna bother with his character for now. No.12162
>>12161He'll probably want us to answer a riddle or maybe go through some sort of death trap for the prize.
>Calls to the dragon.Is that it? A riddle or something?
>>12162The dragon stops laughing and ponders the question after realizing he had guests.
B Dragon: "A riddle no but I am glad to have guests, it has been eons since I last saw a pony up this close. Here come inside."
They do so, it was strange for them to see such a welcoming dragon that wasn't Spike.
B Dragon: "Ooh I haven't used this in a while. What do you call a pony with a sore throat?... A little horse!"
He laughs even more now that he had guests to share his jokes with.
B Dragon: "Anyways you are here for the Trial of Fire and so I will give it to you. If you can make me laugh little ponies then I shall confer my blessing onto you so that you may have another piece of what the Umberfoalans left behind."
In order to make this dragon laugh, the party would have to pull out their best jokes.
>>12163You want comedy? I'm more of a pun kinda guy.
But OK, but thirst things first, how about we have a drink? Water we waiting for?
>>12164The dragon gives a smile at Epic's little pun but hasn't laughed yet.
B Dragon: "That's a good start but lets see more of what you got. Come on now I want to be laughing here."
Crit: "Eh... What's a pony's favorite shampoo?... Mane n' Tail!"
The dragon smiles but doesn't laugh. Still though he encourages them to keep going.
I wasn't kidding about the drink thing...
Alright, so what have I got to work with...
>>12165Shampoo eh? What is a sasquatch's favourate shampoo?
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>>12166Crit looks at Epic funny
Crit: "I don't think I know the answer, what is it? I would imagine it is some heavy duty stuff though."
>>12167They prefer Head, Shoulders Knee's and Toes, Knees and Toes.
OK, so thats more of a brand-based joke if you dunno what Head and Shoulders is.So Critical, hows your bottle collecton coming along?
>To the dragon.Yeah he collects bottles which sounds so much better than alchoholism.
>>12168Okay that last one made me smile[Short Fuse]
Crit: "Hey I don't have a problem."
The dragon laughs at them and their jokes seeing how funny they had gotten. He then reaches into a distant part of his treasure pile and conjured up the blessing which took form as a red gem. The blue dragon then gave them the last blessing.
B Dragon: "Here you go that was pretty funny. Just remember that no matter how dark things may get for you, a good laugh is all that you may need."
Critical takes the gem seeing that he already has the other two.
Crit: "There that's the last one. All we gotta go do now is get this to Gully Trotter's tablet and see what happens."
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>>12169Pretty funny? I thought this was the trial of fire because I was just warming up.
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>>12170Crit: "Yeah yeah..."
He gives Epic a light punch though this time it was a bit harder for his last joke.
Crit: "We better head on out soon lest we lose the Mane 6 to the mercy of time and the desert."
Gonna call it here since we don't have Clarity. I'm sure he wouldn't want to miss the ending of this. No.12175
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>>12172The party heads back down to the bottom of the spire and head on out to the camp that Gully Trotter had made. Once they got there they were able to meet back up with Gully Trotter himself who had not left the area.
Gully: "You're back! Does that mean that you were able to get the other blessings from the guardians?"
Sorry this is the only post I can make today, really busy. No.12179
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>>12175"We have indeed, Epic and Crit really outdid themself during those trials."
>>12179We couldn't have done it without you.
You did the thing, remember? The thing! Yeah. It was crucial.
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>>12179>>12180>>12181>>12182Gully: "Well good then, we should go ahead and get those gems to the tablet and see what happens. If I recall the path to the Umberfoal will reveal itself once the gems are brought to the tablet."
Crit: "We best not waste time then. Come on we need to head on inside this cave."
>>12190Gully: "Well the tablet writings did not mention any sort of order the gems need to be put together, just they need to be close."
They got inside the camp and there laid the tablet thick with stone and writings from hundreds of years ago. It was this stone that would show them the way to the ancient city where hopefully they would find the Mane 6.
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Hm.. sounds like we will need to find Twilight and her friends to open the door.
>Looks over to his two friends and wonder if at least amongst the three of them each represent at least two of each of the Elements of Harmony.>That or they need three more ponies to quickly become BBFs with, which Epic is reluctant to the thought of. No.12198
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He looks at his friends and sees Critical and wonders if he would be up to the task to do some harmony stuff. His hopes were lessened however when Crit started to scratch at his hair like a dog would with his right front hoof.
Crit: "Harmony? What kind of foolery is that? I say we take the staff and ram it into the door like a key lock!"
Crit seems to get a bit excited at this idea though it should worry Epic that this is what he has to deal with to break the seal and the enchantment turning ponies into stone.
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>>12198Really? Just jam it in?
Well perhaps. Sounds like this inscription is being dramatic for the cause and just putting it in will work.
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Crit: "Eh I never had any sort of this friendship harmony stuff like Twilight does. Still though my idea sounds the most sane out of what the old tablet says."
Gully then interrupts the hotheaded gambling pony.
Gully: "You should show much more respect to this. This tablet was likely made by ancient scholars who's intellect makes our own pale in comparison. Also the power of Harmony and Friendship has done well to protect this land from the dangers of the outside world as well as given us a flourishing society."
Critical goes silent but Gully's words should remind him as to the reasoning of why some of the Knights betrayed their order, especially Claymore. This lack of trust in Friendship led them to seek out a new power which led to their downfall.
Crit: "Whatever. We need to get a move on now and save the Princess of Friendship. Are you ready to leave Epic Mount?"
Gonna let this be last post for tonight. No.12202
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>>12200>Epic decides to speak up for his friend.Well the ancient scholars didn't forsee three bad@$$ ponies as us on the way. We may not be the most harmonious of ponies but what we fight for and what we do assures harmony for others.
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>>12202Gully: "Hold that comradeship close to you and the Umberfoal should surely yield to you."
>>12204>>12205Crit: "Yeah so long as we have the staff then we can reach the Umberfoal so long as we let it guide us. Are you guys ready to go?"
>>12207>Clarity prolly isn't on.They all head out of the cave with Epic Mount in the lead, even Gully Trotter followed along as he felt he must see the Umberfoal. As they stepped out though they heard a voice and saw a group of ponies in front of them.
Caballeron: "Thank you doing all the hard work my friends..."
There he stood with his hired guard Heretic Hook, Deception, and Rally Call. The looked armed and ready for battle.
Caballeron: "But I'm afraid that what was yours is now mine. Hand over the treasure and we can all go home, especially me being significantly richer."
Hook: "Sorry ponies I know we made nice and all but it seems that fate put us on opposite sides again. I suggest you do what he says or else things might get violent."
>>12208>Epic decided to troll these guys. Though in a sense he does have a plan.(Banter)
Who are you guys?
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>>12209Caballeron: "I don't have time for your silly games. This is your last warning before I send my hench ponies on you. Hand over the tablet and that staff thing."
Gully: "Caballeron these artifacts belong in a museum not on some rich pony's mantle. Don't you care about the advancement in the archeology field?"
Caballeron: "No I don't, what I want is to retire wealthy and I'll go to any means necessary."
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May need a Banter roll or intimidation roll for this.
Or very least the "Stare" to intimidate them.>>12210Hehe yeah I know who you guys are.
The question is though... do you know who "I" am, who "we" are?
Do you know how Stratus fell? Did the news tell you all who stopped the destruction of Equestria by a foreign threat that seized an ancient and powerful
MEGA weapon that was hell-bent on destroying all of Equestria?
It was us. Me, Critical, Summer Rye and this.
>Takes out his thunder hammer.This hammer is what I used to bring down all of Stratus. No I didn't just so happen to pull the plug, it wasn't some fluke, I used this very weapon to bring down an entire flying citadel that was powerful ruin Equestria in it's deathly light.
>Approaches Caballeron all cool like.Of course you're probably wondering how we survived given theres no accounts of any survivors at ground zero.
The truth is we didn't.
We were destroyed by the blast, we did die and we've seen what lies beyond death, and do you know where we've ended at?
We've ended up in Tartarus... When ponies die we ended up in Hell itself. And let me tell you something from VERY personal experiance, I've seen the face of the devil, heck I fought him! And we three ponies alone were awesome enough to return to the land of the living because from all the manure we've been through, the trials we've gone through the
literal hell we paid for, that is how POWERFUL we have become from all this!
So tell me, "who are you?" You're nothing to us but dirt we have to pick out of our hooves from all the bad ponies, monsters and evils we have to deal with on a regular fortnightly basis by now.
If you and your motley crew really think they can take on three ponies who brought down a flying city of destruction and crawled back from the dregs of Hell then by all means.
>Holds the very same hammer that brought down Stratus, ready for a fight.Who's first?
>>12211He tries to intimidate him with a speech that would bring the bravest to their knees but will he be able to keep himself composed to deliver the message and the mood?
Epic Charm
1d10 - 1 = 8 Stare
1d6 - 1 = 2 VS Caballeron Mind
1d6 = 4 No.12213
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>>12212Caballeron: "C-Cripes that was you three?! Look just... keep it then. This isn't worth it. Body guard follow in suit, lets get out of here and return to Site B."
Hook looked disappointed but he didn't want to fight if it didn't have any reward or benefit in the end.
Hook: "That easy eh Cabby? That's fine I still get paid the same anyways."
They go ahead and start to leave the party in a normal sense and the party started to follow the staff. When they turn around though to part ways, they hear some bolts of magic and see them fly overhead past them. When the party turns around they can see that Caballeron and his crew had been turned into statues. Atop the cave structure stood a mare gave a scowling look at the party.
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>>12213See Critical? Intimidation helps in surv-
>The flash of lightning and Caballeron and his crew turned to lighting.EHK!!!>Jumps and hides. No.12215
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>>12214I'm not being mean or anything but this is a part of the campaign, this is supposed to happen.She hops on down when the party ducks for cover and she runs over to where the statues were and scooped them up and put them into her saddle bags. All of those magic attacks must've been done by her, the wagon pony, excavation workers, and even the Mane 6 were abducted by this mystery mare.
[Short Fuse]
Crit: "Hey stop right there!"
He jumps right up and starts to make a run for it to her.
>>12216Epic gets up but he is too late to reach his friend as the Mystery Mare sends a bolt flying at Critical. Crit stops looking surprised but instead of getting hit by the bolt, Gully Trotter pushed him out of the way and was turned into a statue instead.
The Mare then levitated the Gully Trotter Statue and started to make a run for it down the southern part of the Dust Mane Ridge.
Who the Tartarus are you?
(Forgot to press "Post".)
>>12218She doesn't answer as the goes down the sharp crags of the ridge. Strangely enough the Umberfoal Staff points in the same direction as she is going which would imply that she is headed to the Umberfoal entrance as well.
Critical gets up and was confused as to why Gully Trotter would sacrifice himself to save a stranger. Only a true act of harmony can release the enchantment, did Gully really believe that Crit and the rest of his friends were capable of such a feat?
The idea passes his mind however as they try to focus on the task at hand.
Crit: "We better hurry up and go where the staff points us. That mare has to have the Mane 6 and I gotta pay back Gully Trotter for him saving me like that."
>>12220Crit: "You're right." head on down the southern path in the ridge and followed it for several hours on hoof. Eventually a dust storm pick up which prompts them to put on their face masks and goggles. The storm was violent and made it impossible to see more then short distance in front of them. Normally they would be worried about losing the trail but with the Umberfoal Staff they had the exact directions on where to go.
Random Encounter
1d20 = 191d20 = 1 No.12222
>>12221A heat wave passes through in the storm and made things more difficult for the party as well as they spot a rock cluster containing two valuable gems in it that they can easily remove for their own profit.
Resist Heat DC 5 DMG 3
Crit Body
1d6 = 4Epic Body
1d12 = 11 No.12223
>>12222>Dat get.Critical couldn't beat the heat and got slightly sunburned...
Crit HP 23
2 Gems: 20 bits each
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>>12224Crit: "No? Alright then I shall take it then."
After speaking in muffled voices he goes up and pries the gems out of the rocks and puts them into his saddle bags.
Crit: "Are you ready to head on out now? It shouldn't take us too long now, we must be close!"
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>>12226They get to the southern most part of the ridge and they find a cave that they go ahead and enter. They were now safe once more from the storm but now they had a complex cave system to go through that may take some time to navigate.
Passages ebbed and flowed all strange like with stone brick bridges spanning over dark pits that lead into the abyss. The ponies still had their staff to navigate them but they would have to be careful to not fall.
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>>12228Crit: "More like they had to make the passage easy to travel so that they can get a large amount of ponies to safety."
They continue through the dark corridors until finally reached a chamber. There laid before them was the massive door that would lead down into the Umberfoal. Bright lights emanated from the door as it held back the enchantment but something looks wrong.
On the floor they notice a small miniature town playset. There they can see a wide range of statue ponies in the mini town as well as the Mane 6 huddle together in the center of the mini town. There was also what looked to be a journal next to it.
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>>12230Crit: "Or perhaps some form of trophies for herself. Here take a look around the room and see what we can find. Do you want to look at the door and its seal or did you want to check out that playset? That book might have some info too."
>>12231Who would do something so creepy? Just get little tiny statues of ponies and put them in make believe worlds like some sort of roleplaying game, but for tables. Just not right, somewhat disturbing behavior.
>Noticed the book.Yeah let's see what it says.
>>12232Critical stops and ponders on what Epic had said and then looked at his own dice Cutie Mark, thinking about his past.
Crit: "Y-yeah I don't know why either. Here I'll take a look at the door."
Epic searches through the book and soon finds out that it is a diary of a pony named Moonbeam. The diary then goes into detail about the writer's lonely childhood with not friendships. Apparently Moonbeam kept to herself the only companionship she had were small little toys. Eventually he gets to her more recent entries where it tells her finding the door and accidentally breaking the seal partly when trying to obtain its power. This must be what is causing the Statue Disease that is not permanent but spreading across Equestria and how Moonbeam got her petrification power.
>>12233I see.
>Goes to take the mane six statues.We better secure these.
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>>12234As they kept looking around they hear a voice come from behind them.
MoonBeam: "Not another step! You ponies have been meddling with me since you arrived. Well you won't take my friends from me!"
She then points at the playset as she steps through another doorway that had two pony statues on each side.
MoonBeam: "Since no pony has ever chosen to be my friend, I have to make my own friends. You can't take them away."
MoonBeam looks visible shaken and the magic that spills from the door seems to have an affect on her after long exposure. She's glowing and crackling with energy and her eyes shine with the same power. The chamber begins to shake from the intense magical energy and rocks fall from the ceiling.
MoonBeam: "How about you join in too? Here are some toys to play with!"
As she finishes her sentence, two beams of magic from her horn activates the statues and they come to life as golems. The golems then approach the party. EncounterGolem A B
B:12 M:6 C:6
Stout Heart:12
Sound Burst:8 (BodyVS Mind to reduce Mind -1per party halfdmg)
Reastablish:8 (Uprgrades all Golems Body DC3+1per party)
>>12233>scratch the cutie mark, I keep messing that up. No.12236
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>>12235>Epic wonders if the reflective surface of his mirror armour could protect him from her magic, though do not know if it will reflect.Well... turning ponies into statues is not a way to make them your friend.
These ponies are not your friends, they're hostages. You need to let them go.
>>12236>Only pure magic energy like magic missiles. You are still vulnerable to the statue curse however and other magics like fireballs and the such.She ignores Epic Mount, it would seem that there is such a concentration of magic in the area that it is somewhat making her inner struggles more pronounced. They will have to take out the magic golems first before they can reason with her.
The golems go in to make their moves to attack the party.
Golem A Body
1d12 = 10 Sound Burst
1d8 = 4 VS
Epic Mind
1d8 = 5Crit Mind
1d20 = 20Golem B Charm
1d6 = 1 Reestablish
1d8 = 3 DC6
>>12237Epic Mount was hit with a deafening sound burst that hurt his ears though the damage was not that bad. The unfortunate thing though was that he would suffer -1 to his mind rolls until the end of his turn.
Epic HP 13
>>12238He goes in to strike the first Golem Statue with a karate move...
Epic Body
1d12 = 5 Mart
1d12 + 1 = 2 VS Golem A Body
1d12 = 4Critical goes in to shouts at the second statue, telling Epic Mount where its weak spots are and assuring that it would suffer.
Crit Charm
1d6 = 6 Mark
1d4 = 2 VS Golem Mind
1d6 = 6 No.12241
>>12239Epic Mount takes off the golems head and causes it to tumble out of the room and into the darkness. Unfortunately this did nothing to stop it from keeping on going.
Golem A HP 13
Golem B Marked
The golems and MoonBeam attacks the party.
Golem A Body
1d12 = 9 Bash
1d12 = 7 VS Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 6Golem B Charm
1d6 = 1 Reestablish
1d8 = 4 DC 6
>>12241Epic Mount was struck pretty badly and blood started to flow down his forehead in a small trickle. He was taking some damage and wouldn't last long at this rate.
Epic HP 6
>>12240He then switches his focus on the second golem and attacks it since it is now vulnerable.
Epic Body
1d12 = 7 Mart
1d12 + 1 = 9 VS Golem Body
1d12 - 6 = 5Critical then uses his healing touch ability on Epic Mount.
Crit Healing Touch
1d6 = 6>>12242>Hang on I need some time to make the post results. No.12244
>>12243Epic Mount was healed up some and he took the time to put his attack which landed soundly on the enemy.
Epic HP 12
Golem B HP 9
The enemies then go on to make their attacks.
Golem A Body
1d12 = 10 SB
1d8 = 6 VS
Epic Mind
1d8 = 7Crit Mind
1d20 = 6Golem B Body
1d12 = 10 Bash
1d12 = 3 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 2Moon Beam Shield
1d10 = 9 To Golem A
>>12244Both of them were hit pretty badly and suffered as a result.
Epic HP 7
Crit HP 10
The Golem was protected by a forcefield DC 9
>>12245Epic Mount jumps through the air like in the karate instruction manuals he read. Hopefully his attack will prove true.
Epic Body
1d12 = 7 Mart
1d12 + 1 = 12 VS Golem B Body
1d12 = 5Critical goes and uses a potion to heal his friend.
Epic HP 17
>>12246The attack was enough to break it but it did not split in half. Instead Epic broke through its body and he destroyed its core after he pulled his hind leg out.
Golem B HP 0
The room shakes as there was less of a magical presence here but they still needed to take out the last golem.
Golem A Body
1d12 = 11 Bash
1d12 = 1 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 2Moon Beam Mind
1d12 = 1 Stun Ray
1d10 = 5 VS Epic Immune (Mirror Armor)
>>12247Crit was sent back by the violent golem. He was battered and bruised up with blood going into his eyes but he could not stay up any longer and fell to the ground.
Crit HP 0
Epic Mount found that the armor really did reflect pure magic energy.
>>12249As he does this, Pillar the friendly golem materialized to help the party out in their battle.
Pillar: "I heed your call Epic Mount and as your friend I shall fight by your side for as long as you carry my token, the control rod."
Pillar Joins the Battle.
He then uses on his on Critical who now got back up on his hooves though his legs were still a bit shakey.
Crit: "T-thanks. That really did hurt though..."
Crit HP 13
The last golem though did not hesitate to go in and make its attack against pillar.
Golem Body
1d12 = 2 Bash
1d12 = 3 VS Pillar Body
1d12 = 4Moon Beam Mind
1d12 = 6 Stun Ray
1d10 = 8 VS Pillar Body
1d12 = 2 No.12251
>>12250Pillar was hit hard upon his entry, bits of rock flied off of his body when he fought his bretheren. The party needed to act fast and destroy the last golem.
Pillar HP 7
>Decides to forego >>12252 to help him.Pillar stand down, protect Critical!
>Returns to the fight. No.12254
>>12252>>12253Epic Mount attacks the last golem trying to save Pillar. Will he get there on time to save him?
Epic Body
1d12 = 10 Mart
1d12 + 1 = 11 VS golem Body
1d12 = 2Crit Mind
1d20 = 19 Cha
1d8 = 3 VS Golem A body
1d12 = 11 No.12255
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>>12254The last golem breaks apart and dies with Pillar being saved. Moonbeam stops as her powers now wanes. Perhaps she can be reasoned with now.
>>12255>Right now, Epic is more concerned for his friends.Pillar are you alright?
>PRests his hoof on his fractures.I'm sorry for putting you through that. I panicked and wanted to help Critical only to endanger you.
>>12256Pillar: "Do not worry about me, the wounds are not permanent, I can fix this."
Critical gets up from the corner of the room where he had hunkered down in. They were not well posed to face Moon Beam and resolve this.
>>12258>Last post before workMoonbeam sees how they are acting and find it strange and weird even.
MB: "How is it... that you can get ponies to care about you like that?"
>>12259Because I care about them more than I care for myself.
I don't turn them to stone or hoard them as toys. I trust them to be themselves just as they trust me to be me.
Don't matter if wings, horns or even regarded no more as stone sentinels, they're still my friends.
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>>12260She seems hesitant to the idea, as if she didn't really understand why he was doing this.
MoonBeam: "But I... no pony has ever tried to be my friend. I've always been alone, I don't know."
When she said that, Epic Mount could remember that he was in a similar situation living alone in the Everfree. Then he remembered how Fluttershy found him and was nice to him first before he could flee. Perhaps he should extend the same kindness.
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Wasn't exactly like that in my Ponytale fan-scripts but close enough.>>12261>Epic carefully picked his words. Stuttering a bit as he tried to put his thoughts and feelings on the matter of "friendship" into words.I was like you, I lived a secluded life away from toher ponies. The only difference was that I chose to live alone and did not want to care about other ponies.
Then other ponies suddenly came into my life who, for some abstract reason I could not understand at the time, they took effort to care about me.
>Picks up Twilights statue.This pony taught me that "friendship is magic". I found her philosophy a bit hooey but I wouldn't of got so far and achieved so much if it wern't for the help of my friends. So while the "magic of friendship" isn't spells and sparkles it still allows ponies to acomplish just as great things beyond most powerful spells without the need of usual magic.
>Pick's up Fluttershy's statue.And this one, Fluttershy, At first I was concerned for her well being that day, but she was always kind to me regardless, always thinking about others more than herself, I care a lot for her because.. well I like to think she cares about me.
>Starts to blush a little.I mean, as much as she cares about everyone else which I'm sure it's fairly.
AS-anyway what I am trying to say is that you want ponies to care about you, that you demand their attention and company when really... you don't care about any of these ponies. You turned them into mere playthings to collect, and thats not friendship at all. Half of friendship is when you satop thinking about the attention you should have and put attention to others. The other half of friendship is when they give you just as much attention towards you in return... if that makes sense.
I care about my friends and they take care of me.
>>12262MoonBeam: "I think that... okay I'll try to be nicer and open to ponies from here on out. I think that I understand."
Crit: "And hey me and Epic Mount will get you you're friendship circle started and be your friends."
MoonBeam: "R-Really! You'll be my friends!?"
She smiled with teary eyes and rushes over to the two and give them a big hug. This act of selfless forgiveness was something unique, something that none in the party had felt before. They can look back at the door and they can see the magic glow quickly dissipate.
Soon after that the statue curse was lifted and everyone soon became their regular fleshy normal sized selves. The Mane 6, Caballeron, Gully Trotter, Heretic Hook, Rally Call, and Deception.
Caballeron: "Eh what happened?"
Pinkie Pie: "I don't know, feels like somepony did some great friendship thing."
Twilight: "Is everypony okay?"
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>>12264She looked up at Epic Mount, she was in shock and disbelief as to whom here gaze was upon.
Flutter: "E-Epic Mount... but I..."
She couldn't speak anymore and started to cry, nuzzling herself against his chest. The fresh grief of her loss had now been replaced with a bittersweet joy of knowing that he was still alive and well. Not only that but he had come back to life just to save her.
Flutter: "Epic Mount I missed you so badly, I thought I would never see you again!"
I guess Moon Beam is only hugging Crit in this scene. Also I need to go pick up some food. BRB No.12267
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>>12265>Hugs her close.Shhhh-shhh-shh It's alright Fluttershy, I'm back now.
Everything is going to be alright now Fluttershy.
>>12267She stays in his arms now smiling knowing that her knight had come for her... well he's still a squire that is but it's the thought that counts.
Crit and Moonbeam had been talking with Gully Trotter on what had happened and what to do next. Eventually Critical goes up to Epic Mount to talk.
Crit: "Epic, the others had been talking and Gully thinks that the city below had been freed up of the enchantment as well. That means that it is likely that there is a city of ponies who had just woken up from a 1,000 year sleep. We have the key and we can open the door and go down below if you are ready for such an adventure."
>>12268I didn't know there were ponies down there. We may need an ambassador pony to diligate with them.
>Looks over to Twilight.I know you just woken up from being a statue Twilight, but I think there is some Equestrian princess work to be done. Are you up for it?
>Then "remembers" that Caballeron was there.>>12263Caballeron: "Eh what happened?"
Epic: You were turned into statues, but we saved your life, not long after you threaten ours again... So yeah, you're welcome for that.
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>>12269Twilight: "Yes though we may need some rest when we get down there, still though if they are going to reintegrate with Equestria then they should meet with one of its Princesses. They may be in distress so I need to go down there and help out if I can."
Caballeron: "I suppose that I can thank you... but I will not be going down there. I've had enough of these dangerous affairs for one day.
Gully: "I'll be going down with you all, I know a lot about Umberfoal through ancient relics of the past."
Moon Beam: "I'll go too... I don't have anywhere else to go to and I want to spend some time with my new friends."
She sees that Epic Mount has her bangle and points it out.
MoonBeam: "Oh the bangle I found! It's actually a magic item really, if you say the word shimmer to it while wearing it will cause it to glow a bright light."
Moon Bangle: (Lights up dark areas when the word shimmer is spoken while wearing it.)
>>12270>Talking to Twilight.I had an idea... what if you, Gully and Moon Beam be the... oh whats that word, when a group of political ponies to go another country to talk to them... like an ambassador party thing.
Eitherway if it was not for Moon Beams interfering then we would of never opened the gate, so there are bound to be lots of Earth Poneis down there who would be willing to meet her. She really needs to learn more on friendship.
And Gully could come along because he knows a lot on Umberfoal so he understands their ways.
>Looks at all the other NPCs that are bound to be a bit of a struggle to account for.I dunno if we'll be too large of a group to go down with.
>Mane 6>Gully and Moon Beam>Out three heroes.>11 characters in total to roleplay between.What I'm saying Crit is can you DM that large of a group? Do you want some to be sent away or so? No.12272
>>12271Well Caballeron and Hertic Hook's gang won't be there so there's that. Other than that I should be fine to do that once they make a stop in the town, don't want to spoil but the you should be getting busy with quests once you get there.Crit: "We should be fine, if we have a large group then it'll be safer from any monsters that may try to attack us."
Rainbow Dash: "Yeah because they'll see me in the group and high tail it."
Twilight: "It's decided then, we will all make the descent into the Umberfoal if Critical and Epic Mount are ready and willing to do so."
>>12273Nigga please, I got this.Twilight: "Epic Mount you are my friend and I will always put time in for you if you need it go ahead and tell me about it."
Crit: "Yeah Epic you can talk about stuff with Twilight. I wanted to take some time to talk to MoonBeam and see if she can teach me how to do those teleportations and shields magics."
MoonBeam: "I... I can do that I think."
Gully Trotter: "Perhaps this could wait though until we actually get into Umberfoal? I am eager to see the city."
Rarity: "I am too, such a culture would have surely made a unique fashion sense that I would like to pull inspiration from."
>>12275Flutter: "Yeah I can do that."
She leaves to join Crit and MoonBeam who were talking about certain magics and other regular talk.
Twilight: "Is there something wrong Epic Mount? I've noticed that you and Critical do not have your cutie marks. Is that related to what had happened in Stratus?"
>>12277Twilight: "By Celestia... he's here again? This isn't good. He could regain his strength and take over Equestria again."
She tries to think of something to fix this but she couldn't think of anything.
Twilight: "I don't know... I think though that you may have to fight Tirek but without your cutie mark... you will not be strong enough. What we need to do for yourselves is to regain your former strength but I wouldn't know how to do that."
>>12278This Keeper guy said we must take our cutie marks back from him and to... imprison him... again.
You know what I said the last time we had to deal with Tirek? That we should destroy him? That he will find someway to break free again?
>Realise that his raised voice echoed and had head turned towards him.>Ahem.What he had done to us is inforgivable. He's evil to the very core and that evil has no place in Equestria.
>>12281She didn't really liked Epic tone and refusal to extend friendship but could understand at least why.
Twilight: "Epic... I hope one day you can see past the your enemy's guise and see deep into who they are. IF at the very least one day forgive them and press on."
She starts to walk away to rejoin the rest of the group.
Twilgiht: "We'll be going down soon, you might want to get ready."
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>>12282>SarcasticallyMaybe I will. Perhaps I'll forgive him for taking me away from my family.
Maybe I'll forgive him for brainwashing me into becoming his servant and making me do all those terrible things under his name.
Maybe I'll forgive him for murdering me the first time when we tried to stop him from absorbing all magic for all ponies.
>>12283He was alone now though, brewing in his hatred with nopony to hear him. All he saw though was the rest of the group talking to one another about how they were going to do this. Eventually Critical takes hold of the Umber Staff.
Crit: "If this is supposed to work then all I would have to do is use it as a key to open the door."
He goes and does that and the door opens slowly, receding back to reveal a tunnel deeper into the mountain. The walls had crystals that lit the way in a cold blue light and the air from the tunnel was actually warm and welcoming.
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>>12285 all go down the tunnel together, going down to the depths that had laid dormant for so long. Our heroes took to the front to make sure everypony was safe from any danger seeing that the Mane 6 is too weak to fight right now and the others are not combat trained in any way except for maybe MoonBeam. Critical was able to also rejoin Epic Mount as they made their walk.
Crit: "You know it's strange, going up high into the to explore one ancient city to go off to the underground to explore another. I wonder how we keep getting roped into situations like this."
>>12286I dunno...
>Trying to stop being angry about something and grins.Hopefully we'll leave this one in tact for a change.
>As they travel down.Look! Stone tiles!
>>12287Eventually they get to a large stone staircase that leads into a vast cavern that is dark and hard to see the walls of such a structure. At the bottom of the cavern was a sparkling blue lake that shimmered with the crystal lights. Rising from the lake was a large rock spire that on the top was wide and flat that had a city atop it. This was the City of Umberfoal, long forgotten but now reawakened. The staircase made of stone would lead them to the platform the city was on and will allow them access.
Gully: "In all my years... I never thought I'd see something like this."
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I wonder how those Umberfoals are sleeping? Like... are they in their beds in their homes? Or was there a special hall or various chambers made for them to sleep through?
And why, let alone how was it decided they should just hide away and sleep it through? Was it announced somehow and they were like "Oh well, g'night guys!"
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>>12289Crit: "I dunno but I guess we'll be going off to go find out now won't we?"
They proceed down to the city and notice that all of the streets are empty but still lit by street lamps containing magic crystals in glass part. Eventually they make it to the center of the town square where hundreds of tiny pony statues all circled around what looked to be a pedestal with a blue orb in the center. It pulsated with magic light and it lit up bright with a blinding light. When their vision came clear the statues had turned back into their normal selves and the party was now witness to the now awaken ponies of Umberfoal that were groggy and tired from their 1,000 year sleep.
>And I gotta go now to work. No.12292
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"Look at all those ponies..." Rye wandered to a few, helping them if they staggered or stumbled about.
>>12294Good point.
>Tries talking to one of the Umbra ponies.Hello? Are you alright?
>>12292>>12293>>12294>>12295They go up to a stallion who had just fallen over. They help him up back to his hooves and he thanked them. Turns out they do in fact speak common as the modern ponies do.
Umber Citizen: "Thanks for the help, I appreciate it. I need to get on home though, my house is probably dirty from our 3 month sleep... You should go see EvenLight though, she's a part of the Wisenry Community who leads Umberfoal."
He picks up and leaves before the party can tell him anything or vice versa. Instead as they look around they can see one mare in particular who has a white coat and a grey mane. She looked aged but not so much but that did not stop her from helping out the other citizens.
Right now she was standing in the center of town with the orb.
>>12296Good thing none of them have brain damage. I heard long extended sleep can do that.
>Old pony looked worried.Nah I'm sure you'll be fine.
>To his team.We should find this Even Light pony.
>>12297When he said that name aloud the old Mare's ears sprang up and she came on down to them. There they could see that she was well dressed in Umberfoalan jewelry and looked pretty official.
EvenLight: "Did you just say that you were looking for me? Why... you don't look around from here do you. You must be from the outside, where is Sir Squire? He was supposed to be here to release the seal, has the battle with the chaotic forces kept him at bay?"
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>>12298>Epic's face lit up a bit.You knew of Sir Squire! Sir Squire was real!?
>>12299EvenLight: "Was Real? Of course he's real little colt. Whom else is leading the knights against Discord's forces? Who are you anyways and why isn't Sir Squire here?"
It would seem that the plan for the Umberfoalans was to wait for Sir Squire but that has not happened. Instead they have slept for a 1,000+ years well past their schedule.
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>>12300Um... Ms. Light, it was the Princess Celestia and her sister Princess Luna who imprisoned Discord and ended his era of chaos.
That was over a thousand years a go, you have been asleep for over a millenia.
Honestly Sir Squire is mere legend, only a few ponies today believe him to had been real.
My inspiration for Sir Squire (other than from MLPTales) is the Legend of King Arthur. It's debatable to this day whenever he was real or not. Some believe the King Arthur in legend was based after a warrior or various warriors while others say they were just stories. No.12302
>>12301Oh yeah I'm not trying to disrupt lore here but I do say that Squire here led the knight against Discord's forces who tried to overtake Equestria. Will explain more soon in post.EvenLight: "Sir Squire...did you die when you went after him with Arc Light?"
She looks off in disbelief, her citizens whom she swore to protect are all here and accounted for but at what cost? Her eyes look past that then as she remembers the last time she saw Sir Squire.
EvenLight: "He was supposed to come back but he didn't. If you and your group is here though then that would mean that Celestia and Luna had found the Elements of Harmony and stopped Discord. That is good to know."
Even though she said that, she looked deeply pained at the news. She then refocuses herself as now the citizens of Umberfoal needed help to get re-situated.
EvenLight: "I must help my kin here, if it has truly been 1,000 years then they will need help to resettle. I need you to go down the spiral staircase and check on our blacksmith shop, the Founder's Forge and see if it can be reclaimed. I'm also sure the journey here has been arduous, if you wish to rest then you may have free lodging in the Umber Inn at the top level of the city."
Twilight: "Thank you, I'll be sure to take our group there so we can recuperate. If you three need us then we will most likely be there."
>>12302While Sir Squires adventures have been past down in history, they have always remained unconclusive of how he ended. Some say he departed Equestria to pursuit his long rival, the dragon Bazil.
The "Z" makes him sound tougher while still retaining his MLPTales name.Also Twilight here is a princess herself. Especially of friendship. She along with Moon Light and Gully would be ideal ambassadors to the Equestria we have today.
>>12303EvenLight: "I'm sorry but I can't worry about foreign affairs while my city is in half disrepair. We can talk more though I promise but only after you check on the forge down below, it shouldn't be too hard. The city should still be protected by magic wards to keep monsters at bay. The only adversary you'll face there is perhaps your own allergies. As for me I need to check with the town guard and see Captain FlashHoof."
She then leaves the party to explore the city on their own which should be safe. The city itself will have staircases, tunnels, and rooms going down the rock spire. Going down the spire should lead them to the founder's forge.
Don't worry this isn't some dungeon quest, just something to get you introduced with Umberfoal. No.12305
>>12304>Turns to his crew.So guys, shall we go to this forge?
>To the MAne SixYou can all come with if you want.
>>12305Apple Jack: "Sorry Sugar Cube but we need to be getting some rest now before we get to some adventuring but given and hour or so and one of us can come help you. The rest of us I imagine will be busy helping around town to get these Umberfoal ponies back on their hooves."
Pinkie: "Yeah they've been asleep for so long and what they need is a great big ole party! It's what I do when I wake up every morning."
Critical: "We can head over to the forge right now Epic Mount though... we can also go around and look at what this town has to offer. You know, sniff the roses and all that."
Twilight: "Don't forget that Even Light asked you for help now."
Crit: "Don't worry Twilight, I don't disappoint those who give me a quest even as mundane as this."
>>12306Yeah you're right.
>To FluttershyUm, Fluttershy, you want to.. come with? Though if you'd rather stay up here I understand, I'm sure what you've been through has been difficult.
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>>12307FlutterShy: "I'll go with you Epic Mount though I need to go to the Inn first and get some rest first. When you're done though checking on the forge I'll come with you since you probably need some pony to look after you three but... just please keep the monsters away from me."
I'll allow one Mane 6 pony to join the party as a guest but they need to rest first. Also you can only take one because if all 6 go then the combat dice would be hellish for me.Crit: "Come on Epic we got busy work to do, Fluttershy isn't gonna go anywhere if we turn our backs for a few minutes."
He was teasing of course but the party should start to get a move on. Sure the forge will be instrumental in the repairs Umberfoal will need.
>>12309The party heads on out to the edge of the city area and finds one of those staircases that would lead on down. The do so and they reach the B1 level of the spire where the founder's forge was located. What they found was a large workshop with tables meant to beat and straighten metal for weapons and armor. At the very center was the forge where it was a large fire pit that would melt the iron and help shapen it. At this forge was an old but incredibly buff looking stallion who was just recovering from the statue effect.
???: "Ah the forge... the forge has gone cold... Ah what to do?"
>>12311He rushes over without speaking to the forge master and tires to light up the massive forge with a simple flint and steel. This doesn't work however as there is no source of fuel for the fire.
???: "Hey what are ya doin with my forge?"
The forge master gets Epic away after the party catches up.
Molten Metal: "My name be Molten Metal and I run the Founder's Forge here but as you can see it isn't looking too good right now. I can see however you are eager to help me out here and I would be glad and able to pay you all for it. In the store room just over there should be some special coal that lights easy and burns hot. I need a lot of it though so be careful to not throw your back out."
He points over to a wall where there was a wooden door reinforced with metal was close shut.
>>12315Eh, I'll at least get us to the point for the set up of our first quest.They start to lug the bags of coal and tries to get them over to the forge. Epic Mount tried by pulling one by force while Critical readied his telekinesis.
Coal Carry DC 8
Epic Body
1d12 = 9Crit Mind
1d20 = 11 Tele
1d20 = 20 No.12317
>>12316They get plenty of coal over and into the forge. By now Molten Metal had cleaned it and had it ready to be set a light.
Molten: "There, see if you can get that thing on fire with your flint now. Be careful though to not burn yourself."
>>12318With a strike of the flint, the coal erupted into a tower of flames that sent the entire party except for the forge master reeling back. The fire did die back down to something more manageable.
Molten: "Thanks for that, after all this time she still runs good. You should go and tell EvenLight about this, tell her the forge is working but it should take some time for my workers to get back into working condition."
He then rewards the party with 60 bits each.
Epic Bits 390
Crit Bits 469
Rye Bits 446
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>>12320They were old and well preserved but they were just like the bits that they use today... and only has the same value. Still though it's good money.
Crit: "Here we better go and check up on the Mane 6 and see how everyone is holding up given their surroundings."
>>12322 leave the forge and head back up to the top of the City where all the houses and shops were at. The party then head on over and enter in the Umber Inn which was interior still dusty but has been hastily cleaned up. In the main room they can see the entire group sitting around enjoying food and drinks. The bartender was also at her counter serving drinks as well.
Crit: "Ah drinks, music, and foods in a relaxing atmosphere. A much more welcome change from that of the desert."
I bet this Inn has a great reputation, given all the sleeping that had happened last thousand years.
Then again I don't wanna see the bill for whoever checked in before the thousand year sleep.
>>12324Critical wasn't too sure on what Epic Mount was trying to get at but he let is slide. Instead he looks out to the Mane 6 and pondered on who to bring along.
Crit: "I prolly don't need to ask who you want to bring along. Instead you should go on ahead and go talk to Fluttershy. By now she should be ready to go."
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>>12325She... might not be the ideal choice. However with how Fluttershy reacted when she... un-statued herself, I have a feeling that may wanna talk to me about stuff.
Twilight would perhaps be ideal but she may need to stay with Gully and Moon Light to sort things out with Light on their new relations to the outside world.
Eitherway if not all of them can come with us, perhaps best to select practical over personal.
But then again if we find any local wildlife down here, Fluttershy maybe of help, though I imagine blind cave creatures and monsters who had not seen other ponies in years for Fluttershy's methods to work.
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>>12326Crit: "Hmm... it seems that your mind is a bit more confused on the subject then. Anyways we've gotten this far by ourselves so I'm not really partial to any of them. The help is good though so I'm not going to be picky as to who you want... or to who you don't pick if you don't pick anyone at all."
>>12327Hm, I think I have a more ideal sollution..
>Goes over to the mane six, asks bluntly.Anypony wanna come with us?
>>12329Though be practical if it's just a small party of four, we understand if the resat of you are busy.
I would like Fluttershy to come along, but honestly mostly because I just like Fluttershy. She might help us with certain wildlife but dunno what else other than that.
If you wanna make it EpicShy that would be cool if you're cool with it.If you like Fluttershy you can join me- us to see what this place is like.
>>12330Fluttershy: "I said I'd go with you and I still will."
She goes up and joins the party.
That's fine but you know the rules. If you want a romantic relationship then you gotta control your romantic partner. No.12332
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>>12331Alright, but it's not like they;re straight up dating right now.Great! May even find cave dwelling creatures.
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>>12334I'm here but may need to take bro to work.Crit: "Well we'll need to find Even Light now... but we don't where she had gone off too. I think if we go to the center of town and start asking around then we can get a good idea as to where she is."
He look around and finds the street that would take them to the center.
Crit: "There if we go down this street then we should end up at the center of town."
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(I'm totally lost by now, sorry.)
"Alright, let's get a move on."
>>12336We're in the underground cirty opf Umberfoal. We just lit the forge so that weapons can be made for peace or something and now we're going to find Even Light who runs the place.>>12335>Fluttershy didn't seem want to talk.OK maybe later.
Let's head over to the town center and get our barings.
>>12336Hey Rye.
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>>12337"Oh, Fluttershy is here too? Well, the more the marrier I guess."
>>12338Oh yeah, just gonna be the four of us.
She's better with animals thanh I am, plus we got along on our adventures without a pegasus. Given all the times we've been in an airballoon or falling to our deaths from a flying citadel, somepony who could foly would of been very practical in our click.
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>>12339Rye whispers. "But I heard when startled she forgets she can even fly.."
>>12343Crit... why exactly is Even Light talking to such armoured ponies? I'm starting to wonder if lighting their forge was a good idea.
It's as if these ponies are just getting out of bed and putting on their armour for war.
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>>12344"Well, we can just ask her, can't we?"
>>12345If you asked me if I was about to kill you, you'd think I'd be hnest about it?
But I guess we can see what she has to say first.
>Goes up to Even Light.Them quite some ponies you got around here. Must have had quiet the warriors during the era of Chaos.
>>12344>>12345>>12346As they approached her, they can hear the last bit she was saying to them.
Evenlight: "The Capstone fort may be dangerous to explore but we need to make sure we are secured from the rest of the cave complex."
FlashHoof: "Don't worry, we'll be right back after we survey the area."
The guard ponies leave and heads out west through the city. Evenlight notices the party and turns around to talk to them.
EvenLight: "Ah you're back! Was the forge still okay? We'll need it if we have any hopes of repairing some of the buildings around here."
>>12349Yes, repairing.
>Looks over to the armoured ponies who were just leaving.Though it looks like you're keen to take up arms again.
You do know that Equestria is at peace. No more war or chaos out there.
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>>12349"Yes, it's decent enough condition but still needs some time to be up to optimum performance."
>>12350Evenlight: "I don't know much about the outside world but down here in the depths there are some monsters that dwell here and the Capstone fort is outside our protection."
>>12350>>12351Evenlight: "Anyways I wanted you three to meet with me down in the Tome Vault at the bottom of the spire. There I can tell you more about our city and how we get our protection. Other than that you go around and look at what you wish."
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>>12352"Capstone fort... makes sense. Thanks for the explanation. What kind of critters dwell further down in the caves?"
>>12352>Epic doesn't know if his vast wisdom on monsters would be much experiance down here.It's gonna be the four of us. I asked Fluttershy to come with. She's good with animals. Is that OK.
Did you say you needed me to RP as Fluttershy also?Also, what is "Cap stone Forte" and the "Tomb Vault"did you say?
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>>12354Yes, remember?>>12353Evenlight: "A wide variety, oozes, mushroom, dust butterflies, giant spiders and much more. Really Capstone fort acts as a watch area for our guards so that none of the monsters get into Umberfoal."
>>12354Evenlight: "The Capstone Fort is a small fortification to the west of here that acts as a guard station between the Umberfoal cavern and the rest of the cave complex. The Tome Vault is where we our Crucible which is a cradle for our city's knowledge and defense. I can explain more when we meet there though. As for now though if you wished to look around before meeting there then that would be a good idea so you can get a lay of the land."
>Every number is a place you can go. No.12357
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>>12355Fluttershy: Butterflies!?

Epic: G-giant... spiders?
Fluttershy: Oh dear...
Epic: You mean mean... spiders... n-no bigger than a... I dunno a pebble maybe? A small rock?
>>12356Evenlight: "Giant mushrooms that walk around yes."
>>12357Evenlight: "Well I best be off, I need to meet with some pony who is likely down in the Tome Vault right now and I best not keep her waiting."
She leaves and the party was freed up to go where they would like. This sense of freedom gave them and opportunity to choose but
They will have to
decide on where to go.
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>>12358"Wow... that is odd. Have you ever heard of something like that, Fluttershy?"
Rye nods at Evenlight.
"Sorry for keeping you, see you later!"
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>>12358She must mean tarantula's right? ... Oh heck even Tarantuals are too big!
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>>12359Fluttershy: Um... there are some creatures who are not made out of flesh like us, such as timberwolves. So.. maybe other such creatures could exist.
>>12361DId she say the giant spiders
were not at that Tome place?
We should go there. Let the Umberfoals handle the giant spiders. Thats right.
>>12363"The fort protects us from the spiders. We'll be fine here."
Rye nods at Fluttershy.
"That makes sense. Still, quite odd."
>>12364>>12364Fluttershy: What is?
Epic: But there will certainly be no spiders in that Tome place. So let's go there.
>>12362>>12363 "No the spiders are outside of Umberfoal so we won't see them here. Anyways I do like the idea of looking around but I can understand going to the vault immediately."
He then lets out a yawn and realizing it was now night time. Being underground though it was hard to tell that but they noticed it was getting dark before they made their descent.
>>12365"Walking shrooms, that's odd to me."
>>12366Summer Rye shrugs. "I'd like to see more of this place, but alright, let's head to that vault."
>>12370They were mostly talking about how long it has been and what kind of state the city was in. Some wanted to make an immediate expedition out of the Umberfoal while others wanted to isolate themselves in case there is something dangerous above. He can also hear some bits and pieces of something called the Festival of Lights.
>>12371The pillar was about half the height of a regular pony and the bowl that sat atop it was made up of metallic rings like the early stages of a basket. Evenlight noticed the party and went over to them with a friend of hers who was a much older mare with a light pink mane and red coat.
Evenlight: "I see you all came, that is good. This is Lady Alethea, our chief librarian."
Alethea didn't seem to eager to meet the party but she still acted with politeness.
Alethea: "Charmed to make your acquaintance. Even Light has told me you are responsible for freeing us from our slumber. For that I do thank you but I do not think we need your help any further."
Evenlight: "Hush now Alethea, these are our guests and we need their help around town. They are quite the competent sort."
Alethea makes no remark knowing this was true but she did not wish it to be.
>>12373Alethea: "Well..." She looks at Evenlight, "I suppose I can let you into the library records but you will not be allowed to take any of the books out."
>>12374Evenlight: "I imagine so but before you go would you like to learn more about our Crucible and the arcasts?"
Alethea: "Surely they don't need such..."
Evenlight: "Do not worry Alethea, they deserve to see it since they saved us after all."
>>12378Evenlight: "The Crucible is a vessel for Arcasts that do two functions. 1 store information onto crystals that are later called Arcasts. 2 retrieve information from an Arcast and instill it into the mind of the user. This is where we keep our most important knowledges about our society but our Library is just important as well."
Alethea: "Hmmph."
EvenLihgt: "The Arcast can also hold the memories of events and emotions as well which can be quite potent at times. Why we can even show you with our Festival of Lights Arcast if you want."
>>12377Alethea: "I know you won't because I'll be there to watch you."
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>>12379"Wow, that sounds fascinating! That way nothing can ever be forgotten. Pretty crafty. And better than writing it down in a book if you ask me!"
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>>12381Don't tell that to Fluttershy.
But yeah, pretty revolutionary stuff for it's time.
>>12383Fluttershy: I'm not, Twilights the one who likes the books. Epic, are you feeling alright?

Epic: Yeah I'm fine, I guess I need a crucible to get my head in order.
>>12380I guess so, I never read the Harry Potter series.Even Lights gives some pause to think about Sir Squire but shakes her head no.
Evenlight: "No sorry but I knew Sir Squire so if you have any questions about him I will be able to answer as best I can."
>>12381>>12382Alethea: "There is a problem though, you need to have a strong mind to actually take in an Arcast's knowledge... but I guess that can be said for books as well."
Evenlight: "Anyways we do have the Festival of Lights Arcast ready for you if you wish to try. Just place your hoof onto the Crucible and try to focus.
Mind Test DC 8
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>>12385Wait there is still one thing I really want to know!
If your ponies have taken part in the ancient war of chaos, have developed methods and weapons on taking on creatures of great evil and power, what I want to know is, has Umberfoal ever developed anything that is powerful enough to destroy powerful enemies for good? A weapon for an enemy so pwoerful, so evil that even death is just an inconveniance to him?
Fluttershy: Epic... why on- in Earth would you need such a thing?

>>12386Crit: "Well... yeah I can think around with the best of them. I can try it."
>>12387Even Light: "If we had such a weapon do you think we would've went down to sleep for over a thousand years? No this was the only option we had left."
They head on up to the Crucible and Critical goes on up to it. He focuses himself, looking deep into the light of the Light's Arcast. He then takes a deep breath and places his hoof onto it, merging his mind with the knowledge within the rock...
DC 8
Crit Mind
1d20 = 19 No.12390
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>>12388Suddenly emotions of joy and prosperity overflowed him, fireworks setting off within the cavern above happy ponies. Everyone was united together. He learns that it is the magic of frienship that binds the city up together and keeps the entire structure sound.
Though he did not feel these emotions himself, instead the harmony and camaraderie was alien to him, almost vile even. When he let go he had a dizzy and sick looking expression.
Crit: "By all... that was not what I had expected"
EvenLight: "That's strange, most ponies are often left being happy after experiencing the Arcast."
>>12389Crit: "It's just that... I understand the Festival and felt all of the powers that came with it but... it didn't sit right with me."
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>>12390"You're just too much of a sour puss. I bet you'd have enjoyed that harmony if it had come with some booze."
>>12390The Festival? Whats so important about this Festival to show us?
His ideal harmony is usually at the bottom of the bottle.
Fs: Epic thats not very nice.
>>12391>>12392Evenlight: "It shows that with the power of Friendship is what keeps the town protected and the Rock Spire to keep standing upright and support our city."
Crit: "You're right, it could've at least come with popcorn."
Suddenly one of the Duskloaks comes rushing down, he looked worried in his dusty armor as he spoke in a panicked voice.
Duskloak: "Ms.Evenlight, FlashHoof still has not come back from his expedition into the Capstone fort. We fear the worst!"
Capstone Forte? The place keeping the monsters out?
Given it's been a thousand years it's likely they may have gotten a bit more confident in your territory.
We will go up and help get your ponies back if we can.
>>12394EvenLight: "Yes that is the name given to our City Guard. FlashHoof is the Captain of our Duskloaks."
>>12395Evenlight: "I know you still may be tired from your journey but I promise you that you will be well rewarded for your efforts if you can retrieve FlashHoof for me. He's a brave fool and will often get himself into danger no matter the risk if it is to protect the town."
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>>12395>>12396"We will help. Point us to the fort and we'll be heading there right away!"
>>12397EvenLight: "The fort is off to the East
Sorry not West, I'm terrible with directions you'll have to cross the High Bridges that will lead to the fort."
Duskloak: "We also may have some supplies at our barracks you can borrow as well. That is if you feel you have to time to come on over here."
>>12396Sounds like a pony after my own heart.
>>12397As long as.. we don't encouter them spiders we should be fine right?
Fs: Epic you really shouldn't have to be so afraid over spiders. BEsides I am coming with you.

Epic: You are? Fluttershy yhis could be dangerous, you really shouldn't have to-
Fs: I thought I already lost you before, I don't want you to go away again.
>Both of them blush.Fs: B-besides, if there were any spiders, I can ask them nicely to excuse you so they won't go near.
If you were RPing as Fluttershy I would of asked her if anything else happened in Equestria during their week absence.>>12398If your barracks have any maps and supplies ideal for navigating and spelunking the tunnels it might be wise we accept any help we can. We're more used to top-sided terrains after all.
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>>12399"Even if we saw any spiders, Fluttershy could talk to them."
>>12399Evenlight: "You really shouldn't need to go down into the depths though if you need maps we should have something in the Library but time is of the essence here."
>>12400Crit: "That's right, we got the nature pegasus with us. Anyways are you all ready to go out to the fort?"
>>12400Fs: Yep. I bet they're harmless little things. Epic really shouldn't be scared over such teensy little things. They're more scared of him than anypony else.

Epic: In Everfree Forest there are spiders almost as big as me, and certainly bigger than you. And they're definately not scared of me.
>>12401Yes, let's go.
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>>12406Crit: "The Capstone Fort should just be outside of the City really. We just need to head on over to head over to there and check up on Flash Hoof's detachment."
You shouldn't need a map for now but if you really feel like you need one then there should be one in the Duskloaks barracks. No.12408
>>12407I know we must hurry, but we don't know the layout of these caves very well.
I think we should go to the Duskloaks barracks and pick up a map in case we get lost.
I know as GM you know we may not need it, but a part of me rather be safe than sorry. No.12409
Crit: "Well I understand. I just thought it would be funner if we go into the caves without knowing where to go. We'll head on over to the Barracks right now."
They go over to the east direction and make it to the bridge they crossed to get into the city. To the left was the barracks where black and yellow flags draped over the buildings. They head on inside and see several guards getting fitted up with their traditional looking armor and taking stock of what supplies they had. One of them spots them and goes up to greet them.
Duskloak: Hello there, I don't think I recognize you all, you must be some of the new ponies who just came on in. Sorry we can't help you with any problems you may have, our Captain has gone missing and we need to get ready to set up and ready to return to our patrols."
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"Shall we get going?"
>>12409>To CritWe're not here to look at pretty rocks. We need to help somepony out there and having a map will help us find our way.
>To the Duskloak.Hello.
Yes, we understand that your captain Flash Hoof is lost somewhere in the caves. Even Light sent for us to assist in finding him. We're here for supplies but if you cannot spare any a map of the caves will be most appreciated so that we can find our way around.
>>12414Duskloak: "He's stuck and you're gonna help him? Well alright we can spare some things for you, just hang tight."
He goes into a nearby trunk and pulls out some items for them...
Duskloak*1 (Upgrades Stealth rolls.)
This dark grey cloak has an almost shadowy look to it. It fastens with a silver binding around the neck.Torches*3 (Lights up dark areas for 1 hour)
Healing Potion*1 (Heals half of the user's HP)
>>12415Duskloak: "Aye that we can. It's not hard to find."
>>12419Ah! This is what we need.
Thank you. We can help find your captain much efficiently... without you ending up having to look for us also.
>>12420Duskloaks: "Thanks, we'll be sure to bring you to the fort when you are ready."
Crit: "So how would you like to divvy up they items here, the cloak surely looks nice."
>>12423>>12424They each get a torch and Critical got the cloak and the potion as keepsakes. He took off the plain weather cloak he was wearing and put on the duskloak. It really did look nice on him.
Crit: "Thanks, this will keep me safe in the dark."
>I gotta go. No.12426
Now let's head to Capstone Keep and find that lost pony.
>>12426>>12427They head on over across the entire city and reaches the western edge to face a series of bridges that would lead into the cavern wall. At the other side was a large tunnel with a fort set upon in the mouth of the tunnel. They head on over after the guards leave them and the party had to cross the large expanse.
Once they got up to the Capstone Fort and they see two large metal doors that would lead inside the structure. They will need a way to open the metal doors.
>>12429Epic Mount goes up to the door and found that it had no handle but it was set upon hinges. He learned that he would have to push the door open but that could prove difficult if he does it alone.
Open Door DC 12
>It will be downgraded for every extra pony pushing it open regardless of Body. No.12432
>>12431Epic Mount starts to push the door and Critical and Fluttershy start to help out with the effort.
Open DC 8
Epic Body
1d12 = 7Crit Body
1d6 = 1FlutterShy Body
1d10 = 2>When Fluttershy has a higher body trait than you. No.12434
>>12432They manage to open the door but with great difficulty. It was such a struggle that they lost some energy as they pushed it open.
Epic Mount HP 16
Critical HP 1
Fluttershy HP 19
>>12433Crit: "Oof I guess I hadn't healed up since that battle. Don't worry I can still hold on."
The doors were now open and they entered a hallway that went in two directions, east and west, The The party was facing the south and the way to the west was blocked off by rubble, leaving only the east way to go.
The east hallway turned with a corner and they would face south if they go down that way.
>>12435Crit: "I just need to..."
He pulls out one of his potions and drinks it, restoring a good amount of HP.
Crit HP 17
Crit: "There better, I should be fine here on out. Lets go and see if we can find those missing Guard Ponies."
>>12436Fs: Yay!

