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File: 1734609379706.jpg (132.05 KB, 1080x659, 1080:659, Screenshot_20241217_055153….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Something like over 75% of the popular content across all forms of social media over the past decade, more or less, seems to be something like this image.

 No.1179443[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays we just sit around the fire and talk as the snow claims us. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

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File: 1734627741458.png (77.23 KB, 500x533, 500:533, Epic Mount is festive.png) ImgOps Google

You gonna make Hearth's Warming one?


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You can make it if you want.


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New story thread!
Can be found here >>1181213


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This is your daily reminder to non-digital natives that nothing on the internet is real. If you didn't do it or receive it on paper or in person, then it doesn't count.
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Maybe your face is the thing that's not real!


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What the fuck


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Have you come across anything about the end of your life (or somebody else's life) lately that you find weirdly curious, weirdly funny, weirdly interesting, etc?

Share it here! This meme here is an exact example for me!


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I'm having trouble understanding the meaning of this thread


1. Post things involving death and/or murdering.
2. ??????
3. Be happy.


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Merry Christmas


I challenge you to share a song that's either released by or otherwise associated with somebody incredibly famous!

But that song itself is something that almost nobody has listed to!

And let's say that you can win this game if it turns out that you pick the weirdest piece of music, out of all of us!

I'll start with a often ignored single from David Bowie... why not?


This student days youtube recording still exists of one of the more faous sopranos in his nation now.


This might be a pointless post to make since probably nobody here besides me and maybe Noelle (I can't remember for sure, at the moment) likes American country music, but I still want to share this track that's called "Somebody Lied":



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I deleted my discord. None of you will have to deal with big bad nonny anymore. I'm sorry to those I was mean to. This is good bye. This is the end. I'm done with pony stuff and people. I'm done fighting with all of you
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File: 1734245331778.jpg (92.28 KB, 1001x303, 1001:303, What.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

What the hell is with her fingers?

And what the hell is with this rifle?


It's likely and old Soviet. Night weapon sight.

Cap for use during twilight/protection during the day. Eye cup so you don't just have a glowing green light going all the time. Fat tube to stick the image intensifier in.


I'm currently looking at and thinking about this related Wikipedia article:



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What's something that you'd like to do at some point with IRL friends while out in public?

Something funny in a silly way that I've thought about, based on this social media moment, is what if you and the other three people in a group all dressed in a certain colorful way as if you were like 'Pokemon' characters or something (so, like, I could be 'the Blue guy' alongside 'the Green guy')... what do you think?

Also, just for fun, tag which one of the 'celebrity chef' guys here most reminds you of you?


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I only have the one best friend IRL. At some point in my teenhood, my brain decided to switch from extrovert to introvert with a side of anxiety.

For Halloween, we've been meaning to go to Terror Mountain but for years we kept putting it off.


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i can´t even stand my self, less along with friends and in a crowded place.


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>"can't even stand myself"
That's very relatable and understandable.

This silly photo (from opera, of all things) seems related for whatever reason (since I feel like this, a lot of the time):



So we had threads about music, husbandos/waifus.

But riddle me this: ever had a older cartoon intro stuck in your head?
>this intro been stuck in my head for the last 3 days!

TL;DR: Nostalgia and cartoon intros
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aaah that makes sense, thank you for the explanation


All rise for the national anthem.



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Kaikissa parhaissa asioissa on karamelli.


File: 1734228171054.png (112.42 KB, 780x782, 390:391, 8c2e89c4a6d2f31c1bab44e180….png) ImgOps Google

What ?


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Ин тхе ыеар 1960 тхере ливед а ман цаллед Йое. Хис наме wас Йое Мама бут тхатьс нот импортант. Хе ацтуаллы хад тхе еар оф пресидент Херберт Хоовер, пробаблы литераллы бецаусе Херберт Хоовер wас пробаблы деад бы тхат поинт? И доньт ацтуаллы кноw. Бут аныwаы хеьс тхе гуы wхо манагед то бан кидс фром оwнинг Ц4 пластиц ехплосиве. И доньт евен кноw иф Ц4 wас инвентед ыет бут ин тхат цасе хе дид ит пре-емптивелы. Реал херо. Фор море информатион Гоогле Йое Мама.


File: 1733287525186.jpg (287.67 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, gingerbread-cookies-index-….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Am I the only person in America that loves gingerbread? Like, it's fucking Christmas time and I can barely find any grocery stores around here that sell gingerbread cookies/biscuits that are not part of some overprice gingerbread house kit!
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>buying affordable and decent quality products in grocery stores is harder than ever before
>especially desserts
Shit sucks. For real.


File: 1733961729889.png (417.37 KB, 600x600, 1:1, gingerbread-cookies-1.png) ImgOps Google

Supermarket near me regularly sells gingerbread cookies.


Idk. Sometimes it’s good sometimes it’s bad. I can tolerate it with my cofeee but not all the time


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gimme your "woulds"

gimme your "hear me outs" (preferably with explanation

gimme your smashes
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I'll also say that "boywife" and "malewife" are both wonderful and splendid words in every sense, even if they shouldn't really be used even the least bit seriously in real-life if we're honest.


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you have grand taste! i agree with all your woulds!


File: 1734166246554.jpg (449.19 KB, 777x1111, 777:1111, Deer_anthro_femme_drinking….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

To answer my own question: would.


And: would.




Meagan did it!


I think you mean to say megan!


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File: 1734073846894.png (6.07 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 43m5prlusi931.png) ImgOps Google

well i'm gonna go to sleep until we get that post scarcity!



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Weird request, but here you go.  Posting scarcity.


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tch... dam mynci paw... i should've known...


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Why are catgirls so purrfect?
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I'm overdosing on feline


Consult your doctor to find out if feline is right for you

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