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Spike is best pony.
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we found the surprise in the sandwich everyone!


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Christie McVie was the best and most important member of Fleetwood Mac.


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Happy saint david's day!

Rwy’n gobeithio y bydd Cymru bob amser ac am byth yn ffynnu ac yn disgleirio’n ddisglair

(No I was not just trying to summon Cthulhu I that's Welsh)
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Time to start some occult spells to protect ourselves, maybe?


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Me still:



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Ye and verily! welcome fellow adventurers to the DnD Chat Roulette! We've got taverns, wizards, dragons, and bards that wish to seduce them!

I've been getting into DnD lately and it's been absolutely a blast! and even if you haven't played it, you've at least heard of it and now the gist of it!

so let's do a DnD flavored chatroulette!

The rules are simple!
roll a 1d20 die (to roll, type <1d20> but replace <> with [] )

and then answer/ do the prompt!

so let's roll!

1. CRITICAL FAIL! tell me how hard you just failed right now in detail!

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1d20 = 12


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>12. you now need to set off on an adventure to find the source of the thing that happened! where are we goin? are you prepared?
The thing that happened? So like the fungus thing? Sounds like a fun time. We're going to some ancient temples created by an ancient now extinct race, that have been appropriated by a fanatical cult that worships their dark god.

Am I prepared? Probably not.


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1d20 = 11

I'm posting this cursed kitty related artwork again so that Noelle and others might react to it.

Well, there are more adventurers out there to romance!

 No.1184226[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays, we just sit around the fire and enjoy the holiday. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

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File: 1741302708703.jpg (189 KB, 752x1055, 752:1055, Dreamin 'bout my bundle of….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I was thinking of that character from Kung Fu Panda.

You are creating monsters, somehow.


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ahh you are talking about Master Tigress! i'd spar with her any day <3

what causes more chaos? being a monster or creating monsters?


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Let's go with acting like a monster.


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>New trailer for the new Pokemon Legends ZA
>Starters are Totodile, Chikorita.. And... Tepig?

Bro they really canceled Typhlosion after all the.. You know..
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Cancel culture among animals is so... cruel...


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Typhlosion already got they're  hisuian form.


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Anyways... Pokehuman marriage needs to be legal... I swear...


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Coming across certain comics have made me wonder if I even want, truly, to have cats in my current apartment.

What do you think about pets? Or... what has happened to you lately?


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This probably will make me look like a horrible person...

But my ex has proposed some while ago that she's thinking about taking back the bearded dragon. My daughter has confided in her that she doesn't really feel like taking care of him, so in the end I am just ending up taking care of him.

And it's like "I kind of forced you to take care of him as a birthday gift, but maybe it's better if I just take him back."

Not very proud right now....
(I personally dont mind taking care of him and he does provide good company. But my daughter doesn't like me interfering as much)



It probably depends on the pet. Each pet has its own personality.


I suppose unplanned life changes are just a thing that happens a lot, like that, and there's no easy solution more or less ever. Best of luck to you.


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Here's something that I was recently e-mailed:


What do you think? Besides the prices themselves and the type of steaks offered, what about what one can do with them? What do you personally eat, if anything, like these? What dislikes do you have, in contrast?
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wrong thread


i ate some sausage and eggs this morning


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Beef was on sale at the store for like $4.99 a pound, so I bought 6-10 pounds of beef for stroganoff.  Froze some of it, I'll eat that a bit later.


[Insert joke here about "egg-ing" you on.]


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The month is almost over!

Do you spend enough time running and walking or otherwise going through a lot of steps week by week? Do you have plans? What about goals in terms of other exercises?

I've been trying! Illness is still an issue for me, though!


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I'm on my feet a fair amount at work, but otherwise I try to veg at my desk as much as possible.


Absolutely not.

Basically everything I do is fairly stationary activity. I HAVE tried to get into exercising more, but I never get that "high" people claim you'll get, and I just end up spending every single minute wishing I was doing something else.

As for diet, I suppose I could aim for healthier. I do at the very least cook proper dinners most of the time, but I am not exactly being the most conscious about the choice of dishes. Not that I acn super afford to go all-out on trying out various diets or healthier alternatives anyway.


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well i practiced my staff forms today, did 100 flourishes and 100 reverse flourishes

so i think i did good today!


Let's talk about furries some more!
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Why do *I* have to bring the sandwiches? I started the club, making me the leader, so surely someone else can take that task!


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hey as long as the sandwiches aren't furry, i'm down


Well, you can't demand that I do it! I'm short on cash lately!


Have you played any good video games recently? Or any old favorites?
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I'm holding out for Broken Lore: HIGH, myself.  Maybe we can trade lores sometime.


Funneh funneh

You joke, but it is a bunch of games with common theme naming, so not too bad a guess.


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Cleaned out village and low rank


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hello, dear friends. i have not checked on you in a little while. Please forgive me, i have been so terribly busy.

Is everything well? Do you have anything that has happened to you lately, that makes you feel grateful?

i would love to hear such stories, if you have them!
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Yo what's up dawgs.


Moony leaving us again



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OMG I'm so high

And this fucking synth bass and drum groove is blowing my fucking mind:

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>Them drinking games

I, uh

I may have once decided on a drinking game with a friend while watching the Adam West Batman film

But instead of settling on just ONE rule like a sane person, we ended up with the following:

1) Any time a "Bat-item" is mentioned
2) Any time Robin says "Holy" anything
3) Any time Catwoman Purrs

It took about 15 minutes to destroy the first six pack.


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Have to wonder

as you grow older, can you still hold your alcohol?


I mean, sure. Last time I got "too" drunk was because it was right after Covid lockdowns were fully lifted, and me and a friend made ALL the beginner mistakes (not having eaten beforehand, starting too early, mixing up too many drink types, etc).

But I can certainly FEEL a few beers a bit earlier than I used to. But if I am at a party? Sure, I can go for a good bit.


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>Find a youtube video of someone playing one of your favorite games
>The comments are disabled and the video has a high number of dislikes

What other obvious internet red flags can you think of?
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Up up and away?


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And yet you clicked!


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i ate a gingerbread temple!


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It was really cold, but now it's gonna get warm again, and that's depressing.


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