Where to Epic?
>Epic checks the map. No.12439
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>>12438>>12437They saw a map of the fort with it but that was all they had to go off of from here.
>Current Locale is 2 No.12440
>>12439This isn't a map of the caverns! Just the fortress!
Fs: Is that bad?

It means that we will not know our way around the caves to find that lost captain.
Maybe if we search the center rooms we'll find something we can use.
>>12440>They got a book of maps that has the fort and some of the caves that they could chart. There are parts of the caves too dangerous for Umberfoalans to travel to.They go into the center room from the door and they find out that is was some sort of hearth hall. They immediately felt a blast of heat as a fire had broken out before they got here. The fire should be put out before it causes any serious structural damage.
Every Turn spent here is 1 Stamina lost due to the fire.
The hearth room didn't have too much in it to put the fire out but they knew that there was a kitchen and the Captain's quarters just down to the south. The fire was also not in the way to those rooms.
>>12442Epic Mount tries to beat the fire out with his blanket but it is unlikely to work and just get him hurt. Still though there was a chance it could work. Meanwhile Critical rushes down and enters the kitchen frantically.
-1 HP Due to Heat.
Epic Mount HP 15
Crit HP 16
Fluttershy HP 18
Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 10 VS Fire DC
1d12 = 11Irregardless of what happens, Epic Mount loses his blanket to the fire.
>>12443As he smacked down the fire with his blanket, all it did was set the fabric on fire and burn him.
Epic HP 9
Crit came back into the room and gave Epic Mount a pale of water to throw onto the fire. He'd do it himself but Critical felt like all he would do was miss it.
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>>12443>>12444>Epic begans to panic a little.THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS! BLANKETS SUPPOSE TO OUT OUT FIRE!

Only certain blankets can do that Epic!
>>12445>oh you're here. We are inside the fort trying to put out a fire.>>12446Epic Had the pale of water in his hooves but for some reason he stalled and didn't throw it into the base of the fire.
-1 HP Due to Heat.
Epic Mount HP 14
Crit HP 15
Fluttershy HP 17
Rye HP 13
Emotional Strain (Critical Hit) DC 11
Crit Mind
1d20 = 10Effect
1d2 = 1 1= Short Fuse 2= Chaotic
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>>12448[Short Fuse]
Critical reared an angry face at Epic Mount and his other friends.
Critical: "For fuck's sake Epic Mount will please throw the Celestia Damned bucket of water into the fire!?"
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>>12448"How did that fire start?!"
Summer Rye tried to shovel earth onto the fire (if there was any) or find water - or find gravel or similar stuff to douse the flames with.
>>12451Sorry the post was very small with hard to see green text.>>12450>>12451The water splashed into the base of the fire and it was quickly put out as the bucket tumbled around across the floor. Even though things had calmed down, the party was still on edge for the time being but atleast they can look around at their own leisure.
On the floor they can notice one of the Duskloak helmets that they typically wear as well as numerous scuff marks on the floor that was not from the fire. Perhaps it should be investigate with?
>>12452No way did that fire happened natually.
Fs: Y-you mean... somepony purposely started the fire?

Everypony has been asleep for thousands of years and only woke up a few hours a go. No way I'll believe somepony left the stove on and only now caused a problem.
Let's all be careful, we might not be the only ponies here in this fortress.
>>12453>>12454Looking at the scuff marks, he can see that they were deep cuts into the floor that was be caused by a weapon or sharp implement swung quickly! You can also tell that the fire originated from a small fireplace on the wall, upon the cielings away from the fire you can also notice a large amount of webbing up there but no spiders.
Crit: "Let's press on and see what else we can find in here. We can check out the kitchen or perhaps the Captain's Quarters. We can even split up if you want."
>I know I'm adamantly against it but I think you guys can do it from here on out to explore dungeons faster. No.12456
>>12455Summer Rye took the time to take out his spade and scrape down some of the webbing, showing it to Fluttershy.
"Do you know which spiders make such threads?"
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>>12456He got some of it off and the individual strands were big enough to be thin rope!
FlutterShy concludes that it must be a variant of the large Cave Spider. A common denizen of Equestria's expansive cave systems.
>>12455We could split into teams of two. I'll go with Fluttershy and explore the east side,, you and Rye explore the rest of this forte and we'll meet before these doors to this rotundra like area.
>>12457Cave spider?
>Does not want to deal with spiders. No.12459
>>12457"Hmmm, makes sense. Thanks, Fluttershy. I hope they aren't dangerous."
Rye looks at Crit. "Want to team up?"
>>12459Crit: "Yeah I'll team up..."
They head on down and enter in the Captain's Quarters. In the room they could see that it was nicely furnished with an idealistic ship in the bottle on one of the desks. On the bed they can also notice a small slip of paper with faded text on it.
>>12458>>12460Fluttershy and Epic head on inside the kitchen to the right. Inside they can see decrepit kitchen ware and the sorts. They can also notice the floor has a puddle on it and this must've been from when Critical got the pale of water. They can also spot a few unopened crates that they can loot.
>>12461>Fluttershy looks into the crates.Epic: Carefully Fluttershy, we dunno whats down here.
Fs: I'm not worried, I've got you to protect me... right? I-is that why you wanted to go with me?
Epic: Yeah I care about you, though I haven't been much help to anypony.
Fs: Thats not true, you put out that fire.
Epic: After feeding it a blanket and fumbling with the bucket.
Fs: But you put out the fire.
>Attennds to his burns.Fs: Does it hurt?
Epic: Nah.
>After awhile they head to the area with the flower.Fs: Oh! :Look! Epic what kind of plant is that!?
>>12463They approach the plant in the small rocky aclove where they found the plant. Epic never seen anything like it in the Everfree and before he could look further into it they can sense a presence lingering over them. When they turn around they can see two floating jelly fish monsters that had stalk eyes on their tops. They looked incredibly angry, almost on par with some of Critical's episodes of frustration. Epic recognized them as...
Combat EncounterFlumphs A B
Body: 1d4 Mind 1d8 Charm 1d6
Stamina 12
Telepathy 1d6
Shock 1d6
Quirks: Unknown
>Will need an Identify monster roll to find out their quirks>>12462He read the message...
Beats any Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, or Spades. The name holds the Key.Rye then can hear Critical behind him as the little stallion looked at the ship in the bottle.
Crit: "Hey this little ship reminds me of one that my dad had back when I was little. Looks like this one was called the SS Trump Card."
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>>12465Rye scratched his head and read the note aloud to Crit.
"I think this paper and the ship are connected... trump card. A trump beats any of those cards. Maybe there's a literal key hidden in that model. Can you see one?"
>>12466 Mount goes in to Identify the Monsters in front of them...
Epic Mind
1d8 = 6 IM
1d8 = 2 VS Flumph A Charm
1d6 = 1Fluttershy tries to befriend them but her efforts are in vain, something is not right with them. Their anger and frustration are not their own but instead it's like a sick feeling to them.
Critical gave a good look at the ship in the bottle after picking it up. He then threw it onto the ground which caused it to break apart and scatter across the floor. Rye then gets the feeling that The Father of Critical had a similar experience with his own Ship in a Bottle.
On the floor they soon spotted a key with a small tag tied to the head that read,
Storage LockerCrit: "That reminds me of some old time right there."
>>12468Rye frowned. "You mean you always broke your dad's bottle ships?"
Rye picked up the key.
>>12468>>12469Epic Mount soon learned that those things are not balanced properly.
Quirks: Topsy Turvy (Once it goes upside down, the Flumph can not get rightside back up without help. It's a bit cruel but an easy way to pacify them.)
The flumphs go in to attack
Flumph A Mind
1d8 = 7 Telepathy
1d6 = 4 VS Epic Mind
1d8 = 4Flumph B Body
1d4 = 1 Shock
1d6 = 4 VS Flutter Body
1d10 = 8>>12470Crit: "I mean he only had the one and it was an accident.. still got pretty mad at me though but that was a long time ago. I only smashed it now as we would need to if we wanted to get to the key after all."
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>>12471Epic Mount felt that he was literally mind fucked by one of the flumphs, Fluttershy was able to get out of the way quickly enough.
Epic HP 7
Things weren't looking good for Epic.
Here's Flutter's Stats.
Flutter Shy
Body 1d10 Mind 1d10 Charm 1d20
Stamina 20/20
Speak To animals 1d20
Fly 1d6
Sing 1d12
Stare 1d20
Fashion 1d12
Animal Care 1d20
>>12472He goes to flip them over with a kick...
Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 8 Mart
1d12 + 1 = 11 VS Flumph Body
1d4 = 1Fluttershy tries to handle one of them as to get them upside down.
Fluttershy Charm
1d20 = 3 AC
1d20 = 20 VS Flumph Mind
1d8 = 1>>12473Crit: "It's gotta be around here somewhere, lets take a look."
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>>12479Oh so the Flumpths and now Epic and Fluttershy will be angry at the plant?
If the plant is causing this, kind of a wierd defence mechanism for a plant to have to direct anger at itself.I think this... this plant is whats causing those creatures to be like that... We should destroy it, it's not a good plant.
>>12481Imagine it as a sort of drug that causes the user of a specific high. Once you get the full effect you become unself aware and unable to escape which creates the plants it's own guardians to protect it. I just try to word it so that you can know that it's the plant causing your anger.Fluttershy disagrees with Epic Mount as she does not want to hurt any sort of life form. She would rather go ahead and get out of the aclove with the flumphs instead.
>>12480They go on through and they enter in the kitchen. There was the assortment of kitchen implements as usual but the food stores were empty. Instead though they find some crates that had been unopened.
Crit: "This is where I got the pale of water from, you can tell by the large puddle on the floor as I hurried with it."
>>12483Unfortunately he did not find any food stuff in the kitchen as it had all rotted away after 1,000 years. Instead though they found a special looking cooking skewer that was hot to the touch. This was some sort of magical item but would need some examination to learn its affects.
Hot Skewer: (Unknown)
>>12484They get the flumphs away from the plants and they and the monsters were calmed down and reverted back to their normal selves. Fluttershy got them back upright and seemed happy. Then then heard a voice in their heads.
Flip: "Thank you for freeing us. I am Flip and this is my brother Flap."
The flumphs were using their telepathy to speak to them.
>>12485You can speak? With telepathy? How very... pokémonish.
What exactly happened back there then? Was it that flower?
>>12486Flap: "Yes it is called a Rageleaf, it causes the victim to undergo a sense of anger and dread. We accidentally stumbled upon it but thankfully you two came along."
Epic was now well posed to ask the two flumphs questions. As he would do so, he could probably be thankful that Critical wasn't with them as the Rageleaf's affects on him would be more profound.
>>12487Critical: "No I don't see anything like that. We should probably check the hallyway to see if there's anything there."
>>12489>>12490Crit and Rye heads on out of the room and they rejoin Epic Mount and Fluttershy who were talking to the flumphs.
Flip: "Oh new comers and the short one has quite the mind on him. We could learn a thing or two from him if his thoughts weren't clouded with such profanities right now. Anyways we did not set the fire no but we saw that it was some Guard ponies who started in in the hearth. They were attacked by spiders though and dragged off after the fight. The encounter left some of the embers on the ground and that is how the fire was started."

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>>12491"Spiders? How odd... especially why now? If the spiders had wanted something here, why come now that all the ponies are awake?"
>>12492>>12493Flap: "We can point out to where they were taken but... you would have to allow us to look into the mind of the short one over there who is angry all the time."
Crit: "Why the fuck do you want to look into my mind?"
Flip: "We like to increase the amount of knowledge we have and you have quite the store of intelligence. Don't worry you won't be hurt or lose any of your Mind to us. It will just take a short while."
>>12494Why do you want to probe his mind of all of us?
Am I not a smart pony?
>>12495Flip: "I suppose so but the short one has the strongest mind out of all of you."
Crit: "I dunno... what do you guys think?"
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>>12497Why ask us? It's your mind.
Though in all honest I dunno what they could possibly be looking for in there.
>>12498Crit: "Well I guess I don't see any problem with it."
The flumphs focus their attention while Critical stood there feeling nothing.
[Chaotic][Short Fuse]
Something didn't right though and the Flumphs just looked straight up disturbed after they had got done. The monsters recoiled after going through the hellscape that was crit's mind, it was as if reading the worst thing you have ever read and then multiply it by ten because it was accompanied by a slew of curse words and evil thoughts.
Flap: "Oh... well let's never read his mind again. Anyways we last saw the guard be dragged off through that door right there."
It points to a door that would lead to an overlook outside.
>>12500Critical shrugs his head but at least the flumphs got what they wanted and they learned where the guard ponies were taken. Beyond that door was the fort's look out and there was no other place to go. The party got a sense that there was going to be quite a battle ahead and they should prepare.
They also still had the storage key and can notice a locker near the bathrooms at the end of the hall.
>>12501That's fine. No.12504
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>>12503Crit: "Well Rye got this cooking skewer that is hot to the touch all the time and I found this key that's supposed to unlock a storage locker. After that, not much."
Looks down the hall and sees the locker.
Crit: "That must be it, I suggest we go through that and heal up afterwords before pressing on."
I gotta go now and do work No.12505
>>12504Hm... so if we put raw veggies and meat on this skewer... it'll cook and we get shish-kebabs?
R-right-right. Let's check this locker.
See you later. No.12506
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>>12505"Maybe there's some magical food in teh locker."
>>12506Come to think of it, when was the last time we all ate?
Fs: Have you all been eating properly?

>>12506>>12507>>12508Sorry, just been too into the story to keep track.Crit: "I'm pretty hungry too but I think that we should wait a second before we settle down to eat. We do after all need to find those guard ponies and they are likely close by with the spiders that took them. Perhaps when we get back to Umberfoal we'll go to the inn to eat."
He goes on over to the end of the hallway and found the old locker. Sure enough the key fit the lock and the contents was their's for the taking...
Telescopic Pole: (This pole can be reduced in size to one foot and with one swing can be extended to 10 feet)
>>12510>>12511Critical takes the pole and returns back to the party. They then get on up to the door to the outlook and opens it to get to the other side. They can see the outlook is this circular structure where it had a great view that was the dark oblivion of the deeper tunnels.
On the rotund platform they can see Captain Flash Hoof and his allies who had been spun up in web cocoons and stuck to the ground. They were still breathing and all but were unconscious.
>>12512"Oh no, look what those spiders have done!"
Summer Rye rushed on over and tried to free them.
>>12513When he got up close enough, this long spindly and segmented leg of black smacked down in front of him crushing the stone below it. It came from behind the edge of the outlook and what climbed up was one of t he giant spiders that chittered horribly. Another one as well climbed up from their right and they both looked pretty aggressive to the party's presence.
Epic Mount had a hard time seeing them and was a little sickened...
Epic Mind
1d8 = 4 DC 4
>If failEpic Body
1d12 = 11 DC 8
Combat EncounterGiant Spider A B
Body 1d6 Mind 1d6 Charm 1d4
Stamina 12/12
Climb 1d8
Web Sling 1d6
WebSense 1d6
Quirks Unknown
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"Fluttershy, are cave spiders afraid of fire?"
Rye called out while attacking Spider B.
>>12517That's fine, I gotta go to work pretty soon.>>12518Fluttershy: "I'm not sure, I only know how to take care of animals, Epic Mount knows a lot about different monsters though!"
[Short Fuse]{Chaotic]
Critical steps on up in front of the party to face the monsters.
Crit: "We don't need to know every detail about these things, all we gotta do is smash them to pieces!"
He attacks but due to his mental stress, the attack is random...
1d3 = 2 No.12520
>>12519He sends a chaos bolt at the first spider...
Crit Mind
1d20 = 12 Chao
1d8 = 2 VS Spider A Body
1d6 = 1 No.12521
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>>12520He concentrates a fierce and potent magical attack and sends it to the spider. This causes the spider to be hit so hard that it is knocked off of the overlook. Green Blood had been splattered across the floor of the overlook and one of the spider's legs had fallen short in front of Critical who was still a force to be reckoned with.
>>12519"Alright... still, would be helpful to know."
Rye tried to defeat Spider B.
>>12522Rye attacks the second spider among the violence of battle but it has become much more one sided against the spiders.
Rye Body
1d12 = 1 VS Spider B Body
1d6 = 5 No.12524
>>12523It's jet black legs deflect the attack from Rye's pitchfork and this prompts the spider to attack...
Spider Body
1d6 = 5 Web Sling
1d6 = 3 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 6 No.12525
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>>12524[Short Fuse]
Crit: "Aw come on now, attack the damned thing!"
Critical narrowly dodges the ball of webbing and was still able to move freely about.
Time for me to go. No.12528
>>12527Epic Mount stood still from attacking, not wanting to get any closer to the spiders at all due to his fears.
You can still make attacks and all that, your fear will just incur a penalty to your rolls. But if you don't that's fine too.Critical went in to attack the last spider though nobody knew how he would attack.
1d3 = 3 No.12529
>>12528He points at the spider and shouts at it.
Crit: "Your end is here and now and I will make sure you will not escape!"
Crit Charm
1d6 = 2 Mark
1d4 = 2 VS Spider Mind
1d6 = 3 No.12531
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>>12529The spider was able to deflect Critical's words and can still dodge attacks properly.
>>12530Epic Mount goes in to attack the spider even though reluctant to the task. Well he still be able to make the hit count?
Epic Mount Body
1d10 = 2 Mart
1d10 + 1 = 3 VS Spider Body
1d6 = 4Flutter Charm
1d20 = 20 Stare
1d20 = 20 VS Spider Mind
1d6 = 1 No.12532
>>12531Epic Mount misses but that doesn't matter as the Spider is quickly stopped in its tracks within the gaze of Fluttershy. It staggers back with fear and then climbs off of the overlook and flees into the tunnels below.
The party was now safe to free the guard ponies from their cocoons, hopefully Flash Hoof was alright. Critical walks over to the edge of the overlook by himself and drinks one of his own potions to cure up his wounds.
Crit HP: 26
>Short Fuse Effect Removed No.12533
>>12532Fs: Oh my, they really were more afraid of me than they were of Epic.
>Epic was still whimpering, having to deal with spiders.Fs: There-there Epic.
>>12535After some time they manage to get all of the guard ponies free which was just a company of four. They thanked them and started to talk with the party.
Flash Hoof: "Thanks for that, Even Light must've sent you. Anyways we need to get back to the City and warn them that our wards of have faded away, the city is in danger! That's why those spiders have managed to get so close to us like this."
>>12536Spiders, why does it have to be spiders?
Why not giant butterflies or something.
>>12537Crit: "Why would the wards be down right now? I thought it was all good."
Flash Hoof: "I dunno, it's just that they up and disappeared for little reason. I fear as to what has happened to the city in our short absence so we need to get back to do the Festival of Lights and revive our shields."
Crit: "Epic I know we're pretty tired but this can not be ignored, we need to head back as soon as possible."
>>12538It could be possible the wards are down because nopony attended them for over a thousand years.
But yeah, lets head back.
>>12539They all quickly head back and they managed to get up to the high bridges again. There they saw the city was under attack! Masses of webs were clustered up on the ceiling and waves of spiders lowered down into Umberfoal. The Spiders were tying up the civilians up and capturing but not without resistance. The city's Golem Defenses were engaged but the rock ponies were heavily out numbered. Down below on the stairwell to the Tome Vault they can see Even Light fighting a giant spider that was twice the size of the others. She looked to be on the losing side as they kept descending further and further.
Flash Hoof: "The city is under attack! We must go and save those ponies, you all see if you can help Even Light!"
The guards charge across the bridge and join in the fray of the battle.
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>>12541 smacks his hoof onto Epic's back as a way of reassurance. It would seem that he has gotten in a better mood but will Epic?
Crit: "Don't worry Epic everything will be fine if we act now. Lets go save the day one more time, and then again, and then again until we stop Tirek and get our Cutie Marks back."
He seemed brave in the face of danger or was it lack of caution that his talent wrought him? Time will tell.
>>12542Can't we just set the webbing on fire? Webbing is flammable.
Fs: No! Thats a terible idea!

?Whatever reasons these spiders are attacking, we can ask them to stop! They're just creatures.
>>12544Fs: Epic, I know you can dop this! I-I'm scared too, but I'll be right by your side through this.

Epic: O-OK, but... let's avoid the spiders if we can and help Evan Light and ehr ponies best we can.
>>12545They rush into the city and they try to get to the stair case. Everything had gone to chaos as ponies fled to their houses and the guards and golems made battle with the spiders. The party was well and able to keep away from them and make it to the stair case and head on down. Eventually they got on down and found Even Light laying down on the rugged edges of the steps. She sees the party and weakly gets back on up.
Even Light: "You're back... the city... it was attacked."
>>12547Even Light: "The Festival of Lights, it will banish them but..."
She looks down into the entrance into the vault.
Even Light: "Their queen, Insidiria has entered the vault and wishes to lay claim to the Festival Arcast. You must go in their and get it away from her or else is all lost."
>>12549Even Light: "Get the arcast and bring it to me and we will make an escape and hide away so that we can plan our next move. Be careful."
The party heads on into the Vault where it had been emptied of the Wisenry except for the giant spider who stood over the Arcast and the Crucible. Below Insidiria was Alethea who was guiding the queen's leg across the arcast...
Alethea: "And if you focus here the knowledge will be rendered to you."
The queen then looks shocked as a wave of information flows into her mind. Her greed for the Arcast's power soon flowed back into the vessel and it turned from a bright blue to a dark red and the city was casted into darkness as all the light crystals shut off.
Alethea: "You surface worlders are a bit too late now aren't you? Soon enough Equestria will remember the Umberfoal just like how they are going to remember the poor spiders they had forgotten as well."
Insidiria then leaves the arcast alone and confronts the party...
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>>12551Crit: "I don't..."
He was cut off of Insidiria smacked down her leg into the floor which knocked the party apart across the floor in different directions. The queen let out this horrid hissing noise and wanted to attack them more.
Crit: "Quick we need to get the arcast!"
>StareFs: These ponies been asleep here for thousands of years and you have been at peace. Why not to attack these ponies? Because they're smaller than you! For shame!

