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 No.1174040[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

File: 1723614074598.png (344.54 KB, 2204x1798, 38:31, 3226676.png) ImgOps Google

Welcome to the /b/ & Friends thread! It's that time once again.

Keeping the spirit of friendship and kindness burning all the way. <3
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His hardware died





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If you were to sing of arms and a man, would you sing in dactylic hexameter or iambic pentameter?
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It does make it easier to remember!

Song mixup!


Read the spoilered image!


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Mimi is also the digimon handler that got the cactus with punching gloves.


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As a lifelong shitposter I am proud to see that zoomers do in fact have a sense of humor.

Their may be a long way to go before their generation can be saved but they're off to a good start


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>I high fived a dead bird

Sounds like millenial humor to me.


It's not funny to me if the AI generated videos of AI generated people doing AI generated things just replace humans having fun entirely, and like zoomers then believe that technological entities are inherently better then them. Honestly. So regular, random people aren't allowed to be fun anymore.

 No.1181213[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays, we just sit around the fire and enjoy the holiday. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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It's just still water in plastic bottles.


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Well, it'll still stay good for ages.


That's fine.
Besides. I only use tap water for hygene. I drink volvic mienral water when I'm thirsty.


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Which, if any, television programs that you've come across the first two weeks of 2025 do you feel surprised by? Any of them seem great? Or maybe seem terrible?

[OP is from the British drama program 'MI-5' that's associated with the network BBC One. My understanding of the line and its context is maybe lost to me as an American.]


It may be a week too early to count, but on christmas I started watching Three Body Problem with my family and we all liked it a lot.


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the old year has come and pass, and the new one is here, and we are standing before it! Heading into the future!

it's also the time of year where people make resolutions to improve themselves! The vast majority of them don't succeed, but you are even more likely not to succeed if you don't try in the first place!

so i wanna know your new years resolutions!

what do you wish to accomplish in the new year? doesn't matter if it's big or small!

also feel free to share some music that gives you New Year vibes!
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File: 1736577903543.jpg (83.13 KB, 580x870, 2:3, 6771847-igor-et-grichka-bo….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

It's not truly 'the 2020s' really until everyone in the U.K., the U.S., and Europe looks and sounds exactly like sci-fi promised us... behold:



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that's a galactic promise that will be completely cosmic-coded in coolness!


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Slice through everything!


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to yáll thats being affected by the devastating fire.. please yall be safe, oke?
>hugs to those whom needs it



Positive news story here about volunteers succeeding in helping downtrodden people taking shelter from the wildfires.

Best of luck to all.


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The U.S. news publication NPR has this illustration for one of its articles. And the idea of a)household objects are now alive, b)the soap in particular is alive, plus c)the soap is emotionally overcome by you using him or her on you (just look at that face) all just freaks me out. Isn't this horrifying rather than funny?

What're your thoughts on living soap, specifically, and living household stuff, in general? What would that make your life into? A tragedy? A comedy? Both? Neither?
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In a just world, this would be the iconic meme face of the 2020s... honestly... maybe...


It's exfoliating.


That does make sense!

Hmmmmm... maybe...

I would hope that they'd be happy to be used as their product specifications intend... but then... hard to say... for sure...


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Anyone else sometimes miss the old internet from like the mid 2000s?

Felt more real. More genuine than today. It was of course much smaller, after all for example in 2005 only under 40 percent of people living in all of the EU had internet access. Nowadays that's over 90 percent!

The internet back then felt more niche. More of a fun place with countess forums, people putting out passion projects and games for fun.

Now however it just feels sterile. Somehow even smaller despite being so much bigger. It feels corporate. Cold. Flooded with ai slop and bots too which is of course going to get worse.

Maybe it's just me.
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File: 1736405468463.jpg (148.31 KB, 850x1199, 850:1199, random_12.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I remember back when Google was good...




rip google. not sure there's much left that the old internet can teach us now, anyways. i used reddit for a couple of years but it didn't take long for them to run out of unique content, too (and with the exodus and all). i guess ai will teach us from now on


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Would you rather be a prince of whales or a prince of dolphins?
🐳 🐬
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I can't even swim, so I think I'll pass.


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I suggest eating the devil fruit.


If you ALREADY can't swim then yeah, that's just free superpowers.


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Why is she looking at me like that?
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I was really confused for a second and then I realized it's a seahorse

I am a dum


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She looks more content than flirty to me.

Also, there's no breeding going on according to that sign.



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I don't know who this woman is, but since she personifies the year of 2025, somehow, I want us to talk about her and those like her (this being an online contest related image from nightcafe.studio not related to me personally, with me finding it kind of randomly):


What else have you seen that screams "It's 2025!"?
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File: 1736026283037.gif (8.24 MB, 320x320, 1:1, ethereal_urban_mannequin_v….gif) ImgOps Google

I think AI must have found these images/videos from MLP when generating that image:


>The beatings[*] will continue

...soon you won't even remember what originality looks like ~ time to watch more 90s anime


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...would also note the similarities to this bad guy from magic knight rayearth, such as the hair, lipstick, eyebrows, and magical aura aspects, except this pic looks way better




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God I need Christmas to be over right now, I lost all endurance and Im trying not to have a breakdown at work.

Only the second Christmas I'm going to spend alone, and working retail talking with others who get to be with family just makes me mournful beyond my ability to keep it together at work. I'm on break and hiding in the restroom crying my eyes out.
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File: 1735377698710.jpg (42.4 KB, 405x597, 135:199, 9-eaa4f7cc145d4e47b44540ab….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Now, like, I can see really long hair being directly associated with a lot of things, just not gender really!

Like if you've truly long hair, you wouldn't be a chef... it would cause dramatic issues at times!

And like if you've truly long hair and are into the creative arts... you probably love to decorate objects that others can put in your hair in order to be fancy!

And long hair with multiple colors probably tells you a lot about personality? I suppose? Somebody with golden highlights wants to say "I'm so cool that I'm 'good as gold'!", right?


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The psychological side of gender transition can be deeply therapeutic but in a visceral sort of taking off a bandage sort of way.

Like, last night while tryingto fall asleep, I had a flashback to memory being a kid and finding myself rejected by most girls and being fucking *devastated* by that more so than rejection from boys for reasons I couldn't understand at the time. And it hurt like *hell* to remember that. I had a crying fit over it and it's as if I'd been holding it in for almost thirty five years. But like I said, it ultimately feels therapeutic, like I can finally properly cry over it, finally processing all those micro traumas/prolonged trauma of a lifetime of gender dysphoria.


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Let's mind Anrea and the other trannies here that they will never actually be women. No matter how much pills or surgery they take. They're just mutilated men(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


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Happy 2005 everyone!
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happ new yer!


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Happy Holid-AI-ys! It's a new ye-AI-r! <3


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