>>12553Insidiria ignores Fluttershy as it would seem the queen is a cut above the rest of her subjects. They would have to act fast in order to get the the arcast from the Crucible.
Crit Mind
1d20 = 13 Tele
1d20 = 14 VS DC 12
>>12554The arcast floats across the battle area and it lands into Critical's hooves but he was sure to not focus and read it by accident.
Crit: "I have the arcast, let's get back to Even Light."
The queen did not look pleased at this and started to charge them.
>>12554U-Um! Crit, try and get the thing! I-I'll fight it! I'lll fight you!
>Stands to fight against the giant spider queen, absolutely terrified.Fs: No Epic, we can reason with her.
>Tries again.Fs: Please your majesty you don't need to do this!
>>12556They stood to still and the queen got up close. Fluttershy tries to speak to her but again the spider ignores her, possible reason is that it speaks a different language. Insidiria uses its mandibles and strikes Fluttershy and is sent across the ground unconscious.
Crit: "Celestia all, Epic Mount do something!"
>>12559Before he could act the queen spider jumped at him and with her stinger, Epic Mount was stabbed at and likely poisoned. Things were getting bad as he felt the world daze away. He then feels magic be put around his body and then jerked away from the clutches of Insidiria. Things then go black for him.
Eventually he wakes up with a fever and he finds himself in a bed covered up in bedsheets. To his right was another bed that Fluttershy was asleep in as well.
Twilight: "You're awake, you had us all worried. I'm glad that you're okay and the others will be as well."
>>12561Twilight: "She's been knocked unconscious and hasn't woken up yet."
She looks at her injured friend who was in this angelic state of deep slumber.
Twilight: "She might need to stay out of harms way for a while but she should be fine soon. It was Critical who pulled the both of you out of the vault, thank Celestia he practiced his telekinesis spell."
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>>12562I shouldn't of let Fluttershy come with me.
I'm sorry Twilight.
>>12563Twilight: "This is nopony's fault, the only one to blame is Insidiria."
She turned around and pulled out a green glowing vial from a nearby table.
Twilight: "Speaking of which, you were poisoned by her stinger and we had to get you treated with some antidotes. This should be the last of your medication and afterwords the rest of the poison should be expelled from your body. I do have to warn you that it is bitter."
>>12564Can't be as bitter as my defeat, nor have I forgotten why I'm down here to begin with.
But what happened to Critical and Rye? What happened to Umberfoal?
>>12565Twilight: "Critical is downstairs speaking with Even Light about what to do next. They have this dark looking thing that Critical brought in as well called an Arcast, apparently it can save Umberfoal. As for the city itself, the streets have become a nesting ground for the spiders so all the residents have locked themselves away. We're in the Umber Inn currently."
[High Body Trait 1d12]
Epic Mount takes a swig of the antidote and it was much more worse than Twilight had put it. He was still able to keep it down though and drink it.
Twilight: "They're gonna need your help if they want to save Umberfoal."
>>12567Twilight looks at him and saw how bad this really hurt him. She then leans in and hugs him, feeling like he could use one right now. This is why she was the Princess of Friendship.
Twilight: "I know things got pretty bad but I know you can save the day in the end. You along with Critical and Rye have done great things and this won't stop. Now head on back down there and show those spiders what you are made of."
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>>12568>Epic blushes (platonically) He didn't want to confess his fears to her but didn't really see much choice but to go down there and deal with the spider problem.OK. Hopefully the antidote will provide at least some immunity before I bungle up again.
And please... look after Fluttershy, and tell her I'm sorry when she wakes up. It's bad enough she was so worried about me the last time, I don't want to bring pain and sadness to her again.
>>12569Twilight: "Don't worry, I'll assure her that everything will be fine."
He gets on up and heads downstairs to where the whole group of ponies were sitting about discussing and debating with each other on what to do.
Even Light: "... So the Arcast will need to uncorrupted for the Festival of Lights to take place."
Crit: "And how do we go on to do that?"
Even Light: "There are two other Crucibles deep below the Umberfoal cavern past the Capstone Fort. There's one in the Agaricus Forest and the other was lost and I do not know where it is."
Gully Trotter: "The Agaricus Forest?"
Even Light: "Yes the home of the Mushroom People known as Agari. They are a peaceful bunch when not provoked but we haven't spoken with them since we were sealed away."
>>12571Crit: "So a Crucible that can purify the arcast is down in the Agaricus Forest eh? Well it sounds simple enough."
Even Light: "There is a problem though, the only way to reach it is to swim down this underground lake and then go into a small tunnel that has a pocket of air in it. You would likely not reach it if you do not have a means to breath underwater but I have a solution."
She pulls out a small case of vials of crystal clear liquid inside.
Even Light: "These are potions of waterbreathing and will let you do what the name suggests for an hour so use it wisely."
Moon Beam: "Before you all go though what about the other ponies in Umberfoal?"
Even Light: "I'm sure the ponies in the burrows could use some help but the best thing to do is to get the arcast purified. Then again if you help the ponies in the burrows they might lend you some supplies."
>>12572I'll go and take the Arcast to the forest. It might be best to go alone.
A resistance group will be needed here to protect and help the ponies here in Umberfoal.
>>12573Critical: "Out of the question Epic Mount, after that stunt we pulled in the vault we would need to stick close together or else suffer a fate far worse. If you were alone in there with the spider, you wouldn't be held up here sipping on a cure for poison."
RainbowDash: "Yeah besides we can hold down the area and help ponies around here while you two go into the caves."
AppleJack: "Yep, we'll show them some of the Ponyville Hospitality."
>>12574Well, OK. Me and Crit.
And Rye if he is around and wants to come with.
>>12575Crit: "Right but first we need to decide, do we want to check up on the burrows or do we want to go to the Capstone Fort again? Going to the burrows will leave us more open to attack but we can get supplies from the ponies we help. Going to the fort will leave us to less attacks but we may not be prepared enough to delve into the depths."
AppleJack: "Before yall even go ya need to gets some eatins. I've prepared some meals for you in the kitchens so help yourselves."
Crit: "Thanks Apple Jack."
>>12576I think we should check on the borrows. Not for supplies, but for the ponies who may need some helpo getting to safety. We are heroes after all.
>The prospect of food.I dunno if I can eat from all thats going on.
>His tummy grumbles. No.12578
>>12577Crit: "We better eat something, I got the feeling that we won't be back here in a while until we are ready to face the queen again."
They head on into the kitchen and see an array of sandwiches and dried rations the Mane 6 had stockpiled for their journey into the badlands. It's not some grand feast mind you but it will be enough to carry them through the day and their upcoming trials.
>>12583As they make their way through the maze like corridors, they are soon enough hit with a wave of water that had crashed out of a nearby office. This surprised the party and would keep them on their hooves.
Dodge DC 3
Epic Body
1d12 = 12Crit Body
1d6 = 4 No.12585
>>12584The both manage to get away from the lone torrent of water and the looked to see what caused it. Inside the office was a half crazed alchemist pony wearing a lab coat.
???: "My apologies, usually my potion making skills are more on point."
>>12586???: "Sort of ish. My name is Fizz Bang."
He puts away his instruments.
FizzBang: "I was trying to make another case of potions of Waterbreathing."
Crit: "Ah we forgot to get those from Even Light!"
FizzBang: "Not too worry really, I can brew up some potions for you but I just forgot the exact recipe. If you could just help me figure out what I'm doing wrong..."
Recipe Help DC 10
>>12587We can pick up the potions from Evans later.
Sorry Mr. Bang but given the city is in crisis with spiders everywhere we're more concerned with safety of the ponies.
>>12588FizzBang: "Oh is that why you are here? Well I do basically represent the folks in the burrows so I can point you in the right direction if you wanted to help out. Anyways we got some injured ponies and duskloaks in the common room but they need medical attention and you don't seem the doctoring sort..."
Crit: "I do know a little bit about healing actually. I can probably take a look at them but I don't know how much I can help."
Fizzbang: "Don't overdo it then, if you feel like you can't fix something then let me know and I'll have a look."
>>12589As mcuhas I hate spiders, I can raid some nearby stores for medicines if needed.
And if there are any ponies out there you know of I can escourt them here if it's safe.
>>12590FizzBang: "Right now take a look at the sick and injured for me first. Then go raid the store houses if you feel it necessary."
Crit: "We best move on now."
>>12594He does this sticking close to the shadows but the shadows holds many an unsavory type including the spiders and their webs as well.
Stealth DC 8
Epic Body
1d12 = 12 No.12599
>>12598He sees that the insides still contained what little bits of medicine it had before the spider strike but it was now all covered in webs.
[Identify Monster]
If he was to so much as try to touch the webs then there would be the chance the nearby keepers of such abominations will take notice and race to devour their prey. He would have to be extremely careful to not alarm them.
Looking around the store front he noticed a lot of the stuff on the shelves was just common allergy pills or cough syrup. There was however a door that led in back behind the clerk's counter but the door had a sizeable pad lock on it to bar thieves and drug addicts from the "Good Stuff".
>>12600The best implement he had to do this with was his Thunder Hammer but he was sure to not concentrate on its magic abilities for safety reasons. He rears it above his head and then swings it down with full force.
Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 5 VS DC Door Lock Hardiness 4
1d6 = 2 Spider's Web Sense
1d6 = 4 VS DC Epic Body Roll-4
>>12603He goes and hides under the clerks counter where he sat next to a number of books and store records from thousands of years ago. He could also notice a small bronze key that was taped up to the underside of the of the counter.
Before he could reflect on it though the spiders had entered the room and were scurrying about. Epic would then see two spider legs hang over and twitch about in front of him. Quietness is key here...
[Fear of Spider]
Epic Body
1d10 = 1 VS Spider Mind
1d6 = 4 No.12609
>>12608I slept in a little today.Epic Mount pulls out his things and tries to set a light his torch. It takes some effort and the spiders get closer and closer, they hissed as they wanted to catpured him.
As they were inches away the torch finally became set on fire and the spiders saw the flames. Theirs eyes widened and they fled away from the light and fled away from him, escaping through the doors and windows.
>>12611>First, Epic extonguishes his torch. He doesn't want to let it burn entirely out, though probably wraps webbing around it to extend it's... uh "lifespan"? "burnspan"? whatever...>Epic goes to the common room to meet with Critical.Critical! Look what I got!
>Plonks a huge mass of web, with small glass bottles and aged cardboard containers poking out of it.Give it out to the medics... Once you- um picked through the webbing.
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>>12612[Healing Touch]
He finds Critical working with a patient, focusing his magic on the patients body and trying his best to heal the sickness in him. It wasn't much but he was doing his best.
Crit: "Good, good. I've been working with some of the nurses here but I'm not too much help."
He gets up and picks up the small wooden crate and takes it over to the nurses who thanked the both of them for bringing enough supplies that will save all of the patients here. They made quiet the difference in the Burrows and they should tell Fizz Bang the good news.
Crit: "There, I think we've helped as much as we can."
>After picking out boxes and bottles from the pile of webbing and distributing them out to the nurses.Let's go see Fizz Bang. Also we should probably asks one of the duskloaks if theres any ponies out there that needs help.
I'm aware we're stalling for going to the forest to pourify that bowl we have to do, but I'd rather make sure Umberfoal ponies are safe and secured before we head out.
>>12614Critical nods and they head on back to Fizz Bang's office after going through the halls and such.
Fizz Bang: "Ah there you all are, were you three able to help out around the Common Room?"
>>12616Fizz Bang takes off his glasses and put them down on the table with a smile on his face. The party had let off a great weight off of his shoulders and for that he was grateful to them.
Fizz Bang: "Thank you, I am glad to know our sick and wounded can be properly tended to. Please I don't have much but you deserve it... In that chest over there I have a number of potions that can help you out in a pinch, take them."
They do so and they found these potions.
Dark Vision Potion: (Allows you to see in the dark for 10 minutes)
Uproot Potion: (When thrown to the ground it causes a mass of entangling vines to pop up.)
Potion of Water Breathing: (Allows user to breath under water for an hour)
>>12617Nice. This can help on our journey to do the thing for the Festival of Light.
But before we do that, I've noticed the streets were bare. Have all Umberfoal civilians being taken accounted for? Are they all safe?
>>12618Fizz Bang: "Yes, most have fled to their homes in the Burrows where we stand now, some others were in or close enough to the inn to hold up in there. As for us being safe well... we're as safe as a conquered people yes."
Crit: "What potions do you want to take Epic? We have one Water Breathing but we will need more so we will still need to go back to the Inn."
>>12619We'll each take a water breather. I'll have the Uproot potion, you the night-vision potion.
But we can trade 'em later if you want.
>To Fiz Bang.So any of those ponies holl'ed up at their homes need saving?
>>12620There was only one water breather here so Epic Mount took it.
Fizz Bang: "No not really, we have enough supplies to keep ourselves fed and med now and we got plenty of Duskloaks around too. Really we just need to get these spiders out of the topside part of our city."
>>12621Alright. So it's time to do the next thing we gotta do!
Critical, what were we suppose to do? Something about an underground forest that we have to get to underwater?
And I'm sure Evan Light has a spare breathing potion she offered us. We can get it from her so that we can both go.
>>12623Ah, OK. Let's do that then. BUt we'll need the other breathing potion from Evan Light.
She did offer us such potion?
>>12624Crit: "Yeah we'll head on over there now..."
They head on out of into the streets once more, shifting themselves through the shadows and the small streets and alley ways. The streets are still quiet and empty except for maybe the distant hissing and chittering noise. The only evidence of spiders that they can see of spider were the amass of webs on the buidlings and street lights hoping to catch prey and ponies alike.
Stealth DC 6
Epic Body
1d12 = 8Crit Body
1d6 = 6 [Duskloak]:Stealth
1d4 = 2>If one just passes then they don't set off the spiders. No.12629
>>12628Even Light: "No everyone here is fine but you all forgot to take a water breathing potion from me."
Twilight: "Fluttershy is still asleep but she is looking much better."
>>12629>To TwilightThank goodness.
>To EvanWe're sorry. We wanted to make sure your ponies are safe. I've raided a pharmacy for the ponies in the burrows. It should help them through this crisis. But I couldn't find any ponies out there.
But I've found out that the spiders are just as afraid of fire. And given how flamable spiderwebs are it's logical.
If your duskloaks use fire to frighten away the spiders, maybe burn webs that won't cause any colaltoral damage to any buildings then maybe you can take back some grounds from your city and keep the spiders at bay until me and Crit can get back with the crucible?
Also, not to be mean to Clarity or anything, but shallw e just say Summer Rye stays back to help the ponies at the Inn? Such as distribute food and medicine etc. He's not on Steam at the moment so I can't ask him about it, but I imagine it'll save a lot of "catch up" if we pressume he just follows us around. No.12631
>>12630We'll just see how it goesEven Light: "Thank you for the information, I'll be sure to pass the word to Flash Hoof so that we can start to make some progress."
They each take a water breathing potion for their journey ahead. If they are to traverse the deep well then they will need the concoctions.
Crit: "We should be ready to head on off now."
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>>12632Crit: "Yeah though I admit that the idea of breathing under water is kind of odd to me. Anyways I think you should take lead and get us on over there, you seem to be on point lately."
>>12633Me? First?
>GulpsW-well OK.
>Consumes his water breathing potion.>Leans over the well.So do I need to wait until it kicks in or do I have to... get in the well now?
>If Critical wanted to, he could give his friend a gentle "nudge" of encouragement to his dear friend. No.12635
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(What happened since last time?)
>>12634We haven't left the inn yet? I was hoping you would be like, "I leave the inn and head to the lake"They head on out to the fort first and go beyond it to the depth. It was a long trek to the deep well but they eventually reach this rotunda form of a cavern where the reflections of the deep well danced across the walls, ceilings, and even themselves. The deep well glowed a light blue and was somewhat inviting to them but it would be safe to assume that this water will be cold.
Critical thought about shoving Epic into the water as a joke but decided against it since that would just be wrong really.
Crit: "It should just be an immediate effect."
He jumps into the water, not wanting to wait out the cold shock. He then gets back up to the surface with his whole entire being cold.
Crit: "Ah this water is damnably cold."
>>12636[spoiler]Oh yeah, lake. I thought wefast travelled a little. Sorry.
>Gets somewhat splashed."Encouraging"
>Epic eeps his way into the water like a sky kitten.>>12637(Yeah, a bit happened but mostly skippable for you. Welcome back.)
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"Agaricus Forest... there's a forest down here?"
>>12638The water was very cold as he made baby steps into the water but he eventually joins Critical.
>>12639>>12640>>12641Crit: "Yeah there should be a tunnel that has a pocket of air in it that will lead to the forest."
>>12642"We have to wade through the water? Brrrr!"
He steps inside.
>>12649 Mount was able to touch the fish and he can feel its sleek scales brush up against his hoof. He can feel a sense of tranquility here that he has never felt before, that being under water and swimming with the fishes of course.
>>12650The party stuck close to each other but would it be enough. The fish then suddenly flee as they are attacked from above them as a large crab jumped down from a rock on the wall and went for the party.
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>>12652"Oh no, a crab!!"
>is Fluttershy still here? No.12654
>>12652>>12653Maybe it's friendly?
>To the crab.May we pass through?
She got KOd and recovering back in the Inn. It's just the three of us. No.12655
>>12653>>12654No she was injured and had to stay back at the inn.Water combat was awkward for the party and this crab was giant, like twice the size of Epic Mount. Critical spins around and tries to attack it and get it away from them.
Crit Mind
1d20 = 15 Chao
1d8 = 1 VS Carcinus Body
1d20 = 19 No.12657
>>12655Critical, we don't need to fight it I don't think it wants to-
>>12656Oh bother.
>>12655Summer Rye tried to remember something about taking care of animals... or animals in general...
"Hey big guy, what do you want from us! We don't mean you no harm."
He said to the crab.
>>12658Crabs may have pincers, they maybew related to spiders... but they're not spiders. So technically not monsters.
If it's not going to attack us, lets not provoke it.
>>12657>>12658>>12659It doesn't pay attention to it but eventually it just sinks past the party and is unable to continue its assault.
Crit: "Cripes we have to be careful down here. The place looks nice but it is gilded with danger."
>>12664That dive was about 10 minutes but it will likely wear off by the time they leave the forest. Don't worry they will be fine.
>>12665Crit: "Almost, we just need to get through this tunnel first."
>>12670"Oh boy... I wonder what grows down here..."
Summer Rye examined the soil those plants were growing on - if any.
>>12669Sorry this post was too short and pretty shitty, will make another one that is better.>>12670>>12671The ground they saw and felt was much softer than the rock floor that they had gotten used to while traveling around in the UmberFoal. The trees were mostly pine and coniferous, extremely few bore any fruit but they could see that there was a plentiful food source of cave fungi.
They could see three different paths. The one to the left curved and twirled down deeper into a thicker part of the forest where they can see a soft glow in the distance through the leaves.
The center path was largely wide and was the biggest of the three. They could also notice large depressions in the ground along this path indicating large creatures use this path.
Lastly to the right was a path that was small and was hardly tended to, in fact it was almost overgrown.
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>>12672"I wonder what that glow is down there to the left."
>>12673>>12674>>12675There was no chance of any sunlight being down here but they can see what looked to be a night sky filled with only stars. If they focused on it long enough they can see it was actually tiny crystal fissures in the rock the gave off a dim light. Then suddenly the glow from the left most path rose up from the forest and they saw that it was a large butterfly that would occasionally fly over the forest and spill out some sort of dust as well as give the trees this artificial orange glow sunlight.
Eventually the butterfly lands back to its origin point at the end of the left most path.
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>>12676"I bet Fluttershy would have loved to talk to that butterfly."
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>>12677He felt uncomfortable.
Crit: "Eh yeah... I'm sure that can be said. Anyways which path did you guys want to check out first?"
>>12672 No.12679
>>12678Summer Rye curiously looked at that path that was almost grown over. He points at it.
"That's where adventure's call is coming from!"
>>12679>I'm backCrit: "Sounds like a good idea to me..."
They head down the long and winding path to the right, plants choked the small walk way they were on but they eventually come up to this old looking campsite abandoned long ago.
There was a brown and tattered tent, a campfire with a pot that was laying on its side, and a few cut down logs that would've served as seating if they hadn't rotted away long ago.
>>12682The pot was very small, no larger than a big bowl really meaning that this was a one pony encampment. It had no special markings on it though as it was just the regular black kettle material. The tent yielded something though, inside was a book that had numerous texts in it and each line was paralleled by another. What was stranger was that one line was Common and the other was some strange language that he could no read at the moment.
wtlk asdl nmpoixn cvl uiop vncxl
He sits there at the tree
The strange language is a bunch of random letters as I can't go learn a new language or make one up right now. Take as the letters and words making no sense as if you were illiterate. No.12685
>>12684Crit: "I don't know, I was never good at learning or reading languages outside of common but let me take a look..."
Mind DC 5
Crit Mind
1d20 = 8Rye Mind
1d8 = 6 No.12686
>>12685After looking at it together, they both come to the conclusion that this is a translation book for some sort of different language that they can presume is the Agarian language. The book was also hoof written but it should be enough to help the party to translate any mushroom person speaker but they would have to be very smart to match up the speaker's voice to the words and get the grammar and punctuation right.
Agarian Translation: (Allows Mind test rolls to understand and read Agarian.)
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>>12688"Well, that book sure will come in helpful!" Rye smiled.
"What do you say? Shall we check out the left path with the butterfly or head straight?"
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>>12689Crit: "Well we do have to find that Crucible down here as quick as we can but that Butterfly sure is interesting to look at. I guess it just depends on how we feel about it and what demands our immediate attention."
Critical seemed much more wizened than what he was like when he first joined the group. It was most likely due to all the trials and hardships they faced together that has made him like this, a nice change when his hot blood or chaotic nature isn't invoked.
>>12690"Well, I suppose we won't find the crucible with the butterfly. But those tracks look weird, have you seen any like that before?"
Summer Rye examined the big tracks on the middle path, wondering what might have caused them.
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>>12692"Well, let's head down this way. No need to worry, we just have to be careful."
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>>12693They go down the path until they spot this hulking humanoid figure who was a giant mushroom walk in the same direction as they. It was calm looking and quiet but it was also large and pretty intimidating. The Agari had not spotted the party yet as they have approached from behind it.
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Summer Rye gulps but gathering all the courage he find he calls out a greeting towards the Agari.
>>12695It turns around and starts to slowly walk to the party with its blank stare. Each footstep is a heavy thud against the ground that leaves another pot hole into the soil. When it got up to the party it towered over them as it was twice their average height. It then starts to speak in its language as it seems to understand Common but not speak that.
Mind Test DC 8
(Agarian Translation) Crit Mind
1d20 = 10 No.12697
>>12695Critical was able to piece together what it had said.
Agarican: "Ponies? I have never seen ponies here before. Who are you three and what are you doing here?"
>>12697Summer Rye waved and introduced the party to the towering Agari, one after another.
"We have to come looking for a Crucible. We are from Umberfoal... or we are guests there rather. A spider queen has attacked the city!"
>>12698It then speaks again and Critical has to flip around in his newly acquired translation book to figure out what he was saying.
Mind Test DC 8
Crit Mind
1d20 = 2 No.12700
>>12699He seemed to get lost and he couldn't piece together what the Agarican had said.
Crit: "Uh..."
Still though the mushroom man motioned for the ponies to follow him as they continue down the path. It would seem the Agarican wanted to lead them to something.
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>>12700"Well, they seem friendly enough... let's follow them!"
>>12701Eventually they make it to what seemed to be a vast village of Agaricans whose houses were made up of old hollowed trees. Everything seemed nice and quiet around here but the Agaricans looked sad though. The one they found took them to the village center where they saw a very elderly Agarican who was of their own height and was hunched over.
Sprygg: "So ponies have returned to my commune once more, that would mean the Umberfoal has risen once again. Please I was once friends with one of their leaders Even Light, make yourselves home as you stay with us. Also if there is anything you need I will be glad to help."
>>12702>>12703>>12704>>12705Sprygg: "Hello to you as well, I know it is strange for an Agarican to speak the Common Pony language. In fact that I'm the only one here in the village who can speak it. Unfortunately you all found us at troubled times."
He points over in a direction where the forest tree's were dying, the trail of dead trees lead off to a large mountain structure in the distance.
Sprygg: "You see we have an infestation of oozes that has been attacking our village."
>>12706Do you know the source of the ooze? The "nest" so to speak.
>>12707I'd rather deal with slime than spiders anyday.
>>12711Ah OK.>>12709"Took" the crucible? As in an organised attack? But that makes no sense.
Ooze are dangerous yes but they're not alive, they're not intelligent. Their existance is more like fire. Able to grow, to consume, to reproduce but fire isn't a living thing.
>>12716Still very peculiar. We'll look into it.
Though they be difficult to defeat without sunlight.
>>12717Crit: "Epic Mount you still have Moon Beam's bangle that can light up areas... but you would have to remove your power bangles to use it. Perhaps you should pass the Moon Bangle onto one of us."
>>12718Sprygg: "Again if you just follow the trail of dead trees then you will find their nest."
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>>12720"Thank you."
Rye looked at the others.
"Shall we go shopping first?"
>>12722Shopping? Out here in the forest?
>To SpryggDo you guys even have shops and economy?
>>12721Crit took it and put it on, he wasn't much for jewelry but it was practical and necessary.
>>12722Crit: "We can go ahead and do some shopping if you want. I might need to get some healing potions stocked up."
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>>12725Summer Rye made sure to keep the book closer, wondering what the mushroom folk might be selling.
>>12729Rye went up to the shop owner and he pointed at the healing potions. He then exclaimed that he wanted one and the shop owner responded...
Translate DC 5
Crit Mind
1d20 = 12 No.12731
>>12730The shop owner speaks and critical translated for them.
Crit: "He says the potion will cost 20 bits. He also says he's got some premium gear in stock if any of you are interested."
>>12731Summer Rye put 20 bits on the counter and took the potion.
"What kind of premium gear?"
>>12732They don't need a translation for that but instead the shop owner pulls out a number of items, some of which are mushroom related.
Toadstool Armor (Armor Value 1): 500bits (Every Round that is complete the user will heal one stamina point)
This armor is a light armor mad up of tree bark that has been hardened for its purposes. It still though has numerous mushrooms growing on it that has some healing properties.Toadstool Mace: 300bits (Will stun an enemy if the enemy rolls a defence roll of 1. All dice must be 1)
This weapon is a unique mushroom that is hard but gives off a number of dizzying spores if struck. No.12734
>>12733Rye examined the armor. Smiling he gently poked one of the tiny shrooms growing on it.
"That looks like it's made for me, I get whacked a lot. But 500 bits... that's more than I have. What about you, Crit?"
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>>12734Crit: "I got about 469 bits but I'm not really feeling up to loan unless I have to. See if you can barter with him first, you're the one with the most charm out of all of us."
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>>12736He tries to do so and reasons with it to lower the price so that he could afford the armor that Rye wanted...
Rye Charm
1d8 = 8 Pers
1d6 = 6 VS Agarican Mind
1d8 = 6 No.12739
>>12737They eventually get the price to be lowered down to something Rye could afford but it will cost him all of his bits in order to buy it. It would be a good idea for Rye to sell off some junk after buying the armor.
Armor Cost 446 bits
>>12739Summer Rye thought it was still pretty expensive even though the price looked much better now.
"How much for my old barding? It's only got a few dents in it."
Summer Rye also offered
- 1 Emerald
- Torch
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>>12740The all together value of these items will be up to this amount...
130 bits.
If he went through this sale then he would have a total of 130 bits left.
>>12741Summer Rye smiled and agreed to the trade.
"130 bits is better than nothing. And I think this armor is really worth it. Look at all those tiny shrooms growing on the wood!"
>>12742They make the trade and Rye puts on the armor. Surprising enough the mushrooms did not get in the way of his movement but rather it gave him a more cosmetic feel and even provided themselves as a few extra armor plates.
Critical also sold off a number of items including
2 gems 40 bits
1 sword 50 bits
90 bits value
And he bought three healing potions.
-60 bits value
End value +30 bits
Crit Bits 499
Rye Bits 130
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>>12743"You're loaded, Crit. Do you want to invest in my family farm's grain business?"
>>12744Crit: "Ha no! I'm gonna burn all of this at the dice tables in Las Pegasus."
They were still at the shop and were still able to buy unless they were ready to go to the Ooze Nest.
>>12745"I heard there's a fancy rollercoaster in Las Pegasus, that's probably more fun than spending all that money on dice tables. Got a magic show too!"
Summer Rye was done shopping.
>>12746Crit: "I've heard about that but never got the chance to ride it, heard it closed down though."
Since they were done shopping they started to head on out of the village and followed the trail of dead or dying trees as per instructed. This takes some time as they walked along the forest floor but they eventually come up to some sort of clearing. There were no trees in the center but they can see a single but giant ooze in the center of the clearing.
>>12750It doesn't have anything of the sort instead of numerous tree branches. It shouldn't be too hard to take this thing on but it is also easy to sneak past it if they so choose to.
Crit: "So what do you want to do Rye?"
>>12751"I think we should try to take it on, or it will just continue to destroy the trees."
Rye decided to examine the area a bit more first in case more oozes were hiding.
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>>12753"Surprise attack!" Rye shouted as he attacked with the pitchfork.
>>12754Rye charges it and he attacks the Giant Ooze with all he had...
Rye Body
1d12 = 8 VS GOoze Body
1d10 = 3 Insubstantial
1d4 = 3 No.12756
>>12755The attack lands well but the ooze's body absorbs some of the damage...
Damage 8-3(Insub)=5
Gooze HP9
Critical goes in to attack it using a chaos magic bolt.
Crit Mind
1d20 = 8 Chao
1d8 = 6 VS Gooze Body
1d10 = 10 No.12757
>>12755>>12756It takes in the attack like it was nothing and it then moved its massive body to Rye and tried to eat him.
Gooze Body
1d10 = 6 Engulf
1d8 = 5 VS Rye Body
1d12 = 9 No.12759
>>12758"That ooze is pretty tough!"
Summer Rye went in for another attack, using his pitchfork again.
"I wish I still had a sword."
>>12759He attacks it again hoping to land in some more damage.
Rye Body
1d12 = 6 VS Gooze Body
1d10 = 5 Insub
1d4 = 1Crit Mind
1d20 = 1 Chao
1d8 = 7 VS Gooze Body
1d10 = 4 No.12761
>>12760>>12759With their combined efforts the Ooze was destroyed and it had splattered everywhere across the clearing. They didn't find much in its remains except for maybe some items...
50 bits
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>>12764Crit: "Yeah yeah, just think it as payback for the free drinks back at your house."
He dismissed the thanks and kept up his more rebellious feel to his character.
>>12767>Came back from the public toilets.Guys you won't believe how mushroom people do their business-
>Notice the battle that had happened and slime splatted everywhere.What I miss?
>>12766>>12767>>12768Sorry I wasn't on yesterday, I was very busy with school and a bunch of other junk but I'm here now. Hopefully things get easier.Crit: "We found one of those oozes that had been troubling the Agaricans and we fought it. They don't seem to put up too much of a fight if you're careful so we best stick close. Anyways their den shouldn't be too far off from here now so we will soon be upon it."
Critical was right, they had moved quite the distance already and were close to the underground mountain in the Agarican Forest. This will likely involve some serious underground, underground cave exploration. Cave-ception.
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>>12771Crit: "Oh don't worry about that, these things will get you if you let them. Best we kept our guard up though when we enter their lair, if we're not careful then they will engulf us like some adventurer stories I heard before. Anyways are you ready to head on out, their nest shouldn't be too far now."
>>12772I mean if we teach the mushroom folk to defend themselves from the ooze so that they can be more independant.
But yeah, let's get the bowl back first. We need to it to save Umberfoal.
>>12773They head along the path deeper into the forest until they came upon the mouth of the cave entrance. They could tell this was their nest as trails of slime led in and out of the dark interior of the rock formation. The rock inside was dark and foreboding, almost unnatural. They will need to keep close to a light source or they shall surely be in danger.
Darkness Threat.
>If a player is in darkness without any light then they will suffer a penalty that will decrease all of their dice rolls. The Oozes are not subject to this. No.12775
>>12774I have flint and lantern.
Dunno if lantern is full though.
I thought I had a partially burnt torch.
>>12775Crit: "Don't worry I still have that Moon Bangle you let me have. So long as I say the right phrase and wear it then we'll have light. It will also keep my hooves and my concentration free so I will definitely still help you to fight..."
They enter in the cave and they soon came upon a sizeable cavern room. The path way divided up into two different hallways. The left hallway had more of those slime tracks on the ground and will likely lead to oozes. The right path was strangely clean compared to the rest of the area and they can hear a pool of water coming from it.
The question is, will they go to the right or the left?
>>12777He tosses the rock at the slime puddles on the ground to the left path and the rock hits it nicely. The rock then bounces off the hard cave surface since the slime had little surface tension. As far as he could tell the slime was not acidic any more since it was just dead ooze material, like pealing off your skin after a sun burn. He did note that the slime was slick and could cause him to fall if taking body tests.
Crit: "Oh I forgot to say the phrase. Ehem, Sparkle."
The bangle on Critical grew a bright blue cold light and illuminated their immediate area. Now they'll have no trouble seeing in this invasive darkness.
>>12778I think we should go to the right. Ooze are known to dissolve matter. I mean sure theres slime on the left cavern but this slime isn't as acidic as actual slimes.
Hm, I wonder if this stuff can be used to prevent the acidic effects of ooze? Like, what if we coat our weapon or armour in this stuff?
>>12779Crit: "Eh I'm not really feeling like putting dead ooze slime all over my clothes and armor but we'll go to the path on the right."
They make a short trek that way and they quickly come upon a small room that was covered in this odd looking yellow mushrooms. They could also notice a small and perfectly circular pool of water that had been dug into the ground. Deep below it they can see what looked to be a chest on the bottom of the pool.
The pool itself wasn't too deep, in fact it would make a nice swimming pool if the sides were so close together. On that note only one pony can fit into the pool at a time.
>>12781He tosses a pebble into it and at first nothing happened but then a water droplet hit one of the mushrooms and it started to make this blood curdling shriek that shook the party at the very fiber of their being.
Mind Test DC4 DMG 1
Crit Mind
1d20 = 11Epic Mind
1d8 = 3 No.12783
>>12782Epic's head hurt after the shrooms were done and he now had a slight migrane that passed over quickly
Epic HP 19
>>12784The shouting was all over and they can now understand why the oozes don't come into this room. The mushrooms act as natural detterent against oozes due to their high pitched screaming.
>Related but much worse "I think we best be careful in this room. If you dive into the pool you can deafen the eventual screaming they make and my mind is strong enough to resist it so I should stay out here."
>>12785Well, if you're careful you could probably levitate the chest out the water.
Or we could burn the mushrooms.
>>12786Crit: "Levitate it? I can try..."
He focuses his magic on the chest tries to concentrate on it.
Levitate DC 6
Set off Shroom DC 12
Crit Mind
1d20 = 13 Tele
1d20 = 1 No.12789
>>12787He pulls the chest back to them with great skill, even reminding Epic Mount of how good Twilight was at this spell. They then go back in to hallway where it was safe and they opened up the chest to find these items...
>Prepare to nerd out.Maredenkainen's Collar: (Once per day this collar can be used to summon Maredenkainen's faithful hound.)
>This is the collar to the spectral hound that belonged to Maredenkainen, a legendary wizard of ancient times.Sir Squire's Cape: (If your HP falls below 0, do a body roll against the roll that killed you. If succeed you revive 1 hp)
>This is a red cloak that bares the cutie mark of Sir Squire. No.12790
>>12789Woah it this! Wow!
>Nerds out!This is the cape of Sir Squire himself! Just like in the stories!
>Admires the cape for awhile.A-and what is this? A Mare-dankenin... Dankainin Dankmemes... whut?
>>12790Crit: "I can't believe it either, this is Maredenkainen's faithful watch hound. Maredenkainen is to me like Sir Squire is to you!"
He takes up the collar and looks at it with admiration. It seems like this is a big deal to Critical.
Crit: "I dunno how these got here but this proves that Maredenkainen was with Sir Squire on his visits to the Umberfoal."
>>12792Crit: "Oh she was this extremely powerful wizard back in the day, legends say that she was able to move the sun and moon all by herself but... that's just fantasy. Sad thing though was that she kept to herself a lot and didn't have any close friends beyond her relatives. I wish I'd know more but a lot of the records on her are gone so I don't got much except rumors and fantasies."
She probably wasn't a friend of Sir Squire but was an ally in the war against Discord.
>>12794Crit: "Eh I didn't say she was the most powerful but she definitely comes close I imagine."
He takes the collar and Epic took the cape. They both seemed happy at their findings.
Crit: "Anyways we need to stay focused on the task on hoof. The oozes are bound to be around here somewhere and we need to get that Crucible."
Would you like to equip your new cape? No.12798
>>12797This should keep him safe in the face of danger should he ever fall.
Crit: "Suits you well. Are you ready to head on deeper into the cave? It will be there we should find the Crucible of the Agaricans."
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>>12798Yes, lets Go! FOR SIR SQUIRE!
>>12800Wow, reminds me of that time in Las Pegas I'd rather forget about but haunts my nightmares.
If only we had... Oooh idea! ets trap them in the water room with the screaming mushroo-
Wait a moment... Ooze are not living entidies, they don't even have ears, whats stopping them from that room we were in?
>>12801Crit: "Well..."
He tried to remember what he had learned in school as a child.
Crit: "You see Epic sound is created as waves that hit a surface and bounces off of it. I think because of the Ooze's bodies being so soft, they are much more vulnerable to sound waves, especially loud and disruptive ones like those mushroom. I think the screeching actually hurts them... or at least just breaks up their gelatinous formation which is why they stay away."
>>12802Oh, well yeah, that makes sense.
I fear if we try to attack these things our weapons and ourselves willjust get burned up.
But if we lead this blob to the other cave with the screaming mushrooms and trap it there, well the mushrooms may do the work for us.
The only weapons we have that would be ideal to attack with would be the electricity from my thunder hammer and any ranged weapons we have.
>>12805Time for me to goThey head on back and they are now in the mushroom cave.
Crit: "Do you have anything that will make it easier to pick them? If we rip them up then it will be difficult to not set them off. A sharp blade or some other gentle implement will work."
Pick Shroom DC 12
>>12806I have a feeling it won't be just water that'll set them off. If only we can pry them from the rock wall.
Still we should cover our ears with something for safety.
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>>12807Crit: "Sure we can try to cover our ears but I'm not sure with what."
He looks around for a second and then gets an idea after tugging onto his cloak. He then takes it off for a second and bunches up on his ears, wrapping it around the back of his head so he can still see.
>>12813Wasn't I wearing a cloak before I got Sir Squires cloak? I think I got it from the Canterlot guards.I hope this plan works. If not we'll need to get some water for them.
Natures kinda wierd to produce such mushrooms.
>>12814You lost that during the time of of our assault on the Diamond Dog mines in the mountains. However you still do have your Rabid Cloak so its fine.I guess Epic Mount picks them.
Picked Shrooms DC 8 (Muffled Sound)
Epic Mount Mind
1d8 = 6Crit Mind DC
1d20 = 1 No.12817
>>12815Even with their ears covered they still got an earful of piercing screeching until Epic Mount stored about two or three of them into his saddle bag safely. This bunch will activate after being thrown against a hard surface or when Epic Mount is hit hard.
Screech Shroom (Screeches upon hard impact)
>>12817Ooh, that ain't half sharp.
OK, heres the plan. I stun the big ooze with my thunder hammer and we lob the mushrooms while it's stunned.
>>12821OK, I'm gonna strike the giant ooze with lightning from my hammer. You toss the mushrooms.
>>12822Epic Mount carefully handed Critical the shrooms which he now held in his hoof like a mischievous child ready to throw stones at windows.
Crit: "I'm ready."
Epic went and took his hammer and pointed it at the giant ooze and focused on the head of it to send an electrobolt at his enemy.
Epic Body
1d12 = 3 VS Giant Ooze Body
1d10 = 7 No.12824
>>12823The bolt of lightning hits the ooze but its slimy being just absorbs it like nothing else they seen before. Still though Critical throws the shrooms as hard as he could and it hit the ground to let out the loudest shriek they can make.
Shriek DC 12
Epic Mind
1d8 = 2Crit Mind
1d20 = 15After that the oozes could not handle the loud sound waves and their bodies twisted and contorted until they fell down as sickening puddles on the ground. Now was their chances to snatch the Crucible.
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>>12824>Forgot pickEpic HP 17
Crit HP 25
>>12826Epic Mount charges in quickly before the oozes had time to reform but would have to make a body check for running across a slimey floor with the acidic oozes spread about.
Slip DC 5
Epic Body
1d12 = 6>If FailEpic Mount Body
1d12 = 3 VS Ooze Acidity
1d6 = 6 No.12828
>>12827Epic Mount was able to keep his balance on the dangerous terrain and he gets the heavy stone crucible on his back. He then makes it back to where Critical was. By now the Oozes had recovered and were now moving to the party to attack them but very slowly.
Combat EncounterGiant Ooze
Ooze A
Ooze B No.12831
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>>12829>>12830They start to run through the winding tunnels with the oozes in tow. It shouldn't take long for them to get to the entrance area.
Crit: "By Celestia that pool will be too small for those things. We need to get out of here or fight them and destroy them!"
>>12832They get on out of the cave and by now the Oozes had given up the chase and had decided to retire back to their nesting ground to recuperate after such an assault. For now they were safe but they still had to get back to the Agarican village and speak with Sprygg on how to purify their Arcast and the location of the second Crucible.
Crit: "Huff... we're safe. Well that went a lot better than I expected."
The unicorn sits down on the dead grass as he tried to catch his breath. Epic could also feel his struggles mounting and his body began to feel tired. Even though they did have some rest at the Umber Inn, it was in some pretty dire circumstances. Perhaps they should rest up at the Agarican Village.
Right now they are getting tired but there is no penalties for it yet. No.12834
>>12833That Ooze could still be a problem for the environment around here. It would be best if we find some good way to be rid of it.
If only we can teleport it upside during daylight.
>>12835Trying to teleport that from all the way down here will perhaps be too much for you.
If instead we can get the Agaricans to harness sunlight for themselves then they'd have a fighting chance.
But how do we get sunlight from down here? Maybe a series of mirrors?
>>12839Yes! Sooner we get these arcasts alight again, the sooner we can defeat Tirek.
I just hope we haven't wasted too much time already for him to make his move.
Critical just pokes at him until he wakes up.
Sprygg: "Eh what!? Oh its you three again, I see you were successful in bringing back our Crucible. How was your journey into the Ooze Nest, you seem to be tired so I imagine it was not without struggle."
>>12844Sprygg: "I see."
Crit: "We need to get this Arcast Purified but we are not so sure on how to do that."
Sprygg: "The Festival of Lights, look at how dark and red it is. I shall help you in order to save Umberfoal. What you will have to do is take it to the hall of Rituals, a temple set off in the distance that is home to the SporeDust Butterfly. There you will set the Crucible onto a pedestal and focus your minds onto the arcast you wish to purify. To do this you all must concentrate and recite these lines...
Safe and sound a home will stay. If kept in peace and love by day."
>>12848Spygg: "Sun Crystals? What do you mean?"
The party had to explain to Sprygg their idea.
Sprygg: "That does sound like a good idea though we do have to give the Oozes some space with the circle of life and all. Anyways I suggest you three head on out as soon as possible though you are free to rest here in my home if you feel the need to. I'll also prepare a meal for you, I hope you like moss soup."
>>12850Sprygg: "That would be nice and all, perhaps you can show the folk around a thing or two with your punches and magics."
Crit: "Could take some time but I can go for some R&R here if you want."
This will likely take the rest of the day which was fleeting as it is. Still though they had plenty of time to save Umberfoal if they decide to stay for the rest of the evening.
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>>12852Sprygg: "That sounds wonderful seeing that it has been ages since we seen ponies, in fact a lot of our youngin's don't even know what ponies are like so they would be happy to meet you. I'll go ahead and set up a small feast to hold in your party's honor while you three head on inside my home and wash up after that dangerous quest."
Crit: "A well welcome feast with food and drink, sounds good to me!"
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>>12853Critical, this is probably a bad time to mention I don't like eating mushrooms. You don't nthink they actually serve mushrooms do they? Or will they be offended if we pick 'em off our pizza?
>>12854Crit: "They got... moss and stuff. Anyways just drink yourself into a stupor and all food will taste like daisies or something."
They head on inside Sprygg's home and take turns taking baths and laundering their well worn clothes. This takes about 2 hours until they were finally done and just chilling on a wooden sofa in the living room. The party was now much cleaner than they had been after going several weeks without a bath, dangerous adventures sure do take up high priority.
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>>12856Critical was flopped across the couch as Epic entered the room, Crit was well clean and his mane was well washed and less of a mess than the usual. The same can be said for Epic.
Crit: "Well I'm sure they are waiting for us now. The feast will be out in the center part of the village just outside. From what I seen out of the window they got a big table out with our seats reserved and be happy, they got a variety of foods for us."
>>12858They headed on out and took their seats at the table near Sprygg at the head. All of the Agaricans seemed pleased and curious at their sight. To them it was these strange aliens who can now save their village from outside threat.
Before they could eat though they were quickly swarmed by three foal sized Agaricans who wanted to reach up and touch them as they muttered their Agarian Language.
Sprygg: "Ha ha, our children are pretty curious aren't they? They want to learn more about you three and who you are."
>>12860Sprygg: "They're asking for your names and what sort of things that you like to do. Things like what you like to eat, what games you like to play that kind of stuff. Heh it seems they think of you as children or at least interested in children's games."
Critical wasn't having too much fun as the tots tugged on his clothing and climbing up on him to reach his horn.
Crit: "Ack they sure are the adventurous type aren't they? I never would've guessed that I have mushrooms trying to scale me like a mountain."
>>12861So not much different from what the pony foals ask me at home.
>To the mushroom children.I am Epic Mount, me and my friends, we're adventurers.
>To CritPerhaps they'll be the future defenders of this place.
>>12862Crit: "With how they act I don't doubt it."
He manages to get them off safely and the kids awaited for more information.
Crit: "I am called Critical Hit. I... used to be really good at gambling such as tossing dice or playing cards. I'm from a small town outside of Baltimare and I've been questing with my friends Epic Mount and Summer Rye since last year."
The children seemed excited at their answers and now wanted a story from them.
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>>12866Crit: "So you mean when we fended off a mob of Diamond Dogs from the Ponyville museum? That sounds like they would have fun with that! I remember how we just met up at the Ponyville Statue and shortly after we heard cries of help coming from the distance.">Time for me to go now. No.12870
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>>12869>Tells the young funglings why they're here.We've come all the way from Umberfoal because giant spiders have taken over the city.
While we have come for your magic light bowl thingy and braved the cave where the ooze has stolen them, we got the magic bowl thing back but the ooze remain. However if we get the magic bowl thingy charged with some sort of sacred light ritual and have the Festival of Lights happen then the spiders will go away I think. Then we can encourage relations between Umberfoal and your mushroom kind so that the duskloaks can provide you the means to be rid of the ooze.
Also I found this cape that belonged to Sir Squire himself. Critical also found a valueble thing from a magic pony who I can't pronounce.
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>>12869>>12870Crit: "Maredenkainen. Yeah it is pretty hard to say it but once you say it right once then you got it for the rest of your life."
>>12868Crit: "Anyways we heard some commotion coming from the museum itself and quickly learned it was under attack by Diamond Dogs. We met the town captain at a makeshift barricade and told him that we could go in and rescue the remaining ponies trapped inside..."
He goes on to tell the entire story about how they walked through the halls of the wrecked museum, fought plenty of dogs, rescued and mare and her child, and faced off with a mysterious figure that they would later learn to be Red Winter. At the end he tells about the Cumulonimbus key that kickstarted their journey.
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>>12873>>12872>>12876You can try to mark it for deletion, other than that you will have to get a hold of a moderator or something.The festival goes on and everypony and fungus has a good time with food and drink. Eventually as the day turned into the night (even though they can't see the sky) the Agaricans retire back to their homes for sleep. The party does this as well but they went ahead and stayed in Sprygg's house and slept in his living room. Eventually the new day comes by and they wake up scattered about either on a piece of furniture or on their own spot on the floor.
Critical (Mumbling): "Time to... urgh time to wake up."
>>12878Crit: "Dumb... bitch lasagna. We're underground there is no light outside."
He pushes Epic around until he gets up and is now awake.
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>>12880Crit: "Yeah I'm trying to be nicer to you guys and expand the variety of my language that I use. Enough about that though we need to make good on our promise to the Agaricans and go get this Crucible back to the Temple where the Sporedust Butterfly lives."
>Yawn.Where to?
>>12885Sure, given I'm team leader.
>Smugly.Alright let's go.
>HEads to the temple. No.12887
>>12886They head on out and leave the village and go to where the temple would be, going through a much more lively part of the forest than what they traversed yesterday. The birds and all other animals chirped squaked, squealed, and other noises. Epic would feel at place here since he lived in the woods most of his life.
Eventually they came up on a stone structure that looked almost like a church. There were stain glass windows and the front had a double wooden door. The buidling itself was tall and it had a glowing aura at the very top.
>>12888He knocks and nothing really happens, nopony is home. The party then pushes the doors open and they find this hall looking area with a stone spiral staircase leading up. The problem was that there was an iron bar gate at the staircase entrance and they would need a way to release the gate so that the bars fall into the floor.
To the left and the rights they can see these statues that look like small ponies.
>>12893That was an easy puzzle.
Let's proceed.
>>12898It chirps at the arcast, knowing that it is similar to the one it owns but it does not know what it is or what it does. Still it is very tired and can not help the party right now.
Crit: "We need to help the Butterfly somehow... What about that green arcast that it has? Maybe we can use it?"
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>>12912They both place their hooves onto the corrupted arcast and they tried to remember what to do in order to purify it.
Crit: "Do you remember what Sprygg had said for us to do? I think we need to speak a phrase to it or something."
Crit: "You care about something like that? Don't see what you feel in having other people approve of you."
He looks at the crowd and seeing them appreciate him. Eventually even Critical couldn't stop from smiling just a little.
Crit: "Eh well I guess it has it perks I think."
>>12922Crit: "Ah I see, doing good is... good I guess. Not something I focus on though, I just want to keep myself safe and happy."
Sprygg: "You ponies sure did help us out some and its been a long time since we've been visited by the Spore Dust Butterfly. With the Crucible back I'm sure the forest will make a full recovery."
>>12923I wouldn't call half of what we get up to "safe" but it does make a lot of ponies... and mushroom people happy.
>To SpryggIt will, but the Argast for the Festival of Ligh is yet fully purified. We need another Crucible to get the job done.
>>12932Crit: "Aw come on Epic Mount we've gotten this far now we can't give up!"
He gives Epic a reassuring punch in his side.
Crit: "This is the last push in our adventure in the depths and after that we can go back to the Umberfoal and stop Insidiria."
>>12934Sprygg: "Well the tunnels that should lead to the nest should be located at the nothern most point of the forest dug into the cavern wall. Be careful though as some of those tunnels get very long and complex."
Crit: "I'm sure you'll be reluctant to say yes but are you ready to head on out?"
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>>12935I don't really have an excuse not to.
Crit: "That's the spirit, just what we need!"
Epic couldn't tell if Critical was making a just or if he didn't care about Epic's well being. Still though that did not stop Critical from urging Epic back onto the Butterfly and they set off across the Forest landscape. It takes some time but they finally land down in the spot where Sprygg had told them and there was indeed a tunnel there that was large and wide.
>>12938Crit: "Well from what Sprygg said we could be going through those tunnels for a while. Best we stick close and keep moving for as long as possible. I don't think though that we would have to camp out there since we have the whole day ahead of us unless we get seriously injured though."
Sees his friend is hesitant.
Crit: "Come on now Epic don't be like that please! I need you to stay on your hooves. Once we get this over with we can do our little dive and head back up to your Fluttershy."
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>>12940The party heads on in with Critical mostly pushing Epic Mount onwards. Inside the tunnels it was pretty clear but dark so Critical activated his Moon Bangle to keep their path alight. Aside from that they could see some bits of webbing here and there every once in a while. walking through there though was mostly quiet so Crit spoke up some to pass the time.
Crit: "So... anything you wanted to discuss? We've got the time while we are down here."
>>12942Crit: "Epic it was too late to go back after Insidiria took all of Umberfoal from herself. Hopefully though we might get some answers up in here soon..."
The tunnels split off into two directions and the party would have to decide on which way to go.
>>12951Oh hey! Trea-
>[Knowledge: Monsters]Wait a minute... This is too good to be true.
>Epic took out his thunder hammer and used it to electricute the barrels and crates. Since wood does not conduct electricity other than mild burns, then none of the content should be harmed. No.12953
>>12952He points his hammer at it and sends a bolt of lightning at it causing the loud flash noised to echo through the entire tunnel system. Once the party regains focus they can see all of the barrels and bits were now on fire. Luckily it won't spread due to the rock floor but good luck in recovering anything from that wreckage now.
Crit: "Holy crap Epic why would you go and do that!? Fucking shit my ears are shot thanks to you!"
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>>12953I-I'm sorry!
>Tries to put out the fire with the water.I thought it was a mimic! I didn't mean for it to be so powerful!
>Panics as she splashes the water onto the small fire.It was only ment to be a small jolt.
>>12954They splash water on it as best they could and eventually they get things back under control. The boxes and barrels though were destroyed at this point but it shouldn't matter since the party is strong enough on its own.
Crit: "Damn it Epic, Why don't you try to calm the fuck down a bit? I understand you don't like spiders but we haven't seen hide nor tail of them yet and you're acting all crazy like!"
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>>12955Well excuse me for trying to be cautious! Didn't you find it suspicious for all these containers to be down here next to a source of drinking water with little reason to be down here?
I thought it was a Mimic and I only wanted a small jolt of electricity to check with. I did no attend for that much power.
>>12956Crit: "I mean don't you think it's more plausible that the spiders were moving about supplies?"
He snorts though not wanting to continue the argument and cause a schism.
Crit: "You feel up for getting through the rest of the tunnel?"
>>12957>Epic was too frazzled to continue arguing.Y-Yes.
I-I'm sorry. Perhaps Look, let's just take a quick break. I dunno what I'm doing anymore. And maybe some of this stuff is salvagable.
>Epic realised something.Oh heck what if SIr Squire left this stuff here years a go! I could of destroyed something of his!
>>12958Crit: "Let's set up camp in here then and figure out what to do and what we need to get. That way we can all get squared and ready to move on."
They scrounge from the wreckage planks of wood to build a makeshift fire from sit down in its luminescent glow and warmth. Things were quiet at first but then Critical started.
Crit: "You seem to be out of it, more so than normal Epic. Like you are hesitant at just about everything." No.12961
>>12960[Chaotic] [Short Fuse]
Crit: "I understand but... there's so much inaction with you that it is perplexing to me. If I were you I would be leading the charge and calling for the death knell of all spiders but you... you seem to want to wait even in the face of danger. Other times you want to completely withdraw."
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>>12961You've never been afraid of anything haven't you?
Courage isn't the absence of fear, it's the perseverence and triumph over it.
For example I fear Tirek because of how powerful he is, for all he has done to me, but my fear for his is overcome for my hatred towards him. It is my hatred, my desire for revenge and the protection of Equestria that drives me to find someway to stop Tirek once and for all.
Spiders however... I do not know why I fear spiders so much. They terrify me so, they have too many eyes and legs and while hunting and killing is neccisary in nature they do so in such a horrible way.
Tirek is the one enemy, my hatred for him burns away my fear. But spiders... they're more co-ordinated, heck despite how tiny they are they're common everywhere in the world.
When the Arcrest is used on the cruicible to view memories, I wonder if it can be used without the crucible to see the memories of others? No.12963
>>12962Critical just looks into the fire as he processed what Epic Mount had said but he more or less he had a scowl as an expression. He of course had been afraid before but usually he's on the side of being either frustrated or trying to play it off with a joke.
Crit: "Well... just try to keep it cool and focus. I can understand why you can be scared of them but keep in mind that you are with your friends and with us we can keep each other safe."
He pulls out the beer he had kept after their visit to Rye's home and drinks some of it. Nothing to get drunk off of but to stop being thirsty. Even though there was a pool of water near them he still wanted a drink with some modicum of flavor.
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>>12964Critical sees this and retorts.
Crit: "Damn you're still hung up over that? I've already gotten over it so you can too."
Even though he sounded a bit harsh, there was a sense of reassurance hidden in his tone to let Epic Mount know everything was okay.
Gotta go now to pick up food for the family. No.12967
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>>12963"Cheers, that's some good beer."
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"Alright, off we go."
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>>12976"We could set the webs on fire... but I don't want to hurt the spiders unless we have to."
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>>12976>>12977>>12978Crit: "I'm sure the spiders will hop right off from the web once they see it set aflame but the question is how do we go about getting it on fire? I would suggest firing a flaming arrow at it but we don't have a bow for that but we do have all your flint steels between the two of you."
>>12980The sparks fly from the rocks and metal but it catches nothing on fire as there was nothing to burn here and the web was too far away.
>>12981>>12982Summer Rye pulls out his lantern and this can be a viable means as to set the web on fire.
Crit: "Yeah that'll do but do you want to sacrifice your second lantern?"
>>12983Summer Rye imagined being in the caverns he so disliked without his lamp and put it away again, shaking his head.
Also, Epic seemed a bit too eager to kill the spiders.
"Maybe we can just threaten them with the fire and they'll let us through. We have enough tools to cut the webs without burning them."
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>>12989Yeah they should burn quickly. If not in real life then I will still allow it to burn easily.Crit: "Well yeah they would spot us and we would fight them. Not like it's anything we can't handle."
>>12990I think a fire would be a good idea. Even if it doesn't purge the entire caves of them it would serve as a good distraction from them if we manuver fast enough.
But if the fire does catches on to the rest of the webbing throughout the caves then the fire may do the work for us. We could probably retreat back to the previous cave we were in while the fire burns the webbing and the spiders for us.
>>12991Are we not in a dusty cave? No.12993
>>12991He looks bravely at this request and he seemed confident in his abilities.
Crit: "I can go down for that real easy. They won't know what hit them!"
>>12992Crit: "Eh set the thing on fire it will be okay."
>>12993>>12994Alright, let's roast the suckers.
>Gets his flint out.I'll get as close as I can and spark it.
>>12994>>12995Epic Mount goes up to the fire all quietly and sneakily but it is hard for him to do so due to his fears.
Epic Body
1d10 = 7 VS Spider Mind
1d8 = 6 Spider Mind
1d8 = 3 No.12997
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>>12995"Summer Rye prepares for attack in case it doesn't work."
>>12997>>12998>>12999The web set a fire and the flames started to spread very slowly. Unfortunately the spiders would catch attention to this and they hop down quickly and were quite agitated. They hissed at the party and Epic was immediately next to them.
Combat EncounterSpider A
Spider B
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>>13000Summer Rye rushes forward to attack.
>>13001Epic Mount deals out a lightning bolt from his special hammer.
Epic Body
1d10 = 5 VS Spider A Body
1d6 = 1>>13002Rye goes in to attack as well with his pitchfork.
Rye Body
1d12 = 9 VS Spider Body A
1d6 = 1Crit Mind
1d20 = 17 Chao
1d8 = 4 VS Spider Body B
1d6 = 1 No.13006
>>13004Wait, so the fire isn't catching to the rest of the webbing throughout the caves?
>>13005Y_yeah, lets.
>>13005>>13006The web blockade should be separate enough to not set the whole tunnel on fire. Anyways the party moves on through the tunnels until they reach the spiders nest wich was this massive giant web that towered a cavern the size of about two sky scrapers put atop one another. The cavern itself was divided up into pockets with the webbing going in and out of the rooms.
The web itself was hard to the touch and not sticky, each strand was woven together to be as thick as bridge cables that the party can safely walk on. The only other thing was due to its hardiness, the web here was not flammable.
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>>13007"I don't like the look for that... do we have to pass this in order to get back to Umberfoal?"
>>13008>>13009Crit: "No we gotta climb up it and find the Crucible from their throne room and take it, even if by force. Come on we can do this, we just gotta be careful is all."
Suddenly before they start their climb, they hear a more sweet and demure voice call out to them.
???: "Uh Hello? Who are you ponies?"
They quickly turn around and find that it was another one of the spiders though this one was much smaller than the rest and seemed to be female as by its body markings.
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>>13010Rye groaned as he suddenly had Epic on his back, good thing he had a strong back from all the farm work.
"Uh... hello, we're... visitors. Sightseeing. And this is quite a sight! Amazing construction! Your queen must be proud!"
>>13011>>13012The little spider may not be cute by pony standards but she was still curious about them.
???: "The queen? You must mean my mother. Well this place is nice and all but my mother actually doesn't like it and wants us all to go conquer the outside world... Oh I forgot to introduce my self. My name is Sable"
>>13013"Hello, Sable. I'm Summer Rye. So, you're a little princess then, huh?"
Summer Rye tried his best to smile.
"It's strange, I think it's a really nice place you have here. Why doesn't your mother like it?"
>>13014>>13015Sable: "She doesn't like the idea of being hidden away in the dark even though everone else likes it here and she said she was going to make our lives better by taking the ancient city of Umberfoal. I just wish she would come back home now and stop all of this."
Crit: "So is that why then, well we were sent by Umberfoal to help stop her invasion, perhaps you can help us make your mother see reason?"
Sable: "I can but... I don't know if I should help you. I mean I don't want to go against my mother after all but... nobody here really wants to go to the surface."
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>>13016Rye was surprised at Crit's straight out honesty of why they were here but he seemed to have a better judgement of the spider girl.
"Well, and the ponies of Umberfoalt don't really want to lose their homes. If you'd help us you could stay down here with your friends and the ponies could stay in Umberfoal. And I'm sure you could even visit them if you wanted to - or any other spider. Please help us."
>Rye tried his persuasion No.13018
>>13017Sable thinks about it for some time pondering on what she should do. Eventually she makes the a decision even though the answer may be hard for her.
Sable: "I'll help you but you must promise to not hurt my mother and that I will not have to fight her."
Crit: "Sure thing I promise"
Rye and Epic could feel Critical was giving a hollow answer but it seems that Sable was unaware of this.
>>13021Crit: "We'll just have to see how this goes about but I'm not really looking to get anyone hurt if I can avoid which in a lot of times I do avoid the matter. For now though we need help around here."
Sable: "What do you need help around here for exactly? I'm not sure what you want here."
>>13022"Well, we are here to find a crucible..."
He explains what it looks like.
>>13023Crit: "We need to get an ancient artifact given to your people called a Crucible. This Crucible should help stop Insidiria."
>>13024Sable: "The Crucible? That's kept at the throne with my father. I don't know too much about it... why do you need that?"
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>>13025"Your father? What's he like?"
He let Crit explain more details about the Crucible.
>>13028Crit: "That'll be fine and all, we just have to be careful on what we say and hopefully get that iron cage."
>>13029Sable: "My dad wants to protect the nest so he naturally wants to stay down underground but he also wants to make better lives for our people so he has allowed this invasion with some reluctance."
>I gotta go now. No.13034
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>>13031>>13032>>13033Oof I'll still be on it just in case you log on. Don't worry I won't be bored with youtube and vidya.Crit: "So we need to get to this Web Father but it sounds like he's content with the invasion even though he has some reluctance to it. Well it shouldn't be too hard but I suggest we stay on the guard when we go up as I doubt that we will find ourselves unwelcome here. Any of you ready to go now?"
>>13035Sable: "Okay but we'll have to take the more unused strands to get up there..."
The party starts to make their climb along the giants web strands that made a tapestry in the cave area. This was a massive and complex sort of nest where the housing was literal balls of webs that would be the homes to spider families. The caverns that the webs were stuck in were lit up by the natural blue crystals and there were even some spots that the webs would touch down on stone platforms.
Eventually they get to one of those stone platforms while making their way up and they could quickly see that this was a resting spot for some of the spider guards, in fact there were a total of 4 of them here. They hadn't spotted the party yet and they can't do the web sense as they were on a stone platform. Sable also noted that the party can defend themselves if they have to but asked to not seriously injure the guards. If they kill the guards then it is likely that Sable will not be willing to help anymore.
>>13037Crit: "Shit what do you think we should do? We can try to sneak past them or maybe talk to them..."
If they stood still any longer then they would be immediately spotted.
>>13039They all go down and duck them for the cover they could scrap for it. The spiders do their little patrol as per usual, one leaves to go to another section of the webs to join up with a different guard. Now there was only 3 left.
Spider Mind A
1d6 = 6Spider Mind B
1d6 = 2VS
Epic Body
1d10 = 4 (Fear)
Crit Body
1d6 = 6 Stealth
1d4 = 2 (Cape)
>>13042Critical was kept behind the rocks he took refuge with while Epic dropped off the side of the rock platform and hanged off the side.
Hold DC 8
Epic Body
1d12 = 1 No.13044
>>13043>>wowWhen he does this he misplaces his grip and he nearly slips and falls, and he would've done so if Sable was not there to help him back up. Unfortunately they were now caught by the spiders who chittered at them angrily.
They spiders did not speak Pony Language but they seemed angry.
>>13045The spiders got closer and closer to the party as there was nowhere else to go right now. Sable gets in between the them and started to chitter in their language in what the party can presume that she is trying to vouch for their safety...
Sable Charm
1d8 = 3 VS
Spider A Mind
1d6 = 3Spider B Mind
1d6 = 5Spider C Mind
1d6 = 4>Needs at least two to pass. No.13047
>>13046The spiders gently sets her aside telling here to get to safety while they deal with the invaders. She has no choice now but to watch the soon to be fight.
Combat EncounterSpider A
Spider B
Spider C
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>>13048 swings it around wildly at one of them so that he may attack it, will it land?
Epic Body
1d10 = 4 VS Spider Body
1d6 = 4Crit Mind
1d20 = 16 Chao
1d8 = 5 VS Spider C Body
1d6 = 2 No.13050
>>13049They both hit their targets and dealt some serious damage against them. Epic's spider was hit alongside its abdomen and was knocked back a step or two. Crit's spider was hit pretty hard and fell to the ground unconscious after receiving a chaos bolt to the face.
Spider A HP 8
Spider C HP 0
Spider B:
Chitters.The spiders then go in to make their attack to save their princess.
Spider A Body
1d6 = 5 Web Sling
1d6 = 4 VS Epic Body
1d10 = 4Spider B Body
1d6 = 3 Web Sling
1d6 = 4 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 6 No.13051
>>13050Epic was caught up in a web and had to struggle to free himself which took some effort and stuck at his mental faculties.
Epic HP 13
(Fear Test)
Epic Mind
1d8 = 1 VS DC 5
>>13051This was becoming too much for Epic as the stress built up in him and did some damage against his rolls.
>-1 to your rolls along with your fear downgrade penalty for 1 round.>>13052He still keeps attacking though as his survival instincts had fully kicked in.
Epic Body
1d10 - 1 = 6 VS Spider Body
1d6 = 5Critical goes in and raises his hoof high up in the air and shouted Glimmer. Once done his bangle glowed and extremely bright light.
Crit Charm
1d6 = 4 VS
Spider A Mind
1d6 = 6Spider B Mind
1d6 = 4 No.13054
>>13053Epic Mount still hit his target but it was still moving and attacking them.
Spider A HP 2
The other spider fled from combat as the bright light was too much for it but Spider A still remained as it was resolute to protect the royalty of the nest.
Spider A Body
1d6 = 6 Web Sling
1d6 = 6 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 3 No.13055
>>13054The webs got all over Critical and he ripped them off as quick as he could but it still felt like he was suffocating horribly.
Crit HP 19
Crit: "Ack the enemy is a resilient little demon. Epic Mount hurry!"
>>13056No no that's fine, I just use the fears as a game mechanic as seen here>>13053Epic Mount hid behind Critical to whom he was surprised to see the EverFree Pony behave like this. Still he was not content on being captured here even when they are so close to victory.
Crit Mind
1d20 = 1 Chao
1d8 = 7 VS Spider A Body
1d6 = 4 No.13058
>>13057With the last bolt of magic energy flew across the darkness, it hit the spider who now was knocked unconscious. The party was victorious and safe now, Sable came back to rejoin them as the battle was now over.
Sable: "You... you hurt them pretty badly."
Crit: "Not like we had much more choice in the matter, besides they are all still alive and well."
She still didn't like the idea they fought her own people but she still continued to be with them if it meant stopping her mother.
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>>13059I mean, you do you. "We need to keep moving before more of them show up."
He looks to Epic and saw the state he was in. Critical goes up to him and picks off the bits of web still on his clothes and had Epic lean on his own shoulder by wrapping his hoof on him.
Crit: "We are almost there and we can't give up now."
They both look up and they can see that the web system got more and more complex as they reached the center of the nesting grounds. There will likely be more spiders as their housing got more and more concentrated but the hopes of finding the Crucible pushed the party's will onwards even if Critical had to drag Epic along with him.
>>13063Crit: "This is it then... Epic what do you think we should do? We need to get into that thing and climb to the very top so that we can reach the web father and we need to do it undetected. Then again if we introduce ourselves and appeal to them then perhaps they will give us a chance."
Sable: "With me here they might be willing to listen to reason... but I'm not sure if that is a guarantee."
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>>13064Not a guarantee? They're gonna kill us! They're gonna wrap us up in webbed coffins and suck our insides out like Capri-sun during summer!
>>13065Sable didn't like how Epic described her people but kept quiet about it.
Crit: "Well we need to do something so what do you think we should do."
Epic I'm the GM, you have to make your own decisions and stop relying on me to make them for you. No.13068
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Hello, what's going on?
>>13067If i as the GM create the problems and solve them myself then I may as well just be writing a novel then. Crit is there just to support you, not be the main hero of the story. Just be sure to not overstep your bounds, you are a player so you can't just throw things in like the unprotected cable here. If you do want to find something specific write something like this. "Epic searches for a way up the web wall."They gave it some though and they all came to the general consensus and they decided to make their way up the web cable. The way up was long and arduous but they finally reach near the top of the cable and was now pressed against the web wall. The wall was pretty thick but if they had a sharp implement then perhaps they can cut through it or climb along the wall and find an opening.
>>13068Crit: "Just trying to get into the spider village."
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>>13069"Don't worry about the spiders, Epic. You saw how nice that little spider girl was. It's just their long legs and many eyes that make them look so strange to us but they are reasonable and kind - at least most of them. I'm surprised to see a plucky warrior like yourself shaking before a simple spider."
>>13071>>13072>>13073I just told you you can't put stuff in like that. looks around to see if he could find another opening already made for them. The party does the same.
Search DC 8
Epic Mind
1d8 = 7Rye Mind
1d8 = 1Crit Mind
1d20 = 9 No.13078
>>13076The opening here is pretty clear and guessing for its purpose it is meant to reach the cable from the inside to do maintenance for it. As for traffic it was devoid of any spiders here.
>>13077They go through the the opening and reach the inside of the village. They were pretty high up and if they fell then they would crash into some cushion web. Up above the common homes was another smaller ball of web that oversaw the entire village. There was more cable that would lead inside of the ball of web that was afixed to the ceiling and the West Wall. Each cable leads to an opening in the throne room but there was a guard spider for each opening and there was a total of six entrances.
>>13083We could ask.. her to ask us if we can...
>Has a small, somewhat comical panic attack.We could ask her if she can get us in.
>>13083(Oh, I wasn't aware Sable was with us.)
Of course, I'll ask Sable to talk to the guard.
>>13084Crit: "Let's think it over some..."
>Here's your sheets if you need them. They should still be shared with you though.Epic>>13084>>13085Sable goes ahead of the party and meets up with the guard while the party stayed behind her about halfway along the cable. The two spiders chitter among one another at first formally, confusedly as Sable explained the situation. The other guards notice from their cables of the conversation and their unwelcome guests, giving the party nasty and mean looks.
Eventually Sable gets the guard to let them all into the throne room and the spider steps aside.
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Summer Rye beamed at Sable. "Thanks a lot, Sable, that was a job well done. I hope you won't be getting in any trouble for it."
>>13087>>13088 "I don't know if I will but we still need to talk with my father who should still be inside the throne room."
They enter the throne room and found themselves faced with a giant spider the same size as Insidiria. This one was male instead indicated by his natural body marking who was also adorned with with bits of jewelry and a crown. The giant spider who was hanging upside down, spots the party and spoke to them in a calm but dominating deep voice.
Web Father: "I've felt you coming, my daughter along with three ponies armed with weapons and armor. The webs you walked along, cut up, and burned I felt it all. You have also gone in to attack my kin showing them strength with restraint. Who are you? Have you come to seek vengeance upon what my wife has done to Umberfoal?"
>>13089Summer Rye bowed before the king. "Greetings, Webfather. We have come neither to bear arms against you or your kin or to seek petty revenge.
All we desire is for your wife to stop her assault on Umberfoal and to return peacefully to her own realm.
Eventually, I am certain that given time ponies and spiders could co-exist peacefully.
Surely, that would also be in your interest?"
>>13090Web Father: "Your heart beats rapidly, even faster when you look upon my visage or the faces of my kin. You are struck with fear like prey caught in my web, so too do you wish to seek refuge from my clutches."
The Web Father is an incredibly powerful being. He is very in tune with all the webs that are connected to him to the point he can hear the vibrations of a heart beat from miles away.
>>13091Web Father: "My duty is to keep my people safe and prosperous... I admit I do not wish to invade Umberfoal but my people would do well and better if we expand our nests not only inside these dreary cave systems but to the outside world as well. I do not condone the actions of my wife but it is likely that she will yield a much more suitable future for our people."
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>>13092"I understand and it may be honerable of your wife from the viewpoint of your own people. And yes, of cours she has her responsibilities foremost towards them.
Still, improving your own conditions on the backs and misery of others is not a worthy goal - especially if someone certainly is as wise as you are.
If spiders and ponies were to co-exist and learn to understand each other, I am certain it will be beneficient for both races."
>>13093>>13094Web Father: "I do not have much interest in negotiating and living with ponies, my only concern is the general welfare of my people and their continuation."
The Web Father does not seem to like their appeal so far. Perhaps they should change their approach on their persuasion to make it sound benefiting to attack Umberfoal.
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>>13098Summer Rye give Epic a poke and an encouraing smile before returning his attention to the Webfather.
>>13095"Sire, even if you saw benefits in an attack on Umbefoal, do not be mislead in thinking that the ponies and their many allies will sit idly by and let it happen.
Ponies have many friends - and your people could be one of them. That does not mean you would have to live amongst us.
But even if you could take Umberfoal, it would be costly for no one gives up his home without a fight. And even if lost would you not ever strive to get it back?
I think you and your people have nothing to gain from attacking Umberfoal than a long-lasting war. Do you think that is what your people desire?"
>>13099>>13098Web Father: "A conflict that would lead to war would be... costly not to mention we can not thrive out in open sun. I can see your reasoning and I no longer wish for us to lay claim to Umberfoal but how would you have us to stop Insidiria. She is a very powerful creature and most of Umberfoal has been ruined by taint."
Now would be a good time to point out the fact they need the Crucible.
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>>13100Cr-Crucible! W-We need the bowl thing! Please just let us have the Crucible and-
>Got scared and covered his face again. No.13102
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>>13101Web Father: "Our Crucible? Why would you need that exactly? How will it stop my wife?"
It was confusing for him to understand why the party needs it due to Epic's extreme lack of explanation and composure.
Time for me to go. No.13103
>>13101Summer Rye rolled his eyes. "You really need Fluttershy to give you a big spider tour or something. Come on, we've almost done it."
>>13100"I am glad you see reason, honorable Webfather. Indeed, we need the Crucible your people possess in order to save Umberfoal and have your wife return home."
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>>13103Eep! No Don't tell Fluttershy!
>Remembers Fluttershy lying in bed and helpless.>>13102>Remembering Fluttershy got some of his composure back to straighten himself to talk to the spider.W-we need to use it to... purge the taint from Umberfoal and underground. The Festival of Light or something like that will put it right.
It will restore things to how they were.
A-and your wife will no longer have to terrorize the ponies of Umberfoal anymore.
In fact, why did you let her in the first place? I'm terrified of spiders and it's been holding me back from trying to- trying to- i-it's thanks to her actions, a whole city has legitimate reasons to fear your kind.
Your wifes actions provoke war. Do you really want ponies with fire and harnessed sunlight to burn and squash your children just as your wife webbed and hunted theirs?
>>13104Don't you have the TTRP books yourself?>>13102Aw, just when Epic found some of his spine. But OK see you later. No.13107
>>13103>>13105Web Father: "I shall help you in your efforts to stop my wife Insidiria but only through material support. Our Crucible was gifted to us and myself directly from the ponies of Umberfoal and it was held in a temple just outside our nest above the Deep Well. Unfortunately the temple fell but we were able to rescue the Crucible just before the temple fell. The Crucible by itself is useless without it being put back in its home in the temple so you will have to swim down to the bottom of the well with it."
The Web father starts to tug, cut, and pull many strands of web behind him. This caused a Crucible to lower down from the ceiling for the party to have.
Web Father: "Before you leave though we still have some things to discuss and honors must be upheld."
>>13108Web Father: "I think though you may want to know this, it is information about one of the Umberfoalans. Alethea, the library keeper as you probably already know has given up the city to Insidiria. My wife mentioned her by name and told me how she was able to trick the pony by telling her that both species was forgotten. Alethea believes that the ponies and spiders can work together to reclaim the outside world but Insidiria will exterminate the Umberfoalans if it is too late. Alethea might attack you if you assault Insidiria but if you try to convince Alethea of her mistake then she will most likely join your side instead."
Then as he said this several of the guard spiders headed on inside and joined the web father.
Web Father: "Now then it is tradition for us to play a song for a champion that we send out to save our nest and seeing that this is what you are doing, I would be glad to play this traditional song for you."
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>>13110Crit: "Come on Epic its not like they are gonna attack you or anything."
He laughs as he picks his friend back up seeing that they were able to succeed in their mission to the nest.
Web Father: "My Cohorts, we must honor these ponies for they carry the future and well being of our nest on their backs."
The spiders all gave a nod and all of them, even Sable, started to rub their many legs against the strands of web in the nest to where they were playing music like violins. goes on and even Epic Mount could relax to this despite his fears of spiders as the music was calming but at the same time inspiring. Their mission was well defined now and they were on their last legs of the journey, pretty soon they will be ready to save Umberfoal.
>>13111>The music was very calming and allowed Epic to concentrate and enjoy the music enough over his fears.Not to say Epic is "cured" of his fear, just the music helps him forget it for awhile.Hey S-Sabel.. I-I'm sorry for being a butt towards you.
I'vew always thought Spiders were monsters... To a degree I sorta do. But I shouldn't let my fears treat you or your.. kin the way I did. I-I am scared of spiders, but I don't want to be a bad pony towards you.
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"That went better than expected!"
>>13112>>13113Sable: "It's okay, it all worked out in the end and I hope you are able to get the Crucible back to the temple safely. At the western edge of the caverns will be another set of tunnels that you can use to reach the top of the Deep Well so you won't have to swim around immediately."
Crit: "We'll still need to get some potions of waterbreathing again though, perhaps they have a store front here or we can make a quick visit back with Even Light again."
>>13114I've got one potion left! If we all can't go then maybe I'll go.
Though Critical, you have better concentration with these plates than I do.
>>13119I'll wait if you guys wanna go shopping.
Also, I was thinking, other than the large spiders in Everfree, are these underghround spiders capable of living in the sunlight?
>>13120>>13121They head on out and they reach what they could best describe as a market area. Epic could wait for his friends here in an empty lone area while they search about for a potion seller.
Crit: "Alright lets take a look around..."
>>13125>>13126Epic Mount just stands still while his friends go out into the main village and looked for a market area. Eventually the party does find this stand made of old wood planks that had a store of many adventuring gear such as weapons, items, and potions.
The Spider working the stand greeted them with a chitter though the party could not understand it. They then see what they need, a familiar vial of liquid that would be a part of a case of waterbreathing potions.
>>13128After spending a few minutes they can understand that the price of the potions costed about 50 bits each.
Crit: "A bit pricey but we only need to buy two of them since Epic Mount already has one himself."
>>13129Summer Rye counts 50 gold pieces and put them on the table before taking the potion.
Next he looked around if there were any weapons for sale even though he had little money left.
>>13130They each put down the money and buys a potion for themselves.
Crit Bits: 449
Rye Bits: 130
Rye looks around and they have all the common weapons such as swords, knives, hammers, and axes. The prices they can imagine will be around 50-100 bits but will Rye have the understanding to use any of them?
>>13132He finds a sword and it was priced about 50 bits, it wasn't much of a sword mind you. Just really a sharp metal stick but it will do.
>>13133And he continued to wait for them.
>>13135Haggling would be extremely difficult due to the language barrier.
Haggle... Downgraded (Languages)
Rye Charm
1d6 = 5 Pers
1d4 = 3 VS Spider Mind
1d6 = 5 No.13137
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>>13136After some confusing conversations and haggling, Rye was by some miracle able to get the priced dropped down to 40 bits thus making the sword cheaper.
Crit: "To be honest I didn't think you would be able to pull that off."
>>13138Crit: "No I don't need anything else here now."
Rye makes his purchase and sheathed his new sword along next to his wheatfield pitchfork.
Rye Bits: 90
Crit: "We best go collect Epic Mount and head on off."
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>>13139"Alright, off we go!"
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>>13140>>13133They head on back to Epic Mount to which he saw some smiles on their faces and hefty saddle bags with new supplies in them. They were now ready to leave the Spider's Nest.
Crit: "Alright I think we have everything to make our second dive."
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>>13141"I'm ready - and with this sword-thingy I feel saver now too. Let's go!"
>>13142Rye shook his head.
"No food before swimming!"
>>13144Summer Rye hurried through the caves, still having no particular liking for them.
When he reached the end of the tunnel he examined the water.
>>13148>>13149Crit: "Should be about an hour so we don't have all day."
By now the day has gone by so much that they are now late into the evening. Still though they drink their potions and they dive below the surface of the water. The fish swam around them all calm like just as they did before. Looking down the water would get darker and more abysmal but this is where the temple will be, they just need to will to push themselves onwards.
>>13151>>13152Critical understood and called upon his bangle with a garbled keyword and it lit up nice and brightly for them. The bangle illuminated a small area though so they will not be able to see what was ahead of them that was more than 20 feet. Still it was a good amount of visibility.
Eventually they got to the bottom of the well and ahead of them they can see a silhouette of what looked to be a large and ragged building.
>>13153>>13154Summer Rye was grateful for the light - he would have already forgotten about it.
Seeing the silhoutte he moved closer along with the others, the sword in his mouth.
>>13157It doesn't seem to see it yet but the crab looked extremely territorial and will not accept any sort of diplomacy. The crab was still large and red and it had its large claws ready to snap at anyone who got too close.
>>13158As he got closer the Carcinerus took notice and started to make a threatening glare at it. Any closer will prompt it to attack.
>>13159Summer Rye rolled his eyes but readied his sword.
"I fear there's no way around it...."
>>13159Can we get around?
>>13160We haven't looked yet. We can swim up and down now. We can be more thorough.
>>13161>>13160There was no real way to get inside the temple, it was just the one entrance which is common for ancient temples of great importance. However fighting it directly is not the only way to go.
Look around they can see that there was plenty of rocks set upon the watery cliffs. If one of those boulders were to fall... but it would need a great bout of strength to push it.
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>>13168Rye felt sorry for the crab but they didn't have that much time nor any means to even communicate with the critter.
He took out his spade and tried moving the rock.
>>13170He sticks the spade under the rock and he tries to push it over with some leverage.
Rock DC 12
Rye Body
1d12 = 12>>13172We'll see.
The rock teeters over and falls down, cracking onto the very top of the Crab's hull. The heavy hit was lessened due to the slow paced water movements but the Carcinerus was still dizzied but still awake. They now had an opportunity to get past it. No.13177
>>13175>>13176Since Epic and Crit were already so close by, they can get into the door way quickly but Rye was not so fortunate. The Crab realized what had happened and was quite angry at Rye. Epic and Crit watched from the entrance as the Carcinerus went for Rye with its now cracked shell.
Crit: "Fuck! We need to do something!"
Carcinerus HP 14
>Just incase if you were curious. No.13179
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>>13177(I have to leave in a bit - can I swim up again, leading the crab away while you two explore the place?)
>>13178He gets up close to the crab but needs to do something specific.
>How do you help Rye?>>13179>I'm about to go too but we all should head inside the temple please.Critical shoots a bolt at the crab to redirect its attention.
Crit Mind
1d20 = 16 Chao
1d8 = 3 VS Crab Body
1d20 = 14 No.13182
Summer Rye sighed and attacked the crab with his sword!
>>13182>>13183>>13184they get past the crab as they can move faster than it and they all get through the entrance after the crab is stopped at the door. It tries to reach on in with its claw but it can not reach the party, they were safe for now.
looking around the room they can see a set of heavy looking stone doors that would lead deeper into the temple, the doors were shut but there was this rusted metal lever that should open the door when pulled.
>>13190>>13191>>13192>>13193Nah the crab was mean and attacked Critical Hit. Also sorry for being late, I've just been so tired with allergies and the final exams plus work.As the doors open they can quickly see that the interior of the temple was actually dry due to a shield put up in the doorway. They can assume that this shield spell is Kirian's Anti Water Shield, a spell created by an old deer wizard of legend. Once they get through it they are quickly dried off due to the shields properties and can no longer swim in this area.
The party stood in a hallway that was long going in the east and west directions, left and right. On the west, south, and east walls they can spot a doors that would lead into separate rooms. The East and South wall was made of some ornate wood and the west wall's door was made of stone with carvings drawn into it.
>>13195The architecture was nice to behold and was styled after ancient unicorn stone and wood work. This should not come as a surprise as this temple was designed to hold the magic properties of the Crucible and Arcasts. Even though the area looked pretty in its own old rugged way, the party still had to decide where to go.
Crit: "Epic which way do you think we should go, east, south, or west?"
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>>13198Rye took some of the scrolls and had a seat on the sofa, starting to read.
>>13199Epic and Rye goes to read some of the scrolls and Rye takes some over to sit on the sofa with.
Scroll Read DC 4
Epic Mind
1d8 = 7Rye sat on down and immediately the sofa began to move about on its own! Before he or anyone can react the sofa tried to eat him.
Sofa Mimic Body
1d8 = 5 Engulf
1d6 = 1 VS Rye Body
1d12 = 3 No.13202
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>>13201Rye gave a loud scream!
>>13201Epic found one phrase in the scrolls worthy of noting,
Search for the right answer and receive guidance. The secrets of the Crucible lie in the heart of all.Rye was bitten down by the sofa mimic and he was pinned, unable to move.
Rye HP 17 (Armor 2)
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>>13203>Was intrigued by what was written but before he could read more...>>13202GODDAMIT A MIMIC!
>Stops examining the scrolls and goes to help Rye. No.13207
>>13204>>13205>>13206The rest of the party goes over to help Rye away from the Mimic. Thankfully his armor would heal just a little.
Rye HP 18
Mimic Body
1d8 = 6 Engulf
1d6 = 5 VS
Epic Body
1d12 = 4Rye Body
1d12 = 6Crit Body
1d6 = 5 No.13211
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>>13209"Thanks, guys..." Rye went over to the chest and gave it a good poke (not attack) with his pitchfork.
>>13210Crit: "Yeah. I guess we need to practice a level of caution and restraint so that we can explore this area much more safely then getting ourselves into something extreme."
>>13211Rye went over to poke the chest and once done it attacks him like the sofa did by biting down on his ancestral pitchfork.
Chest Mimic Body
1d8 = 1 Engulf
1d6 = 4 VS Rye Body
1d12 = 6 No.13215
>>13212>To CriticalI had a feeling we'll encounter Mimics by a water source but-
>Epic was too pissed off at his misjudgement to bother to finish that sentence.>To Rye.No don't provoke it! Mimics are fast and will gobble anything!
>>13216The best way is a range attack, such as throwing a rock or shocking it with a small electrical charge from a range.
Thats what I attempted before down in the cave but didn't expect my hammer to deliver it so powerfully.
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>>13219Rye was in a bad mood, he hadn't eaten in a while and was about to get eaten himself.
He took some scrolls and started reading them again, grumbling and not sitting down.
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>>13218>Keeps poking at furniture knowing some will eat him.>Has a quirk that is always hungry.Summer Rye confirmed to have a vore fetish.
>>13219Yeah but some Mimics are really good at disguising that the only way to break their disguise is to bother them at a safe distance.
Still if we leave them alone they'll leave us alone.
>Goes back to reading more of the scrolls. No.13228
>>13226>>13227They head back into the main hallway and enter through the east side door and find themselves in what looked to be a storage room. The cupboards they can see contained ceremonious relics of wooden batons that would be used in Crucible ceremonies. They won't be of particular value but they did spot one golden rod that would likely be carried by an elder. This gold rod was ornate with gems and pony carvings in it, a lost treasure that would be valuable to Umberfoalans or greedy archeologists like Caballeron.
Focusing Rod: 70 Bits (+1 to rolls when using an Arcast and Crucible)
>>13228"Maybe we can sell it later on...."
>>13229"... or that, yeah"
>>13229>>13230Crit: "I'm sure she'll still give us a reward for it if we return it to her."
There wasn't much else to be had in this room. All that was left to explore was the passage way through the stone engraved door. What lay behind it is a mystery that has been in question for over 1,000 years and it is likely they will be the first ponies to explore its corridors in that time.
>>13232"I bet there's something important behind that door..."
Summer Rye carefully tried to push it open.
>>13233They first have to exit out of the room they were in to reach the Stone Door.
>>13234Epic looks around for a mechanism but doesn't find one. Even though the door must have some great importance to it, the door was just a simple push open one that would make way to what was behind it.
>>13233>>13234The doors open and there was a long hallway that lead to another set of double doors. The hall was simple but on the walls were many engravings of ponies and creatures locked in battle. The imagery here was a bit saddening but they can notice some of the stone work depicted an radiant aura that came from the top of the door at the end of the hall.
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>>13236Epic Mount searches for traps and Critical detects magic but they don't find anything in the hallway. Critical does note that he can feel a strong magic presence behind the door and says that is likely the chamber where the Crucible would need to be placed.
Crit: "Up ahead is where we need to go, are you ready?"
I'm not doing a roll because I want to show you for a certainty that there are no traps here. No.13240
>>13238>>13239They head on down the path way and looked into the carvings into the walls. They can recognize the ponies in the walls but some of the creatures were... twisted and malformed. The monsters were filled with rage and attacked the ponies in the walls. The radiant aura though held the monsters back but they do not know why. They then start to get dizzy as the carvings actually began to move about and they can hear the sounds of battle... and soon memories buried away resurfaced as voices.
To Epic:
"The forces of Chaos will not yield, ??? What will we do!?"
To Rye:
"I've killed your son and you will have no kin for your future."
To Crit:
"It is quite simple ???. It will be your your identity for her safety."
None of these memories feel like the party had experienced before in their life but for some reason they feel like a part of them. They felt these alien memories do rightfully belong to them.
>>13241He couldn't see anything but what was infront of him which was the hallway and his friends. Still though he specifically felt like the monsters in the murals were about to jump at him.
>>13242He felt a very pained loss, the death of a family member. Even though Rye does not have children of his own, he felt like the voice in his head spoke the truth even though it does not make sense.
Eventually the rush of these things was too much for the party to handle and they all collapsed from exhaustion.
They soon awaken to find themselves in this odd plane of existence. All of them together were here and sharing the same dream. Before they could say anything though they can see three separate silhouettes waiting for them. The shadows held out their hooves for them to grab a hold of.
>>13247Yeah we can if you want to.They got closer and closer and just before they can reunite with these strange figures, the party is immediately snapped back into reality and the empty feeling is much more pronounced than before, almost driving them too tears even. The party is also compelled to look at their flanks and saw that their cutie marks were gone still. This made them feel even worse like they were dead inside.
This caused them to suffer their quirks for the time being and will last a round.
Epic: Awkward
Crit: Short Fuse
Rye: Always hungry
>>13248>>13249>>13250>>13251Even though they dizzily wake up, they still manage to do so despite the suffering from their mental and or physical quirks. Soon enough they can notice that they were no longer alone in the hallway as there was a total of 5 mistforms floating about in the room. Two of them to the Crucible room and three towards the exit and they will most likely attack the party if they stay there too long. EncounterMistform A B C D E
Body 4 / Mind 8 / Charm 4
Stamina 12/12
Epic tried to take charge but couldn't as his very being kept him reserved and unable to lead his group. He could try to make a run for it though but the two Mistforms blocked the way. They can run through tghem but that will most likely cause some ghostly damage to them.
>>13255Both Rye and Crit were already awake and suffering in their own way.
[Short Fuse]
Crit: "I lost who I am... I want it back! I want it all back!"
He rears up his horn and uses a telekinetic spell to hold down Mist Form 1
Crit Mind
1d20 = 14 Tele
1d20 = 8 VS Mist 1 Body
1d4 = 1 Mag Res
1d6 = 5 No.13259
>>13258He's grabbing at their mist particle's. These things still have mass, just very little of it.The effects of the quirks had all worn off by now and they all charged for the door together. Will they make it unscathed, with one out of the way it is possible but not without risk.
Mist Body
1d4 = 3 DMG
1d6 = 5 VS
Epic Body
1d12 = 9Crit Body
1d6 = 2Rye Body
1d12 = 2 No.13260
>>13259They make it to the door successfully but both Critical and Rye were touched by the mistform and it left this chilling burn across their bodies like as if you stuck your hands in snow for hours on end.
Crit HP 14
Rye HP 12
Now that they were up at the door, they will be able to open it and make it through.
>>13261They quickly enter the room and slam the doors shut behind them to keep the mistforms at bay. Once safe they can take notice of the room they had entered... The room was in a triangular shape with the pedestal for the Crucible in the center. Very little energy hummed from the pedestal and it did not seem to want to respond with the crucible. On the far end wall though there was a stone slab built into the wall. As they looked at this the slab started to carve itself, twisting and molding until the face of a pony was created in the ancient art style of unicorns.
Voice: "Of what do I speak? All welcome this thing. Whether roost, building, nest, or hole. It makes you sick when you stray for away. But always your heart can be found within."
>>13263Critical, now free from his infernal grips, knew that must've hurt Epic knowing what his friend went through. He didn't say anything, it wasn't the right time but he pats Epic on the back to let him know he wasn't alone, battered and bruised but not alone.
Voice: "That... is the answer. Ageless, endless, ancient thing. Friends together, home will bring. Return the Crucible to its place and we shall begin the rites."
Crit: "This is it, we're almost there now. Just a little further is all we need."
>>13265Both Critical and Epic Focus onto the Crucible with the Festival of Lights Arcast. They all focus on it and prepare themselves to enter it with their minds.
Arcast DC 4 DMG
1d4 = 2Crit Mind
1d20 = 11Epic Mind
1d8 + 1 = 3 No.13267
>>13266Epic HP 11
They enter in the Arcast visions swirl, theu find themselves standing among a large crowd in a happy and cheery Umberfoal. They all seemed happy but oblivious to the party, music played in upbeat tunes.
Voice: "This is the Festival of Lights, the celebration protects the people here."
>>13269Sorry to hear that.
What would happen to the spiders after the Festival? Not all of them are as monsterous as why they attacked the city.
>>13272Voice: "By now your Arcast is purified, if you place it in the home in the Umberfoal then you must call on its power. Focus on it like you are now and Umberfoal will be saved."
Voice: "There is one last thing, I sense that you will be facing a powerful being in the near future, who that is though is up to you. I shall gift you an arcast, small enough to fit in your pocket but hold a strong and evil force. It is called the Prison Arcast, it can be used only once but it will take any one creature and imprison it forever until someone releases that creature."
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>>13278Crit: "We would have to get Tirek to Umberfoal first but yeah."
Epic takes the both arcasts, with these new revelations they were now ready to face the Spider Queen.
Crit: "We best make our way back to the surface, we have everything we need now."
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>>13282The room was quiet, the voice was now gone. It knew that this had given the party had been given all that they would need to save the day. Now they were on their own but this was not the worse thing they had faced so far and they are more than capable of making a plan.
Crit: "We gotta think of a way out of here, we've got this we have to."
>>13286Sorry was distracted.I'm still thinking... If only we asked that voice what the heck happened to us in the corridor. It was like... you know when you're dreaming you're someone else and your mind makes you believe it no question?
Was like that.
>>13287Crit: "I know I experienced that too. I was talking to someone but I don't know who or what it was. During that time I felt like I was ready to give everything I had to save someone, a blood relative but I don't have any family like that."
Epic can remember what his vision consisted, he felt himself wearing heavy armor and standing up some ramparts to survey his army. He was in a battle where ponies were fighting against these horrid monsters of animals that had been corrupted by chaos.
>>13289Crit: "Are you certain? Maybe you were some other grand general in that war."
He looks around at their surroundings and realized that they were running out of time.
Crit: "Ack we can ponder this much later, right now the pressing matter is that we need to get out of here. I noticed those Mist Forms aren't exactly smart so perhaps we can try and sneak past them. If that doesn't sound cool then lets look in our inventory for something that will work."
>>13291Crit: "Maybe not, we should actually try that but we better be sure that we have those scarves across our mouths so we can continue breathing."
They can see that they are still wearing their scarves/bandanas all bandito like.
>>13293They open the door and pop a smoke grenade in there. They can see all of the Mistforms are still there but they don't seem to notice the party, intelligent they are not. The hall is quickly filled with a grey smoke and the Mistforms did not know what was going on or they just didn't care. Still though this gave the party an means to escape without fighting.
Crit: "Let's move, quickly!"
>>13295They rush through, their equipment keeping them safe from the smoke entering their lungs. Even though they were protected form their smoke, it did not stop them from running through some of the Mistforms and cause icy damage against them.
Mist Form DMG
1d6 = 3 No.13297
>>13296Epic HP 8
Crit HP 11
Rye HP 9
Epic Mind
1d8 = 8 VS DC 12
Crit Mind
1d20 = 17 VS DC 15
1d2 = 2 1= Short Fuse 2= Chaotic
Rye Mind
1d8 = 4 VS DC 11
>>13297Due to all the damages and stress they had incured, Both Rye and Epic Mount succumb to their mental quirks...
Epic Awkward >-1 to all rolls due to shyness.
Rye Fear of Cave: >Dowgrade all rolls when in cave complex. Umberfoal and Deepwell does not count.
They make it through the hallway and were now safe from the Mistforms once again. Now they just needed to get back to the surface by exiting the temple through the main entrance.
>>13298Thew, let's hope our breathing potion has not worn off.
Though if it has, I might have an idea.
>>13299Crit: "We should still be good but lets hear the idea anyways."
Critical was uncharacteristically calm given his injured body it seems he is keeping atop of thins. Epic had some trouble though and speaking aloud can be difficult for him.
Epic Charm
1d10 - 1 = 6 Bant
1d4 - 1 = 0 VS DC 5
>If fail you lose one hitpoint for mental strain. Or you can just have your character opt out from talking. You can also use a token of Friendship to ignore this roll. No.13301
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>>13299>>13300Epic can speak his mind freely!
>>13301We try and make a balloon of some sort, given air rises, like a fart in a bath. If we can make that balloon and hold onto it when we leave then the balloon can take up to the surface.
However steering that balloon the same way we got in, I do not know how.
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>>13302Crit: "Sounds like a good idea but we will need something that can hold a large amount of air so that we won't weigh it down. Perhaps one of our cloaks can do the trick unless you got something else that will do the job."
>>13304They spend some time searching through the rooms of the temple to find what they need but they do not go back into that carved hallway, out of fear of the mistforms or out of fear of triggering another dormant memory, this was up for each individual to decide for himself. The temple was broken and there wasn't much left but they keep looking, time running out they keep looking.
Search DC 7
Crit Mind
1d20 = 12Epic Mind
1d8 - 1 = 7 Survive
1d4 - 1 = 1Rye Mind
1d8 = 4 No.13306
>>13305 through the dressing room they find a pristine looking Equestria flag in the dresser. They soon come to realize what this had all meant to the ponies of old. They lived in a time of fear and uncertainty, everything was being destroyed around them but they still pressed on to stop Discord. Many lives were lost in those ages and they can hear the echoes of tragedy shake in their bones.
Crit: "This will do, it's very big and will contain a lot of air."
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>>13308I have work today but yeah we can play tomorrow.>>13307Crit: "Just give the word and we'll be out of here in a jiffy."
Their minds wander to places in the past, primarily their journeys where they traveled by air balloon. Then they remembered that Blazen Path's balloon was destroyed in their assault to Stratus. This will be their first balloon ride in a long time... and might be the last if they don't get a new one.
>>13314I dunno, I was just poking fun at my own society. Also I don't believe all pedo's come from hollywood. Anyways back to the RPSoon enough the balloon ran out of air and the party was forced to drop it or else it would get in the way of their swimming. Each motion to push themselves closer to the surface was met with more pressure on their lungs. The shimmering top of the Deep Well seemed to become more and more distant despite the party's efforts and all seemed lost as they could no longer hold in their breath.
Suddenly the fish of the deep well came to their aid and rested each pony upon their backs. The fish then carried them to the very top with extreme speed and the party was let off at the shore line.
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>>13316They look to the water and see the school of fish there looking up at them. They seemed very friendly unlike the crab. They chirped and squealed at the party as they saw that they were saved.
Crit: "Ah... thanks I don't think we would have made that."
Crit: "Eh I'm sure Equestria has enough flags in its museums anyway."
He looks at his self and looked at the condition of the party. They all had suffered some serious damage since they left the Umberfoal and they would probably not be ready to face Insidiria.
Crit: "Maybe we should try to heal up before going into Umberfoal. The Capstone fort will have a safe and comfortable area for us to rest and heal."
>>13320They head on up through the tunnels they are familiar with and they quickly reach the Capstone fort. Heading inside they found the place quiet and empty still, the Flumphs were gone but the lobby area was still welcoming even though there were a bunch of burn marks on the floor. If they could light the fire place (Safely) then there rest will be much more comfy.
Crit: "Wanna look for some fire wood?"
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>>13322Found it, I got like a lot of pics to wade through.The party was currently standing in area 3. The Best bet for wood would be in Area 5 which was the kitchen.
Crit: "Since we cleared this area out long ago we can move about pretty safely, just stay away from that weird plant."
>>13323Yeah theres probably wood we can use in there.
If not maybe old and rotten furniture we can break down.
>>13324 heads on into the kitchen and it doesn't take long for him to find something to burn, coal. He could recognize that this was the same kind of coal that the UmberForge uses back in the city. Most likely the Duskloaks who came here first brought it over to start up the kitchen with.
If Epic took this they can start up the fire in the lobby area.
>>13328He had to go back to the lobby to speak with Crit who was moving about bed sheets onto the floor to make it comfortable to lay on.
Crit: "Yeah the fireplace right there."
He points to the western wall of the lobby room and has Epic spot the hearth that was built into there.
There is a fireplace in the lobby.
You sure you wanna lie on that? Who knows how many generations of bedbugs been using those sheets as a toilet.
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>>13330Crit: "Eh well, you're right."
He quickly shoves all the blankets across the room and cleared the floor with his magic. Once that was done Epic started the fire in the hearth and the party sat on down there and got as comfortable as they could, letting the heat of the flames keep them warm and the bright orange light fill the room with the radiance similar to the sun.
Time goes on and they are free to talk among each other.
Crit: "So it's likely that we'll have to do some fighting once we get back into the city. We're much stronger than the average spider but Insidiria can prove to be difficult given our last encounter."
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>>13332Crit: "Well maybe you don't have to fight them but rather act as a support role for the coming battles ahead. That way you don't have to fight and you can still help."
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>>13334Things get a little more quiet though.
Crit: "So are you gonna save the Prison Arcast for later or do you think we will need it for Insidiria?"
>>13335I'm gonna save it for Tirek.
As for Insidiria, didn't the webfather say she's doing it in partnership with... oh whats her name, that librarian pony.
>>13336Crit: "Her name was Alethea."
For some reason Critical had a pretty good memory but that might explain his 1d20 Mind trait.
Crit: "We might have to deal with her too but if we work together then we can surely beat both of them if need be."
>>13337Maybe not neccisary. The Webfather said their partnership involved going topside for her and the spiders.
Why? These cave spiders have evolved underground for so long that even average daylight can blind them and lack UV protection will cause them to burn.
It be like trying to teach a fire elemental to go swimming.
>>13338Crit: "We'll just have to see I guess."
They continue to rest but the last bits of coal had been used up and 1-3 hours had went by now.
Rest (Comfortable)+(Sheltered) HP Restored
1d12 + 3 = 13 No.13340
>>13339Epic HP 20
Quirk Effect removed
Rye HP 20
Quirk Effect removed
Crit HP 24
The last bits of fire were snuffed out under the grey ash and the party was now ready to make their attack on the Spider Controlled Umberfoal. The task at hand will be difficult but with their allegiance to one another and their personal strengths shall prove victorious today.
>>13341Critical woke him up, the time for rest was now over.
Crit: "Come on Epic, the Mane 6 and all of Umberfoal are waiting for us to bring back the now purified Festival of Lights Arcast."
>>13344O-OK good news, less spiders to worry about.
Bad news... More icky webbin everywhere than before. You do not want to get that stuff in your eyes.
Oh and yeah, the golems. But, if they are anything like Pillar, maybe they can become under our command if we find whos controlling them with what.
>>13345Crit: "Most likely it will be Insidiria that has influenced them so we aren't gonna be doing anything to sway them."
They head on across the bridge to reach the Umberfoal but they are quickly stopped when they see two golem spiders guarding the way into the city. They didn't look to tough but the party would have to think of something to get past them or fight them.
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Crit: "I know right?"
He readies himself and gets ready as if he was about to fight.
Crit: "So... wanna throw down with them?"
>>13348Might as well.
They arn't real spiders after all.
>Puts 'em up. No.13350
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>>13349Critical goes for a preemptive attack against the spider golems and they go into combat.
Combat EncounterGolem A B
B:12 M:6 C:6
Stout Heart:12
Sound Burst:8 (BodyVS Mind to reduce Mind -1per party halfdmg)
Reastablish:8 (Uprgrades all Golems Body DC3+1per party)
Crit Mind
1d20 = 19 Chao
1d8 = 1 VS Golem Body
1d12 = 6 No.13352
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>>13350With a loud sounding crack of chaotic energy just rips apart the the first spider golem and the bits of stone fly everywhere
Golem A HP 0
Crit: "By Celestia, I hadn't hit that hard in a long while!"
>>13352Haha Nice!
OK Watch me!
>>13353Epic closes the distance between him and the last spider golem and he strikes it with his martial skills.
Epic Body
1d12 = 1 Mart
1d12 + 1 = 4 VS Golem Body
1d12 = 2 No.13355
>>13354He punch lands on the golem's stoney surface and it just cracks against the attack. The damage really just seems benign.
Crit: "Epic watch out!"
Golem HP 14
The Golem goes and retaliates against Epic for his attack.
Golem Body
1d12 = 4 Bash
1d12 = 10 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 6 No.13356
>>13355Epic was struck pretty hard which served as a reminder that he did not have the defensive skills that he had before losing his Cutie Mark. The Golem's attack hit Epic in the face and has now left him with a black eye.
Epic HP 10/20
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>>13356How come you get to obliterate that guy and all I can break is a sweat?
>>13357They stand there for just one second and Critical raises his hooves up in a gesture saying, "I don't know.". It was a pretty chaotic trait of Critical for this to happen but this becomes a chicken and the egg issue. Is Critical lucky because he is chaotic or is he chaotic because he is lucky?
Epic was free to make another attack.
>>13359Nah I just perfected the arts of worshipping RNGesus.Hammer Time!
Epic Body
1d12 = 9 VS Golem Body
1d12 = 6Critical also tries to attack as well.
Crit Mind
1d20 = 6 Chao
1d8 = 8 VS Golem Body
1d12 = 10 No.13361
>>13360Epic manage to hit the golem with his thundery hammer, it stikes the stone machination and parts of it fly off. The Chaotic bolt from Critical just shyly misses the golem and leaves a burn mark up against one of the nearby building.
Golem HP 5
The Golem goes ahead and tries to make a move.
Golem Body
1d12 = 11 Sound
1d8 = 2 VS
Epic Mind
1d8 = 4Crit Mind
1d20 = 14 No.13363
Epic Body
1d12 = 9 VS DC 11
>>13361>>13362>>13363Epic Falls down to the ground with no ability to keep moving.
Epic HP 0
Critical uses one of his potions on Epic to bring him back into the fight.
Epic HP 10
Epic tries to strike against this advesary.
Epic Body
1d12 = 12 Mart
1d12 + 1 = 11 VS Golem Body
1d12 = 3 No.13365
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>>13364Be it adrenaline or skill Epic Managed to punch through the chest of the rock beast and rip out its core and crushes it on the floor. The golem then falls apart and collapses.
Crit: "That one was a bit tough than the other, you alright?"
>>13365No I'm not.
>Gets his breath back.If it's not being a wimp when it comes to spiders it's being a weak-@$$ twig when it comes to a fight. I'm slowing the team down.
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>>13366Crit: "You serious? You're like the strongest one of us here."
Crit's stature to Epic, having to look up to meet with eye contact pretty much secured his point.
Crit: "You're just having a bad streak is all. Once we get out of here how about we work on your physical skills while I learn some new spells."
>>13367Yeah, alright.
Maybe it's time I move on from brawn and hammers to axes or swords.
Heck this thunderous hammer would make a great axe.
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Crit: "You just need to lift bro!"
He uses another one of his potions on Epic Mount to fully restore his HP.
Epic HP 20
Crit: "Well now since we are back here in town I think we should make our move to the Crucible below the city with our Arcast. That or we can check on the Mane 6 and let them know we are back."
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>>13372They continue down the streets but then are stopped when they see a large blockade of rubble held together by web. This was the only way to get to the Umber Inn so they would have to find a way over the barricade, destroy the barricade, or around the barricade via one of the houses.
Crit: "I guess before they spiders left they wanted to get a control of the flow of traffic to help trap any ponies who were still outside. Looks like we will have to deal with this before moving on."
>>13376Rye Climbs up to the top without fear of alerting any of the spiders because they had all abandoned Insidiria's quest to the surface. The only issue he might face was getting stuck on some of the webbing or fall off.
Stuck DC 8 / Fall Off DC 4 DMG
1d4 = 1Rye Body
1d12 = 7 Climb
1d6 = 1 No.13381
>>13380Summer Rye had made sure to keep the rope in place, asking his friends whether they wanted to try climbing up as well.
"It's only a short trip!"
>>13381Crit: "In more ways than one?"
Critical tries to climb up the rock barricade, cursing himself that he did not take the time to learn teleportation magic.
Stuck DC 8 / Fall DC 4 DMG
1d4 = 4Crit Body
1d6 = 6 No.13383
>>13382He gets himself up and gets stuck like Rye, the cursing gets worse. He then uses his cards and cuts through the webbing and joined up with Rye at the very top.
I guess so does EpicCrit: "Right. Now all we gotta do is get to the Umber Inn."
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>>13383Summer Rye helped both of them up before they climbed down the other side.
"The inn is pretty close, let's see what news we get there and how our friends are."
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>>13384They make their way quickly, the air out there was dark and depressing and the Inn's company will be a much welcome change.
Once they head on inside they see that everypony had been gathered inside. There was even some new faces there as the Mane 6 had been busy rescuing ponies around the Umberfoal and bringing them here. Fluttershy was even out and about and has made a full recovery.
Crit: "Well we're back, we better get some food while we are here and let Even Light know the good news."
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Summer Rye went to each of the main six and also Even Light, telling them that they managed to get the arcast purified and that he was delighted to see them all well; also, he was hungry as an ox!
>>13386Hearing the news.
Even Light: "That's great! With the Festival of Lights Arcast we can regain control of the City."
Apple Jack: "Why I'm sure yall plum tuckered out now with all that spelunking you did. There should be some food in the kitchen for you to have."
Crit: "That sounds nice but we better not idle here for too long."
Even Light: "You're right, the ponies of the Umberfoal must be freed once and for all and I believe that it will be you three to do the job."
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I accidentally missed a bit.
FLuttershy! You're OK!
>Hugs her.
>>13388Rye enters the kitchen and brings out a plethora of foods including vegetables of lettuce, carrots, peppers, corn and deserts and pastries like bread rolls, cupcakes, turn overs, and much more. He and Critical sit down at one of the booths and start to chow down.
>>13391The reunion was sweet, long last after the whole day of worrying about her and her injuries were the two now relived to see that they are both safe. Fluttershy however sees Epic's newly acquired black eye and got a little saddened he had been injured so.
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>>13392Don't worry about it Fluttershy, I got this from one of the golems than the spiders.
I bravely entered their dwelling and they saw how courageous and strong I am that they took us to their leader. I looked him in the eye and told him what we were gonna do without flinching...
>Epic began spinning tall tales with half-truths to impress Fluttershy. No.13394
>>13393Just a quick reminder that you control Fluttershy.Critical turns around to talk to them.
Crit: "Hey we got some food over here, you might wanna get some before we head on out of here."
>>13395They dined all together, the rest of the ponies all huddled around and they had their food. It was nice to have here, calming and relaxing despite the surroundings outside, still in any case they had a nice time.
They chatted among one another and the Mane 5 inquired about how things were going since they had left Ponyville. Critical told them that Spike was doing fine and was taking care of their pets. Other talks involved on what Gully Trotter would do and he said that he would go back to the Manehattan museum and lecture there again, Moon Beam didn't know what to do but the Mane 6 offered a place for her in town. The rest of them wonder what Caballeron and his hired mercs Heretic Hook, Rally Call, and Deception. Most likely they went back to Dodge City and parted ways.
>>13396I think now is a good time as any to tell you all about what happened after the fall of Stratos. How we died and why we came back.
>Gives the full story of how they died, what they experianced and so on.Tirek has returned and we need to stop him.
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Summer Rye enjoyed his third helping of food and just listened to Epic telling the story.
>>13397>>13398They all listened and gave her opinion on the matter.
Twilight: "It sounds terrible but I think before you go after Tirek I think you all need to go out and regain your Cutie Marks somehow. Fighting Tirek in your current state will be nearly impossible and besides it will take him almost a year to build up enough power to do anything."
Crit: "Regaining a Cutie Mark? I never heard of anything like that before... but... I do feel like there is something that is still there just disabled or a shattered connection."
Crit, Epic, and Rye begin to think about their visions they had while in the Sunken Temple. They knew that the power of their Cutie Marks were something passed down through reincarnation and they still have some underlying connections to their past lives.
>>13400>>13401 sit there silently thinking about this unsure of what to do.
Twilight: "I'm just not sure what to do but I think time will eventually tell on what to do next."
Crit: "Yeah nothing like this has ever happened before but when I think about that shattered connection it sort of brings me this odd comfort. It's depressing that what I had was once gone but I find solace as to what I have remains."
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>>13402>Epic cringes.We might... need to seek "experts" when it comes to Cutie Marks.
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>>13402Summer Rye. "We're here... given that the flying island crashed that alone is a miracle. Having no cutie mark is a loss but things could have been way worse."
>>13403>>13404>To RyeCrit: "I agree, at least were still out and about given that the Keeper decided to let us off so we can stop Tirek."
>To EpicCrit: "Experts in Cutie Marks? I never heard of such a thing."
It was obvious that Critical never heard of the CMC but given that he was from a small village outside of Baltimare it should not come as a surprise.
Crit: "Before we do any of that though we still need to deal with this Insidiria and Alethea so that we can free Umberfoal and open up the way back home."
>>13405Alright. Just so we know, we have a mini-arcast that can be used to capture a big bad.
We're going to save it for Tirek. As for Insidiria what she is doing is terrible but Alethea is also to blame to this. If we show Insidiria the folly of her conquest then maybe she will release Umberfoal and return to her home. After all her husband and daughter don't condone to what she's doing either and her kid is nice once you get over all the eyes and legs she has.
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>>13406Crit: "Insidiria? No she should be down below at the base of the Umberfoal pillar with the Crucible."
>>13407Twilight: "Resolving this in a way to make friends is preferable and I'm sure the spiders would like to be nice with the Umberfoalans."
Crit: "I doubt though we aren't gonna get anywhere without some combat though so I suggest we be careful. Are you all ready?"
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>>13408Summer Rye gave a nod. "I've had the best lunch in a while so I'm ready."
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>>13410>>13409Crit: "I'm pretty sure it's Alethea that's being used but it still calls for the same action."
The party packs it on up and heads out of the Inn after saying a few goodbye's and they were now out on the street. There was a path way to get to the great staircase that will lead to the Tome Vault (I think that's what it is called.) and face Insidiria there. Still walking along the streets can prove dangerous if they are not careful.
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>>13411Wait... we're going out to face the spiders again?

:Yes, you did say you were brave against them now.
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"We're gonna give our best and we'll make peace return to Umberfoal!" Rye said as a goodbye.
He peeked carefully around the street, on the lookout for any potential spider activities.
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>>13415Nah that would be too much for me. look inside the wagon and they do not find ponies but rather some modicum of supplies. This should help them in the coming battles.
3 Potions (Heals Half the User's Max HP)
Crit: "Some potions would be nice to have on us, lets split them up."
>>13418I'll get on it.Crit: "I used up quite the bit back there in the temple but I think we should just each get one in case if we can't be reached by a friend."
>>13419Rye takes one of the potions for himself.
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>>13421Seems like you still have one. I'll let you keep it, I don't remember you using any potions of late.They take up the rest of the potions, one for each and they continue to search the wagon. Unfortunately they do not find anything else of use in here and the wagon had been stripped of anything the party can find.
As they make their search they soon hear those golems start to get closer and soon enough the stone machinations will be upon them in a minute. The party will need to hide or face the golems in open combat.
>>13423Most of Umberfoal was actually flat with very little variance in topography but from where the spider golems were coming from was a small set of stairs that led down to a lower street.
>>13424There were buildings all around them but most of them were covered and blocked off by web. There was one window though open for them granted if they can break the glass open.
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>>13426"I have nothing to set it on fire with..." Rye said while pointing at the window. "We could hid in there."
>what are those golems made of anyway? No.13429
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>>13426 "They're made of stone so fire won't help and might even hurt some of the buildings here. I think the kinetic force will be enough to smash them apart..."
Soon enough they can see the group of golems walking up the stair case. They see the party and start to run towards them.
>>13427>>13428Crit: "Too late now, are we gonna throw them a wagon or are we running?"
>>13430Do you want to try? Really I'll let you try. Maybe you can get some of the party to help you so that it can be easier.
Throw Wagon DC 10
Push Wagon DC 8
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>>13433Critical goes up and tries to help him out even though he only had a Body of 1d6. Still he went to aid Epic in his efforts.
Throw Wagon DC 9
Epic Body
1d12 = 7Crit Body
1d6 = 3 No.13435
>>13434The thing was too heavy for them to lift but try as they might they still did it with some serious strain.
Epic HP 19
Crit HP 23
They then tossed the wagon at the golems and it tumbled and smashed into their targets. The rocky bits flew everywhere and they were now safe from danger. On the ground they can spot something interesting looking, a crystal ball glowing with green and blue magics. This was a golem core.
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>>13435Summer Rye looked out of the window. "You guys are reckless."
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>>13436>>13437Critical gritted his teeth as he held his shoulder tightly, that was a bit much for him to do like that.
Crit: "Yeah we got them..."
He goes on over to the core that had stayed intact even though its common for them to be destroyed when the host golem no longer functions.
Crit: "You see this? It's a Golem Core, why these things are really potent in magic energy. I can use this to enchant something later on."
He picks it up and puts it away into his saddle bags.
>>13439He looks around but the others were broken or missing and Epic Mount could not find any other cores.
Crit: "Oh well we best move on then, are you ready?"
>>13440>>13441Later, we can make it to Insidiria for now and call it there. No.13444
>>13443They make their way and find the way down to the Tome Vault, aka the library, and they do go down. Once they make it to just outside the entrance there the darkness of the Umberfoal's state was here most concentrated in a singular focal point. Here they should do what they need to become prepared for their encounter.
Critical goes ahead and drinks his Body Potion to make him a bit more hardy. He also tosses out Maredenkainen's collar and summoned her ghostly dog.
Right here is a good place to stop. No.13446
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>>13444>>13445Critical was prepared to have that battle be what it do to determine Umberfoal's future. Failure was not an option here and he looked to Epic all serious like.
Crit: "Epic are you ready for this? Once we start this fight we won't be able to stop until it is over."
>>13447There you are.They head on inside and they find both Insidiria and Alethea inside where the Umberfoal Crucible was. The room had been nearly destroyed, the cases with the many arcasts had been scattered about and webbing was thick and covered all the walls. Insidiria was greedily looking at each arcast, trying to see which she could use best and tossing them aside while Alethea paced nervously about.
Alethea: "Are you certain this is best for our people?"
Insidiria: "Of course, Equestria will rue the day it forgot about us, now remain silent so that I may find a much better arcast to use in my crusade."
Alethea spots the party and freezes, she doesn't say anything but she does have a nervous look on her face.
Insidiria: "Why have you stopped? ...Oh I see, the ponies from before. Seems like you brought back the Festival of Lights Arcast for me. I'll be sure to make good use of it after I take it from you by force."
Boss EncounterInsidiria
HP 32/32
Armor: 2
B:20 M:12 C:6
Web Sling:12
Tremor Sense:10
>>13448>Prepares for a fight.Why do you even want the Arcast? Why conquer Umberfoal?
You do know your kind burns under daylight do you?
>>13449 ignores Epic, with Insidiria at full strength she will not listen to reason.
Critical attacks immediately as best he could.
Crit Mind
1d20 = 20 Chaos
1d8 = 3 VS Ins Body
1d20 = 19 No.13452
>>13450There is a loud rippling noise that cracks through the entirety of Umberfoal as the bright blue and yellow bolt of magic strikes Insidiria as hard as it could.
Insidiria HP 14
Insidiria taken aback by Crit's raw power, she goes ahead and attacks them both.
Insidiria Body
1d20 = 20 Web Sling
1d12 = 3 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 7Insidira Body
1d20 = 6 Pounce
1d10 = 2 Crit Body
1d6 = 4 No.13453
>>13452>Epic takes a whack at her with his thunderous hammer.Remember Critical, try to weaken her, not kill her. We need to reason with her.
I don't want to make a little girl loose her Mum.
>>13451>>13452Epic Mount was caught up in a web after Insidiria's attack and he could not close the distance to attack. He would need to cut himself free.
Insidiria then pounced onto Critical like the predator she was and the prey he was. She then starts to bite him and digs into his hide which caused some bleeding.
Crit HP 18
>>13453He hears Epic and tried to keep calm but it was hard to do so when a giant spider was literally eating him alive.
Epic couldn't strike with his hammer so instead he sends out an electro bolt.
Epic Body
1d12 = 8 VS Ins Body
1d20 = 6Critical tries to get Insidiria off of him.
Crit Mind
1d20 = 20 Tele
1d20 = 9 VS Ins Body
1d20 = 18 No.13458
>>13456>>13453The electro bolt stikes her and electrocutes her with some vigor.
Insidiria HP 8
She was now in a much more weakened state, the adrenaline of great powers have left her and she can now hear the words of the ponies.
Critical then with great magical might, on par with Twilight, sends the spider queen flying across the room and off of Critical himself. He then picks himself up despite the blood loss.
Insidiria then goes up and climbs along the webbing on the cieling.
>>13457Alethea looks to Epic, she is still convinced she is doing what is right and does not help Epic. In fact she flees into a nearby room where they kept a store of books.
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>>13458Dammit enough!
You don't have to do this anymore! Your husband and daughter want you home!
I despise spiders, I hate and fear them! But no way do I want a dead mother on my conscious!
>>13459His words echo in the room and it leaves a quiet stillness in the area. By now he has already broken free of the web that bound him to the floor
Because I forgot to do that roll.. Epic's desperate request reaches the Spider Queen, will she heed it?
Epic Charm
1d10 = 6 Stare
1d6 = 4 VS Insidiria Mind
1d12 = 7 No.13461
Insidiria: "No I will bring a new era for my kind and we shall rule the world. No longer will we be outcasts in this darkened hell hole."
She leaps down from the ceiling and attacks Epic Mount.
Insidiria Body
1d20 = 11 Pounce
1d10 = 6 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 5 No.13463
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>>13461>>13462Epic was hit pretty hard and she stabbed him with several of her long fangs. This caused him not only great pain but as well as great stress.
Epic HP 10
Fear Test DC 11
Epic Mind
1d8 = 5 - Auto Fail
Epic was visibly shooken by this attack and his actions were now hesitant and baseless.
>Rolls are now downgraded.Crit: "Epic!"
He knew he kept a promise to keep the queen alive but now Epic Mount's life was on the line. If he didn't act in the proper way then he might lose Epic Mount and be forced to face Tirek alone. Then the words of previous conversations echoed in his mind.
Sable: "I will help you but you must promise me that you will not hurt my mother."
Crit: "So your name's Epic Mount? I am called Critical and I will go along with you on your journey!"He knew what had to be done, Epic was right that they will not be responsible for killing Sable's mother. Already today Critical killed a spider in blind fury and he will not make this mistake again.
Crit Mind
1d20 = 2 Chaos
1d8 = 2 VS Insidiria Body
1d20 = 3 No.13464
>>13463The bolt of energy flies past Insidiria and strikes off a piece of a nearby coloumn. The shock at his miss was almost too much to bear, he held himself back trying to show mercy but in the end it was only for failure.
Insidiria then got on off of Epic Mount and turned her attention to Critical
Insidiria: "For one moment you unleashed a mighty torrent of power to me and now you hold yourself back? Why?"
Critical couldn't answer and his silence prompted her to attack him.
Insidiria Body
1d20 = 9 Pounce
1d10 = 3 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 5 No.13465
>>13464She lands right in front of Critical and she bites him before he could react. Now in her sharpened jaws, she lifts him high into the air and clamps down. The fangs drew a lot of blood which dripped down onto the floor below them in which Critical screamed in pain.
Crit HP 10
Mental Test DC 16
Crit Mind
1d20 = 3 No.13467
His screams stops as she let up some pressure and he begins to laugh a little.
Crit: "Heh... in this time where I was needed most I failed. Some fortune we have."
Crit Charm
1d6 = 5 VS Epic Mind
1d8 = 7>>13466No your attack will be nonlethal though I imagine she will need medical attention if you get her HP to zero.Things were not looking good for them, their lives were being sucked away with no end in sight other than their own demise. Epic would have to act quickly in some manner, perhaps healing?
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>>13465"Stop, Queen Insidiria! You are only creating a rift among your own people. Don't you know that many if not most desire to stay in their current home? Only for your sake they would follow you but would forever miss the caverns you mock! Listen to your fellow spiders who long to remain!"
>>13468 drops Critical who lands with a heavy thud so she can turn her attention to Rye.
Critical grabs the potion and drinks it quickly.
Crit HP 23 Quirk Effect Removed
>>13469Insidiria contemplates this, her injuries had mounted but will she have the will to continue this after so much blood has been spilt in this arena?
Rye Charm
1d8 = 2 Persuasion
1d6 = 2 VS Insidiria Mind
1d12 = 6 No.13473
Insiria: "This will do much more good than what you say it will. No you are just scared that your people will be destroyed by my spider armies!"
She attacks Summer Rye with a quickened...
Rye Friendship 10
Rye Charm
1d8 = 3 Pers
1d6 = 4 VS Insidiria Mind
1d12 = 9>>13471Crit: "Epic Mount are you okay!?"
He rushes over to Epic Mount in his time of need and grabs a hold of his shaking friend. He then uses a potion on him to heal him.
Epic HP 20 Quirk Effect Removed
Insiria: "This will do much more good than what you say it will. No you are just scared that your people will be destroyed by my spider armies!"
She attacks Summer Rye with a quickened web sling.
Insidiria Body
1d20 = 3 Web
1d12 = 10 VS Rye Body
1d12 = 5 No.13476
>>13473D-Dude, was trying to give you a po-
N-No time, get me off this wall!
>>13476>>13477Insidiria listened to this over her now rapid breathing, she had been injured by a great deal but she was still able to fight if she wanted but she seemed to stop for them. Just seeing them like this was a bit torturous to witness and thoughts of her daughter and husband filled her mind. Was she really doing what was best for the nest?
Crit: "You can't do this anymore, neither of us can take this!"
Critical's words were stressed and the blood covered hero looked intense.
Epic if you would like to add anything. No.13481
>>13479Eh I said Quirk Effect Removed. Epic is like at full HP.>>13480>>13479With all their words combined, the persuasions hit Insidiria.
Insidiria Mind
1d12 = 2 VS
Crit Charm
1d6 = 5Rye Charm
1d8 = 6 Pers
1d6 = 2Epic Charm
1d10 = 6 Stare
1d6 = 3 No.13483
>>13481>Epic wakes up.Oh! I'm fine!
But yeah, what would your daughter think of you?
>>13481Finally, finally all their collective words gets past her and she stops from fighting them any longer. The arena had grown still now with silence and it seemed that Insidiria showed some remorse.
Insidiria: "I just wanted... we were only..."
>>13482>>13483Insidiria: "I don't know right now but I do know I've made a grave mistake. In my actions of conquest I thought little of those whom I hurt around me both Umberfoalans and my own kin. I... promise that I will leave this place and to negotiate good relations between our people."
>>13484If I may ask... given this sense of clarity regardless of my condition, what was your plans when you got topside?
You do know your kind burn under sunlight do you?
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>>13484"Thank you, your majesty! You have made the right choice and I am sure a bright future will await you and your people!"
>>13485>>13486Insidiria: "I was hoping to find an Arcast for that and help with that."
>>13486Insidiria: "I should leave now, our battles had left me quite tired and I need to check up on Sable and my husband."
Crit: "Yeah and we need to focus up on this arcast here."
>>13488>>13489You got stuck on the floor but not the wall and you did manage to get free.Epic was freed up and now all that was left was to use the Festival of Lights Arcast. The spider queen goes ahead and leaves the tomevault and the party was free to save Umberfoal.
Crit: "Okay so if we all put our hooves onto the Arcast while in the Crucible we can focus and recreate the Festival in the real world."
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>>13492>>13493Hey sorry I wasn't on today, there was some pretty crazy weather out and about and I couldn't connect to the internet for the longest time. Prolly to late to do anything today but I can still make at least one post.The party, now triumphant, heads on over to the Umberfoalan Crucible with the Festival Arcast in hand. All together they put the glowing gem into the Crucible...
Crit: "Now then, let this be an end to all of this spider business."
Just then though a shadowy creature strikes them away from the Crucible before they can focus their minds into the arcast. What they soon saw was a small serpentine dragon made out of paper and books peering down at them. At the end of its tale would be its origin point, a book that was held by Alethea the chief librarian.
Alethea: "No this wasn't what was supposed to happen... I... We will not be forgotten by Equestria. Insidiria said so!"
She seemed distraught but still willing to go through the Spider Queen's plans even though Insidiria had abandoned it herself.[b]Boss Encounter[/?]
Book Wyrm
Body 12 / Mind 6 / Charm 4
Stamina 18
Thick Hide 6
Resist Magic 4
Paper Breath 8
Scratch 6
Quirks ???
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>>13494For pete sake Alethea give it up!
Why do you think we came down to Umberfoal to begin with? Why do you think I'm trying so hard to negotiate better relations with Equestria? Heck one of our friends is a princess, A PRINCESS!
When was the last time you looked at Umberfoal, covered in spider webbing while Insidia's conquest striked fear in your ponies while her minions hunted and feasted on the straglers and thought "Yeah, this is OK. I'm fine with this."
You judged me as some illiterate barbarian the moment you looked at me despite the fact me and my friends were the first outside ponies to awaken your city in thousands of years, so yeah, you're welcome for that.
We also called off the spider invasion that almost caused the genocide of your ponies, the very ponies you want to bring back to Equestria, so yeah, you're welcome.
And now we're going to be the ones who bring forth the Festival of Light, an event that will restore harmony to Umberfoal, bring forth light to shine apon it and I bet some magical wave to clean up the webbing and mess you and Insidia left behind as well, doubt it'll restore all the dead husks of ponies the spiders left behind. But hey! You're welcome.
You don't know what we've been through to collect each crucible, to restore each arcast, to save the very city you assist in destroying for the sake of it being remembered. What have you been doing? Helping the spiders.
So yeah, you're welcome.
So either call off your origami project over here and let us save your city. I got a lantern, flint and a hammer that shoots lightning, you think a dragon made out of paper will be an issue with me?
>>13495I know it's kinda bullshit to throw another boss fight at you but I'm just going off of the book here. Still I think you should be able to talk her out of it.Alethea: "No... Insidiria wouldn't do that to us she just wanted to integrate our societies. We were supposed to go back up to the surface... we were supposed to be safe again from Chaos."
She stops and rubs her forehead in a stressful manner. the recent events have not been kind to her in the slightest. As she does this the Book Wyrm also seems distraught and distracted, Alethea's emotions are tied to that paper dragon.
>>13500Oh, I was imagining it like in Dragonballs where they laid the balls out for the dragon to wsummon. Or like a genie from it's lamp.>>13496What chaos? Sure theres bad stuff out there but just as much bad stuff was happening down here and we took care of it. And how would you call an "integrate of societies" when it involves a food chain?
>Noticed the bookwyrm was becoming instable.Call off your construct!
>>13501Alethea: "But I..."
She tries to think it over but then hear a voice from behind them and they all see it was Even Light.
Even: "That's enough Alethea, things have gone too far now and we must let these ponies save the Umberfoal."
>>13503Even Light approaches the confused Alethea and genlty held onto the book. Slowly but surely she takes it from her and Alethea looked saddened at this new revelation.
Alethea: "... Oh... how could I have been so foolish as to let the spiders take our home?"
Even Light: "It's okay Alethea, you were just trying to do what was best for all of us was all."
She then turns around with the newly reformed Alethea.
Even Light: "Now then, Epic, Critical, and Rye if you would start up the Festival of Lights it should restore our city once more."
Crit: "Sounds like a good idea to me, Epic Mount are you ready for this?"
>Takes back the rod.Let's finally do this and bring in the Festival.
>They all get into possition, Epic place the thing on the thing and use the Focusing Rod to help him concentrate. No.13506
>>13505All together they concentrate their minds into the arcast and the world swept away from them and soon enough they were now in a transient crowd of ponies who were laughing, drinking, dancing, and watching an amazing display of fireworks. Music played as well throughout their vision and soon enough they faded back into reality where the parade song was synced up.
Umbefoal had changed back into its more lively and happy state with the cavern now being filled with light, all the webs were gone, and the fireworks were out shooting off on the topside.
Even Light: "Thank you heroes. If you would join us in our festival, we would all like to give thanks to your efforts."
>>13506We will.
>Goes up to Evan Light.I believe this is Umberfoal property, so I think you should have it for your future festivals.
>Gives her the Focusing Rod. No.13508
>>13507Even Light: "Oh, I remember this thing. Yeah we gave it to the spiders. Thank you for this I will be sure to reward you all generously for this..."
She gives everyone 200 bits to spend.
Epic Bits 590
Rye Bits 290
Crit Bits 649
When they got up to the topside they can hear the music much more clearly and everypony was out and about similar to their arcast vision. The Mane 6 also joined in the festivities and met up with the rest of the party. Fluttershy was particularly happy to see Epic Mount and she rushed over to give him a big hug.
Twilight: "You guys did it, you all saved Umberfoal!"
Crit: "Yeah well... it wasn't much really." No.13509
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>Epic and Fluttershy hugged it out.
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>>13509Ugh I didn't realize that vid had a certain mouse talking. all then headed to the center of town where food and drink had been gathered and everyone grabbed something to eat. Then the Mane 6 along with the party found a small garden to sit down and rest at. There they watched the fireworks and ate their food. Things were good and they even spotted a group of ponies all dancing like they were in a ball room.
Crit: "Wanna stay here Epic or would you like to dance a little?"
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>>13511>Just found this and thought it was cool.They stay there for the evening, with Umberfoal saved and the festival here with friends the troubles of the world seemed distant. It was here and now they can relax despite the battles they have yet to face in the future.
More of the fireworks sounded off and the were in awe of the bright colors and loud noises as reds, whites, blues, greens, yellows flashed all throughout Umberfoal.
>>13515I guess that's a green light as anyEpic musters together what will he could.
Epic Mind
1d8 = 3 VS DC 5
Epic Charm
1d10 = 10 VS Fluttershy Mind
1d10 = 4 No.13520
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We won!
>>13518>>13519They all relax and take it easy from there on out, not word spoken but everyone understood their completion of events.
Yeah you are still limited to your abilities but I'll stretch my GM'ing as best I can. Also enjoy the film>>13520Crit: "Yeah that we did. Soon enough we'll be heading back out and continue on our main quest."
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>>13521"Every quest feels like a main quest to me."
>>13521>>13522As much as I'd like to rest, this is just a stepping stone from our primary objective.
>Fluttershy notice him looking at the small crucible.
:Whats that Epic?
What we will need to stop Tirek with.
>>13526>>13527Time flies by as they partied through the night. Eventually the morning rises and the party found themselves getting ready to leave the Umberfoal as they got their things together in the center of town. Even Light and Alethea were there to see them off before they headed off past the bridge and go out to the Umber Entrance.
Even Light: "Thank you for everything you've done for us. We won't forget you and we will be sure to put your names in our history records."
Alethea: "I'm sorry for all the trouble I cause too. I now realize what I've done was foolish despite my intentions."
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>>13528"We were happy to help. We'll be back to visit - or you can visit us, I'm sure many ponies from Umberfoal will want to explore Equestria."
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>>13528Before we head off, there are a few left over problems we could not acomplished.
The mushroom folk have a pest problem and request some sun crystals to help with fighting off the ooze. Ooze is a polution and should be cleaned out if possible.
And while Insidia did terrible things to your city, there is still a window of oppotunity for peace and better relations between umberfoal and the spiders. The Webfather who is the husband of Insidia and their daughter Sable wish for peace.
Your ponies have just woken up and not without hardship. Perhaps better relations with your neighbours will be best through strength and unity.
I woul;d stay and help with these relations but frankly, I'm missing the surface and I'm tired of all the spiders.
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>>13529>>13530Even Light: "Don't worry we will take care of things from here and we will be safe once again. Thank you, all of you..." party then begins to leave, walking out across the main bridge and heading out through the familiar tunnels they traversed days ago. They then leave the Umber Entrance where they fought against Moon Beam. Down along the Dustmane Ridge and through out the badlands until they finally exited and reached Dodge City. There Twilight arranged for them to take a train back to Ponyville where they can get a more proper medical attention if they felt like they needed. One by one they boarded the train and left the station.
Despite it being morning they were all tired from their exertions on this adventure both the mane 6 and the party. Everyone soon either took a nap in the train cabin or watched the passing by terrain silently. They had a lot to reflect on from this journey but for now they can take solace that it was now over.
The party has reached Level 7 (Post your upgrades in the OOC.)
Will post the end results pretty soon. No.13534
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>>13531"So, what is our next step going to be? Asking those Cutie Mark Crusaders how to get our cutie marks back?"
>>13531ResultsUmberfoalAfter the party's interventions the City of Umberfoal was saved from the Spider's invasion and was thus preserved. Thanks to their efforts by giving refuge to the citizens and finding them supplies none on the Umberfoalans perished during this tragedy. The Umberforge was also restored by the party which allowed speedy repairs for both the city and the Capstone fort. Alethea apologized to the people and they were able to forgive her actions, she would then spend the rest of her days in Umberfoal along with Even Light.
The AgaricansThe ponies of Umberfoal eventually made contact with the Agaricans and provided them a means to stop the ooze infestation through sunlight crystals. This allowed the forest to spread out more until the surrounding caverns were decorated with trees and spurring life, giving the cave system a new sense of identity unique compared to other caves in Equestria.
Spider NestAfter the invasion led by Insidiria, the nest's political system was unstable for a short time but with the help of the Queen, her husband, and their daughter Sable, they were able to restore order to their colony. Thanks to the forest spread the spider's homes were revitalized with fresh game to hunt and large trees to nest in. The ruling party also made peaceful negotiations with both the Umberfoalans and the Agaricans who now go up to the city to partake in the Festival of Lights every year.
>>13533>>13534Crit: "Yeah from what I can tell they must be some sort of wise group of ponies who know what they are doing."
The mane 6 laugh a little at Critical's statement. Him not knowing who they were was pretty funny and ironic from who the CMC actually were.
Crit: "We should also make a note to check up on the Knights, it's been a while and we should see how they are doing."
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>>13536Nice summary!
>>13539"I guess we could also head to Canterlot, yeah. Maybe they'll need help with something."
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>>13542Crit: "Since we're already headed to Ponyville its best that we see these Cutie Mark Crusaders. Sounds like a group of knights to me to be honest. I wonder why Epic Mount didn't join them, they were pretty close by right?"
>>13547Don't forget to put your your level up cahracter Rye.>>13547>>13548Crit: "Fillies?"
They finally make it to the Ponyville town and they all departed from the train. The Mane 6 said their goodbyes to the party and went to help out Moon Beam and Gully Trotter but they did tell that the CMC was most likely in their treehouse in Apple Jack's farm.
Crit: "I'm getting the idea that these crusaders are not what I am imagining."
>>13550(I will later on when I've thought about what to incraese.)
>>13550"But imagine how good they must be if they are still so young but already experts!"
>>13553"I like children, grew up with my little brother after all."
>>13554(See you next time!)
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>>13555>>13556They approached the tree house and called them out by name. Immediately after Scootaloo, Sweetie Bell, and Applebloom poke their heads out to see who it was.
Sweetie Bell: "Oh It's Epic Mount and he's brought some friends!"
Crit: "Wait what? You mean to tell me we're gonna get help from... children?"
The three fillies then head on down to greet them.
Applebloom: "Epic Mount we heard that you guys brought back out sisters, thank you soooo much!"
They all go to give the party a big hug but they were then stopped by a shocking site.
Scootaloo: "Whoa... your flanks... they're blank!"
>>13562Yeah, thats what we came to see you about.
On second thoughts maybe we should of seen Zecora or at least a doctor about this.
>>13563Sweetie Bell: "We've never seen a full grown adults never having cutie before. How did you lose them?"
The party tells them about the story with how they reached Tartarus and lost their cutie marks to Tirek but they keep the part about them dying as it was appropriate to talk about to children.
Applebloom: "So Tirek took your cutie marks... I'm not sure how to get that back for you."
Scootaloo: "You could try doing what you were good at before. We can do some practice here and now."
>>13565>EPic had his doubts about this and openly states so....
really should of gone to Zecora or a doctor first.
Crit: "Aw come on Epic Mount we can at least try. Besides modern medicine still hasn't figured out cutie marks so I wouldn't hold my breath."
Swwetie Bell: "We know Epic Mount is good at defending things but we don't know what you two are good at."
Crit: "Oh that would be gambling and just being over all good luck."
Scootaloo: "How do you be good luck?"
Crit: "Learning how to calculate percentage chance in an instant and making a decision on the fly."
And that's why Crit's gamble skill uses Mind. No.13569
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>>13568Crit: "Well I was using this sort of... magic I guess so I wasn't gambling. Also just because I lost my ability to calculate it, it doesn't mean I can't be lucky anymore it's just that I am now at a great disadvantage in this department."
>>13569OK, how 'bout this.
>Takes out a bit.Heads or tails?
>>13570Crit: "Well I immediately thought of heads so I'll go with that."
1d2 = 1 1=Heads 2=Tails.
>>13571>>13570>>13572Crit: "Well hey I still got it right, still no cutie mark though... perhaps we should try something else though."
They think for a moment.
Crit: "How about I charge you and attack you and see if you can fend it off."
I do realize I am a fairly lucky person for some reason. No.13574
>>13573Um... OK.
>Looks at him down and up.You sure?
>>13574Applebloom: "Wait we can't have any rough housing near the tree house, Apple Jack will get mad at the damages."
Scootaloo: "How about we take them to the rodeo pit, there they can do all the fighting they want."
They head on down there and they set up an area for Critical to charge at Epic Mount. There they stood with a row of flags to act as a guide for them. After doing some stretches, Critical smiled and shouted at Epic.
Crit: "Alright it ain't much but I ain't holding back!"
Soon after he charges at Epic and makes an impact.
Crit Body
1d6 = 5 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 4 No.13576
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>>13575Very lucky apparently.They did not take into account for the impact and soon both of them fell to the dirt with heavy thuds all around.
Crit: "Huff... sorry I may have gone a little over board there."
>>13577Crit: "I blame it on my hot blood."
They look and they see that Epic Mount did not have his Cutie Mark again. Critical gets up and makes a statement about this daunting fact.
Crit: "I think you were right, this isn't gonna work but we need our cutie marks if we hope to face Tirek. Perhaps a visit to Zecora is indeed in order."
Applebloom: "Sorry we couldn't help ya but say hello to Zecora for me will ya?"
Crit: "No worries."
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>>13579>PonuThat's Epic's new meme.Crit: "Alright alright, you were right. What you want my blood next?"
That was a bit off color, even for Crit.
Crit: "Anyways lets dive into the Everfree and see this Zecora mare. At the very least you'll feel right at home eh Epic?"
>>13580Yes. It would be nice to return home even if it's just for a little while.
>As they trotted.Those "tests" reminded me of the time we had to deal with those fakers through contests we arranged. You had to play a card game with your faker while me and my faker defended you both.
Rye was in an eatting contest at the time.
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>>13581Crit: "Seems like the world just wants us to keep testing out our Cutie Mark skills."
With a little self awareness, they make it to the forest edge of the Everfree. It was still the dark and overgrown piece of land that it was but to Epic it felt like entering in a family living room. Critical had never been in the forest before in his life which reminded Epic Mount that the short stallion wasn't with him and Rye during their pet adventure.
Crit: "Hey Epic Mount, something has been bothering me for some time. Twilight and her friends are called the Mane 6 but we don't have our own snazzy name to go by. I think we should come up with something in due time."
Crit: "Of course we do. Twilight's gang has one, those children have one, we need one for certain."
They head on down into the forest with Epic Mount at the lead since he knew where they were going. It would take some time before they get there but with Epic they will at the very least make it easy. All the while Critical puts more importance to this name subject and starts to rattle off an idea every so often.
Crit: "How about... the Triple Threat Triad? Or...The Trio Heroes?"
>>13584How 'bout just "The Trio" or "The Three"? Nothing too flashy or intimidating.
Besides how often would such a title be brought up? The three of us have gone this far without one.
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>>13585Ooh-ooh! Or the "Ever-three"! Eh? Eh?
>>13585>>13586Crit: "The Ever Three, I like it and that's what we will go with."
They seemed to be pleased with their new group name as they continued on...
Random Encounter
1d6 = 6 No.13589
>>13587???: "A name is to share. Glad I am to see Epic with friends who care."
They turn around they see it was Zecora herself who looked to have been out getting herbal plants for some potion brew she was making.
Crit: "A zebra, I've only ever seen one in my entire life before but I never expected to see one here."
>>13589I'v eonly known one zebra my entire life.
>Goes to hug Zecora like a son to a mother.Hello Zecora. how have you been?
>>13590Zecora: "I have been doing well. Been out for herbs for a certain spell. Something though I sense is amiss. Your cutie marks are gone, what is this?"
She was shocked at the sight of their flanks being bare. Were they hurt, what had happened? Zecora was in the dark about all of this.
>>13592She hugs him back all caring like.
Zecora: "What paths have you been on, for fate to take my son?"
She then recomposes herself as pity was not going to help them recover what was lost. Instead she motions them to follow her to her house which they quickly get back to in a hurry.
Zecora: "Tell me what you can about your journies and your lost mark. From what you tell I might find a spark."
They tell her about going to the Badlands and eventually Umberfoal. They then mention about that strange vision they had in the corridor and she gets an idea from.
Zecora: "Foreign memories that have your dreams, break at you own mental seams... A potion I have to make you sleep but this can prove to be quite the leap."
She tells them that she has a ritualistic potion that is supposed to make the user fall asleep and go on a spirit quest in their slumber. Taking it will make them black out and see what areas of their souls are damaged.
>>13593Well... alright, if it's safe to drink.
>Epic sat on a bed that looked big enough for Critical, but no longer for him.So we just drink it and go to sleep? Or do we need to go see Princess Luna on dream matters?
>>13594Crit: "For now lets see what this has to offer. The drink may offer some insight as to what has been going on of late for us. When you are ready Epic... bottoms up I guess."
Looking at the drink they all feel a sense of caution and dread. They don't know what they will see when they go to sleep to see the essence of these visions and their damaged souls. They will not know, not know until after drinking the ritual potion.
>>13595Ugh, well, here we go.
>Drinks.UGH! Whats in it?
>>13596Before he can react he feels his body drift away and his consciousness reappears in some void area much like the rest of the party.
>For EpicEpic then saw what looked to be a throne, an empty one where once stood some ruler who oversaw his fellow friends. There at the top of the throne was his cutie mark but when he reaches for it he could not move. Epic then notices that his hoof and the rest of his body was jet black with no defining features.
???: "Who are you?"
He turns around and sees himself, the real Epic Mount bearing the cutie mark. This Epic did not look at him with malice but instead with a deep longing. They reach for each other and Epic speaks some words that were not his own, it wasn't even his own voice.
Epic Mount: "My Knights, my friends. With Umberfoal, Cumulonimbus, and Stratus gone we must ride to buy the princesses enough time."
>For Critical.Critical finds himself alone room up at the top of a tower. He goes on over to a near by bed with such strange familiarity to discover that he had a patient in there. The patient was none other than himself and he too discovers that he was also just some sort of shade. Then he saw the vision Critical look up to him with at first shock then followed by great sadness.
???: "What have you become?"
Critical then speaks too with words so practiced it felt like a play.
Crit: "I've done this to save you."
>For Rye If he sees this.Rye found himself walking in some fields, looking for something important but he did not know what. He then starts to hear cries in the distance and he rushes over to find himself holding onto a colt whom he never met before. Seeing him outside of his own body was alien like until he saw that he was not himself but some shade. Then the vision Rye said something and the real Rye's words matched up exactly and they spoke in unison.
???: "I will avenge you my son, I will bring an end to Akazar."
Rye: "I will avenge you my son, I will bring an end to Akazar."
After all of that they all wake up from their vision and they can see that half the day has already gone by. Shooken from their dreams, they could hardly get out of bed.
Zecora: "What had happened, what did you see? Was it enough to bring out your me?"
>>13598Crit: "Epic... your face..."
Epic can see tears streaming down Critical's face and then he noticed that he was in the same state. They all felt sudden sense of grief and suffering as they felt like they all just now lost something important to them."
Crit: "I don't know why but for some reason it feels like... I just lost everything and there's nothing more I can do."
He laughs at his sorry self as more tears fell but his expression changes as he couldn't keep it in any longer. Even though none of them lost anything they couldn't escape this alien feeling.
>>13601For Epic, he felt like he lost the world to insanity.
For Critical, he felt like he left everything behind and even himself
For Rye, he felt like he lost a child to some monster.
It takes a while for them all to calm down but eventually they do so. Even after getting over all of this they still looked pretty roughed up and tired from their individual visions. Now though was the time for planning and to see where to go next.
Crit: "... ... Ah... There wasn't much we could pull from that spirit journey. We might have to go to someone who is powerful to help us interpret what had happened. Princess... ah." He wipes at his eyes, trying to keep it together. Despite the flurry of sadness they are still much more bolstered than what they were. "Princess Luna. She should be able to help dig into our sub consciousnesses."
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>>13606>>13604Sorry for not posting yesterday my computer had issues and my Internet was down.Crit: "And if we do go on over to Canterlot we can also take time to go check up on the knights. They'll need to know that Epic is back in the real world again."
>>13603Summer Rye groaned and shook his head, feeling a deep sorrow within him.
"Why do I see such a vision... it makes no sense... What is it supposed to mean?"
He looked at Crit, listening at his suggestion.
"Princess Luna? Yes, that's a good idea!"
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>>13609>>13610Crit: "No... that usually takes a whole week to prepare and we should be back to them just before then. Anyways if we take the train we should make it to Canterlot in just a few hours unlike last time it took a whole day because the tracks were busted up. Are you all ready to head on out? It is likely we will have to pay for a fee to use the train service."
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>>13612The party leaves the Ever Free Forest and they quickly enter back into Ponyville due to Epic's guidance. From there they were back in the center of town in front of the Mayor's hall. They could immediately head on over to the train station or they can check out some of the other places in Ponyville like the market area.
>>13618Crit: "Well... you would have to take the hammer on over to a smithy I guess."
Finding a smithy here won't be too hard to do but making a conversion may take some time to do so.
>>13619Crit: "Oh it should be easy, just take the head off of the shaft and replace it with an axe blade, probably dual sided."
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>>13619I was thinking along the lines of one side of my hammer being really sharp.
>>13620I might save it until we get to Canterlot, I'm still thinking it through. After all the Knights' smithy maybe more ideal.
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>>13620"Well, if the handle allows it."
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>>13621>>13622Crit: "Well if we are gonna save it till Canterlot then we best get a move on then. I don't want to get to the train station only to have missed our ride and wait for several hours."
>>13624>>13625They get on over to the train station and head up to the platform to inquire about tickets to Canterlot. Fortunately the clerk mentioned that the train was gonna leave in just a few minutes so they had time to buy a ticket and load on up.
Ticket Cost 10 bits.
Crit: "Here's my money..."
Crit Bits 639
>>13628>>13629Thye paid for their tickets in full and this gave them a means of transport to Canterlot via a railway.
Epic Bits 580
Rye Bits 280
>>13630>>13631They load on up into the train and they set on off with the chunk chunking noises of the wheels against the tracks. An hour passes by as the world seemed to move in a direction to get them to where they needed to be. All the while the cabin was filled with ponies who spoke in a soft chatter, usually about current events or how they are visiting relatives.
Eventually they make it to Canterlot after going up the mountain rails and they were now dropped off at the Canterlot station. From here they were now in the Common's District with the normal residencies and the market area. The Knights should still be up in the Castle District.
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>>13632Summer Rye wondered if the guards could sharpen the sword he had gotten from the mushroom people.
"Well, Canterlot looks busy as usual. Good, good."
>>13634Better like this than how we found it.
>>13635I was thinking I should check in with the Knights. Tell 'em we're not dead and we need to see the Princesses.
What are the options? No.13638
>>13636Well when it comes to the imagination the options are limitless but you guys seem hesitant on doing anything at all but commentate on what I just typed for you.>>13636>>13637A: Go to the Knights
B: Go to the Market Area
C: Go to the Guard House
D: Go to Blazen Path
E: Go to the Residencies
F: Check out the middle of Town (Common's / Royal's / Castle)
>>13638(I just don't want to drag the story out too much by just wandering off doing whatever.)
>>13638I'll check the Market Area for any smiths. And a food stalls.
>>13639Crit: "I'm going to the Library to get a reference book to enchant my dice."
Critical heads on off.
Epic goes on through the Royal's District and made it to the Castle District. There he saw the Knight's barracks, the Archives, and lastly the Castle itself where Celestia and Luna live in.
>>13640FFS you guys doing nothing drags the story on and makes things a hell of a lot harder on me and much more frustrating. You do a TTRPG on the side you should be flooring everything with a little creative intuition.Rye goes on over to the Market and there was plenty of stores and stall with a variety of stock to sell.
>>13643Epic Mount heads on inside the barracks and he was now in the dining hall which was warmly lit by the hearth on the back wall. There at the table a few unarmored knights were sitting and eating with gentle conversations. Before Epic could announce himself he can hear a familiar voice from up on the second floor catwalk.
???: "Epic?"
The figure quickly rushed down the stairs and met up with our hero. It was Aotle, the griffon who introduced him to the knights. Aotle was a sad sight though, he was still recovering and had to strut about with a crutch.
Aotle: "I can't believe it, how are you even here?!"
>>13644He eventually found a stall that sold a bunch of produce and fruits, including apples. The shopkeep welcomes him and invites him to peruse his wares.
Merchant: "Hello there traveler, what sort of food are you looking for?"
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>>13645Hello Sir Aotle! It is good to see you well!
After the fall of Stratus, me and my friends were excused from Tartarus in pursuit of a powerful villain, however to resolve the matter of the absence of our Cutie Marks we had to resolve some things first.
I figured it's best I came to tell Sir Grail we're not dead and make ammends with Sir Claymore.
>>13646Merchant: "A whole pound? Well that's about... lets see... I'll let the pound bag go for about 6 bits."
Bag of Apples: 6 bits 2/2
>>13647Aotle: "Gold Grail is in his room trying to go over some statistics about the knights right now and Claymore hasn't come back to us yet. We figured he... was gone too. Epic our order has fallen on some hard times, with the betrayal of some of our kind a lot of ponies are starting to question if we should have an organization of knights."
>>13648"That sounds like a fair price."
Rye pays the six bits and stores the bag of apples in his saddlebags.
"Do you know if there is a smithy nearby?"
>>13649Yeah that's fine for your character to ask, Epic Mount wouldn't know what has happened over time.Aotle: "Gold Grail can tell you more but I can give you the cliff notes. Right now our popularity is in decline and with the loss of his adopted son Gold Grail has entered a depression. We've also been forced to act more covertly to avoid further scrutiny and we've been having some trouble with the excavation at the Stratus Ruins."
>>13650Merchant: "It's a few blocks over that way but she's pretty good with a hammer and will make what ever weapons and armor you want so long as you have the proper materials."
>>13652He heads on over to the smithy as per instruction and he quickly finds the establishment. There he found a mare who was working a forge who then stopped and went up to him to greet him.
Hammer Bell: "Hello there darling I'm Hammer Bell and this is my forge. Is there something you need?"
>>13653Aotle: "We've had search teams comb through the wreckage for any survivors but we could not find you or Claymore in the mangled stone. Only the bodies of Stalliongradians and traitor knights."
>>13654Summer Rye looked surprised, not having expected a mare having the physical strength to work the smithy. But on the other hand Applejack too was mighty strong.
"Hello... um, I know that sounds silly but I have this sword here. I don't think it's very good and I thought maybe you can sharpen it... or something?"
Rye showed the sword he got from the shroom people.
>>13654Is Gold Grail in not fit state to see anypony? Or should he see me for my return?
Then again he may ask for the whereabouts of his son which I do not know of.
>>13658There was a toadstool mace but you did not buy it >>12733>>13659Aotle: "Most of us had to come back here to hold down things here. We're quite limited in terms of horsepower."
They get on up to the door and Aotle suggests that Epic speak to Gold Grail alone.
>>13661Rye shows her the plain sword that he has.
Hammer Bell: "Hm... it's already sharp and in good condition really, nothing I can repair here. I can improve it for you though and fix something up new for it. Maybe a new handle for balance or perhaps a serrated blade to make your enemies bleed."
>>13662The old voice beyond it tells Epic to come on through. Once done he can see Gold Grail working at his desk, going through an insurmountable amount of paper work.
Gold Grail: "Yes is something the matter?"
He looks up and stops what he was doing. A ghost had come to visit but this spirit was alive and well... which promised other fates are not true as well.
Gold Grail: "Epic Mount... you're here. Is... Is Claymore with you?"
>>13663No, I'm sorry. Where we ended up after the fall of Startus was just me, Critical and Rye.
I thought Sir Claymore returned to you after we convinced him of his folly.
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>>13663"That sounds good. I don't really want to hurt anycreature... but if it looks more intimitating but that alone might do the job.
How much would your services be?"
>>13664Gold Grail: "I see... I see. At least seeing you here brings me hope that one day I will see my son again. It is good to see you here again, you were always the most competent squire we've had in recent times. I can't speak for the past Paladins but you were best squire we've had so far.
>>13665Hammer Hill: "Wait before I do anything you gotta specify what you want me to actually do so I can discuss price."
>>13666"Well, balancing it properly would be ideal. Serrating the blade though, hm, no that might be a bit too much.
So, making a new handle - nothing fancy, just doing the job - how much would that be?"
>>13667Gold Grail: "Yes well I do have some work if you aren't busy. We've been having trouble at the Stratus excavation site so if you could go next door and talk to our scribe he can fill you in. Other than that, did you need anything?"
Now would be a good time to get permission to see Luna.
>>13668Hammer Bell: "Right so I will need the sword for the rest of the evening and an up front payment of 200 bits.
End Result
Balanced Sword: 150bits (Adds plus 1 to sword skills)
>>13669I would look into the excavation of Stratus, especially finding Sir Claymore, but there are pressing matters at hoof than me and my friends need to attend.
We would like to seek audience with Princess Luna, to talk about what had happened in the past, I think it may involve me or at least Sir Squire.
>>13669Summer Rye whistled. "200 bits? That's a lot."
Rye tried his best to haggle the price down, also offering a Water Breathing Potion in exchange.
>>13670Gold Grail: "Sir Squire? The founder of our order? That is odd but... well after all you done I figure I do owe you. Gather up your friends and meet me at the castle doors. The princesses are still quite fond of me despite recent events and they will grant us audience."
Epic Mount should now go to his friends. Rye should be in the market area and Critical at the library.
>>13671Rye reached for the potion but soon remembered that he had to drink it in order to escape from the Sunken Temple. Still he made use of his bartering to talk down the price.
Rye Charm
1d8 = 7 Pers
1d6 = 6 VS Hammer Mind
1d6 = 5 No.13674
>>13672Thank you Sir Grail.
>Can tell he is still depressed, but has a feeling knows what will cheer him up.Not long after my "return", I found my way into the forgotten city of Umberfoal where me, my friends and Twilight Sparkle and her friends helped awaken the ponies who were slumbered under there.
I found this.
>Shows him Sir Squires cape.I believe it belonged to Sir Squire himself, but I cannot be for certain.
>>13673Rye nods. "Alright, that sounds like a good deal!"
Rye leaves the sword and money with the smith.
"Thanks again. When will it be ready you said?"
>>13676Hammer Bell: "Should be ready in the morning so don't forget to pick it up."
Rye bits 114
With that done he was still freed up to keep shopping or perhaps he should meet up with one of his friends. Rye knew Critical was in the library and Epic should be with the knights.
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>>13675>Epic smiled knowing he has cheered up Grail a litt.e>[Banter]Now you can have your records updated knowing where I got it. I found it in a pool of water, found in a cave next to a colony of Ooze monsters. This cave was in an underground forest not far from Umberfoal.
If you request to Princess Twilight Sparkle for the knights to assist in helping the relations between Equestria and Umberfoal, maybe Evan Light will grant you access to their archives, given Evan Light herself met with Sir Squire in his life.
>>13680Maredenkainen! So he is involved in all of this.
A history lesson is exactly what I am after from Princess Luna.
But yes, I must gather my friends and tell them the news. Thank you Sir Squire.
>Bows and leaves. No.13685
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>>13684>Creeps up to him.WHERE did you learn how to enchant like that?
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>>13685This startled critical a little bit but he keeps quiet as to not bother any of the other workers here.
Crit: "Ah yes... you remember how my father was a court mage? Well he showed me a thing or two when working at home though I can only work with what magics I know unless I got an instruction guide."
He shows Epic the dice which wasn't much to look at right now since they weren't done yet.
>>13688As long as your dice ain't coming alive.
Then again, sentient and loyal dice may come in use for a gambler.
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"Here I am... got myself a new sword. Well, not yet but soon. And it's not wholly new, it just gets a new handle."
>>13697Yeah. And we also may need to um... investigate the Stratus ruins on his behalf. Sir Claymore never returned to him and I think he needs to know what happened to him.
But first things first.
>>13698>>13699Crit: "The Stratus ruins? I'm sure there's nothing in the crash site except for the most hardiest of relics."
Epic remembered that they would have to talk with the Knight's Scribe in order to learn more about the issue.
Crit: "Anyways are you all ready to head on up there?"
>>13700I think Gold Grail, having lost his son, wants to know where his son is, or at least closure. I feel sorry for him.
But we can't dilly-dally from our current objective of what are dreams mean and where Tirek is.
>>13701>>13702Crit: "Don't worry Epic Mount we have enough time to look into this issue with Claymore and perhaps we can find him."
They head on up through the streets of Canterlot and they finally reach the Castle entrance where they had met up with Gold Grail. From their he lead them inside the castle, telling them some things that had happened like the low popularity of the knights. The pony's new disposition to these armored allies could be seen as there was a lack of knights on guard but instead just made up of Royal guard ponies. They then enter the throne room and they can see the regal ruler of the night sit before them. She was overlooking the late hours of the day in place of her sister and made sure that the ponies of Equestria rested easy.
Tradition has it that the guests introduce themselves.
>>13703Summer Rye bowed deeply, his forehead almost touching the floor.
"Your Highness, my name is Summer Rye, thank you for granting this audience."
He waits for his friends to introduce themselvse as well.
>>13704>>13705She acknowledged them with a calm but powerful voice that was much more formal than her sister's.
Luna: "Welcome ponies, I remember seeing you during your induction to the knights sir Epic. I believe you are all here because you've had these visions, nightmares of horrors that other ponies had faced and not you."
>>13706>[Awkward]Y-yeah, that sums it up.
It's as if these nightmares arn't suppose to belong to us and they appear as memories, like pre-classical era memories.
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>>13710"Delve into our memories? Will that hurt, your Highness?"
>>13711Luna: "The ritual requires the strongest orgy to produce your mental projections. Come here to your Princess.>>13711>>13712Luna: "It will not hurt you and you can not be hurt in these memories. That is not to say though that it will not guard you against... emotions."
She gets up and motions them to head on up stairs."
Luna: "Come with me, we can get everything set up."
>>13714>>13715They finally reached Luna's room and she set up a number of beds for each party and they all lay down and get ready. They were soon to be faced with whatever hid away in their minds and revelations made anew.
Luna: "Are you all ready? What can happen can shake a pony to their foundations."
>>13716Summer Rye shuddered and decided to pull the blanket up to his nose.
>>13717>>13718>>13719Luna: "I will cast a sleep spell on you all and concentrate so that your mental projections can be maintained.
Critical: "Well looks like this is it... good luck."
The spell was casted and they all soon fell under and things go dark for all of them.
Each one find themselves in a dark voice but each party member was alone in their own separate dream. They each then hear a voice call out to them.
Epic???: "Hello squire, you have come to find me and I am here to see you and answer questions that you may have and connections you have lost."
Critical???: "A lost power and everything abandoned. You seek answers and solace and that I can provide for you."
Rye???: "I'm glad to see the family has lasted this long though it looks like you lost your way. Don't worry my distant son I can help you with this."
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>>13720Woo are you? Where am I?
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>>13720"Distant son... who are you? Are you an ancestor of mine?"
>>13721Soon from the darkness steps in front of Epic. This figure looked strange to Epic but then when he looked at all the details he realized who it was. It was a pony who's coat was white, blonde mane, dressed in armor and had a sword strapped to his side. The last bit was that this figure's cutie mark matched the design on Epic's cape.
Sir Squire: "I am Sir Squire and I am you and you are me."
>>13722Soon the speaker appears and Rye can recognize that this was his heroic ancestor that settled down Trottingham in Equestria's early years. The ancestor was also carry his own Wheatfield Pitchfork.
Spring Wheat: "I am your ancestor and besides being kin we also share the same cutie marks and souls."
CriticalFor Critical a shadowy figure stepped out and was dressed up in a cloak. There wasn't much for him to go off of but he could notice this pony's cutie mark was strange as it was random numbers that shifted and changed every second.
???: "I used to be called Even Trot in my past life but now I have no name. For simplicity sake you may call me Even Trot anyways."
>>13724Sir Squire: "Well my cutie mark was reincarnated and you were the one who inherited it. Your actions, behaviors, and choices are all you but your cutie mark belong to you and me.
He gives Epic Mount a warm smile.
Sir Squire: "Now then though I do imagine you have some questions form me. I will answer as best I can."
>>13725Er perhaps I should've said that better.Spring Wheat: "Well you are still you but we just share the same cutie mark which is why you are still alive. I'm sure you got some questions though like what my life was like and why you are having these visions.
CriticalCritical: "Who are you... why are you important to me."
Even Trot: "You have questions and I'm afraid that my sins have been transferred onto you now. Take heart though with my mistakes you can redeem us both."
>>13726Does that mean I am- We are all those who have shield cutie marks? Even those with current cutie marks in existance? I guess time is irreleble to-
Wait no.. how are we existing when I lost my cutie mark? How do I- do we get it back?
>>13726Summer Rye was not smart enough to fully crasp what he said but there was one thing for certain:
"Yes, these visions! Why am I having them - does it have to do with our shared cutie marks?"
>>13727 Squire: "Whoa slow down for a second. So to answer your first question you are the only one who has my cutie mark, one mark per living pony. Secondly to get our mark back you have to reconnect with me and from their you can steal your cutie mark back from Tirek. That would mean though that you will need to find my grave in the real world."
>>13728Spring Wheat: "It is because your mind and soul wants to reconnect with what was lost. There are still some bits left over that keep you here but you still have a great and unconscious desire to get back what was lost."
CriticalCrit: "Redemption? For what exactly? Who were you."
Even Trot: "I was the brother of Maredenkainen during the times of the Chaos. You yourself are from my sister's bloodline but you have my cutie mark."
The world around them shifts and they can see that they were now viewing a room where they saw Even Trot speaking with his sister in the past. Even trot had a white coat and green mane. His cutie mark was a healing herb.
>>13730Spring Wheat: "From here? No child I'm sorry. What you will need to do though is you need to find my grave in the real world. From there the magics will be so strong that you will power will be able to rip your cutie mark from Tirek no matter how far and reclaim it as your own."
>>13731Again quick note some of the lore will not match up.Squire: "Yes Bazil was an ally and was one of two who we were going after. The real target was a pony who had succumbed to the forces of Chaos and he rid Bazil into battle. Me along with Maredenkainen we tried to put an end to him but I was mortally wounded, I don't know what happened to the mare wizard though."
>>13732MArerekin... Marekin... I forgot how to pronounce the name.
But given it was regarded the "Time of Chaos", I imagine this foe was Discord?
>>13733Squire: "Yes he was during the time he tried and did rule. We managed to get the princesses to stop him and were successful. It was only many years later we found the Chaotic one and Bazil in the earth in the Everfree."
>>13734Spring Wheat: "I am both fighter and farmer much like you are. Anyways my grave is in the small village that you grew up in, I was buried with the snake demon Akazar so that he could not return. Akazar killed my son long ago and so I took his life in revenge and created our family house over his grave. After that Trottingham was built all around us."
CriticalEven Trot: "During the Chaos reign, the introduction of the chaos world brought in many new diseases and plagues that emptied out entire towns with no cure or vaccines. Maredenkainen fell ill and for the longest time I could not save her. I then learned the chaotic arts but I went too far and I lost myself and who I was..."
He drops the hood of his cloak to reveal a largely scarred face, his lips gone to bare his teeth, his eyes had no pupils and were instead glowing yellow.
Even Trot: "I was no longer Even Trot and I lost my sanity for the longest time until Maredenkainen and Sir Squire ended my life."
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>>13735"Akazar... I see. I am sorry for your loss, elder. Losing your child has to be the worst of all experience."
>>13736Squire: "No tirek did invade shortly after Discord's reign but we were able to stop him Years later we had found that a servant of Chaos had been hiding away with Bazil and we were sent to stop him."
>>13737Spring Wheat: "It was and in the end but after an eternity I found solace in learning that we all live on in our own way. Like how I live on through you. Still though do not forget your connections to the world. Other than that do you have any other questions?"
>>13739Squire: "Before his fall he was known as Even Trot, a very skilled healer. He learned the arts of the chaotic forces to change fate. Maredenkainen was sick with an incurable disease. The Chaotic one was able to save his sister but he soon became insane and joined Discord and became his champion. Believe it or not, he is close to you in the real world, much closer than you think."
>>13740Spring Wheat: "I can sense that the binds on Akazar have been weakened but if you get there in time you can reseal him for an indefinite amount of time again like I did long ago."
>>13742Squire: "I'm not sure but this you must know. My grave is in some of the deepest places in the Everfree Forest. I know this place is important to you, it was your home and here it will be your pinnacle."
Everfree Forest, Epic Mounts home now in more ways than one. Once a haven to him it will now act as a means to pass on the knowledge of the dead and old to the young and alive. It is here Epic Mount will find himself.
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>>13744And here I thought I was the only one who wishes to be buried at the heart of Everfree Forest... Wait, thats where you rest is it?
>>13746Kill them?
>Epic had some doubts on ending the life of others.If they are suffering and call for the mercy of the end, then I will help those who need it.
>>13743>>13747SorrySpring Wheat: "Akazar was a low level snake demon that lived in the nearby area that I tried to settle down in. He struck and killed my son as he saw my presence as trespassing. As for my son he was called Winter Grass."
>>13748Squire: "Once you see them you will now what I mean and you will feel pity for them. Give them the peace they need, they have suffered long enough."
>>13747>>13748[?]If you guys are ready you can head on out of the dream world now if you want. I hope this answers the questions and get you guys ready on what to do next.[??]
>>13750Squire: "You will see me again, first you will find my body and then after you can commune with me in your dreams when you have your Cutie Mark again."
>>13751Spring Wheat: "Thank you and be careful these time will be dark for certain but do not give up hope."
>>13750>>13751They all wake up and find that it was now morning. Luna had been keeping watch over them and greeted them back into the real world.
Luna: "Were you able to find what you needed? Was your communion with your progenitors useful?"
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>>13752"They were... did you watch us? I talked to one of my ancestors... I have to find his grave, it's right under our home back in Trottingham."
>>13754I do not know if Sir Squire was my ancestor or not, but he was me in a past life, though it felt more like talking to a brother.
To think the stories I looked up to, the pony I've always wanted to be like was me after all.
>>13753>>13754Luna: "I am the guardian of the night and during the time I kept projecting your wills in the dream world, I could see bits and pieces of what had transpired. I'm sorry if I trespassed."
Crit: "I saw my ancestor too... He said that his grave is near Las Pegasus."
>>13756Could Sir Squire be my ancestor?
I'll ask him the next time we meet. He wanted me to find his resting place at the heart of Everfree Forest.
>>13757I'm still keeping that Epic's actual ancestry is a mystery but you can know that Epic's past life was Sir Squire but that does not immediately he is related to Epic Mount>>13759[?]Later, guess we will end it here.[//]
>>13760Crit: "I have his cutie mark yes but it seemed that he was really sorry for what all had happened. Apparently I will be the pony that will redeem us both even though I can not escape the chaotic forces myself though he assured me that I will not fall to insanity."
>>13761Sir Squire said he was a healer before he turned against his friends, so there must have been good in him.
And even if it turns out you are the reincarnation of some big bad you're still my friend.
>>13762Critical smiled warmly, being around ponies that considered to be friends was nice to have.
Crit: "Kinda funny how things turned out, in one life we had to fight which ended us both and in this one we fight toghether to stop a crazy monster guy from stealing all magic in Equestria."
Gonna be it for me here. Tomorrow you guys will have to decide on which cutie mark to get first. No.13765
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>>13764I did skip over critical's side a bit but his thing is that Even Trot learned the chaotic arts to save his sister Maredenkainen but this ultimately changed Even Trot into some chaotic being that has the ability to change fate. This lead him to beoming insane, not knowing who he was anymore, and ending up becoming Discord's champion. Eventually after Sir Squires battle with him, Even trot mortally wounded Sir Squire and left Bazil to die. Even Trot then fled across the land until he finally met his end by Maredenkainen in the cloud fortress that would later become Las Pegasus.Crit: "So the question is who's cutie mark do we go after first? These are all dangerous places that we need to go to so we better stick together when we go do this."
>>13765I need to go to the heart of Everfree Forest. I know where it is but it's not an easy trip.
If you two also need to go to some specific locations, what are they?
>>13768Crit: "I may be terrible at geography but I do know that the closest would be the Everfree Forest then. Lets head on out into the market area of Canterlot first and see if we need any supplies and then head on out."
Epic Mount also remembered that he should check on with the Knight's Scribe to learn more about the excavation site at Stratus if he was interested in helping out.
>>13769OK, but I need to return to the Knight to ask about something, while I'm there I might get supplies.
Trecking through Everfree Forest is not as easy as it may seem.
I like to imagine Everfree Forest like the TARDIS from Doctor Who or the Lost Woods from Zelda games.
On the map it looks small compared to other woodlands of Equestria but it is bigger and more expansive on the inside. No.13771
>>13770Crit: "We'll go with you, I'm not busy myself and I should give the knights my regards since they though I was dead after all."
They head on out of the castle after saying good bye to Luna and Celestia as they switched shifts or royal duties. They were not out in the middle of the castle district and there was the usual hum drum of archivists and diplomats coming in to see Celestia for official business. The Knights barracks wasn't too far off from where the party stood and should be easy to get to.
>>13773Crit: "Yeah that's what I am thinking too."
They still stood there with the Barracks in the distance.
>>13777Why don't you narrate what your character is or what he needs to do?Epic Mount had to enter into the office first or else he would just be talking to himself. Once there he then told about what he was doing.
Inside he can see that it was a lone scribe working at a desk stacked with reports and work orders. The scribe himself, a worn out but young pegasus seemed upset by Epic's presence.
Pen Writer: "Oh by Celestia's crown... don't I have enough to deal with today. It's not like having the Archivists coming in here to breath down my neck and review all of our records is bad enough, now I gotta deal with some pony else about Stratus."
He breathes a tired sigh and got ready to go over this business.
Pen Writer: "Well then what exactly are you here to talk about Stratus? I'm sorry if you came for a history lesson but we don't know too much about the city other than legends and its not going to be easy now that the city was destroyed by some punk squires that got themselves killed in the process."
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>>13778Y-yeah, we're the "punk squires that got ourselves killed". I'm not here for "Who died for who's country" nor for a history lesson but a report on what happened after Stratus fell. Such as casualty reports, survivors and any evidence of the wareabouts of Sir Claymore.
>>13779Pen Writer: "Sorry if I offended you its just that I've gone on several days with nonstop work with filing reports for the Archivists to prove we're not planning a coup as well as dealing the massive amount of struggles with the excavation since it's all rubble and half of it is in the fucking ocean!"
He had to stop and he takes a heavy swig of his coffee.
Pen Writer: "... Gold Grail wouldn't want us fighting like this, things are as hard as they can be right now. Look progress has been slow with the ruins but they've gone to a complete stop because there's some sort of dispute over there. Representatives of the Canterlot Archivists and Cloudsdale Historical Society have been at each other throats and they both lay claim to all relics found on the site. With the Knights being in the crossfires for this it makes things increasingly difficult. If you can go down there and speak with them and resolve this I would be infinitely grateful."
>>13780We want too, we really do, but I'llo have toi talk it over with my friends first, we have a sort of pilgrimage like thing we need in order to be at our 100%.
>Considers bringing Twilight Sparkle into this due to her expertise at documenting, but given Umberfoal is still a matter she's probably attending to, decides perhaps not.I do not know how I can make it easier around here for you, but I cna probably tie it over with the disputes between the Archivists and Historical Society.
However, any documents on Pegasus history, from Stratus to Cloudsdale will help. It would help decide netween Canterlot and Cloudsdale where the relics should end up.
Plus, I may have somepony from Cumulonimbus City ruins who could also help end the dispute.
>>13781Crit: "Since the site is relatively close to Trottingham we can check it out after going to Rye's farm."
Pen Writer: "To be honest I don't really care about who gets the claims on the relics so long the pressure is off of me. I think though that in the end it will be you deciding who should get what but if you want to involve outside help then that's fine by me too. Now if you don't mind... I'm gonna take a quick nap."
Pen Writer then leans down and uses a stock of papers as a pillow. Probably best to leave him alone lest you want to poke what may as well be a sleeping bear.
Crit: "Well then we better head on off then. We got quite the amount of quests on our plate."
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>>13782I think I already know how to resolve the matter already.
But first things first.
>To Crit.Yes. FIrst let's go to Everfree Forest. Then... Trottingham?
>Checks a nearby library globe.I do not know where Trottingham is. Is it even
in Equestria?
>>13783Crit: "Trottingham is on a small island south of the Bug Bear mountains. It's mostly city but we're headed off to a small village outside of town which is where Rye's farm would be... after we do the EverFree Forest first."
From there the party then left the office and were now hanging around the dining area/main hall of the knights barracks. Wasn't much going on here but they were sure to expect a more lively crowd in the market area.
Crit: "I don't think I need much unless I want to stock up on potions. Then again I would like to continue working on my dice and finish up."
>>13786>Checks his hammer.Nah, I've decided to keep this hammer as it is. It has served me well after all this time. No point fixing something that isn't broken.
As for Las Pegas, we should probably go there after I get my Cutie Mark back, if Trottingham is further away from us.
>>13789They had to pay for the fee ofcourse.
Rye Bits 104
Epic Bits 570
Crit Bits 629
The train ride was equally as long going to Ponyville than it was yesterday. Still the ride was quite nice with the carpeted floor, warm lights, and the gentle music playing on the speakers so that they wouldn't get bored. Soon they hear a chime noise over the speakers...
Voice: "Now arriving at Ponyville. Be sure to check out some of the eateries here if you're stopping by."
After the train stops they departed and found themselves in Ponyville, a central town for trade and friendship. the Castle of Friendship loomed over the town and to the was the Everfree Forest.
Crit: "Whelp we're here now. Better get going since if we dally it will get much more darker."
>>13790We should of got return tickets.
>As they arrived.Yeah we should get going. Unless you want to get going early tommorow, in which case we could stay at a lodge, or my place if you want.
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>>13791It was only about mid day now thanks to the ride but before they could rush in they felt that they were hungry and had not eaten yet all day.
Crit: "I don't know about that but we better go get some food. At least we have plenty of money for that regard am I right? Still when we go into that dungeon we better look for some rare items to sell off."
>>13792Good point. I can eat.
But if you want to stay at my castle, you'll need your own camping gear for it.
Crit: "A castle with no walls, no guards, no royalty? Sounds like a place for me."
They get on down to the market area in search for food places to eat from. Aside from grocery stores there was the Hay Burger, Sugar Cube Corner, and the Ponyville cafe. Some variety to choose from with different foods being offered.
>>13794I once lived in a treehome much like the library that Ponyville had. And much like the library Ponyville had it was destroyed by Tirek.
Now I'm pretty much squatting in the Castle of the Two Sisters. Twilight and her friends restored most of it, but it's still as drafty and still in ruins as ever.
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>>13795 continued on their walk as they continued to decide what to eat with idle chat.
Crit: "Pretty much the same here, ever since I've gone from my parent's home I've been sleeping from inn to inn but I've also laid down with the ground and grass on occasion as well. Not the most comfortable but I don't mind so long as no creatures were about."
They stop and look at all of their options to eat at.
Crit: "Hey what place did you want to go to then?"
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>>13796I could go for some ham or chicken.
And sometimes sleeping under the stars is pleasent...that is if the weather is right, in which case I try to find a cave or somewhere sheltered.
I did a lot of lone travelling.
>>13797Would Epic Mount actually be into that kind of thing? I mean in FoE I understand but we're going off of show canon here so I'm not sure...Crit: "Yes traveling... Well speaking about moving around lets head on to the Hayburger then and see what they have."
They go on in and there was a number ponies sitting at the tables eating their foods. They get on up to where they needed to order which was a small teenaged mare trying to get by in life.
Clerk: "How can I take your order?"
There was plenty of foods but it was mostly hayburgers of different kinds.
Crit: "I'll just take a regular Hayburger, nothing special."
>>13798When it comes to writing fanfiction of any kind... (OK I don't exactly "write" but you know what I mean) my style is "Pseudo canon" which is like fanfiction that doesn't contradict established canon in the show.
For example, Epic Mount used to live in a treehome in Everfree Forest. Given in the show Everfree Forest is not fully explored that doesn't confirm or deny Epic lives there.
So to explain why Epic Mount is not a side-character or at least a background pony is because he's elsewhere around Equestria having his own adventures and the like.Hayburger? As long as it's not that hay-substitute for actual burgers.
>To the ClerkI'll have a large BigTasty with Coca-Cola.
>>13799See you soon. No.13802
>>13800Clerk: "Each of you will have to pay a total bit mount of 3."
Crit: "That's fine by me."
The stallion paid and took his sandwich and drink. Epic Mount also paid for his foods as well.
Crit Bits: 626
Epic Bits: 567
Once done they sat on down at a table and started to eat their food.
Crit: "So... what do you think it will be like when we find... him?"
The him he was referring to was Sir Squire's body. The meeting of two ponies so connected with each other would be of great import and Crit's curiosity most likely stemmed from the fact that he would have to do the same pretty soon.
>>13801It's from a visual novel made by people on 4chan called Katawa Shoujo. It's pretty good but it will take you on a feels trip if you download and play it.>More music>Something different and more intense No.13803
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Summer Rye had a bunch of apples with him and ate a good half of them.
>>13802I imagine I'll be touching a sdkeleton. Maybe on this dirty floor of an arena I'm told about, unless someone placed his remains on an altar.
Also, we'll be killing monsters found down there. Sir Squire told me we will be doing them a mercy for ending them.
>>13803>>13804>>13805Crit: "It is a chilling thought really, unearthing something that happened in the past that should be left alone. The Monsters though I don't think will give us too much trouble so long as we stay on guard is all."
He continues to eat his burger which he is already almost done with.
>>13805"Well, I'm told to find a grave. So I don't expect to touch any bones!"
Summer Rye offered apples to his friends.
>>13807Didn't we just spent the last half year unearthing forgotten temples and other ancient stuff?
Sure, granted we died for it, but it still what we do.
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>>13808>>13809He thought about it and nodded in agreement but he still seemed concerned for some certain reason.
Crit: "You're right, I shouldn't be getting too worried about this. Anyways I'm done with my food so are you guys ready to head on out?"
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>>13810"Yes, I think I'm ready."
>did I have enough time to pick up my new sword? No.13812
>>13810Not done with your food?
>Pigs out on his burger and fries.>[Awkward] (talking while mouth full)Trust me Crit, what we're doing is no different from Archaeologist who get paid to dig up and fondle bones and dead things.
>>13811Fuck I guess you picked it up before leaving Canterlot.Balanced Sword 150bits (+1 to Sword Skills)
>>13812Crit: "Hmm... right. Are you ready to leave Epic?"
>>13815Shoulda ordered one while you had the chance.
I'm all for living out in the while, but if food is available, you go for it.
>>13819I would say it is in an area that is so concentrated with monsters and plant life that even Epic does not go to often. He may have been there once or twice but never fully explored it because it being so dangerous. party moved on and it soon became the evening and the sky turned an orangish color as the sun lowered for the day. The sounds of birds, timberwolves, and buzzing gnats filled the air around them as their bodies brushed up along all sorts of plants. It definitely wasn't a clear cut road that they were on but Epic seemed unhindered by this.
>>13820>>13821Crit: "Yeah I heard you guys scrambled about to go find those pets. Ha ha, it sounds all too funny."
>>13821"Well, Opal was... and you almost got eaten by that huge worm."
>>13822"It was good times... and simpler times."
>>13822Sounds like my idea of a location called the "Dead Woods", a part of Everfree Forest with dead trees and barren grounds, spiders and darker monsters making their homes etc.
However I always imagined the heart of Everfree having the biggest tree and the most plant life.
At least thats how I imagine it.IF you want, we can stop by my place for the night and continue early in the morning.
>>13823Did I?
>Tries to remember.I remember a magic well...
I really have forgotten most of that adventure. No.13825
>>13823They soon got to a long wooden bridge that spanned across a large crevasse. This was the way to get to the old Sister's Castle but the party would have to go even further than that. Thankfully though the Mane 6 repaired the bridge so they won't have to worry about it snapping under their weight.
>>13824Crit: "I think we got it so far and we're already getting so close as it is. Then again though since we're close we can make camp in the old castle."
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>>13825Rye went over the bridge after giving it a testing stomp.
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>>13825"Close?" Haha!
Everfree Forest is much bigger than it looks, especially on the inside. Sometimes a direct route is not the logical way to travel the forest.
If you do want us to continue though we can. I mean we can handle the dangerous nightlife together after all but less predators out in the day.
>>13827>>13828It's safe. The bridge and most of the castle was restored recently.
>>13829>>13830They head on down south and it wasn't too long before they saw those familiar glowing eyes in the tree line. Out emerged
1d3 = 1 Timber wolves ready to attack their prey, what they didn't know was that the wolves themselves were the ones in danger.
Combat Encounter. No.13833
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>>13831Rye drew his sword and without much hesitation attacked the lonely wolf.
>>13832Epic Mount Tried to dissuade it from attacking the party.
Epic Charm
1d10 = 8 Stare
1d6 = 5 VS TWolf Mind
1d6 = 3>>13833If failed
Rye Body
1d20 = 17 Sword
1d10 + 1 = 4 VS TWolf Body
1d12 = 6Crit Mind
1d20 = 1 Chao
1d10 = 9 VS TWolf Body
1d12 = 11 No.13835
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>>13834Epic's stance was more than enough to get the wolf to flee which was pretty easy considering that it was all alone and these things tend to attack in packs. It wasn't too much further now to get to where they need to.
Crit: "Wow Epic you sure showed him, why I would even guess that you're a timber wolf on the inside."
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>>13835>>13836I've delt with timberwolves since I was a foal. Though they're just as intimidated by fire given they cannot regenerate from burning.
Still while most monsters in Everfree Forest are beast, I still have a reputation with most of them.
>>13836>>13837>>13838They continue on their way until they got to a much more darker section of the forest that seemed to watch their every step. The normal animals were not present in this area and only the most vile of creatures stayed here like the Timber Wolves and Giant Spiders.
They soon came to an overlook to see a sit that had a large stone floor with an opening to lead below ground.
>>13840The stone floor was made up of orange and yellow bricks that put together makes a 20 foot by 20 foot platform. The hole looked like it was smashed in but it was so old they can not determine the source. Another thing to note that the interior was dead silent, perhaps there were no monsters.
>For Epic.???: "He's here... it's been seven years but he is here."
???: "My brother... he must be released from Chaos's grasp."
>>13842Critical looked at Epic like he was all crazy like.
Crit: "What? I didn't say anything Epic, who are you talking to?"
It would seem that the voices could only be heard by Epic Mount and most likely they belonged to Squire and some pony who accompanied him to fight Even Trot.
>>13845Summer Rye lit his own lantern to have an extra light and attached the grapple hook he carried to his rope, slinging it around his body, just to be sure. Then he followed, deciding to going in last.
"Go ahead, Crit."
>>13844>>13845They had to climb down a slope that was almost an immediate drop but it was fine and they could easily climb back up again. Even though the area was lit by Epic's Lantern, there was still some form of unnatural darkness that swarmed the area but thankfully they could still see.
The area that they were in was a narrow tunnel dug into the stone. It looked like it went on for a while but they can here some regular cave echoes in the distance.
>>13847Down here is an ancient arena where Sir Squire fought with Evan Trot. Evan Trot corrupted those to serve him, even Sir Squires long-time rival Bazil.
Bazil died, however the ones that Evan has corrupted, death has forgotten them, they're still lurking here, the wretched.
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"That sounds pretty sad..."
Rye said while making sure not to lose the other two walking ahead of him. Now and then he would stop and turn around, shining with his lamp to make sure no pony - or other critter - would fall into their backs.
Critical kept quite as they said this, he didn't seem bothered by this.
As they continued along they way they soon see something shifting about and three shadows attacked them. They looked to be some sort of amalgamation of monsters, bone, and flesh to create horrid undying constructs that howled and hissed at them.
Combat EncounterOwl Bat A B
B:10 M:6 C:6
Mark: 12
Siren: 8
Lion Serpent
B:10 M:8 C:4
Lick Wound:8 1/1
>For Epic.???: "These things... they belong to him don't they?"
???: "He was a healer though... how can he do this to living creatures?"
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>>13850Summer Rye attacked the Lion Serpent with his sword!
>>13851Crit: "Don't worry I got this!"
Epic Mount attacked to stun.
Epic Body
1d12 = 1 VS OB A Body
1d10 = 2 (Can't use fly defensively because the tunnel is narrow.)
Crit Mind
1d20 = 13 TeleKinesis
1d20 = 18 VS Lion Serpent Body
1d10 = 10>>13852Rye Body
1d20 = 3 Sword
1d10 + 1 = 7 VS Lion Serpent Body
1d10 = 9 (Auto Success if Crit can hold it down.)
I don't think Critical would be able to use chaotic magic against these things due to them being chaotic as well. No.13854
>>13853Epic Missed his attack and only blasted a piece of rock off of the wall. Rye was able to get his target though because of Critical's magics holding down the lion serpent.
Lion Serpent HP 11/18
The ragged and horrid monsters go in to attack their new prey.
OB A Charm
1d6 = 6 Mark
1d12 = 10 VS Epic Mind
1d10 = 2OB A Mind
1d6 = 1 Siren
1d8 = 5 VS
Crit Mind
1d20 = 10Epic Mind
1d10 = 10Rye Mind
1d8 = 8Lion Serpent Lick Wounds
1d8 = 5 No.13856
>>13854Epic Mount was marked, -5 to his defensive rolls. The other owl bat screeched but the pary was able to resist it and not take any damage. The Lion Serpent restored some HP with its now bloody maw.
Lion Serpent HP 16/18
>>13857Yeah, just havinbg second thoughts killing these guys.
>Rubs his head.Though thats becoming less of an issue.
>Attacks the Owl Bat. No.13859
>>13855He attacks in the best way he can.
Epic Body
1d12 = 6 Mart
1d20 + 1 = 3 VS OB A Body
1d10 = 2Critical tried his best to attack but given he had no other option, he tried to punch with his hoof.
Crit Body
1d6 = 2 VS OB B Body
1d10 = 10>>13857>>13858He wasn't injured but the other monsters sure are focused on him now.
>>13859Epic Mount manages to land a punch but Critical misses his and accidentally punches the wall instead, leaving his hoof bruised and in pain.
Owl Bat A HP: 12/18 No.13863
>>13861Critical looked at his minor injury with grief. He couldn't use his chaotic magics here and he didn't have the ability to use his cards or dice. This left with a feeling of despair.
Crit: "No... I want my cutie mark back!"
>>13857Rye attacks with his sword once more, a bit different from a pitchfork but relatively the same idea.
Rye Body
1d20 = 18 Sword
1d10 + 1 = 3 VS LS Body
1d10 = 6 No.13865
>>13863Rye stuck his sword into the hide of the monster and this pushed it back to the ground and ending its life. Despite it looking gnarled and mangled as it was some cruel machination, its state of death looked like it was sleeping peacefully.
Lion Serpent HP 0
The remaining monsters attack
OB A Body
1d10 = 7 Fly
1d12 = 7 VS Epic Body
1d12 - 5 = 0OB B Charm
1d6 = 6 Mark
1d12 = 5 VS Rye Mind
1d8 = 6 No.13867
>>13865Epic literally had no defences against the attacks and he got scratched up some pretty bad. Rye was also marked and had -3 to his defensive rolls.
Epic HP 17/22
Epic's Mark worn off.
>>13866Critical gave a nod to him, not letting any of his mental quirks take a hold of him.
Crit: "Thanks and I got your back to. I can heal you if you get hurt!"
I kinda like this because now Epic is for sure to the the star of the show for this dungeon. No.13870
>>13868Crit: "I got ya!"
Critical focused his magic energies into the hammer and Epic made it ready to fire. It hummed with strange energy that didn't bother Epic that much but it was enough to make him say "Whoa"
Epic Body
1d12 = 3 Chao
1d10 = 3 VS OB Body
1d10 = 7>>13869Rye Body
1d20 = 3 Sword
1d10 + 1 = 7 VS OB B Body
1d10 = 9 No.13871
>>13870They both miss their targets and the bats monster things were still flying about.
OB A Body
1d10 = 2 Fly
1d12 = 10 VS Rye Body
1d20 - 3 = 8OB B Mind
1d6 = 4 Siren
1d8 = 3 VS
Crit Mind
1d20 = 1Epic Mind
1d10 = 10Rye Mind
1d8 = 6 No.13873
>>13871Rye was hit by the Owl Bat that flew by and sunk its teeth into his hide, thankfully he had some armor on that will heal him over time. Critical also fell victim to the screeching horrors of the bat and was injured some.
Rye HP 20/28
Crit HP 23/26
>>13872By now the chaotic energy left the hammer and it was on its own again.
Epic Body
1d12 = 6 VS OB A Body
1d10 = 3 Might wanna have your character learn a hammer skill.Crit: "I won't let you guys down!" He goes in to strike, putting whatever strength he can muster into one attack."
Crit Body
1d6 = 2 VS OB A Body
1d10 = 2 No.13874
>>13860>>13873The owl bat was struck by both Epic and Critical who seemed quite pleased with themselves that they were able to land a hit.
OB A HP 4/18
>>13875>Lol>>13876Rye Attacked with his sword, hoping to land in a hit and end one of these nightmarish monsters.
Rye Body
1d20 = 11 Sword
1d10 + 1 = 4 VS OB B Body
1d10 = 9 No.13878
>>13877The Bat monster was hit pretty hard and one of its many wings were cut off but it didn't seem to care or even feel it.
OB B HP 7/18
The two little creatures then attack with great forces
OB A Body
1d10 = 4 Fly
1d12 = 5 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 6OB B Body
1d10 = 4 Fly
1d12 = 12 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 11 No.13880
>>13878Critical was able to deftly dodge the attack by the other Owl Bat was on the money and tore at Epic's flesh with its claws.
Epic HP 12/22
>>13879>>13875Despite feeling like he was going on to the brink here, he continues his assault.
Epic Body
1d12 = 11 VS OB A Body
1d10 = 7Crit tried to heal up his ally with some magic.
Crit TO Epic Healing Touch
1d6 = 6 No.13881
>>13879"Are you alright, Epic? These owls are quite something!"
Rye attacked with his sword once more.
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>>13880Epic Mount catches the bat monster with his hammer and crushes its body against the ground, effectively killing it. Also with Critical's magic Epic was able to restore some HP but they would need to rest again if Crit wanted to use Healing Touch again.
Epic HP 18/22
Owl Bat A HP 0/18
>>13881Rye attack once more, hoping to get in the killing blow.
Rye Body
1d20 = 9 Sword
1d10 + 1 = 4 VS OB B Body
1d10 = 1Crit: "Don't worry I think we almost got it."
>>13882With a quick and decisive attack Rye was able to cut the last Owl Bat in half and it fell to the ground. At last these monsters were defeated. To imagine though fighting armies of these things, the chaotic times of Discords rule were quite difficult and the ancient Knights had a lot to deal with.
Crit: "There... we got them but not without struggle."
>>13884Later, I don't plan any more encounters but we can at least get to the area we need to be before calling it inThey can see that the tunnel was at its end and it looked to have lead to a large room. They party gets up close to see and they found a large cavern with a stone castle built inside. Lights seeped in through cracks in the rock ceiling and there was a river and a bridge that would lead to the entrance of the underground temple thing.
>For Epic???: "This is where he has been hiding all this time?"
???: "It looks like our old home... did he do that on purpose?"
???: "We better be careful, we don't know what kind of traps he has in store for us."
>>13887Crit: "Try to hang on in there Epic, We need to clear this fort here and find that place so you can get your cutie mark back."
They still needed to head on over to the door.
>>13889They keep standing there as Epic tries to figure it out.
Epic Mind
1d10 = 2 VS Remember DC 5
Some more shadows started to move about close to them, If they didn't get moving then it will be likely that they will get attacked again.
>>13892They enter in through the main door and they find themselves in the main room. In the center of the room was a statue of a dragon the size of a regular pony set upon a pedestal. On the West, North, and East walls were some doors that would lead deeper into the fort itself.
Crit: "Three directions to go in? I wonder where the battle took place."
I would say it is okay to split up here. No.13895
>>13894Things had gotten silent in terms of Epic's voices which for his mental health was probably good.
Crit: "Alright but which way do you want to go?"
A: West
B: North
C: East
>>13896Crit: "I'll head to the West then and see what we can find."
They soon go their separate ways to see if they can explore this complex faster.
EpicHe enters a long hallway that had a slight slope leading down. At the end of the hallways was an opening into a large room that would start up with a balcony.
CritCritical saw a hallway that would turn right at a corner. There wasn't much here but there was a single Lion Serpent hanging around near the corner. Critical tries to be sneaky about it and get past the monster.
Crit Body
1d6 = 1 Sneak
1d4 = 3(Cloak) VS LS Mind
1d8 = 1 No.13899
>>13898He goes down the hall and about half way through he hears a clicking noise as he makes a small section of the floor sink in. Behind he can see a large stone boulder be lowered from the cieling and it started to roll towards him. The boulder itself almost takes up the whole hall and there was no way to avoid it other than to run into the balcony room.
Critical was able to sneak past the Lion Serpent on his own and he saw a large room at the end of the hallway. On the opposite side of the room looked to be a lever that one can pull to activate something but the flooring had given way in the center of the room to create a river like pit. At the bottom of the pit were a number of spears pointed up and dug into the ground to make a deadly trap.
Critical tries to Teleport across the gap.
Crit Teleport
1d4 = 3 VS DC 4
>>13900He reaches the balcony and the boulder was a good distance away but coming ever so closer. Below him was a floor mostly stone except for a wooden board section immediately below him. He could perhaps jump off of the balcony and hide beneath it to wait out the boulder.
Teleporting just shy of the other side, Critical fell striaght into the pit and landed on a few spears that after digging into him would break due to the weight.
Crit Damage
# of Spears
1d3 = 1Damage of each Spear
1d4 = 1 No.13903
>>13902He jumps down and he lands on the wooden platform. Instead of landing on something solid though, the wood boards sunk down like pressure plates and all four of Epic's hooves were met with long and sharp razor blades that cut in the bottom of his hooves.
1d10 = 5He can see though that the wood platform wasn't all that big and he can jump to safety in any direction except forwards because that's were the boulder will land. Immediately behind him below the balcony he could also spy what looked to be a lever in the floor.
Critical pulled the spear out which mostly got his armor and not himself and he was forced to climb up to the other side. Once there he gave the lever a hefty pull which caused a short rumble that can be heard through out the entire temple.
Epic suddenly heard a rumbling noise but it didn't last long.
>>13904He jumps over and lands just below the bar part of it. The boulder then lands onto the lower level where Epic was and it rolls off to the end of the room and fell into a pit full of spears.
Epic HP 13
Despite the pain and being on the brink, Epic manages to stop the bleeding and pull himself together and tugged on the lever. It then clicks into place and there was another rumbling noise that went through the entire temple. This caused Epic to realize that Critical was also able to find a lever as well.
Now the only thing left to do was to climb back up on the balcony and head back to the main room.
Now having to go back, Critical jumped this time to see if he could get across
Crit Body
1d6 = 2 VS DC 4
In case of fall
# of Spears
1d3 = 2DMG per Spear
1d4 = 3 No.13907
>>13905>>13906Epic Body
1d12 = 12 VS Climb DC 10 (High because of pains)
If Fail DMG
1d4 = 3He makes it to the top of the balcony and he can see the long hallway up ahead. It was safe to assume that there wasn't gonna be another boulder to crush him this time and Epic was free to move on forward.
Crit: "Augh Celestia fuck damn!"
He had to pull out two more spears that did a bit more damage. Still even though nearing the brink but still he climbed himself out of the pit and now had to sneak past the Lion Serpent.
Crit Body
1d6 = 5 Sneak
1d4 = 2 VS LS Mind
1d8 = 3 No.13909
>>13908Epic was now on top of the balcony and he can see all of the room. There wasn't anything else in here that would be of value which isn't surprising considering this room was designed to incorporate a trap of all things. He can notice though that the boulder did some damage to the floor, scuffing it up and even going as far as to crush some parts of it to create some jagged depressions.
He was able to make it past the Lion Serpent through sheer luck and he made it back to the main room with the dragon statue. There he decided to wait for Epic Mount to return.
>>13909I can't see anything here. I should get back to the others.
>Struggles to get back, given his wounded hooves.Sir Squire, where are you?
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>>13910He makes it back to the main room and he finds Critical was waiting for him there. They both took a great amount of dangers and looked worse for wear. Critical had at least three stab wounds right now and Epic's hooves were pretty fucked up.
Crit: "I... I managed to get this one lever working Epic. There's only the east door left and I think something will happen if we get all three levers."
He was trying to focus on something other than the wounds. He didn't want to feel weak.
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>>13912I would just say that Rye was waiting about in the main room until Clarity gets on.Crit: "Come on, we got one more door to go through and them I'm sure the way will be clear and you will get your Cutie Mark back. It's so close... yet so far away. We can do this."
>>13913I'd rather we do it together.
I escaped a rolling boulder after me. If I had followed my gut isntincts me hooves wouldn't of been ruined.
>>13914Crit: "I... yeah we'll go in together."
They head on through the door and enter a short hallway that at the end splits off into two directions both north and south. The north door had a pad lock on it that barred ponies from opening it. The south door was unlocked however.
>>13916They peak in through the door and they can see that it was a small room that had nothing inside except... for a single Lion Serpent. It didn't notice them yet but they can see dangle from its snake neck that there was a key fastened by a string.
They close the door again and Critical speaks up.
Crit: "If fighting isn't what you are looking for then I can always just try to pick the lock instead."
>>13917I would say yes, but do you really think it will be that easy even if you picked it? Who knows what ancient enchantments in place to-
You know what? Let's do this your way. I'd rather deal with a penalty than mauled to death by that thing.
Then again... Sir Squire himself asked me to cleanse the place of those monsters, that they are just as much victims as terrors... Maybe if we lead the monster into one of the many traps around here then that could work also.
What would you think is best?
Crit: "I never promised Sir Squire anything so I'm not too interested in genociding this place. Still though I'm with you through this till the end, even when we go to face Tirek so if clearing out this place is what you want then I will stand with you in that respect."
You don't have to kill everything right now and in the end of the dungeon we can do a time skip with a little narrative. Just note that if we do this all characters will end up with one HP due to all of the strain and combat. No.13920
>>13919Hm... I will help these monsters out. If not killing them then finding a place in Everfree Forest where they will be at peace.
But I can't do that if we don't have our cutie marks. Let's bust that lock your way. And if you can't pick it, we'll get a rock.
>>13920Crit: "Alright I'll see what I can do..."
He goes on over and tries to work the lock and coax it to open up.
Crit Open Lock
1d12 = 6 VS DC 8
Crit: "Please open for me."
>>13921It takes a long time to work on but it unfortunately did not yield any sort of results for him. He then turns around to speak to Epic.
Crit: "I can try again."
>>13923Crit: "Right...."
He focuses back on the lock and starts again. He breathes in then back out as he made the tumblers inside click and move about.
Crit: "Just a little more."
Crit Open Lock
1d12 = 9 VS DC 8
>>13928Crit: "I don't think we can sneak past this thing so easily but we can probably take it on if we are careful. Things look bad I know but that's how it always is before we find a way and persevere on."
They can try to sneak past the thing or they will have to fight it head on.
>>13931Epic looks in but he did not see any sort of trap that he could make use of unfortunately. The only thing else to note was the lever which was the last one they needed to pull. The Bearilla was close by it but perhaps they can sneak up to it.
Crit: "What do you think we should do?"
>>13933I'm always open to options if you think creatively.Epic Mount goes into the room while Crit stayed behind since he was less able to move around properly. As the Everfree pony walked up, he would have to move very quietly as to not upset the Bearilla.
Epic Body
1d12 = 6 VS Bearilla Mind
1d6 = 4 No.13935
>>13934Epic Mount manages to get up to the lever but then the bear snuffed a little and looked to be waking up. Epic eye's widened and Critical just watched with an intense look. Fortunately though the Bearilla just rolled over in its sleep and was back to its regular slumber.
Epic was free to pull the lever.
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>>13936I mean if it were me then I would've tried to lasso a rope onto the lever, pull it, then slam the door closed. TBH though I prolly would've went and attacked the thing.The lever clicks into place and things were quiet at first but then the familiar rumbling noise was made through out the temple. The rumbling was loud and it could wake the Bearilla up with Epic in the room.
Bearilla Mind
1d6 = 6 VS Stay Asleep DC 6
>If fail the Bearilla wakes up.>For Epic???: "There... the way is clear. Soon we will face what is left of Even Trot."
>>13938The Bearilla was still sound asleep, shooken a little but still asleep. Epic still however would have to make it back to the door quietly. He does so but will he make it?
Epic Body
1d12 = 11 VS Bearilla Mind
1d6 = 3 No.13941
>>13939>>13938>>13940He makes it up to the door and they close it very quietly and they now were out of hot water figuratively. Now the way was clear but where was the way? They did not know but perhaps they can figure it out.
>Epic???: "Deep, deep below the stone he has made his home. A sanctuary from the world and Harmony."
>>13943I've been hearing memories, It hink they're trying to guide me.
We need to go deeper, thats where the sanctuary is.
>>13945>Epic does so, as they were trecking.I've been thinking, Sir Squire asked me to slay these creatures down here but seeing that Bearilla sleep so peacefully has given me second thoughts. Is it really right for me to murder them? Sure they wre created through abonimal means but they seem to have adapted down here as their own.
I would go as far as release them into Everfree Forest but perhaps it is not my place to force an evasive species onto the forests ecosystem.
Crit: "Aww... You feeling them good moral feels? Anyways like I said I don't care what happens to them but I would say that we should seal the place up and let that be that."
They make it to the main room and nothing much has changed except for the fact that the dragon Statue has moved away from its spot to reveal a stair case that led down deeper into the dungeon. From their chilling cold air graced the bodies of the party. The feeling they got that there was a great evil down there and they should get ready if they wanted to venture down there.
>>13948They each take a potion drink before making their journey on down into the abyss. Critical already got on out Maredenkainen's Hound out and ready for conflict.
Epic HP 22/22
Crit HP 26/26
Crit: "We better be careful, I'm pretty much feeling at home here and I'm guessing that's not a good thing for what I am considered after all."
>>13950Crit: "I mean... Even Trot wasn't a bad pony originally, he just made a few mistakes that costed him his mind."
They go down the stairs and they finally reach a large cavernous room that looked to be unnatural but the walls were warped with magic. There was some glowing funguses but the main site was the large skeletal dragon in the middle of the room.
To the right most wall looked to be another skeleton of an old pony dressed up in a broken armor plate and a sword stuck into the ground next to it.
Before they could move though the skeletal dragon starts to move, getting up and with its hollow eye sockets it stares at the party and lets out a loud roar.
Boss EncounterSkeletal Bazil
HP 40/40
Armor: 2
B:20 M:20 C:12
Fire Breath:20
Claw Scratch:20
Slam Ground:10
>Song is cool but might not fit the mood>More if you like something fantasy. No.13954
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>>13952Well... manure.
>Epic takes evasive manuvers and dodges to plan things. No.13955
>>13954As he starts to move clear of the monster's path he starts to hear the voices again along with a new third voice that sounded distorted.
???: "There you are brother, champion of Chaos. I've come to release you."
..//>>: "Bazil my stead. Head my words now that the enemies of my ambitions must be put to an end."
???: "Give up Chaotic One. There is no other place left for you to run to."
Critical stays put and focused his magic energies in a desperate attempt to stop the beast in its tracks.
Crit Mind
1d20 = 20 Tele
1d20 = 2 VS SB Body
1d20 = 17 No.13956
>>13955Critical was able to envelope the dragon up in a field of telekinetic energy and lift it up into the air but only by 5 feet. This caused Critical a lot of mental strain but he did not yield.
Bazil though did not have any of this and breathed down blast of fire to encompass the entire room.
Bazil Body
1d20 = 7 FB
1d20 = 5 VS
Crit Body
1d6 = 6Epic Body
1d20 = 14MH Body
1d6 = 1 No.13958
>>13956The flames spread around the party but they only manage to lick the hound and Critical dealing out minor damages around. Epic however was able to dodge the burning blast.
Crit HP 20/26
Mare's Hound HP 5/12
>>13957Epic Mount shoots at the bones of the dragon which proved easy since it could not move due to Critical's telekinetic powers.
Epic Body
1d12 = 9 Bazil Body (Null)
>>13958Bazil is hit by the lightning bolt but is not stunned due to the fact that it has no organic material to hit and stun with. Epic learned one of its quirks in combat.
Bazil is Unliving.
Critical goes in to attack with all his might, nothing he held back for this but it could miss since Bazil is now free from his grasp.
Crit Mind
1d20 = 5 Chao
1d10 = 8 VS Bazil Body
1d20 = 13 No.13961
>>13959The bolt of energy reflects off of Bazil and it only blasts some rock away from the ceiling. Bazil then went in to attack the party with his great strengths and speeds.
Bazil HP 31
Bazil Charm
1d12 = 1 Dist
1d10 = 10 VS Epic Mind
1d10 = 4Bazil Body
1d20 = 9 Claw Scratch
1d20 = 13 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 1 No.13963
>>13961Critical's armor was rended as the massive claws cut deep into him and the momentum sent him flying and hitting the wall with a heavy crack. He then fell to the ground barely able to get up. Then Bazil stared into Epic's very soul and it shook him to his very core.
Crit HP 8
Epic is now suffering from his Awkwardness.
Crit Mind
1d20 = 3 VS Mental Check DC 18
1d2 = 2>>13960Despite this Epic still goes in to attack Bazil though he felt uncomfortable doing so. Critical also attacked but it he wasn't going to hold on much longer at this rate.
Epic Body
1d12 = 11 VS Bazil Body
1d20 = 8Crit Mind
1d20 = 13 Chao
1d10 = 4 VS Bazil Body
1d20 = 17>>13962Or he could keep both and carry them around like a bad ass. No.13965
>>13963Shoot I forgot to do -1 for Epic. Oh well next time.[Chaotic]
Bazil was struck pretty hard by Epic Mount, knocking off one of its giant horns as he swung his hammer.
Bazil HP 20/40
Crit: "You think that dragon will use us like decor like that one pony over there? I would."
Crit Charm
1d8 = 7 VS Epic Mind
1d10 = 1Bazil goes in to attack them.
1d20 = 4 Slam Ground
1d10 = 7 VS
Crit Body
1d6 = 6Epic Body
1d12 = 7Bazil Body
1d20 = 8 Claw Scratch
1d20 = 4 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 3 No.13967
>>13965Epic was put off by Critical's inquiry as it was definitely not appropriate.
The party was then battered up pretty badly, taking damage from all around them but Epic Mount had it much worse.
Crit HP 1/26
Epic HP 5/22
The claw scratch made by Bazil swiped across Epic Mounts face but he dodged it as best he could to not make it fatal. Still Epic Mount drops to the ground, blood pouring down and bits of flesh dropped onto the floor. His vision has gone strange and more 2 dimensional than what it was before.
>>13966Still though he makes his attacks despite the odds against them. Critical knew things were bad and made a desperate attempt to hold the beast down.
Crit Mind
1d20 = 4 Tele
1d20 = 8 VS Bazil Body
1d20 = 2Epic Body
1d12 - 2 = 4 VS Bazil Body
1d20 = 20 No.13968
>>13967Critical was able to hold Bazil down with magical force and the monster roared and screamed trying to break free.
Epic's attack, though poor, was able to land due to Critical's efforts.
Bazil Hp 16/40
Crit: "Epic, I'm giving you time to heal!"
>>13969But I'm out of potions... unless.
>Takes his bottle of uprooting potion and smashes it at the skeleton dragon.>Goes over to Critical.I need heals!
>>13970The uproot potion works it stuff and the remains of Bazil is now strangled by massive vines wrapped around his arms, legs, and wings.
They gather up together and the party drinks their potions and restore some health. After this Critical only had 2 more potions left.
Epic HP 16/22
Crit HP 14/26
Bazil quickly got out of his bindings and was ready to fight once more but the party had enough time to attack before the skeletal dragon could do anything.
>>13972Critical attacks as well, not wanting to give this dragon a moment to breath. Not when it was this powerful.
Epic Body
1d12 = 7 VS Bazil Body
1d20 = 11Crit Mind
1d20 = 11 Chao
1d10 = 3 VS Bazil Body
1d20 = 5Shouldn't you be using martial arts since that's what Epic Mount is trained in? I mean if you want to change it you can if you go to say a weapon master or some sort of dojo I guess. No.13975
>>13973's attack is deflected by Bazil's quick motion of his tail though this did not protect against Critical's assault.
Bazil HP 5/40
Crit: "By Celestia and Luna nothing will stop this thing! No wonder Sir Squire died here."
Bazil then lets out a heavy roar that shook the room and the temple above them by the foundations. The monsters above screeched and howled like unruly fans of a sports game but now they were spectating a hellish battle.
Bazil Body
1d20 = 12 Fire Breath
1d20 = 13 VS
Crit Body
1d6 = 5Epic Body
1d12 = 3Bazil Body
1d20 = 1 Claw Scratch
1d20 = 8 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 4>In case Epic is killEpic Body
1d12 = 3 VS DC Bazil Roll (Squire's Cloak)
>>13975The room was now covered in fire from the floors to the cieling. The party experienced pain like no other but they kept on. In the chaos Bazil lashed out at Critical as well and that was the final blow for the little stallion who was now knocked unconscious.
Epic HP 5/22
Crit HP 0/26
>>13974Epic Mount goes in for a final attack to spare him and his friend from a cruel fate. This was it, do or die. All of this rested on a singular attack.
Epic Mount Body
1d12 = 2 Mart
1d20 + 1 = 12 VS Bazil Body
1d20 = 6 No.13977
>>13976>>13975>>13974Epic Mount quickly runs behind Bazil and climbs up along the dragon's spinal cord until he got on up to the back of the neck area. From the Epic grabbed onto the remaining horn and started to pull as hard as he could. Bazil resisted of course trying to shake Epic off but the Everfree pony did not yield. Bazil even went as far as to jump up and slam his back against the cieling but Epic avoided any damage.
Finally with power Epic ripped the head off of Bazil and threw it against the ground. The rest of the body fell apart and he along with it crashed to the ground. It was now all over.
Critical was able to wake up again but with sever injuries.
Crit HP 1
>>13978They were more than injured, they were nearly dead but they still had a will power to keep going. Self preservation or Friendship, it was up to them to decide. Critical looked over with a pained smile but that was quickly erased with a shocked and grim stare.
Crit: "Epic Mount... you're eye."
>>13967>>13978Epic Mount can feel a stream of tears go down under his left eye but when he went to go wipe it he saw that his hoof was smeared with fresh blood. Bazil in his attack, put out one of Epic's eyes.
>>13980Who wants some suffering? You want some suffering? gets himself on over to the skeleton and was able to much more closely examine it. He felt a sense of belonging to it, a familiarity like a lost brother or a side of yourself you never knew. Compelled to he went and touched it and his surroundings vanished and the skeleton was replaced with a very well and alive Sir Squire.
Squire: "Epic Mount, we're finally here. Reach out to me."
The holy looking knight extended his hoof out for Epic Mount to grab but it was difficult to concentrate. They soon make contact and Epic Mount has one last vision. There he saw a mare wizard fighting a dragon while her friend was off dying in a corner. Epic soon realized that he was witnessing Squire's last moments.
Sir Squire: "Equestria, Celestia, Luna I've given you everything I can. The Knights must learn to carry on without me and elect a new leader. I know you will all be sad but in my older age I am glad to finally rest knowing that we stopped both Discord and Tirek. For you I have always stood vigil, when it was looking after our new princesses when they were just foals to fighting off hordes of amalgamated animals. Be strong, any who carry my message."
The vision ended and Epic Mount was back in the real world. Still injured, cut up, and burned all over he now noticed that a familiar shield icon was back on his flank again. He had stolen his Cutie Mark back from Tirek.
Time to go. No.13985
>>13982>>13983I don't want to make it like that but I did forget to put in one specific thing.Epic stood on up and he could feel a new revelation to his cutie mark, a new power revealed to him. With his new connection back to Sir Squire, he felt like he could not only defend himself but his friends and the entire world as well.
New PowerKnight Wall: 3/3
Epic Mount can stop himself and watch his friends for danger for an entire round until it is his turn again. During this time any attacks made against party members Epic can jump in the way and block it using his Defense roll.EX: Enemy Body
1d6 = 6 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 1 Epic Def
1d20 + 1d6 = 7 No.13987
>>13986So long as you're okay that the mane 6 were summoned by the map. Also do you understand Epic's new power?Epic turns around to get back to Critical but he saw that his friend had fallen back to unconsciousness. Epic also fell back down and he could no longer move himself, succumbing to all his injuries, his skewed vision now getting blurried and fevered until he slips in and out of sleep.
Hours pass with this all going on and he see some sort of yellow and pink figure look over him in a scared and quick fashion. It calls out to him with a female voice but he couldn't understand. Soon more figures look over him and presumably Critical as well and they were both lifted up and were started to be carried on out.
When Epic finally came to, he found himself in a hospital room with Critical to his left. There was also a nurse working on some of the machinery that both him and Crit were hooked up to.
>>13988You won't get damaged though if it fails. We can practice it later like a tutorialNurse: "Oh you're awake now, that's good!"
Crit: "How long have we been out?"
Nurse: "Only for the whole night was all, it's morning again."
She goes on over and sets out platters of food for them to have eat. The only thing was that it was hospital food so it was jello, peas, mac&cheese, and so on. Not very pleasing.
>>13990His cutie mark was there again, strangely it was somewhat odd since he gotten used to being a blank flank. Still it was good to have it back.
Nurse: "The doctor will be in with you pretty soon to go over all your injuries and treatments that you had gotten during the night as well as tell you what you should do to get better. Go ahead and eat up and talk among yourselves, I'm sure you guys got a lot to say to one another."
She goes ahead and leaves and they were left alone in the room.
Crit: "We got yours back eh?"
He smiles covered in bandages.
>>13991Thanks to you guys I got my back-back!
One down, two more to go. But I wonder if Tirek is aware I got my cutie mark back? Or what is he doing right now?
>>13992The doctor comes on in and holds two clip boards, one for Epic and the other for Crit. The Doctor smiles at them nicely and greets them.
Caramel: "Hello there Epic Mount and Critical Hit. I'm here to give you your reports and release you from the hospital. Thank goodness the Fluttershy and her friends found you three and brought you all here. You should thank them when you get the chance but you should really get some rest as a first priority.
Epic ReportConcussion
Dislocated right hoof
Lacerations on the chest area
Lacerations on the hooves
Burns wounds on the hooves
Left Eye ruptured, cant recover
Crit ReportConcussion
Lacerations on the chest
Lacerations on the hoof
Bite wounds scattered on the body
Burn wounds on the hooves
Two snapped ribs
Everyone is expected to make a full recovery more or less.
>>13994Dislocated after ripping off Bazil's skull. Didn't notice because adrenaline.He feels over his eye but he couldn't as there was a bandage over going around his head like a bandana. Everything is just quiet in the room.
Crit: "Epic... are you okay?"
It was gone, Epic's eye and it wasn't something that can be brought back. Finally of the weeks of adventuring they had done, dodging death quite literally. Now though there was a consequence that could not be resolved, it could not be fixed.
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>>13996The doctor was quiet for this, he was a surgeon not a psychologist.
Crit: "You're not a monster Epic, far from it. You're a very kind and considerate pony and it shows. Hell you're even in the Knights, as a squire sure but still they don't take just anypony around."
>>13998Crit: "You're just looking at yourself in the darkest light possible. Take it from an outside perspective that you've been doing some pretty... Epic things."
The joke was pretty bad but even the doctor agreed with Critical.
Caramel: "I don't know you personally but I have heard of some of the things you done in the past and I've heard good things. Especially after hearing what you and your friends did saving that City underground."
>>14000Caramel: "Haven't heard too much about that but I imagine things are going fine like how the Crystal Empire was Anyways I won't keep you all here locked up in this room. You are all free to head on out when you feel that you are ready and if you need any help just give the buzzer on the sides of your beds a ring and a nurse will be right over."
The doctor leaves them alone and this prompts them to get up and put back on whatever gear they had been carrying.
Crit: "Free to leave. Better go see the Mane 6 and figure out what had happened at the temple."
Did you want any of Sir Squire's equipment? Epic Mount has the right of inheritance after all. No.14003
>>14002I can make it so the mane 6 did take the gear if you wanted to have it. At least maybe the sword?This takes a good three minutes to get all ready again, their clothes burned and tattered but still very much wearable.
Armor you'd see in Dark Souls Epic finds the room had a small hand mirror to look into and he got to see his face. It was still the same in most respects except for the bandage covering his left eye.
Crit: "Epic Mount, who do you want to go see or what do you want to do now?"
>>14004You just keep doing Fluttershy but I don't think she would be scared of Epic, shocked at first but not scared all the time.Crit: "They're your friends Epic Mount they will still love you... or however they feel about you as a friend."
They head on out of the hospital and made it to the center of town just outside of the Mayor's Office. From there they can head out to any point in Ponyville they pleased.
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>>14006Critical was surprised by the sneaky Fluttershy but still greets her anyways.
Crit: "Fluttershy I didn't see you there. Thanks for coming on by to get us out of the dungeon there."
Crit: "Ah just the typical dungeon crawl with the end being a necromantic dragon skeleton that nearly offed us all in the name of getting Epic Mount's cutie mark back."
They talk about the dungeon some more and Fluttershy mentions that her friends had sealed it away with a giant boulder covering the entrance like the Mirror Pond.
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>>14010Crit: "I'm here too, I've been with you guys for this long and I don't think I'm going anywhere any time soon."
Critical hold his hoof out to Epic Mount for him to a give shake. His face beamed with a positive energy knowing that they can get what was there's back.
>>14011>Epic [Awkwardly] returns the hoofbump.Even if I look like a trainwreck?

Epic, I don't like you putting yourself through all the dangerous things, I am sorry for what had happened to you in Everfree Forest, it would be nice if you live in Ponyville so you don't have to be in any danger again. But you're the sort of pony who wants to help others, to "defend those who can't defend themselves" as you put it. You're still the sweet, nice, handsom pony I know.
Epic: You think I'm handsom?

*eep*>And like that she was gone if a flutter of shyness towards Twilights place.. No.14013
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>>14012Critical grimaced a little, it wasn't meant to be just a hoof bump but it didn't matter anyways. Epic seemed happy with his little interaction with Fluttershy instead.
Crit: "Ah well... we better go somewhere now but to where exactly?... I know, I spent a lot of potions in the dungeon crawl so I would like to sell of somethings and get some better equipment. After that I can head on off and finish up my dice, maybe get Twilight to help me even."
>>14013I'm usually conservative with my money, but I feel better with at least three potions on me.
Then we'll see Twilight to figure out what to do next. Her map is practical, it'll probably show you where you need to go for your cutie mark.
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>>14014They all head to the market area which was pretty calm and quiet today so they can expect to be served first at the stalls. Then again they hadn't seen the adventurer's merchant Smooth Waves in a long time and buying potions from him will be fun.
Hey time for me to go now. Also my next semester starts tomorrow and I will be busy on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I'll still try to post and all but it won't be as much as it was today. No.14019
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>>14018>>14017That's fine and all. Also got a new pic for you Epic, based off a scene in Samurai Jack.They still stood in the market area looking about and seeing the stalls. Shops manned by ponies sold many sorts of items such as food ranging from carrots to apples as well as tools like pitchforks, wrenches, and whatever else you can imagine. The party could also see a very busy looking mail pony who looked much younger then they were. The mail stallion looked around searching for some pony specific while he held a single letter in his nervous mouth.
>>14020It wasn't derpy but rather some sort of mail stallion. He had a light blue coat and bushy green hair and tail. Once Epic greeted the stallion he turns around and had a look of relief on his face.
Mail Pony: "Ah Epic Mount, I've been looking for you with high priority mail. It comes from Canterlot."
The mail pony hands over the letter and he runs on off saying that he had other letters to deliver.
Crit: "Ooh. Let's see what's in the letter. Let's see what's in the letter. Let's see what's in the letter. Come on and find out right now."
Ugh sorry I've been away. The past two days have been incredibly difficult. No.14023
>>14021Calm down, we'll read it.
Suprised I have mail.
Better not be spam.
>Opens and reads it. No.14029
>>14025Epic Mount looked at the letter and the wax seal on it had the impression of a knight helmet design. Opening the letter he quickly found that it was from Gold Grail.
Gold Grail: Epic Mount, it has come to my attention that there has been some troubling issue of a renegade operating in the midlands countries north of Ponyville and close to the Galloping Horse outpost. What I have been told is that there is a highway pony going around and killing ponies who are, were, or betrayed the knights. It seems that he has some sort of vendetta against us and is taking out our members as well as traitor knights one by one. I need you to go to the Galloping Horse outpost, find him, and put him down or capture him. This can not be allowed to continue.
Sincerely Gold Grail.>>14026>>14027>>14028Rye heads on inside and finds that the mood was much worse than what it was outside. He listened closely to hear anything that may hint as to what is going on.
Patron A "... A lot of ponies being found like that, drained of energy and not having their cutie marks anymore. Hospitals full to the brim with them now and docs don't know what's causing it."
Patron B: "Could be him again... you never know."
Other side of the room.
Patron C: "Whole town was nearly wiped out, I have some family up in that village but I think they were able to make it to Trottingham."
Patron D: "I head that it was some sort of monster or demon that took over the place. Only ponies not able to get out in time was the head family of the farming village."
>>14029Jeeze it's all getting worse. We have to collect our own cutie marks and stop him as soon as possible.
>Looks at the letter.B-but Gold Grail says this renegade is also killing ponies.
>Rubs where his eye was. I do not know what to do. No.14032
>>14030Crit: "Well it's always darkest before dawn... heh.. in the darkest dungeon!"
>>14031He focuses on the other ponies and see if he could learn more.
Patron C: "Yeah that's what I heard as well, the monster just came up from the underside of the home and basically swallowed it up."
Patron D: "Gosh I hope they are alright. I wonder how Trottingham will deal with this, maybe a group of heroes will save the day."
>>14032>Epic can see where this is all going.If we're going to be galavanting around the country we'll need a progress plan of sort or else by the time we're on Tireks doorstep he'd conquer the place by now.
If we're going to "side-quest", then it should be on route to the main quest.
>>14032Summer Rye trembled, he had the terrible suspicion that they were talking about his family home - and the grave of Spring Wheat.
"Excuse me, fellows. I couldn't but overhear you talking. But being from Trottingham myself I was wondering if you know what the name of the family is who lived there?"
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>>14034I honestly can't remember their names.Patron C: "Oh I don't know their names but I'm pretty sure they are named after a bunch of grasses and wheats and such. A lot of grain related names in that family."
But yes it is Rye's farm>>14033Crit: "Well okay, I do like going off of the beaten path and all but I can see your point and all."
That's fine and all but you guys do have plenty of time. No.14036
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>>14035Summer Rye gulped dryly and gave a nod, thanking them.
"My... my family's in trouble! I have to go and help them!"
>>14035I want to help others. In Gold Grails letter he said theres somepony going out there killing others knights and assosiates. If he continues lots of ponies will die and the knights will appear somewhat related.
>>14036>Epic sigh, wishing there was more structure to their adventure, but understands.OK, we were going to get Crits mark, but I understand the severity of it.
Let's go now.
>>14036>>14037Crit: "My mark can wait, we should head on over to Rye's farm instead and save his family."
It was a bit uncharacteristic of Critical to act like that but it could be seen with a breath of fresh air.
>>14038Crit: "It's fine with me but we really, really need to prepare before we go."
>>14039Summer Rye walked in circles a few times, obviously shaken.
"Yes... we need supplies... and a way to get there. Maybe some healing potions? I think I have one left somewhere..."
>>14041Calm down Rye, we're not going to abandon your family.
>Takes a look at the letter again and wonder if the Galloping Gorge Outpost was near Trottingham or not. As much as he likes to travel, he wasn't good at remembering such things.If your family is in danger we would perhaps do more harm than good if not prepared.
>>14041Rye had three potions
>>14040>>14041>>14042They head on over to Smooth Waves shop, surely there they will find what they need and gather up the supplies necessary to face off with a snake demon. Once they enter they can see Smooth Waves just chilling at his counter. He calls them out once he glances over at them.
SW: "Hey its the cool cats again. What can I get you?"
The Galloping Horse Outpost is in between Ponyville and Canterlot. No.14044
>>14042Summer Rye rummaged through his wings. "I got three potions... I think that's enough to cover myself at least... also got the Bard Box, musn't forget that... and the invisibility cloak..."
Rye looked up. "Yes, you're right, need to stay calm. I'll go check if there's a zeppelin headed for Trottingham."
>>14046>>14047All this though had to be focused on later as their concentration has been broken by Smooth Waves.
SW: "Hey you cats look pretty sad now. You know what will make you feel good right? Taking a look at my stock! I got a new selection of potions on top of the standard healing potions that might interest you."
>>14048Summer Rye had woandered into the store without even thinking...
"Oh, hello. Uh... antidote! Do you have something like that? Something that cures serpent poison?"
>>14049>>14050SW: "Okay this is what I got for you all."
Potion: (Heal half max HP) 20bits
Hyper Potion: (Heal all HP) 35bits
Phoenix Potion: (Revives an ally with 0HP) 40bits
Body Potion: (Upgrades Body for 3 turns/Uses) 50bits
Panacea: (Cures all ailments) 20bits
Critical went in and bought 4 Hyper Potions, 4 Phoenix Potions, and 1 Panacea.
Crit Bits: 306
>>14051"I'll take a Panacea... I'm already low on money... speaking of which..."
Summer Rye waited until everypony had decided and then would attempt to re-negotiate the prices.
I'll take 3 hyper and 1 phoenix potions ANd if we're dealing with snakes, I'll have a panacea as well. That should come to a neat 205₿
>>14052Do you need me to buy you anything?
>>14053All of the product together costed a total of 165 bits. Epic Bought the items and stored them away into his saddle bags.
Epic Bits: 402
>>14055Crit: "What't the matter?"
>>14056It's about the letter I recieved. Gold Grail says theirs a regenage sighted at Galloping Gorge not far from here who's beeing going around killing ponies who are, were, or betrayed the knights. Thats not far from here.
However I understand the urgency of needing to check on your parents if a snake monster is attacking Trottingham. As someone who dealt with large serpents before
(The Hydra is sort of serpent like?) I should help with that.
I'm worried that if we help your parents then who knows how many ponies he would kill while we're gone.
However I understand it will be unfair to you and your family if we don't help your parents, it might take awhile to capture the renagade while the snake will continue to terrorize Trottingham.
I do have a plan but I don't think you'll like it much.
Especially you Crit as a GM but I don't see any other option to rescue both factions. No.14059
>>14057(I'm here.)
>>14058Summer Rye raised an eyebow. "What plan are you talking about?"
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>>14058Crit: "We haven't seen anything of late as far as dying knights so I think we can make a trip up north to help Rye's family. Anyways I still would like to hear what your plan is then."
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>>14060Gold grail sent me a message on it. It must be urgent if he sent it directly to me and not the other knights who are available.
>>14059>>14060Well I figured we divide into two groups, although being the three of us that means one of us will have to go alone. That way we could deal with both problems at the same time.
Thats not a perfect plan, As a squire of the Knights it's my duty to stop the renegade but as someone who knows monsters well I could help stop the giant snake.
But I fear one problem will get worse no matter what we choose and I really don't want to put Rye in that thought of choosing. I want to solve both problem then let one get worse than the other.
>>14065>>14066Crit: "Keep your panacea and stay in Ponyville after your business in Galloping Horse in concluded. Wait for us to come back and we should meet up back here again."
He looks off to the train station and wonders if they could find a balloon ride there.
Crit: "Try to be safe okay Epic. This guys is going around killing knights so he's got you on his shit list as well."
>>14068I shoulda been dead twice now. He's got to bring more than a sword to kill me.
Besides I hope to reason with him and if a fight happens I'll give him mercy.
>>14067>>14068"Good luck Epic, we try to be back as quickly as possible. That snake won't stand a chance against us.
"Alright Crit, let's get a move on!"
>>14070Good luck guys.
I'll head to the outpost at Galloping Gorge and see what I can do.
>>14070>>14069They go their own seperate ways and head on out to where they need to go. Crit and Rye make it to the train station and found a series of balloon ponies who didn't look ready for flight except for one mare. She was a bored looking earth pony eager to leave town and get into the air.
>>14069Epic Mount was left alone now and he now had to decide on what to do next. Fluttershy had mentioned that they recovered an odd but graceful looking sword that they found while saving Epic Mount. It should be with Twilight in her castle.
>>14073Crit: "Yeah we need to be heading on over there in a timely fashion."
Pilot: "A trip to Tottingham then right? That's gonna cost you both 10 bits each for the ride. Gonna be glad to be back in the air so I hope you got the cash!"
>>14074Epic Mount heads on over to Twilight's castle and he is immediately greeted by Spike when he first entered through the doors.
Spike: "Epic Mount! Thank you so much for bringing back Twilight and her friends and I'm glad to see you're doing better. Did you need to see Twilight?"
>>14075Summer Rye paid for both of them.
"Great! We need to get there as quickly as possible."
>>14076Oh I didn't want to mess with Epic too much.Spike then suddenly stops and Epic Mount can feel Spike looking at his eye bandage. The little dragon did not say anything to point it out and didn't want to hurt his feelings but Epic knew Spike was putting up a facade.
Spike: U-uh... yeah. She's got some sort of sword that you might like to see... I uh meant that you might be interested in. We should head on up there now!"
>>14077Crtiical was surprised that Rye was willing to pay for his fee.
Rye Bits: 84
Crit: "Thanks, I'll be sure and try to pay you back somehow for that. Drinks are on my in the next tavern."
Pilot: "That's your payments right there. Lets load on up and not dally here any longer!"
They get on up into the balloon and this time they don't have to do anything and the pilot takes care of lift off. Soon enough they were flying well above the land and passed by some weather ponies who were getting ready for some rain. The trip should take some time to get to Trottingham so the two had some time to talk if they wanted.
>>14079Spike: "Yeah I think so."
They head on up and get to the map room where Twilight was overlooking her map. There she saw Epic and greeted him much more gracefully since she was the princess of Friendship.
Twilight: "Epic Mount, it is good to see you are up and about. Where is Crit and Rye though, are they still recovering?"
>>14080Bought one too? Okay.Crit: "Family? Yeah up in Horseshoe Bay. That's where I'm from. I don't get to talk to mom and dad a lot though since I went on my journey. Gotta learn how to be a more powerful wizard and then apply my learnings in the real world and all."
>>14081Two seperate yet severe problems have risen. Ryes hometown has a snake monster terrorising it and also in Galloping Gorge a renegade is going about killing the remaining Knights and assosiates.
I figured if all three of us did the one problem, the other problem will get worse.
So we decided to tackle the problems seperately. Critical will help Rye defend his family and find his cutie mark while I'll stop this renegade.
>>14082Crit: "Thanks. As for my parents my father is a unicorn and my mother is a pegasus which is why I'm a bit more frail then most other unicorns. My bones are thinner for flight even though I don't have wings."
>>14083Twilight: "Oh no, that doesn't sound good at all. I hope you all are okay after this. Anyways it sounds like you are in a lot of danger so I think you should have this sword we found while saving you."
She pulls out a sword in its sheath and passes it over to Epic Mount. Immediately he can tell it was very powerful and belonged to Sir Squire.
Sunrise Sword: (+1 to sword skills, generates light unless covered, shot a ray of light based on body)
This sword belonged to Sir Squire in the later years of his life and was given to him by Celestia after Squire had created the Equestrian Knights. Originally it was his father's sword but Celestia gave the weapon the power of the sun as a badge of office for the newly appointed Knight Captain. No.14086
>>14084"Ah, I see. Makes sense. Maybe we can visit them at some point."
Summer Rye tried to get his mind off of things.
>>14085The sword itself was beautiful. The top part of the hilt split into two ways and was forged into looking like bird wings. The blade itself constantly emitted light when exposed and the metal was purely white. In the center of the blade was an engraving that depicted the traditional drawing of the Equestrian sun.
Twilight: "It looked pretty important so we brought it with us. I hope you can make use of it."
Crit: "No point. We got a lot of important things to handle right now."
They soon loomed over the Trottingham island and were bathed in the glowing city lights below the balloon. The city of Trottingham was still very much alive but they can see a huge patch of land where they vegetation had died of. Rye can recognize that this patch of dead earth was his village.
Crit: "Hmm... we can try to land in the city and go to the village from there."
Pilot: "I agree, it'll be too dangerous to land my balloon in the mess. Monsters and whatever else will attack it."
>>14088Woah one digit away from being hilarious. Anyways see you later. Also remind me your family's names so I can put them in. I need Dad, Mother, and Brother.>>14089Spike: "Wow Epic that thing looks so awesome!"
With the sword in hand and cutie mark on flank Epic is looking much more like the reincarnation of Sir Squire. Despite his missing eye, having the sword around will give him a much more holy vibe.
Gonna call it a day here. I think I'll play Skyrim, haven't played that it a while. No.14095
>>14087>>14091>>14094I'm back>EpicNow that he was well armed with a sword, he felt much more able to go and take on whoever was killing knights around Galloping Horse Outpost. He still doesn't know how to swing the sword but he could at least use its sunbeam attack.
>RyePilot: "What do you think farm boy? It's much safer to land into the city but if you feel like we need to, we can land into that ruined village."
Crit: "Whatever you want Epic, I'll follow your lead."
>>14097Twilight: "You're welcome Epic Mount. I'll let Fluttershy know as well and I wish you a safe return."
Epic Mount heads on out of the castle and now finds himself once again in the center of Ponyville. If he wanted to find the knight killer he would have to move up north either by hoof or train up to the Galloping Horse Outpost. The Outpost itself was the first pitstop of the party when they were first making their way to Canterlot before meeting up with Blazen Path. After their efforts with the cave and helping Braveheart, Epic can imagine they enjoyed some modicum of peace but now the citizens are worried that there is some pony taking out knights there.
>>14099Making sure his gears and armors were well strapped onto him, he makes his journey out of Ponyville. Not many noticed he left but then again living the life of the Everfree, Epic Mount was never really the center of attention.
There along the train tracks while crickets and birds chirped, Epic was swathed with the summer heat that has now settled in over the land. Walking was a bit hard but it didn't matter too much. An hour or so goes by and he sees something just up ahead.
It looked to be some sort of stone golem wandering about near the track muttering to itself. The things it said indicated to Epic Mount that this golem was enchanted to be some sort of household servant as it constantly asked the air if it wanted the golem to get some tea or fetch the news. A lot of times when created poorly, golems may stray from the wizards that created them.
Note that this is not Pillar No.14102
>>14101The Golem quickly turned around to face Epic in a threatening manner.
Golem: "Good day to you. I must inform you that you are tresspassing in the home of Miss FuzzleBottom the Third. You have a total of three seconds to leave or else I will have to resort to physical violence to dispatch you from this place."
>>14103Golem: "You don't say..."
Epic Charm
1d10 = 4 Bant
1d6 = 1 VS Golem Mind
1d6 = 2 No.14105
>>14104Golem: "Why I recognize you! Sir Gold Valley it has been a long time since you kept my master waiting, about 247 years actually! Come in come in! Here I'll fetch you something."
The golem went over to a small pile of rocks and gave Epic Mount a vial of a familiar potion. In fact it was a body potion.
Golem: "The madam said that this should clear up your arthritis. Unfortunately Miss Fuzzle Bottom has come down with the Measles and can't see you right now, best be on your way."
>>14106Golem: "Ah my master is so good to me. Thank you for relaying this information to me."
The Golem then leaves and this makes Epic now alone as the rock pony trots of into the woods to Celestia knows where. Best not to follow it though as Epic had much more pressing matters to attend to.
>>14108Another two hours later yielded the result he had wanted. From where he stood he could see the wooden walls of the outpost and its train station. He heads on through a gate and found himself in the market area, to his left would be residential and to the right would be the farm lands. Soon he can hear a familiar voice that he hadn't heard in almost half a year.
Braveheart: "Epic Mount is that you? Hey its me Braveheart! The colt who you helped get my friend's pendant out of a well."
Epic can see that the colt had grown just a little since they last saw each other and he now even had his own cutie mark wich was a heart with a sword on top of it.
>>14110Time for me to go.Braveheart: "Yep I sure did... but you... you look like you've been through a lot recently. I hope you're doing okay."
Quickly changes the subject.
Braveheart: "So what brings you back here Epic Mount, have you come to deal with the troubles that the adults won't tell us kids about? I ask my mom and dad what's going on but they don't tell me nothing."
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>>14111Oh I might have died once or twice since our last meting... I'm actually losing count now.
But other than an eye, I'm fine. And yes, I am here to deal with that problem.
Not gonna scribble out my eye in all my MFW pictures. Besides I rarely use them these days. No.14114
>>14112Braveheart: "Well I don't know too much about what is going on around here but if you talk to the mayor here then I'm sure he'll be able to tell you the details. If you want to find him, Mayor Gold Bright is with the other adults checking out a house... none of us kids are allowed near."
The little colt points over to a small crowd over at the residential area. It was surrounding a small house and many of them looked worried and most of the town guard was there as well.
>>14115He goes over to the crowd surrounding the house. Epic can see that the guards are keeping ponies back from entering the house while the captain was talking with the mayor himself.
Gold Bright: "How long ago do you think this happened?"
Captain: "A day maybe, he wasn't too well known around here. In fact this pony was new."
The mayor spots Epic trying to get close to them and he turns to talk to the everfree pony.
Gold Bright: "Hold friend, you can't come inside this house. We're on a crime scene so we can't let anypony in. What did you need?"
>>14117Gold Bright: "The knights? They don't got much stock anymore, in fact I worry that you may help the criminal in fact. Still though given your authority I will let you see what you can do but other than that you should probably just leave and let us handle it."
The mayor's negative disposition to the knights sutng a bit but a lot of ponies felt like that after the incident with Red Winter. Despite that though the mayor still lets Epic go into the house.
Once inside he can see that the house was small, one living room, one bedroom, and one bathroom. There on the floor he can see why the kids were kept away from here as he saw a stallion of the ground dead in a small pool of blood.
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>>14119The guards say they don't know anything and the only reason why they discovered the body was because of the news paper being sent out. Apparently this stallion was a new resident to Galloping Horse and nopony here knows him or why somepony would kill him.
Examning the body Epic can see that the victim's skull was crushed from the side. The stallion was killed with a heavy and blunt weapon.
>>14123He enters the bedroom and he doesn't find much at first but when he looks into the closet he can see something familiar. A black set of knight armor that had tattered robes over it locked away in a trunk. Epic can realize that this was one of the armors to the traitor knights and this pony must've been one himself.
Epic also finds a journal with some recent scrawlings in it.
Been on the move for a while now and ever since I settled down here I've been noticing this one stallion with a hammer sometimes following me. Whenever I try to confront him he gets away and heads out west. He's probably after me so I think I might leave town after tonight. No.14126
>>14125He goes through it and it details how this pony was out in the midlands before Red Winter made her escape to the Stratus. Apparently he was abandoned and had to survive on his own for a while and it tells of how he went town to town until he made it.
As for the reasoning it was the same as many other traitor knights, he felt like Celestia and friendship could not keep Equestria safe and he thought Red Winter would bring change.
>>14129Captain: "Well hold on for a second, what did you learn?!"
Epic had the choice to answer or just leave them hanging. They were pretty mean to Epic for being associated with the knights but then again if Epic cooperates then perhaps they will get a better mood for him.
>>14130The murderer is somepony who is targeting former knights who were traitors during the Stratus Crisis.
>A thought crossed Epic's mind on who it can be.While the murderer is proficient with a weapon that does not confirm they themselves are a rogue knight or not, eitherway as a squire I must attend to this matter myself.
>Turns to the captain.I will deal with the matter myself. If the murderer is here or if any pony is seen with weapons, tell them not to provoke them and alert your guards.
If you are aware if this town is harbouring anypony with history with the Knights of Equestria or Red Winter, please put them under protection until I sort this matter out.
>>14131Captain: "We don't know any ponies like that who has knight affiliations but we will surely keep an eye out."
Gold Bright: "I would like to have my stallions solve this issue but... the safety of my citizens are top priority. I didn't think I would be relying on a squire today but all things considered maybe you knights aren't all bad."
>>14132I can't speak on behalf of my knighthood, but I do understand why you feel such hostilities to my order.
We maybe an ancient and wise order, but we still consist of ponies like you lot. It was our fault for trusting Red Winter into our order and she convinced a large ammount of our numbers to defect.
The Knights of Equestria have operated in secrecy because the royal sisters have kept our era of harmony going for so long that we mostly operated behind the scenes to assure that peace was going for so long.
Now with all thats been going on, the Knights of Equestria decided a public approach for more honesty and trust to the ponies now more than ever.
>>14134Gold Bright: "Well what the knights are doing right now doesn't concern me too much but if they are offering to help us here then I won't decline. The faster we get this criminal captured or killed then the faster we can get back normalcy."
Epic still needs to head out west.
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>>14138Summer Rye asked the balloon pilot to land in the city. Rye wanted to gather information from anypony who would have gotten away from the destruction.
>>14140Summer Rye was in town a few times before so he remembered a bar with a rather rural flair so he thought it might be best to start there.
He opened the door, eyes wandering around, hoping he would find a pony he knew from the village.
>>14141Once he goes into the bar he can recognize some ponies that live in his village. They looked sad but that was understandable since they just had their houses destroyed. One calls out Rye.
Farmer: "Summer Rye? My boy you're here? You must've heard what had happened to the town, some sort of demon uprooted from the ground and ruined the land."
>>14143Farmer: "Well... One morning it was just the usual and the same as any other day but suddenly we hear a crashing noise. I was out in my field and a I look up and I see your house be entirely swallowed by this giant snake. Your folk were outside but the demon's eye glowed and each one of them were dragged down into the snake's pit."
The farmer rubs his eyes, alcohol and depression did not mix well.
Farmer: "I'm sorry Rye, none of us could save them but I think they are still alive."
Crit: "If they are alive then they are being used as a trap. Likely to get at you Rye and your family's pitchfork."
>>14144Summer Rye gulped drily as he heard the horrible tale... "I... guess you're right, Crit."
He turned to the farmer. "Of course, there was nothing you could do. It was as big as the entire house? Then it's far worse than I had feared."
>>14145Epic heads on out to the west and it starts to get dark as time goes on, then it started to rain and it rained hard. Thunder clouds rumbled above Epic as he finally made it to a lake area pressed up against up a forest edge. There was a small camp there too with a fire lit but it didn't look like anypony was there.
>>14146Crit: "Don't worry Rye, the big bad guys always look tough but if you don't mind getting tossed around a bit then we should be fine. Anyways we better get a move on and delve into the snake's nest and get your family back."
>>14148He goes on over to the camp but before he can enter he hears a voice.
Epic Mind
1d10 = 3 VS DC 6
>If successful Epic Mount can turn around to face the pony immediately and do whatever action he want, for example attack.???: "You're looking for the knight killer to?"
It was a cloaked figure wearing black armor covering all of his features to protect his identity. On his back was a hulkingly large sword on his back.
>>14149Crit: "To keep us breathing? Yeah we are definitely are well equipped to live."
It was raining and thundering outside and Crit said a curse outloud that turned a few heads. Still they make it out to the ruined village and they can see the horrors wrought on. The livestock lay dead and the produce had rotted away into grey ash. The houses still stood but they looked damaged but the worse of all was the giant snake pit surrounded by the mangled remnants of Rye's home.
>For Rye???: "My son what has he done to you?"
>>14151Epic Mind
1d10 = 2 VS 8 (Hard because strangers voice is muffled and there is rain)
???: "He kills regular knights too who hadn't betrayed you and your kind. I'm not surpised Gold Grail sent you, he was willing to let the traitors live in exile but he won't let these murders of his kin and former kin to continue."
He looks out to the forest and he turned back to Epic, the abyss like slot in his helm cut deep into the Everfree pony's soul.
???: "The killer's name is Iron Gavel, he was a failed judge who couldn't get through school for not practicing law to its fullest so now he has become a vigilante mercenary. Once he heard what the knights have done, he has taken it upon himself to judge us as he sees fit."
You can try to call the stranger out if you want, the above roll is just for recognizing the voice. No.14154
>>14152The voice was strange to him but it was somewhat familiar, as if he knew the pony who said it once. Still no pony was around to say it.
Crit: "You're hearing voices too? Epic said he heard voices when we went to his ancestor's grave to reclaim his cutie mark. The same effect is probably happening to you as well."
>>14153Red Winter fooled those knights to do terrible things for her cause. But Iron Gavel has no right to be judge, jury or executioner.
Nor am I here to execute him either, I plan on capturing hima nd taking him to Canterlot for a propper trial.
>>14154Summe Rye looked surprised at Crit, then after a moment of silence gave a nod.
"Yes... there is somepony speaking to me... I know him, but I cannot put my hoof on who it is..."
Summer Rye looked down into the chasm where his home stood.
"Who are you? Show yourself!"
>>14155???: "Hm... I would say your master taught you morality well but I can see that your beliefs are much more deep rooted than that. Iron Gavel is out in the woods now collecting food for the night. If we go in there now we can surprise him."
>>14156There was no voice in return but Critical was already starting to go down into the pit to face this snake. Rye follows down as well and they can see that they were now in a lage hall made of well cut stone and pillars lining the walls. There was also a large red carpet spread on the floor and candelabras lit with a blue fire. At the north most part of the room Rye could see his family held up in a ball of magic energy and below them was an altar. All of them looked to be in a deep sleep.
On the south, east, and west walls were doors that would likely lead into deeper parts of the shrine.
>For Rye???: "Akazar, I am here for you. Here to take you life for the life you took from me. My son will rest easy once you are gone."
>>14157If I may ask, who are you? You sound familiar to me.
And do you also seek to take him for fair judgement?
>>14158He doesn't answer Epic's first question.
???: "I'm here to stop him how I can. Since I am outlawed I can not take him to the authorities but I will not stand idle while he kills my brothers and former brothers."
The strangers starts to make his way into the forest, will Epic follow?
>>14159Confused, Critical rushed on over and shouted at Rye to let him catch up. Once together they head on down through the door to the east and through a long and winding hallway. Once they reach an end they enter in into a small room with sets of tables with old rotted food set on the top, about 5 tables actually. On the far south wall was another door that would lead into a second room.
>>14161???: "I did and I thought I was doing right but some ponies showed me a different way. I regret what I did but I can't take it back and I can not go back to Gold Grail."
The traitor knight then quickly rushes up and presses himself up against a tree
???: "Epic, take cover."
When Rye got close to the tables he was tempted to eat the food despite it being inedible.
Rye Mind
1d8 = 4 VS DC 8
>If failDMG
1d4 = 4Critical goes on up to the other door and listens to it closely.
Crit Mind
1d20 = 3 VS DC 8
>>14163Rye started to stuff himself full of food and quickly got a stomach ache that caused him to throw it all back up again. The experience was not pleasant.
Crit: "I don't hear anything.... Oh Rye you shouldn't be eating any of that. Many binding rituals will use food as offerings to help other spirits hold down demons. Please refrain from eating any more."
>>14164"Oooooh... Celestia, why did I eat that? Yuck!"
Summer Rye stuck his tongue out wide, brushing it clean with his hooves.
"Rituals? Okay... I won't eat any more! Alright, on we go!"
Rye opened the next door.
>>14165Not too short a ways from them was Iron Gavel who was standing still over looking something. The pony was not moving anywhere and they were well in place to ambush him.
>>14166They go on through and find another well kept room. On a pedestal looked to be a giant snake fang that rested on top. Rye got the feeling that if he put this on the alter in the main hall it may start to help free his family.
>>14168Epic got closer and attacks with a stun bolt with his hammer...
Epic Body
1d12 = 6 VS Iron Gavel Body
1d20 = 2Irregardless of what happenes the figure was blasted apart to reveal that it was not actually real. Before they could react a heavy weight fell ontop of them and caused both Epic and the stanger to be knocked aside. What it was the real Iron Gavel who had sunk his hammer into the ground.
Iron Gavel: "Two knights in the same place? Looks like I'll get rid of you all at this rate."
>>14169Rye took up the fang and held it. Soon after he feels a rush of hatred and loss as he does this but it soon fades. After that nothing else much happens.
>>14170"We didn't win any brownie points with Akazar for this." Rye made sure to keep the fang close before returning to the main hall and checking out the door to the west next.
"I'm pretty sure there will be more snake-related items to gather here, keep your eyes open, Crit!"
>>14171The stallion just laughs at Epic Mount. Iron Gavel was garbed in a strange armor that was made up of mixed and matched pieces of armors from different sets. His hammer was made of a reinforced brace with a small head designed to break past armor.
Iron Gavel: "You're serious right? I am the law! You see each and every plate of armor I wear? They're trophies of the knights I already had killed and I will be glad to add yours to my collection."
>>14172Crit: "Don't worry I will be sure to look around."
The door in the west lead into a hallway that would turn to the right. They can hear the echoes of water down at the end of the hall. Stone depictions of snake faces line the wall and stared at the party with onyx eyes.
>>14173Summer Rye hesitated for a moment, a cold shower rushing down his back.
"Brrr... I wonder if anypony summoned that snake at some point..."
He carefully put one hoof in front of the other as he continued down the hallway.
>>14174Since Epic didn't have any sword skills he can't get the +1 bonus but he can still use the sunbeam attack.
Combat EncounterIron Gavel
LVL: 7
B:20 M:8 C:6
HP: 28/28
Hammer:20 6
Stout Heart:20 6
Attacks Twice
Epic attacks with great ferver and dedication to bring this pony down. The Stranger got on up and drew his massive sword and swung to help Epic Mount.
Epic Body
1d12 = 1 VS IG Body
1d20 = 3??? Body
1d20 = 14 SP
1d20 + 1d6 = 15 VS IG Body
1d20 = 16>>14175Suddenly he sets off a trap just after where the hall turned to the right. The floor was on some sort of axle that caused any pony on the platform to fall down into a pit.
Evade DC 6
Rye Body
1d20 = 17Crit Body
1d6 = 2 No.14178
>>14176>For EpicIron Gavel reacted almost unlike a pony with speeds never before seen. He smiled at them after their failed attacks and retaliated.
Iron Gavel: "Too many have already tried that and you will die for your errors!"
Iron Gavel Charm
1d6 = 4 Roar
1d20 = 13 VS
Epic Mind
1d10 = 10Stranger Mind
1d8 = 6Iron Gavel Body
1d20 = 7 Hammer
1d20 + 1d6 = 4 Stout Heart
1d20 + 1d6 = 16 VS Stranger Body
1d20 = 12>>14177Critical gives a quick yelp as he falls down after Rye jumps back to safety. They He then hears a massive splashing noise as Critical hit a large pool of water. After a while he can hear Critical shout back up.
Crit: "I'm fine Rye! I can see a light over there and I think I can get out that way or do you still have your hook to pull me out with?"
>>14178"Yes, I got it right here!"
Summer Rye fastened the grapplehook to his rope, slung it twice around himself and secured the grapplehook (there is hopefully something for that around). Then he dropped the end of the rope into the water.
>>14178>>14179Both Epic and the stranger with hit with the roar and took some damage to their rolls for a round. As for the stranger he was hit by Iron Gavel pretty hard that he his helmet was knocked off to reveal that the stranger was actually Claymore.
Claymore HP 12
Epic didn't have time to react to this revelation but instead attacked with his hammer lightning.
Epic Body
1d12 - 1 = 11 VS IG Body
1d12 = 11 (Weak to Lightning)
Claymore Body
1d20 - 1 = 14 SP
1d20 + 1d6 - 1 = 14 VS IG Body
1d20 = 11>>14180Rye tries to lift Critical out of the pit and bring him back up to the floor.
Rye Body
1d20 = 20 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 1 No.14183
>>14181 both attack pretty nicely and Iron Gavel was stunned and lost one of his moves.
Iron Gavel HP 13
Iron Gavel retaliated despite having electricity coursing around his body.
Iron Gavel: "I'll kill you all for endangering Equestria!"
IG Body
1d20 = 17 Hammer
1d20 + 1d6 = 20 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 7>>14182Critical got on out but he was now soaked all the way through, probably even to his bones if you wanted to joke about it.
Crit: "Okay... so we just need to get over the pit. A well made jump will do the trick."
>>14183Epic was struck with the hammer and this punctured his armor and knocked the wind out of him. After a short coughing fit Claymore helped Epic back up to his hooves.
Claymore: "Come on Epic you're not gonna die here and now."
Epic HP 2
>>14183Rye gave his blanket to Crit so he could dry himself a little.
"Let's be extra careful, maybe there are more traps!"
Then he took a few steps back and dashed forward, trying to leap over the pit!
>>14181S-sir Claymore!
>>14183You're the one endangering the harmony that is Equestria.
>>14184Oh we've had our fair share of death.
>Downs a health potion.Let's stop him! Your dad would be proud if it were you taking this guy in.
>Charges the hammer again and goes for a thunderous (yet non-killing) strike. No.14187
>>14186>Better song chugs a potion quickly and restored some health. All he had in terms of health restoration was his Hyper Potions.
Epic Mount HP 22/22
Claymore: "Gold Grail... father..."
He grimaced at this thought but now was not the time to get emotional. Instead he planted his sword into the ground and shot an energy bolt at Iron Gavel.
Claymore Mind
1d8 = 6 EB
1d20 = 3 VS IG Body
1d20 = 3 No.14188
>>14185>oops.They jump over together the pit and hoped to make it across.
Pit Jump DC 3
Rye Body
1d20 = 2Crit Body
1d6 = 3 No.14191
>>14188Rye slipped up some but thanks to them being tied together Critical was able to pull his friend back up with them and thus getting them over the pit. At the end of the hall now was the door that would lead into another room.
>>14189>No need since they were tied up together.>>14187>>14190The attack does some damage but it was not enough.
IG HP: 7/28
Iron Gavel: "Insolent fools, do you think you can ever find retribution!!?"
The crazed pony attacks both of them but was weak.
Iron Gavel Body
1d20 = 5 Hammer
1d20 + 1d6 = 20 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 4>Just incaseEpic Body
1d12 = 9 VS DC Dice Roll
Iron Gavel Body
1d20 = 16 Hammer
1d20 + 1d6 = 8 VS Claymore Body
1d20 = 2 No.14192
>>14191"Thanks, Crit, that was a close call."
Summer Rye examined the door closely for any traps.
>>14191Both Epic and Claymore were hit pretty hard and Claymore's body crashed into the ground and was unable to move.
Claymore HP 0/28
Epic Mount HP 2/22
>>14190Epic Mount attacks with his hammer to put the enemy down.
Epic Body
1d12 = 9 VS Iron Gavel Body
1d20 = 15Really just put Epic through a training regimen to replace martial arts with hammer.>>14192Crit: "No problem."
They get on up to the door and examine it for traps.
Trap Detection DC 6
Crit Mind
1d20 = 18Rye Mind
1d8 = 7 No.14196
>>14193>>14194>For EpicThe attack was useless and Iron Gavel smiled at Epic as their hammers locked together. He then jumps back and attacks Epic Mount.
Iron Gavel Body
1d20 = 9 Hammer
1d20 + 1d6 = 12 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 12>For RyeThey look at the door and thankfully they can conclude that there were no traps here. They can however hear more water on the other side of the door but it should be safe to open.
>>14196>For EpicEpic Mount was hit with the hammer and knocked to the ground in the same fashion as Claymore. Iron Gavel laughed and placed the head of his hammer onto Epic's face.
Epic HP 0/22
Iron Gavel: "Looks like I get my trophy.
He raises up his hammer and prepares it to strike Epic a killing blow. There Epic had a moment to see his life flash before his eyes. How he met with Rye and Critical, how he joined the knights, and now his expanding romance with Fluttershy. From his perspective it was about to be taken away and his friends would have to face Tirek alone.
Suddenly a blast of magic energy ruptures through Iron Gavel head leaving only half of it remaining. Iron Gavel's mutilated body fell to the ground and Epic Mount was spared. He saw that his saviour was Claymore who had propped his body on up to make the shot.
>>14197They head on inside and find that the room looked to he be some sort of water pressure area. There were a total of 4 lever to pull here and they each had their own numbers. 4, 8, 1, 2. At the end of the room there was a got that was linked to the pressure system. Above it was a number that read 13.
>>14199Summer Rye scratched his head. "Some sort of riddle? It's almost too easy, don't you think?
13... so I guess it's levers 4, 8 and 1? Or does it ask us to pull levers 1 and 3, i.e. 4 and 1? Hmmm...."
>>14201Before he could do that, they had to get on up and talk to one another.
Claymore: "Epic Mount... you've become scarred. You don't have your eye anymore... we share the same path but we can not walk together past this. I betrayed Gold Grail and I can not join you to Canterlot and face my father."
You can try to convince him other wise.>>14202Crit: "I dunno maybe its just additive so we gotta pull the levers that will make the pressures equal to 13. Anyways I'll let you have a look at it first."
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>>14207"Only one left I guess!" They returned to the central room and from there it was off to the souther door.
>>14203But your Gold Grail needs to see you, to know you're alive, not as your lord but as your father. He really misses you.
Heck I miss you, there is still so many things I've yet to properly learned from you, I found the very sword Sir Squire had yet I can barely wield a hammer.
Your father doesn't care what you did, he refuse to believe what he did. All he wants his for you to come home.
>>14210Am back. Had egg ham and cheese sandwich with some brats on the side. All pan fried and surely as fuck not healthy but I love it.
Also see you around.>>14211Claymore thought on Epic's words and wanted to go back truly but felt like it was impossible...
Epic Charm
1d10 = 6 Bant
1d6 = 6 VS Claymore Mind
1d8 = 4 No.14214
>>14212>>14213Your father wants nothing more than his son back. It would take a great weight off his shoulder knowing you're alright. And even more so knowing he was absolutely right about you.
>Looks over to the corpse.You were just misguided.
>As they get ready to head off.Still it would of been best if we brought him in alive. The reputation of the Knights have not fair well since they entered the public eye. To bring in a criminal alive for fair judgement would of helped greatly.
>>14214Claymore: "Iron Gavel? There was really no choice we had left. Both of us were defeated and I wasn't able to get up and tackle him to stop Iron Gavel from killing you."
They packed up and left, headed up to the Galloping Horse. From there they can either get a train ride to Canterlot or walk up through the caves again. Before that though they should get some rest first so that the journey will be easier.
>>14216They finally reached back to the Galloping Horse and they were now in the center of the town. From here they will have to decide on what to do.
Claymore: "Don't worry to take your time here. That battle had been bad so it would be a good idea to heal up here... don't worry I won't slip away."
I guess I'll head on out now. No.14218
>>14217I know, we should rest up, let the locals know it's safe and then we let your Dad know you're alright.
I was wondering, while we're here, could you show me how to properly use weapons? I've used my hooves to fight all my life and now that I have Sir Squires sword I should learn how to wield it.
>>14220>>14223Oh well I can't just give Epic Mount free skill points so I just thought replacing a combat skill would be fair and balanced. My stance still stands but I guess you can RP Claymore teaching Epic on graceful sword moves next time you lvl up.They reach the inn and they found themselves at the bar area with the rooms being upstairs. The griffon behind the counter was cleaning cups and mugs as usual as most travellers were off near the fire trying to dry off from the rain. Epic Mount let out a small sneeze as he quickly realized how cold he was.
To rent a room they would have to talk to the Griffon bar keep. Getting some food and drink for the night will make them heal up even better.
>>14224That's okay I've been super busy of late anyways. No.14229
>>14227Money was tight but he could still afford it. Then again Epic might feel more at home by sleeping outside in the woods rather than stay in an inn room. Then again it may be harder for him to recover HP but the decision will be up to him.
Epic got on closer to the Griffon and the bartender talks to him.
Bartender: "Hey there wanderers, what brings you here to my inn? Do you need some food or maybe a room?"
>>14230Bartender: "Well typical meals will cost 3 bits each a plate but you can get something more fancy for 10. Drinks and alcohol do the same. A room will cost you 10 bits for a whole night."
>>14231YeahRye and Critical had two snake fangs already and all they needed to do was to explore the door to the South. They get on up to it and find that it was cold to the touch and its hinges were frozen over. It would take some strength to get it open or perhaps they can think of something else.
Open Door DC 8
>>14233He presses his body up against the chilling door and tries to force it open.
Rye Body
1d20 = 5 VS DC 8
Crit: "You don't get to see too many door frozen like this. Next room's probably sporting some sort of magic ward or something special."
>>14234Claymore: "I'll be paying for my own things Epic Mount. The minimum you would have to pay would be 13 for room and food."
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>>14235Ah OK. Thank you Sir Claymore.
>>14235The door was plenty cold and it was hard for Rye to force it open. He does so eventually but it had chilled Rye hooves to the bone.
Rye HP 27
The door swings open and it reveals what looked to be some sort of ice cave. The fact of the matter though was that it was still a temple room but the walls, floors, and ceiling were frozen with solid ice.
>>14236He nods and they pay for their foods and rooms. They then go over and sit down at one of the booths and eat their meals.
Epic Bits 389
Claymore: "So its been a while then since we last saw each other. I'm sure you have questions."
>>14235Rye shook his head as he finally had opened the door.
"Brrr, that was a tough one. Magic, huh? Well, let's hope it won't be too dangerous."
Rye looked into the icy room.
"Let's be careful, that looks slippery."
He stepped inside, very slowly and carefully.
>>14237I imagine you the same for me, given last time you saw me was with two eyes.
But I am curious how you survived the fall of Stratus.
>>14238They head to the center of the room where the ice marred the symmetry of the room. Suddenly a quick blistering wind rushes around them and an ice golem rises from the floor. It looked at them with no face but it wore a distinctive necklace around its head that sported the last snake fang.
Ice Golem: "You have shown yourselves to me. Who are you and why are you here?"
>>14239Claymore: "When the structure fell apart I had to cling to a chunk of floor and let it take the impact of the water for me. After that I had to recover by myself from the injuries. I wonder though how did you lose your eye? I remember you being the fresh faced and starry eyed squire before we parted ways."
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>>14240Summer Rye gave a dry gulp and gave a nod and a weak smile to Crit before stepping forward.
"My name is Summer Rye, son of Winter Squash and descendent of Spring Wheat. I have come to slay Akazar and bring peace to this village and to Spring Wheat.
And for that I need the fang you carry around your neck. Give it to me... please."
>>14241Ice Golem: "Spring Wheat? He had asked me to help bind Akazar long ago. He has passed away a long time ago and I would've handed over Akazar's fang to him but you must understand what this entails. When you gather all three fangs onto the altar then you will summon the physical form of Akazar. I will give you this fang but you must promise me this.
Slay Akazar so that I may be released from this place as well."
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>>14240Well to sum it up, you got lucky and survived.
Me and my friends, we kinda... sorta... "died".
However whenever you believe in the afterlife or not, the um... "process" if you'd call it got interupted by a powerful dark centaur named Tirek. Tirek pretty much stole our cutie marks and left our corporeal souls in Tartarus.
However we found some sort of cathedral where someone named the Keeper reside. The Keeper claimed that when we die our cutie marks are passed onto another pony in life. I don't quite understand if that pony is our ressurected selves or not. Anyway the Keeper said we wern't really ready to die and that we had to recover our Cutie Marks.
Long story short afterwards, We ended up alive outside Ponyville but because everypony was turning into miniture statues we had to go south where we ended up in the underground city of Umberfoal, we awoken it's residence and saved them from giant spiders. Umberfoal is reinstigating to modern Equestria. It was also where I found this.
>Shows him his cloak.I believe this is the very cloak Sir Squire himself wore. I was excited to find solid proof of his existance.
But during our time in Umberfoal we had "visions" of fights that took place long before our lives.
We later found that these visions were of our past lives and they were trying to tell us how to get our cutie marks back. After visiting my adopted mother who happens to be an enchantress, she sent us on a spirit journey to meet our past-selves. My friend Critical is a decendant of the very sister of a unicorn overlord who after death regretted his decisions, Rye is the reincarnation of his own founding ancestor and I was face to face with my cutie marks predecessor Sir Squire.
Sir Squire told me that in order to take my cutie mark back from Tirek I have to find Sir Squires resting place. It turns out there was an underground colosseum at the heart of Everfree Forest where the skeleton of Sir Squire, Bazil and where abominations dwell. I defeated the ressurected skeleton of Bazil. The fight took a lot outta me and how I lost my eye.
>Points to his face.But from finding the bones of Sir Squire himself, my spiritual connection to Sir Squire returned along with my Cutie Mark.
We passed out from exhaustion and found ourselves back in Ponyville recovering, although I don't think my eye will ever grow back.
However Twilight gifted me with this sword she found when she recovered us from under Everfree.
>Shows him his sword.This is the very sword Sir Squire wielded during his life.
>Epic chugged his drink.To think I have the soul, cutie mark, sword and cloak of Sir Squire himself.
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>>14242Summer Rye thought of his family, trapped in that sphere.
"I will summon and slay Akazar... or I will die trying."
>>14243Claymore: "Sir Squire... he was the founder of our order I recall. It really just sounds like you've been through a lot after Stratus and I think it is your time now. You've done more than enough to become a knight in your own right. We should talk to Gold Grail about your status and place in the knights and elevate you in our order."
He continues to eat his meal, finishing up a bottle of wine.
Claymore: "Your knighthood would entail some responsibility and perks. You'll be entered into the nobility of Canterlot, all knights are. You'll have to learn high society life and get along with fancy ponies but that is more of a work in progress because your knightly duties are more important."
>>14244Crit: "And I'll be there with you along the way."
Ice Golem: "Go then with harmony. I wish you success."
The golem hands over the third and last Fang over to Rye and they now had all that they would need. All that was left was to go back to the main room and place all the fangs on the altar and defeat Akazar which would free Rye's family.
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>>14245>Epic had some pre-RP flashbacks.A unicorn who claiemd to be a prince with blue coloured blood made fun of me just because I came from Everfree Forest. Called me "uncouth", whatever that means. I can't really imagine myself using five different types of forks for dinner or worse... having short, well trimmed hair!
Crit: "Oh... I was just in it to get some leverage for your parents to give me more alcohol."
He was just joking in a sort of sadistic way but Rye can figure that Crit wanted to genuinely help out.
They go on into the main room again and they found themselves in front of the altar. There they can feel the power emanate from the shields that held Rye's family prisoner. Putting the fangs on the altar will summon Akazar and if they can slay him once and for all then the shields will drop.
>>14247Claymore: "Again you will probably not have that much time to learn all that stuff, heck the only pony who mastered that kind of life would be Gold Grail with his tea parties with Celestia when they talk about business. Even I don't know all the semantics but its just something you pick up over time. Don't worry we aren't expecting you to act like royalty and all that, just be polite is all."
>>14248Summer Rye chuckled. "Thanks Crit... believe me, there'll be plenty of alcohol if we manage to slay that beast."
Summer Rye placed all three fangs on the altar at last.
>>14248I can do polite. I know Princess Celestia through Twilight. Princess Celestia can be understanding and can behave casual around her subjects.
I know I'm sounding like a big deal. I'm some sort of ressurection of the most greatest knights of all time, I rub elbows with royalty, but in truth, I'm just the Everfree Pony.
>>14249The room rumbled once that was done and darkness started to encrouch around them. They could no longer see the walls of the room but they were still up near the altar. They then can hear a hissing noise followed by a giant snake emerging from the shrouds. It looked own at Rye with piercing black eyes and spoke in a deep and intimidating voice.
Akazar: "Spring Wheat, it has been a long time since you sent me to these depths."
>>14250Claymore: "Don't worry you'll do fine, might have to go to a meeting or two but you will find all that is easy. Beyond that I wonder what you will do as a knight, Gold Grail gives you a lot of breathing room so you can adventure and help ponies with your friends Summer Rye and Critical Hit. What are you guys gonna do when you all get your cutie marks back?"
>>14251I imagine no different to what we've always been doing. Adventuring, helping anypony who needs help, And despite how our fight went with Iron Graval, try to spare lives if possible.
After all I got my cutie mark for wanting to defend others.
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>>14251"Akazar! I will not rest until I have freed my family from your scaly coils!"
>>14253Akazar: "You... you're not... but you are. You are Spring Wheat's reincarnation, a reflection of the past. If I can not get my vengeance on him then I will take your life and your family instead."
Crit: "Rye I hope you are ready!" EncounterAkazar
HP 40/40
B:20 M:20 C:12
Evil (Weak to Holy)
Attack Twice
>>14252Claymore: "It's rightfully deserved as well. I can see how you always try to take the brunt of the assault while trying to spare the enemy when you can."
Of course Epic could feel more in tune than just defending ponies. He felt as if he could protect his friends from any sort of danger that presented itself to them. Heck with his newfound power through reconnecting to Sir Squire Epic felt like he could save the world a thousand times over.
>>14254My childhood hasn't been blessed or privilege growing up in a dangerous forest. I should of been dead by now from all the horrors I've seen growing up.
Equestria, especially places like Ponyville, all those ponies seem "playful" and "innocent", as if they can afford to play like foals a few years longer after their adulthood because of how happy things is.
Ponies like them shouldn't have to go through the horrors I experiance. Thats what I want to protect them from.
>>14254"Summer Rye... that's my name... remember it well! And now go back whence you came!"
Summer Rye attacks with his sword.
>>14255Claymore: "Well said I suppose, I'm not too much an idealist but I think you speak of the truth. Anyways I am going to retire for the night, we have a huge day ahead of us."
Don't be afraid to have your character go to sleep.>>14256Summer Rye unsheathes his sword and charges with Critical right behind him readying up one of his spells.
Crit Mind
1d20 = 9 Tele
1d20 = 14 VS Akazar Body
1d20 = 14Rye Body
1d20 = 5 Sword
1d10 + 1 = 3 VS Akazar Body
1d20 = 4 (Null if Crit was successful)
>>14257Critical's magic held the snake demon in place, truly Critical had become a powerful wizard if he was able to get such a devil to be held under his magic prowess. Rye's sword scratched across the scaly hide of the demon and it drew blood, they had a real chance to actually kill him.
Akazar HP 35/35
Since Akazar could not move he instead stared into both the souls of Critical and Rye.
Akazar Mind
1d20 = 18 Dist
1d10 = 2 VS Crit Mind
1d20 = 20result
1d2 = 2Akazar Mind
1d20 = 6 Dist
1d10 = 7 VS Rye Mind
1d8 = 3>If fail then Rye will have to eat something. No.14259
>>14258Meant to be 35/40
Rye soon felt a massive emptiness in his stomach that would need to be sated now or else he will lose 5 stamina points to starvation.
>>14259Summer Rye still had half a pound of apples with him and could not resist - he took a bunch and stuffed himself with them.
"Fiend..." he mumbled with his mouth full, swinging his sword (if he could still do so this turn).
>>14260He finishes up his apples and goes in to attack the snake demon with ferocity.
Rye Body
1d20 = 6 Sword
1d10 + 1 = 7 VS Akazar Body
1d20 = 9Crit Mind
1d20 = 20 Chao
1d10 = 1 VS Akazar Body
1d20 = 1>>14261He sits there and wonders what will be in store for them in the future. Facing off with Tirek will be dangerous as he has already claimed a number of Cutie Marks from the shadows. Ponies laid in hospitals trying to be treated for their sudden loss and let out to wander aimlessly. The party must stop this as soon as they can as the situation was only going to get worse from here on out.
Then Epic wondered what the rest of his friends were doing right now. By now Critical and Rye would be facing off whatever danger had laid claim to Rye's home. Epic smiles a bit as he thought about the two of them returning home with smiles on their faces as Rye got his cutie mark back.
>>14262JesusRye's sword bounces off of Akazar's hide and did no damage. Critical then followed up with a surging blast that crackled up the entire room and left a massive scorch mark on the floor around him.
Akazar HP 15/40
Akazar then goes in and bites at Summer Rye.
Akazar Body
1d20 = 11 Bite
1d20 = 19 VS Rye Body
1d20 = 8After that he shrinks back into the shadows to get out of sight.
Akazar Body
1d20 = 3 Sneak
1d12 = 11 VS
Crit Mind
1d20 = 7Rye Mind
1d8 = 1>>14263>Gotta specify that before you make your attack.>>14264The arcast that he had. He would need to somehow find and lure Tirek to the Umberfoal to capture inside the Prison Arcast if he wanted to do that.
>>14265Akazar knocks Rye high up into the air and then catches him in his mouth. The long sword like fangs pierce into his body and causes massive damage to Rye and he can hear some distinct crunching noises as his right hind leg goes chillingly numb with pain. Akazar then lets him go and had fallen back into the shadows and the party could not specifically target him.
Now would be a good time to heal if you need to.
Rye HP 10/28
As Rye picked himself up from the attack he could see that one of Akazars fangs had pierced through his leg joints and messed it up pretty badly. He could still move but he will definitely need to go to the hospital after this.
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>>14266Summer Rye uses one of his healing potions and hoped the Toadstool Armor would do its job as well.
"Are you alright, Crit? Can you make a light so we see him?"
>>14267Other than that there was nothing else to do unless he wanted to go out wandering or get drunk. Other than that it was bed time.
>>14268Crit: "By all, I can't see him anywhere! This darkness is unnatural and invasive."
Rye takes up one of his and restore some health. Critical took some time to drink up one of his body potions to get ready for a surprise attack.
Rye HP 24/28
Then after that Akazar attacks at the unwitting party.
Akazar Body
1d20 = 5 Bite
1d20 = 11 VS Crit Body
1d8 = 4Akazar Body
1d20 = 8 Constrict
1d12 = 11 No.14270
>>14269>oops meant to be 25/28They were hit pretty badly but Rye was able to dodge the attack because the dm forgot the defensive rolls.
Crit HP 16/26
>>14272He goes in to attack ignoring the the fresh pains set in his hind leg, the armor was numbing it down. Rye attacks with his sword, flashing it in the air.
Rye Body
1d20 = 4 Sword
1d10 + 1 = 2 VS Akazar Body
1d20 = 9Crit Mind
1d20 = 11 Chao
1d10 = 9 VS Akazar Body
1d20 = 4>>14271He drifted off into sleep and had a very still night while Claymore rested up in his own room. Time goes on and Epic was able to heal up his injuries.
Rest Restore 10+
1d10 = 7 HP
Soon enough Epic Mount was awakened by a rooster crow and found that it was now morning. Claymore was most likely waiting for Epic downstairs so he should go ahead and get dressed.
>>14273>>14275I dunno.Their attacks hit and miss and time goes on for hours on end. Eventually they do some damage to Akazar while trying to stave off exhaustion.
Akazar HP 4/40
Rye HP 26/28
Akazar: "You... you are much more powerful than Spring Wheat ever was!... What is this!?"
The snake demon attacks with what little strength he had left.
Akazar Body
1d20 = 20 Bite
1d20 = 1 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 3Akazar Body
1d20 = 13 Bite
1d20 = 14 VS Rye Body
1d20 = 12>>14274He goes on downstairs and meets up with Claymore and let the inn keeper knew that they were leaving. The two of them headed on outside under the morning sun and Claymore spoke to Epic.
Claymore: "Well then we should probably seek out the mayor and let him know what had happened."
>>14276Critical was seriously damaged as the fangs punctured his light armors and nearly killed him. He couldn't get up from where he landed afterwords and it was now Rye against Akazar.
>For Rye???: "This is it Akazar. I am your death knell!"
Crit HP 0/26
Rye HP 12/28
>>14277Oof I would hope that Epic will wait for us before his knighting ceremony so we can be there for him. Also it is getting time for me to go so I hope I can wrap this up.They head on off and they reach to the mayors office. They were let in since the clerk knew that Epic was to look into the murders and report back. Soon they get to the mayor's room and he speaks to them.
Gold Bright: "Ah you're back and you brought somepony new. Did everything go well?"
>>14278Yes, but we can't say the same to Iron Gravel, the murderer all this time.
We could not retrieve his body at the time.
If some beast have not made off with it, his corpse should still be out there. We had to kill him before he killed us.
Also, this is Sir Claymore, if it was not for his quick thinking and strength, there would probably be two more victims of murder than one dead murderer out there,
>>14280Gold Bright: "Well that is good to hear, we can sleep better at the night without worry of more death. I'll be sure to send out some guard ponies to retrieve the party. Here take this for your efforts."
He rewards the ponies with 100 bits.
Epic Bits 489
>>14279Rye feels the past ebb and flow around him as he takes up his sword and attack the snake demon to reclaim what was lost to him.
Rye Body
1d20 = 13 Sword
1d10 + 1 = 11 VS Akazar Body
1d20 = 9 No.14283
>>14281Akazar tries to retaliate but Rye buries his sword into the head of the snake. The demon pulls back and shouts at the top of his lungs until he falls down to the ground and crushes the floor below him. This left a large opening to go down below the temple.
The force fields then fade away as Akazar dies and his family was lowered down to the floor all safe. They then slowly wake up along with Critical.
Time for me to go No.14291
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>>14283Summer Rye rushes over to Crit, pouring one of his healing potions into his mouth before he gallops over to his family to see if they were alright.
>>14291Crit HP: 14
He looks over his family and they all awake very slowly and look up at him. They were confused but they looked unharmed.
Autumn Barley: "Rye...Rye you saved us."
>>14293Spring Onion: "No no... but our home. It has been destroyed."
Father(I can't remember again): "I knew you would come along Rye, once you heard what had happened I knew you would come and save us."
They all have a heart to heart hug after all that had happened. Rye then felt something pull him but not with any sort of physical form. Whatever it was it was coming from the newly put in hole in the ground.
>For Rye???: "It's over... Akazar has been sealed away for ever."
>>14294Claymore: "I suppose we can go there now."
They head on down to the train station of the Galloping Horse. It would cost a total of 10bits for tickets for them to ride the train again but then again they can walk as per usual. It was up to them.
>>14295(Winter Squash)
Summer Rye just gave a nod as he heard the voice... slowly wandering to the hole, looking down. "Yes... at last."
>>14296They pay for their ride and they head on out to the Canterlot city by train. It takes a while and they did not have a nice trip as there were some annoying children and other rowdy ponies on the train going to visit the city.
Eventually they make it to the city and they quickly find that they were now in the Common's District. From here they had access to the market area but if they wanted to see Gold Grail they would have to go to the Royal's District.
>>14297His family asked what was going on but Rye could not hear them. Instead he heads into the whole with the rest of the ponies following him. There sat upon an altar that had avoided the snake demon's body was the body of Spring Wheat. The ancestor was mostly skeletal but the mummified skin and hair was still intact with no color to it at all.
Should Rye touch it then he will regain what was lost.
>>14299Walking through the streets of Canterlot was much more lively than riding the train today. Ponies wearing fancy clothes and having posh accents surrounded them as they made their way up the city. Epic likely had not interest in this but still he would have to deal since this is where the knights were based at.
Eventually they make it to the outside of the Knights Barracks and Claymore stopped Epic quietly.
Claymore: "Epic Mount... I'm not so sure about this. What if Gold Grail... doesn't want to have anything to do with me anymore? I'm certain the other knights would be sick to the stomach to see my face in there."
>>14300Once he touched his ancestor, the real world vanished and he was now having another vision. There in the astral plane he saw a farmer pony holding onto a familiar pitchfork.
Spring Wheat: "I'm glad I finally get to meet you Summer Rye. The new owner of my Cutie Mark, you grew up well on my land and I'm proud of that."
>>14301The last time I met with Gold Grail, which would be the first after the fall of Stratus, his questions were mostly around you. He also asked me to investigate the ruins of Stratus, wile it was more of an investigation, I think he wanted me to find out more on what happened to you.
If he really doesn't want anything to do with you, why wouldn't he ask me of such things?
I recognise it in his eyes. He is depressed over the lost of his son. I believe it would do the both of you good to reconcile.
>>14302Spring Wheat: "Oh I've already found peace since I know that I as well as my son live on in the lives of our descendants such as yourself. Then again it seems that we are no longer connected as Tirek took us apart."
He holds out his hoof for Rye to reach to.
Spring Wheat: "Reach to me Rye and concentrate if you wish to take back your cutie mark. It is possible from the ebbs and flows of the magic embedded in the world."
>>14303He looks at Epic Mount and doesn't say anything but gives a nod in agreement. They step on inside and they see the knights were having their mid day meal. Gold Grail was overlooking them all as per usual and at first he doesn't notice the two entering in.
Gold Grail then looks up and sees him and he had to stop eating. He then gets up and approaches Claymore and all the other knghts notice what was going on.
Claymore: "Gold Grail... I..."
Claymore was interrupted as Gold Grail reached out and hugged him, a father who lost his son now reunited.
>>14305Everypony was shocked at this sight and they were unsure what to do about it. Gold Grail and Claymore stepped out of the room to talk about his reappearance. Now that this was going on Epic was likely to have some time to himself.
>>14306Spring Wheat: "Thank me later, we aren't out of the woods yet..."
Everything fades to white and then Rye finds himself back in the real world. Upon his flank was the familiar image that described him and his talents, his cutie mark.
>>14307Summer Rye gave a leap of joy as he noticed he had regained his cutie mark! Though he wandered what Spring Wheat meant by his last words...
He looked around to see if his family and Crit were there as well.
>>14309 they stood and all of them looked happy and proud of Summer Rye. His family safe, Akazar finally dead, and Rye having his Cutie Mark. Everything for him had worked out well and now for his family was the time to rebuild.
Crit: "Rye... you got it."
Winter Squash: "My son, you have done a great thing for us all and you have gotten your cutie mark back. I remember when you were just a little foal and now... now you've become something great."
Autumn Barley: "Let's go home Rye."
>>14308The room was filled with chatter and discussing what had happened. Aotle as well as Sapphire Pommel was there and they seemed confused as to what had happened.
Sapphire Pommel: "Why..."
She slams his hoof onto the table and gets up, silencing the rest of the knights.
Sapphire Pommel: "Why would you bring that traitor back here?! He tried to have us all killed and overthrow our princess."
Epic Mount can remember that this was the female knight who oversaw his entry into being a squire. Apparently she had not taken the betrayal as good as the rest of the knights.
>>14312Before they could move he could not walk well because of his leg injury, infact the joint was busted well out of place and Rye had to lean on Critical to get on out. Once done they can see that the ground of the surrounding land had turned from ash to the muddy brown earth fertile for farming. The plant and livestock were still dead and gone but the land had become much more suitable for crops. This was likely for the fact that Akazar's influence was now gone.
Winter Squash: "We're gonna rebuild it Rye, take back our home and make it even better. Do not worry, one day when all the troubles of the world are over you'll come back home to a place of familiarity and welcome like never before."
Later No.14314
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>>14310>>14311>Epic approches her.Yes what he did was wrong, but he did so under under his faith with Red Winter not for malicious interests.
Red Winter filled his head up with fluff and he believed the outcome favoured Equestria more than the means. He simply did not realise what he was doing was wrong.
Yes he lied to me and on Stratus he tried to kill me, but he fought with honour, he never wanted to give up his cause.
It was when Red Winter gave up on him and revealed she was the biggest, deceptive, meanie was when he gave up. But I knew that didn't make hima bad pony and tried to save him then.
As his former squire, he hurt me just as much as everyone in he betrayal. On Stratus he tried to kill me. But yesturday, he safved my life from a mad psychopath.
I forgive him. Red Winter scrambled his head with lies and he is sorry for his actions.
I'm not asking you all to forgive him, I understand you each need your own time for that. All I ask is for mercy on him. Let him earn back your trust than give him anger.
>>14314Sapphire Pommel: "Do not talk to me like that. You are still a squire and thus below me. You don't understand what that betrayal meant to us, meant to me. I... I lost ponies in that..."
She was starting to break at the seams as she raged at Epic.
Aotle: "Sapphire that's enough, you musn't act such a way in front of everyone else."
She just storms off not wanting to talk about this anymore.
Aotle: "Eh... don't worry about this too much. Sure not many knights are going to accept this but I'm sure with Gold Grail's approval they'll change their minds soon enough."
>>14315I'm sad to have upset her. I'm also sorry for all those she lost under her command/
But Sir Claymore was not the only knight that betrayed us. Many of us did.
We maybe responsible for the protection of Equestria, but we're still ponies. We still shit 'n bleed like everypony else.
But perhaps I was insensetive to her loss and forgot my place, I should apologize to her once she has time for herself.
>>14316Aotle: "Just be careful, you are still a lower level than her and she did lose some friends in the attack of Stratus. One wrong sentence and she may despise you forever."
She had already fled to her room and everpony else kept on waiting until Gold Grail and Claymore stepped back out of Gold Grail's office.
Gold Grail: "My order, I know that many of you are concerned with the return of my son given his prior actions. I would assure you that we will be keeping him here with us but he will not be a knight again yet. For now we will keep an eye on him and later determine whether or not he can return to our order."
Aotle: "For the best to be honest. A lot of the knights would be in uproar like Sapphire if Claymore immediately got his position back."
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>>14318They converse about this a little more and eventually every knight goes back to their rooms to rest up or prepare for one of their daily missions or go out and patrol the streets along with the Royal Guard. Aotle also had to leave but he said that he would be in the skies over Canterlot.
Talking about Epic's place in the knights would be a good idea to do now with Gold Grail.
Time for me to go. No.14323
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>>14313Summer Rye was overjoyed that there was now the chance for the farm to have a real future!
>>14320>>14324Epic Mount enters through the doors and he found Gold Grail talking with his foster son Claymore. It would seem that their reunion has lifted both of their spirits despite the Knight's situation.
Claymore: "Father... do you think that we can ever regain our former glory and good will from the rest of the ponies?"
Gold Grail: "I am certain that we will see that day come for us as much as you were able to come back to us."
They then notice Epic Mount had entered the room.
Gold Grail: "Ah Epic Mount I had wanted to talk to you and your presence here saves me the trouble of summoning you. We must discuss your accomlishments and your future within the order of Equestrian Knights.
>>14323There they stood over watching the land, still scarred and vacant of life here and Rye's home was now like a vital organ surgically removed from the body. Surely they will be able to recover but only after much long time and hard work.
This was not the first time though Rye's family line was once faced this task after Spring Wheat sealed away Akazar. The family has faced harship time and time again and they shall overcome as they have before.
Crit: "We better head on over to a doctor... that fight was a bit hard and damaged us both some."
It was true that they had been hurt and they should seek help soon.
>>14325Summer Rye eagerly nod, recalling that Crit had been badly hurt during the fight and surely they all would be in shock sooner than later - once they had time to think of what actually had happened.
Summer Rye urged Crit and his family to head on over to town and he sought out help there from a doctor.
>>14326Was expecting Epic to say something but since he was silent Gold Grail decided to continue talking.
Gold Grail: "Well you've been doing great things for our guild and have been a generally great service to Equestria. I feel that you are what knights should look to as an example so... it would make sense to raise your squire status to Knighthood."
Claymore: "We'll need a while to prepare the ceremony so in that time you can contact your friends and family about attending. Also it is tradition for squires to reflect on their past actions and meditate on their oaths and their future services. We'll talk more about that later."
>>14327They head on into town and they go to the nearest hospital to get treated. They also noticed that it was morning already and they had been fighitng Akazar throughout the night. After several hours both Critical and Rye were fully healed to the doctor's abilities.
Doc: "Well you two were scraped up pretty bad but you will make mostly a full recovery. As by standards of medicines I will go over your injuries that you suffered.
RyeMultiple Stab wounds (Giant Snake Fangs)
Intoxicated (Light Poisons.
Left Hind Leg joint destroyed (Can't fully heal)
With Rye messed up leg, he will have to continue to walk with a slight limp in his stride. It won't affect his performance but he can expect this to get worse with old age.
Stab Wounds (Giant Snake Fangs)
>>14328Summer Rye sighed as he heard the bad news about his leg. "I guess I'll be feeling every weather change when I'm getting older... but it was worth it."
He gave a weak smile at the doctor. "How long will it take for you to patch us up, Sir?"
>>14329Gold Grail: "Sounds good really. We will make sure things are prepared when you get back here."
Epic was now free to leave and move about his leisure.
>>14331Doctor: "Time will heal most wounds and we got you patched up the best we can so really you will have to rest it up some. Other than that maybe a day or two for the fatigue to go away."
The duo was released from their rooms and they were let out back into the streets to carry on their everyday lives. Since they were freed up, it would be a good idea to go back and meet up with Epic Mount in Ponyville.
They watched him bow twice... for some reason.
Claymore: "Eh... you got a lot to learn on the social part do you. Anyways we will see you some other time."
>>14338Before he can go over to Ponyville, he had to move about through the other districts of the city. He does this quickly, avoiding eye contact with other ponies. Eventually he makes it to the train station and he gets up to the conductor as usual.
Conductor: "Hey you're that hero pony. Off by yourself? Anyways a train ride will cost you 10 bits, are you interested?"
>>14340Epic Mount pays up for the ride and he boards the train for Ponyville.
Epic Bits: 479
The train ride was slow as usual as Epic rode in the normal train car with average ponies surrounding him. The attendant is going about asking everypony if they needed anything as she pushed a cart around that had snacks on it. As he sat there he can listen to some of the passengers talking...
Passenger A: "So I heard that some expeditionary group found some artifact of late."
Passenger B: "Yeah I heard that too. Apparently it's from some far away land and they will be transporting it by train."
Another group.
Passenger C: "So your brother... his cutie mark is missing too?"
Passenger D: "Yeah... I went to see him in the hospital and it was jam packed with other ponies just like him. The streets are also getting filled with blank flank ponies just wandering around aimlessly."
Passenger C: "I saw that in the papers. It's like they're not dead but not alive either."
Passenger D: "Hey... that's my brother you're talking about."
Yes the ride was gonna take some time but Epic could use the opportunity to get some rest or eat some food. He hadn't eaten yet all day and his stomach rumbled.
>>14342They just continue their murmuring and Epic doesn't pull anything new from it. He does however can see the front page of a newspaper that a stallion was reading as he sat across from him.
Head Line! Ponies Missing Cutie Marks
Many ponies are being found in hard to see places such as back alley ways and street corners. These ponies are adult but they are missing their cutie marks and they also seem to be tired and restless. Doctors have confirmed that this is not some version of the Pony Pox but rather something else more malignant of the magic orient. Hospitals have taken up to trying to help the ponies but a lot of them are released to family as there is nothing that can be done.
The estimated amount of ponies to have lost their cutie marks in this epidemic is about 2,500 poniesThe train ride comes to a close and they had reached ponyville.
>>14343Damn. I wouldn't be suprise if Celestia herself knows whats going on.
Gotta help my friends get their marks back then we can stop him.
>>14344They all offload the train and Epic Mount found himself in Ponyville's main square just outside of the Mayor's office. From there he had a great view of not only the market area but as well as the quaint Victorian style houses and even Sweet Apple Acres.
Ponies were bustling about as usual and despite all of the bad news Epic had been hearing it would seem Ponyville has been left untouched for now. That would mean that Tirek was probably off somewhere else in Equestria.
I don't know where Clarity is but I think I'm just gonna move Crit and Rye to Ponyville soon. No.14347
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>>14346He walks a short distance to reach sugar cube corner and finds that this area was busy and filled with ponies. Some families were out getting groceries, Big Mac and Granny Smith were selling apple products, and the Ponyville weather team had just flown in from their usual cloud busting routine.
Soon enough Epic Mount had bumped into both Critical Hit and Rye who had just come back from their adventure in saving Rye's farm.
Crit: "Ah there you are Epic Mount! We were able to Summer Rye's cutie mark back so all that's left if for me to get mine as well. After that we will have a much better chance in fighting Tirek."
Sorry Clarity but the story has to go on. No.14350
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>>14348>>14349Crit: "Hey! You seem to be in a better mood."
Epic could see that his friends were worn down from wear and tear. Whatever took Rye's farm had definitely given the party a run for their money but that didn't matter since they were successful.
Crit: "So now what... if I recall my ancestor should be located somewhere in Las Pegasus which is odd. I'm not sure where you would keep an ancient grave site in a metropolitan area meant for gambling. At least it explains why that place is so lucky after all."
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>>14350I have great news! I'm going to be knighted!
But it looks like you have a story to tell first before mine.
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>>14351Crit: "Oh yeah about Rye's farm. Well it would seem that an ancient Snake Demon was able to rise from a grave that Rye's ancestor put him in. We had to go down there and finally finish him off and we found out that Spring Wheat was also buried down there. After that we freed Rye's family and he got his cutie mark back but not without struggle. Rye was severely injured and his leg isn't as good anymore."
He went into a more positive tune.
Crit: "But look at you, you gonna finally become what you always wanted. After all the blood, sweat, and tears you finally made it. I just wonder when you'll go up in the ranks far enough to become a Knight Captain."
>>14352A Knights Captain? I dunno if theres any higher ranks than Knights and Gold Grails possition.
inb4 I end up taking Gold Grails jobBut there was more to it than that. If it wern't for Sir Claymores help, I would of survived hunting down that renegade knight slayer.
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>>14353I prolly should've mentioned that Sapphire Pommel, Aotle, and Claymore were or are rank of Knight Captains.Crit: "Sounds intense but I'm sure we will face much similar dangers in Las Pegasus when we go about asking where to find a lost ancient grave. Then again we might end up with facing some of my... old acquaintances there as well. It won't be my first time in Las Pegasus actually, you see a while back I stayed there with a group of less than reputable ponies. We may or may not have done some... cheating... and stealing back in the day."
It would seem Epic now has his answer as to why Critical was proficient in lockpicking.
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He didn't like how Epic described one of Critical's ancestors.
Crit: "Yes... well I wouldn't imagine the knights records will say anything that we don't... well more like I don't know already. Anyways I guess we can forego my cutie mark so we can do you knighting ceremony."
Time for me to go. No.14357
>>14356We're not foregoing. I mean, do we know exactly
where in Las Pegas he is buried?
But if you think getting to Las Pegas right away is best then we will. I can wait a few more days to be a knight.
Laterz. No.14358
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>>14357Crit: "No... we should head on up to the Knighting ceremony. I'm pretty sure it will take place tomorrow and we are sitting in the afternoon so we have some time to do things around town. I do need to finish working on my enchanted dice and we I would like to do some odd jobs and relic hunting to earn some money."
>>14358Oh, OK, if you're sure. I'm sure the scribes would offer you something to do they can spare some cash for or something around Canterlot.
If the scribes can't help us find where we need to go, then somewhere in Canterlot might.
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>>14359Crit: "Right but before we go I think we should go look at some air balloons so that we can buy one and avoid train fees. I'm sure none of us can afford one by ourselves but if we pool our currencies together we might be able to get one."
He points over near the trains and how there was a field of air balloons and pilots ready for launch. Surely there will be at least one for sale that the party can use.
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Crit: "The princess? Sure... maybe if she doesn't charge three hooves and a full mane!"
He was smiling of course as he was just over exaggerating the fact that Twilight was royalty.
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>>14365>>14366Crit: "Eh... oh well I say lets go talk to Twilight then. If we can get a lone on an air balloon then it will make travel to Las Pegasus much easier. Of course after we do our thing in Canterlot. Anyways are we ready to go out?"
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>>14367"I'm ready. La Pegasus sounds fun."
>>14367SUre, I'm ready. They're waiting for us.
>>14368We're going to Canterlot first. I'm going to be knighted.
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>>14368>>14369They started to head on out and they went over to Twilight's Castle and head and find her just outside as she was about to go shopping. They could tell she was about to leave as she had a shopping list and empty saddle bags.
Twilight: "Oh Epic Mount you and your friends are here. It's always nice to see you are all safe. Is there anything you needed?"
>>14370Yes, oh! I want to invite you and your friends to my knighting ceromony too!
Um, I mean, we would like to borrow your hot air balloon, so that we can travel to Canterlot and then Las Pegas afterwards.
I'm going to be knighted!
I wonder if Celestia will knight him or Gold Grail?And we do have important business in Las Pegas. We're not going to goof off.
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>>14370"Hello, Twilight. We were wondering if we could borrow your balloon. We need a fast means of travel to get to Canterlot and then to Las Pegasus."
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>>14371>>14372Twilight: "Oh Epic Mount that's great news to hear but Las Pegasus... Well I'm sure you three are on important business. The balloon is hitched up behind my house and you are free to use it if you want."
Crit: "Thanks Twilight."
Twilight: "You're welcome Mister Hit. Just do be careful out there with it, I don't want you all getting hurt by falling out. None of you are able to fly so Critical it will be up to your teleknesis to keep your friends aboard. I'm sure you can handle it too, I've noticed your magic's ability."
The little stallion scratches the back of his head unsure of what to say.
Crit: "Yeah. Anyways we better be off."
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>>14373I know Las Pegas is suppose to be this "fun" place, but we really need to go there on business.
Thanks Twilight. I hope you and your friends will be there for my ceromony.
>>14374Twilight: "Yeah I'll be sure to let everypony know and have them get up to Canterlot as soon as we can."
She goes ahead and leaves with a good bye so that she can do her shopping in the market, most likely to visit the Apple family's stand. After that the party head behind Twilights castle and finds that the balloon was infact situated there and just about ready to launch. It would need a few things to get ready but it will not take long.
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>>14375Dude awesome!
>Jumps in the basket.Not as spacious as our original balloon, but we're only borrowing it.
>Epic had an idea as his face light up.We should get a blimph!
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>>14375Summer Rye climbed into the balloon as well.
"Do you guys know how this thing works?"
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>>14378"I have no recollection of how that worked."
>>14379It was easy. All you had to do was... to- um....
Show us Critical!
>>14376>>14377>>14378Crit: "Epic I can't afford no damn blimp. Anyways getting this thing in the air isn't too hard."
Critical primed the engine and cut loose the the ropes holding the balloon to the ground. Soon enough they were up in the air and floating up towards canterlot. The journey was gonna take a while and the party noticed that they were a bit hungry.
Crit: "Oh it runs on a 3 ton nuclear engine."
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>>14382>>14383Critical goes into a lengthy explanation after a sigh when they believed his nuclear engine joke. they keep on flying and after several windy hours they make it to the city of Canterlot and land down into the sky docks. From there they had the balloon parked and tucked away and they were free to move about. By now it was the evening and things were starting to get dark while the sun was setting and striking the sky with a reddish glow.
Crit: "I haven't had anything to eat today and I am starving. Lets go to the shops and find a place to sit down."
>>14384Summer Rye smiled. "Wow, that's a great explanation. Thanks, Crit!"
>>14388>>14389Crit: "I can go for that."
They head on into the eatery abd found that it was run by a bunch of griffon serving favorites of the Griffonian empire of old.
Chef: "Hiya how can I help you ponies. We got the pizza's, baguettes, spaghetti and much a more!"
Eating here will cost a total of 6 bits for each pony.
>>14391>>14392Crit: "My own bowl of spaghetti will do fine... like how my mom always fixed."
They all pay for their meals and now have to time to sit down, eat, and talk.
Crit Bits: 300
Epic Bits 473
Rye Bits: 78 had been a long time since they were able to just relax but the impending future was not far off from their minds despite the relaxing air about them. epic's knighting will be tomorrow and it was a call for struggle in the times to come. They will need to delve into ancient places for Critical and then go find out where Tirek is and lure him back to the Umberfoal.
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>>14393"Do you know anything in detail about thos 'ancient places'?"
>>14394Crit: "No I was born just outside of Baltimare. I did stay in Las Pegasus for a while and hooked up with some ponies who knew how to get money."
>>14395Crit: "Not too much other than the remains of whatever Even Trot turned into are there. I think though in the end he was felled by Maredenkainen since Sir Squire was killed in the Everfree."
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Crit: "Well it surely isn't the kind of thing that would be smiled upon but there are plenty of con artists in Las Pegasus. I did partake in it but... that all ended and I got out of the city as soon as I could."
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>>14399Crit: "I do and they live up near Baltimare. I just left because every pony in my family become journey mages so that we can apply our arts in a more practical way and learn even more than just studying books. I just sorta... eh... took a detour. Traveling with you guys though have made me into a much more accomplished magician though so I'm thankful for that."
>>14400Crit: "Yeah mostly..."
It would seem that they finished up their meals and they were ready to head on out. Where they went though was up to them.
>>14402Crit: "Hmm..."
He puts down his bowl now it being empty bar that of the residing tomato sauce.
Crit: "I wonder how all of this is gonna end. Fighting Tirek will be the most dangerous thing we will ever face in our lives."
>>14402>>14403We'll call it here today. No.14405
>>14403See you later.>>14404I'm gonna use this miniture crucible on him. I imagine we'll need to weaken him first.
But I noticed something, when we get our cutie marks back, we don'#t just "gwt them back", we become more powerful and wiser than before. I mean look at me, do I look like the pony I was before? Ancient sword, rugged cape, badass look? Sure I'm missing an eye but do I look like somepony to mess with in a fight?
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>>14405>>14403>>14404Shit I just forgot that!Rye could feel that he was stronger as well and had a few new tricks up his sleeve.
Farmer's Hospitality 3/3
Rye can smack his hooves into the ground and immediately grow healing herbs around himself and his friends that will restore HP based on his farming roll.
Crit: "Yeah I've noticed that as well I mean, we're much more stronger than what we actually look like though. I noticed you can carry yourself more skillfully... maybe it has to do with the re connection with our ancestors.
>>14407Your new skill goes as follows.Knight Wall: Your character can defend the entire party for their turn and any attacks made against them will have your Defend Stat added onto it until the beginning with your next turn. Basically he jumps around with lightning reflexes to help save his friends.
>Back to the story.They stay in Canterlot and spend the rest of the day there. Eventually they have to stay in the Knight's Barracks in Epic's Room. As morning rises they are all awakened by the noise of a voice calling for them to meet up in the main hall down below.
>>14409When done they got ready and headed on downstairs to where they saw a congregation of knights and Gold Grail along with Claymore. Once they met together for the ceremony they began to talk to each other.
Gold Grail: "You're ready? That's good. Before we go I must first explain what will happen. We will all first move together and head on over to the Princesses Castle in the Royal District. After that we will march to the throne room where Celestia and Luna will name you knight for us. Do mind that this is a public event as well so try to be on best behavior... especially your friends."
Critical forcibly coughs to cover up his quick laugh.
Claymore: "It won't require too much on your part but be sure to move with the appropriate ques, most importantly when Celestia calls for you to kneel before her."
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>>14411Gold Grail: "At first glance yes but if we show that Celestia supports us then the citizens of Equestria will lessen their negative disposition to us. Ponies love Celestia after all. Also if it weren't public then your friends wouldn't be able to attend anyways."
>>14412Thats true. And thank you for allowing my friends to attend.
I also asked Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends to attend if that is alright.
>>14415They marched on over to the castle, the knights formed two columns behind Epic with him at the front along with Gold Grail. They were all wearing special white robing along with their armor to give off a more official look to them. There was a small band playing within the castle and all the knights can hear it more and more as they got closer.
Can't find a good song at the moment.Eventually the doors were opened for them and they proceeded inside into the throne room where Celestia and Luna stood over a crowd of ponies who had cleared a way for them to get up to the thrones. Epic can see Fluttershy and the rest of the mane 6 at the front side of the room with the rest of the audience smiling at him, they were able to make it.
Now that they were here, Epic would first have to approach Celestia but not get close and let her speak first.
>>14417He wasn't supposed to bow before her yet and Claymore motioned for him to get back up.
Celestia: "Ponies of Equestria, I welcome you to an important event that we are about to witness today. A hero among us has devoted his life to the Equestrian Knights and has proven himself to be risen from Squire status to Knight status."
Luna: "This pony is named Epic Mount. He along with his friends not only stopped a large crime wave, they have also stopped an usurpation from taking place. He has proven himself a great ally to us all."
Both sister pull out very well decorated and ceremonious looking swords. Celestia's was pearlish white and Luna's was black but beautiful with dark blues mixed in.
This would be the time for Epic to kneel before them.
>>14419Everfree is not any sort of community to protect so he will still be an Equestrian Knight. He can take up a title of Everfree Knight as a nickname of sorts.Both sister place their swords gently on Epic's shoulders.
Celestia: "Epic Mount, you are a brave pony and shining example to all. A beacon of heroism and a devout follower of Friendship. Through your efforts you have stood up against impossible odds where many would have faltered but your courage and tenacity always had proven true."
They lead the swords over his head and put them down onto his other shoulder.
Luna: "For your efforts we now recognize you and your new authority as an Equestrian Knight. From this day on you are a new pony dedicated in their service to this land. Rise Epic Mount, Rise Knight of Equestria."
>>14421Shortly after he does this everypony in the room clapped their hooves and cheered for him. In their eyes a new hero has been born and that may has been true. Through this Epic Mount has now fully realized his life goal and is now ready to help ponies in a new way. His bonds to the land and the rest of the ponies in Equestria has been reinforced.
His friends were stand there when he turned around, smiling at him proud of how far he has come. They all new it has been a long way for him and now it is finally done in proper.
What was left was to finally face off with Epic's last demon, Tirek. That will be so soon but where Tirek could be found was unknown.
>>14423He marches back out with the rest of the knights and eventually the rest of the audience leaves as well. They all get together outside of the castle.
Twilight: "Epic Mount you finally became a knight! We're so proud of you."
Crit: "Ah I knew he was always gonna be a knight, just a matter of time."
Crit breaking the 4th wall No.14425
>>14424Hewnse forth I shall be known as "Sir Epic Mount of Everfree".
>Raise Sir Squire's sword....
Or just Epic to my friends.
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>>14425Twilight: "Well you most certainly earned it."
Crit: "Don't expect me to call you sir... still though a night of drinking and celebration is in order."
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>>14426>[Banter]Don't worry. Even though I am technically your superior in authority... I won't let it get to my head.
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>>14427[Chaotic][Short Fuse]
He huffs at this not liking the idea.
Crit: "Yeah well I never cared about authority or hierarchy."
Critical was still proud but its doubtful that he will ever take Epic's Knighthood actually serious.
Crit: "Well then... its a happy day and we should do what you want in order to celebrate. Anything you wanted to do?"
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>>14428We could celebrate if you all want... how about a trip to Las Pegas and make it all the more while to celebrate once we get your cutie mark?
>>14429Crit: "Ah ha I see what you want to do. Yeah we can head on over there now."
Twilight: "Since my balloon is already here we can take that there if you all want. It might be a bit crowded."
Fluttershy is there if you want to control her. No.14431
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>>14430I would talk to her, but be awkward with me doing my own conversation. Unless you wanna RP as Fluttershy for a bit.Hello Fluttershy.
I-I'#m a knight now.
>>14431I dunno I'm like really tired right now. I kinda just wanna go to sleep rn, still gonna keep going.Fluttershy: "Las Pegasus... sounds a bit too exciting."
Crit: "We do need to go on over there so we better go anyways. Are we all ready?"
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>>14432U-um, we can.. talk later Fluttershy. I mean, unless... you want to come with us.
>Epic just realised how awkward such a request was. after all were they expect to share a hotel room or something?We can RP up to a checkpoint if you want to stop for now. No.14434
>>14433Fluttershy: "Well I might as well go with you so that we can make sure Critical can get his cutie mark."
Crit: "Okay then, lets head on off."
They head on down to the skydock and they prepare to leave from there. Once in the sky they all headed on down to Las Pegasus.
It's actually time for me to go. Got work and all. No.14438
>>14435I think that I'm feeling better today.Fluttershy: "Well yeah. You might need my help during your trip and this should be much safer for me rather than going through ancient caves and fighting spiders."
Not sure if Twilight should go too.As their ride continues they eventually find that they have arrived at Las Pegasus. The city was lively, especially that of when it was getting late at night. Lights flickered on and off on occasion in the building windows, music played happy tunes in the streets, and other aircraft came to land and leave.
Crit: "Wow... it's just like how I remember it."
>>14438Perhaps if Twilight and her friends come with, then if you feel it neccisary then Fluttershy can go off with her friends when needed.>BlushesOK.
But keep in mind while we are going to celebrate my ceromony, we're also there to get Criticals cutie mark back. Feels right to hit two birds with one stone, but Criticals thing is top priority.
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>>14439They manage to touch down at the skydocks of the city and they all load off of the balloon. Ponies from far and wide have come to see the many attractions of the town and gamble away their fortunes. Nobody knew why this place was so related to luck but the heroes knew, they knew that it was because of Critical's ancestor's presence the cause.
From where they stood they can see the popular hotel run by Flim and Flam. If they head on over there they can probably ask around as to where to look around.
>For Crit???: "This retreat shall work for me... work for me while I recover. My sister may have wounded me but this old sky fort shall act as a temporary home while I hide away..."
Critical can feel a subtle pain on his chest like as if he had been hit by a magical bolt.
>>14440Hold on, is it sdafe for me and Rye to walk on these clouds? Wouldn't we fall?
>Noticed Critical was in pain.Crit!
>Jumps out onto the cloud to go over to him.Are you OK?
>>14441 of the areas have large stone walk ways for them.
Crit: "I'm fine... I probably haven't gotten used to the height or something. That basket was a bit cramped after all."
He seemed mostly fine and the pain was just minor but Epic could probably guess that this was the case of him being so close to his ancestor.
The ponies marched on into town with Fluttershy and Twilight. From there Twilight regaled to them how there was a friendship problem here with one of the casinos. Fluttershy kept quiet and stood close to Epic as they made their way through the city streets. Vendors called out to them to buy useless but pretty looking souvenirs. Families lined up along fountains or statues to take vacation photos, blinding nearby ponies with the camera flash.
Eventually they made it to the Flim and Flam hotel where they looked to be doing some construction to take down what looked to be a rollercoster that would ride through the hotel itself.
Crit: "Aw they're taking this down?"
Twilight: "Focus Critical, we need to gather information about the history of this place so that we can have a clue to where Even Trot may be."
>>14442Information? Oh no!
>Facehoof.I forgot to ask the scribes for any information on Crits ancestor before we left off. If I asked, we'd probably know where to look by now.
>>14443Twilight: "Don't worry. If we ask around like we're tourists then we will be able to find what we are looking for."
Crit: "I agree. The hotel looks nice but it may be a bit crowded. Are you ready to head on inside?"
Fluttershy being a bit nervous, she clutches onto Epic Mount.
>>14444>Epic blushes a little and holds her.Yeah. Let's head inside.
But is it wise to ask around? I mean how would you feel if somepony asked where the resting place of a great evil rest? Someponies may not want such evil disturbed, especially somewhere joy filled as Las Pegas.
>>14445Crit: "If you ask the right question then you'll get the right answer."
They enter the building and things were running as per the regular with the hotel of ponies being logged into hotel records, going out to the eating area, looking over the small attractions of games or heading over to the theater. It did not take long for the Hotel owner Flim and Flam to catch notice of them mostly because of Twilight and Fluttershy being there.
Flim: "Twilight!"
Flam: "It's been so long since we last seen you."
Flim: "Care to catch one of our shows in the theater?"
Flam: "Since you have about 5 ponies about you we can let you off with the amazing deal to charge you for ten tickets!"
It would seem that they are still up to their usual hi jinks so don't let them take advantage of you.
>>14447Since Epic wasn't going to ask anything then Critical went and took lead.
Crit: "Hey we're on vacation but we don't know too much about the area here. Right now we're interested in visiting the more historical sights of Las Pegasus."
Flim: "Oh but that's so boring, surely one of our theatrical events will be much more entertaining."
Crit: "I'm sure it would be but I figure we kill some time before we see one of those plays you got."
The two brothers would have to ponder this and see if they were willing to give up that info for them.
Flim Mind
1d12 = 3Flam Mind
1d12 = 1 VS
Crit Charm
1d8 = 2Epic Charm
1d10 = 5They must beat both Flim and Flam in order to succeed.
>>14448With Epic Mount being there they were able to get some information out of the two brothers.
Flam: "Well there is the Las Pegasus fountain located at the center of the city that comes to mind. It's giant and the size of a large pool. A great place to check out if you want, there's also the Pegas Casino right in front of it if you feel like playing some cards."
>>14450They parted ways and Critical spoke up in a more eager tone.
Crit: "So some sort of big fountain in front of the Pegas Casino. I've been there before but I never thought I'd be back. Anyways that's a good place as any to go to so we can head on over there now if we want to."
>>14451Sounds good, if you're sure thats where we'll find what we're looking for.
Then again our ancestors have all been found closer to home than we expected.
>>14452Crit: "I don't know but it will be a start at least."
They head on over and they were greeted with an amazing sight of the fountain. It was indeed the size of a swimming pool with beautiful mare statues pouring water into the body of water with their vases. Many ponies stood around it or were just getting by it so that they can head on into the casino.
Before they could ask around here they can hear a voice speak to them from behind.
???: "Well if it isn't Critical? I thought we made it clear you weren't welcome here anymore."
They turn around and see that it was rough looking pony accompanied by two more by his side. They wore similar clothing and had a particular disdain for Crit.
Gangster A: "Last time we saw you we were sending your body down the falls on the east side of the city, can't believe the weather team wasted their time saving your life."
Gangster B: "I still can't believe you got yourself caught by the cops and they got information on our gang as a result."
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>>14454Time for me to goCrit: "They're some old friends of mine. Just part of some gang that has no leader or direction. After I got rescued I got out of town as quick as I could."
Gangster A: "Well putting you down once and for all will bring the lot of us some joy."
They seemed to be itching for a fight so they would have to be careful. The party could fight them and it would be easy to dispatch some unruly ponies. Or perhaps they can try some charm here.
>>14455These chumps don't read the news much.
>[Awkward] Puts on a bad gangsta rapper accent.You fools be itchin'. Criticals onna us now. We're the Ever Three and we can trake you down harder than Stratus. You dig?
>>14456He tries his best at intimidation.
Epic Charm
1d10 - 1 = 9 VS
Gangster A Mind
1d6 = 2Gangster B Mind
1d6 = 4Gangster C Mind
1d6 = 2 No.14458
>>14457Seeing how strong looking Epic was, they changed their tune quick.
Gangster A: "What...? A nice accent you got there..."
Another pony approaches wearing a black jacket with pauldrons tied to his shoulders. He looked like he carried some weight with the gangsters and Critical looked like he knew him.
Crit: "Fast Swipe? Is that you?"
Fast Swipe: "Crit I wasn't expecting to see you here. Alright boys leave us be we got business to talk to. Go up to the sky docks and see if you can con any of the tourists."
The gangsters leave them and Fast Swipe stood in their place, he seemed friendly but his face was stern and he was not getting any closer.
>>14459You know your character is allowed to talk right? It's okay to ask the new NPC a question.Crit: "Fast Swipe... last I saw you you were getting sent to jail."
Fast Swipe: "Fault was with you for getting us caught. Took to long on opening that safe I say. I don't think though you came here for pleasantries though. You cutie mark is missing."
Crit: "Yeah... I need to find the grave of my ancestor and we believe that it is hidden away here in Las Pegasus."
Fast Swipe: "I wouldn't know too much about that to be honest. Sorry kiddo."
Crit: "That's fine. We just need to check out some of the older places around town."
Fast Swipe: "Oldest place I know is actually standing right in front of you. The Pegas Casino has been here since the town was founded. Every pony that goes in there loses all their bits and are cast aside into that alley to the left of the building. If you check out the place you may learn more."
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>>14460R-i-i-ight. So let me get this straight.
You have no qualms with some botch job that landed you and your gang in prison. You're acting everything is all buddy-buddy with the guy you blame for the botch job and you want us to go down an old alleyway behind a building.
How about we save you the trouble and slit our own throats if you think we're gullible to fall for that.
>>14461Fast Swipe: "It was dirty business and I couldn't stop what had happened to Crit those years back. Look I don't wanna see you get hurt, I brought you up and taught you what you know but I don't want you to be here and longer than you have too. I also heard about all the work you guys been doing of late, especially with Stratus. I'm smart enough to set aside my grievances for a short time to help Equestria stay propped up and it seems that your small party is the key."
Crit: "I still remember when you picked me up from the Sky Docks and took me in. I'm still not sure if that was for the best though."
Fast Swipe: "It got you money and skill, everypony knows the dangers that come with it."
>>14462Critical. I don't fully trust this guy. I mean "what bad things ever happen in alleyways?". I think we should see if Las Pegas has a local library, town hall or anywhere we can find more liable information on what we're looking for.
But as much as I'm getting bad vibes from all this, you know this guy more than me,so I trust your call on this matter.
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>>14463Fast Swipe: "I understand why you are cautious, heck maybe you would have what it takes to make a good thief one day. Anyways do what you will, I will be heading back on over to the Skydocks and hang around there if you need to find me... or don't."
He leaves and the party was left up to do what they wanted.
Crit: "I knew the guy, he'd toss you up into a heck of a mess by it always ended good for you. We don't have to check out the alley way but we should probably head on inside the Casino itself if it is really that old."
>>14465>"heck maybe you would have what it takes to make a good thief one day.">He knows that waws suppose to be c ompliment even if he felt insulted at the thought.Yeah. If the casino has a hotel we should book with that also.
>To TwilightWhat will you lot be doing?
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>>14466Been working up late so I'm gonna put in this post if I can. Hope you can see this if that Net Neutrality went through.Twilight: "We'll probably go looking around and see if we can learn anything new and perhaps keep an eye out for those dangerous ponies so you can at least get a heads up before getting jumped. Fluttershy might want to stay with you though since this place can be dangerous apparently."
Crit: "Best to keep an eye out ourselves. Anyways lets head on inside."
>>14470>>14471Did the EU take away your internets?They head on into the casino and they are greeted with a three story room filled with ponies sitting down at tables playing gambling games such as black jack, poker, slots, and roulette. Many ponies were going about in fancy attire, looking like an idealistic painting so much so that the party in their ragged armors stood out like a sore thumb. Aside from getting some looks they can see a group of guards taking a pony out from the grounds while the most high class pony talking to the pony getting kicked out.
???: "You've stayed here too long and you accrued too much debt. Go on and leave now."
The pony was then escorted out to the back alley and was left alone. Before they take him out they can see that the stallion had no cutie mark.
>>14472>Looking at all these fancy ponies reminded him of the time that "blue blooded" humiliated him for being different to the upper-class snobs.>Epic sees the poor guy being kicked out and sees if he can help him in order to have some information.>He goes up to them[Banter]
Wait, are you saying you allowed an under-aged blank-flank pony in to play to begin with?
>>14473The pony being kicked out was actually a full grown stallion. The lack of a cutie mark on him indicated that he must've been one of the victims of Tirek that they had been hearing about. It was already too late to stop the stallion from being thrown out but Epic still confronted the Casino Boss.
Mr Pegas: "Oh sorry you had to see that. I'm afraid that he had gambled away all of his money and has gone deep into debt. Anyways I am Mr Pegas, the owner of this casino."
He gives them a friendly nod, he was charming and friendly looking. Mr Pegas acted like the party was good friends
Mr Pegas: "Now then. How can I help you all?"
>>14474>Epic felt wsorry for the pony who was kicked out, but it appeared the bouncers he tried to fool were not into his game.Well, we would like to know the history of your casino, especially of the land it was constructed on before it was a casino, if you have any history on it.
You could say we're enthusiastic on the history of Las Pegas landmarks.
>>14475Mr Pegas: "Historical Enthusiasts?"
He was skeptical of this seeing how many of them were scarred, battle torn, armed to the teeth ponies. Even though he did not believe Epic, Mr Pegas did not openly call him out.
Mr Pegas: "Well the history of my establishment is no secret my good sir. You see my great grandpa found this floating cloud mass and settled down on it. After that through hard work and ingenuity a small community was built upon his land and soon enough Las Pegasus was created. This building you are standing in used to be a small villa that my great granddad built and over time he converted it into the most successful casino in Equestria."
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>>14477Mr Pegas: "No I'm sorry I can't help you there. You know though if you feel like trying your hoof at my tables then that is something we can do. Other than that I have business to attend to but please enjoy your stay here."
Mr Pegas and his guards leaves, taking an elevator up to the top floor presumably to go to the penthouse. From there the party would have to decide what to do next.
Crit: "Seems like we're getting no where here. That pony though that was taken out, he had no cutie mark. Maybe he knows something about Tirek or what is going on." No.14479
>>14478I agree. I wanted to talk to him. Besides. I dunno how tp play cards.
I guess we're going in that alleyway anyway.
>Hopes won't get ambushed by Criticals old crew as he predicts. No.14480
>>14479They head on outside and they move to the left to enter the alley way. What they soon saw shocked them, there laying about blanketed in the moonlight and the street lights were 10-20 ponies devoid of life. All of them depressed, their colors faded away and they hardly seemed to notice the party.
Before anything could be said, the stallion who was kicked out grabbed a hold of Epic's leg in desperation.
Stallion: "Please... I need a few bits. I lost my cutie mark and I can't work."
All the ponies in the alley were missing their cutie marks as well. Tirek has been busy of late.
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U-um, whats going on here! Why are all these ponies here in the filth and not in a hospital?
>It was obvious Epic Mount did not know of this word.And Mr. Pegas cheats?
>>14484Hm... suspicious.
>To Critical, Rye and the others.I think we need to do some undercover work, try to get in and see what we can find out more on Mr. Pegas. I have a gut-feeling that his 'bout of magical luck may have something to do with the tomb of... the tomb of... yeah.
>To Twilight.Twilight, is there any... princessy thing you can do to help these ponies? These ponies shouldn't be lying in a filthy alley with nopony to care for the.
>The the pony they met.I can spare you 50 bits. Will also give an extra 50 bits if you can help us.find what we're looking for here at this casino.
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>>14485Crit: "Of Even Trot, my ancestor and original keeper of my Cutie Mark."
Pretty sure Twilight is out and about in town getting information. Anyways for the markless ponies, they can't get any help because there are just so many of them. The alley way here is not the only place where they will linger and it is like this in every major city now.Stallion: "50 bits? That'll keep us fed for weeks if we spend it wisely. I don't know much to help you but I can tell you that if you go up into the penthouse you can reach Mr Pegas's room and try to look around there. The guards though won't take a liking to that and will attack on site if you are caught on the penthouse level."
Crit: "If we're careful we can hitch a ride on that elevator we saw Mr Pegas took."
>>14487Stallion: "They won't let me in but I can tell you what to expect on the Penthouse level. In the hall there will always be three guards posted at all time, on in center and one each to the west and east. There are also three rooms to go in, the supply closet, the meeting room, and Mr Pegas's bedroom. The bedroom is where you will need to go but it has a guard stationed at the door at all times. If you can, try to make it into the supply closet and move about in the ventilation. It should be big enough for a pony to fit into."
Crit: "Best to not make a scene then or else we may not be able to find what we need. Crawling through the penthouse level vents will be our best option for this then."
Time for me to go. No.14489
>>14488Thank you. 50 bits and another 50 bits for the help.
>Gives him 100 bits.Just... don't gamble it away. I know my generosity isn't a permanant sollution butgambling isn't the answer.
>Epic looks over to the alleyway and can't help but feel deeply sorry for these ponies lying in the filth. No.14492
>>14489Sorry I'm late, I stayed up to 7am doing school work.Epic Bits 373
The markless ponies thank Epic over and over and they all get up to head off and get food. The party then leaves the alley and were now back in front of the casino again.
Crit: "Why give them so much money? We kind of need all that in case we need to go get supplies one day."
Critical wasn't angry or upset with Epic Mount but rather genuinely confused to his actions.
>>14492I'll admit, perhaps wreckless of me to give them that much money, I just felt really bad for them.
They're cast out onto the streets like lesser ponies because nopony can help them get their marks back, not even themselves. And somehow Tirek is being more subtle stealing magic from ponies so somehow most of those ponies do not even know who did this to them.
My money will not help them, but hopefully defeating Tirek will.
Come to think of it, how is Tirek drawing magic without being noticed? Direct presence is somewhat required for his consuming power.
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>>14493Crit: "Maybe they do know Tirek got them, we didn't ask them after all. Then again didn't the first time Tirek did this it was only until a long time after it was discovered to be him? Anyways we should prolly get a hold of a newspaper but only after we got my cutie mark in this casino."
The lights and musics still played and illuminated the area. Now though there was a sense of danger as the party would have to infiltrate the penthouse floor, having a chance to get caught up in a fight.
Crit: "You ready to head on inside? We will have to take the elevator in the lobby."
>>14495They head on inside and they find themselves in the fancy lobby area again. Instead of looking around though they immediately head on over to the elevator and take it without while avoiding any potential protest from the nearby bouncers.
The ride up was short and they make it up to the pent house floor separated from the rest of the casino. From where they stood they were in the middle of a long hallway. 1 guard was to the left at the end of the west side and two to the east. If they wanted to climb through the ventilation then they would have to get into the supply closet and avoid the 1 guard.
>>14497None of the exhausts here would let them open up from this side but the one in the supple closet was meant to do maintenance. They would have to go down the hall but luckily there were decorative white columns lining along the walls so that it would go well with the red design of the area.
Stealth here will be key but perhaps they can make some sort of distraction. Not only could they go left or right but there was also the meeting room they can go into if they wanted.
>>14501I think we should try and get into the vents. It be wreckless to sneak into a meeting room without knowing if a meeting is going on.
>To the supply closet.I've been carrying this old doll since Stratus, I was thinking we could use it for a distraction.
>>14502They make their way and they both quickly get behind a nearby column with the lone guard about a few feet away from them.
Crit: "If you got an idea with that doll then I hope you know what you are doing then."
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>>14503Hm... how good are you at "magic puppets"?
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>>14504Crit: "My levitation is on point so I will be able to control the doll with great precision but what do you want me to do exactly?"
>>14506Crit: "Well I would attack it personally but I think the guard will have a different reaction."
He goes and tries to work the puppet with his magic.
Crit Mind
1d20 = 16 Tele
1d20 = 5 VS DC 10
>>14507With some concentration, Critical was able to get the doll to walk out from behind their cover. The guard sees it and he panicks and starts to run for the elevator and not see the party.
Guard: "I knew this place had some creepy magics to it but I didn't expect this, I'm out!"
The other guards catch notice of his screaming and they try to stop and calm him down at the elevator. Critical leapt the doll back over to Epic Mount so that they can hurry on up.
Crit: "Come on, the door is clear now."
>>14509I gotta go soon anyways.They quickly head on inside the closet and they can find themselves surrounded by a number of cleaning supplies, chemicals, mop, broom, and much more to keep this place in tip top shape. They can also see a large vent on the wall that can easily be opened and would let even Epic Mount fit through. Noticeably on the ventilation panel they can see the phrase printed on it,
Maintenance Only.
>>14511Epic looks around but he only finds the most mundane and mostly ineffective cleaners you can buy in Equestria. The mops and brooms didn't make good conversation either seeing that they were useless in the current situation that the party was in. Eventually they do find some things that may be useful in the future... and something cool if you like chemicals.
Cleaning Kit 3/3 (Helps clean something up)
Acid Clean 1/1 (Cleans anything that is dirt or organic material. Does 1d4 DMG to the user if not using a cleaning kit for safety.)
>>14513"Acid Clean" might come in handy.
>Takes.I wonder if the Cleaning Kit can be mixed with any other chemicals for a volatile result? Pity I dunno enough on chemisty or the matter.
>>14514Crit: "Better not try it then, you'll like be left with chemical burns and missing patches on your coat."
After that being said they both go ahead and load up into the ventilation shaft and start to crawl through it as quietly as they could. Inside they were surrounded by dark stuffy metal that soon made them felt ablaze with their breathing. There wasn't much room to move about either and the only way to go is forwards or backwards.
Eventually they find themselves above the the Meeting Room which they can confirm by looking through a nearby grate. Below them they can see Mr Pegas moving about the room with papers, setting them up at the various seats on the large table. Seems that he was preparing for a meeting.
They can continue to watch but if they keep going then they will soon be over Mr Pegas's bedroom.
>>14515Good thing Summer Rye isn't here, his fear of caves may make his claustrophobic.
Where is Rye anyway?
Clarity is set to Snooze last time I checked.>Epic decides to continue to watch. They might learn something. No.14517
>>14516I just figure he isn't playing anymore. I do keep his character with us just in case but if we go through the campaign without him then canonically Rye left the party to help rebuild his family farm after getting his cutie mark back.Mr Pegas finishes up setting the papers down and he reaches into a nearby cooler and pulls a bottle of vodka out. He then starts to speak to himself.
Mr Pegas: "Buying this last casino will surely be a boon for my business. I just can't believe this place's good luck and its all thanks to... him down there."
Mr Pegas then leaves hopefully downstairs to meet his future guests.
>>14517I don't wanna replace him, but if we do need a third for "The Ever Three", a pegasus would be ideal to balance the team.
But I don't really find the deep friendship Critical and Epic have for Rye can just "happen" wirth the first pegasus we meet.
Plus, I think it be unfair to fire Clarity from the RP.That didn't taught us anything.
Let's go to the bedroom and see if we can drop down.
>>14518I mean I'm not firing Clarity from the RP, I've been keeping his character on hold for him to return if he so chooses to do so. Other than that its so late into the RP that I doubt that we would be able to pull anyone new until maybe after the Tirek arc is done or we start a new campaign.Crit: "We at least know we got some time to get in and find what we need."
They make their way through the vents until they made it into the bedroom. It was clear from what they could tell and our sneaky heroes drop into the unguarded private room. From there they can that the decor here was quite high end and upperclass. Red curtains draped the walls, a double sized bed, a desk with what looks to be a book with no descriptive cover, a dresser to the right, and lastly there was a wall safe next to the bed but this was surely locked.
Crit: "We're here now but we gotta be quiet or else we will alert the guard just outside the room. Look around and see if you can find something here."
>>14520Immediately he finds the book and pages through it quickly finds that is was a written journal. Most of the passages were about recollections of days gone by and financial records written in just a simple form since this was no official document. Eventually he does find a particular eye catching his eye.
When I was a child my father always told me that this place made us lucky beyond belief but I never truly understood what that meant. It was only until after I inherited this place from him that I learned the truth. My great grandfather found this place, an abandoned chaos fort that was created during the time of Discord. Deep below into the cloud they found a crypt of chaotic design and the grave of an unknown pony residing there. Apparently this corpse allows the ponies who live over the body they can benefit from the luck and win just about anything, a change of fate you can say. Amazing isn't it, when you think the world actually liked you but in fact you were stealing from it. Still I will keep up the family business on my own from here and I will make good use of this crypt to keep our casino monopoly here.Critical goes ahead and tries to lockpick the safe...
Crit Open Lock
1d12 = 2 VS Safe DC 10
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>>14522Critical couldn't crack the safe open and just turns around.
Crit: "An experiment? What do you mean exactly?"
>>14523Hm, well if you couldn't open the safe, maybe I am wrong. But let's try something.
Gimme your deck of cards.
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>>14524Crit: "Okay just be careful with them please. I still plan to use them after I get my mark back."
Reluctantly the little stallion gives over his deck of poker cards to Epic Mount. What he was gonna do though was unknown.
Normal ponies would be impatient with Epic Mount's antics but Critical was a lot more open minded about this despite the need for the stealth. After a few second he goes ahead and draws a total of five cards while he reflects on who Even Trot
Not Evan.
Crit: "Okay now what?"
>>14527Before you turn over the cards, guess which cards you have chosen. I want to see if being a decendant of Even Trots sister may have rubbed off whatever aura of luck this building has onto you.
If it turns out the cards you chosen are not the cards you guessed, well we'll see.
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>>14528Crit: "I-I dunno... 1,6,2,9,10
1d10 = 31d10 = 51d10 = 91d10 = 71d10 = 2Crit: "I'm not really sure what you are trying to do here."
>>14529Only getting one card out of 5 was a bit daunting and made Critical feel empty inside. Maybe it was because of Even Trot's presence was in favor of Mr Pegas he lost or just the lack of his cutie mark. After this though it doesn't show off much.
Crit: "Look we at least know where Even Trot is so we can take the elevator down to the lower levels of the casino. Lets head there and see if we can find the crypt."
>>14529>>14530Hm, well it was just a test to test a theory.
I figured that while you are a direct decendant of the sister of Even Trot, Mr. Pegas could be a direct decendant of Even Trot himself and that his success and fortune in from sheer luck brought on by the near vicinity of Even Trots tomb, as I found out about it here.
>>14521I best hold onto the journal, it might tell us more.
>Takes the journal.>>14530Alright.
>Recollects and returns Crits cards.I wanted to figure out how "it" works, whatever "it" is.
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>>14531Nah Pegas's Great Grandfather found the crypt and settled on it long after Even Trot was killed here. With Even Trot dying his family line died off with only Maredenkainen to keep the family going. What happened to her is unknown but at the very least she settled down to lead down eventually to Critical Hit for him to inherit the corrupted Even Trot's Cutie Mark.Crit: "Well anyways we better get back into the vents and see if we can get back downstairs quickly or else Mr Pegas may get up here again."
>>14532Alright, let's go.
>Enters the vent.Hope he don't mind the mess we made.. nah I'm sure he has room service for that.
>>14533They crawl on back and they make it to the supply closet again. Things were quiet here but it was unsure if the guard pony had returned back to his posting. They can try to chance it and go for the elevator but it was possible that they could get caught if they rushed things.
Crit: "Gotta be careful here and I can't tell if anypony is outside."
>>14535Unfortunately there was not uniforms to take here which isn't surprising since this is just to store things to clean with this. Disguises will not be possible.
Crit: "We can try to listen through the door."
>>14537They both try to listen and hopefully can hear if there was some pony out there.
Listen DC 8
Crit Mind
1d20 = 19Epic Mind
1d10 = 6 No.14539
>>14538They can hear that it was completely silent on the other side. Apparently the guard still hasn't returned so it should be safe for them to get back to the elevator.
Crit: "good we better move fast."
>>14542As they go down they are able to overlook all of the casino as they made their descent into the dark secrets of the complex.
>For Critical???: "Even Trot, My brother I know you are here. Bazil is dead and you have no other place to run."
???: "Maredenkainen you know that I am not your brother no more. Leave this place..."
Critical was silent to this as he was witnessing what was said long ago hundreds of years passed. Finally they make it to the lower area and find themselves in a decrepit dungeon made of stone and was a dark contrast of the gambling halls above them. In front of them was a long passage that would lead into a small room with a lever in it.
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>>14544Crit: "Not too good actually. Rehearing all of what was said is unsettling. We better hurry up though before we get caught down here."
They go ahead and go down the hallway with no incident and reach the lever room. They can see that they can keep going and at the end of a second hall was a large set of double doors but it seemed that it had some bars or pipes holding it shut.
Time for me to go. No.14546
>>14545I wouldn't be suprise if Las Pegas is waiting for us and will probably be drunk on cursed luck juice in the air and be our big bad.
Hm, maybe one of these levers open the door?
>>14546Ugh god I keep getting later and later. I've been sick of late so I've been very tired.He pulls on the single lever and suddenly they can hear loud echoing cracking sounds all around them. Soon enough the entire stone structure that they were standing started to spin around and they can see that north and south walls were now facing east and west. To the West now was a large room instead of the Double doors. To the east now another room where they can hear some running water coming from a separate room instead of the entrance.
Crit: "Woah shit! It's like we're standing on some giant spinning top."
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>>14548No I don't want to do a hiatus. I want to keep going and all that its just I've been sick is all.Crit: "Looks like it. I figure if we can go up to both rooms and see what puzzles we need to solve. Perhaps if we can figure them out we can unlock the last room and get to my ancestor."
>>14550Crit: "Alright then. Which room would you like to go to first? We got the large room and then we got the water room."
What they will find in the rooms was unclear but after solving both of them they should head back to the lever room so they can get reoriented for the crypt.
>>14552They make a short trek on over there and find themselves in a large stone area. Pillars stretched from the floor to the ceiling and they can both get an eerie feeling from this place. Then they can see in the middle room was two levers side by side to each other. They then can hear two voices speak to them and two malformed stone golems creeped down the pillars. They both had unsettling smiles on their heads and they spoke to them both.
Golem A: "Adventurers here? What brings you here to see the Chaotic One?"
Lemme guess, one tells lies, the other just the truth and we gotta work out which one is the truth teller?
>>14554Well shitGolem B: "Not exactly. You must first solve our riddles to learn which lever to pull first."
Golem A: "Answer this. I am something small and round, white like your eye. I am well guarded by a weak creature but I am the greatest treasure of the sea."
Golem B: "I am one thing that can be equal to nothing but can be a value of something new so long as it is within my parameters. What am I?"
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>>14555Golem A: "Answer this. I am something small and round, white like your eye. I am well guarded by a weak creature-
Epic: Pearl.
>As for Golem Bs riddle, Epic needed to think this one.Hm.. one thing equal to nothing, but something about parameters. Sounds like a math riddle.
>>14556Golem A: "That is true and here is what I will tell you. Start from the left and shift over three times to the right on a number line."
Golem B: "Need more? I am small enough to fit in the pocket but I can carry your fate. Possibility is my game and I a call a random number at a random rate."
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>>14557>Epic didn't quite get what Golem A was talking about. His help was more confusing than his riddle.>As for Golem B.Um.. a... die?
>>14559>To Crit.Ha! You could say I was "spot on" with that riddle!
Eh? Eh?
>>14560Ah OK.>>14559But there are just two levers?
>Looks for this "numbered line". No.14562
>>14561Eh I could have done this puzzle better tbh.Crit: "Well if we imagine that the levers are the points on a number line..."
He grabs a hold of the lever to the left.
Crit: "Shift over three times..."
He moves over to the one on the right. 1. Then he goes back over to the left. 2. Then he moves back onto the one on the right. 3.
Crit: "This must be it."
He pulls on it and nothing happens. Things are silent.
Golem A: "You solved this trial but another awaits you to the east. Brave it and you shall face the cursed chaotic one."
>>14562Honestly I wouldn't of thought to pull it more than once.
Thanks golems.
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>>14563The golems slink back up along the columns and into the shadows. It would seem that they were done with the party, served out their purpose or perhaps just done with how unchaotic they were. Still they were now free to move about the dungeon again."
Crit: "The last room would be the one through the hallway and to the west.
Sorry I got it wrong. Not good at geography and directions. If we hurry we can finally reach the room where my ancestor is kept."
>>14565They make their way through the hallway, passing through the lever room, and making it to the western room. There they found a large fountain of water at the center of the room. Fresh blue looking water flowed from the top, poured into its base and was circulated back up through the structure of it. At the end of the room they can spy a roaring lions head facing the fountain. The lion's head was a statue ofcourse.
Crit: "Eh... what do you make of this?"
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>>14567There is no writing on it but he does notice that both the fountain and the lion head statue is made of the same material. As Epic approached the fountain he heard a small snapping noise below his hoof. Looking down he was shocked to find the bones of small tunneling animals surrounding the fountain. None of the animal skeletons were scattered about but instead they looked like they curled up around the fountain before dying.
Crit: "Holy shit... thank Celestia that Fluttershy wasn't here with us. If she saw this... she would probably break down and cry." No.14569
>>14568Yeah, but what does this all mean? They couldn't of been trapped and starved to death, there is an exit.
Unless the water is poisonous. That could be it.
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>>14569Crit: "If the water is poisonous then perhaps we shouldn't touch or drink it. Still though we need to get that water into the lion's mouth if we want to open the door. Do we have anything that can transport water?"
>>14570You think the lion wants to drink the water?
>Looks at it.Well it looks like it I guess it's the only logical conclusion so far.
What exactly is an "arcast"? I know a crucible is some sort of bowel, but could my arcast be used to carry the water without accidentally and permanantly make it unusable to defeat Tirek with? No.14573
>>14572I see. Maybe I can use the Focusing Rod... which I forgot to give back to Even Light... As for where we can get a Cruicible, we may have to detour back to Umberfoal before we can confront Tirek.Hm... I had another, slightly safer idea.
>Takes out his Desert Scarf.How much water do you think this scarf can soak up?
>>14573Crit: "That is much safer. That thing can probably soak up a lot of water. Go ahead and see if it will work and if it does squeeze the water out into the lion."
Now they had a secured way to transport the water the party would have to act on it.
I thought you did give it to her. Let me look through the RP and see if I can find the post. No.14578
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>>14577Don't worry I have it planned for our hunt for Tirek in Part 3.They make it to the lever room and they pull down on it so that the hallway can spin around again. Now with they way they were positioned they can see that they were now facing the crypt with the exit to the elevator behind them. The intricate bars on the crypt door were now gone and they can force the door open.
Crit: "My ancestor... what was left of Even Trot is behind that door. I can't believe it though, I'm about to meet the pony who had my cutie mark before me."
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>>14578We'll probably meet that casino pony as well who' is probably expecting us and has a fight ready. So lets tread wearily.
It be nice if we're in 'n out with no hassle, but doubt it.
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>>14579They head on inside and they can see the crpt room was massive and half crazed with chaotic energy. The floors were divided into floating platforms with the abyss below them. The coffin was set up on the highest platform with floating stone slabs to act as stairs up to Even Trot.
>For Critical???: "Where are you..."
A sudden and shocking migrane set in for Critical and it felt like he could barely move.
Crit: "Augh! Even Trot... what are you telling me?"
>>14581He doesn't answer but he starts making his way up to the staircase to get to his ancestor. More memories flow into his mind but they are incoherent and make no sense.
>For Critical???: "MAREDENKAINEN!"
Suddenly he felt the urge to turn around and he sees the owner of the Casino behind them.
Mr Pegas: "That's far enough now. You and your crazed friend up there are not supposed to be up here. Now you know my secret I'm forced to punish you."
>>14583[Short Fuse]
Crit: "You've profited off my ancestor's corpse? That luck was not yours it belongs to me!"
Critical hops back on down while Epic Mount shot off his lightning bolt.
Boss Encounter.Mr Pegas
LVL: 8
HP: 30/30
B:10 M:20 C:8
Tele:20 8
Beam:20 8
Pers:20 4
Gamb:20 4
Attack Twice
Epic Body
1d12 = 6 VS Pegas Body
1d10 = 3 No.14585
>>14584 lightning bolt hits Pegas in the chest and jolts him with minor damage.
Pegas HP 27/30 Loses 1 attack
Pegas: "Oof. Now you've done it."
He then rears up his magic horn and attacks with it by sending a magic bolt at Epic Mount.
Pegas Mind
1d20 = 14 Beam
1d20 + 1d8 = 21 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 10 No.14586
>>14585Epic Mount was struck but thanks to his magic armor the bolt of energy reflected off of him and was sent flying off in a random direction until it hit a wall.
Epic Mount HP 22/22
Pegas: "What!? How is that possible?"
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>>14586Because I'm Epic.
And I know how dungeon-dwelling creeps like you think, especially those who own casinos and deal with lots of money and intimidation on a regular basis. So I'm guessing you have thugs down here with you.
>If turns out to be right, I'll summon Pillar to help. No.14588
>>14587They were alone but Pegas didn't seem to be worried about.
Pegas: "You're fighting on my territory boys. You'll find out your mistake soon enough."
Critical ignores him and attacks but something just seems off about this.
Crit Mind
1d20 = 4 Chao
1d10 = 4 VS Pegas Body
1d10 = 2 1d10 = 9 No.14589
>>14588The attack was about to hit but for some reason at the last second it seemed to just miss him.
Pegas: "While I'm here I'm the most lucky stallion in the world. This is your end here ponies."
>>14588Your territory?
>[Banter]You've been l;iving off borrowed luck for years. My friend, the very source of that luck was ment for him.
>>14589>Epic was curious about this luck. If he was really so lucky, regardless of his armour or not, why did he missed? Perhaps there was some sort of loophole in Mr. Pegas luck that he could exploit.>Eitherwhich, Epic did not want to slice and kill him, just knock him out, so he uses his hammer again to strike with. No.14592
>>14591>>14590Yeah just punch himEpic closes the distance and tries to strike Pegas. Remembering his past experiences in the Everfree, Epic let fly without hesitation.
Epic Body
1d12 = 11 Mart
1d20 + 1 = 11 VS Pegas Body
1d10 = 1 1d10 = 10 No.14593
>>14592This time the punch did land to Pegas's surprise. It would seem that the party would need a combination of luck and skill in order to defeat him.
Pegas HP 16/30
Pegas: "Urgh.... damn you!"
He goes in to attack with wild speed, pulling a beam attack onto Critical and throwing some cards at Epic Mount.
Pegas Mind
1d20 = 8 Beam
1d20 + 1d8 = 19 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 4Pegas Mind
1d20 = 12 Gamb
1d20 + 1d4 = 9 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 5 No.14594
>>14593They were both hit and dealt some serious damage against them. Burns and cuts were now danced across their bodies and they were much more tired as a result.
Crit HP 8/26
Epic HP 12/22
Pegas: "Not much longer now you'll both be belly up."
>>14594>Inspects himself and figures he'll hold onto his Hyper Potion for when he is less than 10.>[Banter]Yeah but you're not too good yourself. You've been lucky for so long. Are we the first to discover your secret? Are you suprised to learn that this place was ment for my friend here? Hech has this been your most unluckiest day ever?
So I'm asking you, with all this matter of coincidence, do you really want to push your luck?
>Epic goes to punch him in the head. No.14596
>>14595Epic Charm
1d10 = 3 Bant
1d6 = 1 VS Pegas Mind
1d20 = 20Epic Body
1d12 = 10 Mart
1d20 + 1 = 2 VS Pegas Body
1d10 = 4 1d10 = 1Crit Mind
1d20 = 15 VS DC 18 Res
1d2 = 2 No.14597
>>14595>>14596Epic Mount lands another attack onto Pegas but he seems unaffected by his bantering charms.
Pegas HP 6/30
Critical seemed to start to lose his mind due to all of his inflicted damage.
Critical: "Heh... heh. If we're all gonna die here then I say this is a good spot then. Let's all have fun while we end it all, to hell with Equestria and Tirek!"
Crit Charm
1d8 = 7 VS Epic Mind
1d10 = 8Crit Mind
1d20 = 5 Chao
1d10 = 1 VS Pegas Body
1d10 = 7 1d10 = 5 No.14599
>>14597Epic was able to keep his calm despite Critical's words but at the same time Pegas was able to dodge Critical's attack narrowly. Everyone damaged and bloody, this will surely be the last round.
Pegas Mind
1d20 = 4 Gamb
1d20 + 1d4 = 10 VS Epic Body
1d12 = 2 Def
1d20 + 1d6 = 11Pegas Mind
1d20 = 5 Beam
1d20 + 1d8 = 8 VS Crit Body
1d6 = 1 No.14601
>>14599Epic Mount was able to deflect the attack for certain but Critical was hit once more with a magic beam that at first was a burn and turned quick to bleeding from his chest area. His breathing has gone heavy and he didn't feel like he could stand much longer.
Crit HP 4/26
>>14598>>14600Epic Mount rushes Pegas with the rope but he was no rodeo pony and the rope was extra long making it unwieldy.
Epic Body
1d12 = 1 VS Pegas Body
1d10 = 10 1d10 = 10 No.14602
>>14601>>14600Critical attacks after this attempt had failed and he tries to make a desperate attack to end this and put Pegas in an knocked out state.
Crit Mind
1d20 = 13 Chao
1d10 = 3 VS Pegas Body
1d10 = 9 1d10 = 8Crit: "Come on I need this NOW!"
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>>14602Critical's attack lands and Pegas was shot off of his hooves and knocked unconscious. That was it. That was the end. They had beaten the boss of this casino and now the Crypt was theirs for Critical to get contact with his ancestor.
Crit: "We did... we did it."
>>14601At first I forgot I had the rope in my inventory, but I decided to knock him out first and then tie him up.
If I tried to tie him up while he was still conscious he may magic himself away or something.CRITICAL! HOLD ON!
>>14602>With Mr. Pegas out cold, Epic ties him up with the rope and once securely restrained, turned his attention to his friend.I think you need to take a Hyper Potion and get your head back down to my level.
>>14604Critical drinks a hyper potion from his own saddle bag. Now with his health restored he was able to calm down much more than how he was before.
Crit HP 26/26
Crit: "We need to get up to the coffin. I need to see him."
>>14605Alright. Just no more 'bouts of crazy OK?
>Looks over to Mr. Pegas to make sure he was uncnscious and still secured.Alright, so where do we look?
>>14606Crit: "We gotta go up the stairs"
They head on up and they reach the floating platform. From there they can see the skeletal corpse resting on a pedestal looking peacefully despite the nonsensical surroundings. This was Even Trot, the healer pony who had gone crazy with chaotic energies to save his sister but eventually gone traitor after losing his own identity.
Critical reaches up to him and places his hooves on the rib cage and he can see his world dissolve around him. There in a shadowy abyss he met with the Chaotic one again, still dressed in dark robes and face scarred.
Even Trot: "You remind me of Maredenkainen."
Crit: "You remind me of myself."
Even Trot: "Hm. I never thought my cutie mark will ever resurface for the crimes I commited but it would seem that you are destined to carry my curse."
Crit: "Why did you do it though?"
Even Trot: "My sister was going to die of a disease I could not cure. I wanted to have the power to change fate and so you too will have this power."
Critical reawakens to the real world and he had his cutie mark back.
Time for me to go. No.14608
>>14607>Epic watches his friend fondling bones and murmering to himself.Evan Trot may have been lost to chaos and evil, but he was a healer, and he helped you this far, he couldn't possibly be all bad.
>>14607What did you see?
See you later. No.14609
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>>14608Crit: "I saw him and I got to speak to him."
Epic would then be shocked at the sight of Critical after being reconnected with his ancestor as his physical form had been altered. At random spots around his body his body would jitter subtly like static on a worn down tv. Now being reconnected Critical now fully bared his ancestors curse, being somewhere in the middle of existing and not existing. This is what happens to those who wish to change fate, they lose theirs.
Crit: "Ah Fuck! What in the hell?"
>New AbilityChange Fate: 3/3 (Can add his gamble roll onto his friend's attacks for a whole round.)
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>>14610As much as he could tell that Critical wasn't going anywhere and his new condition was very benign, only as much of an indicator of his new abilities. Plus it can mostly be covered up by clothing.
After a while of coping with this Critical managed to calm down with his new state and started to talk to Epic Mount.
Crit: "So... we got all of our Cutie Marks now and we should be ready to take on Tirek now. The only thing we need to do is get out of here and go back to Ponyville so we can start planning."
Its fine but you should consider getting NWN as the toolset is easy to use. Also should we make part 3 it's own thread? No.14613
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>>14612Clarity isn't coming back.Crit: "I don't know but I think I'll be fine from here on out. I know it's a bit strange but I feel like I can reach out into the world and make a subtle change here or there."
The dungeon they were in had grown quiet now, its chaotic power now lost. The Pegas Casino would no longer be able to cheat its customers and most likely allow other casinos to open up on the Las Pegas Strip.
>>14613He isn't? I'll ask him.I guess, if you're sure you alright.
>Epic picks upMr. Pegas.What are we gonna do wit hthis guy. Technically speaking being extremely lucky isn't exactly cheating, he hasn't done anything illegal, at least not that I am aware of.
>>14614If he was gonna continue then he would've been back now.[Chaotic]
Crit: "He used my ancestor to help him turn a profit. We did beat him up and I got my mark back so I don't care what happens to him now and I don't want to get the police or anything. Really I would rather just leave him here."
Critical looked over to the door which would lead to the exit.
Crit: "Come on, lets go."
>>14615Clarity told me that yeah he is busy but also his attention is the World Cup. But he said he will return to us after the WC.
Given I live in a country that loves football just as much, I know what it's like when all your friends are too distracted by a bunch of men kicking a ball about.
I googled when the WC ends and it be on the 15th July.Alright, let's go.
>The very least Epic took Mr. Pegas as far as the Penthouse suite. He plonked him on the bed and took his rope back.G'night!
>He and Crit left MR. Pegas there. No.14617
>>14616They left the casino before they could be caught by Casino Security. From there they went to the outdoor fountain and there they were able to meet up with Twilight who was now carrying around some tourist brochures while Fluttershy followed her closely.
Twilight: "Epic Mount we found out the Pegas Hotel is the oldest building here in Las Pegas. If Even Trot is here somewhere then his grave would be there."
>>14617Heh, on point as usual.
But Twilight there is another problem that has become more of my concern. Now I know it's uncool to abuse a royal possition as yourself, but I dunno what else to do for these ponies.
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>>14618Twilight: "There's a lot of ponies around in Equestria that have had their cutie marks taken from there and I was gonna go ahead to Celestia to see if we can do anything for them. I was hoping too that you and your friends will come along with me to Canterlot so we can get an idea of what is going on and what to do. After all you three did get your cutie marks back."
Crit: "Speak with the Princess Celestia personally? You guys make me feel more important everyday."
Twilight: "Critical!? What happened to you."
Crit: "Ah... you know. Just in between reality and non-existence."
>>14619>To CriticalThats because you are important.
>T TwilightThe ponies losing their marks is worse around here, to the point it's horrible.
Behind this casino is an alleyway. Because Las Pegas hospitals just don't know what to do with the blank ponies, they are just cast out of society. They're wallowing in filfth back there, dozens of them! Some of them are even desperate to gamble what little they have just to get by. They are treated so horribly while everypony else around here have fun.
Is there anyway we can help these ponies?
>>14623We'll talk more about that in OOC.Crit: "That would be a good idea but it may take some time so we better get a relief effort ready. The more we tell Celestia what is going on then the more prepared she will be for this."
Twilight: "Yes after beating Tirek the cutie marks should return back to all of the ponies who they belonged to. That is of course what happened last time. Anyways we should head on out to ponyville to pick up the rest of my friends and get us all up to Canterlot."
>>14624Good idea. Once we get to Canterlot we can talk to the Princess about it as well as see if we can pin point exactly where we should look for Tirek.
I imagine where the blank pandemic is more severe and active is where we need to look.
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>>14627They all nod in agreement and they head on out of Las Pegasus on their balloon. The trip back to Ponyville would take a while but they made it back home while the morning sun rose over the land. Once they touched down Twilight asked Epic if he would go out and grab one of the Mane 6 and bring them back here to the balloon. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie needed to be gathered but Epic only had to get one as Twilight and Fluttershy would be able to get the others much faster.
Crit: "So who do you want to go out and get?"
>>14629>As they travelled over in the balloon.Hey critical. Did you found our little time-off "relaxing"?
>As they touched down.Oh um.. hm... I'm good with anypony you want me to get. I guess I'll go get Applejack and if I meet any of the others along the way, I'll ask them to come along.
Want me to get Starlight Glimmer or anypony else?
>>14631Crit: "Well I partly phase in and out between existences so I would say that was the hardest night I ever had. Anyways ;ets go get Applejack since that was the first suggestion you made."
They walk a short walk over to Sweet Apple Acres and they can see the large landscape which was famous for its apple production. There at the gate they met with a working Big Mac who greeted them with a silent nod.
Crit: "How do I keep getting on these farms?" No.14637
>>14634Critical went up to Big Mac
Crit: "Do you know where Apple Jack is?"
Mac: "Eeyup."
Crit: "..."
Mac: "..."
Crit: "Can you tell us where?"
Big Mac points over to the main house's open cellar door with bushels of Apples waiting outside.
>>14638Critical didn't understand why Big Mac was so silent, it really just put him off but still they go on over to the cellar door. Out emerged Applejack who had come up for more apples to store but she stops to say hello.
Apple Jack: "Epic Mount, Critical Hit! Did you guys come here to buy some apples?"
>>14642Apple Jack: "To Canterlot? What for exactly?"
Crit: "Twilight is gonna hold a conference with Celestia to design a relief effort and she would like to have all of her friends with her."
Apple Jack: "Well I'll sure go with her. Are we leaving now?"
>>14647Crit: "Right then. Who do you want to go gather up next?"
Pretty soon they have a small crowd following around with them much like how they went into the Umberfoal. Now though it was for the purpose of helping ponies and stopping Tirek.
>>14650I guess Sugarcube Corners on the way.
>Noticed a lot of ponies gathering and whispers to Critical.Why are they following us?
>>14651Oh its only Rye, Critical, Epic, And Crit. I imagine our group will get quite sizeable soon. There isn't a random crowd following us.They make their way into Sugar Cube Corner and once inside they can feel a drunkenly sense in the sugared up air. It would have to be the sweetest place they have ever been in for their entire lives. There Pinkie Pie was sitting behind the counter looking ready to take orders while the Cakes were working in the kitchen.
Pinkie Pie: "Hey you two I had the feeling you would be here. Let me guess... you want to take me and the rest of the mane 6 up to Canterlot to talk with Celestia about current events?"
>>14655Did she? I haven't been able to keep up of late.Pinkie Pie: "Oh you know I've been just hanging around."
Crit: "Wait you're not going to say anything on how she was able to predict what we needed her for?"
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>>14659Critical has seen much stranger by now and he has decided to to just accept it as well.
Crit: "Well we should head on back to the Balloon now. Twilight and the rest should already be there by now."
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(I'll be back in two weeks to continue.)
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Football's over, Summer Rye is back in action.
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>>14681>>14897>>14910Since there's been quite a hiatus for this RP so we are gonna time jump just before the Summit with the Princesses summit.After a day's worth of travel along with the Mane 6, the party had finally made it to the Canterlot castle and now awaited just outside of the meeting room. The others had already gathered and were now waiting for the ponies who had interacted Tirek, and that would be Epic, Critical, and Summer Rye.
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>>14923(Oh yeah, I forgot about the snake demon!)
Rye nervously stepped from one hoof on the other. He wasn't sure at all that he was groomed well enough for a big meeting. He sniffed at his hoof and frowned. "Should have taken a bath."
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>>14924Critical? I think you mean Rye.Crit: "So are we ready to see the princesses? If we want to help with the ponies who lost their cutie marks then we need to talk with them at this summit since we actually interacted with Tirek ourselves."
This was true, with the ponies losing their cutie marks so rapidly, Equestria has found itself cut flat footed in terms of funding and a lot of markless ponies are left in the streets since the hospitals can not treat them.
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>>14925Good thing there is an edit function at last. "The situation is that bad, huh? I didn't realize things have gotten so out of control." Summer Rye straightened up. "Well, I am ready."
>>14926Crit: "Twilight has been gathering the numbers so we can all understand the scope of things. I also get the feeling that we will actually be planning on what we will be doing next to stop Tirek."
They open up the door and find the Mane 6 sitting down at the table with Celestia and Luna at the head of the group. They all looked up at them and Celestia smiled while Luna looked serious with the danger looming over the land.
Celestia: "Oh it is Epic Mount, Critical Hit, and Summer Rye. We've been waiting for you. Please have a seat and make yourself comfortable."
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>>14927Summer Rye gave a very deep bow before the princesses and waved at the mane six before quickly heading over one of the chairs to have a seat. "Much obliged."
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Crit: "Thanks for letting us crash."
Critical was much more less than honorable around the princesses but at this point it should be expected of him.
Once they all have their seats Celestia addresses them.
Celestia: "I've heard so much about you all and I am glad to have met you those couple of times for the knighting ceremonies but now this time we can talk more among one another. To hear what you have done, stop a crime wave in Canterlot, Join and help the knights, stop an usurption of my throne, save a lost city, and now you are well posed to stop Tirek. Equestria can use many ponies like you three."
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>>14929Summer Rye turned all red at the praise from the princess and gave a stupid grin. "It was nothing, Your Excellency" he said, having no real idea how to address the ruler of the land.
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>>14930Luna interjected.
Luna: "Of course with your accomplishments we hope you are confident about the trial you will soon face when attacking Tirek. Before we discuss that though we must talk about the markless ponies."
Celestia: "You are right little sister. Right now Equestria does not have the medical funding to help the ponies out."
Applejack: "We gotta do something though, we can't just let them on the streets like they are now."
Rarity: "Applejack is right. I suggest we pull some money from one of the other programs to help boost our efforts."
Luna: "Aside from the hospitals, we have these other sources we can temporarily draw from. Military, Records, Construction, and Politics are the areas we can pull from. Which one do you three think we should take from in this time of trouble?"
Pulling money out of a certain program could affect the land and make the ponies who work in that area upset at the party but in the end money must be brought in to help the markless if the party wants to help them.
>>14931Summer Rye's eyes widened as he was asked such a difficult question. He didn't think the Military should be touched and found Polistics would just be an easy target.
"Records... does a lot of money go into archiving things?"
>>14932Luna: "Records are used to help us keep track of the events that go on in our everyday lives for later generations to look on. Many of our problems have been solved from looking back into the past."
Celestia: "If we did pull funding from that then the events we are going through right now could be forever lost. for a few years."
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>>14933Summer Rye pondered that. "But the present is more important for all these ponies right now... " Then he looked at Princess Twilight. "Twilight, you enjoy reading lots, right? Could you use your skill to maybe help keeping those records if we took funds off of it?"
>>14934Taking money off from something involving books and history actually put Twilight off.
Twilight: "Ooh... I would rather not take funds from the archives but I understand."
Rainbow Dash: "Oh come on Twilight, it won't be that bad."
Twilight: "Knowing our history is incredibly important Rainbow Dash... but yes I can try to keep things together while money is being set aside."
Celestia: "So then the Records. Is everypony here okay with that?"
Note this can affect the ending. No.14936
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>>14935"Well... I don't want to make that decision all by myself to be honest. I think Epic should be heard as well."
I guess Crit will go with the majority? No.14937
>>14936Since its government funding, Critical wouldn't care too much on where the money is pulled from but he would definitely see the fun in taking money from Politics.Crit: "For me I don't really care that much. Right now stopping Tirek is all I care about."
Twilight: "Critical I would hope you take this more seriously."
He just shrugs his shoulders at her comment.
Crit: "I mean no offense but this sort of thing is not my area of expertise. Need somepony to show you how to roll dice then I am there."
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Rye nods "Well, my decision stands. Twilight, I know you love the written word and statistics... I know it's important. But all these things are. I hope you can keep things together while we tackle Tirek."
>>14938Twilight: "I... I understand. Oh but we need to talk about numbers. The estimated amount of ponies who had lost their cutie marks range to be close to 3,500,000 ponies in all of Equestria."
The room goes silent, a third of the population had lost their marks and are on the streets. Tirek... had been busy."
Got this number from the average US city population, multiply it by 7 for each major Equestria City, +500,000 for minor towns and finally take a third out of the total sum.>>14939Later No.14942
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OK, I'm sort of caught up now.
>Epic Mount was not paying attention to the meeting. Hs thoughts were on his revenge on Tirek.
>He returned his attention to chime in.
What about Politics instead of Records?
After all, it's the princess who are upmost rule when it comes to politics. Even if government officials don't want to give money away, they'll be quick to take credit for helping the blank victims in order to look favourable to other civilian ponies.
Alternatively, if you can't pull from one of the four specified areas, why not just a quarters worth from each of them?
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Crit: "Ha ha, yeah I would like to see how the local mayors scrounge about for their money and all that!"
Celestia: "If we do take from the political funds then the small governments in the cities and towns will decay over time and it may take some time to get back to normalcy in that respect."
Luna: "Though I'm sure we can keep things calm after Tirek has been dealt with if we do go that route."
>>14943So what about taking a quarter from each then?
All for one and one for all?
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>>14944Celestia: "That could be done, the costs would be mitigated but everypony would feel it at that point. Is that the route you think we should take?"
>>14945It would be better that way. If none of them wants to chip in full ammount, then if all just give a quarter then it won't be substantial.
Thing is though, it's not the sollution to the problem. The sooner we destroy- I mean vcapture and imprison Tirek, the sooner we can restore everyponies marks and restore Equestria to a Tirek free world.
>>14946Celestia: "Then the funding plan is closed, each department shall pay dues equally to support the Markless Ponies. Now we gotta move on to the topic of how Tirek will be dealt with."
Crit: "Biggest thing right now is that we need to find Tirek."
Luna: "Yes and we may have a lead. Right now from Baltimare to Canterlot will be a shipment of a magic staff that is said to have come from the same land as Tirek and his brother Scorpan came from. We believe that there is a connection there that we can use but we need you three to go to Baltimare and make sure the staff gets here safely."
>>14947As long as it is a quarter of the worth we would of charged for at least one of them.
And if thats where Tirek will be, then let's go.
I want to break off his own horn and stab his black heart with it!
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>>14948Crit: "Right if this staff will get us where we need to be then we should take this opportunity to get this thing."
Celestia: "Then the summit is closed now. Luna and I will be working with the departments to help out with the Markless ponies and hopefully find a way for them to get their cutie marks back."
Twilight: "We'll also be looking around for more information for you three to go off of and will tell you anything we find."
With that said the summit had ended, deals been made, and the future of Equestria uncertain. The party had left and entered the Market area of the Commons District. There they can get supplied and ready to head out to Baltimare to find the transport train.
Party Leveled up Go to your character sheets
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>>14949That Summit was suprisingly short. Did I miss anything?
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>>14950Crit: You were asleep for most of it."
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>>14951I wasn' asleep.
I was... thinking about the best way to end Tirek once and for all.
>>14952Crit: "Ha, alright alright I believe you. Anyways we need to get on to Baltimare if we want to get on to that train."
Hopefully this train ride will get them the staff they need to help them find Tirek.
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>>14956Crit: "We'll think of that later, for now we need the staff."
They go ahead and they leave on a prepaid trip by Celestia to the Baltimare station. The train ride was quiet and soon they would be making the return trip with treasure in tow.
This takes about 1 day to make the journey.
Finally they reach the city of Baltimare, filled with foreign traders while sea salt filled their lungs with every breath. On the train platform they would have to seek out the Master of the Rails and inform them of their escort mission. While the platform they were on was swarmed with ponies, they can easily see the Rail Master's office. A secluded little building with a locked door.
>>14958 "Oh who's there?"
The door opens up and out poked the head of some mare. Her coat was a dirty brown but her mane was a bright white despite being young.
Rail Tie: "Oh hello there, you ponies look dangerous."
Was a bit true since they were covered in scars, Epic Eye missing, Critical ocassionally fading here and there, and Rye's less than mangled leg. Still though she gets out of her office and closes the door behind her.
Rail Tie: "I am sorry to say but I am busy with some paperwork so I can't take any complaints right now."
>>14959Complaints? No we're here to assist with the escort of Canterlot treasures.
I'm Epic Mount, these are my friends Critical Hit and Summer Rye.
>>14960She looked at them funny, they didn't look the type to be guarding something like that.
Epic Charm
1d12 = 2 Bant
1d6 = 5 VS DC 8
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>>14960>>14961Rail Tie: "Eh... I don't think so but I think I heard the names before. Remind me again who are you guys? Tell me something about you did to make you famous."
She doesn't seem ready yet to believe the party but given if they can explain more then she is more likely to yield.
Fall of Stratus, Return of Umberfoal? We had somewhat of a hiatus 'cus of the football but it hasn't been that long.
>>14962>>14964Rail Tie: "Oh I think I remember now, yeah. If Celestia or the Knights sent you then you are most welcome to come along for the ride. First though I gotta explain the deal to you."
She points over to a passenger train that was getting ready to leave.
Rail Tie: "That train there has our sensitive cargo as well as the usual passenger count. The cargo will be loaded up into an armored car in the back and kept under lock and key. It will be your job to ride the train and make sure everything is okay for the trip. To do this you will ride along as one of the passengers but you are to respond to any disturbances."
Crit: "When will the train be leaving."
Rail Tie: "In the afternoon so you have some time to get ready before we go. Any questions?"
>>14966Rail Tie: "Typically things are quiet for us but given the nature of what is going on we are taking all precautions as possible. As for its defenses, not even the most powerful unicorn can pierce the metal walls and the lock requires the conductor's keys to open. All in all it should be safe. Keep in mind that there are a total of 5 sections of the train that will be running today and should look like this."
She shows them a diagram of the train cars.
[Engine]-[Passenger A]-[Passenger B]-[Passenger C] [Armored Car]
Rail Tie: "So as you can see there are the three passenger cars as well as the engine and the armored car. Not too much ground to cover but we recommend that you all stay in the Passenger C car but that is up to